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The Raccoons Research Paper
The raccoons chased him into the woods and then I ran off of the trail and weaved through the trees
that were covered in vines and leaves then I came back to the river but the river was in a canyon!
The raccoons were still on my tail so I jumped and I went head over heels and splashed into the
water. When my head came back up to the surface of the water was filled with rapids. I felt
something hit my back and I turn and in the water and the was a fallen tree log. So I held on tightly
to the log and avencily in climbed on and I saw something in the distance in was a humongous rock
. So I jumped of the log and onto the rock and I was so exhausted that I went straight to sleep. The
next morning I woke up and and I was still in the canyon but
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Why A Raccoon Would Eat A Sugar Cube
Truthfully speaking, this statement is amongst the strangest and most knowledgeable sentences I
have ever heard or read. I know very little about nature, wildlife, and animals' diets, so when I first
read the sentence, I found myself utterly puzzled. I asked myself why a raccoon would eat a sugar
cube and why someone would give it a sugar cube, but I quickly realized the statement was probably
hypothetical. That was until I read the remainder of the article. Turns out that often times raccoons
"wash" their food before consumption. Who would have ever known? I surely did not; however, in
spite of the sentence's eccentricity, I discovered a new fact. I suppose that is what reading is
supposed to be about: learning new things, expanding language
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Hunting Vs Hunting Essay
Misconceptions Vs. Reality of Hunting
Many people have misconstrued ideas about what it means to be a hunter. Some have this idea in
their heads that hunters are just out to kill and have no respect for the environment the animals live
in or the animals themselves. When in reality hunters care more about the environment than most
people because of the very fact that they care about the animals they hunt. Hunting is one of the best
way to bring a family together like no other activity. The misconception that hunting is a just an
individualized activity couldn't be more wrong. When hunting with your family, you experience an
adventure with your loved ones that brings you all closer together like no other way. The truths of
what it means to be a hunter are hunters care about the animals they hunt and the environment they
hunt in more than the average person. Hunting is a great way to bring the family together unlike any
other activity. Also, hunting brings people closer to nature in way unlike any other. And it's this
connection with nature that keeps hunters humbled by the environment they are in and the animals
that live in it.
Hunters know more about the animals they hunt and the environment they live in better than anyone
else. Before a hunter ventures off to pursue the animal they are hunting, weeks of pre–season
scouting are required in order to pattern the animal to get in close enough to make a kill. The
misconception that hunters have to just drive around and watch for an animal then go kill it is
completely absurd. Hunters spending days even weeks looking for and observing the animals they
are attempting to harvest, and coming up with a game plan on how they are going to harvest them.
Biologists, the Game and Fish Departments, and many other wildlife agency's depend on hunters
reports for accurate data in measuring the health of big game herds. When a hunter receives their tag
in the mail, it usually will come with a blood testing kit. The Game and Fish started issuing these
kits a few years ago in an attempt to track where the brucellosis disease was spreading to. Now, the
Game and Fish could have just tranquilized a few hundred elk from each area surrounding the state
of Wyoming over the years. But
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Build A Raccoon Research Paper
Raccoons are inquisitive and intelligent creatures, sometimes they are too inquisitive and intelligent
as they are often regarded as menaces to society. As anyone who has ever had their trash strewn all
over their lawn can tell you, raccoons will stop at nothing to get their next meal. The problem with
raccoons is that they are great at learning how to solve problems and once they learn how to solve it,
it's unlikely that they will forget it. What does this mean for you? If a raccoon solves the puzzle of
opening your garbage can or how to go through your pet door, it can wreak havoc on your patience.
However, there are five guaranteed ways to get rid of those raccoons for good.
It's all About the Food
Raccoons are largely motivated by food, ... Show more content on ...
You can either build a high privacy fence or install an electric fence. If you decide to go with a
traditional fence, make sure that it is buried at least a foot underground and raises several feet above
the ground. The fence cannot be chain link or mesh because they will climb right over it. Electric
fences are the better choice when it comes to raccoons especially for small areas around a pond or a
garden. These are harmless, effective and relatively cheap.
Trapping a raccoon is another option that is available to you, however it requires a lot of patience
and it may not work. Set the traps in an area that the raccoons frequent, but make sure that you clean
the trap thoroughly and set it with latex gloves on; otherwise the raccoons will smell your scent and
not go near the trap. Bait the trap and disguise it under some branches and leaves. Relocate the
raccoon once you have trapped it in a wooded area that is at least 10 miles from you or your nearest
neighbor. As already stated, raccoons are incredibly smart and there is no guarantee that it will work.
Raccoons are adorable animals when they are in the woods, but when they invade our properties and
refuse to go, they turn from cute to infuriating. Try some or all of these tips to get the raccoons to
go, if all else fails call your local animal control office or a professional pest removal
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Adult Raccoons
When a mother raccoon sees an uncapped chimney, she sees a perfect nursery. It's a safe and
sheltered place to give birth to and raise her young until they are able to get around on their own.
The fireplace chimney is usually preferred because the horizontal "smoke shelf " is a convenient size
to nestle with her kits, but she may also use the chimney venting a furnace. ** We recommenced
that you never use smoke or fire to drive animals out of chimneys! You will kill young raccoons not
mature enough to climb and may even kill adults.** The good news for people who don't welcome a
nursery in their home is that the family will move out on its own. If you know you're dealing with
only adult raccoons, you can use humane harassment techniques to get them to move out. Put a cap
on it – ... Show more content on ...
Never attempt to install a chimney cap until you are certain that all animals have vacated the
chimney. Shine a light up the flue to make sure there are no raccoons on the damper and smoke
shelf. Next, check the chimney flue from the roof (or have a chimney sweep do it) to make sure no
animals are present. As soon as the raccoons are gone, call a certified chimney sweep to clean your
chimney of all nesting debris, and install a chimney cap. If more immediate and direct intervention
is required to evict raccoons, then we strongly recommend hiring professional like us to help.
Evicting a raccoon can be difficult. There are potential safely risks to the homeowner and humane
concerns for the raccoons if the eviction isn't done
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Annie Oakley Research Paper
Annie Oakley: "Littler Sure Shot" "My mother...was perfectly horrified when I began shooting and
tried to keep me in school, but I would run away and go quail shooting in the woods or trim my
dresses with wreaths of wildflowers." Annie Oakley, a woman not only known for being a Wild
West Star, but for being an inspiring sharpshooter and hero to many women in her day, as in ours.
She performed in hundreds of different shows all around and would become one of the first ladies in
her time to really make an astounding name for herself. Unparalleled shooting tricks and the ability
to shoot nearly any target thrown her way are only a few of the things that support her remembrance.
Although she came from a humble life of poverty and hardship, this ... Show more content on ...
She was born about five miles east of North Star in a small cabin. She was the sixth born of all nine
children and her parents were Quakers of English decent. Annie's father, who fought in the War of
1812 was caught in a deathly blizzard which resulted in his death from pneumonia at 66 years old.
After her father passed away, Annie's life, as well as her families life changed dramatically. The
absence of her father being there caused the family to go into a harsh poverty state and risked to lose
everything. When Annie turned 10, she was sent to work on a farm by the name of Darke Country
Infirmary, where she was treated very poorly and cruel. After a short time of working for this new
family that she called "the wolves" Annie ran away and was reunited with her mother and remaining
family. Soon after returning home, she went to work at a local grocery store shooting game to help
the income of her family. Although she had experience with hunting since she was around eight
years old, her skill never became recognized until she got older. Her marksmanship was able to pay
off the remaining mortgage on her mother's house and others began appreciating her. Soon everyone
would know her name and recognize her outstanding
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Annie Oakley Research Paper
Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses in Darke County, Ohio, in 1860. From a young age,
Oakley was unlike other girls of the mid–19th century. Instead of helping her mother in the home
with domestic responsibilities, she spent most of her time with her father, Jacob Moses, and brother,
John Moses, outdoors. It was likely in all the time Oakley spent with the male members of her
family, she learned how to shoot guns. Oakley once stated that her mother was horrified with her
daughter's ability with guns. However, when Oakley was six, tragedy struck her family when her
father died of pneumonia. His death left her mother with seven young mouths to feed and Oakley
used her shooting skills to bring game home to her family.
Life was rough for ... Show more content on ...
A video of Oakley from the Edison Manufacturing Company from 1894, displayed how good she
was with a gun. Oakley first hit six targets in less than ten seconds and then hit five glass balls a
man threw into the air, not missing a single one. In a review of one of her shows, the New York
Times once commented that Annie Oakley's marksmanship was "peculiar" because it took her
"outside the lines generally bounding women's activity." Although she was a woman, her expert
marksmanship impressed those who saw it. In 1888, an article in the Chicago Daily Tribune praised
Annie Oakley's trick shots. The article stated that Oakley tried many "daring shots" and once shot a
dime from between the fingers of a man thirty feet away without injuring him.
Her expert ability with guns led her to teach other women to shoot. Oakley claimed to have "taught
nearly 15,000 women how to shoot" and believed that "women [could] shoot as well as men." She
advocated that women needed to know how to defend themselves. Oakley argued that teaching
women to shoot, even though they would not be involved in wars, was an important skill. Even
though Oakley was teaching women a masculine skill, society saw the idea of women teaching other
women a way to redeem women. Oakley may have seen this choice as another way to bring another
touch of femininity into her
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The North Raccoon River
According to 844 million people living without access to clean water, the threat of unsafe
water seems like a problem only faced in lesser developed countries. Recent Agricultural and human
activities are causing this threat in local rivers. This is causing many environmental and safety issues
in Iowa. High levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus are contaminating local rivers across the state. The
North Raccoon River is one of the many rivers in Iowa that have high Nitrogen levels. Journalist
Mike Klein's article "The North Raccoon: A River of Controversy and Undiscovered beauty" (2016)
states "we took a water sample that measured nitrates at 15 milligrams per liter – 5 milligrams
higher than the level the Environmental Protection Agency
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Raccoon Research Paper
Mammals strive in just about every climate and environment here on Earth, from the Arctic to the
scolding Savannah desert. Throughout this video, The Opportunists, there were many mammals
portrayed who know how to take advantage of any situation, thriving in this human dominated
landscape. One in such was that of the witty, black–masked raccoon. Habitat loss and human
interference has had grave effects on many different species of animals throughout the world,
although that can not be said for the raccoon. Raccoon population numbers have risen alongside
humans making them one of the most widespread mammals on the continent. They have an
extraordinary sense of touch that aids them in locating food. Due to the sensitive vibrissae on the
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Vasyl's Raccoons: A Fictional Narrative
nose and forearm. The rustle sounded right next to him. It's behind you, he thought. Vasyl turned and
screamed. The shrill sound echoed through the woods. A large black raccoon darted back into the
foliage. The forest was still. Vasyl's heart pounded in his chest. He sat frozen, unsure of what he saw.
When his mind processed that his stalker was a raccoon, he snorted. Just a damn raccoon, he chided
himself. He stood up on aching limbs. Vasyl took a deep breath and shook his arms, to settle his
nerves. Boom! He was hit hard from behind, knocked to the ground before he knew what happened.
A massive German shepherd loomed over him. It barked and snapped inches from his face. Vasyl
screamed. He threw a punch, but he was dizzy. ... Show more content on ...
In with the new, out with the old, right?" Ryker grabbed Vasyl by the front of his orange jumpsuit,
lifting him off the ground so they were face to face. "He was my son. I loved him. To you, he was a
tool to hurt me." Ryker shoved Vasyl away. Vasyl's legs gave out and he crumpled to the ground.
Vasyl looked up at the starless sky. He felt tired. Niels's face was clear in his mind. It was easy to
remember the way Niels rub his head when he was nervous, the stories they told each other, their
shared insecurities about their fathers. His nose stopped up. Tears burst from Vasyl's eyes and ran
down the side of his chin. "So, we're back to square one. I was using him. Niels and I weren't real
according to Saint Ryker." Ryker looked away. Frowning, he said, "Things would be different if
you'd followed the plan." "I couldn't anymore! You grieved out here, with friends and family. Niels
died and I got a dead girl surprise and a prison sentence." His voice resonated through the trees.
Tears fell in a gush. Clear snot dripped from his nose, dribbling into his mouth. Vasyl curled into a
ball and sobbed. Ryker looked at the statue of Fiona then turned to Yarah with a raised eyebrow.
"So, how was the
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Make A Raccoon Research Paper
If you have a raccoon that is frequenting your garbage, you need to look into getting raccoon traps
to relocate the pest far away from your home. There are a few different no–kill raccoon traps that are
great for catching raccoons safely.
The best way to avoid trouble with raccoons is to be sure that your house, garbage cans, and other
parts of the property are raccoon–proof. You can also use various repellents, as well, to keep them
away. However, you may already have a problem and need to take care of it.
As most people live somewhat close to their neighbor's, it is best to use a live trap. This way, if you
were to catch your neighbor's beloved cat instead, you could simply release it and try again the next
day. More than likely, explaining ... Show more content on ...
Raccoons are extremely smart and crafty, and will quickly escape if they are not properly enclosed
within the trap.
Find a good place to put your trap. It is best if it is somewhere that you know the raccoon to
frequent. For example, if the raccoon has been in your outside dog's food every night, put the trap
near the dog's food bowl and use dog food as bait. It is important that the raccoon not see the trap as
a threat, or else he will not go inside.
Bait and place the trap for several days without the triggering mechanism in place. This will
acclimate the raccoon to the cage and it will go inside without fear of being trapped. Check the trap
every morning for activity to be sure the raccoon is going inside to get the food. You can bait the
trap with nearly anything, but sugary things like cookies or cake are best, as this is very attractive to
raccoons, and not very attractive to cats.
When you have both baited and set the trap, be sure to put some water in there for the raccoon, in
case you cannot immediately release the animal. Now that you know how to operate humane
raccoon traps, you can begin to catch and release the raccoons that have been plaguing
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The Fight For Fur Essay
The Fight For Fur Not knowing what you could catch the next day is one of the greatest feelings in
the world. Trapping has been in America as long as we became a county it was once a very
profitable way of income and helped our economy thrive. Now many people are against it from
personal beliefs of it being cruel to animals. Yet some people have it in their blood and it is a
tradition for them making sure it will never die. Trapping is essential because it is an apart of our
history, because it is humane and because it is a great population control task. According the People
for the Ethical Treatment of Animals under the page Cruel Wildlife Treatment. They state that any
animal caught in a steel trap, the animal suffers for days on end trying to free themselves.
Continuing on the same topic they again state that the animal once steps in the trap that the trap
clamps down on the foot with excruciating pain with the animals sometime chewing their own paw
off to free themselves. The list goes on and on about the different types of traps used and them all
being inhumane causing pain and damage to the animal. I can tell you personally that this is very
untrue. The article The Leg Hold Trap by Globe & Mail, out of Canada which is a very large
population of trappers. This article had a piece of information saying that "The snare and the cruel
Conibear trap (the Conibear can be described as a body–holding trap which can kill animals by
squeezing them to death)". After this
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The Raccoon Coat Analysis
Reading this novel was the first begin noticing, Who is the said to have the right choices? the
question has floods.
Here , Raccoon coat and girl friend changes that the nonsense transaction are made.
But all had different tendencies, but his desire and thought that make it a deal for the benefit.
First, i feel that the main character teach for Petty it is perfect own future that very selfish thing to
It is not in a really in love with her for your own sake, to change her form that beyond rational
judgment that is wrong.
If we find his love in time for his specifications don't feel as if true love.
At the same time, Petty bellouseu is called an emotional person, but Through a raccoon coat and
trade when I had rationalized that he has not in love Polly Espy so I received a shock. ... Show more
content on ...
No matter how I think something's important human a cast of mind and the most hard thing to think
there is nothing more valuable
In addition, Foley also between two selfish trade at the end pite bellouseu a logical reason that chose
from the one line that "He's got a raccoon coat" Felt a contradiction of three hero.
Right person and the smart choice anyone in this story don't really feel able to judge. I value their
outward appearances like this, missed the most important things and look at some if I live.
The most necessary to establish a priority for him is his choice at the end, but sweet candy that can
be seen in front of that moment of desire caught in the most precious thing I thought that I would do
not pose a man dumb miss
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Rocket Raccoon
The film "Guardians of the Galaxy" directed by James Gunn, was brought to life from Marvel
studios. They have introduced us to the beloved character Rocket Raccoon. He is an outlaw with his
partner, Groot, and then turned hero after saving the galaxy with the other characters. The skilled
marksmen, masterful tactician, and raccoon has now been transformed into a costume. Now kids
and adults alike will be able to embody their love for the Marvel movie. The Rocket costume masks
are sold by Rubies online and in the store. It can fit well with a purchased or made from scratch
costume for Halloween or cosplay. The Rocket Raccoon masks are officially licensed by the Marvel
company as a 'guardians of the Galaxy' product. Because of this, the costumes are made of the
highest quality materials. The materials must meet the standards of the studio in order to be
endorsed; this ensures good quality. The Rocket face is made out of latex in order to appear more
realistic. The latex causes it to be flimsier and fit the face better. Latex is also a very lightweight
material in order to prevent the raccoon face from being heavy on the head. The latex allows for the
Rocket facial structure and design to be sculpted on it. This way, the face can be molded to mimic
the sculpture of the animals face from the guardian's movie. ... Show more content on ...
He is extremely sly and the mask portrays this look. The face prominently characterizes him with his
signature smirk, and captures his squinty eyes. It also includes detail of the animal's facial fur, from
the ears to the mouth. The colors mimic that from the movie of gray with white and black emphasis.
The top of the face includes the earpiece Rocket Raccoon has in the
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Why It Is Important To Remove Raccoons
Often, especially in the winter months you may notice that raccoons, squirrels, wild rabbits, skunks
or even foxes roam around your backyard. They may threaten damage to your yard, domestic
animals, home, vehicles and even cultivation. That's why it's important to remove all intruders and
wild trespassers from your private zones. However, frequently wildlife removal can be complicated
and associated with a variety of issues. More and more people tend to resort to the services of
professionals, instead of doing the job themselves. If you are in the Ohio area, you may contact
Miami Valley Wildlife Control. They offer control and removal methods for various wildlife
animals, including rats, raccoons, skunks and moles. If you are in Florida, you may check out Critter
Control, ... Show more content on ...
If you really would like professional intervention for your wildlife control, you can choose one of
the following options: Your best choice might be to find a nuisance wildlife control operator. They
will catch the animal and remove it. If you decide to remove the animal on your own, you will have
to get an animal eradication permit. You should call the Conservation Police Officer or your
Department of State's biologist for assistance. Keep in mind that a wildlife removal permit is
allowed only in cases when all other wildlife control methods have failed. You can also check if
your state's municipality has a relevant department for handling this type of cases. Wildlife removal
will definitely make you feel safer and will help you protect your home from the random intrusions
of dangerous and unpleasant wildlife species. That's why it's always a wiser idea to remove and
control all those little intruders that threaten your safety, well–being, gardens, vehicles and
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What Is The Mask Of Black Raccoons
Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Procyonidae
Genus: Procyon Species: Procyon lotor Binomial classification: Northern Raccoon 2. General
Background Originally raccoons lived in the tropics where they could be found hunting along
riverbanks. Over time they moved north up the continent, successfully adapting to new territories
and expanding their diet. Raccoons are among the most adaptable of the Carnivora, able to live
comfortably in cities and suburbs as well as rural and wilderness areas. They use small home ranges,
as small as 1–3 square km, and show flexibility in selecting denning sites, from tree hollows to
chimneys to sewers. (Northern Raccoon..). The mask of black fur that covers its eyes
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Intriguing Illustrations: Chester And Mrs. Raccoon
The soothing text and lively illustrations showcase Chester, a young raccoon who is nervous about
leaving home and starting his first day of school. To help relieve Chester's worries, Mrs. Raccoon,
Chester's mother, discloses a family secret which comprises of giving him a peaceful kiss in the
middle of his raccoon hand. Mrs. Raccoon tells Chester that any time he feels lonely or
overwhelmed, he can rest his palm with the kiss on his cheek and he will know his mother loves
him. Chester gives the same comforting kiss to his mother's palm. Reassured, Chester goes to
school, gladly joining the rest of the nighttime animals in the great tree. Both Chester and Mrs.
Raccoon realize that their love is profound, infinite and continually present. This children's picture
book is ideal for kindergarten students because it can be used to reassure children (ages 4–6)
troubled by separation anxiety especially at times of separation, whether at the start of the school
year, daycare, or camp. In addition, the book targets children's affective developmental domain
which consists of fostering a sense of self. Precisely, this book ... Show more content on ...
As Kostelnik, Rupiper, Soderman, and Phipps Whiren (2014) mention, teachers should remark the
wide variety of emotions children experience and thus should use a blend of "on–the–spot teaching
strategies" and deliberate activities to tackle them. By reading The Kissing Hand, a book that uses a
variety of feeling words, teachers can help students acquire a wide–ranging feeling word
vocabulary. As well, students will gain emotional competence as they identify their emotions and
utilize productive ways for articulating and handling emotions in their day–to–day exchanges
(Kostelnik et al., 2014). In addition, the book discusses how situations and occurrences affect
emotions; therefore, teachers can teach children coping tactics when recuperating from obstacles
and displeasures (Kostelnik et al.,
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Society's Role In Resident Evil: Retribution
If there were a way to be a part of any film, I would choose to be in Resident Evil: Retribution.
Resident Evil: Retribution is the 5th film in the series about a woman that is human kind's last hope
of survival to stop a virus called the T–virus. The woman's name is Alice Abernathy or goes by
Janus Prospero as her aliases, but is known as Project Alice to the Umbrella Corporation. She's
known as Project Alice Because she got exposed to the T–Virus in a laboratory exposure, that
caused her to gain physical powers and psionic abilities. The whole facility underground got locked
down, and then gas got released to kill the virus outbreak, where it wouldn't get out, and in the
process killed everyone except Alice at the secret base known as the ... Show more content on ...
When Alice is free, I would meet her outside the door and escape the area by moving to the realistic
simulator dome, which is part of the exit route we have to take to meet up with the team sent to save
and recover Alice. The simulation would be fun to travel through with Alice because they are
facsimiles of major cities like New York, Moscow, Tokyo, and even Raccoon City, where the
outbreak started, with cloned people that are walking around like everyday people and then a
zombie outbreak happens. The main reason I would find it fun is because I would be able to run
around and kill the mutated zombies with Alice. I would have Alices back since her powers and
abilities were taken away by the Red Queen. I would stay behind to hold off the zombie while Alice
and Ada escape the Tokyo simulation dome the get to the Raccoon Suburbs simulation dome. That's
where the team Wesker sent, are supposed to meet us to help finish escaping the facility. When I
finished off killing the zombies, or can't hold them back any longer, I would run to lock the domes
doors and meet them at the rendezvous. On the way to the Raccoon dome, I'd have to go through the
New York dome, which is where I would run into Alice and Ada fighting two big Axemen type
monster zombie. By the time I got to them they had
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Drilly: A Short Story
Remember Billy that astute sheep that got sick?Well he's healthy now very healthy actually, he has
three little sheep babies. i know right impossible, but it's authentic! One of the children name is Lilly
she was authenticity she knew all the answers that Billy asked. Jase the second child would always
authenticate on every thing, from pearl boxes percent of counting calories. The other son's name is
Christian he was the most pickiest out of all them , at the dinner table there was delicacies of food,
but he would never eat the options all he would eat is Ice cream. He only ate ice cream he was a
little fat sheep. He would derogatory in school work, that's why he had f's and his other siblings had
a's. Lilly would devour all the food on
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Water Pollution : The Raccoon River
There are many problems on this earth that are caused by pollution. These issues cause many things
to occur that is not good for the environment or earth. Such as hurting animals and ecosystems,
these occurrences should not be taken lightly as it will affect all humans now and perhaps more in
the future. The Raccoon River is a good example of this pollution that is affecting many things
around it. The main problem is the amount of nitrates that are being washed or mixed with the river.
This may happen in a variety of ways, with natural forces or just by human activity. Many
environmentalists are working on this river by figuring out what the issue is, why it is happening,
and finally how they are fixing it. To start, the concern of the Raccoon River is that the pollution that
has been building up in it has finally become a problem for the ecosystem around it. In his article
The North Raccoon: A river of controversy and undiscovered beauty, by Mike Kilen(2017) reports,
"We took a water sample that measured nitrates at 15 milligrams per liter". When the nitrates go
above ten milligrams per liter it starts to become unsafe to drink and use. Nitrates can kill infants six
months and below, as well as aquatic life according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Because of this, the river cannot be used as a source of water when it is needed due to how big Des
Moines is. Not only is this pollution causing a ruckus for us humans but it may also be upsetting the
animals living in
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Detailed Description Of The Raccoon
Detailed description of the Raccoon The raccoon is a native mammal, measuring about 3 feet long,
including its 12–inch, bushy, ringed tail. While most Raccoons weigh between 12 and 22 pounds,
raccoons can grow as large as 60 pounds as has been reported in some areas such as Washington,
Maine, and Minnesota. Additionally, their weights are dependent on their genetics, age, availability
of food, and habitat location. Furthermore, because their hind legs are longer than the front legs,
raccoons tend to have hunched appearance when they walk or run. According to nature magazine
raccoons are very tactile animals, the five toes on their front paws are extremely dexterous,
essentially functioning as five little fingers which allow it to grasp and then manipulate food and a
variety of other objects; hence, it is not surprising to see a raccoon picking up grapes and berries
very much like a human would. They are known for their exceptional hearing and night vision; the
excellent hearing and night vision are both very useful for locating small prey such as beetles,
grasshoppers, and crickets. According to the article titled, Life and habitat of Raccoon (n.d),
"Raccoons are also outstanding climbers and are one of the very few animals that can descend a tree
head–first –– a feat accomplished by turning their paws 180 degrees". They are reluctant to swim
even though they can swim. Worth noting is that raccoons are omnivorous, meaning they eat both
plants and animals, they tend to
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Red Coon Hunt Research Paper
Billy was an adventurous little boy who lived near the Ozark Mountains. He wanted two Red
Coonhounds more than anything in the world. Although his parents could not afford two dogs, that
did not stop Billy from trying to get them. With the help of his grandfather, who sold coon skins for
Billy, he saved enough money up and bought two Red Coonhounds from Kentucky in a sportsman's
magazine. As soon as the dogs arrived in the town of Tahlequah, Billy went to retrieve them. After
gaining two coonhound dogs, one boy and one girl, Billy named the boy Old Dan and the girl Little
Ann. After weeks of training them, Billy, Old Dan, and Little Ann went on their first hunting trip.
After several months of hunting, Old Dan and Little Ann became well known. After a ... Show more
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After a rough night, Billy and his team went back to the camp with several coon skins. Because of
his dogs determination and loyalty even through a blizzard, Billy won the competition. After that,
everyone started to head home. Awhile later, Billy, Old Dan, and Little Ann went hunting again.
Billy was not prepared for this hunt. During the hunt, Old Dan and Little Ann tracked down a
mountain lion. They would not give up the hunt until the lion was dead. While saving Billy's life,
Old Dan and Little Ann were wounded very badly. Even though Billy and his parents did their best
to treat Old Dan and Little Ann's wounds, Old Dan did not make it long after the hunt. Shortly after
Old Dan's death, Billy buried him. Since Old Dan and Little Ann had always done everything
together, Little Ann was so sadden that she stopped eating and became weak. As she was dying, she
drug herself all the way out to Old Dan's grave and died beside his grave. Billy buried her beside
Old Dan. With the competition money, Billy's father and mother had enough money to move to
town, so they did. Before leaving, Billy visited Old Dan and Little Ann's grave once more. There he
saw the legendary red
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How do Raccoons Adapt?
The ecosystem consists of communities with different populations of species. Each diverse animal
in the ecosystem has a unique way of surviving the abiotic and biotic factors in the environment
through its traits; behavioral traits, morphological traits and physiological traits. Some of its traits
prevent these organisms from predation, and others allows organism to survive when temperature
are too high or too low. The strategy to survival depends on the animal. Let's talk about the Procyon
lotor also known by the name raccoon (Source 2). Raccoon are nocturnal; which means they sleep in
the day and are awake at night. They are also omnivore, which means plants and animals. Some
plants they consume are berries, leaves and fruits, and they prey on insects, frogs and crayfish.
Raccoons are found in forests, mashes prairies and in cities. These masked bandits are live many
place; in a hole in a tree, in a log, and in a house attic. Their predators are cougars, bobcats and
coyotes ( Source 2). These characteristics of the raccoons and some of these basic necessities decide
whether an animal survives or not. The environment the raccoon is present decides its adaptation.
When the weather changes, an animal has to adapt to its environment. When autumn is about to end,
raccoons eat most of their food in the spring so that they have enough fat and body heat to stay
warm for the winter. In the winter, raccoons also hibernate so they do not use up all their energy and
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Raccoon Description
Detailed description of the Raccoon The raccoon is a native mammal, measuring about 3 feet long,
including its 12–inch, bushy, ringed tail. While most Raccoons weight between 12 and 22, raccoons
as large as 60 pounds as has been reported in some areas such as Washington , Maine and
Minnesota; additionally, their weights are dependent on their of genetics, age, available food, and
habitat location. Furthermore, because their hind legs are longer than the front legs, raccoons tend to
have hunched appearance when they walk or run. According to nature magazine Raccoons are very
tactile animals, the five toes on a their front paws are extremely dexterous, essentially functioning as
five little fingers which allow it to grasp and then manipulate ... Show more content on ...
Moreover, the treatment of the infectious diseases caused by the Raccoon are based on laboratory
findings coupled with the history of the infectious process, the signs and symptoms exhibited by
infected person. Hence, adequate supportive care and appropriate Systemic ant–infectives are the
main stay of treatment. Ways to keep Raccoon out of homes Ways to keep Raccoon out of homes
include but are not limited: Not feeding raccoons. Keeping indoor pet food and any other food away
from a pet door. Feeding dogs and cats indoors and keeping them in at night Keeping garbage can
lid on tight by securing it with rope or chain Eliminating their access to denning sites such as the
chimneys, attics, and spaces under houses, porches, and sheds In opinion, trapping and removal of
raccoon should be deferred to professionals who are experienced and have the tools to effectively
remove mammals such as Raccoons from homes. For de–infestation to be efficient the raccoons'
access to the home most be completely
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Why Are Bow Hunters Important Essay
There are a lot of things for new bow–hunters to learn; here are three that I believe are important.
Safety always comes first, even while bow–hunting. Understand how to use your equipment, and
take good care of it. Using broken or unfamiliar equipment is dangerous and may cause injury.
Consider each action before you make it. You will never regret being careful. Preparedness is the
next step. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. There's a lot to learn and do before
you can get out in the woods. Make sure you have everything you need and know how to use it.
Next learn about your target animal; understand their habits and where to locate them. Experienced
hunters or hunting magazines offer excellent tips
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Hightower Department Stores: Imported Stuffed Animals Essay
Hightower Department Stores: Imported Stuffed Animals
Executive Summary
On the morning of January 17, 1993, before the annual buying trip to Germany for the 1993
Christmas season, the toy buyer for the chain of Hightower Department Stores named Julia Brown
was reviewing the performance of some models of stuffed animals tested for sales during 1992.
Every time Julia's on the trip, she would buy some stuffed animals for testing. Fifty was the
minimum amount the manufacturers require. Based on Julia's years of buying experience, the tested
result would give Julia a clear estimation about how many new stuffed animals she needed to order.
Figure 1 in below shows the timeline of how Julia buys the toys for the company: 1992 ... Show
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The imported stuffed animals were just in accordance with Julia's strategies.
The strategies had given the company an advantage that about half of its toys are imported while
other mass merchants and toy supermarkets only had less than 20 percent of imported toys.
Possible Decision Alternatives and Evaluations
According to the decision problem session, three simple decision trees could be developed:
Julia's alternatives are either buying toys from domestic manufacturers, or importing from foreign
countries. Buying from domestic could at least gave $1150 contribution while the contribution of
selling imported toys depended on each different results from test sales. The result of tested sales
seemed to be a good indicator of realized sales, thus linear regression was calculated according to
the test sales and realized sales (excluding those which were not adopted):
Landed Cost ($)
Retail Price ($)
Sales Projection
Test Sales
Realized Sales
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Short Story Of 'Where The Red Fern Grows'
A story about an adventurous kid & his hounds – hunting, winning competitions and facing death
In the beginning of the story "Where The Red Fern Grows" a boy named Billy saw a group of dogs
fighting on the street. Billy stopped the dogs from fighting and noticed a red hound all beat up. He
took the hound home, fed him, washed him, and released him. This made him remember his old
days of owning a hound.
When Billy was 10 he wanted two hunting hounds but his family couldn't afford it. Billy had a
sickness called puppy love so he couldn't help asking for puppies. One day he saved and worked for
his money to get two puppy hounds. He named the dogs Old Dan and Little Ann. Billy and his dogs
had so many adventures of hunting racoons. Billy once caught a ghost racoon that has never been
caught before all thanks to his dogs. Billy's dogs help him become a coon hunting expert! The dogs
would never let a coon go even if it was a stormy night. Old Dan and Little Ann were Billy's best
friends. They would always stick together and never leave each other.
One day Billy's grandfather signed him up for a racoon hunting competition. Billy was super excited
and his dogs were too. Papa, grandpa, and the hounds all went hunting with Billy. They all stayed at
a campsite and ate their breakfast. That morning Billy got his first cup of coffee. It made him feel
older and excited to have his very first cup of coffee. After breakfast, Billy and his hound started to
go hunt some coons for the
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How The Kinkajou Is A Relative Of The Raccoon And Lives
The kinkajou is a relative of the raccoon and lives in tropical forests or Central and South America
(National Geographic). They have thick and wooly honey brown fur, elongated bodies with short
legs, and rounded head and ears, large eyes and a small muzzle (Animal Diversity Web). The male
kinkajous are larger. Color morphs have been observed in different regions (Animal Diversity Web).
Their tails are like another arm, it helps them balance and use their tail to hang from trees and as
cozy blankets. Kinkajous are seventeen to twenty–two inches from head to body and sixteen to
twenty–two inches from the tail, they weigh from three to seven pounds (National Geographic). Feet
and hands are clawed and they have bare skin on the bottoms they also turn backwards, which helps
them climb up trees. The pelvis and the head turn 180 degrees, they have an extremely flexible
spinal cord (Animal Diversity Web). Also called honey bears because they raid bee's nests. By using
their long tongue to slurp out honey from the hive they even remove termites from their nests.
Usually they eat fruit and some small mammals (National Geographic). Kinkajous are a nocturnal
animal, which means they sleep during the day, usually sleeping with their home group members up
in trees. Kinkajous rarely move on the ground they mainly stay in trees (The Animal Files). At dusk,
members spend time grooming and socializing before separating to eat (Animal Diversity Web).
This animal is rarely ever seen but can
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The Common Raccoon ( P. Lotor
The common raccoon (P. lotor) has been said to be one of the most widespread urban mammalian
carnivores. Characterised by its fox–like face, bushy striped tail, and unmistakable "mask" of dark
patches around their eyes, the growing population of urban raccoons has become somewhat of an
epidemic. These small creatures are known for their relatively high intellect, enabling them to access
human resources. Raccoons are omnivores, and have been consistently observed to eat virtually
anything. Additionally, even though raccoons are technically both primary consumers and secondary
consumers, they are best described as being scavengers. Raccoons have very little social structure
relatively; they are known as solitary animals, most likely stemming from their nocturnal behaviors.
Quite often, they will be found traveling as either a family (until the young reach adolescence, at
which time they leave), or an individual. They are notorious carriers of disease, can outcompete
native species, and can be quite aggressive when confronted by humans. For these reasons and
more, the urban raccoon is considered a pest, and in many areas there have been countless efforts to
control their populations (Gehrt, S. D., et. al., 2010, Pg. 35–47). This paper will propose actions that
would need to be taken in order to deter raccoons from pursuing human waste as a food source in
the effort of controlling their population.
Due to the raccoon's opportunistic nature, overtime the species have found
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Raccoon Control Case Study
Raccoon control is the removal and prevention of the nuisance raccoon population in America.
Raccoon control is a task that only should be handled by an expert. Laws pertaining to this industry
differ state to state, some mandating extermination and others prohibiting it. In most cases, raccoon
control is carried out by a company that specializes in the industry. They should have licenses and
be insured to conduct their services. They should be experienced and have the proper certifications
stating their qualifications. They should also use updated equipment and methods for the job. Why
Do We Need Raccoon Control? There are many potential damages that raccoons can inflict on
residential and commercial properties. They can find small openings that lead into crawls spaces,
attics, roofs, and more. If they decide to nest in these areas once they've gained access, there is more
potential damage that can occur. They can saturate insulation, sheetrock, and wood with ... Show
more content on ...
If the company is a full service raccoon removal business, they will have the proper equipment and
knowledge it takes to carry out these services professionally and effectively. As a full service
company, they normally offer every removal service imaginable, from structural damage
restorations to raccoon exclusion and prevention services. They can fix, cleanup, and repair any
damages caused by wild animals, as well as raccoons. Most professional wild animal removal
companies will be able to work side–by–side with a home owners' insurance company to ease the
hassle of the repair process. Removing raccoons is a dangerous and meticulous task that should only
be attempted by a professional. If you have any questions on how to trap a raccoon, please consult
an expert. By removing raccoons correctly and effectively the first time can save a property owner
thousands of dollars in the
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The Importance Of Raccoons In Miami
Raccoons are renowned for finding their way into residential garbage cans, throwing debris all over
the place in search of food and harassing pets. On a more grave level, they are recognized by the
Center for Disease Control as being the most dangerous animal to have living in close proximity due
to the release of Histoplasmosis spores in their excrement. This infectious fungus is known to cause
bloody coughing, fevers and aches. Raccoons are also one of the largest known carriers of the rabies
virus in Miami, Florida.
Besides carrying diseases harmful for humans and pets, raccoons are massive nuisances to urban
residents, particularly once they have entered homes and offices to nest. They are able to scratch
their way through almost anything including wood and frequently destroy air conditioning ducts,
wiring and sometimes irreversibly contaminate insulation. Repairs and sanitization can cost up
thousands of dollars, and the longer raccoons are left unchecked in the attic spaces, the more they
run up costly damages. ... Show more content on ...
Preventative measure can always be taken. Placing locks on garbage bins and attaching them to
racks may decentivize raccoons from attempting to rummage through your trash. You should keep
pet food locked away and out of sight in the evenings. These nocturnal scavengers will eat anything
and everything they can get their paws on.
Omega Animal Removal is one of the most trusted names in wildlife control in Miami, Florida, and
with our effective 4–step process and Lifetime Guarantee, there is no contest that we are the premier
raccoon removal service in Miami. Other companies only ensure their work for up to a year.
Signs of a Raccoon
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raccoon report Essay
Raccoon Report
Raccoons (Procyon lotor) belong to the Procyonidae (those who came before the dogs' family). This
highly intelligent mammal has a rounded head with a short nose, small ears, and a sturdy body with
minimum–length, thick, grayish brown fur. Raccoons are easily identified by a distinctive pattern of
alternating black and yellowish white rings around a large bushy tail. They are also identified by a
unique narrow black face mask with two white patches above the eyes. The average length is 2 to 3
feet long (including the tail) and 12 inches high, weigh 8 to 22 pounds (heaviest in autumn), and live
for 10 to 13 years. Females produce one litter per year, numbering from one to ... Show more
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Although this statement is generally true, raccoons do have definite preferences. Generally
speaking, when fed by humans, they like peanuts, sweets, fruits, bread, peanut butter, and especially
cat and dog food. Like feeding humans, though, don't overload them with treats –– make those for
special occasions, and leave the healthier stuff for most of the time. In the wild the raccoon prefers:
birds, rodents, crayfish, small reptiles, mollusks, bird eggs, grains, and small grass shoots. Raccoons
have a wide variety in diet and are able to change it when necessary.
Raccoons do not migrate but they do move within a home range. They will not spend any more time
on one portion of the home range than any other portion.
Raccoons exhibit solitary social spacing with each adult raccoon remaining in its home range. They
have home ranges rather than territories because with a very diverse diet the resources are not very
defensible, and the home range that males require for mating purposes is too large to defend. Home
range size of the raccoon is largely dependent on resource availability. Smaller home ranges are
associated with more resource availability and larger home ranges with less resource availability.
(Prange, 2004) Home ranges for adult males are usually about 4,800 acres, but again this can vary
with resource distribution as
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Research Paper On Raccoons
It was the winter of 2009, my siblings and I went to go play in the snow. We went to the backyard,
and in order to go to the backyard we had to jump the fence. We were having a great time; we made
a snow fort, had a snowball fight, but when we were playing tag my brother tripped and twisted his
ankle. We were going to take him back inside so we were about to leave but, he couldn't climb over
the fence and it was buried in the snow so we couldn't move it. My friend Caleb, and his sister heard
and we tried to move the fence together. Eventually they gave up, and went back home because their
mom was calling them. Which made me kind of angry, but I realized that ninety five percent of
friends don't have that bond that family does. We stayed with ... Show more content on ...
It was really easy, it was too easy when we got there we went in the pool and 30 seconds later we
saw there was a raccoon we stared at it then ran away screaming! The raccoon started chasing us, we
ran up the stairs screaming then in perfect unison we slammed the hallway door and sat behind it.
Then we realized we left the key at the pool... so we went down together and saw the raccoon again
so we went grabbed the card when I fell in the pool. Instead of leaving me, my sister helped me out
and we left.
Now you may be wondering what the heck this has to with family? Well instead of leaving me at the
mercy of some crazy Raccoon she risked herself to help me out, but it turned out the Raccoon wasn't
going to hurt us. It's the thought that matters, aright?
This doesn't mean you have to stay with family forever, we all get sick, and tired of our family every
once in a while. On the other hand just thinking that if my family died I wouldn't be able to function
it would be like a huge void in my heart so whenever I think of that I am thankful, to have family
that I can believe will be with me forever until we're nothing but dust and
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Raccoons: A Short Story
"Cruuow!" "Wait what is that," I said murmuring to myself. "Agh," I shrieked as I scampered away
from it. There I was home alone, my mom had called my grandpa to take me to his farm. The trip
there was dull, but I knew it would be a fun day. As soon as I got there the first question I asked was
where "is my BB gun." Second, It had been hours since had shoot something. The birds wouldn't die
from my weak blows. So I decided to get close to them, well that never worked. I had moved away
from the house and gone to the cows old, small shed. The birds flew right out like there was a
blazing fire in it. I searched and searched in the smallest corners, but just as I lost hope I stared up
and found my kill.
There it was a plump raccoon just waiting ... Show more content on ...
He had I pistol filled but just as It went in its hole he shot its back 2 times.
"Did you get it" I said anxiously not waiting for an answer. He replied
"Yes." So where's it at," I asked unhappily.
"Well it went into the hole." After I heard that my whole heart dropped into little
Unfixable pieces. My eyes went full black at the time I mostly didn't care about anything. I was so
hyped to hang its head on my wall as a trophy, but I guess life is just full of surprises. After that, we
went back to the house. I was dying of boredom so I drove the
Ranger around his fields as he planted crops. I waited for my mom to come pick me up. And boy did
I have the greatest story to tell her. As I was so anxious I couldn't get over not getting the raccoon. I
felt inventive, so I packed up some sign supplies and was going to make a sign right next to where
the raccoon was going to die how clever I thought I was. And I was 'hunting' I was so determined, I
just needed something to show for it. I went back and waited restlessly for mom to show up. I was
so focused on it I couldn't take my mind off it. Finally
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Short Story Of 'Where The Red Fern Grows'
In the beginning of the story "Where The Red Fern Grows" a boy named Billy saw a group of dogs
fighting on the street. Billy stopped the dogs from fighting and noticed a red hound all beat up. He
took the hound home, fed him, washed him, and released him. This made him remember his old
days of owning a hound. When Billy was 10 he wanted two hunting hounds, but his family couldn't
afford it. Billy had a sickness called puppy love so he couldn't help asking for puppies. One day he
saved and worked for his money to get two puppy hounds. He named the dogs Old Dan and Little
Ann. Billy and his dogs had so many adventures of hunting raccoons. Billy once caught a ghost
raccoon that has never been caught before all thanks to his dogs. Billy's dogs help him become a
coon hunting expert! The dogs would never let a coon go even if it was a stormy night. Old Dan and
Little Ann were Billy's best friends. They would always stick together and never leave each other.
One day Billy's grandfather signed him up for a raccoon hunting competition. Billy was super
excited and his dogs were too. Papa, grandpa, and the hounds all went hunting with Billy. They all
stayed at a campsite and ate their breakfast. That morning, Billy got his first cup of coffee. It made
him feel older and excited to have his very first cup of coffee. After breakfast, Billy and his hound
started to go hunt some coons for the competition. They only needed 3 coons to hunt, but suddenly
there was a storm coming. It
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Summary Of The North Raccoon: A River Of Controversy
"For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we are rarely, if ever, pause to
consider what life would be like without it," said Marcus Samuelsson. According to the Des Moines
Register, "The federal Environmental Protection Agency is adding $12.3 million to a loan fund that
will help pay for drinking water systems or improve efficiency." There are obvious water quality
issues in Iowa, and people around the state including farmers and the governor are trying to help. A
centerpiece of the water quality battle is the North Raccoon, where the water runoff from farms is
ruining the river. In the article, "The North Raccoon: A River of Controversy and Undiscovered
Beauty," Mike Kilen (2017) claims, Steve Roe of Panora
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Raccoon Habits
This story is about a young man who was very intelligent, acute and astute. He is studying in a law
school at the University of Minnesota and living with his roommate named, Petey Bellows. Petey is
a nice young man, emotional type, attracts to latest fashion trends but an unintelligent person. One
day, he heard Petey lying on a bed, mumbling saying he wants a raccoon coat like the All Big Men
on campus wear. He doesn't want raccoon coats because it is unsanitary, sheds, and smell bad. He
remembered that his father has a raccoon coat, laying in a trunk in attic. He wants it to give to Petey
but there is something he wants too. He wants a girlfriend that he will marry. There is one thing that
Petey has, his first one to take for a date, Polly
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The Raccoon By Zoë Munro: A Short Story
The Raccoon
Zoë Munro
Those oversized glowing eyes were following me, tracking my every move. What were a group of
crazed Racoons doing chasing me anyway? My pyjamas were falling down around my legs, I
tripped over a log, the racoons were upon me, asking for my signature and chittering with glee. A
lump of fur landed on me, and was taking a selfie with their smart phones. My fame was getting out
of control, these raccoon groupies were crazed. I thrashed to get it off me, waking up to discover
Chris trying to calm me down. "Whoa buddy, calm down, its just me" said Chris, my best friend.
"Its time to get up and get ready for school camp".
Hopefully this picnic was going to be better than breakfast. After arriving by bus at our destination,
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I was furiously pointing at the spot where the raccoon was, then, to my amazement, Chris went over
to the bench and picked up the raccoon. As he picked the raccoon up, it made a noise that you would
expect to come from a dog toy. Everyone burst into laughter, and I realised that this 'raccoon' was
actually a dog chew toy!! Oh no!!!!!! I had just done the most embarrassing thing ever, mistaking a
dog toy for a raccoon! "Ha ha" I laughed, on the inside however, I felt like a complete fool. I felt all
my dignity disappear down the drain pipe, this is the fate of being named Dwayne
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Annie Oakley Research Paper
Annie Oakley Is Annie her real name? No,Annie Oakley's real name is Phoebe Ann Moses. Annie
grew up in a wood cabin in Greenville, Ohio.( Stephanie Spinner) On August 13,1860 Jacob and
Susan Moses gave birth to Annie.( Stephanie Spinner) Annie never followed the rules, therefore
there was a gun that was her father's over the fireplace she wasn't allowed to get but she always
would.( Stephanie Spinner) Annie had 8 sibling.7girls and one boy: Mary, Sharah,Lydia, Hulda,
Catherine, Elizabeth, John and Emeline which was a half sister. ( was
eight years old when she shot her first shot.Jacob which is her father died when Annie was six years
old.( Stephanie Spinner) Now that Annie is grown up she is doing gun trick shows.Stephanie
Spinner) Annie ... Show more content on ...
( . Annie was sent to work at the Darke County Infirmary in 1870.Frank and
Annie met and got married in August 23rd,1876.( Stephanie Spinner) Frank was a grown man when
Annie was just a teen.( Stephanie Spinner) Annie and Frank didnt have any kids. They ended up
doing shows together and getting into the circus.( Stephanie Spinner) When Annie would go to
competitions she would usually when going against men even. One of Annie's famous quotes were "
I guess the love of a gun was born in me".( Stephanie Spinner) Frank and Annie's tour name was
called "Butler and Oakley". Annie sister Lydia got married in 1875 and Annie paid off the mortgage
on the house with her shooting.( Stephanie Spinner) Frank and Annie have performed in New
york,England and Paris( Stephanie Spinner) .Annie got accused of using drugs in a newspaper in
1903. Annie and Frank raised money for Soldiers and
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The Raccoons Research Paper

  • 1. The Raccoons Research Paper The raccoons chased him into the woods and then I ran off of the trail and weaved through the trees that were covered in vines and leaves then I came back to the river but the river was in a canyon! The raccoons were still on my tail so I jumped and I went head over heels and splashed into the water. When my head came back up to the surface of the water was filled with rapids. I felt something hit my back and I turn and in the water and the was a fallen tree log. So I held on tightly to the log and avencily in climbed on and I saw something in the distance in was a humongous rock . So I jumped of the log and onto the rock and I was so exhausted that I went straight to sleep. The next morning I woke up and and I was still in the canyon but ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Why A Raccoon Would Eat A Sugar Cube Truthfully speaking, this statement is amongst the strangest and most knowledgeable sentences I have ever heard or read. I know very little about nature, wildlife, and animals' diets, so when I first read the sentence, I found myself utterly puzzled. I asked myself why a raccoon would eat a sugar cube and why someone would give it a sugar cube, but I quickly realized the statement was probably hypothetical. That was until I read the remainder of the article. Turns out that often times raccoons "wash" their food before consumption. Who would have ever known? I surely did not; however, in spite of the sentence's eccentricity, I discovered a new fact. I suppose that is what reading is supposed to be about: learning new things, expanding language ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Hunting Vs Hunting Essay Misconceptions Vs. Reality of Hunting Many people have misconstrued ideas about what it means to be a hunter. Some have this idea in their heads that hunters are just out to kill and have no respect for the environment the animals live in or the animals themselves. When in reality hunters care more about the environment than most people because of the very fact that they care about the animals they hunt. Hunting is one of the best way to bring a family together like no other activity. The misconception that hunting is a just an individualized activity couldn't be more wrong. When hunting with your family, you experience an adventure with your loved ones that brings you all closer together like no other way. The truths of what it means to be a hunter are hunters care about the animals they hunt and the environment they hunt in more than the average person. Hunting is a great way to bring the family together unlike any other activity. Also, hunting brings people closer to nature in way unlike any other. And it's this connection with nature that keeps hunters humbled by the environment they are in and the animals that live in it. Hunters know more about the animals they hunt and the environment they live in better than anyone else. Before a hunter ventures off to pursue the animal they are hunting, weeks of pre–season scouting are required in order to pattern the animal to get in close enough to make a kill. The misconception that hunters have to just drive around and watch for an animal then go kill it is completely absurd. Hunters spending days even weeks looking for and observing the animals they are attempting to harvest, and coming up with a game plan on how they are going to harvest them. Biologists, the Game and Fish Departments, and many other wildlife agency's depend on hunters reports for accurate data in measuring the health of big game herds. When a hunter receives their tag in the mail, it usually will come with a blood testing kit. The Game and Fish started issuing these kits a few years ago in an attempt to track where the brucellosis disease was spreading to. Now, the Game and Fish could have just tranquilized a few hundred elk from each area surrounding the state of Wyoming over the years. But ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Build A Raccoon Research Paper Raccoons are inquisitive and intelligent creatures, sometimes they are too inquisitive and intelligent as they are often regarded as menaces to society. As anyone who has ever had their trash strewn all over their lawn can tell you, raccoons will stop at nothing to get their next meal. The problem with raccoons is that they are great at learning how to solve problems and once they learn how to solve it, it's unlikely that they will forget it. What does this mean for you? If a raccoon solves the puzzle of opening your garbage can or how to go through your pet door, it can wreak havoc on your patience. However, there are five guaranteed ways to get rid of those raccoons for good. It's all About the Food Raccoons are largely motivated by food, ... Show more content on ... You can either build a high privacy fence or install an electric fence. If you decide to go with a traditional fence, make sure that it is buried at least a foot underground and raises several feet above the ground. The fence cannot be chain link or mesh because they will climb right over it. Electric fences are the better choice when it comes to raccoons especially for small areas around a pond or a garden. These are harmless, effective and relatively cheap. Trapping Trapping a raccoon is another option that is available to you, however it requires a lot of patience and it may not work. Set the traps in an area that the raccoons frequent, but make sure that you clean the trap thoroughly and set it with latex gloves on; otherwise the raccoons will smell your scent and not go near the trap. Bait the trap and disguise it under some branches and leaves. Relocate the raccoon once you have trapped it in a wooded area that is at least 10 miles from you or your nearest neighbor. As already stated, raccoons are incredibly smart and there is no guarantee that it will work. Raccoons are adorable animals when they are in the woods, but when they invade our properties and refuse to go, they turn from cute to infuriating. Try some or all of these tips to get the raccoons to go, if all else fails call your local animal control office or a professional pest removal ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Adult Raccoons When a mother raccoon sees an uncapped chimney, she sees a perfect nursery. It's a safe and sheltered place to give birth to and raise her young until they are able to get around on their own. The fireplace chimney is usually preferred because the horizontal "smoke shelf " is a convenient size to nestle with her kits, but she may also use the chimney venting a furnace. ** We recommenced that you never use smoke or fire to drive animals out of chimneys! You will kill young raccoons not mature enough to climb and may even kill adults.** The good news for people who don't welcome a nursery in their home is that the family will move out on its own. If you know you're dealing with only adult raccoons, you can use humane harassment techniques to get them to move out. Put a cap on it – ... Show more content on ... Never attempt to install a chimney cap until you are certain that all animals have vacated the chimney. Shine a light up the flue to make sure there are no raccoons on the damper and smoke shelf. Next, check the chimney flue from the roof (or have a chimney sweep do it) to make sure no animals are present. As soon as the raccoons are gone, call a certified chimney sweep to clean your chimney of all nesting debris, and install a chimney cap. If more immediate and direct intervention is required to evict raccoons, then we strongly recommend hiring professional like us to help. Evicting a raccoon can be difficult. There are potential safely risks to the homeowner and humane concerns for the raccoons if the eviction isn't done ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Annie Oakley Research Paper Annie Oakley: "Littler Sure Shot" "My mother...was perfectly horrified when I began shooting and tried to keep me in school, but I would run away and go quail shooting in the woods or trim my dresses with wreaths of wildflowers." Annie Oakley, a woman not only known for being a Wild West Star, but for being an inspiring sharpshooter and hero to many women in her day, as in ours. She performed in hundreds of different shows all around and would become one of the first ladies in her time to really make an astounding name for herself. Unparalleled shooting tricks and the ability to shoot nearly any target thrown her way are only a few of the things that support her remembrance. Although she came from a humble life of poverty and hardship, this ... Show more content on ... She was born about five miles east of North Star in a small cabin. She was the sixth born of all nine children and her parents were Quakers of English decent. Annie's father, who fought in the War of 1812 was caught in a deathly blizzard which resulted in his death from pneumonia at 66 years old. After her father passed away, Annie's life, as well as her families life changed dramatically. The absence of her father being there caused the family to go into a harsh poverty state and risked to lose everything. When Annie turned 10, she was sent to work on a farm by the name of Darke Country Infirmary, where she was treated very poorly and cruel. After a short time of working for this new family that she called "the wolves" Annie ran away and was reunited with her mother and remaining family. Soon after returning home, she went to work at a local grocery store shooting game to help the income of her family. Although she had experience with hunting since she was around eight years old, her skill never became recognized until she got older. Her marksmanship was able to pay off the remaining mortgage on her mother's house and others began appreciating her. Soon everyone would know her name and recognize her outstanding ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Annie Oakley Research Paper Annie Oakley was born Phoebe Ann Moses in Darke County, Ohio, in 1860. From a young age, Oakley was unlike other girls of the mid–19th century. Instead of helping her mother in the home with domestic responsibilities, she spent most of her time with her father, Jacob Moses, and brother, John Moses, outdoors. It was likely in all the time Oakley spent with the male members of her family, she learned how to shoot guns. Oakley once stated that her mother was horrified with her daughter's ability with guns. However, when Oakley was six, tragedy struck her family when her father died of pneumonia. His death left her mother with seven young mouths to feed and Oakley used her shooting skills to bring game home to her family. Life was rough for ... Show more content on ... A video of Oakley from the Edison Manufacturing Company from 1894, displayed how good she was with a gun. Oakley first hit six targets in less than ten seconds and then hit five glass balls a man threw into the air, not missing a single one. In a review of one of her shows, the New York Times once commented that Annie Oakley's marksmanship was "peculiar" because it took her "outside the lines generally bounding women's activity." Although she was a woman, her expert marksmanship impressed those who saw it. In 1888, an article in the Chicago Daily Tribune praised Annie Oakley's trick shots. The article stated that Oakley tried many "daring shots" and once shot a dime from between the fingers of a man thirty feet away without injuring him. Her expert ability with guns led her to teach other women to shoot. Oakley claimed to have "taught nearly 15,000 women how to shoot" and believed that "women [could] shoot as well as men." She advocated that women needed to know how to defend themselves. Oakley argued that teaching women to shoot, even though they would not be involved in wars, was an important skill. Even though Oakley was teaching women a masculine skill, society saw the idea of women teaching other women a way to redeem women. Oakley may have seen this choice as another way to bring another touch of femininity into her ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The North Raccoon River According to 844 million people living without access to clean water, the threat of unsafe water seems like a problem only faced in lesser developed countries. Recent Agricultural and human activities are causing this threat in local rivers. This is causing many environmental and safety issues in Iowa. High levels of Nitrogen and Phosphorus are contaminating local rivers across the state. The North Raccoon River is one of the many rivers in Iowa that have high Nitrogen levels. Journalist Mike Klein's article "The North Raccoon: A River of Controversy and Undiscovered beauty" (2016) states "we took a water sample that measured nitrates at 15 milligrams per liter – 5 milligrams higher than the level the Environmental Protection Agency ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Raccoon Research Paper Mammals strive in just about every climate and environment here on Earth, from the Arctic to the scolding Savannah desert. Throughout this video, The Opportunists, there were many mammals portrayed who know how to take advantage of any situation, thriving in this human dominated landscape. One in such was that of the witty, black–masked raccoon. Habitat loss and human interference has had grave effects on many different species of animals throughout the world, although that can not be said for the raccoon. Raccoon population numbers have risen alongside humans making them one of the most widespread mammals on the continent. They have an extraordinary sense of touch that aids them in locating food. Due to the sensitive vibrissae on the raccoon's ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Vasyl's Raccoons: A Fictional Narrative nose and forearm. The rustle sounded right next to him. It's behind you, he thought. Vasyl turned and screamed. The shrill sound echoed through the woods. A large black raccoon darted back into the foliage. The forest was still. Vasyl's heart pounded in his chest. He sat frozen, unsure of what he saw. When his mind processed that his stalker was a raccoon, he snorted. Just a damn raccoon, he chided himself. He stood up on aching limbs. Vasyl took a deep breath and shook his arms, to settle his nerves. Boom! He was hit hard from behind, knocked to the ground before he knew what happened. A massive German shepherd loomed over him. It barked and snapped inches from his face. Vasyl screamed. He threw a punch, but he was dizzy. ... Show more content on ... In with the new, out with the old, right?" Ryker grabbed Vasyl by the front of his orange jumpsuit, lifting him off the ground so they were face to face. "He was my son. I loved him. To you, he was a tool to hurt me." Ryker shoved Vasyl away. Vasyl's legs gave out and he crumpled to the ground. Vasyl looked up at the starless sky. He felt tired. Niels's face was clear in his mind. It was easy to remember the way Niels rub his head when he was nervous, the stories they told each other, their shared insecurities about their fathers. His nose stopped up. Tears burst from Vasyl's eyes and ran down the side of his chin. "So, we're back to square one. I was using him. Niels and I weren't real according to Saint Ryker." Ryker looked away. Frowning, he said, "Things would be different if you'd followed the plan." "I couldn't anymore! You grieved out here, with friends and family. Niels died and I got a dead girl surprise and a prison sentence." His voice resonated through the trees. Tears fell in a gush. Clear snot dripped from his nose, dribbling into his mouth. Vasyl curled into a ball and sobbed. Ryker looked at the statue of Fiona then turned to Yarah with a raised eyebrow. "So, how was the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Make A Raccoon Research Paper If you have a raccoon that is frequenting your garbage, you need to look into getting raccoon traps to relocate the pest far away from your home. There are a few different no–kill raccoon traps that are great for catching raccoons safely. The best way to avoid trouble with raccoons is to be sure that your house, garbage cans, and other parts of the property are raccoon–proof. You can also use various repellents, as well, to keep them away. However, you may already have a problem and need to take care of it. As most people live somewhat close to their neighbor's, it is best to use a live trap. This way, if you were to catch your neighbor's beloved cat instead, you could simply release it and try again the next day. More than likely, explaining ... Show more content on ... Raccoons are extremely smart and crafty, and will quickly escape if they are not properly enclosed within the trap. Find a good place to put your trap. It is best if it is somewhere that you know the raccoon to frequent. For example, if the raccoon has been in your outside dog's food every night, put the trap near the dog's food bowl and use dog food as bait. It is important that the raccoon not see the trap as a threat, or else he will not go inside. Bait and place the trap for several days without the triggering mechanism in place. This will acclimate the raccoon to the cage and it will go inside without fear of being trapped. Check the trap every morning for activity to be sure the raccoon is going inside to get the food. You can bait the trap with nearly anything, but sugary things like cookies or cake are best, as this is very attractive to raccoons, and not very attractive to cats. When you have both baited and set the trap, be sure to put some water in there for the raccoon, in case you cannot immediately release the animal. Now that you know how to operate humane raccoon traps, you can begin to catch and release the raccoons that have been plaguing ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. The Fight For Fur Essay The Fight For Fur Not knowing what you could catch the next day is one of the greatest feelings in the world. Trapping has been in America as long as we became a county it was once a very profitable way of income and helped our economy thrive. Now many people are against it from personal beliefs of it being cruel to animals. Yet some people have it in their blood and it is a tradition for them making sure it will never die. Trapping is essential because it is an apart of our history, because it is humane and because it is a great population control task. According the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals under the page Cruel Wildlife Treatment. They state that any animal caught in a steel trap, the animal suffers for days on end trying to free themselves. Continuing on the same topic they again state that the animal once steps in the trap that the trap clamps down on the foot with excruciating pain with the animals sometime chewing their own paw off to free themselves. The list goes on and on about the different types of traps used and them all being inhumane causing pain and damage to the animal. I can tell you personally that this is very untrue. The article The Leg Hold Trap by Globe & Mail, out of Canada which is a very large population of trappers. This article had a piece of information saying that "The snare and the cruel Conibear trap (the Conibear can be described as a body–holding trap which can kill animals by squeezing them to death)". After this ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Raccoon Coat Analysis Reading this novel was the first begin noticing, Who is the said to have the right choices? the question has floods. Here , Raccoon coat and girl friend changes that the nonsense transaction are made. But all had different tendencies, but his desire and thought that make it a deal for the benefit. First, i feel that the main character teach for Petty it is perfect own future that very selfish thing to do It is not in a really in love with her for your own sake, to change her form that beyond rational judgment that is wrong. If we find his love in time for his specifications don't feel as if true love. At the same time, Petty bellouseu is called an emotional person, but Through a raccoon coat and trade when I had rationalized that he has not in love Polly Espy so I received a shock. ... Show more content on ... No matter how I think something's important human a cast of mind and the most hard thing to think there is nothing more valuable In addition, Foley also between two selfish trade at the end pite bellouseu a logical reason that chose from the one line that "He's got a raccoon coat" Felt a contradiction of three hero. Right person and the smart choice anyone in this story don't really feel able to judge. I value their outward appearances like this, missed the most important things and look at some if I live. The most necessary to establish a priority for him is his choice at the end, but sweet candy that can be seen in front of that moment of desire caught in the most precious thing I thought that I would do not pose a man dumb miss ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Rocket Raccoon The film "Guardians of the Galaxy" directed by James Gunn, was brought to life from Marvel studios. They have introduced us to the beloved character Rocket Raccoon. He is an outlaw with his partner, Groot, and then turned hero after saving the galaxy with the other characters. The skilled marksmen, masterful tactician, and raccoon has now been transformed into a costume. Now kids and adults alike will be able to embody their love for the Marvel movie. The Rocket costume masks are sold by Rubies online and in the store. It can fit well with a purchased or made from scratch costume for Halloween or cosplay. The Rocket Raccoon masks are officially licensed by the Marvel company as a 'guardians of the Galaxy' product. Because of this, the costumes are made of the highest quality materials. The materials must meet the standards of the studio in order to be endorsed; this ensures good quality. The Rocket face is made out of latex in order to appear more realistic. The latex causes it to be flimsier and fit the face better. Latex is also a very lightweight material in order to prevent the raccoon face from being heavy on the head. The latex allows for the Rocket facial structure and design to be sculpted on it. This way, the face can be molded to mimic the sculpture of the animals face from the guardian's movie. ... Show more content on ... He is extremely sly and the mask portrays this look. The face prominently characterizes him with his signature smirk, and captures his squinty eyes. It also includes detail of the animal's facial fur, from the ears to the mouth. The colors mimic that from the movie of gray with white and black emphasis. The top of the face includes the earpiece Rocket Raccoon has in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Why It Is Important To Remove Raccoons Often, especially in the winter months you may notice that raccoons, squirrels, wild rabbits, skunks or even foxes roam around your backyard. They may threaten damage to your yard, domestic animals, home, vehicles and even cultivation. That's why it's important to remove all intruders and wild trespassers from your private zones. However, frequently wildlife removal can be complicated and associated with a variety of issues. More and more people tend to resort to the services of professionals, instead of doing the job themselves. If you are in the Ohio area, you may contact Miami Valley Wildlife Control. They offer control and removal methods for various wildlife animals, including rats, raccoons, skunks and moles. If you are in Florida, you may check out Critter Control, ... Show more content on ... If you really would like professional intervention for your wildlife control, you can choose one of the following options: Your best choice might be to find a nuisance wildlife control operator. They will catch the animal and remove it. If you decide to remove the animal on your own, you will have to get an animal eradication permit. You should call the Conservation Police Officer or your Department of State's biologist for assistance. Keep in mind that a wildlife removal permit is allowed only in cases when all other wildlife control methods have failed. You can also check if your state's municipality has a relevant department for handling this type of cases. Wildlife removal will definitely make you feel safer and will help you protect your home from the random intrusions of dangerous and unpleasant wildlife species. That's why it's always a wiser idea to remove and control all those little intruders that threaten your safety, well–being, gardens, vehicles and ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. What Is The Mask Of Black Raccoons Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Procyonidae Genus: Procyon Species: Procyon lotor Binomial classification: Northern Raccoon 2. General Background Originally raccoons lived in the tropics where they could be found hunting along riverbanks. Over time they moved north up the continent, successfully adapting to new territories and expanding their diet. Raccoons are among the most adaptable of the Carnivora, able to live comfortably in cities and suburbs as well as rural and wilderness areas. They use small home ranges, as small as 1–3 square km, and show flexibility in selecting denning sites, from tree hollows to chimneys to sewers. (Northern Raccoon..). The mask of black fur that covers its eyes ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Intriguing Illustrations: Chester And Mrs. Raccoon The soothing text and lively illustrations showcase Chester, a young raccoon who is nervous about leaving home and starting his first day of school. To help relieve Chester's worries, Mrs. Raccoon, Chester's mother, discloses a family secret which comprises of giving him a peaceful kiss in the middle of his raccoon hand. Mrs. Raccoon tells Chester that any time he feels lonely or overwhelmed, he can rest his palm with the kiss on his cheek and he will know his mother loves him. Chester gives the same comforting kiss to his mother's palm. Reassured, Chester goes to school, gladly joining the rest of the nighttime animals in the great tree. Both Chester and Mrs. Raccoon realize that their love is profound, infinite and continually present. This children's picture book is ideal for kindergarten students because it can be used to reassure children (ages 4–6) troubled by separation anxiety especially at times of separation, whether at the start of the school year, daycare, or camp. In addition, the book targets children's affective developmental domain which consists of fostering a sense of self. Precisely, this book ... Show more content on ... As Kostelnik, Rupiper, Soderman, and Phipps Whiren (2014) mention, teachers should remark the wide variety of emotions children experience and thus should use a blend of "on–the–spot teaching strategies" and deliberate activities to tackle them. By reading The Kissing Hand, a book that uses a variety of feeling words, teachers can help students acquire a wide–ranging feeling word vocabulary. As well, students will gain emotional competence as they identify their emotions and utilize productive ways for articulating and handling emotions in their day–to–day exchanges (Kostelnik et al., 2014). In addition, the book discusses how situations and occurrences affect emotions; therefore, teachers can teach children coping tactics when recuperating from obstacles and displeasures (Kostelnik et al., ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Society's Role In Resident Evil: Retribution If there were a way to be a part of any film, I would choose to be in Resident Evil: Retribution. Resident Evil: Retribution is the 5th film in the series about a woman that is human kind's last hope of survival to stop a virus called the T–virus. The woman's name is Alice Abernathy or goes by Janus Prospero as her aliases, but is known as Project Alice to the Umbrella Corporation. She's known as Project Alice Because she got exposed to the T–Virus in a laboratory exposure, that caused her to gain physical powers and psionic abilities. The whole facility underground got locked down, and then gas got released to kill the virus outbreak, where it wouldn't get out, and in the process killed everyone except Alice at the secret base known as the ... Show more content on ... When Alice is free, I would meet her outside the door and escape the area by moving to the realistic simulator dome, which is part of the exit route we have to take to meet up with the team sent to save and recover Alice. The simulation would be fun to travel through with Alice because they are facsimiles of major cities like New York, Moscow, Tokyo, and even Raccoon City, where the outbreak started, with cloned people that are walking around like everyday people and then a zombie outbreak happens. The main reason I would find it fun is because I would be able to run around and kill the mutated zombies with Alice. I would have Alices back since her powers and abilities were taken away by the Red Queen. I would stay behind to hold off the zombie while Alice and Ada escape the Tokyo simulation dome the get to the Raccoon Suburbs simulation dome. That's where the team Wesker sent, are supposed to meet us to help finish escaping the facility. When I finished off killing the zombies, or can't hold them back any longer, I would run to lock the domes doors and meet them at the rendezvous. On the way to the Raccoon dome, I'd have to go through the New York dome, which is where I would run into Alice and Ada fighting two big Axemen type monster zombie. By the time I got to them they had ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Drilly: A Short Story Remember Billy that astute sheep that got sick?Well he's healthy now very healthy actually, he has three little sheep babies. i know right impossible, but it's authentic! One of the children name is Lilly she was authenticity she knew all the answers that Billy asked. Jase the second child would always authenticate on every thing, from pearl boxes percent of counting calories. The other son's name is Christian he was the most pickiest out of all them , at the dinner table there was delicacies of food, but he would never eat the options all he would eat is Ice cream. He only ate ice cream he was a little fat sheep. He would derogatory in school work, that's why he had f's and his other siblings had a's. Lilly would devour all the food on ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Water Pollution : The Raccoon River There are many problems on this earth that are caused by pollution. These issues cause many things to occur that is not good for the environment or earth. Such as hurting animals and ecosystems, these occurrences should not be taken lightly as it will affect all humans now and perhaps more in the future. The Raccoon River is a good example of this pollution that is affecting many things around it. The main problem is the amount of nitrates that are being washed or mixed with the river. This may happen in a variety of ways, with natural forces or just by human activity. Many environmentalists are working on this river by figuring out what the issue is, why it is happening, and finally how they are fixing it. To start, the concern of the Raccoon River is that the pollution that has been building up in it has finally become a problem for the ecosystem around it. In his article The North Raccoon: A river of controversy and undiscovered beauty, by Mike Kilen(2017) reports, "We took a water sample that measured nitrates at 15 milligrams per liter". When the nitrates go above ten milligrams per liter it starts to become unsafe to drink and use. Nitrates can kill infants six months and below, as well as aquatic life according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Because of this, the river cannot be used as a source of water when it is needed due to how big Des Moines is. Not only is this pollution causing a ruckus for us humans but it may also be upsetting the animals living in ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Detailed Description Of The Raccoon Detailed description of the Raccoon The raccoon is a native mammal, measuring about 3 feet long, including its 12–inch, bushy, ringed tail. While most Raccoons weigh between 12 and 22 pounds, raccoons can grow as large as 60 pounds as has been reported in some areas such as Washington, Maine, and Minnesota. Additionally, their weights are dependent on their genetics, age, availability of food, and habitat location. Furthermore, because their hind legs are longer than the front legs, raccoons tend to have hunched appearance when they walk or run. According to nature magazine raccoons are very tactile animals, the five toes on their front paws are extremely dexterous, essentially functioning as five little fingers which allow it to grasp and then manipulate food and a variety of other objects; hence, it is not surprising to see a raccoon picking up grapes and berries very much like a human would. They are known for their exceptional hearing and night vision; the excellent hearing and night vision are both very useful for locating small prey such as beetles, grasshoppers, and crickets. According to the article titled, Life and habitat of Raccoon (n.d), "Raccoons are also outstanding climbers and are one of the very few animals that can descend a tree head–first –– a feat accomplished by turning their paws 180 degrees". They are reluctant to swim even though they can swim. Worth noting is that raccoons are omnivorous, meaning they eat both plants and animals, they tend to ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Red Coon Hunt Research Paper Billy was an adventurous little boy who lived near the Ozark Mountains. He wanted two Red Coonhounds more than anything in the world. Although his parents could not afford two dogs, that did not stop Billy from trying to get them. With the help of his grandfather, who sold coon skins for Billy, he saved enough money up and bought two Red Coonhounds from Kentucky in a sportsman's magazine. As soon as the dogs arrived in the town of Tahlequah, Billy went to retrieve them. After gaining two coonhound dogs, one boy and one girl, Billy named the boy Old Dan and the girl Little Ann. After weeks of training them, Billy, Old Dan, and Little Ann went on their first hunting trip. After several months of hunting, Old Dan and Little Ann became well known. After a ... Show more content on ... After a rough night, Billy and his team went back to the camp with several coon skins. Because of his dogs determination and loyalty even through a blizzard, Billy won the competition. After that, everyone started to head home. Awhile later, Billy, Old Dan, and Little Ann went hunting again. Billy was not prepared for this hunt. During the hunt, Old Dan and Little Ann tracked down a mountain lion. They would not give up the hunt until the lion was dead. While saving Billy's life, Old Dan and Little Ann were wounded very badly. Even though Billy and his parents did their best to treat Old Dan and Little Ann's wounds, Old Dan did not make it long after the hunt. Shortly after Old Dan's death, Billy buried him. Since Old Dan and Little Ann had always done everything together, Little Ann was so sadden that she stopped eating and became weak. As she was dying, she drug herself all the way out to Old Dan's grave and died beside his grave. Billy buried her beside Old Dan. With the competition money, Billy's father and mother had enough money to move to town, so they did. Before leaving, Billy visited Old Dan and Little Ann's grave once more. There he saw the legendary red ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. How do Raccoons Adapt? The ecosystem consists of communities with different populations of species. Each diverse animal in the ecosystem has a unique way of surviving the abiotic and biotic factors in the environment through its traits; behavioral traits, morphological traits and physiological traits. Some of its traits prevent these organisms from predation, and others allows organism to survive when temperature are too high or too low. The strategy to survival depends on the animal. Let's talk about the Procyon lotor also known by the name raccoon (Source 2). Raccoon are nocturnal; which means they sleep in the day and are awake at night. They are also omnivore, which means plants and animals. Some plants they consume are berries, leaves and fruits, and they prey on insects, frogs and crayfish. Raccoons are found in forests, mashes prairies and in cities. These masked bandits are live many place; in a hole in a tree, in a log, and in a house attic. Their predators are cougars, bobcats and coyotes ( Source 2). These characteristics of the raccoons and some of these basic necessities decide whether an animal survives or not. The environment the raccoon is present decides its adaptation. When the weather changes, an animal has to adapt to its environment. When autumn is about to end, raccoons eat most of their food in the spring so that they have enough fat and body heat to stay warm for the winter. In the winter, raccoons also hibernate so they do not use up all their energy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Raccoon Description Detailed description of the Raccoon The raccoon is a native mammal, measuring about 3 feet long, including its 12–inch, bushy, ringed tail. While most Raccoons weight between 12 and 22, raccoons as large as 60 pounds as has been reported in some areas such as Washington , Maine and Minnesota; additionally, their weights are dependent on their of genetics, age, available food, and habitat location. Furthermore, because their hind legs are longer than the front legs, raccoons tend to have hunched appearance when they walk or run. According to nature magazine Raccoons are very tactile animals, the five toes on a their front paws are extremely dexterous, essentially functioning as five little fingers which allow it to grasp and then manipulate ... Show more content on ... Moreover, the treatment of the infectious diseases caused by the Raccoon are based on laboratory findings coupled with the history of the infectious process, the signs and symptoms exhibited by infected person. Hence, adequate supportive care and appropriate Systemic ant–infectives are the main stay of treatment. Ways to keep Raccoon out of homes Ways to keep Raccoon out of homes include but are not limited: Not feeding raccoons. Keeping indoor pet food and any other food away from a pet door. Feeding dogs and cats indoors and keeping them in at night Keeping garbage can lid on tight by securing it with rope or chain Eliminating their access to denning sites such as the chimneys, attics, and spaces under houses, porches, and sheds In opinion, trapping and removal of raccoon should be deferred to professionals who are experienced and have the tools to effectively remove mammals such as Raccoons from homes. For de–infestation to be efficient the raccoons' access to the home most be completely ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Why Are Bow Hunters Important Essay There are a lot of things for new bow–hunters to learn; here are three that I believe are important. Safety always comes first, even while bow–hunting. Understand how to use your equipment, and take good care of it. Using broken or unfamiliar equipment is dangerous and may cause injury. Consider each action before you make it. You will never regret being careful. Preparedness is the next step. As the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. There's a lot to learn and do before you can get out in the woods. Make sure you have everything you need and know how to use it. Next learn about your target animal; understand their habits and where to locate them. Experienced hunters or hunting magazines offer excellent tips ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Hightower Department Stores: Imported Stuffed Animals Essay Hightower Department Stores: Imported Stuffed Animals Executive Summary On the morning of January 17, 1993, before the annual buying trip to Germany for the 1993 Christmas season, the toy buyer for the chain of Hightower Department Stores named Julia Brown was reviewing the performance of some models of stuffed animals tested for sales during 1992. Every time Julia's on the trip, she would buy some stuffed animals for testing. Fifty was the minimum amount the manufacturers require. Based on Julia's years of buying experience, the tested result would give Julia a clear estimation about how many new stuffed animals she needed to order. Figure 1 in below shows the timeline of how Julia buys the toys for the company: 1992 ... Show more content on ... The imported stuffed animals were just in accordance with Julia's strategies. The strategies had given the company an advantage that about half of its toys are imported while other mass merchants and toy supermarkets only had less than 20 percent of imported toys. Possible Decision Alternatives and Evaluations According to the decision problem session, three simple decision trees could be developed: Julia's alternatives are either buying toys from domestic manufacturers, or importing from foreign countries. Buying from domestic could at least gave $1150 contribution while the contribution of selling imported toys depended on each different results from test sales. The result of tested sales seemed to be a good indicator of realized sales, thus linear regression was calculated according to the test sales and realized sales (excluding those which were not adopted): Year Animal Landed Cost ($) Retail Price ($) Sales Projection Test Sales Realized Sales 1981 Ape 2.33 4.95 260 27 304
  • 53.
  • 54. Short Story Of 'Where The Red Fern Grows' A story about an adventurous kid & his hounds – hunting, winning competitions and facing death In the beginning of the story "Where The Red Fern Grows" a boy named Billy saw a group of dogs fighting on the street. Billy stopped the dogs from fighting and noticed a red hound all beat up. He took the hound home, fed him, washed him, and released him. This made him remember his old days of owning a hound. When Billy was 10 he wanted two hunting hounds but his family couldn't afford it. Billy had a sickness called puppy love so he couldn't help asking for puppies. One day he saved and worked for his money to get two puppy hounds. He named the dogs Old Dan and Little Ann. Billy and his dogs had so many adventures of hunting racoons. Billy once caught a ghost racoon that has never been caught before all thanks to his dogs. Billy's dogs help him become a coon hunting expert! The dogs would never let a coon go even if it was a stormy night. Old Dan and Little Ann were Billy's best friends. They would always stick together and never leave each other. One day Billy's grandfather signed him up for a racoon hunting competition. Billy was super excited and his dogs were too. Papa, grandpa, and the hounds all went hunting with Billy. They all stayed at a campsite and ate their breakfast. That morning Billy got his first cup of coffee. It made him feel older and excited to have his very first cup of coffee. After breakfast, Billy and his hound started to go hunt some coons for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. How The Kinkajou Is A Relative Of The Raccoon And Lives The kinkajou is a relative of the raccoon and lives in tropical forests or Central and South America (National Geographic). They have thick and wooly honey brown fur, elongated bodies with short legs, and rounded head and ears, large eyes and a small muzzle (Animal Diversity Web). The male kinkajous are larger. Color morphs have been observed in different regions (Animal Diversity Web). Their tails are like another arm, it helps them balance and use their tail to hang from trees and as cozy blankets. Kinkajous are seventeen to twenty–two inches from head to body and sixteen to twenty–two inches from the tail, they weigh from three to seven pounds (National Geographic). Feet and hands are clawed and they have bare skin on the bottoms they also turn backwards, which helps them climb up trees. The pelvis and the head turn 180 degrees, they have an extremely flexible spinal cord (Animal Diversity Web). Also called honey bears because they raid bee's nests. By using their long tongue to slurp out honey from the hive they even remove termites from their nests. Usually they eat fruit and some small mammals (National Geographic). Kinkajous are a nocturnal animal, which means they sleep during the day, usually sleeping with their home group members up in trees. Kinkajous rarely move on the ground they mainly stay in trees (The Animal Files). At dusk, members spend time grooming and socializing before separating to eat (Animal Diversity Web). This animal is rarely ever seen but can ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Common Raccoon ( P. Lotor The common raccoon (P. lotor) has been said to be one of the most widespread urban mammalian carnivores. Characterised by its fox–like face, bushy striped tail, and unmistakable "mask" of dark patches around their eyes, the growing population of urban raccoons has become somewhat of an epidemic. These small creatures are known for their relatively high intellect, enabling them to access human resources. Raccoons are omnivores, and have been consistently observed to eat virtually anything. Additionally, even though raccoons are technically both primary consumers and secondary consumers, they are best described as being scavengers. Raccoons have very little social structure relatively; they are known as solitary animals, most likely stemming from their nocturnal behaviors. Quite often, they will be found traveling as either a family (until the young reach adolescence, at which time they leave), or an individual. They are notorious carriers of disease, can outcompete native species, and can be quite aggressive when confronted by humans. For these reasons and more, the urban raccoon is considered a pest, and in many areas there have been countless efforts to control their populations (Gehrt, S. D., et. al., 2010, Pg. 35–47). This paper will propose actions that would need to be taken in order to deter raccoons from pursuing human waste as a food source in the effort of controlling their population. Due to the raccoon's opportunistic nature, overtime the species have found ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Raccoon Control Case Study Raccoon control is the removal and prevention of the nuisance raccoon population in America. Raccoon control is a task that only should be handled by an expert. Laws pertaining to this industry differ state to state, some mandating extermination and others prohibiting it. In most cases, raccoon control is carried out by a company that specializes in the industry. They should have licenses and be insured to conduct their services. They should be experienced and have the proper certifications stating their qualifications. They should also use updated equipment and methods for the job. Why Do We Need Raccoon Control? There are many potential damages that raccoons can inflict on residential and commercial properties. They can find small openings that lead into crawls spaces, attics, roofs, and more. If they decide to nest in these areas once they've gained access, there is more potential damage that can occur. They can saturate insulation, sheetrock, and wood with ... Show more content on ... If the company is a full service raccoon removal business, they will have the proper equipment and knowledge it takes to carry out these services professionally and effectively. As a full service company, they normally offer every removal service imaginable, from structural damage restorations to raccoon exclusion and prevention services. They can fix, cleanup, and repair any damages caused by wild animals, as well as raccoons. Most professional wild animal removal companies will be able to work side–by–side with a home owners' insurance company to ease the hassle of the repair process. Removing raccoons is a dangerous and meticulous task that should only be attempted by a professional. If you have any questions on how to trap a raccoon, please consult an expert. By removing raccoons correctly and effectively the first time can save a property owner thousands of dollars in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Importance Of Raccoons In Miami Raccoons are renowned for finding their way into residential garbage cans, throwing debris all over the place in search of food and harassing pets. On a more grave level, they are recognized by the Center for Disease Control as being the most dangerous animal to have living in close proximity due to the release of Histoplasmosis spores in their excrement. This infectious fungus is known to cause bloody coughing, fevers and aches. Raccoons are also one of the largest known carriers of the rabies virus in Miami, Florida. Besides carrying diseases harmful for humans and pets, raccoons are massive nuisances to urban residents, particularly once they have entered homes and offices to nest. They are able to scratch their way through almost anything including wood and frequently destroy air conditioning ducts, wiring and sometimes irreversibly contaminate insulation. Repairs and sanitization can cost up thousands of dollars, and the longer raccoons are left unchecked in the attic spaces, the more they run up costly damages. ... Show more content on ... Preventative measure can always be taken. Placing locks on garbage bins and attaching them to racks may decentivize raccoons from attempting to rummage through your trash. You should keep pet food locked away and out of sight in the evenings. These nocturnal scavengers will eat anything and everything they can get their paws on. Omega Animal Removal is one of the most trusted names in wildlife control in Miami, Florida, and with our effective 4–step process and Lifetime Guarantee, there is no contest that we are the premier raccoon removal service in Miami. Other companies only ensure their work for up to a year. Signs of a Raccoon ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. raccoon report Essay Raccoon Report GENERAL OVERVIEW Raccoons (Procyon lotor) belong to the Procyonidae (those who came before the dogs' family). This highly intelligent mammal has a rounded head with a short nose, small ears, and a sturdy body with minimum–length, thick, grayish brown fur. Raccoons are easily identified by a distinctive pattern of alternating black and yellowish white rings around a large bushy tail. They are also identified by a unique narrow black face mask with two white patches above the eyes. The average length is 2 to 3 feet long (including the tail) and 12 inches high, weigh 8 to 22 pounds (heaviest in autumn), and live for 10 to 13 years. Females produce one litter per year, numbering from one to ... Show more content on ... Although this statement is generally true, raccoons do have definite preferences. Generally speaking, when fed by humans, they like peanuts, sweets, fruits, bread, peanut butter, and especially cat and dog food. Like feeding humans, though, don't overload them with treats –– make those for special occasions, and leave the healthier stuff for most of the time. In the wild the raccoon prefers: birds, rodents, crayfish, small reptiles, mollusks, bird eggs, grains, and small grass shoots. Raccoons have a wide variety in diet and are able to change it when necessary. MOVEMENT AND MIGRATION Raccoons do not migrate but they do move within a home range. They will not spend any more time on one portion of the home range than any other portion. TERRITORIES AND DEFENSE Raccoons exhibit solitary social spacing with each adult raccoon remaining in its home range. They have home ranges rather than territories because with a very diverse diet the resources are not very defensible, and the home range that males require for mating purposes is too large to defend. Home range size of the raccoon is largely dependent on resource availability. Smaller home ranges are associated with more resource availability and larger home ranges with less resource availability. (Prange, 2004) Home ranges for adult males are usually about 4,800 acres, but again this can vary with resource distribution as ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Research Paper On Raccoons It was the winter of 2009, my siblings and I went to go play in the snow. We went to the backyard, and in order to go to the backyard we had to jump the fence. We were having a great time; we made a snow fort, had a snowball fight, but when we were playing tag my brother tripped and twisted his ankle. We were going to take him back inside so we were about to leave but, he couldn't climb over the fence and it was buried in the snow so we couldn't move it. My friend Caleb, and his sister heard and we tried to move the fence together. Eventually they gave up, and went back home because their mom was calling them. Which made me kind of angry, but I realized that ninety five percent of friends don't have that bond that family does. We stayed with ... Show more content on ... It was really easy, it was too easy when we got there we went in the pool and 30 seconds later we saw there was a raccoon we stared at it then ran away screaming! The raccoon started chasing us, we ran up the stairs screaming then in perfect unison we slammed the hallway door and sat behind it. Then we realized we left the key at the pool... so we went down together and saw the raccoon again so we went grabbed the card when I fell in the pool. Instead of leaving me, my sister helped me out and we left. Now you may be wondering what the heck this has to with family? Well instead of leaving me at the mercy of some crazy Raccoon she risked herself to help me out, but it turned out the Raccoon wasn't going to hurt us. It's the thought that matters, aright? This doesn't mean you have to stay with family forever, we all get sick, and tired of our family every once in a while. On the other hand just thinking that if my family died I wouldn't be able to function it would be like a huge void in my heart so whenever I think of that I am thankful, to have family that I can believe will be with me forever until we're nothing but dust and ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Raccoons: A Short Story "Cruuow!" "Wait what is that," I said murmuring to myself. "Agh," I shrieked as I scampered away from it. There I was home alone, my mom had called my grandpa to take me to his farm. The trip there was dull, but I knew it would be a fun day. As soon as I got there the first question I asked was where "is my BB gun." Second, It had been hours since had shoot something. The birds wouldn't die from my weak blows. So I decided to get close to them, well that never worked. I had moved away from the house and gone to the cows old, small shed. The birds flew right out like there was a blazing fire in it. I searched and searched in the smallest corners, but just as I lost hope I stared up and found my kill. There it was a plump raccoon just waiting ... Show more content on ... He had I pistol filled but just as It went in its hole he shot its back 2 times. "Did you get it" I said anxiously not waiting for an answer. He replied "Yes." So where's it at," I asked unhappily. "Well it went into the hole." After I heard that my whole heart dropped into little Unfixable pieces. My eyes went full black at the time I mostly didn't care about anything. I was so hyped to hang its head on my wall as a trophy, but I guess life is just full of surprises. After that, we went back to the house. I was dying of boredom so I drove the Ranger around his fields as he planted crops. I waited for my mom to come pick me up. And boy did I have the greatest story to tell her. As I was so anxious I couldn't get over not getting the raccoon. I felt inventive, so I packed up some sign supplies and was going to make a sign right next to where the raccoon was going to die how clever I thought I was. And I was 'hunting' I was so determined, I just needed something to show for it. I went back and waited restlessly for mom to show up. I was so focused on it I couldn't take my mind off it. Finally ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Short Story Of 'Where The Red Fern Grows' In the beginning of the story "Where The Red Fern Grows" a boy named Billy saw a group of dogs fighting on the street. Billy stopped the dogs from fighting and noticed a red hound all beat up. He took the hound home, fed him, washed him, and released him. This made him remember his old days of owning a hound. When Billy was 10 he wanted two hunting hounds, but his family couldn't afford it. Billy had a sickness called puppy love so he couldn't help asking for puppies. One day he saved and worked for his money to get two puppy hounds. He named the dogs Old Dan and Little Ann. Billy and his dogs had so many adventures of hunting raccoons. Billy once caught a ghost raccoon that has never been caught before all thanks to his dogs. Billy's dogs help him become a coon hunting expert! The dogs would never let a coon go even if it was a stormy night. Old Dan and Little Ann were Billy's best friends. They would always stick together and never leave each other. One day Billy's grandfather signed him up for a raccoon hunting competition. Billy was super excited and his dogs were too. Papa, grandpa, and the hounds all went hunting with Billy. They all stayed at a campsite and ate their breakfast. That morning, Billy got his first cup of coffee. It made him feel older and excited to have his very first cup of coffee. After breakfast, Billy and his hound started to go hunt some coons for the competition. They only needed 3 coons to hunt, but suddenly there was a storm coming. It ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Summary Of The North Raccoon: A River Of Controversy "For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we are rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it," said Marcus Samuelsson. According to the Des Moines Register, "The federal Environmental Protection Agency is adding $12.3 million to a loan fund that will help pay for drinking water systems or improve efficiency." There are obvious water quality issues in Iowa, and people around the state including farmers and the governor are trying to help. A centerpiece of the water quality battle is the North Raccoon, where the water runoff from farms is ruining the river. In the article, "The North Raccoon: A River of Controversy and Undiscovered Beauty," Mike Kilen (2017) claims, Steve Roe of Panora ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Raccoon Habits This story is about a young man who was very intelligent, acute and astute. He is studying in a law school at the University of Minnesota and living with his roommate named, Petey Bellows. Petey is a nice young man, emotional type, attracts to latest fashion trends but an unintelligent person. One day, he heard Petey lying on a bed, mumbling saying he wants a raccoon coat like the All Big Men on campus wear. He doesn't want raccoon coats because it is unsanitary, sheds, and smell bad. He remembered that his father has a raccoon coat, laying in a trunk in attic. He wants it to give to Petey but there is something he wants too. He wants a girlfriend that he will marry. There is one thing that Petey has, his first one to take for a date, Polly ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. The Raccoon By Zoë Munro: A Short Story The Raccoon Zoë Munro Those oversized glowing eyes were following me, tracking my every move. What were a group of crazed Racoons doing chasing me anyway? My pyjamas were falling down around my legs, I tripped over a log, the racoons were upon me, asking for my signature and chittering with glee. A lump of fur landed on me, and was taking a selfie with their smart phones. My fame was getting out of control, these raccoon groupies were crazed. I thrashed to get it off me, waking up to discover Chris trying to calm me down. "Whoa buddy, calm down, its just me" said Chris, my best friend. "Its time to get up and get ready for school camp". Hopefully this picnic was going to be better than breakfast. After arriving by bus at our destination, ... Show more content on ... I was furiously pointing at the spot where the raccoon was, then, to my amazement, Chris went over to the bench and picked up the raccoon. As he picked the raccoon up, it made a noise that you would expect to come from a dog toy. Everyone burst into laughter, and I realised that this 'raccoon' was actually a dog chew toy!! Oh no!!!!!! I had just done the most embarrassing thing ever, mistaking a dog toy for a raccoon! "Ha ha" I laughed, on the inside however, I felt like a complete fool. I felt all my dignity disappear down the drain pipe, this is the fate of being named Dwayne ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Annie Oakley Research Paper Annie Oakley Is Annie her real name? No,Annie Oakley's real name is Phoebe Ann Moses. Annie grew up in a wood cabin in Greenville, Ohio.( Stephanie Spinner) On August 13,1860 Jacob and Susan Moses gave birth to Annie.( Stephanie Spinner) Annie never followed the rules, therefore there was a gun that was her father's over the fireplace she wasn't allowed to get but she always would.( Stephanie Spinner) Annie had 8 sibling.7girls and one boy: Mary, Sharah,Lydia, Hulda, Catherine, Elizabeth, John and Emeline which was a half sister. ( was eight years old when she shot her first shot.Jacob which is her father died when Annie was six years old.( Stephanie Spinner) Now that Annie is grown up she is doing gun trick shows.Stephanie Spinner) Annie ... Show more content on ... ( . Annie was sent to work at the Darke County Infirmary in 1870.Frank and Annie met and got married in August 23rd,1876.( Stephanie Spinner) Frank was a grown man when Annie was just a teen.( Stephanie Spinner) Annie and Frank didnt have any kids. They ended up doing shows together and getting into the circus.( Stephanie Spinner) When Annie would go to competitions she would usually when going against men even. One of Annie's famous quotes were " I guess the love of a gun was born in me".( Stephanie Spinner) Frank and Annie's tour name was called "Butler and Oakley". Annie sister Lydia got married in 1875 and Annie paid off the mortgage on the house with her shooting.( Stephanie Spinner) Frank and Annie have performed in New york,England and Paris( Stephanie Spinner) .Annie got accused of using drugs in a newspaper in 1903. Annie and Frank raised money for Soldiers and ... Get more on ...