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Unit 15
Lewis Millard
Aims & Objectives
This advertising campaign is for the outlook
festival in Croatia 2011. It was designed to let
people know where the festival is and when
it is (Thursday 1st – Sunday 4th September
2011). Additionally, it tells you which artists
are going to play at the festival.
Their main aim is to increase sales as they
want more customers at the event and with
that comes more money.
Also, they increase brand awareness as more
and more people will go to the festival if
there are posters.
Target Audience
Maslow (interests) – the audience would be categorized as explorers because they like change
and like to experience a new festival. They may also be social climbers as they like going to
festivals with lots of celebrities.
Katz – Katz would be entertain and social reaction because it’s a time of relaxation away from
home where you have no worries or stresses and you can enjoy yourself with your friends.
There is proof of this in an article I read on line which said ‘it seems to attract quite a young
Hartley (Age, gender, class) - It is primarily ages between 16 and 25 years old with a majority of
people being male. Therefore you could say they advertise predominantly for young adults.
There is no main ethnicity that attend the festival.
Socio-Economic needs (lifestyle) – The socio – economic needs would be C1- E because many
people would be students or not in the highest occupational job. This is because the audience
are usually young people.
Psychographics– Personality? Stereotypes surrounding the reader? (lifestyle) – To go to a
festival you need to be a fun, musical and confident person as you need to be able to cope well
with loud music and dancing around people you may or may not know. You would need to enjoy
being around your friends and different genres of music.
Spending Power - Students will have a low spending power as they are earning a lower amount
of money and it may take them a while to even save up for the tickets originally. it is £100.00 for
a weekend festival ticket.
Representation is the way certain aspects of society, such as gender, age or ethnicity are
presented to an audience.
The stereotypical person who goes to festival tend to wear vibrant colours like yellow, pink
orange and red. Additionally, other people tend to wear sunglasses and shorts with trainers
or wellies. Additionally at festivals there can be a big issue that many people are aware that a
lot of people will take and try drugs which can also result to unfortunate consequences. Also,
the stereotypical ethnicity at a festival is white British as these people are seeing themselves
as ‘hipsters’. This links to my festival as women are likely to wear wellies and short shorts
where as men will probably where jeans or shorts with a t-shirt.
‘The Male Gaze Theory’ as Laura Mulvey describes it, is where women in the media are
perceived from the eyes of a heterosexual man, and that the women are seen as passive
objects of male desires.
Diana Saco’s response to Laura Mulveys theory represents not only the gaze of the male
viewer but also the gaze of the male character and the male creator of the film.
John Berger (1972) introduced the theory of ‘men act, women appear’ which can be linked to
festivals because you will have a lot of men staring at and objectifying women due to the way
they are dressed or look.
Representation is used in advertising to draw the readers attention. If you feel a connection
with the festival poster and are interested in it, you are more likely to purchase tickets and
attend than if you didn't’t feel like it was for you.
Campaign Message
The slogan of Outlook festival is ‘Europes Leading Soundsystem
Culture’. The message behind this is very simple, it is meant to be
the best festival in Europe. This is backed up with the connotation
of big and up there with the best by the word ‘leading’.
The unique selling point of this festival would be that it is quite
small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if
they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of
thousands of people. Another high factor that people will
encounter is safety. As a customer you want to ensure that you will
be safe and will not be crushed. Before publishing any
advertisements, the company will want to make sure they are
conveying the right message. This would be mainly to have fun and
enjoy yourself.
To advertise for their event they chose to print posters. This may be
quite expensive however very effective as if you put the posters in
busy, public places lots of customers will be attracted.
Print Based Advertisement
The main types of
advertisement for
Outlook festival social
media, YouTube,
internet site, articles
and posters.
To the right is a
screenshot of the
advert on YouTube. It
is evident it is
effective as they have
Outlook festival also
have 222,053 likes on
Facebook and 32.4k
followers on Twitter.
Regulatory bodies
Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is a UK watchdog which is committed to maintaining
high standards in advertising looking specifically at the consumers, the advertisers and the
society as a whole.
Its role is to "regulate the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing
in the UK" by investigating "complaints made about ads, sales promotions or direct
marketing", and deciding whether such advertising complies with its advertising standards
The BBFC looks at the age rates films and videos before they are released. This independent
scrutiny prior to release ensures the highest possible level of protection and empowerment.
Ofcom makes sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and
are further protected from things such as scams and sharp practices, while ensuring that
competition can strive.
The ASA makes sure that ads across the UK stick to the advertising rules. Their main aim is too
make every advert a responsible one within the UK. As a result of their work, 4,584 adverts
were either changed or removed. This links t outlook festival as they must coincide with the
rules and standards that the ASA has set.
Ethical & Legal Issues
If there is a problem or situation which requires a person or
group to choose whether the alternatives are right (ethical)
or wrong (unethical).
When producing print based media such as posters,
companies must follow rules so they do not offend or harm
any type of readership once being sold.
One of them is that “particular care must be taken to avoid
causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, gender,
sexuality, disability or age. Compliance will be judged on the
Offensive material: some examples of offensive material are
sexism, racism or any other kind of prejudice. These types of
content are not to be included in the poster.
Copyright is when there is a legal right which lasts
for a certain amount of years so you can’t print,
publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or
musical material that already exists.
There is no copyright symbol on the front page of
the hard copy of the magazine itself. However this
does not mean there is no copyright within the
magazine. Throughout the content of the poster
there are copyright laws and even copyright within
Since the copyright law changed in 1998, the
employees gave their own rights for photocopying
from a paper version and reproduction in a book.
For example this could be a writer or a
photographer. Then the employer(s) have rights for
everything else.
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and
symbols, names and images used in commerce. There is evidence of other intellectual property (IP) being used in
the magazine. Above is the types of protection and what examples of intellectual property are associated with
Royalties is when a poster has included content which is copyrighted and if someone
else includes this information then they have to pay the original poster company.
Copyright Infringement
The use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the
copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights given to the copyright
holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached
by a third party. Music and movies are two of the most week-known forms of
entertainment that suffer from significant amounts of copyright infringement.
For example, if my poster were to an image. You would not be allowed to copy it and
play it else where for your own beneficial, advertising purposes. However, if you were
to break the law and do so, a penalty would be put in place depending on how serious
the crime is.
Ethical & Legal Issues
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out
the many rules that print based media
regulated by IPSO have agreed to
follow. To the left are three examples of
the rules; Accuracy, Discrimination and
Confidential Sources.
This relates to Outlook Festival as they
must follow these rules before
publishing a poster. For example,
number 12, Discrimination. Outlook
Festival must double check the whole
poster including images and texts to
ensure there is no prejudice against
‘race, colour, religion, sex, gender,
sexual orientation or any physical or
mental illness or disability.
The adverts for ‘Outlook’ festival were
placed allover the world. This is mainly
due to social media and that the festival is
actually in Croatia. Most people will fly
out to Croatia to visit the festival.
The festival will advertise several months
before the event so they have enough
time to get tickets. ‘Outlook’ advertise in
many ways such as articles, posters and
social media. This is to raise awareness
and get as many customers as possible.
Audio – Visual Advertisements
Aims & Objectives
This advertising campaign is for the outlook
festival in Croatia 2011. It was designed to let
people know where the festival is and when it is
(Wednesday 6th September). Additionally, it tells
you which artists are going to play at the festival
with background music to go with the text.
Their main aim is to increase sales as they want
more customers at the event and with that
comes more money and more profits.
Also, they increase brand awareness as more
and more people will go to the festival if there is
video advertising online.
Target Audience
Maslow (interests) – Maslow are people who will look at the adverts and decide they want to go
to the festival would be mainstream, explorers and aspirers. These are the kinds of people that
want to go for the experience.
Katz – Katz would be entertain and social reaction because it’s a time of relaxation away from
home where you have no worries or stresses and you can enjoy yourself with your friends. There
is proof of this in an article I read on line which said ‘it seems to attract quite a young crowd’.
Hartley (Age, gender, class) - It is primarily ages between 16 and 25 years old with a majority of
people being male. Therefore you could say they advertise predominantly for young adults. There
is no main ethnicity that attend the festival.
Socio-Economic needs (lifestyle) – The socio – economic needs would be C1- E because many
people would be students or not in the highest occupational job.
Psychographics– Personality? Stereotypes surrounding the reader? (lifestyle) – To go to a festival
you need to be a fun, musical and confident person as you need to be abe to cope well with loud
music and dancing around people you may or may not know. You would need to enjoy being
around your friends and different genres of music.
Spending Power - Students will have a low spending power as they are earning a lower amount of
money and it may take them a while to even save up for the tickets originally.
Representation is the way certain aspects of society, such as gender, age or ethnicity are
presented to an audience. This can be different depending on the festival or event.+
The stereotypical person who goes to festival tend to wear vibrant colours like yellow, pink orange
and red. Additionally, other people tend to wear sunglasses and shorts with trainers or wellies.
Additionally at festivals there can be a big issue that many people are aware that a lot of people
will take and try drugs which can also result to unfortunate consequences. Also, the stereotypical
ethnicity at a festival is white British as these people are seeing themselves as ‘hipsters’.
‘The Male Gaze Theory’ as Laura Mulvey describes it, is where women in the media are perceived
from the eyes of a heterosexual man, and that the women are seen as passive objects of male
Diana Saco’s response to Laura Mulveys theory represents not only the gaze of the male viewer
but also the gaze of the male character and the male creator of the film.
John Berger (1972) introduced the theory of ‘men act, women appear’ which can be linked to
festivals because you will have a lot of men staring at and objectifying women due to the way they
are dressed or look.
Representation is used in advertising to draw the readers attention. If you feel a connection with
the festival poster and are interested in it, you are more likely to purchase tickets and attend than
if you didn't’t feel like it was for you.
The images to the right are screenshots of the audio visual advert. They include things like artists
who are going to feature and additionally key information such as ‘tickets available now’ and
contact info.
Representation Continued
Male gaze:
hypothetically at
festivals women are not
wearing many clothes,
have glitter or face
paint on their faces and
wear sunglasses.
Female gaze: typically
men wear shirts or
short sleeve t-shirts,
sunglasses and
jewellery such as
necklaces. Source:
Campaign Message
The main message of the video is to advertise who is playing at the festival. The
idea of this is that when you see an artist featured that you like, you are
automatically drawn into and interested in going to the event. This is evident as
the video itself is called ‘Outlook Festival 2017 – Initial Line – Up’
The unique selling point of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance
wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to be too
cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. Another high
factor that people will encounter is safety. As a customer you want to ensure that
you will be safe and will not be crushed. Before publishing any advertisements,
the company will want to make sure they are conveying the right message. This
would be mainly to have fun and enjoy yourself. This advertisement campaign is
displayed very boldly and big which might be the message they are trying to
convey with links to their festival being bold, outgoing and worldwide.
To advertise for their event they chose to make a YouTube video and post videos
online. On the other hand, you could say that the video is an appropriate choice
as a lot more people are visiting you tubes website.
Legal and ethical issues
If there is a problem or situation which requires a
person or group to choose whether the alternatives are
right (ethical) or wrong (unethical).
When producing media such as YouTube videos,
companies must follow rules so they do not offend or
harm any type of readership once being sold.
One of them is that “particular care must be taken to
avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion,
gender, sexuality, disability or age. Compliance will be
judged on the standards”.
Offensive material: some examples of offensive
material are sexism, racism or any other kind of
prejudice. These types of content are not to be
included in the video.
Copyright is when there is a legal right which lasts
for a certain amount of years so you can’t print,
publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or
musical material that already exists.
There is no copyright symbol on the front page of
the hard copy of the magazine itself. However this
does not mean there is no copyright within the
magazine. Throughout the content of the poster
there are copyright laws and even copyright within
Since the copyright law changed in 1998, the
employees gave their own rights for photocopying
from a paper version and reproduction in a book.
For example this could be a writer or a
photographer. Then the employer(s) have rights for
everything else.
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and
symbols, names and images used in commerce. There is evidence of other intellectual property (IP) being used in
the magazine. Above is the types of protection and what examples of intellectual property are associated with
Royalties is when a poster has included content which is copyrighted and if someone
else includes this information then they have to pay the original poster company.
Copyright Infringement
The use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the
copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights given to the copyright
holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached
by a third party. Music and movies are two of the most week-known forms of
entertainment that suffer from significant amounts of copyright infringement.
For example, if my poster were to an image. You would not be allowed to copy it and
play it else where for your own beneficial, advertising purposes. However, if you were
to break the law and do so, a penalty would be put in place depending on how serious
the crime is.
The adverts for ‘Outlook’ festival were placed on
the internet on YouTube. Therefore anyone who
goes online and searches for an outlook advert will
be able to see this. You can be anywhere in the
world to do this providing you have an internet
connection. Once customers have viewed the
video and decided whether or not they want to go,
the ones that are going will fly out to Croatia to
visit the festival or may already be in the country.
The festival will advertise several months before
the event so they have enough time to get tickets.
‘Outlook’ advertise in many ways such as articles,
posters and social media. This is to raise awareness
and get as many customers as possible.
How the advertisements are linked to
convey the campaign message?
The main message of the video and poster is to advertise
who is playing at the festival and give key information.
The idea of this is that when you see an artist featured
that you like, you are automatically drawn into and
interested in going to the event. The unique selling point
of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance
wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they
don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by
hundreds of thousands of people. To advertise for their
event they chose to make a YouTube video and poster,
this is very cost efficient and gets seen by thousands of
people anywhere in the world.
In this LO1 for UNIT15 I analyzed both print based
media (poster) and audio – visual advert (YouTube
video). I looked into aims and objectives and target
audience for both. Then I went on to exploring the
representation, target audience and legal & ethical
issues involved in the poster and YouTube video. To
finalize, I studied the method to figure out the main
advantages and disadvantages of the advertising
My product is a poster that is going to be advertising the festival ‘AMP’. My aims are to get as many people to see the poster and join the
festival. Additionally to make a lot of money and raise awareness of what artists will be playing at the festival. Objectives: My objectives
are too have an attendance of 50,000 and make £5,000,000.
The target audience of my poster would be teenagers up to 40. We will do this by featuring and displaying current, yet popular artists like
Arctic Monkeys . I may even feature artists that are older or less well-known artists to cater for an older target audience.
Maslow – Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs would be safety needs because you want the customers to feel like they are safe when at the
Katz – Katz Uses & Gratification Theory would be to Inform and Educate, this is because the poster will tell you a lot about upcoming
artists, albums and songs that will be played.
Hartley –
1. Age- 15-40
2. Gender- male
3. Class- Middle Class (B)
4. Ethnicity- UK/British
5. Nation- UK
Psychographics – The main type of readership for my magazine would be male. This is because more males are interested in going to
Socio-economic needs – The Socio-Economic Needs is a B because the festival is for middle or lower class people who don’t earn that
much money but enough to afford a ticket to the festival.
The slogan of my poster will be ‘Europe's loudest fest’. The message behind this is very simple, it is meant to be the best festival in Europe.
Other than the level of volume, this is backed up with the connotation of big and up there with the best by the word ‘loudest’. The unique
selling point of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to
be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people.
The style of my festival will be very relaxed and friendly. This is so that everyone feels welcome and can have an enjoyable time when you
are their. The clothing will be causal dress and the genre will be pop. The colours of the fest will be red and black.
On my print based advertisement, will be the main heading, a main background image and lots of informative text telling you all the details
about the festival including whose playing, when it is, where it is, prices and social media links/contact us links.
Campaign Message
The message behind my poster is very simple, it is meant to be the
best and loudest festival in Europe which has come from the name
‘AMP’. This is backed up with the connotation of big and up there
with the best by these powerful word shortened from ‘amplify’.
The unique selling point of my festival would be that it is quite
small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if
they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of
thousands of people. Another high factor that people will
encounter is safety. As a customer you want to ensure that you will
be safe and will not be crushed. Before publishing any
advertisements, the company will want to make sure they are
conveying the right message. This would be mainly to have fun and
enjoy yourself.
To advertise for my event I chose to print posters. This may be quite
expensive however very effective as if you put the posters in busy,
public places lots of customers will be attracted.
Logo /
Frequency of
Logo Designs
Marketing of
the Product
Amplify –
are loud and
Red & Black – Dark
Colours shows
‘Europe's Loudest
Festival’ –
connotations are of
a loud volume
showing status.
Teenagers up
to 40 as these
are the age of
people that are
interested in
going to to
Print Based Media
(Poster). This is the
best way as it is
cheap, time
efficient and easy
to do.
Only once as
there is only
one festival
every year .
Amp is short for amplify which
has connotations of loud and
Hand Drawn Drafts
Here are my hand drawn drafts for my poster print based advertisement. I prefer the one on the right
as the slogan will look professional just underneath the masthead in the centre of the page.
Additionally, I like how the artists will be displayed centrally, at the bottom of the page.
Graphic Layouts
These are two examples of my graphic layouts. I prefer using graphic
layouts as it is done on the computer, is cheaper and it is very easy and
clear to understand.
Draft Logo Design
As my event is called
AMPLIFY or AMP for short I
will be using this in the logo
of the brand. The main font
I like is the middle one as it
is large and bold which
should reflect the aims of
the festival itself. In addition
to this I like the solid black
lines above and below the
font as I think this looks
very professional.
Photoshoot Plan
Lewis Millard will be the photographer. I
am going to have close up shots to get
more detail and technique in the photo. I
am going to use angles that allow me to
see a reflection of a guitar in the glasses
that my model will be wearing. I am going
to use dark colours in my text therefore I
am going to make the images light to
make the text stand out when it has been
added to my poster.
Where: School Photoshoot room
When: anytime of the day as we can
using lighting in the studio.
Inspirational Images
Advertisements Of Inspiration
The main background image is a cartoon
version of a sunshine. There are many
connotations of the sun. one of them is
celebration and fun as the sun brings out
happiness in people. The alternative
connotation of the sun is because of the
lightness. This maybe could represent a
lighthearted, relaxed and chilled theme
to the festival.
Target Audience: I would say that
the target audience is young adults
(16-40) and within the C1-E category
(socioeconomic needs) because you
would not expect older people to
listen to this type of music or go to a
festival like this.
Colour Scheme: The colour
scheme is orange, red, white and
black. I think this is a good colour
scheme as the colours work well
together and they are bold.
Additionally, the colours red and
orange show, enjoyment, fun and
happiness which can be depicted
from the poster.
Masthead: The masthead
is ‘OUTLOOK’. This is very
big, bold and centered in
the page.
Main Text: Across the page there is a
lot of writing which tells you
information about the event and which
artists are going to be playing. I think
this is a good idea that they are very
big because it means people are more
likely to see them. When you see an
artist you like, you are more likely to
be intrigued and want to find out more
about the event.
What Will I Repeat? – Steve Neale
In 1980, a theorist named Steve Neale said ‘it is
easy to underplay the differences within a genre’.
He also declares that genres are known for
repetition and difference. He adds that difference
is absolutely essential for the product to work and
that repetition will not attract an audience.
On my poster of inspiration I am going to repeat
the big bold masthead at the top of the page. This
is because it is easily seen and draws your
I am also going to include bright colours so it grabs
your attention as you walk by.
However, I am not going to have a dull background
image. I will create a more interesting image as I
think it will look more professional.
Poster/Advert information– Artists
The main artists that will
be playing at my festival
are Chance Rapper, Wiz
Khalifa, Ty Dolla Sign,
Rae Sremmud, Kanye
West & The Weekend. I
will feature these artists
as they are the ones I am
most interested in and I
think I could make a
professional poster with
Select fonts/graphics/colours
/ House Style
The three images to the right are all fonts taken
from These are the potential fonts
I could use for my masthead. However I have
chosen the middle one as I like the solid black
lines above and below the font as I think this
looks very professional. Additionally it is big
and bold which looks very professional.
The colour will be black as I think this will look
good with the lighter colored backgrounds. The
house style will be very inviting and friendly to
look at. This is so it will successful convey the
campaign message.
Production Plan
18th Sep
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Deciding who will
headline on what day
and general discussions
and ideas.
Design layouts and
announce artists.
Produce advert
Start producing and
planning audio visual
Send first advert to
printing company
Continue filming and
producing audio visual
Printing of poster is
taking place.
Edit audio visual
Posters are released
Carry on editing audio
Monday 25th
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Start the designing and
layout for the
announcement of the
last three headliners.
Carry on editing audio
Finalise. Then start to
produce the next poster
for the next
Add in extra bits to audio
visual that are needed
Continue the production
of the psoters.
Upload audio visual.
Posters sent to printing. Posters being printed. Second poster released
of the final headliners.
Monday 2nd
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
The layout for each
performers playing on
what dates and where it
will be held.
Produce the official
poster and be ready to
send it off to printing.
Final checks and sent off
to the printing team.
Audio visual advert
Posters being printed. Release the final poster
advert with the
completed and official
acts and what days they
Production Plan Continued
Monday 9th
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Design the alternative
advertisement for the
magazine, slightly
changing the poster so
you keep brand
Carry on designing Complete the advert
Confirm all the
information is correct.
Final poster based
advertisement is
released and work out
which information is
going where on the
16th Oct
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Start to produce the
final and official advert.
Produce the advert. Produce the advert. Produce the advert. Triple check the advert
for any errors.
23rd Oct
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Add any details if
Sent the print based
advertisement to
magazine companies.
Make sure the
magazines receive the
advert and include it for
their next release.
Magazines with the
same genre to the
festival will receive the
date: 25th
Launch Dates – poster
Meeting Date Time Purpose
Planning and pitching the
ideas about the poster to
the client
1st October 9:00 Let the client know my ideas and allow them to talk about
Client approval meeting for
the poster
7th October 1:00 The changed are done and pitched again to the client and
final ideas are discussed.
Client budget meeting for
the poster
8th October 1:00 Budget of the project will be discussed
Planning and production of
the final poster
10th October 9:00 Planning where and how I will do the poster
Post production of print
15th October Editing the photos and poster
Client and focus group
screening of a print advert
16th October 9:00 Showcased to a number of people to get feedback
Post production
refinements of poster
17th October I am making the changes that have been previously talked
Final client approval for
19th October 10:00 After the changes are done, show the client the final piece.
Format and scheduling for
a poster
20th October 10:00 Me and the client deciding on when the product have to be
Launch date of poster 25th October 8:00 Launch the advert.
Calendar Events
Festivals are usually in the summer. My festival of
inspiration is also later in the summer. I know this
because it is Thursday 1st to Sunday 4th September 2011.
they may have done this so the weather is likely to be dry
as its an outdoor event. Additionally, this time of year is
generally cooler so people will not be too hot at the
festival that it may cause problems.
As the festival is in Croatia, people will have to travel and
take time off work in order for them to go. Therefore it is
good that the festival is in summer as youngsters aren’t in
Equipment And Cost
Equipment Cost
Apple Mac Book Pro £2000
Microsoft Office £790 per user a month.
Desks and Chairs £175/desk
Printer x3 £232.17
Cameras x2 £428
Pens £10
This table illustrates the importance of cost within a business. This is because as a business
you need to budget and know how much you are spending so you can work out profitability.
Additionally, you can later on use the information to work our profit using the calculation
(revenue – cost).
Staff And Cost
Staff Salary
Publisher £53,500
Photographers £42,000
This table also demonstrates the importance of cost within a business. This is because as a
business you need to budget and know how much you are spending on staff and salaries so
you can workout potential profits. Additionally, you can later on use the information to work
our profit using the calculation (revenue – cost).
Printing Quotes and Costs
500 copies would only cost £19.88.
Budget summary
Total Equipment Cost: £6562
Total Staff Cost: £95,500
Total Printing Cost: £19.88
Total Cost: £102,081.88
The equipment I will use in my
photoshoot consists of a tripod and a
camera. I am going to go to Ashtead
Common to take the photos and also go
to London. I will find where the best
place is and use the photos. I hope to
take photos of landscape and/or
I will print off 500 posters in total which will be just short
of £20. I think this is a good deal as it is not very costly for
such a large amount of posters.
I will display the posters in Croatia and in the UK. This is
because the event is in Croatia and people in the UK will
also want to go out to Croatia for the weekend. I will hire
various different people to go around certain areas
putting up the posters. For example I will hire someone to
walk around London putting up posters which for a few
days job will not cost that much money. I will send the
posters to this persons house and inspect London to
prove they have done it.
Location Recce
30th September 2017
Doesn't’t matter as we can change the lighting I the studio
Picture Needed / Required
Shot type
Props and equipment
Close up
Sunglasses should be work for reflection
Lots of lighting
My friend can be in it wearing a pair of glasses.
Potential Hazards / Risks
Location Specific
Uneven ground could cause injury to ankles or legs. This is because
you could trip up or fall over.
Slippery floor may cause a slip which can seriously harm you.
Bright light from the flash must not be directly into someone's eyes
as this can damage their eyes.
Role of Relevant Regulatory
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that
newspapers, magazines and posters etc. regulated by
IPSO have agreed to follow. The Code is written and
administered by the editors code committee and
enforced by IPSO. The Editors' Code of Practice
Committee writes, reviews and revises the Code of
Practice to keep it fresh, responsive and relevant.
The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice
came into effect on 1 January 2016.
Does it meet legal and ethical
requirements and how?
The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the many rules that posters regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. To the
left are three examples of the rules; Accuracy, Discrimination and Confidential Sources.
Outlook festival poster meets legal and ethical requirements. This is because the publishers will not have included
any content that has a potential to harm or offend someone. For example, racism or sexism.
This relates to my poster as AMP must follow these rules before publishing a poster. For example, number 12,
Discrimination. AMP must double check the whole poster including images and texts to ensure there is no
prejudice against ‘race, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation or any physical or mental illness or
Copyright is when there is a legal right which lasts
for a certain amount of years so you can’t print,
publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or
musical material that already exists.
There is no copyright symbol on the front page of
the hard copy of the magazine itself. However this
does not mean there is no copyright within the
magazine. Throughout the content of the poster
there are copyright laws and even copyright within
Since the copyright law changed in 1998, the
employees gave their own rights for photocopying
from a paper version and reproduction in a book.
For example this could be a writer or a
photographer. Then the employer(s) have rights for
everything else.
Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and
symbols, names and images used in commerce. There is evidence of other intellectual property (IP) being used in
the magazine. Above is the types of protection and what examples of intellectual property are associated with
Royalties is when a poster has included content which is copyrighted and if someone
else includes this information then they have to pay the original poster company.
Copyright Infringement
The use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the
copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights given to the copyright
holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached
by a third party. Music and movies are two of the most week-known forms of
entertainment that suffer from significant amounts of copyright infringement.
For example, if my poster were to an image. You would not be allowed to copy it and
play it else where for your own beneficial, advertising purposes. However, if you were
to break the law and do so, a penalty would be put in place depending on how serious
the crime is.
Regulatory Issues
Things that tend to have copyright can be also known as
Intellectual Property (IP) and this is protected by the law. IP can be
divided into two categories which are; Industrial Property and
Copyright. As well as IP on printed work for example on an image
on google that has been printed, you can get a digital watermark
which protects any copyrighted content from any poster online and
in any digital format. It is very significant to have this because it
means people will have to pay you to use your ideas and
For example, particularly on my poster, if you find an online copy of
the content then you cannot use it if it has a watermark on it.
Additionally, you have to contact me and either ask for permission
or pay for it. This is good for me as it is another source of income.
An IP/Watermark is demonstrated to the image on the right .
Regulatory Issues
Data Protection Act (1998)
The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a law designed to protect personal data stored on
computers or in an organized paper filing system.
During the second half of the 20th century, businesses, organisations and the
government began using computers to store information about their customers,
clients and staff in databases. For example; names, addresses, contact information,
employment history, medical conditions, convictions and credit history.
The 1998 Data Protection Act was passed by Parliament to control the way
information is handled and to give legal rights to people who have information stored
about them.
Other European Union countries have passed similar laws as often information is held
in more than one country.
The ASA makes sure that ads across the UK stick
to the advertising rules. Their main aim is too
make every advert a responsible one within the
UK. As a result of their work, 4,584 adverts were
either changed or removed.
Therefore this links to my festival as they must
coincide with the rules and standards that the
ASA has set.
Planning For An Audio Visual
I think it would be a good idea for the audio visual advert
to include videos of people dancing and singing as if they
were at the festival. Also background music of the artists
singing can be played. They can be filmed in a dark room
with strobe lighting and flashing to make it look like they
are at a festival. This can then be distributed to social
media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
The advert can last about a minute and will be on the
social media page for 6 months before the event takes

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Unit15 lo1 and 2

  • 2.
  • 3. Aims & Objectives This advertising campaign is for the outlook festival in Croatia 2011. It was designed to let people know where the festival is and when it is (Thursday 1st – Sunday 4th September 2011). Additionally, it tells you which artists are going to play at the festival. Their main aim is to increase sales as they want more customers at the event and with that comes more money. Also, they increase brand awareness as more and more people will go to the festival if there are posters.
  • 4. Target Audience Maslow (interests) – the audience would be categorized as explorers because they like change and like to experience a new festival. They may also be social climbers as they like going to festivals with lots of celebrities. Katz – Katz would be entertain and social reaction because it’s a time of relaxation away from home where you have no worries or stresses and you can enjoy yourself with your friends. There is proof of this in an article I read on line which said ‘it seems to attract quite a young crowd’. Hartley (Age, gender, class) - It is primarily ages between 16 and 25 years old with a majority of people being male. Therefore you could say they advertise predominantly for young adults. There is no main ethnicity that attend the festival. Socio-Economic needs (lifestyle) – The socio – economic needs would be C1- E because many people would be students or not in the highest occupational job. This is because the audience are usually young people. Psychographics– Personality? Stereotypes surrounding the reader? (lifestyle) – To go to a festival you need to be a fun, musical and confident person as you need to be able to cope well with loud music and dancing around people you may or may not know. You would need to enjoy being around your friends and different genres of music. Spending Power - Students will have a low spending power as they are earning a lower amount of money and it may take them a while to even save up for the tickets originally. it is £100.00 for a weekend festival ticket. Source:
  • 5. Representation Representation is the way certain aspects of society, such as gender, age or ethnicity are presented to an audience. The stereotypical person who goes to festival tend to wear vibrant colours like yellow, pink orange and red. Additionally, other people tend to wear sunglasses and shorts with trainers or wellies. Additionally at festivals there can be a big issue that many people are aware that a lot of people will take and try drugs which can also result to unfortunate consequences. Also, the stereotypical ethnicity at a festival is white British as these people are seeing themselves as ‘hipsters’. This links to my festival as women are likely to wear wellies and short shorts where as men will probably where jeans or shorts with a t-shirt. ‘The Male Gaze Theory’ as Laura Mulvey describes it, is where women in the media are perceived from the eyes of a heterosexual man, and that the women are seen as passive objects of male desires. Diana Saco’s response to Laura Mulveys theory represents not only the gaze of the male viewer but also the gaze of the male character and the male creator of the film. John Berger (1972) introduced the theory of ‘men act, women appear’ which can be linked to festivals because you will have a lot of men staring at and objectifying women due to the way they are dressed or look. Representation is used in advertising to draw the readers attention. If you feel a connection with the festival poster and are interested in it, you are more likely to purchase tickets and attend than if you didn't’t feel like it was for you. Source:
  • 6. Campaign Message The slogan of Outlook festival is ‘Europes Leading Soundsystem Culture’. The message behind this is very simple, it is meant to be the best festival in Europe. This is backed up with the connotation of big and up there with the best by the word ‘leading’. The unique selling point of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. Another high factor that people will encounter is safety. As a customer you want to ensure that you will be safe and will not be crushed. Before publishing any advertisements, the company will want to make sure they are conveying the right message. This would be mainly to have fun and enjoy yourself. To advertise for their event they chose to print posters. This may be quite expensive however very effective as if you put the posters in busy, public places lots of customers will be attracted.
  • 7. Print Based Advertisement The main types of advertisement for Outlook festival social media, YouTube, internet site, articles and posters. To the right is a screenshot of the advert on YouTube. It is evident it is effective as they have 45,000 views. Outlook festival also have 222,053 likes on Facebook and 32.4k followers on Twitter.
  • 8. Regulatory bodies Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is a UK watchdog which is committed to maintaining high standards in advertising looking specifically at the consumers, the advertisers and the society as a whole. Its role is to "regulate the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing in the UK" by investigating "complaints made about ads, sales promotions or direct marketing", and deciding whether such advertising complies with its advertising standards codes. The BBFC looks at the age rates films and videos before they are released. This independent scrutiny prior to release ensures the highest possible level of protection and empowerment. Ofcom makes sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and are further protected from things such as scams and sharp practices, while ensuring that competition can strive. The ASA makes sure that ads across the UK stick to the advertising rules. Their main aim is too make every advert a responsible one within the UK. As a result of their work, 4,584 adverts were either changed or removed. This links t outlook festival as they must coincide with the rules and standards that the ASA has set. Source: cap.html
  • 9. Ethical & Legal Issues If there is a problem or situation which requires a person or group to choose whether the alternatives are right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). When producing print based media such as posters, companies must follow rules so they do not offend or harm any type of readership once being sold. One of them is that “particular care must be taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, disability or age. Compliance will be judged on the standards”. Offensive material: some examples of offensive material are sexism, racism or any other kind of prejudice. These types of content are not to be included in the poster.
  • 10. Copyright Copyright is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists. There is no copyright symbol on the front page of the hard copy of the magazine itself. However this does not mean there is no copyright within the magazine. Throughout the content of the poster there are copyright laws and even copyright within advertisements. Since the copyright law changed in 1998, the employees gave their own rights for photocopying from a paper version and reproduction in a book. For example this could be a writer or a photographer. Then the employer(s) have rights for everything else. Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. There is evidence of other intellectual property (IP) being used in the magazine. Above is the types of protection and what examples of intellectual property are associated with them. Source:
  • 11. Royalties Royalties is when a poster has included content which is copyrighted and if someone else includes this information then they have to pay the original poster company. Copyright Infringement The use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights given to the copyright holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached by a third party. Music and movies are two of the most week-known forms of entertainment that suffer from significant amounts of copyright infringement. For example, if my poster were to an image. You would not be allowed to copy it and play it else where for your own beneficial, advertising purposes. However, if you were to break the law and do so, a penalty would be put in place depending on how serious the crime is. Source:
  • 12. Ethical & Legal Issues The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the many rules that print based media regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. To the left are three examples of the rules; Accuracy, Discrimination and Confidential Sources. This relates to Outlook Festival as they must follow these rules before publishing a poster. For example, number 12, Discrimination. Outlook Festival must double check the whole poster including images and texts to ensure there is no prejudice against ‘race, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation or any physical or mental illness or disability.
  • 13. Method The adverts for ‘Outlook’ festival were placed allover the world. This is mainly due to social media and that the festival is actually in Croatia. Most people will fly out to Croatia to visit the festival. The festival will advertise several months before the event so they have enough time to get tickets. ‘Outlook’ advertise in many ways such as articles, posters and social media. This is to raise awareness and get as many customers as possible.
  • 14. Audio – Visual Advertisements
  • 15. Aims & Objectives This advertising campaign is for the outlook festival in Croatia 2011. It was designed to let people know where the festival is and when it is (Wednesday 6th September). Additionally, it tells you which artists are going to play at the festival with background music to go with the text. Their main aim is to increase sales as they want more customers at the event and with that comes more money and more profits. Also, they increase brand awareness as more and more people will go to the festival if there is video advertising online.
  • 16. Target Audience Maslow (interests) – Maslow are people who will look at the adverts and decide they want to go to the festival would be mainstream, explorers and aspirers. These are the kinds of people that want to go for the experience. Katz – Katz would be entertain and social reaction because it’s a time of relaxation away from home where you have no worries or stresses and you can enjoy yourself with your friends. There is proof of this in an article I read on line which said ‘it seems to attract quite a young crowd’. Hartley (Age, gender, class) - It is primarily ages between 16 and 25 years old with a majority of people being male. Therefore you could say they advertise predominantly for young adults. There is no main ethnicity that attend the festival. Socio-Economic needs (lifestyle) – The socio – economic needs would be C1- E because many people would be students or not in the highest occupational job. Psychographics– Personality? Stereotypes surrounding the reader? (lifestyle) – To go to a festival you need to be a fun, musical and confident person as you need to be abe to cope well with loud music and dancing around people you may or may not know. You would need to enjoy being around your friends and different genres of music. Spending Power - Students will have a low spending power as they are earning a lower amount of money and it may take them a while to even save up for the tickets originally. Source:
  • 17. Representation Representation is the way certain aspects of society, such as gender, age or ethnicity are presented to an audience. This can be different depending on the festival or event.+ The stereotypical person who goes to festival tend to wear vibrant colours like yellow, pink orange and red. Additionally, other people tend to wear sunglasses and shorts with trainers or wellies. Additionally at festivals there can be a big issue that many people are aware that a lot of people will take and try drugs which can also result to unfortunate consequences. Also, the stereotypical ethnicity at a festival is white British as these people are seeing themselves as ‘hipsters’. ‘The Male Gaze Theory’ as Laura Mulvey describes it, is where women in the media are perceived from the eyes of a heterosexual man, and that the women are seen as passive objects of male desires. Diana Saco’s response to Laura Mulveys theory represents not only the gaze of the male viewer but also the gaze of the male character and the male creator of the film. John Berger (1972) introduced the theory of ‘men act, women appear’ which can be linked to festivals because you will have a lot of men staring at and objectifying women due to the way they are dressed or look. Representation is used in advertising to draw the readers attention. If you feel a connection with the festival poster and are interested in it, you are more likely to purchase tickets and attend than if you didn't’t feel like it was for you. The images to the right are screenshots of the audio visual advert. They include things like artists who are going to feature and additionally key information such as ‘tickets available now’ and contact info. Source:
  • 18. Representation Continued Male gaze: hypothetically at festivals women are not wearing many clothes, have glitter or face paint on their faces and wear sunglasses. Female gaze: typically men wear shirts or short sleeve t-shirts, sunglasses and jewellery such as necklaces. Source:
  • 19. Campaign Message The main message of the video is to advertise who is playing at the festival. The idea of this is that when you see an artist featured that you like, you are automatically drawn into and interested in going to the event. This is evident as the video itself is called ‘Outlook Festival 2017 – Initial Line – Up’ The unique selling point of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. Another high factor that people will encounter is safety. As a customer you want to ensure that you will be safe and will not be crushed. Before publishing any advertisements, the company will want to make sure they are conveying the right message. This would be mainly to have fun and enjoy yourself. This advertisement campaign is displayed very boldly and big which might be the message they are trying to convey with links to their festival being bold, outgoing and worldwide. To advertise for their event they chose to make a YouTube video and post videos online. On the other hand, you could say that the video is an appropriate choice as a lot more people are visiting you tubes website.
  • 20. Legal and ethical issues If there is a problem or situation which requires a person or group to choose whether the alternatives are right (ethical) or wrong (unethical). When producing media such as YouTube videos, companies must follow rules so they do not offend or harm any type of readership once being sold. One of them is that “particular care must be taken to avoid causing offence on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, disability or age. Compliance will be judged on the standards”. Offensive material: some examples of offensive material are sexism, racism or any other kind of prejudice. These types of content are not to be included in the video.
  • 21. Copyright Copyright is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists. There is no copyright symbol on the front page of the hard copy of the magazine itself. However this does not mean there is no copyright within the magazine. Throughout the content of the poster there are copyright laws and even copyright within advertisements. Since the copyright law changed in 1998, the employees gave their own rights for photocopying from a paper version and reproduction in a book. For example this could be a writer or a photographer. Then the employer(s) have rights for everything else. Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. There is evidence of other intellectual property (IP) being used in the magazine. Above is the types of protection and what examples of intellectual property are associated with them. Source:
  • 22. Royalties Royalties is when a poster has included content which is copyrighted and if someone else includes this information then they have to pay the original poster company. Copyright Infringement The use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights given to the copyright holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached by a third party. Music and movies are two of the most week-known forms of entertainment that suffer from significant amounts of copyright infringement. For example, if my poster were to an image. You would not be allowed to copy it and play it else where for your own beneficial, advertising purposes. However, if you were to break the law and do so, a penalty would be put in place depending on how serious the crime is. Source:
  • 23. Method The adverts for ‘Outlook’ festival were placed on the internet on YouTube. Therefore anyone who goes online and searches for an outlook advert will be able to see this. You can be anywhere in the world to do this providing you have an internet connection. Once customers have viewed the video and decided whether or not they want to go, the ones that are going will fly out to Croatia to visit the festival or may already be in the country. The festival will advertise several months before the event so they have enough time to get tickets. ‘Outlook’ advertise in many ways such as articles, posters and social media. This is to raise awareness and get as many customers as possible.
  • 24. How the advertisements are linked to convey the campaign message? The main message of the video and poster is to advertise who is playing at the festival and give key information. The idea of this is that when you see an artist featured that you like, you are automatically drawn into and interested in going to the event. The unique selling point of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. To advertise for their event they chose to make a YouTube video and poster, this is very cost efficient and gets seen by thousands of people anywhere in the world.
  • 25. Conclusion In this LO1 for UNIT15 I analyzed both print based media (poster) and audio – visual advert (YouTube video). I looked into aims and objectives and target audience for both. Then I went on to exploring the representation, target audience and legal & ethical issues involved in the poster and YouTube video. To finalize, I studied the method to figure out the main advantages and disadvantages of the advertising campaign.
  • 26.
  • 27. Proposal My product is a poster that is going to be advertising the festival ‘AMP’. My aims are to get as many people to see the poster and join the festival. Additionally to make a lot of money and raise awareness of what artists will be playing at the festival. Objectives: My objectives are too have an attendance of 50,000 and make £5,000,000. The target audience of my poster would be teenagers up to 40. We will do this by featuring and displaying current, yet popular artists like Arctic Monkeys . I may even feature artists that are older or less well-known artists to cater for an older target audience. Maslow – Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs would be safety needs because you want the customers to feel like they are safe when at the festival. Katz – Katz Uses & Gratification Theory would be to Inform and Educate, this is because the poster will tell you a lot about upcoming artists, albums and songs that will be played. Hartley – 1. Age- 15-40 2. Gender- male 3. Class- Middle Class (B) 4. Ethnicity- UK/British 5. Nation- UK Psychographics – The main type of readership for my magazine would be male. This is because more males are interested in going to festivals. Socio-economic needs – The Socio-Economic Needs is a B because the festival is for middle or lower class people who don’t earn that much money but enough to afford a ticket to the festival. The slogan of my poster will be ‘Europe's loudest fest’. The message behind this is very simple, it is meant to be the best festival in Europe. Other than the level of volume, this is backed up with the connotation of big and up there with the best by the word ‘loudest’. The unique selling point of this festival would be that it is quite small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. The style of my festival will be very relaxed and friendly. This is so that everyone feels welcome and can have an enjoyable time when you are their. The clothing will be causal dress and the genre will be pop. The colours of the fest will be red and black. On my print based advertisement, will be the main heading, a main background image and lots of informative text telling you all the details about the festival including whose playing, when it is, where it is, prices and social media links/contact us links.
  • 28. Campaign Message The message behind my poster is very simple, it is meant to be the best and loudest festival in Europe which has come from the name ‘AMP’. This is backed up with the connotation of big and up there with the best by these powerful word shortened from ‘amplify’. The unique selling point of my festival would be that it is quite small attendance wise. People will like to go to a smaller festival if they don’t want to be too cramped and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. Another high factor that people will encounter is safety. As a customer you want to ensure that you will be safe and will not be crushed. Before publishing any advertisements, the company will want to make sure they are conveying the right message. This would be mainly to have fun and enjoy yourself. To advertise for my event I chose to print posters. This may be quite expensive however very effective as if you put the posters in busy, public places lots of customers will be attracted.
  • 29. Mindmap Colour Scheme Target Audience Logo / Masthead Names Frequency of Release Logo Designs Slogan Marketing of the Product Amplify – Connotations are loud and outgoing. Red & Black – Dark Colours shows emotion. ‘Europe's Loudest Festival’ – connotations are of a loud volume showing status. Teenagers up to 40 as these are the age of people that are actually interested in going to to festivals. Print Based Media (Poster). This is the best way as it is cheap, time efficient and easy to do. Only once as there is only one festival every year . Amp is short for amplify which has connotations of loud and outgoing.
  • 31. Hand Drawn Drafts Here are my hand drawn drafts for my poster print based advertisement. I prefer the one on the right as the slogan will look professional just underneath the masthead in the centre of the page. Additionally, I like how the artists will be displayed centrally, at the bottom of the page.
  • 32. Graphic Layouts These are two examples of my graphic layouts. I prefer using graphic layouts as it is done on the computer, is cheaper and it is very easy and clear to understand.
  • 33. Draft Logo Design As my event is called AMPLIFY or AMP for short I will be using this in the logo of the brand. The main font I like is the middle one as it is large and bold which should reflect the aims of the festival itself. In addition to this I like the solid black lines above and below the font as I think this looks very professional.
  • 34. Photoshoot Plan Lewis Millard will be the photographer. I am going to have close up shots to get more detail and technique in the photo. I am going to use angles that allow me to see a reflection of a guitar in the glasses that my model will be wearing. I am going to use dark colours in my text therefore I am going to make the images light to make the text stand out when it has been added to my poster. Where: School Photoshoot room When: anytime of the day as we can using lighting in the studio. Inspirational Images
  • 35. Advertisements Of Inspiration The main background image is a cartoon version of a sunshine. There are many connotations of the sun. one of them is celebration and fun as the sun brings out happiness in people. The alternative connotation of the sun is because of the lightness. This maybe could represent a lighthearted, relaxed and chilled theme to the festival. Target Audience: I would say that the target audience is young adults (16-40) and within the C1-E category (socioeconomic needs) because you would not expect older people to listen to this type of music or go to a festival like this. Colour Scheme: The colour scheme is orange, red, white and black. I think this is a good colour scheme as the colours work well together and they are bold. Additionally, the colours red and orange show, enjoyment, fun and happiness which can be depicted from the poster. Masthead: The masthead is ‘OUTLOOK’. This is very big, bold and centered in the page. Main Text: Across the page there is a lot of writing which tells you information about the event and which artists are going to be playing. I think this is a good idea that they are very big because it means people are more likely to see them. When you see an artist you like, you are more likely to be intrigued and want to find out more about the event.
  • 36. What Will I Repeat? – Steve Neale In 1980, a theorist named Steve Neale said ‘it is easy to underplay the differences within a genre’. He also declares that genres are known for repetition and difference. He adds that difference is absolutely essential for the product to work and that repetition will not attract an audience. On my poster of inspiration I am going to repeat the big bold masthead at the top of the page. This is because it is easily seen and draws your attention. I am also going to include bright colours so it grabs your attention as you walk by. However, I am not going to have a dull background image. I will create a more interesting image as I think it will look more professional.
  • 37. Poster/Advert information– Artists The main artists that will be playing at my festival are Chance Rapper, Wiz Khalifa, Ty Dolla Sign, Rae Sremmud, Kanye West & The Weekend. I will feature these artists as they are the ones I am most interested in and I think I could make a professional poster with them.
  • 38. Select fonts/graphics/colours / House Style The three images to the right are all fonts taken from These are the potential fonts I could use for my masthead. However I have chosen the middle one as I like the solid black lines above and below the font as I think this looks very professional. Additionally it is big and bold which looks very professional. The colour will be black as I think this will look good with the lighter colored backgrounds. The house style will be very inviting and friendly to look at. This is so it will successful convey the campaign message.
  • 39. Production Plan Monday 18th Sep Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Deciding who will headline on what day and general discussions and ideas. Design layouts and announce artists. Produce advert Start producing and planning audio visual Send first advert to printing company Continue filming and producing audio visual Printing of poster is taking place. Edit audio visual Posters are released Carry on editing audio visual Monday 25th Sep Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Start the designing and layout for the announcement of the last three headliners. Carry on editing audio visual Finalise. Then start to produce the next poster for the next announcements Add in extra bits to audio visual that are needed Continue the production of the psoters. Upload audio visual. Posters sent to printing. Posters being printed. Second poster released of the final headliners. Monday 2nd Oct Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday The layout for each performers playing on what dates and where it will be held. Produce the official poster and be ready to send it off to printing. Final checks and sent off to the printing team. Audio visual advert released. Posters being printed. Release the final poster advert with the completed and official acts and what days they playing.
  • 40. Production Plan Continued Monday 9th Oct Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Design the alternative advertisement for the magazine, slightly changing the poster so you keep brand recognition. Carry on designing Complete the advert design Confirm all the information is correct. Final poster based advertisement is released and work out which information is going where on the poster. Monday 16th Oct Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Start to produce the final and official advert. Produce the advert. Produce the advert. Produce the advert. Triple check the advert for any errors. Monday 23rd Oct Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Add any details if necessary. Sent the print based advertisement to magazine companies. Make sure the magazines receive the advert and include it for their next release. Magazines with the same genre to the festival will receive the advert. Launch date: 25th October
  • 41. Launch Dates – poster Meeting Date Time Purpose Planning and pitching the ideas about the poster to the client 1st October 9:00 Let the client know my ideas and allow them to talk about theirs. Client approval meeting for the poster 7th October 1:00 The changed are done and pitched again to the client and final ideas are discussed. Client budget meeting for the poster 8th October 1:00 Budget of the project will be discussed Planning and production of the final poster 10th October 9:00 Planning where and how I will do the poster Post production of print advert 15th October Editing the photos and poster Client and focus group screening of a print advert 16th October 9:00 Showcased to a number of people to get feedback Post production refinements of poster 17th October I am making the changes that have been previously talked about. Final client approval for poster 19th October 10:00 After the changes are done, show the client the final piece. Format and scheduling for a poster 20th October 10:00 Me and the client deciding on when the product have to be launched. Launch date of poster 25th October 8:00 Launch the advert.
  • 42. Calendar Events Festivals are usually in the summer. My festival of inspiration is also later in the summer. I know this because it is Thursday 1st to Sunday 4th September 2011. they may have done this so the weather is likely to be dry as its an outdoor event. Additionally, this time of year is generally cooler so people will not be too hot at the festival that it may cause problems. As the festival is in Croatia, people will have to travel and take time off work in order for them to go. Therefore it is good that the festival is in summer as youngsters aren’t in education.
  • 43. Equipment And Cost Equipment Cost Apple Mac Book Pro £2000 Microsoft Office £790 per user a month. Desks and Chairs £175/desk £35/chair Printer x3 £232.17 Cameras x2 £428 Pens £10 Sources: This table illustrates the importance of cost within a business. This is because as a business you need to budget and know how much you are spending so you can work out profitability. Additionally, you can later on use the information to work our profit using the calculation (revenue – cost).
  • 44. Staff And Cost Staff Salary Publisher £53,500 Photographers £42,000 Sources: salaries-of-magazine-and-book-editors-4/#1df9cb937806 year-11190.html alary_Questions_Answered.html This table also demonstrates the importance of cost within a business. This is because as a business you need to budget and know how much you are spending on staff and salaries so you can workout potential profits. Additionally, you can later on use the information to work our profit using the calculation (revenue – cost).
  • 45. Printing Quotes and Costs 500 copies would only cost £19.88.
  • 46. Budget summary Total Equipment Cost: £6562 Total Staff Cost: £95,500 Total Printing Cost: £19.88 Total Cost: £102,081.88
  • 47. Equipment The equipment I will use in my photoshoot consists of a tripod and a camera. I am going to go to Ashtead Common to take the photos and also go to London. I will find where the best place is and use the photos. I hope to take photos of landscape and/or sunset/sunrise.
  • 48. Location I will print off 500 posters in total which will be just short of £20. I think this is a good deal as it is not very costly for such a large amount of posters. I will display the posters in Croatia and in the UK. This is because the event is in Croatia and people in the UK will also want to go out to Croatia for the weekend. I will hire various different people to go around certain areas putting up the posters. For example I will hire someone to walk around London putting up posters which for a few days job will not cost that much money. I will send the posters to this persons house and inspect London to prove they have done it.
  • 49. Location Recce Location Time Date Why? School 30th September 2017 Doesn't’t matter as we can change the lighting I the studio Picture Needed / Required Shot type Props and equipment Lighting Costume Person Why? Close up Sunglasses should be work for reflection Lots of lighting My friend can be in it wearing a pair of glasses. Potential Hazards / Risks Location Specific Why? Uneven ground could cause injury to ankles or legs. This is because you could trip up or fall over. Slippery floor may cause a slip which can seriously harm you. Bright light from the flash must not be directly into someone's eyes as this can damage their eyes.
  • 50. Role of Relevant Regulatory Bodies The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the rules that newspapers, magazines and posters etc. regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. The Code is written and administered by the editors code committee and enforced by IPSO. The Editors' Code of Practice Committee writes, reviews and revises the Code of Practice to keep it fresh, responsive and relevant. The latest version of the Editors’ Code of Practice came into effect on 1 January 2016. Source:
  • 51. Does it meet legal and ethical requirements and how? The Editors’ Code of Practice sets out the many rules that posters regulated by IPSO have agreed to follow. To the left are three examples of the rules; Accuracy, Discrimination and Confidential Sources. Outlook festival poster meets legal and ethical requirements. This is because the publishers will not have included any content that has a potential to harm or offend someone. For example, racism or sexism. This relates to my poster as AMP must follow these rules before publishing a poster. For example, number 12, Discrimination. AMP must double check the whole poster including images and texts to ensure there is no prejudice against ‘race, colour, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation or any physical or mental illness or disability.
  • 52. Copyright Copyright is when there is a legal right which lasts for a certain amount of years so you can’t print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic or musical material that already exists. There is no copyright symbol on the front page of the hard copy of the magazine itself. However this does not mean there is no copyright within the magazine. Throughout the content of the poster there are copyright laws and even copyright within advertisements. Since the copyright law changed in 1998, the employees gave their own rights for photocopying from a paper version and reproduction in a book. For example this could be a writer or a photographer. Then the employer(s) have rights for everything else. Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions; literary and artistic works; designs; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. There is evidence of other intellectual property (IP) being used in the magazine. Above is the types of protection and what examples of intellectual property are associated with them. Source:
  • 53. Royalties Royalties is when a poster has included content which is copyrighted and if someone else includes this information then they have to pay the original poster company. Copyright Infringement The use or production of copyright protected material without the permission of the copyright holder. Copyright infringement means that the rights given to the copyright holder, such as the exclusive use of a work for a set period of time, are being breached by a third party. Music and movies are two of the most week-known forms of entertainment that suffer from significant amounts of copyright infringement. For example, if my poster were to an image. You would not be allowed to copy it and play it else where for your own beneficial, advertising purposes. However, if you were to break the law and do so, a penalty would be put in place depending on how serious the crime is. Source:
  • 54. Regulatory Issues IP/Watermark Things that tend to have copyright can be also known as Intellectual Property (IP) and this is protected by the law. IP can be divided into two categories which are; Industrial Property and Copyright. As well as IP on printed work for example on an image on google that has been printed, you can get a digital watermark which protects any copyrighted content from any poster online and in any digital format. It is very significant to have this because it means people will have to pay you to use your ideas and information. For example, particularly on my poster, if you find an online copy of the content then you cannot use it if it has a watermark on it. Additionally, you have to contact me and either ask for permission or pay for it. This is good for me as it is another source of income. An IP/Watermark is demonstrated to the image on the right .
  • 55. Regulatory Issues Data Protection Act (1998) The Data Protection Act (DPA) is a law designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in an organized paper filing system. During the second half of the 20th century, businesses, organisations and the government began using computers to store information about their customers, clients and staff in databases. For example; names, addresses, contact information, employment history, medical conditions, convictions and credit history. The 1998 Data Protection Act was passed by Parliament to control the way information is handled and to give legal rights to people who have information stored about them. Other European Union countries have passed similar laws as often information is held in more than one country. Source:
  • 56. ASA The ASA makes sure that ads across the UK stick to the advertising rules. Their main aim is too make every advert a responsible one within the UK. As a result of their work, 4,584 adverts were either changed or removed. Therefore this links to my festival as they must coincide with the rules and standards that the ASA has set.
  • 57. Planning For An Audio Visual Advertisement I think it would be a good idea for the audio visual advert to include videos of people dancing and singing as if they were at the festival. Also background music of the artists singing can be played. They can be filmed in a dark room with strobe lighting and flashing to make it look like they are at a festival. This can then be distributed to social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. The advert can last about a minute and will be on the social media page for 6 months before the event takes place.