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The Evolution of the 
Shopping Experience 
Twenty-five years ago, consumers made purchase decisions by flipping through 
catalogues and placing orders via “house phone,” or visiting physical store locations to 
compare products and write personal checks. 
The concept of “digital commerce” was hardly a 
glint in consumers’ eyes. 
Fast-forward to an age of social networks, portable 
devices and big data, and even ecommerce as 
we’ve come to know it over the past several years 
continues to transform on a near daily basis.
Repaving the Path to Purchase 
When was the last time you made a large purchase without researching multiple options online? 
How about using your smartphone to compare prices of other retailers nearby? Or reading 
customer reviews and asking the opinion of your social network? 
As consumer options, touchpoints and expectations grow, retail brands must start adopting the 
strategies, tools and technologies that support the new customer journey. 
We’re discussing 5 key areas of opportunity to help ecommerce brands optimize the shopping 
experience to drive customer acquisition, conversion and retention in the modern consumer era: 
1. Capturing Consumer Identity 
2. Personalizing the Shopping Experience 
3. Bridging Channels & Devices 
4. Leveraging User-generated Content 
5. Fostering Loyalty & Retention
Point of Entry vs. Transaction 
The rise of ecommerce led to the widespread use of third-party, browser-based cookies. These cookies 
are placed on a consumer’s device when she visits a site, and track her search history and behavior 
across the web in hopes of gleaning insights to improve targeting and conversion. 
It’s not until the point of transaction that these sites capture any consumer information 
directly, and since the large majority of consumers leave without purchasing, marketers are 
usually left with only the hopes of leveraging cookie data to convert unknown 
shoppers the next time they visit. 
1) 3 in 10 consumers delete their cookies each month (Comscore) 
2) 39% of consumers change their browser settings to block cookies (MediaPost) 
3) Over 20% of consumers ages 18-49 visit websites from 4 different devices each 
week (Experian)
From Unknown Shoppers... 
Think about it: if someone were to describe you based purely on your web browsing behavior, 
what would you look like? 
In between haphazardly clicking on banner ads of adorable kittens, searching for designer trends 
to inform your savvy bargain hunting, and letting your father borrow your tablet, you could appear 
to be a young animal lover, a wealthy fashionista or a seasoned businessman - none of which may 
fit your actual consumer profile. 
While 3rd party cookies may give your brand some high-level 
insight into arbitrary event and page-level data, these insights are 
useless without understanding who these consumers are and the 
interests, relationships and experiences driving these behaviors.
...To Known Customers 
Making the transition from 
3rd party to 1st party data, 
or data shared directly with 
your business by your 
customers, gives your 
brand the depth and 
accuracy of information 
needed to truly understand 
your audience. 
Smart brands are beginning 
to capture consumer identity 
at site entry via user 
registration and login versus 
relying on cookies or waiting 
until the point of transaction. 1st party login data enables 
businesses to fuel more personal customer relationships by 
creating highly relevant and timely messages across 
touchpoints, resulting in increased conversion rates 
and lifetime customer value.
Reducing Barrier to 
Entry & Checkout 
According to a recent Gigya privacy survey, nearly 
85% of consumers have abandoned a registration 
process because they were uncomfortable with the 
amount or type of information the site requested. 
Social login is a great solution for authenticating 
consumer identity at the point of site entry while still 
providing users with a seamless user experience, 
particularly across smaller mobile screens. Social 
login gives consumers the option to register for and 
login to your site or app with just two clicks by using 
an existing social media account. 
In addition to increasing registration conversion rates by as much as 90%, social login also grants brands 
permission-based access to the rich insights housed within users’ social profiles, including location, 
relationships, interests, favorite sports, top brands and so much more. 
Gartner predicts that by 2016, 50% of retail consumer identities will be social, up from 
just 5% in 2013.
Social Login Best Practices: 
Ecom Edition 
Developing an effective social login strategy requires a lot more than placing a few social network buttons 
on your homepage. Here are some best practices ecom brands can take into consideration when 
implementing a social login strategy: 
Prominently display social login across 
site pages, and provide 3-5 network 
options for consumers to choose from. 
Ask for basic, necessary information at 
registration, and request additional data 
points as consumers engage with your 
brand over time. 
Offer login options from payment 
providers like Google, Amazon and 
PayPal to pre-populate checkout fields 
and streamline the purchase process. 
Evaluate and optimize these login options based on 
factors like conversion rate and ATV on a regular basis. 
Choose networks that collect and provide the specific 
data points you want to collect. For example, LinkedIn 
probably wouldn’t be a good option for most retail 
brands, since consumers don’t share purchases on 
this professional network. 
Give users a reason to register for your site by 
explaining the benefits of logging in up-front and how 
their data will be used to give them a more 
personalized user experience.
The Anatomy of a Successful Registration Experience 
Describe the 
33% of consumers in Gigya’s 2014 Privacy vs. Personalization survey say they always use 
social login when given the option - that’s triple the number of respondents who chose this 
option in our 2012 survey! 
social login 
Clearly displayed login options 
Payment provider
From Persona to Personal 
An identity-based view of consumers enables your brand to break demographic stereotypes and 
hypothetical personas to personalize user experiences based on consumers’ individual interests, actions 
and behaviors. Consider the following statistics: 
79% of consumers agree that their 
relationships with brands are more personal 
than ever before (MediaPost) 
73% of consumers prefer to do business 
with brands that use personal information to 
make their shopping experiences more 
relevant (Digital Trends) 
45% of consumers are more likely to shop 
on a site that offers personalized 
recommendations (Get Elastic) 
In-house marketers who personalize their 
web experiences and are able to quantify the 
improvement see an average 19% uplift in 
sales (HubSpot) 
Personalized emails improve CTR by 14% 
and conversion rates by 10% (HubSpot) 
Let’s take a look at how some of today’s leading ecommerce brands are applying consumer data to 
create highly relevant and timely customer experiences.
Product Recommendations 
Amazon is a master at driving checkouts and basket size by providing customers with relevant 
recommendations for new and additional items based on their purchase histories, viewed items, shopping 
carts, wish lists and Facebook data.
Personalized Discounts 
One strategy to drive customer retention and loyalty is to tailor discounts and special offers to consumer 
preferences and behaviors. While some retailers show customers they care by sending surprise coupons 
for recently viewed or favorited items, Birchbox helps combat shopping cart abandon by sending 
discounts to customers who didn’t quite make it through checkout.
Recommendations from 
When users login using their Facebook accounts, brands can request the ability to view their friend lists. 
When a user logs in to Netflix using his Facebook account, Netflix shows him a list of his Facebook 
connections’ favorite shows and movies, as well gives him the option to view individual friends’ recently 
watched items.
Tailored Product 
Trunk Club makes style accessible and convenient by 
offering personalized clothing showcases and delivery 
to men. Customers are served a style questionnaire, 
paired with a personal stylist and mailed a monthly 
shipment of custom-selected clothing that fits their 
unique preferences and body measurements.
Life Events 
Consumers often share life events like 
engagements, marriages and new 
babies with their social networks. These 
are great triggers for celebratory 
messages and offers, like the “happy 
birthday” email and discount Total Wine 
& More sends its customers below.
Targeted Advertisements 
88% of US consumers claim 
that they have been inundated 
with “online ad spam,” and 
9/10 say this has led them to 
take actions ranging from 
leaving a website to boycotting 
a brand (Marketing Charts). This 
means that harnessing 
information around consumer 
profiles and activities to inform 
media buys and serve relevant 
ads is becoming increasingly 
important to maintaining 
consumer relationships. 
By prompting fans to login socially to its website, a major 
sports and athletics organization was able to collect rich, 
permission-based data around these users’ interests and 
on-site behaviors. It soon discovered a correlation 
between its most engaged customers and those within a 
particular demographic profile who shared interest in a 
certain TV show, sports team and mobile app. 
The brand then used this information to build a look-alike 
target segment and reach users with similar profiles via 
Facebook promotions. This look-alike strategy resulted in 
twice the conversion rate at half the price!
Segmenting Your Audience 
With personalization now at the forefront of 
the user experience, audience segmentation 
is ranked as the #3 most effective method for 
improving conversion rates (Monetate). 
The ability to tie consumer identity and social 
profile data directly to purchase behaviors 
and KPIs enables your business to segment 
users in more meaningful and strategic ways 
by asking questions like: 
What are the unifying demographics of 
your most loyal customers? 
Are there any common interests between 
visitors that continuously abandon cart? 
Which devices are consumers using to 
interact with your brand? To checkout? 
Do consumers that share particular 
content spend more time on site? 
Segmentation allows you to automate marketing 
campaigns while reaching consumers with 
personalized messages at scale. Here are just a few 
examples of consumer segments your business 
should identify and serve tailored user experiences: 
The Current State of Cross- 
Channel Commerce 
Today’s customer journey is a winding 
pathway of websites, social networks, 
mailboxes (snail and electronic), 
mobile apps and brick-and-mortar 
According to Experian, 36% of US 
organizations interact with 
consumers in five or more 
channels – and if they’re smart, 
they’re connecting the 
dots between these 
interactions in strategic, 
cohesive ways. 
51% of shoppers research online 
and visit store to purchase 
44% research online and 
purchase online, too. 
17% visit store first, then 
purchase online. 
32% research online, visit store to 
try, then purchase online. 
Source: Ipsos Mediact
From Ecommerce to Mcommerce 
Modern consumers are going beyond 
browsing sites or checking email via mobile - 
a growing number of consumers are actually 
completing the checkout process on 
smartphones and tablets. In fact, 32% of all 
online purchases are currently made over 
mobile devices (BusinessInsider). 
But despite this growth in mobile 
commerce, retailers are still lagging behind. 
The average mobile checkout process 
requires over 24 steps, leaving mobile 
conversion rates at a dismal 3% (Google).
Mobile Checkout 
We’ve already mentioned that social login makes it easy for 
consumers to verify their identities via smaller mobile 
screens. Allowing consumers to login socially with payment 
providers like Google Wallet and Amazon creates a 
complete mobile experience by prepopulating payment 
fields or reducing the checkout process to a simple tap. 
Rue La La gives mobile shoppers the option to sign-in to its mobile app using their Google+ 
account. These users are then given the option to quickly and securely buy with Google Wallet, 
which allows them to use funds from credit, debit and gift cards to make mobile purchases in 
just 2 taps. 
By giving mobile shoppers the option to login and pay with Google, Rue La La saw a mobile 
traffic spike of nearly 50%, and a more than 50% increase in repeat purchases in the weeks 
following launch. 
Socializing the Shopping 
Social networks have officially changed the way consumers interact with brands and other 
consumers, making them an increasingly important forum for product discovery and decision 
Need proof? 74% of consumers say that they 
rely on their social networks to make 
purchase decisions (Go-On), and there was 
an astounding 357% increase in sales from 
social traffic just from 2012-2013 
Creating Social Experiences 
The reality is that brand visibility on social networks is shrinking, with brands’ updates being pushed 
increasingly faster and further down followers’ social feeds. Case in point: recent changes by 
Facebook to make room for paid placements have stunted organic brand page reach from 16% of 
fans to about 3% (Ignite Social Media). 
Marketers must start taking ownership of their customer data and relationships by facilitating social, 
engaging user experiences on their own properties, where they can more effectively collect consumer 
insights and drive desired behaviors via solutions like social login, share and comments.
Bridging Digital & In-store 
While retailers the world over are shifting increased budgets 
and attention to responsive design and mobile commerce, 
many are overlooking the evolution of one traditional yet highly 
critical piece of the multi-channel puzzle: in-store. 
With modern consumers connecting with friends, family and 
brands via social networks, their real identities have become 
seamlessly intertwined with their “virtual lives,” requiring 
retailers to more effectively bridge the gap between 
consumers’ digital and in-store user experiences. 
67% of online shoppers admit to having recently made a purchase that involved multiple 
channels (Zendesk)
the Dots 
Urban Hilton Weiner is one example of a retailer that 
successfully connected the dots between shoppers’ 
virtual and real-world experiences with its “Pay with a 
Selfie” campaign. 
The rules were simple: follow @UrbanSelfie on 
Twitter, take a “selfie” with your desired item in store, 
and tweet the photo to @UrbanSelfie using the 
hashtag #urbanselfie. 
Participants could then show their selfies at the 
register to receive $10 toward their purchase – and 
the shopper with the most retweeted selfie received 
an Urban Degree wardrobe worth $100!
Many Channels, One Experience 
Capturing consumer identity is only the first 
step to creating cross-channel relevance and 
unity. With consumers creating so much 
data across such a wide variety of channels 
and devices, building cohesive customer 
journeys is impossible without a single view 
of consumer identity. 
4% of marketers cite not having a single 
view of customers across channels as the 
biggest roadblock in creating a successful 
cross-channel experience (Atelier). 
Ecommerce brands must develop a consumer 
identity management strategy to help them manage 
this cross-channel identity data in a meaningful and 
real-time way. Selecting a single, master database 
that can bidirectionally consolidate information 
across data silos is the key to creating cohesive 
customer journeys where each channel and 
touchpoint informs the next. 
A Single View of 
Consumer Identity 
Consider the following poor and unfortunately common user experiences, and how a single view of 
consumer identity may improve these use cases: 
Experience A Experience B 
A consumer browses her favorite shoe store on 
her smartphone for upwards of 30 minutes until 
she finally finds the perfect pair of shoes. She 
returns to make a purchase via tablet, yet her 
shoes are nowhere to be found, and she must 
dig through pages of footwear to rediscover her 
desired pair. 
Sarah’s husband, Steve, borrows her work laptop 
without asking to buy tickets to a local sporting 
event. Sarah is followed across the web by ads for 
sporting equipment and nearby games from various 
retailers and vendors for weeks. 
With Identity 
A consumer signs in to and browses her favorite 
shoe store on her smartphone for upwards of 30 
minutes until she finally finds the perfect pair of 
shoes. She returns to make a purchase via tablet, 
and her favorite shoes are waiting for her in her 
“recently viewed” items when she logs in. 
Sarah’s husband, Steve, borrows her work laptop 
without asking to buy tickets to a local sporting 
event. Sarah never finds out, but the next time Steve 
logs into Facebook on his tablet, he sees sponsored 
posts for other events in his area from the vendor.
The ability to tie user activity to a single social identity enables DSG to create a consistent and personalized 
cross-channel customer experience that drove holiday referral traffic and shopping cart conversions. 
DICK’S Sporting Goods Drives Sales 
with Cross-Channel Commerce 
Using Social Login, DICK’S Sporting Goods created a highly relevant shopping experience by letting 
consumers log into and manage their own personal “Gift Lockers” from any device. 
Consumers can add their favorite items to their lockers by browsing online, taking mobile photos of items 
in store, or scanning catalogue QR codes, as well as share these lockers directly with their social networks. 
“Dick’s Sporting Goods saw an increase in online 
sales during the holiday season by incorporating 
Gigya’s Social Login and Share software into our 
Gift Locker experience. Allowing users to sign-in 
and share socially across devices has been 
instrumental in driving customer acquisition and 
- Jay Basnight, Director of Digital at Dick’s Sporting 
The Power of Word-of-Mouth 
Social networks have given consumers proverbial 
megaphones to broadcast their experiences in real-time, 
and brand image and perception is increasingly shaped by 
social opinion. In fact, 70% of Millennials consider it their 
responsibility to share feedback with companies after both 
positive and negative experiences (AdAge). 
When consumers have the power to tweet about the nasty 
cashier while she’s ringing them up, or that fantastic filet 
mignon directly from the table, letting disgruntled customers 
or brand advocates slip through the cracks can be the 
difference between widespread success and fast failure.
Let Your Customers Sell for You 
Smart brands are learning how to leverage user-generated content (UGC) to build brand awareness, 
influence brand perception, and foster authentic relationships with both potential and existing customers. 
Giving consumers an open forum to post reviews and leave comments essentially enables your customers 
to sell for you. 
90% of consumers admit that their 
purchase decisions are influenced 
by consumer ratings and reviews 
(Marketing Land), and customer 
reviews are trusted 12x more than 
descriptions that come from 
manufacturers (Brick Marketing). 
BONUS POINTS: Make ratings, 
reviews and comments sharable to 
social networks to maximize brand 
exposure and awareness. Better yet, 
prompt users to share at opportune, 
influential moments, like when a 
purchase is made.
UGC for SEO 
Let’s face it - SEO in today’s overcrowded, highly competitive landscape is hard. As enterprise giants land 
grab as many keywords as possible, most brands wind up floating in the search abyss: page 2 of Google 
search results. 
Relevant, quality content has become a necessity for brands looking to improve their search ranking, and 
UGC in the form of comments and reviews improves long-tail SEO by putting your product or service in 
terms consumers are actually using. In fact, websites that feature ratings and reviews typically experience a 
10-20% increase in CTR on search engine results pages (Inchoo). 
Long-tail search phrases perform 
better, with an overall organic CTR of 
56% for phrases of four words, 
compared to a 30% CTR for single-word 
queries (The Next Web).
Growing a 
of Trust 
Generating authentic customer feedback isn’t 
just great for SEO. The ability to closely monitor 
comments and reviews gives you insight into 
consumer needs and opinions to help nurture 
individual relationships and improve product 
Letting consumers interact directly across web 
properties also creates a tight-knit, transparent 
community of new and loyal customers. 
Millennials consider UGC 35% more 
memorable, 50% more trustworthy and 
20% more influential than any other 
media type (Social Times).
Nurturing Brand VIPs 
In an industry driven by customer acquisition, brand advocacy tends to fall through the cracks. 
However, a recent Adobe report revealed that while repeat shoppers in the United States represent 
just 8% of all site visitors, they account for over 40% of total online sales (PracticalEcommerce). 
Nurturing loyalty takes a lot more effort than hooking 
new customers with promises of free shipping and first-time 
discounts, but as consumers are confronted with 
an onslaught of choices each day, brand-loyal, VIP 
customers are like gold. 
Not only do these consumers lead to increased revenue 
and extended opportunities, but they are also 
instrumental in creating highly valuable UGC that drives 
product discovery and acquisition.
Thinking Outside the 
Coupon Box 
Statistics show that companies that offer rewards card programs see 46% higher customer spending 
(LoyaltyLeaders). In addition to making consumers feel valued, these types of offers also stimulate feelings 
of exclusivity and membership, which result in repeat purchases over time. 
However, 25% of consumers say they have received rewards for products and services they would never 
buy (ACI) - which can do more harm than good when it comes to establishing personal customer 
relationships and brand advocacy. 
Ultimately, brands looking to retain customers should think outside the coupon box. Constructing 
customized loyalty programs that incorporate multi-step processes and stretch across various channels 
creates an immersive customer experience that builds lifetime value and long-term relationships.
4 Hour Fitness Drives Over $600K 
in LTV Revenue in One Month 
Using Gigya’s social sharing software, 24 Hour Fitness was 
able to optimized its member referral process by allowing 
existing customers to share unique guest passes with their 
friends via email or a variety of social networks. 
As customers refer their friends, 24 Hour Fitness uses 
Gigya’s influencer reporting to rank its top advocates. The 
fitness club then rewards these influencers with 
customized rewards packages, promoting brand loyalty and 
future referrals. 
Thanks to its new online social sharing referral program, 24 
Hour Fitness was able to foster member loyalty while 
increasing new club sign-ups, resulting in over 8,400 new 
direct referrals and lifetime value revenue of more than 
$600,000 in just one month.
Winning Loyalty with 
Gamification, or the process of applying game elements to non-game applications, helps grow a loyal 
customer base by rewarding consumers for taking valuable, desired actions. 
However, while gamification continues to grow in popularity, with game mechanics expected to generate 
$1.6 billion in revenues by 2015 (Fast Company), Gartner predicted that 80% of gamified applications would 
fail to meet business objectives due to poor design. 
That’s because there’s a lot more to gamification than badges and leaderboards - it requires a detailed 
analysis of the behaviors driving KPIs for your business, as well as offering real, valuable incentives for 
taking these actions. 
For example, if a brand were to discover that social 
shares were integral to generating referral traffic and 
new customers, it could reward top sharers with points 
redeemable toward real in-store merchandise.
New Belgium Grows Repeat Logins 
by 5X with Gamification 
With the release of its seasonal Accumulation 
White IPA beer, New Belgium teamed up with 
Gigya to launch a gamified user experience that 
rewards participants for taking desired actions 
across channels. 
Gamified actions include viewing new beer pages 
on and participating in posted 
challenges. Gigya’s Social Login enables participants to take additional game actions like sharing their 
favorite beers and New Belgium blog content to their social networks, as well as using the Beer mode 
mobile app. 
This immersive, cross-channel, gamified experience helped drive repeat engagement and customer 
retention by increasing average daily logins by 5x!
Automated Follow-up Emails 
Fostering brand loyalty lies not just in rewarding consumers for desired behaviors, but in remembering 
them when you haven’t seen them in a while. Consumer relationships are two-sided, and sometimes you 
have to give a little more than you take to show your customers you care. 
The ability to tie consumer identities and 
activities directly to purchase behaviors 
enables you to automatically schedule 
and trigger emails after a certain period 
of inactivity has passed. With insight into 
consumers’ interests and preferences, 
you can personalize these emails to let 
your customers know just how much you 
value their business and loyalty.
Ready, Set, Sell 
We’ve covered how your brand can 
better manage customer 
relationships from first touch through 
We don’t doubt that ecommerce will 
continue to evolve on a near daily 
basis. But a clear view of consumer 
identity, interests and actions across 
channels will make your business 
prepared to drive acquisition, 
conversion and retention no matter 
what the future brings
To learn more about how Gigya can help your business increase new and repeat shopping cart 
conversions, visit, or call us at 888.660.1469. 
Gigya's Customer Identity Management Platform helps companies build better customer relationships by turning 
unknown visitors into known, loyal and engaged customers. With Gigya’s technology, businesses increase registrations 
and identify customers across devices, consolidate data into rich customer profiles, and provide better service, 
products and experiences by integrating data into marketing and service applications. 
Gigya's platform was designed from the ground up for social identities, mobile devices, consumer privacy and modern 
marketing. Gigya provides developers with the APIs they need to easily build and maintain secure and scalable 
registration, authentication, profile management, data analytics and third-party integrations. 
More than 700 of the world’s leading businesses such as Fox, Forbes, and Verizon rely on Gigya to build identity-driven 
relationships and to provide scalable, secure Customer Identity Management. 
For more details about Gigya, visit 
© 2014 Gigya Incorporated. All rights reserved. 
Gigya, the Gigya logo, and Customer Identity Management Platform are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Gigya Incorporated 
in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 
Gigya does not own any end user data or maintain any other rights to this data, other than utilizing it to make Gigya's services available to 
our clients and their end users. Gigya acts as an agent or back-end vendor of its client's website or mobile application, to which the end 
user of our client granted permissions (if applicable). Gigya facilitates the collection, transfer and storage of end user data solely on 
behalf of its clients and at its clients' direction. For more information, please see Gigya's Privacy Policy, available at 

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  • 2. GIGYA.COM | 2 The Evolution of the Shopping Experience Twenty-five years ago, consumers made purchase decisions by flipping through catalogues and placing orders via “house phone,” or visiting physical store locations to compare products and write personal checks. The concept of “digital commerce” was hardly a glint in consumers’ eyes. Fast-forward to an age of social networks, portable devices and big data, and even ecommerce as we’ve come to know it over the past several years continues to transform on a near daily basis.
  • 3. GIGYA.COM | 3 Repaving the Path to Purchase When was the last time you made a large purchase without researching multiple options online? How about using your smartphone to compare prices of other retailers nearby? Or reading customer reviews and asking the opinion of your social network? As consumer options, touchpoints and expectations grow, retail brands must start adopting the strategies, tools and technologies that support the new customer journey. We’re discussing 5 key areas of opportunity to help ecommerce brands optimize the shopping experience to drive customer acquisition, conversion and retention in the modern consumer era: 1. Capturing Consumer Identity 2. Personalizing the Shopping Experience 3. Bridging Channels & Devices 4. Leveraging User-generated Content 5. Fostering Loyalty & Retention
  • 5. Point of Entry vs. Transaction The rise of ecommerce led to the widespread use of third-party, browser-based cookies. These cookies are placed on a consumer’s device when she visits a site, and track her search history and behavior across the web in hopes of gleaning insights to improve targeting and conversion. GIGYA.COM | 5 It’s not until the point of transaction that these sites capture any consumer information directly, and since the large majority of consumers leave without purchasing, marketers are usually left with only the hopes of leveraging cookie data to convert unknown shoppers the next time they visit. 3 WAYS THE COOKIE CRUMBLES 1) 3 in 10 consumers delete their cookies each month (Comscore) 2) 39% of consumers change their browser settings to block cookies (MediaPost) 3) Over 20% of consumers ages 18-49 visit websites from 4 different devices each week (Experian)
  • 6. GIGYA.COM | 6 From Unknown Shoppers... Think about it: if someone were to describe you based purely on your web browsing behavior, what would you look like? In between haphazardly clicking on banner ads of adorable kittens, searching for designer trends to inform your savvy bargain hunting, and letting your father borrow your tablet, you could appear to be a young animal lover, a wealthy fashionista or a seasoned businessman - none of which may fit your actual consumer profile. While 3rd party cookies may give your brand some high-level insight into arbitrary event and page-level data, these insights are useless without understanding who these consumers are and the interests, relationships and experiences driving these behaviors.
  • 7. GIGYA.COM | 7 ...To Known Customers Making the transition from 3rd party to 1st party data, or data shared directly with your business by your customers, gives your brand the depth and accuracy of information needed to truly understand your audience. Smart brands are beginning to capture consumer identity at site entry via user registration and login versus relying on cookies or waiting until the point of transaction. 1st party login data enables businesses to fuel more personal customer relationships by creating highly relevant and timely messages across touchpoints, resulting in increased conversion rates and lifetime customer value.
  • 8. GIGYA.COM | 8 Reducing Barrier to Entry & Checkout According to a recent Gigya privacy survey, nearly 85% of consumers have abandoned a registration process because they were uncomfortable with the amount or type of information the site requested. Social login is a great solution for authenticating consumer identity at the point of site entry while still providing users with a seamless user experience, particularly across smaller mobile screens. Social login gives consumers the option to register for and login to your site or app with just two clicks by using an existing social media account. In addition to increasing registration conversion rates by as much as 90%, social login also grants brands permission-based access to the rich insights housed within users’ social profiles, including location, relationships, interests, favorite sports, top brands and so much more. Gartner predicts that by 2016, 50% of retail consumer identities will be social, up from just 5% in 2013.
  • 9. GIGYA.COM | 9 Social Login Best Practices: Ecom Edition Developing an effective social login strategy requires a lot more than placing a few social network buttons on your homepage. Here are some best practices ecom brands can take into consideration when implementing a social login strategy: Prominently display social login across site pages, and provide 3-5 network options for consumers to choose from. Ask for basic, necessary information at registration, and request additional data points as consumers engage with your brand over time. Offer login options from payment providers like Google, Amazon and PayPal to pre-populate checkout fields and streamline the purchase process. ! Evaluate and optimize these login options based on factors like conversion rate and ATV on a regular basis. Choose networks that collect and provide the specific data points you want to collect. For example, LinkedIn probably wouldn’t be a good option for most retail brands, since consumers don’t share purchases on this professional network. Give users a reason to register for your site by explaining the benefits of logging in up-front and how their data will be used to give them a more personalized user experience.
  • 10. The Anatomy of a Successful Registration Experience Describe the benefits WHY YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS A SOCIAL LOGIN STRATEGY 33% of consumers in Gigya’s 2014 Privacy vs. Personalization survey say they always use social login when given the option - that’s triple the number of respondents who chose this option in our 2012 survey! GIGYA.COM | 10 Multiple social login options Clearly displayed login options Payment provider
  • 12. GIGYA.COM | 12 From Persona to Personal An identity-based view of consumers enables your brand to break demographic stereotypes and hypothetical personas to personalize user experiences based on consumers’ individual interests, actions and behaviors. Consider the following statistics: 79% of consumers agree that their relationships with brands are more personal than ever before (MediaPost) 73% of consumers prefer to do business with brands that use personal information to make their shopping experiences more relevant (Digital Trends) 45% of consumers are more likely to shop on a site that offers personalized recommendations (Get Elastic) In-house marketers who personalize their web experiences and are able to quantify the improvement see an average 19% uplift in sales (HubSpot) Personalized emails improve CTR by 14% and conversion rates by 10% (HubSpot) Let’s take a look at how some of today’s leading ecommerce brands are applying consumer data to create highly relevant and timely customer experiences.
  • 13. GIGYA.COM | 13 Product Recommendations Amazon is a master at driving checkouts and basket size by providing customers with relevant recommendations for new and additional items based on their purchase histories, viewed items, shopping carts, wish lists and Facebook data.
  • 14. GIGYA.COM | 14 Personalized Discounts One strategy to drive customer retention and loyalty is to tailor discounts and special offers to consumer preferences and behaviors. While some retailers show customers they care by sending surprise coupons for recently viewed or favorited items, Birchbox helps combat shopping cart abandon by sending discounts to customers who didn’t quite make it through checkout.
  • 15. GIGYA.COM | 15 Recommendations from Friends When users login using their Facebook accounts, brands can request the ability to view their friend lists. When a user logs in to Netflix using his Facebook account, Netflix shows him a list of his Facebook connections’ favorite shows and movies, as well gives him the option to view individual friends’ recently watched items.
  • 16. GIGYA.COM | 16 Tailored Product Showcases Trunk Club makes style accessible and convenient by offering personalized clothing showcases and delivery to men. Customers are served a style questionnaire, paired with a personal stylist and mailed a monthly shipment of custom-selected clothing that fits their unique preferences and body measurements.
  • 17. GIGYA.COM | 17 Recognizing Life Events Consumers often share life events like engagements, marriages and new babies with their social networks. These are great triggers for celebratory messages and offers, like the “happy birthday” email and discount Total Wine & More sends its customers below.
  • 18. GIGYA.COM | 18 Targeted Advertisements 88% of US consumers claim that they have been inundated with “online ad spam,” and 9/10 say this has led them to take actions ranging from leaving a website to boycotting a brand (Marketing Charts). This means that harnessing information around consumer profiles and activities to inform media buys and serve relevant ads is becoming increasingly important to maintaining consumer relationships. FOR EXAMPLE… By prompting fans to login socially to its website, a major sports and athletics organization was able to collect rich, permission-based data around these users’ interests and on-site behaviors. It soon discovered a correlation between its most engaged customers and those within a particular demographic profile who shared interest in a certain TV show, sports team and mobile app. The brand then used this information to build a look-alike target segment and reach users with similar profiles via Facebook promotions. This look-alike strategy resulted in twice the conversion rate at half the price!
  • 19. GIGYA.COM | 19 Segmenting Your Audience With personalization now at the forefront of the user experience, audience segmentation is ranked as the #3 most effective method for improving conversion rates (Monetate). The ability to tie consumer identity and social profile data directly to purchase behaviors and KPIs enables your business to segment users in more meaningful and strategic ways by asking questions like: What are the unifying demographics of your most loyal customers? Are there any common interests between visitors that continuously abandon cart? Which devices are consumers using to interact with your brand? To checkout? Do consumers that share particular content spend more time on site? Segmentation allows you to automate marketing campaigns while reaching consumers with personalized messages at scale. Here are just a few examples of consumer segments your business should identify and serve tailored user experiences: INFLUENCERS MILLENNIALS BRAND LOYALISTS MULTI-CHANNEL CONSUMERS SERIAL ABANDONERS BARGAIN HUNTERS
  • 21. GIGYA.COM | 21 The Current State of Cross- Channel Commerce Today’s customer journey is a winding pathway of websites, social networks, mailboxes (snail and electronic), mobile apps and brick-and-mortar stores. According to Experian, 36% of US organizations interact with consumers in five or more channels – and if they’re smart, they’re connecting the dots between these interactions in strategic, cohesive ways. 51% of shoppers research online and visit store to purchase 44% research online and purchase online, too. 17% visit store first, then purchase online. 32% research online, visit store to try, then purchase online. Source: Ipsos Mediact
  • 22. From Ecommerce to Mcommerce GIGYA.COM | 22 Modern consumers are going beyond browsing sites or checking email via mobile - a growing number of consumers are actually completing the checkout process on smartphones and tablets. In fact, 32% of all online purchases are currently made over mobile devices (BusinessInsider). But despite this growth in mobile commerce, retailers are still lagging behind. The average mobile checkout process requires over 24 steps, leaving mobile conversion rates at a dismal 3% (Google).
  • 23. GIGYA.COM | 23 Streamlining Mobile Checkout We’ve already mentioned that social login makes it easy for consumers to verify their identities via smaller mobile screens. Allowing consumers to login socially with payment providers like Google Wallet and Amazon creates a complete mobile experience by prepopulating payment fields or reducing the checkout process to a simple tap. FOR EXAMPLE… Rue La La gives mobile shoppers the option to sign-in to its mobile app using their Google+ account. These users are then given the option to quickly and securely buy with Google Wallet, which allows them to use funds from credit, debit and gift cards to make mobile purchases in just 2 taps. By giving mobile shoppers the option to login and pay with Google, Rue La La saw a mobile traffic spike of nearly 50%, and a more than 50% increase in repeat purchases in the weeks following launch. !
  • 24. GIGYA.COM | 24 Socializing the Shopping Experience Social networks have officially changed the way consumers interact with brands and other consumers, making them an increasingly important forum for product discovery and decision making. Need proof? 74% of consumers say that they rely on their social networks to make purchase decisions (Go-On), and there was an astounding 357% increase in sales from social traffic just from 2012-2013 (ShopSocially).
  • 25. GIGYA.COM | 25 Creating Social Experiences On-site The reality is that brand visibility on social networks is shrinking, with brands’ updates being pushed increasingly faster and further down followers’ social feeds. Case in point: recent changes by Facebook to make room for paid placements have stunted organic brand page reach from 16% of fans to about 3% (Ignite Social Media). Marketers must start taking ownership of their customer data and relationships by facilitating social, engaging user experiences on their own properties, where they can more effectively collect consumer insights and drive desired behaviors via solutions like social login, share and comments.
  • 26. GIGYA.COM | 26 Bridging Digital & In-store Experiences While retailers the world over are shifting increased budgets and attention to responsive design and mobile commerce, many are overlooking the evolution of one traditional yet highly critical piece of the multi-channel puzzle: in-store. With modern consumers connecting with friends, family and brands via social networks, their real identities have become seamlessly intertwined with their “virtual lives,” requiring retailers to more effectively bridge the gap between consumers’ digital and in-store user experiences. 67% of online shoppers admit to having recently made a purchase that involved multiple channels (Zendesk)
  • 27. GIGYA.COM | 27 Connecting the Dots Urban Hilton Weiner is one example of a retailer that successfully connected the dots between shoppers’ virtual and real-world experiences with its “Pay with a Selfie” campaign. The rules were simple: follow @UrbanSelfie on Twitter, take a “selfie” with your desired item in store, and tweet the photo to @UrbanSelfie using the hashtag #urbanselfie. Participants could then show their selfies at the register to receive $10 toward their purchase – and the shopper with the most retweeted selfie received an Urban Degree wardrobe worth $100!
  • 28. Many Channels, One Experience GIGYA.COM | 28 Capturing consumer identity is only the first step to creating cross-channel relevance and unity. With consumers creating so much data across such a wide variety of channels and devices, building cohesive customer journeys is impossible without a single view of consumer identity. 4% of marketers cite not having a single view of customers across channels as the biggest roadblock in creating a successful cross-channel experience (Atelier). Ecommerce brands must develop a consumer identity management strategy to help them manage this cross-channel identity data in a meaningful and real-time way. Selecting a single, master database that can bidirectionally consolidate information across data silos is the key to creating cohesive customer journeys where each channel and touchpoint informs the next. !
  • 29. A Single View of Consumer Identity Consider the following poor and unfortunately common user experiences, and how a single view of consumer identity may improve these use cases: GIGYA.COM | 29 Experience A Experience B Without Identity A consumer browses her favorite shoe store on her smartphone for upwards of 30 minutes until she finally finds the perfect pair of shoes. She returns to make a purchase via tablet, yet her shoes are nowhere to be found, and she must dig through pages of footwear to rediscover her desired pair. Sarah’s husband, Steve, borrows her work laptop without asking to buy tickets to a local sporting event. Sarah is followed across the web by ads for sporting equipment and nearby games from various retailers and vendors for weeks. With Identity A consumer signs in to and browses her favorite shoe store on her smartphone for upwards of 30 minutes until she finally finds the perfect pair of shoes. She returns to make a purchase via tablet, and her favorite shoes are waiting for her in her “recently viewed” items when she logs in. Sarah’s husband, Steve, borrows her work laptop without asking to buy tickets to a local sporting event. Sarah never finds out, but the next time Steve logs into Facebook on his tablet, he sees sponsored posts for other events in his area from the vendor.
  • 30. The ability to tie user activity to a single social identity enables DSG to create a consistent and personalized cross-channel customer experience that drove holiday referral traffic and shopping cart conversions. GIGYA.COM | 30 DICK’S Sporting Goods Drives Sales with Cross-Channel Commerce Using Social Login, DICK’S Sporting Goods created a highly relevant shopping experience by letting consumers log into and manage their own personal “Gift Lockers” from any device. Consumers can add their favorite items to their lockers by browsing online, taking mobile photos of items in store, or scanning catalogue QR codes, as well as share these lockers directly with their social networks. “Dick’s Sporting Goods saw an increase in online sales during the holiday season by incorporating Gigya’s Social Login and Share software into our Gift Locker experience. Allowing users to sign-in and share socially across devices has been instrumental in driving customer acquisition and retention.” - Jay Basnight, Director of Digital at Dick’s Sporting Goods
  • 32. GIGYA.COM | 32 The Power of Word-of-Mouth Social networks have given consumers proverbial megaphones to broadcast their experiences in real-time, and brand image and perception is increasingly shaped by social opinion. In fact, 70% of Millennials consider it their responsibility to share feedback with companies after both positive and negative experiences (AdAge). When consumers have the power to tweet about the nasty cashier while she’s ringing them up, or that fantastic filet mignon directly from the table, letting disgruntled customers or brand advocates slip through the cracks can be the difference between widespread success and fast failure.
  • 33. GIGYA.COM | 33 Let Your Customers Sell for You Smart brands are learning how to leverage user-generated content (UGC) to build brand awareness, influence brand perception, and foster authentic relationships with both potential and existing customers. Giving consumers an open forum to post reviews and leave comments essentially enables your customers to sell for you. 90% of consumers admit that their purchase decisions are influenced by consumer ratings and reviews (Marketing Land), and customer reviews are trusted 12x more than descriptions that come from manufacturers (Brick Marketing). BONUS POINTS: Make ratings, reviews and comments sharable to social networks to maximize brand exposure and awareness. Better yet, prompt users to share at opportune, influential moments, like when a purchase is made.
  • 34. GIGYA.COM | 34 UGC for SEO Let’s face it - SEO in today’s overcrowded, highly competitive landscape is hard. As enterprise giants land grab as many keywords as possible, most brands wind up floating in the search abyss: page 2 of Google search results. Relevant, quality content has become a necessity for brands looking to improve their search ranking, and UGC in the form of comments and reviews improves long-tail SEO by putting your product or service in terms consumers are actually using. In fact, websites that feature ratings and reviews typically experience a 10-20% increase in CTR on search engine results pages (Inchoo). Long-tail search phrases perform better, with an overall organic CTR of 56% for phrases of four words, compared to a 30% CTR for single-word queries (The Next Web).
  • 35. GIGYA.COM | 35 Growing a Community of Trust Generating authentic customer feedback isn’t just great for SEO. The ability to closely monitor comments and reviews gives you insight into consumer needs and opinions to help nurture individual relationships and improve product strategy. Letting consumers interact directly across web properties also creates a tight-knit, transparent community of new and loyal customers. Millennials consider UGC 35% more memorable, 50% more trustworthy and 20% more influential than any other media type (Social Times).
  • 37. GIGYA.COM | 37 Nurturing Brand VIPs In an industry driven by customer acquisition, brand advocacy tends to fall through the cracks. However, a recent Adobe report revealed that while repeat shoppers in the United States represent just 8% of all site visitors, they account for over 40% of total online sales (PracticalEcommerce). Nurturing loyalty takes a lot more effort than hooking new customers with promises of free shipping and first-time discounts, but as consumers are confronted with an onslaught of choices each day, brand-loyal, VIP customers are like gold. Not only do these consumers lead to increased revenue and extended opportunities, but they are also instrumental in creating highly valuable UGC that drives product discovery and acquisition.
  • 38. GIGYA.COM | 38 Thinking Outside the Coupon Box Statistics show that companies that offer rewards card programs see 46% higher customer spending (LoyaltyLeaders). In addition to making consumers feel valued, these types of offers also stimulate feelings of exclusivity and membership, which result in repeat purchases over time. However, 25% of consumers say they have received rewards for products and services they would never buy (ACI) - which can do more harm than good when it comes to establishing personal customer relationships and brand advocacy. Ultimately, brands looking to retain customers should think outside the coupon box. Constructing customized loyalty programs that incorporate multi-step processes and stretch across various channels creates an immersive customer experience that builds lifetime value and long-term relationships.
  • 39. 4 Hour Fitness Drives Over $600K in LTV Revenue in One Month GIGYA.COM | 39 Using Gigya’s social sharing software, 24 Hour Fitness was able to optimized its member referral process by allowing existing customers to share unique guest passes with their friends via email or a variety of social networks. As customers refer their friends, 24 Hour Fitness uses Gigya’s influencer reporting to rank its top advocates. The fitness club then rewards these influencers with customized rewards packages, promoting brand loyalty and future referrals. Thanks to its new online social sharing referral program, 24 Hour Fitness was able to foster member loyalty while increasing new club sign-ups, resulting in over 8,400 new direct referrals and lifetime value revenue of more than $600,000 in just one month.
  • 40. GIGYA.COM | 40 Winning Loyalty with Gamification Gamification, or the process of applying game elements to non-game applications, helps grow a loyal customer base by rewarding consumers for taking valuable, desired actions. However, while gamification continues to grow in popularity, with game mechanics expected to generate $1.6 billion in revenues by 2015 (Fast Company), Gartner predicted that 80% of gamified applications would fail to meet business objectives due to poor design. That’s because there’s a lot more to gamification than badges and leaderboards - it requires a detailed analysis of the behaviors driving KPIs for your business, as well as offering real, valuable incentives for taking these actions. For example, if a brand were to discover that social shares were integral to generating referral traffic and new customers, it could reward top sharers with points redeemable toward real in-store merchandise.
  • 41. New Belgium Grows Repeat Logins by 5X with Gamification GIGYA.COM | 41 With the release of its seasonal Accumulation White IPA beer, New Belgium teamed up with Gigya to launch a gamified user experience that rewards participants for taking desired actions across channels. Gamified actions include viewing new beer pages on and participating in posted challenges. Gigya’s Social Login enables participants to take additional game actions like sharing their favorite beers and New Belgium blog content to their social networks, as well as using the Beer mode mobile app. This immersive, cross-channel, gamified experience helped drive repeat engagement and customer retention by increasing average daily logins by 5x!
  • 42. GIGYA.COM | 42 Automated Follow-up Emails Fostering brand loyalty lies not just in rewarding consumers for desired behaviors, but in remembering them when you haven’t seen them in a while. Consumer relationships are two-sided, and sometimes you have to give a little more than you take to show your customers you care. The ability to tie consumer identities and activities directly to purchase behaviors enables you to automatically schedule and trigger emails after a certain period of inactivity has passed. With insight into consumers’ interests and preferences, you can personalize these emails to let your customers know just how much you value their business and loyalty.
  • 43. GIGYA.COM | 43 Ready, Set, Sell We’ve covered how your brand can better manage customer relationships from first touch through checkout. We don’t doubt that ecommerce will continue to evolve on a near daily basis. But a clear view of consumer identity, interests and actions across channels will make your business prepared to drive acquisition, conversion and retention no matter what the future brings
  • 44. To learn more about how Gigya can help your business increase new and repeat shopping cart conversions, visit, or call us at 888.660.1469. ABOUT GIGYA Gigya's Customer Identity Management Platform helps companies build better customer relationships by turning unknown visitors into known, loyal and engaged customers. With Gigya’s technology, businesses increase registrations and identify customers across devices, consolidate data into rich customer profiles, and provide better service, products and experiences by integrating data into marketing and service applications. Gigya's platform was designed from the ground up for social identities, mobile devices, consumer privacy and modern marketing. Gigya provides developers with the APIs they need to easily build and maintain secure and scalable registration, authentication, profile management, data analytics and third-party integrations. More than 700 of the world’s leading businesses such as Fox, Forbes, and Verizon rely on Gigya to build identity-driven relationships and to provide scalable, secure Customer Identity Management. ! For more details about Gigya, visit ! © 2014 Gigya Incorporated. All rights reserved. Gigya, the Gigya logo, and Customer Identity Management Platform are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Gigya Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Gigya does not own any end user data or maintain any other rights to this data, other than utilizing it to make Gigya's services available to our clients and their end users. Gigya acts as an agent or back-end vendor of its client's website or mobile application, to which the end user of our client granted permissions (if applicable). Gigya facilitates the collection, transfer and storage of end user data solely on behalf of its clients and at its clients' direction. For more information, please see Gigya's Privacy Policy, available at privacy-policy/.