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1 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
Author: Anne Agius(Gelicrisio)
Email Primary:
Email Secondary:
Date: 11th
Maltese ID: 225213L
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to take this opportunity to exercise my right in requesting that
such criminal acts of Domestic Violence, as detailed in this report, be
punished in accordance with The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the
European Union, Article 8 and Declaration of Article 8; which states that “the
union will aim in it’s different policies to combat all kinds of Domestic
Violence and that the member states shall take all the necessary measures
to punish these criminal acts and to support and protect the victims”.
Furthermore in accordance to the above mentioned, I would like to request
adequate support and protection, as a person on the receiving end of such
crimes; and protection under the Whistle Blower’s Act.
I would also like to request access to all documentation in my name held by
governing authorities of Malta and thte European Unioin, given the
opportunity to rectify and error, as set in Chapter 4, Article 42 of the
Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
Please keep me fully informed via email with regards to the outcome of all
the above.
Thank you, for your time and I look forward to your response.
Best Regards
Ms Anne Agius (Gelicrisio)
2 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
Statement of Complaints
Background Information and Circumstances Leading to concurrent
turn of events.
Anne Agius (Gelicrisio); is 40 years of age and currently unemployed. She
has made several attempts to gain employment during her time in Malta but
has been unsuccessful. She feels her age is a barrier in this country and so
is her lack of employment stability (as a result of raising two wonderful
children single handedly for 16 years), which the husband, Mr Bradley Agius,
knew about before marriage. It is the wife’s wish and her human right to
pursue further studies with the University of Malta this year, a degree in the
Faculty of Law until completion; which was strongly opposed by her husband
who insisted Ms Agius withdraws her concurrent application brings home ‘the
pay’ instead; and further making threats of a degrading nature in particular,
warning Ms Agius that together with his ‘detective friend’, men can be
organized during the nights to use her body, as an alternative way to make
money. When Ms Agius asked how he intends to get away with something
like that (as she is not a willing participant), her husband said that it’s called
drugs! Ms Agius then retaliated by opening the front door for the husband
leave out of her life… and in response to that, Mr. Bradley Agius told his wife
to calm down, as he is only joking however, Ms Agius did not see the funny
side and pre-warned her husband quite seriously that should he make any
attempts to follow through on his threats of forcing prostitution, she will
STOP AT NOTHING to see justice is served with a jail term.
The wife lives in a private rental that was once occupied with her husband,
which she can no longer afford, compromising heavily on her right to liberty
and security; the street would be considered as a reduction of living
standards compromising heavily on her fundamental right to liberty and
security, and is indignifying.
In the past two months since filing for separation, the wife has made every
effort to blow the whistle on Police Corruption involving her husband, on his
crimes of infidelity (exposing his mistress) and on the level of Domestic
3 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
Violence she was subjected to, as a result of all the above – in accordance to
the information she has been provided. Mr Bradley Agius, his mistress and
the detective involved, as per the husband’s own admission, are all highly
liked members of the Maltese Community.
Ms Agius has spent her last dollars to pay for a legal practioner to assist her
in receiving maintenance payments in due course – to pay the rent, feed
herself and follow up with a physiotherapist as may be deemed necessary to
correct an pain in her hip caused by her husband’s violence; however, her
application subject to lengthy time delay’s and to the strong resistance from
her husband.
It is well known in the community that the wife is a whistle blower with a
very strong sense for justice, however, cannot contend with the credibility of
a detective, taking into consideration her run of bad luck with police
corruption over the years.
Under the circumstances, it is not an unreasonable for the wife to request
protection under The Whistle Blower’s Act; and until such time that it’s
granted, the wife cannot possibly be expected to return to work (even if she
wanted to) and be guaranteed an environment free from workplace bullying
and a fair go.
Furthermore, since ‘Blowing The Whistle’ on corruption and going public with
regards to her private affairs requesting fair justice from the community (as
a whole), the high level of harassment, victimization and less favorable
treatment she has experienced from highly influential supporters of her
husband’s, supporters of his mistress and that of the said detective, is
inconceivable and certainly unjustified in abusing the power of plenty - the
old school bullying technique!
Instead of aggression, the wife has put her experiences to good use in terms
of raising awareness of Domestic Violence by way of example and via online
resources – the initial ‘Tell All’, website she spent months establishing was
mysteriously deleted while airing dirty laundry, which has now been re-
launched (the wife determined not to silenced); unanimous emails sent to
representative from the office of the Prime Minister; and further requesting
an appointment with the President in hope for support and protection has
not been grated; and therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that prior
4 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
to this report, there has been very little action to ensure justice is served
and to ‘add insult to injury’, the support has been granted quite freely to her
husband who is believed to have worked (and may still be working) for the
government of Malta – may be considered a case of inequality among other
References to Legislation and the Fundamental Rights of the
European Union that may be breeched…
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Dignity; Chapter 1, Article
1 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Liberty and Security;
Chapter 2, Article 6 of the charter of the Fundamental Rights of
the European Union
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Education; Chapter 2,
Article 14 (1) of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the
European Union
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Equality; Chapter 3, Article
20 and Article 21 (1) of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights
of the European Union
 It is the wife’s Human Right to be respected for her diverse
culture; Chapter 3, Article 22 of the Fundamental Rights of the
European Union
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to enjoy legal, economic and
social protection for her family (with her husband); Chapter 4,
Article 33 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Health Care
(Physiotherapy); Chapter 4, Article 35 of the Fundamental
Right of the European Union
 It is the wife’s Fundamental right to access documents (and
rectify any errors); Chapter 4, Article 42 of the Fundamental
Rights of the European Union
Further Notes: After the process of separation the obligation to cohabit ceases; spouses are
no longer expected to live together. However after separation all other legal obligations (such
as to remain faithful, maintain one another…) remain in force; Article 35 of the Civil Code.
5 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
Incident One
My husband and I were arguing over employment, I wanted to visit Comino to ask a local hotel
for seasonal work, which would be enough to get us on our feet and out of his mother’s care
but my husband wanted to stay put, keeping us dependent on his mother. There was a time
when I and he were intimate with each other in the bedroom and his mother walked in on us – I
did not favor remaining under the same roof because I prefer to have my privacy.
As a result of my husband’s resistance to be independent from his mother’s care, we engaged
in an argument that continued during the entire trip from Fgura to the pier where the ferries
are stationed in Cirkewwa. On the back of his bike, while riding to Cirkewwa, just before we
arrived at the pier and as he was riding around the round-about, Bradley purposely put the bike
in the wrong gear and further using the handle bars to jerk me off from the back of his bike
while in motion. I clutched on to the back of him hoping no to fall off, which made Bradley even
more determined to hurt me, as so to avoid going to Comino to ask for employment, which was
the whole purpose of our trip. When parking his motorbike, Bradley usually waits for me to get
off first clutching the handle bars to keep the bike in balance, so I don’t fall; but this time he bet
me to it and rushed off his seat before I got a chance to wriggle and he further shook the
handle bars while I was still sitting on the back of the bike, ensuring I fall; and that’s exactly
what happened, I fell on the floor scraping my back bone on the left foot peg of his parked
bike. I suffered bruises down my back and spent that whole week crying and depressed not
knowing what to do. I couldn’t hit back at the time because I was in shock and disbelief that he
would even do such a thing. That was the first time we separated for two weeks; I went to
Lourdes to find answers, as I knew violence wasn’t it.
At that point I was questioning a marriage of convenience, however, I did not want to jump to
conclusion too fast, as we just got married and not long returned from our honeymoon; and
therefore, when I returned from Lourdes, I gave him a second chance after accepting his
apology. His mother and maternal grandfather, after hearing of the incident and reading the
email intended for Bradley that I sent from Lourdes (describing the circumstances) disowned
me from the family unit and shut me out of their lives without hearing me out.
Incident Two
Another time we were on his bike riding back to his nanna’s, again arguing about
accommodation. The situation was that I didn’t want to stay dependent on his nanna because it
gave his mother grounds to visit and the problem with that is after she left, it made us fight for
hours every time. Both his nanna and I insisted (for the sake of keeping the peace) that Bradley
6 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
takes the time to communicate with his mother our difficulties to help her to better understand
our position – he blatantly refused.
This argument carried forward onto the next day and while riding his bike with me on the back
he suddenly stopped at an isolated location just by the airport I think (I wasn’t familiar with the
area);;; as soon as Bradley started losing the arguing with regards to sorting this mess out with
his mother, with his bike helmet in his hand he slammed it hard on my head with all his might
jogging my neck to one side, it felt like my neck was out of place, I couldn’t turn my head in full
both ways and was in a lot of pain. Even if I wanted to fight back, at that point I really couldn’t,
as I was in too much pain and in shock that he would resort to violence for the second time.
Incident Three
Then we moved on the St Paul’s Bay sleeping in a tent and looking for work away from all his
family members. It was cold and unpleasant but it was better than shouldering the family
pressures at hand; his maternal family members making every effort to split us up.
Thank I noticed Bradley sneaking out in the middle of the night for a couple of hours and
entering a parked van with a lady waiting for him beside the van. From a distance, she looked
like a girl who’s just reached puberty but was defiantly of a consenting age. I followed him out
on night after pretending to fall asleep, which is how I found out; I noticed this van was
following us everywhere and parking nearby our tent each time we moved position due to the
wind and rain but I never thought anything of it until I witnessed Bradley’s association with it.
I knew that by questioning him it would subject me to his violence, however, there came a time
when I just couldn’t keep quite anymore and therefore, I questioned him in the worst location
ever, it was covered boulders and cliffs that stood just over the ocean. At first he tried to deny
all, telling me what he always tells me when he’s lying, “I’ve got no idea what you are talking
about”, then I told him I saw him he said get your evidence.
Bradley was losing the argument evidence or not and in the heat of the moment, he threw me
hard on the boulder that I was balancing on; he was standing over me and as he pushed me
backwards, I fell smack bang on my hip with no chance to get back up. I was in so much agony; I
seriously couldn’t walk and was in disbelief that someone with such a sweet face would even go
that far – my husband!
I felt betrayed that he broke yet again another promise to keep his hands to himself and use his
words, after the last incident. I remember crying my eye’s out and looking up to the full moon
asking God to let me walk again.
7 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
My husband dragged me over to a flat surface where I almost passed out being in so much pain.
I was leaning on his lap but unable to stand up. We stayed there till the sun rose and then
headed back to the campsite, where my husband had to practically drag me back to while
leaning heavily on his shoulder for over an hour in agony, till we reached our tent on foot. He
asked me not to get him into trouble and said this was the last time he’d lose his temper and
once again, I fell for it, forgave him and protected him from criminal charges.
Incident Four
His extra marital affair was yet to be resolved and his abuse causing a distraction. Sooner or
later we engaged in yet another heated argument over this scrubber (a nick name that is given
to someone who is going cheap) that my husband has already admitted to having an affair with,
however did not disclose her identity as yet in fear that I would expose them both in retaliation.
The arguments started outside while parking his bike, which I was standing on the other of.
Bradley then tried to push his bike onto me to shut me up form questioning him and as an act
of self-defense I pushed it back to him and he lost his grip. The bike fell on the floor and my
husband came charging at me like a heated bull. He had me in a head lock with the bike helmet
still on my head and I was losing circulation around my neck and couldn’t breadt and therefore,
I dropped to the ground where he pursed to wrestle me we wrestled for ages and he was
hitting me and I was trying to block with everything I had as an alternative to hitting back but
when my husband said that sucking her tits is not the same as having sex with her, I was furious
because that’s still cheating, in terms of sexual engagement with another. It was 1am an all the
neighbors shut their window shutters and let us practically kill each other for an hour. I
remember telling Bradley that if he keeps his hands to himself, I will accompany him to the
foreshore to talk about it, as he was starting to cool off by then; we failed to bring our bike
helmets with us and the next day they were gone.
Incident Five
The next day he wanted to go to a secret location alone, it was a Saturday morning and I was
standing by the door just trying to talk to him; I couldn’t understand the need for secrecy, I
didn’t want to stay home alone because I was in hip pain and given that, I did not have the
liberty to exit via the flight of stairs by myself that led to the front door, should I want to go out.
I asked my husband what could be so important on a Saturday and to stay back with me over
the weekend while I am still recovering but he refused not only to stay back but also to disclose
his destination, telling me it’s none of my business. I was obviously standing in his way and to
move me against my will, he picked me up with both hands cupped around my back and both
8 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
feet off the ground and actually slammed me on the ground hard, hitting my head first. I lost
consciousness and my memory when I awoke. According to Bradley, I didn’t know where I was
and what was happening when woke up, as I was knocked out cold.
My memory of the event was being slammed on the ground and praying the rosary in the
kitchen afterwards, with my favorite beads that I brought back from Lourdes; which Bradley
broke on purpose.
Incident Six
Whenwe were livinginMsida - 109 ConceptionStreet - Inoticedanemptywrapperof sleepingtablets
on the floorbythe frontdoorof our house, itlookedlikethe emptywrapperjustfell inthatposition???
I askedmyhusbandif the emptywrapperbelongstohimandhe deniedall knowledgeof it,andit sure
as hell wasn'tmine,asI wouldratherstayupall nightthantake those things.We were the onlytwoin
the house so I couldn'tunderstandit.
The nextdayBradleycookedforme, ashe usuallydoesandtheninsistedwe gotobedearlierthan
usual,(straightafterdinner),whichwasodd;Icrashedon the couch byaccidentnexttohim - it was
Wednesday,late afternoon.Iwoke upFridayataroundlunchtime andthoughtIwasgoingcrazy,until
BradleyconfirmeditwasactuallyFriday.Bradleywokeuphung-over,withahintof beeronhisbreath
and I couldn'tworkitout. He toldme that I wasgoingcrazyand to thisday,I still can'texplainwhat
I askedBradleyif he slippedme some sleepingpillssohe couldgooutand have some funwithoutraising
suspicionandhe deniedall,againcallingme crazy.We'll Iam not onanything,sowhat happenedIasked
him???Andhe saidthat he'sgot no ideawhatI am talkingabout,his favoritepunchlinewhenplaying
the game of denyall!
I toldBradleythatnexttime Iam knockedoutlike this,Iwill nothesitateinfilingapolice report,
describingwhatjusthappenedandhe can thenanswertothem;he said,goodlucktryingto get themto
believe you!
Andit happenedagaininthe monthof June,Iwasknockedoutfor12 hoursand woke upwitha splitting
headache andbruisesonmyhips(thatwere notthere the nightbefore);asif I’dbeenknockedaround
the room while sleeping;again Bradley ‘hadnoideawhatIwas talkingabout’.
Incident Seven
Since 1am, I have noticedBradleyunderthe candle lightmakingdescreetarremptstoslowlydraghis
phone underthe coversandquicklyretractswhenIlookup,uponme hearingmovementbetweenthe
sheets- Bradleyposingtobe asleep,buthismindwasonhisphone.Uponfailingtodescreetlyretrieve
hisphone fromthe bedside table,he beginstossingandturning,asif I am disturbinghissleep,ensuring
to disturbnannaand nannuforback-up;and yethere Iam sittinginthe dark,barelymovingandsaying
9 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
absolutelynothing,withthe screenlightdimmedonmysamsungtabletdimmedtoaprox 25percent.
Atapproximately2:20amI checkedhisphone screenforthe correcttime andputthe phone backdown
on topof hiswalletandwenttothe toilet.IheardBradleydesperatelyreachingforhisphone,asIexited
the bedroomandthought,he toomust be justcheckingthe time.
WhenI returnedatapproximately2.29am, hisphone startedvibratingandI reachedforhisphone to
keepitquiet,asIhave senthimmessages(thathe oftenreceiveslate,notalwayswhenIsendthem);
and one wassentby mistake,asIwasemailingpracticallyinthe dark.
As soonas Bradleysawme turn onthe screen,he lunged atme toquicklytake the phone outof myhand
but missed,he wasnotsuccessful straightaway,whichgaveme cause forconcern;the split-secondtime
lag,gave me the opportunitytobrieflyview hisscreenandthat'swhenIsaw the new message withthe
words"I Love YouBabe",that I didnot send;andtakingoffense,Iquicklypresseddelete.
Bradleyaggressivelyrustledme onthe bedforhisphone back,hurtingmywristin the processandthen
tookthe phone withhim,clutchingittightly,tothe downstairstoilet,turninghisbacktome inthe dark
usinghisphone andthe toilet,withinminutesof eachother;the downstairsbathroomisverynarrow
and onlyone personata time fitsfacingthe toiletandIam not tallerthanhimand therefore,couldnot
see whathe was doingonhisphone.
Whenwe returnedbackup tothe bedroom, he wasguardinghisphone asif hislife dependedonit;then
because Irefusedtolethimkickme out of the room he said,"whatare youdoing,fuckingcan'tsleepin
peace around here",actinglike he isthe one whose harddone by;andI whisperedbacktohim, "your
the one talkingnotme"and furtheradded,"whatiswrongwithyouBradley?".
There have beenotherincidentslikehairpullingandpushingandspittinginmyface,whichatthatpoint
I retaliatedbutnevereverhithim,Ijustspat back;and yesall the emotional abuse aswell,callingme
everyname underthe sunthe minute he doesn’tgethiswayanddependsonwho’slisteningtoo.
One time he calledme a whore all because Iwantedtofindinternetaccessata local hotel toemail
complaintsof DomesticViolence tothe relevantministers,asnannuwasrestrictingaccess(justbefore I
got mySamsungDevice),andItoldhimthat yourwhore isthe girl breakingourmarriage not yourwife!
The Last Straw
I regretto informyouthat myhusbandand I are goingthroughseparation;he hasmade everyeffortto
pushme awaysince hisfirstinterviewwiththe MinistryforSocial Solidarity,forthe LEAPProject,which
he was certainto be appointedforbefore hisacceptance evencame through.He toldme thatthis
positionwaspromisedtohimbya thirdparty (whose identityhe didnotdisclose) andfurther
mentionedthatIwasstandinginhisway of gettingthe job;and therefore,he hasto‘getridof me’first.
Of course thisdidnotmake anysense until recently,whenhe wentasfaras to breakmy statue of The
BlessedVirginMarythatI pray The Holy Rosaryto each morning,asa meansof whathe calls‘gettingrid
of me’;whichworkedlike acharm,itcompelledme tothrow hisbags outthe front doorlast Tuesdayon
the 22nd
10 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
Someone advisedme toforgive himandinthe spiritresolvingthe matterpeacefully,Imetwithhimin
personthe followingdayandgave him till Sunday27th
of July,2014, to returnback home to reconcile;
whichhe failedtodo,as thisjob isobviouslymore importanttohimthanour marriage.
I don’tknowif you recall,however,GozoDetectiveshadpromisedBradleytonotonlypersonallylook
afterhimbut alsoto pull some stringsandgive himjobsecurityonthe conditionthathe ‘getsrid of me
first’...;theyalsopromisedtoline himupwithsomeone more suitableaccordingtotheirstandards,asI
was tooold!!!
In Decemberit all got too much forBradley who tried to takehis own life; his family intenton blaming
me, however,Iwasnotin any way responsibleforthis.
Justrecently,Bradleywentontomentionthatthe personwho’sbeenlinedupforhimwill be working
alongside himtoensure Iam closedoutof the equationandthiswas,according to Bradley,whatcaused
himto bestowsomuch abuse onme to ensure separationonconstructivegroundsandnotbecause he
doesn’tlove me –he didinall fairnessgive me anapologyforthisbefore leavingbutof course Ididn’t
appreciate it.
Bradleyhashad control of myemail account,forquite some time (butnotanymore I
hope) andI have noticedsince re-enteringmyaccountwithhispermissionthatall the emailsIhave sent
to Marisa and everyone else atthe Ministryof Social Solidarity(priortohisjobconfirmationwiththe
LEAP Project) complainingof DomesticViolence,have beendeletedduringthe time thatBradleyhas
had control overthisemail account,whichbelongstome.
It is my understandingand alsolistedonline that part of the conditionsfor eligibilityforThe Leap
Project was that the applicant had to be of ‘good moral character’; (a) I believedomesticviolence is
againstthe lawand (b) I alsobelieve thatsince The RomanCatholicReligionisMalta’sReligion,thatany
religiousinsultsagainstourreligionwouldnotbe deemedof goodmoral character,especiallywhere
there ispropertydamage to myMost LovedAdoredstatue of The BlessedVirginMary;where apolice
reportagainstBradleyforsuch behaviorshasbeenfiled.
In Western Australia, I got acquainted with a man called Jasper Singh, via my daughter’s work
place, who was from India on a work visa and desperate for Australian Citizenship; with his
work visa about to expire. Jasper surprisingly declared his love for me within a few weeks of
11 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
meeting, which I didn’t take too seriously a apparently he was talking to all the Australian girls
the same way hoping on would agree to be his wife. I didn’t love him and made no secret of it
and the therefore, Jasper thought he’d secure this opportunity by bribing me into marriage
with an engagement ring to the value of $10000; which after briefly entertaining the idea, I
Soon after, my identification went missing while in his care; my stamped passport application,
driver’s license, bank card and concurrent statements and a letter with my signature on it
addressed to the Australian Immigration Office complaining of the pressure jasper is placing on
my to marry him.
His house mate later informed me that detectives had paid jasper a visit in my absence offering
their services behind the scenes and further pre-warned me that all my identification that went
missing is enough to enable someone to impersonate me and marry jasper into the country
based on a bribe; misusing my identity in my absence and that detectives would affectively
silence me via the mental health system– who would believe me then?
I didn’t really know how to take him and initially laughed it off, which offended him, as I
thought to myself, what cop would want to risk that? Everyone knows what Australian’s will do
to a member of the most hated force in the country, a cop – a cop in Australia would be lucky
to come out of jail alive. Jasper and his house mate also ceased their friendship after that and
my son seemed to think it was because there was some truth to what Jasper’s house mate was
I stopped talking to Jasper and moved to Sydney with my children and then to New Zealand for
a holiday; however my daughter Kristen kept in touch with Jasper via Facebook. Soon after
arriving in New Zealand, my daughter Kristen had informed me that Jasper got his permanency
and will soon be eligible for Australian Citizenship; Jasper couldn’t for the life of him pass that
test into the country how the hell did he get this far, anything is possible I thought to myself
and moved on.
I arrived in Malta on the 26th of December, 2012 and wasted no time in filing for Citizenship on
the 28th of December, two days later, as dual citizenship was my entitlement. The very next day
my auntie whom I was staying with, received a phone call from my mother; and don’t ask me
how on earth my mother found out. I overheard the conversation in Maltese and my mother was
furious that I was in Malta and even more angry because I was staying with her sister. My
mother held my auntie on the phone for a very long time, running me down and further
discouraging her support or anybody else's for that matter. Over the telephone, my mother stated
12 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
that I was mentally ill and considered a danger to the community and went on and on… three
weeks later I was out on my ass, taking to the streets of Malta. This street life was a first time for
me and trying hard to survive in a country that is not yet yours was very diffiecult; however, it
was better than returning back to my country!
It was winter, I went hungry, slept in the rain and was raped; and the worst part about it is
that I COULDN’T EVEN GO TO THE POLICE, as I was not yet a citizen and did not
want to run the risk of being ordered to return home when you consider what I had
experienced there in the hands of police corruption, among other things!
While on the streets of Malta, my uncle saw the poor condition I was in, as he was driving past
and approached me. He mentioned that The Australian Federal Police has made contact with the
Maltese Authorities and are spreading some pretty serious and concerning information about me;
and that when it comes to children’s welfare issues, Malta takes it very seriously.
I was very surprised mainly because I left the country on a clean passport and it is my
understanding that without a warrant, they had no right to come this far. After explaining that to
my uncle, I went on to remind him of my experiences with corrupt authorities in Australia, in
particular the level of Police Corruption that I have subjected to for so long.
In relation to my children, I did not deny smacking them but absolutely denied assaulting them,
which constitutes abuse; which to this day there is still no evidence for except for what Matthew
falsified in writing; I further explained the clear difference between discipline and abuse. My
uncle said his hands were tied!
My citizenship was granted on 1 March, 2013 – before I met my husband!
Before leaving my auntie’s house back in January, I found an email that was saved on her
desktop computer and it was from my brother Matthew and based on (mostly) a bundle of lies; I
could not believe my eyes. After I saw that email, I realized that it wasn’t my auntie’s fault nor
any of my uncles nor anyone else’s for that matter, (as after reading it myself) it was evident that
they were all kept in the dark, treated like idiots and fed bullshit like mushrooms; I seriously
didn’t blame anyone for judging me after that BUT IT CERTAINLY WASN’T FAIR.
My husband and I decided to set up camp at the back of the ‘Ta Pinu Church’; a small tent with a
single mattress beneath it for us to share. This was intended as a temporary measure until we
found work and could afford suitable accommodation, to obviously distance ourselves from
certain family members (and I am not referring to everyone), who did not approve of our
relationship, causing us discord.
We both understood that we were taking a risk in GOZO but that did not constitute police
corruption; however, it was important for our peace of mind.
Our first two weeks in Gozo were almost blissful in terms of getting along, as for the first time in
a long time, there was nobody standing in our way or getting in the middle of us – and what a
difference it made to our ability to relate and get along. Our struggles were mainly to find food
and suitable water to drink and HATS OFF THE LOCALS who never failed to give us hot
coffee with biscuits and bottles of water, upon knocking on their door; something I thought only
happens in Australia.
13 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
After moving around the island to find work opportunities we were told of a local bakery who
often disposes of good bread they don’t sell; who gave us consent to collect their left over’s
twice a week. Well you can only imagine how much bread we scoffed in our mouths during our
first take-in and then we portioned ourselves once we realized that we were not going to go
hungry; and it wasn’t just bread we ate, there were prickly pears and melons from open fields
that my husband hunted for us to eat with his army knife (LOL) – ‘Oh” they had plenty of them
and I don’t think they really minded all that much, they were a very accommodating community.
I began asking around for a roof over our heads – you know, me and my big mouth – and
judging by my conversation with one of the sweetest old ladies in town, I believe we were on the
verge of negotiating accommodation, until such time we found work; put it this way, she was
very interested in helping us out and was going to get back to us very soon.
The very next day while making our way on foot to collect bread from the bakery – at
approximately 7pm – two cars cornered us in the middle of the streets and five detectives jumped
out at us… They searched my husband and forced him to empty his pockets. I repeatedly
explained that we were only on the way to the bakery to collect bread, which was just around the
corner; they ordered us in the car and then escorted us to the Victoria Police Station. One of the
detectives who was sitting next to me up against the side door in the back seat, pulled out a
cigarette and tried to light it; I asked him not to light it in the car while I am in it and he laughed
it off and put it away making fun of me. When we arrived at the station I was ordered to remain
at reception under the strict guard of the officers on duty and my husband and I were
immediately separated. He was taken in the back room for interrogation. I repeatedly requested
to go in with him because he seemed to be pancaking in the back of the car on the way to the
station and I was naturally concerned. The police officer said ‘NO’, you will go in there when I
tell you to go in there; I realized that she was just taking orders from detectives and I didn’t
really blame her in a sense, as she didn’t know the situation in full and probably just trying to do
her job.
Soon after she brought in gloves to search me; I started emptying the contents from my bag
where I standing, near the bar fridge. I tipped my little red bag upside down to show the officers
at the counter that I had nothing to hide and by accident, most of the contents fell on the floor to
the side of the fridge. As I bent down to try and retrieve them, I was called into the back room to
accompany my husband – approximately one hour later. My husband looked like he’s just been
through a spin cycle in tumble dryer;;; while detectives continued the interrogation, I
immediately took over the conversation in my husband’s defense and answered to all four of
them without any help from anyone, as I could see my husband Bradley, was struggling.
They demanded to see a marriage certificate there and then at eight o’clock in the evening, to
enable us to be in the same room during questioning. They told us that homelessness is illegal
and they cannot allow us to continue in Gozo…; and without a marriage certificate they cannot
guarantee we’ll stay together. I reminded them that at that hour they were being very
unreasonable with regards to their request for evidence of marriage! Detectives then turned their
attention to my husband and I was holding the fort for us both and began to question him,
requesting he makes decisions on our behalf with regards to our situation in Gozo.
I could see that my husband was under enormous pressure, with all four detectives asking him at
once the same questions; and again in his defense, I interrupted the conversation and tried to
explain to detectives on civil terms that we have made a mutual decision to reside in Gozo
because of problems with certain family members who have not accepting me into their family
14 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
unit. Then they started talking amongst themselves in Maltese involving the female police
officer, who entered the room later on and to my surprise, both my husband and I heard them
saying that I’ve got my husband like a poodle on a leash… because I took the lead in answering
to their unreasonable demands. I immediately jumped in and corrected them at once and then of
course, I was verbally attacked by all four detectives using this as a method to again separate me
from my husband; they ordered the female police officer to escort me to front of the station in the
room near reception where I am effectively isolated from my husband.
I waited patiently for approximately three hours under the strict guard of police officers who
were not giving me any answers under the instruction of detectives. I then reminded the police
officer that she is denying me the right to speak with my husband and boy, DID THAT CAUSE
A STIR; she started yelling at me making a scene forcing detectives to come running out of the
back room and it was stacks on Anna (metaphorically speaking)!
The detective wasted no time in ordering me to the hospital for an assessment and of course I did
not comply, as I did not deem it necessary – I only asked to speak to my husband, that all. They
called an ambulance who took me to the hospital; I was seen by a doctor who after a few minutes
discharged me with no concerns lingering. Detectives from behind the curtain were arguing their
point quite strongly, but this doctor did his job well and sent me home. He brought in the
document that clearly stated my position and that there were no further concerns and when I
asked for a copy of it, detectives ordered the nurse (who initially said I could have one) not to
hand it to me out under any circumstances. I guess it was a slap in the face for them and it’s
about time they got one!
Five hours later, back at the station detectives had informed me that my husband does not want
to speak with me anymore and that they will be organizing his return to Malta without me; his
father was called to collect him. I certainly was not going to take them speaking on his behalf
and insisted to speak with my husband first before he leaves; and should it be his will, I will
quietly let him go home to his parents. His mother does not allow me in their family home and
that would mean I would effectively be prevented from speaking with my husband again (it’s fair
to say). Bradley’s father arrived and I was immediately secluded to the front room. Peeking
through the gaps of the police officer’s arms I saw my husband come out of the back room. I
approached him in a rush with the police on guard and asked him to give me a straight answer, as
to whether he wants me to return to Malta with him or not. He looked at the detectives for
approval first (who were quite pleased with themselves) and failed to answer me. I turned his
attention back onto me and asked him for the last time the same question. My husband held my
hand and said ‘yes I want to go back to Malta together but how are we going to do this?’ I told
reminded my husband in the presence of his father and officers who were keeping me under their
tight guard, that his is a grown man and old enough to make his own decisions in relation to who
he wants to be with; which caused a stir among detectives who then went on to accuse me of
putting words in his mouth – I did not such thing! I turned to my father-in-law who was present
and pleaded with him to allow me in his car in order to return home with my husband, who
immediately turned his attention to detectives; detectives advising him against allowing me in his
car, putting the poor man under enormous pressure to comply to their unreasonable demands.
As I made a second attempt to seek my father-in-law for permission to enter his car, detectives
isolated me into the front room and shut the door behind them. I was told that I was under arrest
and that anything I say or do will be held against me… They repeatedly asked me if my husband
knows everything about my past and I told them, using the broken record technique that ‘my
15 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
husband and I have no secrets, even before marriage’. I asked for a legal representative and was
ignored. While I was distracted in the front room behind a closed door that was tightly guarded
by police, I heard a car door and my husband’s voice from a distance although I could not quite
make out what he was saying. I ran to the window, climbed up on the ledge (as I was too small to
see out just by standing on the floor) and noticed my husband being forced into the car like a six
year old kid not wanting to comply. I was yelling out at the top of my lungs in hope that my
husband would hear me, ‘Bradley, please stay… Bradley, please stay… Bradley, please stay’.
The officer told me to shut up and pulled me off the ledge and I kept yelling over the top of her
instruction in pure frustration, as I was detained against my will.
Then it all went quiet and I knew my husband was on his way to the Gozo Ferries Port (‘the
Port’) to return back to Malta in my father-in-law’s car.
Detectives were quite pleased with themselves and in an arrogant tone of voice, they opened the
door to let me out. I pushed passed the female police officer by accident and in a panic, as I
rushed out of the Victoria police station front door and ran as fast as I possibly could heading to
‘the Port’. I knew I was not going to make it on foot no matter how fast I ran as it was nearly two
hours away on foot (that’s if you’re just walking); although I was a long distance runner in my
youth and a school sports champion, I knew I was not going to make this in time just by running.
It was 1:00am (13:00), raining and no one in the streets. I took my shoes off (holding them in my
hand) to gain pace and ran with my socks in the pouring rain, everything was getting wet. I
looked up to the night sky with tears running from my eyes and yelled out to GOD, saying
‘please God help me, please don’t take my husband from me as well, you’ve already taken
everything else that I love, please God, please help me I LOVE YOU’. And then out the blue a
four wheel drives comes my way with three in the car, a man, his women and a dog in the back. I
jumped out onto the middle of the road right in front of this car wavering my hands in the air
forcing him to come to a halt. I assured him that I was not on drugs nor armed. At that point, I
would rather have gotten run over and killed than leave my husband behind, so as you can
imagine I had to take my chances for whatever it was worth. The driver of the car wound down
his window and I pleaded with him to take me to ‘the port’ as a matter of urgency to meet up
with my husband in time before he leaves for Malta without me. He hesitated and rightfully so, I
can only imagine what I looked like at the time, but then gave his consent on the condition that
I’d sit with his dog at the back; I told him ‘at this point, I’d be happy to hang on to the back of
his vehicle if it meant I was going to get to my husband in time. On the way and in the pouring
rain, I noticed detectives trailing behind, following us closely every step of the way. I asked the
driver to go faster who asked me if I know the people in the car behind us. I said, ‘no, just some
crazy idiots I guess’. I asked him again to step on the pedal and he looked to his girlfriend for
approval, who gave the nod (God bless them both) and off we went. We almost ran a red light
and passed my father-in-law’s car as we were approaching ‘the port’ and seeing my husband
sitting in the front seat brought me to tears. I ordered the driver to park in front of my father-in-
law’s car to block him from going any further and as soon as the driver stopped, I ran out
towards the passenger’s door (where my husband was sitting) and opened it and grabbed my
husband’s hand; I was shaking in distress, cold, wet and obviously crying. My husband started
crying also and pleaded with his father to let me in so we can return to Malta together; but within
minutes detectives rolled up in their car alongside us discouraging my father-in-law from letting
me in and that if he does, he will then be held accountable for us… While this conversation was
taking place, my mother-in-law whom I have no relationship with was on speaker phone in the
16 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
car, listening to it all and giving her instructions, demanding documents. My father-in-law was
under enormous pressure but I knew that God is more powerful than corruption and finally after
much negotiation, I was allowed in the car and returned to Malta with my husband; detectives
said theis is not the end!
Detectives were forced to retreat back and as they began driving away, one of them in the front
seat stuck his middle finger at me and of course what do you think I did – STUCK IT
STRAIGHT BACK UP AT THEM WITH A SMILE and a dried up tear in my eye.
When we returned to Malta, my husband alleged the following that happened during his
interrogation at the station by the GOZO Detectives:
 Australian's are doll bludgers and don't want to work...
 Don't get me pregnant or I will hit hard with maintenance (my ex-partners had more to
take than my husband and I never touched their money, even though I was entitled to it -
I had both father's exempt...)
 Detectives claiming I was already married…
 Calling me a 'mignuna'...
 Further claiming that I was treating him like a poodle on a leash and that if his wife dare
treat him like that, he’s slap her in the face Detectives recommended that my husband
take a STD test for HIV after sleeping with me
 …after 40 year old, women find it hard to conceive
 Detectives making fun of my CV that they had handy and told my husband that I have a
degree with the university of the streets AND FINALLY - in abusing their power of
position tried to bribe my husband with JOB SECURITY should he comply with their
wishes to leave me and never speak to me again.
According to my husband turn of events, they also offered to take good care of him, as a friend
but not as long as he is married to me.
They not only broke the criminal code according to my understating of it but also breeched The
Police Act itself.., and of course what do you think followed after that? (…it’s all in the book!)
We were denied an opportunity to speak directly with the police commissioner of Malta (for
whatever reason) and still waiting for an appointment with him??? THERE IS NO EXCUICE
I think at this point it stands to reason that I would not only want to speak with the Prime
Minister himself, The Hon. Joseph Muscat but go public - our PM who has wowed to not only
enforce the Whistle Blowers Act but also to protect those who come forward, I believe he will
absolutely do this because he has a genuine smile!
17 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
We had a wildlife hero in Australia who said, ‘Evil flourishes when good men do nothing’ – and
it’s about time people find their voices and bloody ‘SPEAK UP - it's not corruption that you
should fear because that belongs to the devil - Fear only God!
Bradley Agius
109 Conception Street
Re: Confrontation at Paceville on 1/11/2014
To Whom It May Concern,
My wife and I visited the Millennium Chapel in Paceville on Saturday morning the 11th of
January for food donations which are handed out on a regular basis. At the office of the said
establishment there was a picture of me and my wife with a note which said to call the police.
My wife dealt with this note by removing it, and we also informed the priest in charge that
there were no problems and that we had already contacted my father via email.
We left the Millennium Chapel at about 12:30pm with a box of food and where walking on our
way home, when we were confronted by my mother, who was being followed by my dad and
my sister.
My mother started screaming from the other end of the road and started being abusive
towards my wife; she also grabbed a hold of me and refused to let go. She threatened to call
the police and sent my father to the police station to get the cops.
At one point she became really aggressive and hit my wife in the face twice (and later in the
stomach); I had to jump in the middle to stop my mum from hitting my wife once again.
My wife did not hit back, she did not raise her voice nor was she abusive at any particular
My wife’s only request was that she wanted to speak with me for 2 minutes however my mum
did not grant this because she kept following and hanging on to me even though I kept telling
her to let go and leave me alone.
My mum kept insisting that both me and my wife follow her to the police station. As soon as I
left I had 2 boxes full of food and clothes and asked him if I could just leave them at the station
18 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
for a few hours but I was not granted this either so I just left the police station with the boxes
whilst my family followed right after.
I was quite disappointed by the turn of events:
First of all I went in there willingly to make a report and I was treated like I was treated like the
one in the wrong.
Secondly I was detained in the police station agasint my will and when I asked why I was not
given a reason; this is a breach of my rights since if I am under arrest I have the right to know
the reason why.
To add insult to injury, I had handcuffs put on me even though I complied with their
unreasonable demands and I was not aggressive in any way
Finally I was told that I will be watched and they will keep an eye on me, this is harassment
since I have never been accused of committing a crime to merit such behavior.
The University of Malta – Motivational Letter
First Preference
Course Name Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Course Start Date 1 October 2014
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to take this opportunity to apply for the above listed course with
The University of Malta, as per my online application for mature age entry.
It’s taken me years to figure out what I want to do with my life; I was born
into Domestic Violence from the very start and at only twenty one, I was
enduring divorce and custody battles, as a result of marital violence fuelled
by an alcoholic spouse.
I’ve spent sixteen years raising two children single handedly with limited
support from extended family members; and the past eighteen months
fulfilling my travel dreams, which resulted in a marriage to a local.
As a result of blowing the whistle on a police officer for sexual assault in
Australia, I’ve been subjected to in-conceivable levels of police corruption
carried forward from place to the next, sabotaging the opportunity for
perfectly good relationships and the right to a fair go; which throughout
19 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion.
the years, has given me a VERY STRONG SENCE FOR JUSTICE and
intelligence training beyond my years.
As a result of my said experiences, I have represented myself in court
dealing with diverse areas of law, in particular, civil and criminal cases. This
entailed intensive research of the relevant act’s and the study of sections
and sub-sections in preparation for on-coming hearings; and furthermore,
compiling and submitting (singlehandedly) all documentation in due course
directly with the courts. I’ve also had firsthand experience in cross-
examining a witness and from that very moment, my passion to enter the
legal arena was born.
By scanning through my attached CV, you will discover that I am currently
establishing a tell all website and a campaign (starting at a slow pace) to
raise awareness of domestic violence among other things, in hope to assist
other’s suffering in silence; I am also pursuing appointments with the
relevant ministers of Malta in order to move forward.
I am very committed and hungry for the opportunity to be counted as a
legal representative with a country that is very close to my heart, to put all
this experience to good use for the mutual benefit.
Thank you, for your time and I look forward to the opportunity of an
interview, to further discuss my suitability for entry into The Bachelor of
Laws commencing 1st October, 2014.
Best Regards,
Ms Anne Agius (Gelicrisio)
Maltese ID Card: 225213L

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  • 1. 1 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. Author: Anne Agius(Gelicrisio) Email Primary: Email Secondary: Linked-in: Facebook: Website: Date: 11th September,2014 Maltese ID: 225213L To Whom It May Concern, I would like to take this opportunity to exercise my right in requesting that such criminal acts of Domestic Violence, as detailed in this report, be punished in accordance with The Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Article 8 and Declaration of Article 8; which states that “the union will aim in it’s different policies to combat all kinds of Domestic Violence and that the member states shall take all the necessary measures to punish these criminal acts and to support and protect the victims”. Furthermore in accordance to the above mentioned, I would like to request adequate support and protection, as a person on the receiving end of such crimes; and protection under the Whistle Blower’s Act. I would also like to request access to all documentation in my name held by governing authorities of Malta and thte European Unioin, given the opportunity to rectify and error, as set in Chapter 4, Article 42 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Please keep me fully informed via email with regards to the outcome of all the above. Thank you, for your time and I look forward to your response. Best Regards Ms Anne Agius (Gelicrisio)
  • 2. 2 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. Statement of Complaints Background Information and Circumstances Leading to concurrent turn of events. a) THE WIFE Anne Agius (Gelicrisio); is 40 years of age and currently unemployed. She has made several attempts to gain employment during her time in Malta but has been unsuccessful. She feels her age is a barrier in this country and so is her lack of employment stability (as a result of raising two wonderful children single handedly for 16 years), which the husband, Mr Bradley Agius, knew about before marriage. It is the wife’s wish and her human right to pursue further studies with the University of Malta this year, a degree in the Faculty of Law until completion; which was strongly opposed by her husband who insisted Ms Agius withdraws her concurrent application brings home ‘the pay’ instead; and further making threats of a degrading nature in particular, warning Ms Agius that together with his ‘detective friend’, men can be organized during the nights to use her body, as an alternative way to make money. When Ms Agius asked how he intends to get away with something like that (as she is not a willing participant), her husband said that it’s called drugs! Ms Agius then retaliated by opening the front door for the husband leave out of her life… and in response to that, Mr. Bradley Agius told his wife to calm down, as he is only joking however, Ms Agius did not see the funny side and pre-warned her husband quite seriously that should he make any attempts to follow through on his threats of forcing prostitution, she will STOP AT NOTHING to see justice is served with a jail term. The wife lives in a private rental that was once occupied with her husband, which she can no longer afford, compromising heavily on her right to liberty and security; the street would be considered as a reduction of living standards compromising heavily on her fundamental right to liberty and security, and is indignifying. In the past two months since filing for separation, the wife has made every effort to blow the whistle on Police Corruption involving her husband, on his crimes of infidelity (exposing his mistress) and on the level of Domestic
  • 3. 3 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. Violence she was subjected to, as a result of all the above – in accordance to the information she has been provided. Mr Bradley Agius, his mistress and the detective involved, as per the husband’s own admission, are all highly liked members of the Maltese Community. Ms Agius has spent her last dollars to pay for a legal practioner to assist her in receiving maintenance payments in due course – to pay the rent, feed herself and follow up with a physiotherapist as may be deemed necessary to correct an pain in her hip caused by her husband’s violence; however, her application subject to lengthy time delay’s and to the strong resistance from her husband. It is well known in the community that the wife is a whistle blower with a very strong sense for justice, however, cannot contend with the credibility of a detective, taking into consideration her run of bad luck with police corruption over the years. Under the circumstances, it is not an unreasonable for the wife to request protection under The Whistle Blower’s Act; and until such time that it’s granted, the wife cannot possibly be expected to return to work (even if she wanted to) and be guaranteed an environment free from workplace bullying and a fair go. Furthermore, since ‘Blowing The Whistle’ on corruption and going public with regards to her private affairs requesting fair justice from the community (as a whole), the high level of harassment, victimization and less favorable treatment she has experienced from highly influential supporters of her husband’s, supporters of his mistress and that of the said detective, is inconceivable and certainly unjustified in abusing the power of plenty - the old school bullying technique! Instead of aggression, the wife has put her experiences to good use in terms of raising awareness of Domestic Violence by way of example and via online resources – the initial ‘Tell All’, website she spent months establishing was mysteriously deleted while airing dirty laundry, which has now been re- launched (the wife determined not to silenced); unanimous emails sent to representative from the office of the Prime Minister; and further requesting an appointment with the President in hope for support and protection has not been grated; and therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that prior
  • 4. 4 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. to this report, there has been very little action to ensure justice is served and to ‘add insult to injury’, the support has been granted quite freely to her husband who is believed to have worked (and may still be working) for the government of Malta – may be considered a case of inequality among other things. References to Legislation and the Fundamental Rights of the European Union that may be breeched…  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Dignity; Chapter 1, Article 1 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Liberty and Security; Chapter 2, Article 6 of the charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Education; Chapter 2, Article 14 (1) of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Equality; Chapter 3, Article 20 and Article 21 (1) of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union  It is the wife’s Human Right to be respected for her diverse culture; Chapter 3, Article 22 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to enjoy legal, economic and social protection for her family (with her husband); Chapter 4, Article 33 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to Health Care (Physiotherapy); Chapter 4, Article 35 of the Fundamental Right of the European Union  It is the wife’s Fundamental right to access documents (and rectify any errors); Chapter 4, Article 42 of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union Further Notes: After the process of separation the obligation to cohabit ceases; spouses are no longer expected to live together. However after separation all other legal obligations (such as to remain faithful, maintain one another…) remain in force; Article 35 of the Civil Code.
  • 5. 5 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. IN TERMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE – ASSAULT Incident One My husband and I were arguing over employment, I wanted to visit Comino to ask a local hotel for seasonal work, which would be enough to get us on our feet and out of his mother’s care but my husband wanted to stay put, keeping us dependent on his mother. There was a time when I and he were intimate with each other in the bedroom and his mother walked in on us – I did not favor remaining under the same roof because I prefer to have my privacy. As a result of my husband’s resistance to be independent from his mother’s care, we engaged in an argument that continued during the entire trip from Fgura to the pier where the ferries are stationed in Cirkewwa. On the back of his bike, while riding to Cirkewwa, just before we arrived at the pier and as he was riding around the round-about, Bradley purposely put the bike in the wrong gear and further using the handle bars to jerk me off from the back of his bike while in motion. I clutched on to the back of him hoping no to fall off, which made Bradley even more determined to hurt me, as so to avoid going to Comino to ask for employment, which was the whole purpose of our trip. When parking his motorbike, Bradley usually waits for me to get off first clutching the handle bars to keep the bike in balance, so I don’t fall; but this time he bet me to it and rushed off his seat before I got a chance to wriggle and he further shook the handle bars while I was still sitting on the back of the bike, ensuring I fall; and that’s exactly what happened, I fell on the floor scraping my back bone on the left foot peg of his parked bike. I suffered bruises down my back and spent that whole week crying and depressed not knowing what to do. I couldn’t hit back at the time because I was in shock and disbelief that he would even do such a thing. That was the first time we separated for two weeks; I went to Lourdes to find answers, as I knew violence wasn’t it. At that point I was questioning a marriage of convenience, however, I did not want to jump to conclusion too fast, as we just got married and not long returned from our honeymoon; and therefore, when I returned from Lourdes, I gave him a second chance after accepting his apology. His mother and maternal grandfather, after hearing of the incident and reading the email intended for Bradley that I sent from Lourdes (describing the circumstances) disowned me from the family unit and shut me out of their lives without hearing me out. Incident Two Another time we were on his bike riding back to his nanna’s, again arguing about accommodation. The situation was that I didn’t want to stay dependent on his nanna because it gave his mother grounds to visit and the problem with that is after she left, it made us fight for hours every time. Both his nanna and I insisted (for the sake of keeping the peace) that Bradley
  • 6. 6 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. takes the time to communicate with his mother our difficulties to help her to better understand our position – he blatantly refused. This argument carried forward onto the next day and while riding his bike with me on the back he suddenly stopped at an isolated location just by the airport I think (I wasn’t familiar with the area);;; as soon as Bradley started losing the arguing with regards to sorting this mess out with his mother, with his bike helmet in his hand he slammed it hard on my head with all his might jogging my neck to one side, it felt like my neck was out of place, I couldn’t turn my head in full both ways and was in a lot of pain. Even if I wanted to fight back, at that point I really couldn’t, as I was in too much pain and in shock that he would resort to violence for the second time. Incident Three Then we moved on the St Paul’s Bay sleeping in a tent and looking for work away from all his family members. It was cold and unpleasant but it was better than shouldering the family pressures at hand; his maternal family members making every effort to split us up. Thank I noticed Bradley sneaking out in the middle of the night for a couple of hours and entering a parked van with a lady waiting for him beside the van. From a distance, she looked like a girl who’s just reached puberty but was defiantly of a consenting age. I followed him out on night after pretending to fall asleep, which is how I found out; I noticed this van was following us everywhere and parking nearby our tent each time we moved position due to the wind and rain but I never thought anything of it until I witnessed Bradley’s association with it. I knew that by questioning him it would subject me to his violence, however, there came a time when I just couldn’t keep quite anymore and therefore, I questioned him in the worst location ever, it was covered boulders and cliffs that stood just over the ocean. At first he tried to deny all, telling me what he always tells me when he’s lying, “I’ve got no idea what you are talking about”, then I told him I saw him he said get your evidence. Bradley was losing the argument evidence or not and in the heat of the moment, he threw me hard on the boulder that I was balancing on; he was standing over me and as he pushed me backwards, I fell smack bang on my hip with no chance to get back up. I was in so much agony; I seriously couldn’t walk and was in disbelief that someone with such a sweet face would even go that far – my husband! I felt betrayed that he broke yet again another promise to keep his hands to himself and use his words, after the last incident. I remember crying my eye’s out and looking up to the full moon asking God to let me walk again.
  • 7. 7 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. My husband dragged me over to a flat surface where I almost passed out being in so much pain. I was leaning on his lap but unable to stand up. We stayed there till the sun rose and then headed back to the campsite, where my husband had to practically drag me back to while leaning heavily on his shoulder for over an hour in agony, till we reached our tent on foot. He asked me not to get him into trouble and said this was the last time he’d lose his temper and once again, I fell for it, forgave him and protected him from criminal charges. Incident Four His extra marital affair was yet to be resolved and his abuse causing a distraction. Sooner or later we engaged in yet another heated argument over this scrubber (a nick name that is given to someone who is going cheap) that my husband has already admitted to having an affair with, however did not disclose her identity as yet in fear that I would expose them both in retaliation. The arguments started outside while parking his bike, which I was standing on the other of. Bradley then tried to push his bike onto me to shut me up form questioning him and as an act of self-defense I pushed it back to him and he lost his grip. The bike fell on the floor and my husband came charging at me like a heated bull. He had me in a head lock with the bike helmet still on my head and I was losing circulation around my neck and couldn’t breadt and therefore, I dropped to the ground where he pursed to wrestle me we wrestled for ages and he was hitting me and I was trying to block with everything I had as an alternative to hitting back but when my husband said that sucking her tits is not the same as having sex with her, I was furious because that’s still cheating, in terms of sexual engagement with another. It was 1am an all the neighbors shut their window shutters and let us practically kill each other for an hour. I remember telling Bradley that if he keeps his hands to himself, I will accompany him to the foreshore to talk about it, as he was starting to cool off by then; we failed to bring our bike helmets with us and the next day they were gone. Incident Five The next day he wanted to go to a secret location alone, it was a Saturday morning and I was standing by the door just trying to talk to him; I couldn’t understand the need for secrecy, I didn’t want to stay home alone because I was in hip pain and given that, I did not have the liberty to exit via the flight of stairs by myself that led to the front door, should I want to go out. I asked my husband what could be so important on a Saturday and to stay back with me over the weekend while I am still recovering but he refused not only to stay back but also to disclose his destination, telling me it’s none of my business. I was obviously standing in his way and to move me against my will, he picked me up with both hands cupped around my back and both
  • 8. 8 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. feet off the ground and actually slammed me on the ground hard, hitting my head first. I lost consciousness and my memory when I awoke. According to Bradley, I didn’t know where I was and what was happening when woke up, as I was knocked out cold. My memory of the event was being slammed on the ground and praying the rosary in the kitchen afterwards, with my favorite beads that I brought back from Lourdes; which Bradley broke on purpose. Incident Six Whenwe were livinginMsida - 109 ConceptionStreet - Inoticedanemptywrapperof sleepingtablets on the floorbythe frontdoorof our house, itlookedlikethe emptywrapperjustfell inthatposition??? I askedmyhusbandif the emptywrapperbelongstohimandhe deniedall knowledgeof it,andit sure as hell wasn'tmine,asI wouldratherstayupall nightthantake those things.We were the onlytwoin the house so I couldn'tunderstandit. The nextdayBradleycookedforme, ashe usuallydoesandtheninsistedwe gotobedearlierthan usual,(straightafterdinner),whichwasodd;Icrashedon the couch byaccidentnexttohim - it was Wednesday,late afternoon.Iwoke upFridayataroundlunchtime andthoughtIwasgoingcrazy,until BradleyconfirmeditwasactuallyFriday.Bradleywokeuphung-over,withahintof beeronhisbreath and I couldn'tworkitout. He toldme that I wasgoingcrazyand to thisday,I still can'texplainwhat happened. I askedBradleyif he slippedme some sleepingpillssohe couldgooutand have some funwithoutraising suspicionandhe deniedall,againcallingme crazy.We'll Iam not onanything,sowhat happenedIasked him???Andhe saidthat he'sgot no ideawhatI am talkingabout,his favoritepunchlinewhenplaying the game of denyall! I toldBradleythatnexttime Iam knockedoutlike this,Iwill nothesitateinfilingapolice report, describingwhatjusthappenedandhe can thenanswertothem;he said,goodlucktryingto get themto believe you! Andit happenedagaininthe monthof June,Iwasknockedoutfor12 hoursand woke upwitha splitting headache andbruisesonmyhips(thatwere notthere the nightbefore);asif I’dbeenknockedaround the room while sleeping;again Bradley ‘hadnoideawhatIwas talkingabout’. Incident Seven Since 1am, I have noticedBradleyunderthe candle lightmakingdescreetarremptstoslowlydraghis phone underthe coversandquicklyretractswhenIlookup,uponme hearingmovementbetweenthe sheets- Bradleyposingtobe asleep,buthismindwasonhisphone.Uponfailingtodescreetlyretrieve hisphone fromthe bedside table,he beginstossingandturning,asif I am disturbinghissleep,ensuring to disturbnannaand nannuforback-up;and yethere Iam sittinginthe dark,barelymovingandsaying
  • 9. 9 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. absolutelynothing,withthe screenlightdimmedonmysamsungtabletdimmedtoaprox 25percent. Atapproximately2:20amI checkedhisphone screenforthe correcttime andputthe phone backdown on topof hiswalletandwenttothe toilet.IheardBradleydesperatelyreachingforhisphone,asIexited the bedroomandthought,he toomust be justcheckingthe time. WhenI returnedatapproximately2.29am, hisphone startedvibratingandI reachedforhisphone to keepitquiet,asIhave senthimmessages(thathe oftenreceiveslate,notalwayswhenIsendthem); and one wassentby mistake,asIwasemailingpracticallyinthe dark. As soonas Bradleysawme turn onthe screen,he lunged atme toquicklytake the phone outof myhand but missed,he wasnotsuccessful straightaway,whichgaveme cause forconcern;the split-secondtime lag,gave me the opportunitytobrieflyview hisscreenandthat'swhenIsaw the new message withthe words"I Love YouBabe",that I didnot send;andtakingoffense,Iquicklypresseddelete. Bradleyaggressivelyrustledme onthe bedforhisphone back,hurtingmywristin the processandthen tookthe phone withhim,clutchingittightly,tothe downstairstoilet,turninghisbacktome inthe dark usinghisphone andthe toilet,withinminutesof eachother;the downstairsbathroomisverynarrow and onlyone personata time fitsfacingthe toiletandIam not tallerthanhimand therefore,couldnot see whathe was doingonhisphone. Whenwe returnedbackup tothe bedroom, he wasguardinghisphone asif hislife dependedonit;then because Irefusedtolethimkickme out of the room he said,"whatare youdoing,fuckingcan'tsleepin peace around here",actinglike he isthe one whose harddone by;andI whisperedbacktohim, "your the one talkingnotme"and furtheradded,"whatiswrongwithyouBradley?". There have beenotherincidentslikehairpullingandpushingandspittinginmyface,whichatthatpoint I retaliatedbutnevereverhithim,Ijustspat back;and yesall the emotional abuse aswell,callingme everyname underthe sunthe minute he doesn’tgethiswayanddependsonwho’slisteningtoo. One time he calledme a whore all because Iwantedtofindinternetaccessata local hotel toemail complaintsof DomesticViolence tothe relevantministers,asnannuwasrestrictingaccess(justbefore I got mySamsungDevice),andItoldhimthat yourwhore isthe girl breakingourmarriage not yourwife! The Last Straw I regretto informyouthat myhusbandand I are goingthroughseparation;he hasmade everyeffortto pushme awaysince hisfirstinterviewwiththe MinistryforSocial Solidarity,forthe LEAPProject,which he was certainto be appointedforbefore hisacceptance evencame through.He toldme thatthis positionwaspromisedtohimbya thirdparty (whose identityhe didnotdisclose) andfurther mentionedthatIwasstandinginhisway of gettingthe job;and therefore,he hasto‘getridof me’first. Of course thisdidnotmake anysense until recently,whenhe wentasfaras to breakmy statue of The BlessedVirginMarythatI pray The Holy Rosaryto each morning,asa meansof whathe calls‘gettingrid of me’;whichworkedlike acharm,itcompelledme tothrow hisbags outthe front doorlast Tuesdayon the 22nd July,2014.
  • 10. 10 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. Someone advisedme toforgive himandinthe spiritresolvingthe matterpeacefully,Imetwithhimin personthe followingdayandgave him till Sunday27th of July,2014, to returnback home to reconcile; whichhe failedtodo,as thisjob isobviouslymore importanttohimthanour marriage. TWO DAYS LATER ON THE 24TH JULY,2014; BRADLEY GOT THE JOB VIA EMAIL CONFIRMATION(from ) FOR THE LEAP PROJECT – HE OBVIOUSLYKNEW SOMETHING THAT I DIDN’T!!! I don’tknowif you recall,however,GozoDetectiveshadpromisedBradleytonotonlypersonallylook afterhimbut alsoto pull some stringsandgive himjobsecurityonthe conditionthathe ‘getsrid of me first’...;theyalsopromisedtoline himupwithsomeone more suitableaccordingtotheirstandards,asI was tooold!!! In Decemberit all got too much forBradley who tried to takehis own life; his family intenton blaming me, however,Iwasnotin any way responsibleforthis. Justrecently,Bradleywentontomentionthatthe personwho’sbeenlinedupforhimwill be working alongside himtoensure Iam closedoutof the equationandthiswas,according to Bradley,whatcaused himto bestowsomuch abuse onme to ensure separationonconstructivegroundsandnotbecause he doesn’tlove me –he didinall fairnessgive me anapologyforthisbefore leavingbutof course Ididn’t appreciate it. Bradleyhashad control of myemail account,forquite some time (butnotanymore I hope) andI have noticedsince re-enteringmyaccountwithhispermissionthatall the emailsIhave sent to Marisa and everyone else atthe Ministryof Social Solidarity(priortohisjobconfirmationwiththe LEAP Project) complainingof DomesticViolence,have beendeletedduringthe time thatBradleyhas had control overthisemail account,whichbelongstome. It is my understandingand alsolistedonline that part of the conditionsfor eligibilityforThe Leap Project was that the applicant had to be of ‘good moral character’; (a) I believedomesticviolence is againstthe lawand (b) I alsobelieve thatsince The RomanCatholicReligionisMalta’sReligion,thatany religiousinsultsagainstourreligionwouldnotbe deemedof goodmoral character,especiallywhere there ispropertydamage to myMost LovedAdoredstatue of The BlessedVirginMary;where apolice reportagainstBradleyforsuch behaviorshasbeenfiled. IN TERMS OF POILICE CORRUPTION Australia In Western Australia, I got acquainted with a man called Jasper Singh, via my daughter’s work place, who was from India on a work visa and desperate for Australian Citizenship; with his work visa about to expire. Jasper surprisingly declared his love for me within a few weeks of
  • 11. 11 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. meeting, which I didn’t take too seriously a apparently he was talking to all the Australian girls the same way hoping on would agree to be his wife. I didn’t love him and made no secret of it and the therefore, Jasper thought he’d secure this opportunity by bribing me into marriage with an engagement ring to the value of $10000; which after briefly entertaining the idea, I declined. Soon after, my identification went missing while in his care; my stamped passport application, driver’s license, bank card and concurrent statements and a letter with my signature on it addressed to the Australian Immigration Office complaining of the pressure jasper is placing on my to marry him. His house mate later informed me that detectives had paid jasper a visit in my absence offering their services behind the scenes and further pre-warned me that all my identification that went missing is enough to enable someone to impersonate me and marry jasper into the country based on a bribe; misusing my identity in my absence and that detectives would affectively silence me via the mental health system– who would believe me then? I didn’t really know how to take him and initially laughed it off, which offended him, as I thought to myself, what cop would want to risk that? Everyone knows what Australian’s will do to a member of the most hated force in the country, a cop – a cop in Australia would be lucky to come out of jail alive. Jasper and his house mate also ceased their friendship after that and my son seemed to think it was because there was some truth to what Jasper’s house mate was saying. I stopped talking to Jasper and moved to Sydney with my children and then to New Zealand for a holiday; however my daughter Kristen kept in touch with Jasper via Facebook. Soon after arriving in New Zealand, my daughter Kristen had informed me that Jasper got his permanency and will soon be eligible for Australian Citizenship; Jasper couldn’t for the life of him pass that test into the country how the hell did he get this far, anything is possible I thought to myself and moved on. 2012 I arrived in Malta on the 26th of December, 2012 and wasted no time in filing for Citizenship on the 28th of December, two days later, as dual citizenship was my entitlement. The very next day my auntie whom I was staying with, received a phone call from my mother; and don’t ask me how on earth my mother found out. I overheard the conversation in Maltese and my mother was furious that I was in Malta and even more angry because I was staying with her sister. My mother held my auntie on the phone for a very long time, running me down and further discouraging her support or anybody else's for that matter. Over the telephone, my mother stated
  • 12. 12 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. that I was mentally ill and considered a danger to the community and went on and on… three weeks later I was out on my ass, taking to the streets of Malta. This street life was a first time for me and trying hard to survive in a country that is not yet yours was very diffiecult; however, it was better than returning back to my country! It was winter, I went hungry, slept in the rain and was raped; and the worst part about it is that I COULDN’T EVEN GO TO THE POLICE, as I was not yet a citizen and did not want to run the risk of being ordered to return home when you consider what I had experienced there in the hands of police corruption, among other things! While on the streets of Malta, my uncle saw the poor condition I was in, as he was driving past and approached me. He mentioned that The Australian Federal Police has made contact with the Maltese Authorities and are spreading some pretty serious and concerning information about me; and that when it comes to children’s welfare issues, Malta takes it very seriously. I was very surprised mainly because I left the country on a clean passport and it is my understanding that without a warrant, they had no right to come this far. After explaining that to my uncle, I went on to remind him of my experiences with corrupt authorities in Australia, in particular the level of Police Corruption that I have subjected to for so long. In relation to my children, I did not deny smacking them but absolutely denied assaulting them, which constitutes abuse; which to this day there is still no evidence for except for what Matthew falsified in writing; I further explained the clear difference between discipline and abuse. My uncle said his hands were tied! My citizenship was granted on 1 March, 2013 – before I met my husband! Before leaving my auntie’s house back in January, I found an email that was saved on her desktop computer and it was from my brother Matthew and based on (mostly) a bundle of lies; I could not believe my eyes. After I saw that email, I realized that it wasn’t my auntie’s fault nor any of my uncles nor anyone else’s for that matter, (as after reading it myself) it was evident that they were all kept in the dark, treated like idiots and fed bullshit like mushrooms; I seriously didn’t blame anyone for judging me after that BUT IT CERTAINLY WASN’T FAIR. 2013 - GOZO DETECTIVES My husband and I decided to set up camp at the back of the ‘Ta Pinu Church’; a small tent with a single mattress beneath it for us to share. This was intended as a temporary measure until we found work and could afford suitable accommodation, to obviously distance ourselves from certain family members (and I am not referring to everyone), who did not approve of our relationship, causing us discord. We both understood that we were taking a risk in GOZO but that did not constitute police corruption; however, it was important for our peace of mind. Our first two weeks in Gozo were almost blissful in terms of getting along, as for the first time in a long time, there was nobody standing in our way or getting in the middle of us – and what a difference it made to our ability to relate and get along. Our struggles were mainly to find food and suitable water to drink and HATS OFF THE LOCALS who never failed to give us hot coffee with biscuits and bottles of water, upon knocking on their door; something I thought only happens in Australia.
  • 13. 13 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. After moving around the island to find work opportunities we were told of a local bakery who often disposes of good bread they don’t sell; who gave us consent to collect their left over’s twice a week. Well you can only imagine how much bread we scoffed in our mouths during our first take-in and then we portioned ourselves once we realized that we were not going to go hungry; and it wasn’t just bread we ate, there were prickly pears and melons from open fields that my husband hunted for us to eat with his army knife (LOL) – ‘Oh” they had plenty of them and I don’t think they really minded all that much, they were a very accommodating community. I began asking around for a roof over our heads – you know, me and my big mouth – and judging by my conversation with one of the sweetest old ladies in town, I believe we were on the verge of negotiating accommodation, until such time we found work; put it this way, she was very interested in helping us out and was going to get back to us very soon. The very next day while making our way on foot to collect bread from the bakery – at approximately 7pm – two cars cornered us in the middle of the streets and five detectives jumped out at us… They searched my husband and forced him to empty his pockets. I repeatedly explained that we were only on the way to the bakery to collect bread, which was just around the corner; they ordered us in the car and then escorted us to the Victoria Police Station. One of the detectives who was sitting next to me up against the side door in the back seat, pulled out a cigarette and tried to light it; I asked him not to light it in the car while I am in it and he laughed it off and put it away making fun of me. When we arrived at the station I was ordered to remain at reception under the strict guard of the officers on duty and my husband and I were immediately separated. He was taken in the back room for interrogation. I repeatedly requested to go in with him because he seemed to be pancaking in the back of the car on the way to the station and I was naturally concerned. The police officer said ‘NO’, you will go in there when I tell you to go in there; I realized that she was just taking orders from detectives and I didn’t really blame her in a sense, as she didn’t know the situation in full and probably just trying to do her job. Soon after she brought in gloves to search me; I started emptying the contents from my bag where I standing, near the bar fridge. I tipped my little red bag upside down to show the officers at the counter that I had nothing to hide and by accident, most of the contents fell on the floor to the side of the fridge. As I bent down to try and retrieve them, I was called into the back room to accompany my husband – approximately one hour later. My husband looked like he’s just been through a spin cycle in tumble dryer;;; while detectives continued the interrogation, I immediately took over the conversation in my husband’s defense and answered to all four of them without any help from anyone, as I could see my husband Bradley, was struggling. They demanded to see a marriage certificate there and then at eight o’clock in the evening, to enable us to be in the same room during questioning. They told us that homelessness is illegal and they cannot allow us to continue in Gozo…; and without a marriage certificate they cannot guarantee we’ll stay together. I reminded them that at that hour they were being very unreasonable with regards to their request for evidence of marriage! Detectives then turned their attention to my husband and I was holding the fort for us both and began to question him, requesting he makes decisions on our behalf with regards to our situation in Gozo. I could see that my husband was under enormous pressure, with all four detectives asking him at once the same questions; and again in his defense, I interrupted the conversation and tried to explain to detectives on civil terms that we have made a mutual decision to reside in Gozo because of problems with certain family members who have not accepting me into their family
  • 14. 14 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. unit. Then they started talking amongst themselves in Maltese involving the female police officer, who entered the room later on and to my surprise, both my husband and I heard them saying that I’ve got my husband like a poodle on a leash… because I took the lead in answering to their unreasonable demands. I immediately jumped in and corrected them at once and then of course, I was verbally attacked by all four detectives using this as a method to again separate me from my husband; they ordered the female police officer to escort me to front of the station in the room near reception where I am effectively isolated from my husband. I waited patiently for approximately three hours under the strict guard of police officers who were not giving me any answers under the instruction of detectives. I then reminded the police officer that she is denying me the right to speak with my husband and boy, DID THAT CAUSE A STIR; she started yelling at me making a scene forcing detectives to come running out of the back room and it was stacks on Anna (metaphorically speaking)! The detective wasted no time in ordering me to the hospital for an assessment and of course I did not comply, as I did not deem it necessary – I only asked to speak to my husband, that all. They called an ambulance who took me to the hospital; I was seen by a doctor who after a few minutes discharged me with no concerns lingering. Detectives from behind the curtain were arguing their point quite strongly, but this doctor did his job well and sent me home. He brought in the document that clearly stated my position and that there were no further concerns and when I asked for a copy of it, detectives ordered the nurse (who initially said I could have one) not to hand it to me out under any circumstances. I guess it was a slap in the face for them and it’s about time they got one! Five hours later, back at the station detectives had informed me that my husband does not want to speak with me anymore and that they will be organizing his return to Malta without me; his father was called to collect him. I certainly was not going to take them speaking on his behalf and insisted to speak with my husband first before he leaves; and should it be his will, I will quietly let him go home to his parents. His mother does not allow me in their family home and that would mean I would effectively be prevented from speaking with my husband again (it’s fair to say). Bradley’s father arrived and I was immediately secluded to the front room. Peeking through the gaps of the police officer’s arms I saw my husband come out of the back room. I approached him in a rush with the police on guard and asked him to give me a straight answer, as to whether he wants me to return to Malta with him or not. He looked at the detectives for approval first (who were quite pleased with themselves) and failed to answer me. I turned his attention back onto me and asked him for the last time the same question. My husband held my hand and said ‘yes I want to go back to Malta together but how are we going to do this?’ I told reminded my husband in the presence of his father and officers who were keeping me under their tight guard, that his is a grown man and old enough to make his own decisions in relation to who he wants to be with; which caused a stir among detectives who then went on to accuse me of putting words in his mouth – I did not such thing! I turned to my father-in-law who was present and pleaded with him to allow me in his car in order to return home with my husband, who immediately turned his attention to detectives; detectives advising him against allowing me in his car, putting the poor man under enormous pressure to comply to their unreasonable demands. As I made a second attempt to seek my father-in-law for permission to enter his car, detectives isolated me into the front room and shut the door behind them. I was told that I was under arrest and that anything I say or do will be held against me… They repeatedly asked me if my husband knows everything about my past and I told them, using the broken record technique that ‘my
  • 15. 15 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. husband and I have no secrets, even before marriage’. I asked for a legal representative and was ignored. While I was distracted in the front room behind a closed door that was tightly guarded by police, I heard a car door and my husband’s voice from a distance although I could not quite make out what he was saying. I ran to the window, climbed up on the ledge (as I was too small to see out just by standing on the floor) and noticed my husband being forced into the car like a six year old kid not wanting to comply. I was yelling out at the top of my lungs in hope that my husband would hear me, ‘Bradley, please stay… Bradley, please stay… Bradley, please stay’. The officer told me to shut up and pulled me off the ledge and I kept yelling over the top of her instruction in pure frustration, as I was detained against my will. Then it all went quiet and I knew my husband was on his way to the Gozo Ferries Port (‘the Port’) to return back to Malta in my father-in-law’s car. Detectives were quite pleased with themselves and in an arrogant tone of voice, they opened the door to let me out. I pushed passed the female police officer by accident and in a panic, as I rushed out of the Victoria police station front door and ran as fast as I possibly could heading to ‘the Port’. I knew I was not going to make it on foot no matter how fast I ran as it was nearly two hours away on foot (that’s if you’re just walking); although I was a long distance runner in my youth and a school sports champion, I knew I was not going to make this in time just by running. It was 1:00am (13:00), raining and no one in the streets. I took my shoes off (holding them in my hand) to gain pace and ran with my socks in the pouring rain, everything was getting wet. I looked up to the night sky with tears running from my eyes and yelled out to GOD, saying ‘please God help me, please don’t take my husband from me as well, you’ve already taken everything else that I love, please God, please help me I LOVE YOU’. And then out the blue a four wheel drives comes my way with three in the car, a man, his women and a dog in the back. I jumped out onto the middle of the road right in front of this car wavering my hands in the air forcing him to come to a halt. I assured him that I was not on drugs nor armed. At that point, I would rather have gotten run over and killed than leave my husband behind, so as you can imagine I had to take my chances for whatever it was worth. The driver of the car wound down his window and I pleaded with him to take me to ‘the port’ as a matter of urgency to meet up with my husband in time before he leaves for Malta without me. He hesitated and rightfully so, I can only imagine what I looked like at the time, but then gave his consent on the condition that I’d sit with his dog at the back; I told him ‘at this point, I’d be happy to hang on to the back of his vehicle if it meant I was going to get to my husband in time. On the way and in the pouring rain, I noticed detectives trailing behind, following us closely every step of the way. I asked the driver to go faster who asked me if I know the people in the car behind us. I said, ‘no, just some crazy idiots I guess’. I asked him again to step on the pedal and he looked to his girlfriend for approval, who gave the nod (God bless them both) and off we went. We almost ran a red light and passed my father-in-law’s car as we were approaching ‘the port’ and seeing my husband sitting in the front seat brought me to tears. I ordered the driver to park in front of my father-in- law’s car to block him from going any further and as soon as the driver stopped, I ran out towards the passenger’s door (where my husband was sitting) and opened it and grabbed my husband’s hand; I was shaking in distress, cold, wet and obviously crying. My husband started crying also and pleaded with his father to let me in so we can return to Malta together; but within minutes detectives rolled up in their car alongside us discouraging my father-in-law from letting me in and that if he does, he will then be held accountable for us… While this conversation was taking place, my mother-in-law whom I have no relationship with was on speaker phone in the
  • 16. 16 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. car, listening to it all and giving her instructions, demanding documents. My father-in-law was under enormous pressure but I knew that God is more powerful than corruption and finally after much negotiation, I was allowed in the car and returned to Malta with my husband; detectives said theis is not the end! Detectives were forced to retreat back and as they began driving away, one of them in the front seat stuck his middle finger at me and of course what do you think I did – STUCK IT STRAIGHT BACK UP AT THEM WITH A SMILE and a dried up tear in my eye. When we returned to Malta, my husband alleged the following that happened during his interrogation at the station by the GOZO Detectives:  Australian's are doll bludgers and don't want to work...  Don't get me pregnant or I will hit hard with maintenance (my ex-partners had more to take than my husband and I never touched their money, even though I was entitled to it - I had both father's exempt...)  Detectives claiming I was already married…  Calling me a 'mignuna'...  Further claiming that I was treating him like a poodle on a leash and that if his wife dare treat him like that, he’s slap her in the face Detectives recommended that my husband take a STD test for HIV after sleeping with me  …after 40 year old, women find it hard to conceive  Detectives making fun of my CV that they had handy and told my husband that I have a degree with the university of the streets AND FINALLY - in abusing their power of position tried to bribe my husband with JOB SECURITY should he comply with their wishes to leave me and never speak to me again. According to my husband turn of events, they also offered to take good care of him, as a friend but not as long as he is married to me. They not only broke the criminal code according to my understating of it but also breeched The Police Act itself.., and of course what do you think followed after that? (…it’s all in the book!) We were denied an opportunity to speak directly with the police commissioner of Malta (for whatever reason) and still waiting for an appointment with him??? THERE IS NO EXCUICE GOOD ENOUGH FOR ABUSE! I think at this point it stands to reason that I would not only want to speak with the Prime Minister himself, The Hon. Joseph Muscat but go public - our PM who has wowed to not only enforce the Whistle Blowers Act but also to protect those who come forward, I believe he will absolutely do this because he has a genuine smile! WHAT DO YOU THEIR BEHAVIOR DID TO OUR MARRIAGE THAT WAS ALREADY SUBJECT TO DIVERSITY AND CRITIZISM?
  • 17. 17 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. We had a wildlife hero in Australia who said, ‘Evil flourishes when good men do nothing’ – and it’s about time people find their voices and bloody ‘SPEAK UP - it's not corruption that you should fear because that belongs to the devil - Fear only God! HIS MOTHER – A LETTER FROM MY HUSBAND Bradley Agius 109 Conception Street MSIDA 1/11/2014 Re: Confrontation at Paceville on 1/11/2014 To Whom It May Concern, My wife and I visited the Millennium Chapel in Paceville on Saturday morning the 11th of January for food donations which are handed out on a regular basis. At the office of the said establishment there was a picture of me and my wife with a note which said to call the police. My wife dealt with this note by removing it, and we also informed the priest in charge that there were no problems and that we had already contacted my father via email. We left the Millennium Chapel at about 12:30pm with a box of food and where walking on our way home, when we were confronted by my mother, who was being followed by my dad and my sister. My mother started screaming from the other end of the road and started being abusive towards my wife; she also grabbed a hold of me and refused to let go. She threatened to call the police and sent my father to the police station to get the cops. At one point she became really aggressive and hit my wife in the face twice (and later in the stomach); I had to jump in the middle to stop my mum from hitting my wife once again. My wife did not hit back, she did not raise her voice nor was she abusive at any particular point. My wife’s only request was that she wanted to speak with me for 2 minutes however my mum did not grant this because she kept following and hanging on to me even though I kept telling her to let go and leave me alone. My mum kept insisting that both me and my wife follow her to the police station. As soon as I left I had 2 boxes full of food and clothes and asked him if I could just leave them at the station
  • 18. 18 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. for a few hours but I was not granted this either so I just left the police station with the boxes whilst my family followed right after. I was quite disappointed by the turn of events: First of all I went in there willingly to make a report and I was treated like I was treated like the one in the wrong. Secondly I was detained in the police station agasint my will and when I asked why I was not given a reason; this is a breach of my rights since if I am under arrest I have the right to know the reason why. To add insult to injury, I had handcuffs put on me even though I complied with their unreasonable demands and I was not aggressive in any way Finally I was told that I will be watched and they will keep an eye on me, this is harassment since I have never been accused of committing a crime to merit such behavior. The University of Malta – Motivational Letter First Preference Course Name Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Course Start Date 1 October 2014 To Whom It May Concern, I would like to take this opportunity to apply for the above listed course with The University of Malta, as per my online application for mature age entry. It’s taken me years to figure out what I want to do with my life; I was born into Domestic Violence from the very start and at only twenty one, I was enduring divorce and custody battles, as a result of marital violence fuelled by an alcoholic spouse. I’ve spent sixteen years raising two children single handedly with limited support from extended family members; and the past eighteen months fulfilling my travel dreams, which resulted in a marriage to a local. As a result of blowing the whistle on a police officer for sexual assault in Australia, I’ve been subjected to in-conceivable levels of police corruption carried forward from place to the next, sabotaging the opportunity for perfectly good relationships and the right to a fair go; which throughout
  • 19. 19 Statementof Complaints –The Fundamental Rightsof the EuropeanUnion. the years, has given me a VERY STRONG SENCE FOR JUSTICE and intelligence training beyond my years. As a result of my said experiences, I have represented myself in court dealing with diverse areas of law, in particular, civil and criminal cases. This entailed intensive research of the relevant act’s and the study of sections and sub-sections in preparation for on-coming hearings; and furthermore, compiling and submitting (singlehandedly) all documentation in due course directly with the courts. I’ve also had firsthand experience in cross- examining a witness and from that very moment, my passion to enter the legal arena was born. By scanning through my attached CV, you will discover that I am currently establishing a tell all website and a campaign (starting at a slow pace) to raise awareness of domestic violence among other things, in hope to assist other’s suffering in silence; I am also pursuing appointments with the relevant ministers of Malta in order to move forward. I am very committed and hungry for the opportunity to be counted as a legal representative with a country that is very close to my heart, to put all this experience to good use for the mutual benefit. Thank you, for your time and I look forward to the opportunity of an interview, to further discuss my suitability for entry into The Bachelor of Laws commencing 1st October, 2014. Best Regards, Ms Anne Agius (Gelicrisio) Maltese ID Card: 225213L