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Us Foreign Policy Analysis
Q 7 Discuss the Foreign policy making in USA in currentScenario.
The USA exercises its foreign policy through financial aid. For example, scarcity relief in North Korea provides not only humanitarian aid but also a
base for the development of democratic ideals and bodies.
George Washington's Farewell Speech in 1789 enclosed one major piece of advice to the state regarding relations with other nations: "avoid entangling
alliances." Those words designed USA foreign policy for more than a century.
Today some Americans consider that Washington's words are still wise ones, and that the USA should take away from world affairs whenever
possible. In fact, , the US has been involved in world politics throughout the 20th century, and more content...
Who Makes Foreign Policy?
Henry Kissinger work for as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford. He was a key figure in uttering U.S.
foreign policy during the Cold War, and remains one of the leading authorities on international relations and diplomacy.
As with all policy making, many people and organizations have a hand in setting United States foreign policy. The main goals of foreign policy is to
use diplomacy – or talking, meeting, and creating agreements – to solve international issues. They try to keep problems from developing into conflicts
that require military settlements.
The President almost always has the primary obligation for affecting foreign policy. Presidents, or their representatives, meet with leaders of other
nations to try to resolve international issues peacefully. According to the Constitution, Presidents sign treaties with other nations with the "advice and
approval" of the Senate. So the Senate, and to a lesser extent, the House of Representatives, also contribute in shaping foreign policy.
Role of National Security
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Argumentative Essay On Us Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy is something the United States takes very seriously. It often carries a lot of controversy. Throughout United States history presidents
have made decisions that have always risen much debate. In 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped in Japan. In 1954 the United States sent troops into
Vietnam. Both major moves in foreign policy. Both heavily debated. Today foreign policy is more modest and put into higher regards when it comes
to lives at stake. President George W. Bush(R) and President Barak Obama (D) have very different point of views when it comes to foreign policy.
Foreign policy is a widely controversial topic throughout all of politics. In 2002 President Bush announced that the United States forces would be
invading Iraq in retaliation to the terror attacks that took place in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001. This move by Bush would
be seen widely as a poor decision. He would be criticized for misleading United States forces into Iraq. Bush lead his argument claiming that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction and were a true threat to American safety. Many men and Women would fall fighting in Iraq. Bush would approve the
operative against Saddam more content...
Like stated prior foreign policy is something that spikes much debate between both parties. Both Obama and Bush did what they thought was best
for the United States and its interests. Obama used tactics in which threatened innocent lives, but Bush used tactics that put American lives in
danger. Either way lives were at stake, this is something that is unavoidable when it comes to foreign conflict. Ultimately in order to avoid lives
lost, the United States needs to be completely neutral in all foreign policy conflicts, but because of the United States position in foreign policy we are
to help as help is believed to be needed. As a world power we should protect peace and freedom where it is
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Foreign Public Policy Essays
Foreign Public Policy Analysis
Directions: Choose one specific foreign policy issue in American government and complete a public policy analysis of how the problem was addressed.
Stage I Agenda Setting: How did this issue arrive on the public policy agenda? Identify specific linkage institutions and describe their roles and
influence in placing this issue on the policy agenda. The Ebola virus was first discovered in the year 1976 in Africa. Since then, there have been
countless outbreaks of this virus documented in several different countries across Africa. The issue of the Ebola virus first arrived on the public policy
agenda in the year of 2014. In march of this year, there was an outbreak in west Africa.
Stage II Policy more content...
Any who were at high risk or some risk had to have daily check ups from health officials for a total of 21 days straight. These policies showed to be
very effective at containing the disease and preventing it from spreading. I would characterize these policies as true reform.
Stage V Policy Change: Based on what you learned in the evaluation of the policy, is it necessary to revise the policy? Why or why not? In your
opinion, what would have to happen for the policy to change? Basing my analysis on what I've previously learned about the policies, I believe it
would be necessary to constantly check and revise the policies on Ebola. These revisions would help to make any improvements to the system possible
and ensure the highest regulations on safety for the general public would be set.
Stage VI Policy Termination: Should this public policy be ended? What factors would lead to termination of this public policy? Who has the most to
gain from maintaining the policy and who has the most to lose?
I do not believe at all that these public policies should be stopped or terminated. These policies were set in place to keep the deadly virus from west
Africa from spreading throughout the United
States. It is solely for the purpose of keeping the general public safe and controlling the epidemic.
© KC Distance Learning
Foreign Policy Summary: Based on the discussion with your
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Foreign Policy
As we approach the next Presidential election the topic of American foreign policy is once again in the spotlight. In this paper, I will examine four
major objectives of U.S. foreign policy that have persisted throughout the twentieth century and will discuss the effect of each on our nation
’s recent history, with particular focus on key leaders who espoused each objective at various times. In addition, I will relate the effects of
American foreign policy objectives, with special attention to their impact on the American middle class. Most importantly, this paper will discuss
America’s involvement in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War to the anticipated fulfillment of these objectives—democracy,
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Primary objectives of entering the U.S. into the war were not primarily to seek revenge on Germany. Wilson’s more important goal was to
preserve democracy within the U.S. and restore manifest destiny to a war–torn world. Furthermore, the U.S. foreign policy of economic expansion
contributed to the U.S.’ involvement in WWI due to the fact that tensions were built around both global trade and trade routes used prior
to the war. The British propaganda papers played a part in American humanitarianism as the U.S. received word of inhumane treatment by German
soldiers of many European civilians. Although the papers were propaganda, the U.S. felt a moral obligation to help those in need.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose primary objectives were both similar to and different from Wilson’s, entered the U.S. into WWII after
the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor. His two major concerns for doing this were his obligation to protect American democracy, and to
increase economic expansion, which had ceased to exist in the decade prior to WWII as a result of the Great Depression. Although all four major
foreign policy objectives played a role in the U.S.’ entrance into WWII, I will explore these two policies in depth using speeches of
FDR’s that provide his rationale for U.S. involvement. Roosevelt knew that entrance into the war would help boost the crippled
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Foreign Policy Pros And Cons
Did you know that an estimated 11.5 million illegal immigrants reside in the U.S? Now add the amount of legal immigrants is estimated to be
487,072 immigrants per year. The fact that the amount of illegal immigrants residing in the U.S, shows that our policies and security not only need to
be updated but also taken more serious. This year we will vote for a new President and the candidates this year could not be any different. First you
have Donald Trump with his 10 point system and then you have Hillary Clinton with her plan to solve our immigration policies.
Would you agree or disagree that our foreign policy is in good shape? Before one can give an opinion one must know the set standards and policy.
There are several ways for more content...
Unlike Trump who plans to get rid of almost every immigration policy Obama has put in place Hillary plans to keep them just make them more
efficient. She plans to introduce comprehensive reform it will treat people with dignity, uphold the law, protect our borders and national security
and bring jobs to millions of people. She plans to end the three and ten year bars which forces families to remain in the shadows or pursue a green
card and leaving the country and leaving loved ones behind. If anyone has ever seen any of Hillarys commercials on television, you know that she is
a big supporter of family. So her next plan is to protect families in any way possible under the law.She also plans to end famly detentions and private
detention centers to protect those families that arrive at the borders. Unlike Trump where when an illegal immigrant is caught and properly released
only when they are in their home country Hillary plans to give the immigrant a chance to explain and investigated if the person is more of a refugee or
illegal. She plans to make healthcare affordable for everyone citizen or immigrants. In her promoting neutralization she plans to promote english classes
and making the education standards better. Last she plans to support immigration
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The Importance Of Foreign Policy
News is not typically part of a teenagers daily life.Every day, I stay updated on current events. The BBC app on my phone is what I visit the most in a
day, more than Snapchat. While most of my friends are catching up on their snapchat streaks, I am browsing through the various international stories on
the BBC app on my phone. Reading on topics such as foreign policy and economics is something that always has interested me. Currently, the largest
news event when it comes to foreign policy is the huge independence debate in Catalonia. The government of Catalonia has reared close to making a
formal declaration of independence from the Spain. Yet, as expected, the Spanish government has not exactly reacted well to this whole situation. In my more content...
Analyzing the topic with some other people in Congressional debate allowed for a highly informed debate to ensue. Those who argued for
denouncing the weapon sales to Saudi Arabia focused on how the US intervention and subsequent injection of weapons into the Middle East following
the Gulf war has spurred an arms race, further leading to greater chaos, leading to the situation that the Middle East is currently in. However, those
who were arguing against denouncing reciprocated by verbalizing the benefits of giving Saudi Arabia weapons is that they have the potential of ending
the turmoil in the Middle East. Both sides gave highly informed arguments which frequently sought to undermine the arguments from the opposing
side. The pragmatic, focused argumentation seen on both sides is highly representative of what Congressional Debate causes people to do. The
various intricacies that go in with every single issue need to be recognized when it comes to developing a pragmatic solution. I approach every
debatable topic with the desire to have an in–depth understanding of both sides as to bolster not only my argument but also my knowledge of the
topic. As a result of being in Congressional Debate, my reading material is primarily web–based articles and reports. Going back to the beginning, the
BBC is often my go–to source of information, but
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Essay On Foreign Policy
Every four years and specifically on the first Tuesday of the month of November, millions of American move to the polls to exercise their democratic
right of a choosing a new leader in a free, open and credible election. Before this happens, the candidates are initially nominated in previous conventions
with their respective parties. Furthermore, they are then given the opportunity to launch diverse campaign movements with the aim of selling their
ideologies and manifesto to the citizens. Therefore, before the United States gets a new president, media [online media, newspapers, television, radio,
and magazines] play a major role in making the candidate known both at local and international levels. After a successful election, the
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For example, since the presidency of George Washington, different presidents have tried to change the powers of the presidency and his officer.
The leadership quality of the leader determines how well they manage their office and meets the needs of the citizens. For instance, while looking at
Thomas Jefferson as the third president, use of a great deal of political powers was used in his time. Jefferson applied political ideologies to defeat
all the opponents presented in their times His strategy of the ruling is still recognized even today (Green, 2012). Furthermore, Andre Jackson, the
seventh president is considered as one great leader and a man of the people. He was determined to overcome all his opponents to the extent that he
even removed some cabinet members who opposed his ideologies and policies. With these skillful leadership qualities, he managed to implement
diverse programs that took American's development into a new level of increased development.
The president acts as a symbol of unity in the United States. This unity and union can be traced back to the desires carried along by President
Abraham Lincoln. Regardless of the fact that he did not have the power to control the troops during the Civil War, he exercised leadership of
involving diverse agencies to achieve the overall peace and development of the region. The same was even in Wood Wilson's era where he focused on
creating a League of Nations with the aim of preventing future wars as experienced in
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Foreign Policy is an issue that affects most, if not all, of the people in the United States of America today. Foreign policy, for us, mainly consists of
three things in our country. We work with our allies, we help those who share the same values that we hold dear to us, and we fight against terror,
tyranny, and hatred among other countries, and even internally within our own. Many people have different ideas of what foreign policy is, but many
can agree about the three listed above. Although, many can also agree that our ideology and our actions can be very separate from each other.
Sometimes we say we do one thing, and do another thing that can be the polar opposite from the 3 values listed above,
Foreign policy affects us all, as American citizens, because every action we take with a country other than ourselves can make or break more
Americans have the right to vote on laws that pertain to any aspect of our country's well being and decisions. We as voters should be making the best
decisions we can to make our country the best it can be and pave the superior path for our children, because this issue affects them just as much, if not
more, than it affects us. Foreign policy decisions often have long–lasting consequences. Even more often, the people making those decisions won't live
long enough to experience the full effects of them. We most likely will. We will have to pay in the future for the decisions being made today.. We
are already paying through taxes for the actions of generations before us. The costs of the war in Iraq is a big factor in our national debt, and
national debt and interest payments are rapidly increasing because of this war and many others we take part in. The consequences for these decisions
are also hard to reverse, and our children will probably be suffering still from the decisions that the generation befor us has
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United States Foreign Policy
Flynn 2
In light of the previous United States presidential elections, much emphasis has been placed upon Americas global relationships with other nations
through foreign policy. With the sizeable influence that the United States has globally in regards to trade, economics and international treaties, a shift
within ideological belief about these aforementioned concepts will greatly change the current stance, and future action of the American government. In
theory, when looking into Republican ideologies on trade, tariffs and treaties, a major shift away from their previous historical beliefs are notable.
Because of the large differences in foreign policy ideology between the Republican party and Democratic party, if theory more content...
The small government, small business and hostile globalization economic ideology that is present throughout the ideals of the current Republican party
will lead America into an entirely new relationship with other super powers economically. Thorough reviewing both Democratic and Republican
ideology around foreign policy, trade, the economy, and relatableinternational relations, the answer to the research question can be correctly concluded.
Research has shown that "ideology is an important influence on preferences over a wide range of issues, including free trade (Kucik et al. 2016)."
"Divided Government and U.S. Trade Policy: Much Ado About Nothing? (Karol 2000)," has asserted the notion that many scholars have looked over
the impact that party affiliation has to trade policy.
Looking into historical instances of action in regards to trade within party lines will allow one to see past trends and likely future tendencies. Party
affiliation has a major effect on
the way in which governments conduct trades, as well, how various Global agreements are
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Summary Of Why We Fight Over Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy has long been at the center of heated international and domestic debates. Statements that serve as the catalyst for these debates are often
labeled as blatant lies. For example, President George W. Bush believed the Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction. When President
Bush' claim could not be substantiated opponents suggested the President was a liar. Henry R. Nau asserts this label may be an oversimplification.
Nau separates the existence of facts and the interpretation of said facts. People from different cultures interpret the same facts differently (1). It is
human nature to simplify the world into black and white terms. In "Why We Fight Over Foreign Policy" Nau explores the common bases of
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National Security in Foreign Policy
Foreign policy definition: a set of political goals that aims to outline how a particular state will interact with others
Beach (2012): Foreign policy actions can be undertaken using a variety of different instruments, ranging from adopting declarations, making speeches,
negotiating treaties, giving other states economic aid, engaging in diplomatic activity such as summits, and the use of military force
No matter which instruments are used, the primary objective of states in outlining their foreign policies is to maximise their national security.
States can go about maximising national security through different means such as by military force, economic prosperity and/or the general welfare of
its people.
Difficult to analyse to what extent national security is a primary objective of states – theories of IR will help explain states' motives and how they go
about maximising state security, if it is their prime objective at all.
This essay will analyse the concept of national security through realism (focused on military power), liberalism (focused on cooperation through liberal
internationalism) and constructivism (focused on wider definitions of security, such as health and the environment).
1.Core principles of realist view of national security
For realists, the concept of national security is an effective balancing of external threats.
The realist tradition of IR theory is said to have stemmed from the work of Thomas Hobbes, where he
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Foreign Policy Essay
Policemen of the World Thesis and Outline
Janene Bull
Professor Joel A. Goldstein
Contemporary US History
The evolution of U.S. Foreign policy following the Civil War is continually evolving. During the Civil War years, America had an economy that was
based on agriculture. Farmers were growing cotton, tobacco and sugarcane. Slaves from Africa worked on these enormous plantations. . At the time,
America was in an election year with Lincoln as the candidate of the Republican Party claiming he was going to abolish slavery. When Lincoln won
the election he did just that, immediately there after 7 states declared their independence from the US, they were then known as Confederate States.
After a few years 4 more more content...
References Results:100% Unique Content continually evolving. During the
Civil War years, America had
on agriculture. Farmers were growing cotton, tobacco and
and sugarcane. Slaves from Africa worked on these enormous
enormous plantations. . At the time, America was in an election
abolish slavery. When Lincoln won the election he did just
did just that, immediately there after 7 states declared
independence from the US, they were then known as Confederate States.
Confederate States. After a few years 4 more states also joined
international relations. During the past 5 years there have been
the Civil War. For example, Issues Regarding Guantanamo
Amendment of 1901), and the attempt to Stop the Soviet Expansion
policing roll, and has acted as an enforcer of global rules.
global rules. When there is a threat to world peace the
world peace the U.S will respond. Three instances where America
Industrial Revolution, the Treaty of Paris and, The Cold War.
Military Justice, and the four Geneva Conventions. The driving
Geneva Conventions. The driving forces involved in stopping
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Regionalization Introduction An international region can be defined as a number of states linked by a geographic relationship and by a degree of
interdependence. The activities of the neighboring states have a significant impact on determining foreign policy. Regionalization is helping reshape
the world in a profound way since many countries today are seeking stronger economic ties with their regional neighbors. Regional subsystems are
characterized by clusters of states coexisting in geographical closeness as interrelated units that sustain significant security, economic, and political
relations. Regionalization can be conceived as the growth of societal integration within a given region, including the undirected processes of social and
economic interaction among the units. Similarly, the term regionalism refers to the proneness of the governments and peoples of two or more states to
establish voluntary associations and to pool together resources in order to create common functional and institutional arrangements. Furthermore,
regionalism can be best described as a process occurring in a given geographical region by which different types of actors (states, regional institutions,
societal organizations and other nonstate actors) come to share certain fundamental values and norms. Regionalization and regionalism find expression
in the economic and security domains, including convergent motivations toward both political/security and economic forms of integration. India
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American Foreign Policy 1930-1941
Over the years 1930 through 1941 the goals of American foreign policy generally changed. In the earlier years America dealt with war and fought
with other countries. America was not very smart in learning to stay out of war. Over the years, America became more neutral and attempted to stay
out of war as much as possible. Throughout the years, important figures wrote documents to support America's journey and decisions. In the
beginning of this time period, around 1931, Japan disregarded our international treaty agreements. America did not approve of this and drew a cartoon
criticizing Japan for these actions. This was shown in Document A. The same type of action happened between Europe and America in the year 1932.
Europe could not pay their war debts and America reacted by saying Europe could not agree on anything else. This was shown in Document B.
America could have handled this differently by being neutral and helping rather than being aggressive and saying they could not agree on anything
else. Around the year of 1937, people started more content...
During this speech he stated, "No one can make us fight abroad unless we ourselves are willing to do so. No one will attempt to fight us here if we
arm ourselves as a great nation should be armed." He also stated, "Over 100 million people are opposed to war in this country. If democracy means
anything to us, that is reason enough to stay out." This was a very important speech that made people realize to stay out of the pathways of war. This
information was stated in Document F. Also is the year of 1941, the President of theUnited States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain agreed on
various common principles in the national policies. They chose to base their hopes for a better future for the world. This was a huge action that
showed how we are willing to work with other countries and stay out of war as much as we can now. Document H stated this
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Free Essay: Foreign Policy
Washington and Monroe believed the United States should not become involved in European affairs, but is that possible to follow today? In my
opinion, I believe that European affairs can be avoided for the most part, but with major wars, it can't be avoided. When there is a major battle in Europe
, there is a danger to the United States. If we don't work to stop the European threat before it gets to our country, we can be facing major devastation,
destruction, and death. One not–so–recent example of this is World War II. If the United States hadn't joined the Second World War, then Germany
would've eventually invaded our country and would've been harder to stop than it already was. Because of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor,
December 7th 1941, we joined on the side of the British against the Japanese, Germans, and Italians, or the Axis powers. With minor terrorist attacks
and other minor European crimes, we can stay out of their business and for the most part remain neutral in the conflicts on European nations. We need
to protect ourselves and our allies if we wish to keep our freedoms that other countries don't have. It's up to our president to decide what we need to
interfere with, and what we need to stay out of. more content...
If we as a nation remain neutral in major conflicts in Europe, than we will be endangering ourselves, and our children to come. One example of
why we must become involved with some European affairs is the terror attacks in Paris in November of 2015. It was the bloodiest attack in Europe
for years. French president Hollande called it an "act of war" by the terrorist group ISIS. On the night of November 13, 130 people were massacred
by bombings and shootings. If that escalated to a full war with the ISIS, then the United States would be in danger of the same terror attacks on major
cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Washington D.
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America's Foreign Policy Essay
To begin America's foreign policy has changed quite a lot. The first policy we had was the Monroe Doctrine which was established in 1823. The
policy provided precedent and support for U.S. expansion on the American continent. This meant Europe could not interfere in Western
Hemisphere affairs and could not be involved in the expansion. Soon after that we were changing our policies again which lead us to Wilson's 14
points. Basically after we had entered WW1 we wanted to establish peace so we drew up specific recommendations for a comprehensive peace
settlement. As you can see already we are becoming more involved and our policies are allowing us to become a whole and make peace. Then once
again we were getting involved and our policies had to changed again we created the United Nations in 1945. It consisted of the more
The United Nations helps established peace and committing to maintain international peace and security. We at this point we're trying to develop
friendly relations to among nations. We were very involved around the world making sure everything and everybody was at peace. As time went on
we tried to allow the US to expand and get others to join our side. We created the Truman Doctrine. Which was asking for assistance from Greece and
Turkey to forestall communist domination of the two nations. This then changed our policy to allow the United States to support free people who are
resisting communist efforts to help resolve them. We had thought that if we were being involved it was going to better us. But that all changed and
so did our policies on 9/11. We were attacked and so we converted military operations, new security legislation, efforts to block the financing of
terrorism. We soon became involved in a different way we focused more on equality and adding people. We now pay close attention to what everyone
is doing to help keep us safe. Which leads us to the next
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Development of Foreign Policy Essay
Prior to the establishment of the United States, which was formed with the end of the American Revolution, there was no foreign policy for the
American new found state. However, this changed with the formation of the same. The policy then consisted mainly on its regional interests and had
no regards of the international scene. This however came to pass with the advent of the Spanish–American war. What however ought to be noted is that
the regional policy had in its ideals an aim of creating an 'Empire of Liberty'.
The US had its first taste of having a foreign affairs office through the First Congress in 1789 upon the creation of the cabinet level Department of
Foreign Affairs. This was soon thereafter renamed to Department of more content...
The address also highlighted foreign policy's role at ensuring that the country steers clear from association with any portion of the foreign world that
had a notion of permanence as well as an advocacy for trade with all nations.
The State found itself entangled with European Powers severally, most notable once being the War of 1812 and the 1898 Spanish–American War that
earlier had been noted. These entanglements nevertheless did not deter the growth of the US foreign policy as even with them, its foreign trade
continued to flourish under the helm of the policy. This also ensured that despite the wars in the European world with which it was in constant contact
with, the state did not partake of them. In furtherance to this, the US made a lot of progress in the same duration. It grew in geographical coverage
and might by great leaps all thanks to the spirit of the foreign affairs.
With the entrant of the 20th Century, the US saw with it its participation in two World Wars, and its subsequent success not in one but both. This
increased its might, reputation and significance in the shaping and development of the world's politics. This was topped by the Wilsonianism program
which had to its end, the spread of democracy and end of militarism amongst nations (Manela, 2009). The Wilson's initiative saw to its end the
formation of the League of Nations upon the end of the WWI, though the US declined to join.
Between the years 1932 to
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U.S. Foreign Policy Essay
Throughout the course of history, the United States has remained consistent with its national interest by taking many different actions in foreign policy.
There have been both immediate and long term results of these actions. Foreign policy is the United States policy that defines how we deal with other
countries economically and politically. It is made by congress, the president, and the people. Some of the motivations for United States foreign policy
are national security, economics, and idealism. The United States entry intoWorld War Iin 1917 and the escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964 and the
both had great impact on the United States.
A major type of foreign policy in the 1964 was containment. The Vietnam War was fought more content...
The goals of this foreign policy was to end communism containment while starting democracies. For the United States, the war ended in the withdrawal
of American troops and the failure of its foreign policy in Vietnam.
Another major foreign policy action was the entry to World War I. On August 4, 1914 there was an outbreak in Europe. A war started between the
central powers and the allied powers. The central powers consisted of Germany, Austria–Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire. They were also known as
the Triple Alliance. The Allied Powers, also know as the Triple Entente consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. An immediate cause of the war was
the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Some long term causes that started the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, and
nationalism. America tried to keep themselves isolated from the war in Europe. Before the war, America had an idea of neutrality. Neutrality is when
American lives and property is not threatened. There was great ethnic diversity in the United States which led to a public union about war. The United
States also had the idea of freedom of the seas. This meant the routes for trading were open. The United States had the desire to trade with both the
central and the allied powers. The United States had a great economic interest in the war at this time. There were many different
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American Foreign Policy
American foreign policy relates to what is done in foreign countries by the United States of America. The foreign policies include controlling of the
governments of foreign countries or setting some rules in those countries. The foreign policy of America has always been changing all through the US
existence. The changes have stemmed from the dynamics of exogenous and substantial influences of watershed up to the international system and also
the effects and changes of endogenous inside the government of the United States. Outstanding assertions like the policies of Monroe, intercontinental
encounters such as the Second World War, War of the Spanish and Americans, and thecold war and also conflicts that were termed as local including
the Korean War and the Vietnam War considerably shaped the American foreign policy (Kissinger et al., 1969).
The recent occurrences such as the 11th September 2001, epitomized the important exogenous watershed which influenced the American Government's
foreign policy decision– making. Apart from the exogenous dynamics which have made the bulk of judgments in the policy of U.S. foreign matters,
there is also American government endogenous aspects. The elements include the Legislative body, the president, the public opinion Americans, and
the bureaucracy which greatly influence the decision making concerning the foreign policy (Peterson, 1994).
The purpose of this research paper is to review some important literature
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Us Foreign Policy Analysis

  • 1. Us Foreign Policy Analysis Q 7 Discuss the Foreign policy making in USA in currentScenario. BACKGROUND The USA exercises its foreign policy through financial aid. For example, scarcity relief in North Korea provides not only humanitarian aid but also a base for the development of democratic ideals and bodies. George Washington's Farewell Speech in 1789 enclosed one major piece of advice to the state regarding relations with other nations: "avoid entangling alliances." Those words designed USA foreign policy for more than a century. Today some Americans consider that Washington's words are still wise ones, and that the USA should take away from world affairs whenever possible. In fact, , the US has been involved in world politics throughout the 20th century, and more content... Who Makes Foreign Policy? Henry Kissinger work for as National Security Adviser and Secretary of State under Presidents Nixon and Ford. He was a key figure in uttering U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War, and remains one of the leading authorities on international relations and diplomacy. As with all policy making, many people and organizations have a hand in setting United States foreign policy. The main goals of foreign policy is to use diplomacy – or talking, meeting, and creating agreements – to solve international issues. They try to keep problems from developing into conflicts that require military settlements. The President almost always has the primary obligation for affecting foreign policy. Presidents, or their representatives, meet with leaders of other nations to try to resolve international issues peacefully. According to the Constitution, Presidents sign treaties with other nations with the "advice and approval" of the Senate. So the Senate, and to a lesser extent, the House of Representatives, also contribute in shaping foreign policy. Role of National Security Get more content on
  • 2. Argumentative Essay On Us Foreign Policy Foreign Policy is something the United States takes very seriously. It often carries a lot of controversy. Throughout United States history presidents have made decisions that have always risen much debate. In 1945 the atomic bomb was dropped in Japan. In 1954 the United States sent troops into Vietnam. Both major moves in foreign policy. Both heavily debated. Today foreign policy is more modest and put into higher regards when it comes to lives at stake. President George W. Bush(R) and President Barak Obama (D) have very different point of views when it comes to foreign policy. Foreign policy is a widely controversial topic throughout all of politics. In 2002 President Bush announced that the United States forces would be invading Iraq in retaliation to the terror attacks that took place in New York City on the morning of September 11, 2001. This move by Bush would be seen widely as a poor decision. He would be criticized for misleading United States forces into Iraq. Bush lead his argument claiming that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and were a true threat to American safety. Many men and Women would fall fighting in Iraq. Bush would approve the operative against Saddam more content... Like stated prior foreign policy is something that spikes much debate between both parties. Both Obama and Bush did what they thought was best for the United States and its interests. Obama used tactics in which threatened innocent lives, but Bush used tactics that put American lives in danger. Either way lives were at stake, this is something that is unavoidable when it comes to foreign conflict. Ultimately in order to avoid lives lost, the United States needs to be completely neutral in all foreign policy conflicts, but because of the United States position in foreign policy we are to help as help is believed to be needed. As a world power we should protect peace and freedom where it is Get more content on
  • 3. Foreign Public Policy Essays Foreign Public Policy Analysis Directions: Choose one specific foreign policy issue in American government and complete a public policy analysis of how the problem was addressed. Stage I Agenda Setting: How did this issue arrive on the public policy agenda? Identify specific linkage institutions and describe their roles and influence in placing this issue on the policy agenda. The Ebola virus was first discovered in the year 1976 in Africa. Since then, there have been countless outbreaks of this virus documented in several different countries across Africa. The issue of the Ebola virus first arrived on the public policy agenda in the year of 2014. In march of this year, there was an outbreak in west Africa. Stage II Policy more content... Any who were at high risk or some risk had to have daily check ups from health officials for a total of 21 days straight. These policies showed to be very effective at containing the disease and preventing it from spreading. I would characterize these policies as true reform. Stage V Policy Change: Based on what you learned in the evaluation of the policy, is it necessary to revise the policy? Why or why not? In your opinion, what would have to happen for the policy to change? Basing my analysis on what I've previously learned about the policies, I believe it would be necessary to constantly check and revise the policies on Ebola. These revisions would help to make any improvements to the system possible and ensure the highest regulations on safety for the general public would be set. Stage VI Policy Termination: Should this public policy be ended? What factors would lead to termination of this public policy? Who has the most to gain from maintaining the policy and who has the most to lose? I do not believe at all that these public policies should be stopped or terminated. These policies were set in place to keep the deadly virus from west Africa from spreading throughout the United States. It is solely for the purpose of keeping the general public safe and controlling the epidemic. © KC Distance Learning Foreign Policy Summary: Based on the discussion with your
  • 4. Get more content on
  • 5. Foreign Policy As we approach the next Presidential election the topic of American foreign policy is once again in the spotlight. In this paper, I will examine four major objectives of U.S. foreign policy that have persisted throughout the twentieth century and will discuss the effect of each on our nation ’s recent history, with particular focus on key leaders who espoused each objective at various times. In addition, I will relate the effects of American foreign policy objectives, with special attention to their impact on the American middle class. Most importantly, this paper will discuss America’s involvement in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War to the anticipated fulfillment of these objectives—democracy, more content... Primary objectives of entering the U.S. into the war were not primarily to seek revenge on Germany. Wilson’s more important goal was to preserve democracy within the U.S. and restore manifest destiny to a war–torn world. Furthermore, the U.S. foreign policy of economic expansion contributed to the U.S.’ involvement in WWI due to the fact that tensions were built around both global trade and trade routes used prior to the war. The British propaganda papers played a part in American humanitarianism as the U.S. received word of inhumane treatment by German soldiers of many European civilians. Although the papers were propaganda, the U.S. felt a moral obligation to help those in need. Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose primary objectives were both similar to and different from Wilson’s, entered the U.S. into WWII after the Japanese surprise attack at Pearl Harbor. His two major concerns for doing this were his obligation to protect American democracy, and to increase economic expansion, which had ceased to exist in the decade prior to WWII as a result of the Great Depression. Although all four major foreign policy objectives played a role in the U.S.’ entrance into WWII, I will explore these two policies in depth using speeches of FDR’s that provide his rationale for U.S. involvement. Roosevelt knew that entrance into the war would help boost the crippled Get more content on
  • 6. Foreign Policy Pros And Cons Did you know that an estimated 11.5 million illegal immigrants reside in the U.S? Now add the amount of legal immigrants is estimated to be 487,072 immigrants per year. The fact that the amount of illegal immigrants residing in the U.S, shows that our policies and security not only need to be updated but also taken more serious. This year we will vote for a new President and the candidates this year could not be any different. First you have Donald Trump with his 10 point system and then you have Hillary Clinton with her plan to solve our immigration policies. Would you agree or disagree that our foreign policy is in good shape? Before one can give an opinion one must know the set standards and policy. There are several ways for more content... Unlike Trump who plans to get rid of almost every immigration policy Obama has put in place Hillary plans to keep them just make them more efficient. She plans to introduce comprehensive reform it will treat people with dignity, uphold the law, protect our borders and national security and bring jobs to millions of people. She plans to end the three and ten year bars which forces families to remain in the shadows or pursue a green card and leaving the country and leaving loved ones behind. If anyone has ever seen any of Hillarys commercials on television, you know that she is a big supporter of family. So her next plan is to protect families in any way possible under the law.She also plans to end famly detentions and private detention centers to protect those families that arrive at the borders. Unlike Trump where when an illegal immigrant is caught and properly released only when they are in their home country Hillary plans to give the immigrant a chance to explain and investigated if the person is more of a refugee or illegal. She plans to make healthcare affordable for everyone citizen or immigrants. In her promoting neutralization she plans to promote english classes and making the education standards better. Last she plans to support immigration Get more content on
  • 7. The Importance Of Foreign Policy News is not typically part of a teenagers daily life.Every day, I stay updated on current events. The BBC app on my phone is what I visit the most in a day, more than Snapchat. While most of my friends are catching up on their snapchat streaks, I am browsing through the various international stories on the BBC app on my phone. Reading on topics such as foreign policy and economics is something that always has interested me. Currently, the largest news event when it comes to foreign policy is the huge independence debate in Catalonia. The government of Catalonia has reared close to making a formal declaration of independence from the Spain. Yet, as expected, the Spanish government has not exactly reacted well to this whole situation. In my more content... Analyzing the topic with some other people in Congressional debate allowed for a highly informed debate to ensue. Those who argued for denouncing the weapon sales to Saudi Arabia focused on how the US intervention and subsequent injection of weapons into the Middle East following the Gulf war has spurred an arms race, further leading to greater chaos, leading to the situation that the Middle East is currently in. However, those who were arguing against denouncing reciprocated by verbalizing the benefits of giving Saudi Arabia weapons is that they have the potential of ending the turmoil in the Middle East. Both sides gave highly informed arguments which frequently sought to undermine the arguments from the opposing side. The pragmatic, focused argumentation seen on both sides is highly representative of what Congressional Debate causes people to do. The various intricacies that go in with every single issue need to be recognized when it comes to developing a pragmatic solution. I approach every debatable topic with the desire to have an in–depth understanding of both sides as to bolster not only my argument but also my knowledge of the topic. As a result of being in Congressional Debate, my reading material is primarily web–based articles and reports. Going back to the beginning, the BBC is often my go–to source of information, but Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Foreign Policy Every four years and specifically on the first Tuesday of the month of November, millions of American move to the polls to exercise their democratic right of a choosing a new leader in a free, open and credible election. Before this happens, the candidates are initially nominated in previous conventions with their respective parties. Furthermore, they are then given the opportunity to launch diverse campaign movements with the aim of selling their ideologies and manifesto to the citizens. Therefore, before the United States gets a new president, media [online media, newspapers, television, radio, and magazines] play a major role in making the candidate known both at local and international levels. After a successful election, the more content... For example, since the presidency of George Washington, different presidents have tried to change the powers of the presidency and his officer. The leadership quality of the leader determines how well they manage their office and meets the needs of the citizens. For instance, while looking at Thomas Jefferson as the third president, use of a great deal of political powers was used in his time. Jefferson applied political ideologies to defeat all the opponents presented in their times His strategy of the ruling is still recognized even today (Green, 2012). Furthermore, Andre Jackson, the seventh president is considered as one great leader and a man of the people. He was determined to overcome all his opponents to the extent that he even removed some cabinet members who opposed his ideologies and policies. With these skillful leadership qualities, he managed to implement diverse programs that took American's development into a new level of increased development. The president acts as a symbol of unity in the United States. This unity and union can be traced back to the desires carried along by President Abraham Lincoln. Regardless of the fact that he did not have the power to control the troops during the Civil War, he exercised leadership of involving diverse agencies to achieve the overall peace and development of the region. The same was even in Wood Wilson's era where he focused on creating a League of Nations with the aim of preventing future wars as experienced in Get more content on
  • 9. Foreign Policy is an issue that affects most, if not all, of the people in the United States of America today. Foreign policy, for us, mainly consists of three things in our country. We work with our allies, we help those who share the same values that we hold dear to us, and we fight against terror, tyranny, and hatred among other countries, and even internally within our own. Many people have different ideas of what foreign policy is, but many can agree about the three listed above. Although, many can also agree that our ideology and our actions can be very separate from each other. Sometimes we say we do one thing, and do another thing that can be the polar opposite from the 3 values listed above, Foreign policy affects us all, as American citizens, because every action we take with a country other than ourselves can make or break more content... Americans have the right to vote on laws that pertain to any aspect of our country's well being and decisions. We as voters should be making the best decisions we can to make our country the best it can be and pave the superior path for our children, because this issue affects them just as much, if not more, than it affects us. Foreign policy decisions often have long–lasting consequences. Even more often, the people making those decisions won't live long enough to experience the full effects of them. We most likely will. We will have to pay in the future for the decisions being made today.. We are already paying through taxes for the actions of generations before us. The costs of the war in Iraq is a big factor in our national debt, and national debt and interest payments are rapidly increasing because of this war and many others we take part in. The consequences for these decisions are also hard to reverse, and our children will probably be suffering still from the decisions that the generation befor us has Get more content on
  • 10. United States Foreign Policy Flynn 2 Introduction In light of the previous United States presidential elections, much emphasis has been placed upon Americas global relationships with other nations through foreign policy. With the sizeable influence that the United States has globally in regards to trade, economics and international treaties, a shift within ideological belief about these aforementioned concepts will greatly change the current stance, and future action of the American government. In theory, when looking into Republican ideologies on trade, tariffs and treaties, a major shift away from their previous historical beliefs are notable. Because of the large differences in foreign policy ideology between the Republican party and Democratic party, if theory more content... The small government, small business and hostile globalization economic ideology that is present throughout the ideals of the current Republican party will lead America into an entirely new relationship with other super powers economically. Thorough reviewing both Democratic and Republican ideology around foreign policy, trade, the economy, and relatableinternational relations, the answer to the research question can be correctly concluded. Research has shown that "ideology is an important influence on preferences over a wide range of issues, including free trade (Kucik et al. 2016)." "Divided Government and U.S. Trade Policy: Much Ado About Nothing? (Karol 2000)," has asserted the notion that many scholars have looked over the impact that party affiliation has to trade policy. Looking into historical instances of action in regards to trade within party lines will allow one to see past trends and likely future tendencies. Party affiliation has a major effect on the way in which governments conduct trades, as well, how various Global agreements are Get more content on
  • 11. Summary Of Why We Fight Over Foreign Policy Foreign Policy has long been at the center of heated international and domestic debates. Statements that serve as the catalyst for these debates are often labeled as blatant lies. For example, President George W. Bush believed the Saddam Hussein was hiding weapons of mass destruction. When President Bush' claim could not be substantiated opponents suggested the President was a liar. Henry R. Nau asserts this label may be an oversimplification. Nau separates the existence of facts and the interpretation of said facts. People from different cultures interpret the same facts differently (1). It is human nature to simplify the world into black and white terms. In "Why We Fight Over Foreign Policy" Nau explores the common bases of interpretation Get more content on
  • 12. National Security in Foreign Policy Foreign policy definition: a set of political goals that aims to outline how a particular state will interact with others Beach (2012): Foreign policy actions can be undertaken using a variety of different instruments, ranging from adopting declarations, making speeches, negotiating treaties, giving other states economic aid, engaging in diplomatic activity such as summits, and the use of military force No matter which instruments are used, the primary objective of states in outlining their foreign policies is to maximise their national security. States can go about maximising national security through different means such as by military force, economic prosperity and/or the general welfare of its people. Difficult to analyse to what extent national security is a primary objective of states – theories of IR will help explain states' motives and how they go about maximising state security, if it is their prime objective at all. This essay will analyse the concept of national security through realism (focused on military power), liberalism (focused on cooperation through liberal internationalism) and constructivism (focused on wider definitions of security, such as health and the environment). A.Realism 1.Core principles of realist view of national security For realists, the concept of national security is an effective balancing of external threats. The realist tradition of IR theory is said to have stemmed from the work of Thomas Hobbes, where he Get more content on
  • 13. Foreign Policy Essay Policemen of the World Thesis and Outline Janene Bull Professor Joel A. Goldstein Contemporary US History 2/22/2015 The evolution of U.S. Foreign policy following the Civil War is continually evolving. During the Civil War years, America had an economy that was based on agriculture. Farmers were growing cotton, tobacco and sugarcane. Slaves from Africa worked on these enormous plantations. . At the time, America was in an election year with Lincoln as the candidate of the Republican Party claiming he was going to abolish slavery. When Lincoln won the election he did just that, immediately there after 7 states declared their independence from the US, they were then known as Confederate States. After a few years 4 more more content... References Results:100% Unique Content continually evolving. During the Civil War years, America had Good on agriculture. Farmers were growing cotton, tobacco and Good and sugarcane. Slaves from Africa worked on these enormous Good enormous plantations. . At the time, America was in an election Good abolish slavery. When Lincoln won the election he did just Good
  • 14. did just that, immediately there after 7 states declared Good independence from the US, they were then known as Confederate States. Good Confederate States. After a few years 4 more states also joined Good international relations. During the past 5 years there have been Good the Civil War. For example, Issues Regarding Guantanamo Good Amendment of 1901), and the attempt to Stop the Soviet Expansion Good policing roll, and has acted as an enforcer of global rules. Good global rules. When there is a threat to world peace the Good world peace the U.S will respond. Three instances where America Good Industrial Revolution, the Treaty of Paris and, The Cold War. Good Military Justice, and the four Geneva Conventions. The driving Good Geneva Conventions. The driving forces involved in stopping
  • 15. Good How the Plagiarism Check Tool Works: The article you Get more content on
  • 16. Regionalization Introduction An international region can be defined as a number of states linked by a geographic relationship and by a degree of interdependence. The activities of the neighboring states have a significant impact on determining foreign policy. Regionalization is helping reshape the world in a profound way since many countries today are seeking stronger economic ties with their regional neighbors. Regional subsystems are characterized by clusters of states coexisting in geographical closeness as interrelated units that sustain significant security, economic, and political relations. Regionalization can be conceived as the growth of societal integration within a given region, including the undirected processes of social and economic interaction among the units. Similarly, the term regionalism refers to the proneness of the governments and peoples of two or more states to establish voluntary associations and to pool together resources in order to create common functional and institutional arrangements. Furthermore, regionalism can be best described as a process occurring in a given geographical region by which different types of actors (states, regional institutions, societal organizations and other nonstate actors) come to share certain fundamental values and norms. Regionalization and regionalism find expression in the economic and security domains, including convergent motivations toward both political/security and economic forms of integration. India Get more content on
  • 17. American Foreign Policy 1930-1941 Over the years 1930 through 1941 the goals of American foreign policy generally changed. In the earlier years America dealt with war and fought with other countries. America was not very smart in learning to stay out of war. Over the years, America became more neutral and attempted to stay out of war as much as possible. Throughout the years, important figures wrote documents to support America's journey and decisions. In the beginning of this time period, around 1931, Japan disregarded our international treaty agreements. America did not approve of this and drew a cartoon criticizing Japan for these actions. This was shown in Document A. The same type of action happened between Europe and America in the year 1932. Europe could not pay their war debts and America reacted by saying Europe could not agree on anything else. This was shown in Document B. America could have handled this differently by being neutral and helping rather than being aggressive and saying they could not agree on anything else. Around the year of 1937, people started more content... During this speech he stated, "No one can make us fight abroad unless we ourselves are willing to do so. No one will attempt to fight us here if we arm ourselves as a great nation should be armed." He also stated, "Over 100 million people are opposed to war in this country. If democracy means anything to us, that is reason enough to stay out." This was a very important speech that made people realize to stay out of the pathways of war. This information was stated in Document F. Also is the year of 1941, the President of theUnited States and the Prime Minister of Great Britain agreed on various common principles in the national policies. They chose to base their hopes for a better future for the world. This was a huge action that showed how we are willing to work with other countries and stay out of war as much as we can now. Document H stated this Get more content on
  • 18. Free Essay: Foreign Policy ESSAY: FOREIGN POLICY Introduction Washington and Monroe believed the United States should not become involved in European affairs, but is that possible to follow today? In my opinion, I believe that European affairs can be avoided for the most part, but with major wars, it can't be avoided. When there is a major battle in Europe , there is a danger to the United States. If we don't work to stop the European threat before it gets to our country, we can be facing major devastation, destruction, and death. One not–so–recent example of this is World War II. If the United States hadn't joined the Second World War, then Germany would've eventually invaded our country and would've been harder to stop than it already was. Because of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor, December 7th 1941, we joined on the side of the British against the Japanese, Germans, and Italians, or the Axis powers. With minor terrorist attacks and other minor European crimes, we can stay out of their business and for the most part remain neutral in the conflicts on European nations. We need to protect ourselves and our allies if we wish to keep our freedoms that other countries don't have. It's up to our president to decide what we need to interfere with, and what we need to stay out of. more content... If we as a nation remain neutral in major conflicts in Europe, than we will be endangering ourselves, and our children to come. One example of why we must become involved with some European affairs is the terror attacks in Paris in November of 2015. It was the bloodiest attack in Europe for years. French president Hollande called it an "act of war" by the terrorist group ISIS. On the night of November 13, 130 people were massacred by bombings and shootings. If that escalated to a full war with the ISIS, then the United States would be in danger of the same terror attacks on major cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, or Washington D. Get more content on
  • 19. America's Foreign Policy Essay To begin America's foreign policy has changed quite a lot. The first policy we had was the Monroe Doctrine which was established in 1823. The policy provided precedent and support for U.S. expansion on the American continent. This meant Europe could not interfere in Western Hemisphere affairs and could not be involved in the expansion. Soon after that we were changing our policies again which lead us to Wilson's 14 points. Basically after we had entered WW1 we wanted to establish peace so we drew up specific recommendations for a comprehensive peace settlement. As you can see already we are becoming more involved and our policies are allowing us to become a whole and make peace. Then once again we were getting involved and our policies had to changed again we created the United Nations in 1945. It consisted of the more content... The United Nations helps established peace and committing to maintain international peace and security. We at this point we're trying to develop friendly relations to among nations. We were very involved around the world making sure everything and everybody was at peace. As time went on we tried to allow the US to expand and get others to join our side. We created the Truman Doctrine. Which was asking for assistance from Greece and Turkey to forestall communist domination of the two nations. This then changed our policy to allow the United States to support free people who are resisting communist efforts to help resolve them. We had thought that if we were being involved it was going to better us. But that all changed and so did our policies on 9/11. We were attacked and so we converted military operations, new security legislation, efforts to block the financing of terrorism. We soon became involved in a different way we focused more on equality and adding people. We now pay close attention to what everyone is doing to help keep us safe. Which leads us to the next Get more content on
  • 20. Development of Foreign Policy Essay Prior to the establishment of the United States, which was formed with the end of the American Revolution, there was no foreign policy for the American new found state. However, this changed with the formation of the same. The policy then consisted mainly on its regional interests and had no regards of the international scene. This however came to pass with the advent of the Spanish–American war. What however ought to be noted is that the regional policy had in its ideals an aim of creating an 'Empire of Liberty'. The US had its first taste of having a foreign affairs office through the First Congress in 1789 upon the creation of the cabinet level Department of Foreign Affairs. This was soon thereafter renamed to Department of more content... The address also highlighted foreign policy's role at ensuring that the country steers clear from association with any portion of the foreign world that had a notion of permanence as well as an advocacy for trade with all nations. The State found itself entangled with European Powers severally, most notable once being the War of 1812 and the 1898 Spanish–American War that earlier had been noted. These entanglements nevertheless did not deter the growth of the US foreign policy as even with them, its foreign trade continued to flourish under the helm of the policy. This also ensured that despite the wars in the European world with which it was in constant contact with, the state did not partake of them. In furtherance to this, the US made a lot of progress in the same duration. It grew in geographical coverage and might by great leaps all thanks to the spirit of the foreign affairs. With the entrant of the 20th Century, the US saw with it its participation in two World Wars, and its subsequent success not in one but both. This increased its might, reputation and significance in the shaping and development of the world's politics. This was topped by the Wilsonianism program which had to its end, the spread of democracy and end of militarism amongst nations (Manela, 2009). The Wilson's initiative saw to its end the formation of the League of Nations upon the end of the WWI, though the US declined to join. Between the years 1932 to Get more content on
  • 21. U.S. Foreign Policy Essay Throughout the course of history, the United States has remained consistent with its national interest by taking many different actions in foreign policy. There have been both immediate and long term results of these actions. Foreign policy is the United States policy that defines how we deal with other countries economically and politically. It is made by congress, the president, and the people. Some of the motivations for United States foreign policy are national security, economics, and idealism. The United States entry intoWorld War Iin 1917 and the escalation of the Vietnam War in 1964 and the both had great impact on the United States. A major type of foreign policy in the 1964 was containment. The Vietnam War was fought more content... The goals of this foreign policy was to end communism containment while starting democracies. For the United States, the war ended in the withdrawal of American troops and the failure of its foreign policy in Vietnam. Another major foreign policy action was the entry to World War I. On August 4, 1914 there was an outbreak in Europe. A war started between the central powers and the allied powers. The central powers consisted of Germany, Austria–Hungry, and the Ottoman Empire. They were also known as the Triple Alliance. The Allied Powers, also know as the Triple Entente consisted of Britain, France, and Russia. An immediate cause of the war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. Some long term causes that started the war were militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. America tried to keep themselves isolated from the war in Europe. Before the war, America had an idea of neutrality. Neutrality is when American lives and property is not threatened. There was great ethnic diversity in the United States which led to a public union about war. The United States also had the idea of freedom of the seas. This meant the routes for trading were open. The United States had the desire to trade with both the central and the allied powers. The United States had a great economic interest in the war at this time. There were many different Get more content on
  • 22. American Foreign Policy American foreign policy relates to what is done in foreign countries by the United States of America. The foreign policies include controlling of the governments of foreign countries or setting some rules in those countries. The foreign policy of America has always been changing all through the US existence. The changes have stemmed from the dynamics of exogenous and substantial influences of watershed up to the international system and also the effects and changes of endogenous inside the government of the United States. Outstanding assertions like the policies of Monroe, intercontinental encounters such as the Second World War, War of the Spanish and Americans, and thecold war and also conflicts that were termed as local including the Korean War and the Vietnam War considerably shaped the American foreign policy (Kissinger et al., 1969). The recent occurrences such as the 11th September 2001, epitomized the important exogenous watershed which influenced the American Government's foreign policy decision– making. Apart from the exogenous dynamics which have made the bulk of judgments in the policy of U.S. foreign matters, there is also American government endogenous aspects. The elements include the Legislative body, the president, the public opinion Americans, and the bureaucracy which greatly influence the decision making concerning the foreign policy (Peterson, 1994). The purpose of this research paper is to review some important literature Get more content on