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              DAVID COTTON
              DAVID FALVEY
              SIMON KENT

Starting up: Tips
 A. Use words from box to complete tips
 date        clothes       hours      book        customs
 money       cards        food        sport       language

1. Find out about the most popular ________ in the country.
2. Always take ________ in US dollars.
3. Find out the normal working ________.
4. Be careful how to write the ________.
5. Find out about the most important ________ and festivals.
6. Learn how to speak little of the local language
7. Read a ________ about the history of the country.
8. Eat some of the ________ before you go.
9. Wear formal ________.
10. Translate your business ________ into the local language.
Starting up

B. Which of the tips in Exercise A do you think are:
   very useful
   useful
   not useful
C. Which tips are good advice for your country? Add
    some others.
Eg: It is important to learn how to greet people in their
Vocabulary: Company Cultures
A. Complete with words in brackets
Dress (uniforms / casual Fridays / weekend clothes)
1. We don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week.
                               casual Fridays
   My company has a system of _____________.
2. In many banks, staff can’t wear what they like. They have to
   wear _____________.
Time keeping (flexible hours / part-time / shift work)
3. For two weeks each month, we work at night. I can’t sleep
                            shift work
   during the day. I hate _____________.
4. We have a flexible hours
              _____________ system in our office. Some people
   work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; others work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Time off (childcare / annual leave / public holiday)
5. I am so busy at the moment that I worked on Year Year’s Day,
                 a public holidays
   which is a(n) _____________.
                    annual leave
6. How many days’ _____________ do you get in your company?
Vocabulary: Company Cultures
 A. Complete with words in brackets
Reporting procedures (written report / face-to-face / e-mail)
7. We often speak on the phone but never ______________.
8. We sends us a(n) _____________ in the post each month.
                       a written report
Types of meeting (informal / formal / social)
9. Our department starts every day with a(n) _____________
                                               an informal
   meeting. It is very relaxed.
10. Companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year.
   It is a very _____________ meeting, with a lot of people.
Names (job title / first name / family names)
11. In some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use
   _____________ when they speak to each other.
     family names
12. What’s your _____________ now? Are you ‘Chief Executives’?
                  job title
Vocabulary: Company Cultures
B. Would you like to work for an
organization which has:

              Uniforms?

              Casual clothes?

              A lot of formal


              Flexible hours?

           WHY? – WHY NOT?
Vocabulary: Company Cultures
B. Would you like to work for an
organization which has:

              Uniforms?

              Casual clothes?

              A lot of formal


              Flexible hours?

           WHY? – WHY NOT?
Listening: Cultural mistakes
A. Three people are talking about cultural

11.1.Listen to John’s story and answer the questions
1. What meal was he invited to?         dinner

2. What did John look at?       table

3. What was his mistake?
      A. John talked during an important silence.
    B. John talked about his host’s table.

      C. John didn’t want a gift.
Listening: Cultural mistakes
 A. Three people are talking about cultural

11.2.Listen to Cameron’s story and answer the questions
4. Where was Peter’s new job?         In France

5. What was his mistake?
      A. He did not use first name.
      B. He did speak French.
   C. He did not use his family names.

6. How did the staff feel when Peter used first name?
  They were not happy
Listening: Cultural mistakes
A. Three people are talking about cultural

11.3.Listen to Susan’s story and answer the questions
7. Where did Susan make her mistake? Japan
8. Who did she go out for a meal with? Japanese sales staff
9. What was her mistake?
    A. Susan poured her own drink.
       B. Susan did not laugh.
       C. Susan poured too many drinks.
10. What did she forget to do?
   To pour drinks for the others
Listening: Cultural mistakes
  It is easy to make mistakes in other cultures. What
  other examples do you know?
=> Work in pairs then share with the whole class.
Language focus 1
Should – Shouldn’t
   We use should and shouldn’t to give advice and
    make suggestions.
    - We should wear formal clothes to the dinner.
    - He shouldn’t be late for meetings.
   We often use I think or I don’t think with should to
    say something is or isn’t a good idea.
    - I think you should go on a training course.
    - I don’t think you should interrupt her.
    - Do you think I should learn to speak the local
    - Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
Language focus 1: Should – Shouldn’t
Complete these sentences using should or
shouldn’t and a phrase from the box
  speak to our boss      buy an expensive computer                       be late
  develop a better website       stay three days
 1. Our online business is bad.
     should develop a better .
 2. Our team is working too many hours.
     should speak to our boss
 We ................................................... .
 3. The meeting is very important.
     shouldn’t be late
 We .......................................... .
 4. She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain.
      should stay three days
 She ............................................................... .
 5. We have to cut costs.
 You ........................... .
      shouldn’t buy an expensive computer
Language focus 1: Should – Shouldn’t
Give the opposite advice by using should,
shouldn’t or I don’t think
 1. I think he should go to Paris next week.
 ............................................................. .
  I don’t think he should go to Paris next week.
 2. You should buy a franchise.
  You shouldn’t buy a franchise.
 ........................................... .
 3. She shouldn’t take the customers to an expensive restaurant.
 She should take the customers to an expensive restaurant.
 ...................................................................................... .
 4. I think you should launch the new product now.
 .......................................................................... . .
  I don’t think you should launch the new product now
 5. My boss thinks it is too late to send the report now.
 ............................................................................... .
  My boss doesn’t think it is too to send the report now
 6. We should order online.
  We shouldn’t order online.
 ...................................... .
Language focus 1: Should – Shouldn’t
Use the note to write suggestions to colleague
going on a business trip for the first time

  Write on business cards 
  Use surnames    
  Give an expensive gift
  Shake hands
  Be late  
 Eg: You shouldn’t write on business cards.
Reading: fast food in Japan
A. Match these words to their meanings

1. Franchise    a. A shop or other place to buy
                b. One company allows another
2. Franchisee      company to sell its goods and
3. Adapt        c. A number of shops owned by
                   the same company
4. Outlet       d. Change
                e. A person or group of people
                   who can sell another company’s
5. Chain
                   goods or service
Reading: fast food in Japan
B. Which of these companies do you think have

Companies              Products
 Body Shop             Clothes
 Benetton              Computers
 IBM                   Clothes and food
 McDonald’s            Fast food
 Marks and Spencer     Natural cosmetics
                              Body Shop
         have                  Benetton
Reading: Fast food in Japan
   C. Read the article about fast-food chain in
   Japan. Mark each statement true or false.

1. Subway has 14.000 outlets in Japan. False
2. McDonald’s is the biggest fast-food chain in America.False
3. A lot of Subway Franchises failed because the Japanese
   don’t like fast food. False
4. The company said to Mr. Ono, ‘Thank customers when
   they leave the shop.’ False
5. Subway ran a lot of advertisements. False
6. Mr. Ono’s store was not successful. True
7. Mr. Ono took a lot of holiday. False
8. Mr. Ono has a new job. True
Reading: fast food in Japan
    D. Find these verbs in the article. Match them to
    their meaning.

                             Line 5

1. Set up (paragraph 1)                a. Return
2. Come back (paragraph 1)   Line 16   b. Closed
3. Shut down (paragraph 3)             c. opened

                             Line 38
Reading: fast food in Japan
E. Use the verbs from Exercise D to complete
these sentences.
                       shut down
1. The company ........................ its factory in India
   after the accident.
                                   come back
2. Do you think we should ........................ to this
   restaurant tomorrow?
        set up
3. He ........................ a new company with a loan from
   the bank.
Language focus 2
Could / Would
   We often use could or would to make a request.
    Could I use your mobile phone, please?
    Would you open the window, please?
   We often use would you like to make an offer.
    Would you like a brochure?
Language focus 2
   A. These questions were asked on a plane journey.
   Which does a flight attendant (FA) ask, and which does
   a passenger (P) ask?

1. Could I have another drink, please? (P)
2. Would you put your seat up, please? (FA)
3. Would you like a newspaper? (FA)
4. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? (P)
5. Would you like another drink? (FA)
6. Could I have the chicken, please? (P)
7. Would you like coffee or tea? (FA)
8. Could you fasten your seat belt, please? (FA)
9. Could you help me find the movie channel, please? (P)
10. Would you like any duty-free goods? (FA)
Language focus 2
  B. which of the questions in exercise A are
  offers (O) and which are requests (R)?
1. Could I have another drink, please? (R)
2. Would you put your seat up, please? (R)
3. Would you like a newspaper? (O)
4. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? (R)
5. Would you like another drink? (O)
6. Could I have the chicken, please? (R)
7. Would you like coffee or tea? (O)
8. Could you fasten your seat belt, please? (R)
9. Could you help me find the movie channel, please? (R)
10. Would you like any duty-free goods? (O)
Language focus 2
C. You are at a hotel reception desk. Use the
verbs in brackets to make polite requests.

1. You want to make phone call. (use)
   Could I use the phone, please?
2. You didn’t hear that. (say)
   Could you say that again, please?
3. You want a taxi. (call)
   Could I call a taxi, please?/ Could you call me a taxi, please?
4. You don’t know the way to the station. (tell)
   Could you tell me the way to the station please?
5. You want to pay by credit card. (pay)
   Could I pay by credit card, please?
6. You want to go to a good restaurant. (recommend)
   Could you recommend a good restaurant, please?
7. You need a map of the city. (have)
   Could I have a map of the city, please?
Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action
A. Listen to the dialogue. Tick the problems
which are mentioned in the dialogue.

1.   Jane doesn’t enjoy the work.             
2.   She hasn’t got enough work.              
3.   She has got too much work.               
4.   She is bored.                            
5.   She has very challenging work.           
6.   She doesn’t like the general office.     
7.   She doesn’t like her boss.               
Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action
  B. Complete sentences 1 to 4 with suitable ending a) to

1. The problem is         a) to find out the real problem.

2. I think we should      b) she doesn’t enjoy the work.

3. The best thing to do   c) talk to her.

4. OK, so we’re going     d) is to transfer her.
Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action
   C. Which expressions 1 to 4 in exercise B:

1. The problem is she doesn’t enjoy      a) Identifying the
   the work.                                problem?

2. I think we should talk to her.        b) Suggest action?

3. The best thing to do is to transfer   c) Agree action?

4. OK, so we’re going to find out the
   real problem.
Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action
  D. Role play this situation. An employee goes to
  the human resources manager with a problem.

You go to see the HR manager to discuss a problem.
• You are not happy in your department. You do not have enough work
  and you don’t like your boss.
• You want to move to a different department or work from home more.
• Discuss your problem with the HR manager and try to agree on a solution.

HR manager
An employee comes to your office. Find out what his / her problem is.
• You do not want employees to work from home.
• There are jobs in other departments.
• The company will be very busy in a month’s time.
Try to agree on a solution with the employee.
Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action
Useful language

Identifying the problem
There’s a problem with …
The problem is …
Suggesting action
We could / should / shouldn’t …
I think / don’t think we should …
Agreeing action
So we’re going to
I agree. We’ll …
Case Study
       A Change of Culture
Alice Baumann is the new general manager in an overseas branch of
Kelly’s, an international bank. She wants to bring the best new ideas
from head office to the overseas branch.
Alice wants:                              Bank company culture now
• all staff to use first names.           • staff use family names.
• all staff to dress casually on Fridays. • staff wear uniforms at all times.
• to introduce a system of flexible       • working hours are fixed
  working hours.                            (9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.).
• smaller, more informal meetings.        • many big, formal meetings.
• more face-to-face reports.              • staff write a lot of reports.
• an open-door policy so staff can see    • staff need an appointment to see
  at any time.                              the manager.
11.5. Listen to Alice as she talks to Jeremy Owen, her manager at head
office, about the problems.
Case Study
A Change of Culture

   Alice and Jeremy meet some of the senior staff to
   discuss the ideas for a new company culture.
   1. Work in groups of three or four.
      Alice Baumann: turn to page 139.
      Jeremy Owen: turn to page 143.
      Office manager and senior cashier: turn to page
   2. Meet and discuss Alice’s ideas. Decide what you
             will change and what you will keep the
             Alice Baumann                      Jeremy Owen
                                      U want all the overseas
U want to introduce all the new          branches to have the same
   ideas                                 culture as head office.
U think the image of the bank is      The new culture is working very
   not good                              well at head office.
U think the bank will lose            U know that meetings with
   customers if it doesn’t change        fewer people are more
U think the staff will enjoy a more      efficient.
   relaxed culture.                   U want the bank to make more
U know some good staff members           profit.
   had to leave because the           U know there is a lot of
   working hours are difficult for       competition from other
   them.                                 international banks.
U want the bank to do well            Some of the other banks are
   because it will be good for your      changing their cultures.
Case Study
  A Change of Culture

                              KELLY’S BANK
Subject: New ideas from head office
Agenda item                    Decision      Reason   Action
1. Staff to use first names
2. Staff to dress casually
   On Fridays

         Write some action minutes of meeting.

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Unit 11 cultures

  • 2.
  • 3. Starting up: Tips A. Use words from box to complete tips date clothes hours book customs money cards food sport language 1. Find out about the most popular ________ in the country. sport money 2. Always take ________ in US dollars. hours 3. Find out the normal working ________. date 4. Be careful how to write the ________. customs 5. Find out about the most important ________ and festivals. 6. Learn how to speak little of the local language ________. book 7. Read a ________ about the history of the country. 8. Eat some of the ________ before you go. food clothes 9. Wear formal ________. cards 10. Translate your business ________ into the local language.
  • 4. Starting up Tips B. Which of the tips in Exercise A do you think are:  very useful  useful  not useful C. Which tips are good advice for your country? Add some others. Eg: It is important to learn how to greet people in their language.
  • 5. Vocabulary: Company Cultures A. Complete with words in brackets Dress (uniforms / casual Fridays / weekend clothes) 1. We don’t have to wear business suits at the end of the week. casual Fridays My company has a system of _____________. 2. In many banks, staff can’t wear what they like. They have to uniforms wear _____________. Time keeping (flexible hours / part-time / shift work) 3. For two weeks each month, we work at night. I can’t sleep shift work during the day. I hate _____________. 4. We have a flexible hours _____________ system in our office. Some people work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; others work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Time off (childcare / annual leave / public holiday) 5. I am so busy at the moment that I worked on Year Year’s Day, a public holidays which is a(n) _____________. annual leave 6. How many days’ _____________ do you get in your company?
  • 6. Vocabulary: Company Cultures A. Complete with words in brackets Reporting procedures (written report / face-to-face / e-mail) face-to-face 7. We often speak on the phone but never ______________. 8. We sends us a(n) _____________ in the post each month. a written report Types of meeting (informal / formal / social) 9. Our department starts every day with a(n) _____________ an informal meeting. It is very relaxed. 10. Companies have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year. It is a very _____________ meeting, with a lot of people. formal Names (job title / first name / family names) 11. In some countries, the company culture is formal. Staff use _____________ when they speak to each other. family names 12. What’s your _____________ now? Are you ‘Chief Executives’? job title
  • 7. Vocabulary: Company Cultures B. Would you like to work for an organization which has:  Uniforms?  Casual clothes?  A lot of formal meeting?  Flexible hours? WHY? – WHY NOT?
  • 8. Vocabulary: Company Cultures B. Would you like to work for an organization which has:  Uniforms?  Casual clothes?  A lot of formal meeting?  Flexible hours? WHY? – WHY NOT?
  • 9. Listening: Cultural mistakes A. Three people are talking about cultural mistakes 11.1.Listen to John’s story and answer the questions 1. What meal was he invited to? dinner 2. What did John look at? table 3. What was his mistake? A. John talked during an important silence.  B. John talked about his host’s table. C. John didn’t want a gift.
  • 10. Listening: Cultural mistakes A. Three people are talking about cultural mistakes 11.2.Listen to Cameron’s story and answer the questions 4. Where was Peter’s new job? In France 5. What was his mistake? A. He did not use first name. B. He did speak French.  C. He did not use his family names. 6. How did the staff feel when Peter used first name? They were not happy
  • 11. Listening: Cultural mistakes A. Three people are talking about cultural mistakes 11.3.Listen to Susan’s story and answer the questions 7. Where did Susan make her mistake? Japan 8. Who did she go out for a meal with? Japanese sales staff 9. What was her mistake?  A. Susan poured her own drink. B. Susan did not laugh. C. Susan poured too many drinks. 10. What did she forget to do? To pour drinks for the others
  • 12. Listening: Cultural mistakes Remember: It is easy to make mistakes in other cultures. What other examples do you know? => Work in pairs then share with the whole class.
  • 13. Language focus 1 Should – Shouldn’t  We use should and shouldn’t to give advice and make suggestions. - We should wear formal clothes to the dinner. - He shouldn’t be late for meetings.  We often use I think or I don’t think with should to say something is or isn’t a good idea. - I think you should go on a training course. - I don’t think you should interrupt her. - Do you think I should learn to speak the local language? - Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
  • 14. Language focus 1: Should – Shouldn’t Complete these sentences using should or shouldn’t and a phrase from the box speak to our boss buy an expensive computer be late develop a better website stay three days 1. Our online business is bad. We should develop a better . 2. Our team is working too many hours. should speak to our boss We ................................................... . 3. The meeting is very important. shouldn’t be late We .......................................... . 4. She wants to visit a lot of customers in Spain. should stay three days She ............................................................... . 5. We have to cut costs. You ........................... . shouldn’t buy an expensive computer
  • 15. Language focus 1: Should – Shouldn’t Give the opposite advice by using should, shouldn’t or I don’t think 1. I think he should go to Paris next week. ............................................................. . I don’t think he should go to Paris next week. 2. You should buy a franchise. You shouldn’t buy a franchise. ........................................... . 3. She shouldn’t take the customers to an expensive restaurant. She should take the customers to an expensive restaurant. ...................................................................................... . 4. I think you should launch the new product now. .......................................................................... . . I don’t think you should launch the new product now 5. My boss thinks it is too late to send the report now. ............................................................................... . My boss doesn’t think it is too to send the report now 6. We should order online. We shouldn’t order online. ...................................... .
  • 16. Language focus 1: Should – Shouldn’t Use the note to write suggestions to colleague going on a business trip for the first time  Write on business cards   Use surnames   Give an expensive gift   Shake hands   Be late  Eg: You shouldn’t write on business cards.
  • 17. Reading: fast food in Japan A. Match these words to their meanings 1. Franchise a. A shop or other place to buy things b. One company allows another 2. Franchisee company to sell its goods and services 3. Adapt c. A number of shops owned by the same company 4. Outlet d. Change e. A person or group of people who can sell another company’s 5. Chain goods or service
  • 18. Reading: fast food in Japan B. Which of these companies do you think have franchise? Companies Products  Body Shop  Clothes  Benetton  Computers  IBM  Clothes and food  McDonald’s  Fast food  Marks and Spencer  Natural cosmetics Body Shop Companies have Benetton franchise McDonald’s
  • 19. Reading: Fast food in Japan C. Read the article about fast-food chain in Japan. Mark each statement true or false. 1. Subway has 14.000 outlets in Japan. False 2. McDonald’s is the biggest fast-food chain in America.False 3. A lot of Subway Franchises failed because the Japanese don’t like fast food. False 4. The company said to Mr. Ono, ‘Thank customers when they leave the shop.’ False 5. Subway ran a lot of advertisements. False 6. Mr. Ono’s store was not successful. True 7. Mr. Ono took a lot of holiday. False 8. Mr. Ono has a new job. True
  • 20. Reading: fast food in Japan D. Find these verbs in the article. Match them to their meaning. Line 5 1. Set up (paragraph 1) a. Return 2. Come back (paragraph 1) Line 16 b. Closed 3. Shut down (paragraph 3) c. opened Line 38
  • 21. Reading: fast food in Japan E. Use the verbs from Exercise D to complete these sentences. shut down 1. The company ........................ its factory in India after the accident. come back 2. Do you think we should ........................ to this restaurant tomorrow? set up 3. He ........................ a new company with a loan from the bank.
  • 22. Language focus 2 Could / Would  We often use could or would to make a request. Could I use your mobile phone, please? Would you open the window, please?  We often use would you like to make an offer. Would you like a brochure?
  • 23. Language focus 2 A. These questions were asked on a plane journey. Which does a flight attendant (FA) ask, and which does a passenger (P) ask? 1. Could I have another drink, please? (P) 2. Would you put your seat up, please? (FA) 3. Would you like a newspaper? (FA) 4. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? (P) 5. Would you like another drink? (FA) 6. Could I have the chicken, please? (P) 7. Would you like coffee or tea? (FA) 8. Could you fasten your seat belt, please? (FA) 9. Could you help me find the movie channel, please? (P) 10. Would you like any duty-free goods? (FA)
  • 24. Language focus 2 B. which of the questions in exercise A are offers (O) and which are requests (R)? 1. Could I have another drink, please? (R) 2. Would you put your seat up, please? (R) 3. Would you like a newspaper? (O) 4. Could you show me how to turn on the light, please? (R) 5. Would you like another drink? (O) 6. Could I have the chicken, please? (R) 7. Would you like coffee or tea? (O) 8. Could you fasten your seat belt, please? (R) 9. Could you help me find the movie channel, please? (R) 10. Would you like any duty-free goods? (O)
  • 25. Language focus 2 C. You are at a hotel reception desk. Use the verbs in brackets to make polite requests. 1. You want to make phone call. (use) Could I use the phone, please? 2. You didn’t hear that. (say) Could you say that again, please? 3. You want a taxi. (call) Could I call a taxi, please?/ Could you call me a taxi, please? 4. You don’t know the way to the station. (tell) Could you tell me the way to the station please? 5. You want to pay by credit card. (pay) Could I pay by credit card, please? 6. You want to go to a good restaurant. (recommend) Could you recommend a good restaurant, please? 7. You need a map of the city. (have) Could I have a map of the city, please?
  • 26. Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action A. Listen to the dialogue. Tick the problems which are mentioned in the dialogue. 1. Jane doesn’t enjoy the work.  2. She hasn’t got enough work.  3. She has got too much work.  4. She is bored.  5. She has very challenging work.  6. She doesn’t like the general office.  7. She doesn’t like her boss. 
  • 27. Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action B. Complete sentences 1 to 4 with suitable ending a) to d) 1. The problem is a) to find out the real problem. 2. I think we should b) she doesn’t enjoy the work. 3. The best thing to do c) talk to her. 4. OK, so we’re going d) is to transfer her.
  • 28. Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action C. Which expressions 1 to 4 in exercise B: 1. The problem is she doesn’t enjoy a) Identifying the the work. problem? 2. I think we should talk to her. b) Suggest action? 3. The best thing to do is to transfer c) Agree action? her. 4. OK, so we’re going to find out the real problem.
  • 29. Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action D. Role play this situation. An employee goes to the human resources manager with a problem. Employee You go to see the HR manager to discuss a problem. • You are not happy in your department. You do not have enough work and you don’t like your boss. • You want to move to a different department or work from home more. • Discuss your problem with the HR manager and try to agree on a solution. HR manager An employee comes to your office. Find out what his / her problem is. • You do not want employees to work from home. • There are jobs in other departments. • The company will be very busy in a month’s time. Try to agree on a solution with the employee.
  • 30. Skills: Identifying problems and agreeing action Useful language Identifying the problem There’s a problem with … The problem is … Suggesting action We could / should / shouldn’t … I think / don’t think we should … Agreeing action So we’re going to I agree. We’ll …
  • 31. Case Study A Change of Culture Background Alice Baumann is the new general manager in an overseas branch of Kelly’s, an international bank. She wants to bring the best new ideas from head office to the overseas branch. Alice wants: Bank company culture now • all staff to use first names. • staff use family names. • all staff to dress casually on Fridays. • staff wear uniforms at all times. • to introduce a system of flexible • working hours are fixed working hours. (9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.). • smaller, more informal meetings. • many big, formal meetings. • more face-to-face reports. • staff write a lot of reports. • an open-door policy so staff can see • staff need an appointment to see at any time. the manager. 11.5. Listen to Alice as she talks to Jeremy Owen, her manager at head office, about the problems.
  • 32. Case Study A Change of Culture Task Alice and Jeremy meet some of the senior staff to discuss the ideas for a new company culture. 1. Work in groups of three or four. Alice Baumann: turn to page 139. Jeremy Owen: turn to page 143. Office manager and senior cashier: turn to page 144. 2. Meet and discuss Alice’s ideas. Decide what you will change and what you will keep the same.
  • 33. Task  Alice Baumann  Jeremy Owen U want all the overseas U want to introduce all the new branches to have the same ideas culture as head office. U think the image of the bank is The new culture is working very not good well at head office. U think the bank will lose U know that meetings with customers if it doesn’t change fewer people are more U think the staff will enjoy a more efficient. relaxed culture. U want the bank to make more U know some good staff members profit. had to leave because the U know there is a lot of working hours are difficult for competition from other them. international banks. U want the bank to do well Some of the other banks are because it will be good for your changing their cultures. career
  • 34. Case Study A Change of Culture KELLY’S BANK Subject: New ideas from head office Date: Participants: Agenda item Decision Reason Action 1. Staff to use first names 2. Staff to dress casually On Fridays Writing Write some action minutes of meeting.

Editor's Notes

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