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Time Is Precious
Friends, today I am going to speak on a subject that affects us all, every day, every hour, every minute and every second. Yes...the subject is Time.
Time is the most precious thing for a man as it comes only once in someone's life and never stays long. Our life is like a bubble, a short morning
dream. Therefore, we should take good care and make the best use of it. In other words, we must understand the value of time. Time management is
basically planning and dividing one's time in a constructive way.
We all have a number of activities that have to be taken care of in a particular period of time. So we should be able to plan our activities in such a way
that we are able to complete all the work in a given span of time. A more content...
But those who forgot the value of time found to their utter dismay that it was harsh on them later.
In other words, successful persons use time in the best possible manner to achieve their goals. Most of us waste our precious time in unnecessary
things such as gossip, roaming–aimlessly, grieving over the past blunders or day dreaming. It must always be kept in mind that, "Time and tide wait
for none". Time can be spent wisely or foolishly. The choice is ours and so are its consequences.
Life is not a bed of roses. Each one of us has to face a number of problems in life. We have to be bold and courageous enough to face them. Problems
are faced by men of courage only. Escapists always avoid problems. Bad times teach us a lot. They prepare us for a prosperous and glorious future.
When difficult times arrive, they prepare us for a better life. We will then be able to handle problems with more maturity, stability and courage.
Basically, time and opportunity once lost can never be recovered. The flow of time is ceaseless and eternal and we all are like small insignificant
particles in this endless and continuous flow. Time is eternal and endless but human life is very limited, finite and short–lived. Hence, successful people
make the best use of time in their lives. A work done is time earned. A decision taken at an appropriate moment can work wonders so we must all
learn to strike the iron when it is hot.
We must make the best
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The movies starts off with a picture of a red scarf hanging off a street lamp and then flying through the air.
Harlem, 1987. Clarice Precious Jones (Gabourey Sildibe) is in a math class, daydreaming. She is wearing a red scarf. Much of the film is in
first–person narration. She narrates, My name is Clarice Precious Jones. I want to be on the cover of a magazine. I wish I had a light–skinned
boyfriend with good hair. But first I want to be in one of those BET videos, and we see a fantasy sequence of her dressed in a photo–shoot,
accompanied with a light–skinned boyfriend (who will be in all her future movie sequences.) She also says I 'm gonna break through, someone is
going to break through to me, ima be normal and sit in the front more content...
It is clear that Precious is illiterate by the way she takes the test and narrates that tests paint pictures of me with no brain. On her way back, a group of
thugs sexually harass her and then one pushes her down when she doesn't respond. Cut to a fantasy sequence of her dancing in an Apollo–like stage
and her boyfriend licking her ear, but it is really a dog licking her ear while she is down on the ground. She returns to her building and runs into a little
girl, Ruby, who pesters her.
It is another day and Precious needs money for food before leaving house. But mom is too busy in bed, pleasuring herself, but asks Precious to come
up and take care of her. She says, I wish she would stop that shit – meaning the sexual abuse. Afterward Precious goes to a fried–chicken shop and
orders a bucket of chicken, but runs off with it without paying. She eats the whole bucket on the way to school and then throws up (perhaps showing a
habit of binge–eating or maybe it is because she is pregnant).
At the alternative school, the teacher, Ms. Blue Rain (Paula Patton), calls Precious to class and tells the class the purpose of the school is to prepare
them for the GED. We are introduced to five other students. She asks each student to write and say their name, favorite color, talent, and why they are
in the alternative class. The students say their items, but when its Precious's turn she asks to be skipped. Ms. Rains goes on teaching but Precious
speaks up. Precious is scared,
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Life Is The Most Precious Life Essay
Life is the most precious gift from God. It is something that comes unexpectedly. We never know when will it come and when will it go. Life is full
of happiness, sometimes sadness and sometimes combination of both. We value life because it was given by God and we owe God because he is so
intelligent that he created everything that doesn't have defect and do help us to live in the most beautiful place we have ever seen, the world, the universe
and the Earth. Because of life we discover many things, our talents, our capabilities and many more. We also met our love ones and special
someone because of these life. We also learn how to do something out of his creation, for example houses, buildings, hospitals and schools. Life also
something that makes us contented on what we have. Yes, life starts and unfortunately it also stops. Its quiet hard to say goodbye on our loved ones
that has a big part on our lives but we need to accept that we are all going to die. But can you imagine life after our death? more content...
Is there any place where we can stay? Or will we going to continue living in this world with our body? Will there be a chance for us to resurrect? And
what will happen to our soul if we die? As a matter of fact I believe that when we die we will not feel any physical pain but only emotional pain
because when we die, our soul will be separated from our body and only our emotions will leave. There is also a possibility that we will not be able
to remember the journey we've been through because our brain is not with our soul. It is so sad to think that our treasured memories for a long
period of time will going to be forget and I think we will not also be recognized our loved ones because when we transfer to another body there will
be new brain and new heart the only thing that will remain is your drive for learning. Not the feelings nor the
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Precious Movie Essay
In the begging of the movie, Precious, the main character Precious Jones was on Level 1 according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I know this
because she only had her basic necessities such as food, water, sleep, and shelter. At home she wasn't being shown love nor affection instead she was
being sexually, physically, and mentally abused. Additionally, she was receiving abominable treatment from hermother, she mentally abused her by
calling her stupid, fat, ugly, dummy, etc. Another reason I know this is because Precious wasn't safe and didn't feel safe in her home, her mother
threw things at her, hit her with things like pots and pans, and threatened her diurnally. The final reason I know that Precious was at Level 1
according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is because she wasn't being pushed or trying to achieve anything in life. The way Precious got from her
lowest level to her highest level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is when she enrolled at Each One Teach One. When Precious became astudent at Each
One Teach One she became inspired and motivated because she seen all the possibilities she had. There she received help from her teacher, Ms. Rain.
At Each One Teach One Precious was loved by her teacher, Ms. Rain, and her peers. They all more content...
One way Precious moved up is by moving in with Ms. Rain. When Precious moved in with Ms. Rain she started to feel safe. Another way Precious
moved up the hierarchy scale is by enrolling in Each One Teach One. When Precious joined Each One Teach One she became a part of a community
that loved her, cared for her, wanted the best for her, wanted to see her succeed, and achieve her goals. The last way she moved up the scale is by
talking to Mrs. Weiss, and getting away from her mother. When Precious did this she had her Self–Actualization and realized her mother was selfish
and self–centered and also she needed to get away from her
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Childhood Is More Precious Than Childhood Essay
In modern day society nothing is more precious than childhood. It is a time full of innocence, love, light and freedom with little to no worries.
Childhood has not always been described as this, full of hope and dreams and aspirations, the time to just have fun and not to worry about the future, or
wealth. Before the 1800s, childhood was not a thing and children were just seen as miniature adults, with no value, other than to carry on families. It
was not until after the 1800s were childhood become a national phenomenon. Childhood is set to be this time were its all play and no work, where
your parents or guardian is supposed to take care of you, but what about the children that do not have this luxury? Although childhood is a modern day
universal subject recognized, not all children get to live their lives the way they are "meant to". The problem is dormant within certain societies for
many reasons. One is the concept of developed and developing countries and their debt crisis, and another is western and non –Western ideals. With
these battling each other, it is hard to communicate which one is right versus which one is wrong. When it comes to children and work, is it wrong? Is
it ok? Should it be outlawed? Through universal and critical approaches, it will be shown that although child labour is against the UNCRC, it is crucial
for children in some parts of the world to have this active role. Through critical debates child labour would be further developed and questioned
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Life Is Precious In My Life
People are so busy living their lives sometimes they forget each day isn't handed to them. It is a privilege to wake up each morning, often people
take life for granted. I certainly do this as well as many others. It is extremely easy to be selfish and not think about the good thing, and only think
of the bad things. But life is so precious, one moment you can wake up and your life can be completely changed, everything you know just turned
upside down. There are many things in my life that have taught me to try and be more selfless and appreciate life as much as I can because there
really is no telling when the life you have may change forever. For a lot of people when terrible things like this happen they are confused and they
don't understand why it is happing. When I found out my grandfather had Alzheimer's disease that is exactly how I felt. I was only 13 years old.
Being that young and getting told your grandpa, a man who I've always looked up to, a man that has always been there for me, a man that I loved
more than anything was basically going to forget me and everything else he's ever known is a very terrible feeling. It was one of the worse feelings
knowing there is nothing you can do but sit there and wait. I was crushed and there was nothing to do except watch his brain slowly rot and slowly
watch my favorite man completely change into a new person. It just wasn't and still isn't fair my family. I still ask myself everyday why this had to
happen to this happy go
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Why Do I Value Time Essay
"Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it
back." This quote is from Harvey MacKay is inspirational to me because the most important value in my life is time. Although, most people don't take
time into consideration, it must be valued the most because it is the most precious and powerful thing in the world. I value time because it's limited, you
decide how you choose to spend it, and it heals all wounds.
Firstly, I value time because it's limited. Every day I wake up and do the same routine. Rarely do I ever change my daily schedule. My day consists
of the same thing every day: waking up, checking my phone for the time, getting ready, and going to school (if I have class), coming home to do
my homework, and of course associating with my family. I'm the type of person that gets easily distracted and always seems to have something to
do. I live in regret every day from not picking up the phone to call my family in Cuba every chance I had. The day I realized just how much time as
slipped through my hands was the day I found out that my grandpa had passed away. There is a common and true saying that "Time and Tide waits for
none" more content...
Most people prefer to spend their time with love ones or friends but I prefer to spend it alone. I love my halcyon days, just relaxing in my bed
enjoying my music and of course thinking of scenarios that will never happen. As an indolent person I value my time alone especially when it comes to
watching stand–up comedy or a new TV show. I adore movies or TV series in foreign language, I think diversity is the most beautiful thing ever. It's
nice to just forget and travel the world and learn different customs and language all without leave the comfort of my home. It's nice to unwind from
the world and just be myself even if it's just for a few
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Precious: A Case Study Use sociological concepts to make sense out of the life of 16 year old Clareece "Precious" Jones (an overweight, illiterate
African–American teen in Harlem), as depicted in the 2009 film Precious. It's based on the novel Push by Sapphire. Note: Precious (part 1) and
Precious (part 2) are two separate assignments with different dues dates, even though both sections are presented in this single document. Please check
the Course Calendar for the different due dates. Precious (part 1) consists of questions 1–11. Precious (part 2) covers questions 12–27. PART ONE
Chapters 1 & 2: Review 1. How does rational choice theory help explain why some economically marginalized people, who feel caught in a cycle of more content...
11. Use 3 sociological theories of deviance to explain why Precious' mom was involved in welfare fraud. PART TWO Chapter 8 12. In terms of the 5
major social class groups in the USA, what was the Precious's ascribed status? Explain how the social ranking she was born into affected her life
experience and opportunities. 13. How did her ascribed membership in a Pariah group (pp.241–242) affect her life experience and opportunities? 14.
Discuss her chances for social mobility. How likely is Precious to move up in the U.S. class structure even if she finishes her education? When it
comes to getting ahead, what matters most family background or education? 15. According to Oliver and Sapiro (1995) the "wealth gap" between
blacks and whites is even greater than the income gap. Explain the origin and (social and cultural capital) consequences of this wealth gap for
Precious. 16. Since lack of ambition was clearly not the reason why Precious was poor, use sociological concepts and theories to help you explain her
poverty (p. 236). What macrolevel structural forces within the society explain the origin of her poverty (see eHandout "Factors Affecting Poverty")?
What cultural factors kept her poor? 17. Did social exclusion likely contribute to the poverty Precious experienced? Why or why not? 18. Can
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Life Is A Precious Thing Essay
Life is a precious thing. For some, bringing life into this world is a calling, a deeply felt desire to have a child. Unfortunately, pregnancy can come
with its own complications. When pregnancy begins to infringe on a women's well–being, spiritually or physically, and there are perceived risks to the
baby, bringing that life into the world brings more questions than answers. It no longer is a debate between the rights of the women and the rights of
the fetus but brings deeper ethical issues into question. This essay will take a look at one such situation, how some core Christian worldview beliefs
are relevant to the case, and how a Christian would resolve this issue; as well as look at both consequences and benefits of the resolution, and an
Ethical Dilemma
There was this woman named Susan. Even though she had found success in her career, she wanted more, to have a baby. After many years of trying,
she was finally pregnant. During a checkup, the doctor identified that her baby has Down Syndrome. This diagnosis was not only a concern for the
child but also a concern on how she would be able to maintain a healthy balance between her career and her family knowing how much additional
attention the baby would need. Susan decided to seek guidance from a professor of evolutionary biology. Richard's opinion was that human beings
should increase happiness and decrease suffering. Bringing a child into the world with Down Syndrome would be immoral knowing that he or she
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Time Is More Precious Than Gold
People usually say "Time is gold" and sometimes "Time is more precious than gold". Those sentences are obviously true in many circumstances,
especially in the business world. Making a decision just in time can help executives gain incredible profits for their organizations. On the other hand, a
few–second–late response might cost the business a very high price. In order to help executives to make decisions in a timely manner, analysts should
bring them actionable dashboards, not just boards with full of colors, numbers, charts and graphs but no insights. Executive dashboards play an
instrumental role in making business decisions. However, there are not all companies out there in the business world paying adequate attention to this. more content...
In the latter case, it might be interesting to see the number of daily customers, but it does not bring any insights to drive actions. The second thing is
data presented a dashboard must be up–to–date in real time or semi–real time. A dashboard builder needs to keep in mind that a dashboard is totally
different with a report, which shows data in the past. If the information shown in a dashboard is out–of–date, it is useless to help the executives grasp
the current business situation to adjust or improve it. In the worse case, outdated information might lead to inappropriate decisions, costing time and
money of the business. Once again, a dashboard is not a lengthy report but easy to read. Therefore, an optimized dashboard should be fitted in one
letter size page. Many analysts try to make up their dashboards with as much information as they can because they are not able to pick the precise
metrics. Unfortunately, such dashboards might distract the viewers from the meaningful matters. In addition, a good dashboard is an interactive one,
meaning that the viewers can interact easily and comfortably with it. The viewer can do basic manipulations to drive insight that they are looking for,
adjusting parameters or filtering data, for example. An interactive dashboard helps the users to dig deeper into the insight to make decisions better and
more quickly in just
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Precious: A Case Study
Precious, my willingness to a 2nd Alberta meeting is to develop a Plan B, that didn't entail a lethal threshold. My mission is to avoid the risk of loss of
his housing and decompensation. Both of which, have been persistent problems. In light of his expressed intention to resume cannabis useage and
independent tinkering with his meds, we need Glisan to focus/devise strategies that address those issues. Regards,
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Time Essay
Time is defined as a measured or measurable period, a continuum that lacks spatial dimensions. This broad definition lacks the simple explanation that
humans are searching for. There are many scientists, philosophers, and thinkers who have tried to put time into understanding terms. The aspects of time
that we can understand are only based on what we can perceive, observe, and calculate.
Every day we look at our watches or clocks. We plan our day around different times of the day. Time tells us when to eat, when to sleep, and how long
to do things for. If time were based on these simple terms, then this mysterious enigma would not be in debate. There are the issues of space and time;
what is the more content...
When space and the universe began, the existence of time also began. This theory is well–known as the Big
Bang Theory. About fifteen billion years ago, the universe was comprised of very hot compressed gas, as a fireball.
This is contrary to the idea of the universe beginning as a lump of matter somewhere in the void of space. Matter was created as a result of the Big
Bang. Space and time was also created. So, with these ideas, time had a beginning.
Looking at it a different way, in the early universe, the normal concept of time is uncertain. Our accepted perceptions, and calculations of time can't
be explained all the way back to the Big Bang. There is no way to define time in that era. This is another way that time has a beginning; as far back as
we can calculate. Space–time began at the same time. According to Hawking, you can't look at the universe using general relativity without finding a
big bang or something similar to that at the very beginning. So what does time mean to people now? Time is different as you go through time zones.
Everyone has their own perception of time. Nobody is ever on the same schedule, doing things exactly like another person. Even to go as far as other
galaxies and planets, time cannot be existing on the same terms. In short, time is not absolute.
In the space–time continuum, space bends whenever there is a mass. It's kind of like a bowling ball hitting a
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Essay about Precious: The Film
The 2009 film directed by Lee Daniels, Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire, tells a story about the life of a 16–year–old, Claireece
"Precious" Jones, who grew up in Harlem during the late 1980s. Precious lives a life that includes many sociological issues that have unarguably
caused her great pain throughout her young life. Having endured poverty, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse her life has been far from perfect, but she
realizes the need to defeat these negative sociological factors to achieve a life that seems to her as only a fantasy. Daniels effectively portrays the
source of Precious's problems, as well as the way in which she deals with them; thus, achieving his goal in allowing the audience to see the effects of more content...
Not only does Mary cause both verbal and physical abuse to her daughter, but she also causes harm to Precious' new born, specifically when she
throws Abdul to the ground. Much of Mary's discontent towards her daughter stems from Mary's husband (who is also Precious' father), Carl, the
father of Precious' two children. Carl sexually abused Precious and Mary is resentful towards her, once saying, "Uppity now cause he give her
more childrens than he did me" (Fletcher, 2008). Precious does a good job of concealing her emotions from the abuse in front of her mother and
others, often envisioning a happy place where she has a boyfriend and life is seemingly well. Precious does, however, slip when talking to a social
worker, Ms. Weiss, and reveals to her being sexually abused.
Precious eventually finds it best for her and her children to move away from her abusive mother and into a halfway house. While her life is starting
to look positive, her mother notifies her one day that her father has died from AIDS, and Precious believes she is infected with the disease as well.
Precious' assumption turns out to be correct, but she continues on with her new life. Shortly after, the film concludes with Precious revealing her future
plans to the audience, "I'm reading around 7th or 8th grade level now. High school level next. College after that" (Daniels, 2009). The film
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Life Is Precious
Life Is Precious It has been argued that it should be made legal for patients to have doctor–assisted suicide, or mercy–killing, which is the term used to
describe ending life through the voluntary self–administration of lethal medication, expressly prescribed by a physician for that purpose
(DHS–Internet). By approximately a two–to–one ratio, most adults in the US agree that it should be this way. "When read a brief description of the
Oregon proposition, allowing physician–assisted suicide for patients who are thought to have less than six months to live, a 61% to 34% majority
said that they would favor such a law in their state"(Harris # 2). However, I myself feel, that it shouldn't be approved for several reasons: this matter more content...
However, in reviewing the lives of people whose suicides have been publicly linked to Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a pathologist who has been behind bars
since 1999, serving 10 to 25 years for second–degree murder, at least 60% of the 47 suicide patients were not terminal. At least 17 of them could have
lived in definitively and 13 had no complaint of pain and in at least five of those cases, the people who died had histories of severe depression (Freep
В– internet). Dr. Kevorkian argues that every assisted–suicide candidate underwent extensive counseling with himself before hand, but it was found
that counseling was often limited to phone calls and brief meetings that included family members and friends (Free press– internet). There should be
some requirements for the process of doctor–assisted suicide, for instance, every candidate for assisted suicide must be examined by a psychiatrist. But
it was found that there was no psychiatric exam in at least 19 Kevorkian cases, including several in which friends or family reported that the patient
was despondent over matters other than health (Free Press В– Internet). In addition, he adds that before agreeing to assist a suicide he used to make a
detailed review of each patient's medical records, but it was found that Kevorkian's access to such records varied widely; in some instances, he
received only a brief summary of the attending physician's prognosis
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The Most Precious Gift
The Most Precious Gift Breathing in the cold winter air when the moon was shine as bright as the sun late into night, I could recall the one person
who had changed my entire life. I wasn't the smartest, most athletic or even best looking guy back then but I was able to call this girl mine while
it lasted. Her eyes were a rich shade of brown and filled with excitement, innocence, love, compassion, and kindness. She had the voice of an angel
that could sooth even the beast in man. Just hearing her would make anyone's day better. I could still remember the day she had left me. We had
met up at the mall, where we first met, for my birthday. When she got to the mall and sat down next to me, she said, "I have to tell you
something." Her voice was shaky, her head was lowered, and she wasn't making much eye contact with me. At that moment, I knew something
was wrong. The only I could do was just look at her. My mind was blank but I knew I couldn't show her any sadness. I lifted her chin up and said, "It'll
be fine Anna. Whatever is wrong, I'll be here for you no matter what happens. You are the one I love and the reason why I keep on smiling." She
looked up into my eyes and started to cry so I hugged her tight in my arms. While holding her in my arms, she whispers, "Let's go have some fun since
today is your birthday." I wiped her tears off her face and said, "Okay. Let 's go have some fun." I stood up, holding her soft and delicate hand in mine.
Each step we took we were,
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The Journey Of Life Is Precious
"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ― Mae West. Life is precious. Everyone values their own life and does everything they
can to preserve it. The body itself does everything it physically can to continue living. Even animals know since birth, they must do what they can
to survive. Be it working together or working alone, they preserve their lives to the best of their abilities. We, as humans, are intelligent creatures
and realize there is more to life than mere survival. Life is about our love, friends, family, and overall happiness. But due to our tunnel vision, when
we only know about our experiences. We view our beliefs to be absolute and the sole way to go. Without realizing it, this ideology keeps us from
being a more peaceful species. Instead of trying to stay the same, we should try to be better versions of our ancestors. Our species would be so much
better if we actually spoke to and understood each other. Americans and europeans are so self–centered in the idea that we think we are the most
civilized. We think all other cultures that don 't meet our standards are backwards. we refuse to understand how others think and why they do
certain things. What we don 't realize is mixing cultures isn 't necessarily a bad thing. If we would be able to understand each other on a deeper
level there will be less war, hate, and needless pain. For a country who prides itself on being diverse, we are very disdainful toward new things. This
refusal to learn
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Precious: A Case Study Essay
Precious: A Case Study Kristan Hughart Wilmington University Precious: A Case Study The move Precious (based on the novel "Push" written
by Sapphire), depicts the life of a 16 year old girl named Claireece "Precious" Jones. The story is set in Harlem, NY in 1987. Precious has suffered
severe abuse throughout her life by both of her parents. She has seemed to have slipped through the cracks of the system from family, the school
system, child services, as well as the community as a whole. Her only saving grace is her strong will and her ability to disassociate herself and seek
comfort in her own imaginary world. Precious' abuse started as an infant when she was molested and raped by her father as more content...
Although it was not shown one could assume Precious has witnessed violence between her mother and father. Response of Multidisciplinary Team
member I chose Precious' teacher Ms. Rain as the multidisciplinary team member I would like to portray. Ms. Rain becomes more than a teacher to
Precious. She represents the mother figure she so desperately wants to have, the sophisticated women she strives to become, and someone she can
count on for once in her life. Ms. Rain responded to Precious' low self–esteem by empowering her through learning. She taught her how to socialize
with others by creating a classroom environment that required it. Ms. Rain becomes a trustworthy confidant through the journal writings which
allow Precious to start to come to terms with the things that have to her. Ms. Rain becomes a protector for precious, she helps her when she has
nowhere to go and protects her from having to go back to her abusive mother. Ms. Rain responds to Precious needs, however I feel as though she
could have been more proactive. As a teacher with a focus on such a small group of girls I would hope that I would have noticed and responded more
aggressively to the red flags that were apparent. For example, why is this 16 year old girl illiterate? What is going on her family that has allowed this
to happen? Why is Precious so obese? Does she have an eating disorder, if so what could be the
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Precious : A Short Analysis Of Family Dynamics
Precious: A Short Analysis of the Family Dynamics in this Film Social Themes The film, Precious, is a powerfully charged story that delves into the
family dynamics of a 16–year–old girl and her struggles to survive an onslaught of treacherous experiences. Throughout the film, the viewer is
enveloped in a dramatic web of extreme situations, experienced by the main character, and those to whom she is close. The themes of domestic
violence, rape, incest, drug addiction, gambling, poverty, social justice, social services, housing and education are laced together throughout the story.
Particularly poignant attention is paid to various systems that help shape the experiences of the characters. The social services industry, and its
associated workers, educators and administrators, set the foundation for the social themes that are highlighted by this film. Main Characters and their
Interpersonal Relationships Claireece Precious Jones lives in an impoverished part of New York City with her mother, Mary and her daughter,
Mongo. Mary stays in the apartment, smoking cigarettes and watching television while barking orders for Precious to tend to her needs. Their
relationship is a deeply troubled one. It is evident that Precious has been physically, emotionally and sexually abused since she was a toddler. It
appears that Mary may have experienced similar abuse and is simply repeating all that she has ever known. Mary seems incapable of defending her
daughter from being repeatedly
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Time Is Gold Essay
I."Time is gold" Time is very important since we can never get it back. We only have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days in year (non
year). So we better spend our time to our love ones and to something that could make us happy. When I have work before, I am always come to our
office early or an hour before my duty. If I am late, the number of minutes I am late will deducted to my salary. But not just the thing why I chose
this quote, I chose this quote because in my work as a local call center agent, I want to help many people as I can. Sometimes it can be a short
conversation or it can be a long call but I do not care my about my handling time but I always care on how to resolve their concerns because I know
that if I cannot solve their concerns they will call again on us and will spend more time in the same concern. II."Hard work beats talent when talent
fails to work hard." by Kevin Durant Every person has/have their talent/s that they can be proud of. Talent is a more content...
"Success...Seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." by Conrad Hilton People
think well and work hard to success. We must act to success. Making a mistake doesn't mean that you have to quit because you can learn from that
mistakes. Also when you do certain things in life you can strive from it and you never know what it can bring or give you. Being an Engineering
student is stressful. Even though you give all your efforts and study very hard, it's still not enough. I have been experienced failure grades which is my
first time to encounter. Some of my colleagues has been already kick–out in this university. And others may afraid to take risks and continue their
struggle, so they give up easily and quit. But people that abandon easily regret it later. I'm determining to finish my study in any way. Failing grades
don't make me surrender my goal but bring challenge to me to keep moving during the tough
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Time Is Precious

  • 1. Time Is Precious Friends, today I am going to speak on a subject that affects us all, every day, every hour, every minute and every second. Yes...the subject is Time. Time is the most precious thing for a man as it comes only once in someone's life and never stays long. Our life is like a bubble, a short morning dream. Therefore, we should take good care and make the best use of it. In other words, we must understand the value of time. Time management is basically planning and dividing one's time in a constructive way. We all have a number of activities that have to be taken care of in a particular period of time. So we should be able to plan our activities in such a way that we are able to complete all the work in a given span of time. A more content... But those who forgot the value of time found to their utter dismay that it was harsh on them later. In other words, successful persons use time in the best possible manner to achieve their goals. Most of us waste our precious time in unnecessary things such as gossip, roaming–aimlessly, grieving over the past blunders or day dreaming. It must always be kept in mind that, "Time and tide wait for none". Time can be spent wisely or foolishly. The choice is ours and so are its consequences. Life is not a bed of roses. Each one of us has to face a number of problems in life. We have to be bold and courageous enough to face them. Problems are faced by men of courage only. Escapists always avoid problems. Bad times teach us a lot. They prepare us for a prosperous and glorious future. When difficult times arrive, they prepare us for a better life. We will then be able to handle problems with more maturity, stability and courage. Basically, time and opportunity once lost can never be recovered. The flow of time is ceaseless and eternal and we all are like small insignificant particles in this endless and continuous flow. Time is eternal and endless but human life is very limited, finite and short–lived. Hence, successful people make the best use of time in their lives. A work done is time earned. A decision taken at an appropriate moment can work wonders so we must all learn to strike the iron when it is hot. We must make the best Get more content on
  • 2. Precious The movies starts off with a picture of a red scarf hanging off a street lamp and then flying through the air. Harlem, 1987. Clarice Precious Jones (Gabourey Sildibe) is in a math class, daydreaming. She is wearing a red scarf. Much of the film is in first–person narration. She narrates, My name is Clarice Precious Jones. I want to be on the cover of a magazine. I wish I had a light–skinned boyfriend with good hair. But first I want to be in one of those BET videos, and we see a fantasy sequence of her dressed in a photo–shoot, accompanied with a light–skinned boyfriend (who will be in all her future movie sequences.) She also says I 'm gonna break through, someone is going to break through to me, ima be normal and sit in the front more content... It is clear that Precious is illiterate by the way she takes the test and narrates that tests paint pictures of me with no brain. On her way back, a group of thugs sexually harass her and then one pushes her down when she doesn't respond. Cut to a fantasy sequence of her dancing in an Apollo–like stage and her boyfriend licking her ear, but it is really a dog licking her ear while she is down on the ground. She returns to her building and runs into a little girl, Ruby, who pesters her. It is another day and Precious needs money for food before leaving house. But mom is too busy in bed, pleasuring herself, but asks Precious to come up and take care of her. She says, I wish she would stop that shit – meaning the sexual abuse. Afterward Precious goes to a fried–chicken shop and orders a bucket of chicken, but runs off with it without paying. She eats the whole bucket on the way to school and then throws up (perhaps showing a habit of binge–eating or maybe it is because she is pregnant). At the alternative school, the teacher, Ms. Blue Rain (Paula Patton), calls Precious to class and tells the class the purpose of the school is to prepare them for the GED. We are introduced to five other students. She asks each student to write and say their name, favorite color, talent, and why they are in the alternative class. The students say their items, but when its Precious's turn she asks to be skipped. Ms. Rains goes on teaching but Precious speaks up. Precious is scared, Get more content on
  • 3. Life Is The Most Precious Life Essay Life is the most precious gift from God. It is something that comes unexpectedly. We never know when will it come and when will it go. Life is full of happiness, sometimes sadness and sometimes combination of both. We value life because it was given by God and we owe God because he is so intelligent that he created everything that doesn't have defect and do help us to live in the most beautiful place we have ever seen, the world, the universe and the Earth. Because of life we discover many things, our talents, our capabilities and many more. We also met our love ones and special someone because of these life. We also learn how to do something out of his creation, for example houses, buildings, hospitals and schools. Life also something that makes us contented on what we have. Yes, life starts and unfortunately it also stops. Its quiet hard to say goodbye on our loved ones that has a big part on our lives but we need to accept that we are all going to die. But can you imagine life after our death? more content... Is there any place where we can stay? Or will we going to continue living in this world with our body? Will there be a chance for us to resurrect? And what will happen to our soul if we die? As a matter of fact I believe that when we die we will not feel any physical pain but only emotional pain because when we die, our soul will be separated from our body and only our emotions will leave. There is also a possibility that we will not be able to remember the journey we've been through because our brain is not with our soul. It is so sad to think that our treasured memories for a long period of time will going to be forget and I think we will not also be recognized our loved ones because when we transfer to another body there will be new brain and new heart the only thing that will remain is your drive for learning. Not the feelings nor the Get more content on
  • 4. Precious Movie Essay In the begging of the movie, Precious, the main character Precious Jones was on Level 1 according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I know this because she only had her basic necessities such as food, water, sleep, and shelter. At home she wasn't being shown love nor affection instead she was being sexually, physically, and mentally abused. Additionally, she was receiving abominable treatment from hermother, she mentally abused her by calling her stupid, fat, ugly, dummy, etc. Another reason I know this is because Precious wasn't safe and didn't feel safe in her home, her mother threw things at her, hit her with things like pots and pans, and threatened her diurnally. The final reason I know that Precious was at Level 1 according to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is because she wasn't being pushed or trying to achieve anything in life. The way Precious got from her lowest level to her highest level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is when she enrolled at Each One Teach One. When Precious became astudent at Each One Teach One she became inspired and motivated because she seen all the possibilities she had. There she received help from her teacher, Ms. Rain. At Each One Teach One Precious was loved by her teacher, Ms. Rain, and her peers. They all more content... One way Precious moved up is by moving in with Ms. Rain. When Precious moved in with Ms. Rain she started to feel safe. Another way Precious moved up the hierarchy scale is by enrolling in Each One Teach One. When Precious joined Each One Teach One she became a part of a community that loved her, cared for her, wanted the best for her, wanted to see her succeed, and achieve her goals. The last way she moved up the scale is by talking to Mrs. Weiss, and getting away from her mother. When Precious did this she had her Self–Actualization and realized her mother was selfish and self–centered and also she needed to get away from her Get more content on
  • 5. Childhood Is More Precious Than Childhood Essay In modern day society nothing is more precious than childhood. It is a time full of innocence, love, light and freedom with little to no worries. Childhood has not always been described as this, full of hope and dreams and aspirations, the time to just have fun and not to worry about the future, or wealth. Before the 1800s, childhood was not a thing and children were just seen as miniature adults, with no value, other than to carry on families. It was not until after the 1800s were childhood become a national phenomenon. Childhood is set to be this time were its all play and no work, where your parents or guardian is supposed to take care of you, but what about the children that do not have this luxury? Although childhood is a modern day universal subject recognized, not all children get to live their lives the way they are "meant to". The problem is dormant within certain societies for many reasons. One is the concept of developed and developing countries and their debt crisis, and another is western and non –Western ideals. With these battling each other, it is hard to communicate which one is right versus which one is wrong. When it comes to children and work, is it wrong? Is it ok? Should it be outlawed? Through universal and critical approaches, it will be shown that although child labour is against the UNCRC, it is crucial for children in some parts of the world to have this active role. Through critical debates child labour would be further developed and questioned Get more content on
  • 6. Life Is Precious In My Life People are so busy living their lives sometimes they forget each day isn't handed to them. It is a privilege to wake up each morning, often people take life for granted. I certainly do this as well as many others. It is extremely easy to be selfish and not think about the good thing, and only think of the bad things. But life is so precious, one moment you can wake up and your life can be completely changed, everything you know just turned upside down. There are many things in my life that have taught me to try and be more selfless and appreciate life as much as I can because there really is no telling when the life you have may change forever. For a lot of people when terrible things like this happen they are confused and they don't understand why it is happing. When I found out my grandfather had Alzheimer's disease that is exactly how I felt. I was only 13 years old. Being that young and getting told your grandpa, a man who I've always looked up to, a man that has always been there for me, a man that I loved more than anything was basically going to forget me and everything else he's ever known is a very terrible feeling. It was one of the worse feelings knowing there is nothing you can do but sit there and wait. I was crushed and there was nothing to do except watch his brain slowly rot and slowly watch my favorite man completely change into a new person. It just wasn't and still isn't fair my family. I still ask myself everyday why this had to happen to this happy go Get more content on
  • 7. Why Do I Value Time Essay "Time is free, but it's priceless. You can't own it, but you can use it. You can't keep it, but you can spend it. Once you've lost it you can never get it back." This quote is from Harvey MacKay is inspirational to me because the most important value in my life is time. Although, most people don't take time into consideration, it must be valued the most because it is the most precious and powerful thing in the world. I value time because it's limited, you decide how you choose to spend it, and it heals all wounds. Firstly, I value time because it's limited. Every day I wake up and do the same routine. Rarely do I ever change my daily schedule. My day consists of the same thing every day: waking up, checking my phone for the time, getting ready, and going to school (if I have class), coming home to do my homework, and of course associating with my family. I'm the type of person that gets easily distracted and always seems to have something to do. I live in regret every day from not picking up the phone to call my family in Cuba every chance I had. The day I realized just how much time as slipped through my hands was the day I found out that my grandpa had passed away. There is a common and true saying that "Time and Tide waits for none" more content... Most people prefer to spend their time with love ones or friends but I prefer to spend it alone. I love my halcyon days, just relaxing in my bed enjoying my music and of course thinking of scenarios that will never happen. As an indolent person I value my time alone especially when it comes to watching stand–up comedy or a new TV show. I adore movies or TV series in foreign language, I think diversity is the most beautiful thing ever. It's nice to just forget and travel the world and learn different customs and language all without leave the comfort of my home. It's nice to unwind from the world and just be myself even if it's just for a few Get more content on
  • 8. Precious Precious: A Case Study Use sociological concepts to make sense out of the life of 16 year old Clareece "Precious" Jones (an overweight, illiterate African–American teen in Harlem), as depicted in the 2009 film Precious. It's based on the novel Push by Sapphire. Note: Precious (part 1) and Precious (part 2) are two separate assignments with different dues dates, even though both sections are presented in this single document. Please check the Course Calendar for the different due dates. Precious (part 1) consists of questions 1–11. Precious (part 2) covers questions 12–27. PART ONE Chapters 1 & 2: Review 1. How does rational choice theory help explain why some economically marginalized people, who feel caught in a cycle of more content... 11. Use 3 sociological theories of deviance to explain why Precious' mom was involved in welfare fraud. PART TWO Chapter 8 12. In terms of the 5 major social class groups in the USA, what was the Precious's ascribed status? Explain how the social ranking she was born into affected her life experience and opportunities. 13. How did her ascribed membership in a Pariah group (pp.241–242) affect her life experience and opportunities? 14. Discuss her chances for social mobility. How likely is Precious to move up in the U.S. class structure even if she finishes her education? When it comes to getting ahead, what matters most family background or education? 15. According to Oliver and Sapiro (1995) the "wealth gap" between blacks and whites is even greater than the income gap. Explain the origin and (social and cultural capital) consequences of this wealth gap for Precious. 16. Since lack of ambition was clearly not the reason why Precious was poor, use sociological concepts and theories to help you explain her poverty (p. 236). What macrolevel structural forces within the society explain the origin of her poverty (see eHandout "Factors Affecting Poverty")? What cultural factors kept her poor? 17. Did social exclusion likely contribute to the poverty Precious experienced? Why or why not? 18. Can Get more content on
  • 9. Life Is A Precious Thing Essay Life is a precious thing. For some, bringing life into this world is a calling, a deeply felt desire to have a child. Unfortunately, pregnancy can come with its own complications. When pregnancy begins to infringe on a women's well–being, spiritually or physically, and there are perceived risks to the baby, bringing that life into the world brings more questions than answers. It no longer is a debate between the rights of the women and the rights of the fetus but brings deeper ethical issues into question. This essay will take a look at one such situation, how some core Christian worldview beliefs are relevant to the case, and how a Christian would resolve this issue; as well as look at both consequences and benefits of the resolution, and an alternative. Ethical Dilemma There was this woman named Susan. Even though she had found success in her career, she wanted more, to have a baby. After many years of trying, she was finally pregnant. During a checkup, the doctor identified that her baby has Down Syndrome. This diagnosis was not only a concern for the child but also a concern on how she would be able to maintain a healthy balance between her career and her family knowing how much additional attention the baby would need. Susan decided to seek guidance from a professor of evolutionary biology. Richard's opinion was that human beings should increase happiness and decrease suffering. Bringing a child into the world with Down Syndrome would be immoral knowing that he or she Get more content on
  • 10. Time Is More Precious Than Gold People usually say "Time is gold" and sometimes "Time is more precious than gold". Those sentences are obviously true in many circumstances, especially in the business world. Making a decision just in time can help executives gain incredible profits for their organizations. On the other hand, a few–second–late response might cost the business a very high price. In order to help executives to make decisions in a timely manner, analysts should bring them actionable dashboards, not just boards with full of colors, numbers, charts and graphs but no insights. Executive dashboards play an instrumental role in making business decisions. However, there are not all companies out there in the business world paying adequate attention to this. more content... In the latter case, it might be interesting to see the number of daily customers, but it does not bring any insights to drive actions. The second thing is data presented a dashboard must be up–to–date in real time or semi–real time. A dashboard builder needs to keep in mind that a dashboard is totally different with a report, which shows data in the past. If the information shown in a dashboard is out–of–date, it is useless to help the executives grasp the current business situation to adjust or improve it. In the worse case, outdated information might lead to inappropriate decisions, costing time and money of the business. Once again, a dashboard is not a lengthy report but easy to read. Therefore, an optimized dashboard should be fitted in one letter size page. Many analysts try to make up their dashboards with as much information as they can because they are not able to pick the precise metrics. Unfortunately, such dashboards might distract the viewers from the meaningful matters. In addition, a good dashboard is an interactive one, meaning that the viewers can interact easily and comfortably with it. The viewer can do basic manipulations to drive insight that they are looking for, adjusting parameters or filtering data, for example. An interactive dashboard helps the users to dig deeper into the insight to make decisions better and more quickly in just Get more content on
  • 11. Precious: A Case Study Precious, my willingness to a 2nd Alberta meeting is to develop a Plan B, that didn't entail a lethal threshold. My mission is to avoid the risk of loss of his housing and decompensation. Both of which, have been persistent problems. In light of his expressed intention to resume cannabis useage and independent tinkering with his meds, we need Glisan to focus/devise strategies that address those issues. Regards, Get more content on
  • 12. Time Essay Time Time is defined as a measured or measurable period, a continuum that lacks spatial dimensions. This broad definition lacks the simple explanation that humans are searching for. There are many scientists, philosophers, and thinkers who have tried to put time into understanding terms. The aspects of time that we can understand are only based on what we can perceive, observe, and calculate. Every day we look at our watches or clocks. We plan our day around different times of the day. Time tells us when to eat, when to sleep, and how long to do things for. If time were based on these simple terms, then this mysterious enigma would not be in debate. There are the issues of space and time; what is the more content... When space and the universe began, the existence of time also began. This theory is well–known as the Big Bang Theory. About fifteen billion years ago, the universe was comprised of very hot compressed gas, as a fireball. This is contrary to the idea of the universe beginning as a lump of matter somewhere in the void of space. Matter was created as a result of the Big Bang. Space and time was also created. So, with these ideas, time had a beginning. Looking at it a different way, in the early universe, the normal concept of time is uncertain. Our accepted perceptions, and calculations of time can't be explained all the way back to the Big Bang. There is no way to define time in that era. This is another way that time has a beginning; as far back as we can calculate. Space–time began at the same time. According to Hawking, you can't look at the universe using general relativity without finding a big bang or something similar to that at the very beginning. So what does time mean to people now? Time is different as you go through time zones. Everyone has their own perception of time. Nobody is ever on the same schedule, doing things exactly like another person. Even to go as far as other galaxies and planets, time cannot be existing on the same terms. In short, time is not absolute. In the space–time continuum, space bends whenever there is a mass. It's kind of like a bowling ball hitting a Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about Precious: The Film The 2009 film directed by Lee Daniels, Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire, tells a story about the life of a 16–year–old, Claireece "Precious" Jones, who grew up in Harlem during the late 1980s. Precious lives a life that includes many sociological issues that have unarguably caused her great pain throughout her young life. Having endured poverty, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse her life has been far from perfect, but she realizes the need to defeat these negative sociological factors to achieve a life that seems to her as only a fantasy. Daniels effectively portrays the source of Precious's problems, as well as the way in which she deals with them; thus, achieving his goal in allowing the audience to see the effects of more content... Not only does Mary cause both verbal and physical abuse to her daughter, but she also causes harm to Precious' new born, specifically when she throws Abdul to the ground. Much of Mary's discontent towards her daughter stems from Mary's husband (who is also Precious' father), Carl, the father of Precious' two children. Carl sexually abused Precious and Mary is resentful towards her, once saying, "Uppity now cause he give her more childrens than he did me" (Fletcher, 2008). Precious does a good job of concealing her emotions from the abuse in front of her mother and others, often envisioning a happy place where she has a boyfriend and life is seemingly well. Precious does, however, slip when talking to a social worker, Ms. Weiss, and reveals to her being sexually abused. Precious eventually finds it best for her and her children to move away from her abusive mother and into a halfway house. While her life is starting to look positive, her mother notifies her one day that her father has died from AIDS, and Precious believes she is infected with the disease as well. Precious' assumption turns out to be correct, but she continues on with her new life. Shortly after, the film concludes with Precious revealing her future plans to the audience, "I'm reading around 7th or 8th grade level now. High school level next. College after that" (Daniels, 2009). The film Get more content on
  • 14. Life Is Precious Life Is Precious It has been argued that it should be made legal for patients to have doctor–assisted suicide, or mercy–killing, which is the term used to describe ending life through the voluntary self–administration of lethal medication, expressly prescribed by a physician for that purpose (DHS–Internet). By approximately a two–to–one ratio, most adults in the US agree that it should be this way. "When read a brief description of the Oregon proposition, allowing physician–assisted suicide for patients who are thought to have less than six months to live, a 61% to 34% majority said that they would favor such a law in their state"(Harris # 2). However, I myself feel, that it shouldn't be approved for several reasons: this matter more content... However, in reviewing the lives of people whose suicides have been publicly linked to Dr. Jack Kevorkian, a pathologist who has been behind bars since 1999, serving 10 to 25 years for second–degree murder, at least 60% of the 47 suicide patients were not terminal. At least 17 of them could have lived in definitively and 13 had no complaint of pain and in at least five of those cases, the people who died had histories of severe depression (Freep В– internet). Dr. Kevorkian argues that every assisted–suicide candidate underwent extensive counseling with himself before hand, but it was found that counseling was often limited to phone calls and brief meetings that included family members and friends (Free press– internet). There should be some requirements for the process of doctor–assisted suicide, for instance, every candidate for assisted suicide must be examined by a psychiatrist. But it was found that there was no psychiatric exam in at least 19 Kevorkian cases, including several in which friends or family reported that the patient was despondent over matters other than health (Free Press В– Internet). In addition, he adds that before agreeing to assist a suicide he used to make a detailed review of each patient's medical records, but it was found that Kevorkian's access to such records varied widely; in some instances, he received only a brief summary of the attending physician's prognosis Get more content on
  • 15. The Most Precious Gift The Most Precious Gift Breathing in the cold winter air when the moon was shine as bright as the sun late into night, I could recall the one person who had changed my entire life. I wasn't the smartest, most athletic or even best looking guy back then but I was able to call this girl mine while it lasted. Her eyes were a rich shade of brown and filled with excitement, innocence, love, compassion, and kindness. She had the voice of an angel that could sooth even the beast in man. Just hearing her would make anyone's day better. I could still remember the day she had left me. We had met up at the mall, where we first met, for my birthday. When she got to the mall and sat down next to me, she said, "I have to tell you something." Her voice was shaky, her head was lowered, and she wasn't making much eye contact with me. At that moment, I knew something was wrong. The only I could do was just look at her. My mind was blank but I knew I couldn't show her any sadness. I lifted her chin up and said, "It'll be fine Anna. Whatever is wrong, I'll be here for you no matter what happens. You are the one I love and the reason why I keep on smiling." She looked up into my eyes and started to cry so I hugged her tight in my arms. While holding her in my arms, she whispers, "Let's go have some fun since today is your birthday." I wiped her tears off her face and said, "Okay. Let 's go have some fun." I stood up, holding her soft and delicate hand in mine. Each step we took we were, Get more content on
  • 16. The Journey Of Life Is Precious "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." ― Mae West. Life is precious. Everyone values their own life and does everything they can to preserve it. The body itself does everything it physically can to continue living. Even animals know since birth, they must do what they can to survive. Be it working together or working alone, they preserve their lives to the best of their abilities. We, as humans, are intelligent creatures and realize there is more to life than mere survival. Life is about our love, friends, family, and overall happiness. But due to our tunnel vision, when we only know about our experiences. We view our beliefs to be absolute and the sole way to go. Without realizing it, this ideology keeps us from being a more peaceful species. Instead of trying to stay the same, we should try to be better versions of our ancestors. Our species would be so much better if we actually spoke to and understood each other. Americans and europeans are so self–centered in the idea that we think we are the most civilized. We think all other cultures that don 't meet our standards are backwards. we refuse to understand how others think and why they do certain things. What we don 't realize is mixing cultures isn 't necessarily a bad thing. If we would be able to understand each other on a deeper level there will be less war, hate, and needless pain. For a country who prides itself on being diverse, we are very disdainful toward new things. This refusal to learn Get more content on
  • 17. Precious: A Case Study Essay Precious: A Case Study Kristan Hughart Wilmington University Precious: A Case Study The move Precious (based on the novel "Push" written by Sapphire), depicts the life of a 16 year old girl named Claireece "Precious" Jones. The story is set in Harlem, NY in 1987. Precious has suffered severe abuse throughout her life by both of her parents. She has seemed to have slipped through the cracks of the system from family, the school system, child services, as well as the community as a whole. Her only saving grace is her strong will and her ability to disassociate herself and seek comfort in her own imaginary world. Precious' abuse started as an infant when she was molested and raped by her father as more content... Although it was not shown one could assume Precious has witnessed violence between her mother and father. Response of Multidisciplinary Team member I chose Precious' teacher Ms. Rain as the multidisciplinary team member I would like to portray. Ms. Rain becomes more than a teacher to Precious. She represents the mother figure she so desperately wants to have, the sophisticated women she strives to become, and someone she can count on for once in her life. Ms. Rain responded to Precious' low self–esteem by empowering her through learning. She taught her how to socialize with others by creating a classroom environment that required it. Ms. Rain becomes a trustworthy confidant through the journal writings which allow Precious to start to come to terms with the things that have to her. Ms. Rain becomes a protector for precious, she helps her when she has nowhere to go and protects her from having to go back to her abusive mother. Ms. Rain responds to Precious needs, however I feel as though she could have been more proactive. As a teacher with a focus on such a small group of girls I would hope that I would have noticed and responded more aggressively to the red flags that were apparent. For example, why is this 16 year old girl illiterate? What is going on her family that has allowed this to happen? Why is Precious so obese? Does she have an eating disorder, if so what could be the Get more content on
  • 18. Precious : A Short Analysis Of Family Dynamics Precious: A Short Analysis of the Family Dynamics in this Film Social Themes The film, Precious, is a powerfully charged story that delves into the family dynamics of a 16–year–old girl and her struggles to survive an onslaught of treacherous experiences. Throughout the film, the viewer is enveloped in a dramatic web of extreme situations, experienced by the main character, and those to whom she is close. The themes of domestic violence, rape, incest, drug addiction, gambling, poverty, social justice, social services, housing and education are laced together throughout the story. Particularly poignant attention is paid to various systems that help shape the experiences of the characters. The social services industry, and its associated workers, educators and administrators, set the foundation for the social themes that are highlighted by this film. Main Characters and their Interpersonal Relationships Claireece Precious Jones lives in an impoverished part of New York City with her mother, Mary and her daughter, Mongo. Mary stays in the apartment, smoking cigarettes and watching television while barking orders for Precious to tend to her needs. Their relationship is a deeply troubled one. It is evident that Precious has been physically, emotionally and sexually abused since she was a toddler. It appears that Mary may have experienced similar abuse and is simply repeating all that she has ever known. Mary seems incapable of defending her daughter from being repeatedly Get more content on
  • 19. Time Is Gold Essay I."Time is gold" Time is very important since we can never get it back. We only have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days in year (non –leap year). So we better spend our time to our love ones and to something that could make us happy. When I have work before, I am always come to our office early or an hour before my duty. If I am late, the number of minutes I am late will deducted to my salary. But not just the thing why I chose this quote, I chose this quote because in my work as a local call center agent, I want to help many people as I can. Sometimes it can be a short conversation or it can be a long call but I do not care my about my handling time but I always care on how to resolve their concerns because I know that if I cannot solve their concerns they will call again on us and will spend more time in the same concern. II."Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard." by Kevin Durant Every person has/have their talent/s that they can be proud of. Talent is a more content... "Success...Seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." by Conrad Hilton People think well and work hard to success. We must act to success. Making a mistake doesn't mean that you have to quit because you can learn from that mistakes. Also when you do certain things in life you can strive from it and you never know what it can bring or give you. Being an Engineering student is stressful. Even though you give all your efforts and study very hard, it's still not enough. I have been experienced failure grades which is my first time to encounter. Some of my colleagues has been already kick–out in this university. And others may afraid to take risks and continue their struggle, so they give up easily and quit. But people that abandon easily regret it later. I'm determining to finish my study in any way. Failing grades don't make me surrender my goal but bring challenge to me to keep moving during the tough Get more content on