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The Socio Economic Factors Of Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage pregnancy is normally identified as deprived life choice, for example, tasks of teenage parenting have longā€“term impact on the mental health
of the mother and children (Statistics New Zealand, 2003). It is important to identify the socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy to lower the
chances of mental health problems in young mothers. In this paper the aim is to analyse the main socio economic factors of teenage pregnancy and
discuss how it affects the mental health of an adolescent mother in New Zealand. This essay will commence by identifying how a lack of education is
considered as a socio economic factor associated with teenage pregnancy, followed by the second theme which will consist of economic circumstances
such as, parental unemployment and welfare dependency. Lastly, this essay will discuss how deficiency of support fromfamily and friends lead to
unstable relationships, which has a huge impact on a teenage mother's mental health. A lack of education is one of the main socio economic factors
which impact the mental health of an adolescent mother. Studies show a number of negative outcomes that are linked with dropping out of school at
an early age. For example, youth that tend to gain fewer educational qualifications are more likely to be in unstable relationships resulting in a lack of
knowledge regarding contraceptive use which leaves them to deal with economic circumstances (Breheny & Stephens, 2008; Friesen, Woodward,
Fergusson, Horwood, &
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The Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Children Essay
There are many obstacles for children of teenage mothers to face. These children have serious disadvantages in contrast to those children who come
from nuclear families. Often they lack a father figure, have a high poverty rate, and there are incidents of depression and mental health problems.
Many people are blaming the sex education programs in schools and the additional federal aid being offered to single parents as major causes for the
country's high rate of teen pregnancies (Carole). Although, the real purpose of sex education and federal aid is to help empower the mother and child
so they can eventually lead productive lives.
The lack of a father figure in the home is the cause of many major problems, which builds into more content...
These women often become very dependent of males although they don't know how to relate to them and have the wrong idea about what a
relationship should be like. Also because of an unconscious resentment toward their absent fathers some girls even grow up to hate men (Jacobs).
There has been a dramatic shift from the traditional nuclear family to oneā€“parent homes. "The percentage of children living with single parents has
doubled from twelve to twentyā€“seven percent since 1970" (Young). This change is due to the increase in the divorce rates and the number of unmarried
parents. Single parent families now include more than eighteen million children and comprise the most common nonā€“nuclear families (Young).
These statistics may be somewhat of a concern because crime and poverty is directly related to children who are raised by teenage parents. People
who are faced with the harsh reality of raising children are most often not ready to deal with the responsibility. Some men's answer to this is running
away from the problem. In turn, they fail to provide any kind of financial support for their children and start to reject them as their own. This leaves the
mother all alone to juggle the responsibility of raising the children along with earning all or most of the family income needed to support them (Young).
Most teen mothers turn to governmental aid like Welfare, W.I.C., Focus
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Cause and Effect of Teen Pregnancy
Cause and effect of teen pregnancy
Teenagers suffering health problems is high
Many teenagers will try to hide the pregnancy from their parents and teachers, in doing this they do not get the initial medical attention required during
the first months of pregnancy. It is estimated that 33% of teenage pregnancy fail to receive necessary prenatal care. The lack of prenatal care leads to
increased risk of anemia, miscarriage, and high blood pressure to the teenager. Many teenagers will hide their pregnancy because of fear of being
reprimanded by their parents or teachers. Teenage pregnancy is also linked to immorality, and this can be a social stigma to the teenager. These effects
make the teenage try to hide their pregnancy, which results in lack of proper medical attention. The children born to teenagers exhibit a low birth
weight, and this is usually accompanied with other health complications at their tender age. These complications make the mortality rate for these
children to be high.
Hiding their pregnancy and not been able to come out and inform their parents, teenagers result to using crude methods in an attempt to abort the
pregnancy ADDIN EN.CITE Kane1996246(Kane & Staiger, 1996)24624617Kane, Thomas J.Staiger, DouglasTeen Motherhood and Abortion
AccessThe Quarterly Journal of EconomicsThe Quarterly Journal of Economics467ā€“50611121996Oxford University Press00335533http:/
/ HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Kane, 1996 #246" Kane & Staiger,
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Thesis On Teenage Pregnancy
Background: Globally, pregnancy and childbirth complications are the major cause of death among 15 to 19 year olds. Teenage pregnancy and
childbirth is a common health problem in industrialized, middle or low income countries. It is also a major social and health problem in Nepal and
occurs two times higher in rural areas than in urban areas. The purpose of this study was to explore maternal and foetal outcomes among teenage
mothers and their perception regarding teenage pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: Descriptive exploratory, cross sectional study design was used.
Simple random sampling technique was used to select the hospital and purposive sampling was used for the selection of the study population and total
population was 245 teenage mothers delivered at hospital. Written consent was obtained from each respondent.Semi structured interview schedule was
used. Data analysis was done by using SPSS 20. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 18.04 years Š’Ā± 1.018. The study found that ethnicity;
numbers of sibling, education and respondents knowledge are the most aggravating factors for early marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. Early teenage
mothers faced social as well as health problems in relation to late teenage more content...
Pre tested semi structured questionnaire was used for interview and some of data were extracted from patient's chart. Cronbach's alpha test was done to
test the reliability of test instrument. Total 245 samples were taken for data collection. Written informed consent was obtained from each respondent
for interview. Data entry was done in Epiā€“Data 3.1 and analysis was done by using SPSS 20 and Excel 2010. The statistical analysis like mean,
median, range and standard deviation were performed for univariate analysis. Bivariate analysis was done by using chi square test, Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA), and
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Persuasive Essay About Teen Pregnancy
Teen pregnancy......what comes in mind when you hear the words "Teen Pregnancy"? Well, teen pregnancy are young female girls that become
pregnant under the age of 20. A female can become pregnant from having sexual intercourse and after she have started to ovulate. Young female girls
will become pregnant without even thinking about the consequences and the type of environment the baby will be in. Not because the young mother is
poor or rich, but because they're not ready to take care of another human being. Not to mention, pregnant teens are young themselves, so their also
growing. There are plenty of problems that are the cause of teen pregnancy, and many of those problems can be solved.
One reason for teen pregnancy is the lack of information that is given to students in middle and high school about sex and how to prevent it from
happening. Also, the lack amount of talks from parents that they can give to their teen. I wouldn't say there isn't any education given out to students
about sex, but there isn't ENOUGH to make preā€“teens and teens to fully understand and have the right mind set about sex. Many schools won't really
focus on the topic about teen pregnancy because it really doesn't have much about academics and that's really understandable, but at the end of the day
teens are also human and do make mistakes. I believe schools should give education about teen pregnancy as much as the other subjects. The topic of
teen pregnancy shouldn't be left out because talking to your teen about sex can definitely influence their lifestyle. Many teens would learn about sex in
the streets which it totally horrible because 9/10, the streets will educate them to have sex rather than not to. The solution to this problem is that
parents and schools should educate their teens/students with more education about teen pregnancy, so that the number pregnant teens can decrease in
near future.
Another reason for teen pregnancy is social media. Social media can have a huge impact on how teens can view their lives by influencing them with
a different kind of lifestyle. Not to mention, teens can easily be brainwashed by what they see on there and think what they see on social media is
good, is actually wrong. Social media will have
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Causes of Teen Pregnancy Essay
Research shows that teen pregnancy is steadily decreasing. It has dropped more than 44% from 1991 to 2010(Writer); however, in my community
it seems to be on the rise. It's never a surprise to hear someone discussing about a new girl being pregnant. Pregnancy use to be a precious gift, but
this generation is turning it into a new trend that they perceive to be as socially acceptable. I was raised to receive an education first, marry the
love of my life, and then have children. Some people may call it old fashion, but I believe that is the plan God has for everyone's life. The bible says,
"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (New International more content...
Teenagers need to feel love, care, protection, and need guidance from their parents. If this is not provided at home, more than likely, they will seek it
out in the wrong places. One example of this could be falling in love with the wrong person. Most parents want their children to wait to be in a real
relationship because they know they are not mature enough to handle the stress, pain, and danger that love can cause; however, other parents do not
care. Dating at an early age is one contributing factor of teen pregnancy ("Contributing Factors"). Senior guys usually go after the freshmen girls in
high school. They know they're young and easier to influence. They will convince them that they love them but in reality they only want one
thing. Some girls may feel like the only way they will keep their boyfriend is by indulging in sexual activities, but a baby will never make a man
stay (Teenage Pregnancy). Teenage girls may believe a baby will help the relationship grow and become stronger, but 8 out of 10 males do not
marry the mother of their child (Teenage Pregnancy).So who is stuck raising a child on their own? The girl is. The same way a man got one girl
pregnant, he can go back and get another one the same way; it's basically a never ending cycle. Other teens just don't know anything about sex. They
may feel like they cannot talk to their parents and this can lead to pregnancy. Sitting down and spending time with your child is one big factor that can
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Causes Of Teen Pregnancy
Some reasons of Teen pregnancy are absent parenting, lack of knowledge, substance abuse, living in poverty and peer pressure. The number of teens
between the ages of 14ā€“19 has substantially decreased over the last few years. While it may be declining, we still need to look at the causes. While
examining the causes of teen pregnancy, we can find new methods of preventing teen pregnancy. If there are different methods identified for preventing
teen pregnancy than the number of teens can go down more.
Absent parenting is one of the leading causes of teen pregnancy. Young women who do not have both parents in the picture are eight times more likely
to get pregnant at a young age than someone who has both parents. On account of more content...
Due to the lack of actual program students are often just told the basics. Students don't learn proper prevention methods. When just hearing the basics
that every student has heard multiple times a student will get bored. Many schools inform their teachers that they need to tell the students no drugs, no
drinking, no sex and it will be okay. Most teachers do not put effort into teaching the students the practical consequences of substance abuse and sex.
Students often get bored because teachers have been overly repetitive over the issue. Attendance in schools is an issue. If you examine the statistics on
teen pregnancy, you will see that most of the teen's attendance records are low, or they have already dropped out. Absences in school and teen
pregnancy is also associated with absent parenting if the adolescent has no one to look up to at home and they do not attend classes they are likely to
experiment. While experimenting, they do not know about sexual interactions. Therefore, they often make mistakes that can be life causing.
Most Americans think that becoming pregnant at a young age will increase the chances of being in poverty. Studies have shown that teens often
become pregnant because they live in poverty. When living in poverty teens, especially females have a sense of hopelessness. Women are
emotionā€“based, when they cannot see a way out of a situation, they try and find ways to alleviate the problem. The actions may be harmful and not
beneficial for their
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Teen Pregnancy and Its Effects on Education
Teen pregnancy is an epidemic that has swept our nation for many years. It can alter the lives of teenagers in extreme measures. It is almost normal to
see a teenager with a baby in today's society. Getting pregnant while you're a teen will definitely cause you to have to change your life style to
accompany a child. This could mean not going to school or potentially dropping out of school permanently. Teenpregnancy will have a negative effect
on the education of the teenager because it will force them to be committed full time to the concerns and needs of the child.
One of the major concerns of having a child or becoming a parent is to do so when you're old and mature enough to take on the responsibility. One of
the problems in today' more content...
She does have a child support case open on him but it does not help when it comes to having to take care of him. She is all alone making her have
to provide for the baby on her on. She has given her son 3 birthday parties and 3 Christmas' on her own. If she would have at least graduated she
would have her diploma and could be working on her degree to provide a better life for her and her son. Dealing with the responsibility of being a
parent is one of the hardest tasks to take on. Becoming a parent involves emotion, compassion, dedication, strength, knowledge, protectiveness, and
being able to financially support the child. All these seem to outweigh the importance of school. It is a possibility that the teenagers see the crisis of
being pregnant something that needs to be dealt with immediately and place school in the back of their minds. The problem is when they put school
off they never seem to think about going back until times get rough. Sometimes years go by and they realize that they are grown and their children are
in school and that they never even received their diploma. Teen pregnancy is declining though. It is mostly because of the advances in birth control
practices but also teenagers are realizing the potential harm having a baby can do to their future. More teens have seen their older sibling or friends
with a baby and don't see them going out to parties or the club anymore and realize it
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Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Essay
The Truth about Teenage Pregnancy
Outline I. Introduction II. Body A. Causes 1. Lack of sexual education 2. Lack of communication between the parents and teens a. Weak relationship b.
Too strong of a relationship 3. Drugs 4. Trends a. Social b. Media 5. Abuse B. Effects 1. Unwanted/ unplannedpregnancy 2. Abortion 3. Neglect/ Child
abuse 4. Complications a. Maternal deaths b. Birth defects 5. Incomplete education a. Unemployment b. Poverty 6. Social embarrassment 7.
Neverā€“ending cycle C. Prevention 1. Selfā€“control a. Abstinence b. Safe sex i. Birth control ii. Using condoms 2. Parents talking to more
There is a lack of communication between parents and their teenagers. Either their relationship are too weak or too strong between teens and their
parents (Speedy Remedies) . Weak relationships involve lack of discipline, control, affection, and attention. Too strong relationships involve overbearing
parents and too many restrictions. Drinking and drugs contributes to pregnancy because they contort better judgment. The media is the main
contributor now that technology is advancing. Young people often look to the media in order to see what the soā€“called trend is or they look for how
they should look, act, or be. Occasionally, abuse is the result of teenage pregnancy. The results of this trend are everlasting, dramatic, and sometimes
traumatic. The relationship between a parent and there is important. If the relationship is too weak or too overbearing the child can either not feel
loved or obedient, which ultimately result in the child seeking for love in all of the wrong places. The media offers little sex education and is offering
more vulgar images of how a young girl is supposed dress and carry them; therefore, teens act older than they usually would. Teen pregnancy is usually
unwanted so this increases the number of abortions, neglect, and child abuse. It increases complications for the mother as well as the baby.
Complications may involve maternal death, birth defects, or the death of the baby. It also makes it hard for students to complete
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Teenage Pregnancy And Effect On Teenage Mothers
There are differing stigmas of teenage pregnancy, which can affect teenage mothers. Teenage mothers face the risk of not being accepted by their peers
and community. Acquiring a position in society, that is often the subject of negative criticism and judgment, can profoundly impact teenage mothers
(Luttrell, 2014). This research paper will analyze teenage pregnancy stigmas and how they can impact young mothers. This paper will include a
literature review, analyzing adolescent sexuality and behavior, teenage pregnancy and motherhood and perceptions of teenage pregnancy. Lastly,
recommendations for future practice will be discussed.
The Australian teenage fertility rates, have been on the decline for many years. In 2014, there was approximately 9,204 teenagers giving birth in
Australia (ABS, 2014). In 2006, in South Australia alone, 982 women aged 15 to 19 had abortions (ABS, 2014). These kinds of statistics, mean there is
still a large amount of teenage mothers that require support and assistance. This paper will look at making recommendations in practice and service
development. The paper includes: examining statistical information and reviewing literature and research.
Literature Review
Adolescent sexuality and Behavior
In industrialized countries, the age of onset of sexual intercourse is said to be declining (Currie, 2012). In Mitchell, Patrick, Heywood, Blackman, and
Pitts (2013) Australian survey, 2,000 students were surveyed from year 10, 11 and 12,
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Teenage Pregnancy: A Growing Epidemic
Faith Garner
October 19,2015
English 1010
Cause/ Effect Essay
Mrs. McFadden Teenage Pregnancy: A Growing Epidemic Over the last five years, teenage pregnancy rates have increased substantially.
According to Evelyn Kappeler, director of the Office of Adolescent Health, "One in four girls will become pregnant before the age of twenty." (http:/
Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem that has now become a major epidemic. Most of the incidents that happen with accidental teenage pregnancy
are spontaneous acts that involved a lack of education and parental guidance. Two years ago, 19.4 percent of teen girls got pregnant in Maryland,
according to The Office of Adolescent Health.
According to, "Although 70% of girls use contraceptives, most teen pregnancies happen because of misuse or failure of birth control"
For example, a guy and girl are in a bedroom, and the guy does not follow the instructions on the back of the condom package, or a girl forgets to
require her boyfriend to wear a condom. Perhaps a way to approach the problem is to ask, Why do teen girls get pregnant and what are the effects?
Although the reasons for teenage pregnancy are not easy to identify, the effects of teen pregnancy are clear. The rise in teen pregnancy is often
associated with three immediate causes. First, in these hard times, more and more teen
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Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teenage Pregnancy
"Teen childbearing is associated with negative consequences for the adolescent parents, their children, and society," (The Office of Adolescent Health,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Teenage females associated with childbearing expose themselves to many risks and negative effects
that can affect their future. Females result with many consequences due to teenage pregnancy. This paper will strictly focus on the effects females
experience through teenage pregnancy. The reader will be able to develop an overall understanding of the causes of teen pregnancy. Also, the reader
will be able to distinguish the psychosocial effects on the girl during adolescent pregnancy. The reader shall understand the risks of health
complications females experience through childbearing.
Teenage pregnancy could be defined as a teenage female between the ages of 13ā€“19, who becomes pregnant. Despite the fact that it is not inevitable,
some life circumstances place adolescent girls at higher risk of becoming a teenage mother. Poverty has a strong correlation with adolescent pregnancy.
Other circumstances that could influence the adolescent would be, living in single parent household, and having a mother that was teenage mother.
They are several indicators of why sexual intercourse occurs during the adolescent years. Some examples would be early pubertal advancement, sexual
abuse, poverty, the absence of supporting parents, a lack of education from poor school performance.
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Public Health Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy
Public Health Problem
Teenage pregnancy has been a common public health problem in society, particularly in America. When an individual hears that 15 year old girl is
pregnant, people perceive it as a negative connotation. The average age to have a child today is 28 years old (Jewkes, Morrell, & Christofides,
2009). Adolescent pregnancies are preventable, but are still bound to happen today and in the future (Langille, 2007). This is a problem is society due
to teenagers not being able to support a child and also not being physically able to carry the baby without health risks (Schneider, 2014). Unplanned
pregnancies for adolescents effect a woman financially, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Childbearing at an early age more content...
Even with effective sexual education programs in high school, adolescents still find it difficult to talk to their parents about sex as well as the idea
of being sexually active and safe (Bonell, Wiggins, Fletcher, & Allen 2014). Also, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), it
is common for mothers who conceived their daughter at a young age to have a daughter that will also have a child at a young age. This creates a
domino effect for the family 's generation that will affect the family tree if it continues (CDC, 2014). Teenage pregnancies continue to happen
worldwide, but the US and western European countries have higher rates compared to smaller countries. (Jewkes et al., 2009). If teenage pregnancy
rates continue to rise in America, the chances of a young mother becoming successful is very slim. Back in the 1950 's, financial costs to have a
baby were not a big of a concern compared to today because social pressure forced marriage on many girls who became pregnant, but did not have a
husband at the time (Schneider, 2014). Today, many women who give birth at a young age remain unmarried with very little financial help from their
family (Schneider, 2014). Teenage pregnancies also effect the economy and where tax money goes. The more unexpected pregnancies that happen, the
more tax money goes to children, some examples include abortion and foster care, and public health care rather than going to other parts of the
government that
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Effects Of Social Media On Teen Pregnancy Essay
Effects of Social Media on Teen Pregnancy
Does social media impact teenagers in a positive or negative manner? With the advent of social media, it is unclear what to expect from it and the
influence it brings to the society. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are
impacting the lives of the youth greatly. When using sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many others, there are both positive and negative
effects on the youth. While there are many challenges society and families face, one that continues to be of concern is Teenpregnancy. Teenage is a
crucial phase of life where teens are growing physically and emotionally. They are vulnerable to the influences of the society and fall prey to sexual
activities that could lead them to parenthood at a very young age. Teen pregnancy is not only an issue in United States, but it is also an issue in United
Kingdom, France, Spain and other developed nations. With the wide popularity and use of social media by the current generation of teens, it makes all
the more interesting to learn on how social media affects on teen pregnancy. The easy access to extensive content available in the social media along
with the platform to communicate openly across teen community has enabled society to bring awareness and understand consequences of teen
pregnancy along with actions for prevention.
According to a report, "the social media use by teenagers between
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Causes And Effects Of Teen Pregnancy
Stanley 1
Teen Pregnancy Screaming, and crying dirty diapers on the floor from up all night to school in the morning. Is this how they imagined their
lives?We'll be analyzing how teen pregnancy is caused ,and the effects of becoming pregnant as a teen. Lack of education of safe sex, lack of
attention or love, sexual coercion, poverty, learning responsibility at a young age, and social abandonment are all causes and effects of teen pregnancy.
Lack of education of safe sex causes misinformation about reproduction about how one can get pregnant. It also can lead to STDs such as Chlamydia,
HIV, Gonorrhea,AIDS, and more. By lacking this education whether from home, or school many teens go without knowledge of proper safe sex
practices. Which in turn some believe the only way to not get pregnant is to practice abstinence only. Also most parents, because of this would like to
believe that their child isn't having sexual intercourse until marriage. When in all actuality, "According to a report from the Guttmacher Institute, the
average age of first intercourse is around 17 years old, with approximately 70% of teenagers having had sex by age 19." Lack of attention or love
can lead to teen pregnancy by these young men and women go looking for love or attention in all the wrong places. By trying to fill this void they
may not have gotten from their own family or
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Teen Pregnancy : Causes And Effects
Teen Pregnancy
The rate of teenage pregnancies has decreased drastically since skyrocketing in the early decades. Teenagers today have shown an increased use of
birth control and a slight increase in abstinence. To draw attention to the problem, people typically refer to it as 'children having children,' which is
essentially the issue. If teens were to remain abstinent until they are completely ready, the issue would no longer be as relevant. In today 's society,
there are serious consequences that follow teen pregnancy, which result in the necessity for a more effective solution. By understanding the history,
causes and effects, and possible solutions, the problem may be lessened.
The issue with teen pregnancy can be prevented more content...
Experts suspect that fewer teens are having intercourse, and those who do are using some sort of birth control or some form of protection.
Suellentrop notes that, " In 2013, 44 percent of teens who never have been married reported that they have had sex. That 's a decrease from 51
percent in 1988" (Suellentrop, et al). There are any causes that lead to teen pregnancy. Essentially, the lack of abstinence makes rates grow. By
encouraging teens to say no to sex in the beginning, the most effective method of lagging the amount of teens having children would be created.
Chavez surveys that, "90% of teens said that they believed it was important to encourage abstinence, and 60% of sexually active teens said that
they wished they had not had sex" (Chavez 22). In other words, if parents were to better enforce the fact that having children at a young age isn 't
all that it is cracked up to be, those who choose to listen wouldn 't have to live with such a heavy regret. Another source of the problem comes from
the education system. Bakalar emphasizes that, "If we send the message that early sexual activity is no big deal, [as] long as teens are careful to not
get pregnant or get an STD, we shouldn 't be surprised that more kids will decide to have sex" (Bakalar 1). There isn 't really any incentive when it
comes to being an early mother. Some may say that their life gets started quicker, but in reality, they 're only setting themselves up for failure in most
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Causes And Effects Of Teen Pregnancy
When you think about teen pregnancy, how would you feel if it were you? In today's generation, teen pregnancy has slowly began to decrease. Teen
pregnancy is defined as an adolescent (age 13ā€“19) becoming pregnant. Teen pregnancy not only affects the life of the mother and child, but moreover,
affects the lives of the people around them. These people may even be strangers, like taxpayers. Teenpregnancy may be caused by peer pressure,
sexual abuse, low socioeconomic status, and even social media. The effects are much more obvious. Typically, "Parenting teens tend to drop out
of school and often cannot take advantage of opportunities for schooling or jobs (when they do come along) because very often they are carrying
the responsibilities of child rearing without the necessary support and skills to even do that fully" (Fonda, 19). There are several other causes,
effects, and possible solutions to this problem. These serious consequences are in need of a more effective solution. There are many causes of
teen pregnancy. Have you ever wondered what would make someone feel they are ready to be in charge of another human's life? Having to nurture
and care for another person is not all that it is cracked up to be. New figures have shown that pregnancy remains the number one killer of girls
between the ages of 15 and 19. Moreover, 30,000 teens die yearly due to complication (Kristof, 9). On average, "one teenage girl dies every 20
minutes around the world as a result of pregnancy or childbirth." (Roberts). Typically in America, there are more deaths due to pregnancy because it
is so common that doctors don't necessarily pay attention to it. No matter your location, "saving lives also requires better prenatal care, yet more than
a third of women in Texas don't have a single prenatal visit in the first trimester" (Kristof, 9). Adolescents tend to pay attention to detail in television
shows, therefore, media has an effect on the way girls view teen pregnancy. Typically teenagers watch TV shows that make things look easy. What
they fail to realize is that the actors and/or actresses on these shows are being paid to do so; Television tends to glamourize situations, making their
lives look less stressful. Suellentrop et al
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Causes And Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy
een Pregnancy
Teen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these
teens the pregnancy is unplanned. This can cause a lot of endless problems in the life of the teen and the newborn child. There are a lot of things that
can cause an unplanned teen pregnancy, such as teens experimenting with sexual encounters at a young age. Another major cause is the lack of
guidance due to guardians that are blind or do not 5want to believe in such activities. These causes can have devastating effects on the teen and the
newborn in the household. Some effects of early pregnancy will include an unexpected rise of responsibility for the teen and can cause many health
concerns for both teen and newborn child.
Teens experimenting are the leading cause in the unplanned pregnancies. As a teenager inhigh school ages there are a lot of peer pressures. Such as
experimenting with alcohol and unprotected sexual intercourse. Drinking and the use of narcotics also largely have an impact on the judgment of the
teen before the preā€“pregnancy comes about. Experimenting can cause many effects on the teen and the relationships at hand, including the
relationships with the baby's mom or dad and also the parents of the teens. Another way of experimenting is the pregnancy caused in the sequel of
either a longā€“time dating of the boyfriend or the other case of those random one night stands or
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Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Essay
Each year, more than a halfā€“million U.S. girls in their teens or younger become pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is an important issue for several reasons.
For example, there are health risks for the baby and the children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional
problems than children born to older mothers. Teenage mothers are less likely to gain adequate weight during their pregnancy, leading to low birth
weight. Low birth weight is associated with several infant and childhood disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality. Babies with low birth
weight are more likely to to have organs that are not fully developed, which can result in complications such as, bleeding in the brain, respiratory
distress syndrome, and intestinal problems. Many people in society do not realize the complications a teenage mother and her baby can endure.
Preventing teenage pregnancy can be a challenge, but there are solutions to help reduce the causes of teenage pregnancy around the United States.
Some causes of teenage pregnancy in society are, lack of safe sex education, teenage drinking, and peer pressure. If many more people were aware of
the causes of teenage pregnancy, they would be able to help provide solutions to help reduce the problem. The solutions to teenage pregnancy could
also help impact and reduce other societal ills, such as, poverty, crime rates, and high school dropout rates. Many students are not taught methods on
how to protect themselves
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  • 2. The Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Children Essay There are many obstacles for children of teenage mothers to face. These children have serious disadvantages in contrast to those children who come from nuclear families. Often they lack a father figure, have a high poverty rate, and there are incidents of depression and mental health problems. Many people are blaming the sex education programs in schools and the additional federal aid being offered to single parents as major causes for the country's high rate of teen pregnancies (Carole). Although, the real purpose of sex education and federal aid is to help empower the mother and child so they can eventually lead productive lives. The lack of a father figure in the home is the cause of many major problems, which builds into more content... These women often become very dependent of males although they don't know how to relate to them and have the wrong idea about what a relationship should be like. Also because of an unconscious resentment toward their absent fathers some girls even grow up to hate men (Jacobs). There has been a dramatic shift from the traditional nuclear family to oneā€“parent homes. "The percentage of children living with single parents has doubled from twelve to twentyā€“seven percent since 1970" (Young). This change is due to the increase in the divorce rates and the number of unmarried parents. Single parent families now include more than eighteen million children and comprise the most common nonā€“nuclear families (Young). These statistics may be somewhat of a concern because crime and poverty is directly related to children who are raised by teenage parents. People who are faced with the harsh reality of raising children are most often not ready to deal with the responsibility. Some men's answer to this is running away from the problem. In turn, they fail to provide any kind of financial support for their children and start to reject them as their own. This leaves the mother all alone to juggle the responsibility of raising the children along with earning all or most of the family income needed to support them (Young). Most teen mothers turn to governmental aid like Welfare, W.I.C., Focus Get more content on
  • 3. Cause and Effect of Teen Pregnancy Cause and effect of teen pregnancy Teenagers suffering health problems is high Many teenagers will try to hide the pregnancy from their parents and teachers, in doing this they do not get the initial medical attention required during the first months of pregnancy. It is estimated that 33% of teenage pregnancy fail to receive necessary prenatal care. The lack of prenatal care leads to increased risk of anemia, miscarriage, and high blood pressure to the teenager. Many teenagers will hide their pregnancy because of fear of being reprimanded by their parents or teachers. Teenage pregnancy is also linked to immorality, and this can be a social stigma to the teenager. These effects make the teenage try to hide their pregnancy, which results in lack of proper medical attention. The children born to teenagers exhibit a low birth weight, and this is usually accompanied with other health complications at their tender age. These complications make the mortality rate for these children to be high. Hiding their pregnancy and not been able to come out and inform their parents, teenagers result to using crude methods in an attempt to abort the pregnancy ADDIN EN.CITE Kane1996246(Kane & Staiger, 1996)24624617Kane, Thomas J.Staiger, DouglasTeen Motherhood and Abortion AccessThe Quarterly Journal of EconomicsThe Quarterly Journal of Economics467ā€“50611121996Oxford University Press00335533http:/ / HYPERLINK l "_ENREF_3" o "Kane, 1996 #246" Kane & Staiger, Get more content on
  • 4. Thesis On Teenage Pregnancy Background: Globally, pregnancy and childbirth complications are the major cause of death among 15 to 19 year olds. Teenage pregnancy and childbirth is a common health problem in industrialized, middle or low income countries. It is also a major social and health problem in Nepal and occurs two times higher in rural areas than in urban areas. The purpose of this study was to explore maternal and foetal outcomes among teenage mothers and their perception regarding teenage pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: Descriptive exploratory, cross sectional study design was used. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the hospital and purposive sampling was used for the selection of the study population and total population was 245 teenage mothers delivered at hospital. Written consent was obtained from each respondent.Semi structured interview schedule was used. Data analysis was done by using SPSS 20. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 18.04 years Š’Ā± 1.018. The study found that ethnicity; numbers of sibling, education and respondents knowledge are the most aggravating factors for early marriage, pregnancy and childbirth. Early teenage mothers faced social as well as health problems in relation to late teenage more content... Pre tested semi structured questionnaire was used for interview and some of data were extracted from patient's chart. Cronbach's alpha test was done to test the reliability of test instrument. Total 245 samples were taken for data collection. Written informed consent was obtained from each respondent for interview. Data entry was done in Epiā€“Data 3.1 and analysis was done by using SPSS 20 and Excel 2010. The statistical analysis like mean, median, range and standard deviation were performed for univariate analysis. Bivariate analysis was done by using chi square test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), and Get more content on
  • 5. Persuasive Essay About Teen Pregnancy Teen pregnancy......what comes in mind when you hear the words "Teen Pregnancy"? Well, teen pregnancy are young female girls that become pregnant under the age of 20. A female can become pregnant from having sexual intercourse and after she have started to ovulate. Young female girls will become pregnant without even thinking about the consequences and the type of environment the baby will be in. Not because the young mother is poor or rich, but because they're not ready to take care of another human being. Not to mention, pregnant teens are young themselves, so their also growing. There are plenty of problems that are the cause of teen pregnancy, and many of those problems can be solved. One reason for teen pregnancy is the lack of information that is given to students in middle and high school about sex and how to prevent it from happening. Also, the lack amount of talks from parents that they can give to their teen. I wouldn't say there isn't any education given out to students about sex, but there isn't ENOUGH to make preā€“teens and teens to fully understand and have the right mind set about sex. Many schools won't really focus on the topic about teen pregnancy because it really doesn't have much about academics and that's really understandable, but at the end of the day teens are also human and do make mistakes. I believe schools should give education about teen pregnancy as much as the other subjects. The topic of teen pregnancy shouldn't be left out because talking to your teen about sex can definitely influence their lifestyle. Many teens would learn about sex in the streets which it totally horrible because 9/10, the streets will educate them to have sex rather than not to. The solution to this problem is that parents and schools should educate their teens/students with more education about teen pregnancy, so that the number pregnant teens can decrease in near future. Another reason for teen pregnancy is social media. Social media can have a huge impact on how teens can view their lives by influencing them with a different kind of lifestyle. Not to mention, teens can easily be brainwashed by what they see on there and think what they see on social media is good, is actually wrong. Social media will have Get more content on
  • 6. Causes of Teen Pregnancy Essay Research shows that teen pregnancy is steadily decreasing. It has dropped more than 44% from 1991 to 2010(Writer); however, in my community it seems to be on the rise. It's never a surprise to hear someone discussing about a new girl being pregnant. Pregnancy use to be a precious gift, but this generation is turning it into a new trend that they perceive to be as socially acceptable. I was raised to receive an education first, marry the love of my life, and then have children. Some people may call it old fashion, but I believe that is the plan God has for everyone's life. The bible says, "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. (New International more content... Teenagers need to feel love, care, protection, and need guidance from their parents. If this is not provided at home, more than likely, they will seek it out in the wrong places. One example of this could be falling in love with the wrong person. Most parents want their children to wait to be in a real relationship because they know they are not mature enough to handle the stress, pain, and danger that love can cause; however, other parents do not care. Dating at an early age is one contributing factor of teen pregnancy ("Contributing Factors"). Senior guys usually go after the freshmen girls in high school. They know they're young and easier to influence. They will convince them that they love them but in reality they only want one thing. Some girls may feel like the only way they will keep their boyfriend is by indulging in sexual activities, but a baby will never make a man stay (Teenage Pregnancy). Teenage girls may believe a baby will help the relationship grow and become stronger, but 8 out of 10 males do not marry the mother of their child (Teenage Pregnancy).So who is stuck raising a child on their own? The girl is. The same way a man got one girl pregnant, he can go back and get another one the same way; it's basically a never ending cycle. Other teens just don't know anything about sex. They may feel like they cannot talk to their parents and this can lead to pregnancy. Sitting down and spending time with your child is one big factor that can prevent Get more content on
  • 7. Causes Of Teen Pregnancy Some reasons of Teen pregnancy are absent parenting, lack of knowledge, substance abuse, living in poverty and peer pressure. The number of teens between the ages of 14ā€“19 has substantially decreased over the last few years. While it may be declining, we still need to look at the causes. While examining the causes of teen pregnancy, we can find new methods of preventing teen pregnancy. If there are different methods identified for preventing teen pregnancy than the number of teens can go down more. Absent parenting is one of the leading causes of teen pregnancy. Young women who do not have both parents in the picture are eight times more likely to get pregnant at a young age than someone who has both parents. On account of more content... Due to the lack of actual program students are often just told the basics. Students don't learn proper prevention methods. When just hearing the basics that every student has heard multiple times a student will get bored. Many schools inform their teachers that they need to tell the students no drugs, no drinking, no sex and it will be okay. Most teachers do not put effort into teaching the students the practical consequences of substance abuse and sex. Students often get bored because teachers have been overly repetitive over the issue. Attendance in schools is an issue. If you examine the statistics on teen pregnancy, you will see that most of the teen's attendance records are low, or they have already dropped out. Absences in school and teen pregnancy is also associated with absent parenting if the adolescent has no one to look up to at home and they do not attend classes they are likely to experiment. While experimenting, they do not know about sexual interactions. Therefore, they often make mistakes that can be life causing. Most Americans think that becoming pregnant at a young age will increase the chances of being in poverty. Studies have shown that teens often become pregnant because they live in poverty. When living in poverty teens, especially females have a sense of hopelessness. Women are emotionā€“based, when they cannot see a way out of a situation, they try and find ways to alleviate the problem. The actions may be harmful and not beneficial for their Get more content on
  • 8. Teen Pregnancy and Its Effects on Education Teen pregnancy is an epidemic that has swept our nation for many years. It can alter the lives of teenagers in extreme measures. It is almost normal to see a teenager with a baby in today's society. Getting pregnant while you're a teen will definitely cause you to have to change your life style to accompany a child. This could mean not going to school or potentially dropping out of school permanently. Teenpregnancy will have a negative effect on the education of the teenager because it will force them to be committed full time to the concerns and needs of the child. One of the major concerns of having a child or becoming a parent is to do so when you're old and mature enough to take on the responsibility. One of the problems in today' more content... She does have a child support case open on him but it does not help when it comes to having to take care of him. She is all alone making her have to provide for the baby on her on. She has given her son 3 birthday parties and 3 Christmas' on her own. If she would have at least graduated she would have her diploma and could be working on her degree to provide a better life for her and her son. Dealing with the responsibility of being a parent is one of the hardest tasks to take on. Becoming a parent involves emotion, compassion, dedication, strength, knowledge, protectiveness, and being able to financially support the child. All these seem to outweigh the importance of school. It is a possibility that the teenagers see the crisis of being pregnant something that needs to be dealt with immediately and place school in the back of their minds. The problem is when they put school off they never seem to think about going back until times get rough. Sometimes years go by and they realize that they are grown and their children are in school and that they never even received their diploma. Teen pregnancy is declining though. It is mostly because of the advances in birth control practices but also teenagers are realizing the potential harm having a baby can do to their future. More teens have seen their older sibling or friends with a baby and don't see them going out to parties or the club anymore and realize it Get more content on
  • 9. Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Essay The Truth about Teenage Pregnancy Outline I. Introduction II. Body A. Causes 1. Lack of sexual education 2. Lack of communication between the parents and teens a. Weak relationship b. Too strong of a relationship 3. Drugs 4. Trends a. Social b. Media 5. Abuse B. Effects 1. Unwanted/ unplannedpregnancy 2. Abortion 3. Neglect/ Child abuse 4. Complications a. Maternal deaths b. Birth defects 5. Incomplete education a. Unemployment b. Poverty 6. Social embarrassment 7. Neverā€“ending cycle C. Prevention 1. Selfā€“control a. Abstinence b. Safe sex i. Birth control ii. Using condoms 2. Parents talking to more content... There is a lack of communication between parents and their teenagers. Either their relationship are too weak or too strong between teens and their parents (Speedy Remedies) . Weak relationships involve lack of discipline, control, affection, and attention. Too strong relationships involve overbearing parents and too many restrictions. Drinking and drugs contributes to pregnancy because they contort better judgment. The media is the main contributor now that technology is advancing. Young people often look to the media in order to see what the soā€“called trend is or they look for how they should look, act, or be. Occasionally, abuse is the result of teenage pregnancy. The results of this trend are everlasting, dramatic, and sometimes traumatic. The relationship between a parent and there is important. If the relationship is too weak or too overbearing the child can either not feel loved or obedient, which ultimately result in the child seeking for love in all of the wrong places. The media offers little sex education and is offering more vulgar images of how a young girl is supposed dress and carry them; therefore, teens act older than they usually would. Teen pregnancy is usually unwanted so this increases the number of abortions, neglect, and child abuse. It increases complications for the mother as well as the baby. Complications may involve maternal death, birth defects, or the death of the baby. It also makes it hard for students to complete Get more content on
  • 10. Teenage Pregnancy And Effect On Teenage Mothers There are differing stigmas of teenage pregnancy, which can affect teenage mothers. Teenage mothers face the risk of not being accepted by their peers and community. Acquiring a position in society, that is often the subject of negative criticism and judgment, can profoundly impact teenage mothers (Luttrell, 2014). This research paper will analyze teenage pregnancy stigmas and how they can impact young mothers. This paper will include a literature review, analyzing adolescent sexuality and behavior, teenage pregnancy and motherhood and perceptions of teenage pregnancy. Lastly, recommendations for future practice will be discussed. Background The Australian teenage fertility rates, have been on the decline for many years. In 2014, there was approximately 9,204 teenagers giving birth in Australia (ABS, 2014). In 2006, in South Australia alone, 982 women aged 15 to 19 had abortions (ABS, 2014). These kinds of statistics, mean there is still a large amount of teenage mothers that require support and assistance. This paper will look at making recommendations in practice and service development. The paper includes: examining statistical information and reviewing literature and research. Literature Review Adolescent sexuality and Behavior In industrialized countries, the age of onset of sexual intercourse is said to be declining (Currie, 2012). In Mitchell, Patrick, Heywood, Blackman, and Pitts (2013) Australian survey, 2,000 students were surveyed from year 10, 11 and 12, Get more content on
  • 11. Teenage Pregnancy: A Growing Epidemic Faith Garner October 19,2015 English 1010 Cause/ Effect Essay Mrs. McFadden Teenage Pregnancy: A Growing Epidemic Over the last five years, teenage pregnancy rates have increased substantially. According to Evelyn Kappeler, director of the Office of Adolescent Health, "One in four girls will become pregnant before the age of twenty." (http:/ / Teenage pregnancy is a growing problem that has now become a major epidemic. Most of the incidents that happen with accidental teenage pregnancy are spontaneous acts that involved a lack of education and parental guidance. Two years ago, 19.4 percent of teen girls got pregnant in Maryland, according to The Office of Adolescent Health. According to, "Although 70% of girls use contraceptives, most teen pregnancies happen because of misuse or failure of birth control" ( For example, a guy and girl are in a bedroom, and the guy does not follow the instructions on the back of the condom package, or a girl forgets to require her boyfriend to wear a condom. Perhaps a way to approach the problem is to ask, Why do teen girls get pregnant and what are the effects? Although the reasons for teenage pregnancy are not easy to identify, the effects of teen pregnancy are clear. The rise in teen pregnancy is often associated with three immediate causes. First, in these hard times, more and more teen Get more content on
  • 12. Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On Teenage Pregnancy "Teen childbearing is associated with negative consequences for the adolescent parents, their children, and society," (The Office of Adolescent Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). Teenage females associated with childbearing expose themselves to many risks and negative effects that can affect their future. Females result with many consequences due to teenage pregnancy. This paper will strictly focus on the effects females experience through teenage pregnancy. The reader will be able to develop an overall understanding of the causes of teen pregnancy. Also, the reader will be able to distinguish the psychosocial effects on the girl during adolescent pregnancy. The reader shall understand the risks of health complications females experience through childbearing. Teenage pregnancy could be defined as a teenage female between the ages of 13ā€“19, who becomes pregnant. Despite the fact that it is not inevitable, some life circumstances place adolescent girls at higher risk of becoming a teenage mother. Poverty has a strong correlation with adolescent pregnancy. Other circumstances that could influence the adolescent would be, living in single parent household, and having a mother that was teenage mother. They are several indicators of why sexual intercourse occurs during the adolescent years. Some examples would be early pubertal advancement, sexual abuse, poverty, the absence of supporting parents, a lack of education from poor school performance. Teenage Get more content on
  • 13. Public Health Problem Of Teenage Pregnancy Public Health Problem Teenage pregnancy has been a common public health problem in society, particularly in America. When an individual hears that 15 year old girl is pregnant, people perceive it as a negative connotation. The average age to have a child today is 28 years old (Jewkes, Morrell, & Christofides, 2009). Adolescent pregnancies are preventable, but are still bound to happen today and in the future (Langille, 2007). This is a problem is society due to teenagers not being able to support a child and also not being physically able to carry the baby without health risks (Schneider, 2014). Unplanned pregnancies for adolescents effect a woman financially, physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Childbearing at an early age more content... Even with effective sexual education programs in high school, adolescents still find it difficult to talk to their parents about sex as well as the idea of being sexually active and safe (Bonell, Wiggins, Fletcher, & Allen 2014). Also, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2014), it is common for mothers who conceived their daughter at a young age to have a daughter that will also have a child at a young age. This creates a domino effect for the family 's generation that will affect the family tree if it continues (CDC, 2014). Teenage pregnancies continue to happen worldwide, but the US and western European countries have higher rates compared to smaller countries. (Jewkes et al., 2009). If teenage pregnancy rates continue to rise in America, the chances of a young mother becoming successful is very slim. Back in the 1950 's, financial costs to have a baby were not a big of a concern compared to today because social pressure forced marriage on many girls who became pregnant, but did not have a husband at the time (Schneider, 2014). Today, many women who give birth at a young age remain unmarried with very little financial help from their family (Schneider, 2014). Teenage pregnancies also effect the economy and where tax money goes. The more unexpected pregnancies that happen, the more tax money goes to children, some examples include abortion and foster care, and public health care rather than going to other parts of the government that Get more content on
  • 14. Effects Of Social Media On Teen Pregnancy Essay Effects of Social Media on Teen Pregnancy Does social media impact teenagers in a positive or negative manner? With the advent of social media, it is unclear what to expect from it and the influence it brings to the society. According to various research studies in the field of online social networks, it has been revealed that these sites are impacting the lives of the youth greatly. When using sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and many others, there are both positive and negative effects on the youth. While there are many challenges society and families face, one that continues to be of concern is Teenpregnancy. Teenage is a crucial phase of life where teens are growing physically and emotionally. They are vulnerable to the influences of the society and fall prey to sexual activities that could lead them to parenthood at a very young age. Teen pregnancy is not only an issue in United States, but it is also an issue in United Kingdom, France, Spain and other developed nations. With the wide popularity and use of social media by the current generation of teens, it makes all the more interesting to learn on how social media affects on teen pregnancy. The easy access to extensive content available in the social media along with the platform to communicate openly across teen community has enabled society to bring awareness and understand consequences of teen pregnancy along with actions for prevention. According to a report, "the social media use by teenagers between Get more content on
  • 15. Causes And Effects Of Teen Pregnancy Stanley 1 Teen Pregnancy Screaming, and crying dirty diapers on the floor from up all night to school in the morning. Is this how they imagined their lives?We'll be analyzing how teen pregnancy is caused ,and the effects of becoming pregnant as a teen. Lack of education of safe sex, lack of attention or love, sexual coercion, poverty, learning responsibility at a young age, and social abandonment are all causes and effects of teen pregnancy. Lack of education of safe sex causes misinformation about reproduction about how one can get pregnant. It also can lead to STDs such as Chlamydia, HIV, Gonorrhea,AIDS, and more. By lacking this education whether from home, or school many teens go without knowledge of proper safe sex practices. Which in turn some believe the only way to not get pregnant is to practice abstinence only. Also most parents, because of this would like to believe that their child isn't having sexual intercourse until marriage. When in all actuality, "According to a report from the Guttmacher Institute, the average age of first intercourse is around 17 years old, with approximately 70% of teenagers having had sex by age 19." Lack of attention or love can lead to teen pregnancy by these young men and women go looking for love or attention in all the wrong places. By trying to fill this void they may not have gotten from their own family or Get more content on
  • 16. Teen Pregnancy : Causes And Effects Teen Pregnancy The rate of teenage pregnancies has decreased drastically since skyrocketing in the early decades. Teenagers today have shown an increased use of birth control and a slight increase in abstinence. To draw attention to the problem, people typically refer to it as 'children having children,' which is essentially the issue. If teens were to remain abstinent until they are completely ready, the issue would no longer be as relevant. In today 's society, there are serious consequences that follow teen pregnancy, which result in the necessity for a more effective solution. By understanding the history, causes and effects, and possible solutions, the problem may be lessened. The issue with teen pregnancy can be prevented more content... Experts suspect that fewer teens are having intercourse, and those who do are using some sort of birth control or some form of protection. Suellentrop notes that, " In 2013, 44 percent of teens who never have been married reported that they have had sex. That 's a decrease from 51 percent in 1988" (Suellentrop, et al). There are any causes that lead to teen pregnancy. Essentially, the lack of abstinence makes rates grow. By encouraging teens to say no to sex in the beginning, the most effective method of lagging the amount of teens having children would be created. Chavez surveys that, "90% of teens said that they believed it was important to encourage abstinence, and 60% of sexually active teens said that they wished they had not had sex" (Chavez 22). In other words, if parents were to better enforce the fact that having children at a young age isn 't all that it is cracked up to be, those who choose to listen wouldn 't have to live with such a heavy regret. Another source of the problem comes from the education system. Bakalar emphasizes that, "If we send the message that early sexual activity is no big deal, [as] long as teens are careful to not get pregnant or get an STD, we shouldn 't be surprised that more kids will decide to have sex" (Bakalar 1). There isn 't really any incentive when it comes to being an early mother. Some may say that their life gets started quicker, but in reality, they 're only setting themselves up for failure in most Get more content on
  • 17. Causes And Effects Of Teen Pregnancy When you think about teen pregnancy, how would you feel if it were you? In today's generation, teen pregnancy has slowly began to decrease. Teen pregnancy is defined as an adolescent (age 13ā€“19) becoming pregnant. Teen pregnancy not only affects the life of the mother and child, but moreover, affects the lives of the people around them. These people may even be strangers, like taxpayers. Teenpregnancy may be caused by peer pressure, sexual abuse, low socioeconomic status, and even social media. The effects are much more obvious. Typically, "Parenting teens tend to drop out of school and often cannot take advantage of opportunities for schooling or jobs (when they do come along) because very often they are carrying the responsibilities of child rearing without the necessary support and skills to even do that fully" (Fonda, 19). There are several other causes, effects, and possible solutions to this problem. These serious consequences are in need of a more effective solution. There are many causes of teen pregnancy. Have you ever wondered what would make someone feel they are ready to be in charge of another human's life? Having to nurture and care for another person is not all that it is cracked up to be. New figures have shown that pregnancy remains the number one killer of girls between the ages of 15 and 19. Moreover, 30,000 teens die yearly due to complication (Kristof, 9). On average, "one teenage girl dies every 20 minutes around the world as a result of pregnancy or childbirth." (Roberts). Typically in America, there are more deaths due to pregnancy because it is so common that doctors don't necessarily pay attention to it. No matter your location, "saving lives also requires better prenatal care, yet more than a third of women in Texas don't have a single prenatal visit in the first trimester" (Kristof, 9). Adolescents tend to pay attention to detail in television shows, therefore, media has an effect on the way girls view teen pregnancy. Typically teenagers watch TV shows that make things look easy. What they fail to realize is that the actors and/or actresses on these shows are being paid to do so; Television tends to glamourize situations, making their lives look less stressful. Suellentrop et al Get more content on
  • 18. Causes And Effects Of Teenage Pregnancy een Pregnancy Teen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these teens the pregnancy is unplanned. This can cause a lot of endless problems in the life of the teen and the newborn child. There are a lot of things that can cause an unplanned teen pregnancy, such as teens experimenting with sexual encounters at a young age. Another major cause is the lack of guidance due to guardians that are blind or do not 5want to believe in such activities. These causes can have devastating effects on the teen and the newborn in the household. Some effects of early pregnancy will include an unexpected rise of responsibility for the teen and can cause many health concerns for both teen and newborn child. Teens experimenting are the leading cause in the unplanned pregnancies. As a teenager inhigh school ages there are a lot of peer pressures. Such as experimenting with alcohol and unprotected sexual intercourse. Drinking and the use of narcotics also largely have an impact on the judgment of the teen before the preā€“pregnancy comes about. Experimenting can cause many effects on the teen and the relationships at hand, including the relationships with the baby's mom or dad and also the parents of the teens. Another way of experimenting is the pregnancy caused in the sequel of either a longā€“time dating of the boyfriend or the other case of those random one night stands or Get more content on
  • 19. Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Essay Each year, more than a halfā€“million U.S. girls in their teens or younger become pregnant. Teenage pregnancy is an important issue for several reasons. For example, there are health risks for the baby and the children born to teenage mothers are more likely to suffer health, social, and emotional problems than children born to older mothers. Teenage mothers are less likely to gain adequate weight during their pregnancy, leading to low birth weight. Low birth weight is associated with several infant and childhood disorders and a higher rate of infant mortality. Babies with low birth weight are more likely to to have organs that are not fully developed, which can result in complications such as, bleeding in the brain, respiratory distress syndrome, and intestinal problems. Many people in society do not realize the complications a teenage mother and her baby can endure. Preventing teenage pregnancy can be a challenge, but there are solutions to help reduce the causes of teenage pregnancy around the United States. Some causes of teenage pregnancy in society are, lack of safe sex education, teenage drinking, and peer pressure. If many more people were aware of the causes of teenage pregnancy, they would be able to help provide solutions to help reduce the problem. The solutions to teenage pregnancy could also help impact and reduce other societal ills, such as, poverty, crime rates, and high school dropout rates. Many students are not taught methods on how to protect themselves Get more content on