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Use of a standardized nursing language for documentation of
nursing care is vital both to the nursing profession and to the
bedside/direct care nurse. The purpose of this article is to
provide examples of the usefulness of standardized languages to
direct care/bedside nurses. Currently, the American Nurses
Association has approved thirteen standardized languages that
support nursing practice, only ten of which are considered
languages specific to nursing care. The purpose of this article is
to offer a definition of standardized language in nursing, to
describe how standardized nursing languages are applied in the
clinical setting, and to explain the benefits of standardizing
nursing languages. These benefits include: better
communication among nurses and other health care providers,
increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient
care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care
outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated
assessment of nursing competency. Implications of standardized
language for nursing education, research, and administration are
also presented.
Keywords: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
(NANDA); Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC); Nursing
Outcome Classification (NOC); nursing judgments; patient care;
quality care; standardized nursing language; communication
Citation: Rutherford, M., (Jan. 31, 2008) "Standardized Nursing
Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? "OJIN: The
Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 13 No. 1.
Recently a visit was made by the author to the labor and
delivery unit of a local community hospital to observe the
nurses' recent implementation of the Nursing Intervention
Classification (NIC) (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek,
2004) and the Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC)
(Moorehead, Johnson, & Maas, 2004) systems for nursing care
documentation within their electronic health care records
system. �it is impossible for medicine, nursing, or any health
care-related discipline to implement the use of [electronic
documentation] without having a standardized language or
vocabulary to describe key components of the care process.
During the conversation, one nurse made a statement that was
somewhat alarming, saying, "We document our care using
standardized nursing languages but we don't fully understand
why we do." The statement led the author to wonder how many
practicing nurses might benefit from an article explaining how
standardized nursing languages will improve patient care and
play an important role in building a body of evidence-based
outcomes for nursing.
Most articles in the nursing literature that reference
standardized nursing languages are related to research or are
scholarly discussions addressing the fine points surrounding the
development or evaluation of these languages. Although the
value of a specific, standardized nursing language may be
addressed, there often is limited, in-depth discussion about the
application to nursing practice.
Practicing nurses need to know why it is important to document
care using standardized nursing languages, especially as more
and more organizations are moving to electronic documentation
(ED) and the use of electronic health records. In fact, it is
impossible for medicine, nursing, or any health care-related
discipline to implement the use of ED without having a
standardized language or vocabulary to describe key
components of the care process. It is important to understand
the many ways in which utilization of nursing languages will
provide benefits to nursing practice and patient outcomes.
Norma Lang has stated, "If we cannot name it, we cannot
control it, practice it, teach it, finance it, or put it into public
policy" (Clark & Lang, 1992, p. 109). Although nursing care
has historically been associated with medical diagnoses, �today
nursing needs a unique language to express what it does so that
nurses can be compensated for the care provided. nurses need an
explicit language to better establish their standards and
influence the regulations that guide their practice.
A standardized nursing language should be defined so that
nursing care can be communicated accurately among nurses and
other health care providers. Once standardized, a term can be
measured and coded. Measurement of the nursing care through a
standardized vocabulary by way of an ED will lead to the
development of large databases. From these databases,
evidence-based standards can be developed to validate the
contribution of nurses to patient outcomes.
The purpose of this article is to offer a definition of
standardized language in nursing, to describe how standardized
nursing languages are applied in the clinical arena, and to
explain the benefits of standardizing nursing languages. These
benefits include: better communication among nurses and other
health care providers, increased visibility of nursing
interventions, improved patient care, enhanced data collection
to evaluate nursing care outcomes, greater adherence to
standards of care, and facilitated assessment of nursing
competency. Implications of standardized language for nursing
education, research, and administration are also presented.
Standardized Language Defined
Keenan (1999) observed that throughout history nurses have
documented nursing care using individual and unit-specific
methods; consequently, there is a wide range of terminology to
describe the same care. Although there are other more complex
explanations, Keenan supplies a straightforward definition of
standardized nursing language as a "common language, readily
understood by all nurses, to describe care" (Keenan, p. 12). The
Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN) (n.d.)
adds a dimension by explaining that a standardized language
"provides nurses with a common means of communication."
Both convey the idea that nurses need to agree upon a common
terminology to describe assessments, interventions, and
outcomes related to the documentation of nursing care. In this
way, nurses from different units, hospitals, geographic areas, or
countries will be able to use commonly understood terminology
to identify the specific problem or intervention implied and the
outcome observed. Standardizing the language of care
(developing a taxonomy) with commonly accepted definitions of
terms allows a discipline to use an electronic documentation
Consider, for example, documentation related to vaginal
bleeding for a postpartum, obstetrical patient. Most nurses
document the amount as small, moderate, or large. But exactly
how much is small, moderate, or large? Is small considered an
area the size of a fifty-cent piece on the pad? Or is it an area the
size of a grapefruit? Patients benefit when nurses are precise in
the definition and communication of their assessments which
dictate the type and amount of nursing care necessary to
effectively treat the patient.
The Duke University School of Nursing website <> has a list of guidelines for the nurse to
use for evaluation of a standardized nursing language. The
language should facilitate communication among nurses, be
complete and concise, facilitate comparisons across settings and
locales, support the visibility of nursing, and evaluate the
effectiveness of nursing care through the measurement of
nursing outcomes. In addition to these guidelines the language
should describe nursing outcomes by use of a computer-
compatible coding system so a comprehensive analysis of the
data can be accomplished.
Current Standardized Nursing Languages and Their
The Committee for Nursing Practice Information Infrastructure
(CNPII of the American Nurses Association (ANA) has
recognized thirteen standardized languages, one of which has
been retired. Two are minimum data sets, seven are nursing
specific, and two are interdisciplinary. The ANA (2006b)
Recognized Terminologies and Data Element Sets outlines the
components of each of these languages.
The submission of a language for recognition by CNPPII is a
voluntary process for the developers. This terminology is
evaluated by the committee to determine if it meets a set of
criteria. "The criteria, which are updated periodically, state that
the data set, classification, or nomenclature must provide a
rationale for its development and support the nursing process by
providing clinically useful terminology. The concepts must be
clear and ambiguous, and there must be documentation of utility
in practice, as well as validity, and reliability. Additionally,
there must be a named group who will be responsible for
maintaining and revising the system" (Thede & Sewell, 2010, p.
Another ANA committee, the Nursing Information and Data Set
Evaluation Center (NIDSEC), evaluates implementation of a
terminology by a vendor. This approval is similar to obtaining
the good seal of approval from Good Housekeeping or the
United Laboratories (UL) seal on products. The approval
signifies that the documentation in the standardized language
supports the documentation of nursing practice and conforms to
standards pertaining to computerized information systems. The
language is evaluated against standards that follow the Joint
Commission's model for evaluation. The language must support
documentation on a nursing information system (NIS) or
computerized patient record system (CPR). The criteria used by
the ANA to evaluate how the standardized language(s) are
implemented, include how the terms can be connected, how
easily the records can be stored and retrieved, and how well the
security and confidentiality of the records are maintained. The
recognition is valid for three years. A new application must be
submitted at the end of the three years for further recognition.
Some, but not all of the standardized languages are copyrighted.
(The previous paragraphs were updated 2/23/09. See previous
Vendors may also have their software packages evaluated by
NIDSEC. The evaluation is a type of quality control on the
vendor. An application packet must be purchased, priced at
$100, then the fee for the evaluation is $20,000 (American
Nurses Association, 2004). The only product currently
recognized is Cerner Corporation CareNet
s (American Nurses Association, 2004). The recognition
signifies that the software in the Cerner system has met the
standards set by NIDSEC. The direct care/bedside nurse must
understand the importance of the inclusion of standardized
nursing languages in the software sold by vendors and demand
the use of a standardized nursing language in these systems.
Benefits of Standardized Languages
The use of standardized nursing languages has many advantages
for the direct care/bedside nurse. These include: better
communication among nurses and other health care providers,
increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient
care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care
outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated
assessment of nursing competency. These advantages for the
bedside/direct care nurse are discussed below.
Better Communication among Nurses and Other Health Care
Improved communication with other nurses, health care
professionals, and administrators of the institutions in which
nurses work is a key benefit of using a standardized nursing
language. Physicians realized the value of a standardized
language in 1893 (The International Statistical Classification of
Diseases and Related Health Problems, 2003) with the
beginning of the standardization of medical diagnosis that has
become the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)
(Clark & Phil, 1999). A more recent language, the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), provides
a common language for mental disorders. When an obstetrician
lists "failure to progress" on a patient's chart or a psychiatrist
names the diagnosis "paranoid schizophrenia, chronic," other
physicians, health care practitioners, and third-party payers
understand the patient's diagnosis.
Improved communication with other nurses, health care
professionals, and administrators of the institutions in which
nurses work is a key benefit of using a standardized nursing
language. ICD-10 and DSM-IV are coded by a system of
numbers for input into computers. The IDC-10 is a coding
system used mainly for billing purposes by organizations and
practitioners while the DSM-IV is a categorization system for
psychiatric diagnoses. The DSM-IV categories have an ICD-10
counterpart code that is used for billing purposes.
Nurses lacked a standardized language to communicate their
practice until the North American Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA),
was introduced in 1973. Since then several more languages have
been developed. The Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) was
developed in 1988 (Prophet & Delaney, 1998) followed by the
Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) in 1989
(Huber, Schumacher, & Delaney, 1997). The Clinical Care
Classification (CCC) was developed in 1991 for use in
hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, and other settings (Saba,
2003). The standardized language developed for home, public
health, and school health is the Omaha System (The Omaha
System, 2004). The Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC)
was published for the first time in 1992; it is currently in its
fourth edition (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulachek, 2004). The
most current edition of the Nursing Outcomes Classification
system (NOC), as of this writing, is the third edition published
in 2004 (Moorhead, Johnson, & Maas, 2004). Both are used
across a number of settings.
Use of standardized nursing languages promises to enhance
communication of nursing care nationally and internationally.
This is important because it will alert nurses to helpful
interventions that may not be in current use in their areas. Two
presentations at the NANDA, NIC, NOC 2004 Conference
illustrated the use of a standardized nursing language in other
countries (Baena de Morales Lopes, Jose dos Reis, & Higa,
2004; Lee, 2004). Lee (2004) used 360 nurse experts in quality
assurance to identify five patient outcomes from the NOC
(Johnson, Maas, & Moorhead, 2000) criteria to evaluate the
quality of nursing care in Korean hospitals. The five NOC
outcomes selected by the nurse experts as standards to evaluate
the quality of care were vital signs status; knowledge: infection
control; pain control behavior; safety behavior: fall prevention;
and infection status.
Baena de Morales Lopes et al. (2004) identified the major
nursing diagnoses and interventions in a protocol used for
victims of sexual violence in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The major
nursing diagnoses identified were: rape-trauma syndrome, acute
pain, fear/anxiety, risk for infection, impaired skin integrity,
and altered comfort. Through the use of these nursing
diagnoses, specific interventions were identified, such as
administration of appropriate medications with explanations of
expected side effects, emotional support, helping the client to a
shower and clean clothes, and referrals to needed agencies. The
authors used these diagnoses in providing care for 748 clients
and concluded that use of the nursing diagnoses contributed to
the establishment of bonds with their clients. These are just two
examples illustrating how a standardized language has been
used across nursing specialties and around the world.
Increased Visibility of Nursing Interventions
Nurses need to express exactly what it is that they do for
patients. Nurses need to express exactly what it is that they do
for patients. Pearson (2003) has stated, "Nursing has a long
tradition of over-reliance on handing down both information and
knowledge by word-of-mouth" (p. 271). Because nurses use
informal notes to verbally report to one another, rather than
patient records and care plans, their work remains invisible.
Pearson states that at the present time the preponderance of care
documentation focuses on protection from litigation rather than
patient care provided. He anticipates that use of computerized
nursing documentation systems, located close to the patient,
will lead to more patient-centered and consistent
documentation. Increased sensitivity to the nursing care
activities provided by these computerized documentation
systems will help highlight the contribution of nurses to patient
outcomes, making nursing more visible.
Nursing practice, in addition to the interventions, treatments,
and procedures, includes the use of observation skills and
experience to make nursing judgments about patient care.
Because nurses use informal notes to verbally report to one
another, rather than patient records and care plans, their work
remains invisible. Interventions that should be undertaken to in
support nursing judgments and that demonstrate the depth of
nursing judgment are built into the standardized nursing
languages. For example, one activity listed under labor
induction in the NIC language is that of re-evaluating cervical
status and verifying presentation before initiating further
induction measures (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek,
2004). This activity guides the nurse to assess the dilatation and
effacement of the cervix and presentation of the fetus, before
making a judgment about continuing the induction procedure.
LaDuke (2000) provides an additional example of using the NIC
to make nursing interventions visible. For example, LaDuke
noted that the intervention of emotional support, described by
McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek (2004) requires
"interpersonal skills, critical thinking and time" (LaDuke, p.
43). NIC identifies emotional support as a specific intervention,
provides a distinct definition for it, and lists specific activities
to provide emotional support. Identification of emotional
support as a specific intervention gives nurses a standardized
nursing language to describe the specific activities necessary
for the intervention of emotional support.
Improved Patient Care
The use of a standardized nursing language can improve patient
care. Cavendish (2001) surveyed sixty-four members of the
National Association of School Nurses to obtain their
perceptions of the most frequent complaints for abdominal pain.
They used the NIC and NOC to determine the interventions and
outcomes of children after acute abdomen had been ruled out.
Nurses identified the chief complaints of the children, the most
frequent etiology, the most frequent pain management activities
from the NIC, and the change in NOC outcomes after
The three chief complaints were nausea, headache, and
vomiting; the character of the pain was described as
crampy/mild or moderate; and the three most identified
etiologies were psychosocial problems, viral syndromes, and
relationship to menses. The psychosocial problems included test
anxiety, separation anxiety, and interpersonal problems.
Nutrition accounted for a large number of abdominal
complaints, such as skipping meals, eating junk food, and food
intolerances. Cultural backgrounds of the children, such as the
practice of fasting during Ramadan, were identified as causes
for abdominal complaints.
The three top pain management activities from NIC were:
observe for nonverbal cues of discomfort, perform
comprehensive assessment of pain (location, characteristics,
duration, frequency, quality, severity, precipitating factors), and
reduce or eliminate factors that precipitate/increase pain
experience (e.g., fear, fatigue, and lack of knowledge)
(Cavendish, 2001). Cavendish described a decrease in
symptoms, based on the Nursing Outcomes Classification
Symptom Severity Indicators, following the intervention.
Symptom intensity decreased 6.25%, symptom persistence
decreased 4.69%, symptom frequency decreased 6.25%, and
associated discomfort decreased 41.06% (p. 272). Similar
studies are needed to provide evidence that specific nursing
interventions improve patient outcomes.
Enhanced Data Collection to Evaluate Nursing Care Outcomes
The use of a standardized language to record nursing care can
provide the consistency necessary to compare the quality of
outcomes for various nursing interventions across settings.The
use of a standardized language to record nursing care can
provide the consistency necessary to compare the quality of
outcomes for various nursing interventions across settings. As
stated earlier, more organizations are moving to electronic
documentation (ED) and electronic health records. When the
nursing care data stored in these computer systems are in a
standardized nursing language, large local, state, and national
data repositories can be constructed that will facilitate
benchmarking with other hospitals and settings that provide
nursing care. The National Quality Forum (NQF) (NQF, 2006),
is in the process of developing national standards for the
measurement and reporting of health care performance data. The
Nursing Care Measures Project is one of the 24 projects on
which the NQF is developing consensus-based, national
standards to use as mechanisms for quality improvement and
measurement initiatives to improve American health care. The
NQF has stated, "Given the importance of nursing care, the
absence of standardized nursing care performance measures is a
major void in healthcare quality assurance and work system
performance"(NQF, May 2003, p. 1).
Patient outcomes are also related to the uniqueness of the
individual, the care given by other health care professionals,
and the environment in which the care is provided. The
American Nurses Association's National Center for Nursing
Quality (NCNQ) maintains a database called the National
Database of Nursing Quality Indicators™ (NDNQI)® (American
Nurses Association, 2006a). This database collects nurse-
sensitive and unit-specific indicators from health care
organizations, compares this data with organizations of similar
size having similar units, and sends the comparison findings
back to the participating organization. This activity facilitates
longitudinal benchmarking as the database has been ongoing
since the early 1990's (National Database, 2004).
The already-mentioned NOC system outcomes are nurse-
sensitive outcomes, which means the they are sensitive to those
interventions performed primarily by nurses (Moorehead et al.,
2004). Because the NOC system measures nursing outcomes on
a numerical rating scale, it, too, facilitates the benchmarking of
nursing practices across facilities, regions, and countries. The
current edition of NOC (2004), which assesses the impact of
nursing care on the individual, the family, and the community,
contains 330 outcomes classified in seven domains and 29
A NOC outcome common to nurses who work with elderly
patients who have a swallowing impairment is aspiration
prevention (Moorehead et al., 2004). Patient behaviors
indicating this outcome include identifying risk factors,
avoiding risk factors, positioning self upright for
eating/drinking, and choosing liquids and foods of proper
consistency. Rating each indictor on a scale from one (never
demonstrated) to five (consistently demonstrated) helps track
risk for aspiration in individuals at various stages of illness
during the hospitalization. It also gives an indication of a
person's compliance in following the prevention measures and
the nurse's success in patient education.
A NOC outcome that labor nurses frequently use is pain level
(Moorehead et al., 2004), related to the severity and intensity of
pain a woman experiences with contractions. The pain level can
be assessed before and after the use of coping techniques such
as breathing exercises and repositioning. Indicators for this
specific pain outcome include: reported pain, moaning and
crying, facial expressions of pain, restlessness, narrowed focus,
respiratory rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, and perspiration (p.
421) and are rated on a scale from severe ( 1) to none ( 5). The
difference between the numerical ratings for each indicator
before and after use of the coping techniques estimates the
success of the intervention in achieving the outcome of reducing
the pain level for laboring mothers.
Greater Adherence to Standards of Care
Related to the quality of nursing care is the level of adherence
to the standards of care for a given patient population. The NIC
and NOC standardized nursing language systems are based on
both the input of expert nurses and the standards of care from
various professional organizations. For example, the NIC
intervention of electronic fetal monitoring: intrapartum
(McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004) is supported by
publications of expert authors and researchers in the field of
fetal monitoring and by standards of care from the Association
of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN).
The first activity listed under electronic fetal monitoring:
intrapartum is to verify maternal and fetal heart rates before
initiation of electronic fetal monitoring (p. 328), which is
understood to be one of the gold standards for electronic fetal
monitoring. There are several reasons why both heart rates need
to be identified. The nurse must be sure that it is the fetal heart
rate being monitored and not the heart rate of the mother.
Moreover, it is important to ascertain the exact position of the
fetus before positioning the fetal monitor's transducer. This
illustration exemplifies how important standards are reinforced
by the NIC activities.
Facilitated Assessment of Nursing Competency
Standardized language can also be used to assess nursing
competency. Health care facilities are required to demonstrate
the competence of staff for the Joint Commission. The nursing
interventions delineated in standardized nursing languages can
be used as a standard by which to assess nurse competency in
the performance of these interventions. A Midwestern hospital
is already doing this (Nolan, 2004). Using an example from the
NIC system, specifically intrapartal care (McCloskey-
Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004), a nurse's competency can be
established by a preceptor's watching to see whether the nurse is
performing the recommended activities, such as a vaginal
examination or the assessment of the fetus presentation. The
preceptor can also evaluate the nurse's teaching skills regarding
what the patient should expect during labor, using the activities
listed under the teaching intervention.
Implications of Standardized Language for Nursing Education,
Research, and Administration
In addition to enhancing the care provided by direct care nurses,
standardized language has implications for nursing education,
research, and administration. Nurse educators can use the
knowledge inherent in standardized nursing languages to
educate future nurses. Such a system can be used to describe the
unique roles of the nurse. Nurse educators can teach students to
use systems such as the CCC and Omaha System when in the
community health fields, or the use of the NANDA, NIC, NOC
terminology when in the acute care setting. References to the
primary resources upon which each intervention is based are
listed at the end of each individual intervention to provide
information supporting each intervention. By referring to the
references associated with these nursing standards, nurse
educators can role model the use of standardized language to
help students recognize the body of knowledge upon which the
standards are built. Tying the standardized language to
education and practice will enhance its implementation and
expand practicing nurses' knowledge of interventions,
outcomes, and languages. Armed with an appreciation of the
value of standardized language, students can champion further
development and use of the standardized nursing languages once
they enter professional practice.
The use of standardized languages can provide a launching
point for conducting research on standardized languages. The
research conducted by the two teams of educators at the
University of Iowa on the NIC and NOC are excellent examples
of the research that can be done on the standardized nursing
languages using computerized databases designed for research
(McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004; Moorehead et al.,
Nursing research performed with�larger sample sizes�using
databases may reveal more powerful patterns with stronger
implications for practice than can past research that depended
on small samples. Although nursing researchers have
traditionally used historic data (data describing completed
activities), computerized documentation based on a standardized
language can enable researchers and quality improvement staff
to use "real-time" data. This data is more readily accessible and
retrievable as compared to the traditional, time-consuming task
of sifting through stacks of charts for the needed information.
When the bedside nurse documents via a nursing information
system having a standardized language, the data are stored by
the hospital, usually in a data warehouse. When the aggregate
data are accessed by administrators and researchers, trends in
patient care can be uncovered (Zytkowski, 2003), best practices
of nursing care unlocked, efficiencies in nursing care
discovered, and a relevant knowledge base for nursing can be
built. Nursing research performed with these larger sample sizes
achieved by using databases may reveal more powerful patterns
with stronger implications for practice than can past research
that depended on small samples.
Kennedy (2003) states that one byproduct of accurate
documentation of patient care is an estimation of acuity level.
Patient care data entered into a computer and stored in a
database can be used to help develop and adjust nursing
schedules based on the projected patient census and acuity.
Utilizing a standardized nursing language to document care can
more precisely reflect the care given, assess acuity levels, and
predict appropriate staffing. Use of a standardized nursing
documentation system can provide data to support
reimbursement to a health care agency for the care provided by
professional nurses.
The ultimate goal should be the development of one
standardized nursing language for all nurses. Use of a
standardized language is not something that is done just because
it will be useful to others. Use of a standardized language has
far reaching ramifications that will help in the delivery of
nursing care and demonstrate the value of nursing to others. The
benefits of a standardized nursing language include: better
communication among nurses and other health care providers,
increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient
care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care
outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated
assessment of nursing competency.
The ultimate goal should be the development of one
standardized nursing language for all nurses. Although that goal
has not yet been attained, examples of work toward it can be
demonstrated. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has
developed the International Classification for Nursing Practice
(ICNP) (ICN, 2006) in an attempt to establish a common
language for nursing practice. The ICNP is a combinatorial
terminology that cross-maps local terms, vocabularies, and
The Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) and Nursing
Outcome Classification (NOC) were developed as companion
languages. These have linkages to other nursing languages, such
as NANDA nursing diagnoses, the Omaha System, and Oasis for
home health care, among others. Both are included in
Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine's (SNOMED)
multidisciplinary record system. NIC has been translated into
nine foreign languages and NOC into seven foreign languages.
By using one standardized nursing language, nurses from all
over the world will be able to communicate with one another,
with the goal of improving care for patients globally. Nurses
will be able to convey the important work they do, making
nursing more visible.
Correction Notice: The paragraphs below appeared in this
article on the original publication date of January 31, 2008. The
information in these paragraphs has been revised in the above
article as of February 23, 2009 to clarify the difference between
CNPII and NIDSEC. (See current content.)
Current Standardized Nursing Languages and Their
The Nursing Information and Data Set Evaluation Center
(NIDSEC) of the American Nurses Association (ANA) (2004)
recognizes thirteen standardized languages that support nursing
practice, ten of which document nursing care. The ANA (2006b)
Recognized Terminologies and Data Element Sets outlines the
components of each of these languages.
The submission of a language for approval by the NIDSEC is a
voluntary process for the developers. This approval is similar to
obtaining the good seal of approval from Good Housekeeping or
the United Laboratories (UL) seal on products. The approval
signifies that the documentation in the standardized language
supports the documentation of nursing practice and conforms to
standards pertaining to computerized information systems. The
language is evaluated against standards that follow the Joint
Commission's model for evaluation. The language must support
documentation on a nursing information system (NIS) or
computerized patient record system (CPR). The criteria used by
the ANA to evaluate the standardized languages include the
terminology used, how the terms can be connected, how easily
the records can be stored and retrieved, and how well the
security and confidentiality of the records are maintained. The
recognition is valid for three years. A new application must be
submitted at the end of the three years for further recognition.
Some, but not all of the standardized languages are copyrighted.
Rutherford, M. A. (2008). Standardized Nursing Language:
What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? Online Journal of
Issues in Nursing, 13(1), 1–12. https://doi-
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential
for healthcare organizations
Yichuan Wang a,⁎, LeeAnn Kung b, Terry Anthony Byrd a
a Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, Auburn University,
405 W. Magnolia Ave., Auburn, AL 36849, USA
b Rohrer College of Business, Rowan University, 201 Mullica
Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Wang), k
[email protected] (T.A. Byrd).
0040-1625/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 17 June 2015
Received in revised form 11 November 2015
Accepted 12 December 2015
Available online 26 February 2016
To date, health care industry has not fully grasped the potential
benefits to be gained from big data analytics.
While the constantly growing body of academic research on big
data analytics is mostly technology oriented, a
better understanding of the strategic implications of big data is
urgently needed. To address this lack, this
study examines the historical development, architectural design
and component functionalities of big data ana-
lytics. From content analysis of 26 big data implementation
cases in healthcare, we were able to identify five big
data analytics capabilities: analytical capability for patterns of
care, unstructured data analytical capability, deci-
sion support capability, predictive capability, and
traceability.We alsomapped the benefits driven by big data an-
alytics in terms of information technology (IT) infrastructure,
operational, organizational, managerial and
strategic areas. In addition, we recommend five strategies for
healthcare organizations that are considering to
adopt big data analytics technologies. Our findingswill help
healthcare organizations understand the big data an-
alytics capabilities and potential benefits and support them
seeking to formulate more effective data-driven an-
alytics strategies.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Big data analytics
Big data analytics architecture
Big data analytics capabilities
Business value of information technology (IT)
Health care
1. Introduction
Information technology (IT)-related challenges such as
integration of healthcare systems and poor healthcare
management are seriously hampering efforts to transform IT
value to
business value in the U.S. healthcare sector (Bodenheimer,
Grantmakers In Health, 2012; Herrick et al., 2010; The Kaiser
Foundation, 2012). The high volume digital flood of
information that
is being generated at ever-higher velocities and varieties in
adds complexity to the equation. The consequences are
unnecessary in-
creases in medical costs and time for both patients and
healthcare ser-
vice providers. Thus, healthcare organizations are seeking
effective IT
artifacts that will enable them to consolidate organizational
to deliver a high quality patient experience, improve
organizational per-
formance, andmaybe even create new,more effective data-driven
ness models (Agarwal et al., 2010; Goh et al., 2011; Ker et al.,
One promising breakthrough is the application of big data
Big data analytics that is evolved frombusiness intelligence
support systems enable healthcare organizations to analyze an
mense volume, variety and velocity of data across a wide range
healthcare networks to support evidence-based decision making
action taking (Watson, 2014; Raghupathi and Raghupathi,
2014). Big
[email protected] (L. Kung),
data analytics encompasses the various analytical techniques
such as
descriptive analytics and mining/predictive analytics that are
ideal for
analyzing a large proportion of text-based health documents and
other unstructured clinical data (e.g., physician's written notes
and pre-
scriptions and medical imaging) (Groves et al., 2013). New
management systems such as MongoDB, MarkLogic and Apache
Cassandra for data integration and retrieval, allow data being
ferred between traditional and new operating systems. To store
huge volume and various formats of data, there are Apache
HBase and
NoSQL systems. These big data analytics tools with
sophisticated func-
tionalities facilitate clinical information integration and provide
business insights to help healthcare organizations meet patients'
needs and futuremarket trends, and thus improve quality of care
and fi-
nancial performance (Jiang et al., 2014; Murdoch and Detsky,
Wang et al., 2015).
A technological understanding of big data analytics has been
well by computer scientists (see a systemic review of big data
from Wamba et al., 2015). Yet, healthcare organizations
continue to
struggle to gain the benefits from their investments on big data
ics and some of them are skeptical about its power, although
they invest
in big data analytics in hope for healthcare transformation
and Detsky, 2013; Shah and Pathak, 2014). Evidence shows that
42% of healthcare organizations surveyed are adopting rigorous
ics approaches to support their decision-making process; only
16% of
them have substantial experience using analytics across a broad
of functions (Cortada et al., 2012). This implies that healthcare
mailto:[email protected]
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practitioners still vaguely understand how big data analytics can
value for their organizations (Sharma et al., 2014). As such,
there is an
urgent need to understand the managerial, economic, and
strategic im-
pact of big data analytics and explore its potential benefits
driven by big
data analytics. This will enable healthcare practitioners to fully
seize the
power of big data analytics.
To this end, twomain goals of this study are:first, to identify big
analytics capabilities; and second, to explore the potential
benefits it
may bring. By doing so, we hope to give healthcare organization
more current comprehensive understanding of big data analytics
how it helps to transform organizations. In this paper, we begin
by pro-
viding the historical context and developing big data analytics
ture in healthcare, and then move on to conceptualizing big data
analytics capabilities and potential benefits in healthcare. We
ed a content analysis of 26 big data implementation cases in
care which lead to the identification of five major big data
analytics ca-
pabilities and potential benefits derived from its application. In
ing sections, we present several strategies for being successful
with big
data analytics in healthcare settings as well as the limitations of
study, and direction of future research.
2. Background
2.1. Big data analytics: past and present
The history of big data analytics is inextricably linked with that
data science. The term “big data” was used for the first time in
byMichael Cox andDavid Ellsworth in a paper presented at an
IEEE con-
ference to explain the visualization of data and the challenges it
for computer systems (Cox and Ellsworth, 1997). By the end of
1990s, the rapid IT innovations and technology improvements
had en-
abled generation of large amount of data but little useable
in comparison. Concepts of business intelligence (BI) created to
size the importance of collection, integration, analysis, and
tion of business information and how this set of process can
businesses makemore appropriate decisions and obtain a better
standing of market behaviors and trends.
The period of 2001 to 2008was the evolutionary stage for big
development. Big data was first defined in terms of its volume,
ity, and variety (3Vs), after which it became possible to develop
more sophisticated software to fulfill the needs of handling
tion explosion accordingly. Software and application
like Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services,
management systems, and Hadoop added analytics modules and
functions to core modules that focused on enhancing usability
end users, and enabled users to process huge amounts of data
and within organizations collaboratively and in real-time. At the
same time, healthcare organizations were starting to digitize
medical records and aggregate clinical data in huge electronic
bases. This development made the health data storable, usable,
searchable, and actionable, and helped healthcare providers
more effective medicine.
At the beginning of 2009, big data analytics entered the
ary stage (Bryant et al., 2008). Not only had big-data computing
a breakthrough innovation for business intelligence, but also re-
searchers were predicting that data management and its
were about to shift from structured data into unstructured data,
from a static terminal environment to a ubiquitous cloud-based
ronment. Big data analytics computing pioneer industries such
banks and e-commercewere beginning to have an impact on
business processes and workforce effectiveness, reducing
costs and attracting new customers. In regards to healthcare
as of 2011, stored health care data had reached 150 exabytes (1
EB =
1018 bytes) worldwide, mainly in the form of electronic health
(Institute for Health Technology Transformation, 2013).
most of the potential value creation is still in its infancy,
predictivemodeling and simulation techniques for analyzing
data as a whole have not yet been adequately developed.
More recent trend of big data analytics technology has been
the use of cloud in conjunction with data. Enterprises have
adopted a “big data in the cloud” solution such as software-as-
(SaaS) that offers an attractive alternative with lower cost.
According to
the Gartner's, 2013 IT trend prediction, taking advantage of
cloud com-
puting services for big data analytics systems that support a
analytic capability and cost-effective storage will become a
IT solution by 2016. The main trend in the healthcare industry
is a
shift in data type from structure-based to semi-structured based
(e.g., home monitoring, telehealth, sensor-based wireless
devices) and
unstructured data (e.g., transcribed notes, images, and video).
The in-
creasing use of sensors and remote monitors is a key factor
the rise of home healthcare services, meaning that the amount of
being generated from sensors will continue to grow
significantly. This
will in turn improve the quality of healthcare services
throughmore ac-
curate analysis and prediction.
2.2. Big data analytics architecture
To reach our goals of this studywhich are to describe the big
data an-
alytics capability profile and its potential benefits, it is
necessary to un-
derstand its architecture, components and functionalities. The
action taken is to explore best practice of big data analytics
in healthcare. We invited four IT experts (two practitioners and
two ac-
ademics) to participate in a five-round evaluation processwhich
ed brainstorming and discussions. The resulted big data
architecture is rooted in the concept of data life cycle
framework that
starts with data capture, proceeds via data transformation, and
nates with data consumption. Fig. 1 depicts the proposed best
big data analytics architecture that is loosely comprised of
fivemajor ar-
chitectural layers: (1) data, (2) data aggregation, (3) analytics,
(4) infor-
mation exploration, and (5) data governance. These logical
layers make
up the big data analytics components that perform specific
and will therefore enable healthcare managers to understand
how to
transform the healthcare data from various sources into
clinical information through big data implementations.
2.2.1. Data layer
This layer includes all the data sources necessary to provide the
insights required to support daily operations and solve business
problems. Data is divided into structured data such as
electronic healthcare records (EHRs), semi-structured data such
the logs of health monitoring devices, and unstructured data
as clinical images. These clinical data are collected from
various in-
ternal or external locations, and will be stored immediately into
propriate databases, depending on the content format.
2.2.2. Data aggregation layer
This layer is responsible for handling data from the various data
sources. In this layer, data will be intelligently digested by
three steps: data acquisition, transformation, and storage. The
goal of data acquisition is to read data provided from various
cation channels, frequencies, sizes, and formats. This step is
often a
major obstacle in the early stages of implementing big data
because these incoming data characteristics might vary
Here, the cost may well exceed the budget available for
new data warehouses, and extending their capacity to avoid
bottlenecks. During the transformation step, the transformation
must be capable of moving, cleaning, splitting, translating,
sorting, and validating data. For example, structured data such
as that
typically contained in an eclectic medical record might be
from healthcare information systems and subsequently
converted into
a specific standard data format, sorted by the specified criterion
(e.g., patient name, location, or medical history), and then the
Fig. 1. Big data analytics architecture in health care.
5Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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validated against data quality rules. Finally, the data are loaded
into the
target databases such as Hadoop distributed file systems
(HDFS) or in a
Hadoop cloud for further processing and analysis. The data
storage prin-
ciples are based on compliance regulations, data governance
and access controls. Data storage methods can be implemented
completed in batch processes or in real time.
2.2.3. Analytics layer
This layer is responsible for processing all kinds of data and
performing appropriate analyses. In this layer, data analysis can
be di-
vided into threemajor components: HadoopMap/Reduce, stream
puting, and in-database analytics, depending on the type of data
and the
purpose of the analysis. Mapreduce is the most commonly used
grammingmodel in big data analytics which provides the ability
to pro-
cess large volumes of data in batch form cost-effectively, as
well as
allowing the analysis of both unstructured and structured data in
sively parallel processing (MPP) environment. Stream
computing can
support high performance stream data processing in near real
time or
real time. With a real time analysis, users can track data in
motion, re-
spond to unexpected events as they happen and quickly
next-best actions. For example, in the case of healthcare fraud
stream computing is an important analytical tool that assists in
predicting the likelihood of illegal transactions or deliberate
misuse of
customer accounts. Transactions and accounts will be analyzed
in real
time and alarms generated immediately to prevent myriad frauds
across healthcare sectors. In-database analytics refers to a data
approach built on an analytic platform that allows data to be
within the datawarehouse. This component provides high-speed
lel processing, scalability, and optimization features geared
toward big
data analytics, and offers a secure environment for confidential
prise information. However, the results provided from in-
database ana-
lytics are neither current nor real time and it is therefore likely
generate reports with a static prediction. Typically, this analytic
nent in healthcare organizations is useful for supporting
healthcare practice and improving pharmaceutical management.
analytics layer also provides exceptional support for evidence
medical practices by analyzing EHRs, patterns of care, care
and individual patients' habits and medical histories.
2.2.4. Information exploration layer
This layer generates outputs such as various visualization
real-time informationmonitoring, andmeaningful business
insights de-
rived from the analytics layer to users in the organization.
Similar to tra-
ditional business intelligence platforms, reporting is a critical
big data
analytics feature that allows data to be visualized in a useful
way to sup-
port users' daily operations and help managers to make faster,
decisions. However, the most important output for health care
well be its real-timemonitoring of information such as alerts and
tive notifications, real time data navigation, and operational key
mance indicators (KPIs). This information is analyzed from
sources such
as smart phones and personal medical devices and can be sent to
ested users or made available in the form of dashboards in real
time for
monitoring patients' health and preventing accidental medical
2.2.5. Data governance layer
This layer is comprised of master data management (MDM),
life-cycle management, and data security and privacy
This layer emphasizes the “how-to” as in how to harness data in
the or-
ganization. The first component of data governance, master data
agement, is regarded as the processes, governance, policies,
and tools for managing data. Data is properly standardized,
and incorporated in order to create the immediacy,
completeness, accu-
racy, and availability of master data for supporting data analysis
and de-
cision making. The second component, data life-cycle
management, is
the process of managing business information throughout its
from archiving data, through maintaining data warehouse,
testing and
delivering different application systems, to deleting and
disposing of
data. By managing data effectively over its lifetime, firms are
equipped to provide competitive offerings to meet market needs
support business goals with lower timeline overruns and cost.
third component, data security and privacy management, is the
form for providing enterprise-level data activities in terms of
configuration assessment, monitoring, auditing, and protection
6 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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2012). Due to the nature of complexity in data management,
tions have to face ethical, legal, and regulatory challengeswith
data gov-
ernance (Phillips-Wren et al., 2015). Particularly in healthcare
it is essential to implement rigorous data rules and control
for highly sensitive clinical data to prevent security breaches
and pro-
tect patient privacy. By adopting suitable policies, standards,
and com-
pliance requirements to restrict users' permissions will ensure
new system satisfies healthcare regulations and creates a safe
ment for the proper use of patient information.
2.3. Big data analytics capability
Several definitions for big data analytics capability have been
veloped in the literature (see Table 1). In general, big data
capability refers to the ability to manage a huge volume of
data to allow users to implement data analysis and reaction
et al., 2013). Wixom et al. (2013) indicate that big data
analytics ca-
pability for maximizing enterprise business value should
speed to insight which is the ability to transform raw data into
information and pervasive use which is the ability to use
analytics across the enterprise. With a lens of analytics
LaLalle et al. (2011) categorize big data analytics capability
three levels: aspirational, experienced, and transformed. The
two levels of analytics capabilities focus on using business
technologies to achieve cost reduction and operation
The last level of capability is aimed to drive customer
and making targeted investments in niche analytics.
Moreover, with a view of adoption benefit, Simon (2013)
big data analytics capability as the ability to gather enormous
of data - structured, unstructured and semi-structured data -
current and former customers to gain useful knowledge to
support bet-
ter decision-making, to predict customer behavior via predictive
ics software, and to retain valuable customers by providing real-
offers. Based on the resource-based view, Cosic et al. (2012)
define big
data analytics capability as “the ability to utilize resources to
a business analytics task, based on the interaction between IT
and other firm resources (p. 4)”.
In this study, we define big data analytics capability through an
formation lifecycle management (ILM) view. Storage
Industry Association (2009) describes ILM as “the policies,
practices, services and tools used to align the business value of
tion with the most appropriate and cost-effective infrastructure
the time when information is created through its final
(p. 2).” Generally, data regardless of its structure in a system
has been
followed this cycle, startingwith collection, through repository
and pro-
cess, and ending up with dissemination of data. The concept of
helps us to understand all the phases of information life cycle in
ness analytics architecture (Jagadish et al., 2014). Therefore,
with a
Table 1
The definition of big data analytics capability from prior
Sources Viewpoints Definitions
Cosic et al. (2012) Resource based view • The ability to ut
Hurwitz et al. (2013) 3V of big data • The ability to m
LaLalle et al. (2011) Analytics adoption • Achieve cost red
• Drive customer
Simon (2013) Adoption benefit • The ability to ga
customer servic
Trkman et al. (2010) Business process • Analytics in plan
• Analytics in sou
• Analytics in mak
• Analytics in deli
Wixom et al. (2013) Business value • Speed to insight
• Pervasive use
view of ILM, we define big data analytics capability in the
context of
health care as
the ability to acquire, store, process and analyze large amount
of health
data in various forms, and deliver meaningful information to
users that
allows them to discover business values and insights in a timely
2.4. Conceptualizing the potential benefit of big data analytics
To capture the potential benefits from big data analytics, a
mensional benefit framework (see Table 2), including IT
benefits, operational benefits, organizational benefits,
managerial bene-
fits, and strategic benefits (Shang and Seddon, 2002) was used
to classi-
fy the statements related to the benefits from the collected 26
big data
cases in health care.We choose Shang & Seddon's framework to
the potential benefits of big data analytics for three reasons.
First, our
exploratory work is to provide a specific set of benefit sub-
in the big analytics context. This framework will help us to
the benefits of big data analytics into proper categories. Second,
framework is designed for managers to assess the benefits of
their com-
panies' enterprise systems. It has been refined by many studies
to ERP systems and specific information system (IS)
(Esteves, 2009; Gefen and Ragowsky, 2005; Mueller et al.,
2010). In
this regard, this framework is suitable as a more generic and
model for categorizing the benefits of big data analytics system.
this framework also provides a clear guide for assessing and
benefits fromenterprise systems. This guide also suggests
theways how
to validate the IS benefit framework through implementation
which is helpful for our study.
3. Research methods
To reach our goals of this study, we used a quantitative
more specifically, a multiple cases content analysis to gain
ing and categorization of big data analytics capabilities and
benefits derived from its application. The cases collection,
and procedures for analyzing the cases are described in the
3.1. Cases collection
Our cases were drawn from current and past big data projects
rial from multiple sources such as practical journals, print
case collections, and reports from companies, vendors,
consultants or
analysts. The absence of academic discussion in our case
collection is
due to the incipient nature of such in the field of healthcare.
The follow-
ing case selection criteria were applied: (1) the case presents an
implementation of big data platforms or initiatives, and (2) it
ilize resources to perform a business analytics task
anage a huge volume of disparate data to allow users to
implement data analysis and
uction and operation optimization
profitability and making targeted investments in niche analytics
ther enormous variety of data from customers to gain business
insights to optimize
Table 2
The overview of enterprise systems' multidimensional benefit
Benefit dimension Description Sub-dimensions
IT infrastructure benefits Sharable and reusable IT resources
that provide a foundation for present and future
business applications
• Building business flexibility for current and future
• IT cost reduction
• Increased IT infrastructure capability
Operational benefits The benefits obtained from the
improvement of operational activities • Cost reduction
• Cycle time reduction
• Productivity improvement
• Quality improvement
• Customer service improvement
Managerial benefits The benefits obtained from business
management activities which involve allocation
and control of the firms' resources, monitoring of operations
and supporting of
business strategic decisions
• Better resource management
• Improved decision making and planning
• Performance improvement
Strategic benefits The benefits obtained from strategic activities
which involve long-range planning
regarding high-level decisions
• Support for business growth
• Support for business alliance
• Building for business innovations
• Building cost leadership
• Generating product differentiation
• Building external linkages
Organizational benefits The benefits arise when the use of an
enterprise system benefits an organization in
terms of focus, cohesion, learning, and execution of its chosen
• Changing work patterns
• Facilitating organizational learning
• Empowerment
• Building common vision
7Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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describes the software they introduce and benefits obtaining
from the
implementation. We excluded reports from one particular
vendor due
to their connection to one of our experts whowere invited for
the eval-
uation. We were able to collect 26 big data cases specifically
related to
the healthcare industries. Of these cases, 14 (53.8%) were
from the materials released by vendors or companies, 2 cases
from journal databases, and 10 cases (38.4%) fromprint
publications, in-
cluding healthcare institute reports and case collections.
by region, 17 cases were collected from Northern America, 7
from Europe, and others from Asia-Pacific region. The cases we
are listed in Appendix A.
3.2. Research approach and process
Weapplied content analysis to gain insights from the cases
Content analysis is a method for extracting various themes and
from text, and it can be understood as, “an empirically grounded
od, exploratory in process, and predictive or inferential in
intent.” Spe-
cifically, this study followed inductive content analysis,
because the
knowledge about big data implementation in health care is
(Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014). A three-phase research
process for
inductive content analysis (i.e., preparation, organizing, and
suggested by Elo and Kyngäs (2008) was performed in order to
a better understanding of big data analytics capabilities and
benefits in
the healthcare context.
The preparation phase starts with selecting the “themes”
tive and persuasive nature of case material), which can be
paragraphs, or a portion of a page (Elo and Kyngäs, 2008). For
study, themes from casematerials were captured by a senior
who has over 15 years working experience with a multinational
nology and consulting corporation headquartered in the United
and currently is involved in several big data analytics projects.
senior consultant manually highlighted the textual contents that
completely describe how a big data analytics solution and its
alities create the big-data-enabled IT capabilities and potential
while reading through all 26 big data cases for a couple of
times. Subse-
quently, a total of 136 statements directly related to the IT
and 179 statements related to the potential benefits were
and recorded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
The second phase is to organize the qualitative data emerged
from phase one through open coding, creating categories and
abstraction (Elo and Kyngäs, 2008). In the process of open
the 136 statements were analyzed by one of the authors, and
grouped into preliminary conceptual themes based on their
ities. The purpose is to reduce the number of categories by
those that are similar into broader higher order generic
(Burnard, 1991; Dey, 1993; Downe-Wamboldt, 1992). In order
to in-
crease the interrater reliability, the second author went through
same process independently. The two coders agreed on 84% of
categorization. Most discrepancies occurred between the two
are on the categories of analytical capability. Disagreements
were re-
solved after discussions and reassessments of the case to
arrive at a consensus. After consolidating the coding results, the
coders named each generic category of big data analytics
using content-characteristic words.
4. Results
4.1. Capability profile of big data analytics in healthcare
Overall, the five generic categories of big data analytics
we identified from 136 statements in our review of the cases are
ical capability for patterns of care (coded as part of 43
statements), un-
structured data analytical capability (32), decision support
(23), predictive capability (21), and traceability (17). These are
scribed in turn below.
4.1.1. Analytical capability for patterns of care
Analytical capability refers to the analytical techniques
used in a big data analytics system to process datawith an
immense vol-
ume (from terabytes to exabytes), variety (from text to graph)
and ve-
locity (from batch to streaming) via unique data storage,
analysis, and visualization technologies (Chen et al., 2012;
2013). Analytical capabilities in healthcare can be used to
identify pat-
terns of care and discover associations frommassive healthcare
thus providing a broader view for evidence-based clinical
Healthcare analytical systems provide solutions that fill a
need and allow healthcare organizations to parallel process
large data
volumes, manipulate real-time, or near real time data, and
capture all
patients' visual data or medical records. In doing so, this
analysis can
identify previously unnoticed patterns in patients related to
readmissions and support a better balance between capacity and
8 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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Interestingly, analyzing patient preference patterns also helps
to recognize the utility of participating in future clinical trials
and iden-
tify new potential markets.
4.1.2. Unstructured data analytical capability
An analytical process in a big data analytics system starts by
ing data fromboth inside andoutside the healthcare sectors,
storing it in
distributed database systems, filtering it according to specific
criteria, and then analyzing it to integrate meaningful outcomes
for the
data warehouse, as shown in Fig. 2. After unstructured data has
gathered across multiple healthcare units, it is stored in a
Hadoop dis-
tributed file system andNoSQL database thatmaintain it until it
is called
up in response to users' requests. NoSQL databases support the
of both unstructured and semi-structured data frommultiple
sources in
multiple formats in real time. The core of the analytic process is
MapReduce algorithms implemented by Apache Hadoop.
is a data analysis process that captures data from the database
and pro-
cesses it by executing “Map” and “Reduce” procedures, which
down large job objective into a set of discrete tasks, iteratively
on com-
puting nodes. After the data has been analyzed, the resultswill
be stored
in a data warehouse and made visually accessible for users to
decision-making on appropriate actions.
The main difference in analytical capability between big data
alytics systems and traditional data management systems is that
former has a unique ability to analyze semi-structured or
tured data. Unstructured and semi-structured data in healthcare
refer to information that can neither be stored in a traditional
tional database nor fit into predefined data models. Some
are XML-based EHRs, clinical images, medical transcripts, and
results. Most importantly, the ability to analyze unstructured
plays a pivotal role in the success of big data analytics in
settings since 80% of health data is unstructured. According to a
2011 investigation by the TDWI research (Russom, 2011), the
efits of analyzing unstructured data capability are illustrated by
the successful implementation of targeted marketing, providing
revenue-generating insights and building customer
One of our cases, Leeds Teaching Hospitals in the UK analyze
proximately one million unstructured case files per month, and
have identified 30 distinct scenarios where there is room for im-
provement in either costs or operating procedures by taking
tage of natural language processing (NLP). This enables Leeds
improve efficiency and control costs through identifying costly
healthcare services such as unnecessary extra diagnostic tests
Fig. 2. The process of analyzing unstructu
4.1.3. Decision support capability
Decision support capability emphasizes the ability to produce
ports about daily healthcare services to aid managers' decisions
actions. In general, this capability yields sharable information
knowledge such as historical reporting, executive summaries,
down queries, statistical analyses, and time series comparisons.
Such information can be utilized to provide a comprehensive
to support the implementation of evidence-based medicine, to
tect advanced warnings for disease surveillance, and to develop
sonalized patient care. Some information is deployed in real
(e.g., medical devices' dashboard metrics) while other
(e.g., daily reports) will be presented in summary form.
The reports generated by the big data analytics systems are
from transitional IT systems, showing that it is often helpful to
past and current operation environment across all organizational
The reports are createdwith a systemic and comprehensive
and the results evaluated in the proper context to enable
managers to
recognize feasible opportunities for improvement, particularly
ing long-term strategic decisions. From our case analysis, we
that Premier Healthcare Alliance collects data from different
mental systems and sends it to a central data warehouse. After
real-time data processing, the reports generated are then used to
users recognize emerging healthcare issues such as patient
safety and
appropriate medication use.
4.1.4. Predictive capability
Predictive capability is the ability to build and assess a model
at generating accurate predictions of new observations, where
new can
be interpreted temporally and or cross-sectionally (Shmueli and
Koppius, 2011).Wessler (2013) defines predictive capability as
the pro-
cess of using a set of sophisticated statistical tools to develop
and estimations of what the environment will do in the future.
By defi-
nition, predictive capability emphasizes the prediction of future
and exploration of new insights through extraction of
from large data sets. To create predictive capability,
have to rely on a predictive analytics platform that incorporate
warehouses, predictive analytics algorithms (e.g., regression
machine learning, and neural networks), and reporting
that provide optimal decisions to users. This platformmakes it
to cross reference current and historical data to generate
recommendations that enable managers to make predictions
about fu-
ture events and trends.
In healthcare, predictive analytics has been widely utilized to
the degree of uncertainty such as mitigating preventable
enablingmanagers tomake better decisions faster and hence
red data in health care organizations.
9Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
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preventive care (Bardhan et al., 2014; Simon, 2013). From our
case anal-
ysis, we found that Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital
Alliance ana-
lyzes data from medical sensors to predict patients' movements
monitor patients' actions throughout their hospital stay. In doing
Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance is able to
leverage re-
ports, alerting, key performance indicators (KPIs), and
interactive visual-
izations created by predictive analytics to provide needed
services more
efficiently, optimize existing operations, and improve the
prevention of
medical risk.
Moreover, predictive analytics allows healthcare organizations
assess their current service situations to help them disentangle
complex structure of clinical costs, identify best clinical
practices, and
gain a broad understanding of future healthcare trends based on
in-depth knowledge of patients' lifestyles, habits, disease
and surveillance (Groves et al., 2013). For instance, I + Plus, an
advanced analytical solution with three-level analysis (i.e.,
aggregated, and admission) used in an Australian healthcare
tion, provides claim-based intelligence to facilitate customers
governance, balance cost and quality, and evaluate payment
(Srinivasan and Arunasalam, 2013). Specifically, through these
tive analytical patterns managers can review a summary of cost
profit related to each healthcare service, identify any claim
based on comparisons between current and historical indicators,
thus make proactive (not reactive) decisions by utilizing
4.1.5. Traceability
Traceability is the ability to track output data from all the
system's IT
components throughout the organization's service units.
related data such as activity and cost data, clinical data,
R&D data, patient behavior and sentiment data are commonly
in real time or near real time from payers, healthcare services,
ceutical companies, consumers and stakeholders outside
(Groves et al., 2013). Traditional methods for harnessing these
are insufficient when faced with the volumes experienced in this
text, which results in unnecessary redundancy in data
and movement, and a high rate of inconsistent data. Using big
data an-
alytics algorithms, on the other hand, enables authorized users
to gain
access to large national or local data pools and capture patient
simultaneously from different healthcare systems or devices.
This not
Table 3
Breaking down the potential benefits driven by big data
analytics in health care.
Potential benefits of big data analytics Elements
IT infrastructure benefits Reduce system redundancy
Avoid unnecessary IT costs
Transfer data quickly among healthcare IT syst
Better use of healthcare systems
Process standardization among various healthc
Reduce IT maintenance costs regarding data st
Operational benefits Improve the quality and accuracy of
clinical de
Process a large number of health records in sec
Reduce the time of patient travel
Immediate access to clinical data to analyze
Shorten the time of diagnostic test
Reductions in surgery-related hospitalizations
Explore inconceivable new research avenues
Organizational benefits Detect interoperability problems much
more q
Improve cross-functional communication and c
and IT staffs
Enable to share data with other institutions an
Managerial benefits Gain insights quickly about changing
Provide members of the board and heads of de
clinical setting
Optimization of business growth-related decisi
Strategic benefits Provide a big picture view of treatment
Create high competitive healthcare services
only reduces conflicts between different healthcare sectors, but
also de-
creases the difficulties in linking the data to healthcare
workflow for
process optimization.
The primary goal of traceability is to make data consistent,
and easily accessible for analysis. Traceability in healthcare
monitoring the relation between patients' needs and possible
through tracking all the datasets provided by the various
healthcare ser-
vices or devices. For example, the use of remote patient
monitoring and
sensing technologies has become more widespread for
care and home care in U.S. hospitals. Big data analytics, with
its trace-
ability, can track information that is created by the devices in
time, such as the use of Telehealth Response Watch in home
care ser-
vices. This makes it possible to gather location, event and
information, including time stamps, from each patient wearing
the de-
vice. This information is immediately deposited into appropriate
bases (e.g., NoSQL and the Hadoop distributed file system), for
by medical staff when needed with excellent suitability and
Similarly, incorporating information from radio frequency
devices (RFID) into big data analytics systems enables hospitals
to take
prompt action to improve medical supply utilization rates and
delays in patient flow. From our case analysis, we found that
and Women's Hospital (BWH) provides a typical example of the
of in-depth traceability in large longitudinal healthcare
databases to
identify drug risk. By integrating big-data algorithms into the
legacy IT
systems,medical staff can automaticallymonitor drug safety by
warning signals triggered by alarm systems.
In the next subsection, we will describe the results of our
second re-
search objective, which are the benefits healthcare
organizations could
drive from big data analytics.
4.2. Potential benefits of big data analytics
Our results from content analysis reveal that the big data
derived benefits can be classified into five categories: IT
benefits, operational benefits, organizational benefits,
managerial bene-
fits, and strategic benefits, as summarized in Table 3. The
twomost com-
pelling benefits of big data analytics are IT infrastructure
(coded as part
of 79 statements) and Operational benefits (73). The results also
that reduce system redundancy (19), avoid unnecessary IT costs
and transfer data quickly among healthcare IT systems (17) are
19 79
ems 17
are IT systems 9
orage 4
cisions 21 73
onds 16
uickly than traditional manual methods 8 13
ollaboration among administrative staffs, researchers, clinicians
d add new services, content sources and research partners 2
e trends in the market 5 9
partment with sound decision-support information on the daily 2
ons 2
y for meeting future need 3 5
10 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
126 (2018) 3–13
elements most mentioned in the category of IT infrastructure
improve the quality and accuracy of clinical decisions (21),
process a
large number of health records in seconds (16), and reduce the
time of pa-
tient travel (15) are the elements with high frequency in the
category of
operational benefits. This implies that big data analytics has a
potential as it implements in an organization. It not only
improves IT ef-
fectiveness and efficiency, but also supports the optimization of
operations. In addition, our results also indicate that big data
analytics is
still at an early stage of development in healthcare due to the
benefits of big data analytics at the organizational, managerial,
and stra-
tegic levels.
5. The strategies for success with big data analytics
To create a data-driven organization, practitioners have to
the strategic and business value of big data analytics, rather
concentrating on a technological understanding of its
(Wang et al., 2014). However, evidence from a survey of 400
around the world shows that 77% of companies surveyed do not
clear strategies for using big data analytics effectively
(Wegener and
Sinha, 2013). These companies failed to describe how big data
will shape their business performance and transform their
models. Especially for healthcare industries, healthcare
through implementing big data analytics is still in the very early
Attention is sorely needed for research to formulate appropriate
gies that will enable healthcare organizations to move forward
to lever-
age big data analytics most efficiently and effectively. Thus, we
recommend the following five strategies for being successful
with big
data analytics in healthcare settings.
5.1. Implementing (big) data governance
Data governance is an extension of IT governance that focuses
leveraging enterprise-wide data resources to create business
value. In-
deed, big data analytics is a double-edged sword for IT
investment, po-
tentially incurring huge financial burden for healthcare
with poor governance. On the other hand, with appropriate data
nance, big data analytics has the potential to equip
organizations to har-
ness themountains of heterogeneous data, information, and
from a complex array of internal applications (e.g., inpatient
and ambu-
latory EHRs) and healthcare networks' applications (e.g.,
laboratory and
pharmacy information systems). Success in data governance
requires a
series of organizational changes in business processes since all
the data
has to be well understood, trusted, accessible, and secure in a
driven setting. Thus, several issues should be taken into
when developing data governance for a healthcare organization.
The first step is to formulate the missions of data governance,
clearly focused goals, execution procedures, governance
metrics, and
performancemeasures. In other words, a strong data governance
col should be defined to provide clear guidelines for data
criticality, authenticity, sharing, and retention that enable
healthcare or-
ganizations to harness data effectively from the time it is
stored, analyzed, and finally used. This allows healthcare
to ensure the appropriate use of big data and build sustainable
itive advantages. Second, healthcare organizations should
review the
data they gather within all their units and realize their value.
Once the
value of these data has been defined, managers can make
decisions on
which datasets to be incorporated in their big data analytics
thereby minimizing cost and complexity. Finally, information
tion is the key to success in big data analytics implementation,
the challenges involved in integrating information across
systems and
data sources within the enterprise remain problematic in many
stances. In particular, most healthcare organizations encounter
ties in integrating data from legacy systems into big data
frameworks. Managers need to develop robust data governance
introducing big data analytics in their organization.
To create a strong data governance environment, The University
Kansas Hospital has established a data governance committee
for man-
aging the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the
organization's data. This committee has three different
groupswith spe-
cific responsibilities. The data governance executive group is
ble of overseeing vision and strategy for improvement data
while the data advisory group establishes procedures and
plans to address data quality issues, work priorities and the
creation of
working groups. The data governance support group is
composed of
technology, process improvement and clinical experts that
provide sup-
port to the former two groups. With respective to the best
practices of
data governance, this committee provides users a secure
from senior leaders, implements data sharing processes and
gies that users could rely on for quality data pulled from
sources and systems, and identifies a data gap and a disruption
reporting key organizational metrics. With the strong data
in big data analytics platforms, The University of Kansas
Hospital has
achieved more than 70 standardized enterprise data definition
provals in the first year and created a multi-year business
data governance roadmap.
5.2. Developing an information sharing culture
A prerequisite for implementing big data analytics successfully
that the target healthcare organizations foster information
sharing cul-
ture. This is critical for reducing any resistance to new
agement systems from physicians and nurses. Without an
sharing culture, data collection and delivery will be limited,
with conse-
quent adverse impacts on the effectiveness of the big data
analytical and
predictive capabilities. To address this issue, healthcare
should engage data providers from the earliest stage of the big
transition process and develop policies that encourage and
them for collecting data and meeting standards for data
delivery. This
will significantly improve the quality of data and the accuracy
of analy-
sis and prediction.
5.3. Training key personnel to use big data analytics
The key to utilize the outputs from big data analytics effectively
to equip managers and employees with relevant professional
petencies, such as critical thinking and the skills of making an
priate interpretation of the results. Because incorrect
of the reports generated could lead to serious errors of judgment
and questionable decisions. Therefore, it is important that
organizations provide analytical training courses in areas such
as basic
statistics, data mining and business intelligence to those
who will play a critical support role in the new information-rich
environment. According to a recent survey by the American
ment Association (2013), mentoring, cross-functional team-
training and self-study are beneficial training approaches to
help em-
ployees develop the big data analytical skills theywill need.
ly, healthcare organizations can adjust their job selection
criteria to
recruit prospective employees who already have the necessary
cal skills.
5.4. Incorporating cloud computing into the organization's big
Most hospitals are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs),
and often struggle with cost and data storage issues. Due to the
rapid changes of technology, big data, and the general increase
data-intensive operations, healthcare organizations are facing
challenges: storage, analysis, and bottom line. The needs to
store dif-
ferent formats of data and access to them for decision making
pushed healthcare organizations seeking better solutions other
than traditional storage servers and processes. A typical model
11Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change
126 (2018) 3–13
the storage of big data is clustered network-attached storage
which is a costly distributed file system for SMEs. A usage-
charging model such as cloud computing services is an
attractive al-
ternative. Cloud computing is a network-based infrastructure
ble of storing large scale of data in virtualized spaces and
performing complex computing near real time. The combination
lower cost and powerful and timely processing and analyzing
cloud computing an ideal option for healthcare SMEs to fully
take ad-
vantage of big data analytics.
However, storing healthcare data in a public cloud raises two
concerns: security and patient privacy (Sahoo et al., 2014).
Although the
public cloud is a significant cost savings option, it also presents
security risk and may lead to the loss of control of patient
since the access to data is managed by a third party vendor. A
cloud, on the other hand, provides a more secure environment
keeps the critical data in-house, but increases the budget for big
data an-
alytics projects. Healthcaremanagersmust strike a balance
between the
cost-effectiveness of the different cloud choices and patient
protection when adopting big data analytics.
5.5. Generating new business ideas from big data analytics
New idea generation is not only necessary for organizational
tion, but also can lead to changes in business operations that
will in-
crease productivity and build competitive advantages. This
could be
achieved through the use of powerful big data predictive
tools. These tools can provide detailed reporting and identify
trends that allow companies to accelerate new business ideas
and gen-
erate creative thinking. In addition to using big data analytics to
knownquestions,managers should encourage users to leverage
such as reports, alerting, KPIs, and interactive visualizations, to
new ideas and market opportunities, and assess the feasibility of
(Kwon et al., 2015).
6. Limitation, future research and conclusion
Through analyzing big data cases, our research has provided a
understanding how healthcare organizations can leverage big
data ana-
lytics as ameans of transforming IT to gain business value.
However, like
any other study, ours has limitations. The primary limitation of
study is the data source. One challenge in the health care
industry is
that its IT adoption usually lags behind other industries, which
is one
of the main reasons that cases are hard to find. Although efforts
made tofind cases fromdifferent sources, themajority of the
cases iden-
tified for this study came from vendors. There is therefore a
bias, as vendors usually only publicize their “success” stories.
Case Case name Country
1 Wissenschaftliches Institut der AOK (WIdO) Germany
2 Brigham and Women's Hospital United States
3 The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services
(NOKC) Norway
4 Memorial Healthcare System United States
5 University of Ontario Institute of Technology Canada
6 Premier healthcare alliance United States
7 Bangkok Hospital Thailand
8 Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute Italy
9 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Germany
10 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT) Italy
11 Fraunhofer FOKUS Germany
12 Leeds Teaching Hospitals UK
13 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center United States
14 Atlantic Health System United States
15 Private health institution in Australia Australia
16 University Hospitals Case Medical Center United States
Appendix A. Case List
and better discovery could be done through collecting and
primary data. Given the growing number of healthcare
adopting big data analytics, the sample frame for collecting
data becomes larger. Examining the impact of big data analytics
ities on healthcare organization performance with quantitative
method based on primary data could shed different lights.
In addition to requiring empirical analysis of big data analytics
abled transformation, our study also expose the needs formore
ic and quantitative studies, focusing on some of the business
capability elements we identified. This especially applies to
and decision support capabilities, which are cited frequently in
the big
data cases. With a growing amount of diverse and unstructured
there is an urgent need for advanced analytic techniques, such
as deep
machine learning algorithm that allows computers to detect
items of in-
terest in large quantities of unstructured data, and to deduce
ships without needing specific models or programming
We thus expect future scientific studies to take developing
efficient un-
structured data analytical algorithms and applications as
primary tech-
nological developments.
Finally, the foundation to generate any IT business value is the
among the three core dimensions: process, IT, and people
et al., 2004). However, this study merely focuses on the IT
angle, ignor-
ing the people side of this capability as the cases barely
highlight the im-
portance of analytical personnel. Indeed, analytical personnel
who have
an analytic mindset play a critical role in helping drive business
from big data analytics (Davenport et al., 2010).We thus expect
that fu-
ture research should take analytical personnel into consideration
in the
big data analytics framework.
In conclusion, the cases demonstrate that big data analytics
could be
an effective IT artifact to potentially create IT capabilities and
benefits. Through analyzing these cases,we sought to
understand better
howhealthcare organizations can leverage big data analytics as
to create business value for health care.Wealso identifiedfive
that healthcare organizations could use to implement their big
data an-
alytics initiatives.
An earlier version was presented at HICSS (Hawaii
Conference on System Sciences) 2015. We would like to thank
the ses-
sion chair and reviewers from HICSS, and TFSC reviewers for
their in-
sightful comments and suggestions to improve this manuscript.
addition, we would like to thank Dr. Ting from IBM for
providing his
knowledge and practical experience in assisting the formulating
of the
big data analytics architecture model.
Released by vendors or companies IBM
Practical journals IT Professional
Journal of the American Medical Informatics
(continued on next page)
Case Case name Country Sources
17 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital United States Print
publications Medcitynews/Modern
18 Mount Sinai Medical Center United States MIT Technology
Review/Science Translational
19 Indiana University Health United States Health Catalyst
20 Mission Health United States
21 MultiCare Health System United States
22 North Memorial Health Care United States
23 OSF HealthCare United States
24 Partners HealthCare United States
25 The University of Kansas Hospital United States
26 Texas Children's Hospital United States
Appendix A (continued)
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  • 1. Use of a standardized nursing language for documentation of nursing care is vital both to the nursing profession and to the bedside/direct care nurse. The purpose of this article is to provide examples of the usefulness of standardized languages to direct care/bedside nurses. Currently, the American Nurses Association has approved thirteen standardized languages that support nursing practice, only ten of which are considered languages specific to nursing care. The purpose of this article is to offer a definition of standardized language in nursing, to describe how standardized nursing languages are applied in the clinical setting, and to explain the benefits of standardizing nursing languages. These benefits include: better communication among nurses and other health care providers, increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated assessment of nursing competency. Implications of standardized language for nursing education, research, and administration are also presented. Keywords: North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA); Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC); Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC); nursing judgments; patient care; quality care; standardized nursing language; communication Citation: Rutherford, M., (Jan. 31, 2008) "Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? "OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. Vol. 13 No. 1. Recently a visit was made by the author to the labor and delivery unit of a local community hospital to observe the nurses' recent implementation of the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004) and the Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC)
  • 2. (Moorehead, Johnson, & Maas, 2004) systems for nursing care documentation within their electronic health care records system. �it is impossible for medicine, nursing, or any health care-related discipline to implement the use of [electronic documentation] without having a standardized language or vocabulary to describe key components of the care process. During the conversation, one nurse made a statement that was somewhat alarming, saying, "We document our care using standardized nursing languages but we don't fully understand why we do." The statement led the author to wonder how many practicing nurses might benefit from an article explaining how standardized nursing languages will improve patient care and play an important role in building a body of evidence-based outcomes for nursing. Most articles in the nursing literature that reference standardized nursing languages are related to research or are scholarly discussions addressing the fine points surrounding the development or evaluation of these languages. Although the value of a specific, standardized nursing language may be addressed, there often is limited, in-depth discussion about the application to nursing practice. Practicing nurses need to know why it is important to document care using standardized nursing languages, especially as more and more organizations are moving to electronic documentation (ED) and the use of electronic health records. In fact, it is impossible for medicine, nursing, or any health care-related discipline to implement the use of ED without having a standardized language or vocabulary to describe key components of the care process. It is important to understand the many ways in which utilization of nursing languages will provide benefits to nursing practice and patient outcomes. Norma Lang has stated, "If we cannot name it, we cannot control it, practice it, teach it, finance it, or put it into public
  • 3. policy" (Clark & Lang, 1992, p. 109). Although nursing care has historically been associated with medical diagnoses, �today nursing needs a unique language to express what it does so that nurses can be compensated for the care provided. nurses need an explicit language to better establish their standards and influence the regulations that guide their practice. A standardized nursing language should be defined so that nursing care can be communicated accurately among nurses and other health care providers. Once standardized, a term can be measured and coded. Measurement of the nursing care through a standardized vocabulary by way of an ED will lead to the development of large databases. From these databases, evidence-based standards can be developed to validate the contribution of nurses to patient outcomes. The purpose of this article is to offer a definition of standardized language in nursing, to describe how standardized nursing languages are applied in the clinical arena, and to explain the benefits of standardizing nursing languages. These benefits include: better communication among nurses and other health care providers, increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated assessment of nursing competency. Implications of standardized language for nursing education, research, and administration are also presented. Standardized Language Defined Keenan (1999) observed that throughout history nurses have documented nursing care using individual and unit-specific methods; consequently, there is a wide range of terminology to describe the same care. Although there are other more complex explanations, Keenan supplies a straightforward definition of standardized nursing language as a "common language, readily understood by all nurses, to describe care" (Keenan, p. 12). The
  • 4. Association of Perioperative Registered Nurses (AORN) (n.d.) adds a dimension by explaining that a standardized language "provides nurses with a common means of communication." Both convey the idea that nurses need to agree upon a common terminology to describe assessments, interventions, and outcomes related to the documentation of nursing care. In this way, nurses from different units, hospitals, geographic areas, or countries will be able to use commonly understood terminology to identify the specific problem or intervention implied and the outcome observed. Standardizing the language of care (developing a taxonomy) with commonly accepted definitions of terms allows a discipline to use an electronic documentation system. Consider, for example, documentation related to vaginal bleeding for a postpartum, obstetrical patient. Most nurses document the amount as small, moderate, or large. But exactly how much is small, moderate, or large? Is small considered an area the size of a fifty-cent piece on the pad? Or is it an area the size of a grapefruit? Patients benefit when nurses are precise in the definition and communication of their assessments which dictate the type and amount of nursing care necessary to effectively treat the patient. The Duke University School of Nursing website <> has a list of guidelines for the nurse to use for evaluation of a standardized nursing language. The language should facilitate communication among nurses, be complete and concise, facilitate comparisons across settings and locales, support the visibility of nursing, and evaluate the effectiveness of nursing care through the measurement of nursing outcomes. In addition to these guidelines the language should describe nursing outcomes by use of a computer- compatible coding system so a comprehensive analysis of the data can be accomplished.
  • 5. Current Standardized Nursing Languages and Their Applications The Committee for Nursing Practice Information Infrastructure (CNPII of the American Nurses Association (ANA) has recognized thirteen standardized languages, one of which has been retired. Two are minimum data sets, seven are nursing specific, and two are interdisciplinary. The ANA (2006b) Recognized Terminologies and Data Element Sets outlines the components of each of these languages. The submission of a language for recognition by CNPPII is a voluntary process for the developers. This terminology is evaluated by the committee to determine if it meets a set of criteria. "The criteria, which are updated periodically, state that the data set, classification, or nomenclature must provide a rationale for its development and support the nursing process by providing clinically useful terminology. The concepts must be clear and ambiguous, and there must be documentation of utility in practice, as well as validity, and reliability. Additionally, there must be a named group who will be responsible for maintaining and revising the system" (Thede & Sewell, 2010, p. 293). Another ANA committee, the Nursing Information and Data Set Evaluation Center (NIDSEC), evaluates implementation of a terminology by a vendor. This approval is similar to obtaining the good seal of approval from Good Housekeeping or the United Laboratories (UL) seal on products. The approval signifies that the documentation in the standardized language supports the documentation of nursing practice and conforms to standards pertaining to computerized information systems. The language is evaluated against standards that follow the Joint Commission's model for evaluation. The language must support documentation on a nursing information system (NIS) or computerized patient record system (CPR). The criteria used by the ANA to evaluate how the standardized language(s) are
  • 6. implemented, include how the terms can be connected, how easily the records can be stored and retrieved, and how well the security and confidentiality of the records are maintained. The recognition is valid for three years. A new application must be submitted at the end of the three years for further recognition. Some, but not all of the standardized languages are copyrighted. (The previous paragraphs were updated 2/23/09. See previous content.) Vendors may also have their software packages evaluated by NIDSEC. The evaluation is a type of quality control on the vendor. An application packet must be purchased, priced at $100, then the fee for the evaluation is $20,000 (American Nurses Association, 2004). The only product currently recognized is Cerner Corporation CareNet Solution s (American Nurses Association, 2004). The recognition signifies that the software in the Cerner system has met the standards set by NIDSEC. The direct care/bedside nurse must understand the importance of the inclusion of standardized nursing languages in the software sold by vendors and demand the use of a standardized nursing language in these systems. Benefits of Standardized Languages The use of standardized nursing languages has many advantages for the direct care/bedside nurse. These include: better communication among nurses and other health care providers,
  • 7. increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated assessment of nursing competency. These advantages for the bedside/direct care nurse are discussed below. Better Communication among Nurses and Other Health Care Providers Improved communication with other nurses, health care professionals, and administrators of the institutions in which nurses work is a key benefit of using a standardized nursing language. Physicians realized the value of a standardized language in 1893 (The International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 2003) with the beginning of the standardization of medical diagnosis that has become the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) (Clark & Phil, 1999). A more recent language, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), provides a common language for mental disorders. When an obstetrician lists "failure to progress" on a patient's chart or a psychiatrist names the diagnosis "paranoid schizophrenia, chronic," other physicians, health care practitioners, and third-party payers understand the patient's diagnosis. Improved communication with other nurses, health care
  • 8. professionals, and administrators of the institutions in which nurses work is a key benefit of using a standardized nursing language. ICD-10 and DSM-IV are coded by a system of numbers for input into computers. The IDC-10 is a coding system used mainly for billing purposes by organizations and practitioners while the DSM-IV is a categorization system for psychiatric diagnoses. The DSM-IV categories have an ICD-10 counterpart code that is used for billing purposes. Nurses lacked a standardized language to communicate their practice until the North American Nursing Diagnosis (NANDA), was introduced in 1973. Since then several more languages have been developed. The Nursing Minimum Data Set (NMDS) was developed in 1988 (Prophet & Delaney, 1998) followed by the Nursing Management Minimum Data Set (NMMDS) in 1989 (Huber, Schumacher, & Delaney, 1997). The Clinical Care Classification (CCC) was developed in 1991 for use in hospitals, ambulatory care clinics, and other settings (Saba, 2003). The standardized language developed for home, public health, and school health is the Omaha System (The Omaha System, 2004). The Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) was published for the first time in 1992; it is currently in its fourth edition (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulachek, 2004). The most current edition of the Nursing Outcomes Classification system (NOC), as of this writing, is the third edition published
  • 9. in 2004 (Moorhead, Johnson, & Maas, 2004). Both are used across a number of settings. Use of standardized nursing languages promises to enhance communication of nursing care nationally and internationally. This is important because it will alert nurses to helpful interventions that may not be in current use in their areas. Two presentations at the NANDA, NIC, NOC 2004 Conference illustrated the use of a standardized nursing language in other countries (Baena de Morales Lopes, Jose dos Reis, & Higa, 2004; Lee, 2004). Lee (2004) used 360 nurse experts in quality assurance to identify five patient outcomes from the NOC (Johnson, Maas, & Moorhead, 2000) criteria to evaluate the quality of nursing care in Korean hospitals. The five NOC outcomes selected by the nurse experts as standards to evaluate the quality of care were vital signs status; knowledge: infection control; pain control behavior; safety behavior: fall prevention; and infection status. Baena de Morales Lopes et al. (2004) identified the major nursing diagnoses and interventions in a protocol used for victims of sexual violence in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The major nursing diagnoses identified were: rape-trauma syndrome, acute pain, fear/anxiety, risk for infection, impaired skin integrity, and altered comfort. Through the use of these nursing
  • 10. diagnoses, specific interventions were identified, such as administration of appropriate medications with explanations of expected side effects, emotional support, helping the client to a shower and clean clothes, and referrals to needed agencies. The authors used these diagnoses in providing care for 748 clients and concluded that use of the nursing diagnoses contributed to the establishment of bonds with their clients. These are just two examples illustrating how a standardized language has been used across nursing specialties and around the world. Increased Visibility of Nursing Interventions Nurses need to express exactly what it is that they do for patients. Nurses need to express exactly what it is that they do for patients. Pearson (2003) has stated, "Nursing has a long tradition of over-reliance on handing down both information and knowledge by word-of-mouth" (p. 271). Because nurses use informal notes to verbally report to one another, rather than patient records and care plans, their work remains invisible. Pearson states that at the present time the preponderance of care documentation focuses on protection from litigation rather than patient care provided. He anticipates that use of computerized nursing documentation systems, located close to the patient, will lead to more patient-centered and consistent documentation. Increased sensitivity to the nursing care activities provided by these computerized documentation
  • 11. systems will help highlight the contribution of nurses to patient outcomes, making nursing more visible. Nursing practice, in addition to the interventions, treatments, and procedures, includes the use of observation skills and experience to make nursing judgments about patient care. Because nurses use informal notes to verbally report to one another, rather than patient records and care plans, their work remains invisible. Interventions that should be undertaken to in support nursing judgments and that demonstrate the depth of nursing judgment are built into the standardized nursing languages. For example, one activity listed under labor induction in the NIC language is that of re-evaluating cervical status and verifying presentation before initiating further induction measures (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004). This activity guides the nurse to assess the dilatation and effacement of the cervix and presentation of the fetus, before making a judgment about continuing the induction procedure. LaDuke (2000) provides an additional example of using the NIC to make nursing interventions visible. For example, LaDuke noted that the intervention of emotional support, described by McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek (2004) requires "interpersonal skills, critical thinking and time" (LaDuke, p. 43). NIC identifies emotional support as a specific intervention,
  • 12. provides a distinct definition for it, and lists specific activities to provide emotional support. Identification of emotional support as a specific intervention gives nurses a standardized nursing language to describe the specific activities necessary for the intervention of emotional support. Improved Patient Care The use of a standardized nursing language can improve patient care. Cavendish (2001) surveyed sixty-four members of the National Association of School Nurses to obtain their perceptions of the most frequent complaints for abdominal pain. They used the NIC and NOC to determine the interventions and outcomes of children after acute abdomen had been ruled out. Nurses identified the chief complaints of the children, the most frequent etiology, the most frequent pain management activities from the NIC, and the change in NOC outcomes after intervention. The three chief complaints were nausea, headache, and vomiting; the character of the pain was described as crampy/mild or moderate; and the three most identified etiologies were psychosocial problems, viral syndromes, and relationship to menses. The psychosocial problems included test anxiety, separation anxiety, and interpersonal problems. Nutrition accounted for a large number of abdominal
  • 13. complaints, such as skipping meals, eating junk food, and food intolerances. Cultural backgrounds of the children, such as the practice of fasting during Ramadan, were identified as causes for abdominal complaints. The three top pain management activities from NIC were: observe for nonverbal cues of discomfort, perform comprehensive assessment of pain (location, characteristics, duration, frequency, quality, severity, precipitating factors), and reduce or eliminate factors that precipitate/increase pain experience (e.g., fear, fatigue, and lack of knowledge) (Cavendish, 2001). Cavendish described a decrease in symptoms, based on the Nursing Outcomes Classification Symptom Severity Indicators, following the intervention. Symptom intensity decreased 6.25%, symptom persistence decreased 4.69%, symptom frequency decreased 6.25%, and associated discomfort decreased 41.06% (p. 272). Similar studies are needed to provide evidence that specific nursing interventions improve patient outcomes. Enhanced Data Collection to Evaluate Nursing Care Outcomes The use of a standardized language to record nursing care can provide the consistency necessary to compare the quality of outcomes for various nursing interventions across settings.The use of a standardized language to record nursing care can
  • 14. provide the consistency necessary to compare the quality of outcomes for various nursing interventions across settings. As stated earlier, more organizations are moving to electronic documentation (ED) and electronic health records. When the nursing care data stored in these computer systems are in a standardized nursing language, large local, state, and national data repositories can be constructed that will facilitate benchmarking with other hospitals and settings that provide nursing care. The National Quality Forum (NQF) (NQF, 2006), is in the process of developing national standards for the measurement and reporting of health care performance data. The Nursing Care Measures Project is one of the 24 projects on which the NQF is developing consensus-based, national standards to use as mechanisms for quality improvement and measurement initiatives to improve American health care. The NQF has stated, "Given the importance of nursing care, the absence of standardized nursing care performance measures is a major void in healthcare quality assurance and work system performance"(NQF, May 2003, p. 1). Patient outcomes are also related to the uniqueness of the individual, the care given by other health care professionals, and the environment in which the care is provided. The American Nurses Association's National Center for Nursing Quality (NCNQ) maintains a database called the National
  • 15. Database of Nursing Quality Indicators™ (NDNQI)® (American Nurses Association, 2006a). This database collects nurse- sensitive and unit-specific indicators from health care organizations, compares this data with organizations of similar size having similar units, and sends the comparison findings back to the participating organization. This activity facilitates longitudinal benchmarking as the database has been ongoing since the early 1990's (National Database, 2004). The already-mentioned NOC system outcomes are nurse- sensitive outcomes, which means the they are sensitive to those interventions performed primarily by nurses (Moorehead et al., 2004). Because the NOC system measures nursing outcomes on a numerical rating scale, it, too, facilitates the benchmarking of nursing practices across facilities, regions, and countries. The current edition of NOC (2004), which assesses the impact of nursing care on the individual, the family, and the community, contains 330 outcomes classified in seven domains and 29 classes. A NOC outcome common to nurses who work with elderly patients who have a swallowing impairment is aspiration prevention (Moorehead et al., 2004). Patient behaviors indicating this outcome include identifying risk factors, avoiding risk factors, positioning self upright for
  • 16. eating/drinking, and choosing liquids and foods of proper consistency. Rating each indictor on a scale from one (never demonstrated) to five (consistently demonstrated) helps track risk for aspiration in individuals at various stages of illness during the hospitalization. It also gives an indication of a person's compliance in following the prevention measures and the nurse's success in patient education. A NOC outcome that labor nurses frequently use is pain level (Moorehead et al., 2004), related to the severity and intensity of pain a woman experiences with contractions. The pain level can be assessed before and after the use of coping techniques such as breathing exercises and repositioning. Indicators for this specific pain outcome include: reported pain, moaning and crying, facial expressions of pain, restlessness, narrowed focus, respiratory rate, pulse rate, blood pressure, and perspiration (p. 421) and are rated on a scale from severe ( 1) to none ( 5). The difference between the numerical ratings for each indicator before and after use of the coping techniques estimates the success of the intervention in achieving the outcome of reducing the pain level for laboring mothers. Greater Adherence to Standards of Care Related to the quality of nursing care is the level of adherence to the standards of care for a given patient population. The NIC
  • 17. and NOC standardized nursing language systems are based on both the input of expert nurses and the standards of care from various professional organizations. For example, the NIC intervention of electronic fetal monitoring: intrapartum (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004) is supported by publications of expert authors and researchers in the field of fetal monitoring and by standards of care from the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). The first activity listed under electronic fetal monitoring: intrapartum is to verify maternal and fetal heart rates before initiation of electronic fetal monitoring (p. 328), which is understood to be one of the gold standards for electronic fetal monitoring. There are several reasons why both heart rates need to be identified. The nurse must be sure that it is the fetal heart rate being monitored and not the heart rate of the mother. Moreover, it is important to ascertain the exact position of the fetus before positioning the fetal monitor's transducer. This illustration exemplifies how important standards are reinforced by the NIC activities. Facilitated Assessment of Nursing Competency Standardized language can also be used to assess nursing competency. Health care facilities are required to demonstrate the competence of staff for the Joint Commission. The nursing interventions delineated in standardized nursing languages can
  • 18. be used as a standard by which to assess nurse competency in the performance of these interventions. A Midwestern hospital is already doing this (Nolan, 2004). Using an example from the NIC system, specifically intrapartal care (McCloskey- Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004), a nurse's competency can be established by a preceptor's watching to see whether the nurse is performing the recommended activities, such as a vaginal examination or the assessment of the fetus presentation. The preceptor can also evaluate the nurse's teaching skills regarding what the patient should expect during labor, using the activities listed under the teaching intervention. Implications of Standardized Language for Nursing Education, Research, and Administration In addition to enhancing the care provided by direct care nurses, standardized language has implications for nursing education, research, and administration. Nurse educators can use the knowledge inherent in standardized nursing languages to educate future nurses. Such a system can be used to describe the unique roles of the nurse. Nurse educators can teach students to use systems such as the CCC and Omaha System when in the community health fields, or the use of the NANDA, NIC, NOC terminology when in the acute care setting. References to the primary resources upon which each intervention is based are listed at the end of each individual intervention to provide
  • 19. information supporting each intervention. By referring to the references associated with these nursing standards, nurse educators can role model the use of standardized language to help students recognize the body of knowledge upon which the standards are built. Tying the standardized language to education and practice will enhance its implementation and expand practicing nurses' knowledge of interventions, outcomes, and languages. Armed with an appreciation of the value of standardized language, students can champion further development and use of the standardized nursing languages once they enter professional practice. The use of standardized languages can provide a launching point for conducting research on standardized languages. The research conducted by the two teams of educators at the University of Iowa on the NIC and NOC are excellent examples of the research that can be done on the standardized nursing languages using computerized databases designed for research (McCloskey-Dochterman & Bulechek, 2004; Moorehead et al., 2004). Nursing research performed with�larger sample sizes�using databases may reveal more powerful patterns with stronger implications for practice than can past research that depended on small samples. Although nursing researchers have
  • 20. traditionally used historic data (data describing completed activities), computerized documentation based on a standardized language can enable researchers and quality improvement staff to use "real-time" data. This data is more readily accessible and retrievable as compared to the traditional, time-consuming task of sifting through stacks of charts for the needed information. When the bedside nurse documents via a nursing information system having a standardized language, the data are stored by the hospital, usually in a data warehouse. When the aggregate data are accessed by administrators and researchers, trends in patient care can be uncovered (Zytkowski, 2003), best practices of nursing care unlocked, efficiencies in nursing care discovered, and a relevant knowledge base for nursing can be built. Nursing research performed with these larger sample sizes achieved by using databases may reveal more powerful patterns with stronger implications for practice than can past research that depended on small samples. Kennedy (2003) states that one byproduct of accurate documentation of patient care is an estimation of acuity level. Patient care data entered into a computer and stored in a database can be used to help develop and adjust nursing schedules based on the projected patient census and acuity. Utilizing a standardized nursing language to document care can
  • 21. more precisely reflect the care given, assess acuity levels, and predict appropriate staffing. Use of a standardized nursing documentation system can provide data to support reimbursement to a health care agency for the care provided by professional nurses. Summary The ultimate goal should be the development of one standardized nursing language for all nurses. Use of a standardized language is not something that is done just because it will be useful to others. Use of a standardized language has far reaching ramifications that will help in the delivery of nursing care and demonstrate the value of nursing to others. The benefits of a standardized nursing language include: better communication among nurses and other health care providers, increased visibility of nursing interventions, improved patient care, enhanced data collection to evaluate nursing care outcomes, greater adherence to standards of care, and facilitated assessment of nursing competency. The ultimate goal should be the development of one standardized nursing language for all nurses. Although that goal has not yet been attained, examples of work toward it can be demonstrated. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) has developed the International Classification for Nursing Practice
  • 22. (ICNP) (ICN, 2006) in an attempt to establish a common language for nursing practice. The ICNP is a combinatorial terminology that cross-maps local terms, vocabularies, and classifications. The Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) and Nursing Outcome Classification (NOC) were developed as companion languages. These have linkages to other nursing languages, such as NANDA nursing diagnoses, the Omaha System, and Oasis for home health care, among others. Both are included in Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine's (SNOMED) multidisciplinary record system. NIC has been translated into nine foreign languages and NOC into seven foreign languages. By using one standardized nursing language, nurses from all over the world will be able to communicate with one another, with the goal of improving care for patients globally. Nurses will be able to convey the important work they do, making nursing more visible. Correction Notice: The paragraphs below appeared in this article on the original publication date of January 31, 2008. The information in these paragraphs has been revised in the above article as of February 23, 2009 to clarify the difference between CNPII and NIDSEC. (See current content.)
  • 23. Current Standardized Nursing Languages and Their Applications The Nursing Information and Data Set Evaluation Center (NIDSEC) of the American Nurses Association (ANA) (2004) recognizes thirteen standardized languages that support nursing practice, ten of which document nursing care. The ANA (2006b) Recognized Terminologies and Data Element Sets outlines the components of each of these languages. The submission of a language for approval by the NIDSEC is a voluntary process for the developers. This approval is similar to obtaining the good seal of approval from Good Housekeeping or the United Laboratories (UL) seal on products. The approval signifies that the documentation in the standardized language supports the documentation of nursing practice and conforms to standards pertaining to computerized information systems. The language is evaluated against standards that follow the Joint Commission's model for evaluation. The language must support documentation on a nursing information system (NIS) or computerized patient record system (CPR). The criteria used by the ANA to evaluate the standardized languages include the terminology used, how the terms can be connected, how easily the records can be stored and retrieved, and how well the security and confidentiality of the records are maintained. The
  • 24. recognition is valid for three years. A new application must be submitted at the end of the three years for further recognition. Some, but not all of the standardized languages are copyrighted. References Rutherford, M. A. (2008). Standardized Nursing Language: What Does It Mean for Nursing Practice? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 13(1), 1–12. https://doi- Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Technological Forecasting & Social Change Big data analytics: Understanding its capabilities and potential benefits for healthcare organizations Yichuan Wang a,⁎, LeeAnn Kung b, Terry Anthony Byrd a a Raymond J. Harbert College of Business, Auburn University, 405 W. Magnolia Ave., Auburn, AL 36849, USA b Rohrer College of Business, Rowan University, 201 Mullica Hill Road, Glassboro, NJ 08028, USA
  • 25. ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Wang), k [email protected] (T.A. Byrd). 0040-1625/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 17 June 2015 Received in revised form 11 November 2015 Accepted 12 December 2015 Available online 26 February 2016 To date, health care industry has not fully grasped the potential benefits to be gained from big data analytics. While the constantly growing body of academic research on big data analytics is mostly technology oriented, a better understanding of the strategic implications of big data is urgently needed. To address this lack, this study examines the historical development, architectural design and component functionalities of big data ana- lytics. From content analysis of 26 big data implementation cases in healthcare, we were able to identify five big
  • 26. data analytics capabilities: analytical capability for patterns of care, unstructured data analytical capability, deci- sion support capability, predictive capability, and traceability.We alsomapped the benefits driven by big data an- alytics in terms of information technology (IT) infrastructure, operational, organizational, managerial and strategic areas. In addition, we recommend five strategies for healthcare organizations that are considering to adopt big data analytics technologies. Our findingswill help healthcare organizations understand the big data an- alytics capabilities and potential benefits and support them seeking to formulate more effective data-driven an- alytics strategies. © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Big data analytics Big data analytics architecture Big data analytics capabilities Business value of information technology (IT) Health care 1. Introduction Information technology (IT)-related challenges such as inadequate
  • 27. integration of healthcare systems and poor healthcare information management are seriously hampering efforts to transform IT value to business value in the U.S. healthcare sector (Bodenheimer, 2005; Grantmakers In Health, 2012; Herrick et al., 2010; The Kaiser Family Foundation, 2012). The high volume digital flood of information that is being generated at ever-higher velocities and varieties in healthcare adds complexity to the equation. The consequences are unnecessary in- creases in medical costs and time for both patients and healthcare ser- vice providers. Thus, healthcare organizations are seeking effective IT artifacts that will enable them to consolidate organizational resources to deliver a high quality patient experience, improve organizational per- formance, andmaybe even create new,more effective data-driven busi- ness models (Agarwal et al., 2010; Goh et al., 2011; Ker et al.,
  • 28. 2014). One promising breakthrough is the application of big data analytics. Big data analytics that is evolved frombusiness intelligence anddecision support systems enable healthcare organizations to analyze an im- mense volume, variety and velocity of data across a wide range of healthcare networks to support evidence-based decision making and action taking (Watson, 2014; Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014). Big [email protected] (L. Kung), data analytics encompasses the various analytical techniques such as descriptive analytics and mining/predictive analytics that are ideal for analyzing a large proportion of text-based health documents and other unstructured clinical data (e.g., physician's written notes and pre- scriptions and medical imaging) (Groves et al., 2013). New database management systems such as MongoDB, MarkLogic and Apache
  • 29. Cassandra for data integration and retrieval, allow data being trans- ferred between traditional and new operating systems. To store the huge volume and various formats of data, there are Apache HBase and NoSQL systems. These big data analytics tools with sophisticated func- tionalities facilitate clinical information integration and provide fresh business insights to help healthcare organizations meet patients' needs and futuremarket trends, and thus improve quality of care and fi- nancial performance (Jiang et al., 2014; Murdoch and Detsky, 2013; Wang et al., 2015). A technological understanding of big data analytics has been studied well by computer scientists (see a systemic review of big data research from Wamba et al., 2015). Yet, healthcare organizations continue to struggle to gain the benefits from their investments on big data analyt-
  • 30. ics and some of them are skeptical about its power, although they invest in big data analytics in hope for healthcare transformation (Murdoch and Detsky, 2013; Shah and Pathak, 2014). Evidence shows that only 42% of healthcare organizations surveyed are adopting rigorous analyt- ics approaches to support their decision-making process; only 16% of them have substantial experience using analytics across a broad range of functions (Cortada et al., 2012). This implies that healthcare 15.12.019&domain=pdf mailto:[email protected] 4 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 practitioners still vaguely understand how big data analytics can
  • 31. create value for their organizations (Sharma et al., 2014). As such, there is an urgent need to understand the managerial, economic, and strategic im- pact of big data analytics and explore its potential benefits driven by big data analytics. This will enable healthcare practitioners to fully seize the power of big data analytics. To this end, twomain goals of this study are:first, to identify big data analytics capabilities; and second, to explore the potential benefits it may bring. By doing so, we hope to give healthcare organization a more current comprehensive understanding of big data analytics and how it helps to transform organizations. In this paper, we begin by pro- viding the historical context and developing big data analytics architec- ture in healthcare, and then move on to conceptualizing big data analytics capabilities and potential benefits in healthcare. We
  • 32. conduct- ed a content analysis of 26 big data implementation cases in health care which lead to the identification of five major big data analytics ca- pabilities and potential benefits derived from its application. In conclud- ing sections, we present several strategies for being successful with big data analytics in healthcare settings as well as the limitations of this study, and direction of future research. 2. Background 2.1. Big data analytics: past and present The history of big data analytics is inextricably linked with that of data science. The term “big data” was used for the first time in 1997 byMichael Cox andDavid Ellsworth in a paper presented at an IEEE con- ference to explain the visualization of data and the challenges it posed
  • 33. for computer systems (Cox and Ellsworth, 1997). By the end of the 1990s, the rapid IT innovations and technology improvements had en- abled generation of large amount of data but little useable information in comparison. Concepts of business intelligence (BI) created to empha- size the importance of collection, integration, analysis, and interpreta- tion of business information and how this set of process can help businesses makemore appropriate decisions and obtain a better under- standing of market behaviors and trends. The period of 2001 to 2008was the evolutionary stage for big data development. Big data was first defined in terms of its volume, veloc- ity, and variety (3Vs), after which it became possible to develop more sophisticated software to fulfill the needs of handling informa- tion explosion accordingly. Software and application developments
  • 34. like Extensible Markup Language (XML) Web services, database management systems, and Hadoop added analytics modules and functions to core modules that focused on enhancing usability for end users, and enabled users to process huge amounts of data across and within organizations collaboratively and in real-time. At the same time, healthcare organizations were starting to digitize their medical records and aggregate clinical data in huge electronic data- bases. This development made the health data storable, usable, searchable, and actionable, and helped healthcare providers practice more effective medicine. At the beginning of 2009, big data analytics entered the revolution- ary stage (Bryant et al., 2008). Not only had big-data computing become a breakthrough innovation for business intelligence, but also re- searchers were predicting that data management and its techniques were about to shift from structured data into unstructured data,
  • 35. and from a static terminal environment to a ubiquitous cloud-based envi- ronment. Big data analytics computing pioneer industries such as banks and e-commercewere beginning to have an impact on improving business processes and workforce effectiveness, reducing enterprise costs and attracting new customers. In regards to healthcare industry, as of 2011, stored health care data had reached 150 exabytes (1 EB = 1018 bytes) worldwide, mainly in the form of electronic health records (Institute for Health Technology Transformation, 2013). However, most of the potential value creation is still in its infancy, because predictivemodeling and simulation techniques for analyzing healthcare data as a whole have not yet been adequately developed. More recent trend of big data analytics technology has been towards
  • 36. the use of cloud in conjunction with data. Enterprises have increasingly adopted a “big data in the cloud” solution such as software-as- a-service (SaaS) that offers an attractive alternative with lower cost. According to the Gartner's, 2013 IT trend prediction, taking advantage of cloud com- puting services for big data analytics systems that support a real-time analytic capability and cost-effective storage will become a preferred IT solution by 2016. The main trend in the healthcare industry is a shift in data type from structure-based to semi-structured based (e.g., home monitoring, telehealth, sensor-based wireless devices) and unstructured data (e.g., transcribed notes, images, and video). The in- creasing use of sensors and remote monitors is a key factor supporting the rise of home healthcare services, meaning that the amount of data being generated from sensors will continue to grow significantly. This
  • 37. will in turn improve the quality of healthcare services throughmore ac- curate analysis and prediction. 2.2. Big data analytics architecture To reach our goals of this studywhich are to describe the big data an- alytics capability profile and its potential benefits, it is necessary to un- derstand its architecture, components and functionalities. The first action taken is to explore best practice of big data analytics architecture in healthcare. We invited four IT experts (two practitioners and two ac- ademics) to participate in a five-round evaluation processwhich includ- ed brainstorming and discussions. The resulted big data analytics architecture is rooted in the concept of data life cycle framework that starts with data capture, proceeds via data transformation, and culmi- nates with data consumption. Fig. 1 depicts the proposed best
  • 38. practice big data analytics architecture that is loosely comprised of fivemajor ar- chitectural layers: (1) data, (2) data aggregation, (3) analytics, (4) infor- mation exploration, and (5) data governance. These logical layers make up the big data analytics components that perform specific functions, and will therefore enable healthcare managers to understand how to transform the healthcare data from various sources into meaningful clinical information through big data implementations. 2.2.1. Data layer This layer includes all the data sources necessary to provide the insights required to support daily operations and solve business problems. Data is divided into structured data such as traditional electronic healthcare records (EHRs), semi-structured data such as the logs of health monitoring devices, and unstructured data such
  • 39. as clinical images. These clinical data are collected from various in- ternal or external locations, and will be stored immediately into ap- propriate databases, depending on the content format. 2.2.2. Data aggregation layer This layer is responsible for handling data from the various data sources. In this layer, data will be intelligently digested by performing three steps: data acquisition, transformation, and storage. The primary goal of data acquisition is to read data provided from various communi- cation channels, frequencies, sizes, and formats. This step is often a major obstacle in the early stages of implementing big data analytics, because these incoming data characteristics might vary considerably. Here, the cost may well exceed the budget available for establishing new data warehouses, and extending their capacity to avoid workload
  • 40. bottlenecks. During the transformation step, the transformation engine must be capable of moving, cleaning, splitting, translating, merging, sorting, and validating data. For example, structured data such as that typically contained in an eclectic medical record might be extracted from healthcare information systems and subsequently converted into a specific standard data format, sorted by the specified criterion (e.g., patient name, location, or medical history), and then the record Fig. 1. Big data analytics architecture in health care. 5Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 validated against data quality rules. Finally, the data are loaded into the target databases such as Hadoop distributed file systems (HDFS) or in a Hadoop cloud for further processing and analysis. The data
  • 41. storage prin- ciples are based on compliance regulations, data governance policies and access controls. Data storage methods can be implemented and completed in batch processes or in real time. 2.2.3. Analytics layer This layer is responsible for processing all kinds of data and performing appropriate analyses. In this layer, data analysis can be di- vided into threemajor components: HadoopMap/Reduce, stream com- puting, and in-database analytics, depending on the type of data and the purpose of the analysis. Mapreduce is the most commonly used pro- grammingmodel in big data analytics which provides the ability to pro- cess large volumes of data in batch form cost-effectively, as well as allowing the analysis of both unstructured and structured data in amas- sively parallel processing (MPP) environment. Stream computing can
  • 42. support high performance stream data processing in near real time or real time. With a real time analysis, users can track data in motion, re- spond to unexpected events as they happen and quickly determine next-best actions. For example, in the case of healthcare fraud detection, stream computing is an important analytical tool that assists in predicting the likelihood of illegal transactions or deliberate misuse of customer accounts. Transactions and accounts will be analyzed in real time and alarms generated immediately to prevent myriad frauds across healthcare sectors. In-database analytics refers to a data mining approach built on an analytic platform that allows data to be processed within the datawarehouse. This component provides high-speed paral- lel processing, scalability, and optimization features geared toward big data analytics, and offers a secure environment for confidential enter- prise information. However, the results provided from in-
  • 43. database ana- lytics are neither current nor real time and it is therefore likely to generate reports with a static prediction. Typically, this analytic compo- nent in healthcare organizations is useful for supporting preventative healthcare practice and improving pharmaceutical management. The analytics layer also provides exceptional support for evidence based medical practices by analyzing EHRs, patterns of care, care experience, and individual patients' habits and medical histories. 2.2.4. Information exploration layer This layer generates outputs such as various visualization reports, real-time informationmonitoring, andmeaningful business insights de- rived from the analytics layer to users in the organization. Similar to tra- ditional business intelligence platforms, reporting is a critical big data
  • 44. analytics feature that allows data to be visualized in a useful way to sup- port users' daily operations and help managers to make faster, better decisions. However, the most important output for health care may well be its real-timemonitoring of information such as alerts and proac- tive notifications, real time data navigation, and operational key perfor- mance indicators (KPIs). This information is analyzed from sources such as smart phones and personal medical devices and can be sent to inter- ested users or made available in the form of dashboards in real time for monitoring patients' health and preventing accidental medical events. 2.2.5. Data governance layer This layer is comprised of master data management (MDM), data life-cycle management, and data security and privacy management.
  • 45. This layer emphasizes the “how-to” as in how to harness data in the or- ganization. The first component of data governance, master data man- agement, is regarded as the processes, governance, policies, standards, and tools for managing data. Data is properly standardized, removed, and incorporated in order to create the immediacy, completeness, accu- racy, and availability of master data for supporting data analysis and de- cision making. The second component, data life-cycle management, is the process of managing business information throughout its lifecycle, from archiving data, through maintaining data warehouse, testing and delivering different application systems, to deleting and disposing of data. By managing data effectively over its lifetime, firms are better equipped to provide competitive offerings to meet market needs and support business goals with lower timeline overruns and cost.
  • 46. The third component, data security and privacy management, is the plat- form for providing enterprise-level data activities in terms of discovery, configuration assessment, monitoring, auditing, and protection (IBM, 6 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 2012). Due to the nature of complexity in data management, organiza- tions have to face ethical, legal, and regulatory challengeswith data gov- ernance (Phillips-Wren et al., 2015). Particularly in healthcare industry, it is essential to implement rigorous data rules and control mechanisms for highly sensitive clinical data to prevent security breaches and pro- tect patient privacy. By adopting suitable policies, standards, and com- pliance requirements to restrict users' permissions will ensure
  • 47. the new system satisfies healthcare regulations and creates a safe environ- ment for the proper use of patient information. 2.3. Big data analytics capability Several definitions for big data analytics capability have been de- veloped in the literature (see Table 1). In general, big data analytics capability refers to the ability to manage a huge volume of disparate data to allow users to implement data analysis and reaction (Hurwitz et al., 2013). Wixom et al. (2013) indicate that big data analytics ca- pability for maximizing enterprise business value should encompass speed to insight which is the ability to transform raw data into usable information and pervasive use which is the ability to use business analytics across the enterprise. With a lens of analytics adoption, LaLalle et al. (2011) categorize big data analytics capability
  • 48. into three levels: aspirational, experienced, and transformed. The former two levels of analytics capabilities focus on using business analytics technologies to achieve cost reduction and operation optimization. The last level of capability is aimed to drive customer profitability and making targeted investments in niche analytics. Moreover, with a view of adoption benefit, Simon (2013) defines big data analytics capability as the ability to gather enormous variety of data - structured, unstructured and semi-structured data - from current and former customers to gain useful knowledge to support bet- ter decision-making, to predict customer behavior via predictive analyt- ics software, and to retain valuable customers by providing real- time offers. Based on the resource-based view, Cosic et al. (2012) define big
  • 49. data analytics capability as “the ability to utilize resources to perform a business analytics task, based on the interaction between IT assets and other firm resources (p. 4)”. In this study, we define big data analytics capability through an in- formation lifecycle management (ILM) view. Storage Networking Industry Association (2009) describes ILM as “the policies, processes, practices, services and tools used to align the business value of informa- tion with the most appropriate and cost-effective infrastructure from the time when information is created through its final disposition (p. 2).” Generally, data regardless of its structure in a system has been followed this cycle, startingwith collection, through repository and pro- cess, and ending up with dissemination of data. The concept of ILM helps us to understand all the phases of information life cycle in
  • 50. busi- ness analytics architecture (Jagadish et al., 2014). Therefore, with a Table 1 The definition of big data analytics capability from prior research. Sources Viewpoints Definitions Cosic et al. (2012) Resource based view • The ability to ut Hurwitz et al. (2013) 3V of big data • The ability to m reaction LaLalle et al. (2011) Analytics adoption • Achieve cost red • Drive customer Simon (2013) Adoption benefit • The ability to ga customer servic Trkman et al. (2010) Business process • Analytics in plan • Analytics in sou • Analytics in mak • Analytics in deli
  • 51. Wixom et al. (2013) Business value • Speed to insight • Pervasive use view of ILM, we define big data analytics capability in the context of health care as the ability to acquire, store, process and analyze large amount of health data in various forms, and deliver meaningful information to users that allows them to discover business values and insights in a timely fashion. 2.4. Conceptualizing the potential benefit of big data analytics To capture the potential benefits from big data analytics, a multidi- mensional benefit framework (see Table 2), including IT infrastructure benefits, operational benefits, organizational benefits, managerial bene- fits, and strategic benefits (Shang and Seddon, 2002) was used to classi- fy the statements related to the benefits from the collected 26 big data
  • 52. cases in health care.We choose Shang & Seddon's framework to classify the potential benefits of big data analytics for three reasons. First, our exploratory work is to provide a specific set of benefit sub- dimensions in the big analytics context. This framework will help us to identify the benefits of big data analytics into proper categories. Second, this framework is designed for managers to assess the benefits of their com- panies' enterprise systems. It has been refined by many studies related to ERP systems and specific information system (IS) architectures (Esteves, 2009; Gefen and Ragowsky, 2005; Mueller et al., 2010). In this regard, this framework is suitable as a more generic and systemic model for categorizing the benefits of big data analytics system. Third, this framework also provides a clear guide for assessing and classifying benefits fromenterprise systems. This guide also suggests
  • 53. theways how to validate the IS benefit framework through implementation cases, which is helpful for our study. 3. Research methods To reach our goals of this study, we used a quantitative approach, more specifically, a multiple cases content analysis to gain understand- ing and categorization of big data analytics capabilities and potential benefits derived from its application. The cases collection, approach and procedures for analyzing the cases are described in the following subsections. 3.1. Cases collection Our cases were drawn from current and past big data projects mate- rial from multiple sources such as practical journals, print publications,
  • 54. case collections, and reports from companies, vendors, consultants or analysts. The absence of academic discussion in our case collection is due to the incipient nature of such in the field of healthcare. The follow- ing case selection criteria were applied: (1) the case presents an actual implementation of big data platforms or initiatives, and (2) it clearly ilize resources to perform a business analytics task anage a huge volume of disparate data to allow users to implement data analysis and uction and operation optimization profitability and making targeted investments in niche analytics ther enormous variety of data from customers to gain business insights to optimize e rce e ver
  • 55. Table 2 The overview of enterprise systems' multidimensional benefit framework. Benefit dimension Description Sub-dimensions IT infrastructure benefits Sharable and reusable IT resources that provide a foundation for present and future business applications • Building business flexibility for current and future changes • IT cost reduction • Increased IT infrastructure capability Operational benefits The benefits obtained from the improvement of operational activities • Cost reduction • Cycle time reduction • Productivity improvement • Quality improvement • Customer service improvement Managerial benefits The benefits obtained from business
  • 56. management activities which involve allocation and control of the firms' resources, monitoring of operations and supporting of business strategic decisions • Better resource management • Improved decision making and planning • Performance improvement Strategic benefits The benefits obtained from strategic activities which involve long-range planning regarding high-level decisions • Support for business growth • Support for business alliance • Building for business innovations • Building cost leadership • Generating product differentiation • Building external linkages Organizational benefits The benefits arise when the use of an enterprise system benefits an organization in terms of focus, cohesion, learning, and execution of its chosen strategies.
  • 57. • Changing work patterns • Facilitating organizational learning • Empowerment • Building common vision 7Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 describes the software they introduce and benefits obtaining from the implementation. We excluded reports from one particular vendor due to their connection to one of our experts whowere invited for the eval- uation. We were able to collect 26 big data cases specifically related to the healthcare industries. Of these cases, 14 (53.8%) were collected from the materials released by vendors or companies, 2 cases (7.7%) from journal databases, and 10 cases (38.4%) fromprint publications, in- cluding healthcare institute reports and case collections. Categorizing by region, 17 cases were collected from Northern America, 7 cases
  • 58. from Europe, and others from Asia-Pacific region. The cases we used are listed in Appendix A. 3.2. Research approach and process Weapplied content analysis to gain insights from the cases collected. Content analysis is a method for extracting various themes and topics from text, and it can be understood as, “an empirically grounded meth- od, exploratory in process, and predictive or inferential in intent.” Spe- cifically, this study followed inductive content analysis, because the knowledge about big data implementation in health care is fragmented (Raghupathi and Raghupathi, 2014). A three-phase research process for inductive content analysis (i.e., preparation, organizing, and reporting) suggested by Elo and Kyngäs (2008) was performed in order to ensure a better understanding of big data analytics capabilities and
  • 59. benefits in the healthcare context. The preparation phase starts with selecting the “themes” (informa- tive and persuasive nature of case material), which can be sentences, paragraphs, or a portion of a page (Elo and Kyngäs, 2008). For this study, themes from casematerials were captured by a senior consultant who has over 15 years working experience with a multinational tech- nology and consulting corporation headquartered in the United States, and currently is involved in several big data analytics projects. The senior consultant manually highlighted the textual contents that completely describe how a big data analytics solution and its function- alities create the big-data-enabled IT capabilities and potential benefits while reading through all 26 big data cases for a couple of times. Subse- quently, a total of 136 statements directly related to the IT
  • 60. capabilities and 179 statements related to the potential benefits were obtained and recorded in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The second phase is to organize the qualitative data emerged from phase one through open coding, creating categories and abstraction (Elo and Kyngäs, 2008). In the process of open coding, the 136 statements were analyzed by one of the authors, and then grouped into preliminary conceptual themes based on their similar- ities. The purpose is to reduce the number of categories by collapsing those that are similar into broader higher order generic categories (Burnard, 1991; Dey, 1993; Downe-Wamboldt, 1992). In order to in- crease the interrater reliability, the second author went through the same process independently. The two coders agreed on 84% of the categorization. Most discrepancies occurred between the two coders
  • 61. are on the categories of analytical capability. Disagreements were re- solved after discussions and reassessments of the case to eventually arrive at a consensus. After consolidating the coding results, the two coders named each generic category of big data analytics capabilities using content-characteristic words. 4. Results 4.1. Capability profile of big data analytics in healthcare Overall, the five generic categories of big data analytics capabilities we identified from 136 statements in our review of the cases are analyt- ical capability for patterns of care (coded as part of 43 statements), un- structured data analytical capability (32), decision support capability (23), predictive capability (21), and traceability (17). These are de- scribed in turn below.
  • 62. 4.1.1. Analytical capability for patterns of care Analytical capability refers to the analytical techniques typically used in a big data analytics system to process datawith an immense vol- ume (from terabytes to exabytes), variety (from text to graph) and ve- locity (from batch to streaming) via unique data storage, management, analysis, and visualization technologies (Chen et al., 2012; Simon, 2013). Analytical capabilities in healthcare can be used to identify pat- terns of care and discover associations frommassive healthcare records, thus providing a broader view for evidence-based clinical practice. Healthcare analytical systems provide solutions that fill a growing need and allow healthcare organizations to parallel process large data volumes, manipulate real-time, or near real time data, and capture all
  • 63. patients' visual data or medical records. In doing so, this analysis can identify previously unnoticed patterns in patients related to hospital readmissions and support a better balance between capacity and cost. 8 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 Interestingly, analyzing patient preference patterns also helps hospitals to recognize the utility of participating in future clinical trials and iden- tify new potential markets. 4.1.2. Unstructured data analytical capability An analytical process in a big data analytics system starts by acquir- ing data fromboth inside andoutside the healthcare sectors, storing it in distributed database systems, filtering it according to specific discovery criteria, and then analyzing it to integrate meaningful outcomes
  • 64. for the data warehouse, as shown in Fig. 2. After unstructured data has been gathered across multiple healthcare units, it is stored in a Hadoop dis- tributed file system andNoSQL database thatmaintain it until it is called up in response to users' requests. NoSQL databases support the storage of both unstructured and semi-structured data frommultiple sources in multiple formats in real time. The core of the analytic process is the MapReduce algorithms implemented by Apache Hadoop. MapReduce is a data analysis process that captures data from the database and pro- cesses it by executing “Map” and “Reduce” procedures, which break down large job objective into a set of discrete tasks, iteratively on com- puting nodes. After the data has been analyzed, the resultswill be stored in a data warehouse and made visually accessible for users to facilitate
  • 65. decision-making on appropriate actions. The main difference in analytical capability between big data an- alytics systems and traditional data management systems is that the former has a unique ability to analyze semi-structured or unstruc- tured data. Unstructured and semi-structured data in healthcare refer to information that can neither be stored in a traditional rela- tional database nor fit into predefined data models. Some examples are XML-based EHRs, clinical images, medical transcripts, and lab results. Most importantly, the ability to analyze unstructured data plays a pivotal role in the success of big data analytics in healthcare settings since 80% of health data is unstructured. According to a 2011 investigation by the TDWI research (Russom, 2011), the ben- efits of analyzing unstructured data capability are illustrated by the successful implementation of targeted marketing, providing revenue-generating insights and building customer
  • 66. segmentation. One of our cases, Leeds Teaching Hospitals in the UK analyze ap- proximately one million unstructured case files per month, and have identified 30 distinct scenarios where there is room for im- provement in either costs or operating procedures by taking advan- tage of natural language processing (NLP). This enables Leeds to improve efficiency and control costs through identifying costly healthcare services such as unnecessary extra diagnostic tests and treatments. Fig. 2. The process of analyzing unstructu 4.1.3. Decision support capability Decision support capability emphasizes the ability to produce re- ports about daily healthcare services to aid managers' decisions and actions. In general, this capability yields sharable information and knowledge such as historical reporting, executive summaries, drill- down queries, statistical analyses, and time series comparisons.
  • 67. Such information can be utilized to provide a comprehensive view to support the implementation of evidence-based medicine, to de- tect advanced warnings for disease surveillance, and to develop per- sonalized patient care. Some information is deployed in real time (e.g., medical devices' dashboard metrics) while other information (e.g., daily reports) will be presented in summary form. The reports generated by the big data analytics systems are distinct from transitional IT systems, showing that it is often helpful to assess past and current operation environment across all organizational levels. The reports are createdwith a systemic and comprehensive perspective and the results evaluated in the proper context to enable managers to recognize feasible opportunities for improvement, particularly regard- ing long-term strategic decisions. From our case analysis, we
  • 68. found that Premier Healthcare Alliance collects data from different depart- mental systems and sends it to a central data warehouse. After near- real-time data processing, the reports generated are then used to help users recognize emerging healthcare issues such as patient safety and appropriate medication use. 4.1.4. Predictive capability Predictive capability is the ability to build and assess a model aimed at generating accurate predictions of new observations, where new can be interpreted temporally and or cross-sectionally (Shmueli and Koppius, 2011).Wessler (2013) defines predictive capability as the pro- cess of using a set of sophisticated statistical tools to develop models and estimations of what the environment will do in the future. By defi- nition, predictive capability emphasizes the prediction of future
  • 69. trends and exploration of new insights through extraction of information from large data sets. To create predictive capability, organizations have to rely on a predictive analytics platform that incorporate data warehouses, predictive analytics algorithms (e.g., regression analysis, machine learning, and neural networks), and reporting dashboards that provide optimal decisions to users. This platformmakes it possible to cross reference current and historical data to generate context-aware recommendations that enable managers to make predictions about fu- ture events and trends. In healthcare, predictive analytics has been widely utilized to reduce the degree of uncertainty such as mitigating preventable readmissions, enablingmanagers tomake better decisions faster and hence supporting
  • 70. red data in health care organizations. 9Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 preventive care (Bardhan et al., 2014; Simon, 2013). From our case anal- ysis, we found that Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance ana- lyzes data from medical sensors to predict patients' movements and monitor patients' actions throughout their hospital stay. In doing so, Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital Alliance is able to leverage re- ports, alerting, key performance indicators (KPIs), and interactive visual- izations created by predictive analytics to provide needed services more efficiently, optimize existing operations, and improve the prevention of medical risk. Moreover, predictive analytics allows healthcare organizations
  • 71. to assess their current service situations to help them disentangle the complex structure of clinical costs, identify best clinical practices, and gain a broad understanding of future healthcare trends based on an in-depth knowledge of patients' lifestyles, habits, disease management and surveillance (Groves et al., 2013). For instance, I + Plus, an advanced analytical solution with three-level analysis (i.e., claims, aggregated, and admission) used in an Australian healthcare organiza- tion, provides claim-based intelligence to facilitate customers claim governance, balance cost and quality, and evaluate payment models (Srinivasan and Arunasalam, 2013). Specifically, through these predic- tive analytical patterns managers can review a summary of cost and profit related to each healthcare service, identify any claim anomalies based on comparisons between current and historical indicators,
  • 72. and thus make proactive (not reactive) decisions by utilizing productive models. 4.1.5. Traceability Traceability is the ability to track output data from all the system's IT components throughout the organization's service units. Healthcare- related data such as activity and cost data, clinical data, pharmaceutical R&D data, patient behavior and sentiment data are commonly collected in real time or near real time from payers, healthcare services, pharma- ceutical companies, consumers and stakeholders outside healthcare (Groves et al., 2013). Traditional methods for harnessing these data are insufficient when faced with the volumes experienced in this con- text, which results in unnecessary redundancy in data transformation
  • 73. and movement, and a high rate of inconsistent data. Using big data an- alytics algorithms, on the other hand, enables authorized users to gain access to large national or local data pools and capture patient records simultaneously from different healthcare systems or devices. This not Table 3 Breaking down the potential benefits driven by big data analytics in health care. Potential benefits of big data analytics Elements IT infrastructure benefits Reduce system redundancy Avoid unnecessary IT costs Transfer data quickly among healthcare IT syst Better use of healthcare systems Process standardization among various healthc Reduce IT maintenance costs regarding data st Operational benefits Improve the quality and accuracy of clinical de Process a large number of health records in sec Reduce the time of patient travel
  • 74. Immediate access to clinical data to analyze Shorten the time of diagnostic test Reductions in surgery-related hospitalizations Explore inconceivable new research avenues Organizational benefits Detect interoperability problems much more q Improve cross-functional communication and c and IT staffs Enable to share data with other institutions an Managerial benefits Gain insights quickly about changing healthcar Provide members of the board and heads of de clinical setting Optimization of business growth-related decisi Strategic benefits Provide a big picture view of treatment deliver Create high competitive healthcare services Total only reduces conflicts between different healthcare sectors, but also de- creases the difficulties in linking the data to healthcare
  • 75. workflow for process optimization. The primary goal of traceability is to make data consistent, visible and easily accessible for analysis. Traceability in healthcare facilitates monitoring the relation between patients' needs and possible solutions through tracking all the datasets provided by the various healthcare ser- vices or devices. For example, the use of remote patient monitoring and sensing technologies has become more widespread for personalized care and home care in U.S. hospitals. Big data analytics, with its trace- ability, can track information that is created by the devices in real time, such as the use of Telehealth Response Watch in home care ser- vices. This makes it possible to gather location, event and physiological information, including time stamps, from each patient wearing the de-
  • 76. vice. This information is immediately deposited into appropriate data- bases (e.g., NoSQL and the Hadoop distributed file system), for review by medical staff when needed with excellent suitability and scalability. Similarly, incorporating information from radio frequency identification devices (RFID) into big data analytics systems enables hospitals to take prompt action to improve medical supply utilization rates and reduce delays in patient flow. From our case analysis, we found that Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) provides a typical example of the use of in-depth traceability in large longitudinal healthcare databases to identify drug risk. By integrating big-data algorithms into the legacy IT systems,medical staff can automaticallymonitor drug safety by tracking warning signals triggered by alarm systems. In the next subsection, we will describe the results of our
  • 77. second re- search objective, which are the benefits healthcare organizations could drive from big data analytics. 4.2. Potential benefits of big data analytics Our results from content analysis reveal that the big data analytics derived benefits can be classified into five categories: IT infrastructure benefits, operational benefits, organizational benefits, managerial bene- fits, and strategic benefits, as summarized in Table 3. The twomost com- pelling benefits of big data analytics are IT infrastructure (coded as part of 79 statements) and Operational benefits (73). The results also show that reduce system redundancy (19), avoid unnecessary IT costs (17), and transfer data quickly among healthcare IT systems (17) are the Frequency
  • 78. 19 79 17 ems 17 13 are IT systems 9 orage 4 cisions 21 73 onds 16 15 8 8 3 2 uickly than traditional manual methods 8 13 ollaboration among administrative staffs, researchers, clinicians 3 d add new services, content sources and research partners 2 e trends in the market 5 9 partment with sound decision-support information on the daily 2
  • 79. ons 2 y for meeting future need 3 5 2 179 10 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 elements most mentioned in the category of IT infrastructure benefit; improve the quality and accuracy of clinical decisions (21), process a large number of health records in seconds (16), and reduce the time of pa- tient travel (15) are the elements with high frequency in the category of operational benefits. This implies that big data analytics has a twofold potential as it implements in an organization. It not only improves IT ef- fectiveness and efficiency, but also supports the optimization of clinical operations. In addition, our results also indicate that big data
  • 80. analytics is still at an early stage of development in healthcare due to the limited benefits of big data analytics at the organizational, managerial, and stra- tegic levels. 5. The strategies for success with big data analytics To create a data-driven organization, practitioners have to identify the strategic and business value of big data analytics, rather thanmerely concentrating on a technological understanding of its implementation (Wang et al., 2014). However, evidence from a survey of 400 companies around the world shows that 77% of companies surveyed do not have clear strategies for using big data analytics effectively (Wegener and Sinha, 2013). These companies failed to describe how big data analytics will shape their business performance and transform their business
  • 81. models. Especially for healthcare industries, healthcare transformation through implementing big data analytics is still in the very early stages. Attention is sorely needed for research to formulate appropriate strate- gies that will enable healthcare organizations to move forward to lever- age big data analytics most efficiently and effectively. Thus, we recommend the following five strategies for being successful with big data analytics in healthcare settings. 5.1. Implementing (big) data governance Data governance is an extension of IT governance that focuses on leveraging enterprise-wide data resources to create business value. In- deed, big data analytics is a double-edged sword for IT investment, po- tentially incurring huge financial burden for healthcare organizations with poor governance. On the other hand, with appropriate data gover-
  • 82. nance, big data analytics has the potential to equip organizations to har- ness themountains of heterogeneous data, information, and knowledge from a complex array of internal applications (e.g., inpatient and ambu- latory EHRs) and healthcare networks' applications (e.g., laboratory and pharmacy information systems). Success in data governance requires a series of organizational changes in business processes since all the data has to be well understood, trusted, accessible, and secure in a data- driven setting. Thus, several issues should be taken into consideration when developing data governance for a healthcare organization. The first step is to formulate the missions of data governance, with clearly focused goals, execution procedures, governance metrics, and performancemeasures. In other words, a strong data governance proto- col should be defined to provide clear guidelines for data
  • 83. availability, criticality, authenticity, sharing, and retention that enable healthcare or- ganizations to harness data effectively from the time it is acquired, stored, analyzed, and finally used. This allows healthcare organizations to ensure the appropriate use of big data and build sustainable compet- itive advantages. Second, healthcare organizations should review the data they gather within all their units and realize their value. Once the value of these data has been defined, managers can make decisions on which datasets to be incorporated in their big data analytics framework, thereby minimizing cost and complexity. Finally, information integra- tion is the key to success in big data analytics implementation, because the challenges involved in integrating information across systems and data sources within the enterprise remain problematic in many in-
  • 84. stances. In particular, most healthcare organizations encounter difficul- ties in integrating data from legacy systems into big data analytics frameworks. Managers need to develop robust data governance before introducing big data analytics in their organization. To create a strong data governance environment, The University of Kansas Hospital has established a data governance committee for man- aging the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the organization's data. This committee has three different groupswith spe- cific responsibilities. The data governance executive group is responsi- ble of overseeing vision and strategy for improvement data quality, while the data advisory group establishes procedures and execution plans to address data quality issues, work priorities and the creation of working groups. The data governance support group is composed of technology, process improvement and clinical experts that
  • 85. provide sup- port to the former two groups. With respective to the best practices of data governance, this committee provides users a secure commitment from senior leaders, implements data sharing processes and technolo- gies that users could rely on for quality data pulled from disparate sources and systems, and identifies a data gap and a disruption in reporting key organizational metrics. With the strong data governance in big data analytics platforms, The University of Kansas Hospital has achieved more than 70 standardized enterprise data definition ap- provals in the first year and created a multi-year business intelligence/ data governance roadmap. 5.2. Developing an information sharing culture A prerequisite for implementing big data analytics successfully is
  • 86. that the target healthcare organizations foster information sharing cul- ture. This is critical for reducing any resistance to new informationman- agement systems from physicians and nurses. Without an information sharing culture, data collection and delivery will be limited, with conse- quent adverse impacts on the effectiveness of the big data analytical and predictive capabilities. To address this issue, healthcare organizations should engage data providers from the earliest stage of the big data transition process and develop policies that encourage and reward them for collecting data and meeting standards for data delivery. This will significantly improve the quality of data and the accuracy of analy- sis and prediction. 5.3. Training key personnel to use big data analytics The key to utilize the outputs from big data analytics effectively
  • 87. is to equip managers and employees with relevant professional com- petencies, such as critical thinking and the skills of making an appro- priate interpretation of the results. Because incorrect interpretation of the reports generated could lead to serious errors of judgment and questionable decisions. Therefore, it is important that healthcare organizations provide analytical training courses in areas such as basic statistics, data mining and business intelligence to those employees who will play a critical support role in the new information-rich work environment. According to a recent survey by the American Manage- ment Association (2013), mentoring, cross-functional team- based training and self-study are beneficial training approaches to help em- ployees develop the big data analytical skills theywill need. Alternative- ly, healthcare organizations can adjust their job selection
  • 88. criteria to recruit prospective employees who already have the necessary analyti- cal skills. 5.4. Incorporating cloud computing into the organization's big data analytics Most hospitals are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and often struggle with cost and data storage issues. Due to the rapid changes of technology, big data, and the general increase in data-intensive operations, healthcare organizations are facing some challenges: storage, analysis, and bottom line. The needs to store dif- ferent formats of data and access to them for decision making have pushed healthcare organizations seeking better solutions other than traditional storage servers and processes. A typical model for
  • 89. 11Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 the storage of big data is clustered network-attached storage (NAS), which is a costly distributed file system for SMEs. A usage- based charging model such as cloud computing services is an attractive al- ternative. Cloud computing is a network-based infrastructure capa- ble of storing large scale of data in virtualized spaces and performing complex computing near real time. The combination of lower cost and powerful and timely processing and analyzing make cloud computing an ideal option for healthcare SMEs to fully take ad- vantage of big data analytics. However, storing healthcare data in a public cloud raises two major concerns: security and patient privacy (Sahoo et al., 2014). Although the public cloud is a significant cost savings option, it also presents higher
  • 90. security risk and may lead to the loss of control of patient privacy since the access to data is managed by a third party vendor. A private cloud, on the other hand, provides a more secure environment and keeps the critical data in-house, but increases the budget for big data an- alytics projects. Healthcaremanagersmust strike a balance between the cost-effectiveness of the different cloud choices and patient information protection when adopting big data analytics. 5.5. Generating new business ideas from big data analytics New idea generation is not only necessary for organizational innova- tion, but also can lead to changes in business operations that will in- crease productivity and build competitive advantages. This could be achieved through the use of powerful big data predictive analytics tools. These tools can provide detailed reporting and identify
  • 91. market trends that allow companies to accelerate new business ideas and gen- erate creative thinking. In addition to using big data analytics to answer knownquestions,managers should encourage users to leverage outputs such as reports, alerting, KPIs, and interactive visualizations, to discover new ideas and market opportunities, and assess the feasibility of ideas (Kwon et al., 2015). 6. Limitation, future research and conclusion Through analyzing big data cases, our research has provided a better understanding how healthcare organizations can leverage big data ana- lytics as ameans of transforming IT to gain business value. However, like any other study, ours has limitations. The primary limitation of this study is the data source. One challenge in the health care industry is
  • 92. that its IT adoption usually lags behind other industries, which is one of the main reasons that cases are hard to find. Although efforts were made tofind cases fromdifferent sources, themajority of the cases iden- tified for this study came from vendors. There is therefore a potential bias, as vendors usually only publicize their “success” stories. Further Case Case name Country 1 Wissenschaftliches Institut der AOK (WIdO) Germany 2 Brigham and Women's Hospital United States 3 The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (NOKC) Norway 4 Memorial Healthcare System United States 5 University of Ontario Institute of Technology Canada 6 Premier healthcare alliance United States 7 Bangkok Hospital Thailand 8 Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute Italy 9 Universitätsklinikum Erlangen Germany 10 Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (INT) Italy 11 Fraunhofer FOKUS Germany 12 Leeds Teaching Hospitals UK
  • 93. 13 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center United States 14 Atlantic Health System United States 15 Private health institution in Australia Australia 16 University Hospitals Case Medical Center United States Appendix A. Case List and better discovery could be done through collecting and analyzing primary data. Given the growing number of healthcare organizations adopting big data analytics, the sample frame for collecting primary data becomes larger. Examining the impact of big data analytics capabil- ities on healthcare organization performance with quantitative analysis method based on primary data could shed different lights. In addition to requiring empirical analysis of big data analytics en- abled transformation, our study also expose the needs formore scientif- ic and quantitative studies, focusing on some of the business analytics capability elements we identified. This especially applies to
  • 94. analytical and decision support capabilities, which are cited frequently in the big data cases. With a growing amount of diverse and unstructured data, there is an urgent need for advanced analytic techniques, such as deep machine learning algorithm that allows computers to detect items of in- terest in large quantities of unstructured data, and to deduce relation- ships without needing specific models or programming instructions. We thus expect future scientific studies to take developing efficient un- structured data analytical algorithms and applications as primary tech- nological developments. Finally, the foundation to generate any IT business value is the link among the three core dimensions: process, IT, and people (Melville et al., 2004). However, this study merely focuses on the IT angle, ignor-
  • 95. ing the people side of this capability as the cases barely highlight the im- portance of analytical personnel. Indeed, analytical personnel who have an analytic mindset play a critical role in helping drive business value from big data analytics (Davenport et al., 2010).We thus expect that fu- ture research should take analytical personnel into consideration in the big data analytics framework. In conclusion, the cases demonstrate that big data analytics could be an effective IT artifact to potentially create IT capabilities and business benefits. Through analyzing these cases,we sought to understand better howhealthcare organizations can leverage big data analytics as ameans to create business value for health care.Wealso identifiedfive strategies that healthcare organizations could use to implement their big data an- alytics initiatives.
  • 96. Acknowledgement An earlier version was presented at HICSS (Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences) 2015. We would like to thank the ses- sion chair and reviewers from HICSS, and TFSC reviewers for their in- sightful comments and suggestions to improve this manuscript. In addition, we would like to thank Dr. Ting from IBM for providing his knowledge and practical experience in assisting the formulating of the big data analytics architecture model. Sources Released by vendors or companies IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM IBM
  • 97. IBM IBM IBM Intel/Microsoft Microsoft EMC2/Intel Practical journals IT Professional Journal of the American Medical Informatics (continued on next page) (continued) Case Case name Country Sources Association 17 Texas Health Harris Methodist Hospital United States Print publications Medcitynews/Modern 18 Mount Sinai Medical Center United States MIT Technology Review/Science Translational Medicine
  • 98. 19 Indiana University Health United States Health Catalyst 20 Mission Health United States 21 MultiCare Health System United States 22 North Memorial Health Care United States 23 OSF HealthCare United States 24 Partners HealthCare United States 25 The University of Kansas Hospital United States 26 Texas Children's Hospital United States Appendix A (continued) 12 Y. Wang et al. / Technological Forecasting & Social Change 126 (2018) 3–13 References Agarwal, R., Gao, G., DesRoches, C., Jha, A.K., 2010. Research commentary — the digital transformation of healthcare: current status and the road ahead. Inf. Syst. Res. 21 (4), 796–809. American Management Association (AMA), 2013. Conquering Big Data: Building Analyt- ical Skills in Your Organization. American Management Association Press.
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