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Marketers have the ability to improve
keyword rankings for almost any website
using link building, making it a necessary
part of any comprehensive search engine
optimization (SEO) strategy.
Links are the currency of SEO and have
been since search engines first gained wide
public usage decades ago. Search engines
use links to help determine the quality,
popularity, importance, and relevancy of a
webpage. According to Moz’s 2013 search
engine ranking factors survey, links are
the two biggest factors in SEO. Almost
always, the more quality websites that link
to a brand’s site, the higher that site will
rank for specific keywords.
With Google’s Hummingbird and other algorithm updates, the importance
of earning links from high-quality websites has only grown in importance.
To fight spam and black hat tactics, Google is putting more emphasis on
creating quality content and link equity. With this latest algorithm, one
high-value link has the ability to create more SEO value than multiple
smaller links.
Brands that recognize the importance and power of link building can use
several strategies to increase powerful off-page SEO signals. While some
of these strategies take considerable time and effort, they have the ability
to provide immense SEO value over time.
Is the linking domain relevant to your products or services?
Is the content surrounding the link related to the content on
the linked page?
Where does the link exist on the page? (i.e. content body,
author bio, footer, sidebar)
Are there other relevant links on the page?
Does the anchor text make sense?
What is the page authority and page rank of the linking page?
To determine link quality, marketers and SEO experts should
look at the following variables:
ZOG Digital, Inc.
03 Audit Link Authority
05 Remove Broken Links
08 Create Organic Links
09 Leverage Brand Advocacy
11 Capitalize On Trending News – Creating Journalistic Content
13 Content Marketing – Bringing Links To You
15 Conclusion
ZOG Digital, Inc.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
1. Get the Lay of the Land — Competitive Link Profile Analysis
To effectively create a link building strategy is a deep analysis of their website, its current link profile and how it compares to their
competitive landscape. The best way to accomplish this is a thorough competitive link analysis. This analysis will provide a comprehensive
understanding of how a brand stacks up against the competition and an estimate of how much effort it will take to move up in the rankings
for competitive keywords.
Marketers can use the tools to quickly gather data and insights including the total amount of inbound links, where the links come from, when
they were first crawled and the quality of each linking domain.
Once completed, the data on new links, lost linking domains can be downloaded into an excel file. The data gathered now will be very
important later and will help guide every link building decision going forward.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
Next, marketers should research which competitors rank highest for target keywords. For example, a shoe retailer will want to know which
sites rank best for keywords such as “baby shoes,” “men’s shoes,” and “women’s shoes,” along with dozens of other keywords. After
learning which competitors rank the highest for keywords, marketers should analyze the following:
Total number of links
Unique linking domains
Anchor Text
Fresh/new links
Lost links
Page Performance (which pages garner the most links)
Link quality (by examining (examining) domain authority and page rank)
By comparing the data, it’s possible to get a detailed view of what it will take to increase rankings. For example, by knowing that the top-
ranking brand has 500 linking domains and 5,000 inbound links, a marketer can then have a set goal for what it may take to move to the top
in search results. This analysis will also identify link building opportunities that have been acted upon by competitors; including publications
open for guest posts, websites and bloggers that write about the brand’s products. The purpose is to look at what competitors are doing to
help create a realistic set of goals and to make the future link building campaign as efficient as possible. This link building analysis accurately
displays the level of effort necessary to move up in rankings for specific keywords and where opportunities exist to earn those links. It is
extremely important because it sets up all future link building efforts with a base of knowledge about the SEO landscape about a specific
industry or niche.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
2. Start with Pre-existing Links — 404 Link Hunting
One of the pieces of data that will show up in the competitive link building analysis is a list of 404 (or broken) links. These are links that no longer
lead to an active URL, and therefore no longer produce SEO equity. Reclaiming these dead links is one of the first steps in any comprehensive
link building campaign. They are popular for link builders to target because the brand has already earned the links and no new content needs to
be created, the links just need to be fixed.
Step 1: Collect a Full Inbound Link Profile
Using other tools, marketers can retrieve a list of every inbound link directed at a specific URL. Free online tools will also allow marketers export
the data into CSV format for easier organization.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
Step 2: Find the 404 Links
Using the CSV file, filter the data under the HTTP column so that only results for “no data,” “302,” and “404” remain. What is left is a list of
URLs that may be broken and the sites that link to those URLs.
Once that list is created, marketers should check them one by one to confirm that the URLs are broken. If it leads to a 404-landing page, it
means that the link is broken. Start with the URLs that have the most inbound links because they have the most potential value. With the list of
URLs created, plug them back into the tool to create a list of websites using the broken link that will need to be addressed. Repeat this process
for every broken URL to create a list of domains that need to be targeted.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
Step 3: Reach Out to Webmasters
The last step for fixing 404 links is reaching out
to the webmasters that preside over the broken
link and requesting they change it to a new
URL. When crafting the first outreach email to
a webmaster, it’s important to be very specific.
In the email link builders should include the title
of the blog post being referenced, the client’s
name, a link to the blog post with the 404 link,
and an updated URL for the webmaster to use.
Email tracking software can let link builders
know if the email is being opened and therefore
if the correct contact information is being
used. If the email is opened but receives no
response, it means that a different outreach
approach is necessary. In these cases, the key
is to emphasize the value to webmasters by, for
example, informing them that broken links can
negatively affect their SEO and organic traffic.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
3. Brand Mentions — Capitalizing on Organic Link Building Opportunities
Bloggers, reporters and other writers will naturally mention brands online because of newsworthy information, interesting events, unique
products and otherwise interesting potential content. Capitalizing on these organic brand mentions is an important link building tactic that can
yield impressive results without the need for creating new content.
The amount of existing brand mentions will vary greatly depending on the sector of the business, how long it has been in operation, previous
digital marketing efforts, and brand recognition. There are great tools available for marketers looking to mine the Internet for brand mentions
that don’t currently include a link. Marketers can search for brand mentions and determine which do not include a link.
Another option is to use Google’s advanced search options to scour the Internet for brand mentions by searching for the brand name. By
searching for the brand’s name within quotation marks and selecting short time periods to search, marketers can manually find and track
unlinked brand mentions. The key when using this method is to create a system so that search efforts are not duplicated and time periods
are not missed. Marketers can use Google alerts with the company name and other key terms such as the CEO’s name to find fresh brand
mentions going forward.
With the list of opportunities in hand, marketers can then begin the process of reaching out to publishers and webmasters, and asking them to
add a link. It is extremely important to be polite when reaching out to webmasters because they are doing the marketer and the brand a favor
by adding a link. Much like reaching out to fix 404 links, it is helpful to follow up on unresponsive contacts with a uniquely written, personalized
email. If a webmaster does respond negatively, marketers shouldn’t give up on the potential link, but instead take the opportunity to make the
case for the link to be added, including how it benefits the website’s readers; or if the website holds enough link equity value, inquire about
future opportunities for links through specially created content or other avenues.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
4. Identity and Engage Influencers — Building Links with Strategic Outreach
There are many tools available for link builders to find digital influencers who have the most influential voices on the Internet. To identify these
users, search through Twitter bios for keywords that directly connect to the brand, thus finding those that already write about, or comment on,
specific subjects. Marketers can filter out users with small followings using the advanced options and create a list of those with a minimum
number of followers.
Many of the tools will sort the results by users with the most followers and highest social authority. Use these filtered results to create a list
of potential people to target and attempt to contact. Link builders should repeat these two steps with a variety of keywords that apply to the
brand to ensure the most complete list possible.
The social media users with the greatest number of Twitter followers are not always the most read bloggers. Link builders have tools available
that search for content, websites and authors that write about specific topics and see which articles are shared the most across social channels.
This socially-shared content can give insights into the topics, authors and publishers that attract the most readership and engagement, two
metrics which help determine the most authoritative link building targets.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
It is important to remember when creating these
relationships that bloggers will be more receptive
to marketers who reach out as a potential partner
instead of someone looking to complete a business
transaction. Once a relationship is created, link
builders must entice these influencers to write about
a brand and include links, by creating content that
appeals to the writer and the publication’s readership.
For example, if the writer focuses on handbag fashion
trends, marketers should suggest articles that work
seamlessly into that specific, niche category. The
resulting content provides value to the writer in the
form of quality content, and the marketer in the form
of a link.
Be open and honest with people when trying to establish links.
Be personal when communicating with people. If email is necessary, make
it individualized.
Go to the source. Instead of sending a contact email for a website, find the
editor and try to connect with an individual instead.
Use social media. LinkedIn and Twitter can be used to find like-minded
people. Use the advanced filter on LinkedIn to find the people behind the
Talk to people like they are friends, because this is a relationship, not just a
singular business transaction.
Apply the platinum rule to any communication and link building attempt;
don’t treat people the way you want to be treated but rather how they want
to be treated.
Once a list of influencer bloggers is compiled, the next step is to create a
relationship with the writers and webmasters. When attempting to earn links
by building relationships, here are some best practices:
ZOG Digital, Inc.
Journalistic websites have the ability to pass enormous link equity onto brands due to their high domain authorities, making them one of the
most attractive targets for link builders. However, these sites, including CNN, Forbes and USA Today, have the tightest controls over which
content is published and the presence of outbound links.
The key to link building through journalistic content is by following the latest trending news and creating quality content that fits with the
standards held by these highly read online publications.
Marketers can follow trending topics and filter out tweets, articles, links and other mentions of specific topics, and create alerts for target topics
using online tools. For example, marketers looking to find journalistic opportunities for a running shoes brand can set up alerts for shoes,
running, marathon, and other topics where the brand can fit in.
It is important to remember when creating these relationships that bloggers will be more receptive to marketers who reach out as a potential
partner instead of someone looking to complete a business transaction. Once a relationship is created, link builders must entice these
influencers to write about a brand and include links, by creating content that appeals to the writer and the publication’s readership. For
example, if the writer focuses on handbag fashion trends, marketers should suggest articles that work seamlessly into that specific, niche
category. The resulting content provides value to the writer in the form of quality content, and the marketer in the form of a link.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
Other tools available to marketers allow them to gauge interest in specific topics and track what specific writers are focused on. Link builders
can use these tools to help connect with journalists and track current news trends. Many have a paid platform
Once a trending news topic is targeted, the next step is to find and reach out to journalists and publications that might be interested in writing
about the topic and its connection to the brand. The more seamlessly the brand fits into the pitch, and the trending topic, the more likely the
pitch is to get the writer’s attention.
One tool for brands to connect with journalists is Help a Reporter Out (HARO). HARO allows brands to serve as sources for reporters are who
already writing about specific topics. Marketers can check HARO regularly to find information, including requests for quotes and sources for
stories on various topics. By responding to reporters directly, brands can offer immense value to the reporters by sending quotes, research,
data and angles that would not be available without the HARO interface. It’s important to consider that not all HARO requests will turn into
published articles, and there is no guarantee that the articles will include links. Therefore, HARO should be used as a way to supplement
journalistic link building, not as the base.
ZOG Digital, Inc.
One of the most time intensive, yet rewarding, link building strategies is creating comprehensive, informative and shareable content
and placing it directly on the brand’s website or blog.
Under the content marketing umbrella, there are many effective techniques, but they all have steps in common. First, the goal is to
find what content is being shared that the moment. Marketers can search through multiple keywords to find articles that are being
shared the most on multiple social networks. These results can be filtered many ways including the time frame, the social network,
and the type of content. The results give link builders a clear idea as to what influential writers are talking about and what readers and
engaging with.
”The philosophy that we’ve always had is if you make something that’s
compelling then it would be much easier to get people to write about it and to
link to it. And so a lot of people approach it from a direction that’s backwards.
They try to get the links first and then they want to be grandfathered in or
think they will be a successful website as a result.”
– Matt Cutts – Head of Google’s Webspam Team
ZOG Digital, Inc.
Once a link builder chooses a topic to focus on, the next step must be to improve upon the content that is being shared. This can be done in
several ways including adding additional details, updating the content with the latest information, making the content easier to understand,
improving on the visual aspects, or expanding the content. The end goal of this improvement process is to create a more comprehensive,
shareable, informative and entertaining piece of content than what is already being shared.
With that content in hand, the next step is to find publications that will be interested in linking to the piece. Link builders have access to
resources that reveal all of the websites that link to the article that was just improved upon. This list of websites that included outbound links
will become the list of places to reach out to.
Just like what was discussed earlier with 404 links, the goal is to organize the websites that linked to the old content in order of importance,
generally by using the domain and page authority metrics. With the list of websites and webmasters organized, the next step is to reach out
to each and every one with an email that clearly explains that while they have linked to one resource, there is now an improved one available
that their readers might find more useful.
Marketers that successfully follow through on this technique will benefit their brand’s SEO profile in two different ways. First, it will add new
backlinks into the brand’s website, most likely from new URLs. Second, it increases the visibility of the brand’s content by making it easily
available to new audiences that would not be reached through posting on industry websites or the brand’s blog alone.
15 | Learn more at
ZOG Digital, Inc.
An effective link building strategy helps increase online exposure by
developing authority for key search phases your audience is
searching for and building brand advocacy through user generated
content. Marketers must create influence by keeping a focus on user
interests and pairing links with valuable content. Measure success
and audit links frequent to maintain strong rankings and eliminate
gaps in visibility. | +1 480 281 7579

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  • 2. Marketers have the ability to improve keyword rankings for almost any website using link building, making it a necessary part of any comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. Links are the currency of SEO and have been since search engines first gained wide public usage decades ago. Search engines use links to help determine the quality, popularity, importance, and relevancy of a webpage. According to Moz’s 2013 search engine ranking factors survey, links are the two biggest factors in SEO. Almost always, the more quality websites that link to a brand’s site, the higher that site will rank for specific keywords. With Google’s Hummingbird and other algorithm updates, the importance of earning links from high-quality websites has only grown in importance. To fight spam and black hat tactics, Google is putting more emphasis on creating quality content and link equity. With this latest algorithm, one high-value link has the ability to create more SEO value than multiple smaller links. Brands that recognize the importance and power of link building can use several strategies to increase powerful off-page SEO signals. While some of these strategies take considerable time and effort, they have the ability to provide immense SEO value over time. Is the linking domain relevant to your products or services? Is the content surrounding the link related to the content on the linked page? Where does the link exist on the page? (i.e. content body, author bio, footer, sidebar) Are there other relevant links on the page? Does the anchor text make sense? What is the page authority and page rank of the linking page? To determine link quality, marketers and SEO experts should look at the following variables: 01 AN INTRODUCTION TO LINK BUILDING – WHY IT MATTERS THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 3. 03 Audit Link Authority 05 Remove Broken Links 08 Create Organic Links 09 Leverage Brand Advocacy 11 Capitalize On Trending News – Creating Journalistic Content 13 Content Marketing – Bringing Links To You 15 Conclusion 02 TABLE OF CONTENTS ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 4. ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM03 AUDIT LINK AUTHORITY 1. Get the Lay of the Land — Competitive Link Profile Analysis To effectively create a link building strategy is a deep analysis of their website, its current link profile and how it compares to their competitive landscape. The best way to accomplish this is a thorough competitive link analysis. This analysis will provide a comprehensive understanding of how a brand stacks up against the competition and an estimate of how much effort it will take to move up in the rankings for competitive keywords. Marketers can use the tools to quickly gather data and insights including the total amount of inbound links, where the links come from, when they were first crawled and the quality of each linking domain. Once completed, the data on new links, lost linking domains can be downloaded into an excel file. The data gathered now will be very important later and will help guide every link building decision going forward. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 5. ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM04 AUDIT LINK AUTHORITY Next, marketers should research which competitors rank highest for target keywords. For example, a shoe retailer will want to know which sites rank best for keywords such as “baby shoes,” “men’s shoes,” and “women’s shoes,” along with dozens of other keywords. After learning which competitors rank the highest for keywords, marketers should analyze the following: Total number of links Unique linking domains Anchor Text Fresh/new links Lost links Page Performance (which pages garner the most links) Link quality (by examining (examining) domain authority and page rank) By comparing the data, it’s possible to get a detailed view of what it will take to increase rankings. For example, by knowing that the top- ranking brand has 500 linking domains and 5,000 inbound links, a marketer can then have a set goal for what it may take to move to the top in search results. This analysis will also identify link building opportunities that have been acted upon by competitors; including publications open for guest posts, websites and bloggers that write about the brand’s products. The purpose is to look at what competitors are doing to help create a realistic set of goals and to make the future link building campaign as efficient as possible. This link building analysis accurately displays the level of effort necessary to move up in rankings for specific keywords and where opportunities exist to earn those links. It is extremely important because it sets up all future link building efforts with a base of knowledge about the SEO landscape about a specific industry or niche. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 6. ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM05 REMOVE BROKEN LINKS 2. Start with Pre-existing Links — 404 Link Hunting One of the pieces of data that will show up in the competitive link building analysis is a list of 404 (or broken) links. These are links that no longer lead to an active URL, and therefore no longer produce SEO equity. Reclaiming these dead links is one of the first steps in any comprehensive link building campaign. They are popular for link builders to target because the brand has already earned the links and no new content needs to be created, the links just need to be fixed. Step 1: Collect a Full Inbound Link Profile Using other tools, marketers can retrieve a list of every inbound link directed at a specific URL. Free online tools will also allow marketers export the data into CSV format for easier organization. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 7. 06 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM REMOVE BROKEN LINKS Step 2: Find the 404 Links Using the CSV file, filter the data under the HTTP column so that only results for “no data,” “302,” and “404” remain. What is left is a list of URLs that may be broken and the sites that link to those URLs. Once that list is created, marketers should check them one by one to confirm that the URLs are broken. If it leads to a 404-landing page, it means that the link is broken. Start with the URLs that have the most inbound links because they have the most potential value. With the list of URLs created, plug them back into the tool to create a list of websites using the broken link that will need to be addressed. Repeat this process for every broken URL to create a list of domains that need to be targeted. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 8. 07 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM REMOVE BROKEN LINKS Step 3: Reach Out to Webmasters The last step for fixing 404 links is reaching out to the webmasters that preside over the broken link and requesting they change it to a new URL. When crafting the first outreach email to a webmaster, it’s important to be very specific. In the email link builders should include the title of the blog post being referenced, the client’s name, a link to the blog post with the 404 link, and an updated URL for the webmaster to use. Email tracking software can let link builders know if the email is being opened and therefore if the correct contact information is being used. If the email is opened but receives no response, it means that a different outreach approach is necessary. In these cases, the key is to emphasize the value to webmasters by, for example, informing them that broken links can negatively affect their SEO and organic traffic. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 9. 08 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM CREATE ORGANIC LINKS 3. Brand Mentions — Capitalizing on Organic Link Building Opportunities Bloggers, reporters and other writers will naturally mention brands online because of newsworthy information, interesting events, unique products and otherwise interesting potential content. Capitalizing on these organic brand mentions is an important link building tactic that can yield impressive results without the need for creating new content. The amount of existing brand mentions will vary greatly depending on the sector of the business, how long it has been in operation, previous digital marketing efforts, and brand recognition. There are great tools available for marketers looking to mine the Internet for brand mentions that don’t currently include a link. Marketers can search for brand mentions and determine which do not include a link. Another option is to use Google’s advanced search options to scour the Internet for brand mentions by searching for the brand name. By searching for the brand’s name within quotation marks and selecting short time periods to search, marketers can manually find and track unlinked brand mentions. The key when using this method is to create a system so that search efforts are not duplicated and time periods are not missed. Marketers can use Google alerts with the company name and other key terms such as the CEO’s name to find fresh brand mentions going forward. With the list of opportunities in hand, marketers can then begin the process of reaching out to publishers and webmasters, and asking them to add a link. It is extremely important to be polite when reaching out to webmasters because they are doing the marketer and the brand a favor by adding a link. Much like reaching out to fix 404 links, it is helpful to follow up on unresponsive contacts with a uniquely written, personalized email. If a webmaster does respond negatively, marketers shouldn’t give up on the potential link, but instead take the opportunity to make the case for the link to be added, including how it benefits the website’s readers; or if the website holds enough link equity value, inquire about future opportunities for links through specially created content or other avenues. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 10. 09 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM LEVERAGE BRAND ADVOCACY 4. Identity and Engage Influencers — Building Links with Strategic Outreach There are many tools available for link builders to find digital influencers who have the most influential voices on the Internet. To identify these users, search through Twitter bios for keywords that directly connect to the brand, thus finding those that already write about, or comment on, specific subjects. Marketers can filter out users with small followings using the advanced options and create a list of those with a minimum number of followers. Many of the tools will sort the results by users with the most followers and highest social authority. Use these filtered results to create a list of potential people to target and attempt to contact. Link builders should repeat these two steps with a variety of keywords that apply to the brand to ensure the most complete list possible. The social media users with the greatest number of Twitter followers are not always the most read bloggers. Link builders have tools available that search for content, websites and authors that write about specific topics and see which articles are shared the most across social channels. This socially-shared content can give insights into the topics, authors and publishers that attract the most readership and engagement, two metrics which help determine the most authoritative link building targets. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 11. 10 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM LEVERAGE BRAND ADVOCACY It is important to remember when creating these relationships that bloggers will be more receptive to marketers who reach out as a potential partner instead of someone looking to complete a business transaction. Once a relationship is created, link builders must entice these influencers to write about a brand and include links, by creating content that appeals to the writer and the publication’s readership. For example, if the writer focuses on handbag fashion trends, marketers should suggest articles that work seamlessly into that specific, niche category. The resulting content provides value to the writer in the form of quality content, and the marketer in the form of a link. Be open and honest with people when trying to establish links. Be personal when communicating with people. If email is necessary, make it individualized. Go to the source. Instead of sending a contact email for a website, find the editor and try to connect with an individual instead. Use social media. LinkedIn and Twitter can be used to find like-minded people. Use the advanced filter on LinkedIn to find the people behind the websites. Talk to people like they are friends, because this is a relationship, not just a singular business transaction. Apply the platinum rule to any communication and link building attempt; don’t treat people the way you want to be treated but rather how they want to be treated. Once a list of influencer bloggers is compiled, the next step is to create a relationship with the writers and webmasters. When attempting to earn links by building relationships, here are some best practices: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 12. 11 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM CAPITALIZE ON TRENDING NEWS – CREATING JOURNALISTIC CONTENT Journalistic websites have the ability to pass enormous link equity onto brands due to their high domain authorities, making them one of the most attractive targets for link builders. However, these sites, including CNN, Forbes and USA Today, have the tightest controls over which content is published and the presence of outbound links. The key to link building through journalistic content is by following the latest trending news and creating quality content that fits with the standards held by these highly read online publications. Marketers can follow trending topics and filter out tweets, articles, links and other mentions of specific topics, and create alerts for target topics using online tools. For example, marketers looking to find journalistic opportunities for a running shoes brand can set up alerts for shoes, running, marathon, and other topics where the brand can fit in. It is important to remember when creating these relationships that bloggers will be more receptive to marketers who reach out as a potential partner instead of someone looking to complete a business transaction. Once a relationship is created, link builders must entice these influencers to write about a brand and include links, by creating content that appeals to the writer and the publication’s readership. For example, if the writer focuses on handbag fashion trends, marketers should suggest articles that work seamlessly into that specific, niche category. The resulting content provides value to the writer in the form of quality content, and the marketer in the form of a link. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 13. 12 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM CAPITALIZE ON TRENDING NEWS – CREATING JOURNALISTIC CONTENT Other tools available to marketers allow them to gauge interest in specific topics and track what specific writers are focused on. Link builders can use these tools to help connect with journalists and track current news trends. Many have a paid platform Once a trending news topic is targeted, the next step is to find and reach out to journalists and publications that might be interested in writing about the topic and its connection to the brand. The more seamlessly the brand fits into the pitch, and the trending topic, the more likely the pitch is to get the writer’s attention. One tool for brands to connect with journalists is Help a Reporter Out (HARO). HARO allows brands to serve as sources for reporters are who already writing about specific topics. Marketers can check HARO regularly to find information, including requests for quotes and sources for stories on various topics. By responding to reporters directly, brands can offer immense value to the reporters by sending quotes, research, data and angles that would not be available without the HARO interface. It’s important to consider that not all HARO requests will turn into published articles, and there is no guarantee that the articles will include links. Therefore, HARO should be used as a way to supplement journalistic link building, not as the base. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 14. 13 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM CONTENT MARKETING – BRINGING LINKS TO YOU One of the most time intensive, yet rewarding, link building strategies is creating comprehensive, informative and shareable content and placing it directly on the brand’s website or blog. Under the content marketing umbrella, there are many effective techniques, but they all have steps in common. First, the goal is to find what content is being shared that the moment. Marketers can search through multiple keywords to find articles that are being shared the most on multiple social networks. These results can be filtered many ways including the time frame, the social network, and the type of content. The results give link builders a clear idea as to what influential writers are talking about and what readers and engaging with. ”The philosophy that we’ve always had is if you make something that’s compelling then it would be much easier to get people to write about it and to link to it. And so a lot of people approach it from a direction that’s backwards. They try to get the links first and then they want to be grandfathered in or think they will be a successful website as a result.” – Matt Cutts – Head of Google’s Webspam Team THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 15. 14 ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM CONTENT MARKETING – BRINGING LINKS TO YOU Once a link builder chooses a topic to focus on, the next step must be to improve upon the content that is being shared. This can be done in several ways including adding additional details, updating the content with the latest information, making the content easier to understand, improving on the visual aspects, or expanding the content. The end goal of this improvement process is to create a more comprehensive, shareable, informative and entertaining piece of content than what is already being shared. With that content in hand, the next step is to find publications that will be interested in linking to the piece. Link builders have access to resources that reveal all of the websites that link to the article that was just improved upon. This list of websites that included outbound links will become the list of places to reach out to. Just like what was discussed earlier with 404 links, the goal is to organize the websites that linked to the old content in order of importance, generally by using the domain and page authority metrics. With the list of websites and webmasters organized, the next step is to reach out to each and every one with an email that clearly explains that while they have linked to one resource, there is now an improved one available that their readers might find more useful. Marketers that successfully follow through on this technique will benefit their brand’s SEO profile in two different ways. First, it will add new backlinks into the brand’s website, most likely from new URLs. Second, it increases the visibility of the brand’s content by making it easily available to new audiences that would not be reached through posting on industry websites or the brand’s blog alone. THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO USING TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY IN LINK BUILDING
  • 16. 15 | Learn more at ZOG Digital, Inc. WWW.ZOGDIGITAL.COM CONCLUSION An effective link building strategy helps increase online exposure by developing authority for key search phases your audience is searching for and building brand advocacy through user generated content. Marketers must create influence by keeping a focus on user interests and pairing links with valuable content. Measure success and audit links frequent to maintain strong rankings and eliminate gaps in visibility. | +1 480 281 7579