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Anne Agius (Gelicrisio)
Maintenance Order – Mr Owen Bonnici
…the neighbours and
his work colleagues all
blaming me for the
family violence while
his reputation
remained intact and at
the time he worked for
AWAS, which was
neighbouring The
Commission for
Domestic Violence,
whom he became well
acquainted with
ensuring to exclude
me. The Chairperson
for the Commission of
Domestic Violence who
is also a legal aid
representative, has
refused to take my
case upon my request;
I have accepted her
reason’s to be true
however, I deem her
the only legal
qualified to take my
very complicated case
on legal aid funds… a
case of domestic
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
Right of a Spouse to Maintenance - Section 72 FLA 4
 Tuesday, 4th October, 2011 16
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
Document File Attached with this report via email to the relevant ministers:
 B not B12
 HRCComplaint Procedure Form
 Intervention Order – Response to Adjournment – Nov2011
 Ministers Bonnici and Pepi Screen Shots for Emails – Yahoo PDF
 Ministry Screen Shotss – 12abk
 TEverybody Gets It
 TMaintenance Order – Urgent 2015 Aagius – 1273a
 TrentEsta – 1273
 ZConfidential Resume – Aagius1273
 ZDeVere Group – the best place to work
Supporting Documents (attached)
 Marriage Certificate – from Cyprus
 Letter for a legal representative - Anthony P. Farrugia LLD
 Letter from the Crises Intervention Team – Bradley Agius
 Email to Bradley’s Father – his grandfather’s assault against me
 Email to the Police Headquarters by Bradley – his mother’s assault against me
This document may be subject to error’s and has not yet been edited – all notification of changes that may be
deemed necessary will be posted online via linked and Facebook profile belonging to the author/sender of this
article; edited 16th
July, 2015; edited 18th
July, 2015 (11:15pm); edited 23rd
, July, 2015 at 11:29am – posted
online and updated website (; last edited 23/7/2015 – 6:12pm; Final Edited
Version completed on 25th
July, 2015 at 11:30pm and posted online/all accounts as listed on top of page three
of this report.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
Maintenance Request – Mr Owen Bonnici
…there is no excuse good enough for abuse!
From: Anne Agius (Gelicrisio)
Contact Email (Primary):
Email (Secondary):
Website (1):
Website (2):
Linked-in Profile:
Date: 15th July, 2015 (first date); 25th July, 2015 (last edited date).
EU Human Rights Courts in France – NOTICE
To: Chief Justice/President, Mr Dean Spielmann
To: Justice Minister of Malta, Mr Owen Bonnici
To: Prime Minister of Malta, Mr Joseph Muscat
Good Afternoon Your Honour, Mr Silvio Camilleri, Mr Robert Mangion and Mr Owen
Bonnici (Justice Minister of Malta)
Here in this formal document I would like to place my requests for a maintenance order
that I have already attempted to place with the Family Courts of Malta, to no avail. I
would like permission to represent myself in all courts of law and mark this request for
Spousal Maintenance - Section 72 FLA – URGENT.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
Right of a Spouse to Maintenance - Section 72 FLA:
1 (1) A party to a marriage is liable to maintain the other party, to the
extent that the first-mentioned party is reasonably able to do so, if,
and only if, that other party is unable to support herself or himself
adequately whether:
a by reason of having the care and control of a child of the marriage
who has not attained the age of 18 years;
b by reason of age or physical or mental incapacity for appropriate
gainful employment; or
c for any other adequate reason;
2 having regard to any relevant matter referred to in subsection 75(2).
The aim is to balance the needs of the applicant against the respondent's
ability to pay.
Despite my 15 odd years of business related experience, having worked in
four different industries from customer service front line staff to people
management, I have not been successful in gaining employment to
adequately support myself here in Malta, since my arrival; a community
at large that’s too busy playing favourites. One dishwashing job offered in
October of 2013, that I could not complete in the first shift due to hip pain
arising from marital violence that my husband subjected me to; and only
one other, a cleaning job finally offered on the 14th of July, 2015 (just
yesterday), which I did not apply for after searching endlessly for
employment since separation from my husband, however, it would not
suffice and as a result I had to decline for the following reasons:
‘…the pay rate is a little low (in-adequate) and I don’t think the hours are
going to be sufficient to cover the costs I need to pay in order to put my
life back together especially after suffering several breaches to my human
rights since separation from my Maltese husband, including but not
limited to discrimination based on age, race, sex and marital status - a
particle system that is stale, still in practice and fails to support female
independence, breeding a culture of injustice; a system that has
supported my husband’s violence towards me very well, however, for me
it simply does not work. To prevent me from my cultural practices and
expect me to conform to female suppression in this underdeveloped
country would be a clear breach of my Fundamental Rights as an EU
National under Chapter 3, Article 22...’ I would be more interested in
finding ways to work together by way of mutual respect, where it does
not under any circumstances compromise my right to a fair go – The
Australian Way.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
The international human rights movement was strengthened when the
United Nations General Assembly adopted of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948. Drafted as ‘a common
standard of achievement for all peoples and nations', the Declaration for
the first time in human history spell out basic civil, political, economic,
social and cultural rights that all human beings should enjoy.
International human rights law lays down obligations which States are
bound to respect… States assume obligations and duties under
international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights. The
obligation to respect means that States must refrain from interfering with
or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to protect
requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights
abuses. The obligation to fulfil means that States must take positive
action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights.
The universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted and proclaimed
by the General Assembly as a common standard of achievement for all
peoples and all nations, who shall thrive by teaching and education to
promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive
measures, national and international, to secure their universal and
effective recognition and observance, both among, the peoples of
member states themselves and among the peoples of the territories under
their jurisdiction.
Forty-eight states voted in favour of the Declaration, none
against, with eight abstentions… ‘a step forward in the great
evolutionary process’, said the President of the General Assembly.
Article 1 of each Covenant states that the right to self-determination is
universal and calls upon States to promote the realization of that right
and to respect it.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another
in a spirit of oneness.
This article thus defines the basic assumptions of the Declaration: that
the right to liberty and equality is our birth-right and cannot be alienated.
Article 2, which states out the basic principle of equality and non-
discrimination, as regards to the enjoyment of human rights and
fundamental freedoms, forbids ‘distinction of any kind, such as race,
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion or other opinion,
national or social origin, property, birth or other status’.
The economic, social and cultural rights recognized in articles 22 and 27
include the right to social security; the right to work; the right to equal
pay for equal work; the right to rest and leisure; the right to a standard of
living adequate for health and well-being; the right to education; and the
right to participate in the cultural life of the community.
The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against women has stated that the perpetrator’s
rights cannot supersede the victim’s HUMAN RIGHT to life and to
physical and mental integrity.
The European court of Human Rights has established that states have a
duty to protect the enjoyment of the right to life under Article 2, the right
not to be subjected to torture and ill-treatment under Article 3 and the
right to family life under Article 8; the duty to protect applies also where
a private individual commits the actual breach.
When authorities fail to take appropriate action to protect the lives of the
innocent, mainly women and children, in cases of domestic violence, they
are affectively in breach of the convention;;; it must take measures in
order to prevent its occurrence.
Gender based violence against women may breach provisions of the
convention, regardless of whether those provisions expressly mention
The council of Europe’s European Committee of Social Rights has stated
that Article 16 of the European Social Charter on the right of the family to
social, legal and economic protection applies to all forms of Domestic
Violence and that state parties are obligated to adopt measures to protect
women from domestic violence, both in law and in practice.
Furthermore, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
enshrines certain political, social, and economic rights for European Union
(EU) citizens and residents into EU Law; the following, which I have
provided ‘true’ examples for, I believe have been breached (against me).
• Chapter 1, Article 1, the right to human dignity:
Tuesday morning, 14th of July, 2015, Jemma, the Assistant Manger from
Costa Coffee in the Bay Street Shopping Complex refused to serve me.
She said (while I was standing at her counter asking for hot water only),
‘I’m not giong to serve you anymore when you come here in future…’
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
I asserted myself and asked for a reasonable explanation and she stared
making false accusaitons of a conversation I never even had with her
(during my last visit) to justify her unreasonable behaviour;;; and then
went as far as so to blow cigarette smoke in my face, provoking me in the
presence of her male staff member on duty (who openly did not agree
with her un-provoked conduct);;; she blew smoke in my face after I
asked for her name to file formal complaints to upper management in
head office for her poor service standards and offensive behaviours. I
informed her quite politely of my intentions to complain via the correct
channels, as to why I wanted her name that she tried to refuse me – her
name badge was not worn during busines hours at this point in time. This
is the second incident of it’s kind from the same person at the
same Costa Coffee Location in Paceville (Malta). The first incident
was a clear breach of my human right to water – as set in articles
22 and 27 of the Declaration – the right of a standard of living
adequate for health and well-being…
It was a hot day and being homeless, I had no choice but to sleep in the
sun. I woke up dehydrated and blistered from severe sun burn running
down both arms. The public toilets, which are normally open by the beach
in Paceville were shut for cleaning and the adjoining restaurant was
packed with customers to the front door waiting to be seated and could
not serve me. I was dry reaching and my mouth had no saliva left so I
raced over to Costa Coffe at Bay Street Shopping Complex and asked
Jemma, (the same assistant manager, as mentioned above) for a cup of
tap water, briefly explainig my desperation. She blatently refused and
sent me away stating that it was not her problem; I asked her for a
resonable explanation. Then she started making up excuises for not
allowing me tap water free of charge, which I’m sure head office would
disapprove of her doing so. I kept calm, despite being on the verge of
collapse because I was dehydrating and went on to inform her that I’ve
had water from that same tap several times in the past and have suffered
no health issues what so ever – just incase she might have been
concerned. When she started making false accusations with regards to my
conduct, then I realised that her behavior was not out of genuine concern
but simply an abuse of power of position, an assistant manager who acts
like the director – it is simply not her professional possition, nor her right
to deny me water free of charge from the tap when I was clearly
dehydrating. If I am demanding tap water in a country that warns it’s not
drinable (because of a basic human need to well being, at a time when I
can not afford to purchase it), then I am drinking it at my own risk and it
not anyone place who has it available, to deny me. Before walking away I
infomed her that she’s in breach of my human rights to well being and as
a result, she does not deserve her position and shouldn’t even be working
for such a reputable international company, as she has just spolied their
service standards. She didn’t care because her position is secure.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
• Chapter 1, Article 3, the right to integrity of a person:
The Senior Social Worker at the Housing Authority, upon disclosing the
levels of domestic abuse my husband subjected me to, told me that it’s all
in my head; which is the worst thing you can tell someone who is
experiencing abuse and trying to seek support. I waked out of her office
thinking to myself, ‘whose side is she on???’
She failed to take appropriate action to protect me and to treat me with
dignity and respect and failed to support my application for housing with
her employer who is the Housing Authority (…after informing me that the
refuges are all full); for me to continue my occupancy at 109 Conception
Street in Msida; for the opportunity to sleep securely behind a closed
door, in respect of my Human Rights to Safety and Enjoyment of life; and
therefore, is in breach of the convention.
I endured homelessness for a few weeks in winter and went hungry until I
gave in to my husband plea’s to reconcile, dating (by way of marriage)
the abuse all over again; not wishing a life on the streets for myself.
I figured that Domestic Violence is better than Homelessness and
by returning to my husband, I effectively put him back in the position of
control, abusing his power of position with his family over me, who we
lived with – blood is thicker. The infidelity continued (by his own
admissions), which came with a private apology upon reconciliation and
the promise to start a new and refrain from the same abusive, addictive
behaviours. I believed him!
• Chapter 1, Article 4, prohibition of torture and inhuman or
degrading treatment of punishment:
A security guard, an old, small, grey haired Maltese man employed by JF
Security for The Westin Hotel/Resort in Paceville not only shooed me
away from a public access area neighbouring the said hotel that I was
resting in, which was not his right (resting under my sun-umbrella to
prevent my skin from burning), nor was it his right to confiscate my sun
umbrella. He then began to defame me in the presence of hotel guests
watching on, making the same false accusations that my husband has
been circulating of prostitution and drug offenses – none of which I am
guilty of, calling me a tramp like a twelve year old spoilt boy with a chip
on his shoulder, and added that I deserve to sleep outside like an animal.
It later occurred to me that my husband also worked for JF Security when
he was employed by the Commissioner of Refugee’s and is believed to be
well acquainted with this man in question, whose Identity I intend to
release once he’s required to take the witness stand, should he be called.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
He has pursued to stalk me via harassment thereafter, following me down
the road in Paceville with his white car (on a different day) name calling
me of a degrading nature and telling me to go back to my country
(Australia) and get out of his;;; which only in retaliation I stuck my
middle finger at him, telling him that his penis where his brain lives, is no
bigger than the tip of my middle finger.
• Chapter 2, Article 6, right to liberty and security:
The Housing Authority rejected my urgent application twice for housing
and therefore, refused me the opportunity to be housed in a property that
my husband and I once occupied; to sleep securely behind a locked door;
a house that was still vacant and perfectly liveable contrary to their claims
of there being something wrong with the water.
My appeal to this day is unanswered and I am still homeless, as a result
of a system that was flexible only when I (as an Australian married to my
Maltese husband) was living with him – we were together; my application
as a person enduring separation from him, failed. A letter from my legal
representative (as attached) was available to them at the time of my
application for independent housing, confirming separation was in
process, but without my husband by my side it still wasn’t good enough it
While seeking their assistance for housing with my husband, we didn’t
even require identification after discovering my husband was Maltese
Born and were given the option between two vacant premises and the
keys, handed to us the same day. Is this a case of one rule for the
Maltese born and another for everyone else?
• Chapter 2, Article 9, the right to marry and found a family:
My husband proposed to me with the intention to go to Australia married
at the end of 2013 (calculating three months after marriage). We
attended an appointment with the Marriage Registry in Malta to set a
date, who refused us after finding out that I am 16 years older than him.
The lady processing our application, Ms Fiona Vella, refused me the
opportunity to set a date to get married in Malta to my husband, Bradley
Agius. She turned to him and asked him if he knows my age and if he is
consenting to this; I couldn’t understand why on earth we would go as far
as to attend the Marriage Registry if my husband didn’t know what he was
doing, I mean getting married so soon was his idea and age is the first
thing that is normally disclosed upon dating. She was also acting
suspicious after receiving a phone call pre-warning of a previous marriage
that is supposedly still, using one excuse after the other for not wanting
to formalise a date to proceed; a warning that was being passed around
from one office to the next with regards to a marriage that was still
supposedly valid in Australia that I knew nothing about – it was the first
time I heard of it???
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
The same claims that the GOZO POLICE were later making and tried to
arrest me for; the same accusations that came out of his mother’s mouth,
who at the time, we were not even speaking to. It was Marisa from the
Ministry of Social Solidarity that was in communication with my husband’s
mother before she (my mother in law) took it upon herself to assault me
in the middle of Paceville streets, hurling out loud the same false
accusation in consistent with Gozo Police and the suspicions of Fiona
Vella, from the marriage registry. His mother was yelling out that the
police have a warrant for my arrest, that I am supposedly wanted for
charges of bigamy; ‘stop her, stop her’… and all this, right after she
physically assaulted me by punching me in the face and later in the
stomach. My husband sent a supporting letter describing the turn of such
events to the Police Head Quarters; however, I decided not to press
charges. My husband later asked me, ‘why didn’t you hit her back, you’re
a black belt and a club champion no doubt?’ I replied with, ‘babe, your
mother has health issues with blood clots and if one races to her brain in
shock of my one punch to her mini-brain, it doesn’t matter how much
she’s provoked me, it’s me that will have to answer to the police and
medical authorities… and she could die.’ ‘But it’s her fault,’ he said, ‘then
we’ll complain through correct channels if you’re willing to be honest and
to be honest baby, someone who behaves like that is not deserving of my
time…’ I continued, ‘that’s the same reason I don’t hit you back, but this
bullshit baby with you and your family has got to stop because I didn’t do
anything to any of you to deserve it, and even if I did, there is no excuse
good enough for abuse, I mean what ever happened to using your
words?’ Once again he replied with, ‘this is Malta’, and I said, ‘no baby,
this is abuse and it’s just not good enough!’ His mother during the ordeal
also mentioned that Marisa from the Ministry of Social Solidarity, has
been in communication with her, keeping her up to date on our situation;
which I believe was a negligent breach of our right to privacy and
caused his mother to confront us in such a way.
In Australia my identification was stolen by a man of Indian decent,
Jasper Singh, who tried to bribe me into marriage with a $10,000
engagement ring for the purpose of Australian Citizenship - he was
struggling to get his permanency at the time because he could not pass
his competency test – which in the presence of both my children, I
declined and told him to donate his money to the homeless instead. This
marriage was not consented by me and NEVER TOOK PLACE; this man
however, was suspected of colluding with the brother of a police officer
that I blew the whistle on for sexual assault (who later lost his job…), who
was believed to be employed with The Federal Police Force of Australia.
Once separated from my children, authorities not only tried to use Mr
Singh to give false testimony against me but also did everything in their
power to prevent me from communication with my children, who would
effectively give their evidence in the court of law that this relationship did
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
not eventuate (and therefore, how can the marriage have possibly taken
place on legal terms); after the trauma of separation, my children were
held as protected witnesses, effectively preventing them from giving their
evidence in The Australian Family Courts; and because they weren’t there
to have their say, it was free-range for corrupt authorities who prevailed
in the court of law to remove my children form my care – I couldn’t
possibly contend with their credibility, despite my innocence.
I was wondering if she talks to everyone like that and even my husband
was very surprised telling me, ‘this is Malta’ and I would always answer
with, ‘so what babe, there’s no excuse, we all know the difference
between right and wrong’. My husband was of a consenting age and even
before marriage in Cyprus, I gave him ample opportunities to bail out and
change his mind – he said he loves me and wanted to go ahead and he
knew exactly what he was doing – if there is something my husband does
better than me, it’s calculation.
Within the first week of meeting him, I told Bradley everything about me
holding nothing back, from my two children (which he was very surprised,
as he mentioned there was no physical evidence of it naked – so I showed
him my caesarean scar to prove it) to police corruption, including the
childhood abuse that I suffered in my mother’s care and the turn of
events that led to my arrival in Malta, and he said he was fine with it, ‘he
doesn’t care’.
After much struggle to get approval to marry in Malta, which was not
granted, my husband and I decided to elope in Cyprus instead and it was
awesome because neither of us are very romantic and both enjoyed each
other company in a country that welcomed us both as equals and
respected our right to marry. Cyprus only expected us to abide by the
rules and produce documents to meet their criteria which we did. My
husband willingly paid for it all, calculating a life in Australia by the end of
the 2013.
I did on several occasions encourage my husband to wait at least 12
months prior to marriage and at one point we had this conversation in
front of his mother; to (a) get to know each other better and (b) to give
me the opportunity to gain work and split the costs, a 5000Eur bill, which
he insisted on paying for; when Bradley wants something, he gets it,
that’s what his mother taught him as a child in her care. I a mother, am
against spoiling children because they grow into very selfish adults (when
spoilt in childhood) and then they have to learn the hard that the world
does not revolve around them and that other people’s needs are just as
important as theirs.
He envisioned a life in Australia after marriage with me, where had every
intention to apply for his spousal visa upon arrival. I fell in love with what
I thought was in his heart and agreed to marry him; to me, love doesn’t
see age and in Australia, there is no such discrimination so marring
younger men is quite common.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
• Chapter 2, Article 14, the right to education:
I tried to enter into Law to commence 1st of October, 2014, however, my
application with the Malta university was rejected; which I was only
informed about at the interview stages (two weeks before
commencement) not leaving me sufficient time to re-apply as an
international student – another way in. Furthermore, I have been made
aware by university staff themselves that my husband had applied for his
masters in criminology at the same time and that I can do my law degree
next year when my husband, has finished his masters, (allowing him to
go first); which made me very angry because I felt held back for him to
get ahead; a clear case of INEQUALITY; again demonstrating outdated
practices. Below is the letter I attached to my said application.
I would like to take this opportunity to apply for the above listed course with
The University of Malta, as per my online application for mature age entry.
It’s taken me years to figure out what I want to do with my life; I was born into
Domestic Violence from the very start and at only twenty one, I was enduring
divorce and custody battles, as a result of marital violence fuelled by an
alcoholic spouse.
I’ve spent sixteen years raising two children single handily with limited support
from extended family members; and the past eighteen months fulfilling my
travel dreams, which resulted in a marriage to a local.
As a result of blowing the whistle on a police officer for sexual assault in
Australia, I’ve been subjected to in-conceivable levels of police corruption
carried forward from place to the next, sabotaging the opportunity for perfectly
good relationships and the right to a fair go; which throughout the years, has
given me a VERY STRONG SENCE FOR JUSTICE and intelligence training beyond
my years.
As a result of my said experiences, I have represented myself in court dealing
with diverse areas of law, in particular, civil and criminal cases. This entailed
intensive research of the relevant act’s and the study of sections and sub-
sections in preparation for on-coming hearings; and furthermore, compiling and
submitting (singlehandedly) all documentation in due course directly with the
courts. I’ve also had first-hand experience in cross-examining a witness and
from that very moment, my passion to enter the legal arena was born.
By scanning through my attached CV, you will discover that I am currently
establishing a tell all website and a campaign (starting at a slow pace) to raise
awareness of domestic violence among other things, in hope to assist other’s
suffering in silence; I am also pursuing appointments with the relevant
ministers of Malta in order to move forward.
I am very committed and hungry for the opportunity to be counted as a legal
representative with a country that is very close to my heart, to put all this
experience to good use for the mutual benefit.
Thank you, for your time and I look forward to the opportunity of an interview,
to further discuss my suitability for entry into The Bachelor of Laws
commencing 1st October, 2014.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
Once Qualified, I had intended to use my legal expertise (as a
lawyer) to represent women and children of domestic violence in
court, after establishing Europe’s First Rehabilitation Centre -
‘TrentEsta’ – to transform gender power inequalities combating
violence against women at the core.
Since I met him, I’ve been pushing for my husband to complete his
masters and he resisted me, showing no interest what so ever.
I then apply for my Law Degree against his will with the same university
he holds credibility with, (which is something he was dead against me
doing, making every effort to discourage me from the very beginning…)
and all of sudden, he races over there, right after separation and applies
for his masters in the same year, making false allegations that I am
stalking him and that he is scared of me??? A place for him to privately
continue his affair with a Maltese girl where he was well supported by his
Maltese community at large, was more to the point. I reminded university
students, who informed me of such allegations that ‘if you are scared of
someone, you do not hit them under any circumstances…’.
• Chapter 2, Article 15, freedom to choose an occupation and the
right to engage in work:
I spent all morning job hunting, sending CV's online and presenting
myself in person to prospective employers. I started at Sliema on foot
and by lunchtime I was in Paceville, following up on two vacancies I
applied online, for the position of HR and Marketing Manager with Arcadia
in Paceville.
While I was right next door, I thought I'd follow up on some emails I sent
to businesses stationed in the Portomasso Business Tower for
employment opportunities but upon entering the front doors of the said
business tower, I was stopped by security staff who were stationed on the
ground floor who effectively prevented me from going upstairs to seek
employment, despite having a CV in my hand and copies of covering
letters that I sent to businesses stationed upstairs in the Portomasso
Business Tower the I was pursuing employment with.
What was even more surprising is that they told me to seek consent from
local police in order to apply for jobs with businesses stationed at the
Portomasso Business Tower; I was not committing crime and therefore,
involving the police was completely un-necessary; such a statement is a
clear indication of less favourable treatment, as I’m sure they would not
have said that to my husband under any circumstances and yet it was he
who was committing crimes against me!
I was even surprised they stopped me upon entry the way that they did
because 12 months ago I entered with my Maltese husband for exactly
the same reason, seeking employment, with CV's in hour hands and we
were automatically allowed upstairs by the same old Maltese security
guard NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Entering by myself today for exactly the
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
same reason and happy to leave my bag downstairs, I was denied. If I
was fooling around (passing advertising material for example) that would
be one thing and perfectly understandable but for the purpose of seeking
employment and following up on concurrent emails, I don't think they had
the right to stand in my way and prevent me from the opportunity of
presenting myself in person to perspective employers who are paying
wages fitting to my credentials and in accordance to my level of
experience; a wage that is adequate enough to get me off the streets.
Less favourable treatment and discrimination of any kind is an indication
of poor morals, ILLEGAL and JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
• Chapter 3, Article 20, Equality before the law:
My husband subjected me to Domestic Violence as a result of infidelity, a
crime that was organised and supported by police corruption over an
illegal cross reference that should never have happened – a grudge
carried forward from one country to the next. My husband alleged the
following which he said came out of the mouths of detectives at the
Victoria Police Station in Gozo – during his interrogation:
 Australian's are doll bludgers and don't want to work...
 Don't get me pregnant or I will hit hard with maintenance (my ex-
partners had more to take than my husband and I never touched
their money, even though I was entitled to it - I had both father's
 Detectives claiming I was already married…
 Calling me a 'mignuna'... (referring to someone who is mentally ill)
 Further claiming that I was treating him like a poodle on a leash
and that if his wife dare treat him like that, he’s slap her in the face
Detectives recommended that my husband take a STD test for HIV
after sleeping with me
 …after 40 year old, women find it hard to conceive
 Detectives making fun of my CV that they had handy and told my
husband that I have a degree with the university of the streets AND
FINALLY - in abusing their power of position tried to bribe my
husband with JOB SECURITY should he comply with their wishes to
leave me and never speak to me again.
 They also offered to personally look after him as a friend but not as
long as he is married to me; and by making such an offer in
uniform, not only did they break the criminal code but also the code
of Malta Police Act.
This sweet faced husband of mine, who at the beginning was quite
innocent and sexually inexperienced, went from being a man of good
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moral character to a wolf in sheep’s clothing overnight, calculating
deception every step of the way - one face to me and another to
everyone else. His mother in a separate incident took it upon herself to
assault me in the middle of the streets carrying forward the abuse; my
husband reported, ‘At one point, she (referring to his mother) became
really aggressive and hit my wife in the face twice and later in the
stomach, I had to jump in the middle to stop my mum from hitting my
wife once again.’ He further added on a formal statement, ‘My wife did
not hit back, she did not raise her voice nor was she abusive at
any particular point… People with, Psychosis, Schizophrenia and
Aggressive by nature, do not keep their hands to themselves when
confronted with violence, nor are tolerant in such circumstance; and they
certainly don’t have the skills to effectively communicate resolution as
oppose to hitting back.
During the ordeal with Gozo Detectives, my husband at one point in time
was nowhere to be found after searching the back end of the police
station for him after using the toilet. I was ordered to return to the front
of the police station after questioning the police officer on duty where my
husband has disappeared to (who had no answer for me); where I kept
on tight guard. After telling her that she is preventing me from seeing my
husband by keeping my under tight guard in the front room for several
hours, she started complaining loudly to two of the four detectives on
duty who ordered me to the local hospital via ambulance to be
assessed??? I complied, despite not agreeing. Contrary to their claims,
Gozo Detectives failed in their efforts (by way of influence and
false reference) to institutionalize me for the second time in my life,
supporting an illegal cross reference between the two countries that
should never have taken place. While being examined by a doctor at the
Gozo Hospital – a doctor who in his honesty and integrity, argued against
the idea with the said detectives in my presence - I was deemed by him
to have NO mental health concerns that would effectively warrant
institutionalization. The full story involving Gozo Detectives is listed in the
attached document titled, ‘B not B12’, which details circumstances of
marital abuse.
Once we returned from the Gozo Main Hospital, the police falsely arrested
me for Charges of bigamy, right after isolating me in a room at the front
of the Victoria police station because I asked to see my husband. I was
distracted answering their questions without a lawyer while confined to
the front room behind a door they held shut against my will buying them
time to separate us against both his and my will. My husband who wanted
to wait for me in order to return to Malta together, (and he did
communicate this with them, which they did not accept), was forced to
leave the police station without me and go back to Malta where he was
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supported in pursuing another deemed more suitable;;; cultural abuse at
its best!
The following information forms part of court report that I compiled
single-handedly addressed to the Chief Psychiatrist of Victoria, Dr Ruth
Vine; which was presented to the family courts in Australia.
Tuesday, 4th October, 2011
4th October, 2011 - The day before the adjourned appeal with the Mental
Health Review board; I was handed an incriminating report by DHS
alleging abuse and neglect, effectively failing my parenting standards. I
did not give Mercy Werribee Hospital staff consent to take copies to place
in my file, as such report is false and incorrect and that I had not yet had
the opportunity to defend against such allegations in court. I was
concerned that such a report would damage my opportunities to prove my
mental stability to medical practitioners and that based on credibility
alone, matching up against DHS with my “Domestic Violent” upbringing, I
would without a doubt be unfairly disadvantage; however, a copy was
taken against my will and placed in my files. At approximately 4:45pm, I
willingly engaged in conversation with Sandeep for a period of an hour
and fifteen minutes, unguarded and quite comfortable; I explained to
Sandeep that I didn’t like Amy’s work ethics however, was happy to be
assessed by him during conversation if he had the time to listen. I started
from the very beginning, the point when my daughter went missing for
three days after the forbidden rave party she attended behind my back at
fifteen with her 23 year old work supervisor/boyfriend, right up to the
point of entry and admission into both the Footscray Emergency
Department and the Werribee Mercy Hospital. At the end of our
conversation Sandeep stated that there are no signs of a mental
illness; however, he did encourage me to provide Amy with the same
communication to enable Amy the opportunity to independently assess
• Chapter 3, Article 21, non-discrimination:
I would like to thank John who did my eye makeup before heading over to
be interviewed by another John from the Vacancy Centre in Swatar. I
walked into the vacancy centre at 12:00pm after seeing Grant Thornton
who are in the opposite office suites, in both cases, to follow up on
employment opportunities with Human Resources Personnel.
The Interview at the Vacancy Centre with John was very interesting and
some of it spoken in Maltese to verify my fluency after I was told about a
vacancy of interest with Maltese Employer. John said that if I don’t speak
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Maltese I cannot be considered for this job because the employer and
staff are all Maltese and they want Maltese speaking people. So we
conversed in Maltese under his instruction to prove my level of fluency;
but I was dismayed because this is an English speaking country.
During the interview I refrained from divulging my age and current
marital status. John was a little thrown by my determination to keep
information that could subject me to discrimination to myself, in particular
my age and marital status; which came from my previous experiences of
being openly discriminated by local prospective employers upon applying
for positions vacant within their organization. For me, keeping all this to
myself was not easy to do because I had to suddenly think about what I
was saying and choose my words carefully, which is not something I
would normally do; if you’re telling the truth, you should not have to think
about it, unless you are withholding information contrary to my
communication style. I like to be open, leaving no stone unturned trusting
that people in general will use their better judgment against all forms of
discrimination. It was the first time I failed to disclose such personal
information that is not deemed necessary to gain employment and I don’t
recall receiving a follow up email to consider me for a job I was
completely experienced to carry out and eligible to apply for, working for
that Maltese Employer who wanted Maltese speaking people, as a matter
of priority.
• Chapter 3, Article 23, EQULAITY between MEN and WOMEN:
My husband had an issue with me being the breadwinner and held me
back from gaining employment that pays more than what he could earn;
he was unemployed at the time. I was discouraged from attending an
interview for employment that I was shortlisted for, paying 24,000Eur per
year with an international accountancy firm who wanted an experienced
accounts clerk, who after viewing my CV showed an enormous amount of
interest and called me the same day they received my online application
for an initial telephone interview, which I passed with flying colours. I had
to turn them down after discussions with my husband and I did not get
another opportunity like that again; and remained unemployed ever
• Chapter 4, Article 33, family and professional life – the right to
legal, economic and social protection:
My husband and I were going through separation; he has made every
effort to push me away since his first interview with the Ministry for Social
Solidarity, for the LEAP Project, which he was certain to be appointed
before his acceptance came through. He told me that this position was
promised to him by a third party (whose identity he did not disclose) and
further mentioned that I was standing in his way of getting the job; and
therefore, he has to ‘get rid of me’ first. Of course this did not make any
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sense until recently, when he went as far as to break my statue of The
Blessed Virgin Mary that I pray The Holy Rosary to each morning, as a
means of what he calls ‘getting rid of me’; which worked like a charm, it
compelled me to throw his bags out the front door; Tuesday the 22nd July,
When I get to the point of contemplating hitting back (and only in
retaliation after several months of tolerating his family violence – his
problem), that’s when I know it’s time to walk away but the love I had for
him did not expire, only the abuse he was subjecting me to. If I had the
option to live with him and be free from his family violence, I would have
stayed and we would have grown old together, which is what he said he
wanted and why we got married in the first place – his violence did not
give me the option, nor did his community!
Someone advised me to forgive him and in the spirit resolving the matter
peacefully, I met with him in person the following day and gave him till
Sunday 27th of July, 2014, to return back home to reconcile; which he
failed to do, as this job is obviously more important to him – chasing
money as usual. TWO DAYS LATER ON THE 24TH JULY, 2014; BRADLEY
protecting him!
• Chapter 5, Citizen’s Rights, Article 42, Right of Access to
The YMCA began creating an illegal file in my name with every visit I
made for clean clothes; I did not ask them for accommodation. I made
my point quite clear that being a whistle blower, I cannot possibly be
placed in shared accommodation with troubled teens, where there are
likely to be problems that are swept under the carpet to keep reputations
intact. They kept coming up with excuses to justify this file with
information they secretly created that they so badly wanted to hold
against me; its contents were kept secret, despite demanding they delete
the file that they created in my name, which is against protocol (as I only
sought their assistance for a clean change of clothes from the donation
basket available to the general public upon entry) and refrain from using
this highly secretive file under any circumstances. This came at a time my
husband got his job with the Ministry of Social Solidarity; the YMCA and
all other services that I turned to for assistance (after separation from my
husband who subjected me to family violence) fell under their umbrella.
The YMCA Valletta refused me the contents of the said file upon my
request and failed me in their duty of care to practise what they preach;
…seeking to promote a vision to build a more just society.
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After separation from my husband, a letter was sent to Mr Mallia (the
previous minister for Home Affairs and National Security, requesting
access to any documents (and concurrent notes) that may have been
passed over from Australia – and illegal cross-reference that should never
have happened. My request went un-answered.
The following information is a brief outline of the circumstances that led
to the trauma of separation involving my children – a case of police
corruption stretched seven years long, as a result of blowing the whistle
on a police officer for sexual assault, whose brother is believed to be a
member of the Australian Federal Police Force. The following passage
forms part of a confidential court-report titled, ‘Statement of Reason’s…’
that I complied single headedly, in my fight to get my children back via
the family courts in Australia before coming to Malta; unfortunately I up
the credibility of long standing authorities and lost my fight for justice.
1. Sixth Involvement with DHS
My mother and I engaged in heated argument over her disciplinary ideas
for my son Blake, who was at her house spending “boy” time with my
The argument with my mother ended with me threatening my mother
with the following statement, “if you so much as put one scratch on my
son while he is in your house spending time with dad, I will not hesitate in
calling the police and reporting you to DHS for not only the abuse you
subjected me to as a child (which never came to light) but also for hitting
other people’s children (Ixia and Nemesia) while in your care during the
family day care program that was run by the Williamstown Council
(funded by DHS)”.
My mother Lilly, with so much aggression, promised to use her credibility
to have me locked up and written off as a lunatic and then ensuring my
children are removed from my care permanently; if she was successful in
waging war against me, my complaints and that of my children’s would
effectively be silenced. I ended the conversation by stating, “enjoy Blake
while you can because once I collect him, we won’t be coming back again
and that there is a very good reason why I only visit your mad house
once every six years...”
Friday 9th September, 2011
The next evening my son Blake called me to collect him from my mother’s
house, he was complaining of a sore back and failed to go into detail as to
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
what happened. By this point he was in my father’s care for a few days
since our return to Melbourne, Victoria; my son seemed scared of my
mother, he complained that she was constantly running me down and felt
intimidated by some of my grown up siblings who regularly visit and often
take her side.
During conversation, my son was cut short and call was terminated; upon
trying to phone him back my sister, who was visiting my mother at the
time had refused me the opportunity to talk to my son and also cut me
short of conversation and again the call was terminated.
I called a Taxi immediately, with no money to spare and in a great hurry I
ordered the Taxi Driver to my mother’s house to collect my son; I
promised to pay the bill upon arrival.
When I arrived at my mother house to collect my son, he was nowhere to
be found and no one answered the front door after knocking several times
in the presence of the taxi driver; it seemed no one was home. The taxi
driver thought I was trying to avoid his fare and wanted my mobile phone
for insurance. I later found out that my mother refused to answer the
door because she was on the phone to the police lodging false complaints
against me to prevent me from collecting my son from her care in the
case that he would make allegations against her; the police were on their
Not knowing this at the time of arrival, I proceeded to the neighbour’s
house to loan Taxi Fare. Minutes later the police arrived, were looking for
me and found me at my neighbour’s house collecting fare for the taxi
driver parked outside.
Initially I thought police presence was called upon by the Taxi driver who
may have assumed I was avoiding payment of his fare; when I tried to
explain the Taxi issue to the police, they had explained that my mother
called them and it has nothing to do with the Taxi waiting outside; police
ordered the taxi to leave.
I accompanied the police to my mother’s house and as I approached the
front gate my mother, in the presence of the police officer (Constable
Wormington) she became very aggressive towards me, name calling me
and carrying on in this manner stating loudly, “I will show you now, I will
show you…” I couldn’t understand how the police officers just stood by
and did nothing about my mother’s aggressive behaviours towards me
but still insisted I enter the house; due to my mother’s aggression I
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initially hesitated but decided to co-operated with police as I trusted they
would act impartial ensuring my protection.
The police officers had explained in brief that my mother called on them
because she believes that I am a danger to myself and to the community;
she was supported by my adult siblings waiting quietly in the
neighbouring kitchen.
The police officer… went on to explain that he will be calling an ambulance
who will be accompanied by the CATT Team for an on the spot
assessment and that the CATT Team officer will determine whether I need
to be accompanied to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation or not!
After the ambulance arrived, I was questioned and assessed on my
mother couch by the officer for a period of approximately half an hour;
who did not deemed it necessary for me to be taken into hospital
for a psychiatric evaluation as she clearly stated that I did not
meet all 5 criteria of section 8.1 of the Mental Health Act and
therefore I cannot be taken in under section 9 of the ACT; instead this
officer had observed that there is obviously a communication breakdown
between my mother and me and that we need the opportunity to talk
about it. I insisted on seeing my son, as I’ve come to collect him from my
mother’s house, who has prevented me from doing so by not answering
the door at the time of arrival.
My mother was outraged and in a hurry called for a meeting in the
kitchen with the police officers and my adult siblings, outnumbering my
complaints, four against one.
The police officer came out of the kitchen and overruled the decision of
the CATT Team Officer, he said there are too many people in the kitchen
saying the same thing and apprehended me under section 10 of the
Mental Health Act; I was driven to the Footscray Emergency Ward in the
back of the police van…
Judging by the noise coming from the back window of the house that
faces the road, It’s possible that my son may have been helplessly
watching from the inside and ordered not to come out of the room; as I
heard constant knocking coming from that window on the way over to the
police van, as if someone was desperately trying to grab my attention.
I was very heart broken but co-operated with authority in trust that the
police would do their job well and everything would get sorted out
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quickly; my mobile phone was removed and my bag containing a camera
and confidential information confiscated by police.
I was refused phone calls to call for legal advice (which is my legal right)
and to make contact with my son and was placed under strict police
surveillance in the Footscray Hospital Emergency Ward while waiting for a
doctor to see me.
In conclusion, I was taken off section and released from the Mental Health
System in Australia and came to Malta with a clean passport and no on-
going concerns.
• Chapter 7, Article 53, level of protection:
The MSIDA Police told me that the incidents of abuse I wanted to report
with them were simply too old and therefore, I could not file a report
against my husband, who was working for the Ministry of Social Solidarity
at the time. They were talking to me at the same time as holding an open
line over the phone to Mater Dai Hospital conversing in Maltese, saying
something about a crazy person needing to be picked up urgently – I had
a hard time picking up every word, spoken very quickly in Maltese. It’s
not unreasonable to assume they might have been referring to me, as
there was no one else at their front counter and the police station at the
time of making such an enquiry was quiet. I was only trying to seek their
assistance to have some form of legal documentation to show for the
purpose of seeking accommodation, as an alternative to sleeping outside.
I emailed (a copy attached) the Ministry for Social Solidarity expressing
serious concerns for my husband’s behaviours at a time when he tried to
take his own life; we were experiencing pressure from extended family
members, his extramarital affair (which he admitted to having) that he
was using for sex because she was offering it and he’s greedy (one is
never enough), and subject to police corruption who supported his affair
with a Maltese Girl, deeming her more suitable by way of culture (in
consistent with their accusation listed on page 14, Chapter 3, Article 20...
My husband subjected me to Domestic Violence, also mentioned in the
attached email. The Ministry at the time of receiving such emails, advised
me to take my husband to hospital for a psychiatric assessment as a
matter of priority, which I had to trick him (for his own welfare) to attend
the emergency ward because he refused to co-operate – I told him we
were going to attend for me. In concurrent emails sent by the Ministry of
Social Solidarity, there was no mention of any support on offer for what I
was enduring nor any protection offered for me as his wife experiencing
family violence, subjected to my husband’s abuse – my husband’s welfare
was their priority from the very beginning and mine, who knows???
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My claims for domestic abuse was not taken seriously, despite asking for
a referral to initiate marriage counselling with Appogg – a free service.
They dropped everything to see to my husband’s welfare, despite the fact
that I was also attending to it but with regards to the escalating levels of
family violence and countless emails describing the details of such
violence that were sent to the same ministry by me, a plea for assistance
to attend to the said family violence, ignored.
I refused them any further communication and turned to the police (for
the last time before breaking up in February, 2014 – our second split)
after my husband physically assaulted me in the middle of the streets just
around the corner from the Marsa Police Station, pounding me on the
right shoulder as hard as he could, because I insisted on returning a
20Eur note that belonged to a neighbour that accidently fell on the floor,
which he disapproved; I returned it against his will.
I entered the police station with my husband trying to restrain me in
order to prevent me from reporting to the police; the Marsa police who
witnessed us from their window facing the street, came outside to invite
us in to police station to talk to them, which caused my husband to
release his grip, after which I insisted we comply. Upon entry, I asked the
police if they could organise a safe house for me until my husband gets
the help he needs before considering reconciliation, as I have no longer
have family I can turn to. They asked me if I wanted to press charges
against him and I said, ‘no’ and went on to explain my reasoning;
because he has a degree in criminology and I didn’t want to damage his
career opportunities with a criminal record, as he will not allow me the be
the breadwinner and at some point we time we need to start providing for
ourselves. My husband in their presence began to admit to the marital
violence that he was subjecting me to on a regular basis, once he heard
that I was not going to press charges; …they promptly interrupted him
and quickly separated us forcing me to wait outside for prolonged periods
on sun-down and it was getting dark. I got fed up waiting outside while
the police were in lengthy discussions with my husband and soon left. I
returned back to 109 Conception Street in Msida on foot with a bruised
shoulder and locked my husband out; however, he did not return that
night, he was too busy making a baby he didn’t want…
He returned to his grandmother’s where his extra marital affair was
waiting for him. The next day after he failed to return home, I packed his
clothes and threw the sealed bags out by the front door and notified him
via email to collect them before rubbish collection which was due Monday
morning (two days later); failed to return for his clothes ignoring my
I contacted the Ministry for Social Solidarity, giving them details of the
violence that took place leading to our separation and requested the keys
to 109 Conception Street in Msida, for the lease to be transferred in my
name only and remain living a house they owned that they allowed us to
live in as a married couple (because they could not stand to see my
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husband on the streets…) and instead of assisting me, they evicted me
with only 1 weeks’ notice – they were shocked that I locked my husband
out;;; I had nowhere to go and no one to turn to, with no assistance
offered for alternative placement by the Housing Authority, who further
threatened the police if I resist. The ministry took a hard line but on the
wrong person, I was NOT the one dishing out the abuse, I was just the
one putting up with it. It felt like I was being punished twice, from my
husband and then from Ministry as well and from everyone else who fell
under their umbrella, like the Housing Authority for instance, for a crime
that I did not commit – crimes of Domestic Violence. Despite my ability to
fight back, I would much rather cop a bruise than break his jaw but it still
doesn’t excuse his violence under any circumstances.
They all knew about the family violence and they did nothing to assist me
to gain independence from my husband, which is the core building block
for breaking cycles of abuse.
I was forced to vacate the said premises and sleep outside like an animal
and it was winter. My emails (and there were several that my husband -
who had my passwords - later deleted in their favour and his…) addressed
to Marie Louise Coliero (the minister at the time) with great urgency and
carbon copied to both Marisa (social policy officer) and Vicky (the senior
social worker) went unanswered; my application to remain in the said
property, declined by the Housing Authority; and the senior social worker
from the said ministry told me in her email reply (the only one she replied
to during times of family violence) not to bother her anymore with my
personal affairs. The social worker from the Housing Authority Office told
me that it’s all in my head!
Goodness me, if they treated the perpetrators of Domestic Abuse like
they treated me, instead of punishing the person on the receiving end for
whatever reason, we would not see the statistics in Malta at epidemic
proportions, as they are now. Someone is obviously not doing their job!
• Chapter 7, Article 54, Prohibition of abuse of rights:
Appogg said they cannot guarantee housing. They can however, place an
application to the Housing Authority on my behalf; which was not deemed
necessary, as I have already done that. They also offered to re-construct
an application on my behalf to enable me welfare benefits, despite not
qualifying; which were I come from, constitutes fraud on government
documentation and I am simply not willing to break the law; ‘no-body
checks’ they said! ‘If I don’t qualify, then I don’t qualify and that’s
that’, I replied, nor do I want to be dependent on tax payers hard
earned dollars, a system that is already under strain.
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Then they had the cheek to circulate phone calls informing related
services that I don’t want their assistance and further claiming that they
have done everything in their power to help me... Well if that’s how they
help people, then I don’t need it!
With regards to housing, it shouldn’t matter who’s handing the
application in, if the information is the same, so should the end
result be.
Everyone else I turned to after my ordeal with Appogg, were all refusing
me support, telling me to go back to Appogg. Communication was
obviously circulating beyond my control; which I deem unethical and
against what I know to be, code of conduct rules.
This information was confirmed by a local church that offers emergency
relief to the poor and destitute on a regular basis who withdrew their
assistance under pressure; which for obvious reasons I cannot mention,
While enduring the separation process via legal representatives, during
which time nothing eventuated nor any legal agreement made to change
our Marital Status, my husband Mr Bradley Agius (DOB - 17/11/1989, and
ID Card 541489M) failed to respond to a maintenance demand refusing to
pay a single cent, ensuring I suffer homeless; and he knew winter was
just around the corner but it was my punishment (he said) for opening
my mouth with regards to family violence that I suffered as his wife,
which he subjected me to and kept well hidden from everyone on face
value, telling them only one side of the story – his – and of course he was
well supported in his tightknit community of Maltese born lovers.
While homeless in 2014/2015, I have suffered the following – just to give
a few examples out of a very long list, of the unpleasant nature of street
life, which I certainly did not bring on myself:
 Been punched in the face by an old man whose advances I refused;
he claimed to be under the instruction of my husband who was
trying to find a way to support his false claims of prostitution. This
old man was told I would accept his advances for money, which I
did not and upon retaliation fending him off with my words only, he
punched me in the face. I had a very quick decision to make (a)
walk away or (b) knock him out cold and answer to the police on
assault charges. With a black belt in my history and my mother
claiming that I am naturally aggressive, who advanced her false
allegations to the medical practitioners in Melbourne, who then tried
to deem me a danger to the community – following an illegal cross
reference that should never have happened – I am automatically on
the back foot and to throw just one punch, knowing the damage I
could cause, I would have to think very carefully with regards to
matching force for force. I save my fighting abilities for the ring!
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A prostitute is something THAT I AM NOT! I would rather starve
than sell my best asset, my body, for cash – that once your dignity
is sold, you can never buy it back.
 I have been raped by way of sedation, which I did not under any
circumstances consent to; in a state of consciousness, I would fight
against such crime. There has been claims of a pornographic video
available online involving a women in a knocked out state matching
my identity – which I have not yet seen. I have however, woken up
with memory loss and unexplained bruises (that I did not give
myself), after falling asleep out in the open. I am not on drugs, nor
do I deal in such things and therefore, there is absolutely no excuse
for waking up in such a state. A comment following such an incident
that was posted on a Maltese Facebook web-page called ‘Crime
Today’, mentions me in a degrading way, as someone who needs all
the donations she can get! Should I see such pornographic footage,
which I am still searching online to find, I will not hesitate in taking
legal action and addressing the United Nations accordingly because
the only man that I have consented to having sex with since my
arrival in Malta, is my husband, Mr Bradley Agius.
 Harassed by police waking me up from a place with some safety
(where I have purposely choose to sleep in locations visible under
surveillance cameras); police claiming that homelessness is
illegal??? I am not aware that by sleeping outside I might be
breaking the law, and there is no such mention in the Criminal Code
of Malta. I am a law abiding citizen and during my struggles with
homeless, I have committed not one single crime, even at times
when I have gone hungry for two straight days because my feet are
too sore and blistered to walk to the Catholic Sister’s to be fed – by
way of mutual agreement; I do however, accept monetary hand
out’s from complete strangers who offer (I do not ask for money…)
from time to time, but only when I am in need. When I am not
hungry and well fed, I reject money that people offer because there
is simply no need to take it.
Had the Housing Authority approved my application for
housing like they did quite promptly when my husband was
by my side, I would not have endured such threats to my
health and safety – wellbeing is my Human Right.
Marital Violence Continued:
The destabilisation and discrediting process ensuring silence in
times of violence – what I call ‘the dirty cover up’.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
It is much to my disgust that our Maltese Speaking Neighbours in Hamrun
and Msida, who were mostly (if not all) on my Maltese Husband’s side
(and that’s judging by the level of support he received on an ongoing
basis during our co-tenancy and the lack of it for me) used to ask me if I
was the one hitting my husband and what a poor thing he is…; who all
heard the violence and never made any attempts to assist me by at least
picking up the phone to police, who would have witnessed the abuse my
husband subjected me to upon their arrival and in duty bound, charged
him according. Plates were being broken, after my husband threw them
on the ground in his attempts to intimidate me into submission while his
affair was waiting just around the corner (housed by the locals). My
husband was at the time falsely alleging that his unexplained outbursts
were as a result of me giving him illegal substances/drugs and to back up
his bullsh*t, he would wait for me to fall asleep (because he knows I don’t
hear noise when I’m sound asleep) and then allow visitors, men with poor
presentation that resembled drug dealers, etc… I would often wake up the
front door open, when I know I locked it before bed the night before and
he would claim not to have left the house, saying ‘he’s got no idea what
I’m talking about’.
Then once time, a man of poor presentation came knocking during the
day while my husband was at work and demanded to come in, which I
immediately refused him. He said he was a friend of my husband and has
been visiting at nights with a few others …and I knew nothing about this
and got angry with him. I told him that they do not have my consent to
enter and he is not welcome to approach my front door ever again and
should he force his way in, I will be forced to defend myself using any
weapon I can get my hands on and then I will happily answer to the
police when he’s lying in a hospital bed with two broken legs and his nose
out of place. He soon left, before I got a chance to finish my sentence and
from that moment on (since I was un-employed and able to do so), I
changed my sleeping patterns to during day so I could keep an eye on my
husband at nights by staying awake. Unfortunately, the levels of family
violence after that encounter escalated because my husband could no
longer sneak out at nights to see his affair, a local girl who was being
secretly housed right next door for the purpose of supporting contact
between her and my husband (by the neighbours – his toy soldiers).
Despite the neighbours keeping very quiet on face value, I saw everything
I needed to know and it was much to my disappointment that I was
wrong about the man I married, who I thought was someone of good
moral character. My husband was not the victim but good at behaving like
one and he had everyone else convinced.
In addition, I am currently exploring my options in relation to pressing
charges against his affair, as by pursuing a married man, she is in breach
of the criminal code that state’s ‘one cannot disrupt to good order of
families…’ Title VII of the Criminal Code of Malta; she has put enormous
pressure to meet with him, a local girl who the neighbours supported by
keeping it a secret from me until I saw it for myself during the nights.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
Cupboards slammed first thing in the morning by him before work
(completely unprovoked) and my husband faking injuries before leaving
the front door, to display a problem at home with me hitting him, putting
into question my mental stability – the neighbours and his work
colleagues all blaming me for the family violence while his reputation
remained intact and at the time he worked for AWAS, which was
neighbouring The Commission for Domestic Violence, whom he became
well acquainted with ensuring to exclude me; the internal ruin in process.
In a tight community of gossipers, the blind start leading the blind and
before you know it, everyone becomes deaf, dumb and stupid, harbouring
the seeds of silence that ensure the violence.
The Chairperson for the Commission of Domestic Violence who is also a
legal aid representative, has refused to take my case upon my request; I
have accepted her reason’s to be true however, I deem her the only legal
representative qualified to take my very complicated case on legal aid
funds; I suddenly became isolated and no help from anyone was offered,
while my husband’s support was growing at a rapid rate. I was not
behaving like a victim enough to convince anyone of the actual turn of
The following incident took place in Misida and is detailed in a court report
(listing eight incidents of marital/family violence), titled, ‘B not B12’,
(attached) which I presented to the Family Courts in Valletta during the
separation process requesting maintenance; which did not eventuate into
any legal agreement ‘what so ever’:
Incident Six
When we were living in Msida - 109 Conception Street - I noticed an
empty wrapper of sleeping tablets on the floor by the front door of our
house, it looked like the empty wrapper just fell in that position???
I asked my husband if the empty wrapper belongs to him and he denied
all knowledge of it, and it sure as hell wasn't mine, as I would rather stay
up all night than take those things. We were the only two in the house so
I couldn't understand it.
The next day Bradley cooked for me, as he usually does and then insisted
we go to bed earlier than usual, (straight after dinner), which was odd; I
crashed on the couch by accident next to him - it was Wednesday, late
afternoon. I woke up Friday at around lunchtime and thought I was going
crazy, until Bradley confirmed it was actually Friday. Bradley woke up
hung-over, with a hint of beer on his breath and I couldn't work it out. He
told me that I was going crazy and to this day, I still can't explain what
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
I asked Bradley if he slipped me some sleeping pills so he could go out
and have some fun without raising suspicion and he denied all, again
calling me crazy. We'll I am not on anything, so what happened I asked
him??? And he said that he's got no idea what I am talking about, his
favorite punchline when playing the game of deny all!
I told Bradley that next time I am knocked out like this, I will not hesitate
in filing a police report, describing what just happened and he can then
answer to them; he said, good luck trying to get them to believe you!
And it happened again in the month of June, I was knocked out for 12
hours and woke up with a splitting headache and bruises on my hips (that
were not there the night before); as if I’d been knocked around the room
while sleeping; again Bradley ‘had no idea what I was talking about’.
I consider myself as someone who was affected by my husband’s
violence, as a matter of bad luck – we are not all lucky in love, the
only thing that money can’t buy and it’s the only thing I’m
interested in, money can always be made.
My rent expired and my husband was no longer there to pay the rent and
therefore, I endured homelessness for the second time since married to
my husband, Bradley Agius, as a result of ceasing co-habitation because
of Domestic Violence, born of Infidelity, a crime supported by not only the
locals but also police corruption – Gozo Detectives, who in their efforts to
keep us apart, promised while pointing their finger at me as I was leaving
Gozo, ‘that this is not the end’; I stuck my middle finger right back at
them upon boarding the boat to return to Malta with my husband. It’s not
unreasonable to assume that he’s also fully supported by the Ministry of
Social Solidarity, where he was initially employed on the 4th August, 2014
on the condition he ‘gets rid of me first’ (earning an estimated income of
20,000Er per annum) in accordance to my husband’s own admissions
during a heated argument, escalating the abuse and adding insult to
injury. I soon nick named them ‘The Ministry of Maltese Families’,
because in accordance to my direct experiences, their priorities seem to
lie with their own. Emails sent to the said ministry – a cry for help –
informing them of family violence were deleted off records and ignored
(…sent to two senior staff members and one of them was a senior social
worker who told me not to bother her with my emails), leaving no
evidence of my husband being anything other than a person of ‘good
moral character’, which was a core requirement to be deemed a suitable
application for the LEAP Project, working for the Ministry of Social
Solidarity, a project funded by the European Union.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
My husband got upset when I pointed out that I have no doubt that there
were plenty of suitable, well-educated candidates who deserved that
position with the leap project better than him but missed out all because
of his selfish crimes; that he should hang his head in shame and
publically apologise to us all, not walk around like his God’s gift to
women, because he is not – not even close!
When my husband was working as a night receptionist at The Saint
Geroge Park Hotel in Paceville, where he lost his job because he stole
from the cash register (according to a very reliable security guard) and
had no ties to the Government and earning a minimum wage, no one
even found him attractive. In fact some of his co-workers wanted to know
what the hell I saw in him. I told them that love does not see the image,
only the person inside, who has been spoiled by way of bribery and
corruption. I found out later, after checking out from the hotel, that
Bradley was involved in circulating false rumours within the hotel that I
was prostituting my body for money, and then when he was asked,
‘where is all her money then (because I had none)’, he would reply, ‘she
spends it on drugs’; and of course he had to think of a drug where there
are no apparent physical side effects to cease any further enquiries. It’s
only when he started acting out symptoms of drugs use, which no one
was giving me nor was I on anything that I caught on to what he was
playing at and it was all bullshit. His need for power and control was
evident early in the peace however, not only ignored the sings, I also took
my eye off the ball and soon became blinded to his destructive ways,
determined to see only the good – I was too busy loving him,
irrespectively. I felt quite strongly that he is a child of God subject to
human error; however, what was to come was inexcusable, crimes of
violence that not even God would condone, I’m sure!
When I arrived in Malta in December of 2012, my Maltese
Grandmother, Nanna Annie said to me, ‘do you know what your
problem is’, and I said, ‘no what’, she continued, ‘you are a lover’!
She is the only one that got it right in my 39 years of existence.
I have been un-successful in gaining employment since my arrival in
Malta in December, 2012 (although I had a close call that my husband
denied me, as mentioned) and the reasoning so far in accordance to the
feedback that I have provided is that (1) I am too old at 40… and (2)
employers fear my return to Australia and do not want to spend time and
money training me irrespective of my credentials (3) my husband’s
nationality and (4) his position with a key ministry that is responsible for
social solidarity, (5) I have an unstable employment history rising two
children single headedly for the past 16 years, which is also a major
obstacle for prospective employers and now that I am (5) homeless I am
virtually un-employable, no one has even seriously considered my
application until yesterday… there have been many failed attempts with
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
local retailers and businesses since ceasing co-habitation with my
husband. My attire in the state of homelessness does not meet the
criteria for jobs that pay well, that I am fully qualified to carry out by way
of experience and finding a local Employer who is going to give me a fair
go, taking into consideration my current circumstances, might just be a
battle in itself.
There are also contracts to consider and what is deemed as acceptable
work standards, working for an equal opportunity employer (is everyone’s
right in accordance to the law), who reward their staff with adequate
training, starting salary options, excellent commissions and fantastic
career progressions, and of course a gym would without a doubt assist
with my hip injury, which is important to my health.
I have sought assistance from correct channels to no avail and the
Housing Authority, have refused my urgent application for placement over
a technicality that could have been overcome with a formal letter from my
lawyer confirming separation (attached); an application I placed twice and
marked urgent, to be housed in a property that I have requested at 109
Conception Street in Msida, (which was still vacant) leaving me homeless
since September, 2014.
I have previously occupied the said premises with my husband in
December 2013, a property that the Housing Authority willingly gave (via
the said ministry (their umbrella)) after discovering my husband is
Maltese born, which they openly favoured, despite not having any
identification on us at the time – the keys to the door were handed the
same day as our plea for assistance and they voiced how they could not
tolerate my husband on the streets, as a result of his family denying me
the opportunity to belong, (and I am not under any circumstances
referring to his father, who was kept in the dark and fed bullsh*t); on my
own, while enduring separation from my Maltese Husband, my application
to the same housing authority was rejected forcing me into
homelessness; with no alternative accommodation offered and the
house remains vacant. It would have been better than a life on
the streets.
Being denied the opportunity to be the breadwinner also subjected me to
much criticism by his family who were buying into stories that my
husband was circulating, of how I stole his life saving’s and that I don’t
want to work, having a free holiday on his back; my efforts to explain that
I was trying to work so that I could earn sufficient funds to enable him to
recuperate some of the money spent getting married, (despite the early
marriage being his idea) fell on deaf ears and once again I was getting
the blame for everything that went wrong.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
It was not unreasonable to suspect my husband of circulating rumours
that I stole all his life savings under the circumstances – who else would
have started such a thing?
Well at least that’s what came out of both his mother’s and his maternal
grandfather’s mouth when they physically assaulted me in the middle of
the streets, after stalking us trying to break up our marriage.
After his mother had assaulted me in the streets, I paid both her and her
husband a visit to communicate resolution but she refused to wrong her
son and simply didn’t want to hear about his crimes of violence. I told her
that if she loves her son that much, she should live with him until he’s
fifty so that no other women takes him away; as that’s what she felt I
was doing. Despite not being in a rush to return to Australia, there will
come a time for me to go home because I have children there.
They had waiting for my husband, what was deemed as a suitable Maltese
Girl Lined up for him and were supporting contact behind my back
involving the neighbours to cover his ass, an illegal offence, a breach to
my Human Right to ‘marry and found a family’, under Article 9, Section 2
of the Charter; and an insult that was supported by Gozo Detectives, who
at the time of interrogating my husband kept us apart for five hours,
while his local affair was waiting just outside for him in a borrowed vehicle
that she used to sleep in while following us around everywhere in Gozo
putting pressure on my husband to meet (which he had to make excuses
for the times when he didn’t want to see her that I had to support, as he
was just using her for sex; I often played along to keep the peace,
despite not being happy with the situation; keeping my mouth shut is not
one of my core strengths). All this illegal pressure on my husband saw to
escalating levels of family violence causing me physical injury, simply
because I did not want to fight back, not because I couldn’t.
I knew that IF I fought back, it would be the end of my marriage to
someone I loved dearly, because my punch would break his jaw.
1. The Housing Authority rejected my urgent application twice and
therefore, refused me the opportunity to be housed in a property
that my husband and I once occupied, which was still vacant and
perfectly liveable; my appeal to this day, unanswered and I am still
homeless, as a result of an inflexible system.
2. The Social Worker at the Housing Authority, upon disclosing the
levels of domestic abuse my husband subjected me to, told me that
it’s all in my head; which is the worst thing you can tell someone
who is experiencing abuse and trying to seek support.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
3. Another senior social worker employed by the Ministry for Social
Solidarity – Vicky – sat in the chair of a person who was in the
position to authorize my food vouchers at the office of the
Community Chest Fund (who already Ok’d the food vouchers before
Vicky made her appearance…) and refused to process my
application, refusing me food vouchers until such time that I agreed
to be counselled by her first, asserting her authority. I did not deem
counselling necessary in order to put food in my mouth (a human
right) and therefore, rejected any dealings with her and any further
communication. I left my singed (approved) application on the desk
and walked out the door quietly and went hungry until the churches
started opening their doors – two days later. When the ministry
say’s ‘jump’, everyone say’s ‘how high?’, even if they are wrong.
4. The YMCA began creating an illegal file in my name with every
visit I made for clean clothes; I did not ask them for
accommodation. I made my point quite clear that being a whistle
blower, I cannot possibly be placed in shared accommodation with
troubled teens, where there are likely to be problems that are swept
under the carpet to keep reputations intact. They kept coming up
with excuses to justify this file that they so badly wanted to hold
against me and its contents, they kept secret.
5) I demanded they delete the file that they created in my name,
which is against protocol and refrain from using it.
a) The second last interaction I had with the YMCA just recently, I
was subjected to abuse and profanities by staff while attempting to
collect some clean clothing from the donation tub after wearing the
same ones for six consecutive months (and even sleeping in them,
as I’ve been forced into homelessness); out of spite, a staff
member refused me the opportunity for a clean change of clothes. I
believe my human rights have been breached and so have their
policies; an organization that states, ‘The YMCA Valletta is a non-
profit voluntary and ecumenical movement seeking to promote the
vision to build a more just society…’.
5. Dar Merhba Bik refused me entry into their shelter, as they were
full; but even when vacancies arise, they were not willing to
accommodate me without a social worker who is governed by the
Ministry of Social Solidarity – the same ministry that broke my
marriage, in accordance to my husband’s own admissions (Mr
Bradley Agius – born 17/11/1989).
6. Dar Qalb ta Gesu, will not take short term tenants and do not
have crises intervention; they are simply short of staff through no
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
fault of their own. They insist on a police report, which the MSIDA
Police failed to give me upon my request due to no current incidents
of abuse.
7. The MSIDA Police told me that the incidents of abuse were simply
too old to file a report against my husband, who was working for
the Ministry of Social Solidarity at the time. They were talking to me
at the same time as holding an open line over the phone to Mater
Dai Hospital conversing in Maltese, saying something about a crazy
person needing to be picked up urgently – I had a hard time picking
up every word, spoken very quickly in Maltese.
8. Dar Theresa in Valletta (an emergency shelter for women, newly
opened by the Catholic Church) insisted on a referral from a social
worker and had vacancies; they did give me the opportunity to gain
one from the Director of The Catholic Church as an alternative; who
could not give it...
9. The Director of the Catholic Church in Floriana politely informed
me of his reason for not being able to give such a referral after
explaining my current circumstances, which led to homelessness.
He said it was because he doesn’t know me and therefore, would
have nothing to write; which stands to reason in a sense.
10. Appogg said they cannot guarantee housing. They can however,
place an application to the Housing Authority on my behalf; which
was not deemed necessary, as I have already done that.
They also offered to re-construct an application on my behalf to
enable me welfare benefits, despite not qualifying; which were I
come from, constitutes fraud on government documentation and I
am simply not willing to break the law; ‘no-body checks’ they said!
‘If I don’t qualify, then I don’t qualify and that’s that’, I replied, nor
do I want to be dependent on tax payers hard earned dollars, a
system that is already under strain. Someone with my credentials
who no longer has kids in her care to raise as a sole parent, should
not be on welfare!
Then they had the cheek to circulate phone calls informing related
services that I don’t want their assistance and further claiming that
they have done everything in their power to help me... Well if that’s
how they help people, then I don’t need it! This information was
confirmed by a local church that offers emergency relief to the poor
and destitute on a regular basis; which for obvious reasons I cannot
mention, as I promised in God’s name.
11. ...and the sisters for all other alternative accommodation said
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
they cannot do anything, as they have social workers sitting on top
of them; and with regards to the Fatima House in Sliema (who have
agreed to feed me), I did not fit the age criteria.
12. All the services mentioned above (except for NGO) fall under
the umbrella of the ministry where my husband was appointed as
new employee at the time.
While trying to find a safe and secure place to sleep on the streets,
there have been serious threats to my safety; I have been
assaulted, punched in the face, harassed by police and raped by
way of sedation that I did not consent to and therefore, at this point
in time I feel that only a maintenance order would assist me to get
out of a situation that I do not deserve to be in – and yet to this
day, I HAVE COMMITTED NO CRIME. If my husband paid
maintenance, even just half of the initial demand when he had the
capacity to pay, I would not have suffered such crimes against me.
Maintenance would certainly enable me to pay for food,
accommodation and clothing and live dignified and clean up in
terms of hygiene, as so to be presentable for any applications I
make for employment; as I am better suited to corporate positions
that do not entail physical strain/manual labour, which could irritate
my hip injury causing my pain; and I would like to have the option
to go home should I choose to enjoy my new-born grandchild,
which right now I don’t even have the option to do.
Someone with my work credentials should not be homeless, even the
sister’s belonging to a local church said, ‘you are not homeless, you’ve
just got no money. Homeless people are not employable, are not engage-
able, do not communicate affectively and certainly are not productive in
pursuing a campaign raising awareness of any kind on borrowed
resources. They usually have drug and alcohol related problems because
they have given up. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM’. I personally couldn’t
agree more and all I am asking in presenting this court ready document,
is to grant maintenance within 28 days of the printed date, listed above.
© Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15)
In terms of filing for a separation court case against my husband to be
heard in front of the judge, which was my initial intention after ceasing
co-habitation, the case was closed; no amicable agreement was made to
legally separate and mediation never took place due to the initial
mediator, as appointed by the Family Courts in Valletta, failing to act
impartial – the first mediation session scheduled approximately one
month after me filing for separation (via legal representative), which
unfortunately ran out my rent. I did not know at the time, nor was I
informed by anyone, that in accordance to the Civil Code of the Families
Section, Chapter 16, Article 39 …mediation by law must be scheduled
within four days of filing for separation where there is a case of domestic
violence. I formally requested a change in Mediator’s and then verbally
informed the said court that as a result of having no funds left to continue
privately funded legal representation with the same lawyer that I was
happy with, I will from now on choose to self-represent;;; Erica, a new
mediator, was then appointed to proceed with the mediation process,
however, closed the case on January 25, 2015 under my instruction – a
complicated matter no doubt; UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD I
My current marital status is still legally married and no amicable
agreement made to legally separate, despite living apart as result of my
husband’s crimes against me of family violence since late July of 2014.
Mr Bonnici, I would like to request your permission to represent
myself under special circumstances in all Maltese courts of law,
including but not limited to criminal, as so to prevent any further
complications with legal representation.
In Australia I have represented myself in court dealing with diverse areas
of law and I strongly believe Mr Bonnici, that you do not need a lawyer to
tell the truth, if you are able to study the relevant act’s – this entailed
intensive research of the relevant act’s and the study of sections and sub-
sections in preparation for on-coming hearings and furthermore,
compiling and submitting (singlehandedly) all documentation in due
course directly with the courts; I’ve also had first-hand experience in
cross-examining a witness. It’s no secret that the Legal Aid System is
already under strain, which may compromise my case. I have been made
aware that my husband is making every effort to evade all maintenance
and marital responsibilities by possibly planning a trip overseas. I would
like him stopped by law from leaving Malta, until such time the judge has
made a final decision with regards to my husband’s maintenance
responsibilities, a maintenance order that I am kindly asking you to
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a
TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a

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TMaintenance Order - Urgent 2015 - Aagius - 1273a

  • 1. 2015 Anne Agius (Gelicrisio) m/anne 7/23/2015 Maintenance Order – Mr Owen Bonnici …the neighbours and his work colleagues all blaming me for the family violence while his reputation remained intact and at the time he worked for AWAS, which was neighbouring The Commission for Domestic Violence, whom he became well acquainted with ensuring to exclude me. The Chairperson for the Commission of Domestic Violence who is also a legal aid representative, has refused to take my case upon my request; I have accepted her reason’s to be true however, I deem her the only legal representative qualified to take my very complicated case on legal aid funds… a case of domestic violence!
  • 3. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 2 CURRENT PROJECTS 38 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES 39 THE COST OF NEGLIGANCE 40 ANOTHER LETTER TO THE JUSTICE MINISTER OF MALTA 41 REFERENCES 44 Document File Attached with this report via email to the relevant ministers:  B not B12  HRCComplaint Procedure Form  Intervention Order – Response to Adjournment – Nov2011  Ministers Bonnici and Pepi Screen Shots for Emails – Yahoo PDF  Ministry Screen Shotss – 12abk  TEverybody Gets It  TMaintenance Order – Urgent 2015 Aagius – 1273a  TrentEsta – 1273  ZConfidential Resume – Aagius1273  ZDeVere Group – the best place to work Supporting Documents (attached)  Marriage Certificate – from Cyprus  Letter for a legal representative - Anthony P. Farrugia LLD  Letter from the Crises Intervention Team – Bradley Agius  Email to Bradley’s Father – his grandfather’s assault against me  Email to the Police Headquarters by Bradley – his mother’s assault against me Disclaimer: This document may be subject to error’s and has not yet been edited – all notification of changes that may be deemed necessary will be posted online via linked and Facebook profile belonging to the author/sender of this article; edited 16th July, 2015; edited 18th July, 2015 (11:15pm); edited 23rd , July, 2015 at 11:29am – posted online and updated website (; last edited 23/7/2015 – 6:12pm; Final Edited Version completed on 25th July, 2015 at 11:30pm and posted online/all accounts as listed on top of page three of this report.
  • 4. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 3 Maintenance Request – Mr Owen Bonnici …there is no excuse good enough for abuse! From: Anne Agius (Gelicrisio) Contact Email (Primary): Email (Secondary): Website (1): Website (2): Linked-in Profile: Twitter: Facebook: Date: 15th July, 2015 (first date); 25th July, 2015 (last edited date). EU Human Rights Courts in France – NOTICE To: Chief Justice/President, Mr Dean Spielmann To: Justice Minister of Malta, Mr Owen Bonnici To: Prime Minister of Malta, Mr Joseph Muscat Email:;;;;;;;;;;; C/C:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; BCC:;;;;;;; Good Afternoon Your Honour, Mr Silvio Camilleri, Mr Robert Mangion and Mr Owen Bonnici (Justice Minister of Malta) Here in this formal document I would like to place my requests for a maintenance order that I have already attempted to place with the Family Courts of Malta, to no avail. I would like permission to represent myself in all courts of law and mark this request for Spousal Maintenance - Section 72 FLA – URGENT.
  • 5. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 4 Right of a Spouse to Maintenance - Section 72 FLA: 1 (1) A party to a marriage is liable to maintain the other party, to the extent that the first-mentioned party is reasonably able to do so, if, and only if, that other party is unable to support herself or himself adequately whether: a by reason of having the care and control of a child of the marriage who has not attained the age of 18 years; b by reason of age or physical or mental incapacity for appropriate gainful employment; or c for any other adequate reason; 2 having regard to any relevant matter referred to in subsection 75(2). The aim is to balance the needs of the applicant against the respondent's ability to pay. BACKGROUND INFORMATION and JUSTIFICATION: Despite my 15 odd years of business related experience, having worked in four different industries from customer service front line staff to people management, I have not been successful in gaining employment to adequately support myself here in Malta, since my arrival; a community at large that’s too busy playing favourites. One dishwashing job offered in October of 2013, that I could not complete in the first shift due to hip pain arising from marital violence that my husband subjected me to; and only one other, a cleaning job finally offered on the 14th of July, 2015 (just yesterday), which I did not apply for after searching endlessly for employment since separation from my husband, however, it would not suffice and as a result I had to decline for the following reasons: ‘…the pay rate is a little low (in-adequate) and I don’t think the hours are going to be sufficient to cover the costs I need to pay in order to put my life back together especially after suffering several breaches to my human rights since separation from my Maltese husband, including but not limited to discrimination based on age, race, sex and marital status - a particle system that is stale, still in practice and fails to support female independence, breeding a culture of injustice; a system that has supported my husband’s violence towards me very well, however, for me it simply does not work. To prevent me from my cultural practices and expect me to conform to female suppression in this underdeveloped country would be a clear breach of my Fundamental Rights as an EU National under Chapter 3, Article 22...’ I would be more interested in finding ways to work together by way of mutual respect, where it does not under any circumstances compromise my right to a fair go – The Australian Way.
  • 6. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 5 The international human rights movement was strengthened when the United Nations General Assembly adopted of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948. Drafted as ‘a common standard of achievement for all peoples and nations', the Declaration for the first time in human history spell out basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights that all human beings should enjoy. International human rights law lays down obligations which States are bound to respect… States assume obligations and duties under international law to respect, to protect and to fulfil human rights. The obligation to respect means that States must refrain from interfering with or curtailing the enjoyment of human rights. The obligation to protect requires States to protect individuals and groups against human rights abuses. The obligation to fulfil means that States must take positive action to facilitate the enjoyment of basic human rights. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: The universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted and proclaimed by the General Assembly as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, who shall thrive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among, the peoples of member states themselves and among the peoples of the territories under their jurisdiction. Forty-eight states voted in favour of the Declaration, none against, with eight abstentions… ‘a step forward in the great evolutionary process’, said the President of the General Assembly. Article 1 of each Covenant states that the right to self-determination is universal and calls upon States to promote the realization of that right and to respect it. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of oneness. This article thus defines the basic assumptions of the Declaration: that the right to liberty and equality is our birth-right and cannot be alienated. Article 2, which states out the basic principle of equality and non- discrimination, as regards to the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms, forbids ‘distinction of any kind, such as race,
  • 7. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 6 colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status’. The economic, social and cultural rights recognized in articles 22 and 27 include the right to social security; the right to work; the right to equal pay for equal work; the right to rest and leisure; the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being; the right to education; and the right to participate in the cultural life of the community. The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against women has stated that the perpetrator’s rights cannot supersede the victim’s HUMAN RIGHT to life and to physical and mental integrity. The European court of Human Rights has established that states have a duty to protect the enjoyment of the right to life under Article 2, the right not to be subjected to torture and ill-treatment under Article 3 and the right to family life under Article 8; the duty to protect applies also where a private individual commits the actual breach. When authorities fail to take appropriate action to protect the lives of the innocent, mainly women and children, in cases of domestic violence, they are affectively in breach of the convention;;; it must take measures in order to prevent its occurrence. Gender based violence against women may breach provisions of the convention, regardless of whether those provisions expressly mention violence. The council of Europe’s European Committee of Social Rights has stated that Article 16 of the European Social Charter on the right of the family to social, legal and economic protection applies to all forms of Domestic Violence and that state parties are obligated to adopt measures to protect women from domestic violence, both in law and in practice. Furthermore, The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union enshrines certain political, social, and economic rights for European Union (EU) citizens and residents into EU Law; the following, which I have provided ‘true’ examples for, I believe have been breached (against me). • Chapter 1, Article 1, the right to human dignity: Tuesday morning, 14th of July, 2015, Jemma, the Assistant Manger from Costa Coffee in the Bay Street Shopping Complex refused to serve me. She said (while I was standing at her counter asking for hot water only), ‘I’m not giong to serve you anymore when you come here in future…’
  • 8. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 7 I asserted myself and asked for a reasonable explanation and she stared making false accusaitons of a conversation I never even had with her (during my last visit) to justify her unreasonable behaviour;;; and then went as far as so to blow cigarette smoke in my face, provoking me in the presence of her male staff member on duty (who openly did not agree with her un-provoked conduct);;; she blew smoke in my face after I asked for her name to file formal complaints to upper management in head office for her poor service standards and offensive behaviours. I informed her quite politely of my intentions to complain via the correct channels, as to why I wanted her name that she tried to refuse me – her name badge was not worn during busines hours at this point in time. This is the second incident of it’s kind from the same person at the same Costa Coffee Location in Paceville (Malta). The first incident was a clear breach of my human right to water – as set in articles 22 and 27 of the Declaration – the right of a standard of living adequate for health and well-being… It was a hot day and being homeless, I had no choice but to sleep in the sun. I woke up dehydrated and blistered from severe sun burn running down both arms. The public toilets, which are normally open by the beach in Paceville were shut for cleaning and the adjoining restaurant was packed with customers to the front door waiting to be seated and could not serve me. I was dry reaching and my mouth had no saliva left so I raced over to Costa Coffe at Bay Street Shopping Complex and asked Jemma, (the same assistant manager, as mentioned above) for a cup of tap water, briefly explainig my desperation. She blatently refused and sent me away stating that it was not her problem; I asked her for a resonable explanation. Then she started making up excuises for not allowing me tap water free of charge, which I’m sure head office would disapprove of her doing so. I kept calm, despite being on the verge of collapse because I was dehydrating and went on to inform her that I’ve had water from that same tap several times in the past and have suffered no health issues what so ever – just incase she might have been concerned. When she started making false accusations with regards to my conduct, then I realised that her behavior was not out of genuine concern but simply an abuse of power of position, an assistant manager who acts like the director – it is simply not her professional possition, nor her right to deny me water free of charge from the tap when I was clearly dehydrating. If I am demanding tap water in a country that warns it’s not drinable (because of a basic human need to well being, at a time when I can not afford to purchase it), then I am drinking it at my own risk and it not anyone place who has it available, to deny me. Before walking away I infomed her that she’s in breach of my human rights to well being and as a result, she does not deserve her position and shouldn’t even be working for such a reputable international company, as she has just spolied their service standards. She didn’t care because her position is secure.
  • 9. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 8 • Chapter 1, Article 3, the right to integrity of a person: The Senior Social Worker at the Housing Authority, upon disclosing the levels of domestic abuse my husband subjected me to, told me that it’s all in my head; which is the worst thing you can tell someone who is experiencing abuse and trying to seek support. I waked out of her office thinking to myself, ‘whose side is she on???’ She failed to take appropriate action to protect me and to treat me with dignity and respect and failed to support my application for housing with her employer who is the Housing Authority (…after informing me that the refuges are all full); for me to continue my occupancy at 109 Conception Street in Msida; for the opportunity to sleep securely behind a closed door, in respect of my Human Rights to Safety and Enjoyment of life; and therefore, is in breach of the convention. FEBRUARY 2014 – POST EVICTION: I endured homelessness for a few weeks in winter and went hungry until I gave in to my husband plea’s to reconcile, dating (by way of marriage) the abuse all over again; not wishing a life on the streets for myself. I figured that Domestic Violence is better than Homelessness and by returning to my husband, I effectively put him back in the position of control, abusing his power of position with his family over me, who we lived with – blood is thicker. The infidelity continued (by his own admissions), which came with a private apology upon reconciliation and the promise to start a new and refrain from the same abusive, addictive behaviours. I believed him! • Chapter 1, Article 4, prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment of punishment: A security guard, an old, small, grey haired Maltese man employed by JF Security for The Westin Hotel/Resort in Paceville not only shooed me away from a public access area neighbouring the said hotel that I was resting in, which was not his right (resting under my sun-umbrella to prevent my skin from burning), nor was it his right to confiscate my sun umbrella. He then began to defame me in the presence of hotel guests watching on, making the same false accusations that my husband has been circulating of prostitution and drug offenses – none of which I am guilty of, calling me a tramp like a twelve year old spoilt boy with a chip on his shoulder, and added that I deserve to sleep outside like an animal. It later occurred to me that my husband also worked for JF Security when he was employed by the Commissioner of Refugee’s and is believed to be well acquainted with this man in question, whose Identity I intend to release once he’s required to take the witness stand, should he be called.
  • 10. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 9 He has pursued to stalk me via harassment thereafter, following me down the road in Paceville with his white car (on a different day) name calling me of a degrading nature and telling me to go back to my country (Australia) and get out of his;;; which only in retaliation I stuck my middle finger at him, telling him that his penis where his brain lives, is no bigger than the tip of my middle finger. • Chapter 2, Article 6, right to liberty and security: The Housing Authority rejected my urgent application twice for housing and therefore, refused me the opportunity to be housed in a property that my husband and I once occupied; to sleep securely behind a locked door; a house that was still vacant and perfectly liveable contrary to their claims of there being something wrong with the water. My appeal to this day is unanswered and I am still homeless, as a result of a system that was flexible only when I (as an Australian married to my Maltese husband) was living with him – we were together; my application as a person enduring separation from him, failed. A letter from my legal representative (as attached) was available to them at the time of my application for independent housing, confirming separation was in process, but without my husband by my side it still wasn’t good enough it seemed. While seeking their assistance for housing with my husband, we didn’t even require identification after discovering my husband was Maltese Born and were given the option between two vacant premises and the keys, handed to us the same day. Is this a case of one rule for the Maltese born and another for everyone else? • Chapter 2, Article 9, the right to marry and found a family: My husband proposed to me with the intention to go to Australia married at the end of 2013 (calculating three months after marriage). We attended an appointment with the Marriage Registry in Malta to set a date, who refused us after finding out that I am 16 years older than him. The lady processing our application, Ms Fiona Vella, refused me the opportunity to set a date to get married in Malta to my husband, Bradley Agius. She turned to him and asked him if he knows my age and if he is consenting to this; I couldn’t understand why on earth we would go as far as to attend the Marriage Registry if my husband didn’t know what he was doing, I mean getting married so soon was his idea and age is the first thing that is normally disclosed upon dating. She was also acting suspicious after receiving a phone call pre-warning of a previous marriage that is supposedly still, using one excuse after the other for not wanting to formalise a date to proceed; a warning that was being passed around from one office to the next with regards to a marriage that was still supposedly valid in Australia that I knew nothing about – it was the first time I heard of it???
  • 11. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 10 The same claims that the GOZO POLICE were later making and tried to arrest me for; the same accusations that came out of his mother’s mouth, who at the time, we were not even speaking to. It was Marisa from the Ministry of Social Solidarity that was in communication with my husband’s mother before she (my mother in law) took it upon herself to assault me in the middle of Paceville streets, hurling out loud the same false accusation in consistent with Gozo Police and the suspicions of Fiona Vella, from the marriage registry. His mother was yelling out that the police have a warrant for my arrest, that I am supposedly wanted for charges of bigamy; ‘stop her, stop her’… and all this, right after she physically assaulted me by punching me in the face and later in the stomach. My husband sent a supporting letter describing the turn of such events to the Police Head Quarters; however, I decided not to press charges. My husband later asked me, ‘why didn’t you hit her back, you’re a black belt and a club champion no doubt?’ I replied with, ‘babe, your mother has health issues with blood clots and if one races to her brain in shock of my one punch to her mini-brain, it doesn’t matter how much she’s provoked me, it’s me that will have to answer to the police and medical authorities… and she could die.’ ‘But it’s her fault,’ he said, ‘then we’ll complain through correct channels if you’re willing to be honest and to be honest baby, someone who behaves like that is not deserving of my time…’ I continued, ‘that’s the same reason I don’t hit you back, but this bullshit baby with you and your family has got to stop because I didn’t do anything to any of you to deserve it, and even if I did, there is no excuse good enough for abuse, I mean what ever happened to using your words?’ Once again he replied with, ‘this is Malta’, and I said, ‘no baby, this is abuse and it’s just not good enough!’ His mother during the ordeal also mentioned that Marisa from the Ministry of Social Solidarity, has been in communication with her, keeping her up to date on our situation; which I believe was a negligent breach of our right to privacy and caused his mother to confront us in such a way. In Australia my identification was stolen by a man of Indian decent, Jasper Singh, who tried to bribe me into marriage with a $10,000 engagement ring for the purpose of Australian Citizenship - he was struggling to get his permanency at the time because he could not pass his competency test – which in the presence of both my children, I declined and told him to donate his money to the homeless instead. This marriage was not consented by me and NEVER TOOK PLACE; this man however, was suspected of colluding with the brother of a police officer that I blew the whistle on for sexual assault (who later lost his job…), who was believed to be employed with The Federal Police Force of Australia. Once separated from my children, authorities not only tried to use Mr Singh to give false testimony against me but also did everything in their power to prevent me from communication with my children, who would effectively give their evidence in the court of law that this relationship did
  • 12. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 11 not eventuate (and therefore, how can the marriage have possibly taken place on legal terms); after the trauma of separation, my children were held as protected witnesses, effectively preventing them from giving their evidence in The Australian Family Courts; and because they weren’t there to have their say, it was free-range for corrupt authorities who prevailed in the court of law to remove my children form my care – I couldn’t possibly contend with their credibility, despite my innocence. I was wondering if she talks to everyone like that and even my husband was very surprised telling me, ‘this is Malta’ and I would always answer with, ‘so what babe, there’s no excuse, we all know the difference between right and wrong’. My husband was of a consenting age and even before marriage in Cyprus, I gave him ample opportunities to bail out and change his mind – he said he loves me and wanted to go ahead and he knew exactly what he was doing – if there is something my husband does better than me, it’s calculation. Within the first week of meeting him, I told Bradley everything about me holding nothing back, from my two children (which he was very surprised, as he mentioned there was no physical evidence of it naked – so I showed him my caesarean scar to prove it) to police corruption, including the childhood abuse that I suffered in my mother’s care and the turn of events that led to my arrival in Malta, and he said he was fine with it, ‘he doesn’t care’. After much struggle to get approval to marry in Malta, which was not granted, my husband and I decided to elope in Cyprus instead and it was awesome because neither of us are very romantic and both enjoyed each other company in a country that welcomed us both as equals and respected our right to marry. Cyprus only expected us to abide by the rules and produce documents to meet their criteria which we did. My husband willingly paid for it all, calculating a life in Australia by the end of the 2013. I did on several occasions encourage my husband to wait at least 12 months prior to marriage and at one point we had this conversation in front of his mother; to (a) get to know each other better and (b) to give me the opportunity to gain work and split the costs, a 5000Eur bill, which he insisted on paying for; when Bradley wants something, he gets it, that’s what his mother taught him as a child in her care. I a mother, am against spoiling children because they grow into very selfish adults (when spoilt in childhood) and then they have to learn the hard that the world does not revolve around them and that other people’s needs are just as important as theirs. He envisioned a life in Australia after marriage with me, where had every intention to apply for his spousal visa upon arrival. I fell in love with what I thought was in his heart and agreed to marry him; to me, love doesn’t see age and in Australia, there is no such discrimination so marring younger men is quite common.
  • 13. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 12 • Chapter 2, Article 14, the right to education: I tried to enter into Law to commence 1st of October, 2014, however, my application with the Malta university was rejected; which I was only informed about at the interview stages (two weeks before commencement) not leaving me sufficient time to re-apply as an international student – another way in. Furthermore, I have been made aware by university staff themselves that my husband had applied for his masters in criminology at the same time and that I can do my law degree next year when my husband, has finished his masters, (allowing him to go first); which made me very angry because I felt held back for him to get ahead; a clear case of INEQUALITY; again demonstrating outdated practices. Below is the letter I attached to my said application. I would like to take this opportunity to apply for the above listed course with The University of Malta, as per my online application for mature age entry. It’s taken me years to figure out what I want to do with my life; I was born into Domestic Violence from the very start and at only twenty one, I was enduring divorce and custody battles, as a result of marital violence fuelled by an alcoholic spouse. I’ve spent sixteen years raising two children single handily with limited support from extended family members; and the past eighteen months fulfilling my travel dreams, which resulted in a marriage to a local. As a result of blowing the whistle on a police officer for sexual assault in Australia, I’ve been subjected to in-conceivable levels of police corruption carried forward from place to the next, sabotaging the opportunity for perfectly good relationships and the right to a fair go; which throughout the years, has given me a VERY STRONG SENCE FOR JUSTICE and intelligence training beyond my years. As a result of my said experiences, I have represented myself in court dealing with diverse areas of law, in particular, civil and criminal cases. This entailed intensive research of the relevant act’s and the study of sections and sub- sections in preparation for on-coming hearings; and furthermore, compiling and submitting (singlehandedly) all documentation in due course directly with the courts. I’ve also had first-hand experience in cross-examining a witness and from that very moment, my passion to enter the legal arena was born. By scanning through my attached CV, you will discover that I am currently establishing a tell all website and a campaign (starting at a slow pace) to raise awareness of domestic violence among other things, in hope to assist other’s suffering in silence; I am also pursuing appointments with the relevant ministers of Malta in order to move forward. I am very committed and hungry for the opportunity to be counted as a legal representative with a country that is very close to my heart, to put all this experience to good use for the mutual benefit. Thank you, for your time and I look forward to the opportunity of an interview, to further discuss my suitability for entry into The Bachelor of Laws commencing 1st October, 2014.
  • 14. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 13 Once Qualified, I had intended to use my legal expertise (as a lawyer) to represent women and children of domestic violence in court, after establishing Europe’s First Rehabilitation Centre - ‘TrentEsta’ – to transform gender power inequalities combating violence against women at the core. Since I met him, I’ve been pushing for my husband to complete his masters and he resisted me, showing no interest what so ever. I then apply for my Law Degree against his will with the same university he holds credibility with, (which is something he was dead against me doing, making every effort to discourage me from the very beginning…) and all of sudden, he races over there, right after separation and applies for his masters in the same year, making false allegations that I am stalking him and that he is scared of me??? A place for him to privately continue his affair with a Maltese girl where he was well supported by his Maltese community at large, was more to the point. I reminded university students, who informed me of such allegations that ‘if you are scared of someone, you do not hit them under any circumstances…’. • Chapter 2, Article 15, freedom to choose an occupation and the right to engage in work: I spent all morning job hunting, sending CV's online and presenting myself in person to prospective employers. I started at Sliema on foot and by lunchtime I was in Paceville, following up on two vacancies I applied online, for the position of HR and Marketing Manager with Arcadia in Paceville. While I was right next door, I thought I'd follow up on some emails I sent to businesses stationed in the Portomasso Business Tower for employment opportunities but upon entering the front doors of the said business tower, I was stopped by security staff who were stationed on the ground floor who effectively prevented me from going upstairs to seek employment, despite having a CV in my hand and copies of covering letters that I sent to businesses stationed upstairs in the Portomasso Business Tower the I was pursuing employment with. What was even more surprising is that they told me to seek consent from local police in order to apply for jobs with businesses stationed at the Portomasso Business Tower; I was not committing crime and therefore, involving the police was completely un-necessary; such a statement is a clear indication of less favourable treatment, as I’m sure they would not have said that to my husband under any circumstances and yet it was he who was committing crimes against me! I was even surprised they stopped me upon entry the way that they did because 12 months ago I entered with my Maltese husband for exactly the same reason, seeking employment, with CV's in hour hands and we were automatically allowed upstairs by the same old Maltese security guard NO QUESTIONS ASKED. Entering by myself today for exactly the
  • 15. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 14 same reason and happy to leave my bag downstairs, I was denied. If I was fooling around (passing advertising material for example) that would be one thing and perfectly understandable but for the purpose of seeking employment and following up on concurrent emails, I don't think they had the right to stand in my way and prevent me from the opportunity of presenting myself in person to perspective employers who are paying wages fitting to my credentials and in accordance to my level of experience; a wage that is adequate enough to get me off the streets. Less favourable treatment and discrimination of any kind is an indication of poor morals, ILLEGAL and JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH! • Chapter 3, Article 20, Equality before the law: My husband subjected me to Domestic Violence as a result of infidelity, a crime that was organised and supported by police corruption over an illegal cross reference that should never have happened – a grudge carried forward from one country to the next. My husband alleged the following which he said came out of the mouths of detectives at the Victoria Police Station in Gozo – during his interrogation:  Australian's are doll bludgers and don't want to work...  Don't get me pregnant or I will hit hard with maintenance (my ex- partners had more to take than my husband and I never touched their money, even though I was entitled to it - I had both father's exempt...)  Detectives claiming I was already married…  Calling me a 'mignuna'... (referring to someone who is mentally ill)  Further claiming that I was treating him like a poodle on a leash and that if his wife dare treat him like that, he’s slap her in the face Detectives recommended that my husband take a STD test for HIV after sleeping with me  …after 40 year old, women find it hard to conceive  Detectives making fun of my CV that they had handy and told my husband that I have a degree with the university of the streets AND FINALLY - in abusing their power of position tried to bribe my husband with JOB SECURITY should he comply with their wishes to leave me and never speak to me again.  They also offered to personally look after him as a friend but not as long as he is married to me; and by making such an offer in uniform, not only did they break the criminal code but also the code of Malta Police Act. This sweet faced husband of mine, who at the beginning was quite innocent and sexually inexperienced, went from being a man of good
  • 16. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 15 moral character to a wolf in sheep’s clothing overnight, calculating deception every step of the way - one face to me and another to everyone else. His mother in a separate incident took it upon herself to assault me in the middle of the streets carrying forward the abuse; my husband reported, ‘At one point, she (referring to his mother) became really aggressive and hit my wife in the face twice and later in the stomach, I had to jump in the middle to stop my mum from hitting my wife once again.’ He further added on a formal statement, ‘My wife did not hit back, she did not raise her voice nor was she abusive at any particular point… People with, Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Aggressive by nature, do not keep their hands to themselves when confronted with violence, nor are tolerant in such circumstance; and they certainly don’t have the skills to effectively communicate resolution as oppose to hitting back. During the ordeal with Gozo Detectives, my husband at one point in time was nowhere to be found after searching the back end of the police station for him after using the toilet. I was ordered to return to the front of the police station after questioning the police officer on duty where my husband has disappeared to (who had no answer for me); where I kept on tight guard. After telling her that she is preventing me from seeing my husband by keeping my under tight guard in the front room for several hours, she started complaining loudly to two of the four detectives on duty who ordered me to the local hospital via ambulance to be assessed??? I complied, despite not agreeing. Contrary to their claims, Gozo Detectives failed in their efforts (by way of influence and false reference) to institutionalize me for the second time in my life, supporting an illegal cross reference between the two countries that should never have taken place. While being examined by a doctor at the Gozo Hospital – a doctor who in his honesty and integrity, argued against the idea with the said detectives in my presence - I was deemed by him to have NO mental health concerns that would effectively warrant institutionalization. The full story involving Gozo Detectives is listed in the attached document titled, ‘B not B12’, which details circumstances of marital abuse. Once we returned from the Gozo Main Hospital, the police falsely arrested me for Charges of bigamy, right after isolating me in a room at the front of the Victoria police station because I asked to see my husband. I was distracted answering their questions without a lawyer while confined to the front room behind a door they held shut against my will buying them time to separate us against both his and my will. My husband who wanted to wait for me in order to return to Malta together, (and he did communicate this with them, which they did not accept), was forced to leave the police station without me and go back to Malta where he was
  • 17. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 16 supported in pursuing another deemed more suitable;;; cultural abuse at its best! The following information forms part of court report that I compiled single-handedly addressed to the Chief Psychiatrist of Victoria, Dr Ruth Vine; which was presented to the family courts in Australia. Tuesday, 4th October, 2011 4th October, 2011 - The day before the adjourned appeal with the Mental Health Review board; I was handed an incriminating report by DHS alleging abuse and neglect, effectively failing my parenting standards. I did not give Mercy Werribee Hospital staff consent to take copies to place in my file, as such report is false and incorrect and that I had not yet had the opportunity to defend against such allegations in court. I was concerned that such a report would damage my opportunities to prove my mental stability to medical practitioners and that based on credibility alone, matching up against DHS with my “Domestic Violent” upbringing, I would without a doubt be unfairly disadvantage; however, a copy was taken against my will and placed in my files. At approximately 4:45pm, I willingly engaged in conversation with Sandeep for a period of an hour and fifteen minutes, unguarded and quite comfortable; I explained to Sandeep that I didn’t like Amy’s work ethics however, was happy to be assessed by him during conversation if he had the time to listen. I started from the very beginning, the point when my daughter went missing for three days after the forbidden rave party she attended behind my back at fifteen with her 23 year old work supervisor/boyfriend, right up to the point of entry and admission into both the Footscray Emergency Department and the Werribee Mercy Hospital. At the end of our conversation Sandeep stated that there are no signs of a mental illness; however, he did encourage me to provide Amy with the same communication to enable Amy the opportunity to independently assess me. • Chapter 3, Article 21, non-discrimination: I would like to thank John who did my eye makeup before heading over to be interviewed by another John from the Vacancy Centre in Swatar. I walked into the vacancy centre at 12:00pm after seeing Grant Thornton who are in the opposite office suites, in both cases, to follow up on employment opportunities with Human Resources Personnel. The Interview at the Vacancy Centre with John was very interesting and some of it spoken in Maltese to verify my fluency after I was told about a vacancy of interest with Maltese Employer. John said that if I don’t speak
  • 18. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 17 Maltese I cannot be considered for this job because the employer and staff are all Maltese and they want Maltese speaking people. So we conversed in Maltese under his instruction to prove my level of fluency; but I was dismayed because this is an English speaking country. During the interview I refrained from divulging my age and current marital status. John was a little thrown by my determination to keep information that could subject me to discrimination to myself, in particular my age and marital status; which came from my previous experiences of being openly discriminated by local prospective employers upon applying for positions vacant within their organization. For me, keeping all this to myself was not easy to do because I had to suddenly think about what I was saying and choose my words carefully, which is not something I would normally do; if you’re telling the truth, you should not have to think about it, unless you are withholding information contrary to my communication style. I like to be open, leaving no stone unturned trusting that people in general will use their better judgment against all forms of discrimination. It was the first time I failed to disclose such personal information that is not deemed necessary to gain employment and I don’t recall receiving a follow up email to consider me for a job I was completely experienced to carry out and eligible to apply for, working for that Maltese Employer who wanted Maltese speaking people, as a matter of priority. • Chapter 3, Article 23, EQULAITY between MEN and WOMEN: My husband had an issue with me being the breadwinner and held me back from gaining employment that pays more than what he could earn; he was unemployed at the time. I was discouraged from attending an interview for employment that I was shortlisted for, paying 24,000Eur per year with an international accountancy firm who wanted an experienced accounts clerk, who after viewing my CV showed an enormous amount of interest and called me the same day they received my online application for an initial telephone interview, which I passed with flying colours. I had to turn them down after discussions with my husband and I did not get another opportunity like that again; and remained unemployed ever since. • Chapter 4, Article 33, family and professional life – the right to legal, economic and social protection: My husband and I were going through separation; he has made every effort to push me away since his first interview with the Ministry for Social Solidarity, for the LEAP Project, which he was certain to be appointed before his acceptance came through. He told me that this position was promised to him by a third party (whose identity he did not disclose) and further mentioned that I was standing in his way of getting the job; and therefore, he has to ‘get rid of me’ first. Of course this did not make any
  • 19. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 18 sense until recently, when he went as far as to break my statue of The Blessed Virgin Mary that I pray The Holy Rosary to each morning, as a means of what he calls ‘getting rid of me’; which worked like a charm, it compelled me to throw his bags out the front door; Tuesday the 22nd July, 2014. When I get to the point of contemplating hitting back (and only in retaliation after several months of tolerating his family violence – his problem), that’s when I know it’s time to walk away but the love I had for him did not expire, only the abuse he was subjecting me to. If I had the option to live with him and be free from his family violence, I would have stayed and we would have grown old together, which is what he said he wanted and why we got married in the first place – his violence did not give me the option, nor did his community! Someone advised me to forgive him and in the spirit resolving the matter peacefully, I met with him in person the following day and gave him till Sunday 27th of July, 2014, to return back home to reconcile; which he failed to do, as this job is obviously more important to him – chasing money as usual. TWO DAYS LATER ON THE 24TH JULY, 2014; BRADLEY GOT THE JOB VIA EMAIL CONFIRMATION FOR THE LEAP PROJECT – HE OBVIOUSLY KNEW SOMETHING THAT I DIDN’T. His people were protecting him! • Chapter 5, Citizen’s Rights, Article 42, Right of Access to Documents: The YMCA began creating an illegal file in my name with every visit I made for clean clothes; I did not ask them for accommodation. I made my point quite clear that being a whistle blower, I cannot possibly be placed in shared accommodation with troubled teens, where there are likely to be problems that are swept under the carpet to keep reputations intact. They kept coming up with excuses to justify this file with information they secretly created that they so badly wanted to hold against me; its contents were kept secret, despite demanding they delete the file that they created in my name, which is against protocol (as I only sought their assistance for a clean change of clothes from the donation basket available to the general public upon entry) and refrain from using this highly secretive file under any circumstances. This came at a time my husband got his job with the Ministry of Social Solidarity; the YMCA and all other services that I turned to for assistance (after separation from my husband who subjected me to family violence) fell under their umbrella. The YMCA Valletta refused me the contents of the said file upon my request and failed me in their duty of care to practise what they preach; …seeking to promote a vision to build a more just society.
  • 20. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 19 After separation from my husband, a letter was sent to Mr Mallia (the previous minister for Home Affairs and National Security, requesting access to any documents (and concurrent notes) that may have been passed over from Australia – and illegal cross-reference that should never have happened. My request went un-answered. The following information is a brief outline of the circumstances that led to the trauma of separation involving my children – a case of police corruption stretched seven years long, as a result of blowing the whistle on a police officer for sexual assault, whose brother is believed to be a member of the Australian Federal Police Force. The following passage forms part of a confidential court-report titled, ‘Statement of Reason’s…’ that I complied single headedly, in my fight to get my children back via the family courts in Australia before coming to Malta; unfortunately I up the credibility of long standing authorities and lost my fight for justice. 1. Sixth Involvement with DHS My mother and I engaged in heated argument over her disciplinary ideas for my son Blake, who was at her house spending “boy” time with my father. The argument with my mother ended with me threatening my mother with the following statement, “if you so much as put one scratch on my son while he is in your house spending time with dad, I will not hesitate in calling the police and reporting you to DHS for not only the abuse you subjected me to as a child (which never came to light) but also for hitting other people’s children (Ixia and Nemesia) while in your care during the family day care program that was run by the Williamstown Council (funded by DHS)”. My mother Lilly, with so much aggression, promised to use her credibility to have me locked up and written off as a lunatic and then ensuring my children are removed from my care permanently; if she was successful in waging war against me, my complaints and that of my children’s would effectively be silenced. I ended the conversation by stating, “enjoy Blake while you can because once I collect him, we won’t be coming back again and that there is a very good reason why I only visit your mad house once every six years...” Friday 9th September, 2011 The next evening my son Blake called me to collect him from my mother’s house, he was complaining of a sore back and failed to go into detail as to
  • 21. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 20 what happened. By this point he was in my father’s care for a few days since our return to Melbourne, Victoria; my son seemed scared of my mother, he complained that she was constantly running me down and felt intimidated by some of my grown up siblings who regularly visit and often take her side. During conversation, my son was cut short and call was terminated; upon trying to phone him back my sister, who was visiting my mother at the time had refused me the opportunity to talk to my son and also cut me short of conversation and again the call was terminated. I called a Taxi immediately, with no money to spare and in a great hurry I ordered the Taxi Driver to my mother’s house to collect my son; I promised to pay the bill upon arrival. When I arrived at my mother house to collect my son, he was nowhere to be found and no one answered the front door after knocking several times in the presence of the taxi driver; it seemed no one was home. The taxi driver thought I was trying to avoid his fare and wanted my mobile phone for insurance. I later found out that my mother refused to answer the door because she was on the phone to the police lodging false complaints against me to prevent me from collecting my son from her care in the case that he would make allegations against her; the police were on their way. Not knowing this at the time of arrival, I proceeded to the neighbour’s house to loan Taxi Fare. Minutes later the police arrived, were looking for me and found me at my neighbour’s house collecting fare for the taxi driver parked outside. Initially I thought police presence was called upon by the Taxi driver who may have assumed I was avoiding payment of his fare; when I tried to explain the Taxi issue to the police, they had explained that my mother called them and it has nothing to do with the Taxi waiting outside; police ordered the taxi to leave. I accompanied the police to my mother’s house and as I approached the front gate my mother, in the presence of the police officer (Constable Wormington) she became very aggressive towards me, name calling me and carrying on in this manner stating loudly, “I will show you now, I will show you…” I couldn’t understand how the police officers just stood by and did nothing about my mother’s aggressive behaviours towards me but still insisted I enter the house; due to my mother’s aggression I
  • 22. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 21 initially hesitated but decided to co-operated with police as I trusted they would act impartial ensuring my protection. The police officers had explained in brief that my mother called on them because she believes that I am a danger to myself and to the community; she was supported by my adult siblings waiting quietly in the neighbouring kitchen. The police officer… went on to explain that he will be calling an ambulance who will be accompanied by the CATT Team for an on the spot assessment and that the CATT Team officer will determine whether I need to be accompanied to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation or not! After the ambulance arrived, I was questioned and assessed on my mother couch by the officer for a period of approximately half an hour; who did not deemed it necessary for me to be taken into hospital for a psychiatric evaluation as she clearly stated that I did not meet all 5 criteria of section 8.1 of the Mental Health Act and therefore I cannot be taken in under section 9 of the ACT; instead this officer had observed that there is obviously a communication breakdown between my mother and me and that we need the opportunity to talk about it. I insisted on seeing my son, as I’ve come to collect him from my mother’s house, who has prevented me from doing so by not answering the door at the time of arrival. My mother was outraged and in a hurry called for a meeting in the kitchen with the police officers and my adult siblings, outnumbering my complaints, four against one. The police officer came out of the kitchen and overruled the decision of the CATT Team Officer, he said there are too many people in the kitchen saying the same thing and apprehended me under section 10 of the Mental Health Act; I was driven to the Footscray Emergency Ward in the back of the police van… Judging by the noise coming from the back window of the house that faces the road, It’s possible that my son may have been helplessly watching from the inside and ordered not to come out of the room; as I heard constant knocking coming from that window on the way over to the police van, as if someone was desperately trying to grab my attention. I was very heart broken but co-operated with authority in trust that the police would do their job well and everything would get sorted out
  • 23. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 22 quickly; my mobile phone was removed and my bag containing a camera and confidential information confiscated by police. I was refused phone calls to call for legal advice (which is my legal right) and to make contact with my son and was placed under strict police surveillance in the Footscray Hospital Emergency Ward while waiting for a doctor to see me. In conclusion, I was taken off section and released from the Mental Health System in Australia and came to Malta with a clean passport and no on- going concerns. • Chapter 7, Article 53, level of protection: The MSIDA Police told me that the incidents of abuse I wanted to report with them were simply too old and therefore, I could not file a report against my husband, who was working for the Ministry of Social Solidarity at the time. They were talking to me at the same time as holding an open line over the phone to Mater Dai Hospital conversing in Maltese, saying something about a crazy person needing to be picked up urgently – I had a hard time picking up every word, spoken very quickly in Maltese. It’s not unreasonable to assume they might have been referring to me, as there was no one else at their front counter and the police station at the time of making such an enquiry was quiet. I was only trying to seek their assistance to have some form of legal documentation to show for the purpose of seeking accommodation, as an alternative to sleeping outside. 10/12/2013: I emailed (a copy attached) the Ministry for Social Solidarity expressing serious concerns for my husband’s behaviours at a time when he tried to take his own life; we were experiencing pressure from extended family members, his extramarital affair (which he admitted to having) that he was using for sex because she was offering it and he’s greedy (one is never enough), and subject to police corruption who supported his affair with a Maltese Girl, deeming her more suitable by way of culture (in consistent with their accusation listed on page 14, Chapter 3, Article 20... My husband subjected me to Domestic Violence, also mentioned in the attached email. The Ministry at the time of receiving such emails, advised me to take my husband to hospital for a psychiatric assessment as a matter of priority, which I had to trick him (for his own welfare) to attend the emergency ward because he refused to co-operate – I told him we were going to attend for me. In concurrent emails sent by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, there was no mention of any support on offer for what I was enduring nor any protection offered for me as his wife experiencing family violence, subjected to my husband’s abuse – my husband’s welfare was their priority from the very beginning and mine, who knows???
  • 24. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 23 My claims for domestic abuse was not taken seriously, despite asking for a referral to initiate marriage counselling with Appogg – a free service. They dropped everything to see to my husband’s welfare, despite the fact that I was also attending to it but with regards to the escalating levels of family violence and countless emails describing the details of such violence that were sent to the same ministry by me, a plea for assistance to attend to the said family violence, ignored. I refused them any further communication and turned to the police (for the last time before breaking up in February, 2014 – our second split) after my husband physically assaulted me in the middle of the streets just around the corner from the Marsa Police Station, pounding me on the right shoulder as hard as he could, because I insisted on returning a 20Eur note that belonged to a neighbour that accidently fell on the floor, which he disapproved; I returned it against his will. I entered the police station with my husband trying to restrain me in order to prevent me from reporting to the police; the Marsa police who witnessed us from their window facing the street, came outside to invite us in to police station to talk to them, which caused my husband to release his grip, after which I insisted we comply. Upon entry, I asked the police if they could organise a safe house for me until my husband gets the help he needs before considering reconciliation, as I have no longer have family I can turn to. They asked me if I wanted to press charges against him and I said, ‘no’ and went on to explain my reasoning; because he has a degree in criminology and I didn’t want to damage his career opportunities with a criminal record, as he will not allow me the be the breadwinner and at some point we time we need to start providing for ourselves. My husband in their presence began to admit to the marital violence that he was subjecting me to on a regular basis, once he heard that I was not going to press charges; …they promptly interrupted him and quickly separated us forcing me to wait outside for prolonged periods on sun-down and it was getting dark. I got fed up waiting outside while the police were in lengthy discussions with my husband and soon left. I returned back to 109 Conception Street in Msida on foot with a bruised shoulder and locked my husband out; however, he did not return that night, he was too busy making a baby he didn’t want… He returned to his grandmother’s where his extra marital affair was waiting for him. The next day after he failed to return home, I packed his clothes and threw the sealed bags out by the front door and notified him via email to collect them before rubbish collection which was due Monday morning (two days later); failed to return for his clothes ignoring my emails. I contacted the Ministry for Social Solidarity, giving them details of the violence that took place leading to our separation and requested the keys to 109 Conception Street in Msida, for the lease to be transferred in my name only and remain living a house they owned that they allowed us to live in as a married couple (because they could not stand to see my
  • 25. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 24 husband on the streets…) and instead of assisting me, they evicted me with only 1 weeks’ notice – they were shocked that I locked my husband out;;; I had nowhere to go and no one to turn to, with no assistance offered for alternative placement by the Housing Authority, who further threatened the police if I resist. The ministry took a hard line but on the wrong person, I was NOT the one dishing out the abuse, I was just the one putting up with it. It felt like I was being punished twice, from my husband and then from Ministry as well and from everyone else who fell under their umbrella, like the Housing Authority for instance, for a crime that I did not commit – crimes of Domestic Violence. Despite my ability to fight back, I would much rather cop a bruise than break his jaw but it still doesn’t excuse his violence under any circumstances. They all knew about the family violence and they did nothing to assist me to gain independence from my husband, which is the core building block for breaking cycles of abuse. I was forced to vacate the said premises and sleep outside like an animal and it was winter. My emails (and there were several that my husband - who had my passwords - later deleted in their favour and his…) addressed to Marie Louise Coliero (the minister at the time) with great urgency and carbon copied to both Marisa (social policy officer) and Vicky (the senior social worker) went unanswered; my application to remain in the said property, declined by the Housing Authority; and the senior social worker from the said ministry told me in her email reply (the only one she replied to during times of family violence) not to bother her anymore with my personal affairs. The social worker from the Housing Authority Office told me that it’s all in my head! Goodness me, if they treated the perpetrators of Domestic Abuse like they treated me, instead of punishing the person on the receiving end for whatever reason, we would not see the statistics in Malta at epidemic proportions, as they are now. Someone is obviously not doing their job! • Chapter 7, Article 54, Prohibition of abuse of rights: Appogg said they cannot guarantee housing. They can however, place an application to the Housing Authority on my behalf; which was not deemed necessary, as I have already done that. They also offered to re-construct an application on my behalf to enable me welfare benefits, despite not qualifying; which were I come from, constitutes fraud on government documentation and I am simply not willing to break the law; ‘no-body checks’ they said! ‘If I don’t qualify, then I don’t qualify and that’s that’, I replied, nor do I want to be dependent on tax payers hard earned dollars, a system that is already under strain.
  • 26. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 25 Then they had the cheek to circulate phone calls informing related services that I don’t want their assistance and further claiming that they have done everything in their power to help me... Well if that’s how they help people, then I don’t need it! With regards to housing, it shouldn’t matter who’s handing the application in, if the information is the same, so should the end result be. Everyone else I turned to after my ordeal with Appogg, were all refusing me support, telling me to go back to Appogg. Communication was obviously circulating beyond my control; which I deem unethical and against what I know to be, code of conduct rules. This information was confirmed by a local church that offers emergency relief to the poor and destitute on a regular basis who withdrew their assistance under pressure; which for obvious reasons I cannot mention, While enduring the separation process via legal representatives, during which time nothing eventuated nor any legal agreement made to change our Marital Status, my husband Mr Bradley Agius (DOB - 17/11/1989, and ID Card 541489M) failed to respond to a maintenance demand refusing to pay a single cent, ensuring I suffer homeless; and he knew winter was just around the corner but it was my punishment (he said) for opening my mouth with regards to family violence that I suffered as his wife, which he subjected me to and kept well hidden from everyone on face value, telling them only one side of the story – his – and of course he was well supported in his tightknit community of Maltese born lovers. While homeless in 2014/2015, I have suffered the following – just to give a few examples out of a very long list, of the unpleasant nature of street life, which I certainly did not bring on myself:  Been punched in the face by an old man whose advances I refused; he claimed to be under the instruction of my husband who was trying to find a way to support his false claims of prostitution. This old man was told I would accept his advances for money, which I did not and upon retaliation fending him off with my words only, he punched me in the face. I had a very quick decision to make (a) walk away or (b) knock him out cold and answer to the police on assault charges. With a black belt in my history and my mother claiming that I am naturally aggressive, who advanced her false allegations to the medical practitioners in Melbourne, who then tried to deem me a danger to the community – following an illegal cross reference that should never have happened – I am automatically on the back foot and to throw just one punch, knowing the damage I could cause, I would have to think very carefully with regards to matching force for force. I save my fighting abilities for the ring!
  • 27. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 26 A prostitute is something THAT I AM NOT! I would rather starve than sell my best asset, my body, for cash – that once your dignity is sold, you can never buy it back.  I have been raped by way of sedation, which I did not under any circumstances consent to; in a state of consciousness, I would fight against such crime. There has been claims of a pornographic video available online involving a women in a knocked out state matching my identity – which I have not yet seen. I have however, woken up with memory loss and unexplained bruises (that I did not give myself), after falling asleep out in the open. I am not on drugs, nor do I deal in such things and therefore, there is absolutely no excuse for waking up in such a state. A comment following such an incident that was posted on a Maltese Facebook web-page called ‘Crime Today’, mentions me in a degrading way, as someone who needs all the donations she can get! Should I see such pornographic footage, which I am still searching online to find, I will not hesitate in taking legal action and addressing the United Nations accordingly because the only man that I have consented to having sex with since my arrival in Malta, is my husband, Mr Bradley Agius.  Harassed by police waking me up from a place with some safety (where I have purposely choose to sleep in locations visible under surveillance cameras); police claiming that homelessness is illegal??? I am not aware that by sleeping outside I might be breaking the law, and there is no such mention in the Criminal Code of Malta. I am a law abiding citizen and during my struggles with homeless, I have committed not one single crime, even at times when I have gone hungry for two straight days because my feet are too sore and blistered to walk to the Catholic Sister’s to be fed – by way of mutual agreement; I do however, accept monetary hand out’s from complete strangers who offer (I do not ask for money…) from time to time, but only when I am in need. When I am not hungry and well fed, I reject money that people offer because there is simply no need to take it. Had the Housing Authority approved my application for housing like they did quite promptly when my husband was by my side, I would not have endured such threats to my health and safety – wellbeing is my Human Right. Marital Violence Continued: The destabilisation and discrediting process ensuring silence in times of violence – what I call ‘the dirty cover up’.
  • 28. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 27 It is much to my disgust that our Maltese Speaking Neighbours in Hamrun and Msida, who were mostly (if not all) on my Maltese Husband’s side (and that’s judging by the level of support he received on an ongoing basis during our co-tenancy and the lack of it for me) used to ask me if I was the one hitting my husband and what a poor thing he is…; who all heard the violence and never made any attempts to assist me by at least picking up the phone to police, who would have witnessed the abuse my husband subjected me to upon their arrival and in duty bound, charged him according. Plates were being broken, after my husband threw them on the ground in his attempts to intimidate me into submission while his affair was waiting just around the corner (housed by the locals). My husband was at the time falsely alleging that his unexplained outbursts were as a result of me giving him illegal substances/drugs and to back up his bullsh*t, he would wait for me to fall asleep (because he knows I don’t hear noise when I’m sound asleep) and then allow visitors, men with poor presentation that resembled drug dealers, etc… I would often wake up the front door open, when I know I locked it before bed the night before and he would claim not to have left the house, saying ‘he’s got no idea what I’m talking about’. Then once time, a man of poor presentation came knocking during the day while my husband was at work and demanded to come in, which I immediately refused him. He said he was a friend of my husband and has been visiting at nights with a few others …and I knew nothing about this and got angry with him. I told him that they do not have my consent to enter and he is not welcome to approach my front door ever again and should he force his way in, I will be forced to defend myself using any weapon I can get my hands on and then I will happily answer to the police when he’s lying in a hospital bed with two broken legs and his nose out of place. He soon left, before I got a chance to finish my sentence and from that moment on (since I was un-employed and able to do so), I changed my sleeping patterns to during day so I could keep an eye on my husband at nights by staying awake. Unfortunately, the levels of family violence after that encounter escalated because my husband could no longer sneak out at nights to see his affair, a local girl who was being secretly housed right next door for the purpose of supporting contact between her and my husband (by the neighbours – his toy soldiers). Despite the neighbours keeping very quiet on face value, I saw everything I needed to know and it was much to my disappointment that I was wrong about the man I married, who I thought was someone of good moral character. My husband was not the victim but good at behaving like one and he had everyone else convinced. In addition, I am currently exploring my options in relation to pressing charges against his affair, as by pursuing a married man, she is in breach of the criminal code that state’s ‘one cannot disrupt to good order of families…’ Title VII of the Criminal Code of Malta; she has put enormous pressure to meet with him, a local girl who the neighbours supported by keeping it a secret from me until I saw it for myself during the nights.
  • 29. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 28 Cupboards slammed first thing in the morning by him before work (completely unprovoked) and my husband faking injuries before leaving the front door, to display a problem at home with me hitting him, putting into question my mental stability – the neighbours and his work colleagues all blaming me for the family violence while his reputation remained intact and at the time he worked for AWAS, which was neighbouring The Commission for Domestic Violence, whom he became well acquainted with ensuring to exclude me; the internal ruin in process. In a tight community of gossipers, the blind start leading the blind and before you know it, everyone becomes deaf, dumb and stupid, harbouring the seeds of silence that ensure the violence. The Chairperson for the Commission of Domestic Violence who is also a legal aid representative, has refused to take my case upon my request; I have accepted her reason’s to be true however, I deem her the only legal representative qualified to take my very complicated case on legal aid funds; I suddenly became isolated and no help from anyone was offered, while my husband’s support was growing at a rapid rate. I was not behaving like a victim enough to convince anyone of the actual turn of events because I DO NOT CONSIDER MYSELF AS ONE. The following incident took place in Misida and is detailed in a court report (listing eight incidents of marital/family violence), titled, ‘B not B12’, (attached) which I presented to the Family Courts in Valletta during the separation process requesting maintenance; which did not eventuate into any legal agreement ‘what so ever’: Incident Six When we were living in Msida - 109 Conception Street - I noticed an empty wrapper of sleeping tablets on the floor by the front door of our house, it looked like the empty wrapper just fell in that position??? I asked my husband if the empty wrapper belongs to him and he denied all knowledge of it, and it sure as hell wasn't mine, as I would rather stay up all night than take those things. We were the only two in the house so I couldn't understand it. The next day Bradley cooked for me, as he usually does and then insisted we go to bed earlier than usual, (straight after dinner), which was odd; I crashed on the couch by accident next to him - it was Wednesday, late afternoon. I woke up Friday at around lunchtime and thought I was going crazy, until Bradley confirmed it was actually Friday. Bradley woke up hung-over, with a hint of beer on his breath and I couldn't work it out. He told me that I was going crazy and to this day, I still can't explain what happened.
  • 30. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 29 I asked Bradley if he slipped me some sleeping pills so he could go out and have some fun without raising suspicion and he denied all, again calling me crazy. We'll I am not on anything, so what happened I asked him??? And he said that he's got no idea what I am talking about, his favorite punchline when playing the game of deny all! I told Bradley that next time I am knocked out like this, I will not hesitate in filing a police report, describing what just happened and he can then answer to them; he said, good luck trying to get them to believe you! And it happened again in the month of June, I was knocked out for 12 hours and woke up with a splitting headache and bruises on my hips (that were not there the night before); as if I’d been knocked around the room while sleeping; again Bradley ‘had no idea what I was talking about’. I consider myself as someone who was affected by my husband’s violence, as a matter of bad luck – we are not all lucky in love, the only thing that money can’t buy and it’s the only thing I’m interested in, money can always be made. My rent expired and my husband was no longer there to pay the rent and therefore, I endured homelessness for the second time since married to my husband, Bradley Agius, as a result of ceasing co-habitation because of Domestic Violence, born of Infidelity, a crime supported by not only the locals but also police corruption – Gozo Detectives, who in their efforts to keep us apart, promised while pointing their finger at me as I was leaving Gozo, ‘that this is not the end’; I stuck my middle finger right back at them upon boarding the boat to return to Malta with my husband. It’s not unreasonable to assume that he’s also fully supported by the Ministry of Social Solidarity, where he was initially employed on the 4th August, 2014 on the condition he ‘gets rid of me first’ (earning an estimated income of 20,000Er per annum) in accordance to my husband’s own admissions during a heated argument, escalating the abuse and adding insult to injury. I soon nick named them ‘The Ministry of Maltese Families’, because in accordance to my direct experiences, their priorities seem to lie with their own. Emails sent to the said ministry – a cry for help – informing them of family violence were deleted off records and ignored (…sent to two senior staff members and one of them was a senior social worker who told me not to bother her with my emails), leaving no evidence of my husband being anything other than a person of ‘good moral character’, which was a core requirement to be deemed a suitable application for the LEAP Project, working for the Ministry of Social Solidarity, a project funded by the European Union.
  • 31. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 30 My husband got upset when I pointed out that I have no doubt that there were plenty of suitable, well-educated candidates who deserved that position with the leap project better than him but missed out all because of his selfish crimes; that he should hang his head in shame and publically apologise to us all, not walk around like his God’s gift to women, because he is not – not even close! When my husband was working as a night receptionist at The Saint Geroge Park Hotel in Paceville, where he lost his job because he stole from the cash register (according to a very reliable security guard) and had no ties to the Government and earning a minimum wage, no one even found him attractive. In fact some of his co-workers wanted to know what the hell I saw in him. I told them that love does not see the image, only the person inside, who has been spoiled by way of bribery and corruption. I found out later, after checking out from the hotel, that Bradley was involved in circulating false rumours within the hotel that I was prostituting my body for money, and then when he was asked, ‘where is all her money then (because I had none)’, he would reply, ‘she spends it on drugs’; and of course he had to think of a drug where there are no apparent physical side effects to cease any further enquiries. It’s only when he started acting out symptoms of drugs use, which no one was giving me nor was I on anything that I caught on to what he was playing at and it was all bullshit. His need for power and control was evident early in the peace however, not only ignored the sings, I also took my eye off the ball and soon became blinded to his destructive ways, determined to see only the good – I was too busy loving him, irrespectively. I felt quite strongly that he is a child of God subject to human error; however, what was to come was inexcusable, crimes of violence that not even God would condone, I’m sure! When I arrived in Malta in December of 2012, my Maltese Grandmother, Nanna Annie said to me, ‘do you know what your problem is’, and I said, ‘no what’, she continued, ‘you are a lover’! She is the only one that got it right in my 39 years of existence. I have been un-successful in gaining employment since my arrival in Malta in December, 2012 (although I had a close call that my husband denied me, as mentioned) and the reasoning so far in accordance to the feedback that I have provided is that (1) I am too old at 40… and (2) employers fear my return to Australia and do not want to spend time and money training me irrespective of my credentials (3) my husband’s nationality and (4) his position with a key ministry that is responsible for social solidarity, (5) I have an unstable employment history rising two children single headedly for the past 16 years, which is also a major obstacle for prospective employers and now that I am (5) homeless I am virtually un-employable, no one has even seriously considered my application until yesterday… there have been many failed attempts with
  • 32. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 31 local retailers and businesses since ceasing co-habitation with my husband. My attire in the state of homelessness does not meet the criteria for jobs that pay well, that I am fully qualified to carry out by way of experience and finding a local Employer who is going to give me a fair go, taking into consideration my current circumstances, might just be a battle in itself. There are also contracts to consider and what is deemed as acceptable work standards, working for an equal opportunity employer (is everyone’s right in accordance to the law), who reward their staff with adequate training, starting salary options, excellent commissions and fantastic career progressions, and of course a gym would without a doubt assist with my hip injury, which is important to my health. I have sought assistance from correct channels to no avail and the Housing Authority, have refused my urgent application for placement over a technicality that could have been overcome with a formal letter from my lawyer confirming separation (attached); an application I placed twice and marked urgent, to be housed in a property that I have requested at 109 Conception Street in Msida, (which was still vacant) leaving me homeless since September, 2014. I have previously occupied the said premises with my husband in December 2013, a property that the Housing Authority willingly gave (via the said ministry (their umbrella)) after discovering my husband is Maltese born, which they openly favoured, despite not having any identification on us at the time – the keys to the door were handed the same day as our plea for assistance and they voiced how they could not tolerate my husband on the streets, as a result of his family denying me the opportunity to belong, (and I am not under any circumstances referring to his father, who was kept in the dark and fed bullsh*t); on my own, while enduring separation from my Maltese Husband, my application to the same housing authority was rejected forcing me into homelessness; with no alternative accommodation offered and the house remains vacant. It would have been better than a life on the streets. Being denied the opportunity to be the breadwinner also subjected me to much criticism by his family who were buying into stories that my husband was circulating, of how I stole his life saving’s and that I don’t want to work, having a free holiday on his back; my efforts to explain that I was trying to work so that I could earn sufficient funds to enable him to recuperate some of the money spent getting married, (despite the early marriage being his idea) fell on deaf ears and once again I was getting the blame for everything that went wrong.
  • 33. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 32 It was not unreasonable to suspect my husband of circulating rumours that I stole all his life savings under the circumstances – who else would have started such a thing? Well at least that’s what came out of both his mother’s and his maternal grandfather’s mouth when they physically assaulted me in the middle of the streets, after stalking us trying to break up our marriage. After his mother had assaulted me in the streets, I paid both her and her husband a visit to communicate resolution but she refused to wrong her son and simply didn’t want to hear about his crimes of violence. I told her that if she loves her son that much, she should live with him until he’s fifty so that no other women takes him away; as that’s what she felt I was doing. Despite not being in a rush to return to Australia, there will come a time for me to go home because I have children there. They had waiting for my husband, what was deemed as a suitable Maltese Girl Lined up for him and were supporting contact behind my back involving the neighbours to cover his ass, an illegal offence, a breach to my Human Right to ‘marry and found a family’, under Article 9, Section 2 of the Charter; and an insult that was supported by Gozo Detectives, who at the time of interrogating my husband kept us apart for five hours, while his local affair was waiting just outside for him in a borrowed vehicle that she used to sleep in while following us around everywhere in Gozo putting pressure on my husband to meet (which he had to make excuses for the times when he didn’t want to see her that I had to support, as he was just using her for sex; I often played along to keep the peace, despite not being happy with the situation; keeping my mouth shut is not one of my core strengths). All this illegal pressure on my husband saw to escalating levels of family violence causing me physical injury, simply because I did not want to fight back, not because I couldn’t. I knew that IF I fought back, it would be the end of my marriage to someone I loved dearly, because my punch would break his jaw. SURVIVING DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IN MALTA: 1) 1. The Housing Authority rejected my urgent application twice and therefore, refused me the opportunity to be housed in a property that my husband and I once occupied, which was still vacant and perfectly liveable; my appeal to this day, unanswered and I am still homeless, as a result of an inflexible system. 2) 2. The Social Worker at the Housing Authority, upon disclosing the levels of domestic abuse my husband subjected me to, told me that it’s all in my head; which is the worst thing you can tell someone who is experiencing abuse and trying to seek support.
  • 34. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 33 3) 3. Another senior social worker employed by the Ministry for Social Solidarity – Vicky – sat in the chair of a person who was in the position to authorize my food vouchers at the office of the Community Chest Fund (who already Ok’d the food vouchers before Vicky made her appearance…) and refused to process my application, refusing me food vouchers until such time that I agreed to be counselled by her first, asserting her authority. I did not deem counselling necessary in order to put food in my mouth (a human right) and therefore, rejected any dealings with her and any further communication. I left my singed (approved) application on the desk and walked out the door quietly and went hungry until the churches started opening their doors – two days later. When the ministry say’s ‘jump’, everyone say’s ‘how high?’, even if they are wrong. 4) 4. The YMCA began creating an illegal file in my name with every visit I made for clean clothes; I did not ask them for accommodation. I made my point quite clear that being a whistle blower, I cannot possibly be placed in shared accommodation with troubled teens, where there are likely to be problems that are swept under the carpet to keep reputations intact. They kept coming up with excuses to justify this file that they so badly wanted to hold against me and its contents, they kept secret. 5) I demanded they delete the file that they created in my name, which is against protocol and refrain from using it. a) The second last interaction I had with the YMCA just recently, I was subjected to abuse and profanities by staff while attempting to collect some clean clothing from the donation tub after wearing the same ones for six consecutive months (and even sleeping in them, as I’ve been forced into homelessness); out of spite, a staff member refused me the opportunity for a clean change of clothes. I believe my human rights have been breached and so have their policies; an organization that states, ‘The YMCA Valletta is a non- profit voluntary and ecumenical movement seeking to promote the vision to build a more just society…’. 6) 5. Dar Merhba Bik refused me entry into their shelter, as they were full; but even when vacancies arise, they were not willing to accommodate me without a social worker who is governed by the Ministry of Social Solidarity – the same ministry that broke my marriage, in accordance to my husband’s own admissions (Mr Bradley Agius – born 17/11/1989). 7) 6. Dar Qalb ta Gesu, will not take short term tenants and do not have crises intervention; they are simply short of staff through no
  • 35. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 34 fault of their own. They insist on a police report, which the MSIDA Police failed to give me upon my request due to no current incidents of abuse. 8) 7. The MSIDA Police told me that the incidents of abuse were simply too old to file a report against my husband, who was working for the Ministry of Social Solidarity at the time. They were talking to me at the same time as holding an open line over the phone to Mater Dai Hospital conversing in Maltese, saying something about a crazy person needing to be picked up urgently – I had a hard time picking up every word, spoken very quickly in Maltese. 9) 8. Dar Theresa in Valletta (an emergency shelter for women, newly opened by the Catholic Church) insisted on a referral from a social worker and had vacancies; they did give me the opportunity to gain one from the Director of The Catholic Church as an alternative; who could not give it... 10) 9. The Director of the Catholic Church in Floriana politely informed me of his reason for not being able to give such a referral after explaining my current circumstances, which led to homelessness. He said it was because he doesn’t know me and therefore, would have nothing to write; which stands to reason in a sense. 11) 10. Appogg said they cannot guarantee housing. They can however, place an application to the Housing Authority on my behalf; which was not deemed necessary, as I have already done that. They also offered to re-construct an application on my behalf to enable me welfare benefits, despite not qualifying; which were I come from, constitutes fraud on government documentation and I am simply not willing to break the law; ‘no-body checks’ they said! ‘If I don’t qualify, then I don’t qualify and that’s that’, I replied, nor do I want to be dependent on tax payers hard earned dollars, a system that is already under strain. Someone with my credentials who no longer has kids in her care to raise as a sole parent, should not be on welfare! Then they had the cheek to circulate phone calls informing related services that I don’t want their assistance and further claiming that they have done everything in their power to help me... Well if that’s how they help people, then I don’t need it! This information was confirmed by a local church that offers emergency relief to the poor and destitute on a regular basis; which for obvious reasons I cannot mention, as I promised in God’s name. 12) 11. ...and the sisters for all other alternative accommodation said
  • 36. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 35 they cannot do anything, as they have social workers sitting on top of them; and with regards to the Fatima House in Sliema (who have agreed to feed me), I did not fit the age criteria. 13) 12. All the services mentioned above (except for NGO) fall under the umbrella of the ministry where my husband was appointed as new employee at the time. While trying to find a safe and secure place to sleep on the streets, there have been serious threats to my safety; I have been assaulted, punched in the face, harassed by police and raped by way of sedation that I did not consent to and therefore, at this point in time I feel that only a maintenance order would assist me to get out of a situation that I do not deserve to be in – and yet to this day, I HAVE COMMITTED NO CRIME. If my husband paid maintenance, even just half of the initial demand when he had the capacity to pay, I would not have suffered such crimes against me. COMPENSATIN BY WAY OF MAINTENANCE: IN TERMS OF MAINTENANCE, I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST 50% OF ALL WAGES EARNED BY MY HUSBAND AND BACKPAYMENT FROM THE TIME I WAS MADE HOMELESS FOR AS LONG AS HE WAS EMPLOYED, PAID IN ONE LUMP SUM, AS SO TO CATER FOR MY IMMEDIATE NEEDS AND PROTECT MY HUMAN RIGHTS TO DIGNIFIED AND SAFER LIVING STANDARDS. Maintenance would certainly enable me to pay for food, accommodation and clothing and live dignified and clean up in terms of hygiene, as so to be presentable for any applications I make for employment; as I am better suited to corporate positions that do not entail physical strain/manual labour, which could irritate my hip injury causing my pain; and I would like to have the option to go home should I choose to enjoy my new-born grandchild, which right now I don’t even have the option to do. Someone with my work credentials should not be homeless, even the sister’s belonging to a local church said, ‘you are not homeless, you’ve just got no money. Homeless people are not employable, are not engage- able, do not communicate affectively and certainly are not productive in pursuing a campaign raising awareness of any kind on borrowed resources. They usually have drug and alcohol related problems because they have given up. YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM’. I personally couldn’t agree more and all I am asking in presenting this court ready document, is to grant maintenance within 28 days of the printed date, listed above.
  • 37. © Anne Agius (Gelicrisio): Maintenance Order– Mr OwenBonnici (Final CopyEdited25/7/15) 36 CURRENT MARITAL STATUS: In terms of filing for a separation court case against my husband to be heard in front of the judge, which was my initial intention after ceasing co-habitation, the case was closed; no amicable agreement was made to legally separate and mediation never took place due to the initial mediator, as appointed by the Family Courts in Valletta, failing to act impartial – the first mediation session scheduled approximately one month after me filing for separation (via legal representative), which unfortunately ran out my rent. I did not know at the time, nor was I informed by anyone, that in accordance to the Civil Code of the Families Section, Chapter 16, Article 39 …mediation by law must be scheduled within four days of filing for separation where there is a case of domestic violence. I formally requested a change in Mediator’s and then verbally informed the said court that as a result of having no funds left to continue privately funded legal representation with the same lawyer that I was happy with, I will from now on choose to self-represent;;; Erica, a new mediator, was then appointed to proceed with the mediation process, however, closed the case on January 25, 2015 under my instruction – a complicated matter no doubt; UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WOULD I CONSENT TO ANNUL THE MARRIAGE, WE WERE BOTH CONSENTING ADULTS AND KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WE ARE DOING. My current marital status is still legally married and no amicable agreement made to legally separate, despite living apart as result of my husband’s crimes against me of family violence since late July of 2014. POSSIBLE RESOLUTION: Mr Bonnici, I would like to request your permission to represent myself under special circumstances in all Maltese courts of law, including but not limited to criminal, as so to prevent any further complications with legal representation. In Australia I have represented myself in court dealing with diverse areas of law and I strongly believe Mr Bonnici, that you do not need a lawyer to tell the truth, if you are able to study the relevant act’s – this entailed intensive research of the relevant act’s and the study of sections and sub- sections in preparation for on-coming hearings and furthermore, compiling and submitting (singlehandedly) all documentation in due course directly with the courts; I’ve also had first-hand experience in cross-examining a witness. It’s no secret that the Legal Aid System is already under strain, which may compromise my case. I have been made aware that my husband is making every effort to evade all maintenance and marital responsibilities by possibly planning a trip overseas. I would like him stopped by law from leaving Malta, until such time the judge has made a final decision with regards to my husband’s maintenance responsibilities, a maintenance order that I am kindly asking you to