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Kenny Shania Lestari R
English Education Department, Faculty of Education
State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Email address:
The title of the current paper is The Plot Analysis in Children’s Book Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland’ By Lewis Carroll. Actually, this old of English literature
is written by one of the famous illustrator in Romantic period. The major aims of this
paper are to elaborate the structure of plot in this famous children’s book. The data of
this current paper was gained from the novel entitled “Alice Adventures’ in
Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. The method used documentation approach. This
current paper uses theory that created by Gustav Freytag. After conducting analysis,
tha data are found that the structure of plot is arranged into 5 elements, such as;
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and the ending story is resolution.
Keywords: Structure of plot, and plot
In this current paper, it will be focused on analysis of fiction prose. The
definition of prose is set of language that applies in ordinary language. Prose should
be arranged into paragraph, each paragraph consists of character, topic, conflict and
others. It has ordinary conversation to build the topic alive. Based on the view of M.
Saleh Saad and Muliono (1998), they stated that prose is set of form that consist of
plot narration and created by imagination. Prose English literary can be classified in
two types, such as; fiction and non-fiction. According to Aminuddin (2002:66) fiction
prose is story that building up from plays, characters, plot outline, such as; novel and
short story. In the other hand, non-fiction is created based on fact, the example is
essay, journal, and biography.
Novel in kind of old English literary, it can be defined as Sumarjo (1998: 29)
statement, novel created by author, novel is set of paragraph that consist of various
characters, many conflict, meaningful moral value, many setting, some feelings, and
many topic of plot outline. Nugriatoro (1995) added that two kinds of elements of
novel, they are; the intrinsic and the extrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements included
such as; culture, social, religion, political, and etc. Intrinsic elements cover about
setting, plot, point of view, characters, and others.
In this current paper, the writer focuses to analyze the British children’s book
which has raise in the middle on 19th century, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.
It’s one of the famous and well-known fiction books at the time. In 1865, Charles
Lutwidge Dogson wrote this books, her author’s pen name is Lewis Carroll. Actually,
occupation’s Lewis Carroll is illustrator, poet, teacher, and author. Thru her best
talented works, this full story has strongly sense about fantasy world. It structure,
setting, plot, dialog, and imaginary have strongly emphasized the literature culture of
imagination. The story centered about a young beautiful girl who getting a bizarre and
illogically adventure in the wonderland.
The focusing discussion of this paper, it will analyze about plot in the fiction
book written by Lewis Carroll. Plot is commonly known as foundation of the story,
because plot show and demonstrate each event in the story. Plot in each of section is
connecting each other. Similar with Stanton (1965: 14), he stated that plot can be
defined as story which consisted of the sequences of event, it only could be connected
by cause and effect. The research question of this paper, how is the structure of the
plot in children’s book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll? And
the research objectives in this study, which is to find out the structure of the plot in
children’s book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.
Data is also known as information, research data may be identified as
information which has been gathered, analyzed, and created to obtain valid study
findings. Commonly, there two kinds of data source, such as; primary data source and
secondary data source. Primary data can be gotten by interviews, observations, and
surveys. However, secondary source can be found thru preexisting data, such as;
internet, articles, and others. This study conducted qualitative approach. The data of
this research was gotten from the children’s book entitled “Alice’s Adventures in
Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll.
The current study investigates about how is the structure of the plot in “Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. This fiction novel was selected,
because it has interesting story, best-known of children’s book in 19th century, and the
plot is totally unexpected. The writer uses qualitative method design and employ
documentation approach, because the source collected by note taking.
There are some steps to collect data, they are; firstly, the writer read and
identify the story. In this section, so very useful to analyze and get best-
understanding of the plot. Secondly, the writer takes note of the necessary events in
the story. The writer conducted the analysis section gradually, because data analysis
will deliver the valid data, the data will be useful and meaningful. This study uses
theory that produced by Gustav Freytag, who created the elements of the structure of
the plot, it is well-known as Freytag’s Dramatic Arc, Freytag’s Triangle, Freytag’s
Pyramid, and etc.
Theoritical framework is also known as the application of theory, it can
identify as structure of concepts from same theory to another theory. This current
study used theory that lead by Gustav Freytag, he was German illustration and
novelist. He claimed the structure of plot outline can be called as dramatic structure.
Freytag divided it into 5 elements, such as; exposition as introduction, rising action,
climax, falling action, and the last is ending or resolution.
3.1 Structure of Plot
3.1.1 Exposition or Introduction
The first part of story begin is called as exposition, every story
always have begun. This part are fixed and established of setting and
characters. In the part of exposition, the reader can find out the
character and setting of time and place. From this period, the readers
also know of problem or conflict. So, the exposition’s part is very
3.1.2 Rising Action
In the Freytag’s diagram, rising action is the second element, it
happened after exposition or introduction and before climax’s part. In
this section, the reader has shown and introduced the characters and
setting where story occur. Rising action arise some conflict within the
story. Mostly in rising action, there may need addition events to make
the story have a sense. Sometimes, 5 events in rising actions.
3.1.3 Climax
The third element of Freytag’s diagram is climax. It occupied
in the middle of story. Mostly, the reader assume that climax is
interesting part of every movie, novel or story. In the climax section
will make the audience more eager and eager to know the following
story, their curiosity will increase highly. The main character will face
major conflict and select big decision, sometimes the author will make
it more dramatic.
3.1.4 Falling action
The fourth element of Freytag’s diagram is falling action, it has
opposite meaning with rising action. Falling action happens after the
main character face hard moments in climax’s section. Falling action
also can define as “repose time”, because in this point the major
characters will be relaxed than before and the conflict resolves
gradually. Falling action is important, because it closes before element,
which is climax.
3.1.5 Resolution
The last elements of Freytag’s diagram are resolution, which
pointedly in the end of plot outline the story. It can be called
denouement. This part is important, because all of the character will
face the end, the conflict has successfully resolved, and the story can
be concluded. Sometimes, the reader also takes the message or moral
value of the story in this part. Mostly, there are two kinds of ending or
resolution, such as happy or sad ending.
4.1 The Synopsis of The Story
Once upon the time, there was a beautiful homely girl, her named
Alice. In the nice day, Alice was relaxing and lying under a big shady tree.
Her eyes focused in a white rabbit, she followed the rabbit curiosity till she
fallen down in a hole. She arrived in old strange building, she looked out of
the window. Alice shocked and wonder, in her mind said how beautiful this
place. She tried to open the door several times, but nothing happen. She
looked for the key, the door successful can be opened. However, Alice can’t
go thru the door, because the size of the door was very small. She began to
cry, and then she looked the bottle on the table, cover bottle stated the words “
DRINK ME”. Suddenly, Alice change to small size and enable to enter the
door. But, she got the trouble again. She left the key on the hole of the door.
And then she eat cake on the table, magically her body was getting big and
bigger till touch the roof.
Alice could out thru the door. She walked thru bizarre garden and a
bunch of beautiful flower. After walking alone in footpath, her body was
getting bigger, it was abnormal. She cried loudly, in addition she could swim
by her own tears. She met a French Mouse, illogically she tried to talk with the
animals. Unfortunately, Alice made the mouse mad and she tried to escape.
Alice still adapted with her condition. She tried to be calm if met a bizarre
animal. One day, she came to mushroom and talking with caterpillar,
caterpillar gave her magic mushroom. There two piece of mushroom, one side
to make Alice got smaller, and the other side makes Alice grown bigger than
Day by day, she thru her illogically adventure by ordinary. She met
pig, pepper, a fish-footman, frog- footman, Duchess, the Chesire cat, and
many others. Alice made a good relationship with the animals there. She got
an invitation at “mad” tea party. She wasn’t wonder any more. In the end of
her adventure story, she got the conflict with the king and queen. Suddenly,
magical moment raised again. The pact of cards conspired and began to covey
all over her head. Alice was fear and budge back off. Suddenly, her sister
wakes her up. The strange dream just vanished, Alice looks confused about
how had happened with her. Alice realized that she was dreaming, a totally
amazing long dream that ever she got.
4.2 Structure of Plot in the Story
Based on Gustav Freytag theory, his theory stated that the structure of
plot outline that called by dramatic structure. Freytag divided it into 5
elements, such as; exposition as introduction, rising action, climax, falling
action, and the last is ending or resolution. The writer gets the results of
analysis of the plot structure in the story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
is presented below:
4.2.1 Exposition
The first part can be called as introduction, Freytag (1900) stated that
the function of the beginning section are fixed and established of setting and
characters. In the part of exposition, the reader can find out various characters
and setting of time and place. The readers also find out the problem or
conflict. It’s the reason why the exposition’s part is very important. The
exposition part in this story can be shown below:
Exposition : Alice chases the white rabbit until she fallen down in bizarre
Evidence : The data primary can be looked in the first chapter entitled
“Down the Rabbit-Hole” in the page 3.
“The Rabbit- hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and
then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a
moment to think about stopping herself .......”
Analysis : Based on the answer above, the exposition is correlated enough
with Freytag’s theory. In the part of exposition, we can find
the main character, who beautiful nine- teeth years old. Her
name is Alice, she was burning with curiosity, so she decided
to follow the rabbit and trapped a huge rabbit-hole under the
fence. After conducted more analysis, we can find others
information, which is setting of place and time. At the time
Alice was sitting boredly with her sister in the field. Hot
weather was increasing on their head, so it can be assume that
the exposition of the story was taken in the daytime or noon.
4.2.2 Rising action
Rising action is the second element, in this section, after the reader
has already introduced the characters and setting where story occur.
Rising action arise some conflicts within the story. Mostly in rising
action, there may need addition of events to make the story have a
sense. Sometimes, there are 5 events in rising actions. Gustav (1900)
said that all of the events in the rising action will be the most necessary
elements of the story, because the whole of plot will depend on theme
to organize the climax section.
Rising action : There 5 events in the rising actions, it can be checked
in the data below;
1.Alice was shocked about her beginning magical adventures, her
size can be bigger or smaller because of cake and beverage.
2.Alice got an invitation at “mad” tea party.
3.Alice met various abnormal creatures, one of them was
ferocious Queen of Hearts, who commands the cruel executions.
4.Alice was playing in game of croquet.
5.Alice had to come as witness to defend the Knave of Hearts’
Evidence : Commonly, rising action can be found in the middle of the story.
So based on the analysis, the writer find that the evidence spread
in the various chapter.
1.The data primary can be looked in the first chapter entitled
“Down the Rabbit-Hole” in the page 9.
“it was all very well to say “ Drink Me”, but the wise little Alice was not
going to do that doors of the hall; but alas! Either looks were too
The chapter VII entitled “A Mad Tea- Party” in the first
paragraph in the page 95.
“There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the
March hare and the Hatter were having tea at it....”
2. The chapter VII entitled “A Mad Tea- Party” in the page 104.
“ “Off with her head!” the Queen shouted at the top of her voice.”
3. The first chapter entitled “Down the Rabbit-Hole” in the page 12.
“She remembered trying to box her own ears for having.....”
4. The last chapter entitled “Alice’s Evidence” in
“The next witness would be Alice..,”
Analysis : Based on the writer analysis, there are having strongly connection
between Freytag’s theory and the falling action in this story. Freytag
claimed, there are 5 events supported in the falling action. It can be
checked in the answer and the evidence above. 5 events make the
story can have a sense and it synchronized each other. In addition,
falling action introduced some conflict, the main character faced
many troubles, it can be check in the point 1, it said that Alice trapped
in her first trouble, she can’t adapt in the difficult situation. She made
some troubles but she can handle it finally.
4.2.3 Climax
Climax occupied in the middle of story. Mostly, the reader assume that climax
is interesting part of every movie, novel or story. In the climax section will make the
audience more eager and eager to know the following story, their curiosity will
increase highly. The main character will face major conflict and select big decision,
sometimes the author will make it more dramatic. It has similar with Freytag Gustav
(1900) explanation that protagonist character will against others character.
Climax : Queen of Heart increasingly against Alice in the Knave of
Heart’s trial.
Evidence : It can be mentioned in the last chapter “Alice’s Evidence” in
the story. “Hold your tongue”, “Off with her head”.
Analysis : After conducting the observation, the conflict raise highly,
when Alice tried to defend the Knave of Heart. Queen was so
mad because of Alice. It can be proven in the Queen’s said.
She shouted loudly ““Hold your tongue”, “Off with her head”. It has
highly related with Freytag’s theory. He stated that the main
character face major conflict, this stressful situation may be
made the story is more dramatic and the reader will be eager
to know. It also connceted with the Freytag’s statement.
4.2.4 Falling action
The fourth element of Freytag’s diagram is falling action, it has
opposite meaning with rising action. Falling action happens after the
main character face hard moments in climax’s section. Falling action
also can define as “repose time”, because in this point the major
characters will be relaxed than before and the conflict resolves
Rising action : The little beautiful girl, Alice relieved the pact of cards
stopped to attack her.
Evidence : The primary data can be seen in the last chapter “Alice’s
Evidence” page 189.
“The whole pact of cards came flying down upon her; she gave
A little scream, half of fright....”.
Analysis : Based the writer conducted the observation. It can be
concluded that, after the whole pact of cards attack Alice,
suddenly the cards stopped, then makes Alice came a little
calm. It can be linked in the Freytag’s theory, falling action
makes the main character can be relaxed after faced major
conflict in the climax section. This situation appeared to
prove that the conflict have resolved gradually and the
situation can easily handle it.
4.2.5 Resolution
The last elements of Freytag’s diagram are resolution, which pointedly
in the end of plot outline the story. It can be called denouement. This part
is important, because all of the character will face the end, the conflict has
successfully resolved, and the story can be concluded. Sometimes, the
reader also takes the message or moral value of the story in this part.
Mostly, there are two kinds of ending or resolution, such as happy or sad
Resolution : Alice wakes up from strange dream.
Evidence : The data primary stated in the last chapter “Alice’s
Evidence” in page 180.
“Wake up, Alice” said her sister.
Analysis : The denouement, or well-known as the end, it must
appear in the end of story. Based on the writer’s
observation, the end of the story is when Alice’s sister
wakes Alice up in her long sleeping. The data and the
evidence can be checked in above. Freytag highly
claimed that the end of story consists of moral values,
the conflict can be resolved, the main characters find
their happy or sad ending, and the story can be ended.
From the theory above, we can be said that Alice was
able to solve her conflict when the pack of card
stopped to ruin her. Alice can come back in her real
life with her sister, but Alice still confused how can all
of the adventure just dream?. The reader also takes
some moral value in the end of story, one of them is
“be careful with your mouth”, Alice trapped conflict
because of her cruel statement. The story can be called
ended, because Alice has already wake up on her
dreaming. So, the adventure in the wonderland
The intrinsic elements are important structure in the story. One of them is plot.
The plot can be defined by the pattern of events can be made a story. Plot also can
mean as the serial arrangement of events, ideas, and accidents. Based on the according
to Perrine (1974: 41) plot is the thread of events, ideas, or accidents that the story is
arranged and also it conclude the dialogue of the character.
The structure of plot based on Pyramid theory from Gustav Freytag, he
divided it into 5 elements, such as; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action,
and end. The exposition of the story is started with the introduction of the setting,
various characters, and what is the story talking about. The rising action consists of
some events that build up the story and some conflicts. The rising action is started
with Alice was shocked about her beginning magical adventure, her size can be bigger
or smaller because of cake and beverage. This event became the foundation for the
major conflict in the climax section.
Climax is when Queen of Heart increasingly against Alice in the Knave of
Heart’s trial. Alice shows mad because of Queen decided trial with reckless and not
fair. She wanted to conduct punishment first and verdict afterwards. Alice shouted
that was nonsense. Trials was going to be increasingly complicated and burning of
anger. Until, the pack of cards attacked Alice and falling down to her body, Alice
became a little anger, scream, and tried to beat them off. Finally, the pack of cards
was stopped. This section is called falling action. It means the conflict relaxed or
repose time. Alice began to feel calm and control her emotions. The last section is the
end, the end of the story is when Alice wake her sister up in the field. Alice has just
woken up from wonderful dream that never he had before. She got up and ran,
occasionally she thought about her strange dream while run away from the tree.
Based on my standing opinion, Lewis Carroll is the talented-author, she has
been enchanting the reader successfully to create a totally unique storyline, the
storyline isn’t easy to guess, every diction and situation can describe well how was
amazing the bizarre wonderland. A story brims of great wisdom, a magical world, and
vary amazing creatures can be shown smoothly by Lewis Carroll. A clear explanation
of the plot makes the reader easily attend story’s imagination, The author can present
a real sensation by her well diction. The current paper topic is highly linked to the
book as whole. The writer stated which the current paper discuss and focus about the
plot, so that’s a main reason why the writer select this story, since the children’s of
“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” has a strong and unique plot.
Lewis Carroll successfully deliver the value of this story, the story’s value or
significance are “don’t fear to take the risks”, the further explanation, Alice thru
illogically adventure she carried many risks, but she still stand and face it bravely.
The second lesson, “accept the differences of others wisely”, it’s hard for a innocent
little girl can pass many conflicts and long adventure like whole. But, Alice can adapt
her new special condition and accept many differences arroud her so well.
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the plot analysis in children's book "Alice Adventures in Wonderland"

  • 1. 1 THE PLOT ANALYSIS IN CHILDREN’S BOOK “ALICE’S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND” BY LEWIS CARROL Kenny Shania Lestari R 17180018 English Education Department, Faculty of Education State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Email address: Abstract The title of the current paper is The Plot Analysis in Children’s Book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ By Lewis Carroll. Actually, this old of English literature is written by one of the famous illustrator in Romantic period. The major aims of this paper are to elaborate the structure of plot in this famous children’s book. The data of this current paper was gained from the novel entitled “Alice Adventures’ in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. The method used documentation approach. This current paper uses theory that created by Gustav Freytag. After conducting analysis, tha data are found that the structure of plot is arranged into 5 elements, such as; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and the ending story is resolution. Keywords: Structure of plot, and plot 1. INTRODUCTION In this current paper, it will be focused on analysis of fiction prose. The definition of prose is set of language that applies in ordinary language. Prose should be arranged into paragraph, each paragraph consists of character, topic, conflict and others. It has ordinary conversation to build the topic alive. Based on the view of M. Saleh Saad and Muliono (1998), they stated that prose is set of form that consist of plot narration and created by imagination. Prose English literary can be classified in two types, such as; fiction and non-fiction. According to Aminuddin (2002:66) fiction prose is story that building up from plays, characters, plot outline, such as; novel and
  • 2. 2 short story. In the other hand, non-fiction is created based on fact, the example is essay, journal, and biography. Novel in kind of old English literary, it can be defined as Sumarjo (1998: 29) statement, novel created by author, novel is set of paragraph that consist of various characters, many conflict, meaningful moral value, many setting, some feelings, and many topic of plot outline. Nugriatoro (1995) added that two kinds of elements of novel, they are; the intrinsic and the extrinsic elements. Extrinsic elements included such as; culture, social, religion, political, and etc. Intrinsic elements cover about setting, plot, point of view, characters, and others. In this current paper, the writer focuses to analyze the British children’s book which has raise in the middle on 19th century, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. It’s one of the famous and well-known fiction books at the time. In 1865, Charles Lutwidge Dogson wrote this books, her author’s pen name is Lewis Carroll. Actually, occupation’s Lewis Carroll is illustrator, poet, teacher, and author. Thru her best talented works, this full story has strongly sense about fantasy world. It structure, setting, plot, dialog, and imaginary have strongly emphasized the literature culture of imagination. The story centered about a young beautiful girl who getting a bizarre and illogically adventure in the wonderland. The focusing discussion of this paper, it will analyze about plot in the fiction book written by Lewis Carroll. Plot is commonly known as foundation of the story, because plot show and demonstrate each event in the story. Plot in each of section is connecting each other. Similar with Stanton (1965: 14), he stated that plot can be defined as story which consisted of the sequences of event, it only could be connected by cause and effect. The research question of this paper, how is the structure of the plot in children’s book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll? And the research objectives in this study, which is to find out the structure of the plot in children’s book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. 2. RESEARCH METHOD Data is also known as information, research data may be identified as information which has been gathered, analyzed, and created to obtain valid study findings. Commonly, there two kinds of data source, such as; primary data source and secondary data source. Primary data can be gotten by interviews, observations, and surveys. However, secondary source can be found thru preexisting data, such as;
  • 3. 3 internet, articles, and others. This study conducted qualitative approach. The data of this research was gotten from the children’s book entitled “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. The current study investigates about how is the structure of the plot in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll. This fiction novel was selected, because it has interesting story, best-known of children’s book in 19th century, and the plot is totally unexpected. The writer uses qualitative method design and employ documentation approach, because the source collected by note taking. There are some steps to collect data, they are; firstly, the writer read and identify the story. In this section, so very useful to analyze and get best- understanding of the plot. Secondly, the writer takes note of the necessary events in the story. The writer conducted the analysis section gradually, because data analysis will deliver the valid data, the data will be useful and meaningful. This study uses theory that produced by Gustav Freytag, who created the elements of the structure of the plot, it is well-known as Freytag’s Dramatic Arc, Freytag’s Triangle, Freytag’s Pyramid, and etc. 3. THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK Theoritical framework is also known as the application of theory, it can identify as structure of concepts from same theory to another theory. This current study used theory that lead by Gustav Freytag, he was German illustration and novelist. He claimed the structure of plot outline can be called as dramatic structure. Freytag divided it into 5 elements, such as; exposition as introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and the last is ending or resolution. 3.1 Structure of Plot 3.1.1 Exposition or Introduction The first part of story begin is called as exposition, every story always have begun. This part are fixed and established of setting and characters. In the part of exposition, the reader can find out the character and setting of time and place. From this period, the readers also know of problem or conflict. So, the exposition’s part is very important.
  • 4. 4 3.1.2 Rising Action In the Freytag’s diagram, rising action is the second element, it happened after exposition or introduction and before climax’s part. In this section, the reader has shown and introduced the characters and setting where story occur. Rising action arise some conflict within the story. Mostly in rising action, there may need addition events to make the story have a sense. Sometimes, 5 events in rising actions. 3.1.3 Climax The third element of Freytag’s diagram is climax. It occupied in the middle of story. Mostly, the reader assume that climax is interesting part of every movie, novel or story. In the climax section will make the audience more eager and eager to know the following story, their curiosity will increase highly. The main character will face major conflict and select big decision, sometimes the author will make it more dramatic. 3.1.4 Falling action The fourth element of Freytag’s diagram is falling action, it has opposite meaning with rising action. Falling action happens after the main character face hard moments in climax’s section. Falling action also can define as “repose time”, because in this point the major characters will be relaxed than before and the conflict resolves gradually. Falling action is important, because it closes before element, which is climax. 3.1.5 Resolution The last elements of Freytag’s diagram are resolution, which pointedly in the end of plot outline the story. It can be called denouement. This part is important, because all of the character will face the end, the conflict has successfully resolved, and the story can be concluded. Sometimes, the reader also takes the message or moral value of the story in this part. Mostly, there are two kinds of ending or resolution, such as happy or sad ending.
  • 5. 5 4. ANALYSIS 4.1 The Synopsis of The Story Once upon the time, there was a beautiful homely girl, her named Alice. In the nice day, Alice was relaxing and lying under a big shady tree. Her eyes focused in a white rabbit, she followed the rabbit curiosity till she fallen down in a hole. She arrived in old strange building, she looked out of the window. Alice shocked and wonder, in her mind said how beautiful this place. She tried to open the door several times, but nothing happen. She looked for the key, the door successful can be opened. However, Alice can’t go thru the door, because the size of the door was very small. She began to cry, and then she looked the bottle on the table, cover bottle stated the words “ DRINK ME”. Suddenly, Alice change to small size and enable to enter the door. But, she got the trouble again. She left the key on the hole of the door. And then she eat cake on the table, magically her body was getting big and bigger till touch the roof. Alice could out thru the door. She walked thru bizarre garden and a bunch of beautiful flower. After walking alone in footpath, her body was getting bigger, it was abnormal. She cried loudly, in addition she could swim by her own tears. She met a French Mouse, illogically she tried to talk with the animals. Unfortunately, Alice made the mouse mad and she tried to escape. Alice still adapted with her condition. She tried to be calm if met a bizarre animal. One day, she came to mushroom and talking with caterpillar, caterpillar gave her magic mushroom. There two piece of mushroom, one side to make Alice got smaller, and the other side makes Alice grown bigger than before. Day by day, she thru her illogically adventure by ordinary. She met pig, pepper, a fish-footman, frog- footman, Duchess, the Chesire cat, and many others. Alice made a good relationship with the animals there. She got an invitation at “mad” tea party. She wasn’t wonder any more. In the end of her adventure story, she got the conflict with the king and queen. Suddenly, magical moment raised again. The pact of cards conspired and began to covey all over her head. Alice was fear and budge back off. Suddenly, her sister wakes her up. The strange dream just vanished, Alice looks confused about
  • 6. 6 how had happened with her. Alice realized that she was dreaming, a totally amazing long dream that ever she got. 4.2 Structure of Plot in the Story Based on Gustav Freytag theory, his theory stated that the structure of plot outline that called by dramatic structure. Freytag divided it into 5 elements, such as; exposition as introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and the last is ending or resolution. The writer gets the results of analysis of the plot structure in the story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” is presented below: 4.2.1 Exposition The first part can be called as introduction, Freytag (1900) stated that the function of the beginning section are fixed and established of setting and characters. In the part of exposition, the reader can find out various characters and setting of time and place. The readers also find out the problem or conflict. It’s the reason why the exposition’s part is very important. The exposition part in this story can be shown below: Exposition : Alice chases the white rabbit until she fallen down in bizarre world. Evidence : The data primary can be looked in the first chapter entitled “Down the Rabbit-Hole” in the page 3. “The Rabbit- hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself .......” Analysis : Based on the answer above, the exposition is correlated enough with Freytag’s theory. In the part of exposition, we can find the main character, who beautiful nine- teeth years old. Her name is Alice, she was burning with curiosity, so she decided to follow the rabbit and trapped a huge rabbit-hole under the fence. After conducted more analysis, we can find others information, which is setting of place and time. At the time Alice was sitting boredly with her sister in the field. Hot
  • 7. 7 weather was increasing on their head, so it can be assume that the exposition of the story was taken in the daytime or noon. 4.2.2 Rising action Rising action is the second element, in this section, after the reader has already introduced the characters and setting where story occur. Rising action arise some conflicts within the story. Mostly in rising action, there may need addition of events to make the story have a sense. Sometimes, there are 5 events in rising actions. Gustav (1900) said that all of the events in the rising action will be the most necessary elements of the story, because the whole of plot will depend on theme to organize the climax section. Rising action : There 5 events in the rising actions, it can be checked in the data below; 1.Alice was shocked about her beginning magical adventures, her size can be bigger or smaller because of cake and beverage. 2.Alice got an invitation at “mad” tea party. 3.Alice met various abnormal creatures, one of them was ferocious Queen of Hearts, who commands the cruel executions. 4.Alice was playing in game of croquet. 5.Alice had to come as witness to defend the Knave of Hearts’ trial. Evidence : Commonly, rising action can be found in the middle of the story. So based on the analysis, the writer find that the evidence spread in the various chapter. 1.The data primary can be looked in the first chapter entitled “Down the Rabbit-Hole” in the page 9. “it was all very well to say “ Drink Me”, but the wise little Alice was not going to do that doors of the hall; but alas! Either looks were too large.....”. The chapter VII entitled “A Mad Tea- Party” in the first paragraph in the page 95.
  • 8. 8 “There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March hare and the Hatter were having tea at it....” 2. The chapter VII entitled “A Mad Tea- Party” in the page 104. “ “Off with her head!” the Queen shouted at the top of her voice.” 3. The first chapter entitled “Down the Rabbit-Hole” in the page 12. “She remembered trying to box her own ears for having.....” 4. The last chapter entitled “Alice’s Evidence” in “The next witness would be Alice..,” Analysis : Based on the writer analysis, there are having strongly connection between Freytag’s theory and the falling action in this story. Freytag claimed, there are 5 events supported in the falling action. It can be checked in the answer and the evidence above. 5 events make the story can have a sense and it synchronized each other. In addition, falling action introduced some conflict, the main character faced many troubles, it can be check in the point 1, it said that Alice trapped in her first trouble, she can’t adapt in the difficult situation. She made some troubles but she can handle it finally. 4.2.3 Climax Climax occupied in the middle of story. Mostly, the reader assume that climax is interesting part of every movie, novel or story. In the climax section will make the audience more eager and eager to know the following story, their curiosity will increase highly. The main character will face major conflict and select big decision, sometimes the author will make it more dramatic. It has similar with Freytag Gustav (1900) explanation that protagonist character will against others character. Climax : Queen of Heart increasingly against Alice in the Knave of Heart’s trial. Evidence : It can be mentioned in the last chapter “Alice’s Evidence” in the story. “Hold your tongue”, “Off with her head”. Analysis : After conducting the observation, the conflict raise highly, when Alice tried to defend the Knave of Heart. Queen was so mad because of Alice. It can be proven in the Queen’s said.
  • 9. 9 She shouted loudly ““Hold your tongue”, “Off with her head”. It has highly related with Freytag’s theory. He stated that the main character face major conflict, this stressful situation may be made the story is more dramatic and the reader will be eager to know. It also connceted with the Freytag’s statement. 4.2.4 Falling action The fourth element of Freytag’s diagram is falling action, it has opposite meaning with rising action. Falling action happens after the main character face hard moments in climax’s section. Falling action also can define as “repose time”, because in this point the major characters will be relaxed than before and the conflict resolves gradually. Rising action : The little beautiful girl, Alice relieved the pact of cards stopped to attack her. Evidence : The primary data can be seen in the last chapter “Alice’s Evidence” page 189. “The whole pact of cards came flying down upon her; she gave A little scream, half of fright....”. Analysis : Based the writer conducted the observation. It can be concluded that, after the whole pact of cards attack Alice, suddenly the cards stopped, then makes Alice came a little calm. It can be linked in the Freytag’s theory, falling action makes the main character can be relaxed after faced major conflict in the climax section. This situation appeared to prove that the conflict have resolved gradually and the situation can easily handle it. 4.2.5 Resolution The last elements of Freytag’s diagram are resolution, which pointedly in the end of plot outline the story. It can be called denouement. This part is important, because all of the character will face the end, the conflict has successfully resolved, and the story can be concluded. Sometimes, the reader also takes the message or moral value of the story in this part.
  • 10. 10 Mostly, there are two kinds of ending or resolution, such as happy or sad ending. Resolution : Alice wakes up from strange dream. Evidence : The data primary stated in the last chapter “Alice’s Evidence” in page 180. “Wake up, Alice” said her sister. Analysis : The denouement, or well-known as the end, it must appear in the end of story. Based on the writer’s observation, the end of the story is when Alice’s sister wakes Alice up in her long sleeping. The data and the evidence can be checked in above. Freytag highly claimed that the end of story consists of moral values, the conflict can be resolved, the main characters find their happy or sad ending, and the story can be ended. From the theory above, we can be said that Alice was able to solve her conflict when the pack of card stopped to ruin her. Alice can come back in her real life with her sister, but Alice still confused how can all of the adventure just dream?. The reader also takes some moral value in the end of story, one of them is “be careful with your mouth”, Alice trapped conflict because of her cruel statement. The story can be called ended, because Alice has already wake up on her dreaming. So, the adventure in the wonderland disappeared. 5. CONCLUSION The intrinsic elements are important structure in the story. One of them is plot. The plot can be defined by the pattern of events can be made a story. Plot also can mean as the serial arrangement of events, ideas, and accidents. Based on the according to Perrine (1974: 41) plot is the thread of events, ideas, or accidents that the story is arranged and also it conclude the dialogue of the character.
  • 11. 11 The structure of plot based on Pyramid theory from Gustav Freytag, he divided it into 5 elements, such as; exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and end. The exposition of the story is started with the introduction of the setting, various characters, and what is the story talking about. The rising action consists of some events that build up the story and some conflicts. The rising action is started with Alice was shocked about her beginning magical adventure, her size can be bigger or smaller because of cake and beverage. This event became the foundation for the major conflict in the climax section. Climax is when Queen of Heart increasingly against Alice in the Knave of Heart’s trial. Alice shows mad because of Queen decided trial with reckless and not fair. She wanted to conduct punishment first and verdict afterwards. Alice shouted that was nonsense. Trials was going to be increasingly complicated and burning of anger. Until, the pack of cards attacked Alice and falling down to her body, Alice became a little anger, scream, and tried to beat them off. Finally, the pack of cards was stopped. This section is called falling action. It means the conflict relaxed or repose time. Alice began to feel calm and control her emotions. The last section is the end, the end of the story is when Alice wake her sister up in the field. Alice has just woken up from wonderful dream that never he had before. She got up and ran, occasionally she thought about her strange dream while run away from the tree. Based on my standing opinion, Lewis Carroll is the talented-author, she has been enchanting the reader successfully to create a totally unique storyline, the storyline isn’t easy to guess, every diction and situation can describe well how was amazing the bizarre wonderland. A story brims of great wisdom, a magical world, and vary amazing creatures can be shown smoothly by Lewis Carroll. A clear explanation of the plot makes the reader easily attend story’s imagination, The author can present a real sensation by her well diction. The current paper topic is highly linked to the book as whole. The writer stated which the current paper discuss and focus about the plot, so that’s a main reason why the writer select this story, since the children’s of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” has a strong and unique plot. Lewis Carroll successfully deliver the value of this story, the story’s value or significance are “don’t fear to take the risks”, the further explanation, Alice thru illogically adventure she carried many risks, but she still stand and face it bravely.
  • 12. 12 The second lesson, “accept the differences of others wisely”, it’s hard for a innocent little girl can pass many conflicts and long adventure like whole. But, Alice can adapt her new special condition and accept many differences arroud her so well.
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