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The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
The Selection Interview
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
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The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
Although many organisations are prepared to consider new
ways to recruit staff, such as the use of the Internet, or
video-conferencing links in pre-screening, it is still rare to
find organisations who do not use the interview at some
stage in their recruitment processes. Despite everything we
can find out about a candidate, from their job histories to
their personalities, from their performance in a test to their
personal profiles, we still want to meet them face-to-face.
The interview remains central to selection decisions: upon
it, we believe we can find out what a person is really like,
whether they have the attitude we are looking for, whether
they will fit in to the team and, crucially, whether we like
them or not.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
In a 1989 survey of organisations, the majority of those
questioned said they rated the interview as second best to
picking candidates blindfolded with a pin. Yet, despite this,
the interview is universally popular as a selection method.
Marplan, the consumer research organisation conducted a
survey in 1993 with over 1000 companies on how they
selected staff.
The results were:
• 3% used graphology
• 37% used behavioural exercises
• 47% used personality tests
• 67% used ability tests
• 100% used an interview.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
Writer Alan Fowler tells the story of his first job as a junior
personnel officer when he was given the task of single-
handedly taking on a storekeeper.
So concerned was he to impress, that Fowler conducted all
the interviews himself, a task that was really too much for
one person. Nonetheless, Fowler selected the best
candidate, sent off an offer and was delighted to receive an
acceptance by return of post. Imagine his horror when on
the new recruit's first day, he discovered that the person
waiting to start was not the person he'd selected!
Discretion being the best course, Fowler decided to say
nothing to either his own manager or the recruit's manager.
But a year later, in the Store Manager's report, Fowler was
glowingly commended for recruiting the best storekeeper
the firm had ever had.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
There are three purposes to a recruitment interview:
1. to create a climate in which the applicant can relax,
speak freely and give of their best
2. to gather evidence about whether a candidate meets
the criteria on the job specification
3. to give a realistic, accurate but positive picture of the
job and the organisation.
The interview should not be conducted...
1. to find out how the candidate reacts to stress or power
2. to decide whether you personally like the person or not
3. to catch the candidate out.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
A recruitment interview consists of context, content and
1. the context of a recruitment interview is your need to
discover whether a person can do a job well or not.
Everything else is subordinate to that aim.
2. the content of a recruitment interview consists of a
logical structure, an order of questions and answers in
which you and the interviewee learn about each other.
3. the contact of a recruitment interview is the extent to
which there is a matching of needs between the
interviewee and the organisation.
Set the context; plan the content; make the contact.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
The best environment for a recruitment interview is a
pleasant room where you can focus on getting to know each
1. The Room: there should be a waiting room and an
interview room.
2. Heating, Lighting And Ventilation: the best room
conditions are those you don't notice: not too hot or
cold, light or dark, humid or dry.
3. Noise: there should be no distractions from outside or
interruptions from inside.
4. Times Of Interviews: you should plan each interview
appointment to have enough time to conduct the
interview and then assess the candidate.
5. Surroundings: if you are interviewing in your own
offices, check the surroundings give the impression you
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
There are three main types of seating pattern in recruitment
1. Formal Chair And Desk: this is the most business-like
and practical arrangement. It can inhibit a relaxed style
and the desk can act as an inhibitor and barrier.
2. Informal: the right-angled seating arrangement,
perhaps around a coffee table, is the most informal and
relaxed for a one-to-one interview.
3. Panel: the panel interview requires of necessity a rigid
seating arrangement and should only be used where a
level of formality is needed in the job itself.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
The classic shape of a recruitment interview has a
beginning, middle and end. The aim is to encourage the
candidate to talk as early as possible.
1. Stage One: welcome, introductions, outline of the
interview, brief explanation of the job and business
2. Stage Two: questions to the candidate
3. Stage Three: questions from the candidate
4. Stage Four: information on terms and conditions
5. Stage Five: rounding up, next steps, close, goodbye.
The use of a plan gives the impression of professionalism
and lets you know where you are in each interview. By
having a structure, the interview progresses logically and
avoids repeating itself. This shape can be explained to the
applicant at stage one of the proceedings.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
A pre-recruitment interview checklist is an aide-memoire
that ensures you haven't forgotten important tasks in your
1. list appointments and times for a succession of
interviews. There is nothing worse than trying to find an
application form in front of an embarrassed candidate.
2. book rooms. Put up "Don't Disturb" signs.
3. give Security and Reception the names of those who are
4. ensure there is assistance to help with applicants on
arrival. Put the coffee on.
5. check that everyone on the panel has prepared
6. ensure you have made travel and accommodation
arrangements for candidates if necessary
7. put together photocopies of the job description, job
specification, advertisement, terms and conditions and
list of starter questions for everyone on the panel.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
An interview checklist is like a crib sheet that helps you to
make sure you have covered every detail in the interview.
With so much happening it is easy to overlook just one
1. welcome the candidate
2. introduce the panel
3. outline aims and structure of the interview
4. explain how job has arisen
5. ask prepared questions based on the person
6. take notes that record evidence
7. invite candidate to ask any questions of you
8. ask to see any evidence of job requirements such as
exam certificates
9. explain what happens next
10. give details of the likely time period before the next
11. say thanks and goodbye.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
After an interview in which two parties may have appeared
on common ground, differences often emerge in the needs
and expectations of each side. The candidate may expect an
instantaneous reply; the interviewer may want more time to
think about things. A post-interview checklist can speed
matters up:
1. as soon as possible after each interview, record
evidence of competence and suitability on the person
specification. This includes test results.
2. complete all interviews according to previously agreed
time scales
3. decide whether a further round of interviewing will
serve any purpose
4. take up references if it is your policy to do so
5. make your selection from all those who meet the
6. inform all candidates as quickly as possible of the
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
If you are interviewing someone who is disabled, your
commitment to equal opportunities will be put to the test.
You should aim to get as much prior information as possible
about the nature of the person's disability and plan
Some of the special needs you may come across in
interviewing people with disabilities are:
1. the need for wheelchair access to the interview location
2. the translation into Braille of information for blind or
partially-sighted people
3. a sign language interpreter for those with hearing
4. help to the interview location for those with mobility
5. a friend or relative to accompany people with learning
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
We each bring our own unique style of communicating to
the role of interviewer. There are nine distinct interviewer
types based on models of personality types:
1. the stickler, who likes to do things by the book
2. the helper, who likes to get an instinctive feel about
3. the performer, who likes to select winners like
4. the prober, who likes to find out what makes the
interviewee tick
5. the observer, who likes to get an overall picture
6. the questioner, who likes to check out the credentials of
each applicant carefully before committing themselves
7. the side-tracker, who likes to share enthusiasms and
passions with applicants
8. the boss, who likes to test candidates
9. the avoider, who likes to stand back and wait.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Stickler interview style:
Personality type: sticklers; perfectionists; rule-followers
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer prefers to
plan and organise within the context of the organisation's
policy. He or she believes there is a right and a wrong way to
conduct an interview. They see themselves as representing
the organisation and so feel great responsibility to make the
right choice.
Style: methodical; formal; step-by-step; structured; critical
and judgmental; focus on flaws in candidates.
Decision-taking: They sometimes agonise over a decision in
case they get it wrong and are blamed by others. They
therefore like structured selection. Once they have made up
their mind, they expect others to defer to them and may
sulk if they don't.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Helper interview style:
Personality type: helper; empathizer; sympathizer
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer likes
people and so welcomes any attempt to get to know
someone else. The tone of the interview is likely to be
friendly, warm and sociable, rather than business-like. The
Helper believes that the real person is more than just the
person at work and so wants to know about family, friends
and social life too.
Style: open; chatty; likely to offer coffee and biscuits, hang
up people's coats for them, work out their best route home,
worry that they've got all they need.
Decision-taking: The Helper bases their decisions more on
whether a person is likeable and will fit in to the team than
on how well they can do the job. They rely on a gut instinct
about others.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the features of the Performer interview style:
Personality type: achievers; winners; stars.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer sees
interviews as a major promotional opportunity: they will
talk up the job, the organisation and themselves. They will
focus on what an applicant has achieved, being impressed
with those, like themselves, who can show a record of
Style: attractive; likeable; charming; glamorous; want to be
liked by candidates; jokey; flattering; seductive.
Decision-taking: They will want to select those who
conform to their stereotype of success, which they equate
with people like themselves. They will be particularly
attracted to those who appear to be in a currently
fashionable mode, for example those who can quote up-to-
the-minute ideas. They like their team to look good.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Prober interview style:
Personality type: probers; idealists; romantics.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer sees the
chance to meet someone new as full of exciting
opportunities for each side. They will want to get to know
the person in depth, hopefully meeting the person at some
meaningful level. Because of this they may ignore a
structured approach and take longer than they need to.
They may be dismissive of candidates who are dull.
Style: intense; brooding; emotive; touchy-feely; personal;
Decision-taking: They have an ability to spot stars and gifts
in candidates at a much deeper level than is apparent to
others. They focus on the "real" qualities that a person has.
They are attracted to those who are individualists rather
than conformists.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Observer interview
Personality type: observers; thinkers; planners.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer sees their
role in interviews as getting the big picture. Because they
like to watch what goes on rather than be centre-stage, they
prefer panel interviews where they can sit to one side and
observe. Nothing escapes their attention. They have great
recall of what is said and done in the interview.
Style: quiet; shy; retiring; deceptively charming; intrigued
and intriguing; informative; all-knowing.
Decision-taking: The views of this type of interviewer are
always worth listening to. They can see where someone
might fit in to the organisation because they see the big
picture, ie how likely a candidate is to gel with a manager.
They give their views clearly and succinctly.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Questioner interview
Personality type: questioners; checkers; doubters.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer regards
any possible newcomer into the organisation as both a
potential threat and a potential ally. The interview is thus a
chance to check out which one of these it is. The way to find
out is by lots of questions, checks, tests, references, the
opinions of others, until he or she is sure.
Style: cautious; careful; non-committed; unsure; but with
evidence becomes confident; committed; diligent.
Decision-taking: If this type of interviewer is unsure about a
candidate, they will defer the decision to someone in higher
authority eg by a second or third interview. But if they are
sure, there will be no more fervent champion for the
candidate to be offered the job.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Enthusiast interview
Personality type: enthusiasts; fun-lovers; visionaries.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer finds it
hard to sit patiently through the formalities of an interview,
preferring instead to be up and showing candidates the
parts of the job that they find exciting. The interview may
lack structure as a result. They warm to candidates who
share their enthusiasms and the interview can become a
passionate discussion about a favoured project.
Style: lively; hurried; impatient; talkative; jokey.
Decision-taking: This type of interviewer tends to make
instant decisions about candidates based on how
passionately they share their enthusiasms. Candidates may
be overwhelmed by their infectious love of the job.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Boss interviewer:
Personality type: boss; top-dog; entrepreneur.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer likes to let
candidates know that they are the boss. They believe the
best way to find out about others is to put them on the
spot, test them or confront them. They are therefore the
most likely interviewers to use stress tactics or unorthodox
tactics in the cause of finding out what others are made of.
Style: loud; iconoclastic; brash; sometimes rude;
argumentative; larger-than-life; strong.
Decision-taking: They warm to candidates who are either
strong like themselves and not prepared to be pushed
around or who are willing to be loyal followers in their team.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
These are the characteristics of the Avoider interview style:
Personality type: avoider; easy-street; peacemaker.
Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer likes to
defer to others. In a panel set-up, he or she will go along
with whatever others think; alone, they are likely to defer to
the candidate. Once they have kicked the interview off, this
type of interviewer will let the candidate dictate where
things go and at what pace.
Style: easy-going; relaxed; unruffled; placid; deferential;
unassertive; calm.
Decision-taking: This type of interviewer won't make
decisions if there is a difficult choice to make. Instead they
will wait and see what happens. Curiously, this often allows
the right person to come through naturally.
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
The Selection Interview
Recruitment and Selection
MTL Course Topics
This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn

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The Selection Interview

  • 1. 1 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION The Selection Interview
  • 2. 2 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics The Course Topics series from Manage Train Learn is a large collection of topics that will help you as a learner to quickly and easily master a range of skills in your everyday working life and life outside work. If you are a trainer, they are perfect for adding to your classroom courses and online learning plans. COURSE TOPICS FROM MTL The written content in this Slide Topic belongs exclusively to Manage Train Learn and may only be reprinted either by attribution to Manage Train Learn or with the express written permission of Manage Train Learn. They are designed as a series of numbered slides. As with all programmes on Slide Topics, these slides are fully editable and can be used in your own programmes, royalty-free. Your only limitation is that you may not re-publish or sell these slides as your own. Copyright Manage Train Learn 2020 onwards. Attribution: All images are from sources which do not require attribution and may be used for commercial uses. Sources include pixabay, unsplash, and freepik. These images may also be those which are in the public domain, out of copyright, for fair use, or allowed under a Creative Commons license.
  • 3. 3 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics ARE YOU READY? OK, LET’S START!
  • 4. 4 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics INTRODUCTION Although many organisations are prepared to consider new ways to recruit staff, such as the use of the Internet, or video-conferencing links in pre-screening, it is still rare to find organisations who do not use the interview at some stage in their recruitment processes. Despite everything we can find out about a candidate, from their job histories to their personalities, from their performance in a test to their personal profiles, we still want to meet them face-to-face. The interview remains central to selection decisions: upon it, we believe we can find out what a person is really like, whether they have the attitude we are looking for, whether they will fit in to the team and, crucially, whether we like them or not.
  • 5. 5 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics RELYING ON INTERVIEWS In a 1989 survey of organisations, the majority of those questioned said they rated the interview as second best to picking candidates blindfolded with a pin. Yet, despite this, the interview is universally popular as a selection method. Marplan, the consumer research organisation conducted a survey in 1993 with over 1000 companies on how they selected staff. The results were: • 3% used graphology • 37% used behavioural exercises • 47% used personality tests • 67% used ability tests • 100% used an interview.
  • 6. 6 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE BEST STOREKEEPER Writer Alan Fowler tells the story of his first job as a junior personnel officer when he was given the task of single- handedly taking on a storekeeper. So concerned was he to impress, that Fowler conducted all the interviews himself, a task that was really too much for one person. Nonetheless, Fowler selected the best candidate, sent off an offer and was delighted to receive an acceptance by return of post. Imagine his horror when on the new recruit's first day, he discovered that the person waiting to start was not the person he'd selected! Discretion being the best course, Fowler decided to say nothing to either his own manager or the recruit's manager. But a year later, in the Store Manager's report, Fowler was glowingly commended for recruiting the best storekeeper the firm had ever had.
  • 7. 7 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics WHAT AN INTERVIEW IS AND ISN’T There are three purposes to a recruitment interview: 1. to create a climate in which the applicant can relax, speak freely and give of their best 2. to gather evidence about whether a candidate meets the criteria on the job specification 3. to give a realistic, accurate but positive picture of the job and the organisation. The interview should not be conducted... 1. to find out how the candidate reacts to stress or power situations 2. to decide whether you personally like the person or not 3. to catch the candidate out.
  • 8. 8 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics CONTEXT, CONTENT, CONTACT A recruitment interview consists of context, content and contact. 1. the context of a recruitment interview is your need to discover whether a person can do a job well or not. Everything else is subordinate to that aim. 2. the content of a recruitment interview consists of a logical structure, an order of questions and answers in which you and the interviewee learn about each other. 3. the contact of a recruitment interview is the extent to which there is a matching of needs between the interviewee and the organisation. Set the context; plan the content; make the contact.
  • 9. 9 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE INTERVIEW SETTING The best environment for a recruitment interview is a pleasant room where you can focus on getting to know each applicant. 1. The Room: there should be a waiting room and an interview room. 2. Heating, Lighting And Ventilation: the best room conditions are those you don't notice: not too hot or cold, light or dark, humid or dry. 3. Noise: there should be no distractions from outside or interruptions from inside. 4. Times Of Interviews: you should plan each interview appointment to have enough time to conduct the interview and then assess the candidate. 5. Surroundings: if you are interviewing in your own offices, check the surroundings give the impression you want.
  • 10. 10 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics SEATING There are three main types of seating pattern in recruitment interviews: 1. Formal Chair And Desk: this is the most business-like and practical arrangement. It can inhibit a relaxed style and the desk can act as an inhibitor and barrier. 2. Informal: the right-angled seating arrangement, perhaps around a coffee table, is the most informal and relaxed for a one-to-one interview. 3. Panel: the panel interview requires of necessity a rigid seating arrangement and should only be used where a level of formality is needed in the job itself.
  • 11. 11 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE CLASSIC INTERVIEW SHAPE The classic shape of a recruitment interview has a beginning, middle and end. The aim is to encourage the candidate to talk as early as possible. 1. Stage One: welcome, introductions, outline of the interview, brief explanation of the job and business 2. Stage Two: questions to the candidate 3. Stage Three: questions from the candidate 4. Stage Four: information on terms and conditions 5. Stage Five: rounding up, next steps, close, goodbye. The use of a plan gives the impression of professionalism and lets you know where you are in each interview. By having a structure, the interview progresses logically and avoids repeating itself. This shape can be explained to the applicant at stage one of the proceedings.
  • 12. 12 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics BEFORE A SELECTION INTERVIEW A pre-recruitment interview checklist is an aide-memoire that ensures you haven't forgotten important tasks in your preparation. 1. list appointments and times for a succession of interviews. There is nothing worse than trying to find an application form in front of an embarrassed candidate. 2. book rooms. Put up "Don't Disturb" signs. 3. give Security and Reception the names of those who are expected 4. ensure there is assistance to help with applicants on arrival. Put the coffee on. 5. check that everyone on the panel has prepared 6. ensure you have made travel and accommodation arrangements for candidates if necessary 7. put together photocopies of the job description, job specification, advertisement, terms and conditions and list of starter questions for everyone on the panel.
  • 13. 13 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE STEPS IN THE INTERVIEW An interview checklist is like a crib sheet that helps you to make sure you have covered every detail in the interview. With so much happening it is easy to overlook just one detail. 1. welcome the candidate 2. introduce the panel 3. outline aims and structure of the interview 4. explain how job has arisen 5. ask prepared questions based on the person specification 6. take notes that record evidence 7. invite candidate to ask any questions of you 8. ask to see any evidence of job requirements such as exam certificates 9. explain what happens next 10. give details of the likely time period before the next contact 11. say thanks and goodbye.
  • 14. 14 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics AFTER THE INTERVIEW After an interview in which two parties may have appeared on common ground, differences often emerge in the needs and expectations of each side. The candidate may expect an instantaneous reply; the interviewer may want more time to think about things. A post-interview checklist can speed matters up: 1. as soon as possible after each interview, record evidence of competence and suitability on the person specification. This includes test results. 2. complete all interviews according to previously agreed time scales 3. decide whether a further round of interviewing will serve any purpose 4. take up references if it is your policy to do so 5. make your selection from all those who meet the criteria 6. inform all candidates as quickly as possible of the outcome.
  • 15. 15 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics PROVIDE SPECIAL NEEDS If you are interviewing someone who is disabled, your commitment to equal opportunities will be put to the test. You should aim to get as much prior information as possible about the nature of the person's disability and plan accordingly. Some of the special needs you may come across in interviewing people with disabilities are: 1. the need for wheelchair access to the interview location 2. the translation into Braille of information for blind or partially-sighted people 3. a sign language interpreter for those with hearing difficulties 4. help to the interview location for those with mobility problems 5. a friend or relative to accompany people with learning difficulties.
  • 16. 16 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics WHAT IS YOUR INTERVIEWER TYPE? We each bring our own unique style of communicating to the role of interviewer. There are nine distinct interviewer types based on models of personality types: 1. the stickler, who likes to do things by the book 2. the helper, who likes to get an instinctive feel about others 3. the performer, who likes to select winners like themselves 4. the prober, who likes to find out what makes the interviewee tick 5. the observer, who likes to get an overall picture 6. the questioner, who likes to check out the credentials of each applicant carefully before committing themselves 7. the side-tracker, who likes to share enthusiasms and passions with applicants 8. the boss, who likes to test candidates 9. the avoider, who likes to stand back and wait.
  • 17. 17 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE STICKLER These are the characteristics of the Stickler interview style: Personality type: sticklers; perfectionists; rule-followers Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer prefers to plan and organise within the context of the organisation's policy. He or she believes there is a right and a wrong way to conduct an interview. They see themselves as representing the organisation and so feel great responsibility to make the right choice. Style: methodical; formal; step-by-step; structured; critical and judgmental; focus on flaws in candidates. Decision-taking: They sometimes agonise over a decision in case they get it wrong and are blamed by others. They therefore like structured selection. Once they have made up their mind, they expect others to defer to them and may sulk if they don't.
  • 18. 18 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE HELPER These are the characteristics of the Helper interview style: Personality type: helper; empathizer; sympathizer Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer likes people and so welcomes any attempt to get to know someone else. The tone of the interview is likely to be friendly, warm and sociable, rather than business-like. The Helper believes that the real person is more than just the person at work and so wants to know about family, friends and social life too. Style: open; chatty; likely to offer coffee and biscuits, hang up people's coats for them, work out their best route home, worry that they've got all they need. Decision-taking: The Helper bases their decisions more on whether a person is likeable and will fit in to the team than on how well they can do the job. They rely on a gut instinct about others.
  • 19. 19 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE PERFORMER These are the features of the Performer interview style: Personality type: achievers; winners; stars. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer sees interviews as a major promotional opportunity: they will talk up the job, the organisation and themselves. They will focus on what an applicant has achieved, being impressed with those, like themselves, who can show a record of achievement. Style: attractive; likeable; charming; glamorous; want to be liked by candidates; jokey; flattering; seductive. Decision-taking: They will want to select those who conform to their stereotype of success, which they equate with people like themselves. They will be particularly attracted to those who appear to be in a currently fashionable mode, for example those who can quote up-to- the-minute ideas. They like their team to look good.
  • 20. 20 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE PROBER These are the characteristics of the Prober interview style: Personality type: probers; idealists; romantics. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer sees the chance to meet someone new as full of exciting opportunities for each side. They will want to get to know the person in depth, hopefully meeting the person at some meaningful level. Because of this they may ignore a structured approach and take longer than they need to. They may be dismissive of candidates who are dull. Style: intense; brooding; emotive; touchy-feely; personal; moody. Decision-taking: They have an ability to spot stars and gifts in candidates at a much deeper level than is apparent to others. They focus on the "real" qualities that a person has. They are attracted to those who are individualists rather than conformists.
  • 21. 21 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE OBSERVER These are the characteristics of the Observer interview style: Personality type: observers; thinkers; planners. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer sees their role in interviews as getting the big picture. Because they like to watch what goes on rather than be centre-stage, they prefer panel interviews where they can sit to one side and observe. Nothing escapes their attention. They have great recall of what is said and done in the interview. Style: quiet; shy; retiring; deceptively charming; intrigued and intriguing; informative; all-knowing. Decision-taking: The views of this type of interviewer are always worth listening to. They can see where someone might fit in to the organisation because they see the big picture, ie how likely a candidate is to gel with a manager. They give their views clearly and succinctly.
  • 22. 22 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE QUESTIONER These are the characteristics of the Questioner interview style: Personality type: questioners; checkers; doubters. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer regards any possible newcomer into the organisation as both a potential threat and a potential ally. The interview is thus a chance to check out which one of these it is. The way to find out is by lots of questions, checks, tests, references, the opinions of others, until he or she is sure. Style: cautious; careful; non-committed; unsure; but with evidence becomes confident; committed; diligent. Decision-taking: If this type of interviewer is unsure about a candidate, they will defer the decision to someone in higher authority eg by a second or third interview. But if they are sure, there will be no more fervent champion for the candidate to be offered the job.
  • 23. 23 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE ENTHUSIAST These are the characteristics of the Enthusiast interview style: Personality type: enthusiasts; fun-lovers; visionaries. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer finds it hard to sit patiently through the formalities of an interview, preferring instead to be up and showing candidates the parts of the job that they find exciting. The interview may lack structure as a result. They warm to candidates who share their enthusiasms and the interview can become a passionate discussion about a favoured project. Style: lively; hurried; impatient; talkative; jokey. Decision-taking: This type of interviewer tends to make instant decisions about candidates based on how passionately they share their enthusiasms. Candidates may be overwhelmed by their infectious love of the job.
  • 24. 24 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE BOSS These are the characteristics of the Boss interviewer: Personality type: boss; top-dog; entrepreneur. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer likes to let candidates know that they are the boss. They believe the best way to find out about others is to put them on the spot, test them or confront them. They are therefore the most likely interviewers to use stress tactics or unorthodox tactics in the cause of finding out what others are made of. Style: loud; iconoclastic; brash; sometimes rude; argumentative; larger-than-life; strong. Decision-taking: They warm to candidates who are either strong like themselves and not prepared to be pushed around or who are willing to be loyal followers in their team.
  • 25. 25 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THE AVOIDER These are the characteristics of the Avoider interview style: Personality type: avoider; easy-street; peacemaker. Approach to Interviews: This type of interviewer likes to defer to others. In a panel set-up, he or she will go along with whatever others think; alone, they are likely to defer to the candidate. Once they have kicked the interview off, this type of interviewer will let the candidate dictate where things go and at what pace. Style: easy-going; relaxed; unruffled; placid; deferential; unassertive; calm. Decision-taking: This type of interviewer won't make decisions if there is a difficult choice to make. Instead they will wait and see what happens. Curiously, this often allows the right person to come through naturally.
  • 26. 26 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THAT’S IT! WELL DONE!
  • 27. 27 | The Selection Interview Recruitment and Selection MTL Course Topics THANK YOU This has been a Slide Topic from Manage Train Learn