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Application of
Artificial Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR),
and Mixed Reality (MR) across industry
spaces is an emerging trend in the digital
These technologies chime in to bring to
us what is known as Digital Reality. This is
where the world is headed.
These new age technologies have also
entered the Talent space – bringing the
concept of ‘Digital Reality Learning’.
This is where the real and simulated
worlds come together to prepare
learners to face job challenges in a
controlled environment.
Let’s take a look at the digital world and where
the world is headed today!
Digital reality technologies, such as AR, VR, and MR are visual technologies that are changing the way
organizations are empowering their employees and customers.
Almost 8 out of 10 consumers are interested in using AR/VR based services and products.
Mobile AR is likely to be one of the
fastest-moving platforms in the
near term.
3.5 billion AR apps have been
downloaded in 2017
200 million mobile AR users have
been reported in 2016
Millennials (born 1981-1997)
and Gen Z (born 1998-
present), are moving fast
towards digital reality.
These groups of 4.4 billion
people or 59% of the world’s
population, will lead the
charge in AR/VR adoption
(source: UN).
Global VR revenues are
expected to increase
significantly in the next
2-3 years.
Revenues are expected
to reach almost US$40
billion by 2020
Reality organizations have seen an increase of 325% in investments in just the last 6-7 years.
337% 325%
AI Reality Machine Learning
% Increase in Investments Made by VCs in Digital Tech from 2010 to 2016
AI Reality Machine Learning
The interest of Venture Capital (VC) firms in companies leading in Machine Learning, VR & AI has drastically
increased since 2010.
What does this trend of an ever increasing appetite for
mobile apps and smart technologies mean for the business?
“At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years…
if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company
to accommodate new technologies.”
John Chambers,
Chairman of Cisco System
Organizations are increasingly adapting new technologies
equipped with AR and VR.
Let’s look at how smart devices are being leveraged as
digital reality in various industries!
There is an increase in use cases on IoT and Wearables across industries. Brands are innovating existing
products and making them digitally relevant in the current age.
Consumers in the virtual reality world do not necessarily pose any of the human senses that a consumer
may have, such as scent, music, or aesthetics to gauge the store. However, with cognitive and deep
analytics insights, consumers can be enticed towards a brand. This is the force that the retailers have to
embrace with time. The retail industry is trending towards “SMART” – Smart connected devices | Smart
• Smart Wearables• Smart Connected Devices
• Connected Devices
Smart devices amplify the capabilities and value
of the physical components. These components
comprise the sensors, microprocessors, data
storage, an embedded operating system and
enhanced user interface.
In a car, for example, smart components include
rain-sensing windshields with automated wipers
and touch screen displays.
Smart wearables (using AR, VR, and MR) are being used for different functions across industries.
VR-based scenarios also give the power to perfect sales
and negotiation skills. For example, employees can
interact with a virtual customer to identify their needs
and find a suitable product.
With VR, medical professionals are able to explore every
procedure and learn how to care for patients without
any risk involved. They can also participate in realistic
tutorials that allow them to interact with the objects.
VR offers the chance to master the system and create an
efficient routine for operating the quipment. Instructors
can also monitor their performance and remedy any
issues promptly, which helps to prevent on-the-job
fatalities and avoid compliance violations.
• Wearable Devices
The wearable technology sector is predicted
to hit $100 billion by 2023.
Over time, these devices will evolve with a
different and exciting purpose.
So, what is the edge that “digital reality” technologies have
over the traditional electronic technologies?
Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of digital reality tech!
More Immediate
Wearable technology
can, hypothetically,
provide you with the
information you require
immediately, responding
to your environment and
keeping you updated
with whatever you might
want to know on the fly
Better Engaged With
For the most part, the
usage of a smartphone or
a tablet is a solitary
activity, the screen
forming a dividing wall
between you and the
outside world. Wearable
tech largely eliminates
that wall. When it comes
to devices like Google
Glass - the level of
immersion possible is
quite remarkable.
Wearables are set to
make our lives safer and
more efficient. For
example – staff in
packaging warehouses
can now wear wearables
that will assist in
streamlining their
packaging duties and
tracking goods that are
being transported, or
wear GPS tags that can
automatically tell them
the most efficient route.
Data Accuracy and
Wearables enable
convenient tracking of
your data- such as
health, and exercise
habits. Employees with
higher-risk roles, such as
firefighters, mining, oil &
gas employees, and
others are now able to
wear devices that can
detect oncoming
dangers, such as heart
attacks or falls, and
immediately send this
data to an outside
manager or technical
specialist for assistance.
Training as we understand is a by-product of any new
changes in the business.
Digital reality has given rise to the concept of “reality
learning” - a perfect segue with the reality world.
Organizations are increasing their training budgets and demanding new and innovative ways for their
employees to learn with an ROI of reduced time to competence.
Defence Industry Health Care
• In 2016, training
market was at
• By 2021, it is
forecasted to reach
• Healthcare is already
seeing the benefits
of VR in the medical
AutomobileRenewable Energy
• In 2016, number of jobs
in the Solar and Wind
sector raised by 25% and
32% respectively. With
this, there is a need to
train new workforce
• By 2030, Global nuclear
energy is forecast to
grow from 133bn –
• Annual expense on
training $6.5bn.
• Fall of Roof accounts to
24% of all mining
accidents that can be
minimized by effective
• In 2015, training market
was at $10bn.
• 6.9mn military personnel
in ‘high income’
• Forecast $500mn
expenditure in 2020
from defense training
and simulation software.
Source: World Bank, PwC
Source: Statist
Source: Modor Intelligence,
• Applied VR technology is
being leveraged in vehicle
design, assembly training
and manufacturing
workstation optimization.
Given that there is potential for use of innovative
learning methods, what is the USP of “Reality Learning”
over traditional training modalities?
The primary value proposition of AR and MR is the ability to bridge the physical and digital worlds giving an
edge to improve time to competence.
Stand out from industry competitors by
engaging audiences with progressive
tech and experiences that communicate
the uniqueness and relevance of your
product, services and brand.
Instead of having the expense and
sometimes complex logistics of presenting
physical elements to communicate and
market to audiences, AR can offer the
virtual equivalent to the same physical
scale that saves money and can be
modified easier to suit different scenarios,
environments and audiences.
“Seamless Knowledge Transfer”
AR can be used to demonstrate procedures
in training environments, the functionality of
any kind of object or product, or provide the
same presentation experience to multiple
audiences without discrepancies or mixed
messages that can sometimes occur in
physically resource intensive delivery.
“Visually Accurate”
Guidelines and step-by-step
instructions are presented more
accurately via an augmented reality
Benefits high risk testing and
training procedures where
trainees can get used to the
equipment and the operations
and have much better location
Having hands-free access to rich
information, schematics, videos,
pictures, instructions, etc., could
improve the performance of more than
110 million deskless workers in the
world (source: PwC, Atheer).
What is the immediate future of “Reality Learning” that
we envisage, given how fast the world is moving to
Digital Reality?
While informal training or training “on-the-go” is a trend the world is adopting, reality learning will see a huge
potential in transforming a worker to become the “smart connected worker”.
Source: Statist
We have already seen the popularity of mobile apps including AR/VR apps amongst Millennials and Generation Z. These
are our workers of the present and future.
Organizations need to tap their learning habits to make training content relatable to their preferences. What we need is
a training program that suits the “smart connected worker”.
So, how will organizations develop the “smart connected worker”?
We see an evolution in training that promises the following assets for the
worker of the present and future:
1. “Connected Learning” – Access to the latest new age training
infrastructure – the smart connected classroom.
2. “Realistic Learning” – Availability of the new age training modalities which
bridge the real and virtual world divide.
3. “Performance Quoras or Gurus” – Performance enhancement apps with
gamified VR scenarios that can motivate high performers as well as
collaboration apps through which workers can discuss issues with peers.
Over-time, with the increasing library of AR
and VR training material, organizations will
invest in smart connected classrooms.
Whether it is a Shop floor experience or
working at a refinery, users will obtain
experience through a virtual digital world
via smart connected classrooms.
The reality learning space is moving
towards the concept of the “Smart
Connected Classrooms” equipped
with wearable devices that provide a
virtual “on-the-job” experience.
While just 16 years ago online learning was an immerging trend, 2016 and a good part
of 2017 has shown a transition towards reality learning.
➢ Each AR/VR video can be part of a larger
program series delivered through “smart
connected classrooms”.
➢ “On-the-job” training sessions at work sites - A
connected classroom is a virtual concept,
which means as long as there are AR/VR
headsets, trainings can be deployed even at
work sites.
➢ AR/VR trainings can be downloaded through
AR/VR apps and can be used in job sites
(refineries or shop floors) as performance
➢ For high-performers, the AR/VR trainings can
be gamified, providing credits to users for each
gaming level that they cross successfully.
“Realistic Learning” presents content
using simulated environments,
minimizing the physical barriers to
This type of learning banks heavily on
simulations that look realistic as they
include voice, motion, and images that
can be controlled by the user.
This training modality not only “trains”
people but “tests” their skills and
provides real-time hints and feedback.
“Performance Quoras or online gurus”
can be organized as a library of built-in
AR/VR solutions that can be simplified
and catered to specific questions asked
by users.
This gives an easy – Google or Quora-
like experience to users who can
quickly sift through customer
information at their finger tips.
➢ Online wizards can be introduced giving
users a choice to select learning paths.
➢ Relevant AR/VR videos can appear as
part of the search results in online
Performance Quora providing
just-in-time solutions.
Sky is the limit for the potential of reality learning.
For now, we believe, there are four emerging domains in
Digital Reality Learning.
• Research conducted by the Aberdeen Group suggests that leading organizations favor a new blend of
learning to ensure leaders take advantage of all of the tools available to them for a well-rounded learning
• If virtual reality is used for leadership meetings, it will allow for nuanced non-verbal communication—proper
eye contact, and subtle cues, such as interpersonal distance.
Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the-
shelf VR.1 Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and
off-the-shelf VR
• Deutsche Bahn uses virtual reality videos during recruitment drives that show the viewer the perspective of
performing various critical roles in the company.
• Such videos can be part of applicant testing. For example, if there is something dangerous or out of place
on the deck of an oil rig or manufacturing floor, a job candidate could be asked to identify that issue as part
of their test.
Augmented Reality Google GlassLeadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the-
shelf VR.
Compliance training for high risk environments using a mix of bespoke and off-the-
shelf VR courses.2
Google Glass
• eLearning Studios developed a virtual reality learning simulation for public speaking. The simulation ran on mobile Samsung
phones plugged into the Samsung Gear VR headset. It provided tailored feedback for each user with tips on what they excel at,
what needs work, and even offers follow-up exercises for improvement.
• Winning Friends, an augmented-reality software that would give you real-time updates about your audience and tips to make
your presentation the best it can be. Whether you're talking to a single person or a whole stadium, Winning Friends is your guide
to mastering persuasion. With the app, you'd know exactly when to smile more or project your voice so that you appear confident
and authoritative.
Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the-
shelf VR.
High-end bespoke developments in sophisticated skills industry.
Google Glass
• Managing content is just as important as creating it. It is an important point for organizations to remember
as they rev up their own VR and AR initiatives.
• Managing content would mean everything - content management, content creation, content distribution,
content authorization.
• For example, if a client has a catalog of 1000 videos to bring into an AR/VR platform, those assets need to
be prepped, and cleaned and simplified.
Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the-
shelf VR.
Content management involving maintenance of virtual and augmented reality assets
as Content4
Google’s extensive product portfolio covers nearly all aspects of the digital reality experience.
Tilt Brush is a room scale 3D
painting virtual
reality application designed
for motion interfaces in
virtual reality but also works
with keyboard and mouse.
Millions of workers are engaging with augmented reality on their phones and tablets today. Their familiarity
with these devices will make training the worker of tomorrow much easier.
Google Expeditions is a virtual
reality teaching tool that lets you
lead or join immersive virtual trips
all over the world. Built for the
classroom and small group use,
Google Expeditions allows a
teacher acting as a “guide” to
lead classroom-sized groups of
“explorers” through collections of
360° and 3D images while
pointing out interesting sights
along the way.
ARCore focuses on:
1. Motion tracking: ARCore
determines both the position and
orientation (pose) of the phone as it
2. Environmental understanding:
ARCore can detect horizontal
surfaces using the same feature
points it uses for motion tracking.
3. Light estimation: ARCore observes
the ambient light in the environment
and makes it possible for developers
to light virtual objects that match
their surroundings, making their
appearance even more realistic.
Let’s look at some examples to understand
these technologies!
AR, VR, and MR are visual technologies that combine the sensory data and software analytics to get a full context of the user’s
surrounding, and augment human senses with relevant information.
AR is a simple combination of
real and virtual, computer-
generated worlds.
Handheld devices such as
smartphones and the iPad are
used for augmented reality. They
contain software, sensors, a
compass and small digital
projectors which display images
onto real world objects.
VR is a simulated environment
where users are immersed and
able to interact with 3D worlds.
Mobile headsets are shells with
lenses into which you place your
smartphone. The lenses separate
the screen into two images for
your eyes, turning your
smartphone into a VR device.
MR is a hybrid reality that
merges real and virtual worlds
to produce new environments.
Hardware associated with mixed
reality includes Microsoft’s
HoloLens that overlays content
on the real world where the real-
world content is able to react to
each other in real time.
Click each image to know more about scenarios in which that technology can be used.
Customers can scan a product in a grocery store to see price comparisons and the full nutritional information; see traffic directions superimposed
directly into the street as the person is walking; gauge the reaction of the person they are conversing with.
Google Glass tells Heather Erickson what to do if she
forgets, for example, which part goes where. "I don't have to
leave my area to go look at the computer every time I need
to look up something," she says.
With Google Glass, she scans the serial number on the part
she's working on. This brings up manuals, photos or videos
she may need. She can tap the side of headset or say "OK
Glass" and use voice commands to leave notes for the next
shift worker.
Augmented Reality Google Glass
Virtual Reality VR Headsets
Dr. Thomson used VR to help save a baby’s life, help cure isolation in
hospital patients, and even deal with PTSD in military veterans.
VR is a diverse and far-reaching technology that has applications
beyond just video games.
The sciences often challenge students with learning abstract topics,
something that is hard to visualize and touch. Once they use VR, the
abstract will become obvious and the possibility to see the objects
literally in their hands will help them a great deal.
Immersive virtual experiences can function as an attention-provider
both in sciences and history, where the students could visit ancient
buildings, take part in ceremonies, or witness vicious battles that
shaped the course of history.
We’ve seen VR help save a baby’s life, help cure isolation in
hospital patients, and even deal with PTSD in military
veterans. It’s a diverse and far-reaching technology that has
applications far beyond just video games. Companies
like NASA are even utilizing AR with the HoloLens as you
read this, or programs like are making tourism
more accessible than ever.
Mixed Reality Microsoft HoloLens
Unlike VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift, the untethered
HoloLens doesn't take over your entire vision field, but
rather adds 3D objects to the actual world in front of you.
Thus, what it does is frequently referred to as "mixed reality"
as well as augmented reality.
Here is the official twitter handle you can follow to get the
latest on this technology.
Breakthroughs in energy efficiency of sensors and batteries and a new internet registration system is
opening up 340 trillion potential new internet addresses for individual devices.
• In heavy machinery, Schindler’s PORT Technology reduces elevator
wait times by as much as 50% by predicting elevator demand
patterns, calculating the fastest time to destination, and assigning the
appropriate elevator to move passengers quickly.
• In the energy sector, ABB’s smart grid technology enables utilities to
analyze huge amounts of real-time data across a wide range of
generating, transforming, and distribution equipment, such as
changes in the temperature of transformers and secondary
substations. This alerts utility control centers to possible overload
conditions, allowing adjustments that can prevent blackouts before
they occur.
• In consumer goods, ceiling fans sense and engage automatically
when a person enters a room, regulate speed on the basis of
temperature and humidity, and recognize individual user preferences
and adjust accordingly. • Connected Devices
Smart, connected products are emerging across all manufacturing sectors.
Smart wearables (using AR, VR, and MR) are being used for different functions across industries.
Travel &
VR can be used for military training. Defense personnel
has the ability to explore foreign landscapes and engage
in realistic scenarios that prepare them for battle.
Travel agents can take a tour of accommodations to
determine if they are recommendation-worthy. Hotel
managers can also utilize VR training to teach their staff
how to prepare the rooms and the proper way to interact
with guests.
Real estate agents have the opportunity to tour
properties instantly to see if they are suitable for their
clients, instead of having to attend numerous open
houses. More experienced real estate professionals can
use VR to mentor new hires and show them the ropes.
There are various challenges to the adoption of the reality learning. As for most transformative
technologies, there is also a gestation period before exponential growth and widespread adoption.
Deployment Lack of Skills Higher Cost Lack of Hardware
If not deployed well,
continuous learning can
get lost in the daily shuffle
of an overwhelming digital
environment and cause
more harm than good.
Only an average of 37% of
learning gets applied and
70% of line-led learning is
Of the 69 learning leaders
participating in our recent
Digital Learning Survey,
only 25% believed their
workforces had the
reflection skills required
for learning in the digital
Cost has proven one of
the chief impediments. VR
devices currently cost
upward of $3,000 per
unit, but this situation is
beginning to change as
more providers enter the
A plethora of head-
mounted devices (HMDs)
for both VR and AR have
hit the markets in the last
12-18 months. High-end
MR systems, however,
remain in the development
This Thought Paper was created in the Think Tank Center of Excellence
operating in Talent Development and Learning Practice of Accenture
Capability Network. If you would like to discuss about Artificial
Intelligence in Learning, feel free to reach out to us.
Devanshi Sahay
Marek Hyla

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The Rise of Reality Learning Thought Paper

  • 2. Application of Artificial Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) across industry spaces is an emerging trend in the digital space. These technologies chime in to bring to us what is known as Digital Reality. This is where the world is headed. These new age technologies have also entered the Talent space – bringing the concept of ‘Digital Reality Learning’. This is where the real and simulated worlds come together to prepare learners to face job challenges in a controlled environment.
  • 3. Let’s take a look at the digital world and where the world is headed today!
  • 4. Digital reality technologies, such as AR, VR, and MR are visual technologies that are changing the way organizations are empowering their employees and customers. Almost 8 out of 10 consumers are interested in using AR/VR based services and products. Mobile AR is likely to be one of the fastest-moving platforms in the near term. 3.5 billion AR apps have been downloaded in 2017 200 million mobile AR users have been reported in 2016 Millennials (born 1981-1997) and Gen Z (born 1998- present), are moving fast towards digital reality. These groups of 4.4 billion people or 59% of the world’s population, will lead the charge in AR/VR adoption (source: UN). Global VR revenues are expected to increase significantly in the next 2-3 years. Revenues are expected to reach almost US$40 billion by 2020
  • 5. Reality organizations have seen an increase of 325% in investments in just the last 6-7 years. 337% 325% 507% 0% 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% AI Reality Machine Learning % Increase in Investments Made by VCs in Digital Tech from 2010 to 2016 AI Reality Machine Learning The interest of Venture Capital (VC) firms in companies leading in Machine Learning, VR & AI has drastically increased since 2010.
  • 6. What does this trend of an ever increasing appetite for mobile apps and smart technologies mean for the business?
  • 7. “At least 40% of all businesses will die in the next 10 years… if they don’t figure out how to change their entire company to accommodate new technologies.” John Chambers, Chairman of Cisco System
  • 8. Organizations are increasingly adapting new technologies equipped with AR and VR. Let’s look at how smart devices are being leveraged as digital reality in various industries!
  • 9. There is an increase in use cases on IoT and Wearables across industries. Brands are innovating existing products and making them digitally relevant in the current age. Consumers in the virtual reality world do not necessarily pose any of the human senses that a consumer may have, such as scent, music, or aesthetics to gauge the store. However, with cognitive and deep analytics insights, consumers can be enticed towards a brand. This is the force that the retailers have to embrace with time. The retail industry is trending towards “SMART” – Smart connected devices | Smart wearables. • Smart Wearables• Smart Connected Devices
  • 10. • Connected Devices Smart devices amplify the capabilities and value of the physical components. These components comprise the sensors, microprocessors, data storage, an embedded operating system and enhanced user interface. In a car, for example, smart components include rain-sensing windshields with automated wipers and touch screen displays.
  • 11. Smart wearables (using AR, VR, and MR) are being used for different functions across industries. Healthcare VR-based scenarios also give the power to perfect sales and negotiation skills. For example, employees can interact with a virtual customer to identify their needs and find a suitable product. With VR, medical professionals are able to explore every procedure and learn how to care for patients without any risk involved. They can also participate in realistic tutorials that allow them to interact with the objects. VR offers the chance to master the system and create an efficient routine for operating the quipment. Instructors can also monitor their performance and remedy any issues promptly, which helps to prevent on-the-job fatalities and avoid compliance violations.
  • 12. • Wearable Devices The wearable technology sector is predicted to hit $100 billion by 2023. Over time, these devices will evolve with a different and exciting purpose.
  • 13. So, what is the edge that “digital reality” technologies have over the traditional electronic technologies?
  • 14. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of digital reality tech! More Immediate Wearable technology can, hypothetically, provide you with the information you require immediately, responding to your environment and keeping you updated with whatever you might want to know on the fly (intuitive!). Better Engaged With Environment For the most part, the usage of a smartphone or a tablet is a solitary activity, the screen forming a dividing wall between you and the outside world. Wearable tech largely eliminates that wall. When it comes to devices like Google Glass - the level of immersion possible is quite remarkable. Efficient Wearables are set to make our lives safer and more efficient. For example – staff in packaging warehouses can now wear wearables that will assist in streamlining their packaging duties and tracking goods that are being transported, or wear GPS tags that can automatically tell them the most efficient route. Data Accuracy and Accessibility Wearables enable convenient tracking of your data- such as health, and exercise habits. Employees with higher-risk roles, such as firefighters, mining, oil & gas employees, and others are now able to wear devices that can detect oncoming dangers, such as heart attacks or falls, and immediately send this data to an outside manager or technical specialist for assistance.
  • 15. Training as we understand is a by-product of any new changes in the business. Digital reality has given rise to the concept of “reality learning” - a perfect segue with the reality world.
  • 16. Organizations are increasing their training budgets and demanding new and innovative ways for their employees to learn with an ROI of reduced time to competence. Defence Industry Health Care • In 2016, training market was at $1.6bn. • By 2021, it is forecasted to reach $31bn. • Healthcare is already seeing the benefits of VR in the medical profession. AutomobileRenewable Energy • In 2016, number of jobs in the Solar and Wind sector raised by 25% and 32% respectively. With this, there is a need to train new workforce quickly. • By 2030, Global nuclear energy is forecast to grow from 133bn – 300bn. Mining • Annual expense on training $6.5bn. • Fall of Roof accounts to 24% of all mining accidents that can be minimized by effective training. • In 2015, training market was at $10bn. • 6.9mn military personnel in ‘high income’ countries. • Forecast $500mn expenditure in 2020 from defense training and simulation software. Source: World Bank, PwC Source: Statist Source: Modor Intelligence, marketsandmarkets • Applied VR technology is being leveraged in vehicle design, assembly training and manufacturing workstation optimization.
  • 17. Given that there is potential for use of innovative learning methods, what is the USP of “Reality Learning” over traditional training modalities?
  • 18. The primary value proposition of AR and MR is the ability to bridge the physical and digital worlds giving an edge to improve time to competence. “Newness” Stand out from industry competitors by engaging audiences with progressive tech and experiences that communicate the uniqueness and relevance of your product, services and brand. “Economical” Instead of having the expense and sometimes complex logistics of presenting physical elements to communicate and market to audiences, AR can offer the virtual equivalent to the same physical scale that saves money and can be modified easier to suit different scenarios, environments and audiences. “Seamless Knowledge Transfer” AR can be used to demonstrate procedures in training environments, the functionality of any kind of object or product, or provide the same presentation experience to multiple audiences without discrepancies or mixed messages that can sometimes occur in physically resource intensive delivery. “Visually Accurate” Guidelines and step-by-step instructions are presented more accurately via an augmented reality video. “Safer” Benefits high risk testing and training procedures where trainees can get used to the equipment and the operations and have much better location awareness. Having hands-free access to rich information, schematics, videos, pictures, instructions, etc., could improve the performance of more than 110 million deskless workers in the world (source: PwC, Atheer).
  • 19. What is the immediate future of “Reality Learning” that we envisage, given how fast the world is moving to Digital Reality?
  • 20. While informal training or training “on-the-go” is a trend the world is adopting, reality learning will see a huge potential in transforming a worker to become the “smart connected worker”. Source: Statist We have already seen the popularity of mobile apps including AR/VR apps amongst Millennials and Generation Z. These are our workers of the present and future. Organizations need to tap their learning habits to make training content relatable to their preferences. What we need is a training program that suits the “smart connected worker”. Connected Learning Realistic Learning Online Performance Gurus So, how will organizations develop the “smart connected worker”? We see an evolution in training that promises the following assets for the worker of the present and future: 1. “Connected Learning” – Access to the latest new age training infrastructure – the smart connected classroom. 2. “Realistic Learning” – Availability of the new age training modalities which bridge the real and virtual world divide. 3. “Performance Quoras or Gurus” – Performance enhancement apps with gamified VR scenarios that can motivate high performers as well as collaboration apps through which workers can discuss issues with peers.
  • 21. Over-time, with the increasing library of AR and VR training material, organizations will invest in smart connected classrooms. Whether it is a Shop floor experience or working at a refinery, users will obtain experience through a virtual digital world via smart connected classrooms. The reality learning space is moving towards the concept of the “Smart Connected Classrooms” equipped with wearable devices that provide a virtual “on-the-job” experience. While just 16 years ago online learning was an immerging trend, 2016 and a good part of 2017 has shown a transition towards reality learning.
  • 22. ➢ Each AR/VR video can be part of a larger program series delivered through “smart connected classrooms”. ➢ “On-the-job” training sessions at work sites - A connected classroom is a virtual concept, which means as long as there are AR/VR headsets, trainings can be deployed even at work sites. ➢ AR/VR trainings can be downloaded through AR/VR apps and can be used in job sites (refineries or shop floors) as performance support. ➢ For high-performers, the AR/VR trainings can be gamified, providing credits to users for each gaming level that they cross successfully. “Realistic Learning” presents content using simulated environments, minimizing the physical barriers to learning. This type of learning banks heavily on simulations that look realistic as they include voice, motion, and images that can be controlled by the user. This training modality not only “trains” people but “tests” their skills and provides real-time hints and feedback.
  • 23. “Performance Quoras or online gurus” can be organized as a library of built-in AR/VR solutions that can be simplified and catered to specific questions asked by users. This gives an easy – Google or Quora- like experience to users who can quickly sift through customer information at their finger tips. ➢ Online wizards can be introduced giving users a choice to select learning paths. ➢ Relevant AR/VR videos can appear as part of the search results in online Performance Quora providing just-in-time solutions.
  • 24. Sky is the limit for the potential of reality learning. For now, we believe, there are four emerging domains in Digital Reality Learning.
  • 25. • Research conducted by the Aberdeen Group suggests that leading organizations favor a new blend of learning to ensure leaders take advantage of all of the tools available to them for a well-rounded learning experience. • If virtual reality is used for leadership meetings, it will allow for nuanced non-verbal communication—proper eye contact, and subtle cues, such as interpersonal distance. Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the- shelf VR.1 Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the-shelf VR
  • 26. • Deutsche Bahn uses virtual reality videos during recruitment drives that show the viewer the perspective of performing various critical roles in the company. • Such videos can be part of applicant testing. For example, if there is something dangerous or out of place on the deck of an oil rig or manufacturing floor, a job candidate could be asked to identify that issue as part of their test. Augmented Reality Google GlassLeadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the- shelf VR. Compliance training for high risk environments using a mix of bespoke and off-the- shelf VR courses.2
  • 27. Google Glass • eLearning Studios developed a virtual reality learning simulation for public speaking. The simulation ran on mobile Samsung phones plugged into the Samsung Gear VR headset. It provided tailored feedback for each user with tips on what they excel at, what needs work, and even offers follow-up exercises for improvement. • Winning Friends, an augmented-reality software that would give you real-time updates about your audience and tips to make your presentation the best it can be. Whether you're talking to a single person or a whole stadium, Winning Friends is your guide to mastering persuasion. With the app, you'd know exactly when to smile more or project your voice so that you appear confident and authoritative. Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the- shelf VR. High-end bespoke developments in sophisticated skills industry. 3
  • 28. Google Glass • Managing content is just as important as creating it. It is an important point for organizations to remember as they rev up their own VR and AR initiatives. • Managing content would mean everything - content management, content creation, content distribution, content authorization. • For example, if a client has a catalog of 1000 videos to bring into an AR/VR platform, those assets need to be prepped, and cleaned and simplified. Leadership development and communication skills using a mixture of bespoke and off-the- shelf VR. Content management involving maintenance of virtual and augmented reality assets as Content4
  • 30. Google’s extensive product portfolio covers nearly all aspects of the digital reality experience. Tilt Brush is a room scale 3D painting virtual reality application designed for motion interfaces in virtual reality but also works with keyboard and mouse. Millions of workers are engaging with augmented reality on their phones and tablets today. Their familiarity with these devices will make training the worker of tomorrow much easier. Google Expeditions is a virtual reality teaching tool that lets you lead or join immersive virtual trips all over the world. Built for the classroom and small group use, Google Expeditions allows a teacher acting as a “guide” to lead classroom-sized groups of “explorers” through collections of 360° and 3D images while pointing out interesting sights along the way. ARCore focuses on: 1. Motion tracking: ARCore determines both the position and orientation (pose) of the phone as it moves. 2. Environmental understanding: ARCore can detect horizontal surfaces using the same feature points it uses for motion tracking. 3. Light estimation: ARCore observes the ambient light in the environment and makes it possible for developers to light virtual objects that match their surroundings, making their appearance even more realistic.
  • 31. Let’s look at some examples to understand these technologies!
  • 32. AR, VR, and MR are visual technologies that combine the sensory data and software analytics to get a full context of the user’s surrounding, and augment human senses with relevant information. AR is a simple combination of real and virtual, computer- generated worlds. Handheld devices such as smartphones and the iPad are used for augmented reality. They contain software, sensors, a compass and small digital projectors which display images onto real world objects. VR is a simulated environment where users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. Mobile headsets are shells with lenses into which you place your smartphone. The lenses separate the screen into two images for your eyes, turning your smartphone into a VR device. MR is a hybrid reality that merges real and virtual worlds to produce new environments. Hardware associated with mixed reality includes Microsoft’s HoloLens that overlays content on the real world where the real- world content is able to react to each other in real time. Click each image to know more about scenarios in which that technology can be used. Customers can scan a product in a grocery store to see price comparisons and the full nutritional information; see traffic directions superimposed directly into the street as the person is walking; gauge the reaction of the person they are conversing with.
  • 33. Google Glass tells Heather Erickson what to do if she forgets, for example, which part goes where. "I don't have to leave my area to go look at the computer every time I need to look up something," she says. With Google Glass, she scans the serial number on the part she's working on. This brings up manuals, photos or videos she may need. She can tap the side of headset or say "OK Glass" and use voice commands to leave notes for the next shift worker. Augmented Reality Google Glass
  • 34. Virtual Reality VR Headsets Dr. Thomson used VR to help save a baby’s life, help cure isolation in hospital patients, and even deal with PTSD in military veterans. VR is a diverse and far-reaching technology that has applications beyond just video games. The sciences often challenge students with learning abstract topics, something that is hard to visualize and touch. Once they use VR, the abstract will become obvious and the possibility to see the objects literally in their hands will help them a great deal. Immersive virtual experiences can function as an attention-provider both in sciences and history, where the students could visit ancient buildings, take part in ceremonies, or witness vicious battles that shaped the course of history.
  • 35. We’ve seen VR help save a baby’s life, help cure isolation in hospital patients, and even deal with PTSD in military veterans. It’s a diverse and far-reaching technology that has applications far beyond just video games. Companies like NASA are even utilizing AR with the HoloLens as you read this, or programs like are making tourism more accessible than ever. Mixed Reality Microsoft HoloLens Unlike VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift, the untethered HoloLens doesn't take over your entire vision field, but rather adds 3D objects to the actual world in front of you. Thus, what it does is frequently referred to as "mixed reality" as well as augmented reality. Here is the official twitter handle you can follow to get the latest on this technology.
  • 36. Breakthroughs in energy efficiency of sensors and batteries and a new internet registration system is opening up 340 trillion potential new internet addresses for individual devices. • In heavy machinery, Schindler’s PORT Technology reduces elevator wait times by as much as 50% by predicting elevator demand patterns, calculating the fastest time to destination, and assigning the appropriate elevator to move passengers quickly. • In the energy sector, ABB’s smart grid technology enables utilities to analyze huge amounts of real-time data across a wide range of generating, transforming, and distribution equipment, such as changes in the temperature of transformers and secondary substations. This alerts utility control centers to possible overload conditions, allowing adjustments that can prevent blackouts before they occur. • In consumer goods, ceiling fans sense and engage automatically when a person enters a room, regulate speed on the basis of temperature and humidity, and recognize individual user preferences and adjust accordingly. • Connected Devices Smart, connected products are emerging across all manufacturing sectors.
  • 37. Smart wearables (using AR, VR, and MR) are being used for different functions across industries. Travel & Tourism VR can be used for military training. Defense personnel has the ability to explore foreign landscapes and engage in realistic scenarios that prepare them for battle. Travel agents can take a tour of accommodations to determine if they are recommendation-worthy. Hotel managers can also utilize VR training to teach their staff how to prepare the rooms and the proper way to interact with guests. Real estate agents have the opportunity to tour properties instantly to see if they are suitable for their clients, instead of having to attend numerous open houses. More experienced real estate professionals can use VR to mentor new hires and show them the ropes.
  • 38. There are various challenges to the adoption of the reality learning. As for most transformative technologies, there is also a gestation period before exponential growth and widespread adoption. Deployment Lack of Skills Higher Cost Lack of Hardware If not deployed well, continuous learning can get lost in the daily shuffle of an overwhelming digital environment and cause more harm than good. Only an average of 37% of learning gets applied and 70% of line-led learning is wasted. Of the 69 learning leaders participating in our recent Digital Learning Survey, only 25% believed their workforces had the reflection skills required for learning in the digital era. Cost has proven one of the chief impediments. VR devices currently cost upward of $3,000 per unit, but this situation is beginning to change as more providers enter the marketplace. A plethora of head- mounted devices (HMDs) for both VR and AR have hit the markets in the last 12-18 months. High-end MR systems, however, remain in the development stage.
  • 39. THANK YOU! This Thought Paper was created in the Think Tank Center of Excellence operating in Talent Development and Learning Practice of Accenture Capability Network. If you would like to discuss about Artificial Intelligence in Learning, feel free to reach out to us. Developer: Devanshi Sahay Sponsor: Marek Hyla