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Managing Time effectively
What is Time Management?
Time management is making wise scheduling decisions which involve self-
discipline and delayed gratification.
◦ Organization of activities so you can get it all done
◦ Setting priorities so you know you can do the most important things first
◦ Establishing goals and intentionally managing your life instead of reacting to events
or drifting aimlessly through life
Check Up
Are you managing time or is time managing you?
A simple “Yes" or “No" response will help you to decide.
◦ I frequently need to respond to crises or put out fires.
◦ I have little time for actually planning ahead and sorting out priorities.
◦ When I leave work "on time," I feel guilty or anxious because of what has been left undone.
◦ I have trouble devoting the time and energy I would like to family and/or friends.
◦ Even when I'm "off duty," I find it difficult to quit thinking about what is happening at work.
◦ I often find myself caught up in busy work or trivia.
◦ I don't have sufficient time to devote to activities that build my professional reputation.
◦ Just keeping my head above water is about all I can hope for.
◦ I have trouble finding a time management system that works well for me.
◦ It's often the same few problems or people that take up a large chunk of my time.
Responding “Yes" to even one or two of these statements may indicate time management difficulties.
Costing your time to the organization
◦ Estimating value
◦ 1.5 X annual salary/ Working hours per year
= Cost per hour
◦ Cost per hour/60
= Cost per minute
The Problem with managing TIME
According to a survey, employees in an organization waste
about 2 hours per day.
Signs of time wasting:
◦ Messy desk and cluttered (or no) files
◦ Can’t find things
◦ Miss appointments, need to reschedule them late and/or
unprepared for meetings
◦ Volunteer to do things other people should do
◦ Tired/unable to concentrate
Common Problems
◦ Making the task appear bigger than it is
◦ Underestimating the time required
◦ Leaving things to the last minute
◦ Wasting time
◦ Missing deadlines
◦ Arriving late
◦ Putting things off
◦ Interruptions/distractions
Time Vampires
◦ The internet / e-mail
◦ Waiting Time
◦ The telephone / Interruptions
◦ Lack of planning / Hurrying / Underestimating Time
◦ Procrastination / Disorganization
◦ Overscheduling / Can’t say no
◦ Unrealistic demands on self & others
◦ Crises
What can we do?
- Recognize that obstacles exist
- Identify them
- Employ strategies to overcome
Time Management Models
◦ ABC Technique (Alan Lakein)
- List goals
- Assign priorities
- Decide tasks necessary to meet goals
- Create "To Do" list
• Natural Laws Technique (Ben Franklin)
- Use a daily planner
- Deal with time robbers
- Identify your behavior
• Time Management Protocol (Brunicardi & Hobson)
- Analyze use of time
- Set goals (professional, family & personal)
- Organize day around goals
Time Management Models
◦ Time Management Matrix Technique (Steve Covey)
 I-Important & urgent
 II-Important & not urgent
 III-Not important & urgent
 IV-Not important & not urgent
Time Management Matrix
These are activities that need to take
precedence over everything else. E.g.
Finishing a report that might influence
whether or not you get a promotion.
These actions require very little thought
and are often quite simply reacted on.
These activities include sorting and paying
bills; discussing the upcoming vacation time
with your family.
Urgency often screams importance, but
on careful examination, most of these
urgent matters hold very little long term
value. Speeding for the fear of being
late, answering some phone calls and
leaving work to return a phone call from
a number that is unknown to you are
some examples of urgent but not of
These activities are often for fun. This
category is comprised of such activities as
watching television, catching up on gossip,
sorting out junk mail etc.
Strategies for Managing Time effectively
1. Set SMART Goals
◦ Specific
◦ Measurable
◦ Achievable
◦ Realistic
◦ Time-based
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
2. Prioritize
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
Thoughts to Ponder on….
One person’s trash is another’s treasure
Think of every request as an opportunity to negotiate!
◦ Use the 80-20 rule originally stated by the Italian economist Pareto.
◦ 80% of the outcome comes from 20% of the tasks.
◦ Identify the 20% that is most important and then prioritize your time to concentrate the most effort on those items.
◦ Flag items according to importance by giving them an A, B or C priority, with
A being highest priority.
◦ Set deadlines for tasks to focus on your priorities.
Techniques to Prioritize
1. Address the urgent
2. Accomplish what you can early
3. Attach deadlines to things you delay
3. Organize
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
a) Using the Outlook Calendar
b) Using Flags in Outlook
• In the Flag section of the message, left click to set the default red flag, or right-click
to select a different color and follow up information.
• Click Add Reminder to set a date and time for a reminder.
You can flag messages in your Inbox to help you in following-up .
c) Using Tasks in Outlook
Tasks are helpful for keeping track of your “to do” list. There are three ways to add new
◦ Double click an empty line on the tasks page or Click “New” from the tasks page.
◦ A new window titled “Untitled – task” will open. You can add your task here.
◦ You can add reminder to tasks by checking the “Reminder” box.
◦ This will help you manage your time well and complete your tasks in time.
d) Using Time Log sheet
Use the Time Log sheet to monitor how much time you spend on various
Time Activity Time used (minutes) Category
Drop-ins /
Ad hoc
Meetings Paperwork
e) Using TO Do Lists
◦ Break things down into small steps
◦ Like a child cleaning his/her room - do the ugliest thing first
The four-quadrant TO DO List
1 2
3 4
Due Soon Not Due Soon
4. Learn when to say “NO”
• You can’t do everything
• Don’t undertake things you can’t complete
• Remain consistent to your goals
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
5. Concentrate on the task at hand
◦ Focus on your goal
◦ Tune out interruptions
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
6. Planning
◦ Failing to plan is planning to fail
◦ Plan Each Day, Each Week, Each Month
◦ You can always change your plan, but only once you have one!
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
7. Procrastination
◦ Distractions that prevent you from starting a task
◦ Concentrating on the “not important” and “not urgent”
◦ May arise from uncertainty about how to do the task or its necessity
1. Set SMART Goals
2. Prioritize
3. Organize
4. Say NO
5. Concentrate
6. Plan
7. Procrastinate
Ways to Procrastinate
◦ Clear the decks
◦ Get stuck in
◦ Short time limits
◦ Activate your tasks!
◦ Read-walk technique
◦ Avoid distractions
Handy Tips
◦ Clutter is death; it leads to thrashing. Keep desk clear: focus on one thing at a
◦ A good file system is essential
◦ Touch each piece of paper once
◦ Touch each piece of email once; your inbox is not your TODO list
◦ Keep calls short; stand during call
◦ Start by announcing goals for the call
◦ Don’t put your feet up
◦ Have something in view that you’re waiting to get to next
Some more tips…
◦ Mail & Faxes
◦ sort by priority
◦ handle all paper only once
◦ Phone calls
◦ set time-limited phone appointments-
have an agenda
◦ set up a time when you return phone
◦ Email: plan when you will do
◦ do not respond when it beeps
◦ all things do not require a response
◦ have three accounts: professional,
personal, spam
Tips for Scheduling Time
◦ Take both a long-term and a short-term perspective: schedule tasks for each day,
and schedule several weeks or even months at a time.
◦ When your schedule changes, mark what really occurred in your day for future
◦ Learn when your "high-energy" and "low-energy" times occur and schedule
your day accordingly.
◦ Balance your activities—schedule time to allow yourself to unwind. Include
time for physical exercise, recreation, and social activities.
◦ Remember Parkinson’s Law: Work tends to expand to fill the time allotted.
Tips for sticking to your schedule
◦ Post your goals where you can always see them.
◦ File time-saving ideas and tools. Add new tips to your repertoire monthly.
◦ Take some time today to prepare for tomorrow’s top priority tasks. If you can
find the file, review the timeline, or highlight the key issues, and you will save
time when you get started tomorrow.
◦ Plan rewards for using work time effectively.
◦ Don’t strive for perfection. If you achieve 90% of your target for the day, you
have been successful.
Tips for controlling time-wasters
◦ Schedule an hour of quiet time when you cannot be interrupted.
◦ Let your colleagues and direct reports know that you are working on managing
time wasters. Enlist their support.
◦ Allow at least an hour a day of unscheduled time, so you are prepared for time
◦ Set end times for appointments to keep you focused on the meeting window.
◦ Note how much time a time waster cost you, so you have more of an incentive
to avoid it in the future.
The top 5 takeaways from the program -
1. Learn to say "no." When feasible, delegate.
2. Don't let paperwork pile up.
3. Ask yourself, "What is my objective or goal?"
4. Break a job into bite-sized pieces; don't procrastinate because it all can't be done at
5. Identify your time wasters...and resolve to eliminate them.
Time Management Assessment
1. I find myself taking on various tasks because I'm the only one who can do
2. Daily crises take up all my time. I have no time to do important things
because I'm too busy putting out fires.
3. I attempt to do too much at one time, I feel I can do it all, and I rarely say
"no" to additional tasks.
4. I feel as if I'm always behind and have no way to catch up. I'm always rushing.
5. I feel I'm working long hours.
6. I constantly feel overwhelmed by demands and details, and feel I have to do
what I don't want to do most of the time.
7. I am late for meetings, and don't prepare for them properly.
8. I take worries and problems home with me.
9. I miss deadlines.
10. I feel listless with many slack hours of unproductive activity.
11. I put off carrying out unpleasant but essential activities.
(3) (2) (1) (0)
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Often Sometimes Seldom Never
Time Management Assessment
◦ Work out your score:
◦ 3 x #Often + 2 x #Sometimes + 1 x #Seldom =
If you scored 10 or less, you may benefit from learning
additional time management techniques, but your day-
to-day stress level is probably not significantly affected
by time pressure.
If you scored 11 to 24, you could use some time
management training to significantly reduce time
If you scored 25 or over, your life may feel out of
control. People who score over 25 usually "don't have
time" for training in time management!
The BIG ROCKS of Life
One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to make a point,
he used this illustration. As he stood in front of the group he pulled out a large wide-mouthed Mason jar and
set it on the table in front of him. Then he produced about a dozen rocks and placed them, one at a time, into
the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is this jar full?"
Everyone in the class said, "Yes." Then he said, "Really?"
He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar
causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the rocks. Then he asked the group
once more, "Is the jar full?" By this time the class began to understand. "Probably not," one of them answered.
"Good!" he replied.
He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it
went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, "Is this jar
full?" No!" the class shouted. Once again he said, "Good." Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to
pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this
illustration?“ One student raised his hand and said, “No matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard
you can always fit some more things in it!" "No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point. The truth this
illustration teaches us is: If you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all." What are the 'big
rocks' in your life? Your children; Your loved ones; Your education; Your dreams; A worthy cause; Teaching or
mentoring others; Doing things that you love; Time for yourself; Your health; Your mate (or significant other).
Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at all. If you sweat about the little stuff
(the gravel, sand, and water) then you'll fill your life with little things you worry about that don't really matter,
and you'll never have the time you need to spend on the big, important stuff (the big rocks).
So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question: What are
the 'big rocks' in my life? Then, put those in your jar first.
◦ Diana Hunt, PhD. and Pam Hait: The Tao of Time: Time Management in the Real World
◦ Stephen Rechtschaffen: Time Shifting: Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life
◦ Mary Sotile and Wayne Sotile: Medical Marriages. A couple's survival guide
◦ William Bridges: Creating you and company: Be the CEO of your own career
◦ Ann McGee-Cooper with Duane Trammel: Time Management for Unmanageable People

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Time Management for Dummies.pptx

  • 3. What is Time Management? Time management is making wise scheduling decisions which involve self- discipline and delayed gratification. ◦ Organization of activities so you can get it all done ◦ Setting priorities so you know you can do the most important things first ◦ Establishing goals and intentionally managing your life instead of reacting to events or drifting aimlessly through life
  • 4. Check Up Are you managing time or is time managing you? A simple “Yes" or “No" response will help you to decide. ◦ I frequently need to respond to crises or put out fires. ◦ I have little time for actually planning ahead and sorting out priorities. ◦ When I leave work "on time," I feel guilty or anxious because of what has been left undone. ◦ I have trouble devoting the time and energy I would like to family and/or friends. ◦ Even when I'm "off duty," I find it difficult to quit thinking about what is happening at work. ◦ I often find myself caught up in busy work or trivia. ◦ I don't have sufficient time to devote to activities that build my professional reputation. ◦ Just keeping my head above water is about all I can hope for. ◦ I have trouble finding a time management system that works well for me. ◦ It's often the same few problems or people that take up a large chunk of my time. Responding “Yes" to even one or two of these statements may indicate time management difficulties.
  • 5. Costing your time to the organization ◦ Estimating value ◦ 1.5 X annual salary/ Working hours per year = Cost per hour ◦ Cost per hour/60 = Cost per minute
  • 6. The Problem with managing TIME According to a survey, employees in an organization waste about 2 hours per day. Signs of time wasting: ◦ Messy desk and cluttered (or no) files ◦ Can’t find things ◦ Miss appointments, need to reschedule them late and/or unprepared for meetings ◦ Volunteer to do things other people should do ◦ Tired/unable to concentrate
  • 7. Common Problems ◦ Making the task appear bigger than it is ◦ Underestimating the time required ◦ Leaving things to the last minute ◦ Wasting time ◦ Missing deadlines ◦ Arriving late ◦ Putting things off ◦ Interruptions/distractions
  • 8. Time Vampires ◦ The internet / e-mail ◦ Waiting Time ◦ The telephone / Interruptions ◦ Lack of planning / Hurrying / Underestimating Time ◦ Procrastination / Disorganization ◦ Overscheduling / Can’t say no ◦ Unrealistic demands on self & others ◦ Crises
  • 9. What can we do? - Recognize that obstacles exist - Identify them - Employ strategies to overcome
  • 10. Time Management Models ◦ ABC Technique (Alan Lakein) - List goals - Assign priorities - Decide tasks necessary to meet goals - Create "To Do" list • Natural Laws Technique (Ben Franklin) - Use a daily planner - Deal with time robbers - Identify your behavior patterns • Time Management Protocol (Brunicardi & Hobson) - Analyze use of time - Set goals (professional, family & personal) - Organize day around goals
  • 11. Time Management Models ◦ Time Management Matrix Technique (Steve Covey)  I-Important & urgent  II-Important & not urgent  III-Not important & urgent  IV-Not important & not urgent
  • 12. Time Management Matrix URGENT NOT URGENT IMPORTANT I – DO NOW These are activities that need to take precedence over everything else. E.g. Finishing a report that might influence whether or not you get a promotion. These actions require very little thought and are often quite simply reacted on. II – PLAN TO DO These activities include sorting and paying bills; discussing the upcoming vacation time with your family. NOT IMPORTANT III – REJECT & EXPLAIN Urgency often screams importance, but on careful examination, most of these urgent matters hold very little long term value. Speeding for the fear of being late, answering some phone calls and leaving work to return a phone call from a number that is unknown to you are some examples of urgent but not of important. IV – RESIST & CEASE These activities are often for fun. This category is comprised of such activities as watching television, catching up on gossip, sorting out junk mail etc.
  • 13. Strategies for Managing Time effectively
  • 14. 1. Set SMART Goals ◦ Specific ◦ Measurable ◦ Achievable ◦ Realistic ◦ Time-based 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 15. 2. Prioritize o elegate elay elete 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 16. Thoughts to Ponder on…. Delegate!! One person’s trash is another’s treasure Think of every request as an opportunity to negotiate!
  • 17. Prioritize ◦ Use the 80-20 rule originally stated by the Italian economist Pareto. ◦ 80% of the outcome comes from 20% of the tasks. ◦ Identify the 20% that is most important and then prioritize your time to concentrate the most effort on those items. ◦ Flag items according to importance by giving them an A, B or C priority, with A being highest priority. ◦ Set deadlines for tasks to focus on your priorities.
  • 18. Techniques to Prioritize 1. Address the urgent 2. Accomplish what you can early 3. Attach deadlines to things you delay
  • 19. 3. Organize 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 20. a) Using the Outlook Calendar
  • 21. b) Using Flags in Outlook • In the Flag section of the message, left click to set the default red flag, or right-click to select a different color and follow up information. • Click Add Reminder to set a date and time for a reminder. You can flag messages in your Inbox to help you in following-up .
  • 22. c) Using Tasks in Outlook Tasks are helpful for keeping track of your “to do” list. There are three ways to add new Tasks: ◦ Double click an empty line on the tasks page or Click “New” from the tasks page. ◦ A new window titled “Untitled – task” will open. You can add your task here. ◦ You can add reminder to tasks by checking the “Reminder” box. ◦ This will help you manage your time well and complete your tasks in time.
  • 23. d) Using Time Log sheet Use the Time Log sheet to monitor how much time you spend on various activities Time Activity Time used (minutes) Category Phone calls Scheduled appointments Drop-ins / Ad hoc meetings Meetings Paperwork
  • 24. e) Using TO Do Lists ◦ Break things down into small steps ◦ Like a child cleaning his/her room - do the ugliest thing first The four-quadrant TO DO List 1 2 3 4 Important Not Important Due Soon Not Due Soon
  • 25. 4. Learn when to say “NO” • You can’t do everything • Don’t undertake things you can’t complete • Remain consistent to your goals 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 26. 5. Concentrate on the task at hand ◦ Focus on your goal ◦ Tune out interruptions 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 27. 6. Planning ◦ Failing to plan is planning to fail ◦ Plan Each Day, Each Week, Each Month ◦ You can always change your plan, but only once you have one! 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 28. 7. Procrastination ◦ Distractions that prevent you from starting a task ◦ Concentrating on the “not important” and “not urgent” ◦ May arise from uncertainty about how to do the task or its necessity 1. Set SMART Goals 2. Prioritize 3. Organize 4. Say NO 5. Concentrate 6. Plan 7. Procrastinate
  • 29. Ways to Procrastinate ◦ Clear the decks ◦ Get stuck in ◦ Short time limits ◦ Activate your tasks! ◦ Read-walk technique ◦ Avoid distractions
  • 31. Paperwork ◦ Clutter is death; it leads to thrashing. Keep desk clear: focus on one thing at a time ◦ A good file system is essential ◦ Touch each piece of paper once ◦ Touch each piece of email once; your inbox is not your TODO list
  • 32. Telephone ◦ Keep calls short; stand during call ◦ Start by announcing goals for the call ◦ Don’t put your feet up ◦ Have something in view that you’re waiting to get to next
  • 33. Some more tips… ◦ Mail & Faxes ◦ sort by priority ◦ handle all paper only once ◦ Phone calls ◦ set time-limited phone appointments- have an agenda ◦ set up a time when you return phone calls ◦ Email: plan when you will do it ◦ do not respond when it beeps ◦ all things do not require a response ◦ have three accounts: professional, personal, spam
  • 34. Tips for Scheduling Time ◦ Take both a long-term and a short-term perspective: schedule tasks for each day, and schedule several weeks or even months at a time. ◦ When your schedule changes, mark what really occurred in your day for future reference. ◦ Learn when your "high-energy" and "low-energy" times occur and schedule your day accordingly. ◦ Balance your activities—schedule time to allow yourself to unwind. Include time for physical exercise, recreation, and social activities. ◦ Remember Parkinson’s Law: Work tends to expand to fill the time allotted.
  • 35. Tips for sticking to your schedule ◦ Post your goals where you can always see them. ◦ File time-saving ideas and tools. Add new tips to your repertoire monthly. ◦ Take some time today to prepare for tomorrow’s top priority tasks. If you can find the file, review the timeline, or highlight the key issues, and you will save time when you get started tomorrow. ◦ Plan rewards for using work time effectively. ◦ Don’t strive for perfection. If you achieve 90% of your target for the day, you have been successful.
  • 36. Tips for controlling time-wasters ◦ Schedule an hour of quiet time when you cannot be interrupted. ◦ Let your colleagues and direct reports know that you are working on managing time wasters. Enlist their support. ◦ Allow at least an hour a day of unscheduled time, so you are prepared for time wasters. ◦ Set end times for appointments to keep you focused on the meeting window. ◦ Note how much time a time waster cost you, so you have more of an incentive to avoid it in the future.
  • 37. ACTION PLAN The top 5 takeaways from the program - 1. Learn to say "no." When feasible, delegate. 2. Don't let paperwork pile up. 3. Ask yourself, "What is my objective or goal?" 4. Break a job into bite-sized pieces; don't procrastinate because it all can't be done at once. 5. Identify your time wasters...and resolve to eliminate them.
  • 38. Time Management Assessment 1. I find myself taking on various tasks because I'm the only one who can do them. 2. Daily crises take up all my time. I have no time to do important things because I'm too busy putting out fires. 3. I attempt to do too much at one time, I feel I can do it all, and I rarely say "no" to additional tasks. 4. I feel as if I'm always behind and have no way to catch up. I'm always rushing. 5. I feel I'm working long hours. 6. I constantly feel overwhelmed by demands and details, and feel I have to do what I don't want to do most of the time. 7. I am late for meetings, and don't prepare for them properly. 8. I take worries and problems home with me. 9. I miss deadlines. 10. I feel listless with many slack hours of unproductive activity. 11. I put off carrying out unpleasant but essential activities. (3) (2) (1) (0) Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never Often Sometimes Seldom Never
  • 39. Time Management Assessment ◦ Work out your score: ◦ 3 x #Often + 2 x #Sometimes + 1 x #Seldom = If you scored 10 or less, you may benefit from learning additional time management techniques, but your day- to-day stress level is probably not significantly affected by time pressure. If you scored 11 to 24, you could use some time management training to significantly reduce time pressures. If you scored 25 or over, your life may feel out of control. People who score over 25 usually "don't have time" for training in time management!
  • 40. The BIG ROCKS of Life One day an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students and, to make a point, he used this illustration. As he stood in front of the group he pulled out a large wide-mouthed Mason jar and set it on the table in front of him. Then he produced about a dozen rocks and placed them, one at a time, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the top and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, "Is this jar full?" Everyone in the class said, "Yes." Then he said, "Really?" He reached under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel. He dumped some gravel in and shook the jar causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space between the rocks. Then he asked the group once more, "Is the jar full?" By this time the class began to understand. "Probably not," one of them answered. "Good!" he replied. He reached under the table and brought out a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all of the spaces left between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the question, "Is this jar full?" No!" the class shouted. Once again he said, "Good." Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim. Then he looked at the class and asked, "What is the point of this illustration?“ One student raised his hand and said, “No matter how full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it!" "No," the speaker replied, "that's not the point. The truth this illustration teaches us is: If you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never get them in at all." What are the 'big rocks' in your life? Your children; Your loved ones; Your education; Your dreams; A worthy cause; Teaching or mentoring others; Doing things that you love; Time for yourself; Your health; Your mate (or significant other). Remember to put these BIG ROCKS in first or you'll never get them in at all. If you sweat about the little stuff (the gravel, sand, and water) then you'll fill your life with little things you worry about that don't really matter, and you'll never have the time you need to spend on the big, important stuff (the big rocks). So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are reflecting on this short story, ask yourself this question: What are the 'big rocks' in my life? Then, put those in your jar first.
  • 41. READING LIST ◦ Diana Hunt, PhD. and Pam Hait: The Tao of Time: Time Management in the Real World ◦ Stephen Rechtschaffen: Time Shifting: Creating More Time to Enjoy Your Life ◦ Mary Sotile and Wayne Sotile: Medical Marriages. A couple's survival guide ◦ William Bridges: Creating you and company: Be the CEO of your own career ◦ Ann McGee-Cooper with Duane Trammel: Time Management for Unmanageable People