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Treatment For Substance Abuse Essay
Treatment guidelines from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration indicate that treatment should include age–appropriate
group therapy, and teach skills to rebuild social support networks (Trevisan, 2008). Staff need to be experienced in working with the elderly and use a
slower pace and age–appropriate content. Respect with an atmosphere of support and change rather than confrontation should be created in the
therapeutic setting. Three medications have been approved for treatment of alcohol problems; however, there are few pharmacological treatment
studies of alcohol dependence in older adults and no know studies of other drugs of abuse (Trevisan, 2008). These three medications include
Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate (Trevisan, 2008).
The main components of treatment include confrontation, detoxification, and rehabilitation (Friedlander & Norman, 2006). Confrontation involves
overcoming patients' denial, convincing them of the consequences of continued drinking, and motivating them to receive treatment (Friedlander &
Norman, 2006). Detoxification consists of removing alcohol from the body and protecting the patient from the effects of withdrawal (Friedlander &
Norman, 2006). Rehabilitation consists of continued efforts to increase and maintain more content...
al, 2012). Social workers need to consider modifying the traditional CBT when working with the elderly who may have developmental differences in
cognitive functioning and sensory capacity (Rinfrette, 2009). The CBT approaches employed in the treatment of substance abuse elders are based on
Marlatt and Gordon's 1985 relapse prevention model that is identified by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as a scientifically based treatment
approach for substance use disorders (Cummings, Bride, & Rawlins–Shaw,
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Substance Abuse and Addiction Essay
Introduction Substance abuse and addiction have become a social problem that afflicts millions of individuals and disrupts the lives of their
families and friends. Just one example reveals the extent of the problem: in the United States each year, more women and men die of smoking
related lung cancer than of colon, breast and prostate cancers combined (Kola & Kruszynski, 2010). In addition to the personal impact of so much
illness and early death, there are dire social costs: huge expenses for medical and social services; millions of hours lost in the workplace; elevated rates
of crime associated with illicit drugs; and scores of children who are damaged by their parents' substance abuse behavior (Lee, 2010). This paper will
look more content...
However, the "Just Say No" campaign championed by former U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan in the 1980s did not appear to significantly reduce drug
abuse and addiction (Padgett, 2010).
The disease model: This theory states that an individual who abuses drugs requires medical treatment rather than moral punishment or exhortation. This
theory also justifies spending money to research substance abuse in the same way that money is spent to research other diseases. However, usually the
term disease is reserved for a state in which we can identify an abnormal biochemical or physical condition. No abnormal biochemical or physical
condition has been found in the case of substance addiction, although mounting evidence suggests that some individuals are genetically predisposed to
addiction more so than others. Nevertheless, this theory continues to appeal to researchers, and an intensive effort is always being made to identify the
physiological "switch" that establishes addiction after exposure to a drug (Lee, 2010).
The physical dependence model: This theory, sometimes referred to as the withdrawal avoidance model, is based on the unpleasant withdraw
symptoms that can occur when an individual stops taking a drug that they used rather frequently. The specific withdrawal symptoms depend on the
drug, but they are often the opposite effect produced by the drug itself. For instance, the withdrawal symptoms of cannabis include irritability,
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Substance Abuse Research Paper
Substance abuse is a growing problem that not only affects the person who is abusing alcohol or drugs but affects the lives of those who are close to
the abuser. Substance abuse is the abuse of any substance. A drug is a substance that modifies one or more of the body's functions when it is
consumed. Everything from over–the–counter pain medication, to opiates, prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and even
coffee can be abused in one way or another. The two main substances being abused in our nation are nicotine and alcohol. According to the Michigan
Institute for Social research, "Substance abuse is a major public health problem." Substance abuse is responsible for half a million preventable deaths
each more content...
The biggest consequence to casual drug use can be that it develops into a true addiction. Very few addicts recognize when they have crossed the line
from casual use to addiction. Most teens don't think that they will become addicted, and simply use drugs or alcohol to have a good time and be more
like their friends. When teens become addicted they lose friends, develop health problems, start to fail in school, experience memory loss lose
motivation, and alienate their family and friends with their negative behaviors and often unpredictable emotional swings."
Noticing changes in family members, friends and co–workers is the first step in identifying drug abuse. According to,, "You're
neglecting your responsibilities at school, work, or home (e.g. flunking classes, skipping work, neglecting your children) because of your drug use;
You're using drugs under dangerous conditions or taking risks while high, such as driving while on drugs, using dirty needles, or having unprotected
sex; Your drug use is getting you into legal trouble, such as arrests for disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, or stealing to
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The impact of substance abuse on families has rose sky high over the past decade and it has even spread out into communities which are struggling to
maintain. In the City of Philadelphia which I live addiction seem to be both a family and community disease. Studies show that not only the individual
suffer substance use disorder, but families which include siblings, parents, grandparents, plus communities such as local businesses, the legal system,
and even 12 step self–help programs are affected. What really appeals to me about this topic is that treatment/recovery doesn't seem to have that much
influence especially over the recent opiate epidemic in the USA. One researcher from The Pennsylvania State University sought to find "the
more content...
The gift of empathy can be applied first and foremost and individuals will be able to feel the compassion, unconditional positive regard and most of all
the life experience and the fact that I'm now on the other side of addiction. I will display as a professional my skills, both in the community and the
treatment environment which I work. Role modeling is my favorite and happens to be one of my strengths. One group of researchers from The
University of Organ interviewed "five individuals in recovery using a qualitative study and sought to find out in depth the direction their lives were
headed after being processed from treatment into recovery living life on life terms". They found that all fiver was working in the field of Behavior
Health and they were all honored to give back what was freely given to them. It was some minor discussion surrounding how much working in the
field helped increase their awareness and how they were able to sustain their personal recovery (Fisher, Manoogian, & Hoover, 2016). Overall, this
article was good and it provided the necessary information to support how my personal experience and professional experience would contribute to
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Essay on Substance Abuse Disorder
Substance abuse disorders are common in our society. It is a disorder that each one of us will most likely experience through a family member, friend,
or our self. I felt very drawn to this topic due to the fact that I have a family that has background of substance abuse and I myself have battle the
demon. Not until I struggled with my own addiction did I become more tolerable and understanding to those that have a substance abuse disorder.
Substance abuse is not something anyone wants to have; it is a disorder that takes control of a person's life. It is a beast that tears a person apart;
from their being to the lives of their loved ones. This disorder is not biased in anyway; rich or poor, male or female, employed or unemployed, young or more content...
These drugs that are converted from opium are: morphine, heroin, codeine, oxycontin, to name but a few. Unfortunately, each of these narcotics are
habit forming, meaning they have the power to become addicting if a person takes them over a period of time.
Why is it that some people become addict to alcohol or other drugs, while another person does not? According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA), "addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful
consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain–they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be
long lasting and can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs" (Drug Abuse). Keep this in mind when you are a health care
professional dealing with patients that have an addiction. They may have initially chosen to take that first drink, but alcohol changes their brain.
Also, you may find more patients in your office that are addicted to prescription drugs. They may have been injured in a car crash or broke their leg
then were prescribed prescription pain killers such as Vicodin by the doctor that you work for. This patient has a different brain make–up and is now
feeling that dependent on that drug.
Many people that suffer from substance abuse also will suffer from a form of
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Argumentative Essay On Substance Abuse
There are many issues drug addicts or substance abusers face and of the biggest is treatment. I intend to obtain a degree in Human Services with a
focus on Substance Abuse. There is a great need in our country today and having had some experience with how the system works, addicts need to have
treatment readily available. Understanding what drives an addict to use will help facilitate treatment.
One of the potential arguments is that addiction is not a disease or mental illness but a choice. There is a wealth of information available for each side
of the argument and I believe until we fully understand what drives an addiction we won't have the ability to properly treat the individual. I believe this
argument also fuels the point of view that addicts are just junkies and can stop anytime they wish. Another point in this argument is whether or not
addicts should be punished or treated. If substance abuse is caused by mental illness, shouldn't more treatment be available? To get a better handle on
the growing epidemic, this is a question every medical professional, police officer, correctional facility, and community should be asking.
My second topic of choice is just as important right now as understanding addiction. Is Narcan a lifesaver or an enabler? Narcan has been around for
many years and has been used in saving lives in hospital following negative reactions to anesthesia. Currently it is used on an everyday basis but our
police officers, rescue squad workers,
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Persuasive Essay On Substance Abuse
The victims have a master inside of them who controls every inch of their mind, body, and soul. It only takes a few slip ups to fall deep into the hole
of despair. He deceives them but also brings them happiness. The victims have a mental battle with themselves but he is ruthless and shows no mercy.
As they continue to disregard the few careless encounters, their condition deteriorates and leads to an addicted relationship with him. Society nowadays
has become corrupted with addiction. Drug abuse has become prevalent and is impossible to avoid. There is so much influence around substance abuse
that people are usually sucked into it before they learn the dangers of it. Nowadays, people are proposing solutions for this spreading epidemic and
suggesting ways to treat people who are already affected. Addiction should be treated as a learning disorder that exacerbates as people mature rather
than as there is something wrong with their character. The best feasible solution for treating this epidemic is early intervention. By doing this,
potential victims can be educated about the dangers of it and be on the path to a healthy lifestyle. A few of the many reasons why people begin to take
drugs is because of sensation–seeking, social conformity, or the fact that they are just curious. Substance abuse has been a common concern among
specifically, the younger population. Adolescents and young adults are more easily influenced by society and other factors because their brains are not
fully developed yet. Science explains, "By 18–20 years old, most of the subcortical white matter and association pathways have reached a plateau.
Risk–taking behavior and novelty–seeking may provide, with an appropriate feedback, a mechanism to optimize brain development in adolescence"
(Adolescent Brain Development, Risk–taking and Vulnerability to Addiction). By the early twenties, people will begin to realize the consequences
that follow while engaging in risky behavior and will less likely do it.
In order to reduce the chances of addiction, early intervention should take place. Because young people are easily influenced by social pressure,
programs that are based off social influence will be the most efficient way of inhibiting the
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Types of Drugs and Drug Abuse
Drug abuse is a widespread problem that makes individual drug users the prime victims. But drugs also affect all of us, wherever we live and
whatever we do. Drug abuse can cause serious physical and mental deterioration. The problem can tear apart the family structure and make it hard for
learning. Difficulties on the job due to drug abuse make it hard for employers to run their businesses. Stealing form employers or from individuals to
get money from for drugs causes pain and economic loss to the victims. Arrests and jailing of drug users and dealers puts a strain on law enforcement
officials and the criminal justice systems; the cost to taxpayers is enormous. The millions of dollars spent on illegal drugs in America encourage criminal more content...
Nevertheless, they have been found to increase the effect of other drugs tat depress the central nervous system, including alcohol, antihistamines,
barbiturates narcotics, sedatives, and tranquilizers. Two of the main types of antidepressants are Elavil and tofranil.
Anti–anxiety tranquilizers are drugs that have a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieve anxiety and tension, and sometimes relax the
skeletal muscles. The drugs have been shown to have undesirable side effects and to be habit–forming tranquilizers are especially dangerous as then
intensify the effects of other depressants; tranquilizers can cause coma and even death. Librium and Valium are two examples of anti–anxiety
tranquilizers that produce effects like alcohol barbiturates are often abused.
Anti–psychotic tranquilizers are a major classification of drugs commonly used to treat serious psychiatric problems. The drugs, such as Thorazine, are
rarely used non–medically, because that does not produce euphoric effects. Still, the drugs are sometimes preferred to barbiturates as calming agents
because they do not cause physical dependence and even in large doses do not result in coma.
Cannabis is a general word used to refer to preparation such as hashish, hash oil, and marijuana that are consumed for their intoxicating effects. The
intensity of the reactions depends on such factors as the potency of the drugs, the mood and expectation of
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Youth and Substance Abuse Essay
There are many contributing factors and political issues that address substance abuse. Throughout the years, many researchers have designed many
interventions and social policies designed to treat people who have used, abused, and became addicted to substances. Today, there are many new
studies that address substance abuse at the individual, group, family, and community or policy levels. Today, there are many services that are effective
for decreasing recidivism in youth who have completed a substance abuse program. A substance abuse treatment program or center is the best way to
treat individuals who have abused substances. Project Match is an individual intervention that is successful at helping people who have completed a more content...
Liehr (2010), a noted researcher states, "It was created to address Therapeutic Community stress and support self change that could impact treatment
retention" (2010, 81). According to Liehr (2010), Therapeutic Community is an established substance abuse treatment. The environments of teenage
girls are stressful and high school dropout rates are high. That reason is why the MBTC was created" (2010, 82). During this intervention, the
control group (TC group) wrote stories regarding their feelings and stress, while the experimental group (MBTC) also wrote stories. There were 140
patients in the TC group and over 250 adolescents in the MBTC group. Both groups showed decreases in stress and anxiety and increases positive
feelings and self change. The patients in the study report that their stress and anxiety has decreased. The researchers, as well as the students note that
their substance use has decreased as well. The researchers used a host of surveys, reports, and the Symptoms of Stress Inventory, a self–report
assessment, to measure the study and calculate the results. The statistics show that the level of stress of students who receive treatment slightly
decreased more compared to students who did not have any substance abuse issues. However, there were not any differences in the groups' feelings of
self–change. Another type of group intervention effective for decreasing substance use is the Holistic
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Persuasive Speech On Substance Abuse
Substance abuse ruins lives. Children, animals, and elders are neglected in its stead. Overdose, suicide and incarceration are just a few serious effects
caused by substance dependence. Many people get caught in the cross hairs of drugs and alcohol, yet do not have the wherewithal to adjust their habits
even after they have lost their jobs or wrecked their family dynamic. An innumerable amount of substance abusers cannot get help because they do not
have the motivation or the finances to get help before their first arrest. What if that could change? Substance abuse has a strong connection to
criminality. If alcohol or drug dependency could be noticed and addressed before trouble could ensue, fewer families could be destroyed and more jobs more content...
The shear amount of money thrown around because of the impact of substances is ridiculous and utterly incredible. At least in counties that DRCs are
located about $2 million per year are saved compared to incarceration" (Gaines 415). Concerned parties can help reduce the amount spent yearly on
substance–related crime by working to add a petition for the commitment of substance abusers. Conclusively, substance abuse leads to legal, familial,
health and work issues. Drug abuse leads to criminal behavior. Helping commit someone before criminal behavior leads to criminal acts would save
money and could possibly save lives. Abusing substances such as alcohol and drugs are bad for everyone's health and treatment programs are
available. Instead of being part of the problem, society should be part of the solution and make involuntary commitment of substance abusers a
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Drug Abuse And Substance Abuse
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines drug abuse as, " It becomes drug abuse when people use illegal drugs or use legal drugs
inappropriately." This may include; the repeated uses of drugs to produce pleasure, alleviates stress, and/or alters or avoids reality. The perception of
addiction and substance abuse has been widely known for many years, but the medical community has failed to accept and publicly this issue among it
own members. Drug abuse by nurses is prevalent in today society, The American Nurses Association (ANA) estimates that six to eight percent of
nurses use alcohol or drugs in the workplace. To put into perspective, for every ten active working nurses, one uses alcohol or drugs in the workplace.
Other sources claim that nurses generally misuse drugs and alcohol at a rate of 10–15% as nearly the same rate of the rest of the population. According
to Kenward (2008), only one–third of one percent of all active nurses is penalized each year for their actions. During the 1970s and 1980s addicted
nurses were only offered treatment prior to disciplinary action. Nurses were not the only one, physicians also did not receive treatment until after they
had been criminally charged. Like the common patient, nurses are constantly facing personal challenges that test their integrity, moral, and ability to
cope with situations. The accessibility of opioids for nurses is right at the palm of their hands, which makes it easy for a nurse who has substance abuse
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Youth And Substance Abuse Essay
A research funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse showed a high percentage of substance abuse disorder of previously incarcerated youth.
That is, 90% of males and 80% for females. This analysis covered approximately 1800 youth, with age ranging from 10 to 18; most of them listed in
the detention in Cook County, Illinois. They investigated how human existence and/or past–year rampant of substance use disorders vary by race
/ethnicity, sex, and substance abused as the group matured to young adulthood. The partakers were re–interviewed more or less nine times in a period
of 16 years and were determined for substance–use disorders. These involved alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, opiate, amphetamine, hallucinogen/PCP,
sedative, inhalant and more content...
Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, opiate, hallucinogens and even commonly prescribed medicines are now misused and abused. The main cause of this is
probably the content of each drug that makes a person "high" when using it. Some people say it gives them the "rush feeling" and that it can
somehow help them cope up with their problems in life. However, disorders that are caused by these substances are horrifying. People can have
damaged organs, mental problems or worse, death. This dilemma can be addressed if not stopped, by regulating the distributors.. Substances are
usually misused and abused because of the easy way to get it. They sometimes go to regular people with no license to distribute such substances
just to get some. Once you get into it, it will take you a long time to leave it, making it difficult for rehabilitation and some therapies to take effect.
Being able to understand the risks and dangers when one is under the influence of a substance helps a lot. Few people usually avoid things that might
cause them their life, but some people do whatever they want to do anyways. We can start doing our part by spreading awareness of the dangers
caused by substance abuse to our family, so we can keep them healthy and for us to pass a healthy gene to our
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Drug Abuse Essay
Thesis: Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods
which are harmful to themselves or others. Many teens turn to marijuana, prescription drugs, club drugs, alcohol, or other substances as a means of
coping with stress, peer influence, and failure of parents to prevent their children from making unreasonable decisions.
According to the yearly "Monitoring the Future" survey of high school age teenagers in the United States, by the time our kids complete high school, a
minimum of 40 percent have consumed an illicit drug and 70 percent have consumed alcohol.
A. Drug addiction is defined as a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that more content...
2. Parental substance abuse interrupts a child's normal development, which places these youngsters at higher risk for emotional, physical and mental
health problems. Because parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs are more likely to be involved with domestic violence, divorce, unemployment,
mental illness and legal problems, their ability to parent effectively is severely compromised.
III. According to the Mental Health Center of California, more than 8 million children live with at least one parent who's addicted to alcohol or
drugs. A. This number includes 14% of children younger than 2, 12% aged 6 to 11 years old, and 10% of youth between the ages of 12 and 17. B.
Children of substance abusing parents are at risk for a wide variety of other negative outcomes, including emotional, social, and behavioral adjustment
problems as well as challenges in cognitive and academic functioning. Risk for poor emotional and behavioral among children living with a parent
who has a substance abuse history are reported among those as young as 2 to 3 years of age.
1. Of these children, approximately 6.3 million lived with a parent who
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Substance Abuse : Teens And Adolescents Essay
Substance abuse is something that teens and adolescents battle every year. More than millions of teens face this issue and every year the number rises
and high schools across the nation are seeing a need for school–based prevention programs to decrease the amount of students that are dropping out
from these issues. These programs are geared towards helping problems such as alcohol and drug abuse. Although majority of large high schools have
these programs, the number of students with these issues continues to rise and the problems are getting worse. "Adolescent substance use increases the
risk of significant mental health problems such as conduct disorder, depression, anxiety, and substance dependence." (Shekhtmeyster, Sharkey, & You,
2011, p.386) It is very obvious that these prevention programs are not digging deep enough into the issues to truly hit the root of the problem to become
effective. Researching the substance abuse programs inside these high schools and their counseling programs, as well as their effectiveness can lead to
better standards and interventions that can help these students who intend to have bright futures and are trying to move past their problems with drug
and alcohol abuse.
The Counseling Profession and Research
Importance of Research
Evidence–based practices are what holds counselors accountable and keeps them out of trouble. A counselor should always respect the privacy and
best interest of their clients and the best way for them to do this is
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Drug Abuse Essay
Drug Abuse
Drug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The
substances that are discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugs; those drugs that influence or alter the workings of the mind, affect moods,
emotions, feelings, and thinking processes.
Drug Dependence/Addiction
There are three basic characteristics that indicate that the user is dependent on a drug. First, the user continues to use the drug for an extended period of
time. Second, the user finds it difficult to stop using the drug. They may drop out of school, steal, go to jail, lose their jobs, or leave their families in
order to keep more content...
Effects of Drugs
There are four basic stages that the drug user goes through. In stage one, there are no outward behavioral changes caused by the use of drugs. The
drug use is considered normal. In stage two, the user actively seeks the euphoric effects of the drug by using it more frequently. A reliable source of
the drug is established. The user may add mid–week use rather than only on weekends or at parties. In younger users, a general lack of motivation is
noticed, along with changes in friends and lower grades. In stage three, the user is extremely preoccupied with the desire to experience the effects of
the drug. The drug is used daily. There may be thoughts of suicide and/or depression.
There may be family problems or trouble with the law. In the fourth and final stage, the user has become addicted. They are dependent on the drug just
to feel normal. Physical signs are frequent sore throats, coughing, fatigue, and weight loss. They may be experiencing overdosing and blackouts more
frequently. The user may be engaging in criminal activities in order to obtain money for the drug. Alcohol
One major drug that physically effects the user is alcohol. It causes damage to the brain, pancreas, and kidney. It also causes high blood pressure and
may heighten the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Other consequences of alcohol abuse are possible alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the
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Persuasive Essay On Drug Addiction
Drug addiction is a complex problem in society today. Addiction is a condition that extremely affects the person's mind and body. Addiction also has
wide sweeping effects on that person's social connection and functioning. Unfortunately, many addicts don't realize the social influence of their
addiction until much of their functioning has greatly deteriorated.
Addiction is a "chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences." The
initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most individuals, but frequent drug use can lead to brain alterations that challenge an addicted person's
self–control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. These brain alterations can be persistent, which is why drug addiction is
considered a "relapsing" disease. People in recovery from drug use disorders are at increased threat for returning to drug use even after years of not
taking the drug. It's common for an individual to relapse, but relapse doesn't mean that treatment doesn't work. As with other chronic health conditions,
treatment should be constant and should be adjusted based on how the patient answers. Treatment plans need to be reviewed often and modified to fit
the patient's changing desires.
Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by frequent drug abuse
can impair a person's self–discipline and ability to make sound judgements, and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs. It is because
of these alterations in the brain that it is so puzzling for a person to stop abusing drugs. Luckily, there are treatments that help people to neutralize
addiction's powerful disruptive effects and regain control of their lives. Study shows that combining addiction treatment medications, when suitable,
with behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success for most patients. Treatment approaches that are custom–made to each patient's drug abuse
patterns and any concurrent medical, psychiatric, and social problems can help achieve sustained recovery and a life without drugs. The alcohol abuse
definition is similar
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Essay about Substance Abuse Recovery
Despite the higher cost, a high–end substance abuse treatment center does not constitute better treatment. The support of therapists, counselors, family,
friends, and peers can all be important factors in the recovery process. The most significant factor for an individual in the recovery process is a desire
and a willingness to change. Many options exist for individuals that want to recover from addiction. These options include substance abuse
rehabilitation centers and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART Recovery. These programs all have the same goal but use
different techniques that at times even contradict other programs. Although the approach of the programs may vary, they have all been proven to work
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Many reformed addicts also believe they are no longer in recovery from addiction and they simply just quit. The beliefs of the twelve–step program
may not appeal to everyone but the key to the program is recognizing a problem and taking the steps to correct it.
SMART Recovery (Self–Management and Recovery Training) is a nonprofit support group that was founded in 1994 (cite). Whereas the twelve–step
program views addiction as a disease, SMART Recovery takes the cognitive approach that addiction is a behavior that has been learned (cite). The
twelve–step program and SMART Recovery also contradict each other on how long an individual must be in recovery. Because SMART Recovery
views addiction as a learned behavior, the program teaches that the same behavior can be unlearned. Once the behavior has been unlearned an
individual may graduate the program and no longer needs to attend support group meetings. SMART Recovery focuses its treatment on what it calls the
Four–Point Program: Enhancing and Maintaining Motivation, Coping with Urges, Problem Solving, and Lifestyle Balance (cite). The scientific
approach used by SMART Recovery can be very appealing to those that may not feel comfortable with the twelve–step model. SMART Recovery has
become successful because it focuses on the initial desire of changing the behavior and teaches ways of following through to recovery.
The most intensive type of substance abuse treatment is through in–patient rehabilitation centers.
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Essay on Adolescent Substance Abuse
Running Header: Substance Abuse
Adolescent Substance Abuse
Dana Sweitzer
Liberty University
Abstract Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem in society. There are many risk factors that can contribute to adolescent substance abuse. One
of the main risk factors is peer pressure. When adolescents start at a young age there is an increase in health problems, addiction, and over all poor
social outcomes. Parental influence has substantial effect on adolescents because the adolescent sees their parents and they learn by their example.
Media plays a role in the use of drug and alcohol use among young people. Many school systems have implemented programs that teach adolescents
about the problems of substance abuse that is more content...
Among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, 9.8 % are estimated to be current users of illicit drugs, with 4.9 % using drugs other than marijuana. Nearly
three quarters of students have started to drink alcohol and nearly half (47%) have tried using an illicit drug (not including alcohol or tobacco) by the
senior year of high school." (Hassan, Harris, Sherritt, Van Hook, & Brooks, 2009)
Media has a lot to do with adolescent substance abuse. Many times in advertisement, adolescents see people drinking alcohol and having a great time.
Media spends over $25 billion dollars on advertisement yearly. Many celebrities are seen smoking or drinking alcohol in movies, TV, and on
commercials. This makes adolescents think that drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are cool and will make them popular. Over 5000 deaths yearly
are caused by alcohol consumption. (Strasburger, 2010)
Parental and peer influence plays an important role in adolescent substance abuse. Peer pressure can influence each adolescent either indirectly or
directly. Peer pressure is the most frequently discussed risk factor. Peer substance abuse is the leading cause of adolescent substance abuse. Parental
influence can be positive or negative. They can have a significant influence on adolescents. Parents can influence their kids
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Drug Abuse And Deviant Behavior Essay
There are many things that can lead up to deviant behavior or activities. One may say that drug abuse can hinder towards deviant activities. According
to NCADD," drugs are implicated in an estimated 80% of offenses leading to incarceration in the United States" (Wilcox, 2017). This statics is high
number that shows our nation that drugs are huge influence on crime in today's society.
How is it seen? In today's society drugs are now easy access for people to get their hands. Due to the fact that they easily able to access, this gives
young youth a chance of a lifestyle that they should be taken part in. A scenario in the text book, about a young girl name Sue had easy access to
drugs and alcohol leads to a lifestyle that she would later on regret. It is said that young juvenile starts have drug use as early at the age of twelve. Sue
was seventeen when she first started using drugs. Another thing that has been contributing to this behavior is legalizing marijuana. In the recent
election this prop was making headlines through the nation. With this prop being approve this could give even more access for people to retrieve.
Marijuana is first step towards even more dangerous drugs. In the case study, Sue use marijuana and it escalated to more serious and risky drugs. Drug more content...
There is a percent of people who don't have an opinion on people who do drugs and criminal activities. They believe they chose that life and it's their
life to live. Also they believe if the drug abuse is not affect their life's then they are not bother by it. This may work for some people but there are
other people who are invested in the life before the drug user chose this deviant behavior. In the case study sue felt like everyone was judging her
choice but she had to do so she survive in this world because lack of support from her
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Treatment For Substance Abuse Essay

  • 1. Treatment For Substance Abuse Essay Treatment guidelines from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration indicate that treatment should include age–appropriate group therapy, and teach skills to rebuild social support networks (Trevisan, 2008). Staff need to be experienced in working with the elderly and use a slower pace and age–appropriate content. Respect with an atmosphere of support and change rather than confrontation should be created in the therapeutic setting. Three medications have been approved for treatment of alcohol problems; however, there are few pharmacological treatment studies of alcohol dependence in older adults and no know studies of other drugs of abuse (Trevisan, 2008). These three medications include Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate (Trevisan, 2008). The main components of treatment include confrontation, detoxification, and rehabilitation (Friedlander & Norman, 2006). Confrontation involves overcoming patients' denial, convincing them of the consequences of continued drinking, and motivating them to receive treatment (Friedlander & Norman, 2006). Detoxification consists of removing alcohol from the body and protecting the patient from the effects of withdrawal (Friedlander & Norman, 2006). Rehabilitation consists of continued efforts to increase and maintain more content... al, 2012). Social workers need to consider modifying the traditional CBT when working with the elderly who may have developmental differences in cognitive functioning and sensory capacity (Rinfrette, 2009). The CBT approaches employed in the treatment of substance abuse elders are based on Marlatt and Gordon's 1985 relapse prevention model that is identified by the National Institute on Drug Abuse as a scientifically based treatment approach for substance use disorders (Cummings, Bride, & Rawlins–Shaw, Get more content on
  • 2. Substance Abuse and Addiction Essay Introduction Substance abuse and addiction have become a social problem that afflicts millions of individuals and disrupts the lives of their families and friends. Just one example reveals the extent of the problem: in the United States each year, more women and men die of smoking related lung cancer than of colon, breast and prostate cancers combined (Kola & Kruszynski, 2010). In addition to the personal impact of so much illness and early death, there are dire social costs: huge expenses for medical and social services; millions of hours lost in the workplace; elevated rates of crime associated with illicit drugs; and scores of children who are damaged by their parents' substance abuse behavior (Lee, 2010). This paper will look more content... However, the "Just Say No" campaign championed by former U.S. First Lady Nancy Reagan in the 1980s did not appear to significantly reduce drug abuse and addiction (Padgett, 2010). The disease model: This theory states that an individual who abuses drugs requires medical treatment rather than moral punishment or exhortation. This theory also justifies spending money to research substance abuse in the same way that money is spent to research other diseases. However, usually the term disease is reserved for a state in which we can identify an abnormal biochemical or physical condition. No abnormal biochemical or physical condition has been found in the case of substance addiction, although mounting evidence suggests that some individuals are genetically predisposed to addiction more so than others. Nevertheless, this theory continues to appeal to researchers, and an intensive effort is always being made to identify the physiological "switch" that establishes addiction after exposure to a drug (Lee, 2010). The physical dependence model: This theory, sometimes referred to as the withdrawal avoidance model, is based on the unpleasant withdraw symptoms that can occur when an individual stops taking a drug that they used rather frequently. The specific withdrawal symptoms depend on the drug, but they are often the opposite effect produced by the drug itself. For instance, the withdrawal symptoms of cannabis include irritability, Get more content on
  • 3. Substance Abuse Research Paper Substance abuse is a growing problem that not only affects the person who is abusing alcohol or drugs but affects the lives of those who are close to the abuser. Substance abuse is the abuse of any substance. A drug is a substance that modifies one or more of the body's functions when it is consumed. Everything from over–the–counter pain medication, to opiates, prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, alcohol, cocaine, heroin and even coffee can be abused in one way or another. The two main substances being abused in our nation are nicotine and alcohol. According to the Michigan Institute for Social research, "Substance abuse is a major public health problem." Substance abuse is responsible for half a million preventable deaths each more content... The biggest consequence to casual drug use can be that it develops into a true addiction. Very few addicts recognize when they have crossed the line from casual use to addiction. Most teens don't think that they will become addicted, and simply use drugs or alcohol to have a good time and be more like their friends. When teens become addicted they lose friends, develop health problems, start to fail in school, experience memory loss lose motivation, and alienate their family and friends with their negative behaviors and often unpredictable emotional swings." Noticing changes in family members, friends and co–workers is the first step in identifying drug abuse. According to,, "You're neglecting your responsibilities at school, work, or home (e.g. flunking classes, skipping work, neglecting your children) because of your drug use; You're using drugs under dangerous conditions or taking risks while high, such as driving while on drugs, using dirty needles, or having unprotected sex; Your drug use is getting you into legal trouble, such as arrests for disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, or stealing to Get more content on
  • 4. The impact of substance abuse on families has rose sky high over the past decade and it has even spread out into communities which are struggling to maintain. In the City of Philadelphia which I live addiction seem to be both a family and community disease. Studies show that not only the individual suffer substance use disorder, but families which include siblings, parents, grandparents, plus communities such as local businesses, the legal system, and even 12 step self–help programs are affected. What really appeals to me about this topic is that treatment/recovery doesn't seem to have that much influence especially over the recent opiate epidemic in the USA. One researcher from The Pennsylvania State University sought to find "the more content... The gift of empathy can be applied first and foremost and individuals will be able to feel the compassion, unconditional positive regard and most of all the life experience and the fact that I'm now on the other side of addiction. I will display as a professional my skills, both in the community and the treatment environment which I work. Role modeling is my favorite and happens to be one of my strengths. One group of researchers from The University of Organ interviewed "five individuals in recovery using a qualitative study and sought to find out in depth the direction their lives were headed after being processed from treatment into recovery living life on life terms". They found that all fiver was working in the field of Behavior Health and they were all honored to give back what was freely given to them. It was some minor discussion surrounding how much working in the field helped increase their awareness and how they were able to sustain their personal recovery (Fisher, Manoogian, & Hoover, 2016). Overall, this article was good and it provided the necessary information to support how my personal experience and professional experience would contribute to helping Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Substance Abuse Disorder Substance abuse disorders are common in our society. It is a disorder that each one of us will most likely experience through a family member, friend, or our self. I felt very drawn to this topic due to the fact that I have a family that has background of substance abuse and I myself have battle the demon. Not until I struggled with my own addiction did I become more tolerable and understanding to those that have a substance abuse disorder. Substance abuse is not something anyone wants to have; it is a disorder that takes control of a person's life. It is a beast that tears a person apart; from their being to the lives of their loved ones. This disorder is not biased in anyway; rich or poor, male or female, employed or unemployed, young or more content... These drugs that are converted from opium are: morphine, heroin, codeine, oxycontin, to name but a few. Unfortunately, each of these narcotics are habit forming, meaning they have the power to become addicting if a person takes them over a period of time. Why is it that some people become addict to alcohol or other drugs, while another person does not? According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), "addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. It is considered a brain disease because drugs change the brain–they change its structure and how it works. These brain changes can be long lasting and can lead to the harmful behaviors seen in people who abuse drugs" (Drug Abuse). Keep this in mind when you are a health care professional dealing with patients that have an addiction. They may have initially chosen to take that first drink, but alcohol changes their brain. Also, you may find more patients in your office that are addicted to prescription drugs. They may have been injured in a car crash or broke their leg then were prescribed prescription pain killers such as Vicodin by the doctor that you work for. This patient has a different brain make–up and is now feeling that dependent on that drug. Many people that suffer from substance abuse also will suffer from a form of Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On Substance Abuse There are many issues drug addicts or substance abusers face and of the biggest is treatment. I intend to obtain a degree in Human Services with a focus on Substance Abuse. There is a great need in our country today and having had some experience with how the system works, addicts need to have treatment readily available. Understanding what drives an addict to use will help facilitate treatment. One of the potential arguments is that addiction is not a disease or mental illness but a choice. There is a wealth of information available for each side of the argument and I believe until we fully understand what drives an addiction we won't have the ability to properly treat the individual. I believe this argument also fuels the point of view that addicts are just junkies and can stop anytime they wish. Another point in this argument is whether or not addicts should be punished or treated. If substance abuse is caused by mental illness, shouldn't more treatment be available? To get a better handle on the growing epidemic, this is a question every medical professional, police officer, correctional facility, and community should be asking. My second topic of choice is just as important right now as understanding addiction. Is Narcan a lifesaver or an enabler? Narcan has been around for many years and has been used in saving lives in hospital following negative reactions to anesthesia. Currently it is used on an everyday basis but our police officers, rescue squad workers, Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay On Substance Abuse The victims have a master inside of them who controls every inch of their mind, body, and soul. It only takes a few slip ups to fall deep into the hole of despair. He deceives them but also brings them happiness. The victims have a mental battle with themselves but he is ruthless and shows no mercy. As they continue to disregard the few careless encounters, their condition deteriorates and leads to an addicted relationship with him. Society nowadays has become corrupted with addiction. Drug abuse has become prevalent and is impossible to avoid. There is so much influence around substance abuse that people are usually sucked into it before they learn the dangers of it. Nowadays, people are proposing solutions for this spreading epidemic and suggesting ways to treat people who are already affected. Addiction should be treated as a learning disorder that exacerbates as people mature rather than as there is something wrong with their character. The best feasible solution for treating this epidemic is early intervention. By doing this, potential victims can be educated about the dangers of it and be on the path to a healthy lifestyle. A few of the many reasons why people begin to take drugs is because of sensation–seeking, social conformity, or the fact that they are just curious. Substance abuse has been a common concern among specifically, the younger population. Adolescents and young adults are more easily influenced by society and other factors because their brains are not fully developed yet. Science explains, "By 18–20 years old, most of the subcortical white matter and association pathways have reached a plateau. Risk–taking behavior and novelty–seeking may provide, with an appropriate feedback, a mechanism to optimize brain development in adolescence" (Adolescent Brain Development, Risk–taking and Vulnerability to Addiction). By the early twenties, people will begin to realize the consequences that follow while engaging in risky behavior and will less likely do it. In order to reduce the chances of addiction, early intervention should take place. Because young people are easily influenced by social pressure, programs that are based off social influence will be the most efficient way of inhibiting the Get more content on
  • 8. Types of Drugs and Drug Abuse Drug abuse is a widespread problem that makes individual drug users the prime victims. But drugs also affect all of us, wherever we live and whatever we do. Drug abuse can cause serious physical and mental deterioration. The problem can tear apart the family structure and make it hard for learning. Difficulties on the job due to drug abuse make it hard for employers to run their businesses. Stealing form employers or from individuals to get money from for drugs causes pain and economic loss to the victims. Arrests and jailing of drug users and dealers puts a strain on law enforcement officials and the criminal justice systems; the cost to taxpayers is enormous. The millions of dollars spent on illegal drugs in America encourage criminal more content... Nevertheless, they have been found to increase the effect of other drugs tat depress the central nervous system, including alcohol, antihistamines, barbiturates narcotics, sedatives, and tranquilizers. Two of the main types of antidepressants are Elavil and tofranil. Anti–anxiety tranquilizers are drugs that have a calming effect on the central nervous system, relieve anxiety and tension, and sometimes relax the skeletal muscles. The drugs have been shown to have undesirable side effects and to be habit–forming tranquilizers are especially dangerous as then intensify the effects of other depressants; tranquilizers can cause coma and even death. Librium and Valium are two examples of anti–anxiety tranquilizers that produce effects like alcohol barbiturates are often abused. Anti–psychotic tranquilizers are a major classification of drugs commonly used to treat serious psychiatric problems. The drugs, such as Thorazine, are rarely used non–medically, because that does not produce euphoric effects. Still, the drugs are sometimes preferred to barbiturates as calming agents because they do not cause physical dependence and even in large doses do not result in coma. Cannabis is a general word used to refer to preparation such as hashish, hash oil, and marijuana that are consumed for their intoxicating effects. The intensity of the reactions depends on such factors as the potency of the drugs, the mood and expectation of Get more content on
  • 9. Youth and Substance Abuse Essay There are many contributing factors and political issues that address substance abuse. Throughout the years, many researchers have designed many interventions and social policies designed to treat people who have used, abused, and became addicted to substances. Today, there are many new studies that address substance abuse at the individual, group, family, and community or policy levels. Today, there are many services that are effective for decreasing recidivism in youth who have completed a substance abuse program. A substance abuse treatment program or center is the best way to treat individuals who have abused substances. Project Match is an individual intervention that is successful at helping people who have completed a more content... Liehr (2010), a noted researcher states, "It was created to address Therapeutic Community stress and support self change that could impact treatment retention" (2010, 81). According to Liehr (2010), Therapeutic Community is an established substance abuse treatment. The environments of teenage girls are stressful and high school dropout rates are high. That reason is why the MBTC was created" (2010, 82). During this intervention, the control group (TC group) wrote stories regarding their feelings and stress, while the experimental group (MBTC) also wrote stories. There were 140 patients in the TC group and over 250 adolescents in the MBTC group. Both groups showed decreases in stress and anxiety and increases positive feelings and self change. The patients in the study report that their stress and anxiety has decreased. The researchers, as well as the students note that their substance use has decreased as well. The researchers used a host of surveys, reports, and the Symptoms of Stress Inventory, a self–report assessment, to measure the study and calculate the results. The statistics show that the level of stress of students who receive treatment slightly decreased more compared to students who did not have any substance abuse issues. However, there were not any differences in the groups' feelings of self–change. Another type of group intervention effective for decreasing substance use is the Holistic Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Speech On Substance Abuse Substance abuse ruins lives. Children, animals, and elders are neglected in its stead. Overdose, suicide and incarceration are just a few serious effects caused by substance dependence. Many people get caught in the cross hairs of drugs and alcohol, yet do not have the wherewithal to adjust their habits even after they have lost their jobs or wrecked their family dynamic. An innumerable amount of substance abusers cannot get help because they do not have the motivation or the finances to get help before their first arrest. What if that could change? Substance abuse has a strong connection to criminality. If alcohol or drug dependency could be noticed and addressed before trouble could ensue, fewer families could be destroyed and more jobs more content... The shear amount of money thrown around because of the impact of substances is ridiculous and utterly incredible. At least in counties that DRCs are located about $2 million per year are saved compared to incarceration" (Gaines 415). Concerned parties can help reduce the amount spent yearly on substance–related crime by working to add a petition for the commitment of substance abusers. Conclusively, substance abuse leads to legal, familial, health and work issues. Drug abuse leads to criminal behavior. Helping commit someone before criminal behavior leads to criminal acts would save money and could possibly save lives. Abusing substances such as alcohol and drugs are bad for everyone's health and treatment programs are available. Instead of being part of the problem, society should be part of the solution and make involuntary commitment of substance abusers a Get more content on
  • 11. Drug Abuse And Substance Abuse The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines drug abuse as, " It becomes drug abuse when people use illegal drugs or use legal drugs inappropriately." This may include; the repeated uses of drugs to produce pleasure, alleviates stress, and/or alters or avoids reality. The perception of addiction and substance abuse has been widely known for many years, but the medical community has failed to accept and publicly this issue among it own members. Drug abuse by nurses is prevalent in today society, The American Nurses Association (ANA) estimates that six to eight percent of nurses use alcohol or drugs in the workplace. To put into perspective, for every ten active working nurses, one uses alcohol or drugs in the workplace. Other sources claim that nurses generally misuse drugs and alcohol at a rate of 10–15% as nearly the same rate of the rest of the population. According to Kenward (2008), only one–third of one percent of all active nurses is penalized each year for their actions. During the 1970s and 1980s addicted nurses were only offered treatment prior to disciplinary action. Nurses were not the only one, physicians also did not receive treatment until after they had been criminally charged. Like the common patient, nurses are constantly facing personal challenges that test their integrity, moral, and ability to cope with situations. The accessibility of opioids for nurses is right at the palm of their hands, which makes it easy for a nurse who has substance abuse Get more content on
  • 12. Youth And Substance Abuse Essay A research funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse showed a high percentage of substance abuse disorder of previously incarcerated youth. That is, 90% of males and 80% for females. This analysis covered approximately 1800 youth, with age ranging from 10 to 18; most of them listed in the detention in Cook County, Illinois. They investigated how human existence and/or past–year rampant of substance use disorders vary by race /ethnicity, sex, and substance abused as the group matured to young adulthood. The partakers were re–interviewed more or less nine times in a period of 16 years and were determined for substance–use disorders. These involved alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, opiate, amphetamine, hallucinogen/PCP, sedative, inhalant and more content... Alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, opiate, hallucinogens and even commonly prescribed medicines are now misused and abused. The main cause of this is probably the content of each drug that makes a person "high" when using it. Some people say it gives them the "rush feeling" and that it can somehow help them cope up with their problems in life. However, disorders that are caused by these substances are horrifying. People can have damaged organs, mental problems or worse, death. This dilemma can be addressed if not stopped, by regulating the distributors.. Substances are usually misused and abused because of the easy way to get it. They sometimes go to regular people with no license to distribute such substances just to get some. Once you get into it, it will take you a long time to leave it, making it difficult for rehabilitation and some therapies to take effect. Being able to understand the risks and dangers when one is under the influence of a substance helps a lot. Few people usually avoid things that might cause them their life, but some people do whatever they want to do anyways. We can start doing our part by spreading awareness of the dangers caused by substance abuse to our family, so we can keep them healthy and for us to pass a healthy gene to our Get more content on
  • 13. Drug Abuse Essay Thesis: Drug abuse, also known as substance abuse, is a patterned use of a drug in which the user consumes the substance in amounts or with methods which are harmful to themselves or others. Many teens turn to marijuana, prescription drugs, club drugs, alcohol, or other substances as a means of coping with stress, peer influence, and failure of parents to prevent their children from making unreasonable decisions. According to the yearly "Monitoring the Future" survey of high school age teenagers in the United States, by the time our kids complete high school, a minimum of 40 percent have consumed an illicit drug and 70 percent have consumed alcohol. A. Drug addiction is defined as a chronic, often relapsing brain disease that more content... 2. Parental substance abuse interrupts a child's normal development, which places these youngsters at higher risk for emotional, physical and mental health problems. Because parents who abuse alcohol or other drugs are more likely to be involved with domestic violence, divorce, unemployment, mental illness and legal problems, their ability to parent effectively is severely compromised. III. According to the Mental Health Center of California, more than 8 million children live with at least one parent who's addicted to alcohol or drugs. A. This number includes 14% of children younger than 2, 12% aged 6 to 11 years old, and 10% of youth between the ages of 12 and 17. B. Children of substance abusing parents are at risk for a wide variety of other negative outcomes, including emotional, social, and behavioral adjustment problems as well as challenges in cognitive and academic functioning. Risk for poor emotional and behavioral among children living with a parent who has a substance abuse history are reported among those as young as 2 to 3 years of age. 1. Of these children, approximately 6.3 million lived with a parent who Get more content on
  • 14. Substance Abuse : Teens And Adolescents Essay Substance abuse is something that teens and adolescents battle every year. More than millions of teens face this issue and every year the number rises and high schools across the nation are seeing a need for school–based prevention programs to decrease the amount of students that are dropping out from these issues. These programs are geared towards helping problems such as alcohol and drug abuse. Although majority of large high schools have these programs, the number of students with these issues continues to rise and the problems are getting worse. "Adolescent substance use increases the risk of significant mental health problems such as conduct disorder, depression, anxiety, and substance dependence." (Shekhtmeyster, Sharkey, & You, 2011, p.386) It is very obvious that these prevention programs are not digging deep enough into the issues to truly hit the root of the problem to become effective. Researching the substance abuse programs inside these high schools and their counseling programs, as well as their effectiveness can lead to better standards and interventions that can help these students who intend to have bright futures and are trying to move past their problems with drug and alcohol abuse. The Counseling Profession and Research Importance of Research Evidence–based practices are what holds counselors accountable and keeps them out of trouble. A counselor should always respect the privacy and best interest of their clients and the best way for them to do this is Get more content on
  • 15. Drug Abuse Essay Drug Abuse Drug Abuse is generally defined as the use of a drug with such frequency that the user has physical or mental harm or it impairs social abilities. The substances that are discussed in this report are called psychoactive drugs; those drugs that influence or alter the workings of the mind, affect moods, emotions, feelings, and thinking processes. Drug Dependence/Addiction There are three basic characteristics that indicate that the user is dependent on a drug. First, the user continues to use the drug for an extended period of time. Second, the user finds it difficult to stop using the drug. They may drop out of school, steal, go to jail, lose their jobs, or leave their families in order to keep more content... Effects of Drugs There are four basic stages that the drug user goes through. In stage one, there are no outward behavioral changes caused by the use of drugs. The drug use is considered normal. In stage two, the user actively seeks the euphoric effects of the drug by using it more frequently. A reliable source of the drug is established. The user may add mid–week use rather than only on weekends or at parties. In younger users, a general lack of motivation is noticed, along with changes in friends and lower grades. In stage three, the user is extremely preoccupied with the desire to experience the effects of the drug. The drug is used daily. There may be thoughts of suicide and/or depression. There may be family problems or trouble with the law. In the fourth and final stage, the user has become addicted. They are dependent on the drug just to feel normal. Physical signs are frequent sore throats, coughing, fatigue, and weight loss. They may be experiencing overdosing and blackouts more frequently. The user may be engaging in criminal activities in order to obtain money for the drug. Alcohol One major drug that physically effects the user is alcohol. It causes damage to the brain, pancreas, and kidney. It also causes high blood pressure and may heighten the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Other consequences of alcohol abuse are possible alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the
  • 16. Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Drug Addiction Drug addiction is a complex problem in society today. Addiction is a condition that extremely affects the person's mind and body. Addiction also has wide sweeping effects on that person's social connection and functioning. Unfortunately, many addicts don't realize the social influence of their addiction until much of their functioning has greatly deteriorated. Addiction is a "chronic disease characterized by drug seeking and use that is compulsive, or difficult to control, despite harmful consequences." The initial decision to take drugs is voluntary for most individuals, but frequent drug use can lead to brain alterations that challenge an addicted person's self–control and interfere with their ability to resist intense urges to take drugs. These brain alterations can be persistent, which is why drug addiction is considered a "relapsing" disease. People in recovery from drug use disorders are at increased threat for returning to drug use even after years of not taking the drug. It's common for an individual to relapse, but relapse doesn't mean that treatment doesn't work. As with other chronic health conditions, treatment should be constant and should be adjusted based on how the patient answers. Treatment plans need to be reviewed often and modified to fit the patient's changing desires. Although it is true that for most people the initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, over time the changes in the brain caused by frequent drug abuse can impair a person's self–discipline and ability to make sound judgements, and at the same time create an intense impulse to take drugs. It is because of these alterations in the brain that it is so puzzling for a person to stop abusing drugs. Luckily, there are treatments that help people to neutralize addiction's powerful disruptive effects and regain control of their lives. Study shows that combining addiction treatment medications, when suitable, with behavioral therapy is the best way to ensure success for most patients. Treatment approaches that are custom–made to each patient's drug abuse patterns and any concurrent medical, psychiatric, and social problems can help achieve sustained recovery and a life without drugs. The alcohol abuse definition is similar Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Substance Abuse Recovery Despite the higher cost, a high–end substance abuse treatment center does not constitute better treatment. The support of therapists, counselors, family, friends, and peers can all be important factors in the recovery process. The most significant factor for an individual in the recovery process is a desire and a willingness to change. Many options exist for individuals that want to recover from addiction. These options include substance abuse rehabilitation centers and support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous and SMART Recovery. These programs all have the same goal but use different techniques that at times even contradict other programs. Although the approach of the programs may vary, they have all been proven to work for more content... Many reformed addicts also believe they are no longer in recovery from addiction and they simply just quit. The beliefs of the twelve–step program may not appeal to everyone but the key to the program is recognizing a problem and taking the steps to correct it. SMART Recovery (Self–Management and Recovery Training) is a nonprofit support group that was founded in 1994 (cite). Whereas the twelve–step program views addiction as a disease, SMART Recovery takes the cognitive approach that addiction is a behavior that has been learned (cite). The twelve–step program and SMART Recovery also contradict each other on how long an individual must be in recovery. Because SMART Recovery views addiction as a learned behavior, the program teaches that the same behavior can be unlearned. Once the behavior has been unlearned an individual may graduate the program and no longer needs to attend support group meetings. SMART Recovery focuses its treatment on what it calls the Four–Point Program: Enhancing and Maintaining Motivation, Coping with Urges, Problem Solving, and Lifestyle Balance (cite). The scientific approach used by SMART Recovery can be very appealing to those that may not feel comfortable with the twelve–step model. SMART Recovery has become successful because it focuses on the initial desire of changing the behavior and teaches ways of following through to recovery. The most intensive type of substance abuse treatment is through in–patient rehabilitation centers. Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Adolescent Substance Abuse Running Header: Substance Abuse Adolescent Substance Abuse Dana Sweitzer Liberty University Abstract Adolescent substance abuse is a major problem in society. There are many risk factors that can contribute to adolescent substance abuse. One of the main risk factors is peer pressure. When adolescents start at a young age there is an increase in health problems, addiction, and over all poor social outcomes. Parental influence has substantial effect on adolescents because the adolescent sees their parents and they learn by their example. Media plays a role in the use of drug and alcohol use among young people. Many school systems have implemented programs that teach adolescents about the problems of substance abuse that is more content... Among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years, 9.8 % are estimated to be current users of illicit drugs, with 4.9 % using drugs other than marijuana. Nearly three quarters of students have started to drink alcohol and nearly half (47%) have tried using an illicit drug (not including alcohol or tobacco) by the senior year of high school." (Hassan, Harris, Sherritt, Van Hook, & Brooks, 2009) Media has a lot to do with adolescent substance abuse. Many times in advertisement, adolescents see people drinking alcohol and having a great time. Media spends over $25 billion dollars on advertisement yearly. Many celebrities are seen smoking or drinking alcohol in movies, TV, and on commercials. This makes adolescents think that drinking, smoking, and taking drugs are cool and will make them popular. Over 5000 deaths yearly are caused by alcohol consumption. (Strasburger, 2010) Parental and peer influence plays an important role in adolescent substance abuse. Peer pressure can influence each adolescent either indirectly or directly. Peer pressure is the most frequently discussed risk factor. Peer substance abuse is the leading cause of adolescent substance abuse. Parental influence can be positive or negative. They can have a significant influence on adolescents. Parents can influence their kids Get more content on
  • 20. Drug Abuse And Deviant Behavior Essay Introduction There are many things that can lead up to deviant behavior or activities. One may say that drug abuse can hinder towards deviant activities. According to NCADD," drugs are implicated in an estimated 80% of offenses leading to incarceration in the United States" (Wilcox, 2017). This statics is high number that shows our nation that drugs are huge influence on crime in today's society. How is it seen? In today's society drugs are now easy access for people to get their hands. Due to the fact that they easily able to access, this gives young youth a chance of a lifestyle that they should be taken part in. A scenario in the text book, about a young girl name Sue had easy access to drugs and alcohol leads to a lifestyle that she would later on regret. It is said that young juvenile starts have drug use as early at the age of twelve. Sue was seventeen when she first started using drugs. Another thing that has been contributing to this behavior is legalizing marijuana. In the recent election this prop was making headlines through the nation. With this prop being approve this could give even more access for people to retrieve. Marijuana is first step towards even more dangerous drugs. In the case study, Sue use marijuana and it escalated to more serious and risky drugs. Drug more content... There is a percent of people who don't have an opinion on people who do drugs and criminal activities. They believe they chose that life and it's their life to live. Also they believe if the drug abuse is not affect their life's then they are not bother by it. This may work for some people but there are other people who are invested in the life before the drug user chose this deviant behavior. In the case study sue felt like everyone was judging her choice but she had to do so she survive in this world because lack of support from her Get more content on