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                                                                                                                                              March 2007


        Looking Forward – reporting and accounting
        update for Registered Social Landlords
                                                          SORP 2007                                           If you are looking to adopt the shared
                                                          The exposure draft of the SORP was                  ownership proposals early remember the
                                                          published in summer 2006 and it was                 other accounting implications:
                                                          expected that the final SORP would have
                                                                                                              • The proportion of shared ownership
                                                          been published at the end of this month with
                                                                                                                properties to be sold under a first tranche
                                                          RSLs encouraged to adopt early in their
                                                                                                                sale needs to be included within current
                                                          March 2007 accounts.
                                                                                                                assets and an analysis given between
                                                                                                                completed shared ownership properties
                                                          However, the proposals, particularly in
                                                                                                                and those in the course of construction.
                                                          respect of shared ownership accounting,
                                                          have met with significant opposition. It seems      • The first tranche sale proceeds need to be
                                                          unlikely that the shared ownership                    included within turnover and the relevant
                                                          accounting proposals will be dropped                  proportion of the development costs as
                                                          completely, but the SORP working party is             well as marketing and legal costs should
                                                          reviewing the proposals carefully and is likely       be included in cost of sales.
                                                          to come up with a slightly revised
        In this issue:                                    consultation draft of the SORP in the next          Other key changes in the exposure draft of
        • SORP 2007 – Main issues and implications        couple of months with another Exposure              the SORP include the following:
                                                          Draft in the autumn. Although the SORP has
        • General Determination 2006 – reminder of                                                            • Accounting for complex developments –
                                                          not been issued in final form, a number of
          disclosure changes                                                                                    where an RSL is involved in cross subsidy
                                                          RSLs are already accounting for first tranche
                                                                                                                schemes, i.e. properties are being built for
        • Variable service charge reporting – it’s back   sales through the income and expenditure
                                                                                                                sale within a development in order to
          on the agenda                                   account and it is likely that more will be
                                                                                                                finance social housing in the same scheme,
                                                          adopt this accounting policy in this year’s
        • Charities Act – implications for RSLs                                                                 profits should not be recognised on the
                                                          financial statements.
                                                                                                                properties for sale if the result would be
        • Companies Act – timetable for change                                                                  that the social housing would be carried at
                                                          FRS 18 permits this treatment provided that
        • The longer term – IFRS convergence –                                                                  a value in excess of its EUV-SH valuation.
                                                          the directors can justify that inclusion of first
          implications for RSLs                                                                                 However, complications may arise where
                                                          tranche sale proceeds in the income and
                                                                                                                the properties for sale are being developed
        • Pension costs – accounting for SHPS             expenditure account gives a fairer view of the
                                                                                                                in one entity within an RSL group but the
                                                          performance of the RSL rather than the
                                                                                                                social housing is being recorded in another
                                                          previous treatment. It should not be simply
                                                                                                                entity. In this instance, particular care
                                                          because it would allow the RSL to meet its
                                                                                                                needs to be paid to allocating costs
                                                          debt covenants or show a surplus rather than
                                                                                                                between the two entities and potentially
                                                          a deficit! FRS 18 requires an RSL adopting
                                                                                                                profits in the entity selling the properties
                                                          this treatment to disclose the rationale for
                                                                                                                may need to be eliminated on
                                                          and fact of the departure from the 2005
                                                                                                                consolidation if this results in the social
                                                          SORP in their financial statements, and, if this
                                                                                                                housing being held at a value in excess of
                                                          treatment is adopted for the first time this
                                                                                                                EUV-SH in the group accounts.
                                                          year and the effect is material, to restate the
                                                          prior year accounts to reflect a change in          • Related Party disclosures – the exposure
                                                          accounting policy.                                    draft appears to require disclosures which
                                                                                                                go beyond those strictly required by FRS 8.
                                                                                                                Our response to the exposure draft
                                                                                                                recommended that the SORP should not
                                                                                                                include these disclosures. If the Housing
                                                                                                                Corporation believe that the additional
                                                                                                                disclosures are required then they should

                   . .
        Audit Tax Consulting Corporate Finance     .                                    .                       instead be included in the next version of
                                                                                                                the General Determination.
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        Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords

        • Accounting for transfers – the SORP             The most significant of the changes is the            test, it is well worthwhile formally reviewing
          requires that RSLs consider whether large       additional fixed asset addition disclosures.          the proposals to ensure that there are no
          scale voluntary transfers are actually          This, coupled with the 2005 SORP                      adverse implications for some of the entities
          transfers of an undertaking rather than a       requirements on accounting for expenditure            within your Group.
          simple purchase of assets. Key features of      on existing properties will make any
          the former might be that existing staff are     ‘aggressive’ capitalisation of major repair           The concept of an exempt charity has gone
          being transferred together with operating       expenditure very clear to readers of the              and charitable RSLs will need to comply in full
          systems and other operating assets.             accounts. For those RSLs who have adopted             with charity law. It is yet to be seen how the
          The implications are that if the transfer is    component accounting it will be important             Housing Corporation intends to carry out its
          really an acquisition of a business rather      for them to draw readers’ attention to their          role as regulator on behalf of the Charities
          than the acquisition of fixed assets, then      accounting policy as there is a danger that           Commission for the sector. It is possible that
          the assets and liabilities acquired should be   readers may wrongly interpret high levels of          the Housing Corporation will look to introduce
          fair valued and accounted for under FRS 7.      major repair expenditure being capitalised as         additional disclosure requirements in order to
                                                          evidence that the RSL is being imprudent in           assist their monitoring of the sector.
        Housing Corporation – Accounting                  its accounting policies.
        Requirements for Registered Social                                                                      Companies Act 2006
        Landlords – April 2006                            Service Charge accounting and                         The provisions of new Companies Act will
        The Housing Corporation issued a new              reporting                                             impact most companies within RSL groups
        General Determination in April 2006. This will    The Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act               going forward. Key areas of substantial
        be first year that RSLs will have to adopt the    2002 introduced a requirement for fuller and          change in the Act include:
        new disclosure requirements although many         more consistent reporting of variable service
                                                                                                                • Directors’ duties and derivative claims.
        voluntarily gave these disclosures in their       charges to tenants and leaseholders,
        2006 financial statements. As a reminder, the     together with new provisions for the holding          • Shareholder rights.
        main changes are as follows:                      of service charge payers’ monies. The
                                                                                                                • Electronic communications.
                                                          Government’s initial proposals for accounting
        • more analysis is required in ‘note 3’ for
                                                          and reporting on service charge statements            • Business Review for quoted companies.
          ‘other costs’ where these other costs
                                                          were particularly onerous and were
          represent more than 5% of total operating                                                             • De-regulation of private companies.
                                                          withdrawn after the initial consultation.
                                                                                                                • Limitations on directors’ and auditors’
        • the disclosure requirements for Supporting      The Department for Communities and Local                liability.
          People income have been amended                 Government has been working on new
          although the detail proposed in the             proposals and we understand that these are            The deregulatory provisions of the Act will be
          consultation draft of the Determination         due to be published for consultation shortly.         welcomed by RSLs with many corporate
          has been much reduced;                          An audit of individual service charges is             subsidiaries. However, some work will be
                                                          unlikely to be required although an                   needed to take advantage of these as many
        • separate disclosure is required in the fixed
                                                          accountant’s report will be needed for each           of them will require changes to articles of
          asset note of additions to completed
                                                          service charge scheme. There will also be a           association. For a useful summary of the new
          properties, differentiating between work to
                                                          prescribed format for the service charge              provisions and answers to commonly asked
          completed properties acquired and works
                                                          statement, setting out the minimum                    questions please consult the Deloitte
          to existing properties;
                                                          disclosure required. We understand that               publication “CompAct – Q&As on the 2006
        • there are new disclosure requirements for       there may be some minor concessions for               Companies Act” which can be found at
          showing the movement on the disposal            RSLs but overall the new reporting regime is
          proceeds fund and the Recycled Grant            likely to add significant cost to most RSLs.
          fund in order to ‘show greater                  In particular, the implications of the new            There has also been a degree of confusion as
          transparency’ of how these funds are used;      reporting regime need to be carefully                 to the extent to which recent changes to the
                                                          considered at an early stage to ensure                old Companies Act 1985 affect Industrial and
        • payments to directors need to include
                                                          systems and processes can generate the                Provident Societies. Company directors’
          board members (where remunerated).
                                                          required information, including potential             reports for financial years beginning on or
          Separate disclosure needs to be made
                                                          changes to the split of charges in the trial          after 1 April 2005 must include a statement
          between amounts paid to executive staff
                                                          balance. It is likely that the earliest application   that, in the case of each person who is a
          members and those who are not;
                                                          date will be for years beginning on or after          director at the time when the directors’
        • further details are required of proposed        1April 2008.                                          report is approved:
          financing for capital commitments
                                                                                                                • so far as the director is aware, there is no
          indicating amount of grant, agreed loans,       Charities Act
                                                                                                                  relevant audit information of which the
          loans under negotiation, property sales         The new Charities Act was passed in
                                                                                                                  auditors are unaware; and
          and other sources of funding; and               November and its various provisions will
                                                          come into force over a staggered timetable.           • they have taken all the steps that they
        • some disclosure requirements have been
                                                          One of the main areas of contention is the              ought to have taken as a director to make
          removed including the Chief Executive’s
                                                          new proposals for the public benefit test.              themselves aware of any relevant audit
          pension arrangements, average number of
                                                          The Charities Commissions published their               information and to establish that the
          employees (but not the FTE disclosure),
                                                          detailed proposals for consultation earlier this        company’s auditors are aware of that
          disclosure of RSF (now abolished), and
                                                          month and whilst at first glance it is difficult        information.
          average number of days taken to pay
                                                          to envisage a social housing charity having
          purchase invoices.
                                                          problems meeting the provisions of the new

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                                                                  Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords

                                                                                                              Our feeling is that this change may not come
                                                                                                              in for some time, if at all. The Statement of
                                                                                                              Principles is not an accounting standard and
                                                                                                              SSAP 4 – accounting for government grants
                                                                                                              will still be in force, so it is difficult to see
                                                                                                              how RSLs could be forced down the path of
                                                                                                              taking capital grants to revenue in the short
                                                                                                              term. The ASB intend to review SSAP 4 at the
                                                                                                              same time as the equivalent IASB project,
                                                                                                              which will not be in the short term, and this
                                                                                                              therefore has to be an area which will need
                                                                                                              to be kept under review.

        Some RSLs have asked whether the requirement          A final IASB standard is expected in mid-       It is still very difficult to predict what the
        is strictly relevant to their organisation, given     2008, at which point the EU may well            International Financial Reporting
        that they are incorporated under the Industrial       allow individual member states to adopt it      Standards (‘IFRS’) regime will look like after
        and Provident Societies Acts; others have             for all entities other than those for whom      2009, which aspects of IFRS are likely to be
        questioned what their directors need to do            full IFRS compliance is required.               incorporated into UK accounting standards
        in order to be able to make the statement.                                                            and particularly those in the ‘middle way’
                                                            • The FRSSE – similar to the current Financial
        The requirements are only binding on entities                                                         band. There are one or two standards and
                                                              reporting standard for small entities.
        incorporated under the Companies Act and                                                              projects which are of particular interest to
        are therefore not strictly required by those                                                          RSLs and could make a big difference to RSL
                                                            The Statement of Accounting Principles –
        which are Industrial and Provident Societies.                                                         accounting. These include:
                                                            Interpretation for Public Benefit Entities
        However, RSLs may see such a statement as
                                                            is still being considered by the Accounting       • IAS 40 – accounting for investment
        representing good governance and are
                                                            Standards Board. This is an Accounting              properties. The definition of investment
        therefore encouraged to make the disclosure.
                                                            Standards Board project which has been              properties in IAS 40 is slightly different to
        RSL boards should not take this disclosure
                                                            going on for some time now since the first          that of the current UK accounting
        lightly however and need to carefully
                                                            consultation draft appeared back in 2005.           standard. On the face of it, it could mean
        consider what additional reassurances they
                                                            The idea behind it was to set out some              that an RSL’s properties would fit into this
        should seek in order to feel confident that
                                                            common principles for all public benefit            definition, with the result that RSLs could
        they can make this disclosure. In our last
                                                            entities so that accounting across the sectors      have the option of carrying properties at
        issue of ‘Corporate Governance Update’ we
                                                            could be more consistent. Probably the              valuation with no requirement for
        set out some suggestions for the steps that
                                                            greatest area of difference is how capital          depreciation. This might make life simpler,
        Directors should take and a copy of this can
                                                            grants are accounted for. Under the current         but it could make interpretation of an RSL’s
        be found on the corporate governance
                                                            SORPs, charities take capital grants as income      results even more difficult as gains and
        section of our website at
                                                            at the stage they become entitled to it. In         losses on revaluation would be taken
                                                            contrast, an RSL would treat the grant as a         directly to income and expenditure account
                                                            deduction from fixed assets and a university        with surpluses and asset values fluctuating
        Financial reporting in the longer term
                                                            would carry the grant on the balance sheet          significantly between accounting periods.
        After a flurry of activity over the last three
                                                            as deferred income amortised over the life of
        years things have gone rather quiet, with the                                                         • Another area that could signal change is
                                                            the asset which it funded.
        ASB deciding there will be no new standards                                                             accounting for leases. Current
        before 2009. They are carefully reviewing                                                               accounting standards differentiate
                                                            The RSL sector is very against the proposal
        their options for future accounting standards                                                           between operating leases (where the
                                                            that the charity treatment be adopted for all
        and are considering introducing a three tier                                                            lessee does not have the majority of risks
                                                            public benefit entities, believing that it will
        approach to standards:                                                                                  and rewards) which are not recognised on
                                                            distort the income and expenditure account.
        • Full IFRS compliance for quoted companies         There are also significant complications of         the balance sheets and finance leases
          and public interest entities. The term “public    adopting such a policy in practice – if the         (where the opposite is true). The IASB’s
          interest entity” has not been defined but is      grant is taken through Income and                   initial thinking for their lease accounting
          likely to include RSLs with quoted debt.          expenditure account you are likely to suffer        project is that interests in assets acquired
                                                            impairment of the property which the grant          under operating leases should be valued
        • A middle band of entities – these might be                                                            and shown on the balance sheet. This is
                                                            funded. Shared ownership properties get
          large private companies, or other medium                                                              going to be particularly relevant for those
                                                            even more complicated – if an RSL believes
          sized organisations. The idea here is that                                                            social landlords who rent temporary
                                                            shared ownership properties will be
          they might be subject to a regime of ‘IFRS                                                            housing under short leases. A discussion
                                                            staircased there is an argument that related
          minus’ or ‘FRSSE plus’. This may will take                                                            paper is expected in 2008.
                                                            grants will have to be repaid and therefore
          the form of the recently issued exposure
                                                            showing the grant as a liability is more          • IAS does not recognise merger
          draft International Financial Reporting
                                                            appropriate.                                        accounting believing that all
          Standard for Small and Medium-Sized
          entities which includes both simpler                                                                  combinations consist of one party
          measurement and disclosure requirements                                                               effectively taking over another –
          than full IFRS.                                                                                       something that many RSLs would dispute.

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        Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords

        International Public Sector Accounting                         • Secondly, the ASB has published a                           and liabilities of the scheme cannot be
        Standards are used in some countries for                         Reporting Statement: Retirement                             attributed on a reliable basis to individual
        public sector accounting and adopt the                           Benefits – Disclosures. This statement is                   members, RSLs have been able to continue to
        concepts of IFRSs for public sector purposes.                    best practice only, not an accounting                       account for their contributions as if they were
        Adoption in this country is probably some                        standard and as such has no effective date.                 contributing to a money purchase scheme i.e.
        way off and in any respect, some of these                        It recommends disclosure in six areas:                      contributions are taken directly to the income
        standards are not suitable for Registered                        the relationship between the entity and                     and expenditure account. This fairly relaxed
        Social Landlords, given the ‘half way house’                     trustees/managers of the defined benefit                    situation was in danger of being upset last
        status of the sector. However, they may well                     scheme; the principal assumptions used to                   year, when SHPS notified employer members
        influence SORP setters and some of the concepts                  measure scheme liabilities; the sensitivity of              of the total cost they would incur if they
        may well surface in the sector in the future.                    the principal assumptions used to measure                   withdrew from the scheme. This seemed to
                                                                         the scheme liabilities; how the liabilities                 imply that SHPS were able to allocate assets
        Accounting for Pension Costs                                     arising from defined benefit schemes are                    and liabilities to individual members but
        The ASB has recently issued two documents                        measured; the future funding obligations                    further investigation showed this not to be
        relating to pensions:                                            in relation to defined benefit scheme; and                  the case. However, a number of RSLs have
                                                                         the nature and extent of the risks arising                  disclosed the penalty amount as a note to
        • Firstly, an amendment to FRS 17
                                                                         from financial instruments held by the                      their financial statements under ‘contingent
          Retirement benefits which aligns the
                                                                         defined benefit scheme. One significant                     liabilities’. Our view is that, whilst this may be
          disclosures required for defined benefit
                                                                         recommendation is that in disclosing the                    one of the risks recommended for disclosure
          schemes not taking advantage of the
                                                                         assumptions details of the mortality tables                 by the best practice Reporting Statement, this
          multi-employer exemption with those in
                                                                         used should be given.                                       is not required for a true and fair view unless
          the equivalent IAS 19 Employee Benefits,
                                                                                                                                     there is a real prospect of the RSL
          as well as requiring that bid-price (rather
                                                                       For those RSLs who are members of the                         withdrawing from the Scheme and triggering
          than mid-price) is used for quoted securities.
                                                                       Social Housing Pension Scheme (‘SHPS’),                       the exit penalty, an outcome which in most
          The amendment is applicable for periods
                                                                       the impact of FRS 17 has not been significant.                cases will be remote.
          commencing on or after 6 April 2007
                                                                       As a multi-employer scheme where the assets
          although the ASB encourage early adoption.

          For further information on any of the above, please contact:

          Wales and the West                                            North West                                                   Scotland
          Andrew Martyn-Johns                                           Tony Farnworth                                               David Bell
          Tel:   07785 331512                                           Tel:   0161 455 8546                                         Tel:   0141 204 2800
          Email:                            Email:                             Email:

          London and the South East                                     North East                                                   South
          Nigel Johnson                                                 Paul Williamson                                              Toby Wright
          Tel:    01727 839000                                          Tel:   0191 261 4111                                         Tel:    023 8033 3124
          Email:                               Email:                           Email:

          Jane Whitlock
          Tel:   0121 632 6000

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Uk cg reportingand_accountingupdateforregisteredsociallandlords

  • 1. 18547 sg LookingForward 21/3/07 10:40 am Page 1 March 2007 Audit Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords SORP 2007 If you are looking to adopt the shared The exposure draft of the SORP was ownership proposals early remember the published in summer 2006 and it was other accounting implications: expected that the final SORP would have • The proportion of shared ownership been published at the end of this month with properties to be sold under a first tranche RSLs encouraged to adopt early in their sale needs to be included within current March 2007 accounts. assets and an analysis given between completed shared ownership properties However, the proposals, particularly in and those in the course of construction. respect of shared ownership accounting, have met with significant opposition. It seems • The first tranche sale proceeds need to be unlikely that the shared ownership included within turnover and the relevant accounting proposals will be dropped proportion of the development costs as completely, but the SORP working party is well as marketing and legal costs should reviewing the proposals carefully and is likely be included in cost of sales. to come up with a slightly revised In this issue: consultation draft of the SORP in the next Other key changes in the exposure draft of • SORP 2007 – Main issues and implications couple of months with another Exposure the SORP include the following: Draft in the autumn. Although the SORP has • General Determination 2006 – reminder of • Accounting for complex developments – not been issued in final form, a number of disclosure changes where an RSL is involved in cross subsidy RSLs are already accounting for first tranche schemes, i.e. properties are being built for • Variable service charge reporting – it’s back sales through the income and expenditure sale within a development in order to on the agenda account and it is likely that more will be finance social housing in the same scheme, adopt this accounting policy in this year’s • Charities Act – implications for RSLs profits should not be recognised on the financial statements. properties for sale if the result would be • Companies Act – timetable for change that the social housing would be carried at FRS 18 permits this treatment provided that • The longer term – IFRS convergence – a value in excess of its EUV-SH valuation. the directors can justify that inclusion of first implications for RSLs However, complications may arise where tranche sale proceeds in the income and the properties for sale are being developed • Pension costs – accounting for SHPS expenditure account gives a fairer view of the in one entity within an RSL group but the performance of the RSL rather than the social housing is being recorded in another previous treatment. It should not be simply entity. In this instance, particular care because it would allow the RSL to meet its needs to be paid to allocating costs debt covenants or show a surplus rather than between the two entities and potentially a deficit! FRS 18 requires an RSL adopting profits in the entity selling the properties this treatment to disclose the rationale for may need to be eliminated on and fact of the departure from the 2005 consolidation if this results in the social SORP in their financial statements, and, if this housing being held at a value in excess of treatment is adopted for the first time this EUV-SH in the group accounts. year and the effect is material, to restate the prior year accounts to reflect a change in • Related Party disclosures – the exposure accounting policy. draft appears to require disclosures which go beyond those strictly required by FRS 8. Our response to the exposure draft recommended that the SORP should not include these disclosures. If the Housing Corporation believe that the additional disclosures are required then they should . . Audit Tax Consulting Corporate Finance . . instead be included in the next version of the General Determination.
  • 2. 18547 sg LookingForward 21/3/07 10:40 am Page 2 Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords • Accounting for transfers – the SORP The most significant of the changes is the test, it is well worthwhile formally reviewing requires that RSLs consider whether large additional fixed asset addition disclosures. the proposals to ensure that there are no scale voluntary transfers are actually This, coupled with the 2005 SORP adverse implications for some of the entities transfers of an undertaking rather than a requirements on accounting for expenditure within your Group. simple purchase of assets. Key features of on existing properties will make any the former might be that existing staff are ‘aggressive’ capitalisation of major repair The concept of an exempt charity has gone being transferred together with operating expenditure very clear to readers of the and charitable RSLs will need to comply in full systems and other operating assets. accounts. For those RSLs who have adopted with charity law. It is yet to be seen how the The implications are that if the transfer is component accounting it will be important Housing Corporation intends to carry out its really an acquisition of a business rather for them to draw readers’ attention to their role as regulator on behalf of the Charities than the acquisition of fixed assets, then accounting policy as there is a danger that Commission for the sector. It is possible that the assets and liabilities acquired should be readers may wrongly interpret high levels of the Housing Corporation will look to introduce fair valued and accounted for under FRS 7. major repair expenditure being capitalised as additional disclosure requirements in order to evidence that the RSL is being imprudent in assist their monitoring of the sector. Housing Corporation – Accounting its accounting policies. Requirements for Registered Social Companies Act 2006 Landlords – April 2006 Service Charge accounting and The provisions of new Companies Act will The Housing Corporation issued a new reporting impact most companies within RSL groups General Determination in April 2006. This will The Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act going forward. Key areas of substantial be first year that RSLs will have to adopt the 2002 introduced a requirement for fuller and change in the Act include: new disclosure requirements although many more consistent reporting of variable service • Directors’ duties and derivative claims. voluntarily gave these disclosures in their charges to tenants and leaseholders, 2006 financial statements. As a reminder, the together with new provisions for the holding • Shareholder rights. main changes are as follows: of service charge payers’ monies. The • Electronic communications. Government’s initial proposals for accounting • more analysis is required in ‘note 3’ for and reporting on service charge statements • Business Review for quoted companies. ‘other costs’ where these other costs were particularly onerous and were represent more than 5% of total operating • De-regulation of private companies. withdrawn after the initial consultation. costs; • Limitations on directors’ and auditors’ • the disclosure requirements for Supporting The Department for Communities and Local liability. People income have been amended Government has been working on new although the detail proposed in the proposals and we understand that these are The deregulatory provisions of the Act will be consultation draft of the Determination due to be published for consultation shortly. welcomed by RSLs with many corporate has been much reduced; An audit of individual service charges is subsidiaries. However, some work will be unlikely to be required although an needed to take advantage of these as many • separate disclosure is required in the fixed accountant’s report will be needed for each of them will require changes to articles of asset note of additions to completed service charge scheme. There will also be a association. For a useful summary of the new properties, differentiating between work to prescribed format for the service charge provisions and answers to commonly asked completed properties acquired and works statement, setting out the minimum questions please consult the Deloitte to existing properties; disclosure required. We understand that publication “CompAct – Q&As on the 2006 • there are new disclosure requirements for there may be some minor concessions for Companies Act” which can be found at showing the movement on the disposal RSLs but overall the new reporting regime is proceeds fund and the Recycled Grant likely to add significant cost to most RSLs. fund in order to ‘show greater In particular, the implications of the new There has also been a degree of confusion as transparency’ of how these funds are used; reporting regime need to be carefully to the extent to which recent changes to the considered at an early stage to ensure old Companies Act 1985 affect Industrial and • payments to directors need to include systems and processes can generate the Provident Societies. Company directors’ board members (where remunerated). required information, including potential reports for financial years beginning on or Separate disclosure needs to be made changes to the split of charges in the trial after 1 April 2005 must include a statement between amounts paid to executive staff balance. It is likely that the earliest application that, in the case of each person who is a members and those who are not; date will be for years beginning on or after director at the time when the directors’ • further details are required of proposed 1April 2008. report is approved: financing for capital commitments • so far as the director is aware, there is no indicating amount of grant, agreed loans, Charities Act relevant audit information of which the loans under negotiation, property sales The new Charities Act was passed in auditors are unaware; and and other sources of funding; and November and its various provisions will come into force over a staggered timetable. • they have taken all the steps that they • some disclosure requirements have been One of the main areas of contention is the ought to have taken as a director to make removed including the Chief Executive’s new proposals for the public benefit test. themselves aware of any relevant audit pension arrangements, average number of The Charities Commissions published their information and to establish that the employees (but not the FTE disclosure), detailed proposals for consultation earlier this company’s auditors are aware of that disclosure of RSF (now abolished), and month and whilst at first glance it is difficult information. average number of days taken to pay to envisage a social housing charity having purchase invoices. problems meeting the provisions of the new . 2
  • 3. 18547 sg LookingForward 21/3/07 10:40 am Page 3 Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords Our feeling is that this change may not come in for some time, if at all. The Statement of Principles is not an accounting standard and SSAP 4 – accounting for government grants will still be in force, so it is difficult to see how RSLs could be forced down the path of taking capital grants to revenue in the short term. The ASB intend to review SSAP 4 at the same time as the equivalent IASB project, which will not be in the short term, and this therefore has to be an area which will need to be kept under review. Some RSLs have asked whether the requirement A final IASB standard is expected in mid- It is still very difficult to predict what the is strictly relevant to their organisation, given 2008, at which point the EU may well International Financial Reporting that they are incorporated under the Industrial allow individual member states to adopt it Standards (‘IFRS’) regime will look like after and Provident Societies Acts; others have for all entities other than those for whom 2009, which aspects of IFRS are likely to be questioned what their directors need to do full IFRS compliance is required. incorporated into UK accounting standards in order to be able to make the statement. and particularly those in the ‘middle way’ • The FRSSE – similar to the current Financial The requirements are only binding on entities band. There are one or two standards and reporting standard for small entities. incorporated under the Companies Act and projects which are of particular interest to are therefore not strictly required by those RSLs and could make a big difference to RSL The Statement of Accounting Principles – which are Industrial and Provident Societies. accounting. These include: Interpretation for Public Benefit Entities However, RSLs may see such a statement as is still being considered by the Accounting • IAS 40 – accounting for investment representing good governance and are Standards Board. This is an Accounting properties. The definition of investment therefore encouraged to make the disclosure. Standards Board project which has been properties in IAS 40 is slightly different to RSL boards should not take this disclosure going on for some time now since the first that of the current UK accounting lightly however and need to carefully consultation draft appeared back in 2005. standard. On the face of it, it could mean consider what additional reassurances they The idea behind it was to set out some that an RSL’s properties would fit into this should seek in order to feel confident that common principles for all public benefit definition, with the result that RSLs could they can make this disclosure. In our last entities so that accounting across the sectors have the option of carrying properties at issue of ‘Corporate Governance Update’ we could be more consistent. Probably the valuation with no requirement for set out some suggestions for the steps that greatest area of difference is how capital depreciation. This might make life simpler, Directors should take and a copy of this can grants are accounted for. Under the current but it could make interpretation of an RSL’s be found on the corporate governance SORPs, charities take capital grants as income results even more difficult as gains and section of our website at at the stage they become entitled to it. In losses on revaluation would be taken contrast, an RSL would treat the grant as a directly to income and expenditure account deduction from fixed assets and a university with surpluses and asset values fluctuating Financial reporting in the longer term would carry the grant on the balance sheet significantly between accounting periods. After a flurry of activity over the last three as deferred income amortised over the life of years things have gone rather quiet, with the • Another area that could signal change is the asset which it funded. ASB deciding there will be no new standards accounting for leases. Current before 2009. They are carefully reviewing accounting standards differentiate The RSL sector is very against the proposal their options for future accounting standards between operating leases (where the that the charity treatment be adopted for all and are considering introducing a three tier lessee does not have the majority of risks public benefit entities, believing that it will approach to standards: and rewards) which are not recognised on distort the income and expenditure account. • Full IFRS compliance for quoted companies There are also significant complications of the balance sheets and finance leases and public interest entities. The term “public adopting such a policy in practice – if the (where the opposite is true). The IASB’s interest entity” has not been defined but is grant is taken through Income and initial thinking for their lease accounting likely to include RSLs with quoted debt. expenditure account you are likely to suffer project is that interests in assets acquired impairment of the property which the grant under operating leases should be valued • A middle band of entities – these might be and shown on the balance sheet. This is funded. Shared ownership properties get large private companies, or other medium going to be particularly relevant for those even more complicated – if an RSL believes sized organisations. The idea here is that social landlords who rent temporary shared ownership properties will be they might be subject to a regime of ‘IFRS housing under short leases. A discussion staircased there is an argument that related minus’ or ‘FRSSE plus’. This may will take paper is expected in 2008. grants will have to be repaid and therefore the form of the recently issued exposure showing the grant as a liability is more • IAS does not recognise merger draft International Financial Reporting appropriate. accounting believing that all Standard for Small and Medium-Sized entities which includes both simpler combinations consist of one party measurement and disclosure requirements effectively taking over another – than full IFRS. something that many RSLs would dispute. 3
  • 4. 18547 sg LookingForward 21/3/07 10:40 am Page 4 Looking Forward – reporting and accounting update for Registered Social Landlords International Public Sector Accounting • Secondly, the ASB has published a and liabilities of the scheme cannot be Standards are used in some countries for Reporting Statement: Retirement attributed on a reliable basis to individual public sector accounting and adopt the Benefits – Disclosures. This statement is members, RSLs have been able to continue to concepts of IFRSs for public sector purposes. best practice only, not an accounting account for their contributions as if they were Adoption in this country is probably some standard and as such has no effective date. contributing to a money purchase scheme i.e. way off and in any respect, some of these It recommends disclosure in six areas: contributions are taken directly to the income standards are not suitable for Registered the relationship between the entity and and expenditure account. This fairly relaxed Social Landlords, given the ‘half way house’ trustees/managers of the defined benefit situation was in danger of being upset last status of the sector. However, they may well scheme; the principal assumptions used to year, when SHPS notified employer members influence SORP setters and some of the concepts measure scheme liabilities; the sensitivity of of the total cost they would incur if they may well surface in the sector in the future. the principal assumptions used to measure withdrew from the scheme. This seemed to the scheme liabilities; how the liabilities imply that SHPS were able to allocate assets Accounting for Pension Costs arising from defined benefit schemes are and liabilities to individual members but The ASB has recently issued two documents measured; the future funding obligations further investigation showed this not to be relating to pensions: in relation to defined benefit scheme; and the case. However, a number of RSLs have the nature and extent of the risks arising disclosed the penalty amount as a note to • Firstly, an amendment to FRS 17 from financial instruments held by the their financial statements under ‘contingent Retirement benefits which aligns the defined benefit scheme. One significant liabilities’. Our view is that, whilst this may be disclosures required for defined benefit recommendation is that in disclosing the one of the risks recommended for disclosure schemes not taking advantage of the assumptions details of the mortality tables by the best practice Reporting Statement, this multi-employer exemption with those in used should be given. is not required for a true and fair view unless the equivalent IAS 19 Employee Benefits, there is a real prospect of the RSL as well as requiring that bid-price (rather For those RSLs who are members of the withdrawing from the Scheme and triggering than mid-price) is used for quoted securities. Social Housing Pension Scheme (‘SHPS’), the exit penalty, an outcome which in most The amendment is applicable for periods the impact of FRS 17 has not been significant. cases will be remote. commencing on or after 6 April 2007 As a multi-employer scheme where the assets although the ASB encourage early adoption. Contacts For further information on any of the above, please contact: Wales and the West North West Scotland Andrew Martyn-Johns Tony Farnworth David Bell Tel: 07785 331512 Tel: 0161 455 8546 Tel: 0141 204 2800 Email: Email: Email: London and the South East North East South Nigel Johnson Paul Williamson Toby Wright Tel: 01727 839000 Tel: 0191 261 4111 Tel: 023 8033 3124 Email: Email: Email: Midlands Jane Whitlock Tel: 0121 632 6000 Email: In this publication, Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (‘DTT’), a Swiss Verein, its member firms, and their respective subsidiaries and affiliates. As a Swiss Verein (association), neither DTT nor any of its member firms has any liability for each other’s acts or omissions. Each of the member firms is a separate and independent legal entity operating under the names “Deloitte”, “Deloitte & Touche”, “Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu”, or other related names. Services are provided by the member firms or their subsidiaries or affiliates and not by the DTT Verein. In the UK, Deloitte & Touche LLP is the member firm of DTT, and services are provided by Deloitte & Touche LLP and its subsidiaries. For more information, please visit the firm’s website at Deloitte & Touche LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. This publication has been written in general terms and therefore cannot be relied on to cover specific situations; application of the principles set out will depend upon the particular circumstances involved and we recommend that you obtain professional advice before acting or refraining from acting on any of the contents of this publication. Deloitte & Touche LLP would be pleased to advise readers on how to apply the principles set out in this publication to their specific circumstances. Deloitte & Touche LLP accepts no duty of care or liability for any loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of any material in this publication. © Deloitte & Touche LLP 2007. All rights reserved. Deloitte & Touche LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC303675. A list of members’ names is available for inspection at Stonecutter Court, 1 Stonecutter Street, London EC4A 4TR, United Kingdom, the firm’s principal place of business and registered office. Tel: +44 (0) 20 7936 3000. Fax: +44 (0) 20 7583 1198. Member of Designed and produced by The Creative Studio at Deloitte, London. 18048B Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu