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"I thought my baby boy
was going to die inside of
And if he did, I would have died right along with
I was so scared…
That my baby boy
wouldn't make it
through the night…
And it was all my
Because at 290
pounds my weight
literally came "this
close" to killing my
An avalanche of guilt crushed me…
What was I doing wrong?
I knew deep down that I let myself go, and it almost killed my baby…
But the most frustrating part was I was TRYING to lose the extra
weight for MONTHS before I got pregnant...
I would start my day with a big bowl of oatmeal with lots of fresh
I 몭lled my plate with veggies and lean proteins for lunch…
And dinner was always a giant salad with more protein and fat-free
salad dressing…
I didn't snack and I drank LOTS of water…
No sugar, no arti몭cial sweeteners, and no fast food.
I went on long walks with friends, sweat through bootcamp classes,
and got my cardio in every week...
My body felt strong…
I had more energy, but my weight
NEVER changed…
Except for the 6 pounds I lost in the
After that, it was one frustrating
plateau after another.
Like my body WANTS to hang on to
the extra fat because it's always
been there…
And after nearly killing my baby boy under the pressure of my own
I hit rock bottom and fell into
a deep depression…
The guilt was so bad I could barely get out of bed, and so I comforted
myself even more with food.
I just couldn't help it...
But then, out of nowhere a ray of light shined through and luckily...
God had a di몭erent plan...
That led me to the discovery of a rare new "purple
tea" recipe from deep in the jungles of Kenya that
몭ushed away
over 110 pounds of raw, nagging fat o몭 my body…
Going from THIS... to THIS…
Without completely changing my diet…
Without giving up my favorite foods forever…
And without hours of backbreaking cardio that kills your knees and
ruins your joints.
Day after day, the more of this rare purple tea I drank the more
weight kept coming o몭.
Before I knew it, I was stepping on the scale…
Down 10 pounds…
Then 22 pounds…
Then 56 pounds…
And when all was said and done...
I lost over 70 pounds
of pure fat and a whopping 110
pounds overall
From my belly, waist, thighs and hips, after being obese and
overweight for my entire life.
And now, two years later, NONE of the weight has come back.
My con몭dence shot through the roof…
My sex drive came roaring back…
My energy was at an all time high…
I felt more motivated…
And suddenly, I was getting up before my three young kids, even
though I was never a morning person.
My mental focus and clarity were sharper than
they were 20 years ago, and I 몭nally felt
comfortable in my own body for the 몭rst time
in my life.
So if you've ever felt like giving up…
If you hate looking at yourself in the mirror…
Or you never wear a bikini because you're
afraid of what other people will think...
Then please stick with me because I'm living
proof that you can get the body of your
dreams alot faster than you ever thought
And I'm going to share with you EXACTLY how I did it, step by step, so
that you can do it too.
All thanks to a simple "purple tea"
ritual that's so simple and so
You can do it right at home in less than 15 seconds to start burning
belly fat like crazy…
No matter how old you are, or what type of shape you're in.
If you have 10, 20, even 50 or more pounds to lose, or you have way
more belly fat than you'd like, which always gets in the way and never
budges no matter what you try…
Then this weird purple tea ritual discovered in the Nandi Hills of
Kenya , that's backed by the latest scienti몭c research from the U.S.
Kenya , that's backed by the latest scienti몭c research from the U.S.
National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health is
going to completely change your life.
I know you're probably skeptical right now, and I don't blame you…
Because I would be too if I hadn't seen 몭rsthand what it did to my
body and my belly…
After three pregnancies, getting up to 290 pounds, and yo-yo dieting
for years, I thought my body was broken…
My metabolism was always really slow and I could never lose any fat…
Until I stumbled upon this purple tea ritual from an unusual Kenyan
tribe, where everyone is thin, lean and healthy....
In their 30's all the way up to their 90's…
And when I saw how quickly it transformed my body and my belly,
along with some of my closest friends and family, who were
overweight their entire lives…
I became a believer…
Because I just couldn't ignore
the results anymore.
This 10-Second "purple tea" ritual has nothing to do with:
Starving yourself…
Cutting carbs...
Skipping meals...
And you don't even have to do any exercise if you don't want to…
All you have to do is follow this
simple ritual every morning…
Before you eat breakfast…
So your body starts burning
calories at a faster rate, along
with burning up your belly fat for
My belly fat started melting o몭
that 몭rst night, after having three
kids and weighing close to 290
pounds... even though my husband left me, and I was severely
So if I can lose over 100 pounds and 몭atten my stomach at the same
time after everything my body has been through…
Then there's no reason you can't do it too.
Because I'm nothing special…
I just stumbled upon something that worked, and stuck with it…
Because my belly was 몭attening out so fast, people asked if I had
gotten lipo, or a tummy tuck, because they couldn't believe all my 몭ab
and fat could just disappear like that.
But once you discover the science behind why this purple tea works
so well…
Then it's only a matter of time
your friends start asking you
what YOUR secret is.
There's no counting points…
There's no counting calories…
And there's no complicated rules to follow whatsoever.
It doesn't matter if you have 15 pounds to lose, or 115…
If you're 40 years old or 90 years young...
If you have horrible genetics and a super slow metabolism…
Or if you've never lost a single pound in your entire life…
None of that matters because I can guarantee…
Whatever you tried in the past did NOT include the breakthrough that
you're going to discover here today.
What I'm about to share with you is brand new
and extremely controversial and it goes against
what everyone is telling you when it comes to fast
and sustainable weight loss.
So please, stick with me, because...
I'm going to show you exactly
what to do to start losing 10, 20,
even 30 pounds of pure, raw fat,
right from your own home.
The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and some
of the "higher ups" noticed the results I was posting on social media…
So they're doing everything they can to shut this website down…
Because if you realize how easy and simple it actually is to burn fat
and lose weight…
Without their prescription medications…
Expensive gym memberships…
And bogus detoxes and cleanses…
They stand to lose BILLIONS of dollars...
So please, don't close out of this page…
Because I can't guarantee it'll still be here tomorrow.
By the way, my name is Liz.
I'm not a dietician…
I'm not a doctor…
And I'm not a personal trainer.
I'm just a single mom from St.
Louis, Missouri, whose
husband left her…
And I almost lost two of my
babies during childbirth
because of my weight.
My husband walked out on me because I gained over 80 pounds
during our marriage... 
That was one of the hardest moments of my life…
My self-esteem was shattered.
The only man I ever loved slammed the door right in my face...
I felt paralyzed, like I couldn't go on...
And there I was, with two baby boys and a baby girl....
My life in shambles, crying myself to sleep every single night for
months, not knowing if things were ever going to change.
And so, with my back up against the wall, I made a vow to myself
and my three kids…
Right then and there to get rid of all the extra weight…
I wanted my ex to eat his heart out the next time he saw me…
Not just to prove him wrong and make him jealous…
I wanted to do it for me…
Because my kids deserve a mom who is active, can get down on the
ground and play with them…
Someone who's going to be there for the long haul…
I just couldn't be one of those mom's who sat on the sidelines…
While their kid's lives passed them by.
The only problem was…
I had no idea what to do
I know that sounds silly, because if you want to lose weight you
should just eat more salads and protein, while cutting out all the junk,
Well, that's exactly what I had been doing for the past 10 years…
You name a diet out there, I tried it…
And yet, after those 몭rst few pounds came o몭…
I got stuck, my body stalled,
and my weight plateaued.
Like clockwork, this happened EVERY single time.
And it's not just because I had kids…
I know most women blame their bodies after having kids, because
losing weight can seem virtually impossible once you become a
But for me, losing weight has been impossible my entire life.
When I was a teenager three of my friends and I were hanging out at
the mall when it was time to eat…
We went to our favorite place, but there was an hour-long wait.
When we 몭nally got inside the hostess
walked us to our booth, and as I went to sit
down I quickly realized that I wasn't going
to 몭t.
I was counting points…
I was eating whole foods…
I was fasting in the
I was going for long walks...
I gave up fast food…
I ran while pushing the
No liquid calories...
I cooked most of my own
meals and rarely ate out…
I even cut out my weekend
glasses of wine…
I literally could not 몭t in the booth…
Completely humiliated, I told my friends to
stay and eat while I rushed out the door
with tears pouring down my face.
I still think about it all the time, because it
was so humiliating...
I have dozens of stories just like that…
Because when you grow up overweight,
you don't really 몭t into the world around you.
It's like everything is there to make you remember that you're bigger
than everyone else…
So if you've ever felt insecure, self-conscious, or just plain
frustrated with your weight or your body, just know:
You're not alone.
There's thousands of us just like you going through the same
struggles, the same embarrassment, and the same emotional pain.
But as things kept getting worse and worse a sliver of hope peaked
through the dark clouds…
And this simple "purple tea" ritual practically fell into my lap at the
moment I was least expecting it.
I had just gotten my kids down for the night…
Getting three kids in bed at the same time is so exhausting…
I felt like I had just run 5 miles.
And so, I went over to the couch to veg out, since this was my only
true "mommy time" where no one needed anything from me.
As I was scrolling through social media on
my phone, one of my friends who is a
몭tness coach shared an article from the
U.S. National Library of Medicine.
It was about how every person has their
own personal "set point" when it comes
to their weight [1]
We each have a genetically
programmed weight that our
body wants to be at…
Based on your gender, DNA, genetics, hormones, and other
psychological elements…
Much like your hair, height and eye color, you don't have any
control over this.
That's why some people are naturally heavy, while others are
more petite or thin.
And your body will 몭ght to stay within 10-20 pounds of your "set
point" no matter what.
Some people have a set point of 120 pounds, like your skinny friend
who eats whatever she wants and never gains a pound.
For others, it's 185 pounds, or 215 pounds...
There's not much you can do about it.
Just think...
How many times have you hit a
In the beginning, you lose those 몭rst 5-10 pounds pretty easily and
you can't help but get excited…
Then your weight completely stalls...
This sudden halt in weight loss is because your body is 몭ghting to
maintain it's "set point" for survival…
That's why you naturally become hungrier
and your metabolism slows down as you
begin to lose weight.
This is your body 몭ghting to
This is your body 몭ghting to
return to its "normal" weight…
Because that's where it wants to be.
Unlike you, your body doesn't want to get
rid of an extra 15-30 pounds as quickly as
And so it 몭ghts back to hang on to your
fat, just in case of emergency.
Now, I don't want to bore you with all the science behind this, but…
To maintain your body's "set point" weight
your brain constantly monitors how much
food you're eating…
And responds by releasing hormones that either increase or decrease
hunger levels [2]
If you've ever been on a diet your body is likely releasing hormones
that increase hunger, which is why diets are so hard to stick to…
Because your body senses that you're losing weight and it ramps up
your hunger hormones until you cave in and start eating more…
So your weight returns to its "set point".
I sat there reading this article, stunned…
I felt like they were talking directly to me…
Because this is what
happened every single time I
went on a diet…
I would lose some weight in the
beginning, get super excited and
몭nally think that I had
everything 몭gured out…
And then a week or two in, my
weight would stall…
I'd diet even harder, start
exercising more, and my body
would 몭ght back by making me
MORE hungry…
As my metabolism slowed down and my weight hit a standstill...
I always thought I was doing something wrong… But it turns out…
My body just wanted to get back to it's "set point", which for me was
WAY more than I wanted to weigh.
I felt cursed because my "set point" was so high…
I couldn't get below 275 pounds for the life of me.
After being so embarrassed when I couldn't 몭t in the booth at the
restaurant with my friends…
I couldn't just accept that I'd be
stuck at this weight for the rest of
my life…
And I kept thinking, if everyone has their own "set point," then why is
it so easy to gain weight, yet so hard to lose it?
As I kept pouring through the research, it turns out that as a survival
The body 몭ghts much harder to prevent
weight loss than weight gain [2]
This is known within the scienti몭c community as "asymmetric
biological control" [3]
Basically, the body easily converts extra calories into fat, regardless of
changes in calorie intake [3]
So if your body is converting all your extra calories into fat and then
you cut way back on calories to try and lose weight, your body is going
to 몭ght like crazy to hang onto that fat, even if you're only eating 500
calories a day.
Before long, you're super hungry all the
You 몭nally give in and start eating more,
which only creates more fat that goes
straight to your belly, hips and thighs.
It's a vicious and frustrating cycle,
which is why so many people quit, give up,
and just accept the fact that they're
destined to be overweight for their entire
I have to admit…
After reading all of this for myself…
I started feeling even more
If we all have a speci몭c "set point" that our body wants to be at and
we're basically stuck there for the rest of our lives, then what's the
point of even trying anymore?
It's just too hard, especially if you're super busy and have kids and a
A few weeks later I went to my doctor for a post-pregnancy check up.
After weighing in at 292
pounds he was really
concerned, and he started
asking me all these questions
about why I wasn't trying
harder to lose weight.
I told him about all the diets I
had been on over the past few
How I was eating more whole
And I cut out all the junk…
Yet my weight barely budged…
Then, as the tears started rolling down my face, I broke down...
I told him about all the research I was doing and how none of this
really matters…
Because my body is stuck at this "set point" for the rest of my life.
And I was sick and tired of struggling…
So I just stopped trying.
He just sat there and gave me this little smirk…
"What???", I hissed...annoyingly between the tears...
He said that while your body does have a natural "set point" when it
comes to your weight…
It's NOT Permanent.
It's like how some people have blonde hair as a kid and over time it
turns brown as an adult.
Or someone who has green eyes as a teenager, only to realize they're
now hazel in their early 30's...
Things can change over time...
And when it comes to your "set point" you just have to know what
to do.
And since it has nothing to do with
Most people are doing everything
WRONG when it comes to losing
and changing their set point.
They're 몭ghting an uphill battle….
Going for a 5 mile run does nothing to change your set point…
Neither does skipping breakfast or cutting out red meat and
Cutting calories…
Counting carbs…
Skipping meals…
Doing tons of cardio…
Or starving yourself…
Neither does skipping breakfast or cutting out red meat and
becoming a vegetarian.
That's like trying to dig a hole with a hammer…
Your intentions are good, but you're using the wrong
The good news is...
All you have to do is lower your "set point" and the extra weight will
start coming o몭...
Usually within the 몭rst 24 hours.
All you have to do is focus on this ONE thing…that's it.
Most people are so stressed out trying to 몭gure out what diet they
should follow…
What type of exercise they should
If they should go low carb or plant
If they need to skip meals…
How many days a week they should
do cardio…
They're worried about all these
di몭erent things…
That burn you out…
When the truth is, you can forget about ALL of that…
You can stop worrying…
Because all you have to do is adjust your "set point", which you can do
in less than 10 seconds a day…
So your body naturally starts burning fat again and everything else
will take care of itself.
Your belly fat will start melting o몭…
Your jeans will start feeling looser around the waist and
Younger people will start coming up to you and make small talk after
checking you out…
Because you caught their eye walking through the grocery store…
Or while you're out shopping for new, sexier clothes with your friends.
You'll start getting people's attention wherever you go as your
waistline shrinks…
And your body thins out to the exact weight YOU want to be at.
YOU get to decide how much
weight you lose when you lower
your "set point"...
Which is exactly how it should be, and the truth is:
You can do this in less than 10 seconds every
I know that probably sounds too good to be true…
And I thought the exact same thing, until I saw it 몭rsthand for myself.
You see, as I was getting ready
to leave the doctor's o몭ce he
wrote something on a small slip
Your cellulite will start to fade away…
Your face will look thinner and much younger…
You'll have more energy…
You'll be happier with a new outlook on life…
No matter how old you are…
No matter your genetics…
And no matter how much weight you have to
of paper and passed it over to
"Purple tea???" I said,
"Yes", he replied…
"Purple tea—have you ever
heard of it?"
I had been drinking tea for
Green tea…
Black tea…
But I'd never heard of purple tea.
"It's new", he said…
But the reason it works comes
down to one tiny little antioxidant
called anthocyanin.
When it comes to changing your weight "set point"...
So you can lose 20, 40, even 60 or more pounds…
And keep it o몭 for YEARS…
While your waist slims down, your thighs thin out, and you look
younger than you ever have before…
The secret that no one knows about is purple tea.
Purple tea is a very rare form of tea grown in the Nandi Hills of
At an altitude of 4,500 to 7,500 feet above sea level.
Every morning, a handful
of women and men walk
the Nandi Hills barefoot,
picking these tiny purple
They put them in a basket,
bring them back to their
village, grind them up by
hand and pour hot water
over them to drink.
I couldn't believe it…
These people were in their
60's, 70's and 80's…
Yet they didn't look a day over 35.
They were moving with such ease and they were all so thin and
You would have guessed that they lived in the gym…
But they never exercised, except for walking the hills every
And when their baskets were full they'd bring them back to their tiny
Kenyan village…
Where they'd separate the plants, grind them up, put a tiny handful in
a cup, and pour hot water over them.
They all looked so happy and healthy, like they didn't have a care in
the world…
While everyone over here in America is arguing about what "diet" is
While everyone over here in America is arguing about what "diet" is
best, and whether carbs are bad for you or not...
Over there, they just don't care, and it shows in how young they look.
"One of my former patients is from Kenya and he's the one who
shared this with me", my doctor said…
I was stunned…
I kept looking at all these pictures…
And it all seemed so magical...
But at the same time, I was really skeptical, because nobody can keep
a secret anymore…
And I've been desperately trying to lose weight for over 20 years…
So how could I have never
heard about this before?
"The world is a big place", he said…
"And there's a lot of things we don't know about."
Since he could see how skeptical I was, he started going through the
main ingredients in this secret purple tea recipe…
So I could understand at a basic level why it works so well for burning
It turns out, what makes purple tea di몭erent
every other tea is its abnormally high levels of
and epigallocatechin gallate…
Both are rare plant compounds that are responsible for speeding up
your fat-burning metabolism, which results in speedy calorie burn [4]
And we all know that the more calories you burn, and the faster you
do it, the more weight you will lose.
In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
one group of people consumed 690 milligrams of catechins daily,
while the "control" group consumed just 22 milligrams per day...
BMI, waist size,
body fat mass
fat were all
signi몭cantly lower in the group that received 690 mg of catechins daily
compared to the control group.[7]
Basically, that means the people who received high levels of
catechins on a daily basis…
Another secret weapon found
only in
purple tea is a special type of
polyphenol called GHG [4]
GHG helps decrease fat tissue "thickness" while increasing lean body
Basically, it helps your body burn more fat while you also get
thinner and leaner at the same time…
That's because GHG increases an enzyme known as lipase.
This is really important because the main job of lipase is to break
down fat in the body [4]
It also helps improve the metabolism of liver fat, which helps detoxify
the liver.
This also helps the body 몭ush out unwanted fat and other toxins [4]
Lost more weight…
Burned more belly fat…
Had their waist size dramatically shrink…
And melted away more subcutaneous fat, which is the "jiggly
fat" around your belly, hips and thighs.
So many people are trying so hard, exercising like crazy...
And the weight just isn't coming o몭…
Because their "lipase switch" is always
turned OFF.
Yet all you have to do is 몭ip it back
And your body will rapidly start burning
fat again...
It's like trying to use a brand new cell phone without turning it on
몭rst... It just doesn't work.
However, when you turn this enzyme on 몭rst thing in the morning
with a little bit of purple tea...
You can double or even triple the
amount of fat you burn during the day.
Next is an antioxidant called
Anthocyanin is a potent antioxidant that gives the tea it's purple
And according to a new study from Japan, it has a "signi몭cant
potency" against fat cells and can be used for the prevention of
weight gain [8]
In a 12 week study, those that consumed anthocyanins had
signi몭cantly lower body weight [8]
And according to Takanori
Tsuda, one of the lead
researchers from Chubu
University in Aichi, Japan...
"The dietary anthocyanins
clearly suppressed the
increase in tissue weight
deposits and has a signi몭cant
potency for anti-obesity".
Which means that the
anthocyanins basically stopped the test subjects from gaining weight,
helped them burn more fat, and could be vital in the 몭ght against
obesity around the world.
Anthocyanins also helped increase energy expenditure in the body
among the test subjects…
So they burned more calories daily than those who didn't get the
Which is critical…
Because just think about how
much easier losing weight would
be if your body simply burned
more calories on it's own.
And in another groundbreaking study…
A group of women and men were asked to consume purple tea for
After 4 weeks participants had a signi몭cantly lower body weight, BMI,
less abdominal fat, and a signi몭cantly smaller waist size.
Basically, everyone who drank purple tea lost way more weight, a
lot more belly fat, and their waists shrunk, even though they weren't
exercising or on some crazy calorie-controlled diet.
And in a study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine…
With help from the National Institutes of Health…
They found that purple tea "signi몭cantly suppressed:
Which is a technical way of saying that purple tea extract helped
people lose weight and burn belly fat, while also improving the
function of your liver, which is really important…
Body weight gain…
Liver weight…
Abdominal fat…
And triglycerides" [5]
Because your liver is the main organ responsible for burning fat in the
Study after study was showing how e몭ective purple tea was at
burning o몭 belly fat and increasing weight loss, without having to do
anything crazy…
Like exercising all day long or eating tons of salad.
Now, here's where purple
tea is even more powerful…
You see, your fat cells are 몭lled with toxins…
And so, when your body
starts burning fat…
All these nasty toxins go
straight into your
bloodstream, which means
they either go right back
into other fat cells or they
take over other parts of
your body.
And make you feel sick,
fatigued and exhausted.
However, the anthocyanins in purple tea not only help speed up
weight loss…
They also protect the body because of their high antioxidant pro몭le
By 몭ushing out these nasty toxins that naturally get
released when your body starts burning fat again on a
regular basis.
I have to admit...
Going through study after study had my head spinning, and I still felt
a little unsure...
But I couldn't deny the facts that were laid out right in front of me…
When you combine all these fat-burning bene몭ts of purple tea…
It helps reverse the "biochemical
patterns" that have slowed down
your metabolism…
So you can quickly break through your "set point," and lose 15, 30,
even 50 or more pounds…
Without the struggle, without the frustration, and without the intense
hunger and cravings that have ruined every single diet you've ever
been on.
Since this new type of tea is so new and so rare, no one is using it,
except for the locals on the Nandi Hills of Kenya…
Heck, even America's best doctors and weight loss "experts" don't
know about the amazing, life changing power of purple tea, which is
probably why you've never heard of it before.
You can't 몭nd it in a grocery store…
And the ones that are available online are just cheap knock o몭s…
Filled with arti몭cial chemicals, fake sweeteners, and other 몭llers…
Just as I was about to leave the doctor's o몭ce...
I was both excited and extremely frustrated…
I was excited because I had a tiny
sliver of hope that I could 몭nally
get rid of my belly fat:
I tried all that before and it never works and isn't sustainable…
But I was also frustrated, because I couldn't just buy a plane ticket
and 몭y out to Kenya…
Without having to get an expensive surgery…
Without having to go on some miserable diet for the rest of
my life…
And without having to force myself to exercise for an hour or
two every day.
and 몭y out to Kenya…
So how in the world was I supposed to get my hands on this purple
What my doctor did next left me stunned as I was getting ready to
He pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk and handed me this
tiny little plastic bag…
Doctor: "Remember the former patient from Kenya I was talking
He gave me an entire box of purple tea…
To get my professional opinion, and to try it out for myself.
I want you to have some, to see if it'll work for you."
I put the little baggy in my purse and headed home…
That night, after I 몭nally got my kids to bed…
I 몭lled up my teapot, boiled
some water, and poured it
over a teaspoon of the purple
tea leaves.
I didn't want to mess it up, so I
let it steep for a good 5
minutes to soak up all the
And when I had my 몭rst sip, I
was actually surprised…
It was sweet and calming…
It tasted a lot better than I thought it would, but…
I didn't really feel anything happen at 몭rst…
And so I enjoyed the rest of the cup and then headed o몭 to bed.
The next morning I woke up an hour before my kids, and that NEVER
As I was getting out of bed I felt a little bit lighter and my belly didn't
feel so heavy…
So I stepped on the scale, and to my shock I was down a pound and
So I stepped on the scale, and to my shock I was down a pound and
a half.
Now, that might not sound like much to you, but I GAINED 80 pounds
over the past year…
So losing ANYTHING was like a miracle for me…
However, I didn't let myself get too excited…
It was probably just a 몭uke, and it could have just been water weight…
So I brushed it o몭 and went on with my day…
I got into a new routine of having a hot cup of purple tea 몭rst thing in
the morning and another cup before bed.
And as the weeks went by I couldn't believe what happened…
8 pounds…
11 pounds…
19 pounds…
The fat was just melting off
My hunger and cravings were completely gone…
My belly was getting 몭atter than it had ever been before…
The cellulite was disappearing from my butt and thighs…
My face was thinning out…
People were telling me how young I looked, and even my skin was
clearing up.
Day after day I kept doing my "purple tea" ritual…
Without drastically changing my diet, or exercising like crazy…
And in the end I lost a whopping 110 pounds of nagging, raw fat o몭
my body....
Going from THIS... to THIS:
Suddenly, I weighed less than I did in my early 20's…
But most important of all, I could 몭nally get down on the 몭oor and
play with my kids…
I was chasing them around the backyard playing tag, and I was 몭nally
setting the example of healthy living that I so desperately want to
pass down to them.
Most people just accept that you're going to gain weight and get
heavier as you get older…
But that doesn't have to be true…
Just by using this weird "purple tea" ritual day in and day out…
My energy was through the roof…
My con몭dence was at an all time high…
I wasn't hiding in my house anymore, scared to go out and be judged
by the outside world…
I was like a brand new person who
I was like a brand new person who
loved myself and my body…
Without caring what anyone else thought…
I bought a bunch of new
New sun dresses…
Tighter jeans…
And sexy tops…
It was like this whole new
world opened up to me…
But the real test came when I
ran into my ex-husband at the grocery store…
He was there with some woman and when he saw me out of the
corner of his eye…
His jaw dropped.
He walked over and practically tripped over his own drooling tongue…
 "Oh my God, that you???" he gasped…
"You look incredible…
What happened??"
I talked to him for a few minutes, but I was so grossed out…
Because here he was trying to win me back right in front of his new
And after he walked out on me and our kids, I was done with him
I was 몭nally dating the men I wanted to date instead of settling for
someone "good enough" and I couldn't be happier…
My prayers had 몭nally been answered…
However, there was just one
Once I ran out of the purple tea my doctor gave me, it was gone.
It's not like I could just go on my phone, pull up the Kenya
supermarket app and buy some more.
It doesn't work that way…
So while my weight was dropping faster than ever, I started to
Because I had no idea how I was going to get any more purple tea.
But with my newfound con몭dence, I knew there had to be a way…
I simply wasn't going to give up…
Because I knew how powerful this purple tea was and how it
completely transformed my life…
So I reached out to my doctor who put me in touch with his former
patient from Kenya…
He lived about an hour away…
And over the next 3 months we worked day and night on a plan to
bring his magic purple tea to America, without breaking the bank.
We got in touch with suppliers, manufacturers, and supply chain
experts, along with his relatives back home in Kenya.
After seeing how powerful this new purple tea was 몭rsthand...
I had to get it in the hands of as many people as possible who were
just like me…
Always struggling with their weight, while trying way too hard for
barely any results.
This is the only thing that ever
worked for me, especially after
having kids, and I wasn't going to
give up without a 몭ght.
Finally, after months of 20 hour work weeks…
While going through three di몭erent manufacturers and more
headaches than you could ever imagine..
Because what we were trying to do had never been done before…
Because what we were trying to do had never been done before…
We took the pure plant extracts the locals of Nandi
Hills used to stay young and thin and put them into
an easy to swallow capsule that anyone can use in
just seconds a day…
To burn more fat and have more energy.
A few weeks later the 몭rst test batch was delivered
to my house.
I still had a little over 30 pounds I wanted to lose, and I had been
stalled ever since I ran out of purple tea from my doctor…
So I ripped open the box, took two capsules with a big glass of water,
and went back to playing with my kids.
I was so busy trying to keep up with them all day that I didn't even
think about it…
Until I woke up the next morning, stepped on the scale like I always
do, and was down half a pound.
After being stalled for 6 weeks I was jumping up and down like it was
my wedding day…
I got right back into my routine of having some "purple tea" 몭rst
thing in the morning, and again before bed…
Day after day, I felt lighter…
My belly was getting even 몭atter…
The next time I stepped on the scale, I was
down 6 pounds…
And I lost another 12 pounds shortly after
In the end, I lost another 33 pounds…
My stomach was 몭atter than ever…
My thighs didn't rub against each other
anymore when I walked…
My nagging aches and pains were basically
And you would NEVER guess that three kids came out of this body just
a few years earlier…
a few years earlier…
It's like I stumbled upon the secret
rapidly burning fat that no one
had ever tried before…
Remember, most of us are locked-in to our weight "set point"...
And whether that's weighing 130 pounds, 170 pounds, or 250
Getting too far down from that number is such a huge struggle…
Your body 몭ghts against it…
It WANTS to hang onto your fat in case of emergency, but when you
몭nally give your body a new dose of nutrients that it's never gotten
before, your "set point" starts to go down…
Like dropping a brick o몭 the top of a skyscraper…
Your weight starts going down so fast you almost can't believe it's
actually happening…
But the number on the scale keeps going down, reminding you that
this IS real.
It's like taking a pair of jumper cables and SHOCKING your
metabolism into high gear…
And the best part is…
It doesn't matter how old you are…
It doesn't matter how much weight you have to lose…
It doesn't matter if you have a super slow metabolism…
It doesn't matter what your current physical condition
And it doesn't matter if you have horrible genetics.
Since I was losing weight like crazy, all my friends started asking what
I was doing…
After all, since I was so busy, most of them hadn't seen me in months,
and they barely recognized me…
They thought I had joined a gym or hired a personal trainer to whip
me into shape...
Yet all I was doing was my
"purple tea" ritual twice a day…
While trying to eat a healthy, balanced diet…
So I started handing out samples from my test batch…
And it was funny, because all my girlfriends were hounding me with
"Do I need to change my diet?
Can I still go out to eat at restaurants?
What about happy hour?
Do I have to start working out?"
It's like they were stuck in the "diet culture" that's been fed to us for
So they didn't believe that losing weight and
burning fat could actually be simple and
I told them that eating healthy and exercising
were obviously bene몭cial, but they weren't
absolutely necessary.
Sure, I'd love for everyone to eat super
healthy all the time and exercise on a regular
Heck, I wish I did those things!
But it's not always realistic and you have to
start somewhere…
So they started using my "purple tea" ritual…
And like clockwork, they were losing 2 pounds here…
And like clockwork, they were losing 2 pounds here…
5 pounds there…
The fat was melting o몭 their bellies and their waistlines started to
shrink and thin out.
That's when I knew we were on to something big…
So I took this new and rare purple
recipe and nicknamed it
PT Trim Fat Burn…
The PT stands for purple tea…
And it trims and burns the fat o몭 your belly.
It's the only rapid fat-burning formula
that uses the hidden power of purple tea
to lower your "set point"...
So you can lose 20, 40, even 60 or more pounds…
Without going on another crash diet…
Without skipping meals…
And without giving up your favorite foods forever.
Now, to be completely honest and transparent…
There are no 몭llers, no sugars or arti몭cial sweeteners, and no arti몭cial
Only pure PT Trim extracts prepared iinn the exact precise amounts,
only found in our formula, so your body can quickly start burning
belly fat again.
Now that you know why it's always such a struggle to lose weight…
Because your body's genetic "set point" was locked in at a weight WAY
Because your body's genetic "set point" was locked in at a weight WAY
too high…
You'll be able to rapidly lower your set point, burn more pure fat, and
몭atten your belly…
In less than 10 seconds a day…
By getting the world's only "PT Trim" blend…
Straight from the Nandi Hills of Kenya.
There is no other way to get this exact fat 몭ushing formula that the
locals from Kenya use on a daily basis to stay young and thin year
So please, don't waste your money on cheap knock-o몭s that are
bound to pop up…
Once people realize how powerful this new type of purple tea
combined with our other rare ingredients is at 몭ushing away belly fat.
Each bottle of PT Trim Fat Burn is
put through rigorous third-party
Under GMP best practices and
So you know that you're getting the
purest, cleanest form of PT Trim in
each bottle…
To help lower your "set point"...
Which is the ONLY thing stopping you
from dropping 15, 30 even 45 pounds
or more…
Just like the 23,455 women and men who have done just that in the
last year alone…
Without stressing about their diet…
Worrying about counting calories…
Or spending hours at the gym.
If you feel like you've tried everything and nothing ever works, then
it's time to give your body something it's never had before…
Because I know for a fact that there isn't a single "diet program" out
there that uses our ancient PT Trim formula.
So don't beat yourself up for never getting the results you want when
the REAL answer has been hidden from you your entire life.
It's like trying to build a house before they had power tools…
Sure, it could be done, but it took A LOT of time, A LOT of hard work,
and A LOT of struggle, sacri몭ce and pain.
It doesn't have to be that way.
This is the missing piece…
I know it was for me…
Because when low-carb, keto, low-fat and eating more veggies didn't
work for me, I started to think that I was destined to be overweight for
my entire life…
Like my body was actively 몭ghting back against the "healthy" foods I
was eating…
But when I started using PT Trim, the fat started coming o몭 on the
몭rst day…
Not weeks, not months, and not years.
It's so powerful that your body can't help but start shedding extra
Until you're down to the exact weight YOU want to be at.
And the best part is…
YOU get to control how much fat
you burn.
If you want to lose faster then use more PT Trim throughout the
You could have some before your 몭rst meal and again In the early
afternoon for a fat-burning energy boost…
Then, when you get down to a comfortable weight for you, you can
back o몭 and only use it once a day to maintain your results and avoid
rebound weight gain.
Now, my time with you here today is almost over…
However, before I go I have to be blunt and completely honest…
If you don't start doing something different
then nothing will EVER change.
If you keep doing the same thing over and over again you're going to
get the same results…
And since you're here on this page with me right now I know you want
something di몭erent, something better…
Because each hour that passes by is an hour you'll never get back,
which means there's no time to waste in a body you don't
absolutely love…
You can never get this time back…
And I wished someone would have told me this sooner…
Because I wasted so many years…
Frustrated in my body…
Stuck and stalled…
And it wasn't until I tried something completely new and outside the
box that the fat started melting o몭.
That's why I want to do
everything in my power to
help you…
So you don't have to struggle for years like I did…
Which is why I set aside two bundles of PT Trim Fat Burn at our
largest discount ever…
After my friends and I went through our test batch in less than 30
days, word started to spread like wild몭re…
All of a sudden people I had never met before were coming up to me
on the street because I was now the "PT Trim lady" who could help
them lose weight.
It's like I became some folk hero celebrity in St. Louis…
And when we 몭nally got our website up and running, it crashed in just
12 hours because so many people were ordering 6, 10, even 12
bottles at a time…
After all, when it's worked for so many people you want to get your
hands on it as fast as possible and stock up so you never run out.
If you think about it, it's really smart…
Because when I ran out of the 몭rst batch of PT Trim from my doctor
my weight stalled for nearly three months…
Even though I was doing everything else the exact same.
And trust me…
You don't want to know how
much I would have paid for some
PT Trim…
When my weight didn't budge an ounce for months in a row…
I was desperate…
And I made a vow right there…
That if I ever got more PT Trim I'd stock up to last a lifetime.
Because trust me, when those 몭rst 5 pounds come o몭 you start to get
The hope starts to creep in, like you 몭nally found something that
Then when the next 10 pounds come o몭, you really start believing…
Your clothes start 몭tting a bit looser, and you
can notice the extra energy…
When you're down 20, 50, even 75 pounds or
more, you're hooked…
You feel like a mountain has been lifted o몭
You feel like a mountain has been lifted o몭
your shoulders because you can 몭nally stop
worrying about your weight…
Suddenly, you look like someone half your
You're moving around like you did in your
Your spouse can't keep their hands o몭 you…
Your sex life goes from a one to a ten almost overnight…
And you radiate this con몭dence that was always there deep down…
But was buried underneath your weight for all these years…
You can 몭nally forget about
all the different diets…
The confusing weight loss plans, and the back-breaking workouts.
None of those matter anymore…
Because now YOU control how much weight you lose.
However, the thing is, since over 90% of people were ordering 6 or
more bottles at a time…
We're always at a huge risk of running out of PT Trim.
I'm not some rich business woman who does this for a living…
So I don't have millions of dollars to put into extra inventory,
warehouse space and a team of employees…
This is the ultimate mom and pop shop that sprung up out of
And since we actually care about our customers, while delivering the
highest quality product available, our inventory runs out really fast…
Usually within just a couple days.
And when we're completely out of stock it can take up to two
months to get the next batch in because we're testing everything…
And we never cut corners…
So you get only the purest PT Trim extracts straight from the Nandi
Hills of Kenya.
And with the pandemic shipping times have doubled, sometimes even
And it takes even longer to get a package to your front door.
Now, when you do get your 몭rst package of PT Trim…
I want you to open it up immediately and take
a capsule or two with a big glass of water…
It'll get your body used to the new nutrients
it's never had before…
And you'll start the fat-burning process
right away.
Then you can take your extra bottles and put
one in your purse, in your medicine cabinet,
in your desk drawer at work…
Just spread them out all over so you can get
an extra fat-burning boost whenever you
No matter how busy you get.
If you want even faster results, have some PT Trim before every
And around 11am when you hit your 몭rst lull…
The longer you use it the better
faster your results will be…
It's just like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car…
The more you do it the better you get…
And the more PT Trim you consume, the more it 몭oods your body
with the fat-burning nutrients and antioxidants it needs…
To burn fat day after day, while resetting your "set point" so you can
lose all the weight you want.
That's why it's so important to use this new PT Trim for at least 30
Don't get me wrong…
Most people start noticing results within the 몭rst day or two…
But when you build up that consistency, where you're using it all
throughout the day, day in and day out, you'll be shocked at how fast
your body transforms…
My weight started
within the 몭rst 24 hours…
I felt lighter and I had more energy…
After the 몭rst month I had lost more weight than I did in the previous
10 years combined…
My friends barely recognized me…
And I had this youthful glow
and con몭dence that wasn't
there before…
After three months my parents
thought I had gotten a new job
at a gym…
They 몭gured I must have been
exercising around the clock to
be losing so much weight so
And when I told them what I was actually doing, they didn't believe
And after 6 months I made my ex eat his heart out when he ran into
me at the grocery store, drooling like some teenage kid who's never
kissed a woman before…
And being able to walk away from him in complete con몭dence was
the BEST feeling in the world.
It's simple, the more you use it,
the better your results will be…
While it does work really fast you can't just use it for a day or two and
expect to lose 20 pounds…
I'm sorry, but it doesn't
work like that…
That's why the
smartest people are
ordering 6 bottles at a
So they can start
burning fat NOW and
keep burning fat for
the next six months in
a row…
Because the last thing
you want is to lose a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and then
have to wait another month or two to get your next batch…
While your weight stalls and all your momentum goes right down the
When you order six bottles now
you don't
have to worry about running out…
Just as your body 몭ips into rapid fat-burning mode.
You'll be covered and your results will keep building day after day…
Nothing will be able to slow you down…
That's why I decided to give a MASSIVE discount to those who truly
want amazing, life-changing results…
If you tried to get these rare Kenyan PT Trim extracts on your own it
would easily cost you thousands of dollars…
Because you can't 몭nd them anywhere else…
It's not like you can just go down to your local health food store and
It's not like you can just go down to your local health food store and
pick up some purple tea, unless it's a cheap knock o몭.
And our formula uses a very
rare purple tea combined with
4 other ancient Kenyan PT Trim
fat 몭ushing compounds.
The cost of having these rare
ingredients picked from Kenya
and shipped to the U.S is over
$500 alone…
Not to mention all the
manufacturing, third party
testing, quality control, and
packaging that goes into every
Which is why our manufacturers
originally wanted me to charge
over $200 for every single bottle of PT Trim…
But I just couldn't do it…
Because when I hit rock bottom at 290 pounds, raising three kids on
my own, I could have never paid that much, even if I knew it would
work for me.
I just didn't have the money.
That's why when you chose the 6 bottle package of PT Trim today…
I took the original $200 price tag and cut it in half…
Then I cut it in half again and took another 25% o몭…
That means you won't pay $200 for a bottle of PT Trim Fat Burn…
You won't pay $100 either…
You won't even pay $50…
Although that is a huge bargain for getting rid of all your belly fat once
and for all.
Instead, you can get your 몭rst 6
bottles of
PT TRIM for just $39 a bottle.
180 DAY
PT TRIM for just $39 a bottle.
We also worked out a deal with our manufacturers so you'll get a
discount on the three bottle and one bottle options as well…
The savings aren't as big as the six bottle package, but it's still a great
And just to be 100% clear…
When you purchase your 몭rst bottles of PT Trim Fat Burn today, you
will never be billed again, unless you place another order.
I hate being forced into monthly subscription programs just as much
as you do…
So I just want you to know that you'll never be sent extra bottles…
And you'll never be billed automatically, under any circumstance.
However, our discounted bottles are going
So all you have to do is choose the 6 bottle package below, or
whichever package works best for you.
Your order will arrive within 5-7 business days…
And you'll also receive an email con몭rmation from my team, along
with information on how to get in touch with our customer support
In case you ever have any questions we'll be here for you 24/7 no
matter what.
 $891  $177
+ FREE Shipping
YOU SAVE $1,548
 $1,782  $234
+ FREE Shipping
 $297  $89
+ Shipping
Now, the truth is, you can't get
this new type of PT Trim
anywhere else…
It's not available in stores or on any other website…
You can only get it right here, right now…
And if you close out of this page, we might be out of stock the next
time you come back…
Since we cut out the middle man you can take advantage of our huge
launch discount so you get even faster results while saving more.
Simply choose the 6 bottle package below, or the one that feels like
the best 몭t for you…
And don't worry…
You can try it out on us, and if it doesn't work, you pay nothing.
If for whatever reason, PT Trim Fat Burn doesn't work for you, just
let our customer support team know, and we'll give you a full and
prompt refund, with no questions asked.
That way, you only pay if it works for you.
So go ahead and make the smart decision…
Lock in your results and savings with the six bottle package below.
And when you order today, you'll also get the following three bonuses
absolutely free.
Free Bonus #1:
The 14-Day Flat Belly Diet…
Listen, you don't need to overhaul your
diet in order for this new purple tea to
However, I always recommend eating
Because you want your heart, arteries
and other vital organs to be as strong
and healthy as possible.
And so, throughout my own personal
110 pound weight loss journey…
I found a new way of eating that worked
extremely well for me…
It's just a simple, practical and easy approach that anyone can use;
anyone who issuper busy, and wants really fast results.
As a mother of three I didn't have time to spend an hour or two
cooking "healthy" meals…
That's why I put all my tips and tricks into this 14-day rapid fat
burning protocol.
Free Bonus #2:
The 24-Hour Fat Melting
Look, sometimes you just want to lose a
It's not keto…
It's not low carb…
And it's not plant based…
Look, sometimes you just want to lose a
few pounds as fast as possible…
And going on another juice cleanse or
24 hour fast just isn't very healthy,
especially if you're trying to do it on
your own.
That's why I put together a super simple
24 hour fat-melting plan that you can
use whenever you want to get a few
pounds o몭 FAST…
I always recommend using this right
away when you get your 몭rst batch of PT Trim…
Because when you combine the two together, you can double or even
TRIPLE your results within the 몭rst day.
Free Bonus #3:
PT Trim Slimming Smoothies…
Smoothies are amazing for weight loss,
and yet most people do them all wrong!
They pack them full of high-sugar fruits,
starchy vegetables and protein powder
packed with sweeteners and fake
It's no wonder why you're not losing
any weight!
The secret is making these new types of
smoothies that work incredibly well for
fast fat loss, and when you add in a
capsule or two of PT Trim…
Your cravings diminish…
Your hunger goes away and stays away for hours…
And your body starts burning more fat.
I like to have one right after dinner…
As my dessert…
So I'm not tempted to snack or binge on ice cream before bed.
You get all three bonuses, which normally costs
Absolutely FREE
When you place your order for PT Trim here today.
Now, our time here together is almost over, and the truth is…
You only have two options going
Option #1 is you can keep
trying to 몭gure this out on
your own…
You can try eating
You can try exercising
And you can try another
fad diet…
That never works…
Any only leaves you more frustrated and miserable.
And if we're being honest, life will probably get in the way like it
always does…
And you'll never get around to doing anything about your weight.
Option #2 is you can take the easy way out...
Take advantage of the pure PT Trim extracts I personally had shipped
over from Kenya…
In the exact right doses, so you can start burning fat, 몭atten your belly
and 몭nally get rid of 10, 20 even 30 or more pounds..
In less than 10 seconds a day.
Plus, you get all three fat-burning bonuses
absolutely FREE…
Look, after losing over 100 pounds myself, I know how important it is
to have someone in your corner, helping you along the way…
Which is exactly what I'm here to do…
However, you have to take the 몭rst step and order your 몭rst batch
of PT Trim…
Because if changing your diet and exercising more hasn't worked for
It's time to try something
I can guarantee you've never tried anything like this before…
There are no diet plans out there
that use pure PT Trim extracts,
which is why this worked so well
for me when nothing else did.
We can do this together…
My team and I are here to help…
I can't wait to see the amazing
progress you make over the next
few weeks…
And remember, you're always backed by our 60-day, 100% money
back guarantee …
Which means you have nothing to lose…
And a sexy, thin body to gain.
Look, I know we covered a lot today…
The Flat Belly Diet...
The 24-hour Rapid Fat Loss Protocol...
And the PT Trim Fat-Burning Smoothies...
Look, I know we covered a lot today…
And you probably still have some questions.
Here are the most frequently asked
questions I've received about our new PT
Trim formula:
What is PT Trim Fat Burn again?
PT Trim Fat Burn is our pure purple tea extract that also includes
green tea extract, garcinia cambogia, berberine and cissus
To help increase fat-burning in the body.
PT Trim is backed by the latest research, which was mentioned earlier
on this page…
From the National Institutes of Health, along with the National Library
of Medicine…
And it was the missing link that personally helped me lose over 100
pounds, after having three kids, when my husband walked out on me.
Is it safe for all ages?
I always recommend speaking with your doctor before making any
dieting changes…
However, people in their early 30's, all the way to their late 80's have
used this new PT Trim formula and experienced great results.
How fast will I see results?
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It's the same with PT Trim Fat Burn..
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So go ahead and select the six bottle option below…
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How often should I use PT Trim Fat Burn?
It really comes down to how much weight you want to lose.
I recommend that everyone start their morning with one capsule with
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an extra fat-burning boost.
That's a great routine to get started with…
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Take a look in the mirror…
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I can't promise you they'll still be available tomorrow…
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Most of us NEVER do anything for ourselves…
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The True Secret to lose weight

  • 1. "I thought my baby boy was going to die inside of me..." And if he did, I would have died right along with him. I was so scared… Horri몭ed… That my baby boy wouldn't make it through the night… And it was all my fault. Because at 290 pounds my weight literally came "this close" to killing my son. An avalanche of guilt crushed me… What was I doing wrong? I knew deep down that I let myself go, and it almost killed my baby… But the most frustrating part was I was TRYING to lose the extra weight for MONTHS before I got pregnant... I would start my day with a big bowl of oatmeal with lots of fresh fruit… I 몭lled my plate with veggies and lean proteins for lunch… And dinner was always a giant salad with more protein and fat-free salad dressing… I didn't snack and I drank LOTS of water… No sugar, no arti몭cial sweeteners, and no fast food. CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 2. I went on long walks with friends, sweat through bootcamp classes, and got my cardio in every week... My body felt strong… I had more energy, but my weight NEVER changed… Except for the 6 pounds I lost in the beginning… After that, it was one frustrating plateau after another. Like my body WANTS to hang on to the extra fat because it's always been there… And after nearly killing my baby boy under the pressure of my own weight... I hit rock bottom and fell into a deep depression… The guilt was so bad I could barely get out of bed, and so I comforted myself even more with food. I just couldn't help it... But then, out of nowhere a ray of light shined through and luckily... God had a di몭erent plan... That led me to the discovery of a rare new "purple tea" recipe from deep in the jungles of Kenya that 몭ushed away over 110 pounds of raw, nagging fat o몭 my body… Going from THIS... to THIS…
  • 3. Without completely changing my diet… Without giving up my favorite foods forever… And without hours of backbreaking cardio that kills your knees and ruins your joints. Day after day, the more of this rare purple tea I drank the more weight kept coming o몭. Before I knew it, I was stepping on the scale… Down 10 pounds… Then 22 pounds… Then 56 pounds… And when all was said and done... I lost over 70 pounds of pure fat and a whopping 110 pounds overall From my belly, waist, thighs and hips, after being obese and overweight for my entire life. CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 4. And now, two years later, NONE of the weight has come back. My con몭dence shot through the roof… My sex drive came roaring back… My energy was at an all time high… I felt more motivated… And suddenly, I was getting up before my three young kids, even though I was never a morning person. My mental focus and clarity were sharper than they were 20 years ago, and I 몭nally felt comfortable in my own body for the 몭rst time in my life. So if you've ever felt like giving up… If you hate looking at yourself in the mirror… Or you never wear a bikini because you're afraid of what other people will think... Then please stick with me because I'm living proof that you can get the body of your dreams alot faster than you ever thought possible… And I'm going to share with you EXACTLY how I did it, step by step, so that you can do it too. All thanks to a simple "purple tea" ritual that's so simple and so easy… You can do it right at home in less than 15 seconds to start burning belly fat like crazy… No matter how old you are, or what type of shape you're in. If you have 10, 20, even 50 or more pounds to lose, or you have way more belly fat than you'd like, which always gets in the way and never budges no matter what you try… Then this weird purple tea ritual discovered in the Nandi Hills of Kenya , that's backed by the latest scienti몭c research from the U.S. CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 5. Kenya , that's backed by the latest scienti몭c research from the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health is going to completely change your life. I know you're probably skeptical right now, and I don't blame you… Because I would be too if I hadn't seen 몭rsthand what it did to my body and my belly… After three pregnancies, getting up to 290 pounds, and yo-yo dieting for years, I thought my body was broken… My metabolism was always really slow and I could never lose any fat… Until I stumbled upon this purple tea ritual from an unusual Kenyan tribe, where everyone is thin, lean and healthy.... In their 30's all the way up to their 90's… And when I saw how quickly it transformed my body and my belly, along with some of my closest friends and family, who were overweight their entire lives… I became a believer… Because I just couldn't ignore the results anymore. This 10-Second "purple tea" ritual has nothing to do with: Starving yourself… Cutting carbs... Skipping meals... CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 6. And you don't even have to do any exercise if you don't want to… All you have to do is follow this simple ritual every morning… Before you eat breakfast… So your body starts burning calories at a faster rate, along with burning up your belly fat for energy… My belly fat started melting o몭 that 몭rst night, after having three kids and weighing close to 290 pounds... even though my husband left me, and I was severely depressed. So if I can lose over 100 pounds and 몭atten my stomach at the same time after everything my body has been through… Then there's no reason you can't do it too. Because I'm nothing special… I just stumbled upon something that worked, and stuck with it… Because my belly was 몭attening out so fast, people asked if I had gotten lipo, or a tummy tuck, because they couldn't believe all my 몭ab and fat could just disappear like that. But once you discover the science behind why this purple tea works so well… Then it's only a matter of time before your friends start asking you what YOUR secret is. There's no counting points… There's no counting calories… And there's no complicated rules to follow whatsoever. CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 7. It doesn't matter if you have 15 pounds to lose, or 115… If you're 40 years old or 90 years young... If you have horrible genetics and a super slow metabolism… Or if you've never lost a single pound in your entire life… None of that matters because I can guarantee… Whatever you tried in the past did NOT include the breakthrough that you're going to discover here today. What I'm about to share with you is brand new and extremely controversial and it goes against what everyone is telling you when it comes to fast and sustainable weight loss. So please, stick with me, because... I'm going to show you exactly what to do to start losing 10, 20, even 30 pounds of pure, raw fat, right from your own home. The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and some of the "higher ups" noticed the results I was posting on social media… So they're doing everything they can to shut this website down… Because if you realize how easy and simple it actually is to burn fat and lose weight… Without their prescription medications… Expensive gym memberships… And bogus detoxes and cleanses… They stand to lose BILLIONS of dollars... So please, don't close out of this page… Because I can't guarantee it'll still be here tomorrow. CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 8. By the way, my name is Liz. I'm not a dietician… I'm not a doctor… And I'm not a personal trainer. I'm just a single mom from St. Louis, Missouri, whose husband left her… And I almost lost two of my babies during childbirth because of my weight. My husband walked out on me because I gained over 80 pounds during our marriage...  That was one of the hardest moments of my life… My self-esteem was shattered. The only man I ever loved slammed the door right in my face... I felt paralyzed, like I couldn't go on... And there I was, with two baby boys and a baby girl.... My life in shambles, crying myself to sleep every single night for months, not knowing if things were ever going to change. And so, with my back up against the wall, I made a vow to myself and my three kids… Right then and there to get rid of all the extra weight… I wanted my ex to eat his heart out the next time he saw me… Not just to prove him wrong and make him jealous… I wanted to do it for me… Because my kids deserve a mom who is active, can get down on the ground and play with them… Someone who's going to be there for the long haul… I just couldn't be one of those mom's who sat on the sidelines… While their kid's lives passed them by. CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 9. The only problem was… I had no idea what to do I know that sounds silly, because if you want to lose weight you should just eat more salads and protein, while cutting out all the junk, right? Well, that's exactly what I had been doing for the past 10 years… You name a diet out there, I tried it… And yet, after those 몭rst few pounds came o몭… I got stuck, my body stalled, and my weight plateaued. Like clockwork, this happened EVERY single time. And it's not just because I had kids… I know most women blame their bodies after having kids, because losing weight can seem virtually impossible once you become a mom…. But for me, losing weight has been impossible my entire life. When I was a teenager three of my friends and I were hanging out at the mall when it was time to eat… We went to our favorite place, but there was an hour-long wait. When we 몭nally got inside the hostess walked us to our booth, and as I went to sit down I quickly realized that I wasn't going to 몭t. I was counting points… I was eating whole foods… I was fasting in the morning… I was going for long walks... I gave up fast food… I ran while pushing the stroller… No liquid calories... I cooked most of my own meals and rarely ate out… I even cut out my weekend glasses of wine… CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 10. I literally could not 몭t in the booth… Completely humiliated, I told my friends to stay and eat while I rushed out the door with tears pouring down my face. I still think about it all the time, because it was so humiliating... I have dozens of stories just like that… Because when you grow up overweight, you don't really 몭t into the world around you. It's like everything is there to make you remember that you're bigger than everyone else… So if you've ever felt insecure, self-conscious, or just plain frustrated with your weight or your body, just know: You're not alone. There's thousands of us just like you going through the same struggles, the same embarrassment, and the same emotional pain. But as things kept getting worse and worse a sliver of hope peaked through the dark clouds… And this simple "purple tea" ritual practically fell into my lap at the moment I was least expecting it. I had just gotten my kids down for the night… Getting three kids in bed at the same time is so exhausting… I felt like I had just run 5 miles. And so, I went over to the couch to veg out, since this was my only true "mommy time" where no one needed anything from me. As I was scrolling through social media on my phone, one of my friends who is a 몭tness coach shared an article from the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It was about how every person has their own personal "set point" when it comes to their weight [1] … CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 11. Basically, We each have a genetically programmed weight that our body wants to be at… Based on your gender, DNA, genetics, hormones, and other psychological elements… Much like your hair, height and eye color, you don't have any control over this. That's why some people are naturally heavy, while others are more petite or thin. And your body will 몭ght to stay within 10-20 pounds of your "set point" no matter what. Some people have a set point of 120 pounds, like your skinny friend who eats whatever she wants and never gains a pound. For others, it's 185 pounds, or 215 pounds... There's not much you can do about it. Just think... How many times have you hit a plateau? In the beginning, you lose those 몭rst 5-10 pounds pretty easily and you can't help but get excited… Then your weight completely stalls... This sudden halt in weight loss is because your body is 몭ghting to maintain it's "set point" for survival… That's why you naturally become hungrier and your metabolism slows down as you begin to lose weight. This is your body 몭ghting to CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 12. This is your body 몭ghting to return to its "normal" weight… Because that's where it wants to be. Unlike you, your body doesn't want to get rid of an extra 15-30 pounds as quickly as possible… And so it 몭ghts back to hang on to your fat, just in case of emergency. Now, I don't want to bore you with all the science behind this, but… To maintain your body's "set point" weight your brain constantly monitors how much food you're eating… And responds by releasing hormones that either increase or decrease hunger levels [2] ... If you've ever been on a diet your body is likely releasing hormones that increase hunger, which is why diets are so hard to stick to… Because your body senses that you're losing weight and it ramps up your hunger hormones until you cave in and start eating more… So your weight returns to its "set point". I sat there reading this article, stunned… I felt like they were talking directly to me… Because this is what happened every single time I went on a diet… I would lose some weight in the beginning, get super excited and 몭nally think that I had everything 몭gured out… And then a week or two in, my weight would stall… I'd diet even harder, start exercising more, and my body would 몭ght back by making me CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 13. MORE hungry… As my metabolism slowed down and my weight hit a standstill... I always thought I was doing something wrong… But it turns out… My body just wanted to get back to it's "set point", which for me was WAY more than I wanted to weigh. I felt cursed because my "set point" was so high… I couldn't get below 275 pounds for the life of me. After being so embarrassed when I couldn't 몭t in the booth at the restaurant with my friends… I couldn't just accept that I'd be stuck at this weight for the rest of my life… And I kept thinking, if everyone has their own "set point," then why is it so easy to gain weight, yet so hard to lose it? As I kept pouring through the research, it turns out that as a survival mechanism… The body 몭ghts much harder to prevent weight loss than weight gain [2] ... This is known within the scienti몭c community as "asymmetric biological control" [3] ... Basically, the body easily converts extra calories into fat, regardless of changes in calorie intake [3] ... So if your body is converting all your extra calories into fat and then you cut way back on calories to try and lose weight, your body is going to 몭ght like crazy to hang onto that fat, even if you're only eating 500 calories a day. Before long, you're super hungry all the time… You 몭nally give in and start eating more, CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 14. which only creates more fat that goes straight to your belly, hips and thighs. It's a vicious and frustrating cycle, which is why so many people quit, give up, and just accept the fact that they're destined to be overweight for their entire life. I have to admit… After reading all of this for myself… I started feeling even more hopeless… If we all have a speci몭c "set point" that our body wants to be at and we're basically stuck there for the rest of our lives, then what's the point of even trying anymore? It's just too hard, especially if you're super busy and have kids and a career. A few weeks later I went to my doctor for a post-pregnancy check up. After weighing in at 292 pounds he was really concerned, and he started asking me all these questions about why I wasn't trying harder to lose weight. I told him about all the diets I had been on over the past few years… How I was eating more whole foods… And I cut out all the junk… Yet my weight barely budged… Then, as the tears started rolling down my face, I broke down... I told him about all the research I was doing and how none of this really matters… CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 15. Because my body is stuck at this "set point" for the rest of my life. And I was sick and tired of struggling… So I just stopped trying. He just sat there and gave me this little smirk… "What???", I hissed...annoyingly between the tears... He said that while your body does have a natural "set point" when it comes to your weight… It's NOT Permanent. It's like how some people have blonde hair as a kid and over time it turns brown as an adult. Or someone who has green eyes as a teenager, only to realize they're now hazel in their early 30's... Things can change over time... And when it comes to your "set point" you just have to know what to do. And since it has nothing to do with Most people are doing everything WRONG when it comes to losing weight… and changing their set point. They're 몭ghting an uphill battle…. Going for a 5 mile run does nothing to change your set point… Neither does skipping breakfast or cutting out red meat and Cutting calories… Counting carbs… Skipping meals… Doing tons of cardio… Or starving yourself…
  • 16. Neither does skipping breakfast or cutting out red meat and becoming a vegetarian. That's like trying to dig a hole with a hammer… Your intentions are good, but you're using the wrong tool. The good news is... All you have to do is lower your "set point" and the extra weight will start coming o몭... Usually within the 몭rst 24 hours. All you have to do is focus on this ONE thing…that's it. Most people are so stressed out trying to 몭gure out what diet they should follow… What type of exercise they should do… If they should go low carb or plant based… If they need to skip meals… How many days a week they should do cardio… They're worried about all these di몭erent things… That burn you out… When the truth is, you can forget about ALL of that… You can stop worrying… Because all you have to do is adjust your "set point", which you can do in less than 10 seconds a day… So your body naturally starts burning fat again and everything else will take care of itself. Your belly fat will start melting o몭… Your jeans will start feeling looser around the waist and thighs…
  • 17. Younger people will start coming up to you and make small talk after checking you out… Because you caught their eye walking through the grocery store… Or while you're out shopping for new, sexier clothes with your friends. You'll start getting people's attention wherever you go as your waistline shrinks… And your body thins out to the exact weight YOU want to be at. YOU get to decide how much weight you lose when you lower your "set point"... Which is exactly how it should be, and the truth is: You can do this in less than 10 seconds every morning… I know that probably sounds too good to be true… And I thought the exact same thing, until I saw it 몭rsthand for myself. You see, as I was getting ready to leave the doctor's o몭ce he wrote something on a small slip Your cellulite will start to fade away… Your face will look thinner and much younger… You'll have more energy… You'll be happier with a new outlook on life… No matter how old you are… No matter your genetics… And no matter how much weight you have to lose.
  • 18. of paper and passed it over to me… "Purple tea???" I said, shocked… "Yes", he replied… "Purple tea—have you ever heard of it?" I had been drinking tea for years… Green tea… Black tea… Chamomile… Oolong… Matcha… But I'd never heard of purple tea. "It's new", he said… But the reason it works comes down to one tiny little antioxidant called anthocyanin. When it comes to changing your weight "set point"... So you can lose 20, 40, even 60 or more pounds…
  • 19. And keep it o몭 for YEARS… While your waist slims down, your thighs thin out, and you look younger than you ever have before… The secret that no one knows about is purple tea. Purple tea is a very rare form of tea grown in the Nandi Hills of Kenya… At an altitude of 4,500 to 7,500 feet above sea level. Every morning, a handful of women and men walk the Nandi Hills barefoot, picking these tiny purple plants. They put them in a basket, bring them back to their village, grind them up by hand and pour hot water over them to drink. I couldn't believe it… These people were in their 60's, 70's and 80's… Yet they didn't look a day over 35. They were moving with such ease and they were all so thin and strong… You would have guessed that they lived in the gym… But they never exercised, except for walking the hills every morning… And when their baskets were full they'd bring them back to their tiny Kenyan village… Where they'd separate the plants, grind them up, put a tiny handful in a cup, and pour hot water over them. They all looked so happy and healthy, like they didn't have a care in the world… While everyone over here in America is arguing about what "diet" is
  • 20. While everyone over here in America is arguing about what "diet" is best, and whether carbs are bad for you or not... Over there, they just don't care, and it shows in how young they look. "One of my former patients is from Kenya and he's the one who shared this with me", my doctor said… I was stunned… I kept looking at all these pictures… And it all seemed so magical... But at the same time, I was really skeptical, because nobody can keep a secret anymore… And I've been desperately trying to lose weight for over 20 years… So how could I have never heard about this before? "The world is a big place", he said… "And there's a lot of things we don't know about." Since he could see how skeptical I was, he started going through the main ingredients in this secret purple tea recipe… So I could understand at a basic level why it works so well for burning fat. It turns out, what makes purple tea di몭erent from every other tea is its abnormally high levels of catechins and epigallocatechin gallate… Both are rare plant compounds that are responsible for speeding up your fat-burning metabolism, which results in speedy calorie burn [4] ... And we all know that the more calories you burn, and the faster you do it, the more weight you will lose.
  • 21. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, one group of people consumed 690 milligrams of catechins daily, while the "control" group consumed just 22 milligrams per day... Bodyweight, BMI, waist size, body fat mass and subcutaneous fat were all signi몭cantly lower in the group that received 690 mg of catechins daily compared to the control group.[7] Basically, that means the people who received high levels of catechins on a daily basis… Another secret weapon found only in purple tea is a special type of polyphenol called GHG [4] . GHG helps decrease fat tissue "thickness" while increasing lean body tissue. Basically, it helps your body burn more fat while you also get thinner and leaner at the same time… That's because GHG increases an enzyme known as lipase. This is really important because the main job of lipase is to break down fat in the body [4] . It also helps improve the metabolism of liver fat, which helps detoxify the liver. This also helps the body 몭ush out unwanted fat and other toxins [4] . Lost more weight… Burned more belly fat… Had their waist size dramatically shrink… And melted away more subcutaneous fat, which is the "jiggly fat" around your belly, hips and thighs.
  • 22. So many people are trying so hard, exercising like crazy... And the weight just isn't coming o몭… Because their "lipase switch" is always turned OFF. Yet all you have to do is 몭ip it back "ON"... And your body will rapidly start burning fat again... It's like trying to use a brand new cell phone without turning it on 몭rst... It just doesn't work. However, when you turn this enzyme on 몭rst thing in the morning with a little bit of purple tea... You can double or even triple the amount of fat you burn during the day. Next is an antioxidant called anthocyanin. Anthocyanin is a potent antioxidant that gives the tea it's purple color. And according to a new study from Japan, it has a "signi몭cant potency" against fat cells and can be used for the prevention of weight gain [8] . In a 12 week study, those that consumed anthocyanins had signi몭cantly lower body weight [8] ... And according to Takanori Tsuda, one of the lead researchers from Chubu University in Aichi, Japan... "The dietary anthocyanins clearly suppressed the increase in tissue weight deposits and has a signi몭cant potency for anti-obesity".
  • 23. Which means that the anthocyanins basically stopped the test subjects from gaining weight, helped them burn more fat, and could be vital in the 몭ght against obesity around the world. Anthocyanins also helped increase energy expenditure in the body among the test subjects… So they burned more calories daily than those who didn't get the antioxidant… Which is critical… Because just think about how much easier losing weight would be if your body simply burned more calories on it's own. And in another groundbreaking study… A group of women and men were asked to consume purple tea for research. After 4 weeks participants had a signi몭cantly lower body weight, BMI, less abdominal fat, and a signi몭cantly smaller waist size. Basically, everyone who drank purple tea lost way more weight, a lot more belly fat, and their waists shrunk, even though they weren't exercising or on some crazy calorie-controlled diet. And in a study published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine… With help from the National Institutes of Health… They found that purple tea "signi몭cantly suppressed: Which is a technical way of saying that purple tea extract helped people lose weight and burn belly fat, while also improving the function of your liver, which is really important… Body weight gain… Liver weight… Abdominal fat… And triglycerides" [5] .
  • 24. Because your liver is the main organ responsible for burning fat in the body. Study after study was showing how e몭ective purple tea was at burning o몭 belly fat and increasing weight loss, without having to do anything crazy… Like exercising all day long or eating tons of salad. Now, here's where purple tea is even more powerful… You see, your fat cells are 몭lled with toxins… And so, when your body starts burning fat… All these nasty toxins go straight into your bloodstream, which means they either go right back into other fat cells or they take over other parts of your body. And make you feel sick, fatigued and exhausted. However, the anthocyanins in purple tea not only help speed up weight loss… They also protect the body because of their high antioxidant pro몭le [6] ... By 몭ushing out these nasty toxins that naturally get released when your body starts burning fat again on a regular basis. I have to admit... Going through study after study had my head spinning, and I still felt a little unsure... But I couldn't deny the facts that were laid out right in front of me…
  • 25. When you combine all these fat-burning bene몭ts of purple tea… It helps reverse the "biochemical patterns" that have slowed down your metabolism… So you can quickly break through your "set point," and lose 15, 30, even 50 or more pounds… Without the struggle, without the frustration, and without the intense hunger and cravings that have ruined every single diet you've ever been on. Since this new type of tea is so new and so rare, no one is using it, except for the locals on the Nandi Hills of Kenya… Heck, even America's best doctors and weight loss "experts" don't know about the amazing, life changing power of purple tea, which is probably why you've never heard of it before. You can't 몭nd it in a grocery store… And the ones that are available online are just cheap knock o몭s… Filled with arti몭cial chemicals, fake sweeteners, and other 몭llers… Just as I was about to leave the doctor's o몭ce... I was both excited and extremely frustrated… I was excited because I had a tiny sliver of hope that I could 몭nally get rid of my belly fat: I tried all that before and it never works and isn't sustainable… But I was also frustrated, because I couldn't just buy a plane ticket and 몭y out to Kenya… Without having to get an expensive surgery… Without having to go on some miserable diet for the rest of my life… And without having to force myself to exercise for an hour or two every day.
  • 26. and 몭y out to Kenya… So how in the world was I supposed to get my hands on this purple tea? What my doctor did next left me stunned as I was getting ready to leave… He pulled open the bottom drawer of his desk and handed me this tiny little plastic bag… Doctor: "Remember the former patient from Kenya I was talking about? He gave me an entire box of purple tea… To get my professional opinion, and to try it out for myself. I want you to have some, to see if it'll work for you." I put the little baggy in my purse and headed home… That night, after I 몭nally got my kids to bed… I 몭lled up my teapot, boiled some water, and poured it over a teaspoon of the purple tea leaves. I didn't want to mess it up, so I let it steep for a good 5 minutes to soak up all the nutrients... And when I had my 몭rst sip, I was actually surprised… It was sweet and calming… It tasted a lot better than I thought it would, but… I didn't really feel anything happen at 몭rst… And so I enjoyed the rest of the cup and then headed o몭 to bed. The next morning I woke up an hour before my kids, and that NEVER happens. As I was getting out of bed I felt a little bit lighter and my belly didn't feel so heavy… So I stepped on the scale, and to my shock I was down a pound and
  • 27. So I stepped on the scale, and to my shock I was down a pound and a half. Now, that might not sound like much to you, but I GAINED 80 pounds over the past year… So losing ANYTHING was like a miracle for me… However, I didn't let myself get too excited… It was probably just a 몭uke, and it could have just been water weight… So I brushed it o몭 and went on with my day… I got into a new routine of having a hot cup of purple tea 몭rst thing in the morning and another cup before bed. And as the weeks went by I couldn't believe what happened… 8 pounds… 11 pounds… 19 pounds… The fat was just melting off me… My hunger and cravings were completely gone… My belly was getting 몭atter than it had ever been before… The cellulite was disappearing from my butt and thighs… My face was thinning out… People were telling me how young I looked, and even my skin was clearing up. Day after day I kept doing my "purple tea" ritual… Without drastically changing my diet, or exercising like crazy… And in the end I lost a whopping 110 pounds of nagging, raw fat o몭 my body.... Going from THIS... to THIS:
  • 28. Suddenly, I weighed less than I did in my early 20's… But most important of all, I could 몭nally get down on the 몭oor and play with my kids… I was chasing them around the backyard playing tag, and I was 몭nally setting the example of healthy living that I so desperately want to pass down to them. Most people just accept that you're going to gain weight and get heavier as you get older… But that doesn't have to be true… Just by using this weird "purple tea" ritual day in and day out… My energy was through the roof… My con몭dence was at an all time high… I wasn't hiding in my house anymore, scared to go out and be judged by the outside world… I was like a brand new person who
  • 29. I was like a brand new person who loved myself and my body… Without caring what anyone else thought… I bought a bunch of new bikinis… New sun dresses… Tighter jeans… And sexy tops… It was like this whole new world opened up to me… But the real test came when I ran into my ex-husband at the grocery store… He was there with some woman and when he saw me out of the corner of his eye… His jaw dropped. He walked over and practically tripped over his own drooling tongue…  "Oh my God, that you???" he gasped… "You look incredible… What happened??" I talked to him for a few minutes, but I was so grossed out… Because here he was trying to win me back right in front of his new girlfriend… And after he walked out on me and our kids, I was done with him forever. I was 몭nally dating the men I wanted to date instead of settling for someone "good enough" and I couldn't be happier… My prayers had 몭nally been answered… However, there was just one problem…
  • 30. Once I ran out of the purple tea my doctor gave me, it was gone. It's not like I could just go on my phone, pull up the Kenya supermarket app and buy some more. It doesn't work that way… So while my weight was dropping faster than ever, I started to panic… Because I had no idea how I was going to get any more purple tea. But with my newfound con몭dence, I knew there had to be a way… I simply wasn't going to give up… Because I knew how powerful this purple tea was and how it completely transformed my life… So I reached out to my doctor who put me in touch with his former patient from Kenya… He lived about an hour away… And over the next 3 months we worked day and night on a plan to bring his magic purple tea to America, without breaking the bank. We got in touch with suppliers, manufacturers, and supply chain experts, along with his relatives back home in Kenya. After seeing how powerful this new purple tea was 몭rsthand... I had to get it in the hands of as many people as possible who were just like me… Always struggling with their weight, while trying way too hard for barely any results. This is the only thing that ever worked for me, especially after having kids, and I wasn't going to give up without a 몭ght. Finally, after months of 20 hour work weeks… While going through three di몭erent manufacturers and more headaches than you could ever imagine.. Because what we were trying to do had never been done before…
  • 31. Because what we were trying to do had never been done before… We took the pure plant extracts the locals of Nandi Hills used to stay young and thin and put them into an easy to swallow capsule that anyone can use in just seconds a day… To burn more fat and have more energy. A few weeks later the 몭rst test batch was delivered to my house. I still had a little over 30 pounds I wanted to lose, and I had been stalled ever since I ran out of purple tea from my doctor… So I ripped open the box, took two capsules with a big glass of water, and went back to playing with my kids. I was so busy trying to keep up with them all day that I didn't even think about it… Until I woke up the next morning, stepped on the scale like I always do, and was down half a pound. After being stalled for 6 weeks I was jumping up and down like it was my wedding day… I got right back into my routine of having some "purple tea" 몭rst thing in the morning, and again before bed… Day after day, I felt lighter… My belly was getting even 몭atter… The next time I stepped on the scale, I was down 6 pounds… And I lost another 12 pounds shortly after that… In the end, I lost another 33 pounds… My stomach was 몭atter than ever… My thighs didn't rub against each other anymore when I walked… My nagging aches and pains were basically gone… And you would NEVER guess that three kids came out of this body just a few years earlier…
  • 32. a few years earlier… It's like I stumbled upon the secret to rapidly burning fat that no one else had ever tried before… Remember, most of us are locked-in to our weight "set point"... And whether that's weighing 130 pounds, 170 pounds, or 250 pounds… Getting too far down from that number is such a huge struggle… Your body 몭ghts against it… It WANTS to hang onto your fat in case of emergency, but when you 몭nally give your body a new dose of nutrients that it's never gotten before, your "set point" starts to go down… Like dropping a brick o몭 the top of a skyscraper… Your weight starts going down so fast you almost can't believe it's actually happening… But the number on the scale keeps going down, reminding you that this IS real. It's like taking a pair of jumper cables and SHOCKING your metabolism into high gear… And the best part is… It doesn't matter how old you are… It doesn't matter how much weight you have to lose… It doesn't matter if you have a super slow metabolism… It doesn't matter what your current physical condition is… And it doesn't matter if you have horrible genetics.
  • 33. Since I was losing weight like crazy, all my friends started asking what I was doing… After all, since I was so busy, most of them hadn't seen me in months, and they barely recognized me… They thought I had joined a gym or hired a personal trainer to whip me into shape... Yet all I was doing was my "purple tea" ritual twice a day… While trying to eat a healthy, balanced diet… So I started handing out samples from my test batch… And it was funny, because all my girlfriends were hounding me with questions... "Do I need to change my diet? Can I still go out to eat at restaurants? What about happy hour? Do I have to start working out?" It's like they were stuck in the "diet culture" that's been fed to us for years… So they didn't believe that losing weight and burning fat could actually be simple and easy. I told them that eating healthy and exercising were obviously bene몭cial, but they weren't absolutely necessary. Sure, I'd love for everyone to eat super healthy all the time and exercise on a regular basis... Heck, I wish I did those things! But it's not always realistic and you have to start somewhere… So they started using my "purple tea" ritual… And like clockwork, they were losing 2 pounds here…
  • 34. And like clockwork, they were losing 2 pounds here… 5 pounds there… The fat was melting o몭 their bellies and their waistlines started to shrink and thin out. That's when I knew we were on to something big… So I took this new and rare purple tea recipe and nicknamed it PT Trim Fat Burn… The PT stands for purple tea… And it trims and burns the fat o몭 your belly. It's the only rapid fat-burning formula that uses the hidden power of purple tea to lower your "set point"... So you can lose 20, 40, even 60 or more pounds… Without going on another crash diet… Without skipping meals… And without giving up your favorite foods forever. Now, to be completely honest and transparent… There are no 몭llers, no sugars or arti몭cial sweeteners, and no arti몭cial chemicals. Only pure PT Trim extracts prepared iinn the exact precise amounts, only found in our formula, so your body can quickly start burning belly fat again. Now that you know why it's always such a struggle to lose weight… Because your body's genetic "set point" was locked in at a weight WAY
  • 35. Because your body's genetic "set point" was locked in at a weight WAY too high… You'll be able to rapidly lower your set point, burn more pure fat, and 몭atten your belly… In less than 10 seconds a day… By getting the world's only "PT Trim" blend… Straight from the Nandi Hills of Kenya. There is no other way to get this exact fat 몭ushing formula that the locals from Kenya use on a daily basis to stay young and thin year round… So please, don't waste your money on cheap knock-o몭s that are bound to pop up… Once people realize how powerful this new type of purple tea combined with our other rare ingredients is at 몭ushing away belly fat. Each bottle of PT Trim Fat Burn is put through rigorous third-party testing… Under GMP best practices and guidelines… So you know that you're getting the purest, cleanest form of PT Trim in each bottle… To help lower your "set point"... Which is the ONLY thing stopping you from dropping 15, 30 even 45 pounds or more… Just like the 23,455 women and men who have done just that in the last year alone… Without stressing about their diet… Worrying about counting calories… Or spending hours at the gym.
  • 36. If you feel like you've tried everything and nothing ever works, then it's time to give your body something it's never had before… Because I know for a fact that there isn't a single "diet program" out there that uses our ancient PT Trim formula. So don't beat yourself up for never getting the results you want when the REAL answer has been hidden from you your entire life. It's like trying to build a house before they had power tools… Sure, it could be done, but it took A LOT of time, A LOT of hard work, and A LOT of struggle, sacri몭ce and pain. It doesn't have to be that way. This is the missing piece… I know it was for me… Because when low-carb, keto, low-fat and eating more veggies didn't work for me, I started to think that I was destined to be overweight for my entire life… Like my body was actively 몭ghting back against the "healthy" foods I was eating… But when I started using PT Trim, the fat started coming o몭 on the 몭rst day… Not weeks, not months, and not years. It's so powerful that your body can't help but start shedding extra weight… Until you're down to the exact weight YOU want to be at. And the best part is… YOU get to control how much fat you burn. If you want to lose faster then use more PT Trim throughout the day… You could have some before your 몭rst meal and again In the early afternoon for a fat-burning energy boost…
  • 37. Then, when you get down to a comfortable weight for you, you can back o몭 and only use it once a day to maintain your results and avoid rebound weight gain. Now, my time with you here today is almost over… However, before I go I have to be blunt and completely honest… If you don't start doing something different then nothing will EVER change. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again you're going to get the same results… And since you're here on this page with me right now I know you want something di몭erent, something better… Because each hour that passes by is an hour you'll never get back, which means there's no time to waste in a body you don't absolutely love… You can never get this time back… And I wished someone would have told me this sooner… Because I wasted so many years… Frustrated in my body… Stuck and stalled… And it wasn't until I tried something completely new and outside the box that the fat started melting o몭. That's why I want to do everything in my power to help you… So you don't have to struggle for years like I did… Which is why I set aside two bundles of PT Trim Fat Burn at our largest discount ever… After my friends and I went through our test batch in less than 30 days, word started to spread like wild몭re…
  • 38. All of a sudden people I had never met before were coming up to me on the street because I was now the "PT Trim lady" who could help them lose weight. It's like I became some folk hero celebrity in St. Louis… And when we 몭nally got our website up and running, it crashed in just 12 hours because so many people were ordering 6, 10, even 12 bottles at a time… After all, when it's worked for so many people you want to get your hands on it as fast as possible and stock up so you never run out. If you think about it, it's really smart… Because when I ran out of the 몭rst batch of PT Trim from my doctor my weight stalled for nearly three months… Even though I was doing everything else the exact same. And trust me… You don't want to know how much I would have paid for some PT Trim… When my weight didn't budge an ounce for months in a row… I was desperate… And I made a vow right there… That if I ever got more PT Trim I'd stock up to last a lifetime. Because trust me, when those 몭rst 5 pounds come o몭 you start to get excited… The hope starts to creep in, like you 몭nally found something that works… Then when the next 10 pounds come o몭, you really start believing… Your clothes start 몭tting a bit looser, and you can notice the extra energy… When you're down 20, 50, even 75 pounds or more, you're hooked… You feel like a mountain has been lifted o몭
  • 39. You feel like a mountain has been lifted o몭 your shoulders because you can 몭nally stop worrying about your weight… Suddenly, you look like someone half your age… You're moving around like you did in your 20's… Your spouse can't keep their hands o몭 you… Your sex life goes from a one to a ten almost overnight… And you radiate this con몭dence that was always there deep down… But was buried underneath your weight for all these years… You can 몭nally forget about all the different diets… The confusing weight loss plans, and the back-breaking workouts. None of those matter anymore… Because now YOU control how much weight you lose. However, the thing is, since over 90% of people were ordering 6 or more bottles at a time… We're always at a huge risk of running out of PT Trim. I'm not some rich business woman who does this for a living… So I don't have millions of dollars to put into extra inventory, warehouse space and a team of employees… This is the ultimate mom and pop shop that sprung up out of nowhere… And since we actually care about our customers, while delivering the highest quality product available, our inventory runs out really fast… Usually within just a couple days. And when we're completely out of stock it can take up to two months to get the next batch in because we're testing everything… And we never cut corners…
  • 40. So you get only the purest PT Trim extracts straight from the Nandi Hills of Kenya. And with the pandemic shipping times have doubled, sometimes even tripled… And it takes even longer to get a package to your front door. Now, when you do get your 몭rst package of PT Trim… I want you to open it up immediately and take a capsule or two with a big glass of water… It'll get your body used to the new nutrients it's never had before… And you'll start the fat-burning process right away. Then you can take your extra bottles and put one in your purse, in your medicine cabinet, in your desk drawer at work… Just spread them out all over so you can get an extra fat-burning boost whenever you want… No matter how busy you get. If you want even faster results, have some PT Trim before every meal… And around 11am when you hit your 몭rst lull… The longer you use it the better and faster your results will be… It's just like learning how to ride a bike or drive a car… The more you do it the better you get… And the more PT Trim you consume, the more it 몭oods your body with the fat-burning nutrients and antioxidants it needs… To burn fat day after day, while resetting your "set point" so you can lose all the weight you want.
  • 41. That's why it's so important to use this new PT Trim for at least 30 days… Don't get me wrong… Most people start noticing results within the 몭rst day or two… But when you build up that consistency, where you're using it all throughout the day, day in and day out, you'll be shocked at how fast your body transforms… My weight started dropping within the 몭rst 24 hours… I felt lighter and I had more energy… After the 몭rst month I had lost more weight than I did in the previous 10 years combined… My friends barely recognized me… And I had this youthful glow and con몭dence that wasn't there before… After three months my parents thought I had gotten a new job at a gym… They 몭gured I must have been exercising around the clock to be losing so much weight so fast… And when I told them what I was actually doing, they didn't believe me… And after 6 months I made my ex eat his heart out when he ran into me at the grocery store, drooling like some teenage kid who's never kissed a woman before… And being able to walk away from him in complete con몭dence was the BEST feeling in the world.
  • 42. It's simple, the more you use it, the better your results will be… While it does work really fast you can't just use it for a day or two and expect to lose 20 pounds… I'm sorry, but it doesn't work like that… That's why the smartest people are ordering 6 bottles at a time… So they can start burning fat NOW and keep burning fat for the next six months in a row… Because the last thing you want is to lose a bunch of weight over the next 30 days and then have to wait another month or two to get your next batch… While your weight stalls and all your momentum goes right down the toilet. When you order six bottles now you don't have to worry about running out… Just as your body 몭ips into rapid fat-burning mode. You'll be covered and your results will keep building day after day… Nothing will be able to slow you down… That's why I decided to give a MASSIVE discount to those who truly want amazing, life-changing results… If you tried to get these rare Kenyan PT Trim extracts on your own it would easily cost you thousands of dollars… Because you can't 몭nd them anywhere else… It's not like you can just go down to your local health food store and
  • 43. It's not like you can just go down to your local health food store and pick up some purple tea, unless it's a cheap knock o몭. And our formula uses a very rare purple tea combined with 4 other ancient Kenyan PT Trim fat 몭ushing compounds. The cost of having these rare ingredients picked from Kenya and shipped to the U.S is over $500 alone… Not to mention all the manufacturing, third party testing, quality control, and packaging that goes into every bottle. Which is why our manufacturers originally wanted me to charge over $200 for every single bottle of PT Trim… But I just couldn't do it… Because when I hit rock bottom at 290 pounds, raising three kids on my own, I could have never paid that much, even if I knew it would work for me. I just didn't have the money. That's why when you chose the 6 bottle package of PT Trim today… I took the original $200 price tag and cut it in half… Then I cut it in half again and took another 25% o몭… That means you won't pay $200 for a bottle of PT Trim Fat Burn… You won't pay $100 either… You won't even pay $50… Although that is a huge bargain for getting rid of all your belly fat once and for all. Instead, you can get your 몭rst 6 bottles of PT TRIM for just $39 a bottle.
  • 44. 3 BOTTLES 90 DAY SUPPLY 6 BOTTLES 180 DAY SUPPLY 1 BOTTLE 30 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: PT TRIM for just $39 a bottle. We also worked out a deal with our manufacturers so you'll get a discount on the three bottle and one bottle options as well… The savings aren't as big as the six bottle package, but it's still a great deal. And just to be 100% clear… When you purchase your 몭rst bottles of PT Trim Fat Burn today, you will never be billed again, unless you place another order. I hate being forced into monthly subscription programs just as much as you do… So I just want you to know that you'll never be sent extra bottles… And you'll never be billed automatically, under any circumstance. However, our discounted bottles are going fast… So all you have to do is choose the 6 bottle package below, or whichever package works best for you. Your order will arrive within 5-7 business days… And you'll also receive an email con몭rmation from my team, along with information on how to get in touch with our customer support team.. In case you ever have any questions we'll be here for you 24/7 no matter what.
  • 45. YOUR PRICE: $59 YOU SAVE $714  $891  $177 + FREE Shipping YOUR PRICE: $39 YOU SAVE $1,548  $1,782  $234 + FREE Shipping YOUR PRICE: $89 YOU SAVE $208  $297  $89 + Shipping Now, the truth is, you can't get this new type of PT Trim anywhere else… It's not available in stores or on any other website… You can only get it right here, right now… And if you close out of this page, we might be out of stock the next time you come back… Since we cut out the middle man you can take advantage of our huge launch discount so you get even faster results while saving more. Simply choose the 6 bottle package below, or the one that feels like the best 몭t for you… And don't worry… You can try it out on us, and if it doesn't work, you pay nothing. If for whatever reason, PT Trim Fat Burn doesn't work for you, just let our customer support team know, and we'll give you a full and prompt refund, with no questions asked. That way, you only pay if it works for you. So go ahead and make the smart decision… Lock in your results and savings with the six bottle package below. PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE
  • 46. And when you order today, you'll also get the following three bonuses absolutely free. Free Bonus #1: The 14-Day Flat Belly Diet… Listen, you don't need to overhaul your diet in order for this new purple tea to work… However, I always recommend eating healthier… Because you want your heart, arteries and other vital organs to be as strong and healthy as possible. And so, throughout my own personal 110 pound weight loss journey… I found a new way of eating that worked extremely well for me… It's just a simple, practical and easy approach that anyone can use; anyone who issuper busy, and wants really fast results. As a mother of three I didn't have time to spend an hour or two cooking "healthy" meals… That's why I put all my tips and tricks into this 14-day rapid fat burning protocol. Free Bonus #2: The 24-Hour Fat Melting Protocol… Look, sometimes you just want to lose a It's not keto… It's not low carb… And it's not plant based…
  • 47. Look, sometimes you just want to lose a few pounds as fast as possible… And going on another juice cleanse or 24 hour fast just isn't very healthy, especially if you're trying to do it on your own. That's why I put together a super simple 24 hour fat-melting plan that you can use whenever you want to get a few pounds o몭 FAST… I always recommend using this right away when you get your 몭rst batch of PT Trim… Because when you combine the two together, you can double or even TRIPLE your results within the 몭rst day. Free Bonus #3: PT Trim Slimming Smoothies… Smoothies are amazing for weight loss, and yet most people do them all wrong! They pack them full of high-sugar fruits, starchy vegetables and protein powder packed with sweeteners and fake chemicals… It's no wonder why you're not losing any weight! The secret is making these new types of smoothies that work incredibly well for fast fat loss, and when you add in a capsule or two of PT Trim… Your cravings diminish… Your hunger goes away and stays away for hours… And your body starts burning more fat. I like to have one right after dinner… As my dessert…
  • 48. So I'm not tempted to snack or binge on ice cream before bed. You get all three bonuses, which normally costs $77… Absolutely FREE When you place your order for PT Trim here today. Now, our time here together is almost over, and the truth is… You only have two options going forward. Option #1 is you can keep trying to 몭gure this out on your own… You can try eating healthier… You can try exercising more… And you can try another fad diet… That never works… Any only leaves you more frustrated and miserable. And if we're being honest, life will probably get in the way like it always does… And you'll never get around to doing anything about your weight. Option #2 is you can take the easy way out... Take advantage of the pure PT Trim extracts I personally had shipped over from Kenya… In the exact right doses, so you can start burning fat, 몭atten your belly and 몭nally get rid of 10, 20 even 30 or more pounds..
  • 49. In less than 10 seconds a day. Plus, you get all three fat-burning bonuses absolutely FREE… Look, after losing over 100 pounds myself, I know how important it is to have someone in your corner, helping you along the way… Which is exactly what I'm here to do… However, you have to take the 몭rst step and order your 몭rst batch of PT Trim… Because if changing your diet and exercising more hasn't worked for you… It's time to try something new. I can guarantee you've never tried anything like this before… There are no diet plans out there that use pure PT Trim extracts, which is why this worked so well for me when nothing else did. We can do this together… My team and I are here to help… I can't wait to see the amazing progress you make over the next few weeks… And remember, you're always backed by our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee … Which means you have nothing to lose… And a sexy, thin body to gain. Look, I know we covered a lot today… The Flat Belly Diet... The 24-hour Rapid Fat Loss Protocol... And the PT Trim Fat-Burning Smoothies...
  • 50. Look, I know we covered a lot today… And you probably still have some questions. Here are the most frequently asked questions I've received about our new PT Trim formula: What is PT Trim Fat Burn again? PT Trim Fat Burn is our pure purple tea extract that also includes green tea extract, garcinia cambogia, berberine and cissus quadragularus… To help increase fat-burning in the body. PT Trim is backed by the latest research, which was mentioned earlier on this page… From the National Institutes of Health, along with the National Library of Medicine… And it was the missing link that personally helped me lose over 100 pounds, after having three kids, when my husband walked out on me. Is it safe for all ages? I always recommend speaking with your doctor before making any dieting changes… However, people in their early 30's, all the way to their late 80's have used this new PT Trim formula and experienced great results. How fast will I see results? Everyone's body is di몭erent, and it really comes down to how consistent you are. If you go to the gym for one day you can't expect to transform your entire body. It's the same with PT Trim Fat Burn.. While most people see results within the 몭rst 24 hours, it's those who consistently use it day in and day out that see the best results.
  • 51. 3 BOTTLES 90 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $59 YOU SAVE $714  $891  $177 + FREE Shipping 6 BOTTLES 180 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $39 YOU SAVE $1,548  $1,782  $234 + FREE Shipping 1 BOTTLE 30 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $89 YOU SAVE $208  $297  $89 + Shipping So go ahead and select the six bottle option below… If you want to get the best results and the most savings. How often should I use PT Trim Fat Burn? It really comes down to how much weight you want to lose. I recommend that everyone start their morning with one capsule with a big glass of water, and you can always take two or more if you want an extra fat-burning boost. That's a great routine to get started with… And then as your body adapts you can take some before lunch, in the afternoon for a pick-me-up… It really is up to you, however, I recommend everyone start with at least one serving daily. How do I know if PT Trim is right for me? Take a look in the mirror… PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE
  • 52. 3 BOTTLES 90 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $59 YOU SAVE $714  $891  $177 + FREE Shipping 6 BOTTLES 180 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $39 YOU SAVE $1,548  $1,782  $234 + FREE Shipping 1 BOTTLE 30 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $89 YOU SAVE $208  $297  $89 + Shipping Is your belly bigger than you'd like? Do you have weight you want to lose… Yet every diet and exercise program never delivers the results you want? Do you want a smaller waist or thinner thighs? And most important of all… Do you want to try something new? If you answered yes to any of those questions… Then it's time to give PT Trim a try… Just make sure to grab your discounted bottles today by clicking the package you want below… Because once they're gone, they go back to the full retail price of $297 per bottle. How does your money back guarantee work? PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE
  • 53. 3 BOTTLES 90 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $59 YOU SAVE $714 6 BOTTLES 180 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $39 1 BOTTLE 30 DAY SUPPLY YOUR PRICE: $89 YOU SAVE $208 If for whatever reason you aren't completely satis몭ed with your order, just let our customer support team know and you'll get a full and prompt refund with no questions asked. You can even keep the free bonuses as our way of saying thank you for giving us a try. How long will the discounted bottles be available? Like I said, once they're gone, they're gone… I can't promise you they'll still be available tomorrow… So if there's any part of you that wants to give this a try… Then don't hold back… Most of us NEVER do anything for ourselves… We always put everyone else 몭rst… And while that's admirable, you also have to do things for yourself… Because you deserve to be happy. So grab your discounted bottles now… By clicking the Add to Cart button below while we still have a few left in stock... And I'll be here every step of the way to help. PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE PER BOTTLE CLICK THIS LINK TO LEARN MORE
  • 54.  $891  $177 + FREE Shipping YOU SAVE $1,548  $1,782  $234 + FREE Shipping  $297  $89 + Shipping References: 1. 2. 3. 4.몭ts-side-e몭ects-taste-making-it/ 5. 6. 7. 8. potential-study Terms of Use | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy Statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using our products. Disclaimer: Results are not typical. Although we work hard to ensure it's easy to do so, the typical user of virtually all education products treats them in much the same way they treat a book. The vast majority read or skim through it once, then do not implement the program or take any recommended action. If you want results like the folks you see on this page you will need to follow the exact diet and supplement strategies outlined in our system.Therefore, reports of speci몭c fat loss, weight loss, abdominal de몭nition, increased energy and focus or any positive results what so ever of any kind should be understood as the exception rather than the rule. Some names have been changed to protect the privacy of the individuals within the presentation. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Refund requests are accepted within 60 days of order date. If you select to receive physical items, all items must be returned undamaged along with your full name, email address, Clickbank email invoice, and order number. Returned items and return shipping costs are your responsibility. Please keep a record of your return tracking. A refund will be issued once we receive returned items. Any items that are damaged when we receive them will not be eligible for refund. Refunds do not include any shipping or handling charges. © 2021 PTTrimFatBurn.Com