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News October 11, 20182
City of Tualatin due for historic mayoral election
Graehm Alberty
News Editor
Paul Morrison and his wife have called Tualatin home since 2011,
and have three kids currently in the Tigard-Tualatin School District.
A graduate of California State University Northridge, Morrison
also has a Master’s Degree from Pepperdine University.
Improving Traffic Flow. The voters recently passed a Transporta-
tion and Pedestrian Safety bond. The council worked hard to help
pass this Measure, and now we need to prioritize the project list,
work with the community, and complete work in a timely and
efficient manner.
“My twenty five year background in education and business has
enabled me to work successfully with city staff, the city’s business
and school communities, and Tualatin residents during my time on
City Council. My background has prepared me for mayor, bringing
skills sets from teaching, senior executive of a commercial finance
company, and years of volunteer work with the school district and
city. As a board member of several non-profits, I understand the
desires of the community, and as a current city councilor have
worked to bring the needs of the public together to make our city a
better place to live and work.”
“We need to continue to expand our system using the funds
from the Transportation Bond passed by the voters last May. This
bond fund will enable the city to continue developing safe routes to
schools and expanding our award winning trails around the city.”
“I have been a community leader for several years now promot-
ing residential development in the city, and now as a city councilor
the need for affordable housing in Tualatin. We need to continue to
work with city staff to find ways to make the building process
efficient, fair and equitable, and work with Metro to expand the
city’s boundaries.”
“Since I was elected to Tualatin City Council, the council enacted
the Sanctuary City resolution that was proposed by your then-stu-
dent body President Angel Ramirez.
Prior to becoming a council member, as a member of Tualatin
Together (Youth, Drug and Alcohol Prevention that supports the
Tualatin High School club Stand Up) we asked the city to adopt an
ordinance for tobacco free city spaces. Ordinance NO. 1388-16 was
enacted by the city March 14, 2016.”
For more information regarding these candidates’ activi-
ties, stances, endorsements or dates of campaign-related
events, please visit their respective campaign pages:
For more information regarding specific projects, like the
Basalt Creek Planning Area or TriMet expansion, visit
The Wolf’s website ( to see details on the
issues at the heart of this campaign.
#1: Background:
#2: What do you consider to be the num-
ber one issue facing the city today?
#3: What do you think makes you most
qualified to serve as mayor?
#4: What is your vision for transportation
(walking, roads, walking/bike paths, etc) in
our community?
#5: How do you plan to promote afford-
able housing?
#6: What should Tualatin High School stu-
dents know about your campaign/record?
Is there anything else you want voters
(especially young voters) to know?
Frank Bubenik has lived in Tualatin for 25 years. He earned a B.S.
of Criminal Justice from Rochester Institute of Technology and an
M.B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany. He served
in the U.S. Army as a Military Policeman. He is one of the owners of
an information technology consulting firm.
“Traffic congestion and affordable housing. I spoke at every com-
munity meeting in support of our recent $20 million transportation
bond, which passed. The $20 million bond will fund projects to re-
lieve traffic congestion, improve neighborhood traffic safety, and es-
tablish safe access to schools throughout the community.”
“I have a proven track record working on the issues that matter to
Tualatin. I have the experience, insight and perspective necessary to
effectively lead our community as we continue to grow and prosper.
Tualatin is a beautiful city and a thriving economic hub. It is also
a safe family community with access to nature, clean water, good
schools and jobs. These are the things our residents value and are at
the core of what I stand for and will continue to uphold.”
“Road maintenance and improvements, as well as practical solu-
tions to ease congestion are a top priority. I will continue to work
for increased transportation funding and investigate solutions to ease
congestion and increase pedestrian safety. I envision a city where
residents can safely and easy get to any destination using different
modes of transportation. We need to continue our plan of intercon-
nected, continuous and accessible system of sidewalks, bike facilities
and trails throughout the area.”
“Stable housing is critical for the success of children in school and
adults trying to provide for their families. By one count, there are
245 students in Tualatin that are homeless. I have heard stories from
residents of how they lost their homes due to increasing rents and
several women who have become homeless with their children due to
divorce. We do not have the resources or capacity to solve the issue
alone. Tualatin needs to work with other cities in Washington County,
the County itself, and not-for-profits organizations to develop a re-
gional answer to the housing crisis.”
“In 2004, I volunteered for (and later chaired) the Tualatin Library
Advisory Committee. In 2006 I joined the city’s visioning committee
and became chair. I was also part of the movement to start Com-
munity Involvement Organizations. Based on what I heard from
residents I knew I wanted to be on city council and help shape our
city’s future. I was elected to city council eight years ago and, with
students’ support, will become Tualatin’s next mayor.”
The Wolf’s fact check: How true are Oregon candidates’ ads, actually?
Kaitlyn Gearin
Fold Editor
The Oregon gubernatorial race be-
tween the state’s current governor,
Kate Brown (D), and State Represen-
tative Knute Buehler (R) is underway,
and ads pointing out the flaws of the
two candidates have been aired on
many different television channels and
radio stations. Often times, ads in fa-
vor of and against certain candidates
can contradict each other, so it can be
confusing as to what information is to
be believed. We will be taking a look at
some of the claims made in recent ads
and see how they match up to reality.
Ad: Priority Oregon PERS
Claim: “Gov. Brown refuses to require government employees
to contribute to their pension costs.”
Actual: A 2003 Oregon law requires public employees to put 6
percent of their paychecks into their retirement funds, but this
money does not go to PERS. Instead it goes into the employee’s
contribution account. There have been efforts to change the
system, but Brown would need the legislature to join these ef-
forts in order to make a change.
Photo courtesy of Portland Tribune Photo courtesy of Compass Computing Inc.
Ad: Defend Oregon’s Values
Claim: “Buehler has attacked Planned Parenthood and he sup-
ports restrictions that ‘pro-lifers would never get from Brown.’
The Planned Parenthood PAC for Oregon says Buehler has
‘promised to restrict access to essential healthcare.’”
Actual: Professor Jim Moore stated that “Buehler has prided
himself on being a moderate Republican, so on health care is-
sues, he has tended to go with the Democrats… When you get to
his stance on abortion, he’s pretty clear that he’s pro-choice, but
he doesn’t see that there should be a broadening of the access to
abortion.” Buehler has voted yes to expanding pharmacists’ con-
traceptive prescribing to cover hormonal patches and injectable
contraceptives, while he voted no to requiring health insurers to
cover abortions at no personal cost and reequiring Medicaid to
cover the costs of reproductive health care and abortions for
non-U.S. citizens.
Paul Morrison Frank Bubenik
NewsOctober 11, 2018 3
Matthew Brown
Staff Writer
Oregon residents to elect new governor News In Brief
Quick reads on current news
you need to know
Emily Bryant
Staff Writer
Dr. Ford’s Leaked Letters Investigation
After the release of Christine Blasey Ford’s confidential
letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her,
congressional members asked for an investigation of Sena-
tor Dianne Feinstein, Representative Anna Eshoo and their
staffs. Ford contacted Eshoo about the assault in July and
Eshoo then delivered the message to Senator Feinstein, who
guaranteed confidentiality. On Sept. 12, it was reported that
Feinstein was withholding a document related to Kavana-
ugh, so the California Senator forwarded the document to
the FBI. The FBI redacted Ford’s name and sent the letter
to the White House. However, Ford’s identity was not kept
secret for long, as it became public knowledge after being
leaked to the media. Ford decided to come forward and tell
her side of the story.
Letters criticizing the leaks and demanding investigations
of the two California Democrats, Feinstein and Eshoo, were
sent to the House and Senate
by Congressman Andy Biggs,
who com-mented, “Leaking
Dr. Ford’s letter was a cynically
political act that is damaging
to the credibility of the United
States Congress. Deliberately
outing Dr. Ford without her
consent may have a lasting im-
pact on women’s willingness to
report future assaults.” There
are concerns that the Con-
gress members violated one of
the standing rules of the Senate and, consequently, may be
terminated, as this rule states, “Any Senator, officer, or em-
ployee of the Senate who shall disclose the secret or confi-
dential business or proceedings of the Senate, including the
business and proceedings of the committees, subcommit-
tees, and offices of the Senate, shall be liable, if a Senator,
to suffer expulsion from the body.”
Bill Cosby Sentencing
Bill Cosby was sentenced to 3-10 years in a state prison
with no bail and given a $25,000 fine after an infamous trial
and more than 60 allegations of rape or sexual assault. The
comedian and actor known for “The Cosby Show” was
found guilty last April of drugging and assaulting Andrea
Constand. While most of the accusations did not fall in the
statute of limitations, a law stating that prosecutors can’t
charge someone with a crime after a certain amount of years,
Constand’s case was able to make it to court and Cosby was
condemned. This conviction was celebrated by supporters
of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted women’s
stories of abuse, including Constand’s, who commented in
her testimony, “Bill Cosby took my beautiful, healthy young
spirit and crushed it. He robbed me of my health and vital-
ity, my open nature, and my trust in myself and others.”
Trump’s Speech to the UN General Assembly
The 73rd UN General Assembly began on Sept. 18, al-
lowing each of the 193 member states to discuss interna-
tional issues such as peace, security and budgeting. Accord-
ing to the UN website, the theme of the forum is ‘Making
the United Nations Relevant to All People: Global Leader-
ship and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and
Sustainable Societies.’
On Tuesday, Sept. 25, President Donald Trump gave
a speech to the members of the UN centered around
America’s progress. He claimed that his administration has
achieved tax cuts, a booming economy, more military fund-
ing and low unemployment rates. When commenting on
foreign affairs, Trump discussed his meeting with North
Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and the decline in development
of nuclear weapons, and he threatened military action in the
Middle East if chemical weapons are used.
Oregon representative elections approach
Brett Kavanaugh hearing shakes nation
Olivia Ashley
Staff Writer
Much attention is being paid to the House of Representa-
tives this election, mostly because of the possibility that Dem-
ocrats will gain the majority in the House this November. Or-
egon has five congressional districts and five representatives,
with each one seeking reelection.
The first district represents the Tigard Tualatin area up to the
northernmost part of the Oregon coast and
is currently represented by Suzanne Bonami-
ci, who has served three terms in the House.
She is facing off against the Republican can-
didate, John Verbeek, who has a background
in finance.
Greg Walden is the incumbent candidate
in the second district, which makes up East-
ern Oregon and much of Central Oregon.
In total this district makes up around 70%
of the total area of Oregon, much of it rural.
Walden is the only Republican congressman
currently elected to serve Oregon in Congress
and is in his tenth term as a member of the
House of Representatives. The Democratic
candidate is Jamie Mcleod-Skinner, an engineer and former
Santa Clara, California city council member. The odds are in
Walden’s favor, as he has won his past two elections with more
than 60% of the vote in his district.
The incumbent congressman in the third district is Earl Blu-
menaur, who was first elected to Congress in 1996. This district
Oregonians will have a big decision to
make on the ballots, as they will be de-
ciding the fate of the Governor’s office
and essentially the future for Oregon by
picking between Democrat incumbent,
Kate Brown, and Rep. Knute Buehler.
After serving 18 years in the Oregon
Legislative Assembly, five in the House
of Representatives and thirteen in the
Senate, Kate Brown was a popular pro-
gressive in Oregon politics in the ‘90s
and early 2000s. She was the first wom-
an to serve as Senate Majority Leader
in 2004. Three years later, she resigned
from that role and began a campaign for
Oregon Secretary as State. There, she
was elected to two terms.
Brown was a voter registration cham-
pion, passing the 2016 Motor Voter
Act, which started automatic voter reg-
istration after registering for an Oregon
Driver’s license. She was a fierce advo-
cate for disabled voter accommodations.
By implementing the use of tablet tech-
nology in our registration system, Ore-
gon became a pioneer in increasing voter
Brett Michael Kavanaugh has been
sworn in as an Associate Justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States by
President Donald Trump. His confir-
mation was preceded by allegations of
sexual assault by three women. The latest
allegation came on Wednesday, Sept. 26;
Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez
and Julie Swetnick have all come for-
ward. Although Kavanaugh denied the
claims, these three women stood by their
Ford, in testimony before Congress
on Thursday, Sept. 27, explained that
Judge Kavanagh assaulted her at a party
in Maryland in 1982 during his senior
year in high school. On Sept. 24, 2018,
Judge Kavanagh responded to Dr. Ford’s
Alexis Isaac
registration accessibility.
Following the resignation of Gov.
Kitzhaber in 2015, and due to Oregon’s
constitutional line of succession, Brown
has served in the Governor’s office for
three years as the nation’s first LGBT
governor. However, with Oregon gradu-
ation rates being among the worst in the
nation and still decreasing, Gov. Brown’s
credibility to provide a bright future for
Oregon is being criticized by many, espe-
cially by her Republican opponent.
Although Orego-
nians haven’t seen
a republican gover-
nor since ‘87, Dr.
Knute Buehler, an
orthopedic surgeon
from Bend, OR is
making headlines as
he’s pulling a tight num-
bers against the incumbent Democrat.
Buehler started his political career in a
jumpstart campaign for Oregon Secre-
tary of State in 2012, running against
none other than Kate Brown.
After losing the election, Buehler did
not back down, and was elected into the
Oregon House of Representatives in
2014, representing the city of Bend and
was re-elected in 2016. He led the effort
to increased accessibility to birth control
and passed a bill allowing for the pur-
chase of OTC contraceptives at age 18.
After announcing his campaign for
governor in August of 2017, Knute
has attracted large numbers, campaign-
ing as a “different kind of Republican.”
Buehler has his eyes set on fixing what
he calls an education “crisis” and has
publicly put forward plans to deal with
Oregon’s rising homeless numbers. Al-
though his expe-
rience in politics
is not as ongoing
as Gov. Brown’s,
Buehler is at-
tracting Oregon
independents as
well as conser-
vative Democrats
from across the state.
The race for the governor’s seat is
closer than many expected. With polls
by Oregon Public Broadcasting showing
Buehler and Brown tied at 45 percent,
and many other polls showing similar
results, any idea of a winner is still up in
the air; however, the results will be inevi-
tably consequential.
claims and told Fox News, “I have never
sexually assaulted anyone, not in high
school, not ever.”
Deborah Ramirez, former Yale stu-
dent with Judge Kavanaugh, told the
public that he exposed himself to her at
a dorm room party during their 1983-
1984 school year.
Judge Kavanaugh told Fox News, “I
never did any such thing, never did any
such thing.”
Along with Ramirez, Julie Swetnick
explained that they met many times at
house parties throughout 1981-1983 in
the Washington area. Ramirez spoke out
to say that Judge Kavanaugh was abusive
and physically aggressive towards her,
concluding with unwanted body contact.
In an interview on Sept. 26, 2018 on
Showtime via Youtube, she said, “This
is something that occurred a long time
ago and it’s not that I just thought about
it. It’s been on my mind ever since the
The FBI investigated the three wom-
en’s claims last week; after viewing the
final FBI report, senators voted to con-
firm Kavanaugh, 50-48, on Saturday,
Oct. 6.
Along with three women speaking
out about their negative encounters with
Judge Kavanaugh, one other anonymous
accusation was written on Sept. 22, 2018
to Senator Gary Gardner. In the letter,
the writer’s daughter saw a drunk Kava-
naugh pushing a woman against a wall
“very aggressively and sexually” in 1998
in Washington. Kavanaugh responded
that, “This is crazytown. It’s a smear
The letter, at press time, was unsub-
is located in Northwest Oregon and includes most of Port-
land and some of Clackamas county. There is no Republican
candidate running in this district. Gary Dye is the Libertarian
candidate running against Blumenaur and is a consultant in
natural gas. Michael P. Marsh and Marc Koller are also running
on for the Constitution party and as an independent candidate
respectively. Blumenaur is likely to win the seat again, as he has
frequently won elections in the past with over 70% of the votes
in his district.
Peter Defazio is the incumbent congressman
from the fourth district, which encompasses
much of the central Oregon coast, as well as
the Eugene-Springfield area. He has served on
the U.S. House of Representatives since 1987.
His Republican challenger is Art Robinson, a
biochemist and author. This is the fifth time
Robinson has been the Republican candidate
for Oregon’s fourth congressional district since
2010, which he has lost to Defazio in every
instance. Richard Jacobsen is running as the
Libertarian candidate and Michael Beilstein is
running as the Pacific Green party candidate.
Oregon’s fifth district is currently represented
by Kurt Schrader, a veterinarian who is serving
his fifth term in Congress. The fifth makes up some of Or-
egon’s Northern coast and most of Clackamas county. The
Republican candidate is Mark Callahan, a previous Oregon
senatorial candidate. Dan Souza is the libertarian candidate and
Marvin Sandnes represents the Pacific Green party.
Public Domain Image
Photo courtesy of CNN
Photo courtesy of The Daily Astorian
Graphic art by Jake Lofamia / / Staff Writer
JohnVerbeek is running for Oregon’s first
district, including theTigard-Tualatin

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TUHS Wolf News October 2018

  • 1. News October 11, 20182 City of Tualatin due for historic mayoral election Graehm Alberty News Editor Paul Morrison and his wife have called Tualatin home since 2011, and have three kids currently in the Tigard-Tualatin School District. A graduate of California State University Northridge, Morrison also has a Master’s Degree from Pepperdine University. Improving Traffic Flow. The voters recently passed a Transporta- tion and Pedestrian Safety bond. The council worked hard to help pass this Measure, and now we need to prioritize the project list, work with the community, and complete work in a timely and efficient manner. “My twenty five year background in education and business has enabled me to work successfully with city staff, the city’s business and school communities, and Tualatin residents during my time on City Council. My background has prepared me for mayor, bringing skills sets from teaching, senior executive of a commercial finance company, and years of volunteer work with the school district and city. As a board member of several non-profits, I understand the desires of the community, and as a current city councilor have worked to bring the needs of the public together to make our city a better place to live and work.” “We need to continue to expand our system using the funds from the Transportation Bond passed by the voters last May. This bond fund will enable the city to continue developing safe routes to schools and expanding our award winning trails around the city.” “I have been a community leader for several years now promot- ing residential development in the city, and now as a city councilor the need for affordable housing in Tualatin. We need to continue to work with city staff to find ways to make the building process efficient, fair and equitable, and work with Metro to expand the city’s boundaries.” “Since I was elected to Tualatin City Council, the council enacted the Sanctuary City resolution that was proposed by your then-stu- dent body President Angel Ramirez. Prior to becoming a council member, as a member of Tualatin Together (Youth, Drug and Alcohol Prevention that supports the Tualatin High School club Stand Up) we asked the city to adopt an ordinance for tobacco free city spaces. Ordinance NO. 1388-16 was enacted by the city March 14, 2016.” For more information regarding these candidates’ activi- ties, stances, endorsements or dates of campaign-related events, please visit their respective campaign pages: For more information regarding specific projects, like the Basalt Creek Planning Area or TriMet expansion, visit The Wolf’s website ( to see details on the issues at the heart of this campaign. #1: Background: #2: What do you consider to be the num- ber one issue facing the city today? #3: What do you think makes you most qualified to serve as mayor? #4: What is your vision for transportation (walking, roads, walking/bike paths, etc) in our community? #5: How do you plan to promote afford- able housing? #6: What should Tualatin High School stu- dents know about your campaign/record? Is there anything else you want voters (especially young voters) to know? Frank Bubenik has lived in Tualatin for 25 years. He earned a B.S. of Criminal Justice from Rochester Institute of Technology and an M.B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany. He served in the U.S. Army as a Military Policeman. He is one of the owners of an information technology consulting firm. “Traffic congestion and affordable housing. I spoke at every com- munity meeting in support of our recent $20 million transportation bond, which passed. The $20 million bond will fund projects to re- lieve traffic congestion, improve neighborhood traffic safety, and es- tablish safe access to schools throughout the community.” “I have a proven track record working on the issues that matter to Tualatin. I have the experience, insight and perspective necessary to effectively lead our community as we continue to grow and prosper. Tualatin is a beautiful city and a thriving economic hub. It is also a safe family community with access to nature, clean water, good schools and jobs. These are the things our residents value and are at the core of what I stand for and will continue to uphold.” “Road maintenance and improvements, as well as practical solu- tions to ease congestion are a top priority. I will continue to work for increased transportation funding and investigate solutions to ease congestion and increase pedestrian safety. I envision a city where residents can safely and easy get to any destination using different modes of transportation. We need to continue our plan of intercon- nected, continuous and accessible system of sidewalks, bike facilities and trails throughout the area.” “Stable housing is critical for the success of children in school and adults trying to provide for their families. By one count, there are 245 students in Tualatin that are homeless. I have heard stories from residents of how they lost their homes due to increasing rents and several women who have become homeless with their children due to divorce. We do not have the resources or capacity to solve the issue alone. Tualatin needs to work with other cities in Washington County, the County itself, and not-for-profits organizations to develop a re- gional answer to the housing crisis.” “In 2004, I volunteered for (and later chaired) the Tualatin Library Advisory Committee. In 2006 I joined the city’s visioning committee and became chair. I was also part of the movement to start Com- munity Involvement Organizations. Based on what I heard from residents I knew I wanted to be on city council and help shape our city’s future. I was elected to city council eight years ago and, with students’ support, will become Tualatin’s next mayor.” Questions: The Wolf’s fact check: How true are Oregon candidates’ ads, actually? Kaitlyn Gearin Fold Editor The Oregon gubernatorial race be- tween the state’s current governor, Kate Brown (D), and State Represen- tative Knute Buehler (R) is underway, and ads pointing out the flaws of the two candidates have been aired on many different television channels and radio stations. Often times, ads in fa- vor of and against certain candidates can contradict each other, so it can be confusing as to what information is to be believed. We will be taking a look at some of the claims made in recent ads and see how they match up to reality. Ad: Priority Oregon PERS Claim: “Gov. Brown refuses to require government employees to contribute to their pension costs.” Actual: A 2003 Oregon law requires public employees to put 6 percent of their paychecks into their retirement funds, but this money does not go to PERS. Instead it goes into the employee’s contribution account. There have been efforts to change the system, but Brown would need the legislature to join these ef- forts in order to make a change. Photo courtesy of Portland Tribune Photo courtesy of Compass Computing Inc. Ad: Defend Oregon’s Values Claim: “Buehler has attacked Planned Parenthood and he sup- ports restrictions that ‘pro-lifers would never get from Brown.’ The Planned Parenthood PAC for Oregon says Buehler has ‘promised to restrict access to essential healthcare.’” Actual: Professor Jim Moore stated that “Buehler has prided himself on being a moderate Republican, so on health care is- sues, he has tended to go with the Democrats… When you get to his stance on abortion, he’s pretty clear that he’s pro-choice, but he doesn’t see that there should be a broadening of the access to abortion.” Buehler has voted yes to expanding pharmacists’ con- traceptive prescribing to cover hormonal patches and injectable contraceptives, while he voted no to requiring health insurers to cover abortions at no personal cost and reequiring Medicaid to cover the costs of reproductive health care and abortions for non-U.S. citizens. Paul Morrison Frank Bubenik
  • 2. NewsOctober 11, 2018 3 Matthew Brown Staff Writer Oregon residents to elect new governor News In Brief Quick reads on current news you need to know Emily Bryant Staff Writer Dr. Ford’s Leaked Letters Investigation After the release of Christine Blasey Ford’s confidential letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her, congressional members asked for an investigation of Sena- tor Dianne Feinstein, Representative Anna Eshoo and their staffs. Ford contacted Eshoo about the assault in July and Eshoo then delivered the message to Senator Feinstein, who guaranteed confidentiality. On Sept. 12, it was reported that Feinstein was withholding a document related to Kavana- ugh, so the California Senator forwarded the document to the FBI. The FBI redacted Ford’s name and sent the letter to the White House. However, Ford’s identity was not kept secret for long, as it became public knowledge after being leaked to the media. Ford decided to come forward and tell her side of the story. Letters criticizing the leaks and demanding investigations of the two California Democrats, Feinstein and Eshoo, were sent to the House and Senate by Congressman Andy Biggs, who com-mented, “Leaking Dr. Ford’s letter was a cynically political act that is damaging to the credibility of the United States Congress. Deliberately outing Dr. Ford without her consent may have a lasting im- pact on women’s willingness to report future assaults.” There are concerns that the Con- gress members violated one of the standing rules of the Senate and, consequently, may be terminated, as this rule states, “Any Senator, officer, or em- ployee of the Senate who shall disclose the secret or confi- dential business or proceedings of the Senate, including the business and proceedings of the committees, subcommit- tees, and offices of the Senate, shall be liable, if a Senator, to suffer expulsion from the body.” Bill Cosby Sentencing Bill Cosby was sentenced to 3-10 years in a state prison with no bail and given a $25,000 fine after an infamous trial and more than 60 allegations of rape or sexual assault. The comedian and actor known for “The Cosby Show” was found guilty last April of drugging and assaulting Andrea Constand. While most of the accusations did not fall in the statute of limitations, a law stating that prosecutors can’t charge someone with a crime after a certain amount of years, Constand’s case was able to make it to court and Cosby was condemned. This conviction was celebrated by supporters of the #MeToo movement, which has highlighted women’s stories of abuse, including Constand’s, who commented in her testimony, “Bill Cosby took my beautiful, healthy young spirit and crushed it. He robbed me of my health and vital- ity, my open nature, and my trust in myself and others.” Trump’s Speech to the UN General Assembly The 73rd UN General Assembly began on Sept. 18, al- lowing each of the 193 member states to discuss interna- tional issues such as peace, security and budgeting. Accord- ing to the UN website, the theme of the forum is ‘Making the United Nations Relevant to All People: Global Leader- ship and Shared Responsibilities for Peaceful, Equitable and Sustainable Societies.’ On Tuesday, Sept. 25, President Donald Trump gave a speech to the members of the UN centered around America’s progress. He claimed that his administration has achieved tax cuts, a booming economy, more military fund- ing and low unemployment rates. When commenting on foreign affairs, Trump discussed his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un and the decline in development of nuclear weapons, and he threatened military action in the Middle East if chemical weapons are used. Oregon representative elections approach Brett Kavanaugh hearing shakes nation Olivia Ashley Staff Writer Much attention is being paid to the House of Representa- tives this election, mostly because of the possibility that Dem- ocrats will gain the majority in the House this November. Or- egon has five congressional districts and five representatives, with each one seeking reelection. The first district represents the Tigard Tualatin area up to the northernmost part of the Oregon coast and is currently represented by Suzanne Bonami- ci, who has served three terms in the House. She is facing off against the Republican can- didate, John Verbeek, who has a background in finance. Greg Walden is the incumbent candidate in the second district, which makes up East- ern Oregon and much of Central Oregon. In total this district makes up around 70% of the total area of Oregon, much of it rural. Walden is the only Republican congressman currently elected to serve Oregon in Congress and is in his tenth term as a member of the House of Representatives. The Democratic candidate is Jamie Mcleod-Skinner, an engineer and former Santa Clara, California city council member. The odds are in Walden’s favor, as he has won his past two elections with more than 60% of the vote in his district. The incumbent congressman in the third district is Earl Blu- menaur, who was first elected to Congress in 1996. This district Oregonians will have a big decision to make on the ballots, as they will be de- ciding the fate of the Governor’s office and essentially the future for Oregon by picking between Democrat incumbent, Kate Brown, and Rep. Knute Buehler. After serving 18 years in the Oregon Legislative Assembly, five in the House of Representatives and thirteen in the Senate, Kate Brown was a popular pro- gressive in Oregon politics in the ‘90s and early 2000s. She was the first wom- an to serve as Senate Majority Leader in 2004. Three years later, she resigned from that role and began a campaign for Oregon Secretary as State. There, she was elected to two terms. Brown was a voter registration cham- pion, passing the 2016 Motor Voter Act, which started automatic voter reg- istration after registering for an Oregon Driver’s license. She was a fierce advo- cate for disabled voter accommodations. By implementing the use of tablet tech- nology in our registration system, Ore- gon became a pioneer in increasing voter Brett Michael Kavanaugh has been sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Donald Trump. His confir- mation was preceded by allegations of sexual assault by three women. The latest allegation came on Wednesday, Sept. 26; Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick have all come for- ward. Although Kavanaugh denied the claims, these three women stood by their accusations. Ford, in testimony before Congress on Thursday, Sept. 27, explained that Judge Kavanagh assaulted her at a party in Maryland in 1982 during his senior year in high school. On Sept. 24, 2018, Judge Kavanagh responded to Dr. Ford’s Alexis Isaac Editor-in-Chief registration accessibility. Following the resignation of Gov. Kitzhaber in 2015, and due to Oregon’s constitutional line of succession, Brown has served in the Governor’s office for three years as the nation’s first LGBT governor. However, with Oregon gradu- ation rates being among the worst in the nation and still decreasing, Gov. Brown’s credibility to provide a bright future for Oregon is being criticized by many, espe- cially by her Republican opponent. Although Orego- nians haven’t seen a republican gover- nor since ‘87, Dr. Knute Buehler, an orthopedic surgeon from Bend, OR is making headlines as he’s pulling a tight num- bers against the incumbent Democrat. Buehler started his political career in a jumpstart campaign for Oregon Secre- tary of State in 2012, running against none other than Kate Brown. After losing the election, Buehler did not back down, and was elected into the Oregon House of Representatives in 2014, representing the city of Bend and was re-elected in 2016. He led the effort to increased accessibility to birth control and passed a bill allowing for the pur- chase of OTC contraceptives at age 18. After announcing his campaign for governor in August of 2017, Knute has attracted large numbers, campaign- ing as a “different kind of Republican.” Buehler has his eyes set on fixing what he calls an education “crisis” and has publicly put forward plans to deal with Oregon’s rising homeless numbers. Al- though his expe- rience in politics is not as ongoing as Gov. Brown’s, Buehler is at- tracting Oregon independents as well as conser- vative Democrats from across the state. The race for the governor’s seat is closer than many expected. With polls by Oregon Public Broadcasting showing Buehler and Brown tied at 45 percent, and many other polls showing similar results, any idea of a winner is still up in the air; however, the results will be inevi- tably consequential. claims and told Fox News, “I have never sexually assaulted anyone, not in high school, not ever.” Deborah Ramirez, former Yale stu- dent with Judge Kavanaugh, told the public that he exposed himself to her at a dorm room party during their 1983- 1984 school year. Judge Kavanaugh told Fox News, “I never did any such thing, never did any such thing.” Along with Ramirez, Julie Swetnick explained that they met many times at house parties throughout 1981-1983 in the Washington area. Ramirez spoke out to say that Judge Kavanaugh was abusive and physically aggressive towards her, concluding with unwanted body contact. In an interview on Sept. 26, 2018 on Showtime via Youtube, she said, “This is something that occurred a long time ago and it’s not that I just thought about it. It’s been on my mind ever since the occurrence.” The FBI investigated the three wom- en’s claims last week; after viewing the final FBI report, senators voted to con- firm Kavanaugh, 50-48, on Saturday, Oct. 6. Along with three women speaking out about their negative encounters with Judge Kavanaugh, one other anonymous accusation was written on Sept. 22, 2018 to Senator Gary Gardner. In the letter, the writer’s daughter saw a drunk Kava- naugh pushing a woman against a wall “very aggressively and sexually” in 1998 in Washington. Kavanaugh responded that, “This is crazytown. It’s a smear campaign.” The letter, at press time, was unsub- stantiated. is located in Northwest Oregon and includes most of Port- land and some of Clackamas county. There is no Republican candidate running in this district. Gary Dye is the Libertarian candidate running against Blumenaur and is a consultant in natural gas. Michael P. Marsh and Marc Koller are also running on for the Constitution party and as an independent candidate respectively. Blumenaur is likely to win the seat again, as he has frequently won elections in the past with over 70% of the votes in his district. Peter Defazio is the incumbent congressman from the fourth district, which encompasses much of the central Oregon coast, as well as the Eugene-Springfield area. He has served on the U.S. House of Representatives since 1987. His Republican challenger is Art Robinson, a biochemist and author. This is the fifth time Robinson has been the Republican candidate for Oregon’s fourth congressional district since 2010, which he has lost to Defazio in every instance. Richard Jacobsen is running as the Libertarian candidate and Michael Beilstein is running as the Pacific Green party candidate. Oregon’s fifth district is currently represented by Kurt Schrader, a veterinarian who is serving his fifth term in Congress. The fifth makes up some of Or- egon’s Northern coast and most of Clackamas county. The Republican candidate is Mark Callahan, a previous Oregon senatorial candidate. Dan Souza is the libertarian candidate and Marvin Sandnes represents the Pacific Green party. Public Domain Image Photo courtesy of CNN Photo courtesy of The Daily Astorian Graphic art by Jake Lofamia / / Staff Writer JohnVerbeek is running for Oregon’s first district, including theTigard-Tualatin area.