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Zest	to	eCommerce	
Продажа	IT-услуг	в	USA	и	UK:	минимизация	рисков	
Rendering		IT	services	to	the	US	and	the	UK:	hedging	risks	
Conformato	2016,	
Профиль	компании	
	Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Влияние	юрисдикции	на	договор	
	Риски	и	примеры	решений	
	Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Профиль	компании	
	Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Влияние	юрисдикции	на	договор	
	Риски	и	примеры	решений	
	Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Факторы	выбора	юрисдикции	
•  Маркетинговые	
•  Правовые	
•  Финансовые	и	налоговые
Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Маркетинговые	факторы	
•  Ценовая	политика	
•  Представительские	
•  Репутационные		
Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Правовые	факторы	
•  Одно	правовое	поле	
•  Удобство	управления	
•  Выбор	степени	прозрачности	
•  Готовность	законодательной	базы
Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Финансовые	и	налоговые	факторы	
•  Управление	транзакциями	
•  Валютный	контроль	
•  Платежные	ограничения	
•  Ставки	налогообложения
Выбор	юрисдикции	
•  Реальные	товары	или	услуги	
•  Двойной	ирландский	виски	(12,5)?	
•  Голландский	сэндвич?	
•  Австрийский	холдинг	(25-2)?	
•  Красное	и	черное:	Кипр?	FATF	2012	
•  США:		
Порог	выбора	
•  30	000USD	
•  Большинство	контрагентов	
•  Инвестиции	в	стартап	
•  Защита	существующих	активов
IT	в	США:	Делавэр	
•  Гибкость	законодательства.	90USD	
•  Суд:	арбитры	или	суд	без	присяжных	
•  Фед.	налог:	с	чистой	прибыли	
•  Налог	штата:	8,7%	
•  Налог	на	прибыль	нерезидента:	0%	
•  Резиденты	не	нужны	
•  Не	нужен	счет	в	местном	банке	
•  Необходимы	данные	об	агенте	
•  Лучше	защита	владельцев
IT	в	США:	Невада	
•  Business	License,	425USD,	список	
•  Суд:	арбитры,	суд	присяжных/без	
•  Фед.	налог:	с	чистой	прибыли	
•  Налог	штата:	0%	
•  Налог	на	прибыль	нерезидента:	0%	
•  Резиденты	не	нужны	
•  Лучше	защита	управленцев 	 		
Профиль	компании	
	Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Влияние	юрисдикции	на	договор	
	Риски	и	примеры	решений	
	Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Влияние	юрисдикции	на	договор	
•  Тип	взаимоотношений:	услуги		
•  Разрешение	споров	
•  Ответственность	сторон	
•  Non-solicita•on	
•  Интеллектуальная	собственность	и	
•  USA:	hhps://		
•  UK:	hhps://		
•  hhps://
•  hhps://
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Сервисные	договора	на	аутсорсинг:	
•  Тип	взаимодействия:	FB,	T&M,	SA	
•  Время	ответа	клиента	
•  Срок	действия	договора	FB	и	T&M	
•  Разрешение	споров	
•  Транзакционные	издержки	
•  Переманивание	сотрудников	сторон	
•  Интеллектуальная	собственность
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Тип	взаимоотношений:	услуги	
It	is	the	express	inten•on	of	the	Company	and	Consultant	that	Consultant	
performs	the	Services	as	an	independent	contractor	to	the	Company.	
Nothing	in	this	Agreement	shall	in	any	way	be	construed	to	cons•tute	
Consultant	as	an	agent,	employee	or	representa•ve	of	the	Company.	
Without	limi•ng	the	generality	of	the	foregoing,	Consultant	is	not	authorized	
to	bind	the	Company	to	any	liability	or	obliga•on	or	to	represent	that	
Consultant	has	any	such	authority.	Consultant	agrees	to	furnish	(or	
reimburse	the	Company	for)	all	tools	and	materials	necessary	to	accomplish	
this	Agreement	and	shall	incur	all	expenses	associated	with	performance,	
except	as	expressly	provided	in	<#ServiceDescripnonTerms>.	Consultant	
acknowledges	and	agrees	that	Consultant	is	obligated	to	report	as	income	all	
compensa•on	received	by	Consultant	pursuant	to	this	Agreement.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Fixed	Budget:	Консультант	
1)  Оценка	и	сроки:	согласование	с	
производством,	закладка	BA	+	PM	в	
рейт	и	сроки.	ROI	и	гибкость.	MVP	
2)  FB	на	функционал	системы,	
поспринтовая	оплата	без	конечных	
3)  	Процедура	принятия	изменений	
4)  Смещение	сроков
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Fixed	Budget:	SoW,	Sprints	
Development	services	according	to	<#SoW>	to	this	Agreement	are	es•mated	
and	agreed	in	the	following	amount:		
•  XXXXX	hours	of	back-end	development	services,		
•  YYYYY	hours	of	front-end	development	services,		
•  ZZZZZ	hours	of	Quality	Assurance	services,		
•  QQQQ	hours	of	Project	Management	services,		
Which	is	VVVV	hours	of	development	services	in	general	for	implementa•on	
of	the	full	list	of	requirements	iden•fied,	es•mated	and	agreed	in	<#SoW>	
to	this	Agreement.	The	whole	amount	of	services	is	distributed	into	monthly	
sprints	with	appropriate	fees	for	each	month	of	services	according	to	
<#Schedule>	to	this	Agreement.	This	amount	of	services	includes	
deployment	of	the	completed	work	to	the	Company	server	aser	the	Final	
Payment	according	to	<#PaymentTerms>	to	this	<#Service	Terms	
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Fixed	Budget:	SoW,	Sprints	
1)  Total	budget	under	the	Scope	of	Work	outlined	as	the	list	of	
requirements	in	Exhibit	B	to	this	Agreement	is	USDXXXX(#in	words	US	
Dollars	only),	includes	the	works	under	<Clause#Service	Descrip•on>	of	
this	<#ServiceTerms	Descrip•on>.	This	amount	can	only	be	changed	in	
case	the	Par•es	follow	provisions	of	<#Service	Descrip•on>	to	this	
2)  Payment	Schedule:	
•  Advance	Payment:	
•  Sprint	1	Payment:	on	the	basis	of	the	invoice	for	Sprint	1	services	
rendered	according	<#Service	Schedule>	
•  Sprint	…	Payment:	
•  Final	Payment:	on	the	basis	of	the	invoice	for	<#FinalSprint>	services	
rendered	on	the	basis	of	<#ServiceSchedule>	
•  Extra	Service	Payment:	on	the	basis	of	<#ExtraServiceTerms>	to	this	
<#Service	TermsDescrip•on>
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Fixed	Budget:	Change	Requirement	
1)  It	is	Consultant’s	responsibility	to	inform	the	Company	
about	a	fact	that	any	given	by	the	laher	comment,	feedback	
statement	or	any	other	informa•on	provided	during	the	
process	of	service	rendering	has	impact	on	the	scope	of	the	
project	by	increasing	or	decreasing	the	amount	of	services	
and	also	inform	the	Company	about	addi•onal	work	that	
has	to	be	delivered.		
2)  It	is	Company’s	responsibility	to	either	approve	or	decline	
extras	associated	with	change	request	requirements	within	
24	hours	upon	acknowledging	receipt	from	the	Consultant.	
3)  	It	is	the	Consultant’s	right	to	decide	when	and	if	to	start	
work	on	change	request	requirements	aser	the	Company	
approved	of	them
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Fixed	Budget:	Shiwing	terms	
1)  Penal•es.	The	penalty	for	not	providing	a	feedback	longer	than	3	
business	days	upon	request	from	counter	party	is	$500/day.		
2)  All	graphic,	text	and	media	content,	as	well	as	template	for	design	
customiza•on	is	provided	by	the	Company	or	bought	by	the	Consultant	
on	behalf	of	the	Company	before	the	development	under	Clause	<#>	
starts.	The	Consultant’s	costs	on	purchase	of	such	pre-approved	by	the	
Company	content	are	subject	to	reimbursement	by	the	Company.	
Access	to	hos•ng	and	domain	creden•als	are	supplied	by	the	Company	
to	the	Consultant	upon	acceptance	of	works	on	the	Consultant’s	
development	server	for	the	Consultant	to	deploy	the	results	of	work	to	
the	live	server	with	live	domain	name.	
3)  The	Consultant	is	not	liable	for	any	works	behind	the	schedule	in	case	
this	situa•on	is	caused	by	not	providing	the	materials	and	creden•als	
under	provisions	of	this	<#>.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Time&Material:	Компания	
1)  ROI:	приоритеты	функционала	
2)  Ограничение	ресурсов	в	месяц	
•  Бюджетирование	проекта	
•  Планирование	загрузки	
3)				Dedicated	и	SA
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Time&Material:	Ограничения	
1)  The	 resources	 men•oned	 in	 <#LimitVolumeLimitRate>	 of	 this	
<#ServiceTermsDescrip•on>	 to	 the	 Agreement	 are	 reserved	 to	 the	
Company	 on	 a	 task	 list	 basis	 to	 render	 the	 Services	 described	 in	
<#ServiceDescrip•on>	 of	 this	 <#ServiceTermsDescrip•on>	 to	 the	
Agreement	to	the	moment	of	termina•on	of	this	Agreement	by	one	
of	the	Par•es	according	to	<#Termina•onTerms>	of	this	Agreement.		
2)  Ограничение	ответственности	исполнителей:	
Project	 manager	 -	 is	 responsible	 for	 <organiza•on	 of	 the	 team,	 tasks	
management,	and	communica•ons>	-	at	the	rate	<#RateUSD>	
3)	Ограничения	планирования	и	бюджетирования:	
•  In	case	the	Company	requests	more	than	XXX	hours	of	services	a	month,	
the	rates	men•oned	in	<#RateDescrip•on>.	remain	the	same,	except	for	
changes	below		
•  In	case	the	Company	requests	less	than	YYY	hours	of	services	a	month,	
the	rates	men•oned	in	<#RateDescrip•on>	remain	the	same,	except	for	
changes	below.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
•  Срок	действия	договора	FB	и	T&M	
A.	Term.	The	term	of	this	Agreement	will	begin	on	the	
Effec•ve	Date	of	this	Agreement	and	will	con•nue	
un•l	the	earlier	of	(i)final	comple•on	of	the	Services	or	
(ii)	termina•on	as	provided	in	Sec•on	B.		
B.	Termina*on.	Either	party	may	terminate	this	
Agreement	upon	giving	Consultant	fourteen	(14)	days	
prior	wrihen	no•ce	of	such	termina•on	pursuant	to	
Sec•on	13.H	of	this	Agreement.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Ответственность	сторон	
	Consultant	agrees	to	indemnify	and	hold	harmless	Company	of	and	from	
any	and	all	claims,	demands,	losses,	causes	of	ac•on,	damage,	lawsuits,	
judgments,	including	ahorneys'	fees	and	costs,	to	the	extent	caused	by	or	
arising	out	of	or	rela•ng	to	the	work	of	Contractor.	In	no	event	shall	the	
maximum	liability	hereunder	exceed	the	sum	of	$1000.	
Company	agrees	to	indemnify	and	hold	harmless	Consultant	of	this	
agreement	termina•on	rules	breach.	In	no	event	shall	the	maximum	liability	
hereunder	exceed	the	sum	of	$1000.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Разрешение	споров	
	In	considera•on	of	Consultant’s	consul•ng	rela•onship	with	Company,	its	
promise	to	arbitrate	all	disputes	related	to	Consultant’s	consul•ng	
rela•onship	with	the	Company	and	Consultant’s	receipt	of	the	
compensa•on	and	other	benefits	paid	to	Consultant	by	Company,	at	present	
and	in	the	future,	Consultant	agrees	that	any	and	all	controversies,	claims,	or	
disputes	with	anyone	(including	Company	and	any	employee,	officer,	
director,	shareholder	or	benefit	plan	of	the	Company	in	their	capacity	as	
CLASS	BASIS,	arising	out	of,	rela•ng	to,	or	resul•ng	from	Consultant’s	
consul•ng	rela•onship	with	the	Company	or	the	termina•on	of	Consultant’s	
consul•ng	rela•onship	with	the	Company,	including	any	breach	of	this	
Agreement,	shall	be	subject	to	binding	arbitra•on	under	the	Arbitra•on	
Rules.	Consultant	further	understands	that	this	Agreement	to	arbitrate	also	
applies	to	any	disputes	that	the	Company	may	have	with	Consultant	.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Транзакционные	издержки	
Payoneer:	лимиты	по	срокам	и	объемам	
Wire	transfer:	+	время	+	деньги		+	учет	прибыли	для	налогообложения	
ACH	(US):	-	время	-	деньги	
2Сheckout:	деньги	+	wire	transfer	
PayPal:	деньги	+	wire	transfer	
BTC:	???	+	wire	transfer
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Переманивание	сотрудников	сторон	
To	the	fullest	extent	permihed	under	applicable	law,	from	the	date	of	this	
Agreement	un•l	twelve	(12)	months	aser	the	termina•on	of	this	Agreement	
for	 any	 reason	 (the	 “Restricted	 Period”),	 Company	 will	 not,	 without	 the	
Consultant’s	 prior	 wrihen	 consent,	 directly	 or	 indirectly,	 solicit	 any	 of	 the	
Consultant’s	 employees	 to	 leave	 their	 employment,	 or	 ahempt	 to	 solicit	
employees	of	the	Consultant,	either	for	Company	or	for	any	other	person	or	
en•ty.	 	Company	agrees	that	nothing	in	this	Sec•on	<Sec•on#>	shall	affect	
Consultant’s	con•nuing	obliga•ons	under	this	Agreement	during	and	aser	
this	 twelve	 (12)	 month	 period,	 including,	 without	 limita•on,	 Consultant’s	
obliga•ons	under	Sec•on	<#ServiceDescrip•on>.	
Consultant	will	not,	without	the	Company's	prior	wrihen	consent,	directly	or	
indirectly,	 solicit	 any	 of	 the	 Company's	 compe•tors,	 either	 for	 the	
Consultant	or	for	any	other	person	or	en•ty.
Риски	и	примеры	решений	
Интеллектуальная	собственность	
"Open-Source	 Sowware"	 means	 any	 sosware	 programs	 (or	 source	 code)	
included	in	the	Sosware,	that	are	licensed	under	<Descrip•on>	License	(i.e.,	
MIT	hhp://	
Assignment	of	Invennons.	Consultant	agrees	that	all	right,	•tle,	and	interest	
in	 and	 to	 any	 copyrightable	 material,	 notes,	 records,	 drawings,	 designs,	
inven•ons,	 improvements,	 developments,	 discoveries	 and	 trade	 secrets	
conceived,	 discovered,	 authored,	 invented,	 developed	 or	 reduced	 to	
prac•ce	 by	 Consultant,	 solely	 or	 in	 collabora•on	 with	 others,	 during	 the	
term	of	this	Agreement	and	arising	out	of,	or	in	connec•on	with,	performing	
the	 Services	 under	 this	 Agreement	 and	 any	 copyrights,	 patents,	 trade	
secrets,	mask	work	rights	or	other	intellectual	property	rights	rela•ng	to	the	
foregoing	(collec•vely,	“Inven*ons”),	are	the	sole	property	of	the	Company.
Профиль	компании	
	Выбор	юрисдикции	
	Влияние	юрисдикции	на	договор	
	Риски	и	примеры	решений	
	Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Интеллектуальная	собственность	
Исходный	код	
Ответственность	персонала	
Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Интеллектуальная	собственность	
The	Intellectual	Property	Rights	in	the	Sosware,	the	Documenta•on	and	the	
Tools	shall,	at	the	Commencement	Date	or	(if	later)	on	crea•on	of	the	rights,	
vest	in	the	UK.	Developer	assigns	to	the	Company	(by	way	of	present	and,	
where	appropriate,	future	assignment)	all	of	its	right,	•tle	and	interest	in	and	to	
the	following	rights	throughout	the	world	(the	"Rights"):	
•  any	and	all	Intellectual	Property	Rights	in	the	Sosware	and	
•  all	rights	in	and	to	the	Confiden•al	Informa•on	in	the	Sosware	and	
Documenta•on	and	the	full	unfehered	and	exclusive	right	throughout	
the	world	to	use	the	Confiden•al	Informa•on	in	the	Sosware	and	
Documenta•on	for	any	purpose	whatsoever;	and	
•  all	related	rights	and	powers	arising	or	accrued,	including	the	right	to	
bring,	make,	oppose,	defend,	appeal	and	obtain	relief	(and	to	retain	any	
damages	recovered)	in	respect	of	any	infringement,	or	any	other	cause	
of	ac•on	arising	from	ownership,	of	any	of	the	Rights.
Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Исходный	код	
Immediately	aser	the	Acceptance	Date	and	complete	payment	for	
development	of	the	Sosware	according	to	the	Payment	Schedule	agreed	by	
the	Par•es	in	Appendix	A,	Сonsultant	shall	deliver	to	the	Company	the	latest	
version	source	code	of	the	sosware	to	which	it	relates,	in	the	language	in	
which	the	sosware	was	wrihen,	together	with	ER	diagram,	Diagram	of	
Classes,	Test	Cases	as	an	archive	downloadable	from	the	Developer’s	server.
Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
Ответственность	Персонала	Консультанта	
•  Developer	undertakes	that	its	employees	and	contractors,	while	on	the	
Site(s)	or	any	other	premises	of	the	Developer,	will	comply	with	all	relevant	
rules	and	regula•ons	laid	down	by	its	landlords	from	•me	to	•me	for	the	
behaviour	of	its	own	employees	
•  Developer	undertakes	that	its	employees	and	contractors,	while	on	the	
Site(s)	or	any	other	premises	of	the	Developer,	will	comply	with	all	relevant	
rules	and	regula•ons	laid	down	by	its	landlords	from	•me	to	•me	for	the	
behaviour	of	its	own	employees.
Особенности	договоров	с	UK	
•  Глоссарий	
•  Управление	проектом	
•  Тестирование	и	запуск	
•  Приемка	
•  Обслуживание	и	условия	гарантии
Branding.	Ecommerce.	Startups.	
10	O.Tykhoho	str.,	Kramatorsk	DN,	
Ukraine	84330	
+380.626.485-666	(ext.249)

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