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Long shot of the city of Rome, known for its religious and historical properties. The lighting used in this highlights the city shows its pureness and highlights it as either an important city or one that is used for religious purposes. Because of this it uses Enigma as to why this city is so important in the film.  The protagonist here is being illustrated as a darker character, almost like he is emerging from the darkness into the light as if he has done wrong. By having the building tower over him in a low tilt angle shot it shows him as if he is rising into the light and the building almost towers over him making him seen smaller and powerless against the light. Here we see the binary opposites of light and dark and how the protagonist here is being illustrated in a negative manner.
The protagonist here is being shown in a medium shot from over the shoulder as if the audience are being let in on a secret. The background surrounds him and his dark clothing as a symbol of death or as he says of sin, so here enigma is applied as the audience are left wondering what he has sinned for or what he has exactly done.  ‘Bless me father for I have sinned’ This shot is directly after and flashed to the next shot almost instantly, the most you get out of this shot is the sound of sharp blades which can be seen worn around his wrists. This shot is a medium shot from behind the back as if the use of his weapons is being hidden from whoever is in front of him, as if the blades are a secret and we’re being let in on it. The dark use of colours used show this as a dark deed and that death lingers in the air which ties in with the previous scene of him having previously sinned.
‘Van helsing you murderer’.  This scene shows the protagonist in a full long shot of his body dressed in black against the darkness of the night and shown through the moonlight. While the darkness around him can show him as being dark and deadly in the night, the moonlight that highlights his face symbolises him as being mysterious yet also can show him as being the ray of light in the darkness and that he is actually the good guy in the darkness around him. From what the words that are shouted at him the audience have the mental image already of the protagonist being a murderer and that is what he may have previously sinned for. Here we see the binary opposites of light and dark being used to show how he Is being portrayed as a evil character but on the other side he has goodness in him.
Why can’t you tell the world I work for you? From this medium shot we see a poster of the protagonist that looks like a wanted sign, which yet again can be argued that the protagonist must be some kind of killer of innocent humans until we hear the words ‘Why can’t I tell the world I work for you?’ which then along with the shot of the protagonist ripping away the wanted poster makes the audience wonder if he is killing out of his own will and questions the enigma of who he is working for and why he kills.
‘Because we do not exist’ In this shot we see a close up soft shadow of the protagonist in a confessionary with a priest dressed in red robes, a sign of danger and blood or death. With this shot and the diagetic words being spoken to him it shows the level of secrecy between the two characters and also the secrecy behind the actions the protagonist working for this holy figure. This is a very contrasting shot in the sense that we have now found out that he is killing for this holy priest and enigma is again applied to as why he is working for this priest and why he is killing what is believed to be innocent people. The use of light here is highlighted mainly on the priest to show the innocence of purity of his character and the darkness mainly around the protagonist as it shows the wrongness of his acts which shows binary opposites yet again.
‘My life, my job’ With the next three shots it edits to black screens every shot, this one showing the protagonist loading a gun in the darkness in a close up shot as this again shows the secrecy of his deadly acts and shows him wearing black leather gloves as it shows the death on his hands for what he is doing. The diagetic Words he speaks are ‘My life, My job’ before it edits to a black screen to the next shot but when he says ‘My job’ it adds enigma to the mix as it is leaving the audience wondering if the reason he is killing is due to the fact it is his job.  ‘My curse.. .’ This is a close up shot of the protagonist in half light, half-darkness, Binary opposites showing the two lives the protagonist leads and also from the diagetic words he speaks shows the ‘curse’ he is under and enigma is applied to what his curse is.
‘is to vanquish evil’ This is a close up shot of a werewolf which as the protagonist claims that he vanquishes evil, the point of enigma is now answered as to why he kills and what he kills and this shows the protagonist in a different light. Here we see the antagonist creature hidden between bushes and thick thorns to show it almost as a trap or as if the creature is ready to pounce from the depths of where it’s hiding.  This shot supports the previous scene in when we see the evil creatures that the protagonist has to face, in this case a werewolf and a vampire. While the werewolf was shown in a darker surroundings, this vampire, shown in a close up shot, is shown in a lighter surroundings which looks almost like lightning which is symbolised for being used in darker horror films. The vampire also appears to be wet from the rain which is the general atmosphere used is the horror genre when something bad is going to happen. From the general appearance of the creature the audience are instantly able to see this creature as being an antagonist by the use of glowing eyes and fangs that look ready to strike.
‘Go to Romania, a land of legendary creatures.’ This shot sets up the plot of the movie and also shows the equilibrium in the way that this creatures are what are disturbing the peace of the land. From this we are able to look at the creature in this medium shot as being something that is disturbing the peace by the use of the creature emerging from the darkness to show that it is either deadly or dangerous in terms of the film and the nature of the protagonists job.  This shot is directly after the one above and ties with the ‘legendary creatures’ that is spoken of in the diagetic sound. This medium low angle shot shows the dominance of the antagonist creatures against a possible victim, enigma here as to who she is, and also shows the higher status of the creatures against the victim as the creatures appear to be wearing jewelled and expensive looking clothing despite their demonic appearance. This again shows the equilibrium as these creatures appear to be disturbing the peace.
‘I see the worst man hasn’t killed you yet’ This long shot shows the protagonist emerging from a smoky, light background where we can only see the silhouette of the protagonist which gives an air of mystery towards him. Here we also see a highlighted shot of his gun in his hand which can imply that he is about to kill or is hunting a creature. This along with the two previous shots before implies that he is either hunting them or is going to kill them and that he is going to follow the chain of equilibrium to return the peace.
Lorded over by a certain count Dracula’  This is an extreme long shot of a dark castle which zooms out form its original position to give it a grander and larger scale image. The background matches with the rest of the film in the way that it’s dark and deadly looking so from this we can presume that whoever lives at the castle is evil in some way. From the diagetic music which says ‘Lorded over by a certain Count Dracula’ the word ‘Lorded’ shows some kind of dominant authority figure that must live there and that maybe this is the break in equilibrium and that at the plot of the story is to stop Dracula. While the other creatures mentioned so far in the trailer were only mentioned as being mythical creatures they weren’t mentioned by name such as Dracula has so this shows in some way that he must be the main antagonist and is the main hunted character. From this the audience are able to piece together parts of the story so while at the beginning of the trailer enigma was applied to certain aspects of the trailer, all the questions have now been answered.
This scene shows Dracula for the first time and while you expect him to be in a darker background such as the protagonist has, we see him here in middle shot of a candle lit ball room. The gold which surrounds the ball room symbolises him as being a wealthy and important figure in the film and while the hall around him appears to be pleasant and appealing, the guests appear to be all dressed in black which is symbiotic to evil and darkness and shows here that they must be evil characters or followers just as he is. What you can also see in the background is a shadow focus of the other characters on the hall but all lined up in single file looking towards the antagonist which shows a level of power that he has towards them and the authority he has over them to control them. This scene also ties in with the more Victorian theme of the film with the characters all wearing masks and expensive ball gowns all in black. The binary opposite here in the fact that the antagonist is wearing a black suit while the surroundings are all light coloured and his face is well lit as well which could imply that to his people who surround him he is almost seen as a God like figure to them.
‘It’s a place where nightmares come to life’ From here we see a long shot that zooms in from a low angle following the flying vampires.  From this shot we are able to see the dominance of the antagonists and the power they have over the community. This scene shows equilibrium to its full potential as it shows the disturbance of the peace and also makes the cowering villagers look small and weak compared to the swooning vampires who appear larger in the focus and are higher up compared to them. The snow that covers the ground and the surrounding houses shows the purity and innocence of the villagers and the peace they once had, while the binary opposite here id the vampires which swoon ahead and have a sense of evil against the purity of the villagers. This is the first scene where we see the equilibrium clearly and the audience are able to understand why the protagonist is asked to restore the village.
This medium shot is a slit second shot as the lightning that we can see highlighting the antagonist’s face also highlight’s his true form which flashes as fast as the lightning does so therefore has the ability to scare the audience when this appears suddenly in front of them. This shot shows the protagonist in his scariest form so we as the audience are able to see the creature that the priest previously spoke of and what the protagonist is potentially up against.  This shot shows the inside of Dracula’s lair, which here is shown from behind the two protagonists to show the extent of how big it is compared to them. The light’s they hold in their hands symbolise them to be the source of good against the darkness of the lair they are entering which shows the binary opposites of them against the evil they are about to face. While the male protagonist wears the symbiotic colour black to show is power and dominance in this shot, the female character appears to wear a red shirt which symbolises blood or possible danger towards this character which could symbolise danger to this character towards the audience.
This shot shows the first glimpse of the female protagonist. This medium shot highlights her in the sun so from this we are able to establish her as being a source of good against the evil around her. However as mentioned before she wears a red shirt which symbolises danger and blood towards her character so this could show that maybe later on in the film something bad may happen towards this character. This here shows a binary opposite towards the light background around her and the blood coloured shirt she is wearing.  How do I kill him?’ From the diagetic sound that is played over his scene we are able to establish that the cross that is being held in the protagonist’s hand is a form of killing the antagonist and as a holy symbol the audience are able to see this as a form of purity against evil. Here in this medium over the shoulder shot we can clearly see the light behind the protagonist as this highlight’s him as the holy figure against the antagonist who is gripping the cross tightly in his hand which we later see sizzles under this grasp. Here we see the binary opposites of good which is shown in the cross against the evil which is being shown in the antagonist and also the dark clothing both characters are wearing.
‘If I’m late, run like hell’ In this video we see a low angle close up shot of the protagonist with a gun held tightly to her head in the darkness with her face and gun highlighted as a sign of purity and innocence of the character. In the background we see a hand lowering from the ceiling which clearly the protagonist is unable to see. As the hand itself emerges from the darkness the audience are able to see this is some sort of antagonist and therefore causes a disturbance of the equilibrium where the protagonist is. The gun which is closely in focus shows the life line between the protagonist being saved and the antagonist above her so by having the gun in such clear sight it shows a type of importance to it.
This medium shot shows the light shining directly onto the protagonists face and also shows other signs of purity and innocence such as the snow that is being shown outside the window. However there is a diagetic sound of a clock ticking in the background of this shot which slowly grows faster to build suspense and then stops at the moment when something jumps through the window. By doing is it appears to be a normal scene and then the equilibrium is disturbed so the audience here are able to see exactly what that disturbance is but enigma is applied to what the creature is.
This shot occurs frequently in the trailer. This here is a medium shot of some titles zooming in with a white font which ties with the theme of snow in the film and contrasts with its binary opposite of the black background it appears to have an image of teeth or of some kind of face which could represent someone or something coming out of the shadows and also ties with the theme of vampires in the film so without even knowing it the audience are already being given to clues to what the creature is and what is disturbing the equilibrium.
This is an extreme long shot of a snow scene which gives the effect of the character being very isolated and alone which is the normal effect given in a horror film to show that the character has very little chance of escaping.  The character also appears to be holding a flashlight which shows the innocence of the character while the dark background surrounding him almost appears to be swallowing him whole and surroundings most of the picture as if he has very little chance of getting out and the binary opposite of the darkness is a lot more powerful compared to the purity of the white. This scene is mainly used to show the isolation between the outside world and the world around the character.
This close up shot of the protagonist eyes show fear and also a closed and confined space between the bad and the good. From the surrounding wood of the protagonist it shows the outside world where he is looking as darkness while the inside is clearly shown on the inside. Here enigma is applied to why the protagonist is hiding and also what the creatures how could be possibly attacking are.  This is a close up shot of a bloody stained set of nails that is scratching at a record player. To the audience would be appear to be a gross and rather disgusting sight and through the whole trailer we only see glimpses of the creatures but we don’t necessarily know what they are, so here this adds to not knowing exactly what the creature is or what it looks like. From the nails and also the blood that are splattered on them we can assume these creatures are out to kill and are what is causing the equilibrium.
This is a very quick shot of a medium shot of blood dripping down a slope of snow which shows a binary opposite of good versus evil. The snow shows purity and innocence while the blood (which here appears to be black due to the lightening conditions) shows a sign of death and danger and shows the equilibrium being disturbed and also enigma is applied to what has caused this and what has happened for blood to be dripping down a slope.
The Lost Boys-  This is the opening scene, a long shot, high tilt of a crowd of people at what appears to be a festival or some kind of group event. By having this shot in a high tilt it appears shows exactly how many people are in that area and also shows then at a lower status, making them appear weaker compared to the camera which makes them appear to be weaker and more innocent. Because of this the audience wonder why they are appearing to be weaker and more vulnerable when there is such a big crowd of people.
This is a long shot that then zooms into a medium shot from a high angle tilt which makes the female character to be weak and helpless compared to the force which appears to be above her and clearly scaring her. Here we see the equilibrium being disturbed but enigma is applied to what exactly is causing this disturbance . The car surrounding the female character is red which shows already the signs of danger and death while the female character is stereotypically being portrayed as being weaker and innocent.
This is a shot that started from a close-up of the antagonist’s face and a continuity shot of him letting himself go from a train track and delving into a pit of white smoke from underneath him. From the way the character is dressed (all in black leather) it’s symbiotic representation is that this particular character is evil or has something to do with breaking the equilibrium and has he dives into a pit of white smoke which shows a binary opposite of the innocence compared to the colour white and the black clothing that he is wearing. However the white smoke also adds a air of mystery to whether he survives the fall or not and what exactly he is and what he has to do with the disturbance of the equilibrium.  The enigma is still applied here to what exactly he is and what he has to do with all the story and the disturbance of the equilibrium.
This is a medium shot of an antagonist character outside the window at night and he appears to be flying or doing something that he shouldn’t be doing as he then calls for his younger sibling who reacts in a innocent way of crossing his fingers into a cross. Because of the way the sibling reacts we can assume  that the antagonist outside the window is what is causing the equilibrium in some way and that he is some sort of satanic or devil like creature. As seen the lighting conditions used are very different. Showing binary opposites of the two characters as the antagonist is in a darker condition while the protagonist is in a more well lit room. Another feature is the use of the window pane in the main focus of the first shot where by doing this is shows how the antagonist is separated from the protagonist and how they are very different and lead separate lives.  The second shot shows the use of a religious symbol, the cross, which the audience are able to relate to being a sign of defeating evil and keeping themselves from it.
This is the first close up shot we see of the antagonist for what they are so this answers the question of enigma as to what they were and why at the beginning of the trailer him and his gang were hanging from the rails of a train track.  Here we are clearly able to see vampire fangs and yellow eyes which would enable the audience to see that the antagonist and also the others characters who were in his group are all vampires. In this shot we see the antagonist’s face almost rise from the darkness as this symbolises him being a creature of the night and also that this particular character is dark and evil. This face however is clearly highlighted by a white light so here we see binary opposites yet again which was previously used earlier when this character was hanging from the train track.

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Trailer presentation

  • 1. Long shot of the city of Rome, known for its religious and historical properties. The lighting used in this highlights the city shows its pureness and highlights it as either an important city or one that is used for religious purposes. Because of this it uses Enigma as to why this city is so important in the film. The protagonist here is being illustrated as a darker character, almost like he is emerging from the darkness into the light as if he has done wrong. By having the building tower over him in a low tilt angle shot it shows him as if he is rising into the light and the building almost towers over him making him seen smaller and powerless against the light. Here we see the binary opposites of light and dark and how the protagonist here is being illustrated in a negative manner.
  • 2. The protagonist here is being shown in a medium shot from over the shoulder as if the audience are being let in on a secret. The background surrounds him and his dark clothing as a symbol of death or as he says of sin, so here enigma is applied as the audience are left wondering what he has sinned for or what he has exactly done. ‘Bless me father for I have sinned’ This shot is directly after and flashed to the next shot almost instantly, the most you get out of this shot is the sound of sharp blades which can be seen worn around his wrists. This shot is a medium shot from behind the back as if the use of his weapons is being hidden from whoever is in front of him, as if the blades are a secret and we’re being let in on it. The dark use of colours used show this as a dark deed and that death lingers in the air which ties in with the previous scene of him having previously sinned.
  • 3. ‘Van helsing you murderer’. This scene shows the protagonist in a full long shot of his body dressed in black against the darkness of the night and shown through the moonlight. While the darkness around him can show him as being dark and deadly in the night, the moonlight that highlights his face symbolises him as being mysterious yet also can show him as being the ray of light in the darkness and that he is actually the good guy in the darkness around him. From what the words that are shouted at him the audience have the mental image already of the protagonist being a murderer and that is what he may have previously sinned for. Here we see the binary opposites of light and dark being used to show how he Is being portrayed as a evil character but on the other side he has goodness in him.
  • 4. Why can’t you tell the world I work for you? From this medium shot we see a poster of the protagonist that looks like a wanted sign, which yet again can be argued that the protagonist must be some kind of killer of innocent humans until we hear the words ‘Why can’t I tell the world I work for you?’ which then along with the shot of the protagonist ripping away the wanted poster makes the audience wonder if he is killing out of his own will and questions the enigma of who he is working for and why he kills.
  • 5. ‘Because we do not exist’ In this shot we see a close up soft shadow of the protagonist in a confessionary with a priest dressed in red robes, a sign of danger and blood or death. With this shot and the diagetic words being spoken to him it shows the level of secrecy between the two characters and also the secrecy behind the actions the protagonist working for this holy figure. This is a very contrasting shot in the sense that we have now found out that he is killing for this holy priest and enigma is again applied to as why he is working for this priest and why he is killing what is believed to be innocent people. The use of light here is highlighted mainly on the priest to show the innocence of purity of his character and the darkness mainly around the protagonist as it shows the wrongness of his acts which shows binary opposites yet again.
  • 6. ‘My life, my job’ With the next three shots it edits to black screens every shot, this one showing the protagonist loading a gun in the darkness in a close up shot as this again shows the secrecy of his deadly acts and shows him wearing black leather gloves as it shows the death on his hands for what he is doing. The diagetic Words he speaks are ‘My life, My job’ before it edits to a black screen to the next shot but when he says ‘My job’ it adds enigma to the mix as it is leaving the audience wondering if the reason he is killing is due to the fact it is his job. ‘My curse.. .’ This is a close up shot of the protagonist in half light, half-darkness, Binary opposites showing the two lives the protagonist leads and also from the diagetic words he speaks shows the ‘curse’ he is under and enigma is applied to what his curse is.
  • 7. ‘is to vanquish evil’ This is a close up shot of a werewolf which as the protagonist claims that he vanquishes evil, the point of enigma is now answered as to why he kills and what he kills and this shows the protagonist in a different light. Here we see the antagonist creature hidden between bushes and thick thorns to show it almost as a trap or as if the creature is ready to pounce from the depths of where it’s hiding. This shot supports the previous scene in when we see the evil creatures that the protagonist has to face, in this case a werewolf and a vampire. While the werewolf was shown in a darker surroundings, this vampire, shown in a close up shot, is shown in a lighter surroundings which looks almost like lightning which is symbolised for being used in darker horror films. The vampire also appears to be wet from the rain which is the general atmosphere used is the horror genre when something bad is going to happen. From the general appearance of the creature the audience are instantly able to see this creature as being an antagonist by the use of glowing eyes and fangs that look ready to strike.
  • 8. ‘Go to Romania, a land of legendary creatures.’ This shot sets up the plot of the movie and also shows the equilibrium in the way that this creatures are what are disturbing the peace of the land. From this we are able to look at the creature in this medium shot as being something that is disturbing the peace by the use of the creature emerging from the darkness to show that it is either deadly or dangerous in terms of the film and the nature of the protagonists job. This shot is directly after the one above and ties with the ‘legendary creatures’ that is spoken of in the diagetic sound. This medium low angle shot shows the dominance of the antagonist creatures against a possible victim, enigma here as to who she is, and also shows the higher status of the creatures against the victim as the creatures appear to be wearing jewelled and expensive looking clothing despite their demonic appearance. This again shows the equilibrium as these creatures appear to be disturbing the peace.
  • 9. ‘I see the worst man hasn’t killed you yet’ This long shot shows the protagonist emerging from a smoky, light background where we can only see the silhouette of the protagonist which gives an air of mystery towards him. Here we also see a highlighted shot of his gun in his hand which can imply that he is about to kill or is hunting a creature. This along with the two previous shots before implies that he is either hunting them or is going to kill them and that he is going to follow the chain of equilibrium to return the peace.
  • 10. Lorded over by a certain count Dracula’ This is an extreme long shot of a dark castle which zooms out form its original position to give it a grander and larger scale image. The background matches with the rest of the film in the way that it’s dark and deadly looking so from this we can presume that whoever lives at the castle is evil in some way. From the diagetic music which says ‘Lorded over by a certain Count Dracula’ the word ‘Lorded’ shows some kind of dominant authority figure that must live there and that maybe this is the break in equilibrium and that at the plot of the story is to stop Dracula. While the other creatures mentioned so far in the trailer were only mentioned as being mythical creatures they weren’t mentioned by name such as Dracula has so this shows in some way that he must be the main antagonist and is the main hunted character. From this the audience are able to piece together parts of the story so while at the beginning of the trailer enigma was applied to certain aspects of the trailer, all the questions have now been answered.
  • 11. This scene shows Dracula for the first time and while you expect him to be in a darker background such as the protagonist has, we see him here in middle shot of a candle lit ball room. The gold which surrounds the ball room symbolises him as being a wealthy and important figure in the film and while the hall around him appears to be pleasant and appealing, the guests appear to be all dressed in black which is symbiotic to evil and darkness and shows here that they must be evil characters or followers just as he is. What you can also see in the background is a shadow focus of the other characters on the hall but all lined up in single file looking towards the antagonist which shows a level of power that he has towards them and the authority he has over them to control them. This scene also ties in with the more Victorian theme of the film with the characters all wearing masks and expensive ball gowns all in black. The binary opposite here in the fact that the antagonist is wearing a black suit while the surroundings are all light coloured and his face is well lit as well which could imply that to his people who surround him he is almost seen as a God like figure to them.
  • 12. ‘It’s a place where nightmares come to life’ From here we see a long shot that zooms in from a low angle following the flying vampires. From this shot we are able to see the dominance of the antagonists and the power they have over the community. This scene shows equilibrium to its full potential as it shows the disturbance of the peace and also makes the cowering villagers look small and weak compared to the swooning vampires who appear larger in the focus and are higher up compared to them. The snow that covers the ground and the surrounding houses shows the purity and innocence of the villagers and the peace they once had, while the binary opposite here id the vampires which swoon ahead and have a sense of evil against the purity of the villagers. This is the first scene where we see the equilibrium clearly and the audience are able to understand why the protagonist is asked to restore the village.
  • 13. This medium shot is a slit second shot as the lightning that we can see highlighting the antagonist’s face also highlight’s his true form which flashes as fast as the lightning does so therefore has the ability to scare the audience when this appears suddenly in front of them. This shot shows the protagonist in his scariest form so we as the audience are able to see the creature that the priest previously spoke of and what the protagonist is potentially up against. This shot shows the inside of Dracula’s lair, which here is shown from behind the two protagonists to show the extent of how big it is compared to them. The light’s they hold in their hands symbolise them to be the source of good against the darkness of the lair they are entering which shows the binary opposites of them against the evil they are about to face. While the male protagonist wears the symbiotic colour black to show is power and dominance in this shot, the female character appears to wear a red shirt which symbolises blood or possible danger towards this character which could symbolise danger to this character towards the audience.
  • 14. This shot shows the first glimpse of the female protagonist. This medium shot highlights her in the sun so from this we are able to establish her as being a source of good against the evil around her. However as mentioned before she wears a red shirt which symbolises danger and blood towards her character so this could show that maybe later on in the film something bad may happen towards this character. This here shows a binary opposite towards the light background around her and the blood coloured shirt she is wearing. How do I kill him?’ From the diagetic sound that is played over his scene we are able to establish that the cross that is being held in the protagonist’s hand is a form of killing the antagonist and as a holy symbol the audience are able to see this as a form of purity against evil. Here in this medium over the shoulder shot we can clearly see the light behind the protagonist as this highlight’s him as the holy figure against the antagonist who is gripping the cross tightly in his hand which we later see sizzles under this grasp. Here we see the binary opposites of good which is shown in the cross against the evil which is being shown in the antagonist and also the dark clothing both characters are wearing.
  • 15. ‘If I’m late, run like hell’ In this video we see a low angle close up shot of the protagonist with a gun held tightly to her head in the darkness with her face and gun highlighted as a sign of purity and innocence of the character. In the background we see a hand lowering from the ceiling which clearly the protagonist is unable to see. As the hand itself emerges from the darkness the audience are able to see this is some sort of antagonist and therefore causes a disturbance of the equilibrium where the protagonist is. The gun which is closely in focus shows the life line between the protagonist being saved and the antagonist above her so by having the gun in such clear sight it shows a type of importance to it.
  • 16. This medium shot shows the light shining directly onto the protagonists face and also shows other signs of purity and innocence such as the snow that is being shown outside the window. However there is a diagetic sound of a clock ticking in the background of this shot which slowly grows faster to build suspense and then stops at the moment when something jumps through the window. By doing is it appears to be a normal scene and then the equilibrium is disturbed so the audience here are able to see exactly what that disturbance is but enigma is applied to what the creature is.
  • 17. This shot occurs frequently in the trailer. This here is a medium shot of some titles zooming in with a white font which ties with the theme of snow in the film and contrasts with its binary opposite of the black background it appears to have an image of teeth or of some kind of face which could represent someone or something coming out of the shadows and also ties with the theme of vampires in the film so without even knowing it the audience are already being given to clues to what the creature is and what is disturbing the equilibrium.
  • 18. This is an extreme long shot of a snow scene which gives the effect of the character being very isolated and alone which is the normal effect given in a horror film to show that the character has very little chance of escaping. The character also appears to be holding a flashlight which shows the innocence of the character while the dark background surrounding him almost appears to be swallowing him whole and surroundings most of the picture as if he has very little chance of getting out and the binary opposite of the darkness is a lot more powerful compared to the purity of the white. This scene is mainly used to show the isolation between the outside world and the world around the character.
  • 19. This close up shot of the protagonist eyes show fear and also a closed and confined space between the bad and the good. From the surrounding wood of the protagonist it shows the outside world where he is looking as darkness while the inside is clearly shown on the inside. Here enigma is applied to why the protagonist is hiding and also what the creatures how could be possibly attacking are. This is a close up shot of a bloody stained set of nails that is scratching at a record player. To the audience would be appear to be a gross and rather disgusting sight and through the whole trailer we only see glimpses of the creatures but we don’t necessarily know what they are, so here this adds to not knowing exactly what the creature is or what it looks like. From the nails and also the blood that are splattered on them we can assume these creatures are out to kill and are what is causing the equilibrium.
  • 20. This is a very quick shot of a medium shot of blood dripping down a slope of snow which shows a binary opposite of good versus evil. The snow shows purity and innocence while the blood (which here appears to be black due to the lightening conditions) shows a sign of death and danger and shows the equilibrium being disturbed and also enigma is applied to what has caused this and what has happened for blood to be dripping down a slope.
  • 21. The Lost Boys- This is the opening scene, a long shot, high tilt of a crowd of people at what appears to be a festival or some kind of group event. By having this shot in a high tilt it appears shows exactly how many people are in that area and also shows then at a lower status, making them appear weaker compared to the camera which makes them appear to be weaker and more innocent. Because of this the audience wonder why they are appearing to be weaker and more vulnerable when there is such a big crowd of people.
  • 22. This is a long shot that then zooms into a medium shot from a high angle tilt which makes the female character to be weak and helpless compared to the force which appears to be above her and clearly scaring her. Here we see the equilibrium being disturbed but enigma is applied to what exactly is causing this disturbance . The car surrounding the female character is red which shows already the signs of danger and death while the female character is stereotypically being portrayed as being weaker and innocent.
  • 23. This is a shot that started from a close-up of the antagonist’s face and a continuity shot of him letting himself go from a train track and delving into a pit of white smoke from underneath him. From the way the character is dressed (all in black leather) it’s symbiotic representation is that this particular character is evil or has something to do with breaking the equilibrium and has he dives into a pit of white smoke which shows a binary opposite of the innocence compared to the colour white and the black clothing that he is wearing. However the white smoke also adds a air of mystery to whether he survives the fall or not and what exactly he is and what he has to do with the disturbance of the equilibrium. The enigma is still applied here to what exactly he is and what he has to do with all the story and the disturbance of the equilibrium.
  • 24. This is a medium shot of an antagonist character outside the window at night and he appears to be flying or doing something that he shouldn’t be doing as he then calls for his younger sibling who reacts in a innocent way of crossing his fingers into a cross. Because of the way the sibling reacts we can assume that the antagonist outside the window is what is causing the equilibrium in some way and that he is some sort of satanic or devil like creature. As seen the lighting conditions used are very different. Showing binary opposites of the two characters as the antagonist is in a darker condition while the protagonist is in a more well lit room. Another feature is the use of the window pane in the main focus of the first shot where by doing this is shows how the antagonist is separated from the protagonist and how they are very different and lead separate lives. The second shot shows the use of a religious symbol, the cross, which the audience are able to relate to being a sign of defeating evil and keeping themselves from it.
  • 25. This is the first close up shot we see of the antagonist for what they are so this answers the question of enigma as to what they were and why at the beginning of the trailer him and his gang were hanging from the rails of a train track. Here we are clearly able to see vampire fangs and yellow eyes which would enable the audience to see that the antagonist and also the others characters who were in his group are all vampires. In this shot we see the antagonist’s face almost rise from the darkness as this symbolises him being a creature of the night and also that this particular character is dark and evil. This face however is clearly highlighted by a white light so here we see binary opposites yet again which was previously used earlier when this character was hanging from the train track.