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          (The Noble Virtues of True Leadership)

The Noble Inspirational Leader Workshop is a unique, highly
interactive and intensive program that consistently receives positive
reviews from our participants. Program participants graduate as
Noble Ambassadors. The Program has served as a catalyst for
profound self understanding and the development of Practical
Wisdom. Participants learn and apply the Noble Virtues and the Noble
Aspirations of Inspirational Leadership. They also embrace the
understanding of the Noble Cause Philosophy. This is not a training
event but it is a true self awareness experience developing
participants from the inside – out. It is experiential and has changed
the lives of many of our Graduates.

   Noble Leadership is the commitment to the continuous pursuit of the Highest
                         Human Virtues and Aspirations.

Workshop and Program Design Principles

Key Program Features and Delivery

Target Participants

Benefits and Outcomes

Values Alignment

Organisation Change and Program Suitability

Graduate Testimonials

Program Pricing and Content

Sample of 2-Day Workshop

Global Distributors


Key Executive Profiles
Workshop and Program Design Principles
We believe that this Workshop and Program is different from many others today.
Other Programs focus on the development of external information and ideas. This
is the “outside-in” approach.

Our Philosophy recognizes that we can all cultivate our inherent qualities.
Management is a skill that can be externally learnt but Leadership can come from
within. We cultivate this via our “inside-out” approach. Anyone can be taught to
be a Manager-some will be good Managers and others will be not. Leadership
comes from within and when adopting our Philosophy you can become a Natural
and Authentic Inspirational Leader.

Our Program symbolizes the expression “Going beyond yourself”. We believe that
most of us are subject to many self destructive and negative qualities that hold us
back from achieving true satisfaction and fulfilment in our work and life.
Essentially we are “held back” by the subjective view that we hold of ourselves.
We believe that we can free ourselves from the Self Destructive Behaviours and
Outcomes that characterise our limitations and by embracing the Program
Philosophy one can truly “Go Beyond the self” and thereby find direction and
purpose and achieve greater self fulfilment.

Our Philosophy is simple in the belief that we need to learn how to “Lead Oneself
before Leading Others”. For many of us we think that it is not important to lead
others. Consider first the importance of leading oneself. “It is better to be the
Master of oneself and to master our reaction to the surrounding circumstances
rather than to be mastered by our self destructive nature and be overcome by all
the surrounding circumstances in life.” Although we may have no inclination to go
beyond such self leadership we should consider that regardless of our
circumstances most of us have responsibilities to others. It is for this reason that
we need to extend our leadership qualities beyond ourself and to strive to be our
inherent best. This best is represented by our Highest Human Virtues and

The Program has been designed in the belief that it is inherent within most
people to strive for the best within themselves. The Founder has spent over 30
years researching and developing the Philosophies within the Program. These
Philosophies have then been applied to our Modern World within the context of
what we call “Practical Wisdom”.

Aspects of the Program Philosophy have been derived and applied from Teachers
and Philosophers such as: Aristotle- Plato- Archimedes- Lao Tzu -Hui Neng and

The Workshops are structured in such a way to ensure that 50% of the Program
time is devoted to teaching by the Facilitators and 50% devoted to practical
interaction and learning by the participants. All participants are encouraged to be
actively engaged within the Workshop with each other and with the Facilitators.
The size of each Workshop is limited to 25-30 participants and we strive to
ensure that we have a well balanced class within a suitable learning and
harmonious environment.

Key Program Features and Delivery

This Program will help you to clearly differentiate between Management and
Inspirational Leadership.

Key Features are:

      Learn how to stay inspired under all circumstances
      Overcome the Inner Demons-understand the self destructive habits and
       outcomes that can prevent us from being a True Inspirational Leader
      Through Practical Wisdom get a more realistic view of human nature
      Understand the difference between Manager and Leader
      Create your own Leadership Model that works for you

The Program is delivered in the following ways:

2-day non residential Workshop within an Institutional or Organisational Facility
3-day residential Workshop within an Institutional or Organisational Facility
2-day Public Program
Personalised one-to-one Program in accordance with the 2-day Workshop and
delivered over a period of 13 sessions.

Target Participants
This Program appeals to a broad range of people at a different phase of their life.
It may include those looking for a New Beginning or those seeking Continued

The New Beginning Phase appeals to

      Senior School Leavers
      University and Higher Education Graduates
      Those wishing to return to the Workforce but with a new sense of purpose
       and a renewed value system
      Those who have lost the Way and need new direction and a sense of
       purpose to their lives and careers

The Continued Growth Phase appeals to

      Those wishing to become Leaders of themselves
      Those wishing to become Leaders of others
   Those wishing to develop their skills to become a better and more
       enlightened Leader
      Those wishing to overcome the Self Destructive Habits within that are an
       obstacle to true Leadership development
      Those wishing to take their career to the next level

Benefits and Outcomes

It is important for all of us to become our own Leader. In fact we should all be our
own CEO. We should take responsibility for our own thoughts and our own
actions. Do not leave things to others but rather we become our own Master.

“It is better to be the Master of our own Life rather than be mastered by our life”

The benefits and outcomes to individuals are:

      Improved Self Confidence to lead with presence and clarity
      Authentic Communication to initiate honest conversations and
      Develop deeper Understanding of Human Relations and overcome self
       destructive behaviours and attitudes
      Develop Calm Assertive Energy by being less stressed, worried and reactive
       and become more resilient
      Find Happiness and Fulfilment and enjoy increased capacity to lead and
       inspire yourself and your organisation
      Develop Noble Inspirational Leadership by cultivating Inner Virtues to
       sustain you through great stress and difficulty and act from highest levels
       of integrity and authenticity
      Develop a working philosophy from which leadership abilities and self
       reliance will be a natural outcome
      Develop lasting friendships appreciating diversity and common humanity
       of participants across boundaries of colour, religion, gender, culture and
      Development of a Personal Noble Creed

The benefits and outcomes to Organizations

Our Philosophy is that in order for organisations to truly thrive and to inspire
true commitment, passion and drive from all their employees they need to create,
develop and maintain a corporate philosophy. This Philosophy should be such
that it will create a culture of “belonging” for all people.
All people include all stakeholders from the Chairman down and across and into
all the activities of the organisation. This Philosophy should create a sense of
“belonging” for all people which is integral to workplace health and happiness.
This sense of “belonging” can become a “Noble Cause” within the Organisational
Philosophy. Without the sense of belonging and being cared for by the Leadership,
each other and the Organisation then the level of commitment, passion, core
values and competencies will be difficult to achieve.

Values Alignment
The absence of that sense of belonging creates a gap between the expectations of
the Employer and those of the Employee. This gap is now measured by the
increasing level of workplace disconnection which is so evident throughout the
business world.
It is clear that our Programs can do much to fuse the relationships within
organisations and to continually enhance the sense of belonging and being

Everyone wants to belong-everyone wants to believe that they are a valued
contributor-everyone wants to be accepted, but for some this is a difficult gap to

Essentially we like to be able to understand the proclaimed Values of the Client
Organisation and then to align those Values to the Noble Virtues and Aspirations
thereby bridging that gap. When personal values of the individual are aligned
with those of the Organization and those values are seen to be authentic people
will collaborate more and work towards a Noble Cause which will be driven from
their own aligned values.

As a result of this we see that an environment can be created where the
following can be achieved:

      People will collaborate more and work towards a shared vision which will
       be driven from their own aligned values
      Trust becomes natural and assumed
      Everyone in the organisation can become happy, healthier, inspired and
      Interpersonal conflicts will reduce and fear, stress and anxiety will
      People will want to stay in the organisation and others will want to join and
       it will become a recognised and admired Employer of Choice
      Turnover rates will decrease
      People will engage more with each other with increased morale and
      Individual and organizational health will improve
      Injury rates and sick days will decrease
      The insurance costs will decrease
      People will become more independent and driven to succeed
      Employer and employee relationship will become more harmonious
      People will be more motivated and alive
Organisational Change and Program Suitability

One of the difficulties facing organisations today is the impact of uncertainty and
doubt within all their people. With the conditions of constant change and the
impact of uncertainty and doubt then fear will arise. This fear can be seen in 3
significant ways-the 3 Faces.

The Face of Judgement:

When we are judged harshly or feel that we are judged harshly then fear will be
the result. The source of this is often our own lack of self awareness possibly
combined with poor health habits.

The Face of Uncertainty:

Many people are detrimentally impacted by the “faceless” mask within many
organisations. When the effect of this impacts individuals the usual response is to
hallucinate the worst outcomes.

A recent study by the American Quality Foundation of 580 companies shows that
the uncertainty and doubt caused by ambiguous behaviour, inconsistency, vague
comments or absent authority leads to a cycle of fear and mistrust.

The Face of Silence:

This can begin with the sense of isolation within the organisation. People stop
talking to you and you sense that your feelings and your input is no longer of
meaning or value. This sense can then lead to a cycle of self destructive thinking
impacted by our own negative assumptions and then fear is the result.

All of the above can be features of workplace change and can result in decreased
productivity, loss of good people and the creation of a very negative workplace

This Program is highly suitable for the following conditions and environments:

      Organisations going through a period of change
      Organisations experiencing changes of leadership
      Organisation Restructure with the potential for job losses and increased
       demands and expectations
      Organisational Expansion with increased demands and expectations.

By understanding the above the Noble Leader Program can help individuals and
groups to overcome their fear and doubt sometimes caused by others and often
caused by themselves.
Graduate Testimonials
“After 2 workshops, I find that it is still evolving inside me. I have made many new friends
all over the world who now share this bond created, shared and experienced by all those
involved. The virtues are indeed Noble and all Leaders need these virtues. It is a matter of
acceptance of the practice, development and cultivation of these virtues in our daily lives
that has the greatest impact. In a sense I have more direction & less clutter in my mind.
Others say that I seem calmer & more at peace with myself.

“This is the best leadership Program that I have done and it will not be forgotten”

Noble Ambassador and Master Facilitator

“The Facilitators are wonderful and they obviously practise what they preach. Clearly they
are aspiring examples of Noble leaders.”

HR Director for a Global Corporation and a Graduate Noble Ambassador

“The Philosophy and the wisdom gained has given me new knowledge to understand and to
know more about myself and others”.

University Executive

“The Philosophy over the past 3 days has now given me a more holistic picture of myself
and the impact of the Virtues in my life”.

Senior Governmental Director

“This Program has opened up an avenue of fundamental opportunities for oneself to finally
be happier, healthier and a more worthy person”

Senior Executive-Multi National Automotive Corporation

“This Program enables you to find your TRUE SELF and to build a REAL SELF and to inspire
everybody around you.”

University Executive


It is impressive and brilliant your idea of nobility for the future and to master the
difficulties in life. Nobility is a superior type of non-profit motive for economic striving and
social serving. It’s a transcendent urge of superlative wisdom. The noble attitude prevents
corrupt cycles spiritually and materially, that deteriorate the society. But how to bring this
"life style" to the society? Maybe the solution relies on education that has too long been
localistic, militaristic, ego exalting, and success seeking; it must eventually become
worldwide, idealistic, self-realizing, and cosmic grasping. Eventually it must be given over
to the philosophers and the scientists. Teachers must be real noble leaders in their fields, to
the end that philosophy, the search for wisdom, may become the chief educational pursuit.

Antonio Roque
President-World Alliance of People’s Organisations
Program Pricing and Delivery
The Program can be delivered in the following ways:

      Individual Coaching over a period of sessions covering all aspects of the
      3 Day intensive residential workshop
      2 day intensive non residential workshop

Both Workshops offer ongoing and support coaching following completion.

Pricing is subject to individual negotiation depending on location and

2 Day Workshop Program Content:

Program Founder and a Facilitator will deliver the Workshop to your
Organisation or Institution

Prior to the Workshop we will consult with you on a personal basis to incorporate
your organisations goals, vision and mission into the Workshop

Your participants will receive the following:

      A two-day Leadership Workshop that focuses on the content of our
       Detailed Program Guidelines as set out below
      Participants Workbook
      Interactive participation
      Pre Workshop and Post Workshop Questionnaires
      Self Awareness Developmental Questionnaires
      Other Standard Program Materials
      Experiential Activities (outdoor and indoor)
      Personalised attention after Workshop each day
      Noble Virtues Presentations-Participants receive feedback relating to their
       understanding and application of the Noble Virtues
      Self Destructive Habits Questionnaire –revised over the 2 day Program to
       determine behavioural changes within each Participant
      Graduation Certificate
      Post Workshop Materials, Newsletters and Mentoring
      Membership of the Noble Ambassador Network
      A truly inspirational experience
3 Day Workshop Program Content:

Your participants will receive the following:

As above for the 2-day Program

      Additional time devoted to Guided Reflection
      Greater self development opportunity and more interaction with
       Facilitators and participants
      Additional time in the development of Noble Virtues, Noble Philosophy and
       Noble Cause
      Participation in the Noble Tea Ceremony
      Participation in the Noble Walking in Stillness Exercises
      Pre Workshop Profiling
Sample of 2-Day Workshop Program


9.00 AM–10.30 AM      Introduction of Presenters
                      Program Philosophy
                      Origin and Program Model
                      Introduction by Participants

10.30 AM– 10.50 AM    Morning Tea Break

10.50 AM- 12.15 PM    The World around Us
                      Social/Cultural/Educational/Media Implications
                      How it impacts on our behaviour

12.15 PM-1.15 PM      Lunch Break

1.15 PM – 2.45 PM     Introduction to the “Assassin Within”
                      Self Destructive Behaviour & Outcomes

2.45PM – 3.10 PM      Afternoon Tea Break

3.10 PM – 5.00 PM     Obstacles to Self Leadership
                      Further exploration of Self Destructive outcomes

5.00 PM – 6.00 PM     Personalised Discussions


9.00 AM – 10.30 AM    Introduction to the Noble Virtues
                      How the Noble Virtues overcome Self Destructive Behaviour

10.30 AM – 10.50 AM   Morning Tea Break

10.50 AM – 12.15 PM   The Noble Aspirations
                      Application & Implementation of Virtues and Aspirations
                      Impact of Efficiency & Effectiveness to Noble Leadership

12.15 PM-1.15 PM      Lunch Break

1.15 PM – 2.45 PM     Noble Cause Philosophy
                      Introduction and Preparation of Group Presentations

2.45PM – 3.10 PM      Afternoon Tea Break

3.10 PM – 5.00 PM     Group Practical Presentations on the learning gained and how it
                      will be applied in the future

5.00 PM – 5.30 PM     Graduation and further personalised Discussions
Global Distributors

We are actively seeking suitable Distributors for this Program and all enquiries
should be directed to:

Anthony David Foster
Program Founder

The Requirements and Expectations of a Program Distributor

There are a few simple requirements in being eligible to become a Program

    Potential Distributors need a passionate desire to provide the opportunity
     to lead and educate others.
    They need to have or have access to a considerable network from which
     suitable Program participants can be drawn
    Ideally they should have their own business with experience in the Human
     Resources or Consulting or Training environment
    They need the capability and infrastructure to proactively create a
     Workshop Event.
    They need the structure and capability to provide post Workshop Coaching
     and Mentoring to Program Graduates.
    They need access to an in-country support infrastructure for pre and post
     Workshop activities

Government Funding and the Program

In Australia and other Countries there are many opportunities to apply for
Government and other funding for Professional Development Programs of this
nature. Most Countries also accept such costs as deductible expenses for taxation
purposes. Distributors should investigate and clarify the details of these

Distributor Pricing Structure

If you wish to be considered to become a Potential Distributor we will be pleased
to provide you with our simple Contract and the details of the 2011 Programs
Pricing Structure.
Certified Masters Network

All Noble Inspirational Facilitators will be invited to join the Certified Masters
Network led by Mr Bruno D’Aprano-Senior Master Facilitator.

Graduate Noble Ambassador Network
All Participants who graduate in the Program will become Noble Ambassadors.
The role of the Noble Ambassador is to perpetuate the Noble Virtues, Noble
Aspirations and the Noble Cause Philosophy throughout their life and workplace
and give hope to all around them.

They will then join an International Network of other Noble Ambassadors and
receive Monthly Reports and Newsletters from the Program Founder and Team.
Bruno D’Aprano
                                                           Master Facilitator
                                                           Noble Leader Program

Bruno is a Master Facilitator in the Noble & Inspirational Leadership Program, currently working
in the Executive Coaching & Mentoring field,

He headed his own consultancy practice and undertaken significant leadership roles with private,
public listed & State Government instrumentalities.

With broad experiences across a range of industry sectors and as a successful entrepreneur,
Bruno has endeavoured to extend staff’s knowledge and experience by fostering their personal
and professional development. He is renowned for his coaching and mentoring skills and for his
ability to create successful outcomes in complex situations in the corporate context.

 Experience in the Fuel and Lubricants Industry Bruno became a trouble shooter for multi-site
operations. Invited to join Windscreens O’Brien, as State Operations Manager, Bruno took control
of a multi-site operation across three states. His portfolio included national projects where he
conceived and developed a new “Super Branch” idea to achieve economies of scale and reduce
operating costs without compromising service. The concept was successfully launched in
Melbourne quickly followed by a national roll-out. Bruno was seconded to the United Kingdom to
identify new logistics and resource utilisation trends in the auto glass industry. On presenting his
findings to key internal and external stakeholders in Australia, Bruno saw the introduction of his
recommendations on a national basis.

As Director of Operations in a State Government instrumentality under the auspices of the
Department Of Human Services, Bruno redefined operations introducing Governance,
Occupational Health & Safety standards, procedures and processes while responsible for the
delivery and management of a $13 million building project.

 Throughout his career, Bruno has demonstrated his skills as an effective leader and
communicator at all levels. With advanced qualifications in Quantum Leadership, Facilitation and
Conflict Resolution, he is committed to assisting individuals to increase their awareness of their
talents and how best to use these in industry and commerce. He maintains a keen interest in
mental health issues in the workplace and the community at large.

Bruno is a member of the following organizations:

Australian Institute of Management
Rotary International
Association of Career Professionals International
Australian Human Resources Institute
Philip Lee
                                                                 Regional Director
                                                                 Malaysia and Singapore

Philip enjoyed many exciting years in banking with a career in market trading which began with
the floating (and crashing) of the Aussie Dollar in 1983, through tumultuous interest rate
movements, watching global equities crash and gold skyrocket on HK opening, up till the very eve
of The Asian Crisis and the meltdown of Asia’s own version of Lehman Brothers and the
devastating consequences thereafter. He has witnessed the common thread of human strengths
and weaknesses throughout all this confusion. The lessons, between writing tickets from
rectifying a few cents to FX Option pairs of USD 50 million face values per leg, were all about the
personalities behind the dealings. From fellow traders in the dealing room to central bankers
astride their cigars, it was then as it is now, ultimately about the behaviour and reactions of
normal human beings put under extraordinary circumstances and crushing pressure. The lessons
that he learned at that time are now valuable to those that he now guides and mentors through
their own lives.

Most importantly during the last 14 years, he has been involved in running the family owned
business of food manufacturing (Yuen Chun Industries Sdn Bhd) , a hundred year old enterprise,
first as the Finance Director, thence as Managing Director and now as Chairman of the company.
Although a very different environment, the challenge of running a business with around one
hundred staff was and continues to be a unique and in some ways, a deeply moving experience for
Philip. The task of representing shareholders interests, leading staff and fulfilling obligations to
suppliers, institutions and customers has been seen by Philip as a big responsibility and a unique
honour. He has multiplied the enterprise value by over 3 times during his tenure, but has now
decided that non-family involvement in the daily operations of the business will allow the other
professional managers a chance to develop and take the business up to the next level.

The experience gained during the challenging yet fascinating years in the business led him to
work with an established HR consulting firm that specialised in profiling tools and job suitability
towards the end of 2009. In quick succession, he attended a Leadership Workshop and became an
Ambassador for the Noble Leadership Programme in December of that year. In 2010, he
progressed to become a Certified Master Performing Coach approved by the International Coach
Federation. Philip brings all these experiences to further establish the Noble Leadership
Programme of workshops and courses to share and benefit with the rest of the region and is
excited to present the new 2 day course with new materials to many more Ambassadors going
Diana Ismayanti
                                                               Program Distributor

Diana has had an outstanding academic career with a degree in agribusiness management from
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and a Senior Executive Management role in Indonesia in
Recruitment and Training with Kao Corporation of Japan. She has an MBA from the University of
Nicosia and has lectured in Economics at IPB.

When she finished her studies in Cyprus she returned home to Indonesia and with her gifted
intellectual and professional capabilities was appointed South East Asia Regional Business
Development for IMC Business Global Plc, a leading Event Organizer based in Europe. She works
with client corporations to develop their markets in the South East Region with particular
emphasis to Indonesia. Indonesia is the 4th most populated Country in the World and offers many
opportunities particularly within the Corporate Education market.

She has a vision to make the World a better place. It is her passionate desire to make a real
contribution to the world and has envisioned leadership programs that can build and cultivate
Noble Leaders as being one of the ways that she can realise her objectives. This has eventually led
her to being a Partner for the Noble Inspirational Leadership Program in Indonesia. Aligned with
her own mission in life and her personal commitment to the pursuit of the highest human virtues
and aspirations she has recognised that the Noble Leadership Program is a part of the fulfilment of
that wish.
Chris Eastham
                                                              BPhEd ESSAM AEP ECI
                                                              Program Distributor

Over the last 11 years Chris has trained, coached and facilitated personal and professional
development for individuals and within organisations in New Zealand, England and Australia.
Starting as a personal trainer he has been involved in all areas of the wellness and performance
industries with over 10’000 hrs of clinical health and wellness experience, over 400 hrs executive
coaching, and is experienced in facilitating leadership development, goal setting, work-life
harmony and wellness development. He has also worked with professional golfers and cricketers
& elite multisport athletes.

Chris has been a self-employed business owner for 11 yrs. In this time he has established, grown
and sold a wellness business in the UK. Since moving to Melbourne in 2007 Chris has established a
Port Melbourne based performance and wellness coaching clinic and is an accredited WorkCover
and Medicare clinical provider. He holds a degree in exercise and sports science, a certificate IV in
Executive Coaching, a Diploma in Ego State Therapy and is an accredited clinical physiologist.

With a commitment to social growth, he has been a committee member for the Work Life
Association of Australia since 2008 and has published articles on Coaching and Ethics, actively
supports the Melbourne Lost Dogs home. Results driven and self-motivated, Chris has particular
interest in high performance mindsets, mental wellbeing and sustainable performance, combined
with a passion for helping people achieve fulfilling lives.
Anthony Foster
                                                           Founder and CEO
                                                           Noble Leader Program

                                    Anthony has developed an imposing career spanning more than
3 decades. With a strong background in financial and general management he has travelled the
world and worked for large multinational corporations. He is known for his high integrity and for
his ability to envision and create successful outcomes in complex situations in both personal and
corporate contexts. Born in Australia he has worked predominantly in Sydney and Melbourne. In
Australia and overseas he held senior roles in Multi-National Corporations such as BHP Billiton,
Nissho Iwai Corporation of Japan and Global U.S. Corporations.

Throughout his career he was actively involved in the SME market in Australia as a Corporate
Rescue Specialist and worked in conjunction with leading Australian Banks such as ANZ, NAB and
WESTPAC. His wide industry experience in those years led him into the development of
international markets in South East Asia for these clients and to the opportunities within
Government privatization in Eastern Europe.

Today he is the Founder and Creator of the Noble Inspirational Leadership Program. Noble
Leadership is the commitment to the continuous Pursuit of Highest Human Virtues and
Aspirations. This Program shows leaders at all levels how to overcome self destructive behaviors
and when combined with the Noble Virtues, Aspirations and a Noble Cause can bring about
profound changes within oneself. He is an active promoter of mental health within the corporate
environment and writes for a European Magazine on this subject. He is also a subscribing writer
for a leading European Business Magazine called CEO-Europe. In this context he writes about
success within the Business Environment and ways in which to harmonize the necessary balance
between work and life. He is also an Expert Author for

He is currently writing a book in conjunction with Dr Huei Hsia Holloman called "The Search for
Noble Leadership" and has published the following:

The Noble Mind
The Assassin Within
Noble Self Leadership (Will the Real Me Please Stand Up)
The Compromisation Fantasy Leader
Introduction to Noble Leadership-A Personal Perspective
The Virtue of Harmony

He is also involved in the following organizations:

Member of Australian Intercultural Society
Member of the Mind Life Association of Harvard University
Category Judge for the Australian Annual Diversity at Work Awards
Member of the Association of Career Professionals International
Member of the Teaching Society for Management Education

He has received the following Awards:

Certificate of Appreciation from Parliament of Victoria
Certificate of Appreciation from Victoria Police
Certificate of Appreciation City of Kingston
Going beyond Yourself and Leading with the Highest Noble Virtues of
                       Honour and Integrity

Noble Leadership is commitment to the continuous pursuit of
        the highest Human Virtues and Aspirations

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The noble leader marketing programs guide-june 2011

  • 1. THE NOBLE INSPIRATIONAL LEADER WORKSHOPS AND PROGRAMS GUIDE (The Noble Virtues of True Leadership) The Noble Inspirational Leader Workshop is a unique, highly interactive and intensive program that consistently receives positive reviews from our participants. Program participants graduate as Noble Ambassadors. The Program has served as a catalyst for profound self understanding and the development of Practical Wisdom. Participants learn and apply the Noble Virtues and the Noble Aspirations of Inspirational Leadership. They also embrace the understanding of the Noble Cause Philosophy. This is not a training event but it is a true self awareness experience developing participants from the inside – out. It is experiential and has changed the lives of many of our Graduates. Noble Leadership is the commitment to the continuous pursuit of the Highest Human Virtues and Aspirations.
  • 2. CONTENT Workshop and Program Design Principles Key Program Features and Delivery Target Participants Benefits and Outcomes Values Alignment Organisation Change and Program Suitability Graduate Testimonials Program Pricing and Content Sample of 2-Day Workshop Global Distributors Networks Key Executive Profiles
  • 3. Workshop and Program Design Principles We believe that this Workshop and Program is different from many others today. Other Programs focus on the development of external information and ideas. This is the “outside-in” approach. Our Philosophy recognizes that we can all cultivate our inherent qualities. Management is a skill that can be externally learnt but Leadership can come from within. We cultivate this via our “inside-out” approach. Anyone can be taught to be a Manager-some will be good Managers and others will be not. Leadership comes from within and when adopting our Philosophy you can become a Natural and Authentic Inspirational Leader. Our Program symbolizes the expression “Going beyond yourself”. We believe that most of us are subject to many self destructive and negative qualities that hold us back from achieving true satisfaction and fulfilment in our work and life. Essentially we are “held back” by the subjective view that we hold of ourselves. We believe that we can free ourselves from the Self Destructive Behaviours and Outcomes that characterise our limitations and by embracing the Program Philosophy one can truly “Go Beyond the self” and thereby find direction and purpose and achieve greater self fulfilment. Our Philosophy is simple in the belief that we need to learn how to “Lead Oneself before Leading Others”. For many of us we think that it is not important to lead others. Consider first the importance of leading oneself. “It is better to be the Master of oneself and to master our reaction to the surrounding circumstances rather than to be mastered by our self destructive nature and be overcome by all the surrounding circumstances in life.” Although we may have no inclination to go beyond such self leadership we should consider that regardless of our circumstances most of us have responsibilities to others. It is for this reason that we need to extend our leadership qualities beyond ourself and to strive to be our inherent best. This best is represented by our Highest Human Virtues and Aspirations The Program has been designed in the belief that it is inherent within most people to strive for the best within themselves. The Founder has spent over 30 years researching and developing the Philosophies within the Program. These Philosophies have then been applied to our Modern World within the context of what we call “Practical Wisdom”. Aspects of the Program Philosophy have been derived and applied from Teachers and Philosophers such as: Aristotle- Plato- Archimedes- Lao Tzu -Hui Neng and Confucius. The Workshops are structured in such a way to ensure that 50% of the Program time is devoted to teaching by the Facilitators and 50% devoted to practical interaction and learning by the participants. All participants are encouraged to be actively engaged within the Workshop with each other and with the Facilitators.
  • 4. The size of each Workshop is limited to 25-30 participants and we strive to ensure that we have a well balanced class within a suitable learning and harmonious environment. Key Program Features and Delivery This Program will help you to clearly differentiate between Management and Inspirational Leadership. Key Features are:  Learn how to stay inspired under all circumstances  Overcome the Inner Demons-understand the self destructive habits and outcomes that can prevent us from being a True Inspirational Leader  Through Practical Wisdom get a more realistic view of human nature  Understand the difference between Manager and Leader  Create your own Leadership Model that works for you The Program is delivered in the following ways: 2-day non residential Workshop within an Institutional or Organisational Facility 3-day residential Workshop within an Institutional or Organisational Facility 2-day Public Program Personalised one-to-one Program in accordance with the 2-day Workshop and delivered over a period of 13 sessions. Target Participants This Program appeals to a broad range of people at a different phase of their life. It may include those looking for a New Beginning or those seeking Continued Growth. The New Beginning Phase appeals to  Senior School Leavers  University and Higher Education Graduates  Those wishing to return to the Workforce but with a new sense of purpose and a renewed value system  Those who have lost the Way and need new direction and a sense of purpose to their lives and careers The Continued Growth Phase appeals to  Those wishing to become Leaders of themselves  Those wishing to become Leaders of others
  • 5. Those wishing to develop their skills to become a better and more enlightened Leader  Those wishing to overcome the Self Destructive Habits within that are an obstacle to true Leadership development  Those wishing to take their career to the next level Benefits and Outcomes It is important for all of us to become our own Leader. In fact we should all be our own CEO. We should take responsibility for our own thoughts and our own actions. Do not leave things to others but rather we become our own Master. “It is better to be the Master of our own Life rather than be mastered by our life” The benefits and outcomes to individuals are:  Improved Self Confidence to lead with presence and clarity  Authentic Communication to initiate honest conversations and collaborations  Develop deeper Understanding of Human Relations and overcome self destructive behaviours and attitudes  Develop Calm Assertive Energy by being less stressed, worried and reactive and become more resilient  Find Happiness and Fulfilment and enjoy increased capacity to lead and inspire yourself and your organisation  Develop Noble Inspirational Leadership by cultivating Inner Virtues to sustain you through great stress and difficulty and act from highest levels of integrity and authenticity  Develop a working philosophy from which leadership abilities and self reliance will be a natural outcome  Develop lasting friendships appreciating diversity and common humanity of participants across boundaries of colour, religion, gender, culture and nationality.  Development of a Personal Noble Creed The benefits and outcomes to Organizations Our Philosophy is that in order for organisations to truly thrive and to inspire true commitment, passion and drive from all their employees they need to create, develop and maintain a corporate philosophy. This Philosophy should be such that it will create a culture of “belonging” for all people. All people include all stakeholders from the Chairman down and across and into all the activities of the organisation. This Philosophy should create a sense of “belonging” for all people which is integral to workplace health and happiness.
  • 6. This sense of “belonging” can become a “Noble Cause” within the Organisational Philosophy. Without the sense of belonging and being cared for by the Leadership, each other and the Organisation then the level of commitment, passion, core values and competencies will be difficult to achieve. Values Alignment The absence of that sense of belonging creates a gap between the expectations of the Employer and those of the Employee. This gap is now measured by the increasing level of workplace disconnection which is so evident throughout the business world. It is clear that our Programs can do much to fuse the relationships within organisations and to continually enhance the sense of belonging and being valued. Everyone wants to belong-everyone wants to believe that they are a valued contributor-everyone wants to be accepted, but for some this is a difficult gap to cross. Essentially we like to be able to understand the proclaimed Values of the Client Organisation and then to align those Values to the Noble Virtues and Aspirations thereby bridging that gap. When personal values of the individual are aligned with those of the Organization and those values are seen to be authentic people will collaborate more and work towards a Noble Cause which will be driven from their own aligned values. As a result of this we see that an environment can be created where the following can be achieved:  People will collaborate more and work towards a shared vision which will be driven from their own aligned values  Trust becomes natural and assumed  Everyone in the organisation can become happy, healthier, inspired and authentic  Interpersonal conflicts will reduce and fear, stress and anxiety will disappear  People will want to stay in the organisation and others will want to join and it will become a recognised and admired Employer of Choice  Turnover rates will decrease  People will engage more with each other with increased morale and productivity  Individual and organizational health will improve  Injury rates and sick days will decrease  The insurance costs will decrease  People will become more independent and driven to succeed  Employer and employee relationship will become more harmonious  People will be more motivated and alive
  • 7. Organisational Change and Program Suitability One of the difficulties facing organisations today is the impact of uncertainty and doubt within all their people. With the conditions of constant change and the impact of uncertainty and doubt then fear will arise. This fear can be seen in 3 significant ways-the 3 Faces. The Face of Judgement: When we are judged harshly or feel that we are judged harshly then fear will be the result. The source of this is often our own lack of self awareness possibly combined with poor health habits. The Face of Uncertainty: Many people are detrimentally impacted by the “faceless” mask within many organisations. When the effect of this impacts individuals the usual response is to hallucinate the worst outcomes. A recent study by the American Quality Foundation of 580 companies shows that the uncertainty and doubt caused by ambiguous behaviour, inconsistency, vague comments or absent authority leads to a cycle of fear and mistrust. The Face of Silence: This can begin with the sense of isolation within the organisation. People stop talking to you and you sense that your feelings and your input is no longer of meaning or value. This sense can then lead to a cycle of self destructive thinking impacted by our own negative assumptions and then fear is the result. All of the above can be features of workplace change and can result in decreased productivity, loss of good people and the creation of a very negative workplace environment. This Program is highly suitable for the following conditions and environments:  Organisations going through a period of change  Organisations experiencing changes of leadership  Organisation Restructure with the potential for job losses and increased demands and expectations  Organisational Expansion with increased demands and expectations. By understanding the above the Noble Leader Program can help individuals and groups to overcome their fear and doubt sometimes caused by others and often caused by themselves.
  • 8. Graduate Testimonials “After 2 workshops, I find that it is still evolving inside me. I have made many new friends all over the world who now share this bond created, shared and experienced by all those involved. The virtues are indeed Noble and all Leaders need these virtues. It is a matter of acceptance of the practice, development and cultivation of these virtues in our daily lives that has the greatest impact. In a sense I have more direction & less clutter in my mind. Others say that I seem calmer & more at peace with myself. “This is the best leadership Program that I have done and it will not be forgotten” Noble Ambassador and Master Facilitator “The Facilitators are wonderful and they obviously practise what they preach. Clearly they are aspiring examples of Noble leaders.” HR Director for a Global Corporation and a Graduate Noble Ambassador “The Philosophy and the wisdom gained has given me new knowledge to understand and to know more about myself and others”. University Executive “The Philosophy over the past 3 days has now given me a more holistic picture of myself and the impact of the Virtues in my life”. Senior Governmental Director “This Program has opened up an avenue of fundamental opportunities for oneself to finally be happier, healthier and a more worthy person” Senior Executive-Multi National Automotive Corporation “This Program enables you to find your TRUE SELF and to build a REAL SELF and to inspire everybody around you.” University Executive Other It is impressive and brilliant your idea of nobility for the future and to master the difficulties in life. Nobility is a superior type of non-profit motive for economic striving and social serving. It’s a transcendent urge of superlative wisdom. The noble attitude prevents corrupt cycles spiritually and materially, that deteriorate the society. But how to bring this "life style" to the society? Maybe the solution relies on education that has too long been localistic, militaristic, ego exalting, and success seeking; it must eventually become worldwide, idealistic, self-realizing, and cosmic grasping. Eventually it must be given over to the philosophers and the scientists. Teachers must be real noble leaders in their fields, to the end that philosophy, the search for wisdom, may become the chief educational pursuit. Antonio Roque President-World Alliance of People’s Organisations
  • 9. Program Pricing and Delivery The Program can be delivered in the following ways:  Individual Coaching over a period of sessions covering all aspects of the Program  3 Day intensive residential workshop  2 day intensive non residential workshop Both Workshops offer ongoing and support coaching following completion. Pricing is subject to individual negotiation depending on location and circumstances. 2 Day Workshop Program Content: Program Founder and a Facilitator will deliver the Workshop to your Organisation or Institution Prior to the Workshop we will consult with you on a personal basis to incorporate your organisations goals, vision and mission into the Workshop Your participants will receive the following:  A two-day Leadership Workshop that focuses on the content of our Detailed Program Guidelines as set out below  Participants Workbook  Interactive participation  Pre Workshop and Post Workshop Questionnaires  Self Awareness Developmental Questionnaires  Other Standard Program Materials  Experiential Activities (outdoor and indoor)  Personalised attention after Workshop each day  Noble Virtues Presentations-Participants receive feedback relating to their understanding and application of the Noble Virtues  Self Destructive Habits Questionnaire –revised over the 2 day Program to determine behavioural changes within each Participant  Graduation Certificate  Post Workshop Materials, Newsletters and Mentoring  Membership of the Noble Ambassador Network  A truly inspirational experience
  • 10. 3 Day Workshop Program Content: Your participants will receive the following: As above for the 2-day Program  Additional time devoted to Guided Reflection  Greater self development opportunity and more interaction with Facilitators and participants  Additional time in the development of Noble Virtues, Noble Philosophy and Noble Cause  Participation in the Noble Tea Ceremony  Participation in the Noble Walking in Stillness Exercises  Pre Workshop Profiling
  • 11. Sample of 2-Day Workshop Program DAY 1 9.00 AM–10.30 AM Introduction of Presenters Program Philosophy Origin and Program Model Introduction by Participants 10.30 AM– 10.50 AM Morning Tea Break 10.50 AM- 12.15 PM The World around Us Social/Cultural/Educational/Media Implications How it impacts on our behaviour 12.15 PM-1.15 PM Lunch Break 1.15 PM – 2.45 PM Introduction to the “Assassin Within” Self Destructive Behaviour & Outcomes 2.45PM – 3.10 PM Afternoon Tea Break 3.10 PM – 5.00 PM Obstacles to Self Leadership Further exploration of Self Destructive outcomes 5.00 PM – 6.00 PM Personalised Discussions DAY 2 9.00 AM – 10.30 AM Introduction to the Noble Virtues How the Noble Virtues overcome Self Destructive Behaviour 10.30 AM – 10.50 AM Morning Tea Break 10.50 AM – 12.15 PM The Noble Aspirations Application & Implementation of Virtues and Aspirations Impact of Efficiency & Effectiveness to Noble Leadership development 12.15 PM-1.15 PM Lunch Break 1.15 PM – 2.45 PM Noble Cause Philosophy Introduction and Preparation of Group Presentations 2.45PM – 3.10 PM Afternoon Tea Break 3.10 PM – 5.00 PM Group Practical Presentations on the learning gained and how it will be applied in the future 5.00 PM – 5.30 PM Graduation and further personalised Discussions
  • 12. Global Distributors We are actively seeking suitable Distributors for this Program and all enquiries should be directed to: Anthony David Foster Program Founder The Requirements and Expectations of a Program Distributor There are a few simple requirements in being eligible to become a Program Distributor:  Potential Distributors need a passionate desire to provide the opportunity to lead and educate others.  They need to have or have access to a considerable network from which suitable Program participants can be drawn  Ideally they should have their own business with experience in the Human Resources or Consulting or Training environment  They need the capability and infrastructure to proactively create a Workshop Event.  They need the structure and capability to provide post Workshop Coaching and Mentoring to Program Graduates.  They need access to an in-country support infrastructure for pre and post Workshop activities Government Funding and the Program In Australia and other Countries there are many opportunities to apply for Government and other funding for Professional Development Programs of this nature. Most Countries also accept such costs as deductible expenses for taxation purposes. Distributors should investigate and clarify the details of these opportunities. Distributor Pricing Structure If you wish to be considered to become a Potential Distributor we will be pleased to provide you with our simple Contract and the details of the 2011 Programs Pricing Structure.
  • 13. Certified Masters Network All Noble Inspirational Facilitators will be invited to join the Certified Masters Network led by Mr Bruno D’Aprano-Senior Master Facilitator. Graduate Noble Ambassador Network All Participants who graduate in the Program will become Noble Ambassadors. The role of the Noble Ambassador is to perpetuate the Noble Virtues, Noble Aspirations and the Noble Cause Philosophy throughout their life and workplace and give hope to all around them. They will then join an International Network of other Noble Ambassadors and receive Monthly Reports and Newsletters from the Program Founder and Team.
  • 15. Bruno D’Aprano Master Facilitator Noble Leader Program Bruno is a Master Facilitator in the Noble & Inspirational Leadership Program, currently working in the Executive Coaching & Mentoring field, He headed his own consultancy practice and undertaken significant leadership roles with private, public listed & State Government instrumentalities. With broad experiences across a range of industry sectors and as a successful entrepreneur, Bruno has endeavoured to extend staff’s knowledge and experience by fostering their personal and professional development. He is renowned for his coaching and mentoring skills and for his ability to create successful outcomes in complex situations in the corporate context. Experience in the Fuel and Lubricants Industry Bruno became a trouble shooter for multi-site operations. Invited to join Windscreens O’Brien, as State Operations Manager, Bruno took control of a multi-site operation across three states. His portfolio included national projects where he conceived and developed a new “Super Branch” idea to achieve economies of scale and reduce operating costs without compromising service. The concept was successfully launched in Melbourne quickly followed by a national roll-out. Bruno was seconded to the United Kingdom to identify new logistics and resource utilisation trends in the auto glass industry. On presenting his findings to key internal and external stakeholders in Australia, Bruno saw the introduction of his recommendations on a national basis. As Director of Operations in a State Government instrumentality under the auspices of the Department Of Human Services, Bruno redefined operations introducing Governance, Occupational Health & Safety standards, procedures and processes while responsible for the delivery and management of a $13 million building project. Throughout his career, Bruno has demonstrated his skills as an effective leader and communicator at all levels. With advanced qualifications in Quantum Leadership, Facilitation and Conflict Resolution, he is committed to assisting individuals to increase their awareness of their talents and how best to use these in industry and commerce. He maintains a keen interest in mental health issues in the workplace and the community at large. Bruno is a member of the following organizations: Australian Institute of Management Rotary International Association of Career Professionals International Australian Human Resources Institute
  • 16. Philip Lee Regional Director Malaysia and Singapore Philip enjoyed many exciting years in banking with a career in market trading which began with the floating (and crashing) of the Aussie Dollar in 1983, through tumultuous interest rate movements, watching global equities crash and gold skyrocket on HK opening, up till the very eve of The Asian Crisis and the meltdown of Asia’s own version of Lehman Brothers and the devastating consequences thereafter. He has witnessed the common thread of human strengths and weaknesses throughout all this confusion. The lessons, between writing tickets from rectifying a few cents to FX Option pairs of USD 50 million face values per leg, were all about the personalities behind the dealings. From fellow traders in the dealing room to central bankers astride their cigars, it was then as it is now, ultimately about the behaviour and reactions of normal human beings put under extraordinary circumstances and crushing pressure. The lessons that he learned at that time are now valuable to those that he now guides and mentors through their own lives. Most importantly during the last 14 years, he has been involved in running the family owned business of food manufacturing (Yuen Chun Industries Sdn Bhd) , a hundred year old enterprise, first as the Finance Director, thence as Managing Director and now as Chairman of the company. Although a very different environment, the challenge of running a business with around one hundred staff was and continues to be a unique and in some ways, a deeply moving experience for Philip. The task of representing shareholders interests, leading staff and fulfilling obligations to suppliers, institutions and customers has been seen by Philip as a big responsibility and a unique honour. He has multiplied the enterprise value by over 3 times during his tenure, but has now decided that non-family involvement in the daily operations of the business will allow the other professional managers a chance to develop and take the business up to the next level. The experience gained during the challenging yet fascinating years in the business led him to work with an established HR consulting firm that specialised in profiling tools and job suitability towards the end of 2009. In quick succession, he attended a Leadership Workshop and became an Ambassador for the Noble Leadership Programme in December of that year. In 2010, he progressed to become a Certified Master Performing Coach approved by the International Coach Federation. Philip brings all these experiences to further establish the Noble Leadership Programme of workshops and courses to share and benefit with the rest of the region and is excited to present the new 2 day course with new materials to many more Ambassadors going forward.
  • 17. Diana Ismayanti Program Distributor Indonesia Diana has had an outstanding academic career with a degree in agribusiness management from Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and a Senior Executive Management role in Indonesia in Recruitment and Training with Kao Corporation of Japan. She has an MBA from the University of Nicosia and has lectured in Economics at IPB. When she finished her studies in Cyprus she returned home to Indonesia and with her gifted intellectual and professional capabilities was appointed South East Asia Regional Business Development for IMC Business Global Plc, a leading Event Organizer based in Europe. She works with client corporations to develop their markets in the South East Region with particular emphasis to Indonesia. Indonesia is the 4th most populated Country in the World and offers many opportunities particularly within the Corporate Education market. She has a vision to make the World a better place. It is her passionate desire to make a real contribution to the world and has envisioned leadership programs that can build and cultivate Noble Leaders as being one of the ways that she can realise her objectives. This has eventually led her to being a Partner for the Noble Inspirational Leadership Program in Indonesia. Aligned with her own mission in life and her personal commitment to the pursuit of the highest human virtues and aspirations she has recognised that the Noble Leadership Program is a part of the fulfilment of that wish.
  • 18. Chris Eastham BPhEd ESSAM AEP ECI Program Distributor Melbourne-Australia Over the last 11 years Chris has trained, coached and facilitated personal and professional development for individuals and within organisations in New Zealand, England and Australia. Starting as a personal trainer he has been involved in all areas of the wellness and performance industries with over 10’000 hrs of clinical health and wellness experience, over 400 hrs executive coaching, and is experienced in facilitating leadership development, goal setting, work-life harmony and wellness development. He has also worked with professional golfers and cricketers & elite multisport athletes. Chris has been a self-employed business owner for 11 yrs. In this time he has established, grown and sold a wellness business in the UK. Since moving to Melbourne in 2007 Chris has established a Port Melbourne based performance and wellness coaching clinic and is an accredited WorkCover and Medicare clinical provider. He holds a degree in exercise and sports science, a certificate IV in Executive Coaching, a Diploma in Ego State Therapy and is an accredited clinical physiologist. With a commitment to social growth, he has been a committee member for the Work Life Association of Australia since 2008 and has published articles on Coaching and Ethics, actively supports the Melbourne Lost Dogs home. Results driven and self-motivated, Chris has particular interest in high performance mindsets, mental wellbeing and sustainable performance, combined with a passion for helping people achieve fulfilling lives.
  • 19. Anthony Foster Founder and CEO Noble Leader Program Anthony has developed an imposing career spanning more than 3 decades. With a strong background in financial and general management he has travelled the world and worked for large multinational corporations. He is known for his high integrity and for his ability to envision and create successful outcomes in complex situations in both personal and corporate contexts. Born in Australia he has worked predominantly in Sydney and Melbourne. In Australia and overseas he held senior roles in Multi-National Corporations such as BHP Billiton, Nissho Iwai Corporation of Japan and Global U.S. Corporations. Throughout his career he was actively involved in the SME market in Australia as a Corporate Rescue Specialist and worked in conjunction with leading Australian Banks such as ANZ, NAB and WESTPAC. His wide industry experience in those years led him into the development of international markets in South East Asia for these clients and to the opportunities within Government privatization in Eastern Europe. Today he is the Founder and Creator of the Noble Inspirational Leadership Program. Noble Leadership is the commitment to the continuous Pursuit of Highest Human Virtues and Aspirations. This Program shows leaders at all levels how to overcome self destructive behaviors and when combined with the Noble Virtues, Aspirations and a Noble Cause can bring about profound changes within oneself. He is an active promoter of mental health within the corporate environment and writes for a European Magazine on this subject. He is also a subscribing writer for a leading European Business Magazine called CEO-Europe. In this context he writes about success within the Business Environment and ways in which to harmonize the necessary balance between work and life. He is also an Expert Author for He is currently writing a book in conjunction with Dr Huei Hsia Holloman called "The Search for Noble Leadership" and has published the following: The Noble Mind The Assassin Within Noble Self Leadership (Will the Real Me Please Stand Up) The Compromisation Fantasy Leader Introduction to Noble Leadership-A Personal Perspective The Virtue of Harmony He is also involved in the following organizations: Member of Australian Intercultural Society Member of the Mind Life Association of Harvard University Category Judge for the Australian Annual Diversity at Work Awards Member of the Association of Career Professionals International Member of the Teaching Society for Management Education He has received the following Awards: Certificate of Appreciation from Parliament of Victoria Certificate of Appreciation from Victoria Police Certificate of Appreciation City of Kingston
  • 20. Going beyond Yourself and Leading with the Highest Noble Virtues of Honour and Integrity Noble Leadership is commitment to the continuous pursuit of the highest Human Virtues and Aspirations