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The Motorcycle Notebook Chapter Summaries
The Motorcycle Diaries comprise of journal sections composed by Ernesto "Che" Guevara as he
went with his companion Alberto Granado crosswise over Latin America. Che Guevara was
conceived in 1928 on June fourteenth in Rosario, Argentina. He grew up white collar class, the child
of Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna. Che grew up with asthma, which kept him from
going to class until he was nine; he experienced childhood in Alta Gracia, a town new Cordoba. Che
went to Buenos Aires for therapeutic school in 1948 and in 1950 enjoyed a reprieve to leave on a
4,500 kilometer travel around the north of Argentina. The following year, in October, Che and his
companion Alberto Granado think of the thought to ride La Poderosa II, Alberto's motorbike, the
distance to North America. Alberto is a natural chemist inspired by untouchables and leprology,
while Che is a youthful therapeutic ... Show more content on ...
They start their adventure leaving Cordoba in December 1951 and meet Che's family for goodbyes
in Buenos Aires. The book comprises of notes composed on their outing from December well into
Guevara is most well known for his part in the foundation of the comrade tyranny legislature of
Fidel Castro in Cuba in 1956 to 1958. He helped Castro to oust the dictator leader of Cuba at the
time, Batista. They in the long run win, with Che as one of the officers of the progressive strengths.
He then turns into a pioneer in the legislature however puts stock in spreading socialist upset
crosswise over Latin America. He turns out to be notable over the world for his support in the
interest of the world's poor and tries to begin upset in different nations. He visits to Soviet Union,
China and numerous other socialist nations. After he is slaughtered in 1966 attempting to begin a
comrade upheaval in Bolivia, Che turns into the stuff of legend; he is immediately
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Media And Fear
Each year, the media's influence on our lives and opinions grows and strengthens. Gone are the days
when the media solely existed to inform its audience of current events. Now, the media's messages
result in noticeable shifts in public opinion and the reinforcement of individual attitudes and beliefs.
With profits, ratings, and viewership in sight, outlets prioritize a limited selection of controversial
and opinionated stories to keep their audience engaged and wanting more. One glaring instance of
this was when the media constantly covered and analyzed the plans to construct a "mosque" near the
9/11 memorial site in mid–2010. Although city officials and developers were initially excited about
the idea, the media's coverage successfully turned ... Show more content on ...
Three examples stand out: (1) outlets highlighted the insensitivity of the project; (2) news channels
gave hate group leaders such as Pamela Geller with the Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA)
movement precious broadcast time; and (3) media commentators overwhelming opined on the issue,
with one going so far to say "There are many questions about the Ground Zero mosque. But just one
answer. Move it away." This entire time, the media possessed the power to control the news' cycle
and advance those views in line with their agenda. As viewers became more aware and fearful of the
events, the media were driven towards both advertisement profits and viewership numbers resulting
in controversial and prejudice news
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Essay on A Comparison of Christian and Islamic...
A Comparison of Christian and Islamic Architecture in Spain
By the 6th century a Germanic tribe called the Visigoths, converts to Arian Christianity, had
established themselves as the aristocratic elite. The Christians built many monumental basilica–plan
churches. The Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas, Burgos, Spain and San Juan de Banos de
Cerrato are two such churches that still remain today. In the beginning of the 8th century Islamic
Muslims conquered Spain and ended Visigothic rule. They constructed militaristic and religious
architecture including castles, watchtowers, rock castes, the Great Mosque, and the Red Palace. The
remaining Christians adopted some of the Islamic styles and soon built upon a new style that ended
up ... Show more content on ...
The Moors also built atalayas, or watchtowers and rock castles that served as part of the defense
system for the castle. The watchtowers were used as communication devices for castles that were
great distances apart. The watchtowers would signal the castle in case of an enemy attack by using
smoke and mirrors. They built rock castles, or small defense castles high on rocks, using the natural
terrain to the maximum effect. Since the rock castles were small they did not house many soldiers.
Another important Islamic site is situated in Cordoba, southern Spain, along the banks of
Guadalquivir river (the Great River). Cordoba served as the capital of the Caliphate of Cordoba.
Cordoba houses the famous Great Mosque or Gran Mezquita, the largest mosque in the Western
World. The interior of the mosque consisted of a mirhab, a niche that separates the qibla wall from
the others. The mirhab was intentionally positioned facing Mecca for the faithful who prayed in that
The mosque can be identified by its elaborate squinch–supported domes. The Great Mosque of
Cordoba is one of the finest surviving examples of Umayyad architecture in Spain. The mosque has
marble capitals and columns in the hypostyle prayer hall. A person enters the hall through an open
courtyard called a sahn. Its famous horseshoe arches have an alternated pattern of pale stone and red
brick voussoirs
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The Creation Of Islam Throughout Ad 662
The creation of Islam in AD 662 spread very widely within a century and brought on a "whole
cultural phenomenon". Muslims contribute to knowledge through the creation and addition of
Arabic numerals, positional notation, algebra, calculations in astronomy, medical analyses, and new
poetry techniques. Islam contributions to design are "distinctive, richly colorful, and highly
imaginative." (Newton 30) The militant Arabs took over Syria, and then took over Egypt in AD 640.
Sixty years later they spread to the south Mediterranean coast, reaching the Atlantic. Through
similar interests of conquest, the Arabs were drawn into Spain. The Muslims traveled across the
Strait of Gibraltar in AD 711. Despite resistance from southern regions, they conquered successfully.
(Jellicoe 40) By AD 712, Muslims occupied Seville and Cordoba. The Muslim part of Spain stands
independently and survives for eight centuries. (Newton 31) Muslims arrive in Spain and influence
regions knowledgably, architecturally and through use of the land. Despite the later Spanish
Christian revival, areas in the South of the peninsula, Cordoba and Seville still contain layered
Islamic attributes. The space extending past the architecture is an opportunity that engages so many
aspects. "Architecture must go beyond architecture and rewrite its definition to embrace the
challenges of society, responding with a new critical discourse on social and technical levels"
(Serageldin 11–12). Muslims were able to
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Abbasid Al-Rahman Research Paper
While the Abbasids seized power on the Arabian Peninsula, the Umayyad leader Abd al–Rahman
fled to the Iberian Peninsula and built a magnificent kingdom. When he reached Spain, he made it
Al–Andalus, also known as Muslim Spain. He gained power by uniting the factions that were
already there and defeating the ruling factions. Al–Andalus became a glorious kingdom in the
Muslim empire because they had powerful leaders, a stable government, and effective tactics for
expansion. The reasons for their decline will also be mentioned in this essay. The most prominent
leaders of Al–Andalus were Abd al–Rahman I, Abd al–Rahman II, and Abd al–Rahman III. The
Abbasids joined forces with other groups opposing the Umayyads on the Arabian Peninsula, and
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Essay On Cordoba
In pre–Islamic period, Cordoba was an important political centre because of its geostrategic
condition opened a new page in its history with being captured by Umayyad Arabic in 711. Abd al–
Rahman El–Takati who was the fifth governor of the Umayyad Dynasty in Damascus carried
government centre from Seville (İşbiliyye) to Cordoba in 716. Thus, Cordoba became one of four
centres during the management of early Andalusia Umayyad (Hillenbrand, 1994: 112–113). With the
moving of the central government, the first urban studies were started in Cordoba. In addition to city
public works, the population of the city increased and the southern districts of the city were
established as the new settlements (Akyüz, 2005: 238–239). Cordoba's spectacular rising ... Show
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Real splendour of this era could be seen on the developments being achieved in the science, culture
and art fields rather than political space. Cordoba University which was founded by Abd al–Rahman
III, was the biggest university of the medieval period, attracted students from both the Christian
world and the Muslim world to itself. In this period, even there were a complete ignorance within
Western Europe; the rate of literacy was very high in Cordoba and Andalusia cities (Bal, 2008: 68).
Cordoba palace library that was founded at the time of Abd al–Rahman II, was one of the richest
libraries of the Middle Age. Libraries that were established by each sultan were combined at the
time of Hakem II and emerged a giant 600,000–volumes library (Yıldız, 1987: 483). In this era
when there was a complete ignorance in Europe, Andalusia and its capital Cordoba were at the
highest level in many fields such as religious as well as history, geography, philosophy, law,
mathematics and medicine. Cordoba and the Andalusia's knowledge and civilization created a
principle for Europe's awakening and Renaissance thanks to transferring to Europe through both the
Christian kingdoms of Spain and
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The Longest Running Fued is the Sunni and Shia Conflict
The Sunni and Shia conflict is currently the longest running feud in the world. Both groups possess
an extreme hatred for one another. Over the years, these two groups have openly expressed their
hatred with one another through violent killings. This split between the Shia and Sunni originates all
the way back in the 7th century. Their difference was based on political differences. As a part of my
essay I will explain the difference and origins of the split between the Shi'a and Sunni and also cover
the current issues between them.
I have always assumed that the Sunni and Shia conflict is similar to the war between the Catholic
and Protestant, however it is much more complex and different. These two branches of Islam share
the same Holy Book and all agree that Allah is there God. Sunni and Shia both believe that the last
prophet was Muhammad. However, when Muhammad died, there was a disagreement of who would
be Muhammad's successor. There were two candidates to be the successor of Muhammad, Abu Bakr
and Ali bin Abi Talib. Ali bin Abi Talib was Muhammad's cousin and son–in law. Abu Bakr was
Muhammad's friend and senior companion. The Sunni Muslims believed that the leadership should
be granted to the person with most experience. On the other hand, the Shi'a believed the decision
should be based purely through Muhammad's bloodline. The majority of Muslim ended up choosing
Abu Bakr to be the Caliph (successor). However, Abu Bakr's rule was shortlived when he died in
634 CE.
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Personal Narrative: My Placement
My Placement
When I was in high school, I distinctly remember the foreign exchange program the languages
department ran throughout the year. Students from Russia, Germany, France, and Spain came over
to the United States to live with a host family and have a taste of what everyday American life is
like. By the time I graduated from high school, I had never hosted any students, and never intended
to be a foreign exchange student in another country. However, upon exploring and researching
extracurriculars for studying medicine, I came across Projects Abroad. After applying, it was only a
few weeks until I was receiving emails about what Córdoba, Argentina would be like, who I would
be staying with, and the types of activities we would be participating in throughout the week. Before
I knew it, I was flying alone on an international flight to an unfamiliar city almost 5,000 miles away
from home. I was nervous, jet–lagged, and my Spanish was more than a little bit rusty. However,
after spending just one week with my host family and Projects Abroad leaders in such a lively and
welcoming city, I fell in love with Córdoba. My Spanish skills improved, my passion for medicine
was stronger than ever, and I was a confident in navigating a completely foreign city.
Culture ... Show more content on ...
I ate Dulce de Leche, drank mate, and spent time walking throughout a local market filled with
homemade housewares and popular local food. It was refreshing to see the differences that
Argentina had to Western culture, and how different their way of life was than what I was familiar
with. My favorite part was always being greeted with besos y abrazos, making me feel like part of
the Argentinian
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Is Emiliano Céliz's Silver Vases: Craft Or Art?
Céliz Vases I enjoy each and everyone of his creations and the questions they bring: Craft or art?
Concept or trade? Function or sheer aesthetic pleasure? Theorizing on these opposing visions has
exhausted rivers of ink – or maybe, today, gigabytes of electronic files – without reaching a valuable
synthesis. Emiliano Céliz's silver vases are a true testimony of this. Trained in the art of metalwork,
this artist born and bred in the province of Córdoba, dared let his creativity loose, exceeding all
expectations within the referential framework of traditional criollo silversmith art. In his absolute
search, he managed the shape of a vase, setting it free from all constrains and achieving the design
of the unique pieces that call us all here today. ... Show more content on ...
But mastering the techniques is not enough, it is also necessary to have a profound knowledge of the
culture that gives birth to it and cradles it. A pitcher, for example, is mainly functional, it serves a
purpose, like any craft of any worth. Now, we find pitchers that are essentially Porteños (from the
city of Buenos Aires), or from the different provinces, cities and regions in Argentina: Córdoba,
Corrientes, La Rioja, Salta, Cuyo, Río Grande. Also from our neighboring country, Uruguay, as well
as those created in the times of the Spanish Viceroyalty in America, in Perú, Alto Perú and Paraguay.
Each style uses different materials, and resorts to a broad ornamental repertoire of its own; it is
influenced by each creator's personality and by the passage of
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Mexican American Cartel Essay
The Mexican drug–trafficking cartels are said to have been established in the 1980s by a man named
Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, also known as "The Godfather". With the help of Ernesto Fonseca
Carrillo and Rafael Caro Quintero, Miguel started the Guadalajara Cartel, which is one of the first to
have thrived from association with the Colombian cocaine trade. The two men who helped Miguel
Gallardo establish the cartel were arrested, so Gallardo, the single leader of the cartel "was smart
enough to privatize the Mexican drug trade by having it run by lesser–known bosses" (The Five
Most Famous Drug Cartels"), that he often met with in Acapulco. Eventually Miguel was arrested as
well which caused the split of the Guadalajara Cartel into the ... Show more content on ...
Despite its diminishing power, it continues to control most of the trafficking in Tamaulipas.
The Tijuana Cartel is now one of the cartels with the least power since the Arellano Felix brothers
fell, but it is said that the Sinaloa's have started taking them over.
The Juarez Cartel is now run by only one of the Carrillo Fuentes brothers, Vicente, and "resembles
gang–on–gang warfare more than intra–cartel violence" (Beith). Like the Tijuana Cartel, the Juarez
Cartel is somewhat being controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel.
La Familia, a newer, infinitely smaller group, smuggles methamphetamine and has fallen to the
authorities. There is a similar group, the Knights Templar, but they, like La Familia, have a minimal
influence on society. Smaller, newer groups like the Jalisco Cartel – New Generation and Matazetas
also exist, although not having a great impact on society (Beith).
As stated by David Lunhow and José De Cordoba, in the year 2008, 6,000 people died in drug–
related violence in Mexico, the U.S.'s second biggest trading partner. The cartels now operate in 230
cities and towns around Mexico, and commit crimes in the U.S. as well, such as in the case of
Phoenix, where 370 kidnapping cases were reported in 2008 (De Cordoba & Lunhow). As many as
90% of the people killed in Mexico are said to be linked to trade in some way and in President
Felipe Calderon's six–year term, there were 153 fights
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Jose Maria Cordoba Research Paper
Because Las Palmas road is the easiest access going to Medellin city, having a place that's situated
right in this location is an appealing idea especially for those who are very much into urban living.
Colombia is a country that owns beautiful places, not to mention the faces of its people that left the
whole world in admiring astonishment. These, amongst other considerable factors would definitely
lure you to get a property in this arresting venue.
35 Palms Towers as constructed by BienesYBienes, offers direct connection to the airport Jose
Maria Cordoba. This means easy access when it comes to air travel without worrying about the fuss
of getting to the airport. Aside from this, the property's proximity to residential, corporate, hotel and
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Discrimination In American Schools
American Schools and Discrimination
According to the U.S Education Department, "Eighty–one percent (81%) of Asian–American high
school students and 71% of white high school students attend high schools where the full range of
math and science courses are offered...Black students (57%), Latino students (67%), students with
disabilities (63%), and English language learner students (65%) also have less access to the full
range of courses". What does this tell us about schools in the United States? Although intentions
have been good, schools are still promoting racial discrimination throughout the U.S. Discrimination
has been proven by surveys on discipline and the opportunities given to non–white ethnic groups.
Schools should be more concerned with how students that aren't white are being treated and analyze
the opportunities they are being given.
In preschool, black students make ... Show more content on ...
"Researchers have documented that students' exposure to other students who are different from
themselves and the novel ideas and challenges that such exposure brings leads to improved
cognitive skills, including critical thinking and problem solving"(Wells, Fox, Cordoba–Cobo). In
other words, it makes people smarter. The range of benefits is not limited to when the students are in
school. It can also have a great impact on their adulthood. "Ninety–six percent of major employers,
Wells, Fox, and Cordova–Cobo note, say it is 'important' that employees be 'comfortable working
with colleagues, customers, and/or clients from diverse cultural backgrounds'"(Wells, Fox,
Cordoba–Cobo). There really is no harm in making American schools more diverse and more
accepting of non–white ethnic groups. This will help students navigate through society when they
are older as America has become increasingly diverse. Schools in the U.S should be teaching ALL
students to get along and show them that they are offered the same
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La Cordoba Case Study
As the Sandinistas adjusted to their new position of power, they made decisions that put their own
political agenda ahead of the welfare of Nicaraguan citizens. They controlled everything from menu
prices to water to electricity. Sandinista policies angered the newly instituted Regan administration
in Washington, and they were determined to overthrow them. The counter–revolution offered the
perfect opportunity and the CIA agreed to secretly fund the contras (over $15 million between
1981–1982). Argentina, with its efficient and brutal military regime, was the perfect candidate.
Along with Honduras, who agreed to let the contras build bases on their border and receive supplies
for them, the three countries formed La Tripartita.
However, many ... Show more content on ...
Although Pastora had often been seen as the the head of the FSLN during the war, he cut his ties
with them in 1981 and that same year declared war against them. In the end, the search for a new
leader came down to Daniel Ortega and Tomas Borge. The two men's characters could not be more
different. Borge was seen as radical, and even though he was not a skilled fighter, he was a great
conspirator and skilled in the black arts. He was also the only one of the Sandinista commandates to
be tortured by Somoza; this inspired his own security system, which centered around El Chipote, the
infamous short–term interrogation center and prison, where many counter–revolutionaries were held
prisoner and questioned. Daniel Ortega, on the other hand, was more moderate with a long history
of defying the Somoza regime, beginning in his teenage years. He was jailed for 7 years for his
revolutionary activities and was one of the political prisoners released after the 1974 Christmas raid.
But the real reason that Ortega ultimately rose to power, becoming the president of Nicaragua in
1985, was because none of the other commandates could ever fully trust Borge and he could never
fully trust
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The Great Mosque Of Cordoba
The Mishrab of The Great Mosque of Cordoba
Assignment Two
The Great Mosque of Cordoba [named in español Mezquita – Catedral de Córdoba] is a complex
site of extraordinarily rich history and key development in Muslim architecture in a Western empire.
Built in the Spanish capitals of the Umayyad, it is one of the oldest structures from the times of
Muslim rule over Iberia in the 8th century, the Great Mosque of Cordoba is a heritage site having
lived through tremendous successions of change, development and expansions surviving through
ages of conflict in religious, political and military events.
The mosque can be interpreted as a fruit of the works of Umayyad and Byzantine artisans, and with
close reading of the décor and art executed in the focal point of the mihrab and associated
This essay will focus on the analysis of the work on the mihrab (an expansion made in an expansion
by al–Hakam II after the second set of additions in corresponding relation to the surrounding key
elements that lead to the focal point, especially the hypostyle space, the maqsura and the cupola, as
well as overall planning as a whole. There are various architectural elements incorporated in the
mosque and this essay will bring forth from my readings, research in support for discussion in ways
in which the specially developed architectural technology and language communicate the dialogue
of the Islamic religion, and the significance of these elements creating a uniquely immersive
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Umayyads Research Paper
The Umayyads, a short–lived and stylistically secular khalifate, were overthrown by mercenaries
from their province of Khorasan over disagreements about their governance. One Umayyad
survivor, Abd al–Rahman I, fled to Andalusian Spain and founded a new dynasty, and later khalifate,
of Umayyads there. The Umayyads first established their official government in Damascus, Syria,
and operated more as an empire than a religious community, The Umayyads first worked on the
unionization of an Arab world by standardizing currency and language of learning (Arabic.) Their
empire extended from Mecca to near Mid–Asia/Afghanistan, and included diversity of race and
religion, Unfortunately, the Umayyads failed to govern in such a way that the citizenry was
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The City Of Baghdad During The Middle Age
The city of Baghdad was the most unique capital of the Islamic Empire during the Middle Ages
because the Tigris and Euphrates river was a source of trade for the industries to sell their products
and it was known as the "Center of Learning." For example, since there were lots of products being
made, they were able to increase their trade. In fact, trade came from the products of its industries
such as leather goods, textiles, paper, metal work, and perfumes. In other words, people from other
cities like Egypt came to Baghdad in order to trade their products in exchange for products out of
their large inventory. Also, Baghdad was next to both the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which
provided Muslims with a source of trade. Basically, in order to get to Baghdad it was not like a maze
to get there, instead one would just have to travel by boat. ... Show more content on
Essentially, since there were many universities found in that city, it attracted many people which
ended up being called the "Center of Learning". On the other hand, one could say that Cordoba is
better because they have 300 bathhouses, 100,000 shops and houses, 60,000 decorated palaces with
gardens, fountains, public courtyards, and broad avenues. However, there is only one good strong
point for Cordoba, while Baghdad has multiple facts. All in all, both the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers
helped Baghdad by increasing their population and trade with other countries with a large inventory
of products and being known as the "Center of
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Al-Hakam II
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed
toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the
individual towards freedom." This quote, once said by Albert Einstein, represents what Al–Hakam II
had strived towards during his rule. Under his leadership, Córdoba experienced a golden age in the
arts and sciences. Al–Hakam II and his father had built a vast library filled with books from all over
the world. He had also sponsored scholars, and established numerous schools throughout his
territory. However, despite the relative peace and prosperity, Al–Hakam II had waged war against
leaders from other cultures and religions. In the year 632 AD, ... Show more content on ...
Al–Hakam told the generals to fight until everyone recognized his authority – those who refused to
do so would be killed. One such person who refused to acknowledge him was Isdrisid Hasan ibn
Qannūn; and in the early 970s, he became the focus of Al–Hakam's campaign. Al–Hakam told
Ghālib that he would commit every last one of his soldiers and administration to "the holy war
against this reprobate [fāsiq]". He and Ghālib always referred to Hasan as the reprobate [al–fāsiq],
the heretic [al–mulhid], the rebel [al–māriq], and the tyrant [al–ẓālim]. In Al–Hakam's eyes, his
eventual triumph over Hasan marked the extension of his authority over all of the western Maghrib,
and used this event to publicly announce his legitimacy as Caliph. Al–Rāzī [historian] reported that
Al–Hakam sent a letter announcing the surrender of Hasan to his governors, to be read in all the
congregational mosques. Although his victory in North Africa caused the rebellious neighboring
caliphs to acknowledge his rule, the same could not be said for the Christian kings. One such king
was Sancho I, who had become king of León after the death of his brother, in 955, and deposed by
his cousin, Ordoño IV, in 958. After the death of Al–Nāṣir, the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad, and his
expulsion, Ordoño fled to the city of Burgos [Burghush] but was arrested and sent to Córdoba. Al–
Hakam had a meeting with Ordoño, in which the latter declared his submission to the Caliph. With
Ordoño's complete submission, Al–Hakam promised to restore him to the throne of
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Central American Employment Laws Essay
There are many differences regarding employment laws worldwide. Some countries have created
and modified employment laws that will benefit the employer and even more the employee. Central
American countries have many laws and departments that organize the labour force of their
countries, while the United States provide of laws and agencies dedicated to regulate everything
regarding the labour areas of the country. Central American countries provide of several benefits for
the employee by law that companies in the public and private sector are required to fulfil. Some
benefits that are required every year are, in the case of Nicaragua, the thirteenth month of payment
known as Aguinaldo in Spanish, and one month of paid vacations. Alike Central American
Countries, the United States do not provide the thirteenth month of payment, and the vacations are
less than one moth depending of the company. In Central America, the stage of pregnancy of a
woman is accompanied by some benefits to all working pregnant mothers. These benefits include a
pre/post natal period which are 40 day before and after birth with payment. Also, in the event that a
working woman gets pregnant, the company will not be able to dismiss her from work because of
her condition. On the other hand, in the United States, there is the Pregnancy ... Show more content
on ...
While the United States has the Department of Labour which regulates and mandates the minimum
salary per hour worked. As of today the salary per hour in the in the U.S. is 7.25 dollars. If we
multiply that by the 40 hour per week would be 290 dollars per week. In the specific case of
Nicaragua, The minimum salary per month as of 28 February 2015 will be 5253.68 Córdobas, which
will be approximately equal to 875.6 Córdobas per week, or 32.76
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Essay On Strikes At Cordoba
Strikes at Universidad de Cordoba have always been a constant, and it have affected my school life
in more ways than one. I graduated from high school in 2006 and enrolled in Industrial Engineering
at the university in 2007. Now it is 2017, I have quitted engineering and move to the English
teaching program, it has been 10 years now and strikes have never cease to shock me. I remember,
my first time experiencing a strike at the university, for all intents and purposes I was calm, contrary
to the majority of my classmates and student body, rather the word would be curious, I just could not
understand the need of a strike. True, there were things the university had to improve like bad, dirty
bathroom facilities that most of the time did not ... Show more content on ...
Needless to say I was rendered unable to breath, my throat and nose had never ached like that
before, and the pain in my eyes was excruciating, not sure how, I got out of the range of the
grenade's fog, but I was still heavily affected by its effects and it would take a while before they
passed. Suddenly I felt someone pull my arm and led me to the other side of the street near the gas
station, it was a cop, and I thought I was in trouble, and that I was being mistakenly accused for the
strike, however, the cop just try to comfort me, even buying me a Pepsi saying it would help me – to
this day I still do not know what does Pepsi have to do with subsiding the effects of a tear grenade –
I drank it and stayed there for about 20 minutes until I felt better to go home, not before thanking the
cop for his help of course. This has been by far my worst experience when it comes to strikes at
Universidad de Cordoba. There was also the time several strikes happened almost at the same time.
The worker's strike,
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Mezquita De Córdoba in Southern Spain
Mezquita De Córdoba The Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba represents the many cultural changes the
city of Córdoba and the areas around it have gone through. It has stood in the center of the city for
over a millennium, and it doesn't look like it will fall anytime soon. It covers over 24,000 square
meters (about 250,000 square feet), and is 9 meters tall at its lowest and 30 meters tall at its highest.
The Cathedral of Córdoba is officially called The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, but it
was originally built by the Islamic Moors to be a place of worship for muslims. Historians believe
that before the mosque was built, there was a temple to the Roman God Janus on the same site. That
temple was then converted into a church by the Visigoths before they were conquered by the Moors.
It was split in 2 and used as both a church and a mosque until it was torn down and replaced with the
Mosque of Cordoba. In the year 784 AD, construction for the mosque started under the emir Abd
Ar–Rahman 1. It took well over 2 centuries to finish, and even after it did it went through many
changes. A new minaret was added, and some design changes were made including a more
decorative mihrab (signals the direction of Kaaba, a place that is very holy to muslims), and a
courtyard for orange trees was placed inside it. It reached its current size in the year 987 when
construction was completed. The architects of the building planned to place Roman columns with
special capitals, including some that
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Interfaith Triangle Rhetorical Analysis
Patel goes into detail on the interfaith triangle and interfaith literacy that shape and can change our
views and attitudes of other religions. Patel describes how these concepts were used against
Cordoba House and how they could have been used in a positive manner to help gap the bridge of
religious conflict. I believe that interfaith literacy can be used to understand and resolve religious
conflict through the cooperation of people using its components.
Diversity means that people from different backgrounds living in close quarters (Patel). Pluralism is
one state with many peoples (Patel). Pluralism is also stated as the deliberate and positive
engagement of diversity to build bonds between people from different backgrounds. According to ...
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This creates pluralism in a culturally diverse nation. (1770) Chris Stedman demonstrated the
presence of interfaith literacy during the Cordoba House controversy. Chris was knowledgeable of
other traditions and religions despite being an atheist. Chris knew that various religions shared
similar values and that religion could help cross bridged between people. He discovered this when
he read his friend Marvin a bible passage that brought them closer together. Christ [personally
understood how interfaith cooperation could help bring people together. Chris developed his own
theology of interfaith cooperation based on his non–religious belief and knowledge of other
religions. Chris also knew what it felt like to be marginalized as immoral or godless because of his
religious views as an atheist. Chris was able to take action and rally for the Cordoba House when it
was under scrutiny. Chris organized a large gathering in support of Cordoba House stating that
Muslims should be able to build their institutions anywhere in
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Comparison Of The Architecture Of Christians And Muslim Spain
There are many examples of both Christians and Muslims adopting the artistic styles of the other in
their architecture that act as examples of this cross–cultural artistic expression. This is evident in the
appropriation of Arabic calligraphy, a prominent decorative feature in mosques and Muslim palaces,
in the buildings of Mozarab Christians. On the part of the Moors, the horseshoes shaped arch that is
prominent in many mosques and palaces is adopted from Visigothic arches of a similar nature. This
horseshoe arch was, "representative of the indigenous church–building tradition of pre–Muslim
Spain," and thus demonstrated a way in which Moorish architects were influenced by Christian
techniques. This level of architectural syncretism can help to explain ... Show more content on ...
Although they often took advantage of times in which they could express Christian triumph over the
defeated Moors, the aesthetic of the conquered mosques had already been utilized by Mozarabs for
years, blurring the lines between what was decidedly Islamic and what was decidedly Christian.
Most of the converted mosques retained their original structures, unless remodeling was necessary.
This showed a level of appreciation for Islamic architecture and art by the Christian conquerors.
"The mosque, nonetheless, presented architectural forms that were distinctively Islamic and
understood as such by contemporary viewers. The Christian response to these forms is surprising–
both in terms of its volume, as medieval responses to art and architecture are rare, and in its almost
unanimously positive nature." In many documents, there has been outward admiration and
appreciation for
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Spanish Conquest: Expeditions Before The Conquest
Expeditions Before the Conquest
The Spanish people continued to make trips to conquer the whole continent. The expedition
captained by Francisco Hernandez de Córdoba arrived to what today is the Yucatan
Peninsula thanks to the shipwreck in 1511. Most of the survivors of the shipwreck were murdered
by the Mayas except Gonzalo Guerrero who was married to an indigenous woman and had three
kids that were considered the first Mayan Spanish mestizos.
After, in 1518 Juan de Grijalba, a Spanish discoverer and conqueror, discovered the
Cozumel Islands coast, explored the north seacoast of the Peninsula and part of the coasts of the
Mexican gulf. During this trip of exploration, he had heard of the Aztec empire but since their
provisions were deficient,
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Research Paper About Cordoba
Located near the Sierras Chicas Mountains, Cordoba is a well–known town all over Argentina for its
picturesque beauty and wonderful landscapes. The town attracts tourists not only from Argentina but
also from all parts of the globe. A trip to Cordoba is undoubtedly a dream come true for all the
tourists who love spending their vacation amidst the beauty of nature. The tourists after visiting the
marvelous town of Cordoba can engage themselves in a wide variety of tours in and around the city.
The wonderful tours from Cordoba are bound to provide the tourists with all the joy and happiness
and will definitely create a long and lasting impression on their minds. Thus, planning a visit to this
beautiful town and in turn, selecting the best Cordoba ... Show more content on ...
The best part of visiting this valley is that they would get a magnificent view of the Camino de Las
Altas Cumbres, witnessing the Ñuños hills and the Tear of Indio waterfall is also a great thing to do
in this valley. Thus, one must not forget to visit the Traslasierra Valley after coming to Cordoba. A
half–day tour to the Villa Carlos Paz is a must for every tourist coming to Cordoba. The place is
mainly known for its wonderful landscapes and vibrant picturesque beauties. The tourists after
visiting this beautiful place will be able to witness the San Roque dam, cuckoo clock, and the
Hydroelectric Power Station. They will also get a wonderful view of the Camino de Las Cien
Curvas while driving along the roads of Villa Carlos Paz. There are also many affordable restaurants
and the tourists can easily choose to have grand lunch. Thus, a trip to Villa Carlos Paz can really be
an entertaining one and one must not forget to include it at any cost. A full day tour to the
Calamuchita Valley from Cordoba is undoubtedly one of the best things to do in
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Essay On The Amiens Cathedral And The Kandariya/Khjuraho...
Exam III
Graciela Guzman
1. The Amiens cathedral and the Kandariya/Khjuraho temple share the common characteristic of
depicting images outside of the place of worship. Sculptures used to display the morals, ideas, and
propaganda in the Amiens. While Kandariya temple focus mostly on the deities. Also, all three
buildings share similar spiritual experience. Having maze like or confusing interior for mediation,
making the buildings more interactive. Secondly the interiors are open spaces and high ceilings to
give the illusion of a foreign place, associated with the spiritual world. With the incorporation of
natural light to enhance the experience. Thirdly the three use the concept of life and death, though
used with different variables (explained in contrasts) they do center around the idea of the circle of
life. Displaying it in many different ways but all including some type of a circle like piece or door
way. Such as the Great Mosque gate adornments, Amien's ... Show more content on
In comparison, the images both depict what happens in each given religion when one dies and the
circle of life. In the Cathedral of Sainte–Foy the last judgment is portrayed with the people being
sent to heaven or hell. While the Sarcophagus lid depicts the Ruler Sprouting a metaphysical object
out of his stomach in a curled–up position, which can refer to him being reborn, and displaying
himself in a holy light since he was of high status he would be closer to the gods. Both display what
each religion is taught to be the spiritual world, with spiritual creatures such as the demons show in
Sainte–Foy and the tree like object in the Sarcophagus. Thirdly Both can be seen as propaganda, the
sarcophagus, showing the ruler being related or similar to a god, also seen in various other rulers in
previous eras. While the Cathedral warns people of what would happen if they were to sin. On this
topic of propaganda, both the images display a mixture of governmental and religious rule though
differ in its
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Early Interactions between Muslims, Jews, and Christians...
When it comes to the modern relationship that Islam shares with both Christianity and Judaism, it is
not difficult to recognize mutual hostility. Islamic extremism has been gradually dominating the
Western perception of Muslims–in the midst of this, the World Trade Center attacks could only
exacerbate the situation. On that account, it was no surprise when these hostile attitudes were
unmistakably revealed during the "Cordoba House" mosque controversy at which point in 2010, it
was proposed that a mosque dubbed the Cordoba House be established near ground zero. Sure
enough, the proposition was met with overwhelming opposition and rebuke (Barbaro). Most of the
country objected to the mosque while many of those with more personal experiences ... Show more
content on ...
The Umayyads started out as one of the elite clans of Mecca who at first rejected Muhammad's
divine revelations (Kishlansky, Geary and O'Brien). However, Muhammad utilized his resources
and quickly grew a strong following, organizing them into the Umma, an Islamic family "that
transcended the old bonds of tribe and clan" (Kishlansky, Geary and O'Brien). As his support
proliferated, his opposition dwindled and increasingly converted to Islam. In 629, with 10,000
warriors at his command, Muhammad marched onto Mecca and quickly conquered it with few
casualties. The elite Meccan clans–the Umayya among them–were swiftly rehabilitated into the
Umma, much to the chagrin of Muhammad's earliest followers.
The Umayya remained a powerful clan as Islam spread under Muhammad and, after his death in
632, his two successors, or caliphs–successors of the Prophet. Still, the clan's power had far from
peaked. After the death of Umar, the second caliph, a member of the Umayya became his successor:
Uthman ibn Affan (Kishlansky, Geary and O'Brien). Uthman, however, was quickly murdered
because he privileged the Meccan elite over the early converts. Shaken by his death, the Umma
charged the fourth caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib, as being complacent with Uthman's murder. Eventually
Ali himself was murdered by the Umayyad's supporters, giving rise to an Islamic state ruled by the
Umayya, the Umayyad Caliphate, where the Islamic
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Essay on juan peron
Juan Domingo Perón is known as the greatest Argentinean politician of all time. However, he is also
one of he most controversial. His tactics and alliances are often criticized as are the changes and
developments he brought about in Argentina. The one thing that can be concluded by all is that this
man led a very complex and important life.
Perón was born on October 8, 1895, in a province of Buenos Aires. He was the second son of Mario
and Juana Perón. His father was an employee of the local court. When Juan was five years old his
father abandoned the family. To make ends meet, Juana married a man whom was a farm hand.
When he was ten he went to live with his uncle in Buenos Aires so that he could begin his ... Show
more content on ...
In 1945 he was arrested and was forced to resign. That upset his followers. They got him released
through protests and demonstrations.
In 1946 with the help of his wife Eva Perón, he rose to power and was elected president. Eva helped
Juan in may ways. When she tried to run for vice president she was denied mainly because many of
the military leaders felt threatened. She kept on helping Perón by keeping him in contact with he
countries labor unions. Eva or Evita died in 1952 of cancer.
Perón set out to make Argentina the military and financial power of Latin America. This was a tough
task though since Perón had many oppositions. Perón used censorship and other violations of
Civil rights to help control his oppositions. The catholic church was one of them.
The catholic church was in an uproar when Perón pushed for the policy of divorce. They reformed
and revolted and forced Perón to flee. Both the army and the navy felt it was best for the country if
Perón resigned. Perón resigned and moved to Spain. Even though Perón was out of Argentina his
followers or "peronistas", as they were called, stayed active.
In 1970 Argentina was going through a time of economic trouble. The "peronistas"
gained strength during these times. In 1973 was asked to return to Argentina. He was elected
president with the help of his third wife Isabel. She was elected vice president. In 1972 Juan
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The Great Mosque Of Cordoba Vs. Hagia Sophia
The Great Mosque of Cordoba vs. Hagia Sophia Religion has played a huge role in the history of the
world of architecture. We can get a deeper look in the minds and attitudes of people when we look at
their beliefs – specifically their religion. But even though religion played a huge role in the approach
to architecture, the pursuit of beauty and power can also explain to us the approaches and the
outlooks of those who built or designed buildings from the ancient world. Two buildings, the Hagia
Sophia and the Great Mosque of Cordoba, can show us two separate peoples and their approach to
constructing architecture that was devoted to their religions. However, while religion played a huge
role, there are similarities as well between the two that show that the rulers who commissioned these
buildings were interested in mimicking beauty and showing the world that their building was the
most beautiful and perhaps the most elite of its time as well as proving their divinity as a ruler of a
great nation. The Hagia Sophia was built in Constantinople in A.D. 532 by the emperor Justinian,
who hired the renowned architects Anthemius and Isidorus to build it. It was built over an existing
building built by Constantine himself. The Hagia Sophia was a very significant building of its time
and one that drew attention and respect. At this time in history the Byzantines, specifically Justinian,
wanted to make one message clear, that message being that the emperor of the byzantines empire,
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Cordoba Research Paper
The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a fascinating architectural site: a place of worship that once was
Christian, then became a Muslim, and now again a Christian. His name is taken from the Moorish
period, when Spanish Muslims did it. Its official name is today the Cathedral of Our Lady of the
Assumption, since it is once again controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. In 600 AD, a tribe
from East Germany known as the Visigoths began building a large church, which then became
called the Church of Saint Vincent. Vincent had lived 300 years earlier, and was executed under the
order of the Roman emperor Diocletian. During his life, he served the Church in Zaragoza, which
later became part of the Kingdom of Aragon and from there became part of Spain. After being
canonized, he was appointed patron of Lisbon, Portugal. The Visigoths had long been away from
home when they arrived in Spain; this ... Show more content on ...
During this century, the new sovereign of Cordoba, Abd ar–Rahman, bought the building and
basically rebuilt it by designing a mosque. It is because of this unusual legacy that the Great Mosque
of Cordoba, unlike most mosques, is not aligned with Mecca, the sacred sacred place for Muslims in
Saudi Arabia. During the various generations followed by Abd ar–Rahman, a series of new additions
to the church were funded, including a traditional minaret and some expansions and renovations.
Technically, therefore, the Great Mosque of Cordoba has never been complete until the last of the
medieval additions that took place in the late 10th century, under Al–Mansur ibn Abi Amir: building
a raised bridge connecting it to the palace so that emiro could, formally, attend the cult without
leaving its palace. During this time, the mosque was considered one of the most impressive and
breathtaking architectures in the Muslim
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How Islamic Architecture in Spain Changed from the Seventh...
The Great Mosque of Córdoba was built in Córdoba, Andalucía, southern Spain: the capital at which
Muslims exist. The great Mosque of Córdoba went under massive changes over centuries. These
changes occurred because the Mosque was conquered by groups of people following different
religions, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Each religion marked its conception through
changing or adding a unique artwork that symbolized its essence. The Great Mosque of Córdoba
was built by Arab architects in the eighth century and then a cathedral was added by Christian
conquers in the sixteenth century . Islam was born in the seventh century but Islamic architectures'
uniqueness among other architectures appeared in the eighth century after the ... Show more content
on ...
The three successive Abd ar–Rahman monarchs of the Ummayyad dynasty chose Córdoba to seal
Muslim presence in Spain. became the gateway through which the culture of Islam was sent to
northern Europe, but it was also the gateway through which the Europe of the barbarians came to
renew their links with their lost Mediterranean past . Arabs were able to mark their presence on the
Iberian Peninsula that contains Spain and Portugal, by expressing themselves through architecture,
food, and teachings, along with many other things. Arabs replaced the Roman system. They
introduced the cultivation of sugar cane, rice, cotton and the palm tree. Arabs didn't force conversion
to Islam on people, but they did influence the region's people through the teaching of science,
medicine and astronomy. Arabs symbolized their religion through architecture, knowledge,
philosophy and medicine. They constructed buildings with Islamic worship facilities, and they
treated these places as a place of worship and they did religious practices. One of the most
recognized examples of Arab influenced architectures was "The Great Mosque of Córdoba". It was
known for its notable worship features. Each feature explained how a task should be done and by
whom. The facilities demonstrated the full task of worship and prayer that Muslims do. These
features included the prayer niches and prayer hall, each characterized by its unique
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Christopher Columbus Research Paper
Why would a monarch from one country be interested in hiring an explorer from a foreign country
to achieve a mission of significant importance?
Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), born of Genoa, Italy, was raised among his merchant parents.
As a teenager he began to get jobs on trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. One of
the voyages he took part in to the island of Khios, in modern day Greece, took him the closest he
would ever get to Asia. In the 1470s he would sail out into to the Atlantic Ocean where the
commercial fleet he was sailing with was attacked by French privateers off the coast of Portugal.
With the boat burning and sinking, Columbus was able to swim to shore floating on a piece of
wood. He traveled to "Lisbon, ... Show more content on ...
His first audience with the presented a tempting offer to possibly spread Catholicism (Columbus
was a devout Catholic) and compensate for the expensive war against Muslims still yet to be pushed
out of Granada and Spain's recent exclusion by treaty of the West Africa which its foreign neighbor,
Portugal, greatly profited from the Gold Coast's trade. The skeptical monarchs relayed the plan to a
committee knowledgeable of navigation, cartography, and the size of the Earth that calculated
actually accurately the distance as too vast to expect the ships of the time to ever reach land.
Although the commission, not convinced with their own calculations, influenced the decision of the
monarchs and declined his project, Columbus had successfully interested Isabella and Ferdinand.
Around 1487, Columbus had begun living in Cordoba most likely to be closer to the courts and
because of his romantic relationship with Beatriz Enriquez de Harana, the mother of his soon be son
named Hernando. Continuously lobbying the courts receiving annuity from the Spanish crown, the
determined entrepreneur finally gained another hearing in 1491 where he proposed his project and
again it was rejected. Still needing a sponsor for his voyage, Columbus made plans to travel up
toward France
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How Did Islamic Influence Spain
Eduardo Padilla
Mrs. Nguyen
World Lit
1 November 2015
Muslims in Spain
In present day, Muslims in America, are seen as our worst enemy. Like in any culture, ``there are
moderate people and radicals. Radicals are the people who take their beliefs too far. For example,
most terrorist attacks were done by radical Muslims; in the name of their religion. However, the
world needs to see past the evil done by the radicals and come to discover the accomplishments and
good influences in the world. One prime example of Arabic influence is Spain. Not many people
actually know that the Spanish language, architecture, literature are all influenced by Arabic.
It all started in the year 477 A.D. the Muslim army arrived at the Spanish shores; marking the ...
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At this early stage of Hispano–Islamic art, the plant and floral decorations were still relatively
naturalistic: later they become more stylised, more geometrical and more repetitive, adopting the
mathematically conceived patterns known as arabesques. By the time Granada's Alhambra is built in
the 14th Century, vegetal and geometric decorative forms had become almost indistinguishable."
Decorations like these enriched the Spanish culture. The columns, cupolas and the spacious
buildings are all of Arabic influence. Alcazar is a palace in Seville; which shows these
characteristics although it is later modified when the Reconqusita ends. In Conclusion, although
many people, might think ill–minded towards the Arabic culture due to some crazy radicals. Without
the Arabic influence, some of the objects most cherish in Spanish culture would not exist today.
These people made achievements and influenced a country who later would become a world power.
The influence on music, language, and art is not only still present in Spain but also reflect in Latin
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Haiti Earthquake Analysis
This article from the Wall Street Journal begins by vividly describing a decrepit hospital in Haiti that
was granted funds after the earthquake, but emphasizes that it is still in the same detrimental state it
was in directly after the earthquake hit. This introduction successfully illustrates how Haiti has
struggled to capitalize on the aid sent by other nations. This biased idea in itself makes readers
question the significance of assisting Haiti, if so minimal changes have resulted from the
deliverance of financial support and aid. The article furthermore compares the short term relief
efforts of many countries to "a classic case of giving a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish"
(Córdoba). This simile once again projects this media outlet's perspective on ... Show more content
on ...
An economic adviser to Prime Minister Jean–Max Bellerive is also quoted in the article, stating the
idea that these Non–government organizations (NGOs) have irreversibly "infantized" the country, or
in other words, made the country lack a sense of self sufficiency. Yet, the article does not any give
positive information regarding the impact of this aid, proving only further evidence of discussing the
issue through a limited debate. Notwithstanding, the article does recognize that relief efforts and aid
did help millions of Haitians in the wake of extreme havoc, but wonders "whether the efforts of
well–funded aid groups–some of which have been in Haiti for 50 years–can improve Haiti's long–
term outlook is another matter"(Córdoba). The article is closed by describing the hospital's slow
progress, and inserts yet another subjective ideology: that the only way to save the hospital, along
with the economy in Haiti, is to veer away from foreign aid. This discloses the reader to only one
subjective view, a view that creates a negative connotation with sending
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History of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba
Beautiful, magnificent, fascinating, breathtaking, and incredible are some of the words that describe
the Great Mosque of Córdoba. The Mosque is also known as the Mezquita, the Mosque–Cathedral
of Córdoba, or the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady. The mosque is considered one of the
monumental jewels of Islamic civilization. In addition, it is one of the largest mosques in the entire
world measuring about 24,000 square meters. The mosque was not all built at once, its construction
lasted from 784 AD to 987 AD. First, Emir Abd ar–RahmanI began the construction of the mosque
in the year 784, on a site that was originally home to Roman temple of Janus and Visigothic church
of St Vincent. In the years 822 AD to 852 AD, Abd ar–Rahman II added an arm bone of Prophet
Mohammed, an original copy of Quran, and increased the size of the Mosque. Then, Abd ar–
Rahman III added a new minaret in the beginning of 9th century. Following Abd ar–Rahman III, Al–
Hakam II magnified the mosque and enhanced the mihrab in the year 961. Finally, Al–Mansur Ibn
Abi Aamir enlarged it further through the addition of the orange tree courtyard and the outer aisles
in the year 987. As a result, this mosque turned Cordoba into a kind of paradise on earth where the
Mosque symbolizes heaven. At its zenith, this mosque was the center of western Islam. The Great
Mosque is a forest of stone columns that seem to go on forever. The effect is disorientating like a
vast hall of mirrors where the worshiper
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Spread Of Islam : Worldwide Architecture Essay
Spread of Islam: Worldwide Architecture Spain, Persia, Africa, and India
Muamera Dzaferovic, Tyler Budach, Kyle Maser
When it comes to Islam and the religion as a whole, many see all of the "negatives" that come out of
it. Little do they know that it was the Muslims who came up with one of the first hospitals, surgical
innovations, philosophy, astronomy, geography and many more. One particular thing that they were
most famous for was their architecture. From their vibrant colored tiles in Morocco, to the grand
mosque in Cordoba for its columns, to the hypostyles in ancient Persia, and finally to the Taj Mahal
of Agra in India, Before we start with the architectural designs, we need to start from the beginning.
Islam spread worldwide after the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.S. died in 632 C.E. The Caliph that
took over after the Messenger Muhammad p.b.u.h,. was Abu Bakr, who was a great companion and
father–in–law to the Prophet. He spread the knowledge of Islam into other countries by using one of
many concepts, and that was jihad. Jihad was used by Muslims because they were obliged to spread
the concept and the truth of Islam to knowledge seekers and nonbelievers likewise. The concept of
jihad meant that Muslims can defend themselves if ever attacked by nonbelievers, this is what the
interpretation of the Qur'an permitted to those
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Samuel Ibn Nagrila Essay
The conquest of Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula created a relatively high degree of tolerance that
existed amongst the groups because people had the opportunity to rise in power, for example Jews.
The Jews played a significant role in their community and politics and most importantly they had
the opportunity to rise in social statues. Samuel Ibn Nagrila is a good example on how the Jews
played a big rule in the Islamic community because "Samuel Ibn Nagrila succeeded, as his
employers had hoped, in bring his Umayyad– Cordoba refinements to this backwater, and he
quickly became Vizier, or prime minister" (Menocal 39–40). Other groups were able to assimilate
into Muslim community especially Jews during the domination of Spain by Muslims. Moreover,
they were tolerated and Menocal ... Show more content on ...
Menocal explains that "Hasdai was a scion of a Jewish intellectual class so successfully assimilated
within the sparkling Umayyad culture of al–Andalus...These men were visible and significantly
participants in the flourishing of letters, that by the time Abd al–Rahman III was caliph and Hasdai
his vizier, had made Cordoba as a serious contender as Baghdad" (Menocal 86). Overall many of the
different group community played a vital role in the Islamic state. Architecture comprised a vital
role under the conquest of Islam in al–Andalus because the Muslims provided a rich cultural
heritage within the different groups. To address the high degree of tolerance within the group that
was evident in architecture was the fact that the Muslims and Christians shared the same house of
worship. For example, it is explained that "When the Muslims first needed a substantial place to
pray in that city, half the Damascus cathedral was brought and in effect became a shared house of
worship, the relatively newly arrived Muslims praying in one half, the older Christian community in
the other" ( Menocal
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Lab Report On Chemical Equilibrium
Chemical Equilibrium
Alvin Garcia
Formal lab report
CHM 4610 L
Table of Contents Cordoba 2 Page.
Name, student ID, course number, date, report, title, section, Instructor's name....... 1st
Table of Contents.............................................................................. 2nd
Purpose.......................................................................................... 3rd
Introduction.....................................................................................3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th
Procedure........................................................................................6th, 7th, 8th, 9th
Results.............................................................................................. 9th, 11th
Data Analysis & Calculations................................................................. 11th – 19th
Discussion / Conclusion....................................................................... 19th – 21st
References....................................................................................... 21st
Cordoba 3
Chemical equilibrium is the study of change within a chemical reaction and how far it will go to
reach a dynamic equilibrium (Burdge). Dynamic equilibrium is defined as the constant movement of
species in a chemical reaction, gone to incompletion while the rates of production and consumption
are equal (Kf = Kr ) (Burdge). It differs from static equilibrium in that species are constantly being
consumed and produced, it is dynamic movement (Fox). The concentration of such species do not
change, it remains constant (Fox). The rate at which species are being consumed and produced is
known as the equilibrium constant (K) (Burdge). Due to the fact that the concentration
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Conquest Of Andalusia Research Paper
The soonest records of settled human progress in Andalusia portray provincial occupation in Pre–
Roman times. In the early twelfth century B.C.E. the Phoenician domain framed states along the
coast to help with exchange. The settlement established by the Phoenicians was called Tartessos,
which later rose to turn into a noteworthy political constrain in the district. The settlements of the
Phoenicians in the long run declined in force taking after the disintegration of the Phoenician
domain. The following major political power to develop in the locale was the city of Carthage,
whose accentuation on exchange gave the straits of Gibraltar and the Andalusia district monetary
significance. As an exchanging focus, Carthage saw the monetary estimation of controlling the
strait, and started a battle to pick up control of the area. Between the first and second Carthaginian
wars, Carthage developed its control over Andalusia, utilizing the coast to dispatch a hefty portion
of its attacks into Roman domain. Carthage, on the other hand, was unsuccessful in its crusade
against Rome. With the decrease of Carthage, Andalusia stayed, for a brief period, without an in
number political personality. Rome ventured into fill the force vacuum, renaming the region Betica.
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As the Vandals went through the locale on their approach to North Africa, they took control of
Andalusia. Taking after their brief occupation, the Visigoths took control, just to be supplanted by
Muslim govern in the mid eighth century C.E. The Muslim intrusion turned out to be a to a great
degree powerful activity in the arrangement of a particular Andalusian
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The Motorcycle Notebook Chapter Summaries

  • 1. The Motorcycle Notebook Chapter Summaries The Motorcycle Diaries comprise of journal sections composed by Ernesto "Che" Guevara as he went with his companion Alberto Granado crosswise over Latin America. Che Guevara was conceived in 1928 on June fourteenth in Rosario, Argentina. He grew up white collar class, the child of Ernesto Guevara Lynch and Celia de la Serna. Che grew up with asthma, which kept him from going to class until he was nine; he experienced childhood in Alta Gracia, a town new Cordoba. Che went to Buenos Aires for therapeutic school in 1948 and in 1950 enjoyed a reprieve to leave on a 4,500 kilometer travel around the north of Argentina. The following year, in October, Che and his companion Alberto Granado think of the thought to ride La Poderosa II, Alberto's motorbike, the distance to North America. Alberto is a natural chemist inspired by untouchables and leprology, while Che is a youthful therapeutic ... Show more content on ... They start their adventure leaving Cordoba in December 1951 and meet Che's family for goodbyes in Buenos Aires. The book comprises of notes composed on their outing from December well into 1952. Guevara is most well known for his part in the foundation of the comrade tyranny legislature of Fidel Castro in Cuba in 1956 to 1958. He helped Castro to oust the dictator leader of Cuba at the time, Batista. They in the long run win, with Che as one of the officers of the progressive strengths. He then turns into a pioneer in the legislature however puts stock in spreading socialist upset crosswise over Latin America. He turns out to be notable over the world for his support in the interest of the world's poor and tries to begin upset in different nations. He visits to Soviet Union, China and numerous other socialist nations. After he is slaughtered in 1966 attempting to begin a comrade upheaval in Bolivia, Che turns into the stuff of legend; he is immediately ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Media And Fear Each year, the media's influence on our lives and opinions grows and strengthens. Gone are the days when the media solely existed to inform its audience of current events. Now, the media's messages result in noticeable shifts in public opinion and the reinforcement of individual attitudes and beliefs. With profits, ratings, and viewership in sight, outlets prioritize a limited selection of controversial and opinionated stories to keep their audience engaged and wanting more. One glaring instance of this was when the media constantly covered and analyzed the plans to construct a "mosque" near the 9/11 memorial site in mid–2010. Although city officials and developers were initially excited about the idea, the media's coverage successfully turned ... Show more content on ... Three examples stand out: (1) outlets highlighted the insensitivity of the project; (2) news channels gave hate group leaders such as Pamela Geller with the Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA) movement precious broadcast time; and (3) media commentators overwhelming opined on the issue, with one going so far to say "There are many questions about the Ground Zero mosque. But just one answer. Move it away." This entire time, the media possessed the power to control the news' cycle and advance those views in line with their agenda. As viewers became more aware and fearful of the events, the media were driven towards both advertisement profits and viewership numbers resulting in controversial and prejudice news ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Essay on A Comparison of Christian and Islamic... A Comparison of Christian and Islamic Architecture in Spain By the 6th century a Germanic tribe called the Visigoths, converts to Arian Christianity, had established themselves as the aristocratic elite. The Christians built many monumental basilica–plan churches. The Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas, Burgos, Spain and San Juan de Banos de Cerrato are two such churches that still remain today. In the beginning of the 8th century Islamic Muslims conquered Spain and ended Visigothic rule. They constructed militaristic and religious architecture including castles, watchtowers, rock castes, the Great Mosque, and the Red Palace. The remaining Christians adopted some of the Islamic styles and soon built upon a new style that ended up ... Show more content on ... The Moors also built atalayas, or watchtowers and rock castles that served as part of the defense system for the castle. The watchtowers were used as communication devices for castles that were great distances apart. The watchtowers would signal the castle in case of an enemy attack by using smoke and mirrors. They built rock castles, or small defense castles high on rocks, using the natural terrain to the maximum effect. Since the rock castles were small they did not house many soldiers. Another important Islamic site is situated in Cordoba, southern Spain, along the banks of Guadalquivir river (the Great River). Cordoba served as the capital of the Caliphate of Cordoba. Cordoba houses the famous Great Mosque or Gran Mezquita, the largest mosque in the Western World. The interior of the mosque consisted of a mirhab, a niche that separates the qibla wall from the others. The mirhab was intentionally positioned facing Mecca for the faithful who prayed in that direction. The mosque can be identified by its elaborate squinch–supported domes. The Great Mosque of Cordoba is one of the finest surviving examples of Umayyad architecture in Spain. The mosque has marble capitals and columns in the hypostyle prayer hall. A person enters the hall through an open courtyard called a sahn. Its famous horseshoe arches have an alternated pattern of pale stone and red brick voussoirs ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Creation Of Islam Throughout Ad 662 The creation of Islam in AD 662 spread very widely within a century and brought on a "whole cultural phenomenon". Muslims contribute to knowledge through the creation and addition of Arabic numerals, positional notation, algebra, calculations in astronomy, medical analyses, and new poetry techniques. Islam contributions to design are "distinctive, richly colorful, and highly imaginative." (Newton 30) The militant Arabs took over Syria, and then took over Egypt in AD 640. Sixty years later they spread to the south Mediterranean coast, reaching the Atlantic. Through similar interests of conquest, the Arabs were drawn into Spain. The Muslims traveled across the Strait of Gibraltar in AD 711. Despite resistance from southern regions, they conquered successfully. (Jellicoe 40) By AD 712, Muslims occupied Seville and Cordoba. The Muslim part of Spain stands independently and survives for eight centuries. (Newton 31) Muslims arrive in Spain and influence regions knowledgably, architecturally and through use of the land. Despite the later Spanish Christian revival, areas in the South of the peninsula, Cordoba and Seville still contain layered Islamic attributes. The space extending past the architecture is an opportunity that engages so many aspects. "Architecture must go beyond architecture and rewrite its definition to embrace the challenges of society, responding with a new critical discourse on social and technical levels" (Serageldin 11–12). Muslims were able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Abbasid Al-Rahman Research Paper While the Abbasids seized power on the Arabian Peninsula, the Umayyad leader Abd al–Rahman fled to the Iberian Peninsula and built a magnificent kingdom. When he reached Spain, he made it Al–Andalus, also known as Muslim Spain. He gained power by uniting the factions that were already there and defeating the ruling factions. Al–Andalus became a glorious kingdom in the Muslim empire because they had powerful leaders, a stable government, and effective tactics for expansion. The reasons for their decline will also be mentioned in this essay. The most prominent leaders of Al–Andalus were Abd al–Rahman I, Abd al–Rahman II, and Abd al–Rahman III. The Abbasids joined forces with other groups opposing the Umayyads on the Arabian Peninsula, and slaughtered ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Essay On Cordoba In pre–Islamic period, Cordoba was an important political centre because of its geostrategic condition opened a new page in its history with being captured by Umayyad Arabic in 711. Abd al– Rahman El–Takati who was the fifth governor of the Umayyad Dynasty in Damascus carried government centre from Seville (İşbiliyye) to Cordoba in 716. Thus, Cordoba became one of four centres during the management of early Andalusia Umayyad (Hillenbrand, 1994: 112–113). With the moving of the central government, the first urban studies were started in Cordoba. In addition to city public works, the population of the city increased and the southern districts of the city were established as the new settlements (Akyüz, 2005: 238–239). Cordoba's spectacular rising ... Show more content on ... Real splendour of this era could be seen on the developments being achieved in the science, culture and art fields rather than political space. Cordoba University which was founded by Abd al–Rahman III, was the biggest university of the medieval period, attracted students from both the Christian world and the Muslim world to itself. In this period, even there were a complete ignorance within Western Europe; the rate of literacy was very high in Cordoba and Andalusia cities (Bal, 2008: 68). Cordoba palace library that was founded at the time of Abd al–Rahman II, was one of the richest libraries of the Middle Age. Libraries that were established by each sultan were combined at the time of Hakem II and emerged a giant 600,000–volumes library (Yıldız, 1987: 483). In this era when there was a complete ignorance in Europe, Andalusia and its capital Cordoba were at the highest level in many fields such as religious as well as history, geography, philosophy, law, mathematics and medicine. Cordoba and the Andalusia's knowledge and civilization created a principle for Europe's awakening and Renaissance thanks to transferring to Europe through both the Christian kingdoms of Spain and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Longest Running Fued is the Sunni and Shia Conflict The Sunni and Shia conflict is currently the longest running feud in the world. Both groups possess an extreme hatred for one another. Over the years, these two groups have openly expressed their hatred with one another through violent killings. This split between the Shia and Sunni originates all the way back in the 7th century. Their difference was based on political differences. As a part of my essay I will explain the difference and origins of the split between the Shi'a and Sunni and also cover the current issues between them. I have always assumed that the Sunni and Shia conflict is similar to the war between the Catholic and Protestant, however it is much more complex and different. These two branches of Islam share the same Holy Book and all agree that Allah is there God. Sunni and Shia both believe that the last prophet was Muhammad. However, when Muhammad died, there was a disagreement of who would be Muhammad's successor. There were two candidates to be the successor of Muhammad, Abu Bakr and Ali bin Abi Talib. Ali bin Abi Talib was Muhammad's cousin and son–in law. Abu Bakr was Muhammad's friend and senior companion. The Sunni Muslims believed that the leadership should be granted to the person with most experience. On the other hand, the Shi'a believed the decision should be based purely through Muhammad's bloodline. The majority of Muslim ended up choosing Abu Bakr to be the Caliph (successor). However, Abu Bakr's rule was shortlived when he died in 634 CE. ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Personal Narrative: My Placement My Placement When I was in high school, I distinctly remember the foreign exchange program the languages department ran throughout the year. Students from Russia, Germany, France, and Spain came over to the United States to live with a host family and have a taste of what everyday American life is like. By the time I graduated from high school, I had never hosted any students, and never intended to be a foreign exchange student in another country. However, upon exploring and researching extracurriculars for studying medicine, I came across Projects Abroad. After applying, it was only a few weeks until I was receiving emails about what Córdoba, Argentina would be like, who I would be staying with, and the types of activities we would be participating in throughout the week. Before I knew it, I was flying alone on an international flight to an unfamiliar city almost 5,000 miles away from home. I was nervous, jet–lagged, and my Spanish was more than a little bit rusty. However, after spending just one week with my host family and Projects Abroad leaders in such a lively and welcoming city, I fell in love with Córdoba. My Spanish skills improved, my passion for medicine was stronger than ever, and I was a confident in navigating a completely foreign city. Culture ... Show more content on ... I ate Dulce de Leche, drank mate, and spent time walking throughout a local market filled with homemade housewares and popular local food. It was refreshing to see the differences that Argentina had to Western culture, and how different their way of life was than what I was familiar with. My favorite part was always being greeted with besos y abrazos, making me feel like part of the Argentinian ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Is Emiliano Céliz's Silver Vases: Craft Or Art? Céliz Vases I enjoy each and everyone of his creations and the questions they bring: Craft or art? Concept or trade? Function or sheer aesthetic pleasure? Theorizing on these opposing visions has exhausted rivers of ink – or maybe, today, gigabytes of electronic files – without reaching a valuable synthesis. Emiliano Céliz's silver vases are a true testimony of this. Trained in the art of metalwork, this artist born and bred in the province of Córdoba, dared let his creativity loose, exceeding all expectations within the referential framework of traditional criollo silversmith art. In his absolute search, he managed the shape of a vase, setting it free from all constrains and achieving the design of the unique pieces that call us all here today. ... Show more content on ... But mastering the techniques is not enough, it is also necessary to have a profound knowledge of the culture that gives birth to it and cradles it. A pitcher, for example, is mainly functional, it serves a purpose, like any craft of any worth. Now, we find pitchers that are essentially Porteños (from the city of Buenos Aires), or from the different provinces, cities and regions in Argentina: Córdoba, Corrientes, La Rioja, Salta, Cuyo, Río Grande. Also from our neighboring country, Uruguay, as well as those created in the times of the Spanish Viceroyalty in America, in Perú, Alto Perú and Paraguay. Each style uses different materials, and resorts to a broad ornamental repertoire of its own; it is influenced by each creator's personality and by the passage of ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Mexican American Cartel Essay The Mexican drug–trafficking cartels are said to have been established in the 1980s by a man named Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo, also known as "The Godfather". With the help of Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo and Rafael Caro Quintero, Miguel started the Guadalajara Cartel, which is one of the first to have thrived from association with the Colombian cocaine trade. The two men who helped Miguel Gallardo establish the cartel were arrested, so Gallardo, the single leader of the cartel "was smart enough to privatize the Mexican drug trade by having it run by lesser–known bosses" (The Five Most Famous Drug Cartels"), that he often met with in Acapulco. Eventually Miguel was arrested as well which caused the split of the Guadalajara Cartel into the ... Show more content on ... Despite its diminishing power, it continues to control most of the trafficking in Tamaulipas. The Tijuana Cartel is now one of the cartels with the least power since the Arellano Felix brothers fell, but it is said that the Sinaloa's have started taking them over. The Juarez Cartel is now run by only one of the Carrillo Fuentes brothers, Vicente, and "resembles gang–on–gang warfare more than intra–cartel violence" (Beith). Like the Tijuana Cartel, the Juarez Cartel is somewhat being controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel. La Familia, a newer, infinitely smaller group, smuggles methamphetamine and has fallen to the authorities. There is a similar group, the Knights Templar, but they, like La Familia, have a minimal influence on society. Smaller, newer groups like the Jalisco Cartel – New Generation and Matazetas also exist, although not having a great impact on society (Beith). As stated by David Lunhow and José De Cordoba, in the year 2008, 6,000 people died in drug– related violence in Mexico, the U.S.'s second biggest trading partner. The cartels now operate in 230 cities and towns around Mexico, and commit crimes in the U.S. as well, such as in the case of Phoenix, where 370 kidnapping cases were reported in 2008 (De Cordoba & Lunhow). As many as 90% of the people killed in Mexico are said to be linked to trade in some way and in President Felipe Calderon's six–year term, there were 153 fights ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Jose Maria Cordoba Research Paper Because Las Palmas road is the easiest access going to Medellin city, having a place that's situated right in this location is an appealing idea especially for those who are very much into urban living. Colombia is a country that owns beautiful places, not to mention the faces of its people that left the whole world in admiring astonishment. These, amongst other considerable factors would definitely lure you to get a property in this arresting venue. 35 Palms Towers as constructed by BienesYBienes, offers direct connection to the airport Jose Maria Cordoba. This means easy access when it comes to air travel without worrying about the fuss of getting to the airport. Aside from this, the property's proximity to residential, corporate, hotel and ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Discrimination In American Schools American Schools and Discrimination According to the U.S Education Department, "Eighty–one percent (81%) of Asian–American high school students and 71% of white high school students attend high schools where the full range of math and science courses are offered...Black students (57%), Latino students (67%), students with disabilities (63%), and English language learner students (65%) also have less access to the full range of courses". What does this tell us about schools in the United States? Although intentions have been good, schools are still promoting racial discrimination throughout the U.S. Discrimination has been proven by surveys on discipline and the opportunities given to non–white ethnic groups. Schools should be more concerned with how students that aren't white are being treated and analyze the opportunities they are being given. In preschool, black students make ... Show more content on ... "Researchers have documented that students' exposure to other students who are different from themselves and the novel ideas and challenges that such exposure brings leads to improved cognitive skills, including critical thinking and problem solving"(Wells, Fox, Cordoba–Cobo). In other words, it makes people smarter. The range of benefits is not limited to when the students are in school. It can also have a great impact on their adulthood. "Ninety–six percent of major employers, Wells, Fox, and Cordova–Cobo note, say it is 'important' that employees be 'comfortable working with colleagues, customers, and/or clients from diverse cultural backgrounds'"(Wells, Fox, Cordoba–Cobo). There really is no harm in making American schools more diverse and more accepting of non–white ethnic groups. This will help students navigate through society when they are older as America has become increasingly diverse. Schools in the U.S should be teaching ALL students to get along and show them that they are offered the same ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. La Cordoba Case Study As the Sandinistas adjusted to their new position of power, they made decisions that put their own political agenda ahead of the welfare of Nicaraguan citizens. They controlled everything from menu prices to water to electricity. Sandinista policies angered the newly instituted Regan administration in Washington, and they were determined to overthrow them. The counter–revolution offered the perfect opportunity and the CIA agreed to secretly fund the contras (over $15 million between 1981–1982). Argentina, with its efficient and brutal military regime, was the perfect candidate. Along with Honduras, who agreed to let the contras build bases on their border and receive supplies for them, the three countries formed La Tripartita. However, many ... Show more content on ... Although Pastora had often been seen as the the head of the FSLN during the war, he cut his ties with them in 1981 and that same year declared war against them. In the end, the search for a new leader came down to Daniel Ortega and Tomas Borge. The two men's characters could not be more different. Borge was seen as radical, and even though he was not a skilled fighter, he was a great conspirator and skilled in the black arts. He was also the only one of the Sandinista commandates to be tortured by Somoza; this inspired his own security system, which centered around El Chipote, the infamous short–term interrogation center and prison, where many counter–revolutionaries were held prisoner and questioned. Daniel Ortega, on the other hand, was more moderate with a long history of defying the Somoza regime, beginning in his teenage years. He was jailed for 7 years for his revolutionary activities and was one of the political prisoners released after the 1974 Christmas raid. But the real reason that Ortega ultimately rose to power, becoming the president of Nicaragua in 1985, was because none of the other commandates could ever fully trust Borge and he could never fully trust ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Great Mosque Of Cordoba The Mishrab of The Great Mosque of Cordoba Assignment Two The Great Mosque of Cordoba [named in español Mezquita – Catedral de Córdoba] is a complex site of extraordinarily rich history and key development in Muslim architecture in a Western empire. Built in the Spanish capitals of the Umayyad, it is one of the oldest structures from the times of Muslim rule over Iberia in the 8th century, the Great Mosque of Cordoba is a heritage site having lived through tremendous successions of change, development and expansions surviving through ages of conflict in religious, political and military events. The mosque can be interpreted as a fruit of the works of Umayyad and Byzantine artisans, and with close reading of the décor and art executed in the focal point of the mihrab and associated symbolism. This essay will focus on the analysis of the work on the mihrab (an expansion made in an expansion by al–Hakam II after the second set of additions in corresponding relation to the surrounding key elements that lead to the focal point, especially the hypostyle space, the maqsura and the cupola, as well as overall planning as a whole. There are various architectural elements incorporated in the mosque and this essay will bring forth from my readings, research in support for discussion in ways in which the specially developed architectural technology and language communicate the dialogue of the Islamic religion, and the significance of these elements creating a uniquely immersive ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Umayyads Research Paper The Umayyads, a short–lived and stylistically secular khalifate, were overthrown by mercenaries from their province of Khorasan over disagreements about their governance. One Umayyad survivor, Abd al–Rahman I, fled to Andalusian Spain and founded a new dynasty, and later khalifate, of Umayyads there. The Umayyads first established their official government in Damascus, Syria, and operated more as an empire than a religious community, The Umayyads first worked on the unionization of an Arab world by standardizing currency and language of learning (Arabic.) Their empire extended from Mecca to near Mid–Asia/Afghanistan, and included diversity of race and religion, Unfortunately, the Umayyads failed to govern in such a way that the citizenry was ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The City Of Baghdad During The Middle Age The city of Baghdad was the most unique capital of the Islamic Empire during the Middle Ages because the Tigris and Euphrates river was a source of trade for the industries to sell their products and it was known as the "Center of Learning." For example, since there were lots of products being made, they were able to increase their trade. In fact, trade came from the products of its industries such as leather goods, textiles, paper, metal work, and perfumes. In other words, people from other cities like Egypt came to Baghdad in order to trade their products in exchange for products out of their large inventory. Also, Baghdad was next to both the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which provided Muslims with a source of trade. Basically, in order to get to Baghdad it was not like a maze to get there, instead one would just have to travel by boat. ... Show more content on ... Essentially, since there were many universities found in that city, it attracted many people which ended up being called the "Center of Learning". On the other hand, one could say that Cordoba is better because they have 300 bathhouses, 100,000 shops and houses, 60,000 decorated palaces with gardens, fountains, public courtyards, and broad avenues. However, there is only one good strong point for Cordoba, while Baghdad has multiple facts. All in all, both the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers helped Baghdad by increasing their population and trade with other countries with a large inventory of products and being known as the "Center of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Al-Hakam II "All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." This quote, once said by Albert Einstein, represents what Al–Hakam II had strived towards during his rule. Under his leadership, Córdoba experienced a golden age in the arts and sciences. Al–Hakam II and his father had built a vast library filled with books from all over the world. He had also sponsored scholars, and established numerous schools throughout his territory. However, despite the relative peace and prosperity, Al–Hakam II had waged war against leaders from other cultures and religions. In the year 632 AD, ... Show more content on ... Al–Hakam told the generals to fight until everyone recognized his authority – those who refused to do so would be killed. One such person who refused to acknowledge him was Isdrisid Hasan ibn Qannūn; and in the early 970s, he became the focus of Al–Hakam's campaign. Al–Hakam told Ghālib that he would commit every last one of his soldiers and administration to "the holy war against this reprobate [fāsiq]". He and Ghālib always referred to Hasan as the reprobate [al–fāsiq], the heretic [al–mulhid], the rebel [al–māriq], and the tyrant [al–ẓālim]. In Al–Hakam's eyes, his eventual triumph over Hasan marked the extension of his authority over all of the western Maghrib, and used this event to publicly announce his legitimacy as Caliph. Al–Rāzī [historian] reported that Al–Hakam sent a letter announcing the surrender of Hasan to his governors, to be read in all the congregational mosques. Although his victory in North Africa caused the rebellious neighboring caliphs to acknowledge his rule, the same could not be said for the Christian kings. One such king was Sancho I, who had become king of León after the death of his brother, in 955, and deposed by his cousin, Ordoño IV, in 958. After the death of Al–Nāṣir, the Abbasid Caliph of Baghdad, and his expulsion, Ordoño fled to the city of Burgos [Burghush] but was arrested and sent to Córdoba. Al– Hakam had a meeting with Ordoño, in which the latter declared his submission to the Caliph. With Ordoño's complete submission, Al–Hakam promised to restore him to the throne of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Central American Employment Laws Essay There are many differences regarding employment laws worldwide. Some countries have created and modified employment laws that will benefit the employer and even more the employee. Central American countries have many laws and departments that organize the labour force of their countries, while the United States provide of laws and agencies dedicated to regulate everything regarding the labour areas of the country. Central American countries provide of several benefits for the employee by law that companies in the public and private sector are required to fulfil. Some benefits that are required every year are, in the case of Nicaragua, the thirteenth month of payment known as Aguinaldo in Spanish, and one month of paid vacations. Alike Central American Countries, the United States do not provide the thirteenth month of payment, and the vacations are less than one moth depending of the company. In Central America, the stage of pregnancy of a woman is accompanied by some benefits to all working pregnant mothers. These benefits include a pre/post natal period which are 40 day before and after birth with payment. Also, in the event that a working woman gets pregnant, the company will not be able to dismiss her from work because of her condition. On the other hand, in the United States, there is the Pregnancy ... Show more content on ... While the United States has the Department of Labour which regulates and mandates the minimum salary per hour worked. As of today the salary per hour in the in the U.S. is 7.25 dollars. If we multiply that by the 40 hour per week would be 290 dollars per week. In the specific case of Nicaragua, The minimum salary per month as of 28 February 2015 will be 5253.68 Córdobas, which will be approximately equal to 875.6 Córdobas per week, or 32.76 ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Essay On Strikes At Cordoba Strikes at Universidad de Cordoba have always been a constant, and it have affected my school life in more ways than one. I graduated from high school in 2006 and enrolled in Industrial Engineering at the university in 2007. Now it is 2017, I have quitted engineering and move to the English teaching program, it has been 10 years now and strikes have never cease to shock me. I remember, my first time experiencing a strike at the university, for all intents and purposes I was calm, contrary to the majority of my classmates and student body, rather the word would be curious, I just could not understand the need of a strike. True, there were things the university had to improve like bad, dirty bathroom facilities that most of the time did not ... Show more content on ... Needless to say I was rendered unable to breath, my throat and nose had never ached like that before, and the pain in my eyes was excruciating, not sure how, I got out of the range of the grenade's fog, but I was still heavily affected by its effects and it would take a while before they passed. Suddenly I felt someone pull my arm and led me to the other side of the street near the gas station, it was a cop, and I thought I was in trouble, and that I was being mistakenly accused for the strike, however, the cop just try to comfort me, even buying me a Pepsi saying it would help me – to this day I still do not know what does Pepsi have to do with subsiding the effects of a tear grenade – I drank it and stayed there for about 20 minutes until I felt better to go home, not before thanking the cop for his help of course. This has been by far my worst experience when it comes to strikes at Universidad de Cordoba. There was also the time several strikes happened almost at the same time. The worker's strike, ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Mezquita De Córdoba in Southern Spain Mezquita De Córdoba The Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba represents the many cultural changes the city of Córdoba and the areas around it have gone through. It has stood in the center of the city for over a millennium, and it doesn't look like it will fall anytime soon. It covers over 24,000 square meters (about 250,000 square feet), and is 9 meters tall at its lowest and 30 meters tall at its highest. The Cathedral of Córdoba is officially called The Cathedral of St. Mary of the Assumption, but it was originally built by the Islamic Moors to be a place of worship for muslims. Historians believe that before the mosque was built, there was a temple to the Roman God Janus on the same site. That temple was then converted into a church by the Visigoths before they were conquered by the Moors. It was split in 2 and used as both a church and a mosque until it was torn down and replaced with the Mosque of Cordoba. In the year 784 AD, construction for the mosque started under the emir Abd Ar–Rahman 1. It took well over 2 centuries to finish, and even after it did it went through many changes. A new minaret was added, and some design changes were made including a more decorative mihrab (signals the direction of Kaaba, a place that is very holy to muslims), and a courtyard for orange trees was placed inside it. It reached its current size in the year 987 when construction was completed. The architects of the building planned to place Roman columns with special capitals, including some that ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Interfaith Triangle Rhetorical Analysis Patel goes into detail on the interfaith triangle and interfaith literacy that shape and can change our views and attitudes of other religions. Patel describes how these concepts were used against Cordoba House and how they could have been used in a positive manner to help gap the bridge of religious conflict. I believe that interfaith literacy can be used to understand and resolve religious conflict through the cooperation of people using its components. Diversity means that people from different backgrounds living in close quarters (Patel). Pluralism is one state with many peoples (Patel). Pluralism is also stated as the deliberate and positive engagement of diversity to build bonds between people from different backgrounds. According to ... Show more content on ... This creates pluralism in a culturally diverse nation. (1770) Chris Stedman demonstrated the presence of interfaith literacy during the Cordoba House controversy. Chris was knowledgeable of other traditions and religions despite being an atheist. Chris knew that various religions shared similar values and that religion could help cross bridged between people. He discovered this when he read his friend Marvin a bible passage that brought them closer together. Christ [personally understood how interfaith cooperation could help bring people together. Chris developed his own theology of interfaith cooperation based on his non–religious belief and knowledge of other religions. Chris also knew what it felt like to be marginalized as immoral or godless because of his religious views as an atheist. Chris was able to take action and rally for the Cordoba House when it was under scrutiny. Chris organized a large gathering in support of Cordoba House stating that Muslims should be able to build their institutions anywhere in ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Comparison Of The Architecture Of Christians And Muslim Spain There are many examples of both Christians and Muslims adopting the artistic styles of the other in their architecture that act as examples of this cross–cultural artistic expression. This is evident in the appropriation of Arabic calligraphy, a prominent decorative feature in mosques and Muslim palaces, in the buildings of Mozarab Christians. On the part of the Moors, the horseshoes shaped arch that is prominent in many mosques and palaces is adopted from Visigothic arches of a similar nature. This horseshoe arch was, "representative of the indigenous church–building tradition of pre–Muslim Spain," and thus demonstrated a way in which Moorish architects were influenced by Christian techniques. This level of architectural syncretism can help to explain ... Show more content on ... Although they often took advantage of times in which they could express Christian triumph over the defeated Moors, the aesthetic of the conquered mosques had already been utilized by Mozarabs for years, blurring the lines between what was decidedly Islamic and what was decidedly Christian. Most of the converted mosques retained their original structures, unless remodeling was necessary. This showed a level of appreciation for Islamic architecture and art by the Christian conquerors. "The mosque, nonetheless, presented architectural forms that were distinctively Islamic and understood as such by contemporary viewers. The Christian response to these forms is surprising– both in terms of its volume, as medieval responses to art and architecture are rare, and in its almost unanimously positive nature." In many documents, there has been outward admiration and appreciation for ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Spanish Conquest: Expeditions Before The Conquest Expeditions Before the Conquest The Spanish people continued to make trips to conquer the whole continent. The expedition captained by Francisco Hernandez de Córdoba arrived to what today is the Yucatan Peninsula thanks to the shipwreck in 1511. Most of the survivors of the shipwreck were murdered by the Mayas except Gonzalo Guerrero who was married to an indigenous woman and had three kids that were considered the first Mayan Spanish mestizos. After, in 1518 Juan de Grijalba, a Spanish discoverer and conqueror, discovered the Cozumel Islands coast, explored the north seacoast of the Peninsula and part of the coasts of the Mexican gulf. During this trip of exploration, he had heard of the Aztec empire but since their provisions were deficient, ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Research Paper About Cordoba Located near the Sierras Chicas Mountains, Cordoba is a well–known town all over Argentina for its picturesque beauty and wonderful landscapes. The town attracts tourists not only from Argentina but also from all parts of the globe. A trip to Cordoba is undoubtedly a dream come true for all the tourists who love spending their vacation amidst the beauty of nature. The tourists after visiting the marvelous town of Cordoba can engage themselves in a wide variety of tours in and around the city. The wonderful tours from Cordoba are bound to provide the tourists with all the joy and happiness and will definitely create a long and lasting impression on their minds. Thus, planning a visit to this beautiful town and in turn, selecting the best Cordoba ... Show more content on ... The best part of visiting this valley is that they would get a magnificent view of the Camino de Las Altas Cumbres, witnessing the Ñuños hills and the Tear of Indio waterfall is also a great thing to do in this valley. Thus, one must not forget to visit the Traslasierra Valley after coming to Cordoba. A half–day tour to the Villa Carlos Paz is a must for every tourist coming to Cordoba. The place is mainly known for its wonderful landscapes and vibrant picturesque beauties. The tourists after visiting this beautiful place will be able to witness the San Roque dam, cuckoo clock, and the Hydroelectric Power Station. They will also get a wonderful view of the Camino de Las Cien Curvas while driving along the roads of Villa Carlos Paz. There are also many affordable restaurants and the tourists can easily choose to have grand lunch. Thus, a trip to Villa Carlos Paz can really be an entertaining one and one must not forget to include it at any cost. A full day tour to the Calamuchita Valley from Cordoba is undoubtedly one of the best things to do in ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Essay On The Amiens Cathedral And The Kandariya/Khjuraho... Exam III Graciela Guzman 1. The Amiens cathedral and the Kandariya/Khjuraho temple share the common characteristic of depicting images outside of the place of worship. Sculptures used to display the morals, ideas, and propaganda in the Amiens. While Kandariya temple focus mostly on the deities. Also, all three buildings share similar spiritual experience. Having maze like or confusing interior for mediation, making the buildings more interactive. Secondly the interiors are open spaces and high ceilings to give the illusion of a foreign place, associated with the spiritual world. With the incorporation of natural light to enhance the experience. Thirdly the three use the concept of life and death, though used with different variables (explained in contrasts) they do center around the idea of the circle of life. Displaying it in many different ways but all including some type of a circle like piece or door way. Such as the Great Mosque gate adornments, Amien's ... Show more content on ... In comparison, the images both depict what happens in each given religion when one dies and the circle of life. In the Cathedral of Sainte–Foy the last judgment is portrayed with the people being sent to heaven or hell. While the Sarcophagus lid depicts the Ruler Sprouting a metaphysical object out of his stomach in a curled–up position, which can refer to him being reborn, and displaying himself in a holy light since he was of high status he would be closer to the gods. Both display what each religion is taught to be the spiritual world, with spiritual creatures such as the demons show in Sainte–Foy and the tree like object in the Sarcophagus. Thirdly Both can be seen as propaganda, the sarcophagus, showing the ruler being related or similar to a god, also seen in various other rulers in previous eras. While the Cathedral warns people of what would happen if they were to sin. On this topic of propaganda, both the images display a mixture of governmental and religious rule though differ in its ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Early Interactions between Muslims, Jews, and Christians... When it comes to the modern relationship that Islam shares with both Christianity and Judaism, it is not difficult to recognize mutual hostility. Islamic extremism has been gradually dominating the Western perception of Muslims–in the midst of this, the World Trade Center attacks could only exacerbate the situation. On that account, it was no surprise when these hostile attitudes were unmistakably revealed during the "Cordoba House" mosque controversy at which point in 2010, it was proposed that a mosque dubbed the Cordoba House be established near ground zero. Sure enough, the proposition was met with overwhelming opposition and rebuke (Barbaro). Most of the country objected to the mosque while many of those with more personal experiences ... Show more content on ... The Umayyads started out as one of the elite clans of Mecca who at first rejected Muhammad's divine revelations (Kishlansky, Geary and O'Brien). However, Muhammad utilized his resources and quickly grew a strong following, organizing them into the Umma, an Islamic family "that transcended the old bonds of tribe and clan" (Kishlansky, Geary and O'Brien). As his support proliferated, his opposition dwindled and increasingly converted to Islam. In 629, with 10,000 warriors at his command, Muhammad marched onto Mecca and quickly conquered it with few casualties. The elite Meccan clans–the Umayya among them–were swiftly rehabilitated into the Umma, much to the chagrin of Muhammad's earliest followers. The Umayya remained a powerful clan as Islam spread under Muhammad and, after his death in 632, his two successors, or caliphs–successors of the Prophet. Still, the clan's power had far from peaked. After the death of Umar, the second caliph, a member of the Umayya became his successor: Uthman ibn Affan (Kishlansky, Geary and O'Brien). Uthman, however, was quickly murdered because he privileged the Meccan elite over the early converts. Shaken by his death, the Umma charged the fourth caliph, Ali ibn Abi Talib, as being complacent with Uthman's murder. Eventually Ali himself was murdered by the Umayyad's supporters, giving rise to an Islamic state ruled by the Umayya, the Umayyad Caliphate, where the Islamic ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Essay on juan peron Juan Domingo Perón is known as the greatest Argentinean politician of all time. However, he is also one of he most controversial. His tactics and alliances are often criticized as are the changes and developments he brought about in Argentina. The one thing that can be concluded by all is that this man led a very complex and important life. Perón was born on October 8, 1895, in a province of Buenos Aires. He was the second son of Mario and Juana Perón. His father was an employee of the local court. When Juan was five years old his father abandoned the family. To make ends meet, Juana married a man whom was a farm hand. When he was ten he went to live with his uncle in Buenos Aires so that he could begin his ... Show more content on ... In 1945 he was arrested and was forced to resign. That upset his followers. They got him released through protests and demonstrations. In 1946 with the help of his wife Eva Perón, he rose to power and was elected president. Eva helped Juan in may ways. When she tried to run for vice president she was denied mainly because many of the military leaders felt threatened. She kept on helping Perón by keeping him in contact with he countries labor unions. Eva or Evita died in 1952 of cancer. Perón set out to make Argentina the military and financial power of Latin America. This was a tough task though since Perón had many oppositions. Perón used censorship and other violations of Civil rights to help control his oppositions. The catholic church was one of them. The catholic church was in an uproar when Perón pushed for the policy of divorce. They reformed and revolted and forced Perón to flee. Both the army and the navy felt it was best for the country if Perón resigned. Perón resigned and moved to Spain. Even though Perón was out of Argentina his followers or "peronistas", as they were called, stayed active. In 1970 Argentina was going through a time of economic trouble. The "peronistas" gained strength during these times. In 1973 was asked to return to Argentina. He was elected president with the help of his third wife Isabel. She was elected vice president. In 1972 Juan ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Great Mosque Of Cordoba Vs. Hagia Sophia The Great Mosque of Cordoba vs. Hagia Sophia Religion has played a huge role in the history of the world of architecture. We can get a deeper look in the minds and attitudes of people when we look at their beliefs – specifically their religion. But even though religion played a huge role in the approach to architecture, the pursuit of beauty and power can also explain to us the approaches and the outlooks of those who built or designed buildings from the ancient world. Two buildings, the Hagia Sophia and the Great Mosque of Cordoba, can show us two separate peoples and their approach to constructing architecture that was devoted to their religions. However, while religion played a huge role, there are similarities as well between the two that show that the rulers who commissioned these buildings were interested in mimicking beauty and showing the world that their building was the most beautiful and perhaps the most elite of its time as well as proving their divinity as a ruler of a great nation. The Hagia Sophia was built in Constantinople in A.D. 532 by the emperor Justinian, who hired the renowned architects Anthemius and Isidorus to build it. It was built over an existing building built by Constantine himself. The Hagia Sophia was a very significant building of its time and one that drew attention and respect. At this time in history the Byzantines, specifically Justinian, wanted to make one message clear, that message being that the emperor of the byzantines empire, ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Cordoba Research Paper The Great Mosque of Cordoba is a fascinating architectural site: a place of worship that once was Christian, then became a Muslim, and now again a Christian. His name is taken from the Moorish period, when Spanish Muslims did it. Its official name is today the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption, since it is once again controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. In 600 AD, a tribe from East Germany known as the Visigoths began building a large church, which then became called the Church of Saint Vincent. Vincent had lived 300 years earlier, and was executed under the order of the Roman emperor Diocletian. During his life, he served the Church in Zaragoza, which later became part of the Kingdom of Aragon and from there became part of Spain. After being canonized, he was appointed patron of Lisbon, Portugal. The Visigoths had long been away from home when they arrived in Spain; this ... Show more content on ... During this century, the new sovereign of Cordoba, Abd ar–Rahman, bought the building and basically rebuilt it by designing a mosque. It is because of this unusual legacy that the Great Mosque of Cordoba, unlike most mosques, is not aligned with Mecca, the sacred sacred place for Muslims in Saudi Arabia. During the various generations followed by Abd ar–Rahman, a series of new additions to the church were funded, including a traditional minaret and some expansions and renovations. Technically, therefore, the Great Mosque of Cordoba has never been complete until the last of the medieval additions that took place in the late 10th century, under Al–Mansur ibn Abi Amir: building a raised bridge connecting it to the palace so that emiro could, formally, attend the cult without leaving its palace. During this time, the mosque was considered one of the most impressive and breathtaking architectures in the Muslim ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. How Islamic Architecture in Spain Changed from the Seventh... The Great Mosque of Córdoba was built in Córdoba, Andalucía, southern Spain: the capital at which Muslims exist. The great Mosque of Córdoba went under massive changes over centuries. These changes occurred because the Mosque was conquered by groups of people following different religions, including Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Each religion marked its conception through changing or adding a unique artwork that symbolized its essence. The Great Mosque of Córdoba was built by Arab architects in the eighth century and then a cathedral was added by Christian conquers in the sixteenth century . Islam was born in the seventh century but Islamic architectures' uniqueness among other architectures appeared in the eighth century after the ... Show more content on ... The three successive Abd ar–Rahman monarchs of the Ummayyad dynasty chose Córdoba to seal Muslim presence in Spain. became the gateway through which the culture of Islam was sent to northern Europe, but it was also the gateway through which the Europe of the barbarians came to renew their links with their lost Mediterranean past . Arabs were able to mark their presence on the Iberian Peninsula that contains Spain and Portugal, by expressing themselves through architecture, food, and teachings, along with many other things. Arabs replaced the Roman system. They introduced the cultivation of sugar cane, rice, cotton and the palm tree. Arabs didn't force conversion to Islam on people, but they did influence the region's people through the teaching of science, medicine and astronomy. Arabs symbolized their religion through architecture, knowledge, philosophy and medicine. They constructed buildings with Islamic worship facilities, and they treated these places as a place of worship and they did religious practices. One of the most recognized examples of Arab influenced architectures was "The Great Mosque of Córdoba". It was known for its notable worship features. Each feature explained how a task should be done and by whom. The facilities demonstrated the full task of worship and prayer that Muslims do. These features included the prayer niches and prayer hall, each characterized by its unique ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Christopher Columbus Research Paper Why would a monarch from one country be interested in hiring an explorer from a foreign country to achieve a mission of significant importance? Christopher Columbus (1451–1506), born of Genoa, Italy, was raised among his merchant parents. As a teenager he began to get jobs on trading voyages in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas. One of the voyages he took part in to the island of Khios, in modern day Greece, took him the closest he would ever get to Asia. In the 1470s he would sail out into to the Atlantic Ocean where the commercial fleet he was sailing with was attacked by French privateers off the coast of Portugal. With the boat burning and sinking, Columbus was able to swim to shore floating on a piece of wood. He traveled to "Lisbon, ... Show more content on ... His first audience with the presented a tempting offer to possibly spread Catholicism (Columbus was a devout Catholic) and compensate for the expensive war against Muslims still yet to be pushed out of Granada and Spain's recent exclusion by treaty of the West Africa which its foreign neighbor, Portugal, greatly profited from the Gold Coast's trade. The skeptical monarchs relayed the plan to a committee knowledgeable of navigation, cartography, and the size of the Earth that calculated actually accurately the distance as too vast to expect the ships of the time to ever reach land. Although the commission, not convinced with their own calculations, influenced the decision of the monarchs and declined his project, Columbus had successfully interested Isabella and Ferdinand. Around 1487, Columbus had begun living in Cordoba most likely to be closer to the courts and because of his romantic relationship with Beatriz Enriquez de Harana, the mother of his soon be son named Hernando. Continuously lobbying the courts receiving annuity from the Spanish crown, the determined entrepreneur finally gained another hearing in 1491 where he proposed his project and again it was rejected. Still needing a sponsor for his voyage, Columbus made plans to travel up toward France ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. How Did Islamic Influence Spain Eduardo Padilla Mrs. Nguyen World Lit 1 November 2015 Muslims in Spain In present day, Muslims in America, are seen as our worst enemy. Like in any culture, ``there are moderate people and radicals. Radicals are the people who take their beliefs too far. For example, most terrorist attacks were done by radical Muslims; in the name of their religion. However, the world needs to see past the evil done by the radicals and come to discover the accomplishments and good influences in the world. One prime example of Arabic influence is Spain. Not many people actually know that the Spanish language, architecture, literature are all influenced by Arabic. It all started in the year 477 A.D. the Muslim army arrived at the Spanish shores; marking the ... Show more content on ... At this early stage of Hispano–Islamic art, the plant and floral decorations were still relatively naturalistic: later they become more stylised, more geometrical and more repetitive, adopting the mathematically conceived patterns known as arabesques. By the time Granada's Alhambra is built in the 14th Century, vegetal and geometric decorative forms had become almost indistinguishable." (IA) Decorations like these enriched the Spanish culture. The columns, cupolas and the spacious buildings are all of Arabic influence. Alcazar is a palace in Seville; which shows these characteristics although it is later modified when the Reconqusita ends. In Conclusion, although many people, might think ill–minded towards the Arabic culture due to some crazy radicals. Without the Arabic influence, some of the objects most cherish in Spanish culture would not exist today. These people made achievements and influenced a country who later would become a world power. The influence on music, language, and art is not only still present in Spain but also reflect in Latin ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Haiti Earthquake Analysis This article from the Wall Street Journal begins by vividly describing a decrepit hospital in Haiti that was granted funds after the earthquake, but emphasizes that it is still in the same detrimental state it was in directly after the earthquake hit. This introduction successfully illustrates how Haiti has struggled to capitalize on the aid sent by other nations. This biased idea in itself makes readers question the significance of assisting Haiti, if so minimal changes have resulted from the deliverance of financial support and aid. The article furthermore compares the short term relief efforts of many countries to "a classic case of giving a man a fish instead of teaching him to fish" (Córdoba). This simile once again projects this media outlet's perspective on ... Show more content on ... An economic adviser to Prime Minister Jean–Max Bellerive is also quoted in the article, stating the idea that these Non–government organizations (NGOs) have irreversibly "infantized" the country, or in other words, made the country lack a sense of self sufficiency. Yet, the article does not any give positive information regarding the impact of this aid, proving only further evidence of discussing the issue through a limited debate. Notwithstanding, the article does recognize that relief efforts and aid did help millions of Haitians in the wake of extreme havoc, but wonders "whether the efforts of well–funded aid groups–some of which have been in Haiti for 50 years–can improve Haiti's long– term outlook is another matter"(Córdoba). The article is closed by describing the hospital's slow progress, and inserts yet another subjective ideology: that the only way to save the hospital, along with the economy in Haiti, is to veer away from foreign aid. This discloses the reader to only one subjective view, a view that creates a negative connotation with sending ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. History of the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba Beautiful, magnificent, fascinating, breathtaking, and incredible are some of the words that describe the Great Mosque of Córdoba. The Mosque is also known as the Mezquita, the Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba, or the Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady. The mosque is considered one of the monumental jewels of Islamic civilization. In addition, it is one of the largest mosques in the entire world measuring about 24,000 square meters. The mosque was not all built at once, its construction lasted from 784 AD to 987 AD. First, Emir Abd ar–RahmanI began the construction of the mosque in the year 784, on a site that was originally home to Roman temple of Janus and Visigothic church of St Vincent. In the years 822 AD to 852 AD, Abd ar–Rahman II added an arm bone of Prophet Mohammed, an original copy of Quran, and increased the size of the Mosque. Then, Abd ar– Rahman III added a new minaret in the beginning of 9th century. Following Abd ar–Rahman III, Al– Hakam II magnified the mosque and enhanced the mihrab in the year 961. Finally, Al–Mansur Ibn Abi Aamir enlarged it further through the addition of the orange tree courtyard and the outer aisles in the year 987. As a result, this mosque turned Cordoba into a kind of paradise on earth where the Mosque symbolizes heaven. At its zenith, this mosque was the center of western Islam. The Great Mosque is a forest of stone columns that seem to go on forever. The effect is disorientating like a vast hall of mirrors where the worshiper ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Spread Of Islam : Worldwide Architecture Essay Spread of Islam: Worldwide Architecture Spain, Persia, Africa, and India Muamera Dzaferovic, Tyler Budach, Kyle Maser HIST 1141–90 ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL WORLD HISTORY OCTOBER 20, 2016 When it comes to Islam and the religion as a whole, many see all of the "negatives" that come out of it. Little do they know that it was the Muslims who came up with one of the first hospitals, surgical innovations, philosophy, astronomy, geography and many more. One particular thing that they were most famous for was their architecture. From their vibrant colored tiles in Morocco, to the grand mosque in Cordoba for its columns, to the hypostyles in ancient Persia, and finally to the Taj Mahal of Agra in India, Before we start with the architectural designs, we need to start from the beginning. Islam spread worldwide after the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.S. died in 632 C.E. The Caliph that took over after the Messenger Muhammad p.b.u.h,. was Abu Bakr, who was a great companion and father–in–law to the Prophet. He spread the knowledge of Islam into other countries by using one of many concepts, and that was jihad. Jihad was used by Muslims because they were obliged to spread the concept and the truth of Islam to knowledge seekers and nonbelievers likewise. The concept of jihad meant that Muslims can defend themselves if ever attacked by nonbelievers, this is what the interpretation of the Qur'an permitted to those ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Samuel Ibn Nagrila Essay The conquest of Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula created a relatively high degree of tolerance that existed amongst the groups because people had the opportunity to rise in power, for example Jews. The Jews played a significant role in their community and politics and most importantly they had the opportunity to rise in social statues. Samuel Ibn Nagrila is a good example on how the Jews played a big rule in the Islamic community because "Samuel Ibn Nagrila succeeded, as his employers had hoped, in bring his Umayyad– Cordoba refinements to this backwater, and he quickly became Vizier, or prime minister" (Menocal 39–40). Other groups were able to assimilate into Muslim community especially Jews during the domination of Spain by Muslims. Moreover, they were tolerated and Menocal ... Show more content on ... Menocal explains that "Hasdai was a scion of a Jewish intellectual class so successfully assimilated within the sparkling Umayyad culture of al–Andalus...These men were visible and significantly participants in the flourishing of letters, that by the time Abd al–Rahman III was caliph and Hasdai his vizier, had made Cordoba as a serious contender as Baghdad" (Menocal 86). Overall many of the different group community played a vital role in the Islamic state. Architecture comprised a vital role under the conquest of Islam in al–Andalus because the Muslims provided a rich cultural heritage within the different groups. To address the high degree of tolerance within the group that was evident in architecture was the fact that the Muslims and Christians shared the same house of worship. For example, it is explained that "When the Muslims first needed a substantial place to pray in that city, half the Damascus cathedral was brought and in effect became a shared house of worship, the relatively newly arrived Muslims praying in one half, the older Christian community in the other" ( Menocal ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Lab Report On Chemical Equilibrium Chemical Equilibrium Alvin Garcia Formal lab report CHM 4610 L Table of Contents Cordoba 2 Page. Name, student ID, course number, date, report, title, section, Instructor's name....... 1st Table of Contents.............................................................................. 2nd Purpose.......................................................................................... 3rd Introduction.....................................................................................3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th Procedure........................................................................................6th, 7th, 8th, 9th Results.............................................................................................. 9th, 11th Data Analysis & Calculations................................................................. 11th – 19th Discussion / Conclusion....................................................................... 19th – 21st References....................................................................................... 21st Cordoba 3 Introduction Chemical equilibrium is the study of change within a chemical reaction and how far it will go to reach a dynamic equilibrium (Burdge). Dynamic equilibrium is defined as the constant movement of species in a chemical reaction, gone to incompletion while the rates of production and consumption are equal (Kf = Kr ) (Burdge). It differs from static equilibrium in that species are constantly being consumed and produced, it is dynamic movement (Fox). The concentration of such species do not change, it remains constant (Fox). The rate at which species are being consumed and produced is known as the equilibrium constant (K) (Burdge). Due to the fact that the concentration ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Conquest Of Andalusia Research Paper The soonest records of settled human progress in Andalusia portray provincial occupation in Pre– Roman times. In the early twelfth century B.C.E. the Phoenician domain framed states along the coast to help with exchange. The settlement established by the Phoenicians was called Tartessos, which later rose to turn into a noteworthy political constrain in the district. The settlements of the Phoenicians in the long run declined in force taking after the disintegration of the Phoenician domain. The following major political power to develop in the locale was the city of Carthage, whose accentuation on exchange gave the straits of Gibraltar and the Andalusia district monetary significance. As an exchanging focus, Carthage saw the monetary estimation of controlling the strait, and started a battle to pick up control of the area. Between the first and second Carthaginian wars, Carthage developed its control over Andalusia, utilizing the coast to dispatch a hefty portion of its attacks into Roman domain. Carthage, on the other hand, was unsuccessful in its crusade against Rome. With the decrease of Carthage, Andalusia stayed, for a brief period, without an in number political personality. Rome ventured into fill the force vacuum, renaming the region Betica. ... Show more content on ... As the Vandals went through the locale on their approach to North Africa, they took control of Andalusia. Taking after their brief occupation, the Visigoths took control, just to be supplanted by Muslim govern in the mid eighth century C.E. The Muslim intrusion turned out to be a to a great degree powerful activity in the arrangement of a particular Andalusian ... Get more on ...