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To A biased mind Everything’s is in Fault (Part-01)
The human brain is capable of 1016
procedures per second, which makes it far more
commanding than any computer at present in existence. But that doesn't mean our brains
don't have major limits. The ordinary calculator can do math thousands of times better than
we can, and our memories are often less than useless — boon, we're subject to cognitive
biases, those annoying glitches in our thinking that cause us to make questionable decisions
and reach erroneous conclusions. Here are a dozen of the most ordinary and destructive
cognitive biases that you require to know about.
Previous to we start, it's important to differentiate between cognitive biases and logical
fallacies. A logical fallacy is an error in logical argumentation A cognitive bias, on the other
hand, is a indisputable lack or constraint in our thinking — a flaw in judgment that arises
from errors of memory, social attribution, and miscalculations (such as statistical errors or
a false sense of probability).
Some social psychologists believe our cognitive biases help us process information more
efficiently, especially in dangerous situations. Still, they lead us to make grave mistakes. We
may be prone to such errors in judgment, but at least we can be aware of them. Here are
some important ones to keep in mind.
What Is Psychology?
Psychology is the study of human Behaviour and mental processes within a sociocultural
Background, The fact is that there is a modest bit of truth in these formulaic portrayals,
but there is actually a lot more to psychology than you might originally think. There is a
wonderful assortment in psychology careers, and it is perhaps this enormous range of career
paths that contributes to some of the misconceptions about psychology and what
psychologists do. Sure, there are psychologists who help solve crimes and there are plenty
of professionals who help people deal with mental health issues. But did you know that there
are also psychologists who help create healthier workplaces or that design and implement
public health programs It is a subject which is required by each individual in all spheres of
their lines. Not only can it be useful for students interested in higher studies in the field
itself but even other students can be benefited from this field as it helps in enhancing the
overall development of a learner. To know ‘how and why we behave as we do’ is the goal of
every adolescent and this helps in giving insight to the basic questions which arise in the
Psychology is the methodical study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a versatile
regulation and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports,
health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes. Psychology is the methodical study
of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub-
fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and
cognitive processes.
Psychology evolved out of both philosophy and biology. Discussions of these two subjects
date as far back as the early Greek thinkers including Aristotle and Socrates. The word
psychology is derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning 'soul' or 'mind.
A derangement or abnormality of function; a dark physical or mental condition. For specific
disorders, such as the psychiatric disorders, see under the name, such as anxiety disorders
and personality disorders. The term "disorder" is used throughout the classification, so as
to avoid even greater problems inherent in the use of terms such as "disease" and "illness".
"Disorder" is not an exact term, but it is used here to imply the existence of a clinically
recognizable set of symptoms or behavior associated in most cases with distress and with
interference with personal functions. Social deviance or conflict alone, without personal
dysfunction, should not be included in mental disorder as defined here.
A mental disorder or psychiatric disorder is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially
reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is
not considered part of normal development in a person's culture. Mental disorders are
generally defined by a combination of how a person feels acts, thinks or perceives. This may
be associated with particular regions or functions of the brain or rest of the nervous
system, often in a social context.
A disorder of the mind involving thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that cause either self or
others significant distress. Significant distress can mean the person is unable to function,
meet personal needs on their own, or are a danger to themselves or others. Another popular
definition of mental illness is a person's inability to work or to love.
What Is a Psychological Disorder?
What accurately is a psychological disorder? How is a psychological disorder diagnosed?
Learn more about how clinicians define and classify mental disorders and discover how many
people are impacted by such disorders every year.
Psychological disorders, also known as mental disorders, are prototypes of behavioral or
psychological indicators that impact numerous areas of life. These disorders create distress
for the person experiencing these symptoms.
I guess some of the issues involved in significant "abnormal behavior" But clearly,
"important" does not stop there. Even the put down person is aware that there exist
various types of abnormal behaviors.
A psychological disorder, also known as a mental disorder, is a pattern of behavioral or
psychological symptoms that impact multiple life areas and/or create distress for the
person experiencing these symptoms.
Author opinion:
A lot of Psychoanalyst and authors has explained in relation to this matter, although they
elucidate very well but sometimes it’s actually complicated to understand for the
apprentices unmistakably. I had an awful knowledge when I was a beginner. Now, as a
Psychoanalyst I felt to write down this matter in a very easy way, I believe a person
effortlessly identifies the rear “Sub Human being or abnormal” one in our society
Human Common Sense:
Personally think that an intelligent person does not have to have a high IQ. I think an
intelligent person is someone who can hold a good conversation with you. Intelligence comes
in many-many different forms in my opinion. Everyone is intelligent in some way, just
because one person can’t see it; it doesn't mean that someone else who shares their
passions can't. I also personally think that someone who is actually intelligent and flaunts it
is not sociably intelligent; it’s not smart to flaunt intelligence around. Intelligence varies
from person to person due to various reasons, such as genetic or environmental. Some are
clever but cannot learn well, some are of average intelligence but become creative thinkers
and leaders because of good learning power. But there are some exceptions that are
omnipotent with a high IQ.
The social punishment careful suitable for unacceptable behavior also vary lengthily
connecting, and smooth within, different societies. Punishment of criminals ranges from
fines or shame to incarceration or separate, from beatings or disfigurement to execution.
The form of appropriate punishment is affected by theories of its purpose to avoid or deter
the individual from repeating the crime, or to deter others from committing the crime, or
simply to cause suffering for its own sake in retribution. The success of punishment in
deterring crime is tricky to study, in part because of ethical limitations on experiments
assigning different punishments to similar criminals, and in part because of the difficulty of
holding other factors constant.
Expertise has long played a major role in human behavior. The high value placed on new
technological invention in many parts of the world has led to increasingly rapid and
inexpensive communication and travel, which in turn has led to the rapid spread of fashions
and ideas in clothing, food, music, and forms of recreation. Books, magazines, radio, and
television describe ways to dress, raise children, make money, find happiness, get married,
cook, and make love. They also implicitly promote values, aspirations, and priorities by the
way they portray the behavior of people such as children, parents, teachers, politicians, and
athletes, and the attitudes they display toward violence, sex, minorities, the roles of men
and women, and lawfulness.
The assignment for the psychologist, then, is to identify what these different types are.
Some classification system is necessary. Botanists would never have superior their field
without a clear classification for categorizing plants. Simple "Plant" - "Not Plant"
difference would not be very successful! As well, we need to have a structure that allows us
to identify the different types of disorders which go down the “Abnormality".
1 Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is practically identical with criminal behavior, but as
with all distributions of a disease or whatever in a population, it is possible that the
majority of people with this exacting affliction are law-abiding. Aging, over involvements,
and/or relationships might hold sway over the control (or lack of control) in these kind of
people, and although approaching the study of wrongdoers from a relationship & personality
disorders point of view may or possibly will not be productive,
2, List of harmful Personality Disorder Traits
Sense of prerogative; Unremorseful; Apathetic to others; Unconscionable behavior;
Blameful of others; scheming and conning; affectively cold; Disparate understanding;
socially irresponsible; Disregardful of obligations; uncharacteristic to norms; Irresponsible
3. Clinical Symptoms for an Antisocial Personality Disorder Diagnosis
1. Crash to kowtow to social norms;
2. Dishonesty, calculating ness;
3. Impulsivity, breakdown to plan ahead;
4. Touchiness, ferociousness;
5. Irresponsible ignore for the safety of self or others;
6. Reliable irresponsibility;
7. Lack of repentance after having hurt, harmed, or stolen from another person
It’s likely that about the same number are dangerous to others. The mentally ill are
particularly susceptible to social stress and often misinterpret cultural phenomena. When
stressed, they can be dangerous, and their cruelty or desire to harm others may reflect
more a personality trait than a symptom of mental illness, or a mixture of both. In other
words, they may choose wrong over right; and they may or may not know exactly what
they're doing. A certain degree of overlap exists between personality traits and the
symptoms of mental illness. The so-called "personality disordered" fall into this category,
and the one thing that can be said for sure is they are definitely NOT insane, at least
according to the consensus
Summary: Two good people make a good & happy life together; Akin to as “Happy Family” -
requirement better morality. Principles, honesty, basic manner, thinking, feelings, judgment,
sympathy & good-natured is mainly kind - Frame of mind has all peoples or members in an
family and they have to feel trouble considered for each other, then a family construct a
“Happy Family” all the way throughout from first to most recent,
Most up-to-date really it is rear to find a “joint” including “Happy Family”; day by day
families produce small family, first start one member then he encourage others, this selfish
stupid, Cheater never thoughts his responsibilities, duties & liabilities to his family, this is
not vital for him because self-seeking worse stage of mindset & decision, before produce
single family he has gripe, occupancy, Having possessor unlimited benefits already fully
grappled, here families status, personal individuality, culture thoughts regarding the family,
minimum Humanity is not big issue for the reason Humanity for human but not for sub-
Human being, that a selfish, shameless, cheater never thoughts of anything’s or anyone
except himself too own advantage & profit,
Below I have explain just one abnormal person ( Cocktail khan) tricks he is not only harmful
for his family besides harmful for others nearest family’s where he can access via various
issue, furthermore our society his is one kind of dangerous virus through lair conversation
he try to motivate one after another in the point view of his little or big gain and without
doubt he must be done the ugly tricks, he is not a man like animal - in the logic of wrecked a
family & his profit he is totally hungry animal, he has separate lot a responsible son from
his family, for long plan, recently he also push a real answerable son who is the elder son of
his family but unhappily he had died- this death Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) is
directly or indirectly reliable for those calamity death, Cocktail khan(Abnormal &
Selfish)he contact with the real accountable son over the phone, and inform him liar issue
by made his ugly thinking at lat Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) Captured his assets
after his death, he Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) irresponsible greedy ground his odd
mentality he Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) try to disconnect everyone from his family
responsibility, the common abnormal & psychological Disorder describe below, basis on his
total case study I recognize with confident that he is the stern psychologically ill whose
disorder recover 5% out of 350 millions peoples
01. Physical Disorder –
02. Mental Disorder,
03. Behaviour Disorder
04. Personality Disorder
05. Uncultured disorder
06. Jealousy disorder:
01.Physical Disorder: definitely stammer is main portion of psychological & mental illness,
unhappily, the stammer similarity between mental and physical illnesses, and the mind/body
distinction from which this was originally derived, still encourages many lay people, and some
doctors and other health professionals, to assume that the two are fundamentally special.
Both are right to assume that increasing a ‘mental illness’ is evidence of a certain lack of
moral character and that, if they really tried, people with illnesses of this kind should to be
able to control their fretfulness, their despondency and their strange preoccupations and
‘snap out of it’. The cocktail khan (Rubbish one) without any character, loafer, Lair, selfish,
Shameless, & jealous mentality all are the most of vital part of mental illness,
It is true, of course, that most of us believe in ‘free will’; we believe that we ourselves and
other people can exercise a certain amount of control over our feelings and Behaviour. But
there is no reason, justified either by logic or by medical understanding, why people
suffering from, say, phobic worry or depression should be able to exert more control over
their symptoms than those suffering from migraine. There is a further and equally damaging
assumption that the symptoms of mental disorders are in some sense less ‘real’ than those
of physical disorders with a tangible local pathology. As a result, people experiencing intense
fatigue, or pain that is not accompanied by any understandable local lesion, are often
disappointed or slighted by being told that they are suffering from neurasthenia, the never-
ending fatigue syndrome or ‘psychogenic’ pain, and interpret such diagnoses as implying that
complaints as ‘all in the mind’.
Of course, that most of us believe in ‘free will’; we believe that we ourselves and other
people can exercise a certain amount of control over our feelings and behaviour. But there is
no reason, justified either by logic or by medical understanding, why people suffering from,
say, phobic worry or depression should be able to apply more control over their symptoms
than those suffering from migraine. There is a further and equally damaging assumption
that the symptoms of mental disorders are in some sense less ‘real’ than those of physical
disorders with a tangible local pathology. As a result, people experiencing intense fatigue, or
throbbing that is not accompanied by any obvious local lesion, are often dismayed or
affronted by being told that they are suffering from neurasthenia, the chronic fatigue
condition or ‘psychogenic’ soreness, and interpret such diagnoses as implying.
02. Mental Disorder:
A mental illness makes the belongings you do in life unbreakable, like: work, school, and
socializing with other people. If you think you (or someone you know) might have a mental
disorder, it is best to consult a professional. Early recognition and effective intervention is
the key to successfully treating the disorder and preventing future disability. A health care
professional (doctor, mental health specialist, etc) will connect the symptoms and
experiences the patient is having with recognized diagnostic criteria (DSM or ICD) to help
formulate a diagnosis. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is
available by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and
standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is most normally used by
clinicians, researchers, psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies,
pharmaceutical companies and policy
There are several types of mental illnesses that can cause mild to severe symptoms that
may vary greatly from one type to another. Below is a list of some common mental disorders.
There are several types of mental disorders with symptoms that could be related to
behavior and thoughts. The symptoms may be mild to severe as per the underlying cause and
the severity of the condition. Some types of mental disorders can interrupt daily activities
and make life quite difficult. It is a common misconception that mental illnesses are
uncommon. In fact, almost one-third of the population develops such conditions at least once
in their lifetime.
(I). Different Mental Illnesses
Mental disorders have been classified by various organizations, including the World
Health Organization (WHO) and American Psychiatric Association (APA). Though, there
is no universally accepted list, those made by the WHO and APA are widely used. While
the WHO list of mental illnesses is given in Chapter V of the International Classification
of Diseases (ICD-10), APA has Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Even though, efforts were taken to come up with a standardized system, both these
lists differ in many ways. The following are some of the common mental disorders.
Subjective distress – A person’s personal approach about his or her behaviors are second-
hand to conclude whether that human being is disordered or not
Statistical deviance – A person’s behavior is considered abnormal if it remarkable in
assessment with the behaviors of others
Norm violation – A person’s behavior is careful abnormal if it violates some cultural rule
Harmful symptoms – A persons’ behavior is considered abnormal if it is harmful to the
person or others
(III).Social Conflict:
There is conflict in all human societies, and all societies have systems for regulating it.
Conflict between people or groups often arises from competition for resources, power, and
status. Family members compete for attention. Individuals compete for jobs and wealth.
Nations compete for territory and prestige. Different interest groups compete for
influence and the power to make rules. Often the competition is not for resources but for
ideas—one person or group wants to have the ideas or behavior of another group
suppressed, punished, or declared illegal.
Social change can be potent in evoking conflict. Rarely if ever is a proposed social, economic,
or political change likely to benefit every component of a social system equally, and so the
groups that see themselves as possible losers resist. Mutual animosities and suspicions are
aggravated by the inability of both proponents and opponents of any change to predict
convincingly what all of the effects will be of making the change or of not making it. Conflict
is particularly acute when only a few alternatives exist with no compromise possible—for
example, between surrender and war or between candidate A and candidate B. Even though
the issues may be complex and people may not be initially very far apart in their
perceptions, the need to decide one way or the other can drive people into extreme
positions to support their decision as to which alternative is preferable.
03. Behaviour Disorder: The most common disruptive behaviour disorders in persons include
oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Treatment can include therapy, education and medication.
All grown-up persons can be ill-disciplined, defiant and precipitate from time to time, which
is perfectly normal. However, some people have extremely complicated and challenging
behaviours that are outside the norm for their age.
The most common disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder
(ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These
three behavioral disorders share some common symptoms, so diagnosis can be difficult and
time consuming. A mature may have two disorders at the same time. Other exacerbating
factors can include emotional problems, mood disorders, family difficulties and substance
All people have infrequent behavioral issues. A problem that last more than six months and
are more severe than those of peers may point to that a behavioral disorder is present.
These problems can develop into unrelieved patterns of aggression, hostility, defiance and
Regular medical care for a person is an important first step in the prevention and treatment
of behavioral disorders. This allows a health care professional to screen for and evaluate
potential symptoms of a behavioral disorder,
The specific cause of behavioral disorders is not known, but a number of factors may
contribute to their development. Inheritance may play a role, as behavioral disorders are
more common in children who have a family history of mental illness or substance abuse.
Environment factors, such as unstable home life, person abuse, lack of supervision, and
inconsistent discipline, all seem to increase the risk of children developing behavioral
• Some of the typical behaviours of a person with conduct disorder CD may include:
• Everyday negation to obey parents or other authority figures
• Recurring truancy
• Tendency to use drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol, at a very early age
• Lack of understanding for others
• Being antagonistic to animals and other people or showing sadistic behaviours including
bullying and physical or sexual abuse
• Wholeheartedness to start physical fights
• With weapons in physical fights
• Common lying
• Illegal behaviour such as stealing, deliberately lighting fires, breaking into houses and
• A propensity to run away from home
• Desperate tendencies – although these are more rare.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
• Around two to five per cent of people attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),
of can includes:
•Inattention – difficulty concentrating, forgetting instructions, moving from one task to
another without completing anything.
•Impulsivity – talking over the top of others, having a ‘short fuse’, being accident-prone.
•Over activity – constant restlessness and fidgeting.
•Family life – behavioral disorders are more likely in dysfunctional families. For example, a
child is at increased risk in families where domestic violence, poverty, poor parenting skills
or substance abuse are a problem.
04. Personality Disorder
Personality or character disorders are among some of the common types of mental illnesses.
Those affected with such disorders have abnormal personality and behavioral patterns that
clash with the social norms and expectations. They find it difficult to deal with people and
to form healthy relationships. Such people are rigid in their thinking pattern and behavior,
thereby leading to problems whenever they interact with people. Some of the common types
of personality disorders are antisocial personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder,
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder and paranoid
personality disorder.
There are 3 categories of personality disorder:
Odd and unusual behavior - includes paranoid personality (a person who feels that everyone
and everything is against them when in reality this is not true) and Schizoid personality
(apathetic to others and no desire to socialize). Another type is schizotypal personality
disorder, which makes people extremely anxious in social situations. They may find it
difficult to form relationships.
Next is dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior, which is seen in an antisocial personality
(who has no respect for rules and regulations and often violates them, causing harm to
others). This category includes borderline personality (erratic emotions and stress) too.
Those with histrionic personality are attention seekers and manipulators. People with
narcissistic personality are self-centered to the core.
The third category of personality disorders deals with those having an anxious and fearful
nature. This group includes: avoidant personality disorder (fear of taking risks, gullible,
hypersensitive, avoids all things that include social interaction), dependent personality
disorder (dependent and submissive nature, allow others to take personal decisions,
uncomfortable while lonely, need constant assurance) and obsessive-compulsive personality
disorder (repetitive, compelling thoughts and obsessions concerning things that are not real
- for instance, cleaning things that are already clean).
These disorders are characterized by a persistent pattern of noticeably unusual behavior
and ways of thinking. A paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of
misgiving and distrust a person with this disorder will misconstrue other people's intentions
as being hateful. a schizoid personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of disinterest
in social relationships. A person with this disorder may be fearful of close interaction with
others. They also have a limited range of emotional expression.
People with schizotypal personality disorder are socially and emotionally distant. Their
thinking process is odd and distorted, and these oddities are evident through their speech
and behavior. An antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of
disregarding and violating the rights of others. People with this disorder typically do not
feel remorse or guilt after inflicting harm upon others. This disorder usually develops in
adolescence and often continues into adulthood, although the severity of the disorder can
diminish as a person ages. A borderline personality disorder is characterized by a pattern
of instability in relationships. A person with this disorder also displays symptoms of
impulsiveness and irritability.
05. Uncultured disorder- not-polished, unmanly lower levels of mentality buy any things
from the footpath, second hand or borrowing from others,
Human behavior is affected both by genetic inheritance and by experience. The ways in
which people develop are shaped by social experience and circumstances within the
background of their present at birth genetic potential. The systematic question is just how
experience and traditional budding interact in producing human behavior.
Each person is born into a social and cultural setting—family, community, social class,
language, religion—and eventually develops many social connections. The characteristics of a
person’s social setting affect how he or she learns to think and behave, by means of
instruction, rewards and punishment, and example. This setting includes home, school,
neighborhood, and also, perhaps, local religious and law enforcement agencies. Then there
are also the person’s mostly informal interactions with friends, other peers, relatives, and
the entertainment and news media. How individuals will respond to all these influences, or
even which influence will be the most potent, tends not to be predictable. There is, however,
some substantial similarity in how individuals respond to the same pattern of influences—
that is, to being raised in the same culture. Furthermore, culturally induced behavior
patterns, such as speech patterns, body language, and forms of humor, become so deeply
imbedded in the human mind that they often operate without the individuals themselves
being fully aware of them.
Every culture includes a somewhat different web of patterns and meanings: ways of earning
a living, systems of trade and government, social roles, religions, traditions in clothing and
foods and arts, expectations for behavior, attitudes toward other cultures, and beliefs and
values about all of these activities. Within a large society, there may be many groups, with
distinctly different subcultures associated with region, ethnic origin, or social class. If a
single culture is dominant in a large region, its values may be considered correct and may be
promoted—not only by families and religious groups but also by schools and governments.
Some subcultures may arise among special social categories (such as business executives and
criminals), some of which may cross national boundaries (such as musicians and scientists).
Fair or unfair, desirable or undesirable, social distinctions are a salient part of almost every
culture. The form of the distinctions varies with place and time, sometimes including rigid
castes, sometimes tribal or clan hierarchies, sometimes a more flexible social class. Class
distinctions are made chiefly on the basis of wealth, education, and occupation, but they are
also likely to be associated with other sub-cultural differences, such as dress, dialect, and
attitudes toward school and work. These economic, political, and cultural distinctions are
recognized by almost all members of a society—and resented by some of them.
The class into which people are born affects what language, diet, tastes, and interests they
will have as children, and therefore influences how they will perceive the social world.
Moreover, class affects what pressures and opportunities people will experience and
therefore affects what paths their lives are likely to take—including schooling, occupation,
marriage, and standard of living. Still, many people live lives very different from the norm
for their class.
In addition to belonging to the social and cultural settings into which they are born, people
voluntarily join groups based on shared occupations, beliefs, or interests (such as unions,
political parties, or clubs). Membership in these groups influences how people think of
themselves and how others think of them. These groups impose expectations and rules that
make the behavior of members more predictable and that enable each group to function
smoothly and retain its identity. The rules may be informal and conveyed by example, such
as how to behave at a social gathering, or they may be written rules that are strictly
enforced. Formal groups often signal the kind of behavior they favor by means of rewards
(such as praise, prizes, or privileges) and punishments (such as threats, fines, or rejection).
Dissociative Disorders
In these disorders, there is a trouble in realization, memory, identity, or perception. The
trouble may occur unexpectedly, or it may gradually develop. It can also take the form of a
brief affliction or a chronic condition.
A person with Dissociative amnesia is unable to recall relevant personal information. The
“forgotten” information is usually disturbing to the individual, and of a traumatic nature. For
example, a person who attempts to commit suicide might not later remember anything at all
regarding the incident.
A Dissociative fugue is characterized by a sudden loss of personal identity and of the
memory of one's past life. This is accompanied by the tendency to suddenly wander far
from one's home or place of work. In some cases, the individual also assumes a new identity.
The disorder can last from a couple of hours to several months.. It is a rare disorder.
06. Jealousy disorder:
Delusional jealousy is a mental disorder where a person has delusional beliefs around the
idea that the person with whom they are romantically involved with is cheating on them. It
is sometimes called gloomy jealousy or Othello syndrome, taking its name from
Shakespeare's play in which delusions of infidelity play a major role. Less common names for
the condition are erotic jealously syndrome and sexual jealousy. Sometimes it is a situation
of its own, but more often it is a symptom of another psychiatric disorder.
Psychiatric professionals distinguish between regular jealously and jealous behavior that
may be delusional. A healthy sense of jealousy or suspicion only occurs as a response to
evidence of infidelity. It also changes over time to reflect the facts surrounding a situation.
Jealous delusions have no basis in reality, or do not change in the face of new facts or proof
otherwise. These delusions manifest themselves in obsessive thoughts that can become the
center of the person's life. A person suffering from delusional jealousy will often
repeatedly accuse his or her loved one of infidelity, constantly search for evidence to prove
the accusations and may even resort to stalking both the significant other and the person
whom they think they may be cheating with.
As the delusions progress, they can also take up the entirety of a person’s life. Personal and
professional relationships can begin to suffer, and the mental health of the person with the
delusions can degrade even further. Delusional jealously can even become life-threatening
for those suffering from it and the people around them. Stalking behavior based on
delusions can turn violent. Suicide is also a concern, as the delusions can lead to severe
Many times, delusional jealousy is a symptom to another mental disorder. Borderline
personality disorder (BPD) can often lead to delusions. Sufferers of BPD frequently go
through periods of extreme anxiety and depression. They also tend to be defensive and
easily offended. All of these combined tend to make them more susceptible to feelings of
jealously, and extreme cases can lead to delusions associated with jealous thoughts.
Depression and other mental problems such as bipolar disorders and schizophrenia can also
lead to delusions of infidelity. External factors such as sexual dysfunction or drug and
alcohol abuse have also been shown to contribute to delusional jealousy.
Gloomy jealousy is encountered in general; old age and forensic psychiatry, and clinicians in
each specialty should be familiar with its recognition and management. As well as clinical
matters, the issue of risk to the patient and others is prominent in the consideration of
morbid jealousy. Hospitalization is sometimes required, the use of compulsory admission is
not infrequent and treatment in secure settings is occasionally warranted. This review
addresses the nature of dark jealousy, its psychopathology, diagnostic issues, associations,
risks and management.
07. Lying disorder
Some Psychiatric Conditions and Pathological Lying
Definition: Pathological lying is falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end
in view, engaged in by a person who, at the time of observation, cannot definitely be
Declared insane, feebleminded, or epileptic. Such lying rarely, if ever, centers about a single
event; although exhibited in very occasional cases for a short time, it manifests itself most
frequently by far over a period of years, or even a life time. It represents a trait rather
than an episode. Extensive, very complicated fabrications may be evolved.
Psychiatric conditions that have been traditionally associated with deception in one form or
another include Malingering, Factitious Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and
Antisocial Personality Disorder. Lying may also occur in Histrionic and Narcissistic
Personality Disorders. A brief description of these conditions will be offered for the
purpose of comparing them with pathological lying. Although delusion is not traditionally
associated with intentional deception, it has been included to highlight the difficulty of
referring to pathological lying as delusional.
It is true that in the previous reporting, under the head of pathological liars, cases of
epilepsy, insanity, and mental defect have been cited, but that is misleading. A clear
Terminology should be adopted. The pathological liar forms a species by himself and as such
does not necessarily belong to any of these larger classes. It is, of course, scientifically
permissible, as well as practically valuable; to speak of the epileptic or the otherwise
abnormal person through his disease engaging in pathological lying, but the main
classification of an individual should be decided by the main abnormal condition.
A good definition of pathological accusation follows the above lines. It is false accusation
indulged in apart from any obvious purpose. Like the swindling of pathological liars, it
appears objectively more pernicious than the lying, but it is an expression of the same
tendency. The most striking form of this type of conduct is, of course, self-accusation.
Mendacious self impeachment seems especially convincing of abnormality. Such
Falsification not infrequently is episodic.
A range of natural and psychosocial choices are available for the executive of dark jealousy.
These take account of prescription, psychiatric therapy and hospital right of entry.
Psychosocial involvements:
Cognitive therapy is effective in morose jealousy, mainly when manias are well-known. Also
approved are connect therapy and individual dynamic psychotherapy. Active psychotherapy
has a place in the treatment of morbidly jealous persons in whom personality disorders with
intermediate and suspicious behavior are present.
Import mistreatment should be addressed where necessary, using standard accepted
methods such as motivational interviewing.
Managing of dark jealousy
Principles of supervision:
Treat the mental disorder
Handle the hazard
Psychosocial selections:
Treatment of any material mistreatment
Cognitive–behavioral therapy
Connect therapy
Energetic psychotherapy
Baby safeguard procedures
Admittance to hospital (obligatory confinement if essential)
Environmental disjointing of the buddies
Conclusion: As a species, we are social beings who live out our lives in the company of other
humans. We organize ourselves into various kinds of social groupings, such as nomadic bands,
villages, cities, and countries, in which we work, trade, play, reproduce, and interact in many
other ways. Unlike other species,. Consequently, the patterns of human society differ from
place to place and era to era and across cultures, making the social world a very complex and
dynamic environment.
Insight into human behavior comes from many sources. The views presented here are based
principally on scientific investigation, but it should also be recognized that literature,
drama, history, philosophy, and other nonscientific disciplines contribute significantly to our
understanding of us. Social scientists study human behavior from a variety of cultural,
political, economic, and psychological perspectives, using both qualitative and quantitative
approaches. They look for consistent patterns of individual and social behavior and for
scientific explanations of those patterns. In some cases, such patterns may seem obvious
once they are pointed out, although they may not have been part of how most people
consciously thought about the world. In other cases, the patterns—as revealed by scientific
investigation—may show people that their long-held beliefs about certain aspects of human
behavior are incorrect.
This chapter covers recommendations about human society in terms of individual and group
behavior, social organizations, and the processes of social change. It is based on a particular
approach to the subject: the sketching of a comprehensible picture of the world that is
consistent with the findings of the separate disciplines within the social sciences—such as
anthropology, economics, political science, sociology, and psychology—but without
attempting to describe the findings themselves or the underlying methodologies.
About The Author:
Mohammad Wahid Abdullah Khan (MBA, CPFA, CPIA, CFC)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Home Page:
MOHAMMAD WAHID ABDULLAH KHAN Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a PhD Candidate in
"Criminal Psychology" as well he is “freelance Author, online columnists, Human
psychoanalyst, industrial psychotherapist, Certified Financial Consultant, & Certified
Forensic Accountant, too dynamic entrepreneur, utilize creativity leadership and teamwork
to design and execute solutions that creates customer value.
Moreover Mr. Khan is CEO & Certified Consultant of” Wahid & co, Wak Business Solutions,
Wak Business Support, “Wam Associates” & leader of the” Wahid Consulting Group”; Prior
to consultancy Mr. Wahid has fulfilled more than 14 (fourteen) years working in various
fields of Business like - Accounts, Finance, Auditing (Internal & External Audit), Project
budgeting and Project costing related positions in some of the largest group & join venture
companies in Bangladesh. Which experience encouraged him to work as a “professional
consultant” from a few years,
Mr. Khan is realistic and implements his assignment within the bounds, objectives and
capabilities of the organization. His extraordinary quick understanding of strategic options
helps find direction and supports management in decision making. He has a “doer” attitude
and gets things done on the technical and functional side. As a “Consultant” Mr. Wahid
believe that his study & physiological motivation is very strong, as well my confident level is
high & my quantitative skills are well-built also he is crystal clear about my every single goal
which helped me to be a very tough contestant “Consultant” in the business consultant arena
Professional Membership:
• Associate Member – Institute of Management Consultants Bangladesh (IMCB)
•Member- Association of Proposal Management Professionals® (APMP®)
• Member – The Next level Purchasing Association.
•Member- The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)
• Member - The Professional Risk manager’s international Association (PRMIA)
• Affiliate Member- Global Association of Risk Professional (GARP)
• Member - The International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP)
• Lifetime Member - Dragon fire martial arts association “International” (DFMAA)
• Individual Member: License Logic LLC
• Associate Membership - The American Psychological Association (APA)
• Member - The Global Community of Information Professionals

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To a biased mind everything’s is in fault (part 01)

  • 1. To A biased mind Everything’s is in Fault (Part-01) The human brain is capable of 1016 procedures per second, which makes it far more commanding than any computer at present in existence. But that doesn't mean our brains don't have major limits. The ordinary calculator can do math thousands of times better than we can, and our memories are often less than useless — boon, we're subject to cognitive biases, those annoying glitches in our thinking that cause us to make questionable decisions and reach erroneous conclusions. Here are a dozen of the most ordinary and destructive cognitive biases that you require to know about. Previous to we start, it's important to differentiate between cognitive biases and logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is an error in logical argumentation A cognitive bias, on the other hand, is a indisputable lack or constraint in our thinking — a flaw in judgment that arises from errors of memory, social attribution, and miscalculations (such as statistical errors or a false sense of probability). Some social psychologists believe our cognitive biases help us process information more efficiently, especially in dangerous situations. Still, they lead us to make grave mistakes. We may be prone to such errors in judgment, but at least we can be aware of them. Here are some important ones to keep in mind. What Is Psychology? Psychology is the study of human Behaviour and mental processes within a sociocultural Background, The fact is that there is a modest bit of truth in these formulaic portrayals, but there is actually a lot more to psychology than you might originally think. There is a wonderful assortment in psychology careers, and it is perhaps this enormous range of career paths that contributes to some of the misconceptions about psychology and what psychologists do. Sure, there are psychologists who help solve crimes and there are plenty of professionals who help people deal with mental health issues. But did you know that there are also psychologists who help create healthier workplaces or that design and implement public health programs It is a subject which is required by each individual in all spheres of their lines. Not only can it be useful for students interested in higher studies in the field itself but even other students can be benefited from this field as it helps in enhancing the overall development of a learner. To know ‘how and why we behave as we do’ is the goal of every adolescent and this helps in giving insight to the basic questions which arise in the minds, Psychology is the methodical study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a versatile regulation and includes many sub-fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes. Psychology is the methodical study of the mind and behavior. Psychology is a multifaceted discipline and includes many sub- fields of study such areas as human development, sports, health, clinical, social behavior and cognitive processes.
  • 2. Psychology evolved out of both philosophy and biology. Discussions of these two subjects date as far back as the early Greek thinkers including Aristotle and Socrates. The word psychology is derived from the Greek word psyche, meaning 'soul' or 'mind. Disorder? A derangement or abnormality of function; a dark physical or mental condition. For specific disorders, such as the psychiatric disorders, see under the name, such as anxiety disorders and personality disorders. The term "disorder" is used throughout the classification, so as to avoid even greater problems inherent in the use of terms such as "disease" and "illness". "Disorder" is not an exact term, but it is used here to imply the existence of a clinically recognizable set of symptoms or behavior associated in most cases with distress and with interference with personal functions. Social deviance or conflict alone, without personal dysfunction, should not be included in mental disorder as defined here. A mental disorder or psychiatric disorder is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture. Mental disorders are generally defined by a combination of how a person feels acts, thinks or perceives. This may be associated with particular regions or functions of the brain or rest of the nervous system, often in a social context. A disorder of the mind involving thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that cause either self or others significant distress. Significant distress can mean the person is unable to function, meet personal needs on their own, or are a danger to themselves or others. Another popular definition of mental illness is a person's inability to work or to love. What Is a Psychological Disorder? What accurately is a psychological disorder? How is a psychological disorder diagnosed? Learn more about how clinicians define and classify mental disorders and discover how many people are impacted by such disorders every year. Psychological disorders, also known as mental disorders, are prototypes of behavioral or psychological indicators that impact numerous areas of life. These disorders create distress for the person experiencing these symptoms. I guess some of the issues involved in significant "abnormal behavior" But clearly, "important" does not stop there. Even the put down person is aware that there exist various types of abnormal behaviors. A psychological disorder, also known as a mental disorder, is a pattern of behavioral or psychological symptoms that impact multiple life areas and/or create distress for the person experiencing these symptoms.
  • 3. Author opinion: A lot of Psychoanalyst and authors has explained in relation to this matter, although they elucidate very well but sometimes it’s actually complicated to understand for the apprentices unmistakably. I had an awful knowledge when I was a beginner. Now, as a Psychoanalyst I felt to write down this matter in a very easy way, I believe a person effortlessly identifies the rear “Sub Human being or abnormal” one in our society Human Common Sense: Personally think that an intelligent person does not have to have a high IQ. I think an intelligent person is someone who can hold a good conversation with you. Intelligence comes in many-many different forms in my opinion. Everyone is intelligent in some way, just because one person can’t see it; it doesn't mean that someone else who shares their passions can't. I also personally think that someone who is actually intelligent and flaunts it is not sociably intelligent; it’s not smart to flaunt intelligence around. Intelligence varies from person to person due to various reasons, such as genetic or environmental. Some are clever but cannot learn well, some are of average intelligence but become creative thinkers and leaders because of good learning power. But there are some exceptions that are omnipotent with a high IQ. Introduction The social punishment careful suitable for unacceptable behavior also vary lengthily connecting, and smooth within, different societies. Punishment of criminals ranges from fines or shame to incarceration or separate, from beatings or disfigurement to execution. The form of appropriate punishment is affected by theories of its purpose to avoid or deter the individual from repeating the crime, or to deter others from committing the crime, or simply to cause suffering for its own sake in retribution. The success of punishment in deterring crime is tricky to study, in part because of ethical limitations on experiments assigning different punishments to similar criminals, and in part because of the difficulty of holding other factors constant. Expertise has long played a major role in human behavior. The high value placed on new technological invention in many parts of the world has led to increasingly rapid and inexpensive communication and travel, which in turn has led to the rapid spread of fashions and ideas in clothing, food, music, and forms of recreation. Books, magazines, radio, and television describe ways to dress, raise children, make money, find happiness, get married, cook, and make love. They also implicitly promote values, aspirations, and priorities by the way they portray the behavior of people such as children, parents, teachers, politicians, and athletes, and the attitudes they display toward violence, sex, minorities, the roles of men and women, and lawfulness.
  • 4. Consideration: The assignment for the psychologist, then, is to identify what these different types are. Some classification system is necessary. Botanists would never have superior their field without a clear classification for categorizing plants. Simple "Plant" - "Not Plant" difference would not be very successful! As well, we need to have a structure that allows us to identify the different types of disorders which go down the “Abnormality". 1 Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is practically identical with criminal behavior, but as with all distributions of a disease or whatever in a population, it is possible that the majority of people with this exacting affliction are law-abiding. Aging, over involvements, and/or relationships might hold sway over the control (or lack of control) in these kind of people, and although approaching the study of wrongdoers from a relationship & personality disorders point of view may or possibly will not be productive, 2, List of harmful Personality Disorder Traits Sense of prerogative; Unremorseful; Apathetic to others; Unconscionable behavior; Blameful of others; scheming and conning; affectively cold; Disparate understanding; socially irresponsible; Disregardful of obligations; uncharacteristic to norms; Irresponsible 3. Clinical Symptoms for an Antisocial Personality Disorder Diagnosis 1. Crash to kowtow to social norms; 2. Dishonesty, calculating ness; 3. Impulsivity, breakdown to plan ahead; 4. Touchiness, ferociousness; 5. Irresponsible ignore for the safety of self or others; 6. Reliable irresponsibility; 7. Lack of repentance after having hurt, harmed, or stolen from another person It’s likely that about the same number are dangerous to others. The mentally ill are particularly susceptible to social stress and often misinterpret cultural phenomena. When stressed, they can be dangerous, and their cruelty or desire to harm others may reflect more a personality trait than a symptom of mental illness, or a mixture of both. In other words, they may choose wrong over right; and they may or may not know exactly what they're doing. A certain degree of overlap exists between personality traits and the symptoms of mental illness. The so-called "personality disordered" fall into this category, and the one thing that can be said for sure is they are definitely NOT insane, at least according to the consensus Summary: Two good people make a good & happy life together; Akin to as “Happy Family” - requirement better morality. Principles, honesty, basic manner, thinking, feelings, judgment, sympathy & good-natured is mainly kind - Frame of mind has all peoples or members in an
  • 5. family and they have to feel trouble considered for each other, then a family construct a “Happy Family” all the way throughout from first to most recent, Most up-to-date really it is rear to find a “joint” including “Happy Family”; day by day families produce small family, first start one member then he encourage others, this selfish stupid, Cheater never thoughts his responsibilities, duties & liabilities to his family, this is not vital for him because self-seeking worse stage of mindset & decision, before produce single family he has gripe, occupancy, Having possessor unlimited benefits already fully grappled, here families status, personal individuality, culture thoughts regarding the family, minimum Humanity is not big issue for the reason Humanity for human but not for sub- Human being, that a selfish, shameless, cheater never thoughts of anything’s or anyone except himself too own advantage & profit, Below I have explain just one abnormal person ( Cocktail khan) tricks he is not only harmful for his family besides harmful for others nearest family’s where he can access via various issue, furthermore our society his is one kind of dangerous virus through lair conversation he try to motivate one after another in the point view of his little or big gain and without doubt he must be done the ugly tricks, he is not a man like animal - in the logic of wrecked a family & his profit he is totally hungry animal, he has separate lot a responsible son from his family, for long plan, recently he also push a real answerable son who is the elder son of his family but unhappily he had died- this death Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) is directly or indirectly reliable for those calamity death, Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish)he contact with the real accountable son over the phone, and inform him liar issue by made his ugly thinking at lat Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) Captured his assets after his death, he Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) irresponsible greedy ground his odd mentality he Cocktail khan(Abnormal & Selfish) try to disconnect everyone from his family responsibility, the common abnormal & psychological Disorder describe below, basis on his total case study I recognize with confident that he is the stern psychologically ill whose disorder recover 5% out of 350 millions peoples 01. Physical Disorder – 02. Mental Disorder, 03. Behaviour Disorder 04. Personality Disorder 05. Uncultured disorder 06. Jealousy disorder: 01.Physical Disorder: definitely stammer is main portion of psychological & mental illness, unhappily, the stammer similarity between mental and physical illnesses, and the mind/body distinction from which this was originally derived, still encourages many lay people, and some doctors and other health professionals, to assume that the two are fundamentally special. Both are right to assume that increasing a ‘mental illness’ is evidence of a certain lack of moral character and that, if they really tried, people with illnesses of this kind should to be able to control their fretfulness, their despondency and their strange preoccupations and
  • 6. ‘snap out of it’. The cocktail khan (Rubbish one) without any character, loafer, Lair, selfish, Shameless, & jealous mentality all are the most of vital part of mental illness, It is true, of course, that most of us believe in ‘free will’; we believe that we ourselves and other people can exercise a certain amount of control over our feelings and Behaviour. But there is no reason, justified either by logic or by medical understanding, why people suffering from, say, phobic worry or depression should be able to exert more control over their symptoms than those suffering from migraine. There is a further and equally damaging assumption that the symptoms of mental disorders are in some sense less ‘real’ than those of physical disorders with a tangible local pathology. As a result, people experiencing intense fatigue, or pain that is not accompanied by any understandable local lesion, are often disappointed or slighted by being told that they are suffering from neurasthenia, the never- ending fatigue syndrome or ‘psychogenic’ pain, and interpret such diagnoses as implying that complaints as ‘all in the mind’. Of course, that most of us believe in ‘free will’; we believe that we ourselves and other people can exercise a certain amount of control over our feelings and behaviour. But there is no reason, justified either by logic or by medical understanding, why people suffering from, say, phobic worry or depression should be able to apply more control over their symptoms than those suffering from migraine. There is a further and equally damaging assumption that the symptoms of mental disorders are in some sense less ‘real’ than those of physical disorders with a tangible local pathology. As a result, people experiencing intense fatigue, or throbbing that is not accompanied by any obvious local lesion, are often dismayed or affronted by being told that they are suffering from neurasthenia, the chronic fatigue condition or ‘psychogenic’ soreness, and interpret such diagnoses as implying. 02. Mental Disorder: A mental illness makes the belongings you do in life unbreakable, like: work, school, and socializing with other people. If you think you (or someone you know) might have a mental disorder, it is best to consult a professional. Early recognition and effective intervention is the key to successfully treating the disorder and preventing future disability. A health care professional (doctor, mental health specialist, etc) will connect the symptoms and experiences the patient is having with recognized diagnostic criteria (DSM or ICD) to help formulate a diagnosis. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is available by the American Psychiatric Association and provides a common language and standard criteria for the classification of mental disorders. It is most normally used by clinicians, researchers, psychiatric drug regulation agencies, health insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies and policy There are several types of mental illnesses that can cause mild to severe symptoms that may vary greatly from one type to another. Below is a list of some common mental disorders. There are several types of mental disorders with symptoms that could be related to behavior and thoughts. The symptoms may be mild to severe as per the underlying cause and the severity of the condition. Some types of mental disorders can interrupt daily activities and make life quite difficult. It is a common misconception that mental illnesses are
  • 7. uncommon. In fact, almost one-third of the population develops such conditions at least once in their lifetime. (I). Different Mental Illnesses Mental disorders have been classified by various organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and American Psychiatric Association (APA). Though, there is no universally accepted list, those made by the WHO and APA are widely used. While the WHO list of mental illnesses is given in Chapter V of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), APA has Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Even though, efforts were taken to come up with a standardized system, both these lists differ in many ways. The following are some of the common mental disorders. (II)Definitions/Criteria Subjective distress – A person’s personal approach about his or her behaviors are second- hand to conclude whether that human being is disordered or not Statistical deviance – A person’s behavior is considered abnormal if it remarkable in assessment with the behaviors of others Norm violation – A person’s behavior is careful abnormal if it violates some cultural rule Harmful symptoms – A persons’ behavior is considered abnormal if it is harmful to the person or others (III).Social Conflict: There is conflict in all human societies, and all societies have systems for regulating it. Conflict between people or groups often arises from competition for resources, power, and status. Family members compete for attention. Individuals compete for jobs and wealth. Nations compete for territory and prestige. Different interest groups compete for influence and the power to make rules. Often the competition is not for resources but for ideas—one person or group wants to have the ideas or behavior of another group suppressed, punished, or declared illegal. Social change can be potent in evoking conflict. Rarely if ever is a proposed social, economic, or political change likely to benefit every component of a social system equally, and so the groups that see themselves as possible losers resist. Mutual animosities and suspicions are aggravated by the inability of both proponents and opponents of any change to predict convincingly what all of the effects will be of making the change or of not making it. Conflict is particularly acute when only a few alternatives exist with no compromise possible—for example, between surrender and war or between candidate A and candidate B. Even though the issues may be complex and people may not be initially very far apart in their perceptions, the need to decide one way or the other can drive people into extreme positions to support their decision as to which alternative is preferable.
  • 8. 03. Behaviour Disorder: The most common disruptive behaviour disorders in persons include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Treatment can include therapy, education and medication. All grown-up persons can be ill-disciplined, defiant and precipitate from time to time, which is perfectly normal. However, some people have extremely complicated and challenging behaviours that are outside the norm for their age. The most common disruptive behaviour disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These three behavioral disorders share some common symptoms, so diagnosis can be difficult and time consuming. A mature may have two disorders at the same time. Other exacerbating factors can include emotional problems, mood disorders, family difficulties and substance abuse. All people have infrequent behavioral issues. A problem that last more than six months and are more severe than those of peers may point to that a behavioral disorder is present. These problems can develop into unrelieved patterns of aggression, hostility, defiance and disruption Regular medical care for a person is an important first step in the prevention and treatment of behavioral disorders. This allows a health care professional to screen for and evaluate potential symptoms of a behavioral disorder, The specific cause of behavioral disorders is not known, but a number of factors may contribute to their development. Inheritance may play a role, as behavioral disorders are more common in children who have a family history of mental illness or substance abuse. Environment factors, such as unstable home life, person abuse, lack of supervision, and inconsistent discipline, all seem to increase the risk of children developing behavioral disorders. • Some of the typical behaviours of a person with conduct disorder CD may include: • Everyday negation to obey parents or other authority figures • Recurring truancy • Tendency to use drugs, including cigarettes and alcohol, at a very early age • Lack of understanding for others • Being antagonistic to animals and other people or showing sadistic behaviours including bullying and physical or sexual abuse • Wholeheartedness to start physical fights • With weapons in physical fights • Common lying • Illegal behaviour such as stealing, deliberately lighting fires, breaking into houses and vandalism • A propensity to run away from home • Desperate tendencies – although these are more rare. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • 9. • Around two to five per cent of people attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), of can includes: •Inattention – difficulty concentrating, forgetting instructions, moving from one task to another without completing anything. •Impulsivity – talking over the top of others, having a ‘short fuse’, being accident-prone. •Over activity – constant restlessness and fidgeting. •Family life – behavioral disorders are more likely in dysfunctional families. For example, a child is at increased risk in families where domestic violence, poverty, poor parenting skills or substance abuse are a problem. 04. Personality Disorder Personality or character disorders are among some of the common types of mental illnesses. Those affected with such disorders have abnormal personality and behavioral patterns that clash with the social norms and expectations. They find it difficult to deal with people and to form healthy relationships. Such people are rigid in their thinking pattern and behavior, thereby leading to problems whenever they interact with people. Some of the common types of personality disorders are antisocial personality disorder, schizoid personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder and paranoid personality disorder. There are 3 categories of personality disorder: Odd and unusual behavior - includes paranoid personality (a person who feels that everyone and everything is against them when in reality this is not true) and Schizoid personality (apathetic to others and no desire to socialize). Another type is schizotypal personality disorder, which makes people extremely anxious in social situations. They may find it difficult to form relationships. Next is dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior, which is seen in an antisocial personality (who has no respect for rules and regulations and often violates them, causing harm to others). This category includes borderline personality (erratic emotions and stress) too. Those with histrionic personality are attention seekers and manipulators. People with narcissistic personality are self-centered to the core. The third category of personality disorders deals with those having an anxious and fearful nature. This group includes: avoidant personality disorder (fear of taking risks, gullible, hypersensitive, avoids all things that include social interaction), dependent personality disorder (dependent and submissive nature, allow others to take personal decisions, uncomfortable while lonely, need constant assurance) and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (repetitive, compelling thoughts and obsessions concerning things that are not real - for instance, cleaning things that are already clean).
  • 10. These disorders are characterized by a persistent pattern of noticeably unusual behavior and ways of thinking. A paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of misgiving and distrust a person with this disorder will misconstrue other people's intentions as being hateful. a schizoid personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of disinterest in social relationships. A person with this disorder may be fearful of close interaction with others. They also have a limited range of emotional expression. People with schizotypal personality disorder are socially and emotionally distant. Their thinking process is odd and distorted, and these oddities are evident through their speech and behavior. An antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of disregarding and violating the rights of others. People with this disorder typically do not feel remorse or guilt after inflicting harm upon others. This disorder usually develops in adolescence and often continues into adulthood, although the severity of the disorder can diminish as a person ages. A borderline personality disorder is characterized by a pattern of instability in relationships. A person with this disorder also displays symptoms of impulsiveness and irritability. 05. Uncultured disorder- not-polished, unmanly lower levels of mentality buy any things from the footpath, second hand or borrowing from others, Human behavior is affected both by genetic inheritance and by experience. The ways in which people develop are shaped by social experience and circumstances within the background of their present at birth genetic potential. The systematic question is just how experience and traditional budding interact in producing human behavior. Each person is born into a social and cultural setting—family, community, social class, language, religion—and eventually develops many social connections. The characteristics of a person’s social setting affect how he or she learns to think and behave, by means of instruction, rewards and punishment, and example. This setting includes home, school, neighborhood, and also, perhaps, local religious and law enforcement agencies. Then there are also the person’s mostly informal interactions with friends, other peers, relatives, and the entertainment and news media. How individuals will respond to all these influences, or even which influence will be the most potent, tends not to be predictable. There is, however, some substantial similarity in how individuals respond to the same pattern of influences— that is, to being raised in the same culture. Furthermore, culturally induced behavior patterns, such as speech patterns, body language, and forms of humor, become so deeply imbedded in the human mind that they often operate without the individuals themselves being fully aware of them. Every culture includes a somewhat different web of patterns and meanings: ways of earning a living, systems of trade and government, social roles, religions, traditions in clothing and foods and arts, expectations for behavior, attitudes toward other cultures, and beliefs and values about all of these activities. Within a large society, there may be many groups, with distinctly different subcultures associated with region, ethnic origin, or social class. If a single culture is dominant in a large region, its values may be considered correct and may be promoted—not only by families and religious groups but also by schools and governments.
  • 11. Some subcultures may arise among special social categories (such as business executives and criminals), some of which may cross national boundaries (such as musicians and scientists). Fair or unfair, desirable or undesirable, social distinctions are a salient part of almost every culture. The form of the distinctions varies with place and time, sometimes including rigid castes, sometimes tribal or clan hierarchies, sometimes a more flexible social class. Class distinctions are made chiefly on the basis of wealth, education, and occupation, but they are also likely to be associated with other sub-cultural differences, such as dress, dialect, and attitudes toward school and work. These economic, political, and cultural distinctions are recognized by almost all members of a society—and resented by some of them. The class into which people are born affects what language, diet, tastes, and interests they will have as children, and therefore influences how they will perceive the social world. Moreover, class affects what pressures and opportunities people will experience and therefore affects what paths their lives are likely to take—including schooling, occupation, marriage, and standard of living. Still, many people live lives very different from the norm for their class. In addition to belonging to the social and cultural settings into which they are born, people voluntarily join groups based on shared occupations, beliefs, or interests (such as unions, political parties, or clubs). Membership in these groups influences how people think of themselves and how others think of them. These groups impose expectations and rules that make the behavior of members more predictable and that enable each group to function smoothly and retain its identity. The rules may be informal and conveyed by example, such as how to behave at a social gathering, or they may be written rules that are strictly enforced. Formal groups often signal the kind of behavior they favor by means of rewards (such as praise, prizes, or privileges) and punishments (such as threats, fines, or rejection). Dissociative Disorders In these disorders, there is a trouble in realization, memory, identity, or perception. The trouble may occur unexpectedly, or it may gradually develop. It can also take the form of a brief affliction or a chronic condition. A person with Dissociative amnesia is unable to recall relevant personal information. The “forgotten” information is usually disturbing to the individual, and of a traumatic nature. For example, a person who attempts to commit suicide might not later remember anything at all regarding the incident. A Dissociative fugue is characterized by a sudden loss of personal identity and of the memory of one's past life. This is accompanied by the tendency to suddenly wander far from one's home or place of work. In some cases, the individual also assumes a new identity. The disorder can last from a couple of hours to several months.. It is a rare disorder. 06. Jealousy disorder: Delusional jealousy is a mental disorder where a person has delusional beliefs around the idea that the person with whom they are romantically involved with is cheating on them. It is sometimes called gloomy jealousy or Othello syndrome, taking its name from
  • 12. Shakespeare's play in which delusions of infidelity play a major role. Less common names for the condition are erotic jealously syndrome and sexual jealousy. Sometimes it is a situation of its own, but more often it is a symptom of another psychiatric disorder. Psychiatric professionals distinguish between regular jealously and jealous behavior that may be delusional. A healthy sense of jealousy or suspicion only occurs as a response to evidence of infidelity. It also changes over time to reflect the facts surrounding a situation. Jealous delusions have no basis in reality, or do not change in the face of new facts or proof otherwise. These delusions manifest themselves in obsessive thoughts that can become the center of the person's life. A person suffering from delusional jealousy will often repeatedly accuse his or her loved one of infidelity, constantly search for evidence to prove the accusations and may even resort to stalking both the significant other and the person whom they think they may be cheating with. As the delusions progress, they can also take up the entirety of a person’s life. Personal and professional relationships can begin to suffer, and the mental health of the person with the delusions can degrade even further. Delusional jealously can even become life-threatening for those suffering from it and the people around them. Stalking behavior based on delusions can turn violent. Suicide is also a concern, as the delusions can lead to severe depression. Many times, delusional jealousy is a symptom to another mental disorder. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) can often lead to delusions. Sufferers of BPD frequently go through periods of extreme anxiety and depression. They also tend to be defensive and easily offended. All of these combined tend to make them more susceptible to feelings of jealously, and extreme cases can lead to delusions associated with jealous thoughts. Depression and other mental problems such as bipolar disorders and schizophrenia can also lead to delusions of infidelity. External factors such as sexual dysfunction or drug and alcohol abuse have also been shown to contribute to delusional jealousy. Gloomy jealousy is encountered in general; old age and forensic psychiatry, and clinicians in each specialty should be familiar with its recognition and management. As well as clinical matters, the issue of risk to the patient and others is prominent in the consideration of morbid jealousy. Hospitalization is sometimes required, the use of compulsory admission is not infrequent and treatment in secure settings is occasionally warranted. This review addresses the nature of dark jealousy, its psychopathology, diagnostic issues, associations, risks and management. 07. Lying disorder Some Psychiatric Conditions and Pathological Lying Definition: Pathological lying is falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, engaged in by a person who, at the time of observation, cannot definitely be Declared insane, feebleminded, or epileptic. Such lying rarely, if ever, centers about a single event; although exhibited in very occasional cases for a short time, it manifests itself most
  • 13. frequently by far over a period of years, or even a life time. It represents a trait rather than an episode. Extensive, very complicated fabrications may be evolved. Psychiatric conditions that have been traditionally associated with deception in one form or another include Malingering, Factitious Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Lying may also occur in Histrionic and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. A brief description of these conditions will be offered for the purpose of comparing them with pathological lying. Although delusion is not traditionally associated with intentional deception, it has been included to highlight the difficulty of referring to pathological lying as delusional. It is true that in the previous reporting, under the head of pathological liars, cases of epilepsy, insanity, and mental defect have been cited, but that is misleading. A clear Terminology should be adopted. The pathological liar forms a species by himself and as such does not necessarily belong to any of these larger classes. It is, of course, scientifically permissible, as well as practically valuable; to speak of the epileptic or the otherwise abnormal person through his disease engaging in pathological lying, but the main classification of an individual should be decided by the main abnormal condition. A good definition of pathological accusation follows the above lines. It is false accusation indulged in apart from any obvious purpose. Like the swindling of pathological liars, it appears objectively more pernicious than the lying, but it is an expression of the same tendency. The most striking form of this type of conduct is, of course, self-accusation. Mendacious self impeachment seems especially convincing of abnormality. Such Falsification not infrequently is episodic. Treatment A range of natural and psychosocial choices are available for the executive of dark jealousy. These take account of prescription, psychiatric therapy and hospital right of entry. Psychosocial involvements: Cognitive therapy is effective in morose jealousy, mainly when manias are well-known. Also approved are connect therapy and individual dynamic psychotherapy. Active psychotherapy has a place in the treatment of morbidly jealous persons in whom personality disorders with intermediate and suspicious behavior are present. Import mistreatment should be addressed where necessary, using standard accepted methods such as motivational interviewing. Managing of dark jealousy Principles of supervision: Treat the mental disorder Handle the hazard
  • 14. Psychosocial selections: Treatment of any material mistreatment Cognitive–behavioral therapy Connect therapy Energetic psychotherapy Baby safeguard procedures Admittance to hospital (obligatory confinement if essential) Environmental disjointing of the buddies Conclusion: As a species, we are social beings who live out our lives in the company of other humans. We organize ourselves into various kinds of social groupings, such as nomadic bands, villages, cities, and countries, in which we work, trade, play, reproduce, and interact in many other ways. Unlike other species,. Consequently, the patterns of human society differ from place to place and era to era and across cultures, making the social world a very complex and dynamic environment. Insight into human behavior comes from many sources. The views presented here are based principally on scientific investigation, but it should also be recognized that literature, drama, history, philosophy, and other nonscientific disciplines contribute significantly to our understanding of us. Social scientists study human behavior from a variety of cultural, political, economic, and psychological perspectives, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. They look for consistent patterns of individual and social behavior and for scientific explanations of those patterns. In some cases, such patterns may seem obvious once they are pointed out, although they may not have been part of how most people consciously thought about the world. In other cases, the patterns—as revealed by scientific investigation—may show people that their long-held beliefs about certain aspects of human behavior are incorrect. This chapter covers recommendations about human society in terms of individual and group behavior, social organizations, and the processes of social change. It is based on a particular approach to the subject: the sketching of a comprehensible picture of the world that is consistent with the findings of the separate disciplines within the social sciences—such as anthropology, economics, political science, sociology, and psychology—but without attempting to describe the findings themselves or the underlying methodologies. About The Author:
  • 15. Mohammad Wahid Abdullah Khan (MBA, CPFA, CPIA, CFC) Dhaka, Bangladesh Home Page: MOHAMMAD WAHID ABDULLAH KHAN Dhaka, Bangladesh, is a PhD Candidate in "Criminal Psychology" as well he is “freelance Author, online columnists, Human psychoanalyst, industrial psychotherapist, Certified Financial Consultant, & Certified Forensic Accountant, too dynamic entrepreneur, utilize creativity leadership and teamwork to design and execute solutions that creates customer value. Moreover Mr. Khan is CEO & Certified Consultant of” Wahid & co, Wak Business Solutions, Wak Business Support, “Wam Associates” & leader of the” Wahid Consulting Group”; Prior to consultancy Mr. Wahid has fulfilled more than 14 (fourteen) years working in various fields of Business like - Accounts, Finance, Auditing (Internal & External Audit), Project budgeting and Project costing related positions in some of the largest group & join venture companies in Bangladesh. Which experience encouraged him to work as a “professional consultant” from a few years, Mr. Khan is realistic and implements his assignment within the bounds, objectives and capabilities of the organization. His extraordinary quick understanding of strategic options helps find direction and supports management in decision making. He has a “doer” attitude and gets things done on the technical and functional side. As a “Consultant” Mr. Wahid believe that his study & physiological motivation is very strong, as well my confident level is high & my quantitative skills are well-built also he is crystal clear about my every single goal which helped me to be a very tough contestant “Consultant” in the business consultant arena Professional Membership: • Associate Member – Institute of Management Consultants Bangladesh (IMCB) •Member- Association of Proposal Management Professionals® (APMP®) • Member – The Next level Purchasing Association. •Member- The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) • Member - The Professional Risk manager’s international Association (PRMIA) • Affiliate Member- Global Association of Risk Professional (GARP) • Member - The International Association of Risk and Compliance Professionals (IARCP) • Lifetime Member - Dragon fire martial arts association “International” (DFMAA) • Individual Member: License Logic LLC • Associate Membership - The American Psychological Association (APA)
  • 16. • Member - The Global Community of Information Professionals