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The Presidency Of Bill Clinton
The presidency of Bill Clinton is not too simple to forget. The 42th president is memorable in a variety of aspects. Bill Clinton, born in August,
1949, was ready for political world at 17 when he shook president John F. Kennedy's hand on a trip to DC. After five terms as governor of Arkansas,
he knew that his aspiration one day to be president could happen, but he must work hard. After some time, Clinton became governor of Arkansas
while working closely with his wife. He was often ridiculed for his youth and political inexperience, but Clinton was able to prove his critics wrong he
decided to run for president in 1992. Bill Clinton became president of the United States of America and served two terms. Clinton won the heart of more content...
In his first term, Clinton had a somewhat moderate relationship with the media. He was criticized for some of his decisions, but overall it was a
typical president versus media relationship, until his second term. In 1998, the media coverage of Bill Clinton went from mild to extremely harsh
when the Lewinsky scandal emerged. The press was strident when it came to finding information about the sex scandal. Reports would surround
Clinton and the first lady trying to oust comments out of them. However, this did not get worse until the president lied under oath with his famous
line, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...", and the president was impeached. The press had a field day by making jokes, and over
analyzing every little thing the president did. Overall, Bill Clinton and the media did not have a harmonious relationship and still do not to this day.
In the first year of Clinton's presidency, he was able to entice Congress to get some of the things done that he promised in his campaign. Clinton was
able to persuade them to raise taxes on the wealthy. He was able to wheedle the Senate to ratify the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA),
which helped create thousands of jobs. He was also able to convince them to pass bills to aid parents and to combat violent crime. Clinton was able to
fulfill some of the promises of his campaign in that first year, and his relationship with Congress was simply Clinton persuading both houses. However,
in the mid–term
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Bill Clinton : William Shakespeare
Rook Welch Mrs. Coker English III 31 March 2016 Bill Clinton William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe IV was born on August 19th, 1946 in Hope,
Arkansas. Three months before he was born his father tragically died. When he was only two, his mother left him to live with his grandparents. When
she remarried, the family moved to Hot Springs, Ark. In his younger years,, Bill was determined for success. He earned academic honors. This gave
him the opportunity to go as a nominee to the American Legion Boys Nation program in Washington, D.C., where he met JFK. This inspired him to
chase a career in politics. Clinton went to Georgetown University and studied international affairs. He was an intern for Sen. J. William Fulbright of
Arkansas. He got his more content...
Clinton promised to do away with the policy of returning Haitian refugees to their homeland which was started by the Bush administration, but then he
decided to continue the plan. Seeking reelection in 1996, Clinton had a number of achievements. Among them was a deficit–reduction plan, a
college–loan repayment plan, the Family and Medical Leave Act, an anti–crime bill, and a welfare reform bill. During his first term, Clinton appointed
two members to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer, were the first appointments to the high court made by a
Democratic president in 25 years. Clinton succeeded in some of his foreign policy efforts. One of his more controversial decisions was to grant U.S.
recogition to Vietnam. In 1994, Clinton deployed troops to Kuwait when Iraq appeared threatening again. Two years later he made the decision to
bomb Iraq for violating the terms of peace agreed to at the end of the Persian Gulf War. Clinton demonstrated that he had adjusted to the difficult task
of the presidency and had become a good political leader. In 1996, voters chose him over Republican nominee Robert Dole. This made Clinton the first
Democratic president since Franklin Roosevelt to be elected to the office twice. The Whitewater affair consumed the president 's final years in office.
Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr 's investigation of crimes by Clinton and his wife exposed information that would bring charges of perjury,
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Bill Clinton Impact On America
Around twenty years ago there are multiple things that have occurred at this time. Within the time period a young happy couple named Annie
Fernandez and Brian Anthony got married and decided to settle down in an apartment and tried really hard to start a family by having a child. Finally
Annie became pregnant with Brian's baby. A historic event happens in America that Bill Clinton is elected to be the President of theUnited States of
America. Also during winter there was a huge snowstorm that had occurred that impacted the United States greatly from the huge amounts of snow. In
a way this snowstorm paralyzed the US by making it difficult for people to move around to get to the places needed to go and things that have to be
done. United Nations had come up with a treaty that bans nuclear testing in order to prevent countries from destroying one another through nuclear more content...
Soviet Union became the first to send a spacecraft into the moon by sending the Luna 9 to the Moon and have taken pictures of the Earth and Moon, at
which the United States retaliate by being the first to send men to the Moon. In addition, the Summer Olympics occurred in the United States in Atlanta
to test the strengths in sports and athletics of all the countries around the world. In the United Kingdom the Mad Cow disease has reached Britain at
which thousands of cattle became sick, and the royal family of Charles and Diana get divorced. Although the royal couple of Charles and Diana had a
happy start together and had children of their own they eventually have some problems in the relationship and start to change happiness
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The Impeachment of Bill Clinton Essay
The Impeachment of Bill Clinton
The government of the United States controls countless affairs in the world. They control everything from the currency to the court systems.
Individuals are suppose to be able to trusting your government system, which has not been the case in many different circumstances. From Richard
Nixon to the Whitewater scandal, the government has been everything but honest.
Furthermore President Bill Clinton has not been honest either. He was the youngest governor of Arkansas and has been awarded with many different
honors and still has misused his power. Bill Clinton has obstructed justice, carried on an affair while in presidency, and abused his power in office. He
has also committed more content...
He was reelected more than three times for the state of Arkansas (DeGregorio 2).
In 1992, William Clinton ran for President on the democratic ticket. His thoughts for the country were to create many jobs, lower taxes for the middle
class, and help national health insurance. Although many people attacked him about an incident when he evaded military service and then tried to
cover it up, he won the run and choose Senator Al Gore as his vice–president. He beat Republican Bush and Independent party Perot. President Clinton
would be reelected again and he would have many issues while in his last term (DeGregorio 3).
Clinton's first problem occurred in 1994, when Paula Jones claimed that Bill Clinton propositioned her and exposed himself to her while he was
governor of Arkansas. Clinton denied everything from the beginning. In 1997, Clinton offered $700,000 to settle the case, but Jones only wanted an
apology. If Clinton did not do anything wrong, then why would he pay a hefty fine to dismiss the case? April first of this year, the Jones case was
dropped, but was reopened in November. Jones came out with a recorded $800,000 settlement (Froomkin 1).
The worries did not stop at the Jones case though. In 1995, Clinton allegedly started to have an affair with one of his interns, Monica Lewinsky who
was 21 years old at the time. No one
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Bill Clinton Case Study
It all began in 1994, when former Arkansas State employee, Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, arguing that he propositioned her
when he was Governor. A legal group working on the case in 1998 received an anonymous tip that the President had a relationship with Lewinsky,
an intern for his Chief of Staff. The knowledge of this incident peaked their interest, since it could be used to argue this was a pattern of behavior. On
January 7th, 1998, Lewinsky filed a sworn affidavit in the Jones lawsuit saying she had never had a relationship with Clinton, but she did not know
that a close friend, Linda Tripp had been taping conversations with her about the affair. Five days after the affidavit was filed, Tripp gave independent
counsel Kenneth Star 20 hours of taped phone calls. Star had been investigating the Clintons over a real–estate venture known as White Water. But the
recordings allowed him to get permission on January 16th to more content...
In August, the President provided a blood sample to compare his DNA to the stains on the blue dress. That month Lewinsky and Clinton testified to
the grand Jury with the President's testimony taken by closed circuit TV. He admitted to inappropriate intimate contact, but also said that he had given
accurate testimony previously, famously quivering over the definition of "is". Later that evening, he spoke to the nation in a televised address. Clinton
stated, "In a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did
not volunteer information. Indeed, I did have a relationship with Monica Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong". The next moth
congress received two copies of Stars 445–page report on the investigation and supporting evidence. The Star report along with transcripts of Lewinsky
and Tripp were later released to the
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President Bill Clinton Essay
On August 19, 1946, William Jefferson Blythe IV was born in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. William never had the opportunity to meet his father
who was a traveling salesman. William's mother was still mourning the loss of her beloved husband who died only three months earlier in a tragic car
accident. "As a small child, Bill lived with his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, and her parents in Hope, Arkansas" (Maraniss, 1995). When Bill was
a year old, his mother moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study nursing. While his mother was away, Bill was being raised by his grandparents.
Four years later, in hopes of a better life, Virginia remarried to RogerClinton. Roger turned out to be an alcoholic, which lead him to become violent more content...
After graduating from Oxford University, Clinton attended Yale University where he studied Law. While there, Clinton kept his concentration in
government by campaigning for Senator Candidates in Connecticut. While at Yale, Clinton also met Hillary Rodham, whom he would later marry on
October 11, 1975. When Clinton graduated from Yale University in 1973, he returned to Arkansas to teach at the University of Arkansas Law School.
In 1974, while teaching his first year at the University of Arkansas, Clinton decided it was time to enter his first political race. His target was winning
a seat in the United States House of Representatives. It was not going to be easy to win the campaign because the current incumbent, John Paul
Hammerschmidt, was extremely popular and considered unbeatable. Nevertheless, Clinton defeated three Democratic candidates to become the parties'
official nominee to run against Hammerschmidt. Clinton ran an energetic campaign but was still defeated. Hammerschmidt won the race by getting
52 percent of the votes. Clinton was devastated after being defeated in 1974 for Congress Campaign for Arkansas' 3rd district. However, the power of
his devastation was no match for Clinton's determination. Three years after his defeat to Hammerschmidt, Clinton decided to run for Governor of
Arkansas when Governor David Pryor decided to run for a spot in the U.S. Senate. When all was said and done, Clinton
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Bill Clinton, A Good President?
Bill Clinton a good president? As we see throughout history many people ignorant to many accomplishments presidents have, and only remember
them for their assassinations or their scandals. Bill Clinton to many people is viewed as bad president over his scandalous affair with Monica
Lewinsky. However Clinton was deeply involved in his Baptist Church, and once said ""Religious faith has permitted me to believe in the continuing
possibility of becoming a better person every day, to believe in the search for complete integrity in life." Although Clinton had an affair, that didn't
affect his ability to govern the United States. Many people overlook the several accomplishments that he did for the United States of America because
of that simple mistake that he had in his marriage. One of the several things Bill Clinton did was he reduced the crime rate. The crime rate fell every
year that Clinton was president and was at a 26–year low by the end of his two terms. He also got funding to employ 100,000 nationwide. One very
important thing that he bills that he signed was the Brady Bill was required a waiting period and a background check to purchase handguns, and in
1994 his Crime Bill included a ban on assault weapons which lead to a 40 percent decline in gun crime by 2001. Clinton was a strong supporter of
modernizing the US military, which led to increased technology and efficiency. His administration focused on precision weapons and GPS technology,
to reduce collateral
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Bill Clinton Essay
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Bill spent the first six years of his
life in Hope, Arkansas, where he was born on August 19, 1946. Bill's father, William Jefferson Blythe, died in a car accident several months before his
mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, gave birth to him. Bill has two brothers and one sister, Roger Clinton, Henry Leon Ritzenthaler and Sharon Lee Blythe.
Bill Clinton attended Yale Law School, School of Foreign Service, Hot Springs High School, University College Oxford, St. John's Catholic
Elementary School, Ramble Elementary, Yale University, and Georgetown University. Clinton worked as a clerk for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations more content...
Some legislative successes were, during his presidency, 22.5 million new jobs were created and unemployment dropped from 7.5% when he took
office to 4.0% by the end of his second term which was the lowest in 30 years, and Clinton's pro–environmental policies included preserving 4.6
million acres of land in national monuments, strengthening the Safe Drinking Water Act, and enacting tougher emissions and energy efficiency
standards. The communities of more than 44 million Americans were brought up to clean air standards during his presidency. Some legislative
failures during his presidency was, he was unable to fulfill his campaign promise to repeal the ban on homosexuals serving in the military. Faced
with strong opposition from conservatives early in his presidency, Clinton settled on a compromise policy referred to as "don't ask, don't tell," which
allowed gays to serve in the military if they did not disclose their sexual orientation. Neither conservatives nor liberals were satisfied by the outcome,
and Clinton cut NASA's budget by $715 million in 1995 and did not restore the bulk of the money until three months before he left office. The result
was a space program struggling to operate with less money for most of Clinton's time in
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Bill Clinton
In his first address to the nation, President William Jefferson Clinton laid out the foundation for his vision for the country. He spoke about the ideals
that he saw as essential for American prosperity, and it is part of the reason he specifically mentioned that it is up to the American people to define
what it means to be an American, which is seen throughout his entire speech. The key elements of his speech can be seen as his vision for his
presidency as a whole. When first speaking, President Clinton spoke about the agent of change and how the United States should make change an ally
and not an enemy. When referencing the presidency,Bill Clinton saw his stance as the lead facilitator in America's desire to change. If anything were
to change Americans needed to be more competitive in the century ahead, and, as president, he saw an opportunity to lead in a new direction of
innovation, economic exuberance, and cultural progressiveness. President Clinton spoke about the strength of the American economy, but he also
spoke on the roots of all that can be deemed "wrong" with the country. When he speaks of the failures of modern American business, inequality, and
divisions amongst the citizens of the United States, this can be seen as the definition of the obstacles he wants to tackle as president. The biggest
theme displayed in the earlier part of Clinton's speech about his presidency was his desire of being a president for everyone. With the constant use of
inclusive words
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Bill Clinton: How Will He Be Remembered
How Will He be Remembered?
People will always remember Bill Clinton, for what reason, however, might be different. Some might remember him as a wonderful president who
helped our country pull through the millennium unscathed. He protected our environment, promoted education, strengthened our economy, dropped
the crime rate, dropped our nation's poverty levels and had some victories with international policies. At the same time we have health care that is
falling apart, some problems with the military and a scandalous affair. Considering this one has to wonder what his legacy will be. A respected leader
who learned as he went and made many valuable reforms? Or a president who didn't hold to his promises, and lied to the country?
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How Will He be Remembered?
People will always remember Bill Clinton, for what reason, however, might be different. Some might remember him as a wonderful president who
helped our country pull through the millennium unscathed. He protected our environment, promoted education, strengthened our economy, dropped
the crime rate, dropped our nation's poverty levels and had some victories with international policies. At the same time we have health care that is
falling apart, some problems with the military and a scandalous affair. Considering this one has to wonder what his legacy will be. A respected
leader who learned as he went and made many valuable reforms? Or a president who didn't hold to his promises, and lied to the country? President
Clinton has done many things during his presidency. Some were good some were bad. He made some mistakes and bad choices, but in the whole, he
helped our country excel and flourish.
One of the things Clinton is most famous for, but not the proudest of, is his affairs. The issue of Clinton having an affair with Monica Lewinsky is
purely personal. It should have been discussed within his family and in his family alone. Many people seem to forget that Presidents before him have
done the exact same thing. John F Kennedy is probably the best known with his affairs. This doesn't diminish the fact that Clinton took it one step
farther and lied about the affairs.
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The name of my President is Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States of America. Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in the
small town of Hope, Arkansas. Bill was named after his father, William Jefferson Blythe II, who had been killed in a car accident just three months
before he was born. Bill's birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III. His mother, Virginia Cassidy Blyth, moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study
nursing and find a way to support herself and Bill Clinton, and he stayed with his grandparents in Hope. Eldridge and Edith Cassidy taught Bill strong
values and beliefs teaching him that everyone is created equal no matter how different of skin or race they seemed. His mother returned more
Bill earned his Bachelor of Science degree in International Affairs at the University, while doing this he worked as an intern in the office of Arkansas
Senator J. William Fulbright. He learned how the government worked by working there and what it's like to be a Politian.
Bill entered politics in Arkansas, and was defeated in his campaign for Congress in Arkansas's Third District in 1974. Bill married Hillary Rodham
the following year, a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School, in 1980. He only had one child named Chelsea. Clinton was elected
Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978. He regained office four years after losing a bid for a second term, and
served until he defeated George Bush and third party candidate Toss Perot in the 1992 presidential race and became the President on January 20,
1993. He was Governor of Arkansas from 1979–1981 and 1983–1992) Bill's vice President was Albert Gore Jr. Both White House and Congress were
held by the same party for the first time in 12 years, but the Republicans won both houses in 1994. Bill Clinton was a Democratic President under the
United States. There was an issue in 1998 that involved personal indiscretions with a young woman White House intern, which cause Bill to be the
second U.S. President to be impeached by the House of Representatives.
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Essay on Bill Clinton: A Life of Controversy
Clinton impressed people with the idea of a family man in office. He was focused and charismatic. Better economy was what the American people
wanted so that is what his goal was. During his reign he went through more scandals and controversies than any other president. He was impeached,
yet despite all, he was loved by America. Our economy prospered and we had better diplomatic relations. The American people wanted change for the
better and so they elected William Jefferson Clinton for their forty–second president of the United States of America.
Unique Information about Election Bill Clinton won his 1992 election campaign because he focused on the worsening economy while Bush ignored the
problem. His campaign slogan was, "It's more content...
One of which is the Brady Bill. The Brady Bill forced a five–day waiting period on handgun purchases so that background checks could be done to
help keep handguns away from criminals. That bill was passed to help with the crime rate that was steadily increasing. Another policy that went along
with the Brady Bill was the Crime Bill. The Crime Bill put 100,000 new police officers out on the streets. Very successful important foreign polices
/treaties included NAFTA and GATT. Clinton forged a bipartisan coalition to pass North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which led to an
increase in exports to Mexico by twenty–three percent in the first eleven months. He also led the fight to pass General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT) which lowered tariffs worldwide by $744 billion over ten years.
Successes and Failures in Office President Clinton was a man entangled in his own ruins. He went from one lie to another and eventually was so
caught up in them, that he was trapped. These lies brought on his downfall as a great leader. He was flawed like everyone, yet being a
representative of the people, you need to keep these flaws hidden so that weakness is not shown. His failings were revealed to the whole world and
his pride and integrity fell with them. The world no longer saw a leader, but a broken man. This was his ultimate failure. However, another big failure
Clinton had while in office was his failure to
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Essay on President Bill Clinton
While it's practically impossible to write a research paper without referring to the scandalous side of President Bill Clinton, this research will also
spotlight how excellent Bill Clinton was as a president and present interesting facts about his life. On August 19, 1946, William Jefferson Blythe IV
began his life in Hope, Arkansas. His mother was still mourning over the loss of her beloved husband who died only three months earlier in a tragic
car accident. Four years later, in hopes of a better life, Virginia remarried to RogerClinton. But as a raging alcoholic, Roger became violent with Bill
and his mother. At age 14, young William had enough of the abuse. He finally stood up to his stepfather and the cruelty more content...
They were engaged and married shortly after his decision. Hillary even established her own very successful law practice in Little Rock. Five years
afterward marriage, Hillary became pregnant and they were blessed with their only daughter, Chelsea. By this time in his life, Bill was growing
impatient with being just a governor. No way, that was not good enough for him. Clinton had bigger and badder things on his mind, and he was raring
to go. The same dream he had since high school was going to become a reality.Bill Clinton announced his intention to seek the 1992 Democratic
presidential nomination. All the time he was governor, new ideas, goals, and campaigning tactics had been burning into his mind, just waiting for this
moment. Clinton didn't waste a minute to start gaining popularity. The skills Clinton possessed as a campaigner were outstanding. He had the ability
to sharply define issues in his favor. As most everyone does, Bill had the tendency to give in to public opinion instead of trying to shape it. For
example, during his campaign in 1992, he revealed that he wore boxers, not briefs. Although completely irrelevant, these remarks are possibly what
made him an appealing, down–to–earth president. Shortly following, Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President of the United States in January 1993,
after defeating George Bush senior. At 46, he was the youngest US president since John
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Bill Clinton: A Charismatic Analysis
Considering the video mentioned, the two behaviors of a person who is considered to have high charisma, are, being confident and possessing a
genuine smile. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, in his presidential debate was unable to remember his script which punctured his building charisma.
Even then, Rick managed to be the governor of Texas because of his confidence in his talks. According to researches,Bill Clinton is the most
charismatic president mainly because of his smiling face, which eventually leads to convincing thoughts of the listeners. This charismatic feature
lacked in his wife, which is supposed to be one of the many reasons for the failure in the 2016 presidential elections.
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President Clinton delivered a speech on diversity in the summer of 1998 for the commencement of the graduating class at Portland State University.
He begins his speech addressing the fact that our world is becoming more diverse and now is the time that everyone begins to accept that fact. Because
of the impact of different diversity and cultures we can grow and become stronger as a nation. Even though that there will be struggles with
discrimination between others based on race or other differences, he wanted people to understand how this is only going to make America stronger
even though some may not see it that way. The Presidents' intended audience was the graduating class as young Americans but ended up surpassing
that and more content...
He wanted them to know that it wasn't about their race or where they were from it meant if they could take on the responsibilities of being an
American, followed the rules and understood the rights they had then they would always be welcome. He even said, " So I say, as President, to all
our immigrants, you are welcome here. But you must honor our laws, embrace our culture, learn our language, know our history; and when the time
come, you should become a citizen." (Clinton 3) This was said hoping to show that they are welcomed and to make them feel that way a well.
Throughout this speech the president is constantly giving us facts from way back in history and the fact that back then didn't like immigrants but not
he's delivering new facts and new statistics to show how immigration is not destroying out country but it is making it better. Immigrations hasn't
always been one of the easiest things for people to understand. People in America haven't always greeted new incoming immigrants with the best
embrace, they would usually be greeted with violence, suspicion and discrimination. Clinton even said that the hatred was always so great that, "the
hatred of Irish immigrants 150 years ago...greeted with signs that read, "No Dogs or Irish"," and even said how, "the Chinese in the 1800s that they
were barred from even entering the country." (Clinton 1) This is not the way to
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Impeachment of Bill Clinton Essay
President Bill Clinton began an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, in 1995. Later in 1998, when confronted with questions in
regards to an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath in front of a grand jury. This, however, was not his first lapse in judgment as
viewed by the Senate and Congress. The President and his wife, Hillary, found themselves involved in the Whitewater scandal beginning in 1978. In
addition, during his campaign, Clinton was accused of draft dodging and rumors were spread in regards to his possible marriage infidelity. President
Bill Clinton continued to find himself caught in the middle of scandals involving: Whitewater, Paula Jones, and most notably, Monica Lewinsky. The
way Clinton more content...
Following the hearings on Whitewater, Monica S. Lewinsky began working as an unpaid intern in the White House chief of staff's office. In
August of 1995, Monica attended a surprise birthday gathering for the President on the South Lawn. While there, the President shook her hand as
she wished him a happy birthday. Monica would later describe this encounter to the Office of Independent Council, in the presence of a grand
jury, as the beginning of a "flirtation that went on at a distance." (Gormley 235). On November 13, 1995, Monica received a promotion to a paid
position in the Office of Legislative Affairs located in the East Wing. Two days later, Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich issued a
government shutdown. Monica reported to work during the shutdown and at one point during the day, Monica and the President's paths crossed.
Monica passed by the door to the inner office of the West Wing and saw Clinton standing by himself. Lewinsky then lifted her jacket to show Clinton
the straps of her underwear. Clinton invited her into his private study where they kissed for the first time. Monica Lewinsky testified: "We talked
briefly and sort of acknowledged there had been a chemistry that was there before and that we were both attracted to each other and then he asked me
if he could kiss me" (The History Place). Later that evening, they had a more
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Life History of Bill Clinton Essay
Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re–elected to a second term as President.
Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and
failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in
office. They liked what he was doing for the country and supported him no matter what. Bill Clinton was an important president in American history,
even through his personal scandals and broken promises.
William Jefferson Clinton, now known as Bill Clinton, was born on August 19, 1946. He spent more content...
The plan was approved by the legislature. In the 1980's, the rate at which new jobs were created in Arkansas was among the highest in the nation. The
jobs were there, but most of them didn't pay high wages and the average family income still remained low (American President 3).
During the 1992 presidential campaign, Clinton promised to reform the health–care system, enact a tax cut for the middle class, reduce the federal
budget deficit, and make major investments in the nation's highways, bridges, and hospitals to name a few (Dumas 4). The health–care reform was the
most ambitious item on Clinton's campaign platform. He promised to fix the two major problems of American health care: rising costs and the
widespread lack of coverage. A large number of Americans had neither private health insurance nor coverage under a government program. Others had
coverage, but it would end if they quit or lost their jobs. So, in his campaign, Clinton promised to reduce their insecurity with the slogan "No American
will go without health care" (Campbell 216).
In the 1992 presidential election, Clinton defeated President George H. W. Bush and Ross Perot and became the forty–second president of the United
States. This election made Clinton the first president born after World War II, or in other words, he and his wife Hillary were the first baby boomer
couple to occupy the White House. Hillary Clinton was the first
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President Bill Clinton Essay
Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re–elected to a second term as President.
Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and
failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in
office. They liked what he was doing for the country and supported him no matter what. Bill Clinton was an important president in American history,
even through his personal scandals and broken promises.
William Jefferson Clinton, now known as Bill Clinton, was born on August 19, 1946. He spent more content...
Clinton met his future wife, Hillary Rodham, when he moved back to Arkansas. The two of them got married in 1975. Not long after he moved back to
Arkansas, Clinton threw himself into politics by running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives against Republican John Paul
Hammerschmidt. Even though Clinton lost this 1974 race, it was Hammerschmidt's closest election in the twenty–six years he had been in Congress
(Dumas 2). This election showed that Clinton was a rising political star.
Two years after his defeat, Clinton was elected as state attorney general of Arkansas. Then, in 1978, at the age of thirty–two, Clinton ran for governor.
It was an easy victory for Clinton, and it made him one of the nation's youngest governors ever. Even though this was a big step for Clinton, his young
age and inexperience quickly left the Arkansas population unimpressed. Governor Clinton had several problems during his term and did several things
that the people of Arkansas didn't agree with. Consequently, the voters elected Frank White instead of him in the next election. White was a little
known, new Republican businessman who switched parties just to run against Clinton. Now Clinton was the youngest former governor in American
history (Dumas 3).
Shocked by his defeat, Clinton went to work for a Little Rock law firm. While at the law firm, he spent a great deal of his time campaigning for
reelection. In the 1982 race, Clinton admitted his mistakes and used
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Bill Clinton Research Paper
William Jefferson Clinton was born on August 19th, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. Bills father, William Jefferson Blythe, had died in a car crash three
months before Clinton was born, leaving his mom Virginia Cassidy Blythe to take care of him. Bills mom moved away to further her education in
New Orleans. Bill stayed with his grandparents Eldridge and Edith Cassidy where they taught him the value of education. Bill was reading little books
by the age of 3. Clinton's mother came home in 1950 with her nursing degree. Later that year she married a car salesman named Roger Clinton. Bill
Clinton attended Hot Spring high school where he was an exemplary student. Clinton then got affiliated with Boys State, an American Legion Program
where he became a Arkansas representative more content...
Clinton lost the election in 1980 losing his spot as Governor. Not letting that get him down he worked hard and gained back his spot as governor
where he served four consecutive terms.In 1992 Clinton easily defeated his opponents in the democratic primaries becoming the democratic
presidential nominee. He chose senator Al Gore to serve as his vice presidential running mate. On November 3rd 1992 Clinton became the 42nd
president of the united states. Bill Clinton's views were shaped by his worship in the southern baptist church and his family. Going through all different
colleges traveling overseas to oxford and across the country also helped to shape his political views. Bills experiences as state attorney general and
governor at such a young age allowed him to gain knowledge and help shape his political views. Bill Clinton started his campaign off by pounding
hard the advantages given to the rich by Reagan and
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The Presidency Of Bill Clinton

  • 1. The Presidency Of Bill Clinton The presidency of Bill Clinton is not too simple to forget. The 42th president is memorable in a variety of aspects. Bill Clinton, born in August, 1949, was ready for political world at 17 when he shook president John F. Kennedy's hand on a trip to DC. After five terms as governor of Arkansas, he knew that his aspiration one day to be president could happen, but he must work hard. After some time, Clinton became governor of Arkansas while working closely with his wife. He was often ridiculed for his youth and political inexperience, but Clinton was able to prove his critics wrong he decided to run for president in 1992. Bill Clinton became president of the United States of America and served two terms. Clinton won the heart of more content... In his first term, Clinton had a somewhat moderate relationship with the media. He was criticized for some of his decisions, but overall it was a typical president versus media relationship, until his second term. In 1998, the media coverage of Bill Clinton went from mild to extremely harsh when the Lewinsky scandal emerged. The press was strident when it came to finding information about the sex scandal. Reports would surround Clinton and the first lady trying to oust comments out of them. However, this did not get worse until the president lied under oath with his famous line, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman...", and the president was impeached. The press had a field day by making jokes, and over analyzing every little thing the president did. Overall, Bill Clinton and the media did not have a harmonious relationship and still do not to this day. In the first year of Clinton's presidency, he was able to entice Congress to get some of the things done that he promised in his campaign. Clinton was able to persuade them to raise taxes on the wealthy. He was able to wheedle the Senate to ratify the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which helped create thousands of jobs. He was also able to convince them to pass bills to aid parents and to combat violent crime. Clinton was able to fulfill some of the promises of his campaign in that first year, and his relationship with Congress was simply Clinton persuading both houses. However, in the mid–term Get more content on
  • 2. Bill Clinton : William Shakespeare Rook Welch Mrs. Coker English III 31 March 2016 Bill Clinton William (Bill) Jefferson Blythe IV was born on August 19th, 1946 in Hope, Arkansas. Three months before he was born his father tragically died. When he was only two, his mother left him to live with his grandparents. When she remarried, the family moved to Hot Springs, Ark. In his younger years,, Bill was determined for success. He earned academic honors. This gave him the opportunity to go as a nominee to the American Legion Boys Nation program in Washington, D.C., where he met JFK. This inspired him to chase a career in politics. Clinton went to Georgetown University and studied international affairs. He was an intern for Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. He got his more content... Clinton promised to do away with the policy of returning Haitian refugees to their homeland which was started by the Bush administration, but then he decided to continue the plan. Seeking reelection in 1996, Clinton had a number of achievements. Among them was a deficit–reduction plan, a college–loan repayment plan, the Family and Medical Leave Act, an anti–crime bill, and a welfare reform bill. During his first term, Clinton appointed two members to the U.S. Supreme Court. Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer, were the first appointments to the high court made by a Democratic president in 25 years. Clinton succeeded in some of his foreign policy efforts. One of his more controversial decisions was to grant U.S. recogition to Vietnam. In 1994, Clinton deployed troops to Kuwait when Iraq appeared threatening again. Two years later he made the decision to bomb Iraq for violating the terms of peace agreed to at the end of the Persian Gulf War. Clinton demonstrated that he had adjusted to the difficult task of the presidency and had become a good political leader. In 1996, voters chose him over Republican nominee Robert Dole. This made Clinton the first Democratic president since Franklin Roosevelt to be elected to the office twice. The Whitewater affair consumed the president 's final years in office. Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr 's investigation of crimes by Clinton and his wife exposed information that would bring charges of perjury, Get more content on
  • 3. Bill Clinton Impact On America Around twenty years ago there are multiple things that have occurred at this time. Within the time period a young happy couple named Annie Fernandez and Brian Anthony got married and decided to settle down in an apartment and tried really hard to start a family by having a child. Finally Annie became pregnant with Brian's baby. A historic event happens in America that Bill Clinton is elected to be the President of theUnited States of America. Also during winter there was a huge snowstorm that had occurred that impacted the United States greatly from the huge amounts of snow. In a way this snowstorm paralyzed the US by making it difficult for people to move around to get to the places needed to go and things that have to be done. United Nations had come up with a treaty that bans nuclear testing in order to prevent countries from destroying one another through nuclear more content... Soviet Union became the first to send a spacecraft into the moon by sending the Luna 9 to the Moon and have taken pictures of the Earth and Moon, at which the United States retaliate by being the first to send men to the Moon. In addition, the Summer Olympics occurred in the United States in Atlanta to test the strengths in sports and athletics of all the countries around the world. In the United Kingdom the Mad Cow disease has reached Britain at which thousands of cattle became sick, and the royal family of Charles and Diana get divorced. Although the royal couple of Charles and Diana had a happy start together and had children of their own they eventually have some problems in the relationship and start to change happiness Get more content on
  • 4. The Impeachment of Bill Clinton Essay The Impeachment of Bill Clinton The government of the United States controls countless affairs in the world. They control everything from the currency to the court systems. Individuals are suppose to be able to trusting your government system, which has not been the case in many different circumstances. From Richard Nixon to the Whitewater scandal, the government has been everything but honest. Furthermore President Bill Clinton has not been honest either. He was the youngest governor of Arkansas and has been awarded with many different honors and still has misused his power. Bill Clinton has obstructed justice, carried on an affair while in presidency, and abused his power in office. He has also committed more content... He was reelected more than three times for the state of Arkansas (DeGregorio 2). In 1992, William Clinton ran for President on the democratic ticket. His thoughts for the country were to create many jobs, lower taxes for the middle class, and help national health insurance. Although many people attacked him about an incident when he evaded military service and then tried to cover it up, he won the run and choose Senator Al Gore as his vice–president. He beat Republican Bush and Independent party Perot. President Clinton would be reelected again and he would have many issues while in his last term (DeGregorio 3). Clinton's first problem occurred in 1994, when Paula Jones claimed that Bill Clinton propositioned her and exposed himself to her while he was governor of Arkansas. Clinton denied everything from the beginning. In 1997, Clinton offered $700,000 to settle the case, but Jones only wanted an apology. If Clinton did not do anything wrong, then why would he pay a hefty fine to dismiss the case? April first of this year, the Jones case was dropped, but was reopened in November. Jones came out with a recorded $800,000 settlement (Froomkin 1). The worries did not stop at the Jones case though. In 1995, Clinton allegedly started to have an affair with one of his interns, Monica Lewinsky who was 21 years old at the time. No one
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  • 6. Bill Clinton Case Study It all began in 1994, when former Arkansas State employee, Paula Jones sued Bill Clinton for sexual harassment, arguing that he propositioned her when he was Governor. A legal group working on the case in 1998 received an anonymous tip that the President had a relationship with Lewinsky, an intern for his Chief of Staff. The knowledge of this incident peaked their interest, since it could be used to argue this was a pattern of behavior. On January 7th, 1998, Lewinsky filed a sworn affidavit in the Jones lawsuit saying she had never had a relationship with Clinton, but she did not know that a close friend, Linda Tripp had been taping conversations with her about the affair. Five days after the affidavit was filed, Tripp gave independent counsel Kenneth Star 20 hours of taped phone calls. Star had been investigating the Clintons over a real–estate venture known as White Water. But the recordings allowed him to get permission on January 16th to more content... In August, the President provided a blood sample to compare his DNA to the stains on the blue dress. That month Lewinsky and Clinton testified to the grand Jury with the President's testimony taken by closed circuit TV. He admitted to inappropriate intimate contact, but also said that he had given accurate testimony previously, famously quivering over the definition of "is". Later that evening, he spoke to the nation in a televised address. Clinton stated, "In a deposition in January, I was asked questions about my relationship with Monica Lewinsky. While my answers were legally accurate, I did not volunteer information. Indeed, I did have a relationship with Monica Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong". The next moth congress received two copies of Stars 445–page report on the investigation and supporting evidence. The Star report along with transcripts of Lewinsky and Tripp were later released to the Get more content on
  • 7. President Bill Clinton Essay On August 19, 1946, William Jefferson Blythe IV was born in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. William never had the opportunity to meet his father who was a traveling salesman. William's mother was still mourning the loss of her beloved husband who died only three months earlier in a tragic car accident. "As a small child, Bill lived with his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, and her parents in Hope, Arkansas" (Maraniss, 1995). When Bill was a year old, his mother moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study nursing. While his mother was away, Bill was being raised by his grandparents. Four years later, in hopes of a better life, Virginia remarried to RogerClinton. Roger turned out to be an alcoholic, which lead him to become violent more content... After graduating from Oxford University, Clinton attended Yale University where he studied Law. While there, Clinton kept his concentration in government by campaigning for Senator Candidates in Connecticut. While at Yale, Clinton also met Hillary Rodham, whom he would later marry on October 11, 1975. When Clinton graduated from Yale University in 1973, he returned to Arkansas to teach at the University of Arkansas Law School. In 1974, while teaching his first year at the University of Arkansas, Clinton decided it was time to enter his first political race. His target was winning a seat in the United States House of Representatives. It was not going to be easy to win the campaign because the current incumbent, John Paul Hammerschmidt, was extremely popular and considered unbeatable. Nevertheless, Clinton defeated three Democratic candidates to become the parties' official nominee to run against Hammerschmidt. Clinton ran an energetic campaign but was still defeated. Hammerschmidt won the race by getting 52 percent of the votes. Clinton was devastated after being defeated in 1974 for Congress Campaign for Arkansas' 3rd district. However, the power of his devastation was no match for Clinton's determination. Three years after his defeat to Hammerschmidt, Clinton decided to run for Governor of Arkansas when Governor David Pryor decided to run for a spot in the U.S. Senate. When all was said and done, Clinton Get more content on
  • 8. Bill Clinton, A Good President? Bill Clinton a good president? As we see throughout history many people ignorant to many accomplishments presidents have, and only remember them for their assassinations or their scandals. Bill Clinton to many people is viewed as bad president over his scandalous affair with Monica Lewinsky. However Clinton was deeply involved in his Baptist Church, and once said ""Religious faith has permitted me to believe in the continuing possibility of becoming a better person every day, to believe in the search for complete integrity in life." Although Clinton had an affair, that didn't affect his ability to govern the United States. Many people overlook the several accomplishments that he did for the United States of America because of that simple mistake that he had in his marriage. One of the several things Bill Clinton did was he reduced the crime rate. The crime rate fell every year that Clinton was president and was at a 26–year low by the end of his two terms. He also got funding to employ 100,000 nationwide. One very important thing that he bills that he signed was the Brady Bill was required a waiting period and a background check to purchase handguns, and in 1994 his Crime Bill included a ban on assault weapons which lead to a 40 percent decline in gun crime by 2001. Clinton was a strong supporter of modernizing the US military, which led to increased technology and efficiency. His administration focused on precision weapons and GPS technology, to reduce collateral Get more content on
  • 9. Bill Clinton Essay Bill Clinton Bill Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Bill spent the first six years of his life in Hope, Arkansas, where he was born on August 19, 1946. Bill's father, William Jefferson Blythe, died in a car accident several months before his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, gave birth to him. Bill has two brothers and one sister, Roger Clinton, Henry Leon Ritzenthaler and Sharon Lee Blythe. Bill Clinton attended Yale Law School, School of Foreign Service, Hot Springs High School, University College Oxford, St. John's Catholic Elementary School, Ramble Elementary, Yale University, and Georgetown University. Clinton worked as a clerk for the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations more content... Some legislative successes were, during his presidency, 22.5 million new jobs were created and unemployment dropped from 7.5% when he took office to 4.0% by the end of his second term which was the lowest in 30 years, and Clinton's pro–environmental policies included preserving 4.6 million acres of land in national monuments, strengthening the Safe Drinking Water Act, and enacting tougher emissions and energy efficiency standards. The communities of more than 44 million Americans were brought up to clean air standards during his presidency. Some legislative failures during his presidency was, he was unable to fulfill his campaign promise to repeal the ban on homosexuals serving in the military. Faced with strong opposition from conservatives early in his presidency, Clinton settled on a compromise policy referred to as "don't ask, don't tell," which allowed gays to serve in the military if they did not disclose their sexual orientation. Neither conservatives nor liberals were satisfied by the outcome, and Clinton cut NASA's budget by $715 million in 1995 and did not restore the bulk of the money until three months before he left office. The result was a space program struggling to operate with less money for most of Clinton's time in Get more content on
  • 10. Rhetorical Analysis Of Bill Clinton In his first address to the nation, President William Jefferson Clinton laid out the foundation for his vision for the country. He spoke about the ideals that he saw as essential for American prosperity, and it is part of the reason he specifically mentioned that it is up to the American people to define what it means to be an American, which is seen throughout his entire speech. The key elements of his speech can be seen as his vision for his presidency as a whole. When first speaking, President Clinton spoke about the agent of change and how the United States should make change an ally and not an enemy. When referencing the presidency,Bill Clinton saw his stance as the lead facilitator in America's desire to change. If anything were to change Americans needed to be more competitive in the century ahead, and, as president, he saw an opportunity to lead in a new direction of innovation, economic exuberance, and cultural progressiveness. President Clinton spoke about the strength of the American economy, but he also spoke on the roots of all that can be deemed "wrong" with the country. When he speaks of the failures of modern American business, inequality, and divisions amongst the citizens of the United States, this can be seen as the definition of the obstacles he wants to tackle as president. The biggest theme displayed in the earlier part of Clinton's speech about his presidency was his desire of being a president for everyone. With the constant use of inclusive words Get more content on
  • 11. Bill Clinton: How Will He Be Remembered How Will He be Remembered? People will always remember Bill Clinton, for what reason, however, might be different. Some might remember him as a wonderful president who helped our country pull through the millennium unscathed. He protected our environment, promoted education, strengthened our economy, dropped the crime rate, dropped our nation's poverty levels and had some victories with international policies. At the same time we have health care that is falling apart, some problems with the military and a scandalous affair. Considering this one has to wonder what his legacy will be. A respected leader who learned as he went and made many valuable reforms? Or a president who didn't hold to his promises, and lied to the country? more content... How Will He be Remembered? People will always remember Bill Clinton, for what reason, however, might be different. Some might remember him as a wonderful president who helped our country pull through the millennium unscathed. He protected our environment, promoted education, strengthened our economy, dropped the crime rate, dropped our nation's poverty levels and had some victories with international policies. At the same time we have health care that is falling apart, some problems with the military and a scandalous affair. Considering this one has to wonder what his legacy will be. A respected leader who learned as he went and made many valuable reforms? Or a president who didn't hold to his promises, and lied to the country? President Clinton has done many things during his presidency. Some were good some were bad. He made some mistakes and bad choices, but in the whole, he helped our country excel and flourish. One of the things Clinton is most famous for, but not the proudest of, is his affairs. The issue of Clinton having an affair with Monica Lewinsky is purely personal. It should have been discussed within his family and in his family alone. Many people seem to forget that Presidents before him have done the exact same thing. John F Kennedy is probably the best known with his affairs. This doesn't diminish the fact that Clinton took it one step farther and lied about the affairs. Get more content on
  • 12. The name of my President is Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States of America. Bill Clinton was born on August 19, 1946, in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. Bill was named after his father, William Jefferson Blythe II, who had been killed in a car accident just three months before he was born. Bill's birth name was William Jefferson Blythe III. His mother, Virginia Cassidy Blyth, moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study nursing and find a way to support herself and Bill Clinton, and he stayed with his grandparents in Hope. Eldridge and Edith Cassidy taught Bill strong values and beliefs teaching him that everyone is created equal no matter how different of skin or race they seemed. His mother returned more content... Bill earned his Bachelor of Science degree in International Affairs at the University, while doing this he worked as an intern in the office of Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. He learned how the government worked by working there and what it's like to be a Politian. 2 Bill entered politics in Arkansas, and was defeated in his campaign for Congress in Arkansas's Third District in 1974. Bill married Hillary Rodham the following year, a graduate of Wellesley College and Yale Law School, in 1980. He only had one child named Chelsea. Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, and won the governorship in 1978. He regained office four years after losing a bid for a second term, and served until he defeated George Bush and third party candidate Toss Perot in the 1992 presidential race and became the President on January 20, 1993. He was Governor of Arkansas from 1979–1981 and 1983–1992) Bill's vice President was Albert Gore Jr. Both White House and Congress were held by the same party for the first time in 12 years, but the Republicans won both houses in 1994. Bill Clinton was a Democratic President under the United States. There was an issue in 1998 that involved personal indiscretions with a young woman White House intern, which cause Bill to be the second U.S. President to be impeached by the House of Representatives. Get more content on
  • 13. Essay on Bill Clinton: A Life of Controversy Clinton impressed people with the idea of a family man in office. He was focused and charismatic. Better economy was what the American people wanted so that is what his goal was. During his reign he went through more scandals and controversies than any other president. He was impeached, yet despite all, he was loved by America. Our economy prospered and we had better diplomatic relations. The American people wanted change for the better and so they elected William Jefferson Clinton for their forty–second president of the United States of America. Unique Information about Election Bill Clinton won his 1992 election campaign because he focused on the worsening economy while Bush ignored the problem. His campaign slogan was, "It's more content... One of which is the Brady Bill. The Brady Bill forced a five–day waiting period on handgun purchases so that background checks could be done to help keep handguns away from criminals. That bill was passed to help with the crime rate that was steadily increasing. Another policy that went along with the Brady Bill was the Crime Bill. The Crime Bill put 100,000 new police officers out on the streets. Very successful important foreign polices /treaties included NAFTA and GATT. Clinton forged a bipartisan coalition to pass North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which led to an increase in exports to Mexico by twenty–three percent in the first eleven months. He also led the fight to pass General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which lowered tariffs worldwide by $744 billion over ten years. Successes and Failures in Office President Clinton was a man entangled in his own ruins. He went from one lie to another and eventually was so caught up in them, that he was trapped. These lies brought on his downfall as a great leader. He was flawed like everyone, yet being a representative of the people, you need to keep these flaws hidden so that weakness is not shown. His failings were revealed to the whole world and his pride and integrity fell with them. The world no longer saw a leader, but a broken man. This was his ultimate failure. However, another big failure Clinton had while in office was his failure to Get more content on
  • 14. Essay on President Bill Clinton While it's practically impossible to write a research paper without referring to the scandalous side of President Bill Clinton, this research will also spotlight how excellent Bill Clinton was as a president and present interesting facts about his life. On August 19, 1946, William Jefferson Blythe IV began his life in Hope, Arkansas. His mother was still mourning over the loss of her beloved husband who died only three months earlier in a tragic car accident. Four years later, in hopes of a better life, Virginia remarried to RogerClinton. But as a raging alcoholic, Roger became violent with Bill and his mother. At age 14, young William had enough of the abuse. He finally stood up to his stepfather and the cruelty more content... They were engaged and married shortly after his decision. Hillary even established her own very successful law practice in Little Rock. Five years afterward marriage, Hillary became pregnant and they were blessed with their only daughter, Chelsea. By this time in his life, Bill was growing impatient with being just a governor. No way, that was not good enough for him. Clinton had bigger and badder things on his mind, and he was raring to go. The same dream he had since high school was going to become a reality.Bill Clinton announced his intention to seek the 1992 Democratic presidential nomination. All the time he was governor, new ideas, goals, and campaigning tactics had been burning into his mind, just waiting for this moment. Clinton didn't waste a minute to start gaining popularity. The skills Clinton possessed as a campaigner were outstanding. He had the ability to sharply define issues in his favor. As most everyone does, Bill had the tendency to give in to public opinion instead of trying to shape it. For example, during his campaign in 1992, he revealed that he wore boxers, not briefs. Although completely irrelevant, these remarks are possibly what made him an appealing, down–to–earth president. Shortly following, Bill Clinton was inaugurated as President of the United States in January 1993, after defeating George Bush senior. At 46, he was the youngest US president since John Get more content on
  • 15. Bill Clinton: A Charismatic Analysis Considering the video mentioned, the two behaviors of a person who is considered to have high charisma, are, being confident and possessing a genuine smile. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry, in his presidential debate was unable to remember his script which punctured his building charisma. Even then, Rick managed to be the governor of Texas because of his confidence in his talks. According to researches,Bill Clinton is the most charismatic president mainly because of his smiling face, which eventually leads to convincing thoughts of the listeners. This charismatic feature lacked in his wife, which is supposed to be one of the many reasons for the failure in the 2016 presidential elections. Get more content on
  • 16. President Clinton delivered a speech on diversity in the summer of 1998 for the commencement of the graduating class at Portland State University. He begins his speech addressing the fact that our world is becoming more diverse and now is the time that everyone begins to accept that fact. Because of the impact of different diversity and cultures we can grow and become stronger as a nation. Even though that there will be struggles with discrimination between others based on race or other differences, he wanted people to understand how this is only going to make America stronger even though some may not see it that way. The Presidents' intended audience was the graduating class as young Americans but ended up surpassing that and more content... He wanted them to know that it wasn't about their race or where they were from it meant if they could take on the responsibilities of being an American, followed the rules and understood the rights they had then they would always be welcome. He even said, " So I say, as President, to all our immigrants, you are welcome here. But you must honor our laws, embrace our culture, learn our language, know our history; and when the time come, you should become a citizen." (Clinton 3) This was said hoping to show that they are welcomed and to make them feel that way a well. Throughout this speech the president is constantly giving us facts from way back in history and the fact that back then didn't like immigrants but not he's delivering new facts and new statistics to show how immigration is not destroying out country but it is making it better. Immigrations hasn't always been one of the easiest things for people to understand. People in America haven't always greeted new incoming immigrants with the best embrace, they would usually be greeted with violence, suspicion and discrimination. Clinton even said that the hatred was always so great that, "the hatred of Irish immigrants 150 years ago...greeted with signs that read, "No Dogs or Irish"," and even said how, "the Chinese in the 1800s that they were barred from even entering the country." (Clinton 1) This is not the way to Get more content on
  • 17. Impeachment of Bill Clinton Essay President Bill Clinton began an affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, in 1995. Later in 1998, when confronted with questions in regards to an affair with Monica Lewinsky, Clinton lied under oath in front of a grand jury. This, however, was not his first lapse in judgment as viewed by the Senate and Congress. The President and his wife, Hillary, found themselves involved in the Whitewater scandal beginning in 1978. In addition, during his campaign, Clinton was accused of draft dodging and rumors were spread in regards to his possible marriage infidelity. President Bill Clinton continued to find himself caught in the middle of scandals involving: Whitewater, Paula Jones, and most notably, Monica Lewinsky. The way Clinton more content... Following the hearings on Whitewater, Monica S. Lewinsky began working as an unpaid intern in the White House chief of staff's office. In August of 1995, Monica attended a surprise birthday gathering for the President on the South Lawn. While there, the President shook her hand as she wished him a happy birthday. Monica would later describe this encounter to the Office of Independent Council, in the presence of a grand jury, as the beginning of a "flirtation that went on at a distance." (Gormley 235). On November 13, 1995, Monica received a promotion to a paid position in the Office of Legislative Affairs located in the East Wing. Two days later, Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich issued a government shutdown. Monica reported to work during the shutdown and at one point during the day, Monica and the President's paths crossed. Monica passed by the door to the inner office of the West Wing and saw Clinton standing by himself. Lewinsky then lifted her jacket to show Clinton the straps of her underwear. Clinton invited her into his private study where they kissed for the first time. Monica Lewinsky testified: "We talked briefly and sort of acknowledged there had been a chemistry that was there before and that we were both attracted to each other and then he asked me if he could kiss me" (The History Place). Later that evening, they had a more Get more content on
  • 18. Life History of Bill Clinton Essay Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re–elected to a second term as President. Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in office. They liked what he was doing for the country and supported him no matter what. Bill Clinton was an important president in American history, even through his personal scandals and broken promises. William Jefferson Clinton, now known as Bill Clinton, was born on August 19, 1946. He spent more content... The plan was approved by the legislature. In the 1980's, the rate at which new jobs were created in Arkansas was among the highest in the nation. The jobs were there, but most of them didn't pay high wages and the average family income still remained low (American President 3). During the 1992 presidential campaign, Clinton promised to reform the health–care system, enact a tax cut for the middle class, reduce the federal budget deficit, and make major investments in the nation's highways, bridges, and hospitals to name a few (Dumas 4). The health–care reform was the most ambitious item on Clinton's campaign platform. He promised to fix the two major problems of American health care: rising costs and the widespread lack of coverage. A large number of Americans had neither private health insurance nor coverage under a government program. Others had coverage, but it would end if they quit or lost their jobs. So, in his campaign, Clinton promised to reduce their insecurity with the slogan "No American will go without health care" (Campbell 216). In the 1992 presidential election, Clinton defeated President George H. W. Bush and Ross Perot and became the forty–second president of the United States. This election made Clinton the first president born after World War II, or in other words, he and his wife Hillary were the first baby boomer couple to occupy the White House. Hillary Clinton was the first Get more content on
  • 19. President Bill Clinton Essay Bill Clinton William Jefferson Clinton succeeded where no other Democrat since Franklin had. He was re–elected to a second term as President. Clinton also proved most of his critics wrong, surviving the personal scandals that came about. During his presidency, Clinton broke promises and failed in certain areas, but he still had support of the American people. Even after his affair with Monica Lewinsky, the people still wanted him in office. They liked what he was doing for the country and supported him no matter what. Bill Clinton was an important president in American history, even through his personal scandals and broken promises. William Jefferson Clinton, now known as Bill Clinton, was born on August 19, 1946. He spent more content... Clinton met his future wife, Hillary Rodham, when he moved back to Arkansas. The two of them got married in 1975. Not long after he moved back to Arkansas, Clinton threw himself into politics by running for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives against Republican John Paul Hammerschmidt. Even though Clinton lost this 1974 race, it was Hammerschmidt's closest election in the twenty–six years he had been in Congress (Dumas 2). This election showed that Clinton was a rising political star. Two years after his defeat, Clinton was elected as state attorney general of Arkansas. Then, in 1978, at the age of thirty–two, Clinton ran for governor. It was an easy victory for Clinton, and it made him one of the nation's youngest governors ever. Even though this was a big step for Clinton, his young age and inexperience quickly left the Arkansas population unimpressed. Governor Clinton had several problems during his term and did several things that the people of Arkansas didn't agree with. Consequently, the voters elected Frank White instead of him in the next election. White was a little known, new Republican businessman who switched parties just to run against Clinton. Now Clinton was the youngest former governor in American history (Dumas 3). Shocked by his defeat, Clinton went to work for a Little Rock law firm. While at the law firm, he spent a great deal of his time campaigning for reelection. In the 1982 race, Clinton admitted his mistakes and used Get more content on
  • 20. Bill Clinton Research Paper William Jefferson Clinton was born on August 19th, 1946, in Hope, Arkansas. Bills father, William Jefferson Blythe, had died in a car crash three months before Clinton was born, leaving his mom Virginia Cassidy Blythe to take care of him. Bills mom moved away to further her education in New Orleans. Bill stayed with his grandparents Eldridge and Edith Cassidy where they taught him the value of education. Bill was reading little books by the age of 3. Clinton's mother came home in 1950 with her nursing degree. Later that year she married a car salesman named Roger Clinton. Bill Clinton attended Hot Spring high school where he was an exemplary student. Clinton then got affiliated with Boys State, an American Legion Program where he became a Arkansas representative more content... Clinton lost the election in 1980 losing his spot as Governor. Not letting that get him down he worked hard and gained back his spot as governor where he served four consecutive terms.In 1992 Clinton easily defeated his opponents in the democratic primaries becoming the democratic presidential nominee. He chose senator Al Gore to serve as his vice presidential running mate. On November 3rd 1992 Clinton became the 42nd president of the united states. Bill Clinton's views were shaped by his worship in the southern baptist church and his family. Going through all different colleges traveling overseas to oxford and across the country also helped to shape his political views. Bills experiences as state attorney general and governor at such a young age allowed him to gain knowledge and help shape his political views. Bill Clinton started his campaign off by pounding hard the advantages given to the rich by Reagan and Get more content on