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International Semantic Web Conference 2014 
Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy
1 2 3 
1 8* 8* 2* 
2 9* ? 1* 
3 9* 8* 1* 
1 2 3 
1 8* 8* 2* 
2 9* 8* 1* 
Induce 3 9* 8* 1* 
Model and 
Predicting Ratings 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
Latent Factor Models: Factor Consistency Problem 
1 … f 
1 2 3 
1 8* 8* 3* 
2 9* ? 1* 
3 9* 8* 1* 
1 2 3 
F = #factors (a priori) 
• Cannot ‘accurately’ align latent factors 
• Cannot tell how users’ taste have evolved 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
Solution: Semantic Categories 
1 … c 
1 2 3 
1 8* 8* 3* 
2 9* ? 1* 
3 9* 8* 1* 
Preference for 
category c at 
time s 
√" √" 
S3e manticSVD++: Incorporating Semantic Taste Evolution for Predicting Ratings. M Rowe. In the proceedings of 
the International Conference on Web Intelligence 2014. Warsaw, Poland. (2014) 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
Problem: Cold-Start Categories
Cold-start Categories 
9* 8* ? 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
¨ Dataset + URI Alignment 
¨ Quantification: Cold-Start Categories Problem 
¨ Transferring Semantic Categories 
¨ User Profiling 
¤ Tracking Taste Evolution 
¨ SemanticSVD++ 
¤ Incorporating Transferred Categories 
¨ Evaluation 
¨ Conclusions
?category). If the year of the movie item appears within a mapped category 
(?category) then we identified the given semantic URI as denoting the item. 
This disambiguation was needed here as multiple films can share the same ti-tle 
Dataset: MovieTweetings + URI Alignment 
(i.e. film remakes). This approach achieved coverage (i.e. proportion of items 
mapped) of 69%: this reduced coverage is explained by the recency of the movies 
being reviewed and "the I rated Aliens title/lack tt0133093/ of coverage 8/10 http://#IMDb"this 
on DBPedia at present. Table 1 
presents the statistics of the dataset following URI alignment. 
explicit factors. The web of linked data provided a resource 
for such information, where movies appear within the linked 
data cloud as Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) which, upon 
dereferencing, return information about the movie: director, 
year of release, actors, and the semantic categories in which 
the film has been placed. For instance, for the movie ‘Alien’ 
released in 1979, which we shall now use as a running 
example, the following categories are found: 
<h t t p : / / dbpedia . org / r e sour c e / Al iens ( fi lm)> 
From this point on we use the following notations to aid comprehension: u, v 
denote users, i, j denote SPARQL 
items, r denotes a known rating value (where r [1, 10]), 
r ˆdenotes a predicted Query for 
Get Semantic 
2 Candidate 
rating value, Categories c denotes of 
a semantic Disambiguate 
based on 
category that an item 
has been mapped to, URIs and from 
cats(i) is candidate 
a each 
convenience Movie’s function Year 
that returns the set 
of semantic categories Movie’s of title 
item i. 
dcterms : s u b j e c t c a t egory : Al ien ( f ranchi se ) f i l m s ; 
dcterms : s u b j e c t c a t egory :1986 hor r o r f i lms . 
In this work we use DBPedia URIs, given their relation 
to semantic (SKOS) categories. In order to provide such 
information, however, we require a link between a given item 
within one of our recommendation datasets and the URI that 
denotes that movie item, prompting the question: How can 
items be aligned to their semantic web URIs? Our method for 
semantic URI alignment functioned as follows: first, we used 
who: and and that in the work The information evolved limited following the large approach the ratings items obscure Table 1. Statistics of the MovieTweetings dataset with the reduction from the original 
dataset shown in parentheses. 
#Users #Items #Ratings Ratings Period 
14,749 (-22.5%) 7,913 (-30.8%) 86,779 (-25.9%) [28-03-2013,23-09-2013] 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ 
Training (first 80%), Validation (next 10%), Testing (final 10%)
Quantification: Cold-Start Categories Problem 
● ●●● 
μ=99 ● 
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 
#Unreviewed Categories 
100 101 102 103 
●●●●●●●●●●●● ● 
0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 Test 
#Unreviewed Categories 
100 101 102 103 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
Transferring Semantic Categories: Vertex Kernels 
dbpedia:_1! dbpedia:_2! dbpedia:_3! …! dbpedia:_n! 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ 
Arbitrary predicate
Now, let C be the set of categories that a given user has rated previously, 
mapping function : 
Definition 2 (Vertex Kernel). Given graph vertices u and v from a linked 
data graph G0, we define a vertex kernel (k) as a surjective function that maps 
the product of two vertices’ attribute vectors into a real valued space, where (u) 
is a convenience function that returns kernel-specific attributes to be used by the 
function (i.e. an n-dimensional attribute vector of node u: (u) 2 Rn). Hence: 
and D be the set of categories that a given item has been mapped to, then we 
define the Category Transfer function as follows: 
k : V ⇥ V ! R (2) 
k((u), (v))7−! x Triple-Object Vectors of 
Given this formulation, we can vary the kernel function (k(., .)) to measure 
the similarity between arbitrary categories based on the topology k(φ(c2), φ(of c4))the ! 
data graph that surrounds them. All the kernels considered in c2this ! paper c4! 
over two nodes’ feature vectors. Therefore, to derive the feature vector for a given 
category node (c), we include information about the objects that c is linked to 
within the linked data graph. Let c ?p ?o define a triple where c appears 
within the subject position. We can then populate a vector (x) based on the 
object concepts that c links to over 1-hop: 1 2 Rn - where n denotes the 
dimensionality of the vector space. This can also be extended to n hops away 
from c by traversing edges away from c and collecting the objects within the 
traversed triples. Each element in the vector is weighted by the out-degree of 
Category Transfer Function 
f(C,D) = {argmax 
c, d 
: d 2 D} (1) 
The codomain of the Category Transfer function is therefore a subset of the 
set of categories that the user has rated beforehand (i.e. C0 ⇢ C). In the above 
Vertex Kernel 
Rated Categories 
Categories of the Item 
10 Vary k(.,.): Cosine, Dice, Squared Euclidean, JS-Divergence 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
User Profiling with Semantic Categories 
Split user’s 
training ratings 
into 5-stages 
Derive the user’s 
average rating 
per semantic 
Calculate the 
probability of 
the user rating 
the category 
For each stage… 
and how their tastes have evolved, at this 
time. From this point onwards we reserve 
characters for set notations, as follows: 
users, and i, j denote items. 
known rating value (where r 2 [1, 5] or 
ˆr denotes a predicted rating value. 
provided as quadruples of the form 
where t denotes the time of the rating, 
segmented into training (Dtrain), validation 
test (Dtest) sets by the above mentioned 
semantic category that an item has been 
cats(i) is a convenience function that 
of semantic categories of item i. 
profiles describe the preferences that a user 
time for given semantic categories. 
understanding how a profile at one point 
profile at an earlier point in time, 
taste evolution has taken place. In 
McAuley and Leskovec [5] the assessment of 
in the context 11 
of review platforms (e.g. 
Review) demonstrated the propensity 
based on their own ‘personal clock’. This 
to segment a user’s lifetime (i.e. time 
From these definitions we then derived the discrete prob-ability 
distribution of the user rating the category favourably 
as follows, defining the set Cu,s 
train as containing all unique 
categories of items rated by u in stage s: 
train) = 
train) X 
train ) 
When implementing this approach, we only consider the 
categories that item URIs are directly mapped to; that is, 
only those categories that are connected to the URI by the 
dbterms:subject predicate. Prior work by Ostuni et al. 
[8] performed a mapping where grandparent categories were 
mapped to URIs, however we chose the parent categories in 
this instance to open up the possibility of other mappings in 
the future - i.e. via linked data node vertex kernels. 
B. User Taste Evolution: From Prior Taste Profiles 
1 2 
We now turn to looking at the evolution of users’ tastes 
over time in order to understand how their preferences change. 
Given our use of probability distributions to model the lifecycle 
stage specific taste profile of each user, we can apply infor-mation 
theoretic measures based on information entropy. One 
such measure is conditional entropy, it enables one to assess 
the information needed to describe the taste profile of a user 
at one time step (Q) using his taste profile from the previous 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
Taste Evolution over Rated Categories 
0.275 0.280 0.285 0.290 
Lifecycle Stages 
Conditional Entropy 
1 2 3 4 5 
Users diverge from prior tastes 
0.112 0.114 0.116 
Lifecycle Stages 
Transfer Entropy 
● ● 
1 2 3 4 5 
Users are not influenced by global 
tastes (increase) 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
stages (e.g. 
95% con-fidence 
Putting it all together: SemanticSVD++! 
stage s. 
describes the 
current stage 
previous stage 
categories at the 
entropy of 
conditional prob-ability 
Fig. 3. Transfer entropy between consecutive lifecycle stages (e.g. 
H(P2|P3)) across the datasets, together with the bounds of the 95% con-fidence 
interval for the derived means. 
Modified version of SVD++ with: 
• User taste evolution captured in semantic category biases 
• Semantic personalisation component 
named SemanticSV D++, an extension of Koren et al.’s ear-lier 
SV D++ model [2]. The predictive function of the model 
is shown in full in Eq. 8, we now explain each component in 
greater detail. 
ˆrui = 
μ + bi + bu + 
Category Biases z }| { 
↵ibi,cats(i) + ↵ubu,cats(i) 
Personalisation Component z }| { 
pu + |R(u)|−12 
+ |cats(R(u))|−12 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ 
A. Static Biases 
SV D++ model [2]. The predictive function of the model 
shown in full in Eq. 8, we now explain each component in 
greater detail. 
such signals on a per-user basis by assessing the change in 
transfer entropy for each user over time and modelling this as a 
global influence factor u. We derive this as follows, based on 
measuring the proportional change in transfer entropy starting 
from lifecycle period k that produced a monotonic increase or 
decrease in transfer entropy: 
Transferring Categories using Vertex Kernels 
ˆrui = 
μ + bi + bu + 
Category Biases z }| { 
↵ibi,cats(i) + ↵ubu,cats(i) 
General Category 
u = 
4 − k 
Q!P − Ts|s−1 
z i 
|Personalisation }| Component Ts|s−1 
z Prior s=Rated k 
}| Categories Q!P 
qpu + |R(u)|−12X 
By combining the average change rate (uc 
|C  cats(i)| 
highly rating a given category c2{cats(c with i)C} 
the global influence factor 
(u), we then derived j2R(the conditional u) 
probability of a user 
rating a given category highly as follows, where Pu 
bu,cats(i) = 
1 − !k 
) of the user 
Transferred Categories z }| { 
Vertex Kernel (k) 
can be varied 
+ |cats(R(u))|−12 
Pr(+|c, u) 
|fk(C, cats(i)/C)| 
the taste profile of the user observed c2fk(for C,D) 
the final lifecycle 
stage (5): 
5 denotes 
Pr(+|c, u) 
User Biases to 
Static Biases 
The static 14 
biases include the general bias of the given 
dataset (μ), which is the mean rating score across all ratings 
within the training segment; the item bias (bi), and the user bias 
Here we have !k-weighted the influence of the transferred categories on the 
bias in order Pr(+|assess the e↵ects of the transferred categories on recommendation 
accuracy. In essence, c, u) != 
k forms one of our hyperparameters that we optimise 
when tuning the model over the validation set for a given vertex kernel (k). As 
!k 2 [0, 1] we can assess its e↵ect: a larger !k places more emphasis on known 
information, while a lower !k places more emphasis on transferred categories by 
the given kernel (k). As the category biases are, in essence, static features we 
included two weights, one for each category bias, defined as ↵i and ↵u for the 
item biases to categories and the user biases to categories respectively - these 
weights are then learnt during the training phase of inducing the model. 
Prior Rating z }| { 
5 (c) + 
Change Rate z }| { 
c Pu 
5 (c) + 
uQ5(c) (14) 
hyperparameter D. Model To learn (item and vectors) function, fitting using min 
b⇤,↵⇤,p⇤,To learn (SGD) the order through Average change in Transfer 
Entropy of the User 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ 
β controls the 
transfer of 
category ratings
¨ Aim: Predict users’ ratings of items 
¤ Minimise the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) 
1. How does a semantic model perform 
against existing MF-based approaches? 
2. Does transferring categories actually 
reduce error? 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
Experimental Setup 
¨ Tested four models (trained using Stochastic Gradient 
¤ SVD and SVD++ (baselines) 
¤ SB-SVD++: SVD++ with Semantic Category Biases 
¤ S-SVD++ (SB-SVD++ with personalisation component) 
¨ Tuned hyperparameters over the validation split: 
¤ All models: Learning rate, regularisation weight, #factors 
¤ Semantic Models: transfer parameter β 
¨ Model testing: 
¤ Trained models using both training+validation splits 
¤ Applied to held-out final 10% of reviews 
¨ Evaluation measure: Root Mean Square Error 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
that the user has previously rated, rather than transferring in ratings to cover 
the unreviewed categories. We find varying levels across the other kernels where, 
aside from the JS-Divergence kernel, the optimised k places more emphasis on 
using rated semantic categories that the item is aligned to. 
Results: Ratings Prediction Error 
Table 4. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) results with each model’s best kernel is 
highlighted in bold with the p-value of the Mann-Whitney with the baseline marked. 
Model Kernel Tuned Parameters RMSE 
SVD -  = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.1, f = 50 1.786 
SVD++ -  = 0.01, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 100 1.591 
SBSVD++ -  = 105, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 100 1.590* 
Cosine  = 105, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.9 1.588*** 
Dice  = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.7 1.589** 
Squared-Euclidean  = 105, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.6 1.589** 
JS-Divergence  = 0.01, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 50, $k = 0.3 1.590* 
SSVD++ -  = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20 1.590* 
Cosine  = 0.01, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 5, $k = 0.8 1.588*** 
Dice  = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.9 1.590* 
Squared-Euclidean  = 0.05, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 5, $k = 0.7 1.590* 
JS-Divergence  = 104, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 10, $k = 0.8 1.589** 
Significance codes: p-value  0.001 *** 0.01 ** 0.05 * 0.1 . 
Tuned β gives preference of known rated categories over transferred ones 
7 N.b. all tested models significantly outperformed SV D at p  0.001, so we do not 
report the di↵erent p-values here. 
Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
¨ Users’ taste evolution can be tracked with semantic 
¨ Vertex kernels overcome the cold-start categories 
¨ Significant reduction in error: 
¤ Over baselines + When transferring semantic 
¨ Future Work: 
1. Vertex kernels based on linked data graph traversals 
2. Ranked-loss objectives (i.e. top-k models)
@mrowebot |

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Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++

  • 2. 1 2 3 1 8* 8* 2* 2 9* ? 1* 3 9* 8* 1* 1 2 3 1 8* 8* 2* 2 9* 8* 1* Induce 3 9* 8* 1* Model and Predict Ratings Predicting Ratings 1 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 3. Latent Factor Models: Factor Consistency Problem 1 … f 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 8* 8* 3* 2 9* ? 1* 3 9* 8* 1* 1 2 3 1 … f ≈ F = #factors (a priori) Time ? ? ? ? • Cannot ‘accurately’ align latent factors • Cannot tell how users’ taste have evolved 2 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 4. Solution: Semantic Categories i <URI> {<SKOS_CATEGORY>} 1 … c 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 8* 8* 3* 2 9* ? 1* 3 9* 8* 1* ≈ Preference for category c at time s √" √" Time S3e manticSVD++: Incorporating Semantic Taste Evolution for Predicting Ratings. M Rowe. In the proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence 2014. Warsaw, Poland. (2014) Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 6. Cold-start Categories dbpedia:c4! dbpedia:c5! dbpedia:c1! dbpedia:c2! dbpedia:c3! dcterms:subject! 9* 8* ? Unrated Categories 5 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 7. Outline ¨ Dataset + URI Alignment ¨ Quantification: Cold-Start Categories Problem ¨ Transferring Semantic Categories ¨ User Profiling ¤ Tracking Taste Evolution ¨ SemanticSVD++ ¤ Incorporating Transferred Categories ¨ Evaluation ¨ Conclusions
  • 8. ?category). If the year of the movie item appears within a mapped category (?category) then we identified the given semantic URI as denoting the item. This disambiguation was needed here as multiple films can share the same ti-tle Dataset: MovieTweetings + URI Alignment (i.e. film remakes). This approach achieved coverage (i.e. proportion of items mapped) of 69%: this reduced coverage is explained by the recency of the movies being reviewed and "the I rated Aliens title/lack tt0133093/ of coverage 8/10 http://#IMDb"this ! on DBPedia at present. Table 1 presents the statistics of the dataset following URI alignment. explicit factors. The web of linked data provided a resource for such information, where movies appear within the linked data cloud as Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) which, upon dereferencing, return information about the movie: director, year of release, actors, and the semantic categories in which the film has been placed. For instance, for the movie ‘Alien’ released in 1979, which we shall now use as a running example, the following categories are found: <h t t p : / / dbpedia . org / r e sour c e / Al iens ( fi lm)> From this point on we use the following notations to aid comprehension: u, v denote users, i, j denote SPARQL items, r denotes a known rating value (where r [1, 10]), r ˆdenotes a predicted Query for Get Semantic 2 Candidate rating value, Categories c denotes of a semantic Disambiguate based on category that an item has been mapped to, URIs and from cats(i) is candidate a each convenience Movie’s function Year that returns the set of semantic categories Movie’s of title item i. dcterms : s u b j e c t c a t egory : Al ien ( f ranchi se ) f i l m s ; dcterms : s u b j e c t c a t egory :1986 hor r o r f i lms . In this work we use DBPedia URIs, given their relation to semantic (SKOS) categories. In order to provide such information, however, we require a link between a given item within one of our recommendation datasets and the URI that denotes that movie item, prompting the question: How can items be aligned to their semantic web URIs? Our method for semantic URI alignment functioned as follows: first, we used who: and and that in the work The information evolved limited following the large approach the ratings items obscure Table 1. Statistics of the MovieTweetings dataset with the reduction from the original dataset shown in parentheses. 7 #Users #Items #Ratings Ratings Period 14,749 (-22.5%) 7,913 (-30.8%) 86,779 (-25.9%) [28-03-2013,23-09-2013] Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ {(ItemID,<URI>)} Training (first 80%), Validation (next 10%), Testing (final 10%)
  • 9. Quantification: Cold-Start Categories Problem ● ● ● ●●● ● ●●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●●● ● ●● ● ● ● μ=99 ● ● ● ●●● ● ● ●●●●●● ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 Validation #Unreviewed Categories p(x) 100 101 102 103 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●● ●● ● μ=138 ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● ● ●●● ● ●●● ● ●● ●● ● ●● ● ● ● ●●●●●●● ● ●● ● ●●●●●●●●●●●● ● 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 Test #Unreviewed Categories p(x) 100 101 102 103 8 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 10. Transferring Semantic Categories: Vertex Kernels dbpedia:_1! dbpedia:_2! dbpedia:_3! …! dbpedia:_n! dbpedia:c1! dbpedia:c2! dbpedia:c3! dcterms:subject! 9 dbpedia:c4! dbpedia:c5! Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ Arbitrary predicate
  • 11. Now, let C be the set of categories that a given user has rated previously, mapping function : Definition 2 (Vertex Kernel). Given graph vertices u and v from a linked data graph G0, we define a vertex kernel (k) as a surjective function that maps the product of two vertices’ attribute vectors into a real valued space, where (u) is a convenience function that returns kernel-specific attributes to be used by the function (i.e. an n-dimensional attribute vector of node u: (u) 2 Rn). Hence: and D be the set of categories that a given item has been mapped to, then we define the Category Transfer function as follows: k : V ⇥ V ! R (2) k((u), (v))7−! x Triple-Object Vectors of (3) Categories Given this formulation, we can vary the kernel function (k(., .)) to measure the similarity between arbitrary categories based on the topology k(φ(c2), φ(of c4))the ! linked data graph that surrounds them. All the kernels considered in c2this ! paper c4! function over two nodes’ feature vectors. Therefore, to derive the feature vector for a given category node (c), we include information about the objects that c is linked to within the linked data graph. Let c ?p ?o define a triple where c appears within the subject position. We can then populate a vector (x) based on the object concepts that c links to over 1-hop: 1 2 Rn - where n denotes the dimensionality of the vector space. This can also be extended to n hops away from c by traversing edges away from c and collecting the objects within the traversed triples. Each element in the vector is weighted by the out-degree of Category Transfer Function f(C,D) = {argmax c2C k ! c, d : d 2 D} (1) The codomain of the Category Transfer function is therefore a subset of the set of categories that the user has rated beforehand (i.e. C0 ⇢ C). In the above dbpedia:c2! dbpedia:c4! dbpedia:_1! dbpedia:_2! dbpedia:_3! …! dbpedia:_n! 0 0.5 0.5 … 0 0 0 0.5 … 0.5 Vertex Kernel Function Rated Categories Categories of the Item 10 Vary k(.,.): Cosine, Dice, Squared Euclidean, JS-Divergence Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 12. User Profiling with Semantic Categories Split user’s training ratings into 5-stages Derive the user’s average rating per semantic category Calculate the probability of the user rating the category highly For each stage… s Pu and how their tastes have evolved, at this time. From this point onwards we reserve characters for set notations, as follows: users, and i, j denote items. known rating value (where r 2 [1, 5] or ˆr denotes a predicted rating value. provided as quadruples of the form where t denotes the time of the rating, segmented into training (Dtrain), validation test (Dtest) sets by the above mentioned semantic category that an item has been cats(i) is a convenience function that of semantic categories of item i. Profiles profiles describe the preferences that a user time for given semantic categories. understanding how a profile at one point profile at an earlier point in time, taste evolution has taken place. In McAuley and Leskovec [5] the assessment of in the context 11 of review platforms (e.g. Review) demonstrated the propensity based on their own ‘personal clock’. This to segment a user’s lifetime (i.e. time From these definitions we then derived the discrete prob-ability distribution of the user rating the category favourably as follows, defining the set Cu,s train as containing all unique categories of items rated by u in stage s: Pr(c|Du,s train) = avrating(Du,s,c train) X c02Cu,s train avrating(Du,s,c0 train ) (4) When implementing this approach, we only consider the categories that item URIs are directly mapped to; that is, only those categories that are connected to the URI by the dbterms:subject predicate. Prior work by Ostuni et al. [8] performed a mapping where grandparent categories were mapped to URIs, however we chose the parent categories in this instance to open up the possibility of other mappings in the future - i.e. via linked data node vertex kernels. B. User Taste Evolution: From Prior Taste Profiles 1 2 5 We now turn to looking at the evolution of users’ tastes … over time in order to understand how their preferences change. Given our use of probability distributions to model the lifecycle stage specific taste profile of each user, we can apply infor-mation Time theoretic measures based on information entropy. One such measure is conditional entropy, it enables one to assess the information needed to describe the taste profile of a user at one time step (Q) using his taste profile from the previous Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 13. Taste Evolution over Rated Categories 0.275 0.280 0.285 0.290 Lifecycle Stages Conditional Entropy ● ● ● ● 1 2 3 4 5 Users diverge from prior tastes (increase) 0.112 0.114 0.116 Lifecycle Stages Transfer Entropy ● ● ● ● 1 2 3 4 5 Users are not influenced by global tastes (increase) 12 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 14. stages (e.g. 95% con-fidence Putting it all together: SemanticSVD++! stage s. describes the current stage previous stage categories at the entropy of (6) calculate conditional prob-ability variables (7) Fig. 3. Transfer entropy between consecutive lifecycle stages (e.g. H(P2|P3)) across the datasets, together with the bounds of the 95% con-fidence interval for the derived means. Modified version of SVD++ with: • User taste evolution captured in semantic category biases • Semantic personalisation component named SemanticSV D++, an extension of Koren et al.’s ear-lier SV D++ model [2]. The predictive function of the model is shown in full in Eq. 8, we now explain each component in greater detail. ˆrui = zStatic}|Biases{ μ + bi + bu + Category Biases z }| { ↵ibi,cats(i) + ↵ubu,cats(i) + Personalisation Component z }| { q|i pu + |R(u)|−12 X j2R(u) yj + |cats(R(u))|−12 X c2cats(R(u)) zc ! (8) Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ A. Static Biases 13
  • 15. SV D++ model [2]. The predictive function of the model shown in full in Eq. 8, we now explain each component in greater detail. such signals on a per-user basis by assessing the change in transfer entropy for each user over time and modelling this as a global influence factor u. We derive this as follows, based on measuring the proportional change in transfer entropy starting from lifecycle period k that produced a monotonic increase or decrease in transfer entropy: Transferring Categories using Vertex Kernels ˆrui = zStatic}|Biases{ μ + bi + bu + Category Biases z }| { ↵ibi,cats(i) + ↵ubu,cats(i) General Category Biases + u = 1 4 − k X4 Ts+1|s Q!P − Ts|s−1 Q!P z i |Personalisation }| Component Ts|s−1 { z Prior s=Rated k }| Categories Q!P { qpu + |R(u)|−12X By combining the average change rate (uc |C cats(i)| X highly rating a given category c2{cats(c with i)C} the global influence factor (u), we then derived j2R(the conditional u) probability of a user rating a given category highly as follows, where Pu yj bu,cats(i) = ⇣ !k ⌘ 1 + ⇣ 1 − !k ⌘ ) of the user Transferred Categories z }| { Vertex Kernel (k) can be varied + |cats(R(u))|−12 X Pr(+|c, u) 1 |fk(C, cats(i)/C)| X the taste profile of the user observed c2fk(for C,D) the final lifecycle stage (5): c2cats(R(u)) 5 denotes Pr(+|c, u) zc ! User Biases to Categories (8) Static Biases The static 14 biases include the general bias of the given dataset (μ), which is the mean rating score across all ratings within the training segment; the item bias (bi), and the user bias (13) (16) Here we have !k-weighted the influence of the transferred categories on the bias in order Pr(+|assess the e↵ects of the transferred categories on recommendation accuracy. In essence, c, u) != k forms one of our hyperparameters that we optimise when tuning the model over the validation set for a given vertex kernel (k). As !k 2 [0, 1] we can assess its e↵ect: a larger !k places more emphasis on known information, while a lower !k places more emphasis on transferred categories by the given kernel (k). As the category biases are, in essence, static features we included two weights, one for each category bias, defined as ↵i and ↵u for the item biases to categories and the user biases to categories respectively - these weights are then learnt during the training phase of inducing the model. Prior Rating z }| { Pu 5 (c) + Change Rate z }| { !u c Pu 5 (c) + Glzobal}I|nflue{nce uQ5(c) (14) hyperparameter D. Model To learn (item and vectors) function, fitting using min b⇤,↵⇤,p⇤,To learn (SGD) the order through Average change in Transfer Entropy of the User Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++ β controls the transfer of category ratings
  • 16. Experiments ¨ Aim: Predict users’ ratings of items ¤ Minimise the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) 1. How does a semantic model perform against existing MF-based approaches? 2. Does transferring categories actually reduce error? 15 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 17. Experimental Setup ¨ Tested four models (trained using Stochastic Gradient Descent) ¤ SVD and SVD++ (baselines) ¤ SB-SVD++: SVD++ with Semantic Category Biases ¤ S-SVD++ (SB-SVD++ with personalisation component) ¨ Tuned hyperparameters over the validation split: ¤ All models: Learning rate, regularisation weight, #factors ¤ Semantic Models: transfer parameter β ¨ Model testing: ¤ Trained models using both training+validation splits ¤ Applied to held-out final 10% of reviews ¨ Evaluation measure: Root Mean Square Error 16 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 18. that the user has previously rated, rather than transferring in ratings to cover the unreviewed categories. We find varying levels across the other kernels where, aside from the JS-Divergence kernel, the optimised k places more emphasis on using rated semantic categories that the item is aligned to. Results: Ratings Prediction Error Table 4. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) results with each model’s best kernel is highlighted in bold with the p-value of the Mann-Whitney with the baseline marked. Model Kernel Tuned Parameters RMSE SVD - = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.1, f = 50 1.786 SVD++ - = 0.01, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 100 1.591 SBSVD++ - = 105, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 100 1.590* Cosine = 105, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.9 1.588*** Dice = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.7 1.589** Squared-Euclidean = 105, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.6 1.589** JS-Divergence = 0.01, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 50, $k = 0.3 1.590* SSVD++ - = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20 1.590* Cosine = 0.01, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 5, $k = 0.8 1.588*** Dice = 0.001, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 20, $k = 0.9 1.590* Squared-Euclidean = 0.05, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 5, $k = 0.7 1.590* JS-Divergence = 104, ⌘ = 0.05, f = 10, $k = 0.8 1.589** Significance codes: p-value 0.001 *** 0.01 ** 0.05 * 0.1 . Tuned β gives preference of known rated categories over transferred ones 7 N.b. all tested models significantly outperformed SV D at p 0.001, so we do not report the di↵erent p-values here. 17 Transferring Semantic Categories with Vertex Kernels: Recommendations with SemanticSVD++
  • 19. Conclusions ¨ Users’ taste evolution can be tracked with semantic categories ¨ Vertex kernels overcome the cold-start categories problem ¨ Significant reduction in error: ¤ Over baselines + When transferring semantic categories ¨ Future Work: 1. Vertex kernels based on linked data graph traversals 2. Ranked-loss objectives (i.e. top-k models)
  • 20. Questions? @mrowebot |