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Thesis Seminar
   Analysis of Performance Based
 Budgeting Implementation in Local
Government Institution (Case Study in
   Bukittinggi Local Government)

               Thesis Advisor :
     Mr. Efa Yonnedi, SE, MPPM, Phd, Ak.

                Sari Haryanti
                 07 153 128
Research Background
The enactment of legislation package in the field of Public
Finance  foundation for the implementation public
financial management sector reform : PBB, MTEF and
Unified Budget

      Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) No.
      29/2002 on technical guidance in
      arranging, implementating until reporting of
      implementation PBB

             Indonesian Ministry of Finance, 2008  The
             Performance based Budget approach has been
             adopted and implemented, but it has
             encountered several obstacles

                                                          Chapter I. Introduction
Research Problem
      • To what extent has Bukittinggi City
        implemented Performance Based
        Budgeting since 2002?
      • What are the factors that influence
        implementation of Performance
        Based Budgeting in Bukittinggi Local

                            Chapter I. Introduction
Research Objective
• Conducting studies in general
  towards performance based
  budgeting in Bukittinggi Local
  Government compared with         Benefit of research
  the theory and regulation        • Get an overview of
                                     achievement preparation and
• Identify the factors that          implementation of PBB in
  influence the implementation       Bukittinggi Local Government
  of Performance Based             • Knowing the factors that
  Budgeting in Bukittinggi Local     influence implementation of
  Government                         PBB in Bukittinggi Local
                                   • As the basis for further
                                     research on the preparation
                                     and implementation of PBB in
                                     Indonesia, specifically in
                                     Bukittinggi Local Government

                                            Chapter I. Introduction
Theoretical Framework
2.1.    • Definition Of Performance-Based Budget
2.2.    • Principles For Performance-Based Budget
2.3.    • Elements Of A Performance-Based Budgeting
2.4.    • Supporting Elements Of Performance Based Budget
2.5.    • Performance-Based Budget Precondition
2.6.    • Benefit And Challenges Of Performance Based Budgeting Application

2.7.    • Performance-Based Budget Formulation
2.8.    • Relationship Between Strategic Planning, PBB And The MSS
2.9.    • Case Study from Others Countries
2.10.   • Previous Research Analysis
                                                   Chapter II Theoretical Background
2.10.Previous Research Analysis
  Haoran          • Performance Budgeting Resuscitated:”why is it still inviable?”
 Lu (1998)        • Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management ; Summer 1998;10,2

                  • Condition to implement outcome-oriented performance budgeting: some empirical
 Xiao Hu Wang       evidence.
                  • Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, winter 1999;11,4

     Marc         • Best practice in Performance Budgeting
    (2002)        • Discussion Paper no.124 November 2002, Queensland University of Technology

     M. Aris       • Factors that influence PBB planning in DKI Jakarta Province
  Firmansyah       • University of Indonesia
                   • Phenomenology study to Local Budget Preparation Process, Empiric evidence from
  Sri Rahayu &       1 work unit in in Jambi Province
 friends (2007)
                   • Simposium Nasional Akuntansi X, UNHAS Makasar 26-28 Juli 2007
                  • The performance budgeting process phenomenon studies at Local Government of
   Nuraeni          Temanggung.
 Utari (2009)     • Thesis for magister Accounting UNDIP

   Ari Eko        • Implementation of Performance based budgeting : phenomenon studies (case
  Widyantoro        study at Diponegoro University)
    (2010)        • Thesis for magister Accounting UNDIP
                                                                   Chapter II Theoretical Background
Research Design
• Aims to
  implementation       •Respondent:32           •Respondent : 2
  of PBB in            head department          members of
  Bukittinggi LG       and staff of             budgeting team of
                                                Bukittinggi Local
• Qualitative          planning & finance       Government and 1
  approach which       subunit in work          member of
  is descriptive       units (SKPD) in          budgeting team
  analysis research.   Bukittinggi Local        from DPRD
• Conducted from       Government
  March 2011 until
  June 2011at local
  government                                     In-depth
  Institution in                                 Interview
  Bukittinggi city.
                                            Chapter III Research Design
Data Analysis Method
1) validity test : triangulation; include methods, sources and data
                                            Method Triangulation Question interview
      Source Triangulation                                         naire
      Head of Regional Development Planning and Investment           -         √
      (BAPPEDA & PM)
      Secretary of Finance and Asset Management Regions              -         √

      Vice Chairman of Bukittinggi House of Representatif            -         √

      Head of Budget Department of Finance and Asset Management      √         √
      Regions (DPKAD)
      Secretary of Regional Development Planning and Investment      √         -
      (BAPPEDA & PM)
      Head of planning & finance Department in unit work             √         -

      Head of economic & development Department                      √         -

      Staff of planning Department                                   √         -

      Staff of finance Department                                    √         -

                                                             Chapter III Research Design

•   level respondent knowledge on PBB: (1)gives score
    1 for each correct answer and score 0 for each
    incorrect answer,(2)analyzed through mean
                                                                     In-depth Interview
    method aimed to finds the average score (mean)
    and categorized based on: the score exceeds
    average shows high knowledge, and below average       The process and analysis of the data are
    means low knowledge(3) the find percentage of
                                                             conducted with the following ways:
    each variable question for detail information.
•   Item implementation of some steps in making          • Describe the informant
    budget and element of PBB , used scoring system: 1   • Collect all the data obtained from
    for never, 2 for seldom, 3 for sometimes, 4 for          sources
    usually, and 5 for always. To analyze the answers    • Organize and create a sequence of data
    from the respondent, reasearcher also used mean          in accordance with the purposes of
    method.                                                  research
•   Item of the challenges in the implementation of
                                                         • Categorize data which has similar
    performance-based budgeting in Bukittinggi Local
                                                             characteristics or patterns
    Government:defines the frequency then finds the
    percentage                                           • Summarize in the form of matrix
•   Item of solutions that officer have done and         • Analyze each items and then analyzes
    recommendations : analyzed by making a list and          refer to the theory and the results of
    group of respondent answer.                              other studies
                                                                   Chapter III Research Design
• 4.3. Results and Discussion
• 4.1.General Description of
  Bukittinggi Budget Institution            • 4.3.1. Respondent Knowledge
                                                          Table 4.4
                                             Frequency Distribution of Budget
• 4.2. Respondent Description                       Preparation Process
a. Questionnaire Respondent
                Table 4.2.
 Frequency Distribution of Questionnaires      Respondent         Frequen    Percentage
       Respondent Knowledge on PBB
                                               Knowledge          cy
Respondent           Frequ   Percentage        High               15         46.9%
Education            ency
                                               Low                17         53.1%
Senior High School   1       3.1%
                                               total              32         100%
Diploma III          1       3.1%
Bachelor Degree      20      62.5%
Master Degree        10      31.3%
total                32      100%

b. In-depth interview Respondent
All respondent educational
      background : Master degree                       Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
Table 4.3
                                         Percentage of Respondent Knowledge on PBB

 No                                                                Statement                                                             % True   % False
1     Budgets are prepared in accordance with the requirements and ability of local revenue                                              100      0

2     Preparation of Budgets guided by RKPD in order to realize a service to the community to achieve the purpose of the state           100      0

3     Budget function : function of planning, supervision, allocation, and distribution                                                  93.8     6.2

4     Budget, budget changes, and accountability for implementation of the budget each year is determined by local government            90.6     9.4
5     Local expenditure which used for government activity authorize by province or regency/city consist of obligatory affair which      12.5     87.5
      stated by regulation
6     Total revenues are budgeted in the budget are estimates measured in a rational way that can be achieved for each source of         96.9     3.1
7     All local government income, local expenditure, and local funding are budgeted on a net basis in the budget                        21.9     78.1
8     In preparing the budget, budgetary expenditures should be supported by the estimating of revenue availability in sufficient        9.4      90.6
9     RPJMD for a period of 5 (five) years are the elaboration of the vision, mission and programs of regional head of the preparation   96.9     3.1
      is guided by the Regional RPJP with due regard to National Development Plan and minimum service standards set by the
10    RKA-SKPD prepared using the approach of regional medium-term expenditure framework and integrated budgeting                        56.3     43.8
11    What is a performance based budget?                                                                                                78.1     21.9
12    Which is not including the principles of performance based budget 'Value for money'?                                               25       75
13    The appropriate elements of PBB is                                                                                                 34.4     65.6
14    The supporting elements of PBB, except                                                                                             18.8     81.3
15    Performance-Based Budget Preconditions By Allen Schick, except ...                                                                 18.8     81.3
16    The newest rules are still used as a regional financial guidance is ...                                                            37.5     62.5
17    Which is includes Income Balance Fund based on article 23 of Government Regulation                     Number 58 of 2005           75       25

      is, except ..
18    Local government expenditure referred to in Article 20 paragraph (3) Government Regulation Number 58 of                            50       50
      2005 are classified according to ..., unless..
19    Which does not include local funding in Article 28 of Government Regulation No. 58 year 2005 are                                   37.5     62.5
20    The rules are guidelines for the preparation of budget year 2010 is...                                                             50       50
4.3.2. Analysis of Budget Preparation Process in
                      Bukittinggi Local Government Budget Process
                                            Time Realization in
                Table 4.4
                                                     Budget Preparation
    Frequency Distribution of Budget                 -Almost all respondent said
             Preparation Process                     there is a delay in the
     Budget     Frequen      Percentage              implementation the time
     Preparatio cy                                   allocation of buget preparation
     n process
                                                     - Reason : late audit BPK
     Good         17         53.1%
                                                     results, inability of SKPD staff
     Not Good     15         46.9%                   and less of discipline in running
     total        32         100%                    the agreed schedule Time Allocation in The Budget Process
In line with regulation & theory time allocation in
making budget is started by collecting society
aspiration which called Musrenbang since Januari
untill March, after that the latest discussion held on
April, then on June all document entered to DPRD
and on November it has been legally authorized for          Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
next year budget
4.3.3. Analysis of Performance Based Implementation
                in Bukittinggi Local Government
• Early implementation of PBB : since 2001and also chatagorized as the first region that
    implemented it
• Implementation of PBB in Bukittinggi Local Government : based on theory and
    regulation : in practice there are several things that are still inappropriate with the rule such as
    additional activity plan in mid of budgeting year; doing the stages not on time; It is already
    appropriate format, clear input, outputs, outcomes but still cannot identify impact and benefit;
• Analysis of PBB Precondition in Bukittinggi Local Government : Bukittinggi already has
    performance measurement system and good integrated accounting system; financial audit
    system is regularly done by BPK and Bawasda
• Vision, Mission and Activities Alignment : all document already has correlation each
• Reward and Punishment : for reward and punishment is already existed, in term of
    professional allowance. There is a performance measurement for every unit work even for
    every employee, but in realization the follow-up of this report score is still not good.
• Standard Cost : it’s stated by major regulation
• Work Contract : The work contract exists between Major of bukittinggi with the
    headman of each work unit ,but in realization, this work contract is not maximal
• Performance Evaluation : Performance evaluation already implemented in Bukittinggi Local
    Government, even for staff, SKPD and the major , there is a problem in following-up the evaluation
    result, related SKPD only can send reminding letter and cannot give a punishment

                                                                    Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
4.3.4.Challanges in the Implementation of PBB
              Table 4.6                                                   In-depth interview
Frequency Distribution of Challenge in                              - human resources: weakneses
      the Implementation of PBB                                       of internal condition such as
                                                                      less discipline, less
 N                   Constraints                 Frequ    Percent     commitment, problems in
 o                                               encies    age        placement of staff,
 1   Lack of socialization and training of PBB     8      8.25%
                                                                    - regulation : always changes,
 2   Lack of knowledge/ understanding civil       26      26.8%       personnel regulation which
     servant about PBB                                                asks the staff to move to other
 3   Lack of motivation on employees to apply     19      19.59%      work units in order to get
     the maximum PBB                                                  advance career
 4   There is no clear setting standard           18      18.56%    - Besides concerning to the
     performance                                                      implementation budget this
 5   The limited availability of local budgets    10      10.31%      year, at the same time staff
 6   Lack of expertise                             7      7.22%       should concern in making next
                                                                      year budget as they have
 7   The budget team has not been fully            9      9.28%
                                                                      double jobs in the same time
     involved at every stage of budget
     planning process
                                                                           Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
                         Total                    97      100%
4.3.5. How Bukittinggi Local Government Address the Challenges?

         Questionnaire                         In-depth Interview
•   Socialization and workshop about      • making an agreement with
•   Consultation with unit work that        major
    related to budgeting process, such
    as Regional Development Planning      • done training for staff
    and Investment (BAPPEDA & PM)
    and Department of Finance and         • evaluation
    Asset Management Regions
•   Consultation with budget team of
    Bukittinggi local government
•   Find literature and regulation
    related to PBB
•   Try to understand list of jobs as a
    basis of implementation PBB
•   Give assistance to unit work
•   Create circular letter for all work
    unit to collect RKA on time based
    on schedule

                                               Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
4.3.6.How to Improve Performance Based Budgeting Implementation in Bukittinggi
                              Local government
• For human resources : creating professional team in planning and
  preparing budget based on existing regulation, importing professional
  team to Bukittinggi for socializing and facilitating the preparation of
  PBB, recombining perception each element that involved in prepare
  budget about meaning of PBB, giving motivation for all staff to understand
  PBB, giving technical instruction and routine assistances for preparation
  budget process, developing a mindset about PBB, and the commitment
  between chairman and staff about expenditure used based on PBB
  Increase quality of human resources.

• For system and condition should be exist : creating clear standard and
  manual direction for PBB implementation, unit work should follow all
  regulation until the detail part of implementation PBB, making a relation
  between implementation of PBB with reward and punishment
  system, implementing review and evaluation for every program, all
  expense appropriate with achieved output ,managing all resources
  effectively and efficiently.

• For regulation and manual from central government : need clear indicator
  standard, technical direction/manual from central government, central
  government also give an example of consistent implementation of PBB
                                                   Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
• Performance based budgeting has already implemented in Bukittinggi Local Government
      since 2000. The first implementation already good because of direct supervision from
      ICMA (International City/Country Management Association) in cooperation between
      Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs and USAID. It’s implemented due to strong
      commitment between the Bukittinggi Major and staffs who’s did it still has strong

    • The respondent has low knowledge on budget and PBB which indicated by 53.1 % of them get score under average. Most

      of them has wrong answers in important part of PBB such as: the estimation of revenue availability in sufficient quantities;
      local expenditure which is used for government activity authorized by province or regency/city consists of obligatory affair
      which is stated by regulation; the supporting elements of PBB; performance-based budget precondition; all local
      government income, local expenditure, and local funding are budgeted on a net basis in the budget; the appropriate
      elements of PBB; the newest rules is still used as a regional financial guidance; and which does not include local funding in
      Article 28 of Government Regulation No. 58 year 2005.

    • Bukittinggi Local Government has followed the stages that regulate by regulation and theory in implementation of
      performance based budgeting. All of those stages are done but the quality is questionable. The most challenge in
      the implementation is commitment to do all stages based on agreed schedule with maximum quality. There are
      many things to be evaluated such as: human resources aspects (lack of knowledge, lack of discipline, lack of
      commitment in implementation PBB based on regulation, inappropriate of employee placement, and lack of
      expertise on accounting/planning), system and precondition should be exists (performance measurement system,
      wok contract system, internal control system not implement effectively), and regulation that always changes in
      short time.

      • Key factors that influence the implementation of PBB in Bukittinggi :Human resources: knowledge on

        PBB, staff discipline, understanding of their own job responsibility, quality of human resources, right
        placement of employee, and strong commitment in implementation PBB based on regulation;System
        and precondition : clear standard and manual direction of PBB and the availability of budget funds;
        Regulation : changes in regulation from central government (Ministry of Home Affairs regulation and
        other regulation on it)

                                                                                      Chapter V. Conclusion
              • the local government should first concern to the employee
  Human         that related to implementation PBB. Such as good placement
                of staff based on competencies (right man in the right
 Resources      place), give enough understanding and motivation to
                increase the quality of PBB implementation

           • The regulation should not always change. We need to
             implement it then evaluate the result, after that change
Regulation   can be done if some improvement is needed..

              • reward and punishment, work contract, high commitment, the
 System &       firmness of headman consistency to obey the rule. After that, there
   pre-         should be an evaluation for the implementation of performance
                based budgeting and decision about what will be done to make
 condition      everything in PBB is getting better.

                                                             Chapter V. Conclusion
Limitation of research

                         Chapter V. Conclusion

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Thesis seminar

  • 1. Thesis Seminar Analysis of Performance Based Budgeting Implementation in Local Government Institution (Case Study in Bukittinggi Local Government) Thesis Advisor : Mr. Efa Yonnedi, SE, MPPM, Phd, Ak. By: Sari Haryanti 07 153 128
  • 2. Research Background The enactment of legislation package in the field of Public Finance  foundation for the implementation public financial management sector reform : PBB, MTEF and Unified Budget Ministry of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) No. 29/2002 on technical guidance in arranging, implementating until reporting of implementation PBB Indonesian Ministry of Finance, 2008  The Performance based Budget approach has been adopted and implemented, but it has encountered several obstacles Chapter I. Introduction
  • 3. Research Problem • To what extent has Bukittinggi City implemented Performance Based Budgeting since 2002? • What are the factors that influence implementation of Performance Based Budgeting in Bukittinggi Local Government? Chapter I. Introduction
  • 4. Research Objective • Conducting studies in general towards performance based budgeting in Bukittinggi Local Government compared with Benefit of research the theory and regulation • Get an overview of achievement preparation and • Identify the factors that implementation of PBB in influence the implementation Bukittinggi Local Government of Performance Based • Knowing the factors that Budgeting in Bukittinggi Local influence implementation of Government PBB in Bukittinggi Local Government • As the basis for further research on the preparation and implementation of PBB in Indonesia, specifically in Bukittinggi Local Government Chapter I. Introduction
  • 5. Theoretical Framework 2.1. • Definition Of Performance-Based Budget 2.2. • Principles For Performance-Based Budget 2.3. • Elements Of A Performance-Based Budgeting 2.4. • Supporting Elements Of Performance Based Budget 2.5. • Performance-Based Budget Precondition 2.6. • Benefit And Challenges Of Performance Based Budgeting Application 2.7. • Performance-Based Budget Formulation 2.8. • Relationship Between Strategic Planning, PBB And The MSS 2.9. • Case Study from Others Countries 2.10. • Previous Research Analysis Chapter II Theoretical Background
  • 6. 2.10.Previous Research Analysis Haoran • Performance Budgeting Resuscitated:”why is it still inviable?” Lu (1998) • Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management ; Summer 1998;10,2 • Condition to implement outcome-oriented performance budgeting: some empirical Xiao Hu Wang evidence. (1999) • Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, winter 1999;11,4 Marc • Best practice in Performance Budgeting Robinson (2002) • Discussion Paper no.124 November 2002, Queensland University of Technology M. Aris • Factors that influence PBB planning in DKI Jakarta Province Firmansyah • University of Indonesia (2007) • Phenomenology study to Local Budget Preparation Process, Empiric evidence from Sri Rahayu & 1 work unit in in Jambi Province friends (2007) • Simposium Nasional Akuntansi X, UNHAS Makasar 26-28 Juli 2007 • The performance budgeting process phenomenon studies at Local Government of Nuraeni Temanggung. Utari (2009) • Thesis for magister Accounting UNDIP Ari Eko • Implementation of Performance based budgeting : phenomenon studies (case Widyantoro study at Diponegoro University) (2010) • Thesis for magister Accounting UNDIP Chapter II Theoretical Background
  • 7. Research Design • Aims to investigate implementation •Respondent:32 •Respondent : 2 of PBB in head department members of Bukittinggi LG and staff of budgeting team of Bukittinggi Local • Qualitative planning & finance Government and 1 approach which subunit in work member of is descriptive units (SKPD) in budgeting team analysis research. Bukittinggi Local from DPRD • Conducted from Government March 2011 until June 2011at local government In-depth Questionnaire Institution in Interview Bukittinggi city. Research Objectives Chapter III Research Design
  • 8. Data Analysis Method 1) validity test : triangulation; include methods, sources and data Method Triangulation Question interview Source Triangulation naire Head of Regional Development Planning and Investment - √ (BAPPEDA & PM) Secretary of Finance and Asset Management Regions - √ Vice Chairman of Bukittinggi House of Representatif - √ Head of Budget Department of Finance and Asset Management √ √ Regions (DPKAD) Secretary of Regional Development Planning and Investment √ - (BAPPEDA & PM) Head of planning & finance Department in unit work √ - Head of economic & development Department √ - Staff of planning Department √ - Staff of finance Department √ - Chapter III Research Design
  • 9. Questionaire • level respondent knowledge on PBB: (1)gives score 1 for each correct answer and score 0 for each incorrect answer,(2)analyzed through mean In-depth Interview method aimed to finds the average score (mean) and categorized based on: the score exceeds average shows high knowledge, and below average The process and analysis of the data are means low knowledge(3) the find percentage of conducted with the following ways: each variable question for detail information. • Item implementation of some steps in making • Describe the informant budget and element of PBB , used scoring system: 1 • Collect all the data obtained from for never, 2 for seldom, 3 for sometimes, 4 for sources usually, and 5 for always. To analyze the answers • Organize and create a sequence of data from the respondent, reasearcher also used mean in accordance with the purposes of method. research • Item of the challenges in the implementation of • Categorize data which has similar performance-based budgeting in Bukittinggi Local characteristics or patterns Government:defines the frequency then finds the percentage • Summarize in the form of matrix • Item of solutions that officer have done and • Analyze each items and then analyzes recommendations : analyzed by making a list and refer to the theory and the results of group of respondent answer. other studies Chapter III Research Design
  • 10. • 4.3. Results and Discussion • 4.1.General Description of Bukittinggi Budget Institution • 4.3.1. Respondent Knowledge => TAPD and BANGGAR Table 4.4 Frequency Distribution of Budget • 4.2. Respondent Description Preparation Process a. Questionnaire Respondent Table 4.2. Frequency Distribution of Questionnaires Respondent Frequen Percentage Respondent Knowledge on PBB Knowledge cy Respondent Frequ Percentage High 15 46.9% Education ency Low 17 53.1% Senior High School 1 3.1% total 32 100% Diploma III 1 3.1% Bachelor Degree 20 62.5% Master Degree 10 31.3% total 32 100% b. In-depth interview Respondent All respondent educational background : Master degree Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
  • 11. Table 4.3 Percentage of Respondent Knowledge on PBB No Statement % True % False 1 Budgets are prepared in accordance with the requirements and ability of local revenue 100 0 2 Preparation of Budgets guided by RKPD in order to realize a service to the community to achieve the purpose of the state 100 0 3 Budget function : function of planning, supervision, allocation, and distribution 93.8 6.2 4 Budget, budget changes, and accountability for implementation of the budget each year is determined by local government 90.6 9.4 regulations 5 Local expenditure which used for government activity authorize by province or regency/city consist of obligatory affair which 12.5 87.5 stated by regulation 6 Total revenues are budgeted in the budget are estimates measured in a rational way that can be achieved for each source of 96.9 3.1 income 7 All local government income, local expenditure, and local funding are budgeted on a net basis in the budget 21.9 78.1 8 In preparing the budget, budgetary expenditures should be supported by the estimating of revenue availability in sufficient 9.4 90.6 quantities 9 RPJMD for a period of 5 (five) years are the elaboration of the vision, mission and programs of regional head of the preparation 96.9 3.1 is guided by the Regional RPJP with due regard to National Development Plan and minimum service standards set by the government 10 RKA-SKPD prepared using the approach of regional medium-term expenditure framework and integrated budgeting 56.3 43.8 11 What is a performance based budget? 78.1 21.9 12 Which is not including the principles of performance based budget 'Value for money'? 25 75 13 The appropriate elements of PBB is 34.4 65.6 14 The supporting elements of PBB, except 18.8 81.3 15 Performance-Based Budget Preconditions By Allen Schick, except ... 18.8 81.3 16 The newest rules are still used as a regional financial guidance is ... 37.5 62.5 17 Which is includes Income Balance Fund based on article 23 of Government Regulation Number 58 of 2005 75 25 is, except .. 18 Local government expenditure referred to in Article 20 paragraph (3) Government Regulation Number 58 of 50 50 2005 are classified according to ..., unless.. 19 Which does not include local funding in Article 28 of Government Regulation No. 58 year 2005 are 37.5 62.5 20 The rules are guidelines for the preparation of budget year 2010 is... 50 50
  • 12. 4.3.2. Analysis of Budget Preparation Process in Bukittinggi Local Government Budget Process Time Realization in Table 4.4 Budget Preparation Frequency Distribution of Budget -Almost all respondent said Preparation Process there is a delay in the Budget Frequen Percentage implementation the time Preparatio cy allocation of buget preparation n process - Reason : late audit BPK Good 17 53.1% results, inability of SKPD staff Not Good 15 46.9% and less of discipline in running total 32 100% the agreed schedule Time Allocation in The Budget Process In line with regulation & theory time allocation in making budget is started by collecting society aspiration which called Musrenbang since Januari untill March, after that the latest discussion held on April, then on June all document entered to DPRD and on November it has been legally authorized for Chapter IV. Result & Discussion next year budget
  • 13. 4.3.3. Analysis of Performance Based Implementation in Bukittinggi Local Government • Early implementation of PBB : since 2001and also chatagorized as the first region that implemented it • Implementation of PBB in Bukittinggi Local Government : based on theory and regulation : in practice there are several things that are still inappropriate with the rule such as additional activity plan in mid of budgeting year; doing the stages not on time; It is already appropriate format, clear input, outputs, outcomes but still cannot identify impact and benefit; • Analysis of PBB Precondition in Bukittinggi Local Government : Bukittinggi already has performance measurement system and good integrated accounting system; financial audit system is regularly done by BPK and Bawasda • Vision, Mission and Activities Alignment : all document already has correlation each others • Reward and Punishment : for reward and punishment is already existed, in term of professional allowance. There is a performance measurement for every unit work even for every employee, but in realization the follow-up of this report score is still not good. • Standard Cost : it’s stated by major regulation • Work Contract : The work contract exists between Major of bukittinggi with the headman of each work unit ,but in realization, this work contract is not maximal • Performance Evaluation : Performance evaluation already implemented in Bukittinggi Local Government, even for staff, SKPD and the major , there is a problem in following-up the evaluation result, related SKPD only can send reminding letter and cannot give a punishment Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
  • 14. 4.3.4.Challanges in the Implementation of PBB Questionnaire Table 4.6 In-depth interview Frequency Distribution of Challenge in - human resources: weakneses the Implementation of PBB of internal condition such as less discipline, less N Constraints Frequ Percent commitment, problems in o encies age placement of staff, 1 Lack of socialization and training of PBB 8 8.25% - regulation : always changes, 2 Lack of knowledge/ understanding civil 26 26.8% personnel regulation which servant about PBB asks the staff to move to other 3 Lack of motivation on employees to apply 19 19.59% work units in order to get the maximum PBB advance career 4 There is no clear setting standard 18 18.56% - Besides concerning to the performance implementation budget this 5 The limited availability of local budgets 10 10.31% year, at the same time staff 6 Lack of expertise 7 7.22% should concern in making next year budget as they have 7 The budget team has not been fully 9 9.28% double jobs in the same time involved at every stage of budget planning process Chapter IV. Result & Discussion Total 97 100%
  • 15. 4.3.5. How Bukittinggi Local Government Address the Challenges? Questionnaire In-depth Interview • Socialization and workshop about • making an agreement with PBB • Consultation with unit work that major related to budgeting process, such as Regional Development Planning • done training for staff and Investment (BAPPEDA & PM) and Department of Finance and • evaluation Asset Management Regions (DPKAD) • Consultation with budget team of Bukittinggi local government • Find literature and regulation related to PBB • Try to understand list of jobs as a basis of implementation PBB • Give assistance to unit work • Create circular letter for all work unit to collect RKA on time based on schedule Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
  • 16. 4.3.6.How to Improve Performance Based Budgeting Implementation in Bukittinggi Local government • For human resources : creating professional team in planning and preparing budget based on existing regulation, importing professional team to Bukittinggi for socializing and facilitating the preparation of PBB, recombining perception each element that involved in prepare budget about meaning of PBB, giving motivation for all staff to understand PBB, giving technical instruction and routine assistances for preparation budget process, developing a mindset about PBB, and the commitment between chairman and staff about expenditure used based on PBB Increase quality of human resources. • For system and condition should be exist : creating clear standard and manual direction for PBB implementation, unit work should follow all regulation until the detail part of implementation PBB, making a relation between implementation of PBB with reward and punishment system, implementing review and evaluation for every program, all expense appropriate with achieved output ,managing all resources effectively and efficiently. • For regulation and manual from central government : need clear indicator standard, technical direction/manual from central government, central government also give an example of consistent implementation of PBB Chapter IV. Result & Discussion
  • 17. • Performance based budgeting has already implemented in Bukittinggi Local Government Conclusion 1 since 2000. The first implementation already good because of direct supervision from ICMA (International City/Country Management Association) in cooperation between Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs and USAID. It’s implemented due to strong commitment between the Bukittinggi Major and staffs who’s did it still has strong commitment. • The respondent has low knowledge on budget and PBB which indicated by 53.1 % of them get score under average. Most 2 of them has wrong answers in important part of PBB such as: the estimation of revenue availability in sufficient quantities; local expenditure which is used for government activity authorized by province or regency/city consists of obligatory affair which is stated by regulation; the supporting elements of PBB; performance-based budget precondition; all local government income, local expenditure, and local funding are budgeted on a net basis in the budget; the appropriate elements of PBB; the newest rules is still used as a regional financial guidance; and which does not include local funding in Article 28 of Government Regulation No. 58 year 2005. 3 • Bukittinggi Local Government has followed the stages that regulate by regulation and theory in implementation of performance based budgeting. All of those stages are done but the quality is questionable. The most challenge in the implementation is commitment to do all stages based on agreed schedule with maximum quality. There are many things to be evaluated such as: human resources aspects (lack of knowledge, lack of discipline, lack of commitment in implementation PBB based on regulation, inappropriate of employee placement, and lack of expertise on accounting/planning), system and precondition should be exists (performance measurement system, wok contract system, internal control system not implement effectively), and regulation that always changes in short time. • Key factors that influence the implementation of PBB in Bukittinggi :Human resources: knowledge on 4 PBB, staff discipline, understanding of their own job responsibility, quality of human resources, right placement of employee, and strong commitment in implementation PBB based on regulation;System and precondition : clear standard and manual direction of PBB and the availability of budget funds; Regulation : changes in regulation from central government (Ministry of Home Affairs regulation and other regulation on it) Chapter V. Conclusion
  • 18. Recommendation • the local government should first concern to the employee Human that related to implementation PBB. Such as good placement of staff based on competencies (right man in the right Resources place), give enough understanding and motivation to increase the quality of PBB implementation • The regulation should not always change. We need to implement it then evaluate the result, after that change Regulation can be done if some improvement is needed.. • reward and punishment, work contract, high commitment, the System & firmness of headman consistency to obey the rule. After that, there pre- should be an evaluation for the implementation of performance based budgeting and decision about what will be done to make condition everything in PBB is getting better. Chapter V. Conclusion
  • 19. Limitation of research Chapter V. Conclusion