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Tel: 519-576-2262                                                                                                       Fall 2012 Issue                                                                       If you would prefer an e-Newsletter                                                                                 email

       Tips and ideas for your business.
What Comes First, the
Chicken or the Egg?
The Effective Approach                                with a third party coach
                                                      and brand coach. Advisors
The Personal Coach team has had the opportunity
                                                      often try to get this client                            How to Hire
to work with hundreds of advisors. More often
than not, an advisor comes to us for help with        information                                             Exceptional
the development of TouchPoints (marketing             through online or                                       Employees for
                                                      mail out surveys.
materials) that they would like to implement as
                                                      Unfortunately,                                          Your Office
part of their practice (e.g. website, brochure,
                                                      these types of                                          The Personal Coach team is
newsletter, etc.). A common mistake we see with
                                                      communication                                           proud to announce that we
advisors is that they take a tactical approach with                                                           are publishing a booklet called
their TouchPoints without developing a strategic      methods don’t
                                                      capture the information that a brand coach needs        The Right Fit Process™ to
plan.                                                                                                         help financial advisors hire
                                                      to create your best brand. It’s imperative to hire
                                                                                                              right the first time. We know
                                                      a brand coach who knows the financial services          the costs involved if you hire
                                                      industry and knows the right questions to ask. If       the wrong person for the job.
                                                      you are talking to your clients directly, they might    This booklet will take you
                                                      not be as candid with you about your business           through the important steps
                                                      personality, so a brand coach is also necessary to      you need to follow in order to
                                                      capture accurate information.                           hire someone who fits in with
                                                                                                              your team.
                                                      The goal with branding is to create an emotional
                                                      connection with your clients which you will learn       If you would like to be one of the
                                                      how to do as you read on in this newsletter.            first to receive your copy of The
                                                      Once you have a brand that a) reflects the value        Right Fit Process™, please email us
                                                      you offer to clients, and b) creates an emotional       at
                                                      connection with prospects, you are now in a             for cost and delivery information.
Before a financial advisor recommends a product
                                                      position to build some TouchPoints.
to their clients they like to spend time with their                                                           Fun Team Building
client to build and plan their strategy. The same     TouchPoints that focus on the following are most        Ideas
thing should be done with an advisor’s marketing      popular amongst financial advisors:                     The secrets of a great
materials – plan first and create a strategy! You     i)	 Client Acquisition (e.g. website, brochure          team
and your brand coach should meet to develop a         	 outlining your process)                               A recent article in Harvard
brand that reflects your practice and then create a                                                           Business Review on “The
strategy to implement your plan. Once this is done    ii)	 Client Relationships (e.g. thank you cards,
                                                                                                              Secrets of Great Teams,”
it becomes apparent which TouchPoints will make       	stationery)                                            highlighted the importance of
the most sense for your business.                     iii)	Client Service (e.g. email signature, voicemail    teams socializing together. The
                                                      	message)                                               study suggested that even the
The key to successful branding is identifying your
                                                                                                              simple act of having employees
business personality and what makes you and your      You can download our MasterPoint Branding Program™      take their coffee break together
business different from everyone else. What is the    document at   increased productivity by 8%
value you offer to your clients and how can you       MasterPoint_2012_web.pdf or email us at confidence@     and up to 20% in some cases!
communicate this value to your prospects? The to speak with our branding coach.
best way to do this is through client interviews                                                              Continued on page 2
I recently attended a
                                                                                                           presentation by Million Dollar
                                                                                                           Round Table President,
                                                                                                           Jennifer Borislow, who has built
                                                                                                           a great team of 30 employees.
                                                                                                           Employees are offered perks
                                                                                                           such as an employee fitness
                                                                                                           centre, personal trainer, and
                                                                                                           team building activities which
                                                                                                           include golf tournaments,

                              Inspiring Hope                                                               BBQ’s, and charity events.

                                                         Once you have a compelling
                                                         brand story, it will give you ideas
                                                         for a slogan, elevator speech, a
                                                         logo, images, and much more.                      But how can you do team
                                                                                                           building activities with a small
The Secret Ingredient to a                              corner to guide you in the right direction and     team? There are lots of options
Powerful Brand                                          keep you on course.                                including: spa days, canoeing,
                                                                                                           bowling, laser tag, paint ball,
Many advisors are frustrated because they can’t         Once you have a compelling brand story, it will    cooking classes, paintable
attract the right type of prospects. What are they      give you ideas for a slogan, elevator speech, a    ceramics, golf or ski days, rock
doing wrong? In his book “Start with Why,”              logo, images, and much more. It will help you      climbing, ropes course, zip line
Simon Sinek explains that successful leaders and        determine what to put in your print material,      etc. Keep your team’s interests
                                                                                                           and abilities in mind. Do the
business owners tell clients and prospects why          website, thank-you cards, etc.                     activities during work hours so
they do what they do. That works because the            That way, your client will understand why you      employees with young families
“Why” speaks to the behaviour and decision-             do what you do.                                    can still attend, plan the events
making part of the brain, while explaining the                                                             together, include spouses if
“What” speaks to the rational part of the brain,                                                           your team is very small, and
and the “How” speaks to the feelings and loyalty                                                           take pictures to share with
part of the brain. To create an effective, powerful                                                        your clients. Most importantly,
                                                                                                           remain consistent and plan
brand it is important to communicate all of these                                                          events year round. The most
to your potential clients, but do it in reverse order                                                      successful teams do an event
for maximum impact.                                                                                        quarterly or semi-annually.
Look at something you love to do, a milestone           Assess your own marketing materials by:
you achieved, or an event that has impacted you.                                                           Create Your
Let’s say you run marathons. Determine why you          1.	 Booking off 20 minutes                         Marketing Plan
are passionate about running and how it reflects        2.	 Collecting all of your marketing materials     Only 20 Minutes a Day!
how you operate your practice. You might say            3.	 Spreading your marketing materials out and     You have heard it time and
marathon running gives me the patience and                  scanning what you have created over the        time again - if you want to be
determination to succeed. It helps me understand            past few years                                 successful you have to plan.
the importance of preparing and planning first. I                                                          Without a marketing plan
                                                        4.	 Asking, “Do all my marketing materials         you can’t begin to attract the
may run into unexpected obstacles like weather or           consistently communicate my compelling         right clients and your business
injury. I count on coaches and experts to help me           story and help others understand why I do      will be stagnant. Creating a
accomplish my goals.                                        what I do?”                                    marketing plan doesn’t have
Then, draw parallels to wealth management.                                                                 to be a daunting task. It can
                                                        If you would like a copy of our Creating Your      be done quite easily and when
Clients rely on you to help them plan for financial     Why Checklist, email us at confidence@             it’s most convenient for you
independence, but you may run into unexpected  (This article was originally   in your day-to-day schedule.
life changes and you need an expert in your             posted in                             Market Your Advisory Practice
                                                                                                           Continued on page 3

 tel: 519-576-2262                               
(MYAP) is a program that is
                                                                                                           based on 4 key pillars to create
                                                                                                           your marketing plan.
                                                                                                           i) Growing Relationships:
                                                                                                           The majority of your business
                                                                                                           is based upon existing clients,
                                                                                                           so focus on relationship
                                                                                                           building, cross-selling, client
                                                                                                           feedback, and providing
                                                                                                           outstanding service. Happy
                                                                                                           clients will want to introduce
                                                                                                           you to others.
                                                                                                           ii) Attracting New Clients:
                                                                                                           Start by defining your ideal
   Create a High Performing Team                                                                           clients so you can focus your
                                                                                                           marketing efforts on people
                                                                                                           like them. Create your
                                                                                                           introduction talk and once you
Tips for creating a positive work                    training strengthens the team overall, increases      perfect your message, share it
                                                     team flexibility, and improves client service and     with centres of influence and
environment                                          response time. It’s imperative that each team         other referral sources.
An effective support team can make all the           member understands the relevance of his/her
difference in an advisory practice. If               job and how it impacts the business. Knowing
someone’s in the wrong role, you can have an         the big picture promotes collaboration,
unproductive or unpleasant work environment.         increases commitment, and improves the
When this happens, you’ll likely find yourself       quality of work and client service.
micro-managing, hanging on to tasks you
should be delegating, and feeling like the staff
                                                     3. Effective Leadership and
is simply punching the clock.
                                                     	Common Goals
                                                     Provide effective leadership to ensure staff          iii) Increasing Name
In a positive work environment, people’s             collaborate, grow, and develop as the firm            Recognition: Share your
strengths are matched to their roles, and                                                                  message further through
                                                     evolves. A critical aspect of leadership is
everyone works toward common goals.                                                                        speaking engagements, trade
                                                     feedback. It must be received in time to make         associations, social media, and
This type of workplace leads to effective            corrections; otherwise, it feels like criticism.      your community. Branding is
communication and problem solving. To                Also, managers should provide feedback                also the key to attracting the
develop this type of environment, advisors           on both mistakes and successes. Effective             right clients.
need to create the right business structure and      leadership includes recognizing employees             iv) Communication: Have a
hire the right people. Yet, even though advisors     for their good performance. Effective teams           consistent process where you
have had a lot of financial training, they’ve        also have common goals that are simple,               are communicating to your
received little to no training on how to hire                                                              clients and prospects. Don’t
                                                     measurable, and relevant. Each goal must
staff or build a team.                                                                                     let them forget about you.
                                                     have key metrics that everyone on the team            Use your Client Relationship
We’ve worked with hundreds of advisors and           can track. These metrics should be used to            Management system to keep
their teams over the years, and found there are      determine team effectiveness and where                track of when you have
3 steps to creating a high-performance team:         improvements need to be made. If you follow           connected with clients and
                                                     these 3 steps, you’ll see your team transform         what the next action is (e.g.
1. A Hiring Process                                                                                        sending a monthly letter to
Define the business need first, then the role.       into a high-performing one. You’ll create an          clients and prospects to stay
Finally, find the right person to fit that need.     environment free from constant supervision,           connected).
Align team members’ tasks with their natural         fire-fighting, and micromanaging, and be able
                                                                                                           To learn more about how you can
strengths in mind.                                   to focus on serving your clients.                     get the MYAP software, email us at
2. Integration of Hires                              If you would like to speak to a coach, please email You
Integrate team members by creating an                us at or call us at    can also learn more about marketing
                                                                                                           to prospects and clients by reading
effective training, development, communication,      (519) 576-2262 (This article was originally posted
                                                                                                           Kim Poulin’s latest article,
and feedback process. To increase the team           in                                       Market Differently to Prospects and
member’s awareness of how their jobs are                                                                   Clients.
interdependent, cross-training is critical. Cross-

 tel: 519-576-2262                             
We’ve Raised                       TIME FOR AN ASSESSMENT!                                       Productivity Tip
                              the Bar                                                                                          Looking to increase your
                                                                 At The Personal Coach we take a one-on-one
                                                                                                                               productivity without increasing
                              Higher with a                      focused approach with our advisors, evaluating                your expenses? Create your
                                                                 11 different areas of an advisor’s business when              own “Business Dashboard”
                              New Coach!                         we do their assessment. By focusing on these key              using Excel.
                        Our team is pleased to                   areas we help you identify areas of concern and
                        welcome Jordan Rosenberg                 show you how to focus on improving and driving
                        to The Personal Coach.                   your business forward.
                        Jordan joined the                        Here are 2 areas out of the 11 areas we focus on:
 financial services industry in 1991 with a large
                                                                 Value Proposition
 fund company where he provided support to
                                                                 In this increasingly crowded marketplace, you,
 financial advisors. In 2004, he became a full                   as an advisor, need to be confident in what
 time coach assisting advisors in discovering                    distinguishes you from everyone else. You need
 their potential. Jordan is an amateur painter,                  to be comfortable with answering these questions
 motorcycle enthusiast, and is currently Canada’s                                                                              This Dashboard will help you
                                                                 (Why should I do business with you? How will I                monitor your progress in five
 #1 decathlete (10 track & field events) over the                benefit from you? What makes you different from               key business areas: revenues,
 age of 40.                                                      other advisors?). Nowadays you can’t distinguish              assets, profits, appointments,
                                                                 yourself through the products you sell but rather,            and hours worked. Your
 To learn more about Jordan, please visit his profile on         the unique process you offer to clients. Always               productivity will increase
 our website under “Meet                 engage your clients in this process and welcome               significantly because you will
 Our Team”.                                                      constructive feedback.                                        have target objectives for each
                                                                                                                               month to focus on. Simply
                                                                 Marketing Plan                                                divide each category goal by 12
                                                                 As an advisor, marketing isn’t your area of                   to get your monthly goal. Take
                                                                 expertise so it tends to get put on the back                  15 minutes at the end of each

                                                                 burner. You can’t get the results you want if you             month and plot your actual
                                                                                                                               results against your target
                                                                 don’t plan, so a documented plan of action will               objectives. Holding yourself
                                                                 help you to attract new prospects and maintain                accountable each month will
                                                                 better relationships with existing clients. You may           motivate you to reach those
                                                                 feel comfortable waiting for clients to come to               goals!
                                                                 you in order to sustain your business but if you
                                                                 really want to grow you need to take action.                  For a free sample of the Business
                                                                 To get a full assessment of your business before 2013,        Dashboard, please email us at
      by Fortunato Restagno

                                                                 contact us at to schedule
                                                                 time with a coach!

                                                                         Personal Phrase of the Day
                                                                    “So many of our dreams at first seem                                Follow us
                                                                   impossible, then they seem improbable,
                                                                      and then, when we summon the
                                                                     will, they soon become inevitable.”                         We just started our TPC blog
                                                                                                                                  to better connect with you!
                                                                             Christopher Reeves

                                       Jordan Rosenberg, B.A.                                                                                           Sue Johnson, B.A.
                                        Coach - Central Canada                                                   Brand Coach                            Operations Manager

                                           Tel: 519-576-2262 Email:

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TPC Newsletter Fall 2012

  • 1. Follow us Tel: 519-576-2262 Fall 2012 Issue If you would prefer an e-Newsletter email Tips and ideas for your business. What Comes First, the Chicken or the Egg? The Effective Approach with a third party coach and brand coach. Advisors The Personal Coach team has had the opportunity often try to get this client How to Hire to work with hundreds of advisors. More often than not, an advisor comes to us for help with information Exceptional the development of TouchPoints (marketing through online or Employees for mail out surveys. materials) that they would like to implement as Unfortunately, Your Office part of their practice (e.g. website, brochure, these types of The Personal Coach team is newsletter, etc.). A common mistake we see with communication proud to announce that we advisors is that they take a tactical approach with are publishing a booklet called their TouchPoints without developing a strategic methods don’t capture the information that a brand coach needs The Right Fit Process™ to plan. help financial advisors hire to create your best brand. It’s imperative to hire right the first time. We know a brand coach who knows the financial services the costs involved if you hire industry and knows the right questions to ask. If the wrong person for the job. you are talking to your clients directly, they might This booklet will take you not be as candid with you about your business through the important steps personality, so a brand coach is also necessary to you need to follow in order to capture accurate information. hire someone who fits in with your team. The goal with branding is to create an emotional connection with your clients which you will learn If you would like to be one of the how to do as you read on in this newsletter. first to receive your copy of The Once you have a brand that a) reflects the value Right Fit Process™, please email us you offer to clients, and b) creates an emotional at connection with prospects, you are now in a for cost and delivery information. Before a financial advisor recommends a product position to build some TouchPoints. to their clients they like to spend time with their Fun Team Building client to build and plan their strategy. The same TouchPoints that focus on the following are most Ideas thing should be done with an advisor’s marketing popular amongst financial advisors: The secrets of a great materials – plan first and create a strategy! You i) Client Acquisition (e.g. website, brochure team and your brand coach should meet to develop a outlining your process) A recent article in Harvard brand that reflects your practice and then create a Business Review on “The strategy to implement your plan. Once this is done ii) Client Relationships (e.g. thank you cards, Secrets of Great Teams,” it becomes apparent which TouchPoints will make stationery) highlighted the importance of the most sense for your business. iii) Client Service (e.g. email signature, voicemail teams socializing together. The message) study suggested that even the The key to successful branding is identifying your simple act of having employees business personality and what makes you and your You can download our MasterPoint Branding Program™ take their coffee break together business different from everyone else. What is the document at increased productivity by 8% value you offer to your clients and how can you MasterPoint_2012_web.pdf or email us at confidence@ and up to 20% in some cases! communicate this value to your prospects? The to speak with our branding coach. best way to do this is through client interviews Continued on page 2
  • 2. I recently attended a presentation by Million Dollar Round Table President, Jennifer Borislow, who has built a great team of 30 employees. Employees are offered perks such as an employee fitness centre, personal trainer, and team building activities which include golf tournaments, Inspiring Hope BBQ’s, and charity events. Once you have a compelling brand story, it will give you ideas for a slogan, elevator speech, a logo, images, and much more. But how can you do team building activities with a small The Secret Ingredient to a corner to guide you in the right direction and team? There are lots of options Powerful Brand keep you on course. including: spa days, canoeing, bowling, laser tag, paint ball, Many advisors are frustrated because they can’t Once you have a compelling brand story, it will cooking classes, paintable attract the right type of prospects. What are they give you ideas for a slogan, elevator speech, a ceramics, golf or ski days, rock doing wrong? In his book “Start with Why,” logo, images, and much more. It will help you climbing, ropes course, zip line Simon Sinek explains that successful leaders and determine what to put in your print material, etc. Keep your team’s interests and abilities in mind. Do the business owners tell clients and prospects why website, thank-you cards, etc. activities during work hours so they do what they do. That works because the That way, your client will understand why you employees with young families “Why” speaks to the behaviour and decision- do what you do. can still attend, plan the events making part of the brain, while explaining the together, include spouses if “What” speaks to the rational part of the brain, your team is very small, and and the “How” speaks to the feelings and loyalty take pictures to share with part of the brain. To create an effective, powerful your clients. Most importantly, remain consistent and plan brand it is important to communicate all of these events year round. The most to your potential clients, but do it in reverse order successful teams do an event for maximum impact. quarterly or semi-annually. Look at something you love to do, a milestone Assess your own marketing materials by: you achieved, or an event that has impacted you. Create Your Let’s say you run marathons. Determine why you 1. Booking off 20 minutes Marketing Plan are passionate about running and how it reflects 2. Collecting all of your marketing materials Only 20 Minutes a Day! how you operate your practice. You might say 3. Spreading your marketing materials out and You have heard it time and marathon running gives me the patience and scanning what you have created over the time again - if you want to be determination to succeed. It helps me understand past few years successful you have to plan. the importance of preparing and planning first. I Without a marketing plan 4. Asking, “Do all my marketing materials you can’t begin to attract the may run into unexpected obstacles like weather or consistently communicate my compelling right clients and your business injury. I count on coaches and experts to help me story and help others understand why I do will be stagnant. Creating a accomplish my goals. what I do?” marketing plan doesn’t have Then, draw parallels to wealth management. to be a daunting task. It can If you would like a copy of our Creating Your be done quite easily and when Clients rely on you to help them plan for financial Why Checklist, email us at confidence@ it’s most convenient for you independence, but you may run into unexpected (This article was originally in your day-to-day schedule. life changes and you need an expert in your posted in Market Your Advisory Practice Continued on page 3 tel: 519-576-2262
  • 3. (MYAP) is a program that is based on 4 key pillars to create your marketing plan. i) Growing Relationships: The majority of your business is based upon existing clients, so focus on relationship building, cross-selling, client feedback, and providing outstanding service. Happy clients will want to introduce you to others. ii) Attracting New Clients: Start by defining your ideal Create a High Performing Team clients so you can focus your marketing efforts on people like them. Create your introduction talk and once you Tips for creating a positive work training strengthens the team overall, increases perfect your message, share it team flexibility, and improves client service and with centres of influence and environment response time. It’s imperative that each team other referral sources. An effective support team can make all the member understands the relevance of his/her difference in an advisory practice. If job and how it impacts the business. Knowing someone’s in the wrong role, you can have an the big picture promotes collaboration, unproductive or unpleasant work environment. increases commitment, and improves the When this happens, you’ll likely find yourself quality of work and client service. micro-managing, hanging on to tasks you should be delegating, and feeling like the staff 3. Effective Leadership and is simply punching the clock. Common Goals Provide effective leadership to ensure staff iii) Increasing Name In a positive work environment, people’s collaborate, grow, and develop as the firm Recognition: Share your strengths are matched to their roles, and message further through evolves. A critical aspect of leadership is everyone works toward common goals. speaking engagements, trade feedback. It must be received in time to make associations, social media, and This type of workplace leads to effective corrections; otherwise, it feels like criticism. your community. Branding is communication and problem solving. To Also, managers should provide feedback also the key to attracting the develop this type of environment, advisors on both mistakes and successes. Effective right clients. need to create the right business structure and leadership includes recognizing employees iv) Communication: Have a hire the right people. Yet, even though advisors for their good performance. Effective teams consistent process where you have had a lot of financial training, they’ve also have common goals that are simple, are communicating to your received little to no training on how to hire clients and prospects. Don’t measurable, and relevant. Each goal must staff or build a team. let them forget about you. have key metrics that everyone on the team Use your Client Relationship We’ve worked with hundreds of advisors and can track. These metrics should be used to Management system to keep their teams over the years, and found there are determine team effectiveness and where track of when you have 3 steps to creating a high-performance team: improvements need to be made. If you follow connected with clients and these 3 steps, you’ll see your team transform what the next action is (e.g. 1. A Hiring Process sending a monthly letter to Define the business need first, then the role. into a high-performing one. You’ll create an clients and prospects to stay Finally, find the right person to fit that need. environment free from constant supervision, connected). Align team members’ tasks with their natural fire-fighting, and micromanaging, and be able To learn more about how you can strengths in mind. to focus on serving your clients. get the MYAP software, email us at 2. Integration of Hires If you would like to speak to a coach, please email You Integrate team members by creating an us at or call us at can also learn more about marketing to prospects and clients by reading effective training, development, communication, (519) 576-2262 (This article was originally posted Kim Poulin’s latest article, and feedback process. To increase the team in Market Differently to Prospects and member’s awareness of how their jobs are Clients. interdependent, cross-training is critical. Cross- tel: 519-576-2262
  • 4. We’ve Raised TIME FOR AN ASSESSMENT! Productivity Tip the Bar Looking to increase your At The Personal Coach we take a one-on-one productivity without increasing Higher with a focused approach with our advisors, evaluating your expenses? Create your 11 different areas of an advisor’s business when own “Business Dashboard” New Coach! we do their assessment. By focusing on these key using Excel. Our team is pleased to areas we help you identify areas of concern and welcome Jordan Rosenberg show you how to focus on improving and driving to The Personal Coach. your business forward. Jordan joined the Here are 2 areas out of the 11 areas we focus on: financial services industry in 1991 with a large Value Proposition fund company where he provided support to In this increasingly crowded marketplace, you, financial advisors. In 2004, he became a full as an advisor, need to be confident in what time coach assisting advisors in discovering distinguishes you from everyone else. You need their potential. Jordan is an amateur painter, to be comfortable with answering these questions motorcycle enthusiast, and is currently Canada’s This Dashboard will help you (Why should I do business with you? How will I monitor your progress in five #1 decathlete (10 track & field events) over the benefit from you? What makes you different from key business areas: revenues, age of 40. other advisors?). Nowadays you can’t distinguish assets, profits, appointments, yourself through the products you sell but rather, and hours worked. Your To learn more about Jordan, please visit his profile on the unique process you offer to clients. Always productivity will increase our website under “Meet engage your clients in this process and welcome significantly because you will Our Team”. constructive feedback. have target objectives for each month to focus on. Simply Marketing Plan divide each category goal by 12 As an advisor, marketing isn’t your area of to get your monthly goal. Take expertise so it tends to get put on the back 15 minutes at the end of each PIECE OF MIND burner. You can’t get the results you want if you month and plot your actual results against your target don’t plan, so a documented plan of action will objectives. Holding yourself help you to attract new prospects and maintain accountable each month will better relationships with existing clients. You may motivate you to reach those feel comfortable waiting for clients to come to goals! you in order to sustain your business but if you really want to grow you need to take action. For a free sample of the Business To get a full assessment of your business before 2013, Dashboard, please email us at by Fortunato Restagno contact us at to schedule time with a coach! Personal Phrase of the Day “So many of our dreams at first seem Follow us impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” We just started our TPC blog to better connect with you! Christopher Reeves Jordan Rosenberg, B.A. Sue Johnson, B.A. Coach - Central Canada Brand Coach Operations Manager Tel: 519-576-2262 Email: