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The most beautiful area of the world.
The most beautiful area of the world.


Tuscany (Italian: Toscana, pronounced [tosˈkaːna]) is a region in Italy. It has an area of about 23,000 square kilometres (8,900 sq mi) and a population
of about 3.75 million inhabitants. The regional capital is Florence (Firenze).
Tuscany is known for its gorgeous landscapes, its rich artistic legacy and its influence on high culture. Tuscany is regarded as the true birthplace of the
Italian Renaissance, and has been home to some many influential people in the history of arts and science, such as Petrarch, Dante, Botticelli,
Michelangelo, Niccolo Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Amerigo Vespucci, Luca Pacioli and Puccini. As a result of this, the region has
several museums (such as the Uffizi, the Pitti Palace and the Chianciano Museum of Art). Tuscany has a unique culinary tradition, and is famous for its
wines (most famous of which are Chianti, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Morellino di Scansano and Brunello di Montalcino).



Six Tuscan localities have been designated World Heritage Sites: the historic centre of Florence (1982), the historical centre of Siena (1995), the
square of the Cathedral of Pisa (1987), the historical centre of San Gimignano (1990), the historical centre of Pienza (1996) and the Val d'Orcia (2004).
Tuscany has over 120 protected nature reserves. This makes Tuscany and its capital Florence popular tourist destinations, attracting millions of
tourists every year. Florence receives an average of 10 million tourists a year, placing the city as one of the most visited in the world (in 2007, the city
became the world's 46th most visited city, with over 1.715 million arrivals).
The pre-Etruscan history of the area in the late Bronze and Iron Ages parallels that of the early Greeks.[7] The Tuscan area was inhabited by peoples
of the so-called Apennine culture in the late second millennium BC (roughly 1350–1150 BC) who had trading relationships with the Minoan and
Mycenaean civilisations in the Aegean Sea.[7] Following this, the Villanovan culture (1100–700 BC) saw Tuscany, and the rest of Etruria, taken over by
chiefdoms.[7] City-states developed in the late Villanovan (paralleling Greece and the Aegean) before "Orientalisation" occurred and the Etruscan
civilisation rose.


The Etruscans created the first major civilisation in this region, large enough to establish a transport infrastructure, to implement agriculture and
mining and to produce vibrant art. The Etruscans lived in Etruria well into prehistory.[7] The civilization grew to fill the area between the Arno River
and Tiber River from the 8th century BC, reaching its peak during the 7th and 6th centuries BC, finally succumbing to the Romans by the 1st century.
[9] Throughout their existence, they lost territory (in Campania) to Magna Graecia, Carthage and Celts. Despite being seen as distinct in its manners
and customs by contemporary Greeks,[10] the cultures of Greece, and later Rome, influenced the civilisation to a great extent. One reason for its
eventual demise[9] was this increasing absorption by surrounding cultures, including the adoption of the Etruscan upper class by the Romans..

The most beautiful area of the world.



Soon after absorbing Etruria, Rome established the cities of Lucca, Pisa, Siena, and Florence,
endowed the area with new technologies and development, and ensured peace. These
developments included extensions of existing roads, introduction of aqueducts and sewers, and
the construction of many buildings, both public and private. However, many of these structures
have been destroyed by erosion due to weather. [8] The Roman civilization in the West
collapsed in the 5th century and the region was left to the Goths, and others. In the 6th
century, the Longobards arrived and designated Lucca the capital of their Duchy of Tuscia.
The Medieval Period
Pilgrims travelling along the Via Francigena between Rome and France brought wealth and
development during the medieval period. The food and shelter required by these travellers
fuelled the growth of communities around churches and taverns..The conflict between the
Guelphs and Ghibellines, factions supporting the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire in central
and northern Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries, split the Tuscan people.[8] These two
factors gave rise to several powerful and rich medieval communes in Tuscany: Arezzo, Florence,
Lucca, Pisa, and Siena. Balance between these communes were ensured by the assets they held;
Pisa, a port; Siena, banking; and Lucca, banking and silk.[11] By the renaissance, however,
Florence had become the cultural capital of Tuscany.[11] Another family that befitted from
Florence's growing wealth and power were the ruling Medici Family. Lorenzo de' Medici was
one of the most famous and the benefits of his time are still being observed today in the
fantastic art and architecture in Florence today. One of his famous descendants Caterina
Catherine de Medici married Prince Henry (later as King Henry II) of France in 1533.
The Black Death epidemic hit Tuscany, starting in 1348. It eventually killed 50% to 60% of
Tuscans..According to Melissa Snell, "Florence lost a third of its population in the first six
months of the plague, and from 45% to 75% of its population in the first year."[15] In 1630
Florence and Tuscany were once again ravaged by the plague.





The Renaissance
Tuscany, especially Florence, is regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance. Though "Tuscany"
remained a linguistic, cultural and geographic conception, rather than a political reality, in the
15th century, Florence extended its dominion in Tuscany through the annexation of Arezzo in
1384, the purchase of Pisa in 1405 and the suppression of a local resistance there (1406). Livorno
was bought as well (1421).
From the leading city of Florence, the republic was from 1434 onward dominated by the
increasingly monarchical Medici family. Initially, under Cosimo, Piero the Gouty, Lorenzo and Piero
the Unfortunate, the forms of the republic were retained and the Medici ruled without a title,
usually without even a formal office. These rulers presided over the Florentine Renaissance. There
was a return to the republic from 1494 to 1512, when first Girolamo Savonarola then Piero
Soderini oversaw the state. Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici retook the city with Spanish forces in
1512, before going to Rome to become Pope Leo X. Florence was dominated by a series of papal
proxies until 1527 when the citizens declared the republic again, only to have it taken from them
again in 1530 after a siege by an Imperial and Spanish army. At this point Pope Clement VII and
Charles V appointed Alessandro de' Medici as the first formally hereditary ruler.
The Sienese commune was not incorporated into Tuscany until 1555, and during the 15th century
Siena enjoyed a cultural 'Sienese Renaissance' with its own more conservative character. Lucca
remained an independent Republic until 1847 when it became part of Grand Duchy of Tuscany by
the will of its people. Piombino was another minor independent state, under both Spanish and
Tuscan influence.
Modern Era
In the 15th century, the Medicis, who ruled Florence, annexed surrounding land to create modern
Tuscany. The War of Polish Succession in the 1730s meant the transfer of Tuscany from the
Medicis to Francis, Duke of Lorraine and Holy Roman Emperor. With the dissolution of the Holy
Roman Empire by Napoleon, Tuscany was inherited by the Austrian Empire as successor to the
Holy Roman Empire. In the Italian Wars of Independence in the 1850s, Tuscany was transferred
from Austria to the newly unified nation of Italy.





Under Benito Mussolini, the area came under the dominance of local National Fascist Party
leader Dino Perrone Compagni. Following the fall of Mussolini and the re-establishment of the
Kingdom of Italy, the Italian Social Republic was established in the northern regions of Italy,
with its de facto border at the Gothic Line, a defensive position just north of Florence. Following
the end of the Social Republic, and the transition from a Kingdom to the modern Italian
Republic, Tuscany once more flourished as a cultural center of Italy.
Tuscany has an immense cultural and artistic heritage, expressed in the region's churches,
palaces, art galleries, museums, villages and piazzas. Many of these artifacts are found in the
main cities, such as Florence and Siena, but also in smaller villages scattered around the region,
such as San Gimignano.
Tuscany has a unique artistic legacy, and Florence is one of the world's most important watercolor centres, even so that it is often nicknamed the "art palace of Italy" (the city is also
believed to have the largest concentration of Renaissance art and architecture in the world).
Painters such as Cimabue and Giotto, the fathers of Italian painting, lived in Florence and
Tuscany as well as Arnolfo and Andrea Pisano, renewers of architecture and sculpture;
Brunelleschi, Donatello and Masaccio, forefathers of the Renaissance, Ghiberti and the Della
Robbias, Filippo Lippi and Angelico; Botticelli, Paolo Uccello and the universal genius of
Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. The region contains numerous museums and art galleries,
many housing some of the world's most precious works of art. Such museums include the Uffizi,
which keeps Botticelli's Birth of Venus, the Pitti Palace, and the Bargello, to name a few. Most of
the frescos, sculptures and paintings in Tuscany are held in the region's abundant churches and
cathedrals, such as Florence Cathedral, Siena Cathedral, Pisa Cathedral and the Collegiata di San
Art Schools
In medieval period and in the Renaissance, there were four main Tuscan art schools which
competed against each other: the Florentine School, the Sienese School, the Pisan School and
the Lucchese School.




The Sienese School of painting flourished in Siena between the 13th and 15th centuries and for a
time rivaled Florence, though it was more conservative, being inclined towards the decorative beauty
and elegant grace of late Gothic art. Its most important representatives include Duccio, whose work
shows Byzantine influence; his pupil Simone Martini; Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti; Domenico and
Taddeo di Bartolo; Sassetta and Matteo di Giovanni. Unlike the naturalistic Florentine art, there is a
mystical streak in Sienese art[who?], characterized by a common focus on miraculous events, with
less attention to proportions, distortions of time and place, and often dreamlike coloration. In the
16th century the Mannerists Beccafumi and Il Sodoma worked there. While Baldassare Peruzzi was
born and trained in Siena, his major works and style reflect his long career in Rome. The economic
and political decline of Siena by the 16th century, and its eventual subjugation by Florence, largely
checked the development of Sienese painting, although it also meant that many Sienese works in
churches and public buildings were not discarded or destroyed by new paintings or rebuilding. Siena
remains a remarkably well-preserved Italian late-Medieval town.
The Lucchese School, also known as the School of Lucca and as the Pisan-Lucchese School, was a
school of painting and sculpture that flourished in the 11th and 12th centuries in the western and
southern part of the region, with an important center in Volterra. The art is mostly anonymous.
Although not as elegant or delicate as the Florentine School, Lucchese works are remarkable for their
Tuscany has a rich ancient and modern musical tradition, and has boasted numerous composers and
musicians, such as Giacomo Puccini, and Pietro Mascagni. Beyond Florence, the nine other provinces
in the region of Tuscany, named for the largest city in, and capital of the province. Taken together,
they offer a rich musical culture. Florence is the main musical centre of Tuscany. The city was at the
heart of much of our entire Western musical tradition. It was there that the Florentine Camerata
convened in the mid-16th century and experimented with setting tales of Greek mythology to music
and staging the result: the first operas, fostering the further development of the operatic form, and
the later developments of separate "classical" forms such as the symphony.




There are numerous musical centres in Tuscany. Arezzo is indelibly connected with the
name of Guido d'Arezzo, the 11th-century monk who invented modern musical notation
and the do-re-mi system of naming notes of the scale; Lucca hosted possibly the greatest
Italian composer of Romanticism, Giacomo Puccini and Siena is well-known for the
Accademia Musicale Chigiana, an organization that currently sponsors major musical
activities such as the Siena Music Week and the Alfredo Casella International
Composition Competition. Other important musical centres in Tuscany include Lucca,
Pisa and Grosseto.
Tuscany has a renowned literature, and has boasted several famous writers and poets,
most notably Florentine author Dante. Tuscany's literary scene particularly thrived in the
13th century and the Renaissance.
In Tuscany, especially in the Middle Ages, popular love poetry existed. A school of
imitators of the Sicilians was led by Dante da Majano, but its literary originality took
another line — that of humorous and satirical poetry. The democratic form of
government created a style of poetry which stood strongly against the medieval mystic
and chivalrous style. Devout invocation of God or of a lady came from the cloister and
the castle; in the streets of the cities everything that had gone before was treated with
ridicule or biting sarcasm. Folgore da San Gimignano laughs when in his sonnets he tells a
party of Sienese youths the occupations of every month in the year, or when he teaches
a party of Florentine lads the pleasures of every day in the week. Cenne della Chitarra
laughs when he parodies Folgore's sonnets. The sonnets of Rustico di Filippo are half-fun
and half-satire, as is the work of Cecco Angiolieri of Siena, the oldest humorist we know,
a far-off precursor of Rabelais and Montaigne.
Another type of poetry also began in Tuscany. Guittone d'Arezzo made art abandon
chivalry and Provençal forms for national motives and Latin forms. He attempted
political poetry, and although his work is often obscure, he prepared the way for the
Bolognese school. Bologna was the city of science, and philosophical poetry appeared
there. Guido Guinizelli was the poet after the new fashion of the art. In his work the
ideas of chivalry are changed and enlarged.

The most beautiful area of the world.



Only those whose heart is pure can be blessed with true love, regardless of class. He refuted the
traditional credo of courtly love, for which love is a subtle philosophy only a few chosen knights
and princesses could grasp. Love is blind to blasons but not to a good heart when it finds one:
when it succeeds it is the result of the spiritual, not physical affinity between two souls.
Guinizzelli's democratic view can be better understood in the light of the greater equality and
freedom enjoyed by the city-states of the center-north and the rise of a middle class eager to
legitimise itself in the eyes of the old nobility, still regarded with respect and admiration but in
fact dispossessed of its political power. Guinizelli's Canzoni make up the bible of Dolce Stil Novo,
and one in particular, "Al cor gentil" ("To a Kind Heart") is considered the manifesto of the new
movement which will bloom in Florence under Cavalcanti, Dante and their followers. His poetry
has some of the faults of the school of d'Arezzo. Nevertheless, he marks a great development in
the history of Italian art, especially because of his close connection with Dante's lyric poetry.
In the 13th century, there were several major allegorical poems. One of these is by Brunetto
Latini, who was a close friend of Dante. His Tesoretto is a short poem, in seven-syllable verses,
rhyming in couplets, in which the author professes to be lost in a wilderness and to meet with a
lady, who represents Nature, from whom he receives much instruction. We see here the vision,
the allegory, the instruction with a moral object, three elements which we shall find again in the
Divine Comedy. Francesco da Barberino, a learned lawyer who was secretary to bishops, a judge,
and a notary, wrote two little allegorical poems, the Documenti d'amore and Del reggimento e
dei costumi delle donne. The poems today are generally studied not as literature, but for
historical context. A fourth allegorical work was the Intelligenza, which is sometimes attributed to
Compagni, but is probably only a translation of French poems.
In the 15th century, humanist and publisher Aldus Manutius published Tuscan poets Petrarch
and Dante Alighieri (The Divine Comedy), creating the model for what became a standard for
modern Italian.



Simplicity is central to the Tuscan cuisine.
Legumes, bread, cheese, vegetables,
mushrooms and fresh fruit are used. Olive
oil is made up of Moraiolo, Leccino, and
Frantoiano olives. White truffles from San
Miniato appear in October and November.
Beef of the highest quality comes from the
Chiana Valley, specifically a breed known
as Chianina used for Florentine steak. Pork
is also produced.
Wine is a famous and common produce of
Tuscany. Chianti is arguably the most wellknown internationally. So many British
tourists come to the area where Chianti
wine is produced that this specific area has
been nicknamed "Chiantishire".






Many towns and cities in Tuscany have great natural and architectural beauty. There
are many visitors throughout the year. As a result, the services and distribution
activities, so important to the region's economy, are wide-ranging and wellorganised.
The fashion and textile industry are the pillars of the Florentine economy. In the
15th century, Florentines were working with luxury textiles such as wool and silk.
Today the greatest designers in Europe utilize the textile industry in Tuscany, and
especially Florence.
Italy has one of the strongest textile industries in Europe, accounting for
approximately one quarter of European production. Its turnover is over 25 billion
euros. It is the third largest supplier of clothing after China and Japan. The Italian
fashion industry generates 60% of its turnover abroad.
托斯卡尼(義大利語: Toscana ),也譯為托斯卡尼,是義大利一個大區,拉
吉歐位於其南,翁布里亞位於其東,艾米利亞 - 羅馬涅和利古里亞在其北,西
托斯卡尼以其美麗的風景和豐富的藝術遺產而著稱。已有 6 處被列為世界遺產
:佛羅倫斯歷史中心( 1982 年)、比薩主教座堂廣場( 1987 年)、聖吉米
尼亞諾歷史中心( 1990 年)、西恩納歷史中心( 1995 年)、皮恩扎歷史中
心( 1996 年)和瓦爾道爾契亞( 2004 年)。




些博物館。托斯卡尼是李奧納多 · 達 · 文西、米開朗基羅及但丁(義大利語之父)的出生地。
托斯卡尼也以釀酒著名(例如吉安地酒),境內並有 120 受保護地區(自然保護區)。
托斯卡尼最著名的旅遊熱點包括佛羅倫斯、西恩納、比薩、盧卡、巴加、馬雷馬、科雷特 - 色
內西地區( Crete Senesi )、盧尼芝安和加法那拿地區及厄爾巴島。
旅遊業亦是所謂的「藝術城市」,包括佛羅倫斯、盧卡、比薩、西恩納、聖 · 吉米拿路等,及
能於 16 世紀將佛羅倫斯由佛羅倫斯共和國改造成一個世襲的公爵領地。該世紀的大部分時間
統一的國家,多於單單祇是統治一個城市 ( 佛羅倫斯 ) 。美第奇家族統治托斯卡尼直至 1737
大量萎縮。即使如此,於中世紀開始造就及支撐佛羅倫斯的工業,仍在整個 17 世紀開始衰微。
族投資土地代替投資工業。很多人普遍地同意佛羅倫斯於 18 世紀早期衰落得極其快速,於美

李常生 Eddie lee 3/29/2012 Taipei Taiwan R.O.C.
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Thanks for the all great Photographers in the w9orld.
To be continued……. 請繼續收看續輯


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  • 3. 3
  • 4. • • Tuscany (Italian: Toscana, pronounced [tosˈkaːna]) is a region in Italy. It has an area of about 23,000 square kilometres (8,900 sq mi) and a population of about 3.75 million inhabitants. The regional capital is Florence (Firenze). Tuscany is known for its gorgeous landscapes, its rich artistic legacy and its influence on high culture. Tuscany is regarded as the true birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, and has been home to some many influential people in the history of arts and science, such as Petrarch, Dante, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Niccolo Machiavelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Amerigo Vespucci, Luca Pacioli and Puccini. As a result of this, the region has several museums (such as the Uffizi, the Pitti Palace and the Chianciano Museum of Art). Tuscany has a unique culinary tradition, and is famous for its wines (most famous of which are Chianti, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Morellino di Scansano and Brunello di Montalcino). 4
  • 5. • • Six Tuscan localities have been designated World Heritage Sites: the historic centre of Florence (1982), the historical centre of Siena (1995), the square of the Cathedral of Pisa (1987), the historical centre of San Gimignano (1990), the historical centre of Pienza (1996) and the Val d'Orcia (2004). Tuscany has over 120 protected nature reserves. This makes Tuscany and its capital Florence popular tourist destinations, attracting millions of tourists every year. Florence receives an average of 10 million tourists a year, placing the city as one of the most visited in the world (in 2007, the city became the world's 46th most visited city, with over 1.715 million arrivals). The pre-Etruscan history of the area in the late Bronze and Iron Ages parallels that of the early Greeks.[7] The Tuscan area was inhabited by peoples of the so-called Apennine culture in the late second millennium BC (roughly 1350–1150 BC) who had trading relationships with the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations in the Aegean Sea.[7] Following this, the Villanovan culture (1100–700 BC) saw Tuscany, and the rest of Etruria, taken over by chiefdoms.[7] City-states developed in the late Villanovan (paralleling Greece and the Aegean) before "Orientalisation" occurred and the Etruscan civilisation rose. 5
  • 6. • • Etruscans The Etruscans created the first major civilisation in this region, large enough to establish a transport infrastructure, to implement agriculture and mining and to produce vibrant art. The Etruscans lived in Etruria well into prehistory.[7] The civilization grew to fill the area between the Arno River and Tiber River from the 8th century BC, reaching its peak during the 7th and 6th centuries BC, finally succumbing to the Romans by the 1st century. [9] Throughout their existence, they lost territory (in Campania) to Magna Graecia, Carthage and Celts. Despite being seen as distinct in its manners and customs by contemporary Greeks,[10] the cultures of Greece, and later Rome, influenced the civilisation to a great extent. One reason for its eventual demise[9] was this increasing absorption by surrounding cultures, including the adoption of the Etruscan upper class by the Romans.. 6
  • 7. 7
  • 8. 8
  • 9. 義大利的一個省,全世界最美麗的一個地區 The most beautiful area of the world. • • • • • Romans Soon after absorbing Etruria, Rome established the cities of Lucca, Pisa, Siena, and Florence, endowed the area with new technologies and development, and ensured peace. These developments included extensions of existing roads, introduction of aqueducts and sewers, and the construction of many buildings, both public and private. However, many of these structures have been destroyed by erosion due to weather. [8] The Roman civilization in the West collapsed in the 5th century and the region was left to the Goths, and others. In the 6th century, the Longobards arrived and designated Lucca the capital of their Duchy of Tuscia. The Medieval Period Pilgrims travelling along the Via Francigena between Rome and France brought wealth and development during the medieval period. The food and shelter required by these travellers fuelled the growth of communities around churches and taverns..The conflict between the Guelphs and Ghibellines, factions supporting the Papacy and the Holy Roman Empire in central and northern Italy during the 12th and 13th centuries, split the Tuscan people.[8] These two factors gave rise to several powerful and rich medieval communes in Tuscany: Arezzo, Florence, Lucca, Pisa, and Siena. Balance between these communes were ensured by the assets they held; Pisa, a port; Siena, banking; and Lucca, banking and silk.[11] By the renaissance, however, Florence had become the cultural capital of Tuscany.[11] Another family that befitted from Florence's growing wealth and power were the ruling Medici Family. Lorenzo de' Medici was one of the most famous and the benefits of his time are still being observed today in the fantastic art and architecture in Florence today. One of his famous descendants Caterina Catherine de Medici married Prince Henry (later as King Henry II) of France in 1533. The Black Death epidemic hit Tuscany, starting in 1348. It eventually killed 50% to 60% of Tuscans..According to Melissa Snell, "Florence lost a third of its population in the first six months of the plague, and from 45% to 75% of its population in the first year."[15] In 1630 Florence and Tuscany were once again ravaged by the plague. 9
  • 10. • • • • • • The Renaissance Tuscany, especially Florence, is regarded as the birthplace of the Renaissance. Though "Tuscany" remained a linguistic, cultural and geographic conception, rather than a political reality, in the 15th century, Florence extended its dominion in Tuscany through the annexation of Arezzo in 1384, the purchase of Pisa in 1405 and the suppression of a local resistance there (1406). Livorno was bought as well (1421). From the leading city of Florence, the republic was from 1434 onward dominated by the increasingly monarchical Medici family. Initially, under Cosimo, Piero the Gouty, Lorenzo and Piero the Unfortunate, the forms of the republic were retained and the Medici ruled without a title, usually without even a formal office. These rulers presided over the Florentine Renaissance. There was a return to the republic from 1494 to 1512, when first Girolamo Savonarola then Piero Soderini oversaw the state. Cardinal Giovanni de' Medici retook the city with Spanish forces in 1512, before going to Rome to become Pope Leo X. Florence was dominated by a series of papal proxies until 1527 when the citizens declared the republic again, only to have it taken from them again in 1530 after a siege by an Imperial and Spanish army. At this point Pope Clement VII and Charles V appointed Alessandro de' Medici as the first formally hereditary ruler. The Sienese commune was not incorporated into Tuscany until 1555, and during the 15th century Siena enjoyed a cultural 'Sienese Renaissance' with its own more conservative character. Lucca remained an independent Republic until 1847 when it became part of Grand Duchy of Tuscany by the will of its people. Piombino was another minor independent state, under both Spanish and Tuscan influence. Modern Era In the 15th century, the Medicis, who ruled Florence, annexed surrounding land to create modern Tuscany. The War of Polish Succession in the 1730s meant the transfer of Tuscany from the Medicis to Francis, Duke of Lorraine and Holy Roman Emperor. With the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire by Napoleon, Tuscany was inherited by the Austrian Empire as successor to the Holy Roman Empire. In the Italian Wars of Independence in the 1850s, Tuscany was transferred from Austria to the newly unified nation of Italy. 10
  • 11. • • • • • • • Under Benito Mussolini, the area came under the dominance of local National Fascist Party leader Dino Perrone Compagni. Following the fall of Mussolini and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Italy, the Italian Social Republic was established in the northern regions of Italy, with its de facto border at the Gothic Line, a defensive position just north of Florence. Following the end of the Social Republic, and the transition from a Kingdom to the modern Italian Republic, Tuscany once more flourished as a cultural center of Italy. Culture Tuscany has an immense cultural and artistic heritage, expressed in the region's churches, palaces, art galleries, museums, villages and piazzas. Many of these artifacts are found in the main cities, such as Florence and Siena, but also in smaller villages scattered around the region, such as San Gimignano. Art Tuscany has a unique artistic legacy, and Florence is one of the world's most important watercolor centres, even so that it is often nicknamed the "art palace of Italy" (the city is also believed to have the largest concentration of Renaissance art and architecture in the world). Painters such as Cimabue and Giotto, the fathers of Italian painting, lived in Florence and Tuscany as well as Arnolfo and Andrea Pisano, renewers of architecture and sculpture; Brunelleschi, Donatello and Masaccio, forefathers of the Renaissance, Ghiberti and the Della Robbias, Filippo Lippi and Angelico; Botticelli, Paolo Uccello and the universal genius of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. The region contains numerous museums and art galleries, many housing some of the world's most precious works of art. Such museums include the Uffizi, which keeps Botticelli's Birth of Venus, the Pitti Palace, and the Bargello, to name a few. Most of the frescos, sculptures and paintings in Tuscany are held in the region's abundant churches and cathedrals, such as Florence Cathedral, Siena Cathedral, Pisa Cathedral and the Collegiata di San Gimignano. Art Schools In medieval period and in the Renaissance, there were four main Tuscan art schools which competed against each other: the Florentine School, the Sienese School, the Pisan School and the Lucchese School. 11
  • 12. • • • • The Sienese School of painting flourished in Siena between the 13th and 15th centuries and for a time rivaled Florence, though it was more conservative, being inclined towards the decorative beauty and elegant grace of late Gothic art. Its most important representatives include Duccio, whose work shows Byzantine influence; his pupil Simone Martini; Pietro and Ambrogio Lorenzetti; Domenico and Taddeo di Bartolo; Sassetta and Matteo di Giovanni. Unlike the naturalistic Florentine art, there is a mystical streak in Sienese art[who?], characterized by a common focus on miraculous events, with less attention to proportions, distortions of time and place, and often dreamlike coloration. In the 16th century the Mannerists Beccafumi and Il Sodoma worked there. While Baldassare Peruzzi was born and trained in Siena, his major works and style reflect his long career in Rome. The economic and political decline of Siena by the 16th century, and its eventual subjugation by Florence, largely checked the development of Sienese painting, although it also meant that many Sienese works in churches and public buildings were not discarded or destroyed by new paintings or rebuilding. Siena remains a remarkably well-preserved Italian late-Medieval town. The Lucchese School, also known as the School of Lucca and as the Pisan-Lucchese School, was a school of painting and sculpture that flourished in the 11th and 12th centuries in the western and southern part of the region, with an important center in Volterra. The art is mostly anonymous. Although not as elegant or delicate as the Florentine School, Lucchese works are remarkable for their monumentality. Music Tuscany has a rich ancient and modern musical tradition, and has boasted numerous composers and musicians, such as Giacomo Puccini, and Pietro Mascagni. Beyond Florence, the nine other provinces in the region of Tuscany, named for the largest city in, and capital of the province. Taken together, they offer a rich musical culture. Florence is the main musical centre of Tuscany. The city was at the heart of much of our entire Western musical tradition. It was there that the Florentine Camerata convened in the mid-16th century and experimented with setting tales of Greek mythology to music and staging the result: the first operas, fostering the further development of the operatic form, and the later developments of separate "classical" forms such as the symphony. 12
  • 13. • • • • • There are numerous musical centres in Tuscany. Arezzo is indelibly connected with the name of Guido d'Arezzo, the 11th-century monk who invented modern musical notation and the do-re-mi system of naming notes of the scale; Lucca hosted possibly the greatest Italian composer of Romanticism, Giacomo Puccini and Siena is well-known for the Accademia Musicale Chigiana, an organization that currently sponsors major musical activities such as the Siena Music Week and the Alfredo Casella International Composition Competition. Other important musical centres in Tuscany include Lucca, Pisa and Grosseto. Literature Tuscany has a renowned literature, and has boasted several famous writers and poets, most notably Florentine author Dante. Tuscany's literary scene particularly thrived in the 13th century and the Renaissance. In Tuscany, especially in the Middle Ages, popular love poetry existed. A school of imitators of the Sicilians was led by Dante da Majano, but its literary originality took another line — that of humorous and satirical poetry. The democratic form of government created a style of poetry which stood strongly against the medieval mystic and chivalrous style. Devout invocation of God or of a lady came from the cloister and the castle; in the streets of the cities everything that had gone before was treated with ridicule or biting sarcasm. Folgore da San Gimignano laughs when in his sonnets he tells a party of Sienese youths the occupations of every month in the year, or when he teaches a party of Florentine lads the pleasures of every day in the week. Cenne della Chitarra laughs when he parodies Folgore's sonnets. The sonnets of Rustico di Filippo are half-fun and half-satire, as is the work of Cecco Angiolieri of Siena, the oldest humorist we know, a far-off precursor of Rabelais and Montaigne. Another type of poetry also began in Tuscany. Guittone d'Arezzo made art abandon chivalry and Provençal forms for national motives and Latin forms. He attempted political poetry, and although his work is often obscure, he prepared the way for the Bolognese school. Bologna was the city of science, and philosophical poetry appeared there. Guido Guinizelli was the poet after the new fashion of the art. In his work the ideas of chivalry are changed and enlarged. 13
  • 14. 義大利的一個省,全世界最美麗的一個地區 The most beautiful area of the world. • • • Only those whose heart is pure can be blessed with true love, regardless of class. He refuted the traditional credo of courtly love, for which love is a subtle philosophy only a few chosen knights and princesses could grasp. Love is blind to blasons but not to a good heart when it finds one: when it succeeds it is the result of the spiritual, not physical affinity between two souls. Guinizzelli's democratic view can be better understood in the light of the greater equality and freedom enjoyed by the city-states of the center-north and the rise of a middle class eager to legitimise itself in the eyes of the old nobility, still regarded with respect and admiration but in fact dispossessed of its political power. Guinizelli's Canzoni make up the bible of Dolce Stil Novo, and one in particular, "Al cor gentil" ("To a Kind Heart") is considered the manifesto of the new movement which will bloom in Florence under Cavalcanti, Dante and their followers. His poetry has some of the faults of the school of d'Arezzo. Nevertheless, he marks a great development in the history of Italian art, especially because of his close connection with Dante's lyric poetry. In the 13th century, there were several major allegorical poems. One of these is by Brunetto Latini, who was a close friend of Dante. His Tesoretto is a short poem, in seven-syllable verses, rhyming in couplets, in which the author professes to be lost in a wilderness and to meet with a lady, who represents Nature, from whom he receives much instruction. We see here the vision, the allegory, the instruction with a moral object, three elements which we shall find again in the Divine Comedy. Francesco da Barberino, a learned lawyer who was secretary to bishops, a judge, and a notary, wrote two little allegorical poems, the Documenti d'amore and Del reggimento e dei costumi delle donne. The poems today are generally studied not as literature, but for historical context. A fourth allegorical work was the Intelligenza, which is sometimes attributed to Compagni, but is probably only a translation of French poems. In the 15th century, humanist and publisher Aldus Manutius published Tuscan poets Petrarch and Dante Alighieri (The Divine Comedy), creating the model for what became a standard for modern Italian. 14
  • 15. • • • Cuisine Simplicity is central to the Tuscan cuisine. Legumes, bread, cheese, vegetables, mushrooms and fresh fruit are used. Olive oil is made up of Moraiolo, Leccino, and Frantoiano olives. White truffles from San Miniato appear in October and November. Beef of the highest quality comes from the Chiana Valley, specifically a breed known as Chianina used for Florentine steak. Pork is also produced. Wine is a famous and common produce of Tuscany. Chianti is arguably the most wellknown internationally. So many British tourists come to the area where Chianti wine is produced that this specific area has been nicknamed "Chiantishire". 15
  • 16. • • • • • • • Tourism Many towns and cities in Tuscany have great natural and architectural beauty. There are many visitors throughout the year. As a result, the services and distribution activities, so important to the region's economy, are wide-ranging and wellorganised. Fashion The fashion and textile industry are the pillars of the Florentine economy. In the 15th century, Florentines were working with luxury textiles such as wool and silk. Today the greatest designers in Europe utilize the textile industry in Tuscany, and especially Florence. Italy has one of the strongest textile industries in Europe, accounting for approximately one quarter of European production. Its turnover is over 25 billion euros. It is the third largest supplier of clothing after China and Japan. The Italian fashion industry generates 60% of its turnover abroad. 托斯卡尼(義大利語: Toscana ),也譯為托斯卡尼,是義大利一個大區,拉 吉歐位於其南,翁布里亞位於其東,艾米利亞 - 羅馬涅和利古里亞在其北,西 瀕第勒尼安海。它經常被評價為義大利的最美麗的部分。其首府為佛羅倫斯。 托斯卡尼以其美麗的風景和豐富的藝術遺產而著稱。已有 6 處被列為世界遺產 :佛羅倫斯歷史中心( 1982 年)、比薩主教座堂廣場( 1987 年)、聖吉米 尼亞諾歷史中心( 1990 年)、西恩納歷史中心( 1995 年)、皮恩扎歷史中 心( 1996 年)和瓦爾道爾契亞( 2004 年)。 16
  • 17. • • • • • • • 托斯卡尼實質上是義大利文藝復興的發源地,它的藝術遺產包括建築學、繪畫及雕塑、被許 多的博物館收藏,而最知名的博物館是位於佛羅倫斯的烏菲茲美術館,而很多小城市亦有這 些博物館。托斯卡尼是李奧納多 · 達 · 文西、米開朗基羅及但丁(義大利語之父)的出生地。 托斯卡尼也以釀酒著名(例如吉安地酒),境內並有 120 受保護地區(自然保護區)。 托斯卡尼最著名的旅遊熱點包括佛羅倫斯、西恩納、比薩、盧卡、巴加、馬雷馬、科雷特 - 色 內西地區( Crete Senesi )、盧尼芝安和加法那拿地區及厄爾巴島。 托斯卡尼也以釀酒著名,特別是吉安地酒,是義大利其中一種最受歡迎的酒。另外托斯卡尼 的牛(特別是著名的佛羅倫斯牛扒)和所生產的橄欖油(特別是盧卡及鄰近山區所生產的橄 欖油)亦很著名。 旅遊業亦是所謂的「藝術城市」,包括佛羅倫斯、盧卡、比薩、西恩納、聖 · 吉米拿路等,及 托斯卡尼海岸和小島(厄爾巴島)的經濟支柱。 托斯卡尼的另一個收入來源是采大理石業,例如加法那拿等地。 歷史 美第奇家族,一個長時間於佛羅倫斯具有重大影響力的家族,通過對托斯卡尼的擴張,他們 能於 16 世紀將佛羅倫斯由佛羅倫斯共和國改造成一個世襲的公爵領地。該世紀的大部分時間 他們都成功地統治佛羅倫斯及托斯卡尼,通過獲得錫耶納以大量擴充版圖。美第奇家族是科 學及藝術的贊助者,亦令他們的統治下變得更繁榮。在這後時期托斯卡納成為了一個更凝聚 統一的國家,多於單單祇是統治一個城市 ( 佛羅倫斯 ) 。美第奇家族統治托斯卡尼直至 1737 年,因和奧地利王室連姻,而劃歸奧地利帝國統治。更重要的是,托斯卡納的經濟經歷了角 色上一個根本的轉變。雖然絲綢工業某程度能夠代替羊毛工業,但羊毛工業於這段時期仍然 大量萎縮。即使如此,於中世紀開始造就及支撐佛羅倫斯的工業,仍在整個 17 世紀開始衰微。 生意的投資變得較難有利可圖,有些托斯卡尼的城鎮重新呈現了封建制度的影子,有很多貴 族投資土地代替投資工業。很多人普遍地同意佛羅倫斯於 18 世紀早期衰落得極其快速,於美 第奇朝代滅亡之後,一系列差劣的統治者致使神聖羅馬帝國接管了這個曾經是傑出的獨立國 家。 17
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  • 60. 李常生 Eddie lee 3/29/2012 Taipei Taiwan R.O.C. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and internet Thanks for the all great Photographers in the w9orld. To be continued……. 請繼續收看續輯 60