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Enhancing Safety and
Edge Compu ng in
Autonomous Vehicles
At the Edge Devices
Edge Compu ng
for Edge AI
Ariel Efrati
Horizons of
Leading the
nnovation inherently involves uncertainty and
Icreativity with a certain mindset that creates a
difference not only in managing the precise operational
process but also ensures that employees are working in a
good work environment. Staunch leaders with a mindset to
innovate adopt a continuous reflection—that is—these
leadership charismas have an answer to their first question,
a thought of their first idea, and the direction which leads to
the successful execution of the project promptly.
Moreover, when employees are actively involved in the
project with an approach of giving their best and noticing
new pieces of information that are potentially important for
the project, the process goes like a radar, endlessly scanning
the environment. With the rapid developments in the ever-
evolving business arena, digitization is spreading its wings
in a transformation that enables augmentation and agility.
Comprehending this scenario, an aspect of a leader is that
the person never shies away from experimenting with
things to figure out the best possible path to achieving their
Now the advent of technology is providing ease of access to
diverse applications leading to prompt execution of the
project instead of taking a conventional approach to
achieving their shared goals. It is one of the essential traits
of leaders that are constantly working under pressure;
however, it evolves the process involved in the project
On the other hand, professional development and constant
growth are the only ways for tech leaders to ensure that
things won’t get left behind in the fast-paced environment.
These people constantly explore new methods to enhance
and expand their business skills and their technological
comprehension of how betterments can be leveraged to
scale organizational progress to new heights of success.
Insights Success embraces the journey of the establishments
and the starlets that are driving exponential progress and
augmenting the modern business arena by leveraging the
emerging trends of technology in its latest edition, “Top
Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023.” Flip
through the pages and indulge in the odyssey of excellence
that is transforming the modern business world.
16 26
Unleashing the Power at Vision
Qualities Every Leader Should Have
Written by Emily Hartstone of From
The Hart Management, LLC
The Key to Reliable Network Connectivity
and Continuity of Operations
Enhancing Safety and
Edge Compu ng in
Autonomous Vehicles
At the Edge Devices
Edge Compu ng
for Edge AI
June, 2023
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Company Name
Under the leadership and expertise of Ariel Efrati, CEO, Telco
Systems fosters innovation that enables a fundamental evolution in
organizations computational and technological frameworks, allowing
them to effectively leverage the edge.
Featured Person
Telco Systems
Ariel Efrati
Emily is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, catalyst of meetings
and events, and start-ups and business consultant.
Gifts From the Hart
Emily Hartstone
Under Emrah's leadership, Chooch provides realtime actionable,
valuable insights for real-world applications.
Emrah Gültekin
CEO and Co-founder
Juha is a highly skilled professional who delivers results that exceed
expectations every time.
Juha Holkkola
Co-founder & CEO
Over five years, Patricia has built a highly successful marketing
function from the ground up, engaging remote teams in over 20
countries - while hardly setting foot on a plane.
Patricia Antunez
Telco Systems is a well-established
company that's been around for
over four decades, developing
high-performance network
communications software and
hardware solutions.
n the digital realm, floodgates of data have long been
Iopened. The deluge is pouring into the networks and
threatening to choke the channels leading to bandwidth
limitations and latency issues.
A sluggish network not only induces a vivid upset but also
affects productivity and monetary losses for businesses.
Edge computing is a topological solution that brings
processing capabilities closer to the end user. Demand for
new applications means the time is ripe for an edge –
consumers want low latency for real-time experiences and
enterprises require local processing for secure and resilient
Under the leadership and expertise of Ariel Efrati, CEO,
Telco Systems fosters innovation that enables a
fundamental evolution in organizations computational and
technological frameworks, allowing them to effectively
leverage the edge.
Telco Systems is advancing organizations'- digital
transformation with Edgility – its smart platform for edge
computing that accelerates service deployment. With
Edgility, Telco Systems stands at the forefront of the
ongoing redefinition of the world's digital architecture by
serving flexible, scalable, and future-proof edge computing
and virtualization solutions.
Insights Success interviews Ariel on how Telco Systems is
providing high-performance systems to businesses leading
to the futuristic digital embrace:
Below are the excerpts from the interview:
What was the initial idea behind the inception of Telco
Telco Systems is a well-established company that's been
around for over four decades, developing high-performance
network communications software and hardware solutions.
Our purpose is to provide the highest level of network
service innovation to Communications Service Providers,
Managed Services Providers, System Integrators and Large
Enterprises. Telco Systems is one of the founding members
of the Metro Ethernet Forum, provisioning for
standardization of transmission and network connectivity
between Service Providers, and as such has long-standing
recognition and powerful relationships throughout the
Telecom networking industry.
We've been providing state-of-the-art solutions for layer-2
network connectivity since our inception. From that, we
gained expertise in the new trends and the networking
needs of the Telcom industry and the IT and networking
around it. We started with the evolution of SD-WAN and
the requirements for security around it and for cloud
computing and edge computing.
Our deep insights and connections with the telecom
networking industry have laid the foundation for
understanding the upcoming business needs developing
around edge computing.
What are the primary objectives and philosophy of
Telco Systems?
Traditionally the Telecommunications industry was
centered around hardware functions, and devices that can
efficiently and with low latency resolve complex
networking challenges. However, modernization and the
extreme digital transformation that is underway led to the
conclusion that software is the precursor of innovation,
which has enabled cloud computing, smartphones, and
more. The need to take legacy hardware-based solutions
and virtualize them has become an essential requirement for
any organization in digital transformation, and Telco
Telco Systems’ Edgility is a
platform for edge
computing that simplifies
the deployment, operations,
and lifecycle management
of complex business apps,
network functions and
compute devices, on the
edge, at scale.
Systems is at the forefront of this transformation –
anticipating and servicing its customer's needs as they
undergo their journey. Networks must be software-defined,
oriented, and operated. Telco Systems went through a
similar transformation – we were (and still are) providing
complex solutions in the hardware domain and recognized
that there was a real need for deep software functionality on
top of the hardware.
Our goal was to provide value-added functionality on top of
any virtualized hardware to allow our customers the
freedom of choice. The next step in our journey was
technically complex but conceptually simple - to take all
the richness and availability of those complex networking
mechanisms, completely abstract them from the hardware,
and bring all the functionality into the software. We're very
proud that our Operating System and Management &
Orchestration solutions enable very complex networking
functionalities and network function chaining, based only
on software, completely abstracted from any hardware that
our customers choose. This means that our customers can
utilize any generic off-the-shelf compute power and still get
very powerful compute and networking mechanisms on top
of it.
What are your top-notch offerings that have a strong
foothold in the industry?
Digital transformation has created a new type of perimeter
for the IT industry, business resources and services
virtualized and cloudified. As the digital workspace
continues to evolve, more business resources are pushed to
the network's edge, and IT services infrastructures continue
to grow. The complexity and cost of managing tens, or
hundreds of thousands of edge devices, running multiple
applications across widely distributed sites has increased
To address and simplify these complexities and to enable an
agile, cost effective, and manageable infrastructure of IT
services at scale, Telco Systems developed Edgility – an
open, hybrid platform for edge computing, that brings
cloud-native environments to the network edge while
reducing complexity and improving operational efficiency.
Edgility enables full automation for the deployment,
operation, and lifecycle management of thousands of edge
devices and IT services across widespread distributed sites,
connected through multiple network providers. Edgility
provides simple and intuitive operation and management of
edge devices and services at scale.
It simplifies the deployment of any service by creating a
secure control layer for the operation, management, and
administration of edge devices and the applications they are
running. Edgility enables our customers to select the
hardware and software components that best fit their needs
and budget. Edgility's zero-touch provisioning expedites
deploying new services without the need for on-site
technical personnel. At the same time, its vendor-neutral
open architecture enables our customers the flexibility to
deploy software solutions and utilize devices from any
vendor. Edgility's small footprint operating system can
efficiently run multiple virtual services on our customers'
choice of edge devices, including extremely low power
devices, delivering up to 60% reduction in Total Cost of
Ownership, as well as at least 45% reduction in carbon
emissions. Obviously, both TCO and carbon emissions are
critical focus points today for organizations seeking to
improve their service profitability as well as decrease their
environmental impact.
Edgility is composed of two elements: Edgility OS is a
high-performance, small-footprint operating system that
turns any box into a fully operational edge device.
Optimized for maximum resource utilization, Edgility OS
delivers high throughput even on low-resource edge
computing devices. Edgility OS supports hybrid virtualized
and containerized functions/ applications from any vendor,
allowing our customers to deploy and run multi-service
workloads. Edgility Central is a powerful, Management and
Orchestration platform that enables our customers to
manage multiple edge devices, applications, network
functions, and service policies across multiple sites via a
simple and highly automated UX.
What are the roadblocks that Telco Systems faces in the
ever-changing landscape of the business world?
This type of movement for digital transformation is always
a complex movement. Your organization already has a
setup. It's already working with some methodology. The
mere migration from one process to the next is complex for
any organization, but in many cases, there is a crisis point
or a moment of urgency. E.g., the supply chain has been
disturbed - we know that post-COVID, the microprocessor
industry's supply chain has become challenging, and this is
the right moment to change something and transform.
Telco Systems enables our customers to continue to do the
same processes they're used to but on generic hardware.
This is the first and immediate step for them. They have
justification and can immediately see the benefits of moving
to a system that manages all their generic hardware devices
universally. By switching out their hardware, they already
start to reap the benefits of this different way of thinking.
All our customers go through similar stages, where they are
opening up new sites and facing timelines of many months
just to connect the new sites.
With Edgility, they can deploy generic devices, connect
them to the network and continue to use the same
mechanisms that they're used to, with Edgility managing
and orchestrating the entire setup. This is the trigger that
enables them to move from their current mode of operation
to the future. The typical organization has been undergoing
a vast transformation from hardware to software and to a
cloud-based architecture. With software, it doesn't matter
where the application is deployed, as long as it's connected
and you can access it, That's just the first drive towards
The second drive is around applications that must be
deployed on-site or as close as possible to where the data is
created. We're talking about applications for analytics and
monitoring, for instance - integrated functions where the
networking is essential. in all these cases, we're taking
applications that were moved to the cloud at some point,
and we're bringing them back to the source of the data.
That's what empowers the emergence of edge computing;
Telco Systems enables
its customers to
continue to do the
same processes they're
used to but on generic
whether it's enterprise edge or telco edge, the analytics and
the various operations that are performed on the data will
need to be kept very close to the source of the data. In
addition, there are security issues, GDPR, and all the
network applications that need to be kept as close to the
networking environment as possible. Our customers decide
where their compute environment
will be and how to integrate with applications on the cloud,
so we essentially create service chains or workload chains
where part of the workload is local, and part is on the cloud.
This requires tight integration between different modes of
operations and between the network and the applications to
ensure the flow of data will run correctly and efficiently.
And that's literally where Telco Systems operates – at the
intersection of cloud computing, telco edge, mobile edge
compute and enterprise edge computing environments.
How is your company adapting to market orientation?
Just a decade ago, a typical organization had its computers
for employees, a dedicated, expensive network line between
sites, as well as an internal data center or server where they
could store data and the applications they were using.
Within a decade, we moved from a completely localized
hardware-oriented environment into an utterly abstracted
software environment in which, rather than using
networking lines, we can finally make use of the internet
and control it - for example, through SD-WAN.
We moved from internal servers and data centers to cloud-
based solutions. Cloud-based doesn't mean that you don't
use any hardware, but as an enterprise, it means you don't
have to deal with the hardware anymore, just with the
software on top of it. It means that you can minimize costs,
reduce expertise needs, and increase your agility and your
pace of innovation. It means you can offload the underlying
infrastructure problems to someone else. And this evolution
has actually empowered a tremendous boom in business
innovation. For instance, applications that can be deployed
at the click of a button and don't require complex
installation and complex integration. Everything can be
done remotely on the cloud or in an abstracted software
environment. And we achieved all that in less than a
decade. As an industry, we should be very proud of this
However, it's important to understand that Cloud
Computing and Edge Computing are not the same. In many
cases, edge computing is erroneously referred to as an
extension of cloud computing or as simply taking cloud
computing and placing it at the edge. The key difference
however between the edge and the cloud is scale. While
cloud computing infrastructure is built out of several data
center sites, the edge can span across 10Ks and 100Ks of
sites and physical devices each running multiple
applications. While management systems developed for
cloud compute can manage 100K applications, they are not
designed to manage 100K physical devices at distributed
sites. With edge computing, a high level of automation is
essential, and secure remote management and orchestration
tools provide support and full lifecycle management from a
central location, reducing customer's reliance on DevOps
Edgility is at the core of all this. In the past, we had
networking devices and small computing devices, and we
needed to manage each and every one of them separately,
and every change entailed a complex process that could
take months or more. Today we need to instantiate network
functions or compute applications in different locations, in
external or internal clouds, in local or remote or distributed
devices. We want to be able to do all this with a single
click, automatically. We want to address every device or
site remotely. We want to be able to do everything from a
software and automation perspective rather than from a
hardware and manual perspective. Edgility ensures that
each and every device on your network, in your enterprise,
can be unified and connected, and universally approachable.
Organizations that are just beginning to think about Digital
Transformation, or are in the early stages of their own
transformation, find the concepts of abstraction and
openness too complex. These companies have ingrained
processes that they've developed over decades to deal with
internal challenges and are generally at a slower pace of
innovation. They have yet to accept that strategically they
must undergo the same digital transformation that their
customers are already undergoing. They have a long
learning curve ahead of them and we can accompany them
and guide them throughout this process of implementing
edge compute.
On the other hand, you have organizations that have already
strategically embraced the necessity to transform their
business into a digital-first business. In that environment,
they intuitively understand that they need to be able to
automate the processes that they're running across their
thousands of sites. Simply updating or changing
applications, service chaining, integrating networking,
monitoring the network – all of these topics are extremely
complex and require very specific expertise and dedicated
teams. These organizations inherently know that they must
abstract all of this. They know that they want to be able to
replace hardware easily if it doesn't fit their need. They
know that they want to be able to update applications with
one click and increase or reduce the compute necessities for
these applications on the go. It's already become a mindset
for them. When they see Edgility, they immediately say –
"That's exactly what we need – I knew there had to be
something like this in the market!”
What is your stance on implementing innovative
A powerful wave of innovation is going on today, with 5G
as the catalyst for much of it. We see it in Artificial
Intelligence, we see it in video which has low latency
requirements, in Analytics and Gaming, and more. These
are sectors that are beginning to understand how to utilize
these technologies and will leverage them very soon. The
enterprise domain is creating immense amounts of data and
accelerating the amount of data created every day. This
forces us to find new ways to analyze this data and act on it,
and that means that we need to develop new underlying
mechanisms to treat the data and make use of it. We're
going to see Artificial Intelligence and Analytics extracting
even more actionable information from data, which means
we will see more and more of the underlying infrastructure
adapting itself to enable that, and Telco Systems with
Edgility is literally at the center of all that. Just ten years
ago, nobody thought of moving to the cloud. Today, we –
Telco Systems, with Edgility, are the innovator in an
industry that's already at the forefront of innovation.
What is the next chapter for Telco Systems?
Innovation sparks from the ability to integrate complex
apps that run across multiple environments – for example,
an IoT small form factor device or an edge device with
some compute power, or the cloud with extremely large
compute power. The ability to migrate applications in and
out of any environment and connect them will be the
solution of choice for enterprises moving forward. Telco
Systems with Edgility is at the center of this transformation
with a solution that manages all of these environments
under a unified and universal platform.
The industry is still extremely nascent - we are still very
much at the beginning of the digital transformation wave.
But the market is going there. Every operator is beginning
to build a telco edge compute, or a mobile edge compute
environment – it's not yet leveraged. Still, they're starting to
see and implement the technologies they know are going to
be used in the applications of the future. And we are at the
forefront of the innovation around these technologies and
solutions. We're seeing a considerable trend veering into
actionable IoT – where our devices will not just provide us
with data but actually deliver and act upon actionable
information from this data.
Once our devices are able to become actionable, there will
be a sizeable chunk of the overall industry moving into
typical IoT scenarios. We're already starting to see this in
the transportation industry and in agriculture, where supply
chains are being disrupted, and we're starting to see some
very interesting solutions. This, however, is still quite a
closed garden that requires tremendous integration. But
very soon, we'll see the democratization of these processes,
where every organization will want to install their own IoT
mechanism with sensors that can analyze close-range data.
So, the cycle of creating large amounts of data, analyzing it
on site, and acting on it, continues. We're at the beginning
of this movement. As soon as devices can act on
information, we'll see an explosion of technologies and
solutions around it. Edgility will be the basis for efficiently
and transparently managing all of this.
To know more about Telco Systems; please visit:
Our deep insights and connections
with the telecom networking
industry have laid the foundation
for understanding the upcoming
business needs developing around
edge computing.
June 2023 | 16 |
At the Edge Devices
June 2023 | 16 |
June 2023 | 17 |
Edge Computing
Edge AI
n recent years, the advancement of artificial
Iintelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries,
making it essential to process data faster and more
efficiently. Edge computing, a decentralized computing
model, has emerged as a powerful solution to address the
challenges of latency, bandwidth constraints, and privacy
concerns associated with traditional cloud-based AI
systems. In this article, we will delve into the concept of
edge computing for edge AI and explore its role in
empowering smart devices at the edge of the network.
Understanding Edge Computing and Edge AI
Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that
enables data processing closer to the source of data
generation, i.e., at the edge of the network, rather than
relying on centralized cloud servers. The primary goal of
edge computing is to reduce latency, minimize data
transmission to the cloud, and improve overall system
performance. Edge AI, on the other hand, refers to the
integration of artificial intelligence algorithms and inference
models directly into edge devices.
Edge devices, such as smartphones, IoT (Internet of Things)
devices, drones, and smart cameras, collect vast amounts of
data. The data generated at the edge often needs immediate
processing and actionable insights, making edge AI a
critical component for real-time decision-making.
Use Cases for Edge AI at the Edge Devices
Smart Surveillance: Edge AI allows smart cameras to
analyze video feeds locally, detecting objects, recognizing
faces, and sending alerts in real-time without relying on
constant cloud connectivity.
Autonomous Vehicles: Edge AI empowers self-driving cars
to make critical decisions instantly, enhancing safety and
responsiveness on the roads.
Healthcare: Edge AI-enabled medical devices can analyze
patient data at the point of care, enabling faster diagnostics
and personalized treatments.
Industrial IoT: Edge AI in industrial settings enhances
predictive maintenance, optimizes manufacturing processes,
and minimizes downtime.
Edge computing for edge AI represents a groundbreaking
technology that transforms how smart devices process data
and deliver real-time insights. By bringing AI capabilities to
the edge of the network, edge computing empowers devices
to operate more efficiently, securely, and autonomously. As
the world becomes increasingly reliant on AI-driven
applications, edge computing will undoubtedly play a vital
role in shaping the future of technology.
June 2023 | 17 |
Technical Aspects of Edge Computing for Edge AI:
Edge AI Inference: Edge devices typically have limited
computational resources and power constraints. Therefore,
edge AI models must be optimized for efficient inference,
making use of lightweight architectures like MobileNet or
TinyML. These models should strike a balance between
accuracy and resource utilization to deliver real-time
Model Deployment and Management: Edge devices may
have varying hardware capabilities and software
configurations. Deploying and managing AI models on
diverse devices requires careful consideration of
compatibility and version control. Containerization and
frameworks like TensorFlow Lite and ONNX Runtime
simplify model deployment across different edge devices.
Federated Learning: Edge computing enables a privacy-
preserving approach called federated learning. Instead of
sending raw data to the cloud for model training, edge
devices can train models locally and only transmit model
updates to a central server. This preserves data privacy
while aggregating knowledge from multiple devices.
Edge-to-Cloud Synchronization: In some scenarios, edge
devices may need to collaborate with cloud-based AI
systems to leverage the massive computational power of
data centers. Ensuring seamless synchronization between
edge and cloud systems is essential for optimal
Impact on the Modern Business Arena
Retail and Customer Experience:
In the retail sector, edge AI-powered smart cameras and
sensors are deployed to analyze customer behavior, foot
traffic, and product interactions within stores. This data
enables retailers to optimize store layouts, product
placements, and marketing strategies. Additionally, edge AI
can provide personalized shopping recommendations to
customers in real-time, enhancing the overall shopping
Edge AI is revolutionizing agriculture by enabling precision
farming techniques. Drones equipped with edge AI
capabilities can monitor crop health, detect diseases, and
assess soil conditions. This information helps farmers make
data-driven decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest
control, leading to increased crop yields and reduced
resource wastage.
In remote or resource-constrained areas, edge AI-enabled
medical devices play a crucial role. Portable diagnostic
tools equipped with AI algorithms can rapidly analyze
medical images and detect diseases like tuberculosis,
diabetic retinopathy, and skin conditions. This helps
healthcare professionals provide timely and accurate
diagnoses, even in areas with limited access to specialized
medical facilities.
Manufacturing and Industry 4.0:
Edge computing combined with AI is transforming the
manufacturing sector through the concept of Industry 4.0.
Smart factories employ edge devices and sensors to monitor
equipment health, predict maintenance needs, and optimize
production processes. Real-time data analysis helps
minimize downtime, reduce operational costs, and improve
overall manufacturing efficiency.
Autonomous Vehicles:
Edge AI is a fundamental component of self-driving cars
and autonomous vehicles. These vehicles rely on onboard
AI systems to process sensor data, make split-second
decisions, and navigate through complex environments.
Edge AI ensures that the vehicles can react instantly to
changing road conditions, enhancing safety and reliability.
Energy Management:
Edge AI is increasingly used in energy management
systems to optimize energy consumption and reduce
wastage. Smart grids equipped with edge AI analyze data
from various energy sources and consumption patterns to
balance the energy supply and demand, leading to more
efficient and sustainable energy distribution.
June 2023 | 18 |
omputer vision platforms are becoming increasingly
Cpopular in various industries, with the potential to
revolutionize how organizations operate. These
platforms employ computer vision and AI algorithms to
detect and analyze visual objects, images, or actions in video
Chooch is a leading AI Vision solution that addresses
business challenges using a diverse range of AI algorithms,
including CNNs, DNNs, Large Language Models (LLMs),
and more. Chooch’s AI Vision solutions leverage diverse
algorithmic capabilities which excel at detecting visuals,
Chooch has a deep understanding of the complexities
involved in the production and deployment of computer
vision AI. Its AI Vision platform tackles data management,
model development, infrastructure considerations, and
ongoing model training. As a result, Chooch provides real-
timeactionable,valuableinsightsfor real-worldapplications.
We at Insights Success interviewed Emrah Gültekin, the
CEO and Co-founder of Chooch, to understand their
approachtooperatingtheAI visionplatform.
Let’s delveintotheinterceptsoftheinterview!
What inspired thefounding of Chooch?
The founding of Chooch emerged at the convergence of AI
advancements and a rapidly evolving society. As an
entrepreneur with a social sciences background, I recognized
the need to contribute to the next waves of innovation amidst a
world lackingefficiency,foresight,andtransparency.
Our journey into visual perception systems began years
earlier when the idea began to take shape. My brother, Hakan,
was deeply involved in computer programming from an early
age and delved into visual perception and AI-based imaging
systems around 2012; pioneering the use of deep learning
frameworkson mobiledevices.
Intrigued by that research, we soon realized that each AI
segment, language, audio, and images, required distinct
approaches in data collection, annotation, training, and
deployment. To navigate the increasing complexity, we chose
to specialize exclusively in computer visionAI. Vision, being
the most vital yet intricate human faculty, guided our decision
aswe learnedfromnature'scues.
Chooch specifically utilizes
NVIDIA's Jetson line of
products for edge deployment,
enabling efficient and powerful
computer vision AI operations
at the edge.
Unleashing the Power of AI Vision
June 2023 | 20 |
Our mission to replicate human visual comprehension and
cognition in machines, and enabling them to see, understand,
and learn like humans became an obsessive goal for us,
drivingour work atChooch.
What specific problem or challenge did you identify in the
field of computer vision that motivated you to create
Over the years, Chooch has encountered numerous
challenges in the computer visionAI space. These challenges
have encompassed various aspects, including dataset
collection, annotation, model training and testing, fine-
tuning, deployment of inference engines, video streaming,
visualizations, model orchestrations, scaling, stream
orchestrations, device orchestrations, and the creation of no-
codeenvironmentsfor users.
However, these challenges were integral parts of two major
computer vision AI problems that Chooch has successfully
The first problem centered around ensuring the reliable
operation of the inference engine in client self-hosted
environments, which often involved disconnected setups and
edge deployments. Overcoming the orchestration and
scalability hurdles was our initial challenge, driven by the
demands of our government customers. This investment
turned out to be highly beneficial for the commercial sector as
The second major problem in computer vision AI lies in the
accuracy of the vision models themselves. Computer vision
AI is a complex field that requires the utilization of ensemble
models to solve business problems. Synthetic data, annotation
tooling, and the creation of ensemble models that collaborate
with each other contribute to enhancing the robustness and
accuracy of these models. However, deploying these models
into production requires significant human and resource
investments, as multiple training cycles are often required.
Moreover, if variables such as the field of view or lighting
conditions change, data must be collected again, and the
model must be retrained to prevent model drift. This presents
From the early stages, we recognized that vision and language
would eventually need to be combined to address issues of
accuracy, model drift, and general repeatability. We
conducted extensive experimentation, blending Language
Models (LLMs) with Computer Vision for over a year and a
Finally, we were able to introduce ImageChat to the market,
which now tackles the challenge of custom model
development. With ImageChat, users can create models using
text prompts that can simultaneously query millions of
streamsof visualinput.
How does Chooch leverage edge computing in its AI
Vision Platform? Can you explain the significance of edge
computing inthe contextof computervision?
Edge computing plays a vital role in computer visionAI due to
Emrah Gültekin
CEO and Co-founder
Top Edge Compu ng Companies to Watch in 2023
June 2023 | 21 |
Ÿ Cost Optimization: Vision sensors generate large files,
making data transfer costly. Performing inferencing tasks
near the data source or storage location minimizes data
movement, reducing associated expenses. This cost
Ÿ Privacy and Cybersecurity: Enterprise customers in
production environments are concerned about privacy and
cybersecurity risks associated with transferring video data
across platforms. This is understandable, as it helps
mitigate privacy and cybersecurity risks. Processing video
data locally or on edge devices becomes necessary to
address theseconcernseffectively.
Ÿ Efficient Deployment: Certain use cases require
extremely low latency and reliable connectivity. Running
computations on-premises or at the edge is crucial to
achieving real-time responsiveness and stable
What are the key benefits or advantages of combining
edgecomputing andAI inChooch's solution?
Employing edge computing for AI inferencing offers
significantadvantagesfor anumberofreasons.
Ÿ Enhances economic viability by minimizing data
transfer costs associated with large vision sensor file sizes.
Performing inferencing tasks on the edge optimizes costs,
makingtheprocess moreeconomicallyfeasible.
Ÿ Addresses privacy and cybersecurity concerns by
processing data locally or on edge devices. This approach
reduces the need for transferring sensitive video data
across platforms, mitigating potential risks, and ensuring
Ÿ Enables real-time responsiveness with the stable
connections which are crucial for applications requiring
low latency and reliable connectivity. By deploying AI
algorithms closer to the data source, edge deployment
ensures minimaldelayanduninterruptedperformance.
Ÿ Edge sensors can collect additional data beyond
visual information, which can be integrated into
Chooch's vector databases. This comprehensive data
enables advanced analysis and decision-making
processes, enhancing the capabilities of Chooch on the
Can you elaborate on Chooch’s pre-trained computer
vision models that can be instantly deployed? How are
they tailoredtospecificuse cases orindustries?
Chooch has developed a library of ReadyNow models to
cater to users' specific business needs without extensive
customization. These models cover a diverse range of
applications, including demographics analysis, PPE
detection, fall detection, object detection, fire and smoke
detection, and weapons detection, among others. These
models are designed and trained to deliver accurate results,
allowing businesses to leverage computer vision AI quickly
Chooch deploys relevant ReadyNow models that align with
clients' immediate requirements, enabling businesses to
deploy computer vision solutions without extensive
development efforts. Our team develops models that address
clients' specific challenges and use cases, ensuring that
Chooch’s computer vision models meet the unique
By providing pre-trained models for common use cases, we
help businesses to accelerate their adoption of AI
June 2023 | 22 |
technologies, derive immediate value from the platform, and
remainflexibletoaddress futuredemandsandchallenges.
What sets Chooch apart from otherAIVision platforms in
the market? What unique features or capabilities does
Chooch offer?
Chooch differentiates itself from other AI vision platforms
with its comprehensive and unique features. It offers a full
lifecycle computer vision platform encompassing data
ingestion, inferencing, and detection. One standout feature
thatsetsus apartisChooch's generativeAI capabilities.
As one of the few companies globally providing and
implementing generative AI for inferencing and detection,
Chooch's platform surpasses traditional computer vision
algorithms in accuracy. By incorporating advanced
generative AI models, Chooch’s technology can synthesize
new data and generate responses based on real-world visual
inputs. This enables Chooch to deliver dynamic and context-
awareresponses, enhancingtheaccuracyandintelligence
of its AI Vision platform and distinguishing itself in the
In addition to its generative AI capabilities, Chooch offers a
Ÿ Customizability: It offers the flexibility to develop
tailored models and solutions, addressing specific
industryoruse caserequirements.
Ÿ ReadyNow Models: It provides a library of pre-
programmed ReadyNow models, delivering instant
solutions for common visual tasks without the need for
Ÿ Edge Computing: It leverages edge devices like Nvidia's
Jetson line, enabling real-time inferencing and analysis at
the edge, ideal for low-latency applications with stable
Ÿ Scalability and Efficiency: It scales efficiently, handling
large volumes of visual data and complex analysis tasks to
meet enterprise-level demands and support AI initiative
Ÿ Full Lifecycle Support: It offers end-to-end support
throughout the entire computer visionAI project lifecycle,
encompassing data preparation, model development,
By combining generative AI capabilities, customizability,
ReadyNow models, edge computing support, scalability, and
fullAI lifecycle support, Chooch establishes its uniqueness in
the market. These features and capabilities empower
businesses to leverage advanced AI Vision technology and
derive actionable insights from visual data in a highly efficient
How has Chooch evolved since its inception? Are there
any significant milestones or advancements that you
would liketohighlight?
Chooch has made remarkable progress in the field, attaining
noteworthy milestones and advancements. Our notable
accomplishments include the creation of an optimized
inference engine that ensures efficient and accurate
processingof visualdata.
Additionally, Chooch has achieved a breakthrough by
successfully integrating LLMs with computer vision. It is
exemplified by the rapid progression from ImageChat-1 to
ImageChat-2 and ongoing work on ImageChat-3. This fusion
of computer vision and language inAI represents a significant
leap forward, enabling Chooch to tackle a wider range of
business challenges.
The continuous evolution and dedication to developing
cutting-edge models, like ImageChat, demonstrates our
commitment to advancing AI Vision technology. By
leveraging LLMs and merging them with computer vision
algorithms, Chooch pioneers comprehensive solutions that
effectively address a multitude of real-world problems. Each
milestone achieved by the company contributes to innovation
andshapes thefuturelandscapeof computervisionAI.
What is Chooch's vision for the future of AI Vision
technologyand itspotentialimpacton various industries?
Chooch envisions a future where AI Vision technology
becomes the dominant force across industries, surpassing
previous technological advancements. Chooch believes that
economic and technical barriers to widespread adoption are
diminishing. The transformative impact of AI Vision will
revolutionize sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing,
retail,transportation,security, andentertainment.
June 2023 | 23 |
Qualities Every
Leader Should Have
Written by Emily Hartstone of From
The Hart Management, LLC
odern times look significantly different than they
Mdid just five years ago; COVID-19 and an
uncertain economy have forced companies to
stay on their toes and learn to react in real-time, while a
more connected world has dramatically changed both
employee and customer expectations.
As these changes have shaken businesses to their
foundations, the most successful leaders have learned new
skill sets to become better equipped to handle these types of
challenges. In particular, accountability, empathy,
confidence, and the ability to empower your people
constitute some of the most important qualities every leader
should have.
One of the highest on the list is accountability. This means
accountability of yourself, your emotions, words,
intentions, mistakes, decisions, and actions - own it all. If
someone on your team makes a mistake, it’s your fault for
not providing them with the guidance and tools they needed
to do it right. If a client is not happy with your work, it’s
your fault for not clarifying expectations upfront or
delivering on your promise, etc. When we take ownership,
we can inspire and elevate the performance of everyone
around us, and this is what real leadership is actually all
Empower your people. Not just by delegating tasks or
handing over responsibilities but have the courage to ask
them what they think, and then empower them with the
autonomy to see their vision through. There are so many
opportunities in modern business to be a mentor to the next
generation of talent and if you’re in a position to help
someone grow, there’s nothing more impactful than that.
The most successful leaders have empathy. I very clearly
remember sitting on an airplane years ago while I was still
working for corporate America, reading a Forbes article that
said nine out of ten employees see a link between job
satisfaction and empathetic leadership. At the time I was
working for a company where I felt I had to walk on
eggshells at all times, which is why I still remember it to
this day. Empathy is critical to good leadership because it
creates an open psychologically safe environment that lets
each team member express their authentic self, free from
judgement. Tying this back to the previous quality of
empowerment, when an employee feels afraid to speak up,
an empathetic leader can sense that and work to create a
more empowering environment for them to speak their
The next important quality is to be a leader, not a “boss.”
Bosses boss people around and demand; leaders lead by
example and show. Similar to what I’ve mentioned in
another question, something I’ve learned in my career is
that if you were to look at any company with
underperforming employees, hands down, it’s because of
leadership issues.
All leaders must have confidence. Leaders have to make big
decisions, and these often times come with large risks. This
is also the not-so-fun part of being a leader because when
you’re the one taking the risk, you’ll also probably take the
blame if things go wrong – but that’s just part of the gig!
You must also have the confidence to act decisively in high-
stakes situations. Rather than showing anxiety in your
behavior, you must remain calm, collected, and resolute.
There are always going to be people who disagree with the
leader’s decisions. While it is very important to listen to
other viewpoints, a leader can’t back down in the face of
criticism or conflict. They need to have the self-confidence
to brush off that doubt and always trust their intuition when
they know they are making the right decision.
Finally, but certainly not least, positivity. You do not have
to be rainbows and sunshine all of the time, but you
certainly have to pass a sense of optimism to your team.
Employees like working for positive, inspiring people. They
don’t just want to show up to work, work through tasks and
go home. They want to feel like they are a valued part of
something bigger, a larger mission they can believe in.
June 2023 | 24 |
June 2023 | 25 |
June 2023 | 26 |
dge computing has emerged as a transformative technology for various industries, and one of the sectors that
Esignificantly benefit from its implementation is autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles, also known as self-
driving cars, rely on complex algorithms and real-time data processing to navigate, perceive their surroundings, and
make crucial decisions. Edge computing plays a critical role in enhancing the performance and safety of autonomous vehicles
by reducing latency, improving data processing, and ensuring a seamless driving experience. This article delves into the
concept of edge computing in autonomous vehicles, its advantages, challenges, and the potential it holds for the future.
Understanding Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicles
Edge computing refers to a decentralized computing infrastructure that brings computing resources closer to the data source,
reducing the need to transfer large volumes of data to centralized data centers for processing. In the context of autonomous
vehicles, edge computing involves installing computing resources, such as servers or cloud data centers, at the vehicle's edge
or close to its sensors. This setup enables real-time data processing and immediate decision-making without relying solely on
cloud-based data centers, thereby reducing latency and response time.
Enhancing Safety
and Efficiency
June 2023 | 27 |
Advantages of Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicles
Low Latency: Latency, or the time taken for data to travel
from sensors to processing centers and back, is a critical
factor in autonomous driving. By processing data at the
edge, autonomous vehicles can make split-second
decisions, reducing the risk of accidents and improving
overall driving performance.
Enhanced Data Privacy: Autonomous vehicles generate vast
amounts of sensitive data related to the vehicle's
surroundings, passengers, and operations. Edge computing
enables data processing on-board, reducing the need to send
raw data to external servers, thus enhancing data privacy
and security.
Reliability in Connectivity: Autonomous vehicles may face
situations where they lose internet connectivity, particularly
in remote or densely populated areas. Edge computing
ensures that critical functionalities remain operational even
when connectivity is intermittent or unavailable.
Bandwidth Optimization: Edge computing reduces the
amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the cloud,
optimizing bandwidth usage and reducing the load on the
network infrastructure.
Real-time Decision-Making: Autonomous vehicles require
real-time decision-making capabilities for safe navigation.
Edge computing enables faster data processing, allowing
vehicles to respond quickly to changing road conditions and
potential hazards.
Challenges and Potential Solutions
While edge computing offers significant benefits, there are
some challenges that need to be addressed for successful
implementation in autonomous vehicles:
Processing Power: Autonomous vehicles demand high
processing power to handle real-time data from multiple
sensors. Designing efficient and powerful edge computing
systems that can fit within the vehicle's physical constraints
is a considerable challenge.
Data Synchronization: Ensuring data synchronization
across edge devices and cloud data centers is crucial to
maintain a coherent view of the vehicle's surroundings and
update relevant maps and navigation data.
Security Concerns: Edge computing introduces new security
risks, as computing resources are distributed and exposed to
potential threats. Implementing robust security measures is
essential to protect against cyber-attacks and unauthorized
access to vehicle systems.
Standardization and Interoperability: To facilitate seamless
communication between edge devices and cloud-based
infrastructure, industry-wide standardization and
interoperability protocols need to be established.
Enhanced Safety and Redundancy: Edge computing
enhances the safety of autonomous vehicles by allowing
critical safety systems to be processed locally on the vehicle.
In the event of connectivity loss to the cloud or data center,
edge computing ensures that essential safety features, such
as emergency braking or collision avoidance, continue to
function effectively.
Reduced Data Costs: Transmitting massive amounts of
sensor data to the cloud can incur significant data costs. By
performing data processing at the edge, only relevant and
processed data needs to be sent to the cloud, leading to
reduced data transmission expenses for autonomous vehicle
manufacturers and operators.
Edge-Analytics for Anomaly Detection: Edge computing
can also be leveraged for real-time anomaly detection. By
deploying analytics models at the edge, autonomous
vehicles can quickly detect irregular patterns or system
malfunctions and take corrective actions promptly. This
contributes to higher levels of reliability and safety in
autonomous driving systems.
Traffic Pattern Analysis: Edge computing can analyze traffic
patterns and trends within specific regions. This data
analysis can aid in predicting traffic congestion, identifying
potential bottlenecks, and optimizing route planning for
autonomous vehicles, leading to more efficient and time-
saving journeys.
Future Prospects
Edge computing in autonomous vehicles is poised to
revolutionize the automotive industry. As technology
advances, the processing capabilities of edge devices will
continue to improve, enabling more complex algorithms and
AI models to be deployed on board. Additionally,
advancements in 5G and beyond, coupled with the
proliferation of connected infrastructure, will further
enhance the potential of edge computing in autonomous
June 2023 | 28 |
June 2023 | 30 |
The Key to Reliable Network Connectivity
and Continuity of Operations
ith 35 patents secured in the largest economies
Wworldwide, FusionLayer provides unparalleled
visibility, scalability, and continuity across
private data centers, public clouds, and emerging multi-
access edge clouds. The innovative technologies offered by
FusionLayer have enabled some of the most advanced
service providers and enterprises worldwide to implement
end-to-end network automation, automate IP assignment
and configuration process"es, and seamlessly extend
BSS/OSS automation to service activation on the network
Under Juha Holkkola’s leadership, the Co-founder & CEO,
FusionLayer, is poised to play a crucial role in the emerging
multi-access edge cloud and 5G infrastructure needed to
scale out Artificial Intelligence.
We caught up with Juha and discussed the company's edge
in the market.
Below are the highlights of the interview:
Tell us about your company in detail.
FusionLayer provides patented Network Source of Truth
and IP addressing solutions. The systems we provide lay out
the IP connectivity and the network automation bedrock for
the virtualized network functions, intelligent devices, and
business applications running across private data centers,
public clouds, and emerging multi-access edge clouds. Our
solutions are being run in production by some of the most
advanced service providers and enterprises around the
world for their mission-critical network needs.
Enlighten us about your specialized services and how
these solutions drive transformations in the dynamic
FusionLayer is a product company that has invented and
pioneered many network technologies that are being used
by billions of people today. These include things like
network automation, an IP address for the cloud, and DNS
security, for which FusionLayer has secured 35 patents in
most of the largest economies in the world.
The reasons why telecoms and enterprises deploy and run
FusionLayer are primarily related to savings in the total
cost of ownership and the business continuity benefits we
provide. These include, for example:
Ÿ Ability to implement end-to-end network automation to
eliminate service and speed up time-to-market from
weeks to minutes.
FusionLayer is a product
company that has invented and
pioneered many network
technologies that are being used
by billions of people today.
“ “
The Key to Reliable Network Connectivity
and Continuity of Operations
Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023
June 2023 | 31 |
Ÿ Minimizing OPEX and speeding up service activation
by automating the IP assignment and configuration
processes for virtualized network elements running at
the edge clouds.
Ÿ Speeding up time-to-market and revenue recognition by
extending the BSS/OSS automation seamlessly to
service activation on the network level.
When such benefits are operated at a large scale, the savings
can be millions of dollars annually. That is one of the key
reasons why some of the most extensive network operations
in the world have come to rely on FusionLayer and the
innovative technologies we provide.
What is the vision and mission of the organization?
FusionLayer minimizes network downtime by automating
all processes that touch networks. This is achieved with
sophisticated solutions that provide unparalleled visibility,
scalability, and continuity across the entire business
infrastructure: on-premise, in public clouds, and at the
In short, our mission is to simplify the networked world.
What are the essential aspects of providing automated
solutions, and in your opinion, what attributes do you
think your clients admire in the company the most?
There are two things that our customers appreciate over
everything else:
The efficiencies created by cutting-edge technology.
FusionLayer's customers understand the value of leading
technology and the business advantages modern technology
provides them with over the competition.
Continuity and peace of mind. FusionLayer's customers
are typically organizations for whom reliable network
connectivity and continuity of operations are critical.
By placing their trust in FusionLayer, they demonstrate
confidence. And to earn that trust again every day: this is
what FusionLayer is all about.
What are the immersive benefits of the services that
FusionLayer provides to its clients?
FusionLayer is a crucial element of the emerging multi-
access edge cloud (MEC) and 5G infrastructure that will be
June 2023 | 32 |
used to run the Artificial Intelligence and other Metaverse
applications that will provide the immersive user
experience of tomorrow. So, our key role is to ensure these
applications have an infrastructure they can run on reliably
and efficiently.
What fundamentals make FusionLayer stand out as a
leading company in the niche?
FusionLayer has pioneered and patented many network
technologies, such as DNS Firewalls are commonplace
today. Although, as a company of Finnish origin, we may
have only sometimes been successful in marketing the
FusionLayer brand, we have many large Tier-1 telecom
companies around the world as our customers. This means
that there are literally hundreds of millions of Internet users
who are partially relying on the systems and the services we
provide every single day.
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company preparing
to be a part of that change?
The next big thing in our business will be the new business
infrastructure needed to scale out Artificial Intelligence
such as ChatGPT. Once the distributed mobile edge clouds
with 5G connectivity and AI are in place, they will become
the drivers for more advanced immersive applications that
will make up the Metaverse.
The new business infrastructure required for all this is being
built already. Although it is still in its infancy, it will be
based on technologies such as Multi-Access Edge Cloud
(MEC), both public and private 5G, and some more
traditional technologies like the public cloud and the private
data centers large enterprises still run.
FusionLayer plays a vital role in this emerging
Where do you envision yourself in the long run, and
what are your future goals for the organization?
FusionLayer's technologies have powerful synergies with
other technology users in the 5G space, application
networking, and Operations Support Systems (OSS) space.
Given this, we expect to continue to work with key partners
in this market to create continuity and business benefits for
our customers.
What would you advise budding entrepreneurs aspiring
to venture into the dynamic industry?
The best advice I could give is to focus on emerging
megatrends. The first reason for this recommendation is that
global megatrends can carry entrepreneurs far because of
their substantial commercial opportunities. The second
reason is that there are fewer established structures in
emerging markets, making it easier for new entrants to
innovate as they move on.
At FusionLayer, Metaverse is one of the most promising
megatrends in the technology industry.
June 2023 | 33 |
Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023.pdf
Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023.pdf
Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023.pdf
Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023.pdf
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  • 1. Enhancing Safety and Efficiency Edge Compu ng in Autonomous Vehicles At the Edge Devices Edge Compu ng for Edge AI Ariel Efrati CEO
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5. nnovation inherently involves uncertainty and Icreativity with a certain mindset that creates a difference not only in managing the precise operational process but also ensures that employees are working in a good work environment. Staunch leaders with a mindset to innovate adopt a continuous reflection—that is—these leadership charismas have an answer to their first question, a thought of their first idea, and the direction which leads to the successful execution of the project promptly. Moreover, when employees are actively involved in the project with an approach of giving their best and noticing new pieces of information that are potentially important for the project, the process goes like a radar, endlessly scanning the environment. With the rapid developments in the ever- evolving business arena, digitization is spreading its wings in a transformation that enables augmentation and agility. Comprehending this scenario, an aspect of a leader is that the person never shies away from experimenting with things to figure out the best possible path to achieving their goals. Now the advent of technology is providing ease of access to diverse applications leading to prompt execution of the project instead of taking a conventional approach to achieving their shared goals. It is one of the essential traits of leaders that are constantly working under pressure; however, it evolves the process involved in the project execution. On the other hand, professional development and constant growth are the only ways for tech leaders to ensure that things won’t get left behind in the fast-paced environment. These people constantly explore new methods to enhance and expand their business skills and their technological comprehension of how betterments can be leveraged to scale organizational progress to new heights of success. Insights Success embraces the journey of the establishments and the starlets that are driving exponential progress and augmenting the modern business arena by leveraging the emerging trends of technology in its latest edition, “Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023.” Flip through the pages and indulge in the odyssey of excellence that is transforming the modern business world.
  • 6. o8 C O N T C O V E R S T O R Y
  • 7. 24 A R T I C L E S 16 26 20 Chooch Unleashing the Power at Vision Qualities Every Leader Should Have Written by Emily Hartstone of From The Hart Management, LLC E N T S 30 Fusionlayer The Key to Reliable Network Connectivity and Continuity of Operations C X O P r o  l e P r o  l e Enhancing Safety and Efficiency Edge Compu ng in Autonomous Vehicles At the Edge Devices Edge Compu ng for Edge AI
  • 8. June, 2023 Editor-in-Chief Senior Sales Manager Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Database Management Technology Consultant Merry D'Souza Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editors Visualizer David King Art & Design Director Associate Designer Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Mane S. John Matthew Sales Executives Kudsinge S., James P. Business Development Executives Steve, Joe Jacob Smile Prachi Mokashi Dominique T. SME-SMO Executive Sagar Lahigade Frank Adams Circulation Manager Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes Ankita Pandharpure Copyright © 2023 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : Abhishek Joshi Revati Badkas Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller We are also available on :
  • 9. Brief Company Name Under the leadership and expertise of Ariel Efrati, CEO, Telco Systems fosters innovation that enables a fundamental evolution in organizations computational and technological frameworks, allowing them to effectively leverage the edge. Featured Person Telco Systems Ariel Efrati CEO Emily is an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, catalyst of meetings and events, and start-ups and business consultant. Gifts From the Hart Emily Hartstone CEO Under Emrah's leadership, Chooch provides realtime actionable, valuable insights for real-world applications. chooch Emrah Gültekin CEO and Co-founder Juha is a highly skilled professional who delivers results that exceed expectations every time. FusionLayer Juha Holkkola Co-founder & CEO Over five years, Patricia has built a highly successful marketing function from the ground up, engaging remote teams in over 20 countries - while hardly setting foot on a plane. WTW Patricia Antunez Transformation Director
  • 10. Telco Systems is a well-established company that's been around for over four decades, developing high-performance network communications software and hardware solutions.
  • 11.
  • 12. n the digital realm, floodgates of data have long been Iopened. The deluge is pouring into the networks and threatening to choke the channels leading to bandwidth limitations and latency issues. A sluggish network not only induces a vivid upset but also affects productivity and monetary losses for businesses. Edge computing is a topological solution that brings processing capabilities closer to the end user. Demand for new applications means the time is ripe for an edge – consumers want low latency for real-time experiences and enterprises require local processing for secure and resilient operations. Under the leadership and expertise of Ariel Efrati, CEO, Telco Systems fosters innovation that enables a fundamental evolution in organizations computational and technological frameworks, allowing them to effectively leverage the edge. Telco Systems is advancing organizations'- digital transformation with Edgility – its smart platform for edge computing that accelerates service deployment. With Edgility, Telco Systems stands at the forefront of the ongoing redefinition of the world's digital architecture by serving flexible, scalable, and future-proof edge computing and virtualization solutions. Insights Success interviews Ariel on how Telco Systems is providing high-performance systems to businesses leading to the futuristic digital embrace: Below are the excerpts from the interview: What was the initial idea behind the inception of Telco Systems? Telco Systems is a well-established company that's been around for over four decades, developing high-performance network communications software and hardware solutions. Our purpose is to provide the highest level of network service innovation to Communications Service Providers, Managed Services Providers, System Integrators and Large Enterprises. Telco Systems is one of the founding members of the Metro Ethernet Forum, provisioning for standardization of transmission and network connectivity between Service Providers, and as such has long-standing recognition and powerful relationships throughout the Telecom networking industry. We've been providing state-of-the-art solutions for layer-2 network connectivity since our inception. From that, we gained expertise in the new trends and the networking needs of the Telcom industry and the IT and networking around it. We started with the evolution of SD-WAN and the requirements for security around it and for cloud computing and edge computing. Our deep insights and connections with the telecom networking industry have laid the foundation for understanding the upcoming business needs developing around edge computing. What are the primary objectives and philosophy of Telco Systems? Traditionally the Telecommunications industry was centered around hardware functions, and devices that can efficiently and with low latency resolve complex networking challenges. However, modernization and the extreme digital transformation that is underway led to the conclusion that software is the precursor of innovation, which has enabled cloud computing, smartphones, and more. The need to take legacy hardware-based solutions and virtualize them has become an essential requirement for any organization in digital transformation, and Telco Telco Systems’ Edgility is a platform for edge computing that simplifies the deployment, operations, and lifecycle management of complex business apps, network functions and compute devices, on the edge, at scale.
  • 13. Systems is at the forefront of this transformation – anticipating and servicing its customer's needs as they undergo their journey. Networks must be software-defined, oriented, and operated. Telco Systems went through a similar transformation – we were (and still are) providing complex solutions in the hardware domain and recognized that there was a real need for deep software functionality on top of the hardware. Our goal was to provide value-added functionality on top of any virtualized hardware to allow our customers the freedom of choice. The next step in our journey was technically complex but conceptually simple - to take all the richness and availability of those complex networking mechanisms, completely abstract them from the hardware, and bring all the functionality into the software. We're very proud that our Operating System and Management & Orchestration solutions enable very complex networking functionalities and network function chaining, based only on software, completely abstracted from any hardware that our customers choose. This means that our customers can utilize any generic off-the-shelf compute power and still get very powerful compute and networking mechanisms on top of it. What are your top-notch offerings that have a strong foothold in the industry? Digital transformation has created a new type of perimeter for the IT industry, business resources and services virtualized and cloudified. As the digital workspace continues to evolve, more business resources are pushed to the network's edge, and IT services infrastructures continue to grow. The complexity and cost of managing tens, or hundreds of thousands of edge devices, running multiple applications across widely distributed sites has increased exponentially. To address and simplify these complexities and to enable an agile, cost effective, and manageable infrastructure of IT services at scale, Telco Systems developed Edgility – an open, hybrid platform for edge computing, that brings cloud-native environments to the network edge while reducing complexity and improving operational efficiency. Edgility enables full automation for the deployment, operation, and lifecycle management of thousands of edge devices and IT services across widespread distributed sites, connected through multiple network providers. Edgility provides simple and intuitive operation and management of edge devices and services at scale.
  • 14. It simplifies the deployment of any service by creating a secure control layer for the operation, management, and administration of edge devices and the applications they are running. Edgility enables our customers to select the hardware and software components that best fit their needs and budget. Edgility's zero-touch provisioning expedites deploying new services without the need for on-site technical personnel. At the same time, its vendor-neutral open architecture enables our customers the flexibility to deploy software solutions and utilize devices from any vendor. Edgility's small footprint operating system can efficiently run multiple virtual services on our customers' choice of edge devices, including extremely low power devices, delivering up to 60% reduction in Total Cost of Ownership, as well as at least 45% reduction in carbon emissions. Obviously, both TCO and carbon emissions are critical focus points today for organizations seeking to improve their service profitability as well as decrease their environmental impact. Edgility is composed of two elements: Edgility OS is a high-performance, small-footprint operating system that turns any box into a fully operational edge device. Optimized for maximum resource utilization, Edgility OS delivers high throughput even on low-resource edge computing devices. Edgility OS supports hybrid virtualized and containerized functions/ applications from any vendor, allowing our customers to deploy and run multi-service workloads. Edgility Central is a powerful, Management and Orchestration platform that enables our customers to manage multiple edge devices, applications, network functions, and service policies across multiple sites via a simple and highly automated UX. What are the roadblocks that Telco Systems faces in the ever-changing landscape of the business world? This type of movement for digital transformation is always a complex movement. Your organization already has a setup. It's already working with some methodology. The mere migration from one process to the next is complex for any organization, but in many cases, there is a crisis point or a moment of urgency. E.g., the supply chain has been disturbed - we know that post-COVID, the microprocessor industry's supply chain has become challenging, and this is the right moment to change something and transform. Telco Systems enables our customers to continue to do the same processes they're used to but on generic hardware. This is the first and immediate step for them. They have justification and can immediately see the benefits of moving to a system that manages all their generic hardware devices universally. By switching out their hardware, they already start to reap the benefits of this different way of thinking. All our customers go through similar stages, where they are opening up new sites and facing timelines of many months just to connect the new sites. With Edgility, they can deploy generic devices, connect them to the network and continue to use the same mechanisms that they're used to, with Edgility managing and orchestrating the entire setup. This is the trigger that enables them to move from their current mode of operation to the future. The typical organization has been undergoing a vast transformation from hardware to software and to a cloud-based architecture. With software, it doesn't matter where the application is deployed, as long as it's connected and you can access it, That's just the first drive towards innovation. The second drive is around applications that must be deployed on-site or as close as possible to where the data is created. We're talking about applications for analytics and monitoring, for instance - integrated functions where the networking is essential. in all these cases, we're taking applications that were moved to the cloud at some point, and we're bringing them back to the source of the data. That's what empowers the emergence of edge computing; Telco Systems enables its customers to continue to do the same processes they're used to but on generic hardware.
  • 15. whether it's enterprise edge or telco edge, the analytics and the various operations that are performed on the data will need to be kept very close to the source of the data. In addition, there are security issues, GDPR, and all the network applications that need to be kept as close to the networking environment as possible. Our customers decide where their compute environment will be and how to integrate with applications on the cloud, so we essentially create service chains or workload chains where part of the workload is local, and part is on the cloud. This requires tight integration between different modes of operations and between the network and the applications to ensure the flow of data will run correctly and efficiently. And that's literally where Telco Systems operates – at the intersection of cloud computing, telco edge, mobile edge compute and enterprise edge computing environments. How is your company adapting to market orientation? Just a decade ago, a typical organization had its computers for employees, a dedicated, expensive network line between sites, as well as an internal data center or server where they could store data and the applications they were using. Within a decade, we moved from a completely localized hardware-oriented environment into an utterly abstracted software environment in which, rather than using networking lines, we can finally make use of the internet and control it - for example, through SD-WAN. We moved from internal servers and data centers to cloud- based solutions. Cloud-based doesn't mean that you don't use any hardware, but as an enterprise, it means you don't have to deal with the hardware anymore, just with the software on top of it. It means that you can minimize costs, reduce expertise needs, and increase your agility and your pace of innovation. It means you can offload the underlying infrastructure problems to someone else. And this evolution has actually empowered a tremendous boom in business innovation. For instance, applications that can be deployed at the click of a button and don't require complex installation and complex integration. Everything can be done remotely on the cloud or in an abstracted software environment. And we achieved all that in less than a decade. As an industry, we should be very proud of this achievement. However, it's important to understand that Cloud Computing and Edge Computing are not the same. In many cases, edge computing is erroneously referred to as an extension of cloud computing or as simply taking cloud computing and placing it at the edge. The key difference however between the edge and the cloud is scale. While cloud computing infrastructure is built out of several data center sites, the edge can span across 10Ks and 100Ks of sites and physical devices each running multiple applications. While management systems developed for cloud compute can manage 100K applications, they are not designed to manage 100K physical devices at distributed sites. With edge computing, a high level of automation is essential, and secure remote management and orchestration tools provide support and full lifecycle management from a central location, reducing customer's reliance on DevOps teams. Edgility is at the core of all this. In the past, we had networking devices and small computing devices, and we needed to manage each and every one of them separately, and every change entailed a complex process that could take months or more. Today we need to instantiate network functions or compute applications in different locations, in external or internal clouds, in local or remote or distributed devices. We want to be able to do all this with a single click, automatically. We want to address every device or site remotely. We want to be able to do everything from a software and automation perspective rather than from a hardware and manual perspective. Edgility ensures that each and every device on your network, in your enterprise, can be unified and connected, and universally approachable. Organizations that are just beginning to think about Digital Transformation, or are in the early stages of their own transformation, find the concepts of abstraction and openness too complex. These companies have ingrained processes that they've developed over decades to deal with internal challenges and are generally at a slower pace of innovation. They have yet to accept that strategically they must undergo the same digital transformation that their customers are already undergoing. They have a long learning curve ahead of them and we can accompany them and guide them throughout this process of implementing edge compute. On the other hand, you have organizations that have already strategically embraced the necessity to transform their
  • 16. business into a digital-first business. In that environment, they intuitively understand that they need to be able to automate the processes that they're running across their thousands of sites. Simply updating or changing applications, service chaining, integrating networking, monitoring the network – all of these topics are extremely complex and require very specific expertise and dedicated teams. These organizations inherently know that they must abstract all of this. They know that they want to be able to replace hardware easily if it doesn't fit their need. They know that they want to be able to update applications with one click and increase or reduce the compute necessities for these applications on the go. It's already become a mindset for them. When they see Edgility, they immediately say – "That's exactly what we need – I knew there had to be something like this in the market!” What is your stance on implementing innovative technologies? A powerful wave of innovation is going on today, with 5G as the catalyst for much of it. We see it in Artificial Intelligence, we see it in video which has low latency requirements, in Analytics and Gaming, and more. These are sectors that are beginning to understand how to utilize these technologies and will leverage them very soon. The enterprise domain is creating immense amounts of data and accelerating the amount of data created every day. This forces us to find new ways to analyze this data and act on it, and that means that we need to develop new underlying mechanisms to treat the data and make use of it. We're going to see Artificial Intelligence and Analytics extracting even more actionable information from data, which means we will see more and more of the underlying infrastructure adapting itself to enable that, and Telco Systems with Edgility is literally at the center of all that. Just ten years ago, nobody thought of moving to the cloud. Today, we – Telco Systems, with Edgility, are the innovator in an industry that's already at the forefront of innovation. What is the next chapter for Telco Systems? Innovation sparks from the ability to integrate complex apps that run across multiple environments – for example, an IoT small form factor device or an edge device with some compute power, or the cloud with extremely large compute power. The ability to migrate applications in and out of any environment and connect them will be the solution of choice for enterprises moving forward. Telco Systems with Edgility is at the center of this transformation with a solution that manages all of these environments under a unified and universal platform. The industry is still extremely nascent - we are still very much at the beginning of the digital transformation wave. But the market is going there. Every operator is beginning to build a telco edge compute, or a mobile edge compute environment – it's not yet leveraged. Still, they're starting to see and implement the technologies they know are going to be used in the applications of the future. And we are at the forefront of the innovation around these technologies and solutions. We're seeing a considerable trend veering into actionable IoT – where our devices will not just provide us with data but actually deliver and act upon actionable information from this data. Once our devices are able to become actionable, there will be a sizeable chunk of the overall industry moving into typical IoT scenarios. We're already starting to see this in the transportation industry and in agriculture, where supply chains are being disrupted, and we're starting to see some very interesting solutions. This, however, is still quite a closed garden that requires tremendous integration. But very soon, we'll see the democratization of these processes, where every organization will want to install their own IoT mechanism with sensors that can analyze close-range data. So, the cycle of creating large amounts of data, analyzing it on site, and acting on it, continues. We're at the beginning of this movement. As soon as devices can act on information, we'll see an explosion of technologies and solutions around it. Edgility will be the basis for efficiently and transparently managing all of this. To know more about Telco Systems; please visit: Our deep insights and connections with the telecom networking industry have laid the foundation for understanding the upcoming business needs developing around edge computing.
  • 18. June 2023 | 16 | At the Edge Devices June 2023 | 16 |
  • 19. June 2023 | 17 | Edge Computing for Edge AI n recent years, the advancement of artificial Iintelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, making it essential to process data faster and more efficiently. Edge computing, a decentralized computing model, has emerged as a powerful solution to address the challenges of latency, bandwidth constraints, and privacy concerns associated with traditional cloud-based AI systems. In this article, we will delve into the concept of edge computing for edge AI and explore its role in empowering smart devices at the edge of the network. Understanding Edge Computing and Edge AI Edge computing is a distributed computing paradigm that enables data processing closer to the source of data generation, i.e., at the edge of the network, rather than relying on centralized cloud servers. The primary goal of edge computing is to reduce latency, minimize data transmission to the cloud, and improve overall system performance. Edge AI, on the other hand, refers to the integration of artificial intelligence algorithms and inference models directly into edge devices. Edge devices, such as smartphones, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, drones, and smart cameras, collect vast amounts of data. The data generated at the edge often needs immediate processing and actionable insights, making edge AI a critical component for real-time decision-making. Use Cases for Edge AI at the Edge Devices Smart Surveillance: Edge AI allows smart cameras to analyze video feeds locally, detecting objects, recognizing faces, and sending alerts in real-time without relying on constant cloud connectivity. Autonomous Vehicles: Edge AI empowers self-driving cars to make critical decisions instantly, enhancing safety and responsiveness on the roads. Healthcare: Edge AI-enabled medical devices can analyze patient data at the point of care, enabling faster diagnostics and personalized treatments. Industrial IoT: Edge AI in industrial settings enhances predictive maintenance, optimizes manufacturing processes, and minimizes downtime. Edge computing for edge AI represents a groundbreaking technology that transforms how smart devices process data and deliver real-time insights. By bringing AI capabilities to the edge of the network, edge computing empowers devices to operate more efficiently, securely, and autonomously. As the world becomes increasingly reliant on AI-driven applications, edge computing will undoubtedly play a vital role in shaping the future of technology. June 2023 | 17 |
  • 20. Technical Aspects of Edge Computing for Edge AI: Edge AI Inference: Edge devices typically have limited computational resources and power constraints. Therefore, edge AI models must be optimized for efficient inference, making use of lightweight architectures like MobileNet or TinyML. These models should strike a balance between accuracy and resource utilization to deliver real-time results. Model Deployment and Management: Edge devices may have varying hardware capabilities and software configurations. Deploying and managing AI models on diverse devices requires careful consideration of compatibility and version control. Containerization and frameworks like TensorFlow Lite and ONNX Runtime simplify model deployment across different edge devices. Federated Learning: Edge computing enables a privacy- preserving approach called federated learning. Instead of sending raw data to the cloud for model training, edge devices can train models locally and only transmit model updates to a central server. This preserves data privacy while aggregating knowledge from multiple devices. Edge-to-Cloud Synchronization: In some scenarios, edge devices may need to collaborate with cloud-based AI systems to leverage the massive computational power of data centers. Ensuring seamless synchronization between edge and cloud systems is essential for optimal performance. Impact on the Modern Business Arena Retail and Customer Experience: In the retail sector, edge AI-powered smart cameras and sensors are deployed to analyze customer behavior, foot traffic, and product interactions within stores. This data enables retailers to optimize store layouts, product placements, and marketing strategies. Additionally, edge AI can provide personalized shopping recommendations to customers in real-time, enhancing the overall shopping experience. Agriculture: Edge AI is revolutionizing agriculture by enabling precision farming techniques. Drones equipped with edge AI capabilities can monitor crop health, detect diseases, and assess soil conditions. This information helps farmers make data-driven decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and pest control, leading to increased crop yields and reduced resource wastage. Healthcare: In remote or resource-constrained areas, edge AI-enabled medical devices play a crucial role. Portable diagnostic tools equipped with AI algorithms can rapidly analyze medical images and detect diseases like tuberculosis, diabetic retinopathy, and skin conditions. This helps healthcare professionals provide timely and accurate diagnoses, even in areas with limited access to specialized medical facilities. Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: Edge computing combined with AI is transforming the manufacturing sector through the concept of Industry 4.0. Smart factories employ edge devices and sensors to monitor equipment health, predict maintenance needs, and optimize production processes. Real-time data analysis helps minimize downtime, reduce operational costs, and improve overall manufacturing efficiency. Autonomous Vehicles: Edge AI is a fundamental component of self-driving cars and autonomous vehicles. These vehicles rely on onboard AI systems to process sensor data, make split-second decisions, and navigate through complex environments. Edge AI ensures that the vehicles can react instantly to changing road conditions, enhancing safety and reliability. Energy Management: Edge AI is increasingly used in energy management systems to optimize energy consumption and reduce wastage. Smart grids equipped with edge AI analyze data from various energy sources and consumption patterns to balance the energy supply and demand, leading to more efficient and sustainable energy distribution. June 2023 | 18 |
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  • 22. omputer vision platforms are becoming increasingly Cpopular in various industries, with the potential to revolutionize how organizations operate. These platforms employ computer vision and AI algorithms to detect and analyze visual objects, images, or actions in video images. Chooch is a leading AI Vision solution that addresses business challenges using a diverse range of AI algorithms, including CNNs, DNNs, Large Language Models (LLMs), and more. Chooch’s AI Vision solutions leverage diverse algorithmic capabilities which excel at detecting visuals, objects,andactionsinvideoimages. Chooch has a deep understanding of the complexities involved in the production and deployment of computer vision AI. Its AI Vision platform tackles data management, model development, infrastructure considerations, and ongoing model training. As a result, Chooch provides real- timeactionable,valuableinsightsfor real-worldapplications. We at Insights Success interviewed Emrah Gültekin, the CEO and Co-founder of Chooch, to understand their approachtooperatingtheAI visionplatform. Let’s delveintotheinterceptsoftheinterview! What inspired thefounding of Chooch? The founding of Chooch emerged at the convergence of AI advancements and a rapidly evolving society. As an entrepreneur with a social sciences background, I recognized the need to contribute to the next waves of innovation amidst a world lackingefficiency,foresight,andtransparency. Our journey into visual perception systems began years earlier when the idea began to take shape. My brother, Hakan, was deeply involved in computer programming from an early age and delved into visual perception and AI-based imaging systems around 2012; pioneering the use of deep learning frameworkson mobiledevices. Intrigued by that research, we soon realized that each AI segment, language, audio, and images, required distinct approaches in data collection, annotation, training, and deployment. To navigate the increasing complexity, we chose to specialize exclusively in computer visionAI. Vision, being the most vital yet intricate human faculty, guided our decision aswe learnedfromnature'scues. Chooch specifically utilizes NVIDIA's Jetson line of products for edge deployment, enabling efficient and powerful computer vision AI operations at the edge. Unleashing the Power of AI Vision June 2023 | 20 |
  • 23. Our mission to replicate human visual comprehension and cognition in machines, and enabling them to see, understand, and learn like humans became an obsessive goal for us, drivingour work atChooch. What specific problem or challenge did you identify in the field of computer vision that motivated you to create Chooch? Over the years, Chooch has encountered numerous challenges in the computer visionAI space. These challenges have encompassed various aspects, including dataset collection, annotation, model training and testing, fine- tuning, deployment of inference engines, video streaming, visualizations, model orchestrations, scaling, stream orchestrations, device orchestrations, and the creation of no- codeenvironmentsfor users. However, these challenges were integral parts of two major computer vision AI problems that Chooch has successfully addressed. The first problem centered around ensuring the reliable operation of the inference engine in client self-hosted environments, which often involved disconnected setups and edge deployments. Overcoming the orchestration and scalability hurdles was our initial challenge, driven by the demands of our government customers. This investment turned out to be highly beneficial for the commercial sector as well. The second major problem in computer vision AI lies in the accuracy of the vision models themselves. Computer vision AI is a complex field that requires the utilization of ensemble models to solve business problems. Synthetic data, annotation tooling, and the creation of ensemble models that collaborate with each other contribute to enhancing the robustness and accuracy of these models. However, deploying these models into production requires significant human and resource investments, as multiple training cycles are often required. Moreover, if variables such as the field of view or lighting conditions change, data must be collected again, and the model must be retrained to prevent model drift. This presents aclearrepeatabilitychallenge. From the early stages, we recognized that vision and language would eventually need to be combined to address issues of accuracy, model drift, and general repeatability. We conducted extensive experimentation, blending Language Models (LLMs) with Computer Vision for over a year and a half. TM Finally, we were able to introduce ImageChat to the market, which now tackles the challenge of custom model development. With ImageChat, users can create models using text prompts that can simultaneously query millions of streamsof visualinput. How does Chooch leverage edge computing in its AI Vision Platform? Can you explain the significance of edge computing inthe contextof computervision? Edge computing plays a vital role in computer visionAI due to threeprimaryreasons. Emrah Gültekin CEO and Co-founder Chooch Top Edge Compu ng Companies to Watch in 2023 June 2023 | 21 |
  • 24. Ÿ Cost Optimization: Vision sensors generate large files, making data transfer costly. Performing inferencing tasks near the data source or storage location minimizes data movement, reducing associated expenses. This cost considerationremainsrelevantintheforeseeablefuture. Ÿ Privacy and Cybersecurity: Enterprise customers in production environments are concerned about privacy and cybersecurity risks associated with transferring video data across platforms. This is understandable, as it helps mitigate privacy and cybersecurity risks. Processing video data locally or on edge devices becomes necessary to address theseconcernseffectively. Ÿ Efficient Deployment: Certain use cases require extremely low latency and reliable connectivity. Running computations on-premises or at the edge is crucial to achieving real-time responsiveness and stable connections. What are the key benefits or advantages of combining edgecomputing andAI inChooch's solution? Employing edge computing for AI inferencing offers significantadvantagesfor anumberofreasons. Ÿ Enhances economic viability by minimizing data transfer costs associated with large vision sensor file sizes. Performing inferencing tasks on the edge optimizes costs, makingtheprocess moreeconomicallyfeasible. Ÿ Addresses privacy and cybersecurity concerns by processing data locally or on edge devices. This approach reduces the need for transferring sensitive video data across platforms, mitigating potential risks, and ensuring datasecurity. Ÿ Enables real-time responsiveness with the stable connections which are crucial for applications requiring low latency and reliable connectivity. By deploying AI algorithms closer to the data source, edge deployment ensures minimaldelayanduninterruptedperformance. Ÿ Edge sensors can collect additional data beyond visual information, which can be integrated into Chooch's vector databases. This comprehensive data enables advanced analysis and decision-making processes, enhancing the capabilities of Chooch on the Edge. Can you elaborate on Chooch’s pre-trained computer vision models that can be instantly deployed? How are they tailoredtospecificuse cases orindustries? TM Chooch has developed a library of ReadyNow models to cater to users' specific business needs without extensive customization. These models cover a diverse range of applications, including demographics analysis, PPE detection, fall detection, object detection, fire and smoke detection, and weapons detection, among others. These models are designed and trained to deliver accurate results, allowing businesses to leverage computer vision AI quickly andeffectively. Chooch deploys relevant ReadyNow models that align with clients' immediate requirements, enabling businesses to deploy computer vision solutions without extensive development efforts. Our team develops models that address clients' specific challenges and use cases, ensuring that Chooch’s computer vision models meet the unique requirementsofdifferentindustriesandusecases. By providing pre-trained models for common use cases, we help businesses to accelerate their adoption of AI June 2023 | 22 |
  • 25. technologies, derive immediate value from the platform, and remainflexibletoaddress futuredemandsandchallenges. What sets Chooch apart from otherAIVision platforms in the market? What unique features or capabilities does Chooch offer? Chooch differentiates itself from other AI vision platforms with its comprehensive and unique features. It offers a full lifecycle computer vision platform encompassing data ingestion, inferencing, and detection. One standout feature thatsetsus apartisChooch's generativeAI capabilities. As one of the few companies globally providing and implementing generative AI for inferencing and detection, Chooch's platform surpasses traditional computer vision algorithms in accuracy. By incorporating advanced generative AI models, Chooch’s technology can synthesize new data and generate responses based on real-world visual inputs. This enables Chooch to deliver dynamic and context- awareresponses, enhancingtheaccuracyandintelligence of its AI Vision platform and distinguishing itself in the market. In addition to its generative AI capabilities, Chooch offers a rangeofotheruniquefeaturesandcapabilities.Theseinclude: Ÿ Customizability: It offers the flexibility to develop tailored models and solutions, addressing specific industryoruse caserequirements. Ÿ ReadyNow Models: It provides a library of pre- programmed ReadyNow models, delivering instant solutions for common visual tasks without the need for extensivecustomization. Ÿ Edge Computing: It leverages edge devices like Nvidia's Jetson line, enabling real-time inferencing and analysis at the edge, ideal for low-latency applications with stable connectionsandlargevideofiles. Ÿ Scalability and Efficiency: It scales efficiently, handling large volumes of visual data and complex analysis tasks to meet enterprise-level demands and support AI initiative growth. Ÿ Full Lifecycle Support: It offers end-to-end support throughout the entire computer visionAI project lifecycle, encompassing data preparation, model development, deployment,monitoring,andmaintenance. By combining generative AI capabilities, customizability, ReadyNow models, edge computing support, scalability, and fullAI lifecycle support, Chooch establishes its uniqueness in the market. These features and capabilities empower businesses to leverage advanced AI Vision technology and derive actionable insights from visual data in a highly efficient andintelligentmanner. How has Chooch evolved since its inception? Are there any significant milestones or advancements that you would liketohighlight? Chooch has made remarkable progress in the field, attaining noteworthy milestones and advancements. Our notable accomplishments include the creation of an optimized inference engine that ensures efficient and accurate processingof visualdata. Additionally, Chooch has achieved a breakthrough by successfully integrating LLMs with computer vision. It is exemplified by the rapid progression from ImageChat-1 to ImageChat-2 and ongoing work on ImageChat-3. This fusion of computer vision and language inAI represents a significant leap forward, enabling Chooch to tackle a wider range of business challenges. The continuous evolution and dedication to developing cutting-edge models, like ImageChat, demonstrates our commitment to advancing AI Vision technology. By leveraging LLMs and merging them with computer vision algorithms, Chooch pioneers comprehensive solutions that effectively address a multitude of real-world problems. Each milestone achieved by the company contributes to innovation andshapes thefuturelandscapeof computervisionAI. What is Chooch's vision for the future of AI Vision technologyand itspotentialimpacton various industries? Chooch envisions a future where AI Vision technology becomes the dominant force across industries, surpassing previous technological advancements. Chooch believes that economic and technical barriers to widespread adoption are diminishing. The transformative impact of AI Vision will revolutionize sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail,transportation,security, andentertainment. June 2023 | 23 |
  • 26. Qualities Every Leader Should Have Written by Emily Hartstone of From The Hart Management, LLC odern times look significantly different than they Mdid just five years ago; COVID-19 and an uncertain economy have forced companies to stay on their toes and learn to react in real-time, while a more connected world has dramatically changed both employee and customer expectations. As these changes have shaken businesses to their foundations, the most successful leaders have learned new skill sets to become better equipped to handle these types of challenges. In particular, accountability, empathy, confidence, and the ability to empower your people constitute some of the most important qualities every leader should have. One of the highest on the list is accountability. This means accountability of yourself, your emotions, words, intentions, mistakes, decisions, and actions - own it all. If someone on your team makes a mistake, it’s your fault for not providing them with the guidance and tools they needed to do it right. If a client is not happy with your work, it’s your fault for not clarifying expectations upfront or delivering on your promise, etc. When we take ownership, we can inspire and elevate the performance of everyone around us, and this is what real leadership is actually all about. Empower your people. Not just by delegating tasks or handing over responsibilities but have the courage to ask them what they think, and then empower them with the autonomy to see their vision through. There are so many opportunities in modern business to be a mentor to the next generation of talent and if you’re in a position to help someone grow, there’s nothing more impactful than that. The most successful leaders have empathy. I very clearly remember sitting on an airplane years ago while I was still working for corporate America, reading a Forbes article that said nine out of ten employees see a link between job satisfaction and empathetic leadership. At the time I was working for a company where I felt I had to walk on eggshells at all times, which is why I still remember it to this day. Empathy is critical to good leadership because it creates an open psychologically safe environment that lets each team member express their authentic self, free from judgement. Tying this back to the previous quality of empowerment, when an employee feels afraid to speak up, an empathetic leader can sense that and work to create a more empowering environment for them to speak their minds. The next important quality is to be a leader, not a “boss.” Bosses boss people around and demand; leaders lead by example and show. Similar to what I’ve mentioned in another question, something I’ve learned in my career is that if you were to look at any company with underperforming employees, hands down, it’s because of leadership issues. All leaders must have confidence. Leaders have to make big decisions, and these often times come with large risks. This is also the not-so-fun part of being a leader because when you’re the one taking the risk, you’ll also probably take the blame if things go wrong – but that’s just part of the gig! You must also have the confidence to act decisively in high- stakes situations. Rather than showing anxiety in your behavior, you must remain calm, collected, and resolute. There are always going to be people who disagree with the leader’s decisions. While it is very important to listen to other viewpoints, a leader can’t back down in the face of criticism or conflict. They need to have the self-confidence to brush off that doubt and always trust their intuition when they know they are making the right decision. Finally, but certainly not least, positivity. You do not have to be rainbows and sunshine all of the time, but you certainly have to pass a sense of optimism to your team. Employees like working for positive, inspiring people. They don’t just want to show up to work, work through tasks and go home. They want to feel like they are a valued part of something bigger, a larger mission they can believe in. June 2023 | 24 |
  • 27. CXO June 2023 | 25 |
  • 28. EdgeComputing in AutonomousVehicles June 2023 | 26 |
  • 29. dge computing has emerged as a transformative technology for various industries, and one of the sectors that Esignificantly benefit from its implementation is autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles, also known as self- driving cars, rely on complex algorithms and real-time data processing to navigate, perceive their surroundings, and make crucial decisions. Edge computing plays a critical role in enhancing the performance and safety of autonomous vehicles by reducing latency, improving data processing, and ensuring a seamless driving experience. This article delves into the concept of edge computing in autonomous vehicles, its advantages, challenges, and the potential it holds for the future. Understanding Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicles Edge computing refers to a decentralized computing infrastructure that brings computing resources closer to the data source, reducing the need to transfer large volumes of data to centralized data centers for processing. In the context of autonomous vehicles, edge computing involves installing computing resources, such as servers or cloud data centers, at the vehicle's edge or close to its sensors. This setup enables real-time data processing and immediate decision-making without relying solely on cloud-based data centers, thereby reducing latency and response time. Enhancing Safety and Efficiency June 2023 | 27 |
  • 30. Advantages of Edge Computing in Autonomous Vehicles Low Latency: Latency, or the time taken for data to travel from sensors to processing centers and back, is a critical factor in autonomous driving. By processing data at the edge, autonomous vehicles can make split-second decisions, reducing the risk of accidents and improving overall driving performance. Enhanced Data Privacy: Autonomous vehicles generate vast amounts of sensitive data related to the vehicle's surroundings, passengers, and operations. Edge computing enables data processing on-board, reducing the need to send raw data to external servers, thus enhancing data privacy and security. Reliability in Connectivity: Autonomous vehicles may face situations where they lose internet connectivity, particularly in remote or densely populated areas. Edge computing ensures that critical functionalities remain operational even when connectivity is intermittent or unavailable. Bandwidth Optimization: Edge computing reduces the amount of data that needs to be transmitted to the cloud, optimizing bandwidth usage and reducing the load on the network infrastructure. Real-time Decision-Making: Autonomous vehicles require real-time decision-making capabilities for safe navigation. Edge computing enables faster data processing, allowing vehicles to respond quickly to changing road conditions and potential hazards. Challenges and Potential Solutions While edge computing offers significant benefits, there are some challenges that need to be addressed for successful implementation in autonomous vehicles: Processing Power: Autonomous vehicles demand high processing power to handle real-time data from multiple sensors. Designing efficient and powerful edge computing systems that can fit within the vehicle's physical constraints is a considerable challenge. Data Synchronization: Ensuring data synchronization across edge devices and cloud data centers is crucial to maintain a coherent view of the vehicle's surroundings and update relevant maps and navigation data. Security Concerns: Edge computing introduces new security risks, as computing resources are distributed and exposed to potential threats. Implementing robust security measures is essential to protect against cyber-attacks and unauthorized access to vehicle systems. Standardization and Interoperability: To facilitate seamless communication between edge devices and cloud-based infrastructure, industry-wide standardization and interoperability protocols need to be established. Enhanced Safety and Redundancy: Edge computing enhances the safety of autonomous vehicles by allowing critical safety systems to be processed locally on the vehicle. In the event of connectivity loss to the cloud or data center, edge computing ensures that essential safety features, such as emergency braking or collision avoidance, continue to function effectively. Reduced Data Costs: Transmitting massive amounts of sensor data to the cloud can incur significant data costs. By performing data processing at the edge, only relevant and processed data needs to be sent to the cloud, leading to reduced data transmission expenses for autonomous vehicle manufacturers and operators. Edge-Analytics for Anomaly Detection: Edge computing can also be leveraged for real-time anomaly detection. By deploying analytics models at the edge, autonomous vehicles can quickly detect irregular patterns or system malfunctions and take corrective actions promptly. This contributes to higher levels of reliability and safety in autonomous driving systems. Traffic Pattern Analysis: Edge computing can analyze traffic patterns and trends within specific regions. This data analysis can aid in predicting traffic congestion, identifying potential bottlenecks, and optimizing route planning for autonomous vehicles, leading to more efficient and time- saving journeys. Future Prospects Edge computing in autonomous vehicles is poised to revolutionize the automotive industry. As technology advances, the processing capabilities of edge devices will continue to improve, enabling more complex algorithms and AI models to be deployed on board. Additionally, advancements in 5G and beyond, coupled with the proliferation of connected infrastructure, will further enhance the potential of edge computing in autonomous vehicles. June 2023 | 28 |
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  • 33. The Key to Reliable Network Connectivity and Continuity of Operations ith 35 patents secured in the largest economies Wworldwide, FusionLayer provides unparalleled visibility, scalability, and continuity across private data centers, public clouds, and emerging multi- access edge clouds. The innovative technologies offered by FusionLayer have enabled some of the most advanced service providers and enterprises worldwide to implement end-to-end network automation, automate IP assignment and configuration process"es, and seamlessly extend BSS/OSS automation to service activation on the network level. Under Juha Holkkola’s leadership, the Co-founder & CEO, FusionLayer, is poised to play a crucial role in the emerging multi-access edge cloud and 5G infrastructure needed to scale out Artificial Intelligence. We caught up with Juha and discussed the company's edge in the market. Below are the highlights of the interview: Tell us about your company in detail. FusionLayer provides patented Network Source of Truth and IP addressing solutions. The systems we provide lay out the IP connectivity and the network automation bedrock for the virtualized network functions, intelligent devices, and business applications running across private data centers, public clouds, and emerging multi-access edge clouds. Our solutions are being run in production by some of the most advanced service providers and enterprises around the world for their mission-critical network needs. Enlighten us about your specialized services and how these solutions drive transformations in the dynamic industry. FusionLayer is a product company that has invented and pioneered many network technologies that are being used by billions of people today. These include things like network automation, an IP address for the cloud, and DNS security, for which FusionLayer has secured 35 patents in most of the largest economies in the world. The reasons why telecoms and enterprises deploy and run FusionLayer are primarily related to savings in the total cost of ownership and the business continuity benefits we provide. These include, for example: Ÿ Ability to implement end-to-end network automation to eliminate service and speed up time-to-market from weeks to minutes. FusionLayer is a product company that has invented and pioneered many network technologies that are being used by billions of people today. “ “ “ “ The Key to Reliable Network Connectivity and Continuity of Operations Top Edge Computing Companies to Watch in 2023 June 2023 | 31 |
  • 34. Ÿ Minimizing OPEX and speeding up service activation by automating the IP assignment and configuration processes for virtualized network elements running at the edge clouds. Ÿ Speeding up time-to-market and revenue recognition by extending the BSS/OSS automation seamlessly to service activation on the network level. When such benefits are operated at a large scale, the savings can be millions of dollars annually. That is one of the key reasons why some of the most extensive network operations in the world have come to rely on FusionLayer and the innovative technologies we provide. What is the vision and mission of the organization? FusionLayer minimizes network downtime by automating all processes that touch networks. This is achieved with sophisticated solutions that provide unparalleled visibility, scalability, and continuity across the entire business infrastructure: on-premise, in public clouds, and at the edges. In short, our mission is to simplify the networked world. What are the essential aspects of providing automated solutions, and in your opinion, what attributes do you think your clients admire in the company the most? There are two things that our customers appreciate over everything else: The efficiencies created by cutting-edge technology. FusionLayer's customers understand the value of leading technology and the business advantages modern technology provides them with over the competition. Continuity and peace of mind. FusionLayer's customers are typically organizations for whom reliable network connectivity and continuity of operations are critical. By placing their trust in FusionLayer, they demonstrate confidence. And to earn that trust again every day: this is what FusionLayer is all about. What are the immersive benefits of the services that FusionLayer provides to its clients? FusionLayer is a crucial element of the emerging multi- access edge cloud (MEC) and 5G infrastructure that will be June 2023 | 32 |
  • 35. used to run the Artificial Intelligence and other Metaverse applications that will provide the immersive user experience of tomorrow. So, our key role is to ensure these applications have an infrastructure they can run on reliably and efficiently. What fundamentals make FusionLayer stand out as a leading company in the niche? FusionLayer has pioneered and patented many network technologies, such as DNS Firewalls are commonplace today. Although, as a company of Finnish origin, we may have only sometimes been successful in marketing the FusionLayer brand, we have many large Tier-1 telecom companies around the world as our customers. This means that there are literally hundreds of millions of Internet users who are partially relying on the systems and the services we provide every single day. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? The next big thing in our business will be the new business infrastructure needed to scale out Artificial Intelligence such as ChatGPT. Once the distributed mobile edge clouds with 5G connectivity and AI are in place, they will become the drivers for more advanced immersive applications that will make up the Metaverse. The new business infrastructure required for all this is being built already. Although it is still in its infancy, it will be based on technologies such as Multi-Access Edge Cloud (MEC), both public and private 5G, and some more traditional technologies like the public cloud and the private data centers large enterprises still run. FusionLayer plays a vital role in this emerging infrastructure. Where do you envision yourself in the long run, and what are your future goals for the organization? FusionLayer's technologies have powerful synergies with other technology users in the 5G space, application networking, and Operations Support Systems (OSS) space. Given this, we expect to continue to work with key partners in this market to create continuity and business benefits for our customers. What would you advise budding entrepreneurs aspiring to venture into the dynamic industry? The best advice I could give is to focus on emerging megatrends. The first reason for this recommendation is that global megatrends can carry entrepreneurs far because of their substantial commercial opportunities. The second reason is that there are fewer established structures in emerging markets, making it easier for new entrants to innovate as they move on. At FusionLayer, Metaverse is one of the most promising megatrends in the technology industry. June 2023 | 33 |