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Helicobacter Pylori
Related gastroenterology

Prepared & Presented By:
               Dr.Usman ul Haq
Human stomach long considered inhospitable for

Spiral shaped organisms occasionally visualized in
gastric mucous layer, but no evidence of disease

Organism classified first as Campylobacter pylori And
Now Helicobacter pylori.
Other species of Helicobacter isolated from stomach,
intestine of other animals.
Marshall and Warren culture organism from human
gastric mucosa and show association with gastric
Helicobacter pylori
A silver stain
of H. pylori
on gastric
epithelial cells
From Dr.
biopsy taken 8
days after he
drank a
culture of H.
pylori (1985).

Gram   negative
Spiral rod

 Flagellated

H. Pylori Bacteria
 Urease   positive*
 Present in gastric
 Proliferates in
  mucus overlying
  gastric type
 Not cleared by
  host immune
                       *Scanning microscopic view of H. pylori
Humans are major - if not only - reservoir
Transmission believed to be by fecal-oral
Organism can be cultured from feces.
Family members often carry same strain
Prevalence of infection likely related to
inferior hygienic conditions and poor
Infection from environment or from
animals cannot be totally excluded.
1. Gastric colonization rate in developing countries is
about 80%

2. Gastric colonization rate in US and other developed
countries is about 30%

3.  Prevalence of infection increases with age
           Age 10 = ~5%
           Age 30 = ~ 25%
           Age 60 = ~ 50%
4. In US, prevalence rates are higher in African-Americans
and Hispanics

Age and low income = main risk factors for H. pylori infection
H. pylori Infection Risk Factors

 Low socioeconomic status
 Crowded or unsanitary living conditions
 Born in a developing country
 Exposure to gastric contents
  – Nurses
  – Endoscopists
 Colonization

 Most bacteria killed in hostile environment of
 gastric lumen.
 H. pylori proliferates in mucus layer over
 epithelium and is not cleared by host immune
 H. pylori survives and grows there because of a
 variety of virulence factors that contribute to
 gastric inflammation, alter gastric acid production,
 and cause tissue destruction.
   Initial colonization facilitated by:

   Acid inhibitory protein - blocks acid secretion from
    parietal cells during acute infection

   Urease - neutralizes gastric acids due to ammonia
    production. [also stimulates monocytes and neutrophils
    chemotaxis; stimulates production of inflammatory
   Heat shock protein: Enhances urease expression; co-
    expressed with urease on bacterial surface
Flagella - allows penetration into gastric
mucous layer and help in movement.

Adhesins - mediate binding to host cells

Localized tissue damage mediated by:
Mucinases and phospholipases - disrupt
gastric mucus
Vacuolating cytotoxin - induces vacuolation in
epithelial cells that results in epithelial cell
All these factors plus LPS stimulate
inflammatory response
Catalase - prevent from phagocytosis and
intracellular killing
Plus other poorly defined factors that
IL-8 secretion by epithelial cells, that induce
nitric oxide synthase which mediates tissue
injury, and that induce programmed death of
gastric epithelial cells.
Cag pathogenicity island - includes genes that
confer enhanced pathogenicity, in part by
inducing epithelial cells to produce inflammatory
Pathogenesis of H. pylori infection
The Flagellae make
it motile, allowing it
to live deep beneath
the mucosal layer.
It uses an adhesin
molecule(BabA) to
bind to epithelial
cells Where the pH
there is close to
Any acidity is buffered
by the organism's
production of the
enzyme urease,
which catalyzes the
production of
ammonia (NH3) from
urea & raises the pH
The bacterium
stimulates chronic
gastritis by provoking
a local
In the cellular level:
  H. pylori express
  cagA & vacA
  cagA gene 
  signals to the
  epithelial cells
  involving:           -
  Cell replication,
  Apoptosis, &
In the cellular level:
  vacA gene 
  producing            a
  pore-forming protein,
  which has many
  destructing effect to
  the epithelium like:
  permeability & efflux
  of micronutrients,
  Induction of
  apoptosis, &          -
  Suppression of local
  cell immunity
H.pylori as a cause of PUD

                           Studies show
                           that about 95%
                           of patients with
85%     95%          DU    DU
                     GU    & 85% with GU
                           are infected
                           with H. pylori
Evidence supporting H. pylori as
major cause of peptic ulcer disease

 H. pylori is found in almost all cases of PUD,
 (80%)while the use of NSAIDs (20%) .

 When H. pylori is treated and eradicated, the rate
 of ulcer recurrence is dramatically reduced.

 H. pylori induced changes in acid secretion and
 mucosal resistance provide a plausible path
 physiologic explanation.
Pathogenesis of H. pylori infection
              Effects of H. pylori on gastric Hormones

- ↓ Somatostatin production from antral D-cells due to antral
   This effect is exaggerated among smokers!
- Low somatostatin will ↑Gastrin release from G-cell 
- This will stimulate acid production by the parietal cells 
leading to further duodenal ulceration.
H Pylori Disease Associations
other than GIT
 Morning Sickness
Outcomes of H.Pylori Infection
Nearly all H. pylori colonized persons
have gastric inflammation - but this - by
itself is asymptomatic.

Symptoms are due to illness - such as
peptic ulceration or gastric malignancy.

Develop in <10% individuals colonized
with H. pylori.
Outcomes of H. pylori Infection

Often asymptomatic (latent), but not benign,
with progressive gastric damage1

Gastric tumors
PUD2: duodenal and gastric ulcers (17%)
 – Life-threatening complications occur in 1%-2%
   of patients with peptic ulcer disease per year
Gastric cancer3
Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
(MALT)/primary gastric B-cell lymphoma3
Outcomes of H. pylori Infection

         Latest research suggests
 ~45% of babies with Colic have        H.
 Eradication of H. pylori in Glaucoma
 improved eyesight significantly.
 H. pylori is involved in some cardiac
Natural History of Helicobacter pylori Infection
H. pylori Infection

                The bad news
 High morbidity
  – Chronic and acute gastritis
  – Peptic ulcers
  – Gastric cancer

 Classified by WHO as a Class I carcinogen
H. pylori Infection

            The best news is:
 It is curable
Indications for H. pylori testing

 Dyspepsia in primary care setting.
 Documented gastric and duodenal ulcer.
 History of peptic ulcer.
 Gastric Mucosa-Associated Lymphoma.
 After resection of early gastric
 First-degree relative of a patient with gastric
Problems with Current
Management of Dyspepsia
 Many patients with dyspepsia are infected
 with H. pylori .
 PPIs mask the symptoms of H. pylori ; they
 do not cure the underlying disease.
 Cure reduces healthcare costs by avoiding
 further morbidity and mortality.
  – 90% of patients with PUD do not experience a
    recurrence after H. pylori eradication
Current Trends in Management of
              Undifferentiated dyspepsia

              Empiric trial of H2 blocker or
              Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)

                  Symptoms persist?

 Positive         Test for H. pylori     Negative

Eradication                              GI referral
  therapy                               or long-term
                                        PPI therapy
Recommended Management of
              Undifferentiated dyspepsia

              Empiric trial of H2 blocker or
              Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)

                  Symptoms persist?
                        Yes       No   Routine follow-up

 Positive         Test for H. pylori       Negative

Eradication                               GI referral
  therapy                                or long-term
                                         PPI therapy
Diagnosis of H. pylori

   Non-invasive
    C13 or C14 Urea Breath Test
    Stool antigen test
    H. pylori IgG titer (serology)

   Invasive
    Gastric mucosal biopsy
    Rapid Urease test
Indications for Noninvasive Testing for
H. pylori *
 Strongly Recommended
  –   Dyspepsia
  –   History of/active peptic ulcer disease
  –   Gastric MALT lymphoma
  –   Following gastric cancer resection
  –   Following peptic ulcer surgery
  –   First-degree relative with gastric cancer
  –   Long-term Non-steroidal anti-inflamatory
      drugs (NSAID) therapy
Indications Noninvasive Testing for H.
pylori *(cont.)

  – Family history of duodenal ulcer

  – Family members with H. pylori infection

  – GERD requiring long-term PPI therapy
Diagnosis of H. pylori
     1. C13 or C14 Urea Breath Test

        The best test for the detection
             of an active infection
Diagnosis of H. pylori

  Upper GI endoscopy
   – Highly sensitive test
   – Patient needs sedation
   – Has both diagnostic & therapeutic role
Diagnosis of H. pylori

            Invasive (endoscopy)
   – Diagnostic:
   –   Detect the site and the size of the ulcer, even
       small and superficial ulcer can be detected
   –   Detect source of bleeding
   –   Biopsies can be taken for rapid urease test,
       histopathology & culture
Diagnosis of H. pylori

                Invasive (endoscopy)
   Rapid urease test ( RUT)
    o Considered the endoscopic diagnostic test of
    o Gastric biopsy specimens are placed in the
       rapid urease test kit. If H pylori are present,
       bacterial urease converts urea to ammonia,
       which changes pH and produces a COLOR
Diagnosis of H. pylori

              Invasive (endoscopy)
  * Histopathology
      o Done if the rapid urease test result is
  * Culture
      o Used in research studies and is not available
          routinely for clinical use
H. Pylori: Gastric biopsy

H & E stain    H. pylori immunostain
Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori
     Test         Sensitivity Specificity           Usefulness
                     (%)        (%)
Endoscopy with                              Diagnostic strategy of choice
   biopsy                                   in children with persistent or
                                            severe upper abdominal

  Histology          > 95         100       Sensitivity reduced by PPIs,
                                            antibiotics, & bismuth-
                                            containing compounds

Urease activity    93 to 97      > 95       Sensitivity reduced by PPIs,
                                            antibiotics, bismuth-
                                            containing compounds, &
                                            active bleeding

   Culture         70 to 80       100       Technically demanding
Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori
     Test          Sensitivity Specificity            Usefulness
                      (%)        (%)
Serology for IgG       85          79        Sensitivity & specificity vary
                                             widely; positive result may
                                             persist for months after

                                             Reliability in children not
                                             adequately validated; not
Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori
     Test          Sensitivity   Specificity            Usefulness
                      (%)          (%)
Urea breath test   95 to 100      91 to 98     Requires separate
                                               appointments; sensitivity
                                               reduced by PPIs, antibiotics, &
                                               bismuth-containing compounds;
                                               reliable test for cure.

                                               Best available noninvasive test
                                               in children but higher false +ve
                                               rates in infants & children
                                               younger than six years
                                               compared with school-age
                                               children & adolescents
Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori
    Test          Sensitivity Specificity           Usefulness
                     (%)        (%)
H. pylori stool    91 to 98    94 to 99     Test for cure 7 days after
   antigen                                  therapy is accurate;
                                            sensitivity reduced by
                                            PPIs, antibiotics, &

                                            Easy to perform
                                            independent of age;
                                            possible alternative to urea
                                            test; monoclonal antibody-
                                            based test most reliable
Why Test Patients with GERD?
  Reflux symptoms have been shown to
  improve when H. pylori is eradicated.
  Patients with GERD and H. pylori
  infection experience decreased
  frequency of hospital visits and use of
  antiacid medications when H. pylori is
Suggested Guidelines for
  Treatment of Patients with GI or
  Ulcer Disease
                     History & Physical Exam

Peptic ulcer      Undifferentiated    Symptoms   Use of NSAIDs
  disease           dyspepsia          of GERD     or aspirin

      Positive         Test for H. pylori


Confirmation of cure
Suggested Guidelines for
     Treatment of Patients with GI or
     Ulcer Disease
                       History & Physical Exam

Peptic ulcer        Undifferentiated    Symptoms      Use of NSAIDs
  disease             dyspepsia          of GERD        or aspirin

       Positive          Test for H. pylori         Negative

      Eradication                                  Treat for PUD,
        therapy                                Initiate PPI therapy,
                                              or discontinue NSAIDs
Confirmation of cure

Confirmation of Cure of
H. pylori Infection

 Active tests must be used
 –Cannot use serology
 Risks of not testing
 –Recurrent ulcer
 –Ulcer complications, gastric
 –Transmission to others

 H. pylori is a transmissible, infectious disease
 with potentially serious outcomes.
 H. pylori infection may be asymptomatic or
 cause dyspepsia.
 Eradication therapy can cure H. pylori
 infection and prevent morbidity and
 downstream events such as PUD and gastric
 Patients with symptoms of upper-GI disease,
 and who use aspirin or NSAIDs should be
 tested for H. pylori infection.
Conclusions (cont.)

 Several noninvasive tests to detect H.
 pylori infection are available.
  – Categorized as detecting active infection or
    identifying the presence of antibodies
    against H. pylori
 Active tests of infection are required for
 post-treatment confirmation of cure of
 H. pylori infection
Thank U

H. pylori

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Usman h.pylori

  • 1.
  • 2. Helicobacter Pylori Related gastroenterology Prepared & Presented By: Dr.Usman ul Haq BEMS,RMP,UOP,
  • 3. HELICOBACTER PYLORI Background Human stomach long considered inhospitable for bacteria. Spiral shaped organisms occasionally visualized in gastric mucous layer, but no evidence of disease association. Organism classified first as Campylobacter pylori And Now Helicobacter pylori. Other species of Helicobacter isolated from stomach, intestine of other animals. Marshall and Warren culture organism from human gastric mucosa and show association with gastric inflammation.
  • 5. A silver stain of H. pylori on gastric mucus- secreting epithelial cells (x1000). From Dr. Marshall's stomach biopsy taken 8 days after he drank a culture of H. pylori (1985).
  • 6. MORPHOLOGY Gram negative Spiral rod  Flagellated Microaerophilic
  • 7. H. Pylori Bacteria  Urease positive*  Present in gastric antrum  Proliferates in mucus overlying gastric type mucosa  Not cleared by host immune response *Scanning microscopic view of H. pylori
  • 8. TRANSMISSION Humans are major - if not only - reservoir Transmission believed to be by fecal-oral route. Organism can be cultured from feces. Family members often carry same strain Prevalence of infection likely related to inferior hygienic conditions and poor sanitation. Infection from environment or from animals cannot be totally excluded.
  • 9. EPIDEMIOLOGY 1. Gastric colonization rate in developing countries is about 80% 2. Gastric colonization rate in US and other developed countries is about 30% 3. Prevalence of infection increases with age Age 10 = ~5% Age 30 = ~ 25% Age 60 = ~ 50% 4. In US, prevalence rates are higher in African-Americans and Hispanics Age and low income = main risk factors for H. pylori infection
  • 10. H. pylori Infection Risk Factors Low socioeconomic status Crowded or unsanitary living conditions Born in a developing country Exposure to gastric contents – Nurses – Endoscopists
  • 11. PATHOGENESIS  Colonization Most bacteria killed in hostile environment of gastric lumen. H. pylori proliferates in mucus layer over epithelium and is not cleared by host immune response. H. pylori survives and grows there because of a variety of virulence factors that contribute to gastric inflammation, alter gastric acid production, and cause tissue destruction.
  • 12. VIRULENCE FACTORS  Initial colonization facilitated by:  Acid inhibitory protein - blocks acid secretion from parietal cells during acute infection  Urease - neutralizes gastric acids due to ammonia production. [also stimulates monocytes and neutrophils chemotaxis; stimulates production of inflammatory cytokines]  Heat shock protein: Enhances urease expression; co- expressed with urease on bacterial surface
  • 13. Flagella - allows penetration into gastric mucous layer and help in movement. Adhesins - mediate binding to host cells Localized tissue damage mediated by: Mucinases and phospholipases - disrupt gastric mucus Vacuolating cytotoxin - induces vacuolation in epithelial cells that results in epithelial cell damage
  • 14. All these factors plus LPS stimulate inflammatory response Catalase - prevent from phagocytosis and intracellular killing Plus other poorly defined factors that stimulate IL-8 secretion by epithelial cells, that induce nitric oxide synthase which mediates tissue injury, and that induce programmed death of gastric epithelial cells. Cag pathogenicity island - includes genes that confer enhanced pathogenicity, in part by inducing epithelial cells to produce inflammatory cytokines.
  • 15. Pathogenesis of H. pylori infection The Flagellae make it motile, allowing it to live deep beneath the mucosal layer. It uses an adhesin molecule(BabA) to bind to epithelial cells Where the pH there is close to
  • 16. Any acidity is buffered by the organism's production of the enzyme urease, which catalyzes the production of ammonia (NH3) from urea & raises the pH there. The bacterium stimulates chronic gastritis by provoking a local proinflammatory response.
  • 17. In the cellular level: H. pylori express cagA & vacA genes cagA gene  signals to the epithelial cells involving: - Cell replication, - Apoptosis, & - Morphological changes.
  • 18. In the cellular level: vacA gene  producing a pore-forming protein, which has many destructing effect to the epithelium like: -↑Cell permeability & efflux of micronutrients, - Induction of apoptosis, & - Suppression of local cell immunity
  • 19. H.pylori as a cause of PUD Studies show that about 95% of patients with 85% 95% DU DU GU & 85% with GU are infected with H. pylori
  • 20. Evidence supporting H. pylori as major cause of peptic ulcer disease H. pylori is found in almost all cases of PUD, (80%)while the use of NSAIDs (20%) . When H. pylori is treated and eradicated, the rate of ulcer recurrence is dramatically reduced. H. pylori induced changes in acid secretion and mucosal resistance provide a plausible path physiologic explanation.
  • 21. Pathogenesis of H. pylori infection Effects of H. pylori on gastric Hormones - ↓ Somatostatin production from antral D-cells due to antral gastritis This effect is exaggerated among smokers! - Low somatostatin will ↑Gastrin release from G-cell  hypergastrinemia - This will stimulate acid production by the parietal cells  leading to further duodenal ulceration.
  • 22. H Pylori Disease Associations other than GIT Migraine Headache Glaucoma Stroke Morning Sickness
  • 23. Outcomes of H.Pylori Infection Nearly all H. pylori colonized persons have gastric inflammation - but this - by itself is asymptomatic. Symptoms are due to illness - such as peptic ulceration or gastric malignancy. Develop in <10% individuals colonized with H. pylori.
  • 24. Outcomes of H. pylori Infection Often asymptomatic (latent), but not benign, with progressive gastric damage1 Dyspepsia Gastritis Gastric tumors PUD2: duodenal and gastric ulcers (17%) – Life-threatening complications occur in 1%-2% of patients with peptic ulcer disease per year Gastric cancer3 Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT)/primary gastric B-cell lymphoma3
  • 25. Outcomes of H. pylori Infection Latest research suggests ~45% of babies with Colic have H. pylori. Eradication of H. pylori in Glaucoma improved eyesight significantly. H. pylori is involved in some cardiac conditions.
  • 26. Natural History of Helicobacter pylori Infection
  • 27. H. pylori Infection The bad news High morbidity – Chronic and acute gastritis – Peptic ulcers – Gastric cancer Classified by WHO as a Class I carcinogen
  • 28. H. pylori Infection The best news is: It is curable
  • 29. Indications for H. pylori testing Dyspepsia in primary care setting. Documented gastric and duodenal ulcer. History of peptic ulcer. Gastric Mucosa-Associated Lymphoma. After resection of early gastric adenocarcinoma. First-degree relative of a patient with gastric cancer.
  • 30. Problems with Current Management of Dyspepsia Many patients with dyspepsia are infected with H. pylori . PPIs mask the symptoms of H. pylori ; they do not cure the underlying disease. Cure reduces healthcare costs by avoiding further morbidity and mortality. – 90% of patients with PUD do not experience a recurrence after H. pylori eradication
  • 31. Current Trends in Management of Dyspepsia Undifferentiated dyspepsia Empiric trial of H2 blocker or Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Symptoms persist? Yes Positive Test for H. pylori Negative Eradication GI referral therapy or long-term PPI therapy
  • 32. Recommended Management of Dyspepsia Undifferentiated dyspepsia Empiric trial of H2 blocker or Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Symptoms persist? Yes No Routine follow-up Positive Test for H. pylori Negative Eradication GI referral therapy or long-term PPI therapy
  • 33. Diagnosis of H. pylori  Non-invasive C13 or C14 Urea Breath Test Stool antigen test H. pylori IgG titer (serology)  Invasive Gastric mucosal biopsy Rapid Urease test
  • 34. Indications for Noninvasive Testing for H. pylori * Strongly Recommended – Dyspepsia – History of/active peptic ulcer disease – Gastric MALT lymphoma – Following gastric cancer resection – Following peptic ulcer surgery – First-degree relative with gastric cancer – Long-term Non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs (NSAID) therapy
  • 35. Indications Noninvasive Testing for H. pylori *(cont.) Advisable – Family history of duodenal ulcer – Family members with H. pylori infection – GERD requiring long-term PPI therapy
  • 36. Diagnosis of H. pylori Non-invasive 1. C13 or C14 Urea Breath Test The best test for the detection of an active infection
  • 37. Diagnosis of H. pylori Invasive Upper GI endoscopy – Highly sensitive test – Patient needs sedation – Has both diagnostic & therapeutic role
  • 38. Diagnosis of H. pylori Invasive (endoscopy) – Diagnostic: – Detect the site and the size of the ulcer, even small and superficial ulcer can be detected – Detect source of bleeding – Biopsies can be taken for rapid urease test, histopathology & culture
  • 39. Diagnosis of H. pylori Invasive (endoscopy) Rapid urease test ( RUT) o Considered the endoscopic diagnostic test of choice o Gastric biopsy specimens are placed in the rapid urease test kit. If H pylori are present, bacterial urease converts urea to ammonia, which changes pH and produces a COLOR change
  • 40. Diagnosis of H. pylori Invasive (endoscopy) * Histopathology o Done if the rapid urease test result is negative * Culture o Used in research studies and is not available routinely for clinical use
  • 41. H. Pylori: Gastric biopsy H & E stain H. pylori immunostain
  • 42. Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori Invasive Test Sensitivity Specificity Usefulness (%) (%) Endoscopy with Diagnostic strategy of choice biopsy in children with persistent or severe upper abdominal symptoms Histology > 95 100 Sensitivity reduced by PPIs, antibiotics, & bismuth- containing compounds Urease activity 93 to 97 > 95 Sensitivity reduced by PPIs, antibiotics, bismuth- containing compounds, & active bleeding Culture 70 to 80 100 Technically demanding
  • 43. Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori Noninvasive Test Sensitivity Specificity Usefulness (%) (%) Serology for IgG 85 79 Sensitivity & specificity vary widely; positive result may persist for months after eradication. Reliability in children not adequately validated; not recommended
  • 44. Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori Noninvasive Test Sensitivity Specificity Usefulness (%) (%) Urea breath test 95 to 100 91 to 98 Requires separate appointments; sensitivity reduced by PPIs, antibiotics, & bismuth-containing compounds; reliable test for cure. Best available noninvasive test in children but higher false +ve rates in infants & children younger than six years compared with school-age children & adolescents
  • 45. Diagnostic Tests for Helicobacter pylori Noninvasive Test Sensitivity Specificity Usefulness (%) (%) H. pylori stool 91 to 98 94 to 99 Test for cure 7 days after antigen therapy is accurate; sensitivity reduced by PPIs, antibiotics, & bismuth-containing compounds. Easy to perform independent of age; possible alternative to urea test; monoclonal antibody- based test most reliable
  • 46. Why Test Patients with GERD? Reflux symptoms have been shown to improve when H. pylori is eradicated. Patients with GERD and H. pylori infection experience decreased frequency of hospital visits and use of antiacid medications when H. pylori is eradicated-
  • 47. Suggested Guidelines for Treatment of Patients with GI or Ulcer Disease History & Physical Exam Peptic ulcer Undifferentiated Symptoms Use of NSAIDs disease dyspepsia of GERD or aspirin Positive Test for H. pylori Eradication therapy Confirmation of cure
  • 48. Suggested Guidelines for Treatment of Patients with GI or Ulcer Disease History & Physical Exam Peptic ulcer Undifferentiated Symptoms Use of NSAIDs disease dyspepsia of GERD or aspirin Positive Test for H. pylori Negative Eradication Treat for PUD, therapy Initiate PPI therapy, or discontinue NSAIDs Confirmation of cure .
  • 49. Confirmation of Cure of H. pylori Infection Active tests must be used –Cannot use serology Risks of not testing –Recurrent ulcer –Ulcer complications, gastric cancer –Transmission to others
  • 50. Conclusions H. pylori is a transmissible, infectious disease with potentially serious outcomes. H. pylori infection may be asymptomatic or cause dyspepsia. Eradication therapy can cure H. pylori infection and prevent morbidity and downstream events such as PUD and gastric cancer. Patients with symptoms of upper-GI disease, and who use aspirin or NSAIDs should be tested for H. pylori infection.
  • 51. Conclusions (cont.) Several noninvasive tests to detect H. pylori infection are available. – Categorized as detecting active infection or identifying the presence of antibodies against H. pylori Active tests of infection are required for post-treatment confirmation of cure of H. pylori infection
  • 52. Thank U  H. pylori