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A Gelicrisio (Dyer)
C/- 116 Nicholson Street
Ph: 0450 100 595
November, 2011
Attn: Hon. Grant
Melbourne Children’s Court
477 Little Lonsdale Street
Melbourne 3000
C/c – St Vincent’s Hospital Fitzroy
C/c – Department of Human Services (North & West Metropolitan Region)
Case No# B12570441 & Case No# 5216/2011:
 Kristen Dyer – 21/9/95
 Blake Dyer – 28/2/98
To Whom It May Concern,
I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the interim
“Intervention Order” lodged by the applicant, my parent/s, in my absence
on behalf of my children Kristen and Blake Dyer.
The Application and Summons for an Intervention Order contains
defamatory statements, false accusations and incorrect information in
relation to the reasons “why” such an order is needed.
Here in this letter, I would like to make an application to adjourn
the matter listed for the 10th November, 2011 and have it
rebooked as a contested hearing, separately to Case
No.5216/2011; which will enable the opportunity to contest both
matters and adequately process the volumes of information contained.
 I am currently in hospital; my status is involuntary until possibly
end of November; however, I can make myself available to attend
court on 7th December, 2011, for a contested hearing for the above
mentioned, as per my telephone conversation with Anna McKenzie.
1. The above mentioned order states, “the respondent is my
daughter and the mother of my children, Kristen and Blake,
who I apply for this order for today 9/9/2011.”
1a). The respondent is not the mother of Mr and Ms Gelicrisio’s
1b). The Intervention order in question was supposedly taken out
The same night I was taken into hospital and sectioned by
police (9th September, 2011), who found me in the neighbor’s
lounge room loaning money to pay the taxi fare because my
parents posed to absent from home; and was only served
with the documents for the above mentioned order 18th
October, 2011 (the same afternoon my diagnosis was first
2. The respondent attended my house & threatened to kill me,
“I want to fu**ing kill you…”
2a). The only contact I had with my parents that night was in the
presence of police who found me at the neighbors’ house
because my parents were not home and the police did not
witness such behavior’s.
2b). The police and neighbor’s both stood by and witnessed my
mother’s aggression towards me and that I did not return any
aggression nor exchange words with my parents prior to
entering the family home with police; I took a taxi to
Williamstown answering my son’s distress call to collect him
from my mother house who pretended upon not to be home –
there was no such violence – and therefore, I proceeded to
the neighbor’s home to collect fare for the Taxi waiting
outside, whom the police witnessed upon arrival. I WAS NOT
2C) My mother in displaying aggression was provoking me in the
presence of police officers on the night of the 9/9/2011, into
an aggressive reaction; which I FAILED TO RECIPRICATE.
3. She has serious mental health issues and the CATT Team and
Police both attended the incident
3a). In 2001, I was deemed cleared from all psychiatric illness
after approximately two years of regression therapy, which I
appointed myself to as a result of wanting a new improved
relationship with my mother; who repeatedly beat me and
fractured my wrist as a child and then used my LESS LIKED
siblings to out-number my complaints to school authorities
labeling me as mentally ill AND A COMPULSIVE LIAR from an
early age to mar my complaints.
3b). My mother called the police and I believe she deceived my
son into complying who initially phoned me to collect him
from the family home, due to feeling intimidated by my
mother while in her care – I have not been allowed to speak
with my son since to follow up and/or confirm ANYTHING.
3c). The *CATT Team witnessed the hostility towards me by my
mother who openly discriminated the neighbor’s (who assisted
in paying the taxi fare) based on religious practices in the
presence of both the *CATT Team and Police.
*Please refer to the attached notes dated 8th,
and 19th
September, 2011.
4. She is a Black Belt in Karate and is extremely aggressive by
4a). I got my provisional black belt at 16, which stopped my
mother’s beatings; however it is not kick-boxing and self
control is taught before self defense; it is not an aggressive
sports; it is non-contact and the sports karate style is
designed for tournaments only where you’re trained on a
point system and not on killing anyone; and the last time I
trained for tournaments was at 16 (22 years ago).
4b). I have since had two children and two domestic violent
marriage type relationships, which I fled to a refuge for
not like fighting and am not aggressive by nature.
5. We hid Blake from her at the time of these threats and my
son took Kristen to the police station to seek help. She had
physically abused her children, by hitting them with objects,
starving them and preventing them from going to school or
taking them to the hospital.
5b). My son Blake may have been hid against his will, as my trip to
Williamstown was for the purpose to collect my son; Blake
had telephoned me in distress expressing feelings of
intimidation and fear against my mother; he further claimed
to be manipulated by my mother with his favorite (highly
addictive) computer games.
5c). My daughter Kristen (at 15) had disappeared for three days in
New Zealand after going to a forbidden rave party with her 23
year old work supervisor, Sam, against my will; she became
very angry with me for involving the police and attempting to
expose Sam whom she vowed to protect and wanted to run
off the marry and have babies with.
Under the circumstances, it is not unreasonable to assume
that my mother may have coerced my daughter for support in
lodging false complaints against me AT HER PEAK
ADOLESENCE. This is not my daughter’s first offence involving
police presence; she’s been previously apprehended for shop
lifting at 13 for stealing foundation makeup from Woolworths
in Western Australia (Rockingham) upon me refusing to allow
Kristen to wear it at school (at 13) and therefore refused to
buy it for her.
5d). My son has been homeschooled since 2006 with the
Australian Christian Academy; since taking St Brendan’s
Primary School (Shepparton) to court for abuse of power of
position in relation to forwarding false complaints to DHS
instead of protecting my son at 6 against school yard bullying
(picked on for being different); and further failing in their duty
of care to educate my son on fair terms.
My son is dyslexic like me and instead of providing a teachers
aid, the mentioned school was pushing to refer my son to a
school doctor for ADHD, to administer medication needlessly
and effectively silence him in the classroom.
The school barristers in court pleaded to have all my
witnesses thrown out in fear of opening up a can of worms
that could result in a class action law suit, as there were
plenty other parents complaining of similar experience; in
response to having all my witnesses thrown out, I then
refused to take the stand and the case was dismissed.
6. She has taken the children’s clothing, possessions and
anything that she thought we bugged…
6a). the above statement, as mentioned on the application and
summons for an intervention order, IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS
AND FALSE (not even worth a response)!
6b). I bought my son disigner shoes, skate board and a hat
to the vale of $400 upon returning from New Zealand,
which he still has.
7. There is a PA placing the children in our care…
7a). There may be a conflict of interest and that DHS may have
failed to act impartially; hence my application to the court to
appoint the “Children’s Court Council Clinic” to act as an
impartial body on behalf of my children.
7b). I have made several applications to the court for
adjournments as so to adequately defend against false
allegations mentioned on the subsequent DHS report who
may have failed to act impartially.
My mother who instigated such allegations (and coerced my
daughter for support – outnumbering my complaints using the
siblings I least get along with), has worked for a subsidiary
branch of DHS for many years via the Family day care
Program and hit children in her care, which I threatened to
expose prior to collecting my son on 9/9/2011.
7c). My mother has subjected me to prolonged abuse, in particular
physical assault as a child in her care and it is believed she
has long standing relations with DHS who have placed my
children in her care on the interim; and therefore, it is not
unreasonable to assume that DHS may not have acted
impartially in producing their 19 page report containing
defamatory statements and incorrect information. This
damaging report containing false accusations and incorrect
information is doing all the damage and has been the major
contributing factor for my current diagnosis and treatment
here at the hospital where I am held against my will as an
involuntary patient
7d). The matter in relation to my treatment is listed for a VCAT
Hearing to contest my patient status and diagnosis
(requesting evidence for the alleged abuse I supposedly
subjected my children to, according to the allegation listed on
the DHS report in question)
7e). A second opinion will be sought by another consultant
8. …I am fearful that she will carry through with the threats to
kill us and the children???
8a). My parents have raised me in domestic violence and bestowed
co-dependent, care taking traits on me from an early age; my
memories of my childhood abuse cause me concern of my
children being placed in the care of my parents on the
interim, as I do not believe that my son has been given a
voice; my parents only know how to intimidate and control
through fear by way of example and if anyone should be
scared it should be me because now they are attacking the
very core of my existence.
Thursday 8th
September, 2011
My mother has raised me in a domestic violent house hold, where she subjected
me to years of beatings; put downs and less favourable treatment on a daily
basis, because I did not fit her traditional ideas of a girl, one who cooks and
cleans up after the boys!
My mother and I engaged in heated argument over her disciplinary ideas for my
son Blake, who was at her house spending “boy” time with my father.
The argument with my mother ended with me threatening my mother with the
following statement, “if you so much as put one scratch on my son while he is in
your house spending time with dad, I will not hesitate in calling the police and
reporting you to DHS for not only the abuse you subjected me to as a child
(which never came to light) but also for hitting other people’s children (Ixia and
Nemesia) while in your care during the family day care program that was run by
the Williamstown Council (funded by DHS)”.
My mother Lilly, with so much aggression, promised to use her credibility to
have me locked up and written off as a lunatic and then ensuring my children
are removed from my care permanently; if she was successful in waging war
against me, my complaints and that of my children’s would effectively be
silenced. I ended the conversation by stating, “enjoy Blake while you can
because once I collect him, we won’t be coming back again and that there is a
very good reason why I only visit your mad house once every six years...”
Friday 9th
September, 2011
The next evening my son Blake called me to collect him from my mother’s
house, he was complaining of a sore back and failed to go into detail as to what
happened. By this point he was in my father’s care for a few days since our
return to Melbourne, Victoria; my son seemed scared of my mother, he
complained that she was constantly running me down and felt intimidated by
some of my grown up siblings who regularly visit and often take her side.
During conversation, my son was cut short and call was terminated; upon trying
to phone him back my sister, who was visiting my mother at the time had
refused me the opportunity to talk to my son and also cut me short of
conversation and again the call was terminated.
I called a Taxi immediately, with no money to spare and in a great hurry I
ordered the Taxi Driver to my mother’s house to collect my son; I promised to
pay the bill upon arrival.
When I arrived at my mother house to collect my son, he was nowhere to be
found and no one answered the front door after knocking several times in the
presence of the taxi driver; it seemed no one was home. The taxi driver thought
I was trying to avoid his fare and wanted my mobile phone for insurance. I later
found out that my mother refused to answer the door because she was on the
phone to the police lodging false complaints against me to prevent me from
collecting my son from her care in the case that he would make allegations
against her; the police were on their way.
Not knowing this at the time of arrival, I proceeded to the neighbour’s house to
loan Taxi Fare. Minutes later the police arrived, were looking for me and found
me at my neighbours house collecting fare for the taxi driver parked outside.
Initially I thought police presence was called upon by the Taxi driver who may
have assumed I was avoiding payment of his fare; when I tried to explain the
Taxi issue to the police, they had explained that my mother called them and it
has nothing to do with the Taxi waiting outside; police ordered the taxi to leave.
I accompanied the police to my mother’s house and as I approached the front
gate my mother, in the presence of the police officer (Constable Wormington)
she became very aggressive towards me, name calling me and carrying on in
this manner stating loudly, “I will show you now, I will show you…” I couldn’t
understand how the police officers just stood by and did nothing about my
mother’s aggressive behaviours towards me but still insisted I enter the house;
due to my mother’s aggression I initially hesitated but decided to co-operated
with police as I trusted they would act impartial ensuring my protection.
The police officers had explained in brief that my mother called on them because
she believes that I am a danger to myself and to the community; she was
supported by my adult siblings waiting quietly in the neighbouring kitchen.
The police officer, Constable Wormington, went on to explain that he will be
calling an ambulance who will be accompanied by the CATT Team for an on the
spot assessment and that the CATT Team officer will determine whether I need
to be accompanied to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation or not!
After the ambulance arrived, I was questioned and assessed on my mother
couch by the officer for a period of approximately half an hour; who did not
deemed it necessary for me to be taken into hospital for a psychiatric evaluation
as she clearly stated that I did not meet all 5 criteria of section 8.1 of the Mental
Health Act and therefore I cannot be taken in under section 9 of the ACT;
instead this officer had observed that there is obviously a communication
breakdown between my mother and me and that we need the opportunity to talk
about it. I insisted on seeing my son, as I’ve come to collect him from my
mother’s house, who has prevented me from doing so by not answering the door
at the time of arrival.
My mother was outraged and in a hurry called for a meeting in the kitchen with
the police officers and my adult siblings, outnumbering my complaints, 4 against
The police officer came out of the kitchen and overruled the decision of the CATT
Team Officer, he said there are too many people in the kitchen saying the same
thing and apprehended me under section 10 of the Mental Health Act; I was
driven to the Footscray Emergency Ward in the back of the police van (Patient
Judging by the noise coming from the back window of the house that faces the
road, It’s possible that my son may have been helplessly watching from the
inside and ordered not to come out of the room; as I heard constant knocking
coming from that window on the way over to the police van, as if someone was
desperately trying to grab my attention.
I was very heart broken but co-operated with authority in trust that the police
would do their job well and everything would get sorted out quickly; my mobile
phone was removed and my bag containing a camera and confidential
information confiscated by police.
I was refused phone calls to call for legal advice and to make contact with my
son and was placed under strict police surveillance in the Footscray Hospital
Emergency Ward while waiting for a doctor to see me.
Monday 19th
September, 2011
I had a brief five minute conversation with Amy Rooke who wanted to know if I
think there are private investigators after me. She added, that my brother had
stated that we’ve been on the run for the past few years escaping private
investigators…; I did not agree to an examination with Amy without legal
representation, however, I did roll my eyes and make the following statement,
“there are no private investigators and I think the whole story is ridiculous”; and
that my socio-economic position is the major contributing factor that I have had
several address and not because we were on the run from some rubbish private
investigator story... (despite our rental premises’ being sold quickly during the
property market boom in Western Australia, I still managed to hold down two
major rental properties both for a period of two and a-half years (a) in
Shepparton (Vic) from 2004 to 2007 and (b) in Baldivis (W.A) from 2007 to
The Mental Health Act in Section 8(2)(m), clearly states that “a person
is not to be considered to be mentally ill by reason only of any one or
more of the following; (m) that the person has a particular economic or
social status...”
I made myself clear to Amy during our conversation that my priorities are with
my children and I would like regular contact with my son, Blake, without any
further delay as he is living with my mother who has beaten me as a child in her
care and that understood, I am naturally concerned for his welfare.
Sandeep (Amy’s Assistant Psychiatrist), came to me after lunch and served me
with documentation in preparation for the appeal, scheduled to be heard on
21/9/95; as I did not agree with the contents of the mentioned documentation, I
wanted an opportunity to formally respond.
Referring to the information contained within the prepared document, I voiced
errors directly with Sandeep and at one point stating “that I never agreed to
medication but was simply given an ultimatum between the needle or
the pill”…; I further discussed the possibility of taking my medication later on
that same evening, as a one off allowance, to enable me a reliable response in
writing and to produce court ready documentation before the mentioned
(scheduled) date.
I approached the nurses desk and asked to speak with my duty nurse, Ekura,
wanting to ask her if it would be ok for me to take my medication after
10:30pm, as I have an appeal approaching fast – that I may be forced to
represent myself – and feel I may need to work till late completing my
responses in due course? I further explained that I needed to be RELIABLE IN
Ekura said “NO”, even after explaining to her that I had discussed it Sandeep
and he didn’t seem to have a problem with my reasoning.
Ekura out of the blue became very aggressive, as she did not believe my
communication with Sandeep had taken place; she began shouting at me from
over the counter calling me a “MANIPULATOR AND A LIAR” and further stating
that “I AM A VERY ANGRY GIRL”; her tone of voice was hostile and uninviting
and Ekura’s behaviour was out of control, ultimately making an example out of
me to all present (co-patients and staff alike who failed to intervene).
I was not, under any circumstances, going to allow Ekura to provoke a negative
reaction out of me, as I was trying to avoid the HD Ward and isolation, so I just
let her carry on and began to write her put down’s on paper (as I was standing
on the other side of the front counter)…
Ekura became outranged of my attempts to document her words and with force,
she snatched my documentation from under me (containing legal notes in
relation to the on-coming appeal), and stormed out, forcing me to follow her into
the computer room (to retrieve my confidential documents) where I was isolated
and out of sight from other patients, subjected to abuse and falsely accused of
staff splitting.
In the computer room, Ekura, was shouting at me cheek to cheek flying false
accusation at me, belittling me, standing over me and further spiting in my face
with each word she spoke; I blatantly refused to engage, as my martial arts
background has taught me self controlbefore self defence.
With each pause I would respond by simply stating “I am not doing this with you
right now and especially not like this”; Ekura then said, “black belt huh, what
about it huh, black belt, yeah black belt huh…”.
I might have been very good at sports orientated karate when I was
sixteen (twenty-two years ago) but I don’t like fighting and am not
aggressive by nature; and therefore I refused to return Ekura’s
In a same tone calm voice and careful not to fuel her, I used the broken record
technique and repeatedly asked her to stop shouting and start talking and that I
am not going to engage with her on such terms.
Ekura then went on to accuse me of giving legal advice and said IN A RAGE,
“how dare you give patients legal advice, six patients have said so” and “don’t
you ever dare type out a legal will for Sharon again, She would never have
known to ask for that on her own”. I tried to explain, as stated a number of
times that it’s simply not my place to give legal advice and that I did not type
out a legal will for anyone (I wouldn’t even know how to do it for myself let
alone anyone else), as I am not a qualified legal practitioner; I continued to add
that when she is calm, I would be more than happy to sit down and resolve any
issues of concern directly with her”…
SHE STORMED OUT AND CLOSED THE DOOR while I was still standing inside the
computer room by the doorway.
I couldn’t help thinking that if it was me who behaved in such a way towards a
staff member - if I had of so much as retaliated or even just acted in self
defence - I would have been locked away in the High Dependency Unit, punished
with injections and information in relation to such behaviours promptly added to
my hospital files!
I asked Mel (the A.C.N.), if she could as a matter of urgency mediate
communication with Ekura and me, briefly explaining that I was subjected to
bullying and concerned with the level of false accusations, which could have an
adverse effect on my treatment; I also requested not to be placed in Ekura’s
care again as I cannot possibly be expected to trust her again.
Mel kindly agreed and during mediation, Mel informed me for the first
time about the nursing management plan informing me that I could only
approach the bench once every hour; I was more than happy to comply
despite having to legally represent myself in a complicated matter that I am not
qualified to take on and therefore, needing staff assistance more frequently than
other patients with different circumstances.
It is my understanding that the above mentioned incident is a failure of duty of
care by the offending person; to protect vulnerable patients from harm and a
failure to care for such a patient in a supportive and professional environment –
breech of The Mental Health Act, Section 6A (a), “people with a Mental Disorder
should be provided with timely and high quality treatment and care...” and is
also an offence under the law of “Totrs”; no apology was made by Ekura to
correct her unacceptable behaviours in this instance.
I would like kindly make an application to the courts for the
following requests:
Thank you, for your time and I if you require any further information,
please don’t hesitate to contact me on my details provided above.
Best Regards,
A Gelicrisio (Dyer)

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Intervention Order - Response and Adjournment for 10Nov2011

  • 1. A Gelicrisio (Dyer) C/- 116 Nicholson Street FITZROY, VIC 3056 Ph: 0450 100 595 3rd November, 2011 CONFIDENTIAL COURT REPORT STATMENT OF REASONS RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION ORDER BY APPLICANT – CASE No.B12570441 Attn: Hon. Grant Melbourne Children’s Court 477 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne 3000 C/c – St Vincent’s Hospital Fitzroy C/c – Department of Human Services (North & West Metropolitan Region) Case No# B12570441 & Case No# 5216/2011:  Kristen Dyer – 21/9/95  Blake Dyer – 28/2/98 To Whom It May Concern, I would like to take this opportunity to respond to the interim “Intervention Order” lodged by the applicant, my parent/s, in my absence on behalf of my children Kristen and Blake Dyer. The Application and Summons for an Intervention Order contains defamatory statements, false accusations and incorrect information in relation to the reasons “why” such an order is needed. Here in this letter, I would like to make an application to adjourn the matter listed for the 10th November, 2011 and have it rebooked as a contested hearing, separately to Case No.5216/2011; which will enable the opportunity to contest both matters and adequately process the volumes of information contained.  I am currently in hospital; my status is involuntary until possibly end of November; however, I can make myself available to attend court on 7th December, 2011, for a contested hearing for the above mentioned, as per my telephone conversation with Anna McKenzie.
  • 2. IN RESPONSE TO REASONS “WHY” SUCH AN ORDER SHOULD NOT BE GRANTED, PREVENTING CONTACT WITH MY CHILDREN WHOM I HAVE RAISED SINGLE HANDEDLY FOR THE PAST 16 YEARS: 1. The above mentioned order states, “the respondent is my daughter and the mother of my children, Kristen and Blake, who I apply for this order for today 9/9/2011.” 1a). The respondent is not the mother of Mr and Ms Gelicrisio’s children. 1b). The Intervention order in question was supposedly taken out The same night I was taken into hospital and sectioned by police (9th September, 2011), who found me in the neighbor’s lounge room loaning money to pay the taxi fare because my parents posed to absent from home; and was only served with the documents for the above mentioned order 18th October, 2011 (the same afternoon my diagnosis was first made). 2. The respondent attended my house & threatened to kill me, “I want to fu**ing kill you…” 2a). The only contact I had with my parents that night was in the presence of police who found me at the neighbors’ house because my parents were not home and the police did not witness such behavior’s. 2b). The police and neighbor’s both stood by and witnessed my mother’s aggression towards me and that I did not return any aggression nor exchange words with my parents prior to entering the family home with police; I took a taxi to Williamstown answering my son’s distress call to collect him from my mother house who pretended upon not to be home – there was no such violence – and therefore, I proceeded to the neighbor’s home to collect fare for the Taxi waiting outside, whom the police witnessed upon arrival. I WAS NOT VOILENT NOR AGGRESSIVE, NOT IN FRONT OF MY PATENTS, NOT INFORNT OF THE POLICE, NOR IN THE PRESENCE OF STAFF AND CO-PATIENTS DURING MY ENTIRE STAY AT THE HOSPITAL TO DATE; WHICH DR SANDEEP FROM THE MERCY WERRIBEE HOSPITAL HAD CLEARLY NOTED ON MY PATIENT FILE. 2C) My mother in displaying aggression was provoking me in the presence of police officers on the night of the 9/9/2011, into an aggressive reaction; which I FAILED TO RECIPRICATE.
  • 3. 3. She has serious mental health issues and the CATT Team and Police both attended the incident 3a). In 2001, I was deemed cleared from all psychiatric illness after approximately two years of regression therapy, which I appointed myself to as a result of wanting a new improved relationship with my mother; who repeatedly beat me and fractured my wrist as a child and then used my LESS LIKED siblings to out-number my complaints to school authorities labeling me as mentally ill AND A COMPULSIVE LIAR from an early age to mar my complaints. 3b). My mother called the police and I believe she deceived my son into complying who initially phoned me to collect him from the family home, due to feeling intimidated by my mother while in her care – I have not been allowed to speak with my son since to follow up and/or confirm ANYTHING. 3c). The *CATT Team witnessed the hostility towards me by my mother who openly discriminated the neighbor’s (who assisted in paying the taxi fare) based on religious practices in the presence of both the *CATT Team and Police. *Please refer to the attached notes dated 8th, 9th and 19th September, 2011. 4. She is a Black Belt in Karate and is extremely aggressive by nature… 4a). I got my provisional black belt at 16, which stopped my mother’s beatings; however it is not kick-boxing and self control is taught before self defense; it is not an aggressive sports; it is non-contact and the sports karate style is designed for tournaments only where you’re trained on a point system and not on killing anyone; and the last time I trained for tournaments was at 16 (22 years ago). 4b). I have since had two children and two domestic violent marriage type relationships, which I fled to a refuge for protection; UNLESS I AM CORNERED, I DO NOT FIGHT BACK, I RUN FROM DANGER AS MY FIRST INITIAL REACTION; I do not like fighting and am not aggressive by nature. 5. We hid Blake from her at the time of these threats and my son took Kristen to the police station to seek help. She had physically abused her children, by hitting them with objects,
  • 4. starving them and preventing them from going to school or taking them to the hospital. 5a). I DID NOT ABUSE, NEGLECT NOR STARVE MY CHILDREN; THESE ARE FALSE ACCUSATION AND INCORRECT. 5b). My son Blake may have been hid against his will, as my trip to Williamstown was for the purpose to collect my son; Blake had telephoned me in distress expressing feelings of intimidation and fear against my mother; he further claimed to be manipulated by my mother with his favorite (highly addictive) computer games. 5c). My daughter Kristen (at 15) had disappeared for three days in New Zealand after going to a forbidden rave party with her 23 year old work supervisor, Sam, against my will; she became very angry with me for involving the police and attempting to expose Sam whom she vowed to protect and wanted to run off the marry and have babies with. Under the circumstances, it is not unreasonable to assume that my mother may have coerced my daughter for support in lodging false complaints against me AT HER PEAK ADOLESENCE. This is not my daughter’s first offence involving police presence; she’s been previously apprehended for shop lifting at 13 for stealing foundation makeup from Woolworths in Western Australia (Rockingham) upon me refusing to allow Kristen to wear it at school (at 13) and therefore refused to buy it for her. 5d). My son has been homeschooled since 2006 with the Australian Christian Academy; since taking St Brendan’s Primary School (Shepparton) to court for abuse of power of position in relation to forwarding false complaints to DHS instead of protecting my son at 6 against school yard bullying (picked on for being different); and further failing in their duty of care to educate my son on fair terms. My son is dyslexic like me and instead of providing a teachers aid, the mentioned school was pushing to refer my son to a school doctor for ADHD, to administer medication needlessly and effectively silence him in the classroom. The school barristers in court pleaded to have all my witnesses thrown out in fear of opening up a can of worms that could result in a class action law suit, as there were plenty other parents complaining of similar experience; in response to having all my witnesses thrown out, I then refused to take the stand and the case was dismissed.
  • 5. 6. She has taken the children’s clothing, possessions and anything that she thought we bugged… 6a). the above statement, as mentioned on the application and summons for an intervention order, IS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS AND FALSE (not even worth a response)! 6b). I bought my son disigner shoes, skate board and a hat to the vale of $400 upon returning from New Zealand, which he still has. 7. There is a PA placing the children in our care… 7a). There may be a conflict of interest and that DHS may have failed to act impartially; hence my application to the court to appoint the “Children’s Court Council Clinic” to act as an impartial body on behalf of my children. 7b). I have made several applications to the court for adjournments as so to adequately defend against false allegations mentioned on the subsequent DHS report who may have failed to act impartially. My mother who instigated such allegations (and coerced my daughter for support – outnumbering my complaints using the siblings I least get along with), has worked for a subsidiary branch of DHS for many years via the Family day care Program and hit children in her care, which I threatened to expose prior to collecting my son on 9/9/2011. 7c). My mother has subjected me to prolonged abuse, in particular physical assault as a child in her care and it is believed she has long standing relations with DHS who have placed my children in her care on the interim; and therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume that DHS may not have acted impartially in producing their 19 page report containing defamatory statements and incorrect information. This damaging report containing false accusations and incorrect information is doing all the damage and has been the major contributing factor for my current diagnosis and treatment here at the hospital where I am held against my will as an involuntary patient 7d). The matter in relation to my treatment is listed for a VCAT Hearing to contest my patient status and diagnosis (requesting evidence for the alleged abuse I supposedly subjected my children to, according to the allegation listed on the DHS report in question)
  • 6. 7e). A second opinion will be sought by another consultant psychiatrist. 8. …I am fearful that she will carry through with the threats to kill us and the children??? 8a). My parents have raised me in domestic violence and bestowed co-dependent, care taking traits on me from an early age; my memories of my childhood abuse cause me concern of my children being placed in the care of my parents on the interim, as I do not believe that my son has been given a voice; my parents only know how to intimidate and control through fear by way of example and if anyone should be scared it should be me because now they are attacking the very core of my existence. 8b). I LOVE MY CHIDREN AND HAVE NOT COPED VERY WELL WITHOUT THEM, CURRENTLY FIGHTING DEPRESSION. 8c). IN LIFE, I REALISE THAT IT’S NOT ABOUT MONEY, IT’S ABOUT PROVIDING ENOUGH FOR YOUR FAMILY TO GET BY AND TO ACHIEVE HAPPINESS TOGETHER AND I AM VERY CAPABLE OF THIS; AND THE RIGHT TO MY CHILDREN THAT I HAVE SPENT THE BEST YEARS OF MY LIFE RAISING AS A SINGLE PARENT FOR SO MANY SUCCESSFUL YEARS. 8d). I AM NOT ANGRY WITH MY MOTHER, I’M JUST VERY DISAPPOINTED THAT SHE TRIED TO TAKE SOMETHING FROM ME THAT I HAVE DEVOTED ALL MY LIFE TO LOOKING AFTER AND LIVE FOR; AND TO TAKE SOMETHING THAT’S VERY CLOSE TO MY HEART. 8e). I CAN NOT HELP THE HAND I WAS DEALT AS A CHILD IN MY MOTHER’S CARE, HOWEVER, MY CHILDREN ARE THE ONLY FAMILY I’VE EVER HAD AFTER THAT AND I CAN NOT IMAGINE A LIFE WITHOUT THEM. Thursday 8th September, 2011 My mother has raised me in a domestic violent house hold, where she subjected me to years of beatings; put downs and less favourable treatment on a daily basis, because I did not fit her traditional ideas of a girl, one who cooks and cleans up after the boys! My mother and I engaged in heated argument over her disciplinary ideas for my son Blake, who was at her house spending “boy” time with my father. The argument with my mother ended with me threatening my mother with the following statement, “if you so much as put one scratch on my son while he is in your house spending time with dad, I will not hesitate in calling the police and reporting you to DHS for not only the abuse you subjected me to as a child
  • 7. (which never came to light) but also for hitting other people’s children (Ixia and Nemesia) while in your care during the family day care program that was run by the Williamstown Council (funded by DHS)”. My mother Lilly, with so much aggression, promised to use her credibility to have me locked up and written off as a lunatic and then ensuring my children are removed from my care permanently; if she was successful in waging war against me, my complaints and that of my children’s would effectively be silenced. I ended the conversation by stating, “enjoy Blake while you can because once I collect him, we won’t be coming back again and that there is a very good reason why I only visit your mad house once every six years...” Friday 9th September, 2011 The next evening my son Blake called me to collect him from my mother’s house, he was complaining of a sore back and failed to go into detail as to what happened. By this point he was in my father’s care for a few days since our return to Melbourne, Victoria; my son seemed scared of my mother, he complained that she was constantly running me down and felt intimidated by some of my grown up siblings who regularly visit and often take her side. During conversation, my son was cut short and call was terminated; upon trying to phone him back my sister, who was visiting my mother at the time had refused me the opportunity to talk to my son and also cut me short of conversation and again the call was terminated. I called a Taxi immediately, with no money to spare and in a great hurry I ordered the Taxi Driver to my mother’s house to collect my son; I promised to pay the bill upon arrival. When I arrived at my mother house to collect my son, he was nowhere to be found and no one answered the front door after knocking several times in the presence of the taxi driver; it seemed no one was home. The taxi driver thought I was trying to avoid his fare and wanted my mobile phone for insurance. I later found out that my mother refused to answer the door because she was on the phone to the police lodging false complaints against me to prevent me from collecting my son from her care in the case that he would make allegations against her; the police were on their way. Not knowing this at the time of arrival, I proceeded to the neighbour’s house to loan Taxi Fare. Minutes later the police arrived, were looking for me and found me at my neighbours house collecting fare for the taxi driver parked outside. Initially I thought police presence was called upon by the Taxi driver who may have assumed I was avoiding payment of his fare; when I tried to explain the Taxi issue to the police, they had explained that my mother called them and it has nothing to do with the Taxi waiting outside; police ordered the taxi to leave. I accompanied the police to my mother’s house and as I approached the front gate my mother, in the presence of the police officer (Constable Wormington) she became very aggressive towards me, name calling me and carrying on in this manner stating loudly, “I will show you now, I will show you…” I couldn’t understand how the police officers just stood by and did nothing about my mother’s aggressive behaviours towards me but still insisted I enter the house; due to my mother’s aggression I initially hesitated but decided to co-operated with police as I trusted they would act impartial ensuring my protection.
  • 8. The police officers had explained in brief that my mother called on them because she believes that I am a danger to myself and to the community; she was supported by my adult siblings waiting quietly in the neighbouring kitchen. The police officer, Constable Wormington, went on to explain that he will be calling an ambulance who will be accompanied by the CATT Team for an on the spot assessment and that the CATT Team officer will determine whether I need to be accompanied to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation or not! After the ambulance arrived, I was questioned and assessed on my mother couch by the officer for a period of approximately half an hour; who did not deemed it necessary for me to be taken into hospital for a psychiatric evaluation as she clearly stated that I did not meet all 5 criteria of section 8.1 of the Mental Health Act and therefore I cannot be taken in under section 9 of the ACT; instead this officer had observed that there is obviously a communication breakdown between my mother and me and that we need the opportunity to talk about it. I insisted on seeing my son, as I’ve come to collect him from my mother’s house, who has prevented me from doing so by not answering the door at the time of arrival. My mother was outraged and in a hurry called for a meeting in the kitchen with the police officers and my adult siblings, outnumbering my complaints, 4 against 1. The police officer came out of the kitchen and overruled the decision of the CATT Team Officer, he said there are too many people in the kitchen saying the same thing and apprehended me under section 10 of the Mental Health Act; I was driven to the Footscray Emergency Ward in the back of the police van (Patient No#975103). Judging by the noise coming from the back window of the house that faces the road, It’s possible that my son may have been helplessly watching from the inside and ordered not to come out of the room; as I heard constant knocking coming from that window on the way over to the police van, as if someone was desperately trying to grab my attention. I was very heart broken but co-operated with authority in trust that the police would do their job well and everything would get sorted out quickly; my mobile phone was removed and my bag containing a camera and confidential information confiscated by police. I was refused phone calls to call for legal advice and to make contact with my son and was placed under strict police surveillance in the Footscray Hospital Emergency Ward while waiting for a doctor to see me. Monday 19th September, 2011 I had a brief five minute conversation with Amy Rooke who wanted to know if I think there are private investigators after me. She added, that my brother had stated that we’ve been on the run for the past few years escaping private investigators…; I did not agree to an examination with Amy without legal representation, however, I did roll my eyes and make the following statement, “there are no private investigators and I think the whole story is ridiculous”; and that my socio-economic position is the major contributing factor that I have had several address and not because we were on the run from some rubbish private investigator story... (despite our rental premises’ being sold quickly during the property market boom in Western Australia, I still managed to hold down two
  • 9. major rental properties both for a period of two and a-half years (a) in Shepparton (Vic) from 2004 to 2007 and (b) in Baldivis (W.A) from 2007 to 2009. The Mental Health Act in Section 8(2)(m), clearly states that “a person is not to be considered to be mentally ill by reason only of any one or more of the following; (m) that the person has a particular economic or social status...” I made myself clear to Amy during our conversation that my priorities are with my children and I would like regular contact with my son, Blake, without any further delay as he is living with my mother who has beaten me as a child in her care and that understood, I am naturally concerned for his welfare. Sandeep (Amy’s Assistant Psychiatrist), came to me after lunch and served me with documentation in preparation for the appeal, scheduled to be heard on 21/9/95; as I did not agree with the contents of the mentioned documentation, I wanted an opportunity to formally respond. Referring to the information contained within the prepared document, I voiced errors directly with Sandeep and at one point stating “that I never agreed to medication but was simply given an ultimatum between the needle or the pill”…; I further discussed the possibility of taking my medication later on that same evening, as a one off allowance, to enable me a reliable response in writing and to produce court ready documentation before the mentioned (scheduled) date. I approached the nurses desk and asked to speak with my duty nurse, Ekura, wanting to ask her if it would be ok for me to take my medication after 10:30pm, as I have an appeal approaching fast – that I may be forced to represent myself – and feel I may need to work till late completing my responses in due course? I further explained that I needed to be RELIABLE IN DOCUMENTING INFORMATION and that I CAN NOT BE SEDATED WHILE TRYING TO PRODUCE COURT DOCUMENTATION, AS IT WOULD HEAVILY COMPROMISE MY MEMORY, ENERGY LEVELS AND RELIABILITY. Ekura said “NO”, even after explaining to her that I had discussed it Sandeep and he didn’t seem to have a problem with my reasoning. Ekura out of the blue became very aggressive, as she did not believe my communication with Sandeep had taken place; she began shouting at me from over the counter calling me a “MANIPULATOR AND A LIAR” and further stating that “I AM A VERY ANGRY GIRL”; her tone of voice was hostile and uninviting and Ekura’s behaviour was out of control, ultimately making an example out of me to all present (co-patients and staff alike who failed to intervene). I was not, under any circumstances, going to allow Ekura to provoke a negative reaction out of me, as I was trying to avoid the HD Ward and isolation, so I just let her carry on and began to write her put down’s on paper (as I was standing on the other side of the front counter)… Ekura became outranged of my attempts to document her words and with force, she snatched my documentation from under me (containing legal notes in relation to the on-coming appeal), and stormed out, forcing me to follow her into the computer room (to retrieve my confidential documents) where I was isolated
  • 10. and out of sight from other patients, subjected to abuse and falsely accused of staff splitting. In the computer room, Ekura, was shouting at me cheek to cheek flying false accusation at me, belittling me, standing over me and further spiting in my face with each word she spoke; I blatantly refused to engage, as my martial arts background has taught me self controlbefore self defence. With each pause I would respond by simply stating “I am not doing this with you right now and especially not like this”; Ekura then said, “black belt huh, what about it huh, black belt, yeah black belt huh…”. I might have been very good at sports orientated karate when I was sixteen (twenty-two years ago) but I don’t like fighting and am not aggressive by nature; and therefore I refused to return Ekura’s challenge. In a same tone calm voice and careful not to fuel her, I used the broken record technique and repeatedly asked her to stop shouting and start talking and that I am not going to engage with her on such terms. Ekura then went on to accuse me of giving legal advice and said IN A RAGE, “how dare you give patients legal advice, six patients have said so” and “don’t you ever dare type out a legal will for Sharon again, She would never have known to ask for that on her own”. I tried to explain, as stated a number of times that it’s simply not my place to give legal advice and that I did not type out a legal will for anyone (I wouldn’t even know how to do it for myself let alone anyone else), as I am not a qualified legal practitioner; I continued to add that when she is calm, I would be more than happy to sit down and resolve any issues of concern directly with her”… SHE STORMED OUT AND CLOSED THE DOOR while I was still standing inside the computer room by the doorway. I couldn’t help thinking that if it was me who behaved in such a way towards a staff member - if I had of so much as retaliated or even just acted in self defence - I would have been locked away in the High Dependency Unit, punished with injections and information in relation to such behaviours promptly added to my hospital files! I asked Mel (the A.C.N.), if she could as a matter of urgency mediate communication with Ekura and me, briefly explaining that I was subjected to bullying and concerned with the level of false accusations, which could have an adverse effect on my treatment; I also requested not to be placed in Ekura’s care again as I cannot possibly be expected to trust her again. Mel kindly agreed and during mediation, Mel informed me for the first time about the nursing management plan informing me that I could only approach the bench once every hour; I was more than happy to comply despite having to legally represent myself in a complicated matter that I am not qualified to take on and therefore, needing staff assistance more frequently than other patients with different circumstances. It is my understanding that the above mentioned incident is a failure of duty of care by the offending person; to protect vulnerable patients from harm and a failure to care for such a patient in a supportive and professional environment – breech of The Mental Health Act, Section 6A (a), “people with a Mental Disorder should be provided with timely and high quality treatment and care...” and is
  • 11. also an offence under the law of “Totrs”; no apology was made by Ekura to correct her unacceptable behaviours in this instance. I would like kindly make an application to the courts for the following requests: ACCESS TO MY SON BLAKE DYER HERE AT THE HOSPITAL UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF MEDICAL STAFF ONLY AND NOT THE SUPERVISION OF DHS NOR THAT OF FAMILY MEMBERS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MY PARENTS. ACCESS TO TAKE PLACE EVERY FRIDAY AND SUNDAY FROM 4PM TO 7PM ON EACH DAY AND THEN TO HAVE THE ABOVE REVIEWED IN COURT UPON DISCHARGE FROM THE HOSPITAL, AS I AM EMPLOYED AND HAVE A STABLE ROOF OVER MY HEAD TO MOVE ONTO. Thank you, for your time and I if you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me on my details provided above. Best Regards, A Gelicrisio (Dyer)