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Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in
Unit 13:
Planning and Pitching a Print based Media
P1 Evidence
Name: Tom Evenden
Candidate Number: 2048
Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School
Center Number: 64135
Set Brief - Print
Project/Brief –
Music Magazine & Promotion
Slide 3 … LO1
Slide 4 … VIBE Magazine
Slide 5 …Target Audience
Slide 6 …Genre
Slide 7 …SpinMedia
Slide 8 …Frequency and Circulation
Slide 9 … Brand Ideology/Ethos
Slide 10 …
Slide 11 …House Style
Slide 12 …VIBE
Slide 13 …Production Process
Slide 14 …Create a Production Schedule
Slide 15 …Create a content plan
Slide 16 …Create a detailed plan for each story
Slide 17 …Proofread and Edit Stories
Slide 18 …Design & Checking
Slide 19 …The different Issues
Slide 20 … Content of VIBE Magazine
Slide 21 …VIBE Front Cover Analysis
Slide 22 …VIBE Front Cover Analysis - Continued
Slide 23 …VIBE Contents Page
Slide 24 …VIBE Contents Page - Continued
Slide 25 …VIBE DPS Analysis
Slide 26 …VIBE DPS Analysis – Continued Part 1
Slide 27 …VIBE DPS Analysis – Continued Part 2
Slide 28 … Q Magazine
Slide 29 …Q Magazine Front Cover
Slide 30 …Q Magazine Contents Page
Slide 31 …Q Magazine DPS Analysis
Slide 32 …Purpose of Q Magazine
Slide 33 … House Style
Slide 34 …Form and Style
Slide 35 …Language of the Magazine
Slide 36 …Content of the Magazine
Slide 37 … Genre
Slide 38 … Production Process and Distribution
Slide 39 … Frequency
Slide 40 … Katz’ Uses & Gratifications
Slide 41 … Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Slide 42 … Demographics
VIBE magazine has a target audience
for people who are teenagers, and
older. This is because of they type of
music that the magazine issues
within the magazine and the images
that are allowed within the
magazine. For example the magazine
may issue women in a bikini, which is
not suitable for the age-range of
VIBE has a range of different genres. These genres are
covered within each issue of the magazine, sometimes the
magazine also does an issue per genre. VIBE magazine has
decided it to cover the genres of Hip Hop, R&B and pop
music. This is because they feel that this can relate to their
target audience of teenagers who have mostly found theses
genres to be most popular. By choosing some of the most
popular genres, VIBE can sell more magazines to the public.
SpinMedia, founded by Anthony Batt, are
the new publishers of VIBE. They became
publishers of VIBE on 25th April 2013 – the
same date when VIBE came back to the
SpinMedia is one of the most trustworthy
music publishers in the world. It looks after
another 8 music magazines where they
advertise their sites and what they are
about on their site. In 2009, SpinMedia
managed to raise 12.5 Million dollars
through the help and support it gives to
their customers – as well as their own
personal magazine (Spin Magazine).
SpinMedia has their own website as well.
On their site, the public are able to visit
VIBE’s website (circled).
SpinMedia is also different to many other
publishers because it doesn’t have a slogan.
Before the downfall of VIBE being sold only by a magazine, it only was being released
monthly. This was because they felt a month was the right amount of time for their
viewers to read the magazine and manage to buy it each month. They distributed the
magazine to as many shops as possible, but only when VIBE got back on their feet,
they sell the magazine in locations where it was most popular (e.g. major cities in
America, and mainly in London).
Vibe has a circulation of 400, 000 since they came back as a magazine. But their worst
circulation was in June 2012, where 202,439 was paid, and 98,504 was non-paid.
VIBE was launched in 1993 in a co-
partnership with Time Inc. as a global,
monthly released, magazine with the
name VIBE was put to appeal more for
In 2003 VIBE was launched onto
television for more publicity and then in
2005 VIBE added in a gossip column at
the back of the magazine for it to appeal
to women, giving VIBE an audience of
50.5% male, and 49.5% female.
Soon after, in 2009, VIBE shut down
because manufacturing the magazine
cost too much, and the founder, Quincy
Jones, moved VIBE to the internet in
hope that the magazine may son return.
In 2012 an investment fund called
InterMedia Partners, saw VIBE as a
website and moved it back to a magazine
but chose to sell it in places where it was
mostly sold before shutting down in
2009. VIBE once again got more and
more popular, in 2013 SpinMedia
became the new publishers of VIBE,
adding Uptown, BlackBook Media to the
company which merged into VIBE Media.
On April 25th 2013, VIBE re-mastered the
website of and created
The VIBE magazine now mostly publishes online rather
than in a magazine because they had more viewers online
rather magazines. The website came out in 2009 and was
re-mastered in April 2013, they still update their magazine
weekly, but if something that wants to be heard by the target
audience, then they update it that day.
The website doesn’t have much to offer, it nowadays has
little links to what is new to the magazine.
The navigation bar at the top links to other pages of News,
Music, Features, Style and Vixen (Videos).
Within the news page it includes a list of different range of
news from National, Sports, Events, Movies & TV.
Within music page it includes Videos, New Releases, Live
Reviews, Album reviews and music premieres.
Throughout the features page, it includes digital covers,
opinions of celebrities and lists of celebrity news.
Within the style, the page include information of fashion
Within the Vixen page, it includes videos from live shows,
talk shows and music videos
Throughout the magazine, ‘VIBE’ does not
maintain the same colours. They also
include the logo on every page possible in
the magazine. They also use the same
font for the majority of the stories
however in different sizes and colours.
This maintains a ‘house style’ throughout
the magazine and continuously reminds
the reader that they are reading a ‘VIBE’
magazine and the constant changing with
colours in every issue manages to make
each issue different and yet their own.
What is the denotation of the name of the magazine?
The magazine is called VIBE to appeal more to teenagers than adults, originally called
What are the connotations behind some of the media language (Verbal, Non-verbal and
Technical codes) within the pages?
The masthead VIBE illustrates the magazine is important because it is in big bold brightly
coloured text which catches the eye of many views and can appeal to teenagers because of
the font as it doesn’t look formal
What non-verbal codes or iconography within the page ‘inform, educate OR entertain’
(Katz) the audience? Does it attract the attention of a pass along audience?
Having the artists on the front cover of the VIBE magazine informs the views that the certain
artist is the main part of the magazine and also connotes that VIBE managed to have an
excusive interview with them
Choice of fonts – Why? Appeal to the reader?
The magazine has this specific custom choice of font (called ‘Vibe Vixen’) because then it can
appeal to teenagers, also having the font in, mainly, yellow catches the eye of the viewer
Manipulation of the images – Where? Why?
These images of the front cover of the magazine have the artists to show that the specific
magazine is about them
VIBE Production covers every
aspect of the production process
from early planning to execution of
an occasion, from character
creation to fully display design,
from nightlife concepts to event
marketing and product launches.
They also have a list filled with the
world’s most inspiring and
outstanding DJs, artists,
performers and stage-shows for all
types of events.
Create a production schedule
Create a content plan
Create a detailed plan for each story
Proofread and edit stories
This helps to manage the production well so you do not miss the agreed-upon
deadline for sending the magazine to the printers and your target distribution date.
The latter should be your starting point.
Create your plan going backward from that date, taking into consideration any
obstacles that may prolong the process.
You also need to leave time before the deadline so your team can proof-read
Next, you must create an editor’s table of content for all pages, including the front and
back covers. This helps to plan the content of a magazine issue and to monitor the
production process. You then need to make sure that the plan is confirmed by all the
Normally, a number of pages need to be tracked and will be determined before the
content is planned in detail. Well-defined magazines already have determined the
length in the magazine well before the actual production process begins.
Furthermore, you should build your content for at least one issue ahead of your
schedule. This makes sure you are never left with an empty space if an article falls
behind and this also provides a safety net for articles that might need extra time to be
written, photographed, illustrated or designed.
Once you’ve confirmed your overall content plan, you’ll need to make a detailed plan
for each story the magazine will cover. Your decisions must be:
 The content of a story
 Design mock-up
 Writers of the story
 Instructions for the team, so they know what they must do
 Type of article/content for the story
 Flat Plan
You must proof-read your magazine before the deadline. Look out for things such as:
 Headline is correct – make sure everything with the headline is 100% correct and
you are happy with all of it.
 The pictures – make sure they are relevant and not misleading.
 Body/content of the magazine – to make sure it is clear, readable and suitable for
your target audience.
 The introduction – making sure it is short and interesting making the reader want
to read more.
Now that the magazine is ready to be
designed, submit all final materials to your
graphic designer.
Make sure the design of every spread is
logical and works with the design of the
magazine as a whole.
Before you can send a new issue of your
custom magazine to print, take one final
detailed look at it again.
Read the magazine from cover to cover
again to make sure there are no mistakes.
Read the magazine as if you haven’t seen it
Also make sure the names are correct, the
authors’ names are spelled correctly, etc.
If everything is up to the correct standard,
you are able to print out many more copies
so you can release your magazine.
Similarities Differences
 Star Appeal
 Positioning of the camera for the artist
(medium close-up)
 The neatness of the connotations
around the artist that fit in with the
 The barcode in the bottom left hand
 Having the Artist placed in front of the
logo, yet behind the advertisements
and information for the issue
 Both issue has kept to three different
 The change of colour to match up with
the artist
 The change of gender
 The body language of the artists to
help match their personality/music
 The barcode position has rotated
 The connotations around the front
cover has moved around (for example
‘Nicki Minaj’ is placed top left, and
‘Drake’ is placed on the right)
What is similar and what is different:
According to the publishers of VIBE and, VIBE is a teenager/young
adult magazine, that manages to keep everybody updated with the
magazine full of Hip Hop, R&B and pop music.
It includes interviews with some of the top artists. VIBE sold only magazines
monthly. This was because they felt a month was the right amount of time
for their viewers to read the magazine and manage to buy it each month.
Everything is taken to a cared content, down to as little as the contents page
of which involves a separate image to the main image to keep the readers
intrigued to the magazine.
They distributed the magazine to as many shops as possible however, VIBE
couldn’t do as well in most areas as expected and was shut down. But
VIBE decided to create a website with their final hope.
Soon after, VIBE was talked of again. VIBE was back! VIBE was first published
in 1996, bringing out the magazine monthly in certain areas, and brought
to the internet in 2009 that saved it from out of business.
The masthead is big, bold
and colourful to make it
stand out to make it catch
the readers eyes, this
means the magazine
manages to appeal to
teenagers and young
adults because these
certain colours would not
appeal to children. The
denotation of the title
‘VIBE’ connotes that this
magazine can get everyone
excited and passionate
about their favourite
Main Headline
Supports the main
image and masthead
Main image
To denote which celebrity is
going to be about in certain
magazines. This appeals to
teenagers and young adult
because then they have
their favourite artists within
the magazine
The barcode helps to be
able to be purchased
Cover Lines
Helps to ‘inform’
(Katz) the reader
what is featured in
the magazine
A caption that’s shortly
tells the viewer that there
is more information of
other artists, not just the
one on the front cover
The Masthead is in yellow because it
could illustrate a freshness to the
magazine as well as joy
The denotation of the masthead is
'Vibe'. The verbal code 'Vibe'
connotes a person's emotional state
or the atmosphere of a place as
communicated to and felt by others
or enjoy oneself by listening to or
dancing to popular music.
Main Headline
The connotations of having the
first word of the main headline
of the artist ‘Janet’ helps the
reader to know who the artist
is. Also the denotation of
having the name in a different
colour emphasizes she is
important in this copy of the
Main image
The denotations of having the
main image of Janet Jackson
connotes to the viewer that she is
the main subject which catches
the eyes of viewer who are
interested in her music. The
connotations of this is that she is
in front of the magazine
masthead, which connotes how
she is very important.
Having the background as a
wall matches with the main
headline ‘Off the wall’. The
connotations helps the
metaphor to the main headline
‘Off the wall’.
Denotations and Connotations
Tells the spectator that this
magazine has a website.
The denotations of having the
website URL on the magazine
connotes how spectators can
go onto the website. The
connotations behind this is that
it is the same colour as the
Cover Lines
Having the cover lines in black and
white denote how this part of the
magazine is not the main subject of
the interview for the main artist.
The connotations of having in black
and white emphasizes this, as
otherwise it would be in yellow to
match the masthead and main
House Style
Main Image
House Style
For the house style, VIBE has
tried to keep the contents page
to the mood of the issue. By
doing this, it illustrates
consistency for any spectators
which emphasizes the magazines
professionalism and different to
each issue to make it more
special. Having Nicki Minaj placed
as the main image helps the
readers to understand that she is
the main focus of this magazine.
All of the headings in
the contents page are in
capital letters and in
bold. This connotes
importance of the titles
and makes the headings
more eye-catching for
The contents page is layout
neatly. The writing manages to fill
two thirds of the page with
relevant information with bold
titles and numbers. The main
picture fills out the last part of
the page, this helps to connote
the main focus the issue of the
magazine has covered to keep
the audience informed that there
is still some more information to
Main Image
The main image of this
magazine’s contents page
is of the famous Nicki
Minaj. This is used to
connote how she is still
the main subject of the
issues magazine, and yet
there are still for
information on other
subjects in the magazine.
Main title
Normally a question or statement of
which the artist/band have said in the
interview, it tells the viewer, before
they read it, the situation that the
band/artist is in for them to read on as
it is an excusive interview. VIBE would
have each of their magazines with
important news about different times
of artists realised every month for
their viewers, and for breaking news, it
would be found on their websites or
Main image
Helps the viewer to know the band of
which the magazine is talking about and to
catch their eye out if they know the band
for them to read about the situation. This
also manages to appeal to teenagers
because they use colours in the style of the
Quote from Artist
Helps to connote what
the artist(s) have
properly said to the
magazine to back up
the evidence of the
main question.
Stand First
A stand first is always at the beginning, just
before the interview itself that gives out
the basics of what is happening
The language is always said in
different magazines, some do
questions and answers and others
give out a long basic interview with
quotes from the artist (which is also
how sometimes the interview can
become misleading). VIBE for this
interview chose a Q&A, more likely
because the interview was
conducted with other magazine
Main title
Having the title ‘Will he, won’t he?’ suggests
to the viewer that this the main question for
this band and/or could raise awareness of
whether this band will be quitting soon. Also
having the first part ‘Will he’ in bronze, same
colour as what Will.I.Am suggests he is what is
changing about the band, especially as the
‘Won’t he?’ is in a grey colour as to what the
rest of the black-eyed peas are wearing
Main image
Having the artist ‘Will.I.Am’ not faded in the
whole band could illustrate that he will be the
main part of the question which could also
mean he is the reason why this band may no
longer be working together
Quote from Artist
This has a black background, this could illustrate that this is the
turning point on the band. Also having in the middle could suggest
that the rest of the interview could have a twist to the ending of it
The language used for this interview is different to the other interviews
that VIBE normally do. For this interview it is a plain question and
answering of the band of which VIBE is interviewing, whereas normally
VIBE gives out the basic of what the interview was about and the main
story included in the interview. This could be because this interview was
with many other magazines, so VIBE could only ask a few questions,
whereas normally VIBE could do a full on private interview.
Stand First
Within this stand first, it will give out the basics
of what the interview is about and why they
suddenly chose the specific band (in this case the
Black-eyed peas), and explain what is so
important that has suddenly happened in this
band which has caused a ‘Will he, won’t he?’
Drop Capital
Drop Capital is used mostly at the
beginning of any review, it is used for
effect or to help make the review look
more professional
Stand First
An introductory paragraph in an article, printed in
larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarizes
the article. The denotations of using a stand first it to
make the magazine look more professional which can
also organise the interview better
Main Headline
The connotations of having the first
word of the main headline of the
artist ‘Adele’ helps the reader to
know who the artist is. The
denotation of having the name in
the same colour as the magazine
logo colour emphasizes she is
important in this copy of the
magazine and the main focus of the
Main Image
Having the main image of Adele fill
up two thirds of the front cover
helps emphasize that she is the main
story of the issue of the magazine.
Also using her to look into the
camera makes it seem like she is
looking out to the spectator and
therefore directed to them.
Cover Lines
Having the cover lines in red
and black denotes how this
part of the magazine, but is not
the main subject of the
interview for the main artist.
The connotations of having in
black and red emphasizes this,
as otherwise it would be in
white to match the main
The denotation of having the
background plain white
emphasizes more to Adele to
make her the main focus of the
magazine so the viewers will
not be distracted by a fancy
background. This also manages
to keep the magazine original
and neat.
The denotation of using ‘The
300th Issue’ across the side of
page helps to illustrate the
success of the magazine, also
having it in gold illustrates the
golden moment for ‘Q’ an
emphasises their celebration.
Form & Style
House Style
For the house style, ‘Q’ has tried to
keep the contents page as original as
they can compared to the front
cover. By doing this, it illustrates
consistency for any spectators which
emphasizes the magazines
professionalism. Having the numbers
in red keeps the page eye-catching
and easier for viewers to find the
page they are looking for. Having the
‘Oasis Special’ list in gold illustrates
how important or rare this is to be
found and therefore a must-see for
any viewers who like ‘Oasis’.
All of the headings in the contents page
are in capital letters. This connotes
importance of the titles and makes the
headings more eye-catching for viewers.
The contents page is layout neatly.
The writing manages to fill two thirds
of the page with relevant
information – colourfully and boldly.
The main picture fills out the last
part of the page, this helps to
connote the main focus the issue of
the magazine has covered to keep
the audience informed that there is
still some more information to come.
Main Image
The main image of this magazine’s contents
page is of the main band featured in the
magazine. This is used to connote how the
band is still the main subject of the issues
magazine, and yet there are still for
information on other subjects in the
Form & Style
Drop Capital
The drop capital takes over 5 lines which is used follow conventions and to make
the page look more interesting. The font of each drop capital letter is in the same
font as the Masthead, this makes the article more eye-catching.
Main Image
On the left, the
picture of Lady
Gaga fills out
the entire page.
This illustrates
how she is the
main attraction
of this issue of
the magazine.
The fact of
having her
picture in black
and white helps
reflects how
artistic and
different Lady
Gaga is
compared to
other music
This double page
spread does not
have an official
Masthead apart
from using Lady
Gaga’s name in
the top right hand
corner. Within
the masthead,
‘Gaga’ is all in
caps, this is
because the it
manages to stand
out the name of
‘Lady Gaga’
better. Also the
use of the ‘L’
across the right
hand side of the
page, this conveys
how this is the
main article
because it is in
the same colour
and style as Q’s
The layout is conveyed with having Lady Gaga on the left and the article on the right. Having
the picture of Gaga on the left, filling the entire page, illustrates how she is the main focus of
the magazine. Having the article on the right in three columns helps emphasize how into
detail Q magazine has gone for into this interview, and the ‘L’ as a background matches up
with the logo of Q which also emphasizes how this is the main article.
Form & Style
The strapline illustrates that the magazine is the best and
this is done through the use of the superlative ‘biggest’.
The strapline also focus’ the reader to the fact that it is a
national magazine for the UK and emphasises the fact
that it is about music.
The connotations behind ‘We think popular’ suggests that
the company behind the magazine look for information
that the readers want to read about. This also suggests
that it appeals to the masses and is possibly the favourite
magazine for the target audience
Throughout the magazine, Q
maintains the same colours of red,
and black. They also include
the logo on every page possible in the
magazine. They also use the same
font for the majority of the stories.
This maintains a ‘house style’
throughout the magazine and
continuously reminds the reader that
they are reading a ‘Q’ magazine
The measurements of Q
magazine is 28.5 cm high
and 21 cm wide. It is a
monthly publication and
distributed nationally in
the UK. Alternatively the
website updates its
information daily.
21 cm
Within the magazine, it is written in a formal
manner. There is no foul language or slang. It
stays as honest as possible and keeps the
language professional.
Q is the legendary monthly magazine which celebrates everything
that’s great in rock and pop.
It launched in 1986 building an international reputation for quality
amongst fans, stars and the music industry. With world-beating
exclusives, definitive album reviews, outstanding production values
and an inimitable sense of humour, top form photographers and
photos, Q shapes music in the UK and beyond. Every month the
magazine creates new stars and categorizes what’s coming next. The
interviews and pictures are taken to the highest quality specifically to
the readers, down to the quality of the contents – with clearly stated
information and images. With Q’s online establishment, a new
interactive iPad edition, social media, Q Radio, live events and of
course the world famous annual Q Awards – the most exclusive event
in the music calendar – the message is everywhere.
Q Magazine likes to keep their genre between the two most
popular music genre of todays society – Rock and Pop.
This is used to keep up with the trend of how the magazine sees
what type of music their target audience listen to.
This is because they feel that this can relate to their target
audience of teenagers who have mostly found theses genres to
be most popular. By choosing the most popular genres, Q is able
to sell more magazines to the public, and is one of the reasons
why Q Magazine has become one of the most popular magazines
of the UK.
Q magazine has many way of distributing. It is available in all
newspaper shops and main supermarkets. Q has also
managed to have their own website – of which is available for
viewers to find many articles online for them to read as many
people may find it easier to get a copy of the magazine
through the internet.
Furthermore, Q has advertised themselves through below the
line marketing. They have created a Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube pages and channels. This is
used to advertise socially what is new within the magazine to
keep people updated, it also allows the public to like,
comment and follow the magazine to get even closer and the
first to find out what is new with the magazine
Create a production schedule
Create a content plan
Create a detailed plan for each story
Proofread and edit stories
HOW often is the magazine published?
Q magazine is published monthly in the UK to the public.
Circulation – 48, 353 (Jan – Jun’14)
Readership – 339, 000 (Jan – Dec’13)
Katz theory is about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings,
society and the world and/or seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and
decision choices.
This links to VIBE because it includes all types of information about music around the
world on what is new in the music industry. This will inform and educate the audience
to keep them updated about what is going on around the world within music.
However, VIBE diverts from any sort of information not relevant to music, this is
important because it manages to keep up the fact how this magazine is for music
purposes only.
On some levels this also related to Q because they include al relevant information on
music, but they sometimes take it to the next level with some information not relevant
to music but still provides the right information – this could be the reasons to why Q
magazine is the UK’s number 1 magazine.
Successful marketing persuades a prospective client to purchase the product or
service you are selling.
This links to VIBE magazine because VIBE persuades the target audience that it is
better than the other magazines. For example VIBE has there own online page through
social media, for example they have a Facebook page. This is an example of below the
line marketing. They use this idea for marketing my magazine because it is not only
cheaper, but the newer and more efficient way for marketing as it keeps to what their
target audience will use.
This also links to Q magazine because it can allow the magazine to stand out more. For
example they also have their own Facebook page as Facebook is now starting to grab
the attention of older viewers than younger. This type of social media can also be the
start of many ways how they can market their magazine.
Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups
based on variables such as age, gender family size, religion, race and
This relates to VIBE magazine because their target audience has a age
(13+), gender (male and female) along with suitable religion, race and
nationality (any).
This also relates to Q because of the same reasons, they too have a
age range (18+), gender (Male and Female) with a suitable religion,
race and nationality (any). According to socio economic groups, VIBE is
aimed for people in the category ‘B’ and ‘C1’ because the class is more
around the age-range target.

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Unit 13 - LO1

  • 1. OCR – Level 3 Cambridge Introductory Diploma in Media Unit 13: Planning and Pitching a Print based Media Product P1 Evidence Name: Tom Evenden Candidate Number: 2048 Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic School Center Number: 64135 Set Brief - Print Project/Brief – Music Magazine & Promotion
  • 2. Slide 3 … LO1 Slide 4 … VIBE Magazine Slide 5 …Target Audience Slide 6 …Genre Slide 7 …SpinMedia Slide 8 …Frequency and Circulation Slide 9 … Brand Ideology/Ethos Slide 10 … Slide 11 …House Style Slide 12 …VIBE Slide 13 …Production Process Slide 14 …Create a Production Schedule Slide 15 …Create a content plan Slide 16 …Create a detailed plan for each story Slide 17 …Proofread and Edit Stories Slide 18 …Design & Checking Slide 19 …The different Issues Slide 20 … Content of VIBE Magazine Slide 21 …VIBE Front Cover Analysis Slide 22 …VIBE Front Cover Analysis - Continued Slide 23 …VIBE Contents Page Slide 24 …VIBE Contents Page - Continued Slide 25 …VIBE DPS Analysis Slide 26 …VIBE DPS Analysis – Continued Part 1 Slide 27 …VIBE DPS Analysis – Continued Part 2 Slide 28 … Q Magazine Slide 29 …Q Magazine Front Cover Slide 30 …Q Magazine Contents Page Slide 31 …Q Magazine DPS Analysis Slide 32 …Purpose of Q Magazine Slide 33 … House Style Slide 34 …Form and Style Slide 35 …Language of the Magazine Slide 36 …Content of the Magazine Slide 37 … Genre Slide 38 … Production Process and Distribution Slide 39 … Frequency Slide 40 … Katz’ Uses & Gratifications Slide 41 … Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Slide 42 … Demographics
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. VIBE magazine has a target audience for people who are teenagers, and older. This is because of they type of music that the magazine issues within the magazine and the images that are allowed within the magazine. For example the magazine may issue women in a bikini, which is not suitable for the age-range of children.
  • 6. VIBE has a range of different genres. These genres are covered within each issue of the magazine, sometimes the magazine also does an issue per genre. VIBE magazine has decided it to cover the genres of Hip Hop, R&B and pop music. This is because they feel that this can relate to their target audience of teenagers who have mostly found theses genres to be most popular. By choosing some of the most popular genres, VIBE can sell more magazines to the public.
  • 7. SpinMedia, founded by Anthony Batt, are the new publishers of VIBE. They became publishers of VIBE on 25th April 2013 – the same date when VIBE came back to the magazine. SpinMedia is one of the most trustworthy music publishers in the world. It looks after another 8 music magazines where they advertise their sites and what they are about on their site. In 2009, SpinMedia managed to raise 12.5 Million dollars through the help and support it gives to their customers – as well as their own personal magazine (Spin Magazine). SpinMedia has their own website as well. On their site, the public are able to visit VIBE’s website (circled). SpinMedia is also different to many other publishers because it doesn’t have a slogan.
  • 8. Before the downfall of VIBE being sold only by a magazine, it only was being released monthly. This was because they felt a month was the right amount of time for their viewers to read the magazine and manage to buy it each month. They distributed the magazine to as many shops as possible, but only when VIBE got back on their feet, they sell the magazine in locations where it was most popular (e.g. major cities in America, and mainly in London). Vibe has a circulation of 400, 000 since they came back as a magazine. But their worst circulation was in June 2012, where 202,439 was paid, and 98,504 was non-paid.
  • 9. VIBE was launched in 1993 in a co- partnership with Time Inc. as a global, monthly released, magazine with the name VIBE was put to appeal more for teenagers. In 2003 VIBE was launched onto television for more publicity and then in 2005 VIBE added in a gossip column at the back of the magazine for it to appeal to women, giving VIBE an audience of 50.5% male, and 49.5% female. Soon after, in 2009, VIBE shut down because manufacturing the magazine cost too much, and the founder, Quincy Jones, moved VIBE to the internet in hope that the magazine may son return. In 2012 an investment fund called InterMedia Partners, saw VIBE as a website and moved it back to a magazine but chose to sell it in places where it was mostly sold before shutting down in 2009. VIBE once again got more and more popular, in 2013 SpinMedia became the new publishers of VIBE, adding Uptown, BlackBook Media to the company which merged into VIBE Media. On April 25th 2013, VIBE re-mastered the website of and created
  • 10. The VIBE magazine now mostly publishes online rather than in a magazine because they had more viewers online rather magazines. The website came out in 2009 and was re-mastered in April 2013, they still update their magazine weekly, but if something that wants to be heard by the target audience, then they update it that day. The website doesn’t have much to offer, it nowadays has little links to what is new to the magazine. The navigation bar at the top links to other pages of News, Music, Features, Style and Vixen (Videos). Within the news page it includes a list of different range of news from National, Sports, Events, Movies & TV. Within music page it includes Videos, New Releases, Live Reviews, Album reviews and music premieres. Throughout the features page, it includes digital covers, opinions of celebrities and lists of celebrity news. Within the style, the page include information of fashion lifestyle. Within the Vixen page, it includes videos from live shows, talk shows and music videos
  • 11. Throughout the magazine, ‘VIBE’ does not maintain the same colours. They also include the logo on every page possible in the magazine. They also use the same font for the majority of the stories however in different sizes and colours. This maintains a ‘house style’ throughout the magazine and continuously reminds the reader that they are reading a ‘VIBE’ magazine and the constant changing with colours in every issue manages to make each issue different and yet their own.
  • 12. What is the denotation of the name of the magazine? The magazine is called VIBE to appeal more to teenagers than adults, originally called ‘Volume’ What are the connotations behind some of the media language (Verbal, Non-verbal and Technical codes) within the pages? The masthead VIBE illustrates the magazine is important because it is in big bold brightly coloured text which catches the eye of many views and can appeal to teenagers because of the font as it doesn’t look formal What non-verbal codes or iconography within the page ‘inform, educate OR entertain’ (Katz) the audience? Does it attract the attention of a pass along audience? Having the artists on the front cover of the VIBE magazine informs the views that the certain artist is the main part of the magazine and also connotes that VIBE managed to have an excusive interview with them Choice of fonts – Why? Appeal to the reader? The magazine has this specific custom choice of font (called ‘Vibe Vixen’) because then it can appeal to teenagers, also having the font in, mainly, yellow catches the eye of the viewer Manipulation of the images – Where? Why? These images of the front cover of the magazine have the artists to show that the specific magazine is about them
  • 13. VIBE Production covers every aspect of the production process from early planning to execution of an occasion, from character creation to fully display design, from nightlife concepts to event marketing and product launches. They also have a list filled with the world’s most inspiring and outstanding DJs, artists, performers and stage-shows for all types of events. Create a production schedule Create a content plan Create a detailed plan for each story Proofread and edit stories Design Checking Source:
  • 14. This helps to manage the production well so you do not miss the agreed-upon deadline for sending the magazine to the printers and your target distribution date. The latter should be your starting point. Create your plan going backward from that date, taking into consideration any obstacles that may prolong the process. You also need to leave time before the deadline so your team can proof-read everything Source:
  • 15. Next, you must create an editor’s table of content for all pages, including the front and back covers. This helps to plan the content of a magazine issue and to monitor the production process. You then need to make sure that the plan is confirmed by all the team. Normally, a number of pages need to be tracked and will be determined before the content is planned in detail. Well-defined magazines already have determined the length in the magazine well before the actual production process begins. Furthermore, you should build your content for at least one issue ahead of your schedule. This makes sure you are never left with an empty space if an article falls behind and this also provides a safety net for articles that might need extra time to be written, photographed, illustrated or designed. Source:
  • 16. Once you’ve confirmed your overall content plan, you’ll need to make a detailed plan for each story the magazine will cover. Your decisions must be:  The content of a story  Design mock-up  Writers of the story  Instructions for the team, so they know what they must do  Type of article/content for the story  Flat Plan Source:
  • 17. You must proof-read your magazine before the deadline. Look out for things such as:  Headline is correct – make sure everything with the headline is 100% correct and you are happy with all of it.  The pictures – make sure they are relevant and not misleading.  Body/content of the magazine – to make sure it is clear, readable and suitable for your target audience.  The introduction – making sure it is short and interesting making the reader want to read more. Source:
  • 18. Now that the magazine is ready to be designed, submit all final materials to your graphic designer. Make sure the design of every spread is logical and works with the design of the magazine as a whole. Before you can send a new issue of your custom magazine to print, take one final detailed look at it again. Read the magazine from cover to cover again to make sure there are no mistakes. Read the magazine as if you haven’t seen it before. Also make sure the names are correct, the authors’ names are spelled correctly, etc. If everything is up to the correct standard, you are able to print out many more copies so you can release your magazine. Source:
  • 19. Similarities Differences  Star Appeal  Positioning of the camera for the artist (medium close-up)  The neatness of the connotations around the artist that fit in with the issue  The barcode in the bottom left hand corner  Having the Artist placed in front of the logo, yet behind the advertisements and information for the issue  Both issue has kept to three different colours  The change of colour to match up with the artist  The change of gender  The body language of the artists to help match their personality/music genre  The barcode position has rotated  The connotations around the front cover has moved around (for example ‘Nicki Minaj’ is placed top left, and ‘Drake’ is placed on the right) What is similar and what is different:
  • 20. According to the publishers of VIBE and, VIBE is a teenager/young adult magazine, that manages to keep everybody updated with the magazine full of Hip Hop, R&B and pop music. It includes interviews with some of the top artists. VIBE sold only magazines monthly. This was because they felt a month was the right amount of time for their viewers to read the magazine and manage to buy it each month. Everything is taken to a cared content, down to as little as the contents page of which involves a separate image to the main image to keep the readers intrigued to the magazine. They distributed the magazine to as many shops as possible however, VIBE couldn’t do as well in most areas as expected and was shut down. But VIBE decided to create a website with their final hope. Soon after, VIBE was talked of again. VIBE was back! VIBE was first published in 1996, bringing out the magazine monthly in certain areas, and brought to the internet in 2009 that saved it from out of business.
  • 21. Masthead The masthead is big, bold and colourful to make it stand out to make it catch the readers eyes, this means the magazine manages to appeal to teenagers and young adults because these certain colours would not appeal to children. The denotation of the title ‘VIBE’ connotes that this magazine can get everyone excited and passionate about their favourite music. Main Headline Supports the main image and masthead Main image To denote which celebrity is going to be about in certain magazines. This appeals to teenagers and young adult because then they have their favourite artists within the magazine Barcode The barcode helps to be able to be purchased Cover Lines Helps to ‘inform’ (Katz) the reader what is featured in the magazine Strapline A caption that’s shortly tells the viewer that there is more information of other artists, not just the one on the front cover
  • 22. Masthead The Masthead is in yellow because it could illustrate a freshness to the magazine as well as joy The denotation of the masthead is 'Vibe'. The verbal code 'Vibe' connotes a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as communicated to and felt by others or enjoy oneself by listening to or dancing to popular music. Main Headline The connotations of having the first word of the main headline of the artist ‘Janet’ helps the reader to know who the artist is. Also the denotation of having the name in a different colour emphasizes she is important in this copy of the magazine. Main image The denotations of having the main image of Janet Jackson connotes to the viewer that she is the main subject which catches the eyes of viewer who are interested in her music. The connotations of this is that she is in front of the magazine masthead, which connotes how she is very important. Background Having the background as a wall matches with the main headline ‘Off the wall’. The connotations helps the metaphor to the main headline ‘Off the wall’. Denotations and Connotations Convergence Tells the spectator that this magazine has a website. The denotations of having the website URL on the magazine connotes how spectators can go onto the website. The connotations behind this is that it is the same colour as the masthead. Cover Lines Having the cover lines in black and white denote how this part of the magazine is not the main subject of the interview for the main artist. The connotations of having in black and white emphasizes this, as otherwise it would be in yellow to match the masthead and main headline.
  • 24. House Style For the house style, VIBE has tried to keep the contents page to the mood of the issue. By doing this, it illustrates consistency for any spectators which emphasizes the magazines professionalism and different to each issue to make it more special. Having Nicki Minaj placed as the main image helps the readers to understand that she is the main focus of this magazine. Headings All of the headings in the contents page are in capital letters and in bold. This connotes importance of the titles and makes the headings more eye-catching for viewers. Layout The contents page is layout neatly. The writing manages to fill two thirds of the page with relevant information with bold titles and numbers. The main picture fills out the last part of the page, this helps to connote the main focus the issue of the magazine has covered to keep the audience informed that there is still some more information to come. Main Image The main image of this magazine’s contents page is of the famous Nicki Minaj. This is used to connote how she is still the main subject of the issues magazine, and yet there are still for information on other subjects in the magazine.
  • 25. Main title Normally a question or statement of which the artist/band have said in the interview, it tells the viewer, before they read it, the situation that the band/artist is in for them to read on as it is an excusive interview. VIBE would have each of their magazines with important news about different times of artists realised every month for their viewers, and for breaking news, it would be found on their websites or Main image Helps the viewer to know the band of which the magazine is talking about and to catch their eye out if they know the band for them to read about the situation. This also manages to appeal to teenagers because they use colours in the style of the font Quote from Artist Helps to connote what the artist(s) have properly said to the magazine to back up the evidence of the main question. Stand First A stand first is always at the beginning, just before the interview itself that gives out the basics of what is happening Language The language is always said in different magazines, some do questions and answers and others give out a long basic interview with quotes from the artist (which is also how sometimes the interview can become misleading). VIBE for this interview chose a Q&A, more likely because the interview was conducted with other magazine
  • 26. Main title Having the title ‘Will he, won’t he?’ suggests to the viewer that this the main question for this band and/or could raise awareness of whether this band will be quitting soon. Also having the first part ‘Will he’ in bronze, same colour as what Will.I.Am suggests he is what is changing about the band, especially as the ‘Won’t he?’ is in a grey colour as to what the rest of the black-eyed peas are wearing Main image Having the artist ‘Will.I.Am’ not faded in the whole band could illustrate that he will be the main part of the question which could also mean he is the reason why this band may no longer be working together Quote from Artist This has a black background, this could illustrate that this is the turning point on the band. Also having in the middle could suggest that the rest of the interview could have a twist to the ending of it Language The language used for this interview is different to the other interviews that VIBE normally do. For this interview it is a plain question and answering of the band of which VIBE is interviewing, whereas normally VIBE gives out the basic of what the interview was about and the main story included in the interview. This could be because this interview was with many other magazines, so VIBE could only ask a few questions, whereas normally VIBE could do a full on private interview. Stand First Within this stand first, it will give out the basics of what the interview is about and why they suddenly chose the specific band (in this case the Black-eyed peas), and explain what is so important that has suddenly happened in this band which has caused a ‘Will he, won’t he?’ title
  • 27. Drop Capital Drop Capital is used mostly at the beginning of any review, it is used for effect or to help make the review look more professional Stand First An introductory paragraph in an article, printed in larger or bolder type or in capitals, which summarizes the article. The denotations of using a stand first it to make the magazine look more professional which can also organise the interview better
  • 28.
  • 29. Main Headline The connotations of having the first word of the main headline of the artist ‘Adele’ helps the reader to know who the artist is. The denotation of having the name in the same colour as the magazine logo colour emphasizes she is important in this copy of the magazine and the main focus of the issue Main Image Having the main image of Adele fill up two thirds of the front cover helps emphasize that she is the main story of the issue of the magazine. Also using her to look into the camera makes it seem like she is looking out to the spectator and therefore directed to them. Cover Lines Having the cover lines in red and black denotes how this part of the magazine, but is not the main subject of the interview for the main artist. The connotations of having in black and red emphasizes this, as otherwise it would be in white to match the main headline. Background The denotation of having the background plain white emphasizes more to Adele to make her the main focus of the magazine so the viewers will not be distracted by a fancy background. This also manages to keep the magazine original and neat. Flasher The denotation of using ‘The 300th Issue’ across the side of page helps to illustrate the success of the magazine, also having it in gold illustrates the golden moment for ‘Q’ an emphasises their celebration. Form & Style
  • 30. House Style For the house style, ‘Q’ has tried to keep the contents page as original as they can compared to the front cover. By doing this, it illustrates consistency for any spectators which emphasizes the magazines professionalism. Having the numbers in red keeps the page eye-catching and easier for viewers to find the page they are looking for. Having the ‘Oasis Special’ list in gold illustrates how important or rare this is to be found and therefore a must-see for any viewers who like ‘Oasis’. Headings All of the headings in the contents page are in capital letters. This connotes importance of the titles and makes the headings more eye-catching for viewers. Layout The contents page is layout neatly. The writing manages to fill two thirds of the page with relevant information – colourfully and boldly. The main picture fills out the last part of the page, this helps to connote the main focus the issue of the magazine has covered to keep the audience informed that there is still some more information to come. Main Image The main image of this magazine’s contents page is of the main band featured in the magazine. This is used to connote how the band is still the main subject of the issues magazine, and yet there are still for information on other subjects in the magazine. Form & Style
  • 31. Drop Capital The drop capital takes over 5 lines which is used follow conventions and to make the page look more interesting. The font of each drop capital letter is in the same font as the Masthead, this makes the article more eye-catching. Main Image On the left, the picture of Lady Gaga fills out the entire page. This illustrates how she is the main attraction of this issue of the magazine. The fact of having her picture in black and white helps reflects how artistic and different Lady Gaga is compared to other music artists Masthead This double page spread does not have an official Masthead apart from using Lady Gaga’s name in the top right hand corner. Within the masthead, ‘Gaga’ is all in caps, this is because the it manages to stand out the name of ‘Lady Gaga’ better. Also the use of the ‘L’ across the right hand side of the page, this conveys how this is the main article because it is in the same colour and style as Q’s logo. Layout The layout is conveyed with having Lady Gaga on the left and the article on the right. Having the picture of Gaga on the left, filling the entire page, illustrates how she is the main focus of the magazine. Having the article on the right in three columns helps emphasize how into detail Q magazine has gone for into this interview, and the ‘L’ as a background matches up with the logo of Q which also emphasizes how this is the main article. Form & Style
  • 32. The strapline illustrates that the magazine is the best and this is done through the use of the superlative ‘biggest’. The strapline also focus’ the reader to the fact that it is a national magazine for the UK and emphasises the fact that it is about music. The connotations behind ‘We think popular’ suggests that the company behind the magazine look for information that the readers want to read about. This also suggests that it appeals to the masses and is possibly the favourite magazine for the target audience
  • 33. Throughout the magazine, Q maintains the same colours of red, and black. They also include the logo on every page possible in the magazine. They also use the same font for the majority of the stories. This maintains a ‘house style’ throughout the magazine and continuously reminds the reader that they are reading a ‘Q’ magazine
  • 34. The measurements of Q magazine is 28.5 cm high and 21 cm wide. It is a monthly publication and distributed nationally in the UK. Alternatively the website updates its information daily. 28.5cm 21 cm
  • 35. Within the magazine, it is written in a formal manner. There is no foul language or slang. It stays as honest as possible and keeps the language professional.
  • 36. Q is the legendary monthly magazine which celebrates everything that’s great in rock and pop. It launched in 1986 building an international reputation for quality amongst fans, stars and the music industry. With world-beating exclusives, definitive album reviews, outstanding production values and an inimitable sense of humour, top form photographers and photos, Q shapes music in the UK and beyond. Every month the magazine creates new stars and categorizes what’s coming next. The interviews and pictures are taken to the highest quality specifically to the readers, down to the quality of the contents – with clearly stated information and images. With Q’s online establishment, a new interactive iPad edition, social media, Q Radio, live events and of course the world famous annual Q Awards – the most exclusive event in the music calendar – the message is everywhere.
  • 37. Q Magazine likes to keep their genre between the two most popular music genre of todays society – Rock and Pop. This is used to keep up with the trend of how the magazine sees what type of music their target audience listen to. This is because they feel that this can relate to their target audience of teenagers who have mostly found theses genres to be most popular. By choosing the most popular genres, Q is able to sell more magazines to the public, and is one of the reasons why Q Magazine has become one of the most popular magazines of the UK.
  • 38. Q magazine has many way of distributing. It is available in all newspaper shops and main supermarkets. Q has also managed to have their own website – of which is available for viewers to find many articles online for them to read as many people may find it easier to get a copy of the magazine through the internet. Furthermore, Q has advertised themselves through below the line marketing. They have created a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube pages and channels. This is used to advertise socially what is new within the magazine to keep people updated, it also allows the public to like, comment and follow the magazine to get even closer and the first to find out what is new with the magazine Create a production schedule Create a content plan Create a detailed plan for each story Proofread and edit stories Design Checking Source:
  • 39. HOW often is the magazine published? Q magazine is published monthly in the UK to the public. Circulation – 48, 353 (Jan – Jun’14) Readership – 339, 000 (Jan – Dec’13)
  • 40. Katz theory is about relevant events and conditions in immediate surroundings, society and the world and/or seeking advice on practical matters or opinion and decision choices. This links to VIBE because it includes all types of information about music around the world on what is new in the music industry. This will inform and educate the audience to keep them updated about what is going on around the world within music. However, VIBE diverts from any sort of information not relevant to music, this is important because it manages to keep up the fact how this magazine is for music purposes only. On some levels this also related to Q because they include al relevant information on music, but they sometimes take it to the next level with some information not relevant to music but still provides the right information – this could be the reasons to why Q magazine is the UK’s number 1 magazine.
  • 41. Successful marketing persuades a prospective client to purchase the product or service you are selling. This links to VIBE magazine because VIBE persuades the target audience that it is better than the other magazines. For example VIBE has there own online page through social media, for example they have a Facebook page. This is an example of below the line marketing. They use this idea for marketing my magazine because it is not only cheaper, but the newer and more efficient way for marketing as it keeps to what their target audience will use. This also links to Q magazine because it can allow the magazine to stand out more. For example they also have their own Facebook page as Facebook is now starting to grab the attention of older viewers than younger. This type of social media can also be the start of many ways how they can market their magazine.
  • 42. Demographic segmentation consists of dividing the market into groups based on variables such as age, gender family size, religion, race and nationality. This relates to VIBE magazine because their target audience has a age (13+), gender (male and female) along with suitable religion, race and nationality (any). This also relates to Q because of the same reasons, they too have a age range (18+), gender (Male and Female) with a suitable religion, race and nationality (any). According to socio economic groups, VIBE is aimed for people in the category ‘B’ and ‘C1’ because the class is more around the age-range target.