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Creating value with
digital platforms.
Yves Eychenne
Carolyn Strong-Eychenne
Platforms such as	Uber,	Booking,	Airbnb,	Apple	and	Google	have	
upset entire economic sectors.
The	elements of	uberisation:
• The	transformation	of	usage
• The	« Wow »	Effect
• Disruptive	innovation
• Rethinking the	technical and	economic fondamentals of	a	sector
At	the	head of	this battle,	digital	platforms,	firmly place	the	client	in	
the	center.
What are the issues companies face?
Passive	consumer	>>>		active	client	 >>>	producer
Product	,	Service,	Experience
• Rolls	Royce	moved from selling aircraft motors to	
selling available flying hours
• From service	to	“client	experience“ (smartphone,		
• The	consumer’s role changes:		he is now connected,	
better informed,	active,	changes	easily between the	
role of	consumer	and	producer,	and	expects to	be
listened to.
• The	economy of	sharing	2.0	(BlablaCar,	Uber,	
Ource image:
New values ?
• Sleep in	the	bedroom of	a	stranger?
• Share	a	car	with someone you don’t know?
• Borrow money	from private individuals?
• Share,	exchange,	make bargains.
New	behavior for	a	new	economy:
22 %	of	French	people	have	already tested a	service	in	the	sharing	
economy and	30%	think they will try it within the	next 12	months.		13%	
are	ready to	propose	their services.
Source:	OpinionWay « EcoScope – Baromètre	OpinionWay pour	Axys Consultants	– Le	Figaro	–
BFM	Business »	sur	l’adoption	de	l’économie	du	partage
The Wow Effect
• The	Wow	Effect:		The	surprise	of	
discovering a	service	or	product which
saves time	or	money	or	offers an	
extraordinary simplicity of	use.
• The	Wow	Effect is key	to	acquiring new	
clients	and	developing their loyalty to	
the	platform.
• The	repetition of	this positive	
experience transforms the	client	into an	
• The	Wow	Effect pushes the	exponential
growth of	this kind of	platform.
Source	image	:
Disruptive Innovation
• Disruptive	innovation– or	“technological rupture“ – is a	new	technology
which is radically different from those existing and	which ends	up	replacing
the	the	older technology.		A	disruptive	innovation	is not	limited to	digital	
technologies;		nylon	disrupted silk stockings,	Gutenberg	disrupted
monestary copyists.
• The	dilema for	established companies is how	to	allocate resources and	
manage	their financial priorities.
• The	management	of	investments in	R	&	D	tends	to	target established
markets and	those market segments	which are	the	most profitable.
• Although companies avoid markets which are	too small or	market sectors
which they do	not	know,	these are	the	markets which are	targeted by	
disruptive	innovation.	Ex:	Amazon,	Uber,	Netflix
• The references on	the	subject:		Clayton	Christensen
The Plateform: the marketplace of modern times
The Network Effect
• The	reason for	the	remarkable speed	
which with markets are	penetrated:	
• Uber	has	become a	dominant	actor in	the	
market of	taxis	in	three years;
• Instagram,	in	only six	months in	the	
crowded market of	photo-sharing	sites,	
gained 400	milliion users and	75%	market
• The	Network	Effect and	its hyper-growth
create value	for	all	the	participants	of	
the	platform (producers and	
Mettre un	schema
Source:	PARKER,	Geoffrey	G.,	VAN ALSTYNE,	
Marshall	W.,	CHOUDARY,	Sangeet Paul “The	
platform	revolution” Norton	&	Company,	2016
The client in the center
• Reviews from other users help	users make their choice and	
also reassure those who give their opinion	that the	platform
cares	about	them.		A	new	form of	customer service.
• Clients’	reviews allow suppliers to	know	what the	user	thinks about	
them and	helps them improve their service
• In	the	information	era,	the	consumer	is connected,	informed and	
• Companies and	brands	must
• listen to	the	client	when he expresses	himself on	social	
• understand him,	accompany him,	and	capture	new	trends
Creating value via a digital platform
Often the	company who manages	the	platform does not	manufacture	
the	products nor furnish the	services	exchanged on	his platform.		His
value	consists of:
• the	breadth and	depth of	his catalog,
• quality control	(curation),
• clients’	reviews and	critiques,
• the	exclusion	of	bad suppliers…	and	also	bad	clients.
How does a platform work?
Key technologies for uberisation
• A	mobile	application	requires geolocalisation capabilities,	as	the	main	
support	to	numberous interactions.
• The	cloud	allows web	and	mobile	platforms rapid growth,	globally,	at	
a	lower price.
• Application	Programming Interfaces	(APIs)		are	used to	connect and	
build a	network	of	partners.
• Big data and	artificial intelligence	allow the	platform to	make relevant	
propositions	to	consumers.
• The	internet	of	objects helps to	build new	
value-added services.
Source IBM
importance of
the business
Les géants numériques vs l'économie traditionnelle
Capitalisation Economie Capitalisation
Economie nouvelle Région (milliards), 2016 Secteur traditionnelle Région2 (milliards), 20162
Apple USA $583 éléctronique Sony JPN $45
Google USA $516
Facebook USA $340 publicité Publicis USA $13
Baidu CHN $281
Microsoft USA $439 logiciel Oracle USA $170
Salesforce USA $50
Amazon USA $281
Alibaba CHN $192 commerce Walmart USA $221
Priceline USA $65
eBay USA $27
Yahoo! USA $36 actualités News Corp USA $7.6
Uber USA $40 taxi Medallion Corp USA $220m
Taxi G7 France
LinkedIn USA $15 recruitement Manpower USA $6
Netflix USA $45 média Vivendi France $24
Business model and two-sided business platforms
A	meeting	place	where some economic actors come	to	consume	a	
service	or	product and	other actors come	to	propose	their services.
Often,	the	latter	group	subsidizes the	platform.
Exemples of two-sided business platforms:
• In a newspaper or TV service, the readers / viewers come looking for news and distraction.
Advertisers pay for the opportunity to expose the readers/viewers to their brand, product or
• Google’s search engine: searches are free for users, but here, too, advertising subsidzes the
service. Google had over $50 billion in revenues in 2015.
• Apple goes even further: everybody pays. The user pays to have a terminal (iPhone, iPad,
Mac, iPod) and pays to see content (Apps, music, books). Suppliers of content pay an average
commission of 30% to Apple (in its role as marketplace).
Uberisation of the future
• Above and	beyond digital	applications	and	mobile	apps,	platforms
will be built around 3D	printers	(additive	manufacturing)	
• With 3D	printers,	the	manufacturer	can listen to	his clientèle	to	
improve and	develop his product more	often (the	customer in	the	
• Products can be built by	consumers:	
• FabLabs are	being created in	France	and	throughout the	world.
• Service	providers	and	users,	who in	turn become suppliers of	this
service	to	their neighbors
• New	plateforms will also be built around robots
and	drones
Transportation and hotellery
• Hotellery is the	most active	sector among digital	platforms:	Expedia,	
Trivago, Booking,	and	TripAdvisor.
• The	SNCF	(French	national	railway company)	started its e-commerce	
very early on.		It	has	developed web	and	mobile	apps to	improve
customer experience and	an	internet	of	objects to	help	make the	
trains	run on	time.
• Transdev is on	the	front	lines against Uber	for	its taxi	activities in	the	
U.S.		It	has	created Digital	Factory to	spearhead innovation.
• The	group	AccorHotels has	reacted to	Booking and	Expedia	by	
creating its own reservation platform,	open	to	outside partners.		
AccorHotels has	also puts its focus	on	superb customer experience.
• Transdev is in	the	process of	inventing a	layer	of	integration for	“Mobility as	
a	Service“,	thus moving from the	role of	public	transport	to	mobility.	
• Moblity as	a	service:	an	agregator of	all	modes	of	transportation
• Physical	plateform:	the	train	lines,	the	bus	network,	shuttle buses,	taxis	and	VTC
• Plateform of	data,	to	help	the	user	choose the	best	combination of	transportation	
• A	monthly	mobility	plan,	just	like	cell	phone/data.	
• The	data	platform will be accessible	to	all	transport	companies,	local	authorities,	as	
well as	developers and	programmers who wish to	create applications	for	mobility
• Transdev started this project in	
A	platform	can	hide	another…	and	another...	And	another
• E-commerce	was one	of	the	first	activities to	be
developed when internet	was opened to	
commercial	activities in	1992.		Despite this long	
history,	it represents only 6%	of	commerce	in	
France	and	has	not	had the	destructive	effect
once	feared.	
• The	large	majority of	actors in	e-commerce	in	
France	are French	companies who have	
succeeded in	transforming themselves,	growing
their sales	via	a	web	site,	bettering their
profitibility,	and	increasing customer loyalty.
• Carrefour	has	a	digital	program to	increase its sales	in	stores	via	
mobile	applications.		Carrefour	has	purchased Rue	du	Commerce	to	
strengthen its e-commerce.
• Click	and	collect vs.	home	delivery. Having a	home	delivery includes
certain	constraints,	which makes “click	and	collect“ attractive.		The	
client	purchases his products on-line	then goes to	the	store	to	pick
them up,	at	a time	which is convenient for	him.		This	allows the	store	
to	take advantage of	the	client	being on	site	to	increase the	amount
of	his purchases.	
Retency: transforming in-store visits to
• Retency uses	new	technologies	such as	beacons and	big data	to	analyse	
customers’	behaviors within the	departments of	the	retail store	
transforming a	simple	visit into a	purchase.
• To	win the	battle on	the	shop	level,	Retency analyses	in	real	time	the	
percentage of	sales	per	department.		The	result can be advice on	
restocking or	reorganising the	department’s displays,	special sales	
promotions	or	targeted marketing	to	clients	who
went to	that department without purchasing
• The	shop	shelves become a	plateform.
The service sector
• Uberisation of	energy?	Private individuals invest in	mini-generators and	
high	capacity batteries,	for	only ten or	twenty thousand euros.		Science	
fiction?		Elon Musk’s companies are	already proposing full	solutions.
• On-line	banking,	with 4 %	market-share in	France,	is a	practical service	but	
not	revolutionary.		Uberisation is coming from new	platforms for	
payments,	cooperative loans,	and	the	re-invention of	the	accounting
ledger (blockchain).
• Insurance companies are	reinventing themselves with policies linked to	a	
behavior:		a	connected car	can deliver data	on	driving style	which then
allows the	insurer to	propose	individualised pricing.
• E.on is working as	an	agregator,	mastering the	technologies	of	smart	
grids,	smart	meters,	and	on-site	energy production.	
• The	electrical network	becomes a	platform with a	two-sided market
which links	producers of	energy with consumers.	
• A	consumer	can decide to	install solar panels	on	the	roof	of	his house	or	
a	wind turbine	in	his garden and	become a	producer.
• E.on has	to	manage	the	impact	of	these new	producers on	the	totality
of	the	network.
• When we know	that high-tension	electricity lines lose 40%	of	the	energy
they carry,	we better understand the	need for	a revolution of	energy
The role of Fintechs
• Payments with PayPal.	Google	is
entering the	fray with Google	
Wallet.		Apple	already has	credit
card information	for	800 million	
• Other FinTechs are	entering the	
loan industry such as	Lending Club	
or	Amazon	who offers loans with
low interest rates	to	small
Public Service
• Post	offices	worldwide were among the	first	to	confront a	profound
transformation	of	their sector:		the	development of	emails,	digital	
advertising,	dematerialised invoicing,	a	move	from printed to	digital	
• Education	is seeing a	rapid digitalisation	with the	popularity of	
MOOCs (Massive	Open	On-line	Courses).
• For	the	medical sector,	several platforms such as offer a	
list of	doctors with additional information	and	allow the	client	to	
make an	appointment on-line. allows for	auto-
diagnosis,	while in	France	and	the	Cleveland	Clinic
aux	Etats-Unis	offer services	for	long-distance	diagnoses.
• MOOCs have	received a	lot	of	attention	since Harvard	and	MIT	announced
their attention	to	reach 1	billion	students.		MOOCs will represent 10%	of	all	
classes	given worldwide by	2020.	70 %	of	students enrolled in	a	MOOC	do	not	
reside in	the	same country	as	the	platform.
• The	inversed classroom:	
• Ecole	42 rejects the	traditional notion	of	lectures	and	bases	its classes	on	
peer-to-peer learning.		Instead of	a	professor giving a	lecture,	students
complete projects which vary in	size	and	difficulty,	leading the	
“learner“ to	take initiative	and	be ingenious and	creative
in	order to	achieve his goals.	
• The	platform Honestica targets doctors allowing them to	share
patient	medical information	among healthcare professionals and	to	
participate in	public	health research projects (via	data	analysis).
• Platforms of	connected objects via	watches and	bracelets	with
sophisticated captors which can follow physical activity but	also
conditions	such as	diabetes.
• 3D	printers are	also going to	transform the	healthcare sector,	from
dental	implants	to	prosthetics (hands,	legs),	medication and	even
body	parts	created from human tissue.
Manufacturing industries
• The uberisation of	manufacturing industries	comes to	play in	two
aspects:		distribution	channels and	the	transformation	of	products
into services.		As	platforms gain	more	traction	in	distributing products
in	a	market,	the	manufacturer	must	be careful to	retain direct	contact	
with his client	base.
• Industry 4.0 is a	transformation	of	the	factory in	which the	value	
chain is completely digitised,	from supply,	production,	delivery…	all	
the	way	to	the	clients.
• “Michelin	Man-as-a-Service“	:	Instead of	buying his
tires,	a	transporter	can now lease them.		Michelin	
remains the	owner of	the	tires	and	handles
installation,	inspection,	and	maintenance,	and	
intervenes in	the	event of	damage	or	breakage.
• Michelin	purchased Tyredating,
and	Allopneus.	The	manufacturer	now has	direct	
access to	client	data.		It	can study users’	searches on	
the	web	sites	and	buying trends	in	order to	improve
customer experience and	anticipate market
Trumpf,	industry 4.0
• Trumpf has	already integrated smart	
technology into its machine	tools,	thus
allowing data	capture	which can be
agregated from a	distance	to	develop new	
services	(maintenance,	inventory
management)	or	to	optimize factory
planning	and	production.	
• This	platform is based on	an	internet	of	
things,	the	“things“ being machine	tools
from Trumps and	other companies,	both
partners and	competitors. Source	:	Trumpf
Societal impact
• France	has	become a	host	country	to	the	new	economy.		As	such,	she
must	navigate the	issues	before other European nations,	since the	
impact	of	this change	will be felt more	quickly and	stronger here.	
• What is the	impact	on	work and	the	status of	workers?	
• What is the	impact	on	governmental finances and	social	programs?	
• What are	the	risks related to	the	monopoly that certain	platforms
succeed in	creating in	certain	markets?
France is a host country to uberisation
Sociovision – “French	society	is a	mirror to	Uber“.	 Uberisation develops following five	
basic	trends	in	society:
• Gain	time	and	simply one’s life :	54%	of	French	people	want to	save time	and	70%	look	
for	the	means to	simply their lives.
• Wheeling	and	dealing :	Crossing the	line	is not	a	problem for	the	French,	where
government is seen as	as	a	stickler for	details,	wanting to	regulate everything.		Public	
tolerance for	undeclared work has	increased from 42%	in	1997	to	61%	in	2015.	
• “Respect“ is a	word dear to	French	people’s heart (62%),	in	front	of	“freedom“ at	46%	
and	“trust“ at	43%.		The	French	want to	buy products at	a	fair price.
• Short	supply chain:	46 %	of	the	French	already use	short	distribution	channels (a	more	
positive	term than desintermediation!)	and	56%	are	ready to	use	them in	the	near
• A	world	of entrepreneurs:	71 %	of	the	French	are	favorable	to	a	society	in	which people	
create their own companies or	their own employment.		50%	are	ready to	take the	plunge
The status of the worker in the new economy as seen by…
Thibaud Simphal,	General	Manager	of	Uber	France:
In	the	mondialisation	of	the	21st	century,	which is fluid and	agile,	what matters is to	protect the	rights of	the	
individual person,	not	to	attach those rights to	a	contract.
David	Ménascé,	author of	the	report	“La	France	du	Bon	Coin“:
The	question	is more	about	what form an	intervention	by	public	powers should take to	regulate the	new	
economy.		This	intervention	must	be subtle,	since breaking the	dynamic of	collaborative	platforms,	under the	
illusion	of	eliminating abusive	situations,	risks marginalising even more	the	fragile	populations	who have	no	
other way out	(of	poverty),	and	pushing them to	the	informal economy.
Gaspard	Koenig,	founder of	the	think thank Génération	Libre:
We want to	prepare for	the	emergence of	a	post-salarial	digital	economy.		This	implies a	reform of	the	labor
laws,	with the	creation of	a	status of	worker which includes a	certain	number of	rights,	for	example the	right	to	
paid vacation,	for	this new	form of	workers who are	neither salaried nor entrepreneurs,	like the	drivers	of	cars	
(for	Uber).		Another major	reform concerns the	insurance system	in	its globality ;	we should create a	unique	
social	account which would allow each person to	manage	his time	and	fusion	the	different systems of	
unemployment insurance,	continued education and	retirement	benefits.
Ménascé,	David,	Synthèse	du	rapport,	« La	France	du	Bon	Coin »,	Institut	de	l’entreprise.
Lemarchand,	Jean-Louis,	« Pour	l’abolition	des	privilèges »,	GenerationLibre.
Government’s role as a regulator
• The	report	by	Pascal	Terrasse	gives many interesting ideas
• Bridge	the	gap	between	the	status	of	self-employed	or	“autoentrepreneurs”	with	that	
of	salaried	worker:		disability	benefits	and	complementary	pension,	access	to	renting	and	
bank	loans.		It	is	better	to	protect	the	person,	by	ensuring	that	this	type	of	employment	
also	gives	access	to	continued	education	and	allows	the	validation	of	diplomas	and	
certification	by	gaining	experience
• Terrasse proposes	that	platforms	automatically	transmit	information	concerning	revenue	
earned	to	a	centralized	platform	which	will	transmit	this	information	once	a	year	to	the	
government	(ie,	tax	offices)
• Manage	the	risk	of	a	natural	monopoly.		The	network	effect leads	to	hyper-growth	in	a	
platform,	creating	a	large	risk	for	a	natural	monopoly.		When	one	platform	becomes	too	
powerful,	it	can	impose	conditions	which	harm	the	producers	or	the	consumers	on	the	
• Manage	the	risk	of	exclusion.		A	platform/monopoly	can	fix	high	costs	and	over-exploit	
its	dominant	position.		It	can	benefit	from	margins	which	are	higher	and	higher	
compared	to	other	actors	in	the	industry	or	even	threaten	to	exclude	certain	producers.
How can a company manage the
uberisation of its market sector?
• Capture	the	« weak signals »,	the	needs and	desires
of	the	client,	which are	indicators of	opportunity.
• The	company must	master	the	network	effect, those positive	trends	
which attract client	and	suppliers,	and	minimize the	negative forces	
related to	an	imbalance between these groups.
• The	company must	learn to	use	external ressources.
• Accept the	risk and	error related to	new	projects and	be prepared to	
abandon	some of	them.	
• Stay receptive to	happy	accidents.

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Uber-proof your company

  • 1. Uber-proof your company Creating value with digital platforms. Yves Eychenne Carolyn Strong-Eychenne
  • 2. Uberisation Platforms such as Uber, Booking, Airbnb, Apple and Google have upset entire economic sectors. The elements of uberisation: • The transformation of usage • The « Wow » Effect • Disruptive innovation • Rethinking the technical and economic fondamentals of a sector At the head of this battle, digital platforms, firmly place the client in the center.
  • 3. What are the issues companies face? Passive consumer >>> active client >>> producer Product , Service, Experience • Rolls Royce moved from selling aircraft motors to selling available flying hours • From service to “client experience“ (smartphone, Google,…) • The consumer’s role changes: he is now connected, better informed, active, changes easily between the role of consumer and producer, and expects to be listened to. • The economy of sharing 2.0 (BlablaCar, Uber, AirBnB) Ource image: royce-shifts-higher-gear-big-data/514
  • 4. New values ? • Sleep in the bedroom of a stranger? • Share a car with someone you don’t know? • Borrow money from private individuals? • Share, exchange, make bargains. New behavior for a new economy: 22 % of French people have already tested a service in the sharing economy and 30% think they will try it within the next 12 months. 13% are ready to propose their services. Source: OpinionWay « EcoScope – Baromètre OpinionWay pour Axys Consultants – Le Figaro – BFM Business » sur l’adoption de l’économie du partage
  • 5. The Wow Effect • The Wow Effect: The surprise of discovering a service or product which saves time or money or offers an extraordinary simplicity of use. • The Wow Effect is key to acquiring new clients and developing their loyalty to the platform. • The repetition of this positive experience transforms the client into an ambassador. • The Wow Effect pushes the exponential growth of this kind of platform. Source image :
  • 6. Disruptive Innovation • Disruptive innovation– or “technological rupture“ – is a new technology which is radically different from those existing and which ends up replacing the the older technology. A disruptive innovation is not limited to digital technologies; nylon disrupted silk stockings, Gutenberg disrupted monestary copyists. • The dilema for established companies is how to allocate resources and manage their financial priorities. • The management of investments in R & D tends to target established markets and those market segments which are the most profitable. • Although companies avoid markets which are too small or market sectors which they do not know, these are the markets which are targeted by disruptive innovation. Ex: Amazon, Uber, Netflix • The references on the subject: Clayton Christensen
  • 7. The Plateform: the marketplace of modern times
  • 8. The Network Effect • The reason for the remarkable speed which with markets are penetrated: • Uber has become a dominant actor in the market of taxis in three years; • Instagram, in only six months in the crowded market of photo-sharing sites, gained 400 milliion users and 75% market share. • The Network Effect and its hyper-growth create value for all the participants of the platform (producers and consumers). Mettre un schema Source: PARKER, Geoffrey G., VAN ALSTYNE, Marshall W., CHOUDARY, Sangeet Paul “The platform revolution” Norton & Company, 2016
  • 9. The client in the center • Reviews from other users help users make their choice and also reassure those who give their opinion that the platform cares about them. A new form of customer service. • Clients’ reviews allow suppliers to know what the user thinks about them and helps them improve their service • In the information era, the consumer is connected, informed and active. • Companies and brands must • listen to the client when he expresses himself on social networks, • understand him, accompany him, and capture new trends Source
  • 10. Creating value via a digital platform Often the company who manages the platform does not manufacture the products nor furnish the services exchanged on his platform. His value consists of: • the breadth and depth of his catalog, • quality control (curation), • clients’ reviews and critiques, • the exclusion of bad suppliers… and also bad clients.
  • 11. How does a platform work?
  • 12. Key technologies for uberisation • A mobile application requires geolocalisation capabilities, as the main support to numberous interactions. • The cloud allows web and mobile platforms rapid growth, globally, at a lower price. • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are used to connect and build a network of partners. • Big data and artificial intelligence allow the platform to make relevant propositions to consumers. • The internet of objects helps to build new value-added services. Source IBM
  • 13. The importance of the business model…. Les géants numériques vs l'économie traditionnelle Capitalisation Economie Capitalisation Economie nouvelle Région (milliards), 2016 Secteur traditionnelle Région2 (milliards), 20162 Apple USA $583 éléctronique Sony JPN $45 Google USA $516 Facebook USA $340 publicité Publicis USA $13 Baidu CHN $281 Microsoft USA $439 logiciel Oracle USA $170 Salesforce USA $50 Amazon USA $281 Alibaba CHN $192 commerce Walmart USA $221 Priceline USA $65 eBay USA $27 Yahoo! USA $36 actualités News Corp USA $7.6 Uber USA $40 taxi Medallion Corp USA $220m Taxi G7 France LinkedIn USA $15 recruitement Manpower USA $6 Netflix USA $45 média Vivendi France $24
  • 14. Business model and two-sided business platforms A meeting place where some economic actors come to consume a service or product and other actors come to propose their services. Often, the latter group subsidizes the platform. Exemples of two-sided business platforms: • In a newspaper or TV service, the readers / viewers come looking for news and distraction. Advertisers pay for the opportunity to expose the readers/viewers to their brand, product or service. • Google’s search engine: searches are free for users, but here, too, advertising subsidzes the service. Google had over $50 billion in revenues in 2015. • Apple goes even further: everybody pays. The user pays to have a terminal (iPhone, iPad, Mac, iPod) and pays to see content (Apps, music, books). Suppliers of content pay an average commission of 30% to Apple (in its role as marketplace).
  • 15. Uberisation of the future • Above and beyond digital applications and mobile apps, platforms will be built around 3D printers (additive manufacturing) • With 3D printers, the manufacturer can listen to his clientèle to improve and develop his product more often (the customer in the center). • Products can be built by consumers: • FabLabs are being created in France and throughout the world. • Service providers and users, who in turn become suppliers of this service to their neighbors • New plateforms will also be built around robots and drones
  • 16. Transportation and hotellery • Hotellery is the most active sector among digital platforms: Expedia, Trivago, Booking, and TripAdvisor. • The SNCF (French national railway company) started its e-commerce very early on. It has developed web and mobile apps to improve customer experience and an internet of objects to help make the trains run on time. • Transdev is on the front lines against Uber for its taxi activities in the U.S. It has created Digital Factory to spearhead innovation. • The group AccorHotels has reacted to Booking and Expedia by creating its own reservation platform, open to outside partners. AccorHotels has also puts its focus on superb customer experience.
  • 17. Transdev • Transdev is in the process of inventing a layer of integration for “Mobility as a Service“, thus moving from the role of public transport to mobility. • Moblity as a service: an agregator of all modes of transportation • Physical plateform: the train lines, the bus network, shuttle buses, taxis and VTC • Plateform of data, to help the user choose the best combination of transportation modes. • A monthly mobility plan, just like cell phone/data. • The data platform will be accessible to all transport companies, local authorities, as well as developers and programmers who wish to create applications for mobility solutions. • Transdev started this project in Finland: A platform can hide another… and another... And another
  • 18. E-commerce • E-commerce was one of the first activities to be developed when internet was opened to commercial activities in 1992. Despite this long history, it represents only 6% of commerce in France and has not had the destructive effect once feared. • The large majority of actors in e-commerce in France are French companies who have succeeded in transforming themselves, growing their sales via a web site, bettering their profitibility, and increasing customer loyalty.
  • 19. • Carrefour has a digital program to increase its sales in stores via mobile applications. Carrefour has purchased Rue du Commerce to strengthen its e-commerce. • Click and collect vs. home delivery. Having a home delivery includes certain constraints, which makes “click and collect“ attractive. The client purchases his products on-line then goes to the store to pick them up, at a time which is convenient for him. This allows the store to take advantage of the client being on site to increase the amount of his purchases. Carrefour
  • 20. Retency: transforming in-store visits to purchases • Retency uses new technologies such as beacons and big data to analyse customers’ behaviors within the departments of the retail store transforming a simple visit into a purchase. • To win the battle on the shop level, Retency analyses in real time the percentage of sales per department. The result can be advice on restocking or reorganising the department’s displays, special sales promotions or targeted marketing to clients who went to that department without purchasing product. • The shop shelves become a plateform.
  • 21. The service sector • Uberisation of energy? Private individuals invest in mini-generators and high capacity batteries, for only ten or twenty thousand euros. Science fiction? Elon Musk’s companies are already proposing full solutions. • On-line banking, with 4 % market-share in France, is a practical service but not revolutionary. Uberisation is coming from new platforms for payments, cooperative loans, and the re-invention of the accounting ledger (blockchain). • Insurance companies are reinventing themselves with policies linked to a behavior: a connected car can deliver data on driving style which then allows the insurer to propose individualised pricing.
  • 22. E.on • E.on is working as an agregator, mastering the technologies of smart grids, smart meters, and on-site energy production. • The electrical network becomes a platform with a two-sided market which links producers of energy with consumers. • A consumer can decide to install solar panels on the roof of his house or a wind turbine in his garden and become a producer. • E.on has to manage the impact of these new producers on the totality of the network. • When we know that high-tension electricity lines lose 40% of the energy they carry, we better understand the need for a revolution of energy platforms. Source
  • 23. The role of Fintechs • Payments with PayPal. Google is entering the fray with Google Wallet. Apple already has credit card information for 800 million clients. • Other FinTechs are entering the loan industry such as Lending Club or Amazon who offers loans with low interest rates to small companies. Blockchain:
  • 24. Public Service • Post offices worldwide were among the first to confront a profound transformation of their sector: the development of emails, digital advertising, dematerialised invoicing, a move from printed to digital press. • Education is seeing a rapid digitalisation with the popularity of MOOCs (Massive Open On-line Courses). • For the medical sector, several platforms such as offer a list of doctors with additional information and allow the client to make an appointment on-line. allows for auto- diagnosis, while in France and the Cleveland Clinic aux Etats-Unis offer services for long-distance diagnoses.
  • 25. Education • MOOCs have received a lot of attention since Harvard and MIT announced their attention to reach 1 billion students. MOOCs will represent 10% of all classes given worldwide by 2020. 70 % of students enrolled in a MOOC do not reside in the same country as the platform. • The inversed classroom: • Ecole 42 rejects the traditional notion of lectures and bases its classes on peer-to-peer learning. Instead of a professor giving a lecture, students complete projects which vary in size and difficulty, leading the “learner“ to take initiative and be ingenious and creative in order to achieve his goals. Source
  • 26. Healthcare • The platform Honestica targets doctors allowing them to share patient medical information among healthcare professionals and to participate in public health research projects (via data analysis). • Platforms of connected objects via watches and bracelets with sophisticated captors which can follow physical activity but also conditions such as diabetes. • 3D printers are also going to transform the healthcare sector, from dental implants to prosthetics (hands, legs), medication and even body parts created from human tissue.
  • 27. Manufacturing industries • The uberisation of manufacturing industries comes to play in two aspects: distribution channels and the transformation of products into services. As platforms gain more traction in distributing products in a market, the manufacturer must be careful to retain direct contact with his client base. • Industry 4.0 is a transformation of the factory in which the value chain is completely digitised, from supply, production, delivery… all the way to the clients.
  • 28. Michelin • “Michelin Man-as-a-Service“ : Instead of buying his tires, a transporter can now lease them. Michelin remains the owner of the tires and handles installation, inspection, and maintenance, and intervenes in the event of damage or breakage. • Michelin purchased Tyredating, and Allopneus. The manufacturer now has direct access to client data. It can study users’ searches on the web sites and buying trends in order to improve customer experience and anticipate market evolution. Source
  • 29. Trumpf, industry 4.0 • Trumpf has already integrated smart technology into its machine tools, thus allowing data capture which can be agregated from a distance to develop new services (maintenance, inventory management) or to optimize factory planning and production. • This platform is based on an internet of things, the “things“ being machine tools from Trumps and other companies, both partners and competitors. Source : Trumpf
  • 30. Societal impact • France has become a host country to the new economy. As such, she must navigate the issues before other European nations, since the impact of this change will be felt more quickly and stronger here. • What is the impact on work and the status of workers? • What is the impact on governmental finances and social programs? • What are the risks related to the monopoly that certain platforms succeed in creating in certain markets?
  • 31. France is a host country to uberisation Sociovision – “French society is a mirror to Uber“. Uberisation develops following five basic trends in society: • Gain time and simply one’s life : 54% of French people want to save time and 70% look for the means to simply their lives. • Wheeling and dealing : Crossing the line is not a problem for the French, where government is seen as as a stickler for details, wanting to regulate everything. Public tolerance for undeclared work has increased from 42% in 1997 to 61% in 2015. • “Respect“ is a word dear to French people’s heart (62%), in front of “freedom“ at 46% and “trust“ at 43%. The French want to buy products at a fair price. • Short supply chain: 46 % of the French already use short distribution channels (a more positive term than desintermediation!) and 56% are ready to use them in the near future. • A world of entrepreneurs: 71 % of the French are favorable to a society in which people create their own companies or their own employment. 50% are ready to take the plunge themselves.
  • 32. The status of the worker in the new economy as seen by… Thibaud Simphal, General Manager of Uber France: In the mondialisation of the 21st century, which is fluid and agile, what matters is to protect the rights of the individual person, not to attach those rights to a contract. David Ménascé, author of the report “La France du Bon Coin“: The question is more about what form an intervention by public powers should take to regulate the new economy. This intervention must be subtle, since breaking the dynamic of collaborative platforms, under the illusion of eliminating abusive situations, risks marginalising even more the fragile populations who have no other way out (of poverty), and pushing them to the informal economy. Gaspard Koenig, founder of the think thank Génération Libre: We want to prepare for the emergence of a post-salarial digital economy. This implies a reform of the labor laws, with the creation of a status of worker which includes a certain number of rights, for example the right to paid vacation, for this new form of workers who are neither salaried nor entrepreneurs, like the drivers of cars (for Uber). Another major reform concerns the insurance system in its globality ; we should create a unique social account which would allow each person to manage his time and fusion the different systems of unemployment insurance, continued education and retirement benefits. Ménascé, David, Synthèse du rapport, « La France du Bon Coin », Institut de l’entreprise. Lemarchand, Jean-Louis, « Pour l’abolition des privilèges », GenerationLibre.
  • 33. Government’s role as a regulator • The report by Pascal Terrasse gives many interesting ideas • Bridge the gap between the status of self-employed or “autoentrepreneurs” with that of salaried worker: disability benefits and complementary pension, access to renting and bank loans. It is better to protect the person, by ensuring that this type of employment also gives access to continued education and allows the validation of diplomas and certification by gaining experience • Terrasse proposes that platforms automatically transmit information concerning revenue earned to a centralized platform which will transmit this information once a year to the government (ie, tax offices) • Manage the risk of a natural monopoly. The network effect leads to hyper-growth in a platform, creating a large risk for a natural monopoly. When one platform becomes too powerful, it can impose conditions which harm the producers or the consumers on the platform. • Manage the risk of exclusion. A platform/monopoly can fix high costs and over-exploit its dominant position. It can benefit from margins which are higher and higher compared to other actors in the industry or even threaten to exclude certain producers.
  • 34. How can a company manage the uberisation of its market sector? • Capture the « weak signals », the needs and desires of the client, which are indicators of opportunity. • The company must master the network effect, those positive trends which attract client and suppliers, and minimize the negative forces related to an imbalance between these groups. • The company must learn to use external ressources. • Accept the risk and error related to new projects and be prepared to abandon some of them. • Stay receptive to happy accidents.