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Managing Online Communities

            Many businesses provide online communities to:
                 Increase customer loyalty
                 Raise brand awareness
                 Spread word-of-mouth
                 Facilitate idea generation
            Online communities incur significant investment in terms of:
                 Money spent on hosting and bandwidth
                 Time and effort for maintenance
            Community managers monitor community ‘health’ to:
               Ensure longevity

               Enable value generation

            However, the notion of ‘health’ is hard to pin down

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
The Need for Interpretation

            Online communities are dynamic behavioural ecosystems
                 Users in communities can be defined by their roles
                      i.e. Exhibiting similar collective behaviour
                 Prevalent behaviour can impact upon community members and health
            Management of communities is helped by:
               Understanding the relation between behaviour and health
                      How user behaviour changes are associated with health
                      Encouraging users to modify behaviour, in turn affecting health
                              e.g. content recommendation to specific users
                 Predicting health changes
                      Enables early decision making on community policy

            Can we accurately and effectively detect positive and negative changes in
             community health from its composition of behavioural roles?
What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions

            SAP Community Network
            Community Health Indicators
            Measuring Role Compositions:
                 Measuring user behaviour
                 Inferring behaviour roles
                 Mining behaviour roles
            Experiments:
                 Health Indicator Regression
                 Health Change Detection
            Findings and Conclusions

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
SAP Community Network

            Collection of SAP forums in which users discuss:
                 Software development
                 SAP Products
                 Usage of SAP tools
            Points system for awarding best answers
                 Enables development of user reputation

            Provided with a dataset covering 33 communities:
                 Spanning 2004 - 2011

                 95,200 threads

                 421,098 messages                            Post Count

                      78,690 were allocated points                        600

                 32,942 users
                                                                           0 200

                                                                              2004   2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
Community Health Indicators

            From the literature there is no single agreed measure of ‘community health’
                 Multi-faceted nature: loyalty, participation, activity, social capital
                 Different communities and platforms look at different indicators

            Indicator 1: Churn Rate (loyalty)
                 The proportion of users who participate in a community for the final time
            Indicator 2: User Count (participation)
                 The number of participating users in the community
            Indicator 3: Seeds-to-Non-Seeds Posts Proportion (activity)
                 The Proportion of seed posts (i.e. thread starters that receive a reply) to non-seeds (i.e. no
            Indicator 4: Clustering Coefficient (social capital)
                 The average of users’ clustering coefficients within the largest strongly connected

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
Measuring Role Compositions I:
        Modelling and Measuring User Behaviour

            According to existing literature, user behaviour can be defined using 6
                 (Hautz et al., 2010), (Nolker and Zhou, 2005), (Zhu et al., 2009), (Zhu et al.,
                 Focus Dispersion
                      Measure: Forum entropy of the user
                 Engagement
                      Measure: Out-degree proportioned by potential maximal out-degree
                 Popularity
                      Measure: In-degree proportioned by potential maximal in-degree
                 Contribution
                      Measure: Proportion of thread replies created by the user
                 Initiation
                      Measure: Proportion of threads that were initiated by the user
                 Content Quality
                      Measure: Average points per post awarded to the user

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
Measuring Role Compositions II:
        Inferring Roles

            1. Construct features for community users at a given time step
            2. Derive bins using equal frequency binning
                 Popularity-low cutoff = 0.5, Initiation-high cutoff = 0.4!
            3. Use skeleton rule base to construct rules using bin levels
                 Popularity = low, Initiation = high -> roleA!
                 Popularity < 0.5, Initiation > 0.4 -> roleA!
            4. Apply rules to infer user roles and community composition
            5. Repeat 1-4 for following time steps

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
e as a parameter k. To judge the best model - i.e. cluster
hod and number of clusters - we measure the cohesion and
aration of a given clustering as follows: For each clustering
 rithm (Ψ) we iteratively increase the number of clusters
                             Measuring Role Compositions III:
 to use where 2 ≥ k ≥ 30. At each increment of k we
 rd the silhouette coefficient produced by Ψ, this is defined
                             Mining Roles (Skeleton rule base compilation)
a given element (i) in a given cluster as:
                8                          bi − a i
                         si =                                                                         (3)
                                          max(ai , bi )
                                        1. Select the tuning segment
Where ai denotes the average distance to all other items
he same cluster and  i is given by calculating thebehaviour dimensions
                       b 2. Discover correlated average
ance with all other items inRemoved Engagement and and Fig. 2. kept Popularityfeature distributions in each of the 11 clusters.
                                  each other distinct cluster Contribution, Boxplots of the (Pearson r > 0.75, p < 0.01)
    taking the minimum distance. The value of s i ranges Feature distributions are matched against the feature levels derived from equal-
                                                                    frequency binning
ween −1 and 1 where the Clusterindicates a poor cluster- groups
                        3. former users into behavioural
                                                                                                       TABLE II
  where distinct items are grouped role labels for clusters
                        4. Derive
                                            together and the latter    M APPING OF CLUSTER DIMENSIONS TO LEVELS . T HE CLUSTERS ARE
 cates perfect cluster cohesion and separation. To derive             ORDERED FROM LOW PATTERNS TO HIGH PATTERNS TO AID LEGIBILITY.
  silhouette coefficient (s(Ψ(k)) for the entire clustering

                                                                                    Cluster Dispersion   Initiation Quality Popularity
                                                                                    1           L             L       L         L
 take the average silhouette coefficient of all items. We


                                                                                    0           L            M        H         L
                                                                                    6           L            H        M        M
   that the best clustering model and number of clusters to

                                                                                    10          L            H        M         H



                                                                                    4           L            H        H        M
  is K-means with 11 clusters. We found that for smaller                            2,5         M            H        L         H
                                                                                    8,9         M            H        H         H

 ter numbers (k = [3, 8]) each clustering algorithm achieves

                                                                                    7           H            H        L         H
                                                                                    3           H            H        H         H
  parable performance, however as we begin to increase the

 ter numbers K-means improves while the two remaining
                                         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                        •  1 - Focussed Novice
                                                                                    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                                                    decision node, we measure the entropy of the dimensions and

  rithms produce worse cohesion and separation.
                        •  2,5 - Mixed Novice

                        •  7 Distributed with                       their levels across the clusters, we then choose the dimension
 ) Deriving Role Labels: -Provided Novice the most cohesive

                        •  3 - Distributed Expert                   with the largest entropy. This is defined formally as:
  separated clustering•  of users we then derive role labels
                           8,9 - Mixed Expert



each cluster. Role label 0derivation first Participant inspecting
                        •  - Focussed Expert involves

                        •  - each cluster and
  dimension distribution4inFocussed Expert Initiator aligning the           H(dim) = −                 p(level|dim) log p(level|dim)   (4)

  ibution with a level • mapping (i.e. low, mid, high). This
                           6 - Knowledgeable Member                                           level

                        •  10 - Knowledgeable Sink

bles the conversion of Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
              What makes continuous dimension ranges into
                                         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9                        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
                                                 Cluster                                    Cluster

 rete values which our rule-based approach requires in the
 eton Rule Base. To perform this alignment we assess the
Experiment 1: Health Indicator Regression

            Managing online communities is helped by understanding the
             relation between behaviour and health

            Experimental Setup
                 Induced Linear Regression Models for each Health Indicator and
                      Using a time-series dataset
                      Dependent variables: 9 roles with composition proportions as values at a given time
                             E.g. @ t = k: Mixed Expert = 0.05, Distributed Novice = 0.51, etc.
                      Independent variable: health indicator (e.g. churn rate) at the same time point
                             E.g. @ t = k: Churn Rate= 0.21

                 PCA of each community health indicator model using the model’s coefficients
                      Look for a common health composition pattern

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
Experiment 1: Health Indicator Regression
                                  Churn Rate                                        User Count                                Seeds / Non−seeds Prop                         Clustering Coefficient

                                                                                                                                                                    50 100
                                    353                                                           353                                           264                                                256
                            419                                                                                                                                                              101

                                   161                                        419                                                                                                                   265
                                  412                                                             418
                                                                                                                                                                             419                 21056

                                                                                                                                                                                       50       413
                                                     50                                                                                                                                           412


                                 252 197
                                 226                                                                                                                                                        44 470



                             270210    44

                                   265                                                     264 126570
                                                                                                 412                                 50                                             197

                                 101                                                             319
                                                                                                 470                                                                                             418

                                  56   264                                                   1619798
                                                                                                  354                                      161 354
                                                                                                                               197             414                                          161
                                                                                                  256                                            470                                           264

                                                                                                                                                2 270   419

                                                                                                                                           265 56


                                  418                                                 50                                                  353418                                                   353

                           −200     200        600                     −800     −400          0           400                −400          0     200                         −600   −200        200
                                         PC1                                           PC1                                                PC1                                        PC1

            Common Health Composition Pattern
                   Churn Rate: Differences for Focussed Expert Participant & Mixed Expert, similarities for
                    Focussed Expert Initiators (decrease in role correlated with increase in churn rate)
                   User Count: Differences for Focussed Expert Initiators, commonalities for knowledgeable roles
                   Seeds-to-Non-Seeds: Similar effects for Focussed Expert Initiators and Participants, and
                    Distributed Experts (all decrease in role correlated with increased proportion)
                   Clustering Coefficient: no common patterns
            Idiosyncratic Health Composition Pattern
                   Divergence patterns between outlier communities
            No general pattern exists that describes the relation between roles and health
What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
Experiment 2: Health Change Detection

            Can we accurately and effectively detect positive and negative changes in
             community health from its composition of behavioural roles?

            Experimental Setup
                 Binary classification of indicator change
                 At t=k+1: predict increase or decrease in health indicator from t=k
                 Time-ordered dataset:
                      Features @ t=k+1: 9 roles with composition proportions as values
                      Class @ t=k+1: positive (if increase from t=k), negative (if decrease)
                      Divide dataset into 80/20 split maintaining time-ordering
                 Tested using a logistic regression classifier
                      Platform-level model
                      Community-specific model
                 Evaluated using Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and Area under the ROC
                  Curve (AUC)

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
find that for the 412 and 414 central forums we achieve
                                                                  poorer performance than the baseline for the User Count and
                                                                  Clustering Coefficient.
       Experiment 2: Health Change Detection                                                                             TABLE IV
                               P                                     ERFORMANCE OF DETECTING HEALTH CHANGES USING A LOGISTIC
       Results                                                    REGRESSION MODEL INDUCED : ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLATFORM (F IGUR
                                                                   IV( A )), PER - FORUM (F IGURE IV( B )) AND FOR SPECIFIC CENTRAL AND
 12                                                               OUTLIER FORUMS (F IGURE IV( C )). I N THIS LATTER CASE WE REPORT TH
                                                                        M ATTHEWS C ORRELATION C OEFFICIENT AND THE F1 SCORE .
           Per-forum models outperform platform                                                                        (a) Platform
            models for each health indicator                                              Class
                                                                                                                   MCC Prec Recall         F1
                                                                                                                   0.047 0.573 0.630 0.531 0.590

                   Demonstrates the need to assess and understand                        User Count               0.035 0.591 0.646 0.522 0.598
                                                                                          Seeds / Non-seeds        0.078 0.592 0.640 0.566 0.617
                    communities individually                                              Clustering Coefficient 0.077. 0.591 0.641 0.581 0.647
                   We also yield good performance for outlier                              Signif. codes: p-value < 0.001 *** 0.01 ** 0.05 * 0.1 . 1

                    communities                                                                                         (b) Per-forum
           ROC Curves surpass baseline for:                                              Class
                                                                                                                    MCC     Prec Recall
                                                                                                                  0.110** 0.618 0.634 0.619
                                                                                                                                             F1           AUC
                                                                                          User Count              0.175** 0.652 0.661 0.650               0.589
                   Churn rate: 20/25 forums                                              Seeds / Non-seeds        0.163* 0.637 0.657 0.639               0.589
                                                                                          Clustering Coefficient 0.089** 0.624 0.642 0.626                0.568
                   User Count: 20/25 forums                                                 Signif. codes: p-value < 0.001 *** 0.01 ** 0.05 * 0.1       .1
                   Seeds-to-Non-Seeds: 19/25 forums                                           (c) Forum Specific Results. MCC / F1
                   Clustering Coefficient: 17/25 forums                                                       Central                                               Outliers
                                                                   Class                        252              412               414                353              419             50
                          Churn Rate                 User Count    Churn        Seeds / Non−seeds 0.564
                                                                                           0.105 / Prop                Clustering Coefficient
                                                                                                            0.042 / 0.621 0.284 / 0.700         -0.076 / 0.543    0.173 / 0.633   0.092 / 0.58
                                                                   User Count              0.088 / 0.543    0.580 / 0.903 -0.106 / 0.701         0.279 / 0.648    0.299 / 0.667   0.343 / 0.69



                                                                   Seeds / Non-seeds       0.117 / 0.575    0.339 / 0.717 0.189 / 0.744          0.007 / 0.519    0.265 / 0.632   0.400 / 0.81



                                                                   Clustering Coefficient 0.057 / 0.536     -0.043 / 0.568 0.353 / 0.727         0.156 / 0.582     0.127 / 0.568   0.282 / 0.64






                                                               1) Results: Health Danger Detection: Thus far we have



                                                          assessed how well our detection models work in both class



                                                          settings (i.e. increase and 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 We now move to a



               0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0     0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0
                         FPR                     FPR      scenario in which we wish to FPR
                                                                             FPR                  detect health dangers, and in
What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions warnings to community managers of the
                                                          doing so provide
                                                          likely reduction in health of their communities. To do this
Findings and Conclusions

            No global composition pattern for the entirety of SCN
                 Identified key differences as to ‘What makes Communities tick’
                 Decrease in Focussed Experts correlated with an increase in Seeds-to-Non-Seeds
            (Marin et al., 2009) found a correlation between increase in Core Users and
             Network Cohesion
                 We found a correlation between an increase in Knowledgeable Sinks and Social Capital
            Accurate detection of community health change is possible using role composition
                 Significantly outperformed baseline models
                 Per-forum models outperformed platform-level models
            Future Work:
                 Explore co-dependencies between health indicators
                 Application of our approach over different communities and platforms
                      E.g. IBM Connections,

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions

         Web: |
         Twitter: @mattroweshow

What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions

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What makes communities tick? Community health analysis using role compositions

  • 2. Managing Online Communities 1   Many businesses provide online communities to:   Increase customer loyalty   Raise brand awareness   Spread word-of-mouth   Facilitate idea generation   Online communities incur significant investment in terms of:   Money spent on hosting and bandwidth   Time and effort for maintenance   Community managers monitor community ‘health’ to:   Ensure longevity   Enable value generation   However, the notion of ‘health’ is hard to pin down What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 3. The Need for Interpretation 2   Online communities are dynamic behavioural ecosystems   Users in communities can be defined by their roles   i.e. Exhibiting similar collective behaviour   Prevalent behaviour can impact upon community members and health   Management of communities is helped by:   Understanding the relation between behaviour and health   How user behaviour changes are associated with health   Encouraging users to modify behaviour, in turn affecting health   e.g. content recommendation to specific users   Predicting health changes   Enables early decision making on community policy   Can we accurately and effectively detect positive and negative changes in community health from its composition of behavioural roles? What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 4. Outline 3   SAP Community Network   Community Health Indicators   Measuring Role Compositions:   Measuring user behaviour   Inferring behaviour roles   Mining behaviour roles   Experiments:   Health Indicator Regression   Health Change Detection   Findings and Conclusions What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 5. SAP Community Network 4   Collection of SAP forums in which users discuss:   Software development   SAP Products   Usage of SAP tools   Points system for awarding best answers   Enables development of user reputation   Provided with a dataset covering 33 communities:   Spanning 2004 - 2011 1400   95,200 threads 1000   421,098 messages Post Count   78,690 were allocated points 600   32,942 users 0 200 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 6. Community Health Indicators 5   From the literature there is no single agreed measure of ‘community health’   Multi-faceted nature: loyalty, participation, activity, social capital   Different communities and platforms look at different indicators   Indicator 1: Churn Rate (loyalty)   The proportion of users who participate in a community for the final time   Indicator 2: User Count (participation)   The number of participating users in the community   Indicator 3: Seeds-to-Non-Seeds Posts Proportion (activity)   The Proportion of seed posts (i.e. thread starters that receive a reply) to non-seeds (i.e. no reply)   Indicator 4: Clustering Coefficient (social capital)   The average of users’ clustering coefficients within the largest strongly connected component What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 7. Measuring Role Compositions I: Modelling and Measuring User Behaviour 6   According to existing literature, user behaviour can be defined using 6 dimensions:   (Hautz et al., 2010), (Nolker and Zhou, 2005), (Zhu et al., 2009), (Zhu et al., 2011)   Focus Dispersion   Measure: Forum entropy of the user   Engagement   Measure: Out-degree proportioned by potential maximal out-degree   Popularity   Measure: In-degree proportioned by potential maximal in-degree   Contribution   Measure: Proportion of thread replies created by the user   Initiation   Measure: Proportion of threads that were initiated by the user   Content Quality   Measure: Average points per post awarded to the user What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 8. Measuring Role Compositions II: Inferring Roles 7   1. Construct features for community users at a given time step   2. Derive bins using equal frequency binning   Popularity-low cutoff = 0.5, Initiation-high cutoff = 0.4!   3. Use skeleton rule base to construct rules using bin levels   Popularity = low, Initiation = high -> roleA!   Popularity < 0.5, Initiation > 0.4 -> roleA!   4. Apply rules to infer user roles and community composition   5. Repeat 1-4 for following time steps What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 9. e as a parameter k. To judge the best model - i.e. cluster hod and number of clusters - we measure the cohesion and aration of a given clustering as follows: For each clustering rithm (Ψ) we iteratively increase the number of clusters Measuring Role Compositions III: to use where 2 ≥ k ≥ 30. At each increment of k we rd the silhouette coefficient produced by Ψ, this is defined Mining Roles (Skeleton rule base compilation) a given element (i) in a given cluster as: 8 bi − a i si = (3) max(ai , bi )   1. Select the tuning segment Where ai denotes the average distance to all other items he same cluster and  i is given by calculating thebehaviour dimensions b 2. Discover correlated average ance with all other items inRemoved Engagement and and Fig. 2. kept Popularityfeature distributions in each of the 11 clusters.   each other distinct cluster Contribution, Boxplots of the (Pearson r > 0.75, p < 0.01) taking the minimum distance. The value of s i ranges Feature distributions are matched against the feature levels derived from equal- frequency binning ween −1 and 1 where the Clusterindicates a poor cluster- groups   3. former users into behavioural TABLE II where distinct items are grouped role labels for clusters   4. Derive together and the latter M APPING OF CLUSTER DIMENSIONS TO LEVELS . T HE CLUSTERS ARE cates perfect cluster cohesion and separation. To derive ORDERED FROM LOW PATTERNS TO HIGH PATTERNS TO AID LEGIBILITY. silhouette coefficient (s(Ψ(k)) for the entire clustering 0.04 Cluster Dispersion Initiation Quality Popularity 1 L L L L take the average silhouette coefficient of all items. We 0.6 0.03 0 L M H L 6 L H M M that the best clustering model and number of clusters to Dispersion 10 L H M H 0.4 Initiation 0.02 4 L H H M is K-means with 11 clusters. We found that for smaller 2,5 M H L H 8,9 M H H H 0.2 ter numbers (k = [3, 8]) each clustering algorithm achieves 0.01 7 H H L H 3 H H H H parable performance, however as we begin to increase the 0.00 0.0 ter numbers K-means improves while the two remaining 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 •  1 - Focussed Novice 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cluster decision node, we measure the entropy of the dimensions and Cluster rithms produce worse cohesion and separation. •  2,5 - Mixed Novice 0.020 10 •  7 Distributed with their levels across the clusters, we then choose the dimension ) Deriving Role Labels: -Provided Novice the most cohesive 0.015 8 •  3 - Distributed Expert with the largest entropy. This is defined formally as: separated clustering•  of users we then derive role labels 8,9 - Mixed Expert 6 Popularity 0.010 Quality |levels| each cluster. Role label 0derivation first Participant inspecting •  - Focussed Expert involves 4 •  - each cluster and dimension distribution4inFocussed Expert Initiator aligning the H(dim) = − p(level|dim) log p(level|dim) (4) 0.005 2 ibution with a level • mapping (i.e. low, mid, high). This 6 - Knowledgeable Member level 0.000 •  10 - Knowledgeable Sink 0 bles the conversion of Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions What makes continuous dimension ranges into 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Cluster Cluster rete values which our rule-based approach requires in the eton Rule Base. To perform this alignment we assess the
  • 10. Experiment 1: Health Indicator Regression 9   Managing online communities is helped by understanding the relation between behaviour and health   Experimental Setup   Induced Linear Regression Models for each Health Indicator and Community   Using a time-series dataset   Dependent variables: 9 roles with composition proportions as values at a given time point   E.g. @ t = k: Mixed Expert = 0.05, Distributed Novice = 0.51, etc.   Independent variable: health indicator (e.g. churn rate) at the same time point   E.g. @ t = k: Churn Rate= 0.21   PCA of each community health indicator model using the model’s coefficients   Look for a common health composition pattern What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 11. Experiment 1: Health Indicator Regression Results 10 Churn Rate User Count Seeds / Non−seeds Prop Clustering Coefficient 50 100 300 353 353 264 256 419 101 100 200 161 419 265 412 418 419 21056 100 50 413 354 50 412 252 270 414 420 319 198 226 0 101 100 252 197 226 44 470 PC2 PC2 PC2 PC2 319 270210 44 0 414 420 198 470 354 256 265 264 126570 2 226 412 50 197 0 101 319 414 420 21056 470 418 −50 413 56 264 1619798 1413 252 354 161 354 413 197 414 161 256 470 264 210 198 420 319 4425256 0 226 2 270 419 44 101 412 −200 265 56 −100 −200 −150 418 50 353418 353 −200 200 600 −800 −400 0 400 −400 0 200 −600 −200 200 PC1 PC1 PC1 PC1   Common Health Composition Pattern   Churn Rate: Differences for Focussed Expert Participant & Mixed Expert, similarities for Focussed Expert Initiators (decrease in role correlated with increase in churn rate)   User Count: Differences for Focussed Expert Initiators, commonalities for knowledgeable roles   Seeds-to-Non-Seeds: Similar effects for Focussed Expert Initiators and Participants, and Distributed Experts (all decrease in role correlated with increased proportion)   Clustering Coefficient: no common patterns   Idiosyncratic Health Composition Pattern   Divergence patterns between outlier communities   No general pattern exists that describes the relation between roles and health What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 12. Experiment 2: Health Change Detection 11   Can we accurately and effectively detect positive and negative changes in community health from its composition of behavioural roles?   Experimental Setup   Binary classification of indicator change   At t=k+1: predict increase or decrease in health indicator from t=k   Time-ordered dataset:   Features @ t=k+1: 9 roles with composition proportions as values   Class @ t=k+1: positive (if increase from t=k), negative (if decrease)   Divide dataset into 80/20 split maintaining time-ordering   Tested using a logistic regression classifier   Platform-level model   Community-specific model   Evaluated using Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and Area under the ROC Curve (AUC) What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 13. find that for the 412 and 414 central forums we achieve poorer performance than the baseline for the User Count and Clustering Coefficient. Experiment 2: Health Change Detection TABLE IV P ERFORMANCE OF DETECTING HEALTH CHANGES USING A LOGISTIC Results REGRESSION MODEL INDUCED : ACROSS THE ENTIRE PLATFORM (F IGUR IV( A )), PER - FORUM (F IGURE IV( B )) AND FOR SPECIFIC CENTRAL AND 12 OUTLIER FORUMS (F IGURE IV( C )). I N THIS LATTER CASE WE REPORT TH M ATTHEWS C ORRELATION C OEFFICIENT AND THE F1 SCORE .   Per-forum models outperform platform (a) Platform models for each health indicator Class Churn MCC Prec Recall F1 0.047 0.573 0.630 0.531 0.590 AUC   Demonstrates the need to assess and understand User Count 0.035 0.591 0.646 0.522 0.598 Seeds / Non-seeds 0.078 0.592 0.640 0.566 0.617 communities individually Clustering Coefficient 0.077. 0.591 0.641 0.581 0.647   We also yield good performance for outlier Signif. codes: p-value < 0.001 *** 0.01 ** 0.05 * 0.1 . 1 communities (b) Per-forum   ROC Curves surpass baseline for: Class Churn MCC Prec Recall 0.110** 0.618 0.634 0.619 F1 AUC 0.569 User Count 0.175** 0.652 0.661 0.650 0.589   Churn rate: 20/25 forums Seeds / Non-seeds 0.163* 0.637 0.657 0.639 0.589 Clustering Coefficient 0.089** 0.624 0.642 0.626 0.568   User Count: 20/25 forums Signif. codes: p-value < 0.001 *** 0.01 ** 0.05 * 0.1 .1   Seeds-to-Non-Seeds: 19/25 forums (c) Forum Specific Results. MCC / F1   Clustering Coefficient: 17/25 forums Central Outliers Class 252 412 414 353 419 50 Churn Rate User Count Churn Seeds / Non−seeds 0.564 0.105 / Prop Clustering Coefficient 0.042 / 0.621 0.284 / 0.700 -0.076 / 0.543 0.173 / 0.633 0.092 / 0.58 User Count 0.088 / 0.543 0.580 / 0.903 -0.106 / 0.701 0.279 / 0.648 0.299 / 0.667 0.343 / 0.69 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Seeds / Non-seeds 0.117 / 0.575 0.339 / 0.717 0.189 / 0.744 0.007 / 0.519 0.265 / 0.632 0.400 / 0.81 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Clustering Coefficient 0.057 / 0.536 -0.043 / 0.568 0.353 / 0.727 0.156 / 0.582 0.127 / 0.568 0.282 / 0.64 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 TPR TPR TPR TPR 1) Results: Health Danger Detection: Thus far we have 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 assessed how well our detection models work in both class 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 settings (i.e. increase and 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 We now move to a decrease). 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 FPR FPR scenario in which we wish to FPR FPR detect health dangers, and in What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions warnings to community managers of the doing so provide likely reduction in health of their communities. To do this
  • 14. Findings and Conclusions 13   No global composition pattern for the entirety of SCN   Identified key differences as to ‘What makes Communities tick’   Decrease in Focussed Experts correlated with an increase in Seeds-to-Non-Seeds   (Marin et al., 2009) found a correlation between increase in Core Users and Network Cohesion   We found a correlation between an increase in Knowledgeable Sinks and Social Capital   Accurate detection of community health change is possible using role composition information   Significantly outperformed baseline models   Per-forum models outperformed platform-level models   Future Work:   Explore co-dependencies between health indicators   Application of our approach over different communities and platforms   E.g. IBM Connections, What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions
  • 15. 14 Questions? Web: | Email: Twitter: @mattroweshow What makes Communties Tick? Community Health Analysis using Role Compositions

Editor's Notes

  1. Assess three forums in the central cluster252 SAP Business One E-Commerce412
  2. For common health composition pattern:Assess three forums in the central cluster and differences in coefficients252 SAP Business One E-Commerce412 Business Planning414 Strategy ManagementDifferences show that no general pattern exists