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The Totality of Japanese Culture Essay
Sonzai is constructed from 2 words; son and zai. Son means subjective self–subsistence or sustain over time. Zai means that the subject stays in the
same places in which the word "places" refers to social places which consist of human relations, such as home, hotel, inn, etc. By putting these two
words together, we get sonzai (human existence) which literally means self–sustenance of human relations. Although sonzai looks similar to ningen,
they are quite different. Ningen refers to capability of being an individual and at the same time also being a member of a society. To sum up, ningen is
mostly explaining about a person as an individual. Sonzai emphasizes the dynamic structure of human being, such as human relations which ... Show
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As he negates the totality, he comes back to be an individual. This process continues back and forth between individuality and totality. People also
call this as the never ending creation in Ningen Sonzai. To sum up, Watsuji explained that there is neither absolute totality nor absolute
individuality. He emphasized that both totality and individuality are important for human being. I agree with that. Human being needs to socialize
to other people. At the same time, they need their own privacy in some occasions as well. Both are important. We have our own will and desire,
but we also need interpersonal relationship. I would like to take an example, such as hitori bocchi. It is a Japanese term for those who choose to be
alone rather than gathering with other people. In my opinion, it's quite easy to find it in Japan. I joined a small discussion couple weeks ago together
with some Japanese and international students. We talked many things and hitori bocchi was one of them. Some of Japanese students said that they
chose to be bocchi, such as eating, going to movie, and travelling alone. Some others had no options left, such as all of their friends having classes
during that time. For those who chose to be bocchi due to personal choice argued that they chose to do so because it's more convenient for them. They
also cared with their privacy. Although they choose to be bocchi, they also have
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Japanese American Culture Essay
Japanese people are just normal people, they can love and laugh, they can hate and cry, they can be moral and can be immoral, they have their own
culture though, but it doesn't make them any more or less "human" than people like "us" (whoever you are).
Japanese people are however portrayed in Western media as eccentric, this is due largely to prejudice and in many cases mere sensationalism.
Look, I'm not going to pull examples out of my sleeve, and I'm not sure what led you to think of such thing, I just want to remind you of some things:
a) Every person has a unique set of values and a personality that's unique to them.
b) Culture is a much more determining factor for one's way of using "logic" than genes.
c) In Japan, there live not ... Show more content on ...
This means there are many many men and women with PhD's and many talented young people, but there are also many people who suffer from family
violence, alcoholism, isolation, poverty, illness, etc. people who you may or may not like, there are preppy kids, there are uneducated people, there are
wealthy people, there are criminals, etc, etc.
Each country has its own set of problems and has its own things to offer to the world, and we may not always get to know the whole truth about it.
But, please don't focus on rumours, or what you casually hear in every day conversation or in what a Facebook anime page casually posts, for those
fishy facts research further and get to know how the Japanese are just like us, but have a distinct culture and unique heritage
I don't even know how to put the best reason I have to prove that the Japanese are just like everyone else into words, it's just the feeling of being
their friend, of being loved and loving someone despite our tiny differences, be them Japanese or not, be them Indian, Pakistani, Irish or whatever, we
can still smile together and that's it. That's my best reason: we can all love each other... I hope you can get to know it too one
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The Japanese Cultures And Beliefs Of Japan
Due to its unique history, Japan has many customs and beliefs that differ from the rest of the world. The Japanese are known to be very prideful yet,
humble individuals. Many of the Japan's traditions are very distinct and serve to represent the country. Japanese culture is meant to depict respect for
both themselves and other people.
Perhaps one of the most interesting symbols of the Japan comes from the flag, the red sun symbolizes the sun goddess Amaterasu, which is believed to
be the ancestors of the emperors and the imperial family. More specifically "Mythological goddess of the sun, Amaterasu from the Shintoreligion.
According to myth, the goddess founded Japan approximately 2700 years ago and all the emperors of Japan are known as "Sons of the Sun",
essentially direct descendants of the goddess herself." (Aung) this is intriguing as Shinto is a religion that focuses on the belief that all people are
good and all the bad come from evil spirits. Even more captivating is that historically, Japan has been a militaristic country engaging is some of the
most fearsome battles in history. Believing that the emperors and the imperial family are descendants of a great deity must have bonded the citizens
into feeling an intense bond that cannot be found in any other way. Hand gestures are an important method of communication and to foreign folk,
Japanese hand gestures may seem perplexing. More specifically, "come here,' which looks like 'go away" (Seifi) this is important as
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The Culture Of Japan And The Japanese Culture
The Japanese culture is one that is rich within an historical and traditional context. Many of the traditional practices established hundreds of years
ago can be seen today in modern Japan and are a direct reflection of significant historical accounts. Japan is an island nation, consisting of the four
large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Together they are approximately the size of Germany or the State of California, and it
has a population of approximately 126 million people. The Japanese religion is based off of two main beliefs, the belief in Shinto and Buddhism
many Japanese people believe consider themselves both. The Japanese people were known to be around as early as 4,500 B.C. They have
constructed their government style to a constitutional monarchy where they do in fact have an emperor, but he has limited power within the
country. The main power of the country is held by the Prime Minister of Japan. Japan is made up of many islands that extend along the Pacific
coast of Asia. The land area is made up of a lot of forest and mountainous area that cannot be used for agricultural, industrial or residential use. Japan
also has one of the largest and growing economies in the world. They are growing every day and it is all because the people of Japan work very
hard in order for their economy to flourish as it has. Japan has a large population in relation to its land mass and as a consequence most Japanese
people live crowded together in an urban corridor squeezed along the eastern edge of the Japanese islands. A result of this crowding is that
Japanese place a high value on public harmony and the avoidance of any conflict, especially in public. Japanese norms require people to be willing
to apologize and humble themselves, so much so that even after a minor auto accident each driver will jump out of their vehicle and bow to each
other and apologize, instead of risking a very public confrontation. Frequently, Japanese will also employ the use of a go–between to negotiate a
possible marriage. In this way, an individual can turn down a bride or groom without rejecting them to their face, thereby avoiding open disagreement
or embarrassment of an individual. The Japanese are constantly
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Five Characteristics Of Japanese Cultural Awareness :...
Cultural Awareness: Japanese Culture Analysis
Japan is the region of the world focused on in this research essay. The author will define culture, and describe Japanese cultural traits with an emphasis
on leadership competency. The thesis statement hypothesizes that cultural study and research of specific regions of the world will enable
cross–cultural competence and comprehension in leadership roles.
There are a plethora of definitions which encompass culture. Unabridged (2017) defines culture as the quality in a society, or an
individual, that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent. Five characteristics of culture may include: a particular form or stage of
civilization, the fine arts, scholarly pursuits, etiquette, and/or the drive towards excellence. The author of this essay adds to the definition to include
culture in present day as: All interactions between a member of society and society.
The Japan is an archipelago, consisting of four major islands and over six–thousand minor island groups, which has enormous climatic variation. The
Korean peninsula is the closest point on the Asian mainland. Japan faces the Pacific Ocean along the entire eastern and southern coastline. Japanese
life has always been oriented toward the ocean. Japan is a fertile land and has varied fishing grounds due to the currents that converge offshore . To the
north and west are the the Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and the East China Sea
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Food In Japanese Food Culture
For those who don't know, Japan is an island off the coast of China in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. One of the most important parts of
Japanese culture is the cuisine. Something that might not be known is that most of the food in Japan today was introduced when Buddhism started to
spread throughout the country. Although most of the food the citizens eat is made with ingredients from the island, the country is a very food varied
place. There are many different types of cooking in Japan, some of which were adopted from other countries, but they all have a Japanese spin to
them. The cuisine is a good reflection of Japanese culture because it reflects the elements of geography, religion, and customs. The use ofrice in
Japanese food culture is a long–standing tradition that is found to be very important to every meal ate on the island. Japan was actually introduced to
the world of rice by southern China many years ago (Web Japan). After this original introduction during the Edo period, the rice was cultivated into
wet rice paddies that the Japanese would eat (Web Japan). This use of rice stuck around for nearly two thousand years before the Japanese started
creating other ways to use the rice they grew. When the rice was introduced the Japanese dedicated a large part of the island to farming rice. The
Japanese use so much land for just farming rice because of the large quantity that they eat. In almost every meal that is eaten in Japan, rice is served
(Katz 318).
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Culture In Japanese Culture
Culture is a significant theme in this film. One important factor to point out is throughout Stevenson's trip in Japan, he is hit with culture shock and the
same can be said for the Japanese executives. Stevenson mocks how the Japanese exchange business cards during the presentation, how they eat with
chopsticks and how rigid and structured Japanese culture is. This culture clash not only affected the characters' personal lives, but also impacted the
business. "Research has clearly established that culture affects the application of management theories and practices. Work values, in particular, are an
important part of cross–cultural understanding in that they are themselves measures of cultural dimensions, and also have strong implications for
many areas of management, from employee motivation to organizational communication" (Matić, 2008). Almost immediately after opening up the
doors to the plant, there were problems. The Japanese people had a very strict and rigid way of running their businesses and doing their work as
compared to the lackadaisical American work ethic. The plant workers are expected to perform calisthenics in the morning, are denied basic privileges
like sick leave, paid overtime and a union. The town and these workers are in such a desperate situation that they decide to withstand the abuse and
impossible demands set by the Japanese plant owners. It is difficult enough to manage a business with workers and executives that have a common
culture and
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Japanese Food In The Japanese Culture
Japanese cuisine refers to the Japanese way of eating, which is an important part of Japanese culture. Japanese cuisine is the traditional Japanese daily
diet, especially formed in the Meiji era culture and eating habits, this is because the East West blend of the impact of the ingredients, although theflavor
material can be achieved polybasic in Japan island. In addition, Japanese is in East Asia on the wobble the most attention, and also a lot of style, and the
food is so called "eye care". Through the introduction of my Japanese friend, I came to a famous Japanese restaurant in Lincoln. He told me that the
Japanese restaurant was authentic and the ingredients were fresh, it was a good place to taste Japanese cuisine. Fortunately, when I went to this
restaurant, the boss was right there. I introduced him to the purpose of my visit, and he accepted my request and enthusiastically introduced the
specialty of his restaurant.
According to our interview, he told me that because of the work they immigrated to Lincoln, but when they retired, they found themselves love their
traditional food in Japan, so they decided to opened a Japanese restaurant in Lincoln to pass the boring time of retirement. They also have a lot of
Japanese friends there, and these Japanese friends often come to visit his restaurant. Most of his Japanese friends came to Lincoln for a while or
settled down because of his work. Of course, there will be Japanese students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln.
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What Is The Importance Of Japanese Culture
The world is full of different cultures. It is so interesting to study the different ways people live their lives. Cultures are so diverse that normal habits
done on a regular basis in one culture may be considered taboo in another culture. This essay will discuss how the Japanese culture differs from my
culture, and it will also examine the importance of studying another culture.
First, I want to cover some of the major differences between the Japanese culture and my own, and then get to some of the smaller differences. The
first major difference is the religion; Buddhism and Shintoism make up 84% of the Japanese religion. The item that intrigued me was the fact that
religion in Japan is more of a set of rules and rituals to follow now and then. There is not much daily involvement in religion like there is in
America; whether it is Christian, Catholic, or Muslin, each religion involves prayer and worship to a certain degree on more of daily or weekly basis.
Next, the Japanese food is much different. Most Japanese meals have rice in some form or another and the Japanese generally eat with chopsticks.
When eating at a restaurant there are many differences to consider. A wet towel is given to a customer when he is first seated at a restaurant to wash
his hands. When sushi is the meal it is acceptable to eat use hands and not chop sticks. When eating noodles, it is acceptable to make slurping noises.
When you are finished with your meal it is not expected that you tip the
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The Importance Of Japanese Culture
Japan is the region of the world focused on this research essay. The author will define culture, and describe Japanese cultural traits with an emphasis on
leadership competency. The thesis statement hypothesizes that cultural study and research of specific regions of the world will enable cross–cultural
competence and comprehension in leadership roles.
There is a plethora of definitions which encompass culture. Unabridged (2017) defines culture as the quality in a society, or an
individual, that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent. Five characteristics of culture may include: a particular form or stage of
civilization, the fine arts, scholarly pursuits, etiquette, and/or the drive towards excellence. The author of this essay adds to the definition to include
culture in present day as: All interactions between a member of society and society.
The Japan is an archipelago, consisting of four major islands and over six–thousand minor island groups, which has enormous climatic variation. The
Korean peninsula is the closest point on the Asian mainland. Japan faces the Pacific Ocean along the entire eastern and southern coastline. Japanese
life has always been oriented toward the ocean. Japan is a fertile land and has varied fishing grounds due to the currents that converge offshore. To the
north and west are the Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and the East China Sea (Countries and Their Cultures: Japan, 2017). From a leadership
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Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay
Culture is the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next
in a human group or society. Whereas a society is composed of people, a culture is composed of ideas, behavior, and material possessions. Society and
culture are interdependent; neither could exist without the other. (Kendall, 2014) There are many differences and similarities in Japanese and
American cultures. In this essay I will speak on religion, health and food just to compare and contrast between the two cultures.
Japan has a fascinating and multifaceted culture; on the one hand it is steeped in the deepest of traditions dating back thousands of years; on the other it
is a society in a continual state of rapid flux, with ... Show more content on ...
It is separate from the state; there are no religious prayers or symbols in a school graduation ceremony, for example. Religion is rarely discussed in
everyday life and the majority of Japanese does not worship regularly or claim to be religious. However, most people turn to religious rituals in birth,
marriage and death and take part in spiritual festivals throughout the year. Japanese religion focused on the Emperor as a living God. After the war
many people's beliefs were shattered because the Emperors voice was broadcasted to the nation, relinquishing his deity. Today religion defines Japanese
identity more than spirituality does and it helps to strengthen family and communities. There spirituality is Shintoism which is the belief that every
living thing in nature contains gods. Luck, fate, and superstition are also in the Japanese culture. In the American culture there are many different
religions that are being practiced because of the many different cultures we have in our country. Even though there are many different religions that are
being practiced, an estimate of 83% of American people classifies themselves as
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Japanese Culture And Japanese Traditions
The author of Naomi, Tanizaki JunichirЕЌ, was indeed captivated with western culture. The purpose of the novel, however, was not to glorify western
culture but too instead warn Japan about blindly becoming obsessed with western culture and views. It is a warning to Japan to not abandon its
tradition in favor of a culture that it does not even fully comprehend.
Through analysis of the novel's main characters, Naomi and JЕЌji, craft an essay that explains Tanizaki's judgments on the Japan of that era, and its
relationship to Western culture and Japanese traditions. Naomi and JЕЌji do not fully understand western culture and instead just try to adopt anything
they view as western such as clothing, dancing, language, and even housing. This is a warning from Tanizaki showing how people can fully try to
adopt a culture they are so enamored with despite not even completely understanding that culture.
Tanizaki tries to argue the stereotype of the times. Japan is viewed as ancient and backwards, while western culture is groundbreaking and
revolutionary. These foolish sentiments that are shared by both JЕЌji and Naomi fuel much of the novel. Naomi does whatever she can to become
western and JЕЌji indulges her in this to mold her into his perfect westernized wife. Instead when Naomi becomes westernized, at least in their eyes,
JЕЌji has no control over her whatsoever.
In addition to the relationship of Naomi and JЕЌji being shown by Tanizaki as a warning of foolishly accepting everything
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The Importance Of Japanese Culture
Japans society is a culture that is highly resistant to change; a society that places a high value on each member's conformity within highly
structured layers of Japanese society. Japan is an island nation, consisting of the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu.
Together they are approximately the size of Germany or the State of California, and it has a population of approximately 126 million people Japan
has a large population in relation to its land mass and as a consequence most Japanese people live crowded together in an urban corridor squeezed
along the eastern edge of the Japanese islands. A result of this crowding is that Japanese place a high value on public harmony and the avoidance of
any conflict, especially in public. Japanese norms require people to be willing to apologize and humble themselves, so much so that even after a
minor auto accident each driver will jump out of their vehicle and bow to each other and apologize, instead of risking a very public confrontation.
Frequently, Japanese will also employ the use of a go–between to negotiate a possible marriage. In this way, an individual can turn down a bride or
groom without rejecting them to their face, thereby avoiding open disagreement or embarrassment of an individual. The Japanese culture is one that is
rich within an historical and traditional context. Many of the traditional practices established hundreds of years ago can be seen today in modern Japan
and are a direct reflection
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Japanese Culture Report
A Report on Japanese Culture Folkways: While most countries have business cards, Japan has taken it to a higher level. For in Japan everyone
has at least one. Known as ‘Meishi’, these cards are an important part of social interactions. They are used for starting
conversations, for if you know what the other person you are talking with does for a living you have an idea on what to talk about. It also allows
you to be remembered after you both part company. You should always be prepared with your business card in Japan. Another custom in Japan is gift
giving. Gifts are given and received at any possible occasion in Japan. It is a way to show appreciation and is viewed as the thing to do. According to
etiquette;... Show more content on ...
This drawing style is considered to be the Japanese equivalent to the American comic book. With its sometimes violent and explicit graphics it could
be shrugged off as nothing more than a cheap thrill. This notion is quickly put aside when one realizes just how far the reach of Manga has stretched.
This graphic–novel is read by people of all ages in Japan. From the schoolgirl reading back copies of the popular “Sailor Moon” series,
to the businessman reading the companies handbook portrayed in an eye–pleasing comic book like manual. Due to its thoughtful plot and interesting
drawing style, the manga will thrive for a long time to come. An object that is used daily by millions of Japanese people worldwide is called
chopsticks, also known as Hashi. Originally from china this eating device had been shortened and simplified in design. While some chopsticks may be
crafted out of ivory, bone, or other materials; the modern chopsticks have been made in the better–known wooden snap–apart versions that are used in
such abundance today. It is also an important part in the aesthetic look that Japanese food aspires to. The use of chopsticks in religious ceremonies also
dictates certain ways of using this utensil. Subcultures: A facet that makes up the gem of the Japaneseculture is called the Yakuza. The Yakuza are close
to the organized criminal–underground of Europe and America called the
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The Seasons and What They Mean in Japanese Culture
In Noh there are many things that are significant, and that have deeper meanings. For instance the simple way that they walk, sing, and move all mean
something more. While doing the presentations on a Noh play I noticed something beautiful about the play that I had chosen. Spring was mentioned a
lot, it had many cameos in the play. In Yuya the entire back story of the play is the discussions of going to see thecherry blossoms. Spring in Japan
means a whole lot more than just another season. It means new life, and new beginnings, a way for family to come together and start anew. So
while taking this course I really picked up on the seasonal aspect of Noh whether it be spring, autumn, summer, or winter. Each setting gave a new
feeling of how people reacted, and it's true in real life also. So in this essay I will be discussing all of the seasons and what they mean in Japanese
culture, with some symbolic things and Noh examples also. Spring also known as haru is the first of four seasons in Japan, from March to May. The
significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the simplicity
and the beauty of life. It just shows that even though life is sometimes wonderful and beautiful, it can also be very short and to always remember that
we only have so long. When the cherry blossom trees bloom for a short time each year, they show that very well since they are so beautiful but
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The Japanese Company in Japan's Culture
Japan is the world's second largest economy, which offers a wealth of investment and market opportunities to international businesses. Doing business
in Japan, however, is great challenge for foreign companies. Japanese culture is well known for its unique etiquette and heritages and international
business is under this influences. Understanding Japanese culture, ethics and business values is crucial to any company wanting to conduct business in
today 's rapidly progressing Japan. Failing to understand the norms of the culture where you're operating can cost you business.
Webster 's Dictionary defines 'business culture ' as "..the shared attributes, goals and practices that characterizes a company orcorporation.." and 'the ...
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Most Japanese women do not return to work even though they may have excellent skills and experience and might want to continue a career. In
fact a good source of skilled and dedicated employees for a foreign company 's Japanese subsidiary company is women looking to return to work
after having left their original Japanese employer to start a family. Based on discussions with numerous Japanese customers and counseling Japanese
employees over the past decade, here a few examples of how the company that a Japanese man works for will affect his, and his family 's, life: if a
Japanese man wants to marry a girl from a 'nice ' family (an attribute valued highly in this still semi–feudal society), she and her family want to be
assured that he has a good steady job with a reputable company – either that or he needs to be otherwise wealthy, successful and reliable, when a
Japanese person applies to rent an apartment in a respectable suburb, the landlord 's agent will want to know in detail which company the applicant
works for, how long he/she has worked there, how long the company has existed and what its revenues and paid–in capital are, if two people are
competing for the same
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Japanese Culture And Cultural Culture
In today's modern world, we encounter a wide diversity of people from Americans to Japanese. However, as we encounter such people, we ask
ourselves, how much do we know about their culture or even about their family roots. Personally, the encounters with many Americans have been
peacefully satisfying to point of acknowledging their culture and traditions. On the other hand, the Japanese community is still a cloudy subject that
needs a clear path of understanding. Therefore, as more information integrates to our multicultural world, the Japanese community need to be valued,
unified, and appreciated by many other cultures, including ours. The Japanese culture has a fascinating and multi–faced culture, covering its cultural
traditions to ... Show more content on ...
As stated in the InsideJapan website (2017), many younger generations face the challenge that a job is no longer guaranteed, as well as for
employees working in a company for many years. The website also argues that one and three million young adults have never left their home,
resulting in a decrease in the total tax money to support the Japanese economy and aging population (InsideJapan, 2017). In other words, as the
Japanese community continues to have less young adults working or even in a part time status, a struggling dilemma to support the elderly
population will become a challenge for the economy and for the culture. On a different note, the Japanese culture has interesting traditions that shape
how the values, beliefs, and social practices are viewed by others. For example, the Japanese culture has embraced several religions that one person
can practice their entire life. The InsideJapan website supports this information by stating, "This is why they say that in Japan, people are born
Shinto, get married Christian, and die Buddhist (2017). Many religions coincide alongside other religions to have a greater impact on their followers
as it happens in the Japanese culture as in other cultures. Consequently, their values, beliefs, and social practices can be both different and be same as
each other. Social practices and cultural traditions are also greatly valued by Japanese culture as part of
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Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay
Did you know that in Japan slurping your food is seen as complimentary to the chef but in the U.S slurping your food is seen as rude or annoying?
Two cultures can be completely different and diverse. Japanese and American culture are an example, the two cultures both do things quite differently.
Most people don't know much about other cultures out there, which is why I'm interested in going to japan. I would like to go to Japan to learn more
about their culture and possibly build up my social skills.
Going to Japan would make a good learning opportunity. Most people don't know too much about other cultures because they're used to living with
their own culture. Going to Japan would provide a good opportunity to connect, learn and experience another culture. Learning about a new culture
through a documentary, film or reading about it wouldn't be as effective as being able to interact and seeing the culture with your own eyes. Meeting
and befriending the Japanese people would not only help you build up social skill but they ... Show more content on ...
My motivation, in my opinion, is excellent. When I am given an assignment to do and it is not reaching my standards, I almost always tend to redo the
assignment until it reaches my standards. I have re–written countless assignments so far. Not only is my motivation my reason why I would make a
good representative, but my study habits are also exceptional. When I am interested in a topic or have an assignment to do, I usually research about
the topic. I was once given an assignment to do on a certain region of Washington State and I stayed late afterschool to research and take notes. I am
currently trying to research and learn a little bit more about Japan just for the trip. My motivation and my study habits are reasons why I believe I
would make a good representative for Renton's school
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Japanese Culture And Cultural Differences
I have decided to discuss the Japanese culture because we have the foreign exchange students visiting us October seventeenth though the
nineteenth and I thought it would be nice to learn about their culture beforehand. I also would like to learn more about the Japanese culture
because when I become a nurse, I want to be aware of cultural differences. I will be giving a brief overview of the culture, talking about their
religion, community customs, family roles and organization, how they communicate, and their healthcare as well as how they view nurses. As a
nurse taking care of a Japanese person, they should be aware of a few cultural differences. First of all, a nurse should greet a Japanese patient the
same as an American patient, with a handshake and calling them by their last name. In Japan, people will typically bow to each other when they
first meet, but if they are in the US, a handshake will be equivalent. One example of a cultural difference is that as an American, we like to have
eye contact while speaking with people, and it is considered rude not to make eye contact, but to a Japanese person, making eye contact for more
than a few seconds is considered rude. Also, if you are taking care of a Japanese person and there is a language barrier, it is good to know that many
Japanese patients will most likely be able to write out what they are trying to say. Another example is that, "Many traditional Japanese have very good
control over their body language, so it may
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The Three Reasons Of Japanese Culture
I have three reasons of studying tea ceremony. First reason is that I wanted to revise Japanese culture. I am always interested in Japanese culture.
When I was a junior high school, I played Kendo. When I was a high school student, I played Kyudo. From these experiences, I was very impressed
with Japanese culture because I could understand how Japanese culture thinks and cares other people. For example in Kendo and Kyudo, even if I
win the game, I do not have to show my feeling to the others. The reason of this is to respect and appreciate an opponent. I think it is very important
thing as a human. Everyone cannot live alone so we need to live with supporting each other. To support each other, that spirit will be needed. That is
why I love ... Show more content on ...
First reason is that I wanted to get the knowledge of Japanese culture as Japanese. Some people say it is wrong to say like this, " if you are
Japanese, you must be able to play Sumo wrestling". I also think it is not good to say or think in that way however, I want to know Japanese
culture because I want to value Japanese identity. Second reason is that I wanted to have more friends through the class. I am not good at
communicating with people so I do not have so many friends. However, I thought I could make friends by drinking green tea because I think one
of the purposes of tea ceremony is to meet new friends. That is why I took this class with believing to be able to have new friends. As a result, I
could have many new friends and they are all kind people. As I expected, tea ceremony was the place, which gives the wonderful encounter.
Moreover, I could really enjoy this class with other students. Third reason is that I want to make green tea to my mother. When I was a young, she
took me to the tea ceremony many times. Therefore I could know how beautiful Japanese culture is and how elegant tea ceremony is. If I did not
experience tea ceremony, I would not recognize the wonderfulness of Japanese culture and choose this university APU. Therefore I can have a good
experience in APU now. It is because my mother taught me these cultures. That is why I thought I want to make green tea for her with my gratitude.
However, I did
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The Culture Of The Japanese Culture
The Japanese Culture Cultural awareness is fundamental in implementing sound communication; you must possess the ability to step back and realize
the differences in beliefs, values, and social norms amongst cultures. Different cultures have different thought processes that cause them to react in
different ways dependent upon situation. Knowing the culture before you attempt to interact with a person or persons of a foreign background will
mitigate any untactful reprisals and help you better communicate your position. Raising Cultural awareness through geography, economy, social
norms, and government to enhance our understanding of different cultures will help us start off on a positive note and could divert us from
misunderstandings. My country of interest is Japan because this country's background once consisted of warlords, ninjas, samurai, and emperors and
has always caught my interest; furthermore, they are one of the most advanced countries in the terms of technology and efficiency Japan does not
consist of one single mass of land, but rather, it is made up of thousands of smaller islands. The four main islands are Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Honshu
and are the largest islands in Japan. Considering that Japan is mainly made up of islands you would think that transportation through all of Japan
requires a ship or boat of some kind; but if you knew the culture of Japan today, you would find that Japan is the leading country in technology and has
one of the most advanced
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Importance Of Japanese Culture
In Japan, culture and manners are highly regarded. The Japanese are concerned about manners, and they like to follow very strict rituals with all
manners of communication. Many of these rituals are hard for foreigners to understand, but it is important to know that not one culture is right. If you
are traveling to another country you should be respectful of the different customs, and do your best to follow them. It is especially important in
business. If you want to do business with the Japanese then you need to show respect, and the only way to do that is to follow their traditions. Japanese
rituals are embedded in the Japanese culture and cannot be changed. It is very easy to disrespect the Japanese. If you are not careful you could ruin
your chances of doing business with them.
Japan has many different business etiquettes than the United States. One of which refers to the proper way to exchange business cards. Business
cards are an essential business tool in the Japanese culture. In Japan, business cards are exchanged at the beginning of any meeting. When two people
exchange business cards they face each other with their feet in a particular position. Their heels should touch, and their toes should be turned away
from one another. Each person holds their business cards and proceeds to bow to one another. It is important to hold the corner of the business card
and not cover your company logo or your own name with your thumb. If you make the mistake of covering your name
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Culture And Japanese Culture
Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. The dictionary definition seems a little harsh, so
let's fix that. Culture. Something that we are all born into, one that we can't escape, but it doesn't define who we are as a person most of the time. You
can't just look at somebody, somebody who might be Japanese for example, and just blatantly expect that person to become the next doctor or lawyer.
Just because a culture is well known or stereotypically seen to be something, doesn't mean the individual bearing that culture has to live up to those
standards. That Japanese person could want to be the next New York Best Selling author or just a mere teacher because that's what interests them.
Nobody's future is set in stone the second they come into the world, nor does it come easy as their lives go on. Sure, culture has some helping
guidelines to what they should do in their lives, maybe it be the habits or nature of Japanese parents always pushing you to do your best, or it's just
the different cultures of a family. Sometimes there are people born into two or more cultures, and they have to come to the conclusion that they can
be any amount of any culture they want. Just because you're born in America but come from a long line of Mexicans doesn't mean you can't be
both. Ok yes, sometimes it's hard to fit in with both cultures because both cultures see you as the other, but it's not their choice to define who you
are and what you believe in. It's your job to come to that conclusion on your own and you must make that decision that you are proud of. Sometimes
people can be cruel, judging you based on looks rather than personality or morals, but it's just the way of life. How you choose to handle that as time
goes on is the only thing that matters. No matter what the case, culture still plays a minor role in the scripting of your life but remember, you're the
author with the pen. You are in charge of writing your life story. Nobody else.
In the novel exert, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, there's a clear boundary between the perspectives both mother and daughter have on what the daughter
should be. The mother, an immigrant from China, believes her daughter should be
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The Importance Of Japanese Culture
In my multicultural paper, I will be discussing about the Japanese culture how it has influenced my own values and traditions today, allowing me to
experience a world which I was not aware of before. Specifically, their type of food dishes is something I partake on a weekly basis with friends and
family, ranging from their usual rice balls to delicious sushi. Another trait about this culture is being able to read their unique literature, after spending
two semesters in a Japanese course at Fullerton College, I have finally developed the ability to read Japanese in my favorite Manga books, without
needing English subtitles. Likewise, another key point that I find interesting about this culture is how they can advance in the field of technology by
creating new devices that could help humanity. But, that is not always the case with this culture, seeing they have been known for creating the weirdest
inventions in the world, yet still bringing joy and excitement to some. Either way, people from other cultures should take the opportunity to learn about
this culture, considering what it could return and teach, making us a diverse community. Now, I understand that not everyone has the stomach to handle
Japanese cuisine, seeing how some of their delicious meals tend to be prepared as raw, and not cooked to the proper temperature which most people
are accustom to. However, it is worth eating if you are willing to participate in, because Japanese chefs are among the most eager and
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Japanese American Culture
In today's modern, fast–paced, technology driven world it is all too easy to misinterpret and misunderstand situations, both personal and professional,
that could easily be solved by taking a look into the cultural concepts and norms of a group or society. In cultures with a long history of social
customs, it would be beneficial for those involved to examine the special features and norms that make up this culture in an effort to better the
communication and understanding of personal and professional relationships. This area can be especially favorable in working with those of the
Japanese decent as this culture is deeply intricate with many traditions and standards that have been passed on from generation to generation. Some of
theses cultural ... Show more content on ...
It may be expected that business matters of the family are only areas for the elder males to deal and handle. This can be unsettling to someone from a
outside culture. The responsibility of all of the families decisions are left to one male it could be ideal for them to work with other males in conducting
business and private matters. When working in an international business setting, it should be known that males are seen has the decision–making figure
head within their own families. This should not disrupt business interactions however it would help professionals gain a deeper understanding of the
decision making process and would help to be aware of any misconceptions that may arise. It has long been customary for farming families with
multiple sons to send their younger men to urban centers in search of employment towards the beginning of Japans industrial revolution (Columbia
University, 2002). Though these children are not the head of the household it is expected that they continue to work and contribute back to the family
in this way. This made it possible for Japanese society to change and industrialize with only marginal social breakdown and the social norms and
customs have been able to stay intact in an ever–changing world (Columbia University,
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How Reliance Will Get Fit Into The Japanese Culture
How Reliance Will Get Fit Into the Japanese Culture
John Huddle
19 October 2014
This paper explores about the cultural differences between Japanese culture and Indian culture and how Reliance industries deal with Japanese cultural
values while doing business in Japan. This study also reveals company's market, pricing and positioning strategies.
Culture at Reliance Industries
Reliance group has a vision of becoming the top integrated and the world's largest power company. Company is building some of the biggest power
plants in the shortest time periods throughout the country. The company hardly believe in their employees and realize that the company will remain
incomplete without their employees therefore company invest first in them before investing in the business. Reliance is also constantly exploring
options to add to its capacities in existing business operations (RIL Introduction, 2006). Reliance group has an excellent work culture and this would
be considered by the Japanese because the majority of the Japanese companies always strive to develop extraordinary people and teams who follow
their company's philosophy. However Reliance industries will enter into the Japanese market with good business policies but there are lots of
differences between Indian work culture and Japanese work culture which the company will consider while doing business in Japan.
Differences between Indian Work Culture and Japanese Work
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Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay
Traditional Japanese cultural values are influenced by Confucian values and ideology, this held standards determine what is acceptable or unacceptable
and thus, define what is expected and respected in Japan (Miles, 2006). Confucian ideology asserts that social order is achieved and maintained through
principles developed through human wisdom (Miles, 2006). Furthermore, emphasizes the importance of human relationships; to the Japanese it is
important to respect, be faithful, and have consideration for the needs of others (Miles, 2006). Thus the Japanese, appear to follow the platinum rule,
which promotes awareness of general and specific differences, implying that one should treat others the way they want to be treated (Johnson, 2017). In
order... Show more content on ...
The Japanese prefer belonging to a group, their personal relationships prevail over tasks, for them pursuing personal success is frowned upon (Miles,
2006). Whereas, in America, individuals are individualistic, people take care of their own selves and believe success is attained by their independent
work, which is known as the "American dream" (Silver, 2002). Second, in Japan power distance––how power and authority is perceived––is visible
through hierarchy, which represents the high power difference in the country. For instance, in Japan the most important aspect is respect for the elderly
and dutifulness to seniority (Garcia, 2015). In regards to uncertainty avoidance, which indicates how comfortable people are with risk and ambiguity,
the Japanese avoid uncertainty, they attempt to prepare for any situation. Japanese culture is highly ritualized, meaning they have several ceremonies,
and each ceremony has a set of rules and proceedings that must be followed (Miles, 2006). Additionally, Japan has the traits of a masculine culture, one
that values advancement, assertiveness, and earning and acquiring things (Johnson,
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The Japanese Culture Of Japan
The Japanese are a nation with a culture influenced by many yet uniquely Japanese and connected to their past. They retain strong ties to their early
legends, religions, and traditions while continuing to progress with the rest of the world. With these ideas that have been passed down and preserved,
there have also been forms of dance and music that have been influenced by other countries, made uniquely Japanese, and continued through today.
The Japanese people as we know them today were not the original inhabitants of the land. The native people, the Ainu, were hunters and fishermen
closer in resemblance to Caucasians. There is now only a small group of them residing in the Northern section of Japan. The Japanese people are
believed, based on physical characteristics as well as language, to originate from central Asia. Movement from mainland Asia continued throughout the
history of Japan and played a large role in how their culture developed. The country consists of four large islands all of which are lush and
mountainous. The people of Japan have survived because of their developments in agriculture, supplemented by their fishing capabilities (Morton 6).
Japanese religious ideas and beliefs have a root in Shinto, a naturalistic religion with a focus in animism. Early Shinto legends express that the land
was created by, then inhabited by the gods Izanagi and Izanami. When Izanami died while giving birth to the Fire God, Izanagi went to the underworld
to retrieve her, only
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Jizo In Japanese Culture
Kayla Walcott
Unit 2 Textbook Response Jizo a popular deity within Japanese culture also holds great spiritual significance within the society as it is believed to
ease suffering, through the answering of the living. Jizo is considered a friend to all who bids blessings to those who seek success, good health, fertility,
and safety. Jizo is also known as the protector of travelers, as these statues are commonly located along roads, and intersections. Jizo is seen within
areas that are believed to be borders between both the physical and spiritual world, in aiding lost souls mostly unborn children or children who have
died at young ages. Jizo are mostly depicted as protectors of children and is depicted as a friendly and child–like
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The Pros And Cons Of Japanese Culture
Comparative politicians often describe Japanese culture as a Confucian collectivist culture that emphasizes family and work group goals above
individualistic needs (Haddad). Embedded in their language, Japanese culture adheres to a hierarchal structure set in place by Confucian ideals.
Different from western ideologies such as the ideals of The United States and The United Kingdom, these cultural beliefs are, consequently, seen by
western countries as the root to key differences within a state. Indeed, when attempting to interpret differences seen in foreign states with ideologies
distinct from western ideologies, comparative politicians will often resort to cultural arguments as a default explanation. Yet, for many phenomena,
cultural arguments alone are prone to several errors that will often result in the generalization of a population's actions (Reed). While a cultural
argument seems to be a plausible explanation for events occurring in states with different cultures, a cultural argument alone is not sufficient, instead
creating a broad explanation for complex economic and political events. One argument that is considered to have an insufficient cultural explanation is
the differences between litigation as an action to settle disputes between Western Countries and Japan. In Japan, their population filed only 1,257 civil
cases per 100,000 people in 1970. When compared to the United States and Britain, the number of civil suits brought before the Japanese court system is
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Ukiyo-E Japanese Culture
Ukiyo–e and its Effects on Japanese and Western Culture
Art is a very important aspect to Japanese culture. It is a visual expression of Japanese culture and history. Japanese art covers many subjects such as
landscapes, historical and fictional stories, people, and architecture. Throughout Japanese history, one of the most popular genres of Japanese art were
the Ukiyo–e, wood block prints. Many artists such as Katsushika Hokusai and Tsukioka Yoshitoshi became famous creating Ukiyo
–e artwork. The
Ukiyo–e genre was not only important for reflecting Japanese culture, but was central to shaping Western perception of Japanese art and culture. When
Ukiyo–e artwork found its way into Western hands in the late 19th century it flourished amongst the... Show more content on ...
Because of the Ukiyo–e the people began to fall in love with the Japanese culture. The Westerners were astounded by quality of work and all of the
hard work that goes into each of the prints. The Ukiyo–e artist were not just creating the pictures but also carving wood in great detail in order to create
one coherent print. The Ukiyo–e prints brought the westerners into the everyday world of the Japanese people. They were able to see the world from
the eyes of the everyday people in japan. Ukiyo–e reflected the plays and stories in Japan as well as the landscapes and nature of Japan. They were
impressed by the beauty of Japan itself and through Ukiyo–e they were able to see it for their selves. The flat style of the woodblock prints was unique
compared to the style of the Western paintings. Without linear and rising perspective the Ukiyo–e prints highlighted certain aspects of Japanese life.
For example in Hokusai's Great Wave the waves off Kanagawa complete dwarf Mount Fuji. This shows that the Japanese people saw the waves as a
great trial when fishing in the morning. It showed the true struggle that they had to go through each day. The Westerner's sympathized with images
such as this and their perception changed from seeing Japanese art and culture as inferior to seeing it as beautiful and unique.
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Examples Of Japanese Culture In Tanpopo
Japanese culture through its culinary path.
Emiko's "The Ambivalent Self of the Contemporary Japanese" is an interpretation of Itami Juzo's Tanpopo that was dominated with observation to the
highest detail of every subject, object and symbol portrayed in the movie. The interpretation have deliberately projected how Japanese culture has
changed under the effects of foreign cultures through the way their food, one of the most important element that defined national culture for its high
quality and aesthetic sense, have come to developed.
'Tanpopo' as the central point of view on food culture development.
Tanpopo has one central storyline following a widow and her quest to rebuild her late husband ramen shop with the help of a wild–west–cowboy hero
figure named Goro, along with his friends. However, the main story did not flow smoothly throughout the movie but rather constantly interrupted by
multiple cuts of small stories with different settings and unnamed characters. The singular impressiveness about Tanpopo was the... Show more content
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However, their long cumulative traditional values of being reserve, following the group opinion, borderline hierarchy, avoiding consequence (Hofstede,
2016)would interfere with the process. Therefore, it is undeniable that Japanese would struggle with their collective self when interacting and absorbing
new culture elements when the nation finally decided to match up with the world. It was what originated the crossbreed food, the yoshoku, the
combination which takes a form that can be handled either way that comforts the people. It is still true to this day where a lot of restaurant that labeled
as western (e.g Italian, French...) provide the utensils of both chopsticks and western dining fork/knife/spoon for
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Japanese Culture Shock Stereotypes Essay
Culture shock stereotypes I feel that coming to Japan helped break a lot of assumptions about Japanese culture and also confirm knowledge I knew
only from textbooks. The trip also made me experience some culture shock but if anything it made the trip more interesting. I appreciated the irony
that was ever present. There were many customs both old and new I appreciated on the trip and helped open my eyes to new experiences, observations,
and interactions with people I normally would never have a chance to meet. The Japanese people truly took elements of western culture and made it
their own.
One of my most memorable experiences was on the second night of Japan when we went to a baseball game and the customs there are crazy Both
teams were really into the game even when losing they'd chant wave their flags and dance or clap their hands. They blew up balloons we thought
until they burst but it was actually to let them go to make noise to cheer their team on. They dance and click sticks together in time to rally their
teams fighting spirit. It was Tiger's vs Marines and the Tigers were The better team both cheering and playing wise. However, I like rooting for the
marine because they were the underdogs. It was a great experience that helped me bond with other people in the group and also let meet to know the
Japanese people better than observing them in the daytime where they were quieter and hurrying off to places and were generally reserved. They made
sports games their
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The Assassination Of Japanese Culture
Each nation has an interesting society. There's no sense in saying that one nation is more novel than another. With regards to Japan, Japan has
numerous things in the same manner as Asia. Nonetheless, in some ways, it additionally looks like Europe or even the US. In numerous different
ways, Japan is genuinely one of a kind. Japan has had a tremulous history loaded with wars, seismic tremors, fires, tidal wave, storms, edit
disappointments and scourges. Nearby this foundation of continuous tragedies emerged a one of a kind and advanced culture(Cowley, Parker, 1996).
Japanese human progress can be followed back to its first ceramics that is around 16,000 years of age. The significant occasions of Japanese history
number in the thousands. In this unique circumstance, the accompanying chronicled truths are for the most part irregular, however, may be intriguing
in any case Japanese culture is exceptionally fascinating, particularly to Western eyewitnesses, a number of whom quickly consider sushi, sumo
wrestling, and samurai when they consider Japan(Cowley, Parker, 1996). While these three things are particularly some portion of Japanese culture and
history, they just begin to ... Show more content on ...
Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker. Http://
–war–ii/battle–of–okinawa. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing
Company, 02 Oct. 1996. Web. Mar.
–Apr. 2017.
McKenzie, E. (2013, September 30). Cultural Changes in Japan Due to the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from http:/
Pollitt, D. (2010, October 21). Japanese Verbal Communication. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from
Taylor, H. M. (1974, November 30). Americans and Japanese Nonverbal Communication. Linguistic Communications 15 (Papers in Japanese
Linguistics 3). Retrieved March 20, 2017, from
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Japanese Culture And Japanese Food
Japanese cuisine and its development Rice serves with vegetable, and fish are the main traditional meal in Japanese cuisine. According to Reading
Food in Modern Japanese Literature: "Lunch: 3 bowls rice gruel, half of bonito sashimi (half because it contained some fly eggs). Had the little
yellowtail bought for supper made into sashimi, but did not eat it as it wasn't nice. 1 bowl miso soup, 3 pieces of rice cracker, one helping shaved ice
with lemon syrup" (Aoyama 15). Aoyama shows in these lines that dishes of Japanese traditional meal were simple, but as Japanese cuisine evolved
over the years, it has more different dishes for customers to choose today. My goal in this paper is to discuss the geographical effect on Japanese
cuisine, the relationship between Zen culture and Japanese cuisine and its development in the world. Geography are the important effect on food
choices in Japanese cuisine. In Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons : Nature, Literature, and the Arts, Shirane provided specific places as an
example to illustrated that the position determines what chefs would choose to cook Japanese cuisine, "With the shift of the capital to Edo (Tokyo),
two major port cities (Edo and Osaka) became the cultural and economic centers, moving the general urban perspective from inland basins (Nara and
Kyoto) to the coast and the sea, which became an important source of food" (Shirane 176). So the position of Japan surrounds by coasts and seas is
the main reason that
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The Consequences Of Hikikomori And Japanese Culture
Ashley LoProfessor Birks ENG 112–98A Word Count: 1695 10 August 2017 Hikikomori and Japanese Culture Over the years, Japan has
accumulated rich chapters of history, break throughs in innovation, and economic prosperity. However, imagine if 1.5 million citizens gradually
vanished from a thriving country such as Japan. This disappearance of the population is not hypothetical, but a problem that Japan is facing today.
The disappearing population is not a magic trick, but is due to the condition known as hikikomori. The diagnostic criteria of hikikomori includes
withdrawal from social activities and staying home almost every day for at least 6 months (Kondo et al 80). In reality, hikikomori do not vanish
since they reside in their homes, but can be considered as good as gone in public areas, the work force, and social situations. The number 1.5
million is the estimated population at risk of hikikomori as determined by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2010 (Kreig and
Dickie 61). To put things in perspective, 1.2% of the Japanese population experienced hikikomori in their life times (Kondo et al. 79). As the
hikikomori population continues to grow, this not only causes harm on a personal level, but to society as well. Despite similar cases of social
withdrawal in other parts of the world, hikikomori is still considered a "specifically Japanese" phenomenon partly due to the large number victims and
severity of symptoms displayed in Japan (Sarchione et al.).
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Japanese American Culture
People no longer use the term "Japanese American" in today's society. Instead, they are no longer thought as a separate group and are incorrectly
categorized as "Asian American", along with Vietnamese American, Chinese American, etc. Japanese Americans have an extremely unique background
in terms of their origins, history, and struggle with racialization. Like many ethnic groups, Japanese Americans have been subjected to many different
portrayals throughout American history. Even though cultural separation and suspicion are deemed as immoral, such practices toward them were
thought to be necessary by the American Government. For a good amount of time, they suffered from racial hostility and violence. Now, in an age
where cultural diversity... Show more content on ...
These internment camps have been described in various ways in many textbooks. Masato Ogawa states in his article, The Treatment of
Japanese–American Internment During World War II in United States History Textbooks, an example of how the camps have been described, "All the
camps were located in desolate areas...Barbed wire surrounded the camps, and armed guards patrolled the grounds. Although the government referred
to these as relocation camps, one journalist pointed out that they seemed "uncomfortably close to concentration camps."." (Ogawa 41) However, the
order didn't affect Japanese Americans residing in Hawaii, "The text states that the Japanese Americans living in Hawaii weren't interned. It was true
... however some were imprisoned on an individual basis and held in prison camps on the islands or transferred to mass detention or smaller
internment camps on the mainland." Which was because over 37% of the Hawaiian population was of Japanese descent and it would damage their
economy. (Ogawa
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Japanese Culture
Japanese culture is fairly staid, traditional, and, for the most part, static. Although there is bound to be a degree of generalizations in any cultural
evaluation, the preceding statement certainly applies to Japanese culture. Some of the principle characteristics of Japanese culture that render it distinct
from most Westernized ones (especially the United States') are its definitive homogeneity and conventional family structure. In terms of homogeneity,
it is significant to note that the vast majority of residents living in Japan are of Japanese origin. There is not a large immigrant population. This ethnic
homogeneity is subsequently reflected in Japan's cultural homogeneity. There is not as much influence of new ideas and approaches to living life in
Japan as there are in the U.S. Therefore, conventional cultural elements such as choice of food, language spoken and read, etc. are decidedly uniform in
Japan. Most people eat conventional dishes consisting of rice and fish, and the majority of the population thinks and communicates in Japanese.
Moreover, there is a monetary homogeneity present in the country as well, as most the vast majority of residents are middle class. The wide economic
disparity that characterizes the U.S. is certainly not present in Japan. Another eminent facet of Japanese culture is the traditional roles assigned to most
members of the nuclear family, particularly those related to the husband and wife. In Japan, a wife's primary duty is to tend
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The Japanese Bronze Mirrors And Its Impact On Japanese...
Japanese art has had a huge impact on the Japanese culture. It was created in various forms. New styles and techniques were created like sculptures,
paintings and pottery. Mirrors have played a big role in their culture and was incorporated in people's everyday routine. It has significance in their lives
and symbolizes several things for them, especially the Japanese Bronze Mirror. The mirror symbolizes the value of the Japanese culture and itself is a
beautiful image to look at. In this culture, their beliefs and values teaches important things to us and shows how their tradition is something more than
The Japanese Bronze Mirror was created in the 12th century during the Heian period and it was found in something called the "mirror pool" at the
shrine of Mount Haguro. At Mount Haguro, there were hundreds of other mirrors and leaving mirrors at that location, was considered as a
contribution. Offerings in Japan are traditions that the people take seriously and see the importance of it. The mirror is decorated with two dancing
cranes on one side, which is a symbolism for a long life and marital fidelity. The other side was not decorated and it was a reflective surface which
would also be known as a mirror. Mirrors first came from China and China had a significant impact on Japan for a long time. The mirrors were
connected with a "sun–goddess Amaterasu, ancestress of the Japanese emperors, because of their ability to reflect light" (Joy). This is another reason
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The Totality Of Japanese Culture Essay

  • 1. The Totality of Japanese Culture Essay A.Sonzai Sonzai is constructed from 2 words; son and zai. Son means subjective self–subsistence or sustain over time. Zai means that the subject stays in the same places in which the word "places" refers to social places which consist of human relations, such as home, hotel, inn, etc. By putting these two words together, we get sonzai (human existence) which literally means self–sustenance of human relations. Although sonzai looks similar to ningen, they are quite different. Ningen refers to capability of being an individual and at the same time also being a member of a society. To sum up, ningen is mostly explaining about a person as an individual. Sonzai emphasizes the dynamic structure of human being, such as human relations which ... Show more content on ... As he negates the totality, he comes back to be an individual. This process continues back and forth between individuality and totality. People also call this as the never ending creation in Ningen Sonzai. To sum up, Watsuji explained that there is neither absolute totality nor absolute individuality. He emphasized that both totality and individuality are important for human being. I agree with that. Human being needs to socialize to other people. At the same time, they need their own privacy in some occasions as well. Both are important. We have our own will and desire, but we also need interpersonal relationship. I would like to take an example, such as hitori bocchi. It is a Japanese term for those who choose to be alone rather than gathering with other people. In my opinion, it's quite easy to find it in Japan. I joined a small discussion couple weeks ago together with some Japanese and international students. We talked many things and hitori bocchi was one of them. Some of Japanese students said that they chose to be bocchi, such as eating, going to movie, and travelling alone. Some others had no options left, such as all of their friends having classes during that time. For those who chose to be bocchi due to personal choice argued that they chose to do so because it's more convenient for them. They also cared with their privacy. Although they choose to be bocchi, they also have ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Japanese American Culture Essay Japanese people are just normal people, they can love and laugh, they can hate and cry, they can be moral and can be immoral, they have their own culture though, but it doesn't make them any more or less "human" than people like "us" (whoever you are). Japanese people are however portrayed in Western media as eccentric, this is due largely to prejudice and in many cases mere sensationalism. Look, I'm not going to pull examples out of my sleeve, and I'm not sure what led you to think of such thing, I just want to remind you of some things: a) Every person has a unique set of values and a personality that's unique to them. b) Culture is a much more determining factor for one's way of using "logic" than genes. c) In Japan, there live not ... Show more content on ... This means there are many many men and women with PhD's and many talented young people, but there are also many people who suffer from family violence, alcoholism, isolation, poverty, illness, etc. people who you may or may not like, there are preppy kids, there are uneducated people, there are wealthy people, there are criminals, etc, etc. Each country has its own set of problems and has its own things to offer to the world, and we may not always get to know the whole truth about it. But, please don't focus on rumours, or what you casually hear in every day conversation or in what a Facebook anime page casually posts, for those fishy facts research further and get to know how the Japanese are just like us, but have a distinct culture and unique heritage I don't even know how to put the best reason I have to prove that the Japanese are just like everyone else into words, it's just the feeling of being their friend, of being loved and loving someone despite our tiny differences, be them Japanese or not, be them Indian, Pakistani, Irish or whatever, we can still smile together and that's it. That's my best reason: we can all love each other... I hope you can get to know it too one ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Japanese Cultures And Beliefs Of Japan Due to its unique history, Japan has many customs and beliefs that differ from the rest of the world. The Japanese are known to be very prideful yet, humble individuals. Many of the Japan's traditions are very distinct and serve to represent the country. Japanese culture is meant to depict respect for both themselves and other people. Perhaps one of the most interesting symbols of the Japan comes from the flag, the red sun symbolizes the sun goddess Amaterasu, which is believed to be the ancestors of the emperors and the imperial family. More specifically "Mythological goddess of the sun, Amaterasu from the Shintoreligion. According to myth, the goddess founded Japan approximately 2700 years ago and all the emperors of Japan are known as "Sons of the Sun", essentially direct descendants of the goddess herself." (Aung) this is intriguing as Shinto is a religion that focuses on the belief that all people are good and all the bad come from evil spirits. Even more captivating is that historically, Japan has been a militaristic country engaging is some of the most fearsome battles in history. Believing that the emperors and the imperial family are descendants of a great deity must have bonded the citizens into feeling an intense bond that cannot be found in any other way. Hand gestures are an important method of communication and to foreign folk, Japanese hand gestures may seem perplexing. More specifically, "come here,' which looks like 'go away" (Seifi) this is important as ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Culture Of Japan And The Japanese Culture The Japanese culture is one that is rich within an historical and traditional context. Many of the traditional practices established hundreds of years ago can be seen today in modern Japan and are a direct reflection of significant historical accounts. Japan is an island nation, consisting of the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Together they are approximately the size of Germany or the State of California, and it has a population of approximately 126 million people. The Japanese religion is based off of two main beliefs, the belief in Shinto and Buddhism many Japanese people believe consider themselves both. The Japanese people were known to be around as early as 4,500 B.C. They have constructed their government style to a constitutional monarchy where they do in fact have an emperor, but he has limited power within the country. The main power of the country is held by the Prime Minister of Japan. Japan is made up of many islands that extend along the Pacific coast of Asia. The land area is made up of a lot of forest and mountainous area that cannot be used for agricultural, industrial or residential use. Japan also has one of the largest and growing economies in the world. They are growing every day and it is all because the people of Japan work very hard in order for their economy to flourish as it has. Japan has a large population in relation to its land mass and as a consequence most Japanese people live crowded together in an urban corridor squeezed along the eastern edge of the Japanese islands. A result of this crowding is that Japanese place a high value on public harmony and the avoidance of any conflict, especially in public. Japanese norms require people to be willing to apologize and humble themselves, so much so that even after a minor auto accident each driver will jump out of their vehicle and bow to each other and apologize, instead of risking a very public confrontation. Frequently, Japanese will also employ the use of a go–between to negotiate a possible marriage. In this way, an individual can turn down a bride or groom without rejecting them to their face, thereby avoiding open disagreement or embarrassment of an individual. The Japanese are constantly ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Five Characteristics Of Japanese Cultural Awareness :... Cultural Awareness: Japanese Culture Analysis Japan is the region of the world focused on in this research essay. The author will define culture, and describe Japanese cultural traits with an emphasis on leadership competency. The thesis statement hypothesizes that cultural study and research of specific regions of the world will enable cross–cultural competence and comprehension in leadership roles. There are a plethora of definitions which encompass culture. Unabridged (2017) defines culture as the quality in a society, or an individual, that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent. Five characteristics of culture may include: a particular form or stage of civilization, the fine arts, scholarly pursuits, etiquette, and/or the drive towards excellence. The author of this essay adds to the definition to include culture in present day as: All interactions between a member of society and society. The Japan is an archipelago, consisting of four major islands and over six–thousand minor island groups, which has enormous climatic variation. The Korean peninsula is the closest point on the Asian mainland. Japan faces the Pacific Ocean along the entire eastern and southern coastline. Japanese life has always been oriented toward the ocean. Japan is a fertile land and has varied fishing grounds due to the currents that converge offshore . To the north and west are the the Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and the East China Sea ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Food In Japanese Food Culture For those who don't know, Japan is an island off the coast of China in the Northern Hemisphere of the world. One of the most important parts of Japanese culture is the cuisine. Something that might not be known is that most of the food in Japan today was introduced when Buddhism started to spread throughout the country. Although most of the food the citizens eat is made with ingredients from the island, the country is a very food varied place. There are many different types of cooking in Japan, some of which were adopted from other countries, but they all have a Japanese spin to them. The cuisine is a good reflection of Japanese culture because it reflects the elements of geography, religion, and customs. The use ofrice in Japanese food culture is a long–standing tradition that is found to be very important to every meal ate on the island. Japan was actually introduced to the world of rice by southern China many years ago (Web Japan). After this original introduction during the Edo period, the rice was cultivated into wet rice paddies that the Japanese would eat (Web Japan). This use of rice stuck around for nearly two thousand years before the Japanese started creating other ways to use the rice they grew. When the rice was introduced the Japanese dedicated a large part of the island to farming rice. The Japanese use so much land for just farming rice because of the large quantity that they eat. In almost every meal that is eaten in Japan, rice is served (Katz 318). ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Culture In Japanese Culture Culture is a significant theme in this film. One important factor to point out is throughout Stevenson's trip in Japan, he is hit with culture shock and the same can be said for the Japanese executives. Stevenson mocks how the Japanese exchange business cards during the presentation, how they eat with chopsticks and how rigid and structured Japanese culture is. This culture clash not only affected the characters' personal lives, but also impacted the business. "Research has clearly established that culture affects the application of management theories and practices. Work values, in particular, are an important part of cross–cultural understanding in that they are themselves measures of cultural dimensions, and also have strong implications for many areas of management, from employee motivation to organizational communication" (MatiД‡, 2008). Almost immediately after opening up the doors to the plant, there were problems. The Japanese people had a very strict and rigid way of running their businesses and doing their work as compared to the lackadaisical American work ethic. The plant workers are expected to perform calisthenics in the morning, are denied basic privileges like sick leave, paid overtime and a union. The town and these workers are in such a desperate situation that they decide to withstand the abuse and impossible demands set by the Japanese plant owners. It is difficult enough to manage a business with workers and executives that have a common culture and ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Japanese Food In The Japanese Culture Japanese cuisine refers to the Japanese way of eating, which is an important part of Japanese culture. Japanese cuisine is the traditional Japanese daily diet, especially formed in the Meiji era culture and eating habits, this is because the East West blend of the impact of the ingredients, although theflavor material can be achieved polybasic in Japan island. In addition, Japanese is in East Asia on the wobble the most attention, and also a lot of style, and the food is so called "eye care". Through the introduction of my Japanese friend, I came to a famous Japanese restaurant in Lincoln. He told me that the Japanese restaurant was authentic and the ingredients were fresh, it was a good place to taste Japanese cuisine. Fortunately, when I went to this restaurant, the boss was right there. I introduced him to the purpose of my visit, and he accepted my request and enthusiastically introduced the specialty of his restaurant. According to our interview, he told me that because of the work they immigrated to Lincoln, but when they retired, they found themselves love their traditional food in Japan, so they decided to opened a Japanese restaurant in Lincoln to pass the boring time of retirement. They also have a lot of Japanese friends there, and these Japanese friends often come to visit his restaurant. Most of his Japanese friends came to Lincoln for a while or settled down because of his work. Of course, there will be Japanese students at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. ... Get more on ...
  • 9. What Is The Importance Of Japanese Culture The world is full of different cultures. It is so interesting to study the different ways people live their lives. Cultures are so diverse that normal habits done on a regular basis in one culture may be considered taboo in another culture. This essay will discuss how the Japanese culture differs from my culture, and it will also examine the importance of studying another culture. First, I want to cover some of the major differences between the Japanese culture and my own, and then get to some of the smaller differences. The first major difference is the religion; Buddhism and Shintoism make up 84% of the Japanese religion. The item that intrigued me was the fact that religion in Japan is more of a set of rules and rituals to follow now and then. There is not much daily involvement in religion like there is in America; whether it is Christian, Catholic, or Muslin, each religion involves prayer and worship to a certain degree on more of daily or weekly basis. Next, the Japanese food is much different. Most Japanese meals have rice in some form or another and the Japanese generally eat with chopsticks. When eating at a restaurant there are many differences to consider. A wet towel is given to a customer when he is first seated at a restaurant to wash his hands. When sushi is the meal it is acceptable to eat use hands and not chop sticks. When eating noodles, it is acceptable to make slurping noises. When you are finished with your meal it is not expected that you tip the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Importance Of Japanese Culture Japan is the region of the world focused on this research essay. The author will define culture, and describe Japanese cultural traits with an emphasis on leadership competency. The thesis statement hypothesizes that cultural study and research of specific regions of the world will enable cross–cultural competence and comprehension in leadership roles. There is a plethora of definitions which encompass culture. Unabridged (2017) defines culture as the quality in a society, or an individual, that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent. Five characteristics of culture may include: a particular form or stage of civilization, the fine arts, scholarly pursuits, etiquette, and/or the drive towards excellence. The author of this essay adds to the definition to include culture in present day as: All interactions between a member of society and society. The Japan is an archipelago, consisting of four major islands and over six–thousand minor island groups, which has enormous climatic variation. The Korean peninsula is the closest point on the Asian mainland. Japan faces the Pacific Ocean along the entire eastern and southern coastline. Japanese life has always been oriented toward the ocean. Japan is a fertile land and has varied fishing grounds due to the currents that converge offshore. To the north and west are the Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and the East China Sea (Countries and Their Cultures: Japan, 2017). From a leadership ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay Culture is the knowledge, language, values, customs, and material objects that are passed from person to person and from one generation to the next in a human group or society. Whereas a society is composed of people, a culture is composed of ideas, behavior, and material possessions. Society and culture are interdependent; neither could exist without the other. (Kendall, 2014) There are many differences and similarities in Japanese and American cultures. In this essay I will speak on religion, health and food just to compare and contrast between the two cultures. Japan has a fascinating and multifaceted culture; on the one hand it is steeped in the deepest of traditions dating back thousands of years; on the other it is a society in a continual state of rapid flux, with ... Show more content on ... It is separate from the state; there are no religious prayers or symbols in a school graduation ceremony, for example. Religion is rarely discussed in everyday life and the majority of Japanese does not worship regularly or claim to be religious. However, most people turn to religious rituals in birth, marriage and death and take part in spiritual festivals throughout the year. Japanese religion focused on the Emperor as a living God. After the war many people's beliefs were shattered because the Emperors voice was broadcasted to the nation, relinquishing his deity. Today religion defines Japanese identity more than spirituality does and it helps to strengthen family and communities. There spirituality is Shintoism which is the belief that every living thing in nature contains gods. Luck, fate, and superstition are also in the Japanese culture. In the American culture there are many different religions that are being practiced because of the many different cultures we have in our country. Even though there are many different religions that are being practiced, an estimate of 83% of American people classifies themselves as ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Japanese Culture And Japanese Traditions The author of Naomi, Tanizaki JunichirЕЌ, was indeed captivated with western culture. The purpose of the novel, however, was not to glorify western culture but too instead warn Japan about blindly becoming obsessed with western culture and views. It is a warning to Japan to not abandon its tradition in favor of a culture that it does not even fully comprehend. Through analysis of the novel's main characters, Naomi and JЕЌji, craft an essay that explains Tanizaki's judgments on the Japan of that era, and its relationship to Western culture and Japanese traditions. Naomi and JЕЌji do not fully understand western culture and instead just try to adopt anything they view as western such as clothing, dancing, language, and even housing. This is a warning from Tanizaki showing how people can fully try to adopt a culture they are so enamored with despite not even completely understanding that culture. Tanizaki tries to argue the stereotype of the times. Japan is viewed as ancient and backwards, while western culture is groundbreaking and revolutionary. These foolish sentiments that are shared by both JЕЌji and Naomi fuel much of the novel. Naomi does whatever she can to become western and JЕЌji indulges her in this to mold her into his perfect westernized wife. Instead when Naomi becomes westernized, at least in their eyes, JЕЌji has no control over her whatsoever. In addition to the relationship of Naomi and JЕЌji being shown by Tanizaki as a warning of foolishly accepting everything ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Importance Of Japanese Culture Japans society is a culture that is highly resistant to change; a society that places a high value on each member's conformity within highly structured layers of Japanese society. Japan is an island nation, consisting of the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu. Together they are approximately the size of Germany or the State of California, and it has a population of approximately 126 million people Japan has a large population in relation to its land mass and as a consequence most Japanese people live crowded together in an urban corridor squeezed along the eastern edge of the Japanese islands. A result of this crowding is that Japanese place a high value on public harmony and the avoidance of any conflict, especially in public. Japanese norms require people to be willing to apologize and humble themselves, so much so that even after a minor auto accident each driver will jump out of their vehicle and bow to each other and apologize, instead of risking a very public confrontation. Frequently, Japanese will also employ the use of a go–between to negotiate a possible marriage. In this way, an individual can turn down a bride or groom without rejecting them to their face, thereby avoiding open disagreement or embarrassment of an individual. The Japanese culture is one that is rich within an historical and traditional context. Many of the traditional practices established hundreds of years ago can be seen today in modern Japan and are a direct reflection ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Japanese Culture Report A Report on Japanese Culture Folkways: While most countries have business cards, Japan has taken it to a higher level. For in Japan everyone has at least one. Known as ‘Meishi’, these cards are an important part of social interactions. They are used for starting conversations, for if you know what the other person you are talking with does for a living you have an idea on what to talk about. It also allows you to be remembered after you both part company. You should always be prepared with your business card in Japan. Another custom in Japan is gift giving. Gifts are given and received at any possible occasion in Japan. It is a way to show appreciation and is viewed as the thing to do. According to etiquette;... Show more content on ... This drawing style is considered to be the Japanese equivalent to the American comic book. With its sometimes violent and explicit graphics it could be shrugged off as nothing more than a cheap thrill. This notion is quickly put aside when one realizes just how far the reach of Manga has stretched. This graphic–novel is read by people of all ages in Japan. From the schoolgirl reading back copies of the popular “Sailor Moon” series, to the businessman reading the companies handbook portrayed in an eye–pleasing comic book like manual. Due to its thoughtful plot and interesting drawing style, the manga will thrive for a long time to come. An object that is used daily by millions of Japanese people worldwide is called chopsticks, also known as Hashi. Originally from china this eating device had been shortened and simplified in design. While some chopsticks may be crafted out of ivory, bone, or other materials; the modern chopsticks have been made in the better–known wooden snap–apart versions that are used in such abundance today. It is also an important part in the aesthetic look that Japanese food aspires to. The use of chopsticks in religious ceremonies also dictates certain ways of using this utensil. Subcultures: A facet that makes up the gem of the Japaneseculture is called the Yakuza. The Yakuza are close to the organized criminal–underground of Europe and America called the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Seasons and What They Mean in Japanese Culture In Noh there are many things that are significant, and that have deeper meanings. For instance the simple way that they walk, sing, and move all mean something more. While doing the presentations on a Noh play I noticed something beautiful about the play that I had chosen. Spring was mentioned a lot, it had many cameos in the play. In Yuya the entire back story of the play is the discussions of going to see thecherry blossoms. Spring in Japan means a whole lot more than just another season. It means new life, and new beginnings, a way for family to come together and start anew. So while taking this course I really picked up on the seasonal aspect of Noh whether it be spring, autumn, summer, or winter. Each setting gave a new feeling of how people reacted, and it's true in real life also. So in this essay I will be discussing all of the seasons and what they mean in Japanese culture, with some symbolic things and Noh examples also. Spring also known as haru is the first of four seasons in Japan, from March to May. The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture goes back hundreds of years. In their country, the cherry blossom represents the simplicity and the beauty of life. It just shows that even though life is sometimes wonderful and beautiful, it can also be very short and to always remember that we only have so long. When the cherry blossom trees bloom for a short time each year, they show that very well since they are so beautiful but ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Japanese Company in Japan's Culture Japan is the world's second largest economy, which offers a wealth of investment and market opportunities to international businesses. Doing business in Japan, however, is great challenge for foreign companies. Japanese culture is well known for its unique etiquette and heritages and international business is under this influences. Understanding Japanese culture, ethics and business values is crucial to any company wanting to conduct business in today 's rapidly progressing Japan. Failing to understand the norms of the culture where you're operating can cost you business. Webster 's Dictionary defines 'business culture ' as "..the shared attributes, goals and practices that characterizes a company orcorporation.." and 'the ... Show more content on ... Most Japanese women do not return to work even though they may have excellent skills and experience and might want to continue a career. In fact a good source of skilled and dedicated employees for a foreign company 's Japanese subsidiary company is women looking to return to work after having left their original Japanese employer to start a family. Based on discussions with numerous Japanese customers and counseling Japanese employees over the past decade, here a few examples of how the company that a Japanese man works for will affect his, and his family 's, life: if a Japanese man wants to marry a girl from a 'nice ' family (an attribute valued highly in this still semi–feudal society), she and her family want to be assured that he has a good steady job with a reputable company – either that or he needs to be otherwise wealthy, successful and reliable, when a Japanese person applies to rent an apartment in a respectable suburb, the landlord 's agent will want to know in detail which company the applicant works for, how long he/she has worked there, how long the company has existed and what its revenues and paid–in capital are, if two people are competing for the same ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Japanese Culture And Cultural Culture In today's modern world, we encounter a wide diversity of people from Americans to Japanese. However, as we encounter such people, we ask ourselves, how much do we know about their culture or even about their family roots. Personally, the encounters with many Americans have been peacefully satisfying to point of acknowledging their culture and traditions. On the other hand, the Japanese community is still a cloudy subject that needs a clear path of understanding. Therefore, as more information integrates to our multicultural world, the Japanese community need to be valued, unified, and appreciated by many other cultures, including ours. The Japanese culture has a fascinating and multi–faced culture, covering its cultural traditions to ... Show more content on ... As stated in the InsideJapan website (2017), many younger generations face the challenge that a job is no longer guaranteed, as well as for employees working in a company for many years. The website also argues that one and three million young adults have never left their home, resulting in a decrease in the total tax money to support the Japanese economy and aging population (InsideJapan, 2017). In other words, as the Japanese community continues to have less young adults working or even in a part time status, a struggling dilemma to support the elderly population will become a challenge for the economy and for the culture. On a different note, the Japanese culture has interesting traditions that shape how the values, beliefs, and social practices are viewed by others. For example, the Japanese culture has embraced several religions that one person can practice their entire life. The InsideJapan website supports this information by stating, "This is why they say that in Japan, people are born Shinto, get married Christian, and die Buddhist (2017). Many religions coincide alongside other religions to have a greater impact on their followers as it happens in the Japanese culture as in other cultures. Consequently, their values, beliefs, and social practices can be both different and be same as each other. Social practices and cultural traditions are also greatly valued by Japanese culture as part of ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay Did you know that in Japan slurping your food is seen as complimentary to the chef but in the U.S slurping your food is seen as rude or annoying? Two cultures can be completely different and diverse. Japanese and American culture are an example, the two cultures both do things quite differently. Most people don't know much about other cultures out there, which is why I'm interested in going to japan. I would like to go to Japan to learn more about their culture and possibly build up my social skills. Going to Japan would make a good learning opportunity. Most people don't know too much about other cultures because they're used to living with their own culture. Going to Japan would provide a good opportunity to connect, learn and experience another culture. Learning about a new culture through a documentary, film or reading about it wouldn't be as effective as being able to interact and seeing the culture with your own eyes. Meeting and befriending the Japanese people would not only help you build up social skill but they ... Show more content on ... My motivation, in my opinion, is excellent. When I am given an assignment to do and it is not reaching my standards, I almost always tend to redo the assignment until it reaches my standards. I have re–written countless assignments so far. Not only is my motivation my reason why I would make a good representative, but my study habits are also exceptional. When I am interested in a topic or have an assignment to do, I usually research about the topic. I was once given an assignment to do on a certain region of Washington State and I stayed late afterschool to research and take notes. I am currently trying to research and learn a little bit more about Japan just for the trip. My motivation and my study habits are reasons why I believe I would make a good representative for Renton's school ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Japanese Culture And Cultural Differences I have decided to discuss the Japanese culture because we have the foreign exchange students visiting us October seventeenth though the nineteenth and I thought it would be nice to learn about their culture beforehand. I also would like to learn more about the Japanese culture because when I become a nurse, I want to be aware of cultural differences. I will be giving a brief overview of the culture, talking about their religion, community customs, family roles and organization, how they communicate, and their healthcare as well as how they view nurses. As a nurse taking care of a Japanese person, they should be aware of a few cultural differences. First of all, a nurse should greet a Japanese patient the same as an American patient, with a handshake and calling them by their last name. In Japan, people will typically bow to each other when they first meet, but if they are in the US, a handshake will be equivalent. One example of a cultural difference is that as an American, we like to have eye contact while speaking with people, and it is considered rude not to make eye contact, but to a Japanese person, making eye contact for more than a few seconds is considered rude. Also, if you are taking care of a Japanese person and there is a language barrier, it is good to know that many Japanese patients will most likely be able to write out what they are trying to say. Another example is that, "Many traditional Japanese have very good control over their body language, so it may ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Three Reasons Of Japanese Culture I have three reasons of studying tea ceremony. First reason is that I wanted to revise Japanese culture. I am always interested in Japanese culture. When I was a junior high school, I played Kendo. When I was a high school student, I played Kyudo. From these experiences, I was very impressed with Japanese culture because I could understand how Japanese culture thinks and cares other people. For example in Kendo and Kyudo, even if I win the game, I do not have to show my feeling to the others. The reason of this is to respect and appreciate an opponent. I think it is very important thing as a human. Everyone cannot live alone so we need to live with supporting each other. To support each other, that spirit will be needed. That is why I love ... Show more content on ... First reason is that I wanted to get the knowledge of Japanese culture as Japanese. Some people say it is wrong to say like this, " if you are Japanese, you must be able to play Sumo wrestling". I also think it is not good to say or think in that way however, I want to know Japanese culture because I want to value Japanese identity. Second reason is that I wanted to have more friends through the class. I am not good at communicating with people so I do not have so many friends. However, I thought I could make friends by drinking green tea because I think one of the purposes of tea ceremony is to meet new friends. That is why I took this class with believing to be able to have new friends. As a result, I could have many new friends and they are all kind people. As I expected, tea ceremony was the place, which gives the wonderful encounter. Moreover, I could really enjoy this class with other students. Third reason is that I want to make green tea to my mother. When I was a young, she took me to the tea ceremony many times. Therefore I could know how beautiful Japanese culture is and how elegant tea ceremony is. If I did not experience tea ceremony, I would not recognize the wonderfulness of Japanese culture and choose this university APU. Therefore I can have a good experience in APU now. It is because my mother taught me these cultures. That is why I thought I want to make green tea for her with my gratitude. However, I did ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Culture Of The Japanese Culture The Japanese Culture Cultural awareness is fundamental in implementing sound communication; you must possess the ability to step back and realize the differences in beliefs, values, and social norms amongst cultures. Different cultures have different thought processes that cause them to react in different ways dependent upon situation. Knowing the culture before you attempt to interact with a person or persons of a foreign background will mitigate any untactful reprisals and help you better communicate your position. Raising Cultural awareness through geography, economy, social norms, and government to enhance our understanding of different cultures will help us start off on a positive note and could divert us from misunderstandings. My country of interest is Japan because this country's background once consisted of warlords, ninjas, samurai, and emperors and has always caught my interest; furthermore, they are one of the most advanced countries in the terms of technology and efficiency Japan does not consist of one single mass of land, but rather, it is made up of thousands of smaller islands. The four main islands are Hokkaido, Shikoku, and Honshu and are the largest islands in Japan. Considering that Japan is mainly made up of islands you would think that transportation through all of Japan requires a ship or boat of some kind; but if you knew the culture of Japan today, you would find that Japan is the leading country in technology and has one of the most advanced ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Importance Of Japanese Culture In Japan, culture and manners are highly regarded. The Japanese are concerned about manners, and they like to follow very strict rituals with all manners of communication. Many of these rituals are hard for foreigners to understand, but it is important to know that not one culture is right. If you are traveling to another country you should be respectful of the different customs, and do your best to follow them. It is especially important in business. If you want to do business with the Japanese then you need to show respect, and the only way to do that is to follow their traditions. Japanese rituals are embedded in the Japanese culture and cannot be changed. It is very easy to disrespect the Japanese. If you are not careful you could ruin your chances of doing business with them. Japan has many different business etiquettes than the United States. One of which refers to the proper way to exchange business cards. Business cards are an essential business tool in the Japanese culture. In Japan, business cards are exchanged at the beginning of any meeting. When two people exchange business cards they face each other with their feet in a particular position. Their heels should touch, and their toes should be turned away from one another. Each person holds their business cards and proceeds to bow to one another. It is important to hold the corner of the business card and not cover your company logo or your own name with your thumb. If you make the mistake of covering your name ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Culture And Japanese Culture Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. The dictionary definition seems a little harsh, so let's fix that. Culture. Something that we are all born into, one that we can't escape, but it doesn't define who we are as a person most of the time. You can't just look at somebody, somebody who might be Japanese for example, and just blatantly expect that person to become the next doctor or lawyer. Just because a culture is well known or stereotypically seen to be something, doesn't mean the individual bearing that culture has to live up to those standards. That Japanese person could want to be the next New York Best Selling author or just a mere teacher because that's what interests them. Nobody's future is set in stone the second they come into the world, nor does it come easy as their lives go on. Sure, culture has some helping guidelines to what they should do in their lives, maybe it be the habits or nature of Japanese parents always pushing you to do your best, or it's just the different cultures of a family. Sometimes there are people born into two or more cultures, and they have to come to the conclusion that they can be any amount of any culture they want. Just because you're born in America but come from a long line of Mexicans doesn't mean you can't be both. Ok yes, sometimes it's hard to fit in with both cultures because both cultures see you as the other, but it's not their choice to define who you are and what you believe in. It's your job to come to that conclusion on your own and you must make that decision that you are proud of. Sometimes people can be cruel, judging you based on looks rather than personality or morals, but it's just the way of life. How you choose to handle that as time goes on is the only thing that matters. No matter what the case, culture still plays a minor role in the scripting of your life but remember, you're the author with the pen. You are in charge of writing your life story. Nobody else. In the novel exert, "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan, there's a clear boundary between the perspectives both mother and daughter have on what the daughter should be. The mother, an immigrant from China, believes her daughter should be ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Importance Of Japanese Culture In my multicultural paper, I will be discussing about the Japanese culture how it has influenced my own values and traditions today, allowing me to experience a world which I was not aware of before. Specifically, their type of food dishes is something I partake on a weekly basis with friends and family, ranging from their usual rice balls to delicious sushi. Another trait about this culture is being able to read their unique literature, after spending two semesters in a Japanese course at Fullerton College, I have finally developed the ability to read Japanese in my favorite Manga books, without needing English subtitles. Likewise, another key point that I find interesting about this culture is how they can advance in the field of technology by creating new devices that could help humanity. But, that is not always the case with this culture, seeing they have been known for creating the weirdest inventions in the world, yet still bringing joy and excitement to some. Either way, people from other cultures should take the opportunity to learn about this culture, considering what it could return and teach, making us a diverse community. Now, I understand that not everyone has the stomach to handle Japanese cuisine, seeing how some of their delicious meals tend to be prepared as raw, and not cooked to the proper temperature which most people are accustom to. However, it is worth eating if you are willing to participate in, because Japanese chefs are among the most eager and ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Japanese American Culture In today's modern, fast–paced, technology driven world it is all too easy to misinterpret and misunderstand situations, both personal and professional, that could easily be solved by taking a look into the cultural concepts and norms of a group or society. In cultures with a long history of social customs, it would be beneficial for those involved to examine the special features and norms that make up this culture in an effort to better the communication and understanding of personal and professional relationships. This area can be especially favorable in working with those of the Japanese decent as this culture is deeply intricate with many traditions and standards that have been passed on from generation to generation. Some of theses cultural ... Show more content on ... It may be expected that business matters of the family are only areas for the elder males to deal and handle. This can be unsettling to someone from a outside culture. The responsibility of all of the families decisions are left to one male it could be ideal for them to work with other males in conducting business and private matters. When working in an international business setting, it should be known that males are seen has the decision–making figure head within their own families. This should not disrupt business interactions however it would help professionals gain a deeper understanding of the decision making process and would help to be aware of any misconceptions that may arise. It has long been customary for farming families with multiple sons to send their younger men to urban centers in search of employment towards the beginning of Japans industrial revolution (Columbia University, 2002). Though these children are not the head of the household it is expected that they continue to work and contribute back to the family in this way. This made it possible for Japanese society to change and industrialize with only marginal social breakdown and the social norms and customs have been able to stay intact in an ever–changing world (Columbia University, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. How Reliance Will Get Fit Into The Japanese Culture How Reliance Will Get Fit Into the Japanese Culture John Huddle 19 October 2014 Abstract This paper explores about the cultural differences between Japanese culture and Indian culture and how Reliance industries deal with Japanese cultural values while doing business in Japan. This study also reveals company's market, pricing and positioning strategies. Culture at Reliance Industries Reliance group has a vision of becoming the top integrated and the world's largest power company. Company is building some of the biggest power plants in the shortest time periods throughout the country. The company hardly believe in their employees and realize that the company will remain incomplete without their employees therefore company invest first in them before investing in the business. Reliance is also constantly exploring options to add to its capacities in existing business operations (RIL Introduction, 2006). Reliance group has an excellent work culture and this would be considered by the Japanese because the majority of the Japanese companies always strive to develop extraordinary people and teams who follow their company's philosophy. However Reliance industries will enter into the Japanese market with good business policies but there are lots of differences between Indian work culture and Japanese work culture which the company will consider while doing business in Japan. Differences between Indian Work Culture and Japanese Work ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Japanese Culture Vs American Culture Essay Traditional Japanese cultural values are influenced by Confucian values and ideology, this held standards determine what is acceptable or unacceptable and thus, define what is expected and respected in Japan (Miles, 2006). Confucian ideology asserts that social order is achieved and maintained through principles developed through human wisdom (Miles, 2006). Furthermore, emphasizes the importance of human relationships; to the Japanese it is important to respect, be faithful, and have consideration for the needs of others (Miles, 2006). Thus the Japanese, appear to follow the platinum rule, which promotes awareness of general and specific differences, implying that one should treat others the way they want to be treated (Johnson, 2017). In order... Show more content on ... The Japanese prefer belonging to a group, their personal relationships prevail over tasks, for them pursuing personal success is frowned upon (Miles, 2006). Whereas, in America, individuals are individualistic, people take care of their own selves and believe success is attained by their independent work, which is known as the "American dream" (Silver, 2002). Second, in Japan power distance––how power and authority is perceived––is visible through hierarchy, which represents the high power difference in the country. For instance, in Japan the most important aspect is respect for the elderly and dutifulness to seniority (Garcia, 2015). In regards to uncertainty avoidance, which indicates how comfortable people are with risk and ambiguity, the Japanese avoid uncertainty, they attempt to prepare for any situation. Japanese culture is highly ritualized, meaning they have several ceremonies, and each ceremony has a set of rules and proceedings that must be followed (Miles, 2006). Additionally, Japan has the traits of a masculine culture, one that values advancement, assertiveness, and earning and acquiring things (Johnson, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Japanese Culture Of Japan The Japanese are a nation with a culture influenced by many yet uniquely Japanese and connected to their past. They retain strong ties to their early legends, religions, and traditions while continuing to progress with the rest of the world. With these ideas that have been passed down and preserved, there have also been forms of dance and music that have been influenced by other countries, made uniquely Japanese, and continued through today. The Japanese people as we know them today were not the original inhabitants of the land. The native people, the Ainu, were hunters and fishermen closer in resemblance to Caucasians. There is now only a small group of them residing in the Northern section of Japan. The Japanese people are believed, based on physical characteristics as well as language, to originate from central Asia. Movement from mainland Asia continued throughout the history of Japan and played a large role in how their culture developed. The country consists of four large islands all of which are lush and mountainous. The people of Japan have survived because of their developments in agriculture, supplemented by their fishing capabilities (Morton 6). Japanese religious ideas and beliefs have a root in Shinto, a naturalistic religion with a focus in animism. Early Shinto legends express that the land was created by, then inhabited by the gods Izanagi and Izanami. When Izanami died while giving birth to the Fire God, Izanagi went to the underworld to retrieve her, only ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Jizo In Japanese Culture Kayla Walcott RELI1716A Unit 2 Textbook Response Jizo a popular deity within Japanese culture also holds great spiritual significance within the society as it is believed to ease suffering, through the answering of the living. Jizo is considered a friend to all who bids blessings to those who seek success, good health, fertility, and safety. Jizo is also known as the protector of travelers, as these statues are commonly located along roads, and intersections. Jizo is seen within areas that are believed to be borders between both the physical and spiritual world, in aiding lost souls mostly unborn children or children who have died at young ages. Jizo are mostly depicted as protectors of children and is depicted as a friendly and child–like ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Pros And Cons Of Japanese Culture Comparative politicians often describe Japanese culture as a Confucian collectivist culture that emphasizes family and work group goals above individualistic needs (Haddad). Embedded in their language, Japanese culture adheres to a hierarchal structure set in place by Confucian ideals. Different from western ideologies such as the ideals of The United States and The United Kingdom, these cultural beliefs are, consequently, seen by western countries as the root to key differences within a state. Indeed, when attempting to interpret differences seen in foreign states with ideologies distinct from western ideologies, comparative politicians will often resort to cultural arguments as a default explanation. Yet, for many phenomena, cultural arguments alone are prone to several errors that will often result in the generalization of a population's actions (Reed). While a cultural argument seems to be a plausible explanation for events occurring in states with different cultures, a cultural argument alone is not sufficient, instead creating a broad explanation for complex economic and political events. One argument that is considered to have an insufficient cultural explanation is the differences between litigation as an action to settle disputes between Western Countries and Japan. In Japan, their population filed only 1,257 civil cases per 100,000 people in 1970. When compared to the United States and Britain, the number of civil suits brought before the Japanese court system is ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Ukiyo-E Japanese Culture Ukiyo–e and its Effects on Japanese and Western Culture Art is a very important aspect to Japanese culture. It is a visual expression of Japanese culture and history. Japanese art covers many subjects such as landscapes, historical and fictional stories, people, and architecture. Throughout Japanese history, one of the most popular genres of Japanese art were the Ukiyo–e, wood block prints. Many artists such as Katsushika Hokusai and Tsukioka Yoshitoshi became famous creating Ukiyo –e artwork. The Ukiyo–e genre was not only important for reflecting Japanese culture, but was central to shaping Western perception of Japanese art and culture. When Ukiyo–e artwork found its way into Western hands in the late 19th century it flourished amongst the... Show more content on ... Because of the Ukiyo–e the people began to fall in love with the Japanese culture. The Westerners were astounded by quality of work and all of the hard work that goes into each of the prints. The Ukiyo–e artist were not just creating the pictures but also carving wood in great detail in order to create one coherent print. The Ukiyo–e prints brought the westerners into the everyday world of the Japanese people. They were able to see the world from the eyes of the everyday people in japan. Ukiyo–e reflected the plays and stories in Japan as well as the landscapes and nature of Japan. They were impressed by the beauty of Japan itself and through Ukiyo–e they were able to see it for their selves. The flat style of the woodblock prints was unique compared to the style of the Western paintings. Without linear and rising perspective the Ukiyo–e prints highlighted certain aspects of Japanese life. For example in Hokusai's Great Wave the waves off Kanagawa complete dwarf Mount Fuji. This shows that the Japanese people saw the waves as a great trial when fishing in the morning. It showed the true struggle that they had to go through each day. The Westerner's sympathized with images such as this and their perception changed from seeing Japanese art and culture as inferior to seeing it as beautiful and unique. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Examples Of Japanese Culture In Tanpopo Japanese culture through its culinary path. Emiko's "The Ambivalent Self of the Contemporary Japanese" is an interpretation of Itami Juzo's Tanpopo that was dominated with observation to the highest detail of every subject, object and symbol portrayed in the movie. The interpretation have deliberately projected how Japanese culture has changed under the effects of foreign cultures through the way their food, one of the most important element that defined national culture for its high quality and aesthetic sense, have come to developed. 'Tanpopo' as the central point of view on food culture development. Tanpopo has one central storyline following a widow and her quest to rebuild her late husband ramen shop with the help of a wild–west–cowboy hero figure named Goro, along with his friends. However, the main story did not flow smoothly throughout the movie but rather constantly interrupted by multiple cuts of small stories with different settings and unnamed characters. The singular impressiveness about Tanpopo was the... Show more content on ... However, their long cumulative traditional values of being reserve, following the group opinion, borderline hierarchy, avoiding consequence (Hofstede, 2016)would interfere with the process. Therefore, it is undeniable that Japanese would struggle with their collective self when interacting and absorbing new culture elements when the nation finally decided to match up with the world. It was what originated the crossbreed food, the yoshoku, the combination which takes a form that can be handled either way that comforts the people. It is still true to this day where a lot of restaurant that labeled as western (e.g Italian, French...) provide the utensils of both chopsticks and western dining fork/knife/spoon for ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Japanese Culture Shock Stereotypes Essay Culture shock stereotypes I feel that coming to Japan helped break a lot of assumptions about Japanese culture and also confirm knowledge I knew only from textbooks. The trip also made me experience some culture shock but if anything it made the trip more interesting. I appreciated the irony that was ever present. There were many customs both old and new I appreciated on the trip and helped open my eyes to new experiences, observations, and interactions with people I normally would never have a chance to meet. The Japanese people truly took elements of western culture and made it their own. One of my most memorable experiences was on the second night of Japan when we went to a baseball game and the customs there are crazy Both teams were really into the game even when losing they'd chant wave their flags and dance or clap their hands. They blew up balloons we thought until they burst but it was actually to let them go to make noise to cheer their team on. They dance and click sticks together in time to rally their teams fighting spirit. It was Tiger's vs Marines and the Tigers were The better team both cheering and playing wise. However, I like rooting for the marine because they were the underdogs. It was a great experience that helped me bond with other people in the group and also let meet to know the Japanese people better than observing them in the daytime where they were quieter and hurrying off to places and were generally reserved. They made sports games their ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Assassination Of Japanese Culture Each nation has an interesting society. There's no sense in saying that one nation is more novel than another. With regards to Japan, Japan has numerous things in the same manner as Asia. Nonetheless, in some ways, it additionally looks like Europe or even the US. In numerous different ways, Japan is genuinely one of a kind. Japan has had a tremulous history loaded with wars, seismic tremors, fires, tidal wave, storms, edit disappointments and scourges. Nearby this foundation of continuous tragedies emerged a one of a kind and advanced culture(Cowley, Parker, 1996). Japanese human progress can be followed back to its first ceramics that is around 16,000 years of age. The significant occasions of Japanese history number in the thousands. In this unique circumstance, the accompanying chronicled truths are for the most part irregular, however, may be intriguing in any case Japanese culture is exceptionally fascinating, particularly to Western eyewitnesses, a number of whom quickly consider sushi, sumo wrestling, and samurai when they consider Japan(Cowley, Parker, 1996). While these three things are particularly some portion of Japanese culture and history, they just begin to ... Show more content on ... Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker. Http:// –war–ii/battle–of–okinawa. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 02 Oct. 1996. Web. Mar. –Apr. 2017. McKenzie, E. (2013, September 30). Cultural Changes in Japan Due to the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from http:/ /–changes–japan–due–dropping–atomic–bomb–7516.html Pollitt, D. (2010, October 21). Japanese Verbal Communication. Retrieved March 20, 2017, from /japanese–verbal–communication–9480.html Taylor, H. M. (1974, November 30). Americans and Japanese Nonverbal Communication. Linguistic Communications 15 (Papers in Japanese Linguistics 3). Retrieved March 20, 2017, from ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Japanese Culture And Japanese Food Japanese cuisine and its development Rice serves with vegetable, and fish are the main traditional meal in Japanese cuisine. According to Reading Food in Modern Japanese Literature: "Lunch: 3 bowls rice gruel, half of bonito sashimi (half because it contained some fly eggs). Had the little yellowtail bought for supper made into sashimi, but did not eat it as it wasn't nice. 1 bowl miso soup, 3 pieces of rice cracker, one helping shaved ice with lemon syrup" (Aoyama 15). Aoyama shows in these lines that dishes of Japanese traditional meal were simple, but as Japanese cuisine evolved over the years, it has more different dishes for customers to choose today. My goal in this paper is to discuss the geographical effect on Japanese cuisine, the relationship between Zen culture and Japanese cuisine and its development in the world. Geography are the important effect on food choices in Japanese cuisine. In Japan and the Culture of the Four Seasons : Nature, Literature, and the Arts, Shirane provided specific places as an example to illustrated that the position determines what chefs would choose to cook Japanese cuisine, "With the shift of the capital to Edo (Tokyo), two major port cities (Edo and Osaka) became the cultural and economic centers, moving the general urban perspective from inland basins (Nara and Kyoto) to the coast and the sea, which became an important source of food" (Shirane 176). So the position of Japan surrounds by coasts and seas is the main reason that ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Consequences Of Hikikomori And Japanese Culture Ashley LoProfessor Birks ENG 112–98A Word Count: 1695 10 August 2017 Hikikomori and Japanese Culture Over the years, Japan has accumulated rich chapters of history, break throughs in innovation, and economic prosperity. However, imagine if 1.5 million citizens gradually vanished from a thriving country such as Japan. This disappearance of the population is not hypothetical, but a problem that Japan is facing today. The disappearing population is not a magic trick, but is due to the condition known as hikikomori. The diagnostic criteria of hikikomori includes withdrawal from social activities and staying home almost every day for at least 6 months (Kondo et al 80). In reality, hikikomori do not vanish since they reside in their homes, but can be considered as good as gone in public areas, the work force, and social situations. The number 1.5 million is the estimated population at risk of hikikomori as determined by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in 2010 (Kreig and Dickie 61). To put things in perspective, 1.2% of the Japanese population experienced hikikomori in their life times (Kondo et al. 79). As the hikikomori population continues to grow, this not only causes harm on a personal level, but to society as well. Despite similar cases of social withdrawal in other parts of the world, hikikomori is still considered a "specifically Japanese" phenomenon partly due to the large number victims and severity of symptoms displayed in Japan (Sarchione et al.). ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Japanese American Culture People no longer use the term "Japanese American" in today's society. Instead, they are no longer thought as a separate group and are incorrectly categorized as "Asian American", along with Vietnamese American, Chinese American, etc. Japanese Americans have an extremely unique background in terms of their origins, history, and struggle with racialization. Like many ethnic groups, Japanese Americans have been subjected to many different portrayals throughout American history. Even though cultural separation and suspicion are deemed as immoral, such practices toward them were thought to be necessary by the American Government. For a good amount of time, they suffered from racial hostility and violence. Now, in an age where cultural diversity... Show more content on ... These internment camps have been described in various ways in many textbooks. Masato Ogawa states in his article, The Treatment of Japanese–American Internment During World War II in United States History Textbooks, an example of how the camps have been described, "All the camps were located in desolate areas...Barbed wire surrounded the camps, and armed guards patrolled the grounds. Although the government referred to these as relocation camps, one journalist pointed out that they seemed "uncomfortably close to concentration camps."." (Ogawa 41) However, the order didn't affect Japanese Americans residing in Hawaii, "The text states that the Japanese Americans living in Hawaii weren't interned. It was true ... however some were imprisoned on an individual basis and held in prison camps on the islands or transferred to mass detention or smaller internment camps on the mainland." Which was because over 37% of the Hawaiian population was of Japanese descent and it would damage their economy. (Ogawa ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Japanese Culture Japanese culture is fairly staid, traditional, and, for the most part, static. Although there is bound to be a degree of generalizations in any cultural evaluation, the preceding statement certainly applies to Japanese culture. Some of the principle characteristics of Japanese culture that render it distinct from most Westernized ones (especially the United States') are its definitive homogeneity and conventional family structure. In terms of homogeneity, it is significant to note that the vast majority of residents living in Japan are of Japanese origin. There is not a large immigrant population. This ethnic homogeneity is subsequently reflected in Japan's cultural homogeneity. There is not as much influence of new ideas and approaches to living life in Japan as there are in the U.S. Therefore, conventional cultural elements such as choice of food, language spoken and read, etc. are decidedly uniform in Japan. Most people eat conventional dishes consisting of rice and fish, and the majority of the population thinks and communicates in Japanese. Moreover, there is a monetary homogeneity present in the country as well, as most the vast majority of residents are middle class. The wide economic disparity that characterizes the U.S. is certainly not present in Japan. Another eminent facet of Japanese culture is the traditional roles assigned to most members of the nuclear family, particularly those related to the husband and wife. In Japan, a wife's primary duty is to tend ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Japanese Bronze Mirrors And Its Impact On Japanese... Japanese art has had a huge impact on the Japanese culture. It was created in various forms. New styles and techniques were created like sculptures, paintings and pottery. Mirrors have played a big role in their culture and was incorporated in people's everyday routine. It has significance in their lives and symbolizes several things for them, especially the Japanese Bronze Mirror. The mirror symbolizes the value of the Japanese culture and itself is a beautiful image to look at. In this culture, their beliefs and values teaches important things to us and shows how their tradition is something more than art. The Japanese Bronze Mirror was created in the 12th century during the Heian period and it was found in something called the "mirror pool" at the shrine of Mount Haguro. At Mount Haguro, there were hundreds of other mirrors and leaving mirrors at that location, was considered as a contribution. Offerings in Japan are traditions that the people take seriously and see the importance of it. The mirror is decorated with two dancing cranes on one side, which is a symbolism for a long life and marital fidelity. The other side was not decorated and it was a reflective surface which would also be known as a mirror. Mirrors first came from China and China had a significant impact on Japan for a long time. The mirrors were connected with a "sun–goddess Amaterasu, ancestress of the Japanese emperors, because of their ability to reflect light" (Joy). This is another reason why ... Get more on ...