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The Nacirema Tribe
The Nacirema tribe is a North American group with a highly developed market economy that has evolved into a rich natural habitat. The underlying
belief of the Nacirema is the human body is ugly and that it has a tendency to weakness and illness. The Nacirema believe that the condition of one's
mouth has influence on their social relationships and believe that if not in good condition, their lovers will leave them, their gums will bleed and their
teeth will fall out, etc. So in order to maintain a healthy mouth, they perform a mouth–rite which is one of their daily body rituals, but this certain one
involves moving a bundle of hog hair with magical powders sprinkled throughout around their mouths in order to cleanse and protect. Nacirema rituals
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Nacirema Summary
When Abelard Schneider returned from his voyage to the primitive Nacirema tribes, one could scarcely stop him in his excited rambling. He spoke
in a frenzy, rarely pausing to accept questions from his audience of peeved onlookers. Schneider's discoveries describe at great length, the peculiar
nature of Nacirema mating rituals, a world of bizarre customs and luxurious excesses. It is well known that the Nacirema engage in an elaborate rite
which they call a gniddew; each tribesperson is expected to undergo this ritual at least once, though some endure it many times and others never do.
Perhaps the most peculiar of gniddew excesses is the sserd, a ritual cloth with beauty reflected by its price. Hours are spent in anticipation of the sserd's
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The Nacirema Analysis
While reading the Nacirema I could not help to think how different they were and question the different rituals and customs they practiced. After
finding out the meaning behind the allegory I was shocked and surprised. I was surprised int the similarities that are visible after knowing that the
parable of the Nacirema was actually about America. My brain started making connections to the American culture. One of the first connections
that immediately made to the reading was the part where Miner talked about how the human body was viewed as disease and an ugly thing. How
could someone view this of their own body? But that is exactly the way Americans consciously or not view our bodys. The way that we go to the
doctor often and take vitamins or shots against viruses and disease. Often we are even required by schools that we have certain vaccinations. This
could appear different to people who do not get vaccinated as often as Americans do. People grow up viewing everything they do on a daily basis as
normal and what's correct. That when we see different from one's ordinary practices we are alarmed, but our own culture or even habits are also
different from more content...
It alters the way that I see my own culture because ofthe way I viewed it when it was put in other words. One may judge and think that another
culture is abnormal from what we practice . But it is forgotten that people often view us different. It makes me question how many times not
consciously I criticize other cultures. I think this can help us as scholars so that we can be more considerate. In my opinion when reading of a
different culture we should put ourselves in there shoes and try to picture ourselves in there shoes. Instead of just being an observant and comparing it
to one's own
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Nacirema Essay
Dillon O'Brien
Merrill Singer
Anthro 1000
15 April 2012
Nacirema Paper
It has been rumored that are extraordinary beings on another familiar planet close by our home of Nacirema, and it is our goal as the Interplanetary
Nacirema Research Center team to investigate the situation. We plan to focus our trip on the specific coordinates that the University of Connecticut
campus lies on, and being the curious creatures we are, we plan to delve into specific areas within this concentrated area. We will be studying the way
both males and females conduct their everyday lives in terms of living, learning and communicating. Through our research, we plan to lighten up the
mysteries about this foreign species and enable ourselves to more content...
On the other hand, the females seem to go to the gym just for the purpose of running and losing weight. It appears that the females' mindset is that it
doesn't matter how skinny they are, they still think they need to lose weight. Our studies of this strange setting yielded more important information
concerning the behavior of the humans and hopefully will lead to more effective studies in the future.
Based on these observations, it is evident that we are not on our own planet of Nacirema and the beings of this planet are not like us at all. However,
much has been learned from our trip here about the personalities and motives of these residents. Nonetheless, I believe that based on our findings we
will not be making a trip back here until we have prepared ourselves enough in the ways of their strange, strange
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Nacirema Culture Summary
Michael, I like your post and agree with you. I also think that Nacirema's culture is barbaric and could not believe these strange activities at the first
time. I also wrote in my discussion about the holy–mouth–men. The way the author describe the dentist is very appropriate for me because I am very
scared when I go to dentist since I was young. Also, I think the listeners are psychologist. Psychologists' job is to help people solve their problem
from internal and provide them therapy. I think this is a interesting article to learn. I am wondering if someone outside our culture read this article, how
would that person react? Will he or she think we are the barbaric nation?
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Who are the Nacirema and how shall they be defined? The dictionary defines an Anthropologist as a person that studies human beings and their
ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture (Webster 2011). I am not
claiming to be an Anthropologist however, from my viewpoint, I am not sure if I am capable of grasping my mind around the concept that "the body
is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease" explained, ("Horace Miner", 2005). Unfortunately, the Nacirema people believe that this
statement is true based on their culture and their belief system. The Nacirema has a rich and an untraceable culture and practice of ritual system that is more content...
In Jones findings, "the ancestral spirit, therefore, is above all and it is just a symbol" ("Myth & Symbol..." 1980). My question is, where was
Miner getting his information and during that time what was he trying to prove?
Needless to say, we are all creatures that will go through an evolutionary process. Furthermore, with internet moving with the speed of light, we shall
all discover new cultures and advancements that will promote behavior changes, new cultural awareness as well as similarities. My question is, was
this difficult for Miner to accept?
In conclusion I would like to point out that, Ellin (2008) explained that when Horace Miner in 1956, was using hyperbole as well as rhetorical
misreading to defamiliarized his own culture in this essay Body ritual among the Nacirema. "Nacirema is American spelled backwards". He exposed an
obsession with the body that contributed to masochistic tendencies including annual visit to 'holy men (dentist); and weekly head–baking by women
(using hair dryers); lacerating the face with sharp instrument by men (shaving); and he discusses the ritual fast to make fat people thin" ("Life support:
Nacirema redux"). Through this entire scenario, my perspective is that Miner was not prepared for change, growth nor evolution. * Works Cited
Dimsdale, J. E. (2001). The Nacirema Revisited. Annals Of
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Horace Miner writes about the Nacirema, a culture steeped in magic and superstition. Their ways of life are portrayed as uncivilized and barbaric.
The Nacirema perform rituals and rites that are strange to us here in the civilized world. The description and portrayal of this tribe make it very hard
for the reader to connect or even begin to understand such a strange people. Miner starts of the article creating an atmosphere of wonderment; "if all of
the logically possible combinations of behavior have not been found somewhere in the world, he(anthropologist) is apt to suspect that they must be
present in some yet undescribed tribe"(Miner:1956:503). And that tribe is the Nacirema, a foreign and strange people to whom we in the
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The 'listener' or psychologist is another example that Miner uses. The Nacirema, troubled by their childhoods and demons of their minds go to the
listener to let out all of their troubles. This is synonymous with trips to the psychologist to talk about one's problems. The incredulity one feels when
Miner writes, "It is not uncommon for the patient to bemoan the rejection he felt upon being weaned as a babe and a few individuals even see their
troubles going back to the
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Essay On Nacirema Culture
Cosmetics are a large part of the Nacirema culture, particularly for women. Cosmetics are geared toward women so they can improve upon or even
completely change their natural looks. Their goal is often to make themselves fit the "standard" of beauty often shown in magazines, television or other
Women are often expected to wearcosmetics as a way to enhance their appearance. This is because appearance plays a large role in Nacirema culture.
If you do not look a certain way, especially as a female, you may be ostracized and condemned by others. Women are expected to make themselves
look attractive and presentable at all times, this is a double standard as the expectations are not the same for men. While in a professional setting, both
men and women are expected to dress formally, but there is no push for men to enhance the features they were born with. Commercials for cosmetics
are aimed toward women, often regaling them with stories of how if they buy said product they will be more successful in life, feel better about
themselves or finally get the guy they've been after.
This can tell us a lot about Nacirema beliefs. The biggest one being that women are, more content...
Men want pretty women. Movies, television shows and other media often portray a male character, regardless of his own appearance and against all
odds getting an unbelievably attractive woman. These forms of media often portray women as a prize to be won with their physical appearances
playing a large role. Many men who have grown up in this culture often see themselves as deserving of a "pretty" girl because that's what the media
they've been watching their whole lives has told them. Because men don't seem to want an "ugly" prize, this has caused many women to try to achieve
a certain standard of beauty so they can impress these men and even just get their
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Summary Of Nacirema
Looking back at the article Nacirema, I feel my daily routines are weird and tradition as a Chinese. After reading the article Nacirema, it shows that the
belief of American think their culture is superior to others, they tendency to view other cultures from their own views. Some of the traditional culture,
maybe looks weird in another people's eye. For example, as a Chinese, we eat chicken feet, duck feet, and chicken viscera which American people
don't like it. We like to have a morning tea with family to eat dimsum, deep–dried dough sticks, steamed buns, tofu pudding, noodles, and rice for
breakfast, but the American people like to have some coffee, milk, eggs, fired potatoes, cereal, toast, and pancake. I like salty stuff, but American
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The Nacirema: Another Look Essay
The Nacirema: Another Look
Written by Horace Miner, this essay of the people group Nacirema is an interesting look at their everyday functions. The tribe Miner describes is
seemingly primal and uncivilized, and yet somewhat familiar. The entire account of these mysterious people describes unusual and strange behaviors
and activities. The brief overview on the Nacirema is graphic from Miner's point of view. When the meaning of the story becomes clear, the purpose for
writing it becomes either humor or disdain.
In this article written by Miner, he describes the tribe of the Nacirema vividly and descriptively. The Nacirema are a tribe known for only twenty years.
When they were discovered there was almost no more content...
The chest holds many charms and magical potions that are the basis for these people's lives. At the bottom of each box is a small font. These fonts play
a significant part in the rituals. Sometimes they sprinkle holy water over the font. This holy water is distributed from the regional Water Temple.
After medicine men there are "holy–mouth–men" who do barbaric and painful rituals on the tribes–people's mouths. These rituals are continued in the
home involving hog hair on sticks and certain powders in a ritual done by the tribe every day.
This tribe has many sadistic health related rituals along with the tooth check–up. Many are far more painful, and happen on scheduled dates as if the
tribal people enjoy it. There are centers for the most debilitated called latipsos. The sick are "healed" but almost no one ever fully recovers. Some
cannot get into the latipso for healing because you must present a gift at the door to get in and one at the exit to get out. This tribe is governed
totally by ritual. There are rituals for weight, breast size, and intercourse. Sex is a scheduled act and is considered taboo to discuss. The Nacirema are
a very ritualistic tribe, but they seem to thrive. Even with their masochistic ways, they are surviving and evolving. The use of magic appears to help
them live.
Of course without much thought it is easy to discern that the Nacirema Tribe is none other than modern
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The Nacirema Tribe

  • 1. The Nacirema Tribe The Nacirema tribe is a North American group with a highly developed market economy that has evolved into a rich natural habitat. The underlying belief of the Nacirema is the human body is ugly and that it has a tendency to weakness and illness. The Nacirema believe that the condition of one's mouth has influence on their social relationships and believe that if not in good condition, their lovers will leave them, their gums will bleed and their teeth will fall out, etc. So in order to maintain a healthy mouth, they perform a mouth–rite which is one of their daily body rituals, but this certain one involves moving a bundle of hog hair with magical powders sprinkled throughout around their mouths in order to cleanse and protect. Nacirema rituals Get more content on
  • 2. Nacirema Summary When Abelard Schneider returned from his voyage to the primitive Nacirema tribes, one could scarcely stop him in his excited rambling. He spoke in a frenzy, rarely pausing to accept questions from his audience of peeved onlookers. Schneider's discoveries describe at great length, the peculiar nature of Nacirema mating rituals, a world of bizarre customs and luxurious excesses. It is well known that the Nacirema engage in an elaborate rite which they call a gniddew; each tribesperson is expected to undergo this ritual at least once, though some endure it many times and others never do. Perhaps the most peculiar of gniddew excesses is the sserd, a ritual cloth with beauty reflected by its price. Hours are spent in anticipation of the sserd's Get more content on
  • 3. The Nacirema Analysis While reading the Nacirema I could not help to think how different they were and question the different rituals and customs they practiced. After finding out the meaning behind the allegory I was shocked and surprised. I was surprised int the similarities that are visible after knowing that the parable of the Nacirema was actually about America. My brain started making connections to the American culture. One of the first connections that immediately made to the reading was the part where Miner talked about how the human body was viewed as disease and an ugly thing. How could someone view this of their own body? But that is exactly the way Americans consciously or not view our bodys. The way that we go to the doctor often and take vitamins or shots against viruses and disease. Often we are even required by schools that we have certain vaccinations. This could appear different to people who do not get vaccinated as often as Americans do. People grow up viewing everything they do on a daily basis as normal and what's correct. That when we see different from one's ordinary practices we are alarmed, but our own culture or even habits are also different from more content... It alters the way that I see my own culture because ofthe way I viewed it when it was put in other words. One may judge and think that another culture is abnormal from what we practice . But it is forgotten that people often view us different. It makes me question how many times not consciously I criticize other cultures. I think this can help us as scholars so that we can be more considerate. In my opinion when reading of a different culture we should put ourselves in there shoes and try to picture ourselves in there shoes. Instead of just being an observant and comparing it to one's own Get more content on
  • 4. Nacirema Essay Dillon O'Brien Merrill Singer Anthro 1000 15 April 2012 Nacirema Paper It has been rumored that are extraordinary beings on another familiar planet close by our home of Nacirema, and it is our goal as the Interplanetary Nacirema Research Center team to investigate the situation. We plan to focus our trip on the specific coordinates that the University of Connecticut campus lies on, and being the curious creatures we are, we plan to delve into specific areas within this concentrated area. We will be studying the way both males and females conduct their everyday lives in terms of living, learning and communicating. Through our research, we plan to lighten up the mysteries about this foreign species and enable ourselves to more content... On the other hand, the females seem to go to the gym just for the purpose of running and losing weight. It appears that the females' mindset is that it doesn't matter how skinny they are, they still think they need to lose weight. Our studies of this strange setting yielded more important information concerning the behavior of the humans and hopefully will lead to more effective studies in the future. Based on these observations, it is evident that we are not on our own planet of Nacirema and the beings of this planet are not like us at all. However, much has been learned from our trip here about the personalities and motives of these residents. Nonetheless, I believe that based on our findings we will not be making a trip back here until we have prepared ourselves enough in the ways of their strange, strange Get more content on
  • 5. Nacirema Culture Summary Michael, I like your post and agree with you. I also think that Nacirema's culture is barbaric and could not believe these strange activities at the first time. I also wrote in my discussion about the holy–mouth–men. The way the author describe the dentist is very appropriate for me because I am very scared when I go to dentist since I was young. Also, I think the listeners are psychologist. Psychologists' job is to help people solve their problem from internal and provide them therapy. I think this is a interesting article to learn. I am wondering if someone outside our culture read this article, how would that person react? Will he or she think we are the barbaric nation? Get more content on
  • 6. Nacirema Who are the Nacirema and how shall they be defined? The dictionary defines an Anthropologist as a person that studies human beings and their ancestors through time and space and in relation to physical character, environmental and social relations, and culture (Webster 2011). I am not claiming to be an Anthropologist however, from my viewpoint, I am not sure if I am capable of grasping my mind around the concept that "the body is ugly and that its natural tendency is to debility and disease" explained, ("Horace Miner", 2005). Unfortunately, the Nacirema people believe that this statement is true based on their culture and their belief system. The Nacirema has a rich and an untraceable culture and practice of ritual system that is more content... In Jones findings, "the ancestral spirit, therefore, is above all and it is just a symbol" ("Myth & Symbol..." 1980). My question is, where was Miner getting his information and during that time what was he trying to prove? Needless to say, we are all creatures that will go through an evolutionary process. Furthermore, with internet moving with the speed of light, we shall all discover new cultures and advancements that will promote behavior changes, new cultural awareness as well as similarities. My question is, was this difficult for Miner to accept? In conclusion I would like to point out that, Ellin (2008) explained that when Horace Miner in 1956, was using hyperbole as well as rhetorical misreading to defamiliarized his own culture in this essay Body ritual among the Nacirema. "Nacirema is American spelled backwards". He exposed an obsession with the body that contributed to masochistic tendencies including annual visit to 'holy men (dentist); and weekly head–baking by women (using hair dryers); lacerating the face with sharp instrument by men (shaving); and he discusses the ritual fast to make fat people thin" ("Life support: Nacirema redux"). Through this entire scenario, my perspective is that Miner was not prepared for change, growth nor evolution. * Works Cited Dimsdale, J. E. (2001). The Nacirema Revisited. Annals Of Get more content on
  • 7. Nacirema Horace Miner writes about the Nacirema, a culture steeped in magic and superstition. Their ways of life are portrayed as uncivilized and barbaric. The Nacirema perform rituals and rites that are strange to us here in the civilized world. The description and portrayal of this tribe make it very hard for the reader to connect or even begin to understand such a strange people. Miner starts of the article creating an atmosphere of wonderment; "if all of the logically possible combinations of behavior have not been found somewhere in the world, he(anthropologist) is apt to suspect that they must be present in some yet undescribed tribe"(Miner:1956:503). And that tribe is the Nacirema, a foreign and strange people to whom we in the more content... The 'listener' or psychologist is another example that Miner uses. The Nacirema, troubled by their childhoods and demons of their minds go to the listener to let out all of their troubles. This is synonymous with trips to the psychologist to talk about one's problems. The incredulity one feels when Miner writes, "It is not uncommon for the patient to bemoan the rejection he felt upon being weaned as a babe and a few individuals even see their troubles going back to the Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Nacirema Culture Cosmetics are a large part of the Nacirema culture, particularly for women. Cosmetics are geared toward women so they can improve upon or even completely change their natural looks. Their goal is often to make themselves fit the "standard" of beauty often shown in magazines, television or other media. Women are often expected to wearcosmetics as a way to enhance their appearance. This is because appearance plays a large role in Nacirema culture. If you do not look a certain way, especially as a female, you may be ostracized and condemned by others. Women are expected to make themselves look attractive and presentable at all times, this is a double standard as the expectations are not the same for men. While in a professional setting, both men and women are expected to dress formally, but there is no push for men to enhance the features they were born with. Commercials for cosmetics are aimed toward women, often regaling them with stories of how if they buy said product they will be more successful in life, feel better about themselves or finally get the guy they've been after. This can tell us a lot about Nacirema beliefs. The biggest one being that women are, more content... Men want pretty women. Movies, television shows and other media often portray a male character, regardless of his own appearance and against all odds getting an unbelievably attractive woman. These forms of media often portray women as a prize to be won with their physical appearances playing a large role. Many men who have grown up in this culture often see themselves as deserving of a "pretty" girl because that's what the media they've been watching their whole lives has told them. Because men don't seem to want an "ugly" prize, this has caused many women to try to achieve a certain standard of beauty so they can impress these men and even just get their Get more content on
  • 9. Summary Of Nacirema Looking back at the article Nacirema, I feel my daily routines are weird and tradition as a Chinese. After reading the article Nacirema, it shows that the belief of American think their culture is superior to others, they tendency to view other cultures from their own views. Some of the traditional culture, maybe looks weird in another people's eye. For example, as a Chinese, we eat chicken feet, duck feet, and chicken viscera which American people don't like it. We like to have a morning tea with family to eat dimsum, deep–dried dough sticks, steamed buns, tofu pudding, noodles, and rice for breakfast, but the American people like to have some coffee, milk, eggs, fired potatoes, cereal, toast, and pancake. I like salty stuff, but American Get more content on
  • 10. The Nacirema: Another Look Essay The Nacirema: Another Look Written by Horace Miner, this essay of the people group Nacirema is an interesting look at their everyday functions. The tribe Miner describes is seemingly primal and uncivilized, and yet somewhat familiar. The entire account of these mysterious people describes unusual and strange behaviors and activities. The brief overview on the Nacirema is graphic from Miner's point of view. When the meaning of the story becomes clear, the purpose for writing it becomes either humor or disdain. In this article written by Miner, he describes the tribe of the Nacirema vividly and descriptively. The Nacirema are a tribe known for only twenty years. When they were discovered there was almost no more content... The chest holds many charms and magical potions that are the basis for these people's lives. At the bottom of each box is a small font. These fonts play a significant part in the rituals. Sometimes they sprinkle holy water over the font. This holy water is distributed from the regional Water Temple. After medicine men there are "holy–mouth–men" who do barbaric and painful rituals on the tribes–people's mouths. These rituals are continued in the home involving hog hair on sticks and certain powders in a ritual done by the tribe every day. This tribe has many sadistic health related rituals along with the tooth check–up. Many are far more painful, and happen on scheduled dates as if the tribal people enjoy it. There are centers for the most debilitated called latipsos. The sick are "healed" but almost no one ever fully recovers. Some cannot get into the latipso for healing because you must present a gift at the door to get in and one at the exit to get out. This tribe is governed totally by ritual. There are rituals for weight, breast size, and intercourse. Sex is a scheduled act and is considered taboo to discuss. The Nacirema are a very ritualistic tribe, but they seem to thrive. Even with their masochistic ways, they are surviving and evolving. The use of magic appears to help them live. Of course without much thought it is easy to discern that the Nacirema Tribe is none other than modern
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