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2012 LinkedIn โ€“ โ€œSales Playbookโ€
                 How To Leverage LinkedIn To Generate Sales

                         Following the 3 Stage LinkedIn โ€œSales Playbookโ€
           Maximizes your Ability to Leverage LinkedIn to Generate New Sales.

                                            1. Developing Your
      12. Converting Event Attendees              Profile
          Into Sales Opportunities
                                                                        2. Adding Applications

11. Creating and Promoting
                                                                                    3. Joining Groups

10. Engaging In Group                        Linked                                     4. Posting Updates
                                           Lead Generation
  9. Creating Your Own                                                            5. Following Prospects
     Linkedin Group

       8. Establishing Yourself
                                                                           6. Adding Connections
         As A thought Leader
                                       7. Developing A Sales Strategy

                 Stage 3                        Stage 2                              Stage 1
How To Leverage LinkedIn To Generate Sales

    There are โ€œ12 Key Componentsโ€ to a LinkedIn Sales Strategy and Each Component Is
                     Critical To The Systemโ€™s Ability To Generate Sales

                   LinkedIn โ€“ Lead โ€“ Sales Playbook - Components
                    2012 LinkedIn Generation System- Components

1       Developing Your Profile             7       Developing A Sales Strategy

2       Adding Applications                 8       Establishing Thought Leadership

3       Joining Groups                      9       Creating Your Own Group

4       Posting Updates                     10      Engaging In Group Discussions

5       Following Prospects                 11      Creating and Promoting Events

6       Adding Connections                  12      Converting Attendees Into Sales

LinkedIn Lead Generation - Processes

           Within each LinkedIn Lead Generation System Component is a
      โ€œSet of Processesโ€ that Maximize the Overall Lead Generation Systemโ€™s
                           โ€“ Effectiveness and Efficiency

Business Value of Executing the             Key Benefits:
LinkedIn Lead Generation Roadmap:
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Increased Lead Generation
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides a unique and highly
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Faster Speed
effective method to quickly generate and
maintain a steady flow of new leads         ๏ƒ˜   Higher Quality
๏ƒ˜ Executing the OE โ€“ LinkedIn Lead          ๏ƒ˜   Improved Effectiveness
Generation System provides a proven
method to generate new leads quickly and
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Increased Efficiency
effectively and with maximum efficiency     ๏ƒ˜   Grow Sales
๏ƒ˜ Provides a sustainable competitive edge   ๏ƒ˜   Increase Profits
and increases sales, profit and customer
growth capabilities
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Attract and Retain More Customers

1. Developing Your LinkedIn Profile

      Setting Up Your LinkedIn Profile Is The Foundation Of Leveraging LinkedIn
                   To Identify New Prospects and Generate New Leads.

Business Value of Setting Up Your              Key LinkedIn Profile Components:
LinkedIn Profile:                              ๏ƒ˜   Image and headline
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn is the foundation stone in          ๏ƒ˜   Connections and recommendations
leveraging social media to generate new
business to business sales leads               ๏ƒ˜   Website links
๏ƒ˜ The quality in which you set up your         ๏ƒ˜   Summary and specialties
profile will play a significant role in your   ๏ƒ˜   Applications
ability to leverage LinkedIn to identify new
prospects and generate new leads               ๏ƒ˜   Experience
                                               ๏ƒ˜   Skills
                                               ๏ƒ˜   Interests / associations / awards
                                               ๏ƒ˜   Contact information

2A. Adding LinkedIn Recommendations

          Adding Recommendations To Your LinkedIn Profile Is A Key Factor
              For LinkedIn Members In Determining Credibility and Value

Business Value of Adding                      Key Benefits:
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Eliminates prospect doubt
๏ƒ˜ Many professional business people use
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Establishes credibility
LinkedIn as a primary tool to gather
intelligence in making business decisions     ๏ƒ˜   Adds value
๏ƒ˜ There are a small number of people that     ๏ƒ˜   Increases profile views
use LinkedIn to mine data and then spam
members with non pertinent information
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Increases inquiries

๏ƒ˜ As a result, the number of
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Increases new lead opportunities
recommendations a LinkedIn member has
on their profile is often a quick and
effective method for establishing the
credibility of the profile owner

2B. Adding LinkedIn Applications

     Adding LinkedIn Applications Increases The Ability To Market Your Offering
                    Through Various, Effective Multimedia Formats

Business Value of Adding LinkedIn            Key Benefits:
๏ƒ˜ LinkedInโ€™s application function allows     ๏ƒ˜ Multimedia marketing presentations
you to add Powerpoint, Video, Audio,         ๏ƒ˜ Video presentations
PDF and event collateral to your profile
                                             ๏ƒ˜ Testimonials
๏ƒ˜ This allows you to convey product and      ๏ƒ˜ Sales sheets
service introductions, case studies,
testimonials, industry studies and other     ๏ƒ˜ Technical data sheets
key thought knowledge information in         ๏ƒ˜ Podcasts and webcasts
multimedia formats that are significantly
more effective than standard emails that
would be primary marketing and
communication tools outside of the
LinkedIn site

3. Joining LinkedIn Groups

         Joining LinkedIn Groups extends your network further to help identify
                          new prospects and generate new leads.

Business Value of Joining LinkedIn            Key Benefits:
Groups:                                       ๏ƒ˜ Maximizes target prospect visibility
๏ƒ˜ Provides you with the ability to directly   and increases contact capability
access and communicate with key target        ๏ƒ˜   Extends market reach
prospects through multiple and highly
effective internal LinkedIn communication     ๏ƒ˜Optimizes   lead generation
๏ƒ˜ Provides the ability to post your
marketing messages and events in view of
large blocks of key decision makers
increasing event attendance and lead
generation opportunities.

4. Posting LinkedIn Updates

       Posting LinkedIn Updates creates and maintains top of mind awareness,
          creates greater interest and increases lead generation opportunities

Business Value of Posting LinkedIn            Key Benefits:
Updates:                                      ๏ƒ˜ Establishes and maintains
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides you with the ability to   โ€“ Thought Knowledge Leadership
post valuable information about your          ๏ƒ˜   Increases event attendance
target industry and market segments
which establishes you as a thought leader     ๏ƒ˜   Generates inbound inquiries
and creates a competitive advantage in        ๏ƒ˜   Provides leads w/ contact information
the minds of your prospects
๏ƒ˜ Provides the ability to post your
marketing messages and events in view of
target prospects which increases event
attendance and new lead generation

5. Following Prospects: Companies and Contacts

    Following companies and contacts on LinkedIn provides you with key business
      intelligence on target prospects that identifies new potential lead generation
                      opportunities within target prospect accounts

Business Value of Following                    Key Benefits:
Companies / Contacts:                          ๏ƒ˜   Acquire key business intelligence
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides you with the ability to    ๏ƒ˜   Identify valid business reasons
set up filters that allow you to identify
companies and contacts that meet your          ๏ƒ˜ Notification of key decision maker
ideal customer profile.                        changes
๏ƒ˜ Following companies and contacts             ๏ƒ˜ Generates new lead generation
provides you with up to date key business      opportunities
intelligence that can be leveraged to build
and maintain new business relationships
and generate new lead opportunities

6. Adding LinkedIn Connections

  Adding LinkedIn Connections extends the network of target prospects that you can
                 market and communicate with directly through LinkedIn

Business Value of Adding LinkedIn             Key Benefit
Connections:                                  ๏ƒ˜   Increases target prospect visibility
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn is full of professionals who use
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Increases contact capability
the site for business purposes
๏ƒ˜ In order for you to communicate directly    Rules Governing โ€“ Adding Connections
with LinkedIn members that meet your          ๏ƒ˜   How many you can invite
ideal customer profile they must first be a   ๏ƒ˜   Who you can invite
connection in your LinkedIn network.          ๏ƒ˜   How you can invite
๏ƒ˜ Once connected you can market and
                                              ๏ƒ˜   What if you violate
communicate directly through LinkedIn

7. Establishing Yourself As A Thought Leader

       Increases Ability to Achieve and Maintain Thought Knowledge Leadership
                  Which Is The Key To Generating Social Media Leads

Business Value:                             Key Benefits:
๏ƒ˜ Establishing and maintaining thought      ๏ƒ˜   Thought knowledge leadership
knowledge leadership in your area of        ๏ƒ˜   Quickly and effectively
expertise is the key to earning new leads
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Increase prospect network
๏ƒ˜ Establishing thought knowledge
leadership means demonstrating and          ๏ƒ˜   Competitive differentiator
conveying key business intelligence on      ๏ƒ˜   Increase event attendance
industry trends and challenges, pain,
problems and opportunities                  ๏ƒ˜   Increase inbound inquiries
๏ƒ˜ RSS feeds are the key to quickly and      ๏ƒ˜   Increase lead opportunities
effectively obtaining key industry and
market intelligence and establishing
thought knowledge leadership

7. Engaging In LinkedIn Discussions

      Engaging in LinkedIn discussions extends your ability to establish yourself
               as a thought leader and establish the value of your offerings.

Business Value of Engaging in                   Key Benefits:
LinkedIn Discussions:                           ๏ƒ˜ Establishes thought knowledge
๏ƒ˜ Provides you with the ability to directly     leadership
access and communicate your thought             ๏ƒ˜   Creates competitive advantage
knowledge leadership with your key target
prospects                                       ๏ƒ˜Increases   event attendance
๏ƒ˜ Establishing thought knowledge                ๏ƒ˜Increases   new lead opportunities
leadership through LinkedIn discussions
establishes credibility and trust as well as
leads to new inbound inquiries and new
lead opportunities

8. Developing Your LinkedIn Sales Strategy

      Maximizes the Speed, Effectiveness and Efficiency in Generating New Leads

Business Value:                                  Key Benefits:
๏ƒ˜ The LinkedIn platform has many                 ๏ƒ˜   Increase reach
options, functions and capabilities              ๏ƒ˜   Improve prospect awareness
๏ƒ˜ This provides increased opportunities to       ๏ƒ˜   Increase brand awareness
increase branding and awareness and
generate new leads                               ๏ƒ˜   Establish credibility
๏ƒ˜ It also can result in a significant waste of   ๏ƒ˜   Improve perceived value
time, energy and focus from other key
                                                 ๏ƒ˜   Improve inbound inquires
                                                 ๏ƒ˜   Increase lead opportunities
๏ƒ˜ Executing a proven system for
developing a marketing / branding system         ๏ƒ˜   Increase revenue
on LinkedIn increases the ability to
improve employee & company ROI

10. Promoting Events

                Increases Event Attendance and New Lead Opportunities

Business Value:                             Key Benefits:
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides one of the most         ๏ƒ˜   Increase event attendance
effective social media channels available
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Proven system of success
to increase the number of target contacts
that attend key target industry events      ๏ƒ˜   Minimize efforts
๏ƒ˜ Many companies spend a great deal of      ๏ƒ˜   Maximize effectiveness
time, money and energy to promote
events via social media and yet their
                                            ๏ƒ˜   Generate new leads
efforts result in a minimal increase in
event attendance
๏ƒ˜ This strategy has established a track
record of significantly increasing event
attendance as well as new leads

11. Researching Event Attendees

         Maximizes Effectiveness of Converting Event Attendees Into New Leads

Business Value:                                 Key Benefits:
๏ƒ˜ Event attendance and other inbound            ๏ƒ˜   Increased business intelligence
inquires vary significantly in their match      ๏ƒ˜   Eliminate non target attendees
against your ideal prospect opportunity
                                                ๏ƒ˜   Identify target opportunities
๏ƒ˜ LinkedInโ€™s built-in business intelligence
system allows you to quickly eliminate          ๏ƒ˜   Obtain key business intelligence
vendor viewings and non target inquiries
                                                ๏ƒ˜   Increases attendee contact
๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn also allows you to quickly and
                                                ๏ƒ˜   Increases attendee qualification
effectively identify event attendees that fit
your ideal customer profile as well as          ๏ƒ˜   Increases lead generation
identify valid business reasons that
increase your ability to reach and engage
                                                ๏ƒ˜   Increases sales opportunities
event attendees in qualification

12. Converting Event Attendees Into New Leads

          Ensures Maximum ROI of Converting LinkedIn Contacts Into New Leads

Business Value:                               Key Benefits:
๏ƒ˜   Social Media is a marketing tool          ๏ƒ˜   Multiple valid contact reasons
๏ƒ˜   Marketing moves people                    ๏ƒ˜   Multiple contact methods
๏ƒ˜   Sales move products                       ๏ƒ˜   Maintain branding and awareness
๏ƒ˜ There is a proven 3 step follow-up
process that will maximize the probability
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Increase new lead contacts
that contacts will convert to prospects and   ๏ƒ˜   Increase lead qualification
prospects will convert to sales
      โ€ข LinkedIn InMail
                                              ๏ƒ˜   Increase revenue opportunities
      โ€ข Follow-Up eMail
      โ€ข Follow-Up Call
      โ€ข Ensure Network Connection
      โ€ข Thought Knowledge Drip

Outbound Excellence

                     2012 LinkedIn โ€œSales Playbookโ€ Offering

Product:                                  Service:
๏ƒ˜   13 Power Point Training Modules       ๏ƒ˜Develop Complete Automated LinkedIn
     - Step-by-Step Processes             Sales System in 3 Business Days
๏ƒ˜   13 Video โ€œHow Toโ€ Modules             ๏ƒ˜   LinkedIn + Twitter + Facebook
๏ƒ˜   1 Hr. Tailored Training Session       ๏ƒ˜   Integrate SM Sites & Automate Posts
๏ƒ˜   Video of Tailored Training Session
                                          ๏ƒ˜   RSS Feeds / Thought Leadership
๏ƒ˜   Unlimited eMail and Phone Support
                                          ๏ƒ˜   Create LinkedIn Group / Discussions
๏ƒ˜   $295
                                          ๏ƒ˜   Create & Promote Webcast Event
๏ƒ˜   Dave Kalstrom: 602-770-0012
                                          ๏ƒ˜   Create eMail Invite & Send 10k eMails
๏ƒ˜ davekalstrom@outboundexcellence
.com                                      ๏ƒ˜   30 Days Consulting & Training
                                          ๏ƒ˜   $795 SMB (3) / $1495 Team (12)

Outbound Excellence

Designing & Implementing Your 2012 LinkedIn โ€œSales Playbookโ€

      โ€œLinkedIn Sales Growth Systemโ€

              Outbound Excellence

                  David Kalstrom



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2012 Selling on LinkedIn Playbook

  • 1. 2012 LinkedIn โ€“ โ€œSales Playbookโ€ How To Leverage LinkedIn To Generate Sales Following the 3 Stage LinkedIn โ€œSales Playbookโ€ Maximizes your Ability to Leverage LinkedIn to Generate New Sales. 1. Developing Your 12. Converting Event Attendees Profile Into Sales Opportunities 2. Adding Applications 11. Creating and Promoting Events 3. Joining Groups 10. Engaging In Group Linked 4. Posting Updates Discussions Lead Generation Roadmap 9. Creating Your Own 5. Following Prospects Linkedin Group 8. Establishing Yourself 6. Adding Connections As A thought Leader 7. Developing A Sales Strategy Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1 1
  • 2. How To Leverage LinkedIn To Generate Sales There are โ€œ12 Key Componentsโ€ to a LinkedIn Sales Strategy and Each Component Is Critical To The Systemโ€™s Ability To Generate Sales LinkedIn โ€“ Lead โ€“ Sales Playbook - Components 2012 LinkedIn Generation System- Components 1 Developing Your Profile 7 Developing A Sales Strategy 2 Adding Applications 8 Establishing Thought Leadership 3 Joining Groups 9 Creating Your Own Group 4 Posting Updates 10 Engaging In Group Discussions 5 Following Prospects 11 Creating and Promoting Events 6 Adding Connections 12 Converting Attendees Into Sales 2
  • 3. LinkedIn Lead Generation - Processes Within each LinkedIn Lead Generation System Component is a โ€œSet of Processesโ€ that Maximize the Overall Lead Generation Systemโ€™s โ€“ Effectiveness and Efficiency Business Value of Executing the Key Benefits: LinkedIn Lead Generation Roadmap: ๏ƒ˜ Increased Lead Generation ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides a unique and highly ๏ƒ˜ Faster Speed effective method to quickly generate and maintain a steady flow of new leads ๏ƒ˜ Higher Quality ๏ƒ˜ Executing the OE โ€“ LinkedIn Lead ๏ƒ˜ Improved Effectiveness Generation System provides a proven method to generate new leads quickly and ๏ƒ˜ Increased Efficiency effectively and with maximum efficiency ๏ƒ˜ Grow Sales ๏ƒ˜ Provides a sustainable competitive edge ๏ƒ˜ Increase Profits and increases sales, profit and customer growth capabilities ๏ƒ˜ Attract and Retain More Customers 3
  • 4. 1. Developing Your LinkedIn Profile Setting Up Your LinkedIn Profile Is The Foundation Of Leveraging LinkedIn To Identify New Prospects and Generate New Leads. Business Value of Setting Up Your Key LinkedIn Profile Components: LinkedIn Profile: ๏ƒ˜ Image and headline ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn is the foundation stone in ๏ƒ˜ Connections and recommendations leveraging social media to generate new business to business sales leads ๏ƒ˜ Website links ๏ƒ˜ The quality in which you set up your ๏ƒ˜ Summary and specialties profile will play a significant role in your ๏ƒ˜ Applications ability to leverage LinkedIn to identify new prospects and generate new leads ๏ƒ˜ Experience ๏ƒ˜ Skills ๏ƒ˜ Interests / associations / awards ๏ƒ˜ Contact information 4
  • 5. 2A. Adding LinkedIn Recommendations Adding Recommendations To Your LinkedIn Profile Is A Key Factor For LinkedIn Members In Determining Credibility and Value Business Value of Adding Key Benefits: Recommendations: ๏ƒ˜ Eliminates prospect doubt ๏ƒ˜ Many professional business people use ๏ƒ˜ Establishes credibility LinkedIn as a primary tool to gather intelligence in making business decisions ๏ƒ˜ Adds value ๏ƒ˜ There are a small number of people that ๏ƒ˜ Increases profile views use LinkedIn to mine data and then spam members with non pertinent information ๏ƒ˜ Increases inquiries ๏ƒ˜ As a result, the number of ๏ƒ˜ Increases new lead opportunities recommendations a LinkedIn member has on their profile is often a quick and effective method for establishing the credibility of the profile owner 5
  • 6. 2B. Adding LinkedIn Applications Adding LinkedIn Applications Increases The Ability To Market Your Offering Through Various, Effective Multimedia Formats Business Value of Adding LinkedIn Key Benefits: Applications: ๏ƒ˜ LinkedInโ€™s application function allows ๏ƒ˜ Multimedia marketing presentations you to add Powerpoint, Video, Audio, ๏ƒ˜ Video presentations PDF and event collateral to your profile ๏ƒ˜ Testimonials ๏ƒ˜ This allows you to convey product and ๏ƒ˜ Sales sheets service introductions, case studies, testimonials, industry studies and other ๏ƒ˜ Technical data sheets key thought knowledge information in ๏ƒ˜ Podcasts and webcasts multimedia formats that are significantly more effective than standard emails that would be primary marketing and communication tools outside of the LinkedIn site 6
  • 7. 3. Joining LinkedIn Groups Joining LinkedIn Groups extends your network further to help identify new prospects and generate new leads. Business Value of Joining LinkedIn Key Benefits: Groups: ๏ƒ˜ Maximizes target prospect visibility ๏ƒ˜ Provides you with the ability to directly and increases contact capability access and communicate with key target ๏ƒ˜ Extends market reach prospects through multiple and highly effective internal LinkedIn communication ๏ƒ˜Optimizes lead generation channels. ๏ƒ˜ Provides the ability to post your marketing messages and events in view of large blocks of key decision makers increasing event attendance and lead generation opportunities. 7
  • 8. 4. Posting LinkedIn Updates Posting LinkedIn Updates creates and maintains top of mind awareness, creates greater interest and increases lead generation opportunities Business Value of Posting LinkedIn Key Benefits: Updates: ๏ƒ˜ Establishes and maintains ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides you with the ability to โ€“ Thought Knowledge Leadership post valuable information about your ๏ƒ˜ Increases event attendance target industry and market segments which establishes you as a thought leader ๏ƒ˜ Generates inbound inquiries and creates a competitive advantage in ๏ƒ˜ Provides leads w/ contact information the minds of your prospects ๏ƒ˜ Provides the ability to post your marketing messages and events in view of target prospects which increases event attendance and new lead generation opportunities. 8
  • 9. 5. Following Prospects: Companies and Contacts Following companies and contacts on LinkedIn provides you with key business intelligence on target prospects that identifies new potential lead generation opportunities within target prospect accounts Business Value of Following Key Benefits: Companies / Contacts: ๏ƒ˜ Acquire key business intelligence ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides you with the ability to ๏ƒ˜ Identify valid business reasons set up filters that allow you to identify companies and contacts that meet your ๏ƒ˜ Notification of key decision maker ideal customer profile. changes ๏ƒ˜ Following companies and contacts ๏ƒ˜ Generates new lead generation provides you with up to date key business opportunities intelligence that can be leveraged to build and maintain new business relationships and generate new lead opportunities 9
  • 10. 6. Adding LinkedIn Connections Adding LinkedIn Connections extends the network of target prospects that you can market and communicate with directly through LinkedIn Business Value of Adding LinkedIn Key Benefit Connections: ๏ƒ˜ Increases target prospect visibility ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn is full of professionals who use ๏ƒ˜ Increases contact capability the site for business purposes ๏ƒ˜ In order for you to communicate directly Rules Governing โ€“ Adding Connections with LinkedIn members that meet your ๏ƒ˜ How many you can invite ideal customer profile they must first be a ๏ƒ˜ Who you can invite connection in your LinkedIn network. ๏ƒ˜ How you can invite ๏ƒ˜ Once connected you can market and ๏ƒ˜ What if you violate communicate directly through LinkedIn 10
  • 11. 7. Establishing Yourself As A Thought Leader Increases Ability to Achieve and Maintain Thought Knowledge Leadership Which Is The Key To Generating Social Media Leads Business Value: Key Benefits: ๏ƒ˜ Establishing and maintaining thought ๏ƒ˜ Thought knowledge leadership knowledge leadership in your area of ๏ƒ˜ Quickly and effectively expertise is the key to earning new leads ๏ƒ˜ Increase prospect network ๏ƒ˜ Establishing thought knowledge leadership means demonstrating and ๏ƒ˜ Competitive differentiator conveying key business intelligence on ๏ƒ˜ Increase event attendance industry trends and challenges, pain, problems and opportunities ๏ƒ˜ Increase inbound inquiries ๏ƒ˜ RSS feeds are the key to quickly and ๏ƒ˜ Increase lead opportunities effectively obtaining key industry and market intelligence and establishing thought knowledge leadership 11
  • 12. 7. Engaging In LinkedIn Discussions Engaging in LinkedIn discussions extends your ability to establish yourself as a thought leader and establish the value of your offerings. Business Value of Engaging in Key Benefits: LinkedIn Discussions: ๏ƒ˜ Establishes thought knowledge ๏ƒ˜ Provides you with the ability to directly leadership access and communicate your thought ๏ƒ˜ Creates competitive advantage knowledge leadership with your key target prospects ๏ƒ˜Increases event attendance ๏ƒ˜ Establishing thought knowledge ๏ƒ˜Increases new lead opportunities leadership through LinkedIn discussions establishes credibility and trust as well as leads to new inbound inquiries and new lead opportunities 12
  • 13. 8. Developing Your LinkedIn Sales Strategy Maximizes the Speed, Effectiveness and Efficiency in Generating New Leads Business Value: Key Benefits: ๏ƒ˜ The LinkedIn platform has many ๏ƒ˜ Increase reach options, functions and capabilities ๏ƒ˜ Improve prospect awareness ๏ƒ˜ This provides increased opportunities to ๏ƒ˜ Increase brand awareness increase branding and awareness and generate new leads ๏ƒ˜ Establish credibility ๏ƒ˜ It also can result in a significant waste of ๏ƒ˜ Improve perceived value time, energy and focus from other key ๏ƒ˜ Improve inbound inquires business ๏ƒ˜ Increase lead opportunities ๏ƒ˜ Executing a proven system for developing a marketing / branding system ๏ƒ˜ Increase revenue on LinkedIn increases the ability to improve employee & company ROI 13
  • 14. 10. Promoting Events Increases Event Attendance and New Lead Opportunities Business Value: Key Benefits: ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn provides one of the most ๏ƒ˜ Increase event attendance effective social media channels available ๏ƒ˜ Proven system of success to increase the number of target contacts that attend key target industry events ๏ƒ˜ Minimize efforts ๏ƒ˜ Many companies spend a great deal of ๏ƒ˜ Maximize effectiveness time, money and energy to promote events via social media and yet their ๏ƒ˜ Generate new leads efforts result in a minimal increase in event attendance ๏ƒ˜ This strategy has established a track record of significantly increasing event attendance as well as new leads 14
  • 15. 11. Researching Event Attendees Maximizes Effectiveness of Converting Event Attendees Into New Leads Business Value: Key Benefits: ๏ƒ˜ Event attendance and other inbound ๏ƒ˜ Increased business intelligence inquires vary significantly in their match ๏ƒ˜ Eliminate non target attendees against your ideal prospect opportunity ๏ƒ˜ Identify target opportunities ๏ƒ˜ LinkedInโ€™s built-in business intelligence system allows you to quickly eliminate ๏ƒ˜ Obtain key business intelligence vendor viewings and non target inquiries ๏ƒ˜ Increases attendee contact ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn also allows you to quickly and ๏ƒ˜ Increases attendee qualification effectively identify event attendees that fit your ideal customer profile as well as ๏ƒ˜ Increases lead generation identify valid business reasons that increase your ability to reach and engage ๏ƒ˜ Increases sales opportunities event attendees in qualification discussions 15
  • 16. 12. Converting Event Attendees Into New Leads Ensures Maximum ROI of Converting LinkedIn Contacts Into New Leads Business Value: Key Benefits: ๏ƒ˜ Social Media is a marketing tool ๏ƒ˜ Multiple valid contact reasons ๏ƒ˜ Marketing moves people ๏ƒ˜ Multiple contact methods ๏ƒ˜ Sales move products ๏ƒ˜ Maintain branding and awareness ๏ƒ˜ There is a proven 3 step follow-up process that will maximize the probability ๏ƒ˜ Increase new lead contacts that contacts will convert to prospects and ๏ƒ˜ Increase lead qualification prospects will convert to sales โ€ข LinkedIn InMail ๏ƒ˜ Increase revenue opportunities โ€ข Follow-Up eMail โ€ข Follow-Up Call โ€ข Ensure Network Connection โ€ข Thought Knowledge Drip 16
  • 17. Outbound Excellence 2012 LinkedIn โ€œSales Playbookโ€ Offering Product: Service: ๏ƒ˜ 13 Power Point Training Modules ๏ƒ˜Develop Complete Automated LinkedIn - Step-by-Step Processes Sales System in 3 Business Days ๏ƒ˜ 13 Video โ€œHow Toโ€ Modules ๏ƒ˜ LinkedIn + Twitter + Facebook ๏ƒ˜ 1 Hr. Tailored Training Session ๏ƒ˜ Integrate SM Sites & Automate Posts ๏ƒ˜ Video of Tailored Training Session ๏ƒ˜ RSS Feeds / Thought Leadership ๏ƒ˜ Unlimited eMail and Phone Support ๏ƒ˜ Create LinkedIn Group / Discussions ๏ƒ˜ $295 ๏ƒ˜ Create & Promote Webcast Event ๏ƒ˜ Dave Kalstrom: 602-770-0012 ๏ƒ˜ Create eMail Invite & Send 10k eMails ๏ƒ˜ davekalstrom@outboundexcellence .com ๏ƒ˜ 30 Days Consulting & Training ๏ƒ˜ $795 SMB (3) / $1495 Team (12) 17
  • 18. Outbound Excellence Designing & Implementing Your 2012 LinkedIn โ€œSales Playbookโ€ โ€œLinkedIn Sales Growth Systemโ€ Outbound Excellence David Kalstrom 602-770-0012 18