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Welcome back to the Wrongway Legacy!

Last time, we saw an heir be decided, a couple of weddings, a supernatural court
trial which resulted in prison for Hex, births, birthdays and a kidnapping of sorts.
Little Grace Wrongway was taken from her family home, but after she turned into
a child, she promised herself she would find her true home.

So, let's get started!
Sunset brought a fresh set of birthdays to the occupants of the Wrongway
household, the birthdays of the young twins Elizabeth and Eli. It was the first
birthday for Generation Three to be held in the main household, since Grace had
been missing since before her first birthday.

Still, Liam was determined that this would be a happy occasion, that the past
would not be brought up too much on a day that was meant to be celebrated.
“I think it's nice that everyone's properly dressed at a birthday for once.” Lindsay
announced, cradling Elizabeth. “Normally, no one bothers.”

“I just wish we'd thought to throw a proper party. We all went to Whitney's at the
end of the day, we should of invited Ashley and George over at least.” Jim
grumpily admitted.

“For their child birthdays, Dad. Now throw my babies, I want to know who they
are!” Liam chuckled.
“Oh, aren't you precious?” Lindsay asked, looking at her newest granddaughter
under the burst of confetti.

“Yes!” Elizabeth agreed, cheerfully.

“Let's go get you sorted before cake...”


Elizabeth has a personality of 8/1/4/6/7 making her a cancer sim.
“Well, we got a little rebel over here.” Jim said, smiling. “Eli thought it would be a
good idea to trade his red hair for purple hair.”

“Good idea!” Eli insisted before resting his sleepy little head on his Grandpa.

“Not a shy one, this kid. I like him.” Jim announced, and took his only grandson
upstairs to fix his hair before putting him in bed.

Eli is a bold little kid with a personality of 6/10/5/6/7 which makes him a Leo
A few hours after the toddlers had been put in their beds to sleep, Cassidy began
to show the signs of a fourth pregnancy.

The twins were going to have a younger sibling.
The morning after the birthday of the Wrongway twins, Whitney was skipping
through the local park. She had decided she needed some friends, and that Grace
disappearing meant her only playmate within the family at the time being wasn't

The playground was a noisy place, and Whitney didn't care for it much – she'd
rather be taking photos than mindlessly running around, now that she'd discovered
her love for photography.
On the edge of the playground, a girl looked like she couldn't be bothered with the
playground either. So Whitney decided that the girl under the tree would be her
new friend.
“Why are you reading?” Whitney asked, instantly. “Isn't that something you're
supposed to do in school?”

“I'm not allowed to go to school.” The girl answered, cautiously. “Besides, I like
reading. I taught myself.”

“Reading's boring. Come play with me instead.”

“But I don't know you.”

“Oh, sorry. I'm Whitney.”
The girl didn't take her eyes off her book. “My name's Grace.”

Whitney frowned. “I once had a cousin named Grace.”

“I don't have any cousins.” Grace smiled. “So what game did you have in mind? I
don't know how to play anything...this is the first time I've left the house, really.”

“What? How come?”

Grace bit her lip and put her book down. “I...shouldn't talk to strangers.”
“I'm not a stranger, I'm your friend.” Whitney grinned. Grace felt happy – she
hadn't had friends before.

“Just forget I said anything about it. What game do you want to play?”

“Let's go over to the goalposts and play football for a bit? I think I saw some kids
from school over there earlier, so I know there's a football pitch...”
Whitney led her new friend over to the goals, where a group of people she
recognised were waiting to start a game.

“Look, it's Whitney!” One of the murmured and Whitney grinned.

“Mind if me and my friend play a little game with you lot?”
“Of course not.” One of the boys called. “If you think you can beat us!”

“Definitely.” Whitney decided.
Grace hopped around nervously in her team outfit, shuffling through the goal. She
couldn't hide her worries from Whitney any longer.
“Whitney, I don't know how to play this game!”

“Relax, Grace. We're not going to play like it's our job. Easy game in the park,

“Easy game in the park.” Grace repeated, doubtfully.
“Relax, Grace, seriously.” Whitney smiled. “This is going to be fun!”

“I'll say,” came a third voice. A girl with bright hair came over. “I'm Mel, I'm on your
team to make it even.”

“Awesome! We're definitely going to beat the other team now there's more of us!”
The game began shortly after Mel announced she was joining the team, leaving
Grace terrified because she didn't know how to play. However, once the game did
get started, Grace found she picked it up easily.

She also found that it was fun. Never before had Grace talked and played with
other people, but now she understood why friendship was so important, but from
personal experience rather than books now.
Eventually, the game dissolved without reaching the stage where a winner could
be announced. Instead, both teams laid down to watch the clouds wander by.
Even after the furious rivalry during the game, both sides were friends.

It was more than Grace had wished for, yet less at the same time. The one thing
that would make the day perfect would have been if Grace had somewhere she
could call 'home'.
Grace's part of the house where she lived was always empty. She knew that her
uncle was always downstairs, but he always had guests – constantly entertaining
friends, she presumed.

“Why am I so miserable after such a perfect day?”
Sitting down in the armchair, Grace looked up.
“He wouldn't even notice if I left completely! I was gone all day with no hassle.”

Frustrated, Grace stood up and kicked the chair.
“I could walk right out of the door, and he wouldn't turn a hair. I could go search for
my father, I could go catch a boat to Twikki Islands, a bus to Strangetown, all
those magical places I read about...”

Grace shook her head. “This is no fantasy. I can leave!”
“I can and I will!” Grace declared, and headed out of the door. There was a side
stairwell outside that meant she didn't need to disturb Ralph downstairs.

“I don't care that I don't know where I'm going.” Grace decided, smiling. “The world
will care more about me than he did.”

And with that proclamation, Grace walked out into the cool night air, ready to try
and find what she wanted – her family.
At the McCarthy residence, Ash was sitting down to have a discussion with her

“Whitney, your uncle phoned. Apparently, when you visited Grandpa earlier you
kept bringing up something about Grace...”

“My new friend.” Whitney smiled, innocently. Ashley raised her eyebrows.

“In future, Whitney, can you not bring it up at Grandpa's? Talking about Grace
really hurts Uncle Liam and Aunty Cassidy...”
“But, Mummy, I wasn't talking about their Grace. My friend, Grace.”

“Oh, darling, there are no other Graces...”

“Then my friend must be Grace! My friend Grace!”


“Look, I got a picture of us all earlier!”
Whitney showed her mother a picture she'd had someone take of them all earlier.
Stabbing a finger in the middle, Whitney grinned.
“See, that's Grace!”

Ash humoured her daughter, but worry filled her. “I suppose...she does look like
my brother, I guess.” Ash turned now to Whitney. “I'm sorry, Whitney, we have to
accept that Grace is gone and she isn't coming back. You probably heard this little
girl's name wrong, sweetheart.”

“No.” Whitney cried, defiantly. “I know that this must be Grace!”
“I'm sorry, darling.”
Whitney ignored her mother, and started to get down from the table. Ash blinked.

“Where are you going? We need to talk about this, sweetheart.”

“Mum, how can you ignore this so easily?”

“Easily, honey. Grace is gone, darling.”

“That's not true! The impossible is never really impossible.” Whitney nodded. “I
mean, you're a witch. That should be impossible.”
Ash sat in silence as her daughter walked away. It was true that Ash was still a
witch – so far, George hadn't found the cure he had been looking for, but Ash
hadn't told Whitney anything about it.

“How on Earth did she find that out?”
Another thing about being a witch was Ash's struggle to control her powers.
Sometimes it was fun to burst into sparkles, other times, not so much.

Still, whenever Ash was alone, she tested her powers. With no one watching, Ash
could concentrate.

But of course, someone was watching.
“Can you feel that?” Hex asked. “Someone out there is using magic...”

Of course, Hex wouldn't be the only one in the area to feel the power of Ash's
Ariel and Ralph were sat on a closed vampire coffin, Ariel sensing power surges
from the McCarthy home on the far side of Rubix.

“She must believe she's undetectable.” Ariel laughed, leaning back on the wall.
“With Hex locked up, we can strike the Wrongways undetected.”

“I can't believe you convinced the court to lock up their leader.”

“It's all in the magic.” Ariel said, half-heartedly. “Now show me the Wrongway brat
you kidnapped.”
“Well, where is she?” Ariel questioned, searching the room with her eyes.

“Missing! How could the brat get out?” Ralph snapped, kicking the nearby

“Gone. You're such a natural at this villain thing,” Ariel snorted. “Who cares? We're
going to attack the Wrongway House soon enough, and we're not leaving it until
every last one of the Wrongways are dead.”
“Agreed.” Ralph pulled a face. “This time they die, all of them, no matter what.”
The morning always brought business, and Grace found herself lost on a street
she didn't recognise. People went about their business, ignoring the fact there was
a young girl stood alone in the heart of the business district.
“Why did I think about town, how big it is and everything?” Grace sniffed, hating
her stupidity. “No money, no food, no home...”

Grace looked up at the people walking past and wiped away a tear. She gave a
weak smile.
“I have an idea.”
“I hope this works...” Grace reached for the violin she had found down an alley,
abandoned. With a quick flick of the bow, Grace tried to play, putting out some
sour notes.

“Oops...” Grace gritted her teeth and tried to play again. This time there was a
weak tune and some wrong notes. “Well, it can only get better.”
Within half an hour of standing in the street with a violin, Grace had made up a
small song to play for people passing-by, and her plan began to work.

Coins were being tossed to the ground in front of her, whether it was because they
liked the song or just felt sorry for her. Grace didn't mind which it was – it just
meant Grace could buy food later.
Grace was still playing her little heart out when Liam came walking down the

“Hey, that's really good.” He told her, encouragingly. Grace smiled.

“Thanks. I haven't been playing for long.” Grace put down the violin. “It means
food tonight.”
“You don't have a home?” Liam asked, concerned. Grace shook her head. “Come
on, I'll take you to the local orphanage. What's your name?”


Liam fell silent. “What's your surname?”

Thoughtful for a moment, Grace couldn't recall ever having a surname. “I don't
The more Liam looked at Grace the more resemblance he saw in her face to the
one he saw in the mirror every morning.

“Then we definitely have to go to the orphanage.”
“Well, Mr Wrongway,” the Social Worker sat down at her desk again, filling the
uncomfortable silence that had rested on Liam and Grace while the Social Worker
had done some paperwork and tests. “It looks as if Grace is your daughter,
according to our results.”

“Wow...” Liam had no other words. The day had come for his little girl to be
returned to him, a day he had never prepared for.

“If you think it is unsuitable for Grace to go home with you, she's welcome to stay
with us at the orphanage, if that is the option you would prefer...”
“Please don't leave me at the orphanage.” Grace mumbled. Liam looked up to see
her staring at the floor in a fearful way.

“That's not something you have to worry about,” he said, with a smile. “You're my
daughter, you're coming home with me.”
“You're home, at last, it's been a tough day! I'm pregnant and looking after the
twins, Liam! What took you so...who is this?” Cassidy asked, pulling Eli closer.
Liam grinned.

“This is our daughter, Grace.”

“So we are going to have four children by the end of the week.” Cass smiled.
“Welcome home, Grace!”

“Wow! Is that my brother? He's tiny!” Grace exclaimed, with a grin. She was going
to fit right in with the rest of the Wrongways.
“So, what do you think?” Liam questioned. “Could this ever be your home?”

“Well, this morning I had nothing. Now I have parents, grandparents, a brother and
a sister...I think this is my home.” Grace looked at the portraits hanging beside
them of Liam and Cass. “This is my home.”

Liam laughed. “Time for bed then, I think. And don't be too surprised if your room
is disappointing. We can fix it up in the morning.”
Disappointing?” Grace chuckled to herself. “How can anyone be disappointed with
a room like this?”
Grace learned a few things about her brother and sister during the few days
before their birthday. Eli and Elizabeth were almost always together, either by
choice or just because it was easiest.

Sometimes, it looked as if the twins got along.
“Hug me!” Elizabeth would cry, and pull her brother close.
Other times, they didn't quite get on...
“Lizzie! I was playin' with the dolls!” Eli protested, shoving the house.

“My turn now!”

“Don't wanna play with you.” Eli announced, and crawled away. Further along the
hallway, Grace rolled her eyes and continued on her way.
Soon, all three of the current Wrongway children would have a new sibling to play
with as once again, Cassidy went into labour in the bathroom.
“Mummy! Read to me!” Lizzie was demanding from the cold tiles of the floor.
Cassidy gave another screech.

Not a good time to be asking for a story.
Welcome little Alice to the family!

Hopefully, this will be the last child in the Main Household. Looking after the twins
is a full-time job, now with a new baby to care for too!
Grace settled back into the family effortlessly, living as if she had been doing the
same for her whole life. Cassidy and Liam were glad to have their daughter back,
and Grace was pleased with all that she had gained from finding her family.

“Who's growing up tonight? Is it you? I think it's you!”

Eli giggled “And Lizzie! Don't fo'get Lizzie!”

“Yes, Lizzie! Where is my little sister?” Grace jumped up, and wandered off to look
for Elizabeth, with Eli toddling along behind.
Instead of following Grace in an attempt to find Lizzie, Eli toddled into the
bathroom and began splashing around in the toilet.

“There you are, my little darling! Ready to grow into a big boy?”

You have no idea where he's been, Cass.
Triple Birthday Madness! The twins and Alice's birthday all fell on the same day, so
it made sense to throw a small party for them.
“Look at us!” Lizzie cheered. “And I grew up in pink!

“I'm more awesome now than I was an hour ago!”

Liam smiled at the comments of his twin children,
and looked at the smiling little girl in his arms.
“How cute are you?” He asked, softly.

“Very cute!” Alice insisted.

“I see you're going to take after your brother.” Liam

Alice is a Capricorn with a personality of 10/9/7/2/7
The twins ran off to get changed and everyone else left for cake. Only Ashley
remained behind, still blowing on her party horn.

Perhaps she was celebrating a birthday that happened the day before...
Around the same time that Alice had been born, Ash had a baby boy, whose name
is Frankie.

Unfortunately, he didn't get a birthday party, but he will for his child birthday. He is
the sixth Grandchild, and so Jim is now platinum.
“I feel much better now.” Lizzie grinned at her brother. “Ready to take on the

“Why don't we party tonight instead? We can still do all the things that Grace told
us about, but it's our birthday, we should party!”

“I don't care much for parties.” Lizzie flipped her hair. “But still, let's go smustle.”
And so the party continued at the Wrongway household, watched from afar by one
man, standing alone on his balcony.

“Soon, there will be no reason to party.” He smirked.
And here is where I leave you!
Will the Twins be double-trouble? What is Ralph planning? Will there be more
babies? How many more birthdays will there be?

Until next time, Happy Simming!

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The Wrongway Legacy - 2.3

  • 1. Welcome back to the Wrongway Legacy! Last time, we saw an heir be decided, a couple of weddings, a supernatural court trial which resulted in prison for Hex, births, birthdays and a kidnapping of sorts. Little Grace Wrongway was taken from her family home, but after she turned into a child, she promised herself she would find her true home. So, let's get started!
  • 2. Sunset brought a fresh set of birthdays to the occupants of the Wrongway household, the birthdays of the young twins Elizabeth and Eli. It was the first birthday for Generation Three to be held in the main household, since Grace had been missing since before her first birthday. Still, Liam was determined that this would be a happy occasion, that the past would not be brought up too much on a day that was meant to be celebrated.
  • 3. “I think it's nice that everyone's properly dressed at a birthday for once.” Lindsay announced, cradling Elizabeth. “Normally, no one bothers.” “I just wish we'd thought to throw a proper party. We all went to Whitney's at the end of the day, we should of invited Ashley and George over at least.” Jim grumpily admitted. “For their child birthdays, Dad. Now throw my babies, I want to know who they are!” Liam chuckled.
  • 4. “Oh, aren't you precious?” Lindsay asked, looking at her newest granddaughter under the burst of confetti. “Yes!” Elizabeth agreed, cheerfully. “Let's go get you sorted before cake...” “Cake!” Elizabeth has a personality of 8/1/4/6/7 making her a cancer sim.
  • 5. “Well, we got a little rebel over here.” Jim said, smiling. “Eli thought it would be a good idea to trade his red hair for purple hair.” “Good idea!” Eli insisted before resting his sleepy little head on his Grandpa. “Not a shy one, this kid. I like him.” Jim announced, and took his only grandson upstairs to fix his hair before putting him in bed. Eli is a bold little kid with a personality of 6/10/5/6/7 which makes him a Leo
  • 6. A few hours after the toddlers had been put in their beds to sleep, Cassidy began to show the signs of a fourth pregnancy. The twins were going to have a younger sibling.
  • 7. The morning after the birthday of the Wrongway twins, Whitney was skipping through the local park. She had decided she needed some friends, and that Grace disappearing meant her only playmate within the family at the time being wasn't around. The playground was a noisy place, and Whitney didn't care for it much – she'd rather be taking photos than mindlessly running around, now that she'd discovered her love for photography.
  • 8. On the edge of the playground, a girl looked like she couldn't be bothered with the playground either. So Whitney decided that the girl under the tree would be her new friend.
  • 9. “Why are you reading?” Whitney asked, instantly. “Isn't that something you're supposed to do in school?” “I'm not allowed to go to school.” The girl answered, cautiously. “Besides, I like reading. I taught myself.” “Reading's boring. Come play with me instead.” “But I don't know you.” “Oh, sorry. I'm Whitney.”
  • 10. The girl didn't take her eyes off her book. “My name's Grace.” Whitney frowned. “I once had a cousin named Grace.” “I don't have any cousins.” Grace smiled. “So what game did you have in mind? I don't know how to play anything...this is the first time I've left the house, really.” “What? How come?” Grace bit her lip and put her book down. “I...shouldn't talk to strangers.”
  • 11. “I'm not a stranger, I'm your friend.” Whitney grinned. Grace felt happy – she hadn't had friends before. “Just forget I said anything about it. What game do you want to play?” “Let's go over to the goalposts and play football for a bit? I think I saw some kids from school over there earlier, so I know there's a football pitch...”
  • 12. Whitney led her new friend over to the goals, where a group of people she recognised were waiting to start a game. “Look, it's Whitney!” One of the murmured and Whitney grinned. “Mind if me and my friend play a little game with you lot?”
  • 13. “Of course not.” One of the boys called. “If you think you can beat us!” “Definitely.” Whitney decided.
  • 14. Grace hopped around nervously in her team outfit, shuffling through the goal. She couldn't hide her worries from Whitney any longer. “Whitney, I don't know how to play this game!” “Relax, Grace. We're not going to play like it's our job. Easy game in the park, right?” “Easy game in the park.” Grace repeated, doubtfully.
  • 15. “Relax, Grace, seriously.” Whitney smiled. “This is going to be fun!” “I'll say,” came a third voice. A girl with bright hair came over. “I'm Mel, I'm on your team to make it even.” “Awesome! We're definitely going to beat the other team now there's more of us!”
  • 16. The game began shortly after Mel announced she was joining the team, leaving Grace terrified because she didn't know how to play. However, once the game did get started, Grace found she picked it up easily. She also found that it was fun. Never before had Grace talked and played with other people, but now she understood why friendship was so important, but from personal experience rather than books now.
  • 17. Eventually, the game dissolved without reaching the stage where a winner could be announced. Instead, both teams laid down to watch the clouds wander by. Even after the furious rivalry during the game, both sides were friends. It was more than Grace had wished for, yet less at the same time. The one thing that would make the day perfect would have been if Grace had somewhere she could call 'home'.
  • 18. Grace's part of the house where she lived was always empty. She knew that her uncle was always downstairs, but he always had guests – constantly entertaining friends, she presumed. “Why am I so miserable after such a perfect day?”
  • 19. Sitting down in the armchair, Grace looked up. “He wouldn't even notice if I left completely! I was gone all day with no hassle.” Frustrated, Grace stood up and kicked the chair. “I could walk right out of the door, and he wouldn't turn a hair. I could go search for my father, I could go catch a boat to Twikki Islands, a bus to Strangetown, all those magical places I read about...” Grace shook her head. “This is no fantasy. I can leave!”
  • 20. “I can and I will!” Grace declared, and headed out of the door. There was a side stairwell outside that meant she didn't need to disturb Ralph downstairs. “I don't care that I don't know where I'm going.” Grace decided, smiling. “The world will care more about me than he did.” And with that proclamation, Grace walked out into the cool night air, ready to try and find what she wanted – her family.
  • 21. At the McCarthy residence, Ash was sitting down to have a discussion with her daughter. “Whitney, your uncle phoned. Apparently, when you visited Grandpa earlier you kept bringing up something about Grace...” “My new friend.” Whitney smiled, innocently. Ashley raised her eyebrows. “In future, Whitney, can you not bring it up at Grandpa's? Talking about Grace really hurts Uncle Liam and Aunty Cassidy...”
  • 22. “But, Mummy, I wasn't talking about their Grace. My friend, Grace.” “Oh, darling, there are no other Graces...” “Then my friend must be Grace! My friend Grace!” “Whitney...” “Look, I got a picture of us all earlier!”
  • 23. Whitney showed her mother a picture she'd had someone take of them all earlier. Stabbing a finger in the middle, Whitney grinned. “See, that's Grace!” Ash humoured her daughter, but worry filled her. “I suppose...she does look like my brother, I guess.” Ash turned now to Whitney. “I'm sorry, Whitney, we have to accept that Grace is gone and she isn't coming back. You probably heard this little girl's name wrong, sweetheart.” “No.” Whitney cried, defiantly. “I know that this must be Grace!”
  • 24. “I'm sorry, darling.” Whitney ignored her mother, and started to get down from the table. Ash blinked. “Where are you going? We need to talk about this, sweetheart.” “Mum, how can you ignore this so easily?” “Easily, honey. Grace is gone, darling.” “That's not true! The impossible is never really impossible.” Whitney nodded. “I mean, you're a witch. That should be impossible.”
  • 25. Ash sat in silence as her daughter walked away. It was true that Ash was still a witch – so far, George hadn't found the cure he had been looking for, but Ash hadn't told Whitney anything about it. “How on Earth did she find that out?”
  • 26. Another thing about being a witch was Ash's struggle to control her powers. Sometimes it was fun to burst into sparkles, other times, not so much. Still, whenever Ash was alone, she tested her powers. With no one watching, Ash could concentrate. But of course, someone was watching.
  • 27. “Can you feel that?” Hex asked. “Someone out there is using magic...” Of course, Hex wouldn't be the only one in the area to feel the power of Ash's magic.
  • 28. Ariel and Ralph were sat on a closed vampire coffin, Ariel sensing power surges from the McCarthy home on the far side of Rubix. “She must believe she's undetectable.” Ariel laughed, leaning back on the wall. “With Hex locked up, we can strike the Wrongways undetected.” “I can't believe you convinced the court to lock up their leader.” “It's all in the magic.” Ariel said, half-heartedly. “Now show me the Wrongway brat you kidnapped.”
  • 29. “Well, where is she?” Ariel questioned, searching the room with her eyes. “Missing! How could the brat get out?” Ralph snapped, kicking the nearby armchair. “Gone. You're such a natural at this villain thing,” Ariel snorted. “Who cares? We're going to attack the Wrongway House soon enough, and we're not leaving it until every last one of the Wrongways are dead.”
  • 30. “Agreed.” Ralph pulled a face. “This time they die, all of them, no matter what.”
  • 31. The morning always brought business, and Grace found herself lost on a street she didn't recognise. People went about their business, ignoring the fact there was a young girl stood alone in the heart of the business district.
  • 32. “Why did I think about town, how big it is and everything?” Grace sniffed, hating her stupidity. “No money, no food, no home...” Grace looked up at the people walking past and wiped away a tear. She gave a weak smile. “I have an idea.”
  • 33. “I hope this works...” Grace reached for the violin she had found down an alley, abandoned. With a quick flick of the bow, Grace tried to play, putting out some sour notes. “Oops...” Grace gritted her teeth and tried to play again. This time there was a weak tune and some wrong notes. “Well, it can only get better.”
  • 34. Within half an hour of standing in the street with a violin, Grace had made up a small song to play for people passing-by, and her plan began to work. Coins were being tossed to the ground in front of her, whether it was because they liked the song or just felt sorry for her. Grace didn't mind which it was – it just meant Grace could buy food later.
  • 35. Grace was still playing her little heart out when Liam came walking down the street. “Hey, that's really good.” He told her, encouragingly. Grace smiled. “Thanks. I haven't been playing for long.” Grace put down the violin. “It means food tonight.”
  • 36. “You don't have a home?” Liam asked, concerned. Grace shook her head. “Come on, I'll take you to the local orphanage. What's your name?” “Grace.” Liam fell silent. “What's your surname?” Thoughtful for a moment, Grace couldn't recall ever having a surname. “I don't know...”
  • 37. The more Liam looked at Grace the more resemblance he saw in her face to the one he saw in the mirror every morning. “Then we definitely have to go to the orphanage.”
  • 38. “Well, Mr Wrongway,” the Social Worker sat down at her desk again, filling the uncomfortable silence that had rested on Liam and Grace while the Social Worker had done some paperwork and tests. “It looks as if Grace is your daughter, according to our results.” “Wow...” Liam had no other words. The day had come for his little girl to be returned to him, a day he had never prepared for. “If you think it is unsuitable for Grace to go home with you, she's welcome to stay with us at the orphanage, if that is the option you would prefer...”
  • 39. “Please don't leave me at the orphanage.” Grace mumbled. Liam looked up to see her staring at the floor in a fearful way. “That's not something you have to worry about,” he said, with a smile. “You're my daughter, you're coming home with me.”
  • 40. “You're home, at last, it's been a tough day! I'm pregnant and looking after the twins, Liam! What took you so...who is this?” Cassidy asked, pulling Eli closer. Liam grinned. “This is our daughter, Grace.” “So we are going to have four children by the end of the week.” Cass smiled. “Welcome home, Grace!” “Wow! Is that my brother? He's tiny!” Grace exclaimed, with a grin. She was going to fit right in with the rest of the Wrongways.
  • 41. “So, what do you think?” Liam questioned. “Could this ever be your home?” “Well, this morning I had nothing. Now I have parents, grandparents, a brother and a sister...I think this is my home.” Grace looked at the portraits hanging beside them of Liam and Cass. “This is my home.” Liam laughed. “Time for bed then, I think. And don't be too surprised if your room is disappointing. We can fix it up in the morning.”
  • 42. Disappointing?” Grace chuckled to herself. “How can anyone be disappointed with a room like this?”
  • 43. Grace learned a few things about her brother and sister during the few days before their birthday. Eli and Elizabeth were almost always together, either by choice or just because it was easiest. Sometimes, it looked as if the twins got along. “Hug me!” Elizabeth would cry, and pull her brother close.
  • 44. Other times, they didn't quite get on... “Lizzie! I was playin' with the dolls!” Eli protested, shoving the house. “My turn now!” “Don't wanna play with you.” Eli announced, and crawled away. Further along the hallway, Grace rolled her eyes and continued on her way.
  • 45. Soon, all three of the current Wrongway children would have a new sibling to play with as once again, Cassidy went into labour in the bathroom.
  • 46. “Mummy! Read to me!” Lizzie was demanding from the cold tiles of the floor. Cassidy gave another screech. Not a good time to be asking for a story.
  • 47. Welcome little Alice to the family! Hopefully, this will be the last child in the Main Household. Looking after the twins is a full-time job, now with a new baby to care for too!
  • 48. Grace settled back into the family effortlessly, living as if she had been doing the same for her whole life. Cassidy and Liam were glad to have their daughter back, and Grace was pleased with all that she had gained from finding her family. “Who's growing up tonight? Is it you? I think it's you!” Eli giggled “And Lizzie! Don't fo'get Lizzie!” “Yes, Lizzie! Where is my little sister?” Grace jumped up, and wandered off to look for Elizabeth, with Eli toddling along behind.
  • 49. Instead of following Grace in an attempt to find Lizzie, Eli toddled into the bathroom and began splashing around in the toilet. Lovely.
  • 50. “There you are, my little darling! Ready to grow into a big boy?” You have no idea where he's been, Cass.
  • 51. Triple Birthday Madness! The twins and Alice's birthday all fell on the same day, so it made sense to throw a small party for them.
  • 52. “Look at us!” Lizzie cheered. “And I grew up in pink! Bonus!” “I'm more awesome now than I was an hour ago!” Liam smiled at the comments of his twin children, and looked at the smiling little girl in his arms. “How cute are you?” He asked, softly. “Very cute!” Alice insisted. “I see you're going to take after your brother.” Liam chuckled. Alice is a Capricorn with a personality of 10/9/7/2/7
  • 53. The twins ran off to get changed and everyone else left for cake. Only Ashley remained behind, still blowing on her party horn. Perhaps she was celebrating a birthday that happened the day before...
  • 54. Around the same time that Alice had been born, Ash had a baby boy, whose name is Frankie. Unfortunately, he didn't get a birthday party, but he will for his child birthday. He is the sixth Grandchild, and so Jim is now platinum.
  • 55. “I feel much better now.” Lizzie grinned at her brother. “Ready to take on the world?” “Why don't we party tonight instead? We can still do all the things that Grace told us about, but it's our birthday, we should party!” “I don't care much for parties.” Lizzie flipped her hair. “But still, let's go smustle.”
  • 56. And so the party continued at the Wrongway household, watched from afar by one man, standing alone on his balcony. “Soon, there will be no reason to party.” He smirked. ________________________________ And here is where I leave you! Will the Twins be double-trouble? What is Ralph planning? Will there be more babies? How many more birthdays will there be? Until next time, Happy Simming!