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Professor Will Adams
  Valencia College
 On May 6, 1682 Louis XIV
  proclaimed the Palace of Versailles
  to be the seat of the French
 The court consisted of 20,000
  people that included 9,000 soldiers,
  5,000 servants, 1,000 great lords
  and members of the nobility, 1,000
  lesser aristocrats (who visited the
  court on a daily basis) and 4-5,000
  bureaucrats to manage the official
 The court was further supported
  by 2,500 horses, 200 coaches,
  and 5,000 hunting dogs.
 The great lords and members of
  the nobility were required to live
  at Versailles – in the palace –
  so that the king could keep
  track of them.
 In effect, the entire bureaucracy
  moved from Paris to the suburban
  villa of the king.
 Courtiers were required to
  wear entirely new clothing
  (down to their linens) for the
  king’s parties (fêtes) and
  other important social
 They could beg permission to
  return to their lands
  periodically in order to
  regroup financially.
 The King's day had to be perfectly timed so that the
  officers serving the monarch knew exactly what they
  should do & when.
 As a result, he court’s schedule was regulated like
 Referring to Louis XIV, the Duc de Saint-Simon wrote,
  “with an almanac and a watch, even at a distance of
  three hundred leagues, you could say precisely what he
  was doing”.
 8:00 AM: 'It is time, Sire', declares
  the First Valet de Chambre, waking
  the King.
 The levée, or ceremonial rising, thus
 When Louis XIV awoke, he was
  examined by his doctor and surgeon.
 Then, his Valet washed his face and
  hands with cold water.
 The King then relieved himself in
  front of all the courtiers (noblemen
  of court).
 As monarch, Louis XIV never had
  any privacy, and was always on
  ceremonial display.
 His aides would even converse
  with him about state matters as
  he sat on the toilet!
 The most important officials of
  the kingdom were admitted
  during the levée; and it is
  estimated that the usual number
  of people attending numbered one
  hundred, all male.
 Within fifteen minutes, a crowd
  was crammed into the Royal
 This group of nobles was made
  up of courtiers favored by the
 Louis then chose his wig and his
  clothes for the day, while he
  drank two cups of chicken stock
  soup or bread dipped in wine.
 Then the courtiers dressed him.
 It was a great honor to be
  permitted to watch him don his
  undergarments, breeches,
  stockings, etc.
 It was an even greater honor to be
  the noble selected to hand the
  King his shirt – only after he was
  presented to the King by the Valet
  de Chambre.
 This could happen five times to
  accommodate all the courtiers who
  wanted the honor.
 In Louis’s day, people thought a
  good, thick, grimy layer of filth
  would keep you healthy and strong!
 They believed water spread diseases
  by penetrating the pores of the skin
  and then infecting the bloodstream.
 Most people didn’t bathe more than
  once a year.
 The wealthy did change their linen
  throughout the day because they          As a result, members of Louis'
  believed that the linen wicked away       court would douse themselves
  sweat and dirt, but they still stunk.     with perfumes & powders.
 Ironically, Louis was so clean that he was
  almost fussy about it.
 He often bathed in a big Turkish bath in
  his palace at Versailles.
 When not in his bath, he rubbed spirits or
  alcohol on his skin (perfume gave him
  headaches), which acted as a disinfectant.
 And, as if that were not enough, he
  changed his underwear three times per
 All of this cleanliness must have paid off,
  because Louis lived to the ripe old age of
  77 and was King for 72 years, longer than
  any other French monarch in history!
 There were so many crazy rules of
  etiquette during the levée, I don't know
  how they kept it straight.
 For example, when it came to helping
  the King with his coat (justacorps), the
  Valet de Chambre could help only with
  the right sleeve.
 Whereas the Master of the Wardrobe
  could only assist with the left.
 Only the Master of the Wardrobe was
  permitted to place the King's cravat on
  him, but he wasn't allowed to tie it,
  that was the job of the Royal Cravatier.
 The King's hat, gloves,
  and cane had to be
  handed to him in a certain
  order and by certain
 Thefts were frequent at
  Versailles, despite the
  guards and staff.
 Once, during the King's
  levée, the royal doctor had
  his watch stolen!
 Louis was completely bald by
  age 35, so he made wigs
  mandatory for all members
  of his court – both male &
 Louis XIV had fourteen
  personal wigmakers on staff
  and a repertoire of 1,000
 10:00 AM: Upon leaving the
  King's apartments, a procession
  would form in the Hall of
 The King would lead the
  procession of courtiers through
  the Hall toward the Royal
  Chapel for his morning
 During this procession, the
  public could now see the King
  and even petition him with a
  written request for favors.
 The space is 73 meters long - more than
  half a soccer field!
 The space is12 ½ meters high – about the
  same as a three-story building!
 This is where the King received all
  important foreign visitors.
 Each week there are were parties, masked
  balls, and concerts held here.
 There was a limit on the number of
  courtiers who could attend – only those of
  high status!
 Each of the 17 windows is directly across
  from 17 huge mirrors that reflect the light
  and cast a divine glow.
 The world-famous Hall of Mirrors at
  Versailles was designed by Jules Hardouin-
  Mansart, and the interior decoration was
  by Charles Le Brun in 1678.
 The Hall of Mirrors served as a passage
  between the King's and the Queen's
 In this historic room the German Empire
  was proclaimed in 1871 and the Treaty of
  Versailles, which ended World War I, was
  signed here in 1919.
 The ceiling’s painted heavens were meant
  to remind the viewers of the King’s divine
  right and the glorious moments of the
  King’s life.
 The Hall of Mirrors remains, as
  was the Sun King’s intent, a
  sight breathtaking in its majesty.
 The Hall of Mirrors contains:
    357 mirrors,
    17 glass doors
    17 large chandeliers
    26 small chandeliers
    Marble walls
    Painted plaster ceilings
 10:30 AM: The King enters the
  Royal Chapel, which has two
 The galleries (the upper stories)
  were reserved for the King, the
  royal family, and important
  members of the Court, while the
  rest of the congregation
  occupied the ground floor.
 Mass would last roughly thirty
 The choir, known as the Chapel
  Music, famous throughout Europe,
  always sang new music composed
  by French composers such as Lully
  & Lalande.
 Consecrated in 1710, the Chapel is
  dedicated to St. Louis, ancestor
  and patron saint of the royal
 The Chapel was the last building to
  be constructed at Versailles under
  the reign of Louis XIV.
 11:00 AM: Upon returning to his
  apartments, the King holds council
  in his cabinet.
    Sundays & Wednesdays:
      Councils of State
    Tuesdays & Saturdays:
    Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays:
      Another Council of State, the
      Dispatch Council on Domestic
      Affairs, a Religious Council, or
      discussion the King’s building
 Five or six ministers usually
  advised the King on any issue.
 When being advised, Louis
  famously spoke little and
  listened a great deal before
  coming to a decision on any
 Once his decision was issued,
  it was non-negotiable and
 1:00 PM: The King dined
  in his bedchamber, at a
  table facing the windows,
  looking out onto the palace
 This meal was theoretically
  private, but Louis XIV
  routinely admitted the men
  at court, making attendance
  similar to that of the levée.
 It was a huge ceremony, with a
  large number of different
  characters in attendance.
 The most noble person had the
  right to give the King his towel in
  order for the King to clean his
  hands before eating.
 Six gentlemen served the King and
  some of them had useless duties.
 Because of the length of the
  ceremony, the King always ate cold
   2:00 PM: The King would announce the
    program for the afternoon that he had
    decided upon earlier that morning.
   In every season, Louis XIV loved to be
    outside in the open air.
   Every afternoon he went hunting, or for a
    long walk or carriage ride through the
    gardens (promenade).
   During those occasions, the King was relaxed
    and in a good mood, so the courtiers liked to
    accompany him to get his attention and ask
    for favors.
   His gardens even had a zoo (ménagerie)
    filled with animals like zebras & giraffes
    given to him from countries in Africa and
 If he had decided on a
promenade, it might be taken on
   foot in the gardens, or in a
  carriage with ladies of court.
 Versailles’ grounds are landscaped in the
  style of French formal garden design.
 The garden’s strict formality and precision
  were meant to reflect the King’s power and
  control over the environment, his court &
  his country.
 The first plans for the garden were made
  in 1630, when Louis XIV hired the
  preeminent landscape architect of the
  time, Andre Le Nôtre, to design the palace
 There were ultimately four phases of
  garden construction, eventually ending
  under the reign of Louis XVI.
   When the first phase of the gardens’
    construction began in 1662, the first
    order of business was modifying and
    rearranging all the existing bosquets
    (groups of trees of the same species) on
    the grounds.
   When the first phase was completed in
    1664, one of the most impressive
    parterres (garden divisions), the
    Orangerie was completed.
   The Orangerie contains over 1,000
    exotic, non-native trees, with the
    majority being varieties of citrus.
   From 1664 – 1668, new fountains were
    constructed as well as new bosquets.
   With this phase, the gardens assumed their
    iconic, topographical, symmetrical design.
   Additional features of the garden were
    completed at this time: Grotte de Téthys
    (fountain of the Greek sea nymph Thetis),
    Bassin de Latone (fountain of the Greek god
    Apollo’s mother), and Bassin d’ Apollon
    (fountain showing Apollo & his chariot
    emerging from the sea).
   In the early days of Versailles, fountain
    guards were ordered to whistle when Louis
    XIV approached, so that the fountains could
    be turned on.
Above: Bassin de
Above: Bassin d’Apollon   Left: Grotte de
 The period 1680 – 1685 marked a
  stylistic change from Le Nôtre’s
 The King recruited a new architect:
  Jules Hardouin-Mansart!
 Hardouin-Mansart modified Le Nôtre’s
  design by expanding the lawns
  between fountains, completing the
  fountains to their present size &
  adding twin octagonal basins (called
  the Grand Canal [vertical] & Petite
  Canal [horizontal]) to represent the
  two major rivers of France.
   The final phase ran from 1704 – 1785.
   Between 1704-1709, the existing
    bosquets on the grounds were modified
   However, on September 1,1715, Louis
    XIV died from gangrene at Versailles.
   His great-grandson Louis XV was to
    succeed him.
   In 1722, Louis XV returned to
   He did not spend large amounts of
    money on the palace like his great-
    grandfather, instead performing minor
 All told, the construction of
  Versailles’ gardens consisted of:
     At least 200,000 trees
      strategically placed throughout the
     81 miles of tree rows
     About 210,000 flowers distributed
      throughout the parterres, an
      replanted at least twice annually!
     50 water fountains fed by 21
      miles of water piping
     12 miles of roads
     Over 1900 acres of parks
 Hunting activities, the Bourbon
  royal family’s favorite pastime,
  would take place on the grounds or
  in the surrounding forests.
 The head officer organized the
  royal hunts.
 During the royal hunt, only Louis
  XIV was allowed to carry a weapon
  and had the right to shoot.
 This was to prevent him being
  injured or killed by a hunting
 Louis was very attached to his
  hunting dogs and fed them
 He had over 100 hunting dogs
  and knew all of their names.
 On horseback, and with the help
  of his dogs, Louis would track a
  stag for hours throughout
 Occasionally, he hunted by foot
  with only one or two dogs.
 The female nobles would follow
  the hunt in horse-drawn
 At the end of the day’s hunt,
  King Louis XIV would offer the
  best prizes (stags) to his
  favorite women of the court.
 Receiving the King’s daily prize
  was considered a huge honor at
 6:00 PM: Following the
  hunting party’s return to the
  palace, Louis XIV often
  allowed his son to preside over
  the private social gatherings in
  the evenings known as soirées
 During that time, the King
  might sign the many letters
  prepared for him by his
  secretary throughout the day.
 Louis XIV married Queen Marie-Thérèse
  in 1660, but he did not remain faithful to
 Following the soirées d'appartement , the
  King would then go to Madame de
  Maintenon's quarters each evening.
 The Madame de Maintenon was Louis’s
  mistress, and eventually became his second
  wife (though the marriage was never
  officially announced or admitted).
             C'est un scandale!
 While there, he might study an important
  file with one of his four secretaries of
  state, in addition to enjoying the Madame’s
 10:00 PM: A crowd would fill
  the antichambre of the King's
  Suite to witness the King’s public
 The King would be joined at the
  Royal Table at the end of the
  antichambre by the princes and
  princesses of the royal family.
 The royal family ate while on
  public display, all the while
  having live music performed for
 A typical royal supper service consisted of
  40 plates that would be reused five times
  during the meal.
 The meal would consist of soups, salads,
  meats, vegetables, and desserts.
 All the dishes were tasted by a servant first
  to check for poisons.
 It took 1,500 food servers kept busy by
  “master of the kitchen” Chef Vatel to
  prepare and serve the courses of food.
 The servers, or “officers of the mouth”,
  brought the dishes to the table.
 In addition, another force of staff, referred
  to as the “officers of the goblet” poured
  the drinks.
 The plates, napkins, and food
  covers were the colors of the
  Bourbon royal family: gold,
  scarlet, or silver.
 The drinking glasses were made
  of cut Baccarat crystal.
 The King’s personal utensils and
  spices were kept in a box called
  the “the padlock”
 Ironically, Louis XIV preferred to eat
  with his fingers.
 Since the kitchens were so far from
  the dining room, the food got cold
  before being served.
 It is because of this distance that
  they invented the silver bell food
  covers to place over plates to keep
  the food warm.
 These are still used today in
 Throughout the year, Louis XIV
  organized big parties (fêtes),
  which typically lasted for several
  days and nights.
 There were hundreds of guests
  invited, and while at Versailles,
  they would admire the gardens,
  go to the theatre, and dance at
  costume balls.
 In the evenings, to end the
  parties, there would be a
  fireworks show.
 When the King decided to throw a
  party, he entrusted the preparations to
  the service of the Menus-Plaisirs du
  Roi, or royal party planners.
 They were responsible for making
  costumes, fabricating the decorations,
  and preparing the food.
 Louis XIV’s parties usually had a theme
  that was based upon Greek mythology,
  stories of knights from the Middle Ages,
  or upon contemporary poetry.
 The Grand Canal was the largest water feature on the palace
  grounds, and was modeled after the canals of Venice.
 The Grand & Petite Canal formed the major axes of the gardens,
  around which the pomp & frivolity of the fêtes centered.
 All of the actual ships in the French navy were duplicated in
  miniature for entertainment uses in the canal.
 There were even gondolas in the canal given to Louis by the city of
 Sometimes, as part of the entertainment, Louis XIV had the
  miniature ships act out battles.
An artist’s rendering of the Versailles’ Grand Canal stocked with miniaturized French naval ships and
                           gondolas during one of Louis XIV’s fêtes du nuit.
 Once the meal or fête was
  over for the evening, the
  King would retire to his
  cabinet (private sitting
  room) where he could
  indulge in conversation with
  his close acquaintances,
  members of the royal
  family, or mistress.
 11:30 PM: The ceremonial
  day of the court at Versailles
  ends with the couchee, or
  public ritual of retiring, is a
  reverse, shortened version of
  the levée.
 It was considered a great
  honor to hold the candle by
  which the King was undressed
  during this final ceremony.
 The French monarchy had
  separated and centralized
  itself at Versailles, away from
  the French population – all of
  whom were bankrolling
  Louis’s lavish spending
  without enjoying its benefits.
 This inequality would surely
  be able to sustain itself, right?
 We shall see…
The Palace of Versailles: Seat of an Absolute Monarch

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The Palace of Versailles: Seat of an Absolute Monarch

  • 1. Professor Will Adams Valencia College
  • 2.
  • 3.  On May 6, 1682 Louis XIV proclaimed the Palace of Versailles to be the seat of the French government.  The court consisted of 20,000 people that included 9,000 soldiers, 5,000 servants, 1,000 great lords and members of the nobility, 1,000 lesser aristocrats (who visited the court on a daily basis) and 4-5,000 bureaucrats to manage the official business.
  • 4.  The court was further supported by 2,500 horses, 200 coaches, and 5,000 hunting dogs.  The great lords and members of the nobility were required to live at Versailles – in the palace – so that the king could keep track of them.  In effect, the entire bureaucracy moved from Paris to the suburban villa of the king.
  • 5.  Courtiers were required to wear entirely new clothing (down to their linens) for the king’s parties (fêtes) and other important social occasions.  They could beg permission to return to their lands periodically in order to regroup financially.
  • 6.  The King's day had to be perfectly timed so that the officers serving the monarch knew exactly what they should do & when.  As a result, he court’s schedule was regulated like clockwork.  Referring to Louis XIV, the Duc de Saint-Simon wrote, “with an almanac and a watch, even at a distance of three hundred leagues, you could say precisely what he was doing”.
  • 7.  8:00 AM: 'It is time, Sire', declares the First Valet de Chambre, waking the King.  The levée, or ceremonial rising, thus begins.  When Louis XIV awoke, he was examined by his doctor and surgeon.  Then, his Valet washed his face and hands with cold water.  The King then relieved himself in front of all the courtiers (noblemen of court).
  • 8.  As monarch, Louis XIV never had any privacy, and was always on ceremonial display.  His aides would even converse with him about state matters as he sat on the toilet!  The most important officials of the kingdom were admitted during the levée; and it is estimated that the usual number of people attending numbered one hundred, all male.
  • 9.  Within fifteen minutes, a crowd was crammed into the Royal Chambers.  This group of nobles was made up of courtiers favored by the King.  Louis then chose his wig and his clothes for the day, while he drank two cups of chicken stock soup or bread dipped in wine.  Then the courtiers dressed him.
  • 10.  It was a great honor to be permitted to watch him don his undergarments, breeches, stockings, etc.  It was an even greater honor to be the noble selected to hand the King his shirt – only after he was presented to the King by the Valet de Chambre.  This could happen five times to accommodate all the courtiers who wanted the honor.
  • 11.  In Louis’s day, people thought a good, thick, grimy layer of filth would keep you healthy and strong!  They believed water spread diseases by penetrating the pores of the skin and then infecting the bloodstream.  Most people didn’t bathe more than once a year.  The wealthy did change their linen throughout the day because they  As a result, members of Louis' believed that the linen wicked away court would douse themselves sweat and dirt, but they still stunk. with perfumes & powders.
  • 12.  Ironically, Louis was so clean that he was almost fussy about it.  He often bathed in a big Turkish bath in his palace at Versailles.  When not in his bath, he rubbed spirits or alcohol on his skin (perfume gave him headaches), which acted as a disinfectant.  And, as if that were not enough, he changed his underwear three times per day!  All of this cleanliness must have paid off, because Louis lived to the ripe old age of 77 and was King for 72 years, longer than any other French monarch in history!
  • 13.  There were so many crazy rules of etiquette during the levée, I don't know how they kept it straight.  For example, when it came to helping the King with his coat (justacorps), the Valet de Chambre could help only with the right sleeve.  Whereas the Master of the Wardrobe could only assist with the left.  Only the Master of the Wardrobe was permitted to place the King's cravat on him, but he wasn't allowed to tie it, that was the job of the Royal Cravatier.
  • 14.  The King's hat, gloves, and cane had to be handed to him in a certain order and by certain people.  Thefts were frequent at Versailles, despite the guards and staff.  Once, during the King's levée, the royal doctor had his watch stolen!
  • 15.  Louis was completely bald by age 35, so he made wigs mandatory for all members of his court – both male & female.  Louis XIV had fourteen personal wigmakers on staff and a repertoire of 1,000 wigs.
  • 16.  10:00 AM: Upon leaving the King's apartments, a procession would form in the Hall of Mirrors.  The King would lead the procession of courtiers through the Hall toward the Royal Chapel for his morning prayers.  During this procession, the public could now see the King and even petition him with a written request for favors.
  • 17.
  • 18.  The space is 73 meters long - more than half a soccer field!  The space is12 ½ meters high – about the same as a three-story building!  This is where the King received all important foreign visitors.  Each week there are were parties, masked balls, and concerts held here.  There was a limit on the number of courtiers who could attend – only those of high status!  Each of the 17 windows is directly across from 17 huge mirrors that reflect the light and cast a divine glow.
  • 19.  The world-famous Hall of Mirrors at Versailles was designed by Jules Hardouin- Mansart, and the interior decoration was by Charles Le Brun in 1678.  The Hall of Mirrors served as a passage between the King's and the Queen's apartments.  In this historic room the German Empire was proclaimed in 1871 and the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, was signed here in 1919.  The ceiling’s painted heavens were meant to remind the viewers of the King’s divine right and the glorious moments of the King’s life.
  • 20.  The Hall of Mirrors remains, as was the Sun King’s intent, a sight breathtaking in its majesty.  The Hall of Mirrors contains:  357 mirrors,  17 glass doors  17 large chandeliers  26 small chandeliers  Marble walls  Painted plaster ceilings
  • 21.  10:30 AM: The King enters the Royal Chapel, which has two stories.  The galleries (the upper stories) were reserved for the King, the royal family, and important members of the Court, while the rest of the congregation occupied the ground floor.  Mass would last roughly thirty minutes.
  • 22.  The choir, known as the Chapel Music, famous throughout Europe, always sang new music composed by French composers such as Lully & Lalande.  Consecrated in 1710, the Chapel is dedicated to St. Louis, ancestor and patron saint of the royal family.  The Chapel was the last building to be constructed at Versailles under the reign of Louis XIV.
  • 23.  11:00 AM: Upon returning to his apartments, the King holds council in his cabinet.  Sundays & Wednesdays: Councils of State  Tuesdays & Saturdays: Finances  Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays: Another Council of State, the Dispatch Council on Domestic Affairs, a Religious Council, or discussion the King’s building programs.
  • 24.  Five or six ministers usually advised the King on any issue.  When being advised, Louis famously spoke little and listened a great deal before coming to a decision on any issue.  Once his decision was issued, it was non-negotiable and final.
  • 25.  1:00 PM: The King dined in his bedchamber, at a table facing the windows, looking out onto the palace grounds.  This meal was theoretically private, but Louis XIV routinely admitted the men at court, making attendance similar to that of the levée.
  • 26.  It was a huge ceremony, with a large number of different characters in attendance.  The most noble person had the right to give the King his towel in order for the King to clean his hands before eating.  Six gentlemen served the King and some of them had useless duties.  Because of the length of the ceremony, the King always ate cold food.
  • 27. 2:00 PM: The King would announce the program for the afternoon that he had decided upon earlier that morning.  In every season, Louis XIV loved to be outside in the open air.  Every afternoon he went hunting, or for a long walk or carriage ride through the gardens (promenade).  During those occasions, the King was relaxed and in a good mood, so the courtiers liked to accompany him to get his attention and ask for favors.  His gardens even had a zoo (ménagerie) filled with animals like zebras & giraffes given to him from countries in Africa and Asia.
  • 28.  If he had decided on a promenade, it might be taken on foot in the gardens, or in a carriage with ladies of court.
  • 29.  Versailles’ grounds are landscaped in the style of French formal garden design.  The garden’s strict formality and precision were meant to reflect the King’s power and control over the environment, his court & his country.  The first plans for the garden were made in 1630, when Louis XIV hired the preeminent landscape architect of the time, Andre Le Nôtre, to design the palace grounds.  There were ultimately four phases of garden construction, eventually ending under the reign of Louis XVI.
  • 30. PHASE I  When the first phase of the gardens’ construction began in 1662, the first order of business was modifying and rearranging all the existing bosquets (groups of trees of the same species) on the grounds.  When the first phase was completed in 1664, one of the most impressive parterres (garden divisions), the Orangerie was completed.  The Orangerie contains over 1,000 exotic, non-native trees, with the majority being varieties of citrus.
  • 31.
  • 32. PHASE II  From 1664 – 1668, new fountains were constructed as well as new bosquets.  With this phase, the gardens assumed their iconic, topographical, symmetrical design.  Additional features of the garden were completed at this time: Grotte de Téthys (fountain of the Greek sea nymph Thetis), Bassin de Latone (fountain of the Greek god Apollo’s mother), and Bassin d’ Apollon (fountain showing Apollo & his chariot emerging from the sea).  In the early days of Versailles, fountain guards were ordered to whistle when Louis XIV approached, so that the fountains could be turned on.
  • 33. Above: Bassin de Latone Above: Bassin d’Apollon Left: Grotte de Téthys
  • 34. PHASE III  The period 1680 – 1685 marked a stylistic change from Le Nôtre’s design.  The King recruited a new architect: Jules Hardouin-Mansart!  Hardouin-Mansart modified Le Nôtre’s design by expanding the lawns between fountains, completing the fountains to their present size & adding twin octagonal basins (called the Grand Canal [vertical] & Petite Canal [horizontal]) to represent the two major rivers of France.
  • 35. PHASE IV  The final phase ran from 1704 – 1785.  Between 1704-1709, the existing bosquets on the grounds were modified  However, on September 1,1715, Louis XIV died from gangrene at Versailles.  His great-grandson Louis XV was to succeed him.  In 1722, Louis XV returned to Versailles.  He did not spend large amounts of money on the palace like his great- grandfather, instead performing minor changes.
  • 36.  All told, the construction of Versailles’ gardens consisted of:  At least 200,000 trees strategically placed throughout the property  81 miles of tree rows  About 210,000 flowers distributed throughout the parterres, an replanted at least twice annually!  50 water fountains fed by 21 miles of water piping  12 miles of roads  Over 1900 acres of parks
  • 37.
  • 38.  Hunting activities, the Bourbon royal family’s favorite pastime, would take place on the grounds or in the surrounding forests.  The head officer organized the royal hunts.  During the royal hunt, only Louis XIV was allowed to carry a weapon and had the right to shoot.  This was to prevent him being injured or killed by a hunting accident.
  • 39.  Louis was very attached to his hunting dogs and fed them himself.  He had over 100 hunting dogs and knew all of their names.  On horseback, and with the help of his dogs, Louis would track a stag for hours throughout Versailles.  Occasionally, he hunted by foot with only one or two dogs.
  • 40.  The female nobles would follow the hunt in horse-drawn carriages.  At the end of the day’s hunt, King Louis XIV would offer the best prizes (stags) to his favorite women of the court.  Receiving the King’s daily prize was considered a huge honor at Versailles.
  • 41.  6:00 PM: Following the hunting party’s return to the palace, Louis XIV often allowed his son to preside over the private social gatherings in the evenings known as soirées d'appartement.  During that time, the King might sign the many letters prepared for him by his secretary throughout the day.
  • 42.  Louis XIV married Queen Marie-Thérèse in 1660, but he did not remain faithful to her.  Following the soirées d'appartement , the King would then go to Madame de Maintenon's quarters each evening.  The Madame de Maintenon was Louis’s mistress, and eventually became his second wife (though the marriage was never officially announced or admitted).  C'est un scandale!  While there, he might study an important file with one of his four secretaries of state, in addition to enjoying the Madame’s company.
  • 43.  10:00 PM: A crowd would fill the antichambre of the King's Suite to witness the King’s public supper.  The King would be joined at the Royal Table at the end of the antichambre by the princes and princesses of the royal family.  The royal family ate while on public display, all the while having live music performed for them.
  • 44.  A typical royal supper service consisted of 40 plates that would be reused five times during the meal.  The meal would consist of soups, salads, meats, vegetables, and desserts.  All the dishes were tasted by a servant first to check for poisons.  It took 1,500 food servers kept busy by “master of the kitchen” Chef Vatel to prepare and serve the courses of food.  The servers, or “officers of the mouth”, brought the dishes to the table.  In addition, another force of staff, referred to as the “officers of the goblet” poured the drinks.
  • 45.  The plates, napkins, and food covers were the colors of the Bourbon royal family: gold, scarlet, or silver.  The drinking glasses were made of cut Baccarat crystal.  The King’s personal utensils and spices were kept in a box called the “the padlock”
  • 46.  Ironically, Louis XIV preferred to eat with his fingers.  Since the kitchens were so far from the dining room, the food got cold before being served.  It is because of this distance that they invented the silver bell food covers to place over plates to keep the food warm.  These are still used today in restaurants.
  • 47.  Throughout the year, Louis XIV organized big parties (fêtes), which typically lasted for several days and nights.  There were hundreds of guests invited, and while at Versailles, they would admire the gardens, go to the theatre, and dance at costume balls.  In the evenings, to end the parties, there would be a fireworks show.
  • 48.  When the King decided to throw a party, he entrusted the preparations to the service of the Menus-Plaisirs du Roi, or royal party planners.  They were responsible for making costumes, fabricating the decorations, and preparing the food.  Louis XIV’s parties usually had a theme that was based upon Greek mythology, stories of knights from the Middle Ages, or upon contemporary poetry.
  • 49.  The Grand Canal was the largest water feature on the palace grounds, and was modeled after the canals of Venice.  The Grand & Petite Canal formed the major axes of the gardens, around which the pomp & frivolity of the fêtes centered.  All of the actual ships in the French navy were duplicated in miniature for entertainment uses in the canal.  There were even gondolas in the canal given to Louis by the city of Venice.  Sometimes, as part of the entertainment, Louis XIV had the miniature ships act out battles.
  • 50. An artist’s rendering of the Versailles’ Grand Canal stocked with miniaturized French naval ships and gondolas during one of Louis XIV’s fêtes du nuit.
  • 51.  Once the meal or fête was over for the evening, the King would retire to his cabinet (private sitting room) where he could indulge in conversation with his close acquaintances, members of the royal family, or mistress.
  • 52.  11:30 PM: The ceremonial day of the court at Versailles ends with the couchee, or public ritual of retiring, is a reverse, shortened version of the levée.  It was considered a great honor to hold the candle by which the King was undressed during this final ceremony.
  • 53.  The French monarchy had separated and centralized itself at Versailles, away from the French population – all of whom were bankrolling Louis’s lavish spending without enjoying its benefits.  This inequality would surely be able to sustain itself, right?  We shall see…