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The Most Memorable Experience Of The 20th Century
When I asked Dr. William Vorbroker about his most memorable experience in the 20th century, he immediately stated that it was the day president
Kennedy was shot. He said that he was a 24 years old undergraduate student in University of Chicago. He and his friends were studying in the library
when his roommate came running and told them that the president has been shot. None of them has seen him with such a serious face so they all went
to the lounge to listen to the radio. Many of the students were already gathered, avidly listening to the news. After it was announced on the radio that
President Kennedy has died they all sat silently dazed and shocked. Later on, Vorbroker remembers calling his girlfriend. He said that they sat down
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President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. He held office from January 1961 until his assassination November
1963. He served in United States Naval Reserve in World War II. After his military service he was in the United States House of Representatives by
representing Massachusetts's 11th congressional district as a Democrat. He then served in the United States Senate. In the 1960s Presidential Election
he defeated the Republican candidate Richard Nixon. He was the youngest president, at the age of forty three, in the United States to have been
elected. On April 1961, Kennedy sent one thousand four hundred Cuban exiles to the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. He wanted to start a rebellion that would
overthrow the communist leader Fidel Castro. However, the mission did not succeed and most of the exiles were captured or killed (1). In 1962, the
Kennedy admiration became aware of the construction of nuclear and long range missile sites in Cuba by the Soviet Union. It was believed that this
would pose a threat to the United States, therefore, President Kennedy announced naval blockade of Cuba. After a series of negotiation Khrushchev
agreed to stop the construction of nuclear and long range missile in Cuba. The United States, in return, was to remove its missiles from countries close
to Soviet Union. President Kennedy was
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My Use of Transformational Learning: Going Back to School...
Transformational Learning consist of four stages which are, "recognizing a significant problem; confronting it intensely; finding a solution; and
integrating a new prospective" (R–Model, 2010, p.115). When making any major life transition you will probably use transformational learning. You
will first recognize that there is a problem or that there is something in your life that you would like to change. Second, you will need to confront the
problem. You will need to do so with great intensity, so that you may find a solution. Once you have gone through the third stage to find your solution,
you will then start to integrate that solution into your life. Transformational learning is something that everyone will go through at some point... Show
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I realized about four months ago, when I didn't get a promotion, that it could be because I did not yet have a degree. I started thinking about my
problem every day, to the point I was losing sleep over it. I already had a solution; I needed to go to school. Having a solution only created more
problems for me. I wanted to go to school, but you have to have the money to pay for your tuition in order to actually go to school. I started looking
into financial aid, student loans, grant, scholarships, and programs offered to military members and their spouses. Once I found the money, and a
school that I wanted to attend, I began integrating my plan into my life. Choosing to go back to school has been an extremely stressful process.
Although stressful, things seem to be falling into place quite nicely.
Research conducted by Jack Mezirow (1991) has shown that there are seven phases that typically occur in the challenges of transformational learning.
The seven phases are "experiencing a disorienting dilemma, self–examination, critical assessment of assumptions, recognizing that others have gone
through a similar process, exploring process, formulating a plan of action, and reintegration" (R–Model, 2010, p.116). Formulating a plan of action is a
phase I think I pretty much have under wraps. I know exactly what I have to do in order to succeed, and have put my plan into action. I also realize
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My Most Memorable Experience
When we could get everyone rounded up and on the same schedule, my parents, brothers and I would pack up and go on our one "big" vacation of
the summer. When I was8 one, we went to Mount Rushmore and witnessed the fireworks display. At the age of two, we were at the "grandaddy"
of them all, Cheyenne Frontier Days. In 2003, I was three, we went spelunking in caves to explore Ruby Fall, Tennesse. I remember nothing about
these vacations, except what I was told years later about them. However, when I was the ripe young age of four, my family went on vacation to
Upper Peninsula Michigan. That vacation is, to this day, my favorite one we ever took. This is probably due to it being the very first vacation that
I can actually remember. Over the years we have traveled to many different places, but the vacation to Michigan is by far my most memorable
experience. The events that occurred on this trip instilled a sense of adventure and curiosity into me. When we traveled, we did not fly, go by
train, or stay in a fancy hotel. Nope, not my family. We drove everywhere, even all the way up to Michigan. We were in a truck that seated exactly
six people, not necessarily a comfortable experience. In addition to all of that, we stayed in our camper for the whole vacation, practically living on
top of each other. Good thing that we really love each other, huh? The trip was during the first week of July, so on the Fourth of July my parents
decided that we would go to the Soo Locks in Sault
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My Most Memorable Experience In Life-College Essay: Home...
Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › EducationMost Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home
› Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most
memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150 My Most Memorable Experience The beaten up
old Pontiac sputtered violently as we rolled leisurely out of our driveway. With my mom in the passenger seat ...Most Memorable Experience in Life–
College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of
things that tends to be our most... Show more content on ...
Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home ›
Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most
memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay
– › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to
be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life –
College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of
things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable
Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday
there are a lot of things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150 My
Most Memorable Experience The beaten up old Pontiac sputtered violently as we rolled leisurely out of our driveway. With my mom in the passenger
seat ...vMost Memorable Experience in Life
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John Locke 's Theory On Modern Science
John Locke's theories on how knowledge is gained through the senses and how there are different kinds of experiences and ideas adds to, and
justifies, the movement of modern science. Modern science is all about observing the natural world in order to understand and gain knowledge about
what is going around us. I agree that humans do gain knowledge and form different kinds of ideas through our senses and different experiences.
The reoccurring theme with John Locke's theory on modern science is the idea of the senses and how knowledge is made through sense data.
Empiricism is the notion that all knowledge comes from sense experience. We, as conscious individuals, do not know anything until we experience it
with our own senses, which then our senses shape our mind on how we view and understand a certain object as well as his concept of simple and
complex ideas Lock, and many other empiricists, believes in Tabula rasa, which states there are no such thing as innate ideas, and that we are all
blank slates. We are only able to fill this blank slate through experiences with our senses. Without experiencing something, we know have knowledge,
which makes sense. Back in the cave man days, our ancestors did not have science or history books to know that fire keeps you warm when it is cold
outside. They had to pretty much figure it out on their own. They had to discover first how to make fire, then feel that the fire was hot, then figure out
that that the fire could keep them warm in
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Memorable Experience Essay
Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being
the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my
drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me
and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just
knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire to be ... Show
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Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and
hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat
every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved
driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a
broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered
forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of
driving has dulled significantly since I receive many traffic tickets and went through a period of license suspension. But, still, that day remains the
best day of my life. The day I received my drivers' license will never be forgotten for as long as I
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Bad Blood By Lorna Sage
The conflicts that arise during our childhood are especially important for personality development. Although most of these experiences have an
irreversible effect on us, we still tend to forget these precious memories, as they are simply too embarrassing and painful to remember. In the extract
from "Bad blood" by Lorna Sage, the author shows how the incident on the school playground has impacted her as an adult and her own personality.
Lorna Sage highlights the hardships and challenges of childhood and their importance in future life. The author has displayed this theme throughout the
text by using interesting characters, a unique setting, figurative language and an occasional tone.
In the text, the narrator introduces two characters: Herself ... Show more content on ...
The author has described the happenings in great detail and has created a vivid picture in the readerВґs mind. Gail was described very precisely by the
author, noting down almost every single detail she had: "Gail had hair in ringlets, green–hazel eyes and pale, clear, slightly olive skin stretched tight
and shiny over her muscle, and she was nearly a year older than I was." The reader can form a vivid picture of GailВґs appearance and senses how
different Gail is from the narrator and the rest of the girls. Metaphors were used when describing the relationship between Gail and the narrator:
"She'd have won our war in any case ......" This show how violence and bullying in school are seen as wars in the eyes of children. This is how serious
than what the adults think it would be, who have most likely forgotten their own experiences with these issues while they were children. These were
the feeling of the narrator after the situation: "...... so that she made me feel like an unstrung puppet." Gail had a huge influence on the narrator and
made her feel that she was worthless. This again shows that people with greater power an easily bully a person who is weaker than she
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Memorable Experience
The Memorable Experience
When I was teenage life ,my special someone say I have my entire life ahead of me, with all of its best experiences I had. But despite being a
teenager, I already have a personal breath taking experience, for hike and the mountain which I am sure I will carry with me until my last days my first
hike to the mountains
traveling is not a big deal for me today, before my trip to the mountains, I used to be a homebody. I had special someone to hang out with, several
hobbies, and I feel completely comfortable spending weeks or even months in my hometown sometimes even on my block without going anywhere.
All my demands of novelty were satisfied by the Discovery the wild life and the mountain, and I seriously thought ... Show more content on ...
The same fog was covering the surroundings, and even though I was teeming with positive emotions, I feel disappointed, because I counted on
seeing the view from above and perhaps being able to take some photos. We spent a couple of hours on the top, and decided to turn back, when the
wind suddenly dispersed the clouds, and the plateau we were standing on became illuminated with the sun. I saw a fantastic skies and clouds in
front of me, and for some moments I couldn't believe my eyes. Seeing all those mountain ridges, cliffs, and edges on my own eyes, not on
TELEVESION, INTERNET was like a revelation for me. The strong wind blew right into my face, and I just stood there and watched shreds of
fog gliding over the ground far beneath me. At that moments, that I can realized that I won't be able to lives a life without visiting and seeing the
beautiful mountains at least One a year or twice a year and I told Joana, to stay for few hours and watched the sunset before waiting the sunset
When I saw Joana how excited and I suggested where going have a picnic and I get the foods and drinks When we finished eating ,before we leave can
't be walk around and I said to Joana how great of a time I had with him after
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Examples Of A Memorable Experience Essay
Memorable Moments
First, my memorable and valuable experience in college has allowed me the chance to be able to sharpen my study skills in my chosen field.
There have been opportunities for me to learn and improve my skills through my time in college, which I am very thankful and happy about. For
example, at my school, in the Writing Center, I have learned some writing tips that I didn't even know existed, and had this not been a part of my
experience I would still be unaware. Because of this, despite what I was thinking, I still had quite a bit to learn; but this has given me the chance to
improve my craft more through attending school, as well as give me a lot more confidence in the area that I plan to study towards. And as a result,
some day I will have a rewarding career from this memorable and value experience. ... Show more content on ...
For instance, Learning about religion has been a privilege, and all the parts of the world I was unfamiliar with, religions of Islam and Buddhism, that
beforehand I had no knowledge of. From this experience, I have learned a lot of things about these cultures that were very interesting and how the
religions are followed. Also, learning about all the different practices and ideas of the religions in different parts of the world, such as worshipping
multiple deities, reincarnation, and meditation, has been memorable to me because of its value, and all the misconceptions that are cleared up now
that I once had, which has enabled me to understand the topic better and be less ignorant. It has also helped me understand traditions and beliefs of
others more clear, no matter where in the world of their origin. This has made my time as a student a lot more memorable, worthwhile, and
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My Most Memorable Experience
I have dyslexia. Sometimes it's hard to read or spell out loud. Reading is something that is at times difficult to understand, because of
misinterpretations, yet I love to become immersed in a well–written novel. Having that said I have had several experiences where reading has helped
me to become a better writer. When writing I tend to lack an ability to keep my writer interested. The more I have read, the more I have found new
ways to keep my readers entwined to what I want to say when using tone or writing style. By reading many books I have found new ways to make my
writing exceptional. My most memorable experience started my first day of my Junior–Senior year. I walked into class with my small group of friends
and the teacher that ... Show more content on ...
The one aide that I would use to understand the reading was prohibited in my English class. I felt miserable because I could finish the book, but if you
asked me to explain what I read I would just get confused and frustrated.
I had to pull my teacher to the side. I wanted to understand the books so I needed to listen to my music. I explained to her my dyslexia and how I
coped with it so that I could understand the books that we read in class, she understood my struggles and helped me by letting me discretely listen to
music without any of my other classmates catching me doing it. With the music, I could read books and not have difficulty understanding the words.
I became one of the fastest readers in her class, I bulldozed through the books that I had written down on my someday list. I came to a point where I
didn't have any more books that I was interested in reading until my teacher started to give me suggestions on books that I should read. She had found
that in one of the essays I wrote, I would use the influences from the books I read to catch my reader's attention, I would make my writing more
interesting by using different writing techniques that I learned from reading these books.
I began to read these books that Ms. Rasheed recommended for me and I found that the various genres and writing styles that were included in these
books were appealing to a reader as
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Essay On The Road Taken And Not Taken
The Road Taken and Not Taken Response I had to choose between playing a full–time summer sport or going on family vacations in the summer.
Sports enriched my life in many ways such as creating more memories with my friends, allowing my pitching to improve, and gaining valuable team
experience. Family vacations also could have changed my life as it allows for more family time, memories, and adventures. In the end, I chose to
play a summer sport because it increased my games per year, practices per year, and a significant increase in game experience. I am happy with my
decision because it gave me lifelong experiences.
I chose to play a full–time summer sport instead of going on family vacations in the summer. I played on the Glen Ellyn ... Show more content on ...
By working with girls with varying levels of athleticism and knowledge, I was taught how to be a team player who builds off everyone's skills. I
also learned how to continue fighting even when you are losing the battle. I learned many lessons from games. I think the most important lesson I
learned is you should never give up. Never giving up is important in sports as you can always come back and win. In light of all my reasons I chose to
play a full–time summer sport, travel softball, instead of going on family vacations.
The road I chose to not take was to go on family vacations in the summer. Had I gone on family vacations I would have experienced more family
time, created more memories, and had the adventures of a lifetime with my family. Being able to experience more family time would allow me to
make more lasting memories with my grandparents. I could have made family memories with my relatives which could last me lifetimes. The family
adventures could have been memorable and possibly sparked a new career interest.
My life could be very different had I made this choice. Possible changes could have been having more family time, more family memories, and more
family adventures. Having more family time could be being able to meet up every Sunday afternoon to eat dinner. Weekends are traditionally
monopolized by tournaments, round robins, and practices. Or family time could be being able to go to the park or the pool with your cousins and your
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Carl Rogers And The Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay
The field of psychology has evolved considerably in the last century and Carl Rogers (1902–1987) has been one of the most influential figures
contributing to its growth. Rogers is considered by many to be the leader of the humanistic psychology movement. He spent the majority of his
professional career demonstrating "how supportive, growth–producing conditions can unleash healing, responsible self–direction, and creativity in
individuals and groups in all walks of life" (Kirschenbaum, 2004, p.121). Today, more than half a century after publishing his theories, Rogers'
conditions for effective therapy have continued to serve as a foundation for mental health professionals around the world, regardless of their theoretical
Rogers' Early Years
Rogers grew up in the Midwest with his parents, four brothers, and sister. His parents were extremely conservative Protestants. They led family
prayers on a daily basis and made every attempt to protect their children from the corrupt influences in society (Kirschenbaum, 2004). Rogers was a
sensitive child and was easily hurt by his family's teasing; however, expressing feelings was not encouraged in the Rogers' household (Kirschenbaum,
2004). These early experiences Rogers experienced with his family may be the most influential aspects of his childhood that contributed to the
development of his theories and the importance of understanding the subjective inner experience of the client.
Rogers' Education
When he was a
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My Most Memorable Experience
HAWAII: This trip meant the world to me, even though I was two when it happened. This trip was to Hawaii. Now the actual trip on the airplane
was about a 7 hour flight, and according to my mom I was pretty well behaved , being two. Everyday I could remember walking across the beach
with my family and my cousins. Especially, my mom. She taught me to be respectful to everyone, in spite of their faults. This is because I have my
faults too. Also, the amazing day on that trip when we went snorkeling with my uncle John, this was a memorable experience. I can just remember
feeling the cold ocean blue water on my skin. I can also vividly remember the large turtles you could see just gliding through the water. But the most
memorable experience I... Show more content on ...
I still remember how I couldn't stop smiling all the way home. I realized what i wanted to do for the rest of my life, and how important it was to do
what you want in life. KITA: This day will always stay in my heart, just because it marks a day when a hole was created. It was the month of
January 2017. Mt dog Kita had been with us for 10 years, that January 4. But only a couple days later, she started to get very sick. She would throw
up after anything she ate, and she could barely walk as she grew to become very weak. It was hard taking her to the vet that morning, because it
was the day I had to come to school. Sitting there watching her on the floor breathing very fast made my heart break a little bit more every second.
It was terrible having to watch her suffer like that. We had to leave her for the day so the vets could run tests. But that night when we came back,
she didn't look like the beautiful, happy, caring dog that we had at home. She was suffering and we knew it. When the vet came back in we had to
make a decision, and that decision was to put her down. I couldn't watch her go that easily, but I knew soon that she would be in a better place. When
they stuck the syringe in her, a part of me felt lost. She had been with me my whole life. I saw her lay there on the floor, I sat right next to her.
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The Mind : Paper Two
Phi of Mind: Paper Two
I. Introduction In this paper, four important features of qualia will be made explicit. From these, we will examine two specific features of qualia
(privacy and immediate apprehensibility) which Dennett attempts to debunk in his article, Quining Qualia. His reasoning – in the form of intuition
pumps – will be critiqued, and a rejection formulated.
II. Qualities of Qualia Qualia are traditionally held to possess four characteristics that make them unique. They are ineffable, intrinsic, private, and
immediately apprehensible within consciousness. Listing these attributes is all well and good, but what are they? Ineffability refers to the
incommunicability of qualia. Attempting to use language to capture qualia seems to miss part of the experience, or to reduce and simplify the experience
until it can be made to conform to what language can communicate. Qualia seems so content–rich that moving it into public understanding necessarily
entails its simplification. Consider the jalapeГ±o and habanero peppers. If I were to eat both, I would experience two separate qualia – one for the
jalapeno and one for the habanero. In language, I could describe both as 'spicy'. More practically, I could describe the jalapeno as 'very spicy' and the
habanero as 'mutilatingly spicy '. I could be as creative or precise as possible to try to relay the qualia of the peppers, and I could certainly give a
listener an image of some sort of quale one might have. Still, there
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Post Modernism And Its Influence On Society
Post–modernism came about in the late–20th century following modernism, which was a period where people had a new found freedom to follow
their own path in life, whether it was religion, science, philosophy, art, or really anything they put their mind to as opposed to strictly traditional
beliefs. Writers could express their emotions more easily without really feeling a backlash from what everyone else thought. Two female writers who
were able to freely express themselves in their writing during post–modernism were Linda Pastan and Sharon Olds. Linda
Pastan talked more about her life in general like every day anxieties, her marriage, parenting, and even grief. However, Sharon Olds was a little more
controversial in her writing since she often talked about sexuality and violence. Their writing styles were similar in the aspect that they both enjoyed
writing based on their own lives, but still very different on how they talked about certain subject matter. Even with different approaches, these two
authors were still both very influential on others who wanted to share the same dream. Both authors have had similar educational backgrounds and
writing recognition. Pastan
Was raised in New York City and attended Radcliffe College. After her graduation, she decided to focus her life on her family and did not return to
writing until 10 years later when she was encouraged by her husband to do so. She received awards such as Mademoiselle poetry prize, the Dylan
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My Most Memorable Literary Experience
My most memorable literary experience isn't really one singular event, rather the reigniting of interest in sitting still and reading a book. Growing up,
in elementary and middle school, I loved to read. I don't know if being an only child and an introvert fed that interest or birthed it, but it was deeply
rooted. Despite that, starting my senior year in high school and following into my early 20s that interest waned. Or rather was upstaged by other
blossoming interests in my boyfriend, working full time, making big girl money and the independence that brought. And soon enough bars too. You
can't read a book in a bar.
Starting in the seventh grade I read the whole Scarpetta series by crime novelist Patricia Cornwell. Kay Scarpetta was a forensic medical examiner
whose boyfriend was a FBI profiler and regularly became involved in serial murder cases. I ate that up. Maybe a bit creepy for a twelve year old to
carry around books called The Body Farm, Postmortem, Cruel & Unusual, etc., but I wouldn't put them down. Which thinking about it now, is strange
because I was a scaredy cat as a kid. I never watched horror movies. But I could read about them. The thing that really grabbed me was the medical
aspect, the descriptions of anatomy and what happened to the human body when it encountered a depraved individual. Also, the detailed accounts of
how to perform an autopsy. That's when the seed of a healthcare career was planted. I remember telling one of my teachers I wanted to be
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My Memorable Experience
I love learning in school. But sadly, I ended up having a rough time at the end of my senior year. I moved to Oklahoma from Illinois before I finished
the last year of high school, and after I move it was hard to get adjusted to a new school. I hope you enjoy my essay!
Let's start off with the pleasant experience I had in my past education, health careers. I was really good in this class. Health careers was a class that
taught me about diseases, CPR, and much more. We had many projects and activities. One of the projects I remember I did and felt so proud of. It
was the kidney I sculpted. My teacher gave me an A+ for putting a lot of effort into it. My teacher loved it to the part she asked me if she can keep
it as a reference for future students. It made me really happy and of course, I said yes, what an honor for me that she is going to use my work as a
good example for future students.
My unpleasant experience was a history class. I'm not really a history person, but I worked so hard to pass the class. I had a lot of problems going
in front of my class and presenting the projects the teachers assigned to us during class. I am really a shy person, and when I am in front of many
people I get really stressed out and I start to mess up on words and talk differently. But thanks to my husband he was able to help me raise my
confidence and break this habit, now I can to hold a conversation with people without stressing out. I ended up passing the class with a C, I worked so
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Who Is The Best Product Or Service?
Welcome to the Experience Economy With so many companies nowadays, it is hard to chose which one has the best product or service. All of them
sell products, but only a few sell experiences. What is an experience? According to a study made by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore
[Welcome to the Experience Economy], an experience occurs when a company intentionally uses services as the stage, and goods as props, to
engage individual customers in a way that creates a memorable event. "Commodities are fungible, goods tangible, services intangible, and
experiences memorable." Moreover, two people cannot have the same experience because each experience derives from the interaction between the
stages event and the individual's state of mind. Experiences were usually associated with the entertainment business, such as Disney World. However,
today, the concept of selling experiences is spreading beyond theaters and theme parks; companies stage an experience whenever they engage
customers in a personal, memorable way. The study also indicates that some companies such as Disney and Universal do charge guests an admission
fee for their experiences. Nevertheless, some do not; if they did charge an admission fee, they would be forced to stage a much better experience to
attract paying guests. Pine and Gilmore believe that experiences have two dimensions. The first is the customer participation, which can be passive or
active. Passive participation is when the customer does not
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1.1 – Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice.
As a professional, I have a responsibility to engage in continuous professional development. This means taking action to keep my skills and
knowledge up to date and seeking to improve your capabilities across the range of tasks I carry out daily.
Continually improving my knowledge is essential to my role and ensures that I have the skills and knowledge needed to create the best provision for
children. I need to be aware of the most up to date legislations and guidelines, including the EYFS and the welfare requirements.
As a member of management it is even more vital that I am aware and up to date with the ... Show more content on ...
1.2 – Analyse potential barriers to professional development.
There are a number of barriers to professional development within my role and a number of things which you need to think about when booking
/planning training for your staff. I have outlined the potential barriers which I am likely to face within my role: * Lack of funding to access training
* Lack of staff to cover training * Courses being cancelled by organisation * No time * No support/encouragement from your manager * General lack
of appropriate training which you require * No one to acknowledge your training needs through supervisions and appraisals * No–confidence or drive
to strive for better * Transport (do not drive, no bus routes etc) * Lack of childcare (or unable to afford) while attending courses * Not being able to
identify your own training needs (thinks they already know everything)
All the above are barriers which I am sure every childcare setting encounters when booking/planning training for staff. Not all of these are easily tackled
however with a little extra thought and support from management you can find solutions or options to suit your setting or staff
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The Best Advice That I Ever Received From A Mentor Of Mine...
The best advice that I ever received from a mentor of mine was that instead of trying to be the best at something you should instead focus on being a
well–rounded person. That is the way that I have tried to live my life and it has led me to great success thus far. This is the primary reason why I
support students taking classes outside of their major. It leads to much more well–rounded adults who are knowledgeable in many different subject
areas. Even though it may not be that enjoyable, taking classes outside of your major introduces you to a wide range of knowledge. Socially it helps you
interact with a wide range of people in all kinds of different social settings. You are able to speak intelligently to many different people about a
plethora of different subjects. Additionally, it is important to consider that a majority of people choose a major based on what they are good at
and are interested in. For many people math classes are very challenging. If we left those people to their own devices they would probably never
take a math class again. Now math is obviously a very important skill regardless of your future career choice and it's a class that everyone should
take. Even if it may not be that enjoyable. The same goes for all subject matters. For me personally its history. I am not a big fan of history classes.
However I am glad to have taken all of the ones that I have. They have taught me lots of important things about the world that I live in. These classes
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The Most Premorable Experience Of Camping At Avesta Pampanda
"Cold air. Dark night. Bright stars." It's only once in a lifetime, and I know that you will never regret this. Camping is one of the memorable event
I've ever been. Last January 2016, the most awaited experience of a Grade 10 student happened in Avesta Pampanga. Each one of us was really
excited and you could see their biggest smiles on their faces. When we arrived in the place, everyone looked for their own designated spot to build
the tent. On our group, we located it near the playground. Whenever we have free time, my friends and I spent some time and enjoyed each other
company in this place. We were like kids who used to feel so much fun to play in the swing and seesaw. After that, we prepared ourselves in the first
activity, which was to harvest rice crops in the field. Around two in the afternoon, we started to walk and straightly went to the farm field without
wearing our slippers. Initially, everyone felt uncomfortable because of the heat from the sun. There was a man who guided and taught us the proper
handling in the tool, which we used through for harvesting the rice grain. It was a great experience, I realized that the farmers really sacrifice
themselves just to provide rice that is very important in our daily meal, and I really learned that I should not waste food ... Show more content on ...
We also started sharing our moments, fun and sad experiences and our dreams in the future. It's one of the best feeling ever, opening up your kept
thoughts in your mind. After that, we proceeded in the tent to rest. However, before we sleep, we chatted for any random topic. We were shivering in
the cold breeze that night and I suggested them not to turn off the flashlight, because I can't sleep without any light. Then, the next day we rise up at 5
in the morning and prepared our things for our leaving in the
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Fatigue Is Experienced And Perceived By Women Living With Fm
Summary Although all five of the articles that were reviewed are focused on how fatigue is experienced and perceived by women living with FM,
each of them had their own approach. Soderberg, Lundman and Norberg (2002) states in the third article that experiencing fatigue often disrupts ones
involvement in the world, Sallinen, Kukkurainen, Peltokallio and Mikkelsson (2010) also stated in their study that the women had reported the
presence of negative effects on their relationship with their husbands. The fourth study also had a similar view of the phenomenon known as fatigue;
Parrish, Zautra and Davis (2008) described fatigue as a feeling that has a negative impact on the daily functioning of the women. Each study focused on
a different... Show more content on ...
They both looked at how the women felt when they first started to really experience fatigue and what roll it played in their lives in terms of how they
kept going despite always feeling fatigue. Parrish, Zautra and Davis (2008) also had a similar interest, this study looked at how the women were
experiencing fatigue on a day to day basis. They were able to view the impact that the daily lives of each women affected them the the next day, and
what they had learn to do in order to minimize the negative effects associated with fatigue. When examining how the women deal with experiencing
fatigue, all of the studies found that the women found fatigue as a burden that you just had to learn to adapt to. Lofgren, Ekholm and Ohman (2006)
stated that in order to deal with the symptoms, the women had to accept the loss and grief in what ever way they saw possible. Lofgren, Ekholm
and Ohman (2006) noticed that the women all shared feelings of anger, guilt and frustration, which according to Jeffers (2001) are all part of grief.
Similar to the beliefs of Sallinen, Kukkurainen, Peltokallio and Mikkelsson (2012), the authors of the fourth study also believed that the women had
to learn how to effectively live with FM; they had a positive approach at finding coping mechanisms ( Parrish, Zautra and Davis, 2008). In regards to
participants, an obvious similarity is the fact that the studies were all done
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American Childhood Analysis
The stories "An American Childhood", by Anne Dillard and "Once more to the lake" by E.B. White illustrates the author's childhood memories with
description and imagery theme but have different personal experiences and issues. "An American Childhood", by Anne Dillard was about her old
neighborhood. Dillard depicts her childhood from the age of five through high school, in 1950's America. According to Dillard, to find the source of
happiness, one must resist the world to try to seal that character out and in "Once more to the lake" by E.B. White also reflects his childhood memories
with his parents and later with his son and express those certain elements of life, such as the enjoyment of the youth, continue forever for a different
generation. The main idea of the Dillard's essay is maintaining cheerfulness and joy even in adulthood, by narrating her childhood as a template for
developing and maintaining happiness and White includes descriptions and imagery theme from his past and present. This reflection allows the reader
to imagine the memories of a son and a father enjoying the America dream, a vacation. While both "An American Childhood" byAnnie Dillard and
"Once more to the Lake" by E.B. White are descriptions and imagery sprung from the same childhood memories, they have explored the experience of
a child from a different perspective.
In Both essays, Dillard's "An American Childhood and White's "One more to the Lake" the authors are using descriptive and imagery pattern to
share their Childhood memories, which gives the readers the sense of freedom and joy. "An American Childhood" was about Dillard's old
neighborhood. She used a narrative tone in her story that described her childhood memories. As Dillard said: "Boys welcomed me at baseball, too,
for I had through enthusiastic practice, what was weirdly known as a boy's arm" (pp. 141). Dillard uses a lot of description in her story. She creates a
clear image for the readers with her descriptions throughout. As Dillard indicated: "We smashed through a gap in another hedge, entered a scruffy
backyard and ran around its back porch and tight between houses to Edgerton Avenue......" (pp. 143). E.B. White's essay "Once More to the Lake" also
illustrates his
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Unit: Learning and Professional Development
Unit 2
1.1 explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice
Reflective practice is inoperative in order to ensure that high standards are kept continuously as circumstances children and environments change In
order to reflect one must continuously be aware of approaches used and how they can be changed or developed to improve Continually improving
and adapting approaches benefits both children and practitioners ensuring that each individual child needs are catered for Reflective practice involves
evolving in a child centred approach The child carer benefits as his/her skills grow and develop ,enabling the highest standards of care and provision It
also promotes a better level of understanding and ... Show more content on ...
Reflecting on my own practice is important because it allows us to assess what I am doing well and identify areas where I might like need more
training or guidance This will help to ensure that performing to the best meeting all necessary standards and expectations within our nursery's policies
and procedures It helps individuals to think about what they are doing and to always be aware of how they work with the children, families and team
By Reflecting on our practice we can enhance and improve our confidence and self esteem because you can look at what you are doing well, the
things we have learnt and achieved. This can make us feel good about ourselves, this can then give us the confidence to continue working well and to
aim to try new things and to use what new skills or knowledge we have gained within our practice.
In order to reflect on our practice we must be able to look at why and how we do things and to consider if a different approach may be beneficial. In
order to be able to effectively reflect on our practice we must be able to be open– minded and question our own practice. If we can do this then it will
help us to improve our own knowledge and skills. In order to develop these skills we should be able to: * Listen openly to the ideas of others * Reflect
on your own work and the work of you team members * Consider ways to improve your practice and implement them.
As a manager I encourage all the staff to take part
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I Had Never Spent Much Time Evaluating My Values System...
I had never spent much time evaluating my values system before taking on this assignment. I believed that I was wired to think the way I do, and
that nothing in particular had to be the cause for my feelings on certain things. By writing this paper and learning about values, I was able to take a
hard look at myself and figure out what my personal values stem from. My values relating to the key issues of women's reproduction, poverty
/money, health care in America, and minority groups have blossomed out of personal experiences and experiences I have heard about from those
close to me. I also found several themes that underlie why I have the values that I do, and why I think about these topics in the way that I do.
Women's reproduction is the most important of the topics to me, because when it comes to women's reproduction I look at the subject from two
points of view. The first point of view I see is the main reason the topic is discussed, which is the sexual/reproductive side. The other point I see is my
own personal experience, which has nothing to do with reproduction but concerns health. My core values relative to this area are dignity and worth of a
person and social justice. I chose these two because I think every woman should be able to access forms of birth control and abortion without being
criticized. Not being able to do that, in my view, is discrimination. I think the woman who is choosing these actions is of enough worth to be able to
make the right decision for
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Importance Of Choosing A Safari Wedding
Things to Consider When Choosing a Safari Wedding
Adventure weddings are becoming popular in Africa as couples look for a place to hold their wedding other than in sandy beaches. Many people
prefer safari weddings where they are surrounded by wildlife that wanders freely on the open plains within the picturesque Bush of Safari African with
their family and friends.
There are many African resorts and hotels that provide wedding services for international visitors. They also have a variety of packages for you to
choose from. These resorts can also help you through some of the legal marriage requirements in Africa.
A safari wedding should be a time for excitement, happiness, and romance but not a time for frustration and stress. Given that most wedding planning
and preparations turn into one tragedy after the other but, this should not be the case with safari wedding. All you need to do is to get your priorities
in order, and the whole lot will just fall into place.
Safari weddings are impeccable for couples who mainly affectionate of the outdoors and appreciates nature. Here are some of the factors to consider
when choosing a great safari wedding.
1.The number of guests to hold
The guests count is a main deciding factor, when it comes to a safari wedding. Most of the exclusive and luxurious venues for safari weddings host
between 2–15 guests, while most commercial venues for safari weddings can accommodate up to 100 guests.
If the majority of your guests comes
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My Most Memorable Experience
My most memorable moment where we were playing a review game were you have to shoot a basket to score points, and Liam went to shoot a
basket and you smacked it right out of his hands then proceed to dab. This memory I feel like perfectly describes your personality you can be so
funny and so lighthearted but still teach which is great. When the school year began I was excited and not at all nervous. But, in the beginning of
the year knowing it was my last year of middle school I was actually sad after four years (I went to a different school) it was all coming to an end. I
was mostly really pumped because last year at the pep rally seeing you dance made me say "I want Mr. Jones as my teacher next year" , so much so,
you could ask any one of my friends and they would tell you how I would say that all the time last year. 8th grade World History was a fun experience
because of the activities and games we did throughout the year. Also, the people in our class and of course, having you as a teacher.
We learned multiple different unit's this year and it is hard to pick a favorite, my favorite unit however this year was Life in Medieval Towns. I
enjoyed this unit because, I thought it was extremely interesting learning about the way people used to live during a time period long ago. The unit
especially caught my attention because, learning about what people did for work or what their houses looked like really intrigued me. Another reason I
enjoyed this unit was, that you seemed so
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My Friend Uploaded A Post On Facebook And It Got Me...
Recently my friend uploaded a post on Facebook and it got me contemplating. The question was posed by a man named Alan Watts and he asked,
"What would you like to do if money were no object?" This inquiry seems to be wandering the internet a bit because this was roughly the third time
that I have regarded it, so I took it as a sign and I paused to direct this question to myself. Of course, there is a multitude of things that I yearn to do.
If money wasn't the issue like many of us make it out to be, of course, there would be ample to do. I discern that this question is posed more for
what type of work would you do but I was thinking about stuff that I would love to do regardless. The most predominate desire for me is to travel. I
love to write and that will always be a constant thing, but I think it would be great to do both.
I recognize that many people would have a similar response, yet my strong desire to travel made me consider deeply as to why I had such a tenacious
want for it. I believe one of the reasons why that deep down, we still hold on to the ancient survival instinct of migration, which can never really be
satisfied. I believe that this could also hold true for me. As I think more about it, I find that it was not really the destinations that I want to go to but the
means of the journey that I wish to experience. My husband is the one who made me conscious of this. He likes to travel and see places as well, but
just didn't understand the concept of people
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Sex Is One Of The Most Memorable Experiences Essay
Sex is one of the most memorable experiences for some guys but for many it is a terrifying experience. The reason is the lack of knowledge. Better
knowledge of sex will make your lovemaking better. You need to dispel certain myths and unreasoned, baseless and unfounded notions about
certain sex matters. This article will discuss some important things you need to know before having sex for the fist time to make it your life 's most
exciting experience. The length of a penis This is the most discussed issue of male sexuality. Some men think that by having a lengthy male organ
they can get more pleasure during coition and that their partner would also get sexually worked up or excited. Men also nurture an idea that their
spouse prefers the persons who have long and hard erection. But, certain women also are afraid that by pushing the lengthy male organ in their
vaginas, their male partners will rip their vaginas apart. Speaking factually, the length of the erection must not cause any inferiority complex or any
fear in the minds of either sex. It is not the length that matters, but what is important is as to how long and how best a man can satisfy his spouse. The
short length of the male organ should be no cause for any concern for any male. Most of the time, men who have long penis do ejaculate earlier and
thus fail to satisfy their sexuality aroused women. One the contrary, some men even with not lengthy male organ, are not found inferior in sexually
satisfying their
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My Life Lesson Trough A Teacher 's Eyes
The Life Lesson Trough a Teacher's Eyes, is a book written by Dr. Jillian Laderhouse. This book is like a journal where Dr. Laterhouse tells personal
experiences that have shaped her life. The book commences off with a strongly affirmation where Dr. Latehouse states that be a teacher is her life's
calling. In the introduction of the book Laterhouse establish her foundation as a teacher, she mentioned many experiences that shape her as a teacher
and recall the fact that she lived in a teacher profession family. She mentioned stories about her childhood, stories that have shaped her life into the
teacher profession; she stated "I grew in a teacher's home". As I read the book I noticed that I have not had the same opportunity as Laterhouse to
live in a teacher's home. However, as I continue reading the book I saw that the lessons learned by the author can help me even though I did not grow
in a teacher's home. It is evident in the book the spiritual life and God centered life.
Laterhouse dived her book in seven lesson learned. Every lesson brings me to reflect about God, about myself and about others. I consider that every
lesson mentioned is important I will recall those points that I consider important to my life. The first lesson learned was from parenting. As Laterhouse
mentioned "as believers we have guidance available to us through prayer and Scripture, but became believers does not automatically equip us with the
insights and techniques to be a parent." I have
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Effectiveness Of A Volunteer Team Group Structure
Our intervention occurred at the group level, where we also needed to consider the inputs, design components and outputs in order to do group level
diagnosis. Here we looked at goal clarity, task structure, functioning of the group, composition, and performance norms. Ward's volunteer team group
structure deviated widely from most for–profit companies: the design components are all loosely defined. Because Ward teams depend on volunteers it
is more challenging to hold teams to any kind of performance measures. We also looked at the individual level design components: tasks identity,
significance, autonomy, variety, and feedback. Here, too, it is difficult to hold members to performance standards. Although we concluded that the
group level performance gap was largely a result of inadequate communication, individual outputs were also not as desired. Volunteers varied in
performance; however, you couldn't fire them. There were no repercussions for absenteeism. They lacked KSA's and often motivation to do a good job.
Showing up was the highest expectation.
Understanding all of the organizational, group and individual inputs, design components and outputs is critical to determine effectiveness. In most
companies with HR, the OD professional would likely need to work with HR to gain this knowledge. HR is a source of data and has experience
working with line managers and staff, or at least offers a different perspective. Here is one area where the push–pull between the OD
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The Role Of Occupational Roles Determine Correct Behavior...
Attaining Expertise
One of the most beneficial solutions to life problems solving is new experiences and skills. There are rules that people are expected to follow. Rules
are the conventions of everyday life that make our interactions with other people predictable and orderly. Some rules matter of the law. Occupational
roles determine correct behavior for a manager and an employee, a professor and student. Attaining expertise come with experience and training.
Change is relatively easy it is an entrenched habit of thinking or behavior takes considerable time and effort. One has to change themselves, but also
their relationships with others who may be rewarding the or old ways if they want the problems to be solve. Learning new skills improves one 's
working memory, better verbal intelligence and above all increases dialectal skills. In the end, the more expert you become, the less work the brain has
to do. Over time, acquired skills become automatic, and one does not have to think about what they are doing. The fact that our behavior is to a large
extent predetermined by our connection with other people should not induce us to lose sight of the most private and unique facets of our
personalities. It is, of course easy for us to slip into the idea that our meanings are obviously better that those developed by other cultures. Because
they are so thoroughly a part of ourselves, they seem right and proper just as some of the behavior that seems peculiar,
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The Crisis Center For South Suburbia Essay
This past week at the Crisis Center for South Suburbia was not as eventful as the past two weeks. The clients that were causing frequent verbal
altercations have either exited on their own, exited involuntarily, or been given a written warning in which they are following the conditions of. I
now have only one client on my caseload, since the other had voluntarily exited herself and her son. On Monday, 10/31/16, I was able to help the
children in shelter celebrate Halloween. We set up trick or treating spots throughout the shelter and I also was able to handout treat bags that were
donated to the shelter. The kids seemed to have some fun with the little celebration we were able to give to them. Also on that day, I worked my first
evening shift. The evening definitely has a lot more activity since most clients are back from work or other commitments during the day. During this
time, it was just myself and D working. In the midst of all the activity, we had a medical emergency that I was able to respond to. Tiffany* had been
discharged from hospital with the understanding that she had a mild heart attack and would need to have a stent put in later. Upon arriving back from
the shelter, something was just not right with her. Myself along with another client, observed her in the kitchen staring at the counter without moving
for around five minutes. When she finally seemed to snap out of whatever was going on, she tried to walk away but was stumbling and almost
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The Most Memorable Writing Experience
Most Memorable Writing Experience: My Reflection on Writing I have been writing since I have been in Middle School. I have realized that by
college it was easier for me to write down my thoughts in order for me to remember what I have said or done. Writing out my thoughts gives me a
sense of recollection, knowledge, and pacification that gets me through my day. I pictured writing to be as simple as jotting down a few sentences, but
as I got farther in school I realized that there is more to it than just writing sentences. English has been my most difficult subject I have ever endured,
but I have somehow been managing to make excellent grades and achieving all requirements. First in the essay, I will discuss my experiences in the
English life that I've taken so far up until college. The second part will list my struggles in creating a thesis, a work cited, and properly citing my
sources used in the papers. My experience with English has changed drastically from middle school to college. Being in middle school I have
really had to do much of a big paper, but as I progressed through college I've realized there much more that has to be added. I had always wondered
why middle school was so easy but as years went on, I realized that advancing to college there's a lot more requirements and importance to writing. In
middle school, I was young and just starting to really realize what an essay was and after high school I really understood what an essay consists of. No
matter how
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My Most Memorable Experience In My Life
My heart was pounding out of my chest as I walked through the frigid, pitch–black forest alone. I could hear was the sound of the night wind blowing
against the trees, crickets chirping in the tall grass all around me, the stream flowing peacefully on my right, and my unsteady breath, which seemed
like the loudest. I walked, step by step, along a path I could barely make out. Am I going off the trail? I questioned myself, and keptwalking through the
silent forest. I was on my first, and only solo–night hike in Yellowstone, Wyoming. This was a night that I will remember forever.
Over the summer, I took a trip to Yellowstone, Wyoming with thirty
–eight other eighth graders and high schoolers. The trip lasted almost two weeks
and was one of the most memorable experiences in my life, but there was one night that impacts me every single day since. On the third night that we
were staying at our campsite, my friends and I were getting ready for bed and hanging out around the bonfire when the camp counselors made an
"Everyone meet at the bonfire at 10:30 and bring nothing with you. No backpacks, phones, flashlights, absolutely nothing. Dress warm because it's
going to be cold tonight!" announced Miss Flower, one of the counselors.
My friends and I looked at each other, confused. What were we going to do? Where are we going? What is going on? There were so many
questions overfilling our minds, that none of the counselors would answer. Time seemed to pass so slowly as we waited for an hour until we were
supposed to meet. No one had any idea what was going on, or what the night was going to hold. When it was finally time, we hurried over to the
bonfire to figure out what was happening. We were shocked when Miss Flower just told us to just follow her and the other counselors down the dirt
road by our tents. She didn't answer any questions, where we going, what we were doing, absolutely nothing.
We followed the counselors down the path, which led us to a one–lane highway. Everyone crossed quickly, even though there were no cars to be seen.
There were no lights anywhere, except the soft illumination from the stars above us. After crossing the highway, we walked in tallgrass for a few
minutes which
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Travelling Should Be A Memorable Experience
Travelling should be a memorable experience; however, the memories you create is entirely up to you? Do you want your family vacation to be
remembered for the wonderful and adventurous expedition you had while hiking in Kungsleden, Sweden or will you remember the hassle you faced
when the airport lost your luggage and you had to spend a large amount of your "fun" money replacing personal clothing and essentials that the airport
won't replace.
If you want to avoid the stress and hassle that is sometimes associated with travelling, get a travel insurance policy from Travelex, one of the leading
providers of travel insurance in North America. Travelex insurance is a part of the Travelex Group and they are underwritten by the TransAmerica
Casualty Insurance Company and by Old Republic Insurance Company, both A rated companies based on the standards of A.M. Best Company for
financial strength and operating performance. Travelex offers a wide variety of benefits which includes their most popular customizable protection,
Travel Select; a family friendly package that covers children under the age of 21 years old at no additional cost.
Travelex Travel Insurance Policies
Travel Basic Travel insurance– offers competitive coverage for those travellers on a budget. It is the ideal plan for domestic or short trips that offers
monetary reimbursements instead of supplier credit vouchers and provides coverage for side excursions and missed cruised connections, along with:
пѓ Trip
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Pros And Cons Of Rotorua Famil
Rotorua Famil My report will consist of my domestic travel experience to Rotorua where two of our Level 3 classes travelled to Rotorua .This will
cover the products and service that our group encountered throughout our three day famil. This will feature my personal recommendations of the pros
and cons of Rotorua ranging from the activities and attractions that I experience on the famil. This will cover the five sectors of tourism ranging from
transportation, accommodation, activities and ancillary services.
Our famil begin with our bus transport from Wellington where students who were wanting to be picked up from Wellington were to meet at the rail
station before 7 am. Along with this students who commuted from other suburbs such as Porirua or Levin were also pick up along the way which
was a sign of relief and more convenient for those students as I was one of the many. Dave our bus driver from Tranzit Coach Lines was our
transport provider throughout our three day famil. I would definitely recommend this transport company as our bus driver always had a friendly
attitude but he also gave us an insight on some of the towns we came across throughout our trip. This definitely made our trip more memorable as he
went the extra mile for me and my fellow students but at the same time gave us a ... Show more content on ...
However when we arrived back I decided to unpack my bags properly I noticed I forgot my bathroom essential at home. Therefore I asked my tutor
if there was any nearby super markets and she suggested the BP as this was within walking distance. This leads us on a night walk to the BP where
we were able to get the essentials that were needed but the same time got some late night snacks for the rest of our night. The facilities and service
provided was well maintained and kept
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Reflection Paper
Our excursion to Japan was full of inspiring and fulfilling experiences for me. The foremost part of our journey, to Tokushima and the Awagami
Factory, was what I was initially so excited for. Between my studies of printmaking, papermaking, and Japanese art history– Awagami was the initial
anticipated zenith of my trip to Japan.
It was an absolute dream come true. Paper has long been a fascination of mine as it's a printmaker's primary medium. Awagami washi paper is
renowned among printmakers and the opportunity to partake in the traditional process from collection, cleaning, preparation, and completion into the
final thin yet strong sheets of washi paper was wonderful. I was so inspired by the facility and the process that I made sure to take detailed notes in the
hope of continuing my own papermaking process back in the United States.
Another occurrence that has altered my own artistic practices and inspired me for future art works– including our final sculptural pieces for this class–
was our trip to Inujima Island and the Inujima Seirensho Art Museum. The second piece we encountered, a piece entitled "Solar Rock" by Yukinori
Yanagi which used pieces of Yukio Mishima's Shoto home, was an influential piece into my own practices. The larger than life, imagined, presence of
this piece was achieved through the "expanded" walls of a theoretical home. The mind fills in the gap left by the lack of walls to create a house upon a
rock. This speaks to author Yukio Mishima's
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My Brothers By F. Scott Fitzgerald
I felt the dread sink like a rock in my stomach. My two brothers, Ryan and Matthew, were on the opposite end of the spectrum. My mother had been
telling us for weeks that we were going up to the farm that my family owned, but I didn't quite believe her until today. My brothers were given dirt
bikes last Christmas while I was given a ATV. Both of them had been counting down the days until they were able to finally ride the dirt bikes and
that day had come. After everything was packed, I crammed myself in the van with my brothers and hoped for this trip to end quickly. After two
long hours of traveling with nothing to look at but the passing trees, we finally arrived at the farm. As we piled out of the car, I looked at the dirt
road we came in on and turned to the house. It was one story and had a red tin roof, surrounded by a large grassy field and then woods beyond that.
Twirling around, I walked into the house and plopped onto the closes bed. As everyone else unpacked, I locked myself in the room like a petulant
child. Eventually my resolve broke and I crept out of the room to see what everyone else was up to. All of the food had been unpacked and the dirt
bikes and ATV had been taken off of the trailer. Helmets were promptly passed out and my brothers slung their legs over the bikes and were gone.
Not about to be left behind, I jumped on my ATV and I was on their trail. The trails were newly cleared in the woods and almost running into the trees
served as a
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The Most Memorable Experience Of The 20Th Century

  • 1. The Most Memorable Experience Of The 20th Century When I asked Dr. William Vorbroker about his most memorable experience in the 20th century, he immediately stated that it was the day president Kennedy was shot. He said that he was a 24 years old undergraduate student in University of Chicago. He and his friends were studying in the library when his roommate came running and told them that the president has been shot. None of them has seen him with such a serious face so they all went to the lounge to listen to the radio. Many of the students were already gathered, avidly listening to the news. After it was announced on the radio that President Kennedy has died they all sat silently dazed and shocked. Later on, Vorbroker remembers calling his girlfriend. He said that they sat down outside... Show more content on ... President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. He held office from January 1961 until his assassination November 1963. He served in United States Naval Reserve in World War II. After his military service he was in the United States House of Representatives by representing Massachusetts's 11th congressional district as a Democrat. He then served in the United States Senate. In the 1960s Presidential Election he defeated the Republican candidate Richard Nixon. He was the youngest president, at the age of forty three, in the United States to have been elected. On April 1961, Kennedy sent one thousand four hundred Cuban exiles to the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. He wanted to start a rebellion that would overthrow the communist leader Fidel Castro. However, the mission did not succeed and most of the exiles were captured or killed (1). In 1962, the Kennedy admiration became aware of the construction of nuclear and long range missile sites in Cuba by the Soviet Union. It was believed that this would pose a threat to the United States, therefore, President Kennedy announced naval blockade of Cuba. After a series of negotiation Khrushchev agreed to stop the construction of nuclear and long range missile in Cuba. The United States, in return, was to remove its missiles from countries close to Soviet Union. President Kennedy was ... Get more on ...
  • 2. My Use of Transformational Learning: Going Back to School... Transformational Learning consist of four stages which are, "recognizing a significant problem; confronting it intensely; finding a solution; and integrating a new prospective" (R–Model, 2010, p.115). When making any major life transition you will probably use transformational learning. You will first recognize that there is a problem or that there is something in your life that you would like to change. Second, you will need to confront the problem. You will need to do so with great intensity, so that you may find a solution. Once you have gone through the third stage to find your solution, you will then start to integrate that solution into your life. Transformational learning is something that everyone will go through at some point... Show more content on ... I realized about four months ago, when I didn't get a promotion, that it could be because I did not yet have a degree. I started thinking about my problem every day, to the point I was losing sleep over it. I already had a solution; I needed to go to school. Having a solution only created more problems for me. I wanted to go to school, but you have to have the money to pay for your tuition in order to actually go to school. I started looking into financial aid, student loans, grant, scholarships, and programs offered to military members and their spouses. Once I found the money, and a school that I wanted to attend, I began integrating my plan into my life. Choosing to go back to school has been an extremely stressful process. Although stressful, things seem to be falling into place quite nicely. Research conducted by Jack Mezirow (1991) has shown that there are seven phases that typically occur in the challenges of transformational learning. The seven phases are "experiencing a disorienting dilemma, self–examination, critical assessment of assumptions, recognizing that others have gone through a similar process, exploring process, formulating a plan of action, and reintegration" (R–Model, 2010, p.116). Formulating a plan of action is a phase I think I pretty much have under wraps. I know exactly what I have to do in order to succeed, and have put my plan into action. I also realize ... Get more on ...
  • 3. My Most Memorable Experience When we could get everyone rounded up and on the same schedule, my parents, brothers and I would pack up and go on our one "big" vacation of the summer. When I was8 one, we went to Mount Rushmore and witnessed the fireworks display. At the age of two, we were at the "grandaddy" of them all, Cheyenne Frontier Days. In 2003, I was three, we went spelunking in caves to explore Ruby Fall, Tennesse. I remember nothing about these vacations, except what I was told years later about them. However, when I was the ripe young age of four, my family went on vacation to Upper Peninsula Michigan. That vacation is, to this day, my favorite one we ever took. This is probably due to it being the very first vacation that I can actually remember. Over the years we have traveled to many different places, but the vacation to Michigan is by far my most memorable experience. The events that occurred on this trip instilled a sense of adventure and curiosity into me. When we traveled, we did not fly, go by train, or stay in a fancy hotel. Nope, not my family. We drove everywhere, even all the way up to Michigan. We were in a truck that seated exactly six people, not necessarily a comfortable experience. In addition to all of that, we stayed in our camper for the whole vacation, practically living on top of each other. Good thing that we really love each other, huh? The trip was during the first week of July, so on the Fourth of July my parents decided that we would go to the Soo Locks in Sault ... Get more on ...
  • 4. My Most Memorable Experience In Life-College Essay: Home... Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › EducationMost Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150 My Most Memorable Experience The beaten up old Pontiac sputtered violently as we rolled leisurely out of our driveway. With my mom in the passenger seat ...Most Memorable Experience in Life– College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most... Show more content on ... Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150Most Memorable Experience in Life – College Essay – › Home › Education Read this college essay and over 1700000 others like it now. Don't miss ... Everyday there are a lot of things that tends to be our most memorable experience. Narrative Essay – My Most Memorable Experience ... /view.asp?id=17150 My Most Memorable Experience The beaten up old Pontiac sputtered violently as we rolled leisurely out of our driveway. With my mom in the passenger seat ...vMost Memorable Experience in Life ... Get more on ...
  • 5. John Locke 's Theory On Modern Science John Locke's theories on how knowledge is gained through the senses and how there are different kinds of experiences and ideas adds to, and justifies, the movement of modern science. Modern science is all about observing the natural world in order to understand and gain knowledge about what is going around us. I agree that humans do gain knowledge and form different kinds of ideas through our senses and different experiences. The reoccurring theme with John Locke's theory on modern science is the idea of the senses and how knowledge is made through sense data. Empiricism is the notion that all knowledge comes from sense experience. We, as conscious individuals, do not know anything until we experience it with our own senses, which then our senses shape our mind on how we view and understand a certain object as well as his concept of simple and complex ideas Lock, and many other empiricists, believes in Tabula rasa, which states there are no such thing as innate ideas, and that we are all blank slates. We are only able to fill this blank slate through experiences with our senses. Without experiencing something, we know have knowledge, which makes sense. Back in the cave man days, our ancestors did not have science or history books to know that fire keeps you warm when it is cold outside. They had to pretty much figure it out on their own. They had to discover first how to make fire, then feel that the fire was hot, then figure out that that the fire could keep them warm in ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Memorable Experience Essay Throughout life I have had many memorable events. The memorable times in my life vary from being the worst times in my life and some being the best, either way they have become milestones that will be remembered forever. The best day of my life was definitely the day that I received my drivers' license. This day is one of the most memorable because of the feelings I had when I received it, the opportunities that were opened up for me and the long lasting benefits that I received from it that still exist today. Getting my drivers' license was an intense feeling that I will never forget. Just knowing that I had a drivers' license made me feel so free, as free as a bird flying in the open sky with no real place to go, just a desire to be ... Show more content on ... Driving fast in a car may be unsafe but the thrill and excitement of high rates of speed gave me a rush I had never felt before. Seeing, feeling and hearing everything go by faster made the whole driving experience so much better. My mouth watered with envy as I approached the drivers' seat every time I went out for a drive. The automobile, as a whole, became a high interest of mine; the styling, the sound and the speed of it. I loved driving and I loved cars and all of this new found love was from the birth of my drivers' license. Such a simple piece of paper opened up such a broad area of learning for me; it was of much amazement to me. Receiving my drivers' license was the best day of my life. It will be remembered forever because of the feelings, experience and new beginnings that it gave me. Today, I still hold my interest in the automobile but the thrill of driving has dulled significantly since I receive many traffic tickets and went through a period of license suspension. But, still, that day remains the best day of my life. The day I received my drivers' license will never be forgotten for as long as I ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Bad Blood By Lorna Sage The conflicts that arise during our childhood are especially important for personality development. Although most of these experiences have an irreversible effect on us, we still tend to forget these precious memories, as they are simply too embarrassing and painful to remember. In the extract from "Bad blood" by Lorna Sage, the author shows how the incident on the school playground has impacted her as an adult and her own personality. Lorna Sage highlights the hardships and challenges of childhood and their importance in future life. The author has displayed this theme throughout the text by using interesting characters, a unique setting, figurative language and an occasional tone. In the text, the narrator introduces two characters: Herself ... Show more content on ... The author has described the happenings in great detail and has created a vivid picture in the readerВґs mind. Gail was described very precisely by the author, noting down almost every single detail she had: "Gail had hair in ringlets, green–hazel eyes and pale, clear, slightly olive skin stretched tight and shiny over her muscle, and she was nearly a year older than I was." The reader can form a vivid picture of GailВґs appearance and senses how different Gail is from the narrator and the rest of the girls. Metaphors were used when describing the relationship between Gail and the narrator: "She'd have won our war in any case ......" This show how violence and bullying in school are seen as wars in the eyes of children. This is how serious than what the adults think it would be, who have most likely forgotten their own experiences with these issues while they were children. These were the feeling of the narrator after the situation: "...... so that she made me feel like an unstrung puppet." Gail had a huge influence on the narrator and made her feel that she was worthless. This again shows that people with greater power an easily bully a person who is weaker than she ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Memorable Experience The Memorable Experience When I was teenage life ,my special someone say I have my entire life ahead of me, with all of its best experiences I had. But despite being a teenager, I already have a personal breath taking experience, for hike and the mountain which I am sure I will carry with me until my last days my first hike to the mountains traveling is not a big deal for me today, before my trip to the mountains, I used to be a homebody. I had special someone to hang out with, several hobbies, and I feel completely comfortable spending weeks or even months in my hometown sometimes even on my block without going anywhere. All my demands of novelty were satisfied by the Discovery the wild life and the mountain, and I seriously thought ... Show more content on ... The same fog was covering the surroundings, and even though I was teeming with positive emotions, I feel disappointed, because I counted on seeing the view from above and perhaps being able to take some photos. We spent a couple of hours on the top, and decided to turn back, when the wind suddenly dispersed the clouds, and the plateau we were standing on became illuminated with the sun. I saw a fantastic skies and clouds in front of me, and for some moments I couldn't believe my eyes. Seeing all those mountain ridges, cliffs, and edges on my own eyes, not on TELEVESION, INTERNET was like a revelation for me. The strong wind blew right into my face, and I just stood there and watched shreds of fog gliding over the ground far beneath me. At that moments, that I can realized that I won't be able to lives a life without visiting and seeing the beautiful mountains at least One a year or twice a year and I told Joana, to stay for few hours and watched the sunset before waiting the sunset When I saw Joana how excited and I suggested where going have a picnic and I get the foods and drinks When we finished eating ,before we leave can 't be walk around and I said to Joana how great of a time I had with him after ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Examples Of A Memorable Experience Essay Memorable Moments First, my memorable and valuable experience in college has allowed me the chance to be able to sharpen my study skills in my chosen field. There have been opportunities for me to learn and improve my skills through my time in college, which I am very thankful and happy about. For example, at my school, in the Writing Center, I have learned some writing tips that I didn't even know existed, and had this not been a part of my experience I would still be unaware. Because of this, despite what I was thinking, I still had quite a bit to learn; but this has given me the chance to improve my craft more through attending school, as well as give me a lot more confidence in the area that I plan to study towards. And as a result, some day I will have a rewarding career from this memorable and value experience. ... Show more content on ... For instance, Learning about religion has been a privilege, and all the parts of the world I was unfamiliar with, religions of Islam and Buddhism, that beforehand I had no knowledge of. From this experience, I have learned a lot of things about these cultures that were very interesting and how the religions are followed. Also, learning about all the different practices and ideas of the religions in different parts of the world, such as worshipping multiple deities, reincarnation, and meditation, has been memorable to me because of its value, and all the misconceptions that are cleared up now that I once had, which has enabled me to understand the topic better and be less ignorant. It has also helped me understand traditions and beliefs of others more clear, no matter where in the world of their origin. This has made my time as a student a lot more memorable, worthwhile, and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. My Most Memorable Experience I have dyslexia. Sometimes it's hard to read or spell out loud. Reading is something that is at times difficult to understand, because of misinterpretations, yet I love to become immersed in a well–written novel. Having that said I have had several experiences where reading has helped me to become a better writer. When writing I tend to lack an ability to keep my writer interested. The more I have read, the more I have found new ways to keep my readers entwined to what I want to say when using tone or writing style. By reading many books I have found new ways to make my writing exceptional. My most memorable experience started my first day of my Junior–Senior year. I walked into class with my small group of friends and the teacher that ... Show more content on ... The one aide that I would use to understand the reading was prohibited in my English class. I felt miserable because I could finish the book, but if you asked me to explain what I read I would just get confused and frustrated. I had to pull my teacher to the side. I wanted to understand the books so I needed to listen to my music. I explained to her my dyslexia and how I coped with it so that I could understand the books that we read in class, she understood my struggles and helped me by letting me discretely listen to music without any of my other classmates catching me doing it. With the music, I could read books and not have difficulty understanding the words. I became one of the fastest readers in her class, I bulldozed through the books that I had written down on my someday list. I came to a point where I didn't have any more books that I was interested in reading until my teacher started to give me suggestions on books that I should read. She had found that in one of the essays I wrote, I would use the influences from the books I read to catch my reader's attention, I would make my writing more interesting by using different writing techniques that I learned from reading these books. I began to read these books that Ms. Rasheed recommended for me and I found that the various genres and writing styles that were included in these books were appealing to a reader as ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Essay On The Road Taken And Not Taken The Road Taken and Not Taken Response I had to choose between playing a full–time summer sport or going on family vacations in the summer. Sports enriched my life in many ways such as creating more memories with my friends, allowing my pitching to improve, and gaining valuable team experience. Family vacations also could have changed my life as it allows for more family time, memories, and adventures. In the end, I chose to play a summer sport because it increased my games per year, practices per year, and a significant increase in game experience. I am happy with my decision because it gave me lifelong experiences. I chose to play a full–time summer sport instead of going on family vacations in the summer. I played on the Glen Ellyn ... Show more content on ... By working with girls with varying levels of athleticism and knowledge, I was taught how to be a team player who builds off everyone's skills. I also learned how to continue fighting even when you are losing the battle. I learned many lessons from games. I think the most important lesson I learned is you should never give up. Never giving up is important in sports as you can always come back and win. In light of all my reasons I chose to play a full–time summer sport, travel softball, instead of going on family vacations. The road I chose to not take was to go on family vacations in the summer. Had I gone on family vacations I would have experienced more family time, created more memories, and had the adventures of a lifetime with my family. Being able to experience more family time would allow me to make more lasting memories with my grandparents. I could have made family memories with my relatives which could last me lifetimes. The family adventures could have been memorable and possibly sparked a new career interest. My life could be very different had I made this choice. Possible changes could have been having more family time, more family memories, and more family adventures. Having more family time could be being able to meet up every Sunday afternoon to eat dinner. Weekends are traditionally monopolized by tournaments, round robins, and practices. Or family time could be being able to go to the park or the pool with your cousins and your ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Carl Rogers And The Humanistic Psychology Movement Essay The field of psychology has evolved considerably in the last century and Carl Rogers (1902–1987) has been one of the most influential figures contributing to its growth. Rogers is considered by many to be the leader of the humanistic psychology movement. He spent the majority of his professional career demonstrating "how supportive, growth–producing conditions can unleash healing, responsible self–direction, and creativity in individuals and groups in all walks of life" (Kirschenbaum, 2004, p.121). Today, more than half a century after publishing his theories, Rogers' conditions for effective therapy have continued to serve as a foundation for mental health professionals around the world, regardless of their theoretical orientations. Rogers' Early Years Rogers grew up in the Midwest with his parents, four brothers, and sister. His parents were extremely conservative Protestants. They led family prayers on a daily basis and made every attempt to protect their children from the corrupt influences in society (Kirschenbaum, 2004). Rogers was a sensitive child and was easily hurt by his family's teasing; however, expressing feelings was not encouraged in the Rogers' household (Kirschenbaum, 2004). These early experiences Rogers experienced with his family may be the most influential aspects of his childhood that contributed to the development of his theories and the importance of understanding the subjective inner experience of the client. Rogers' Education When he was a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. My Most Memorable Experience HAWAII: This trip meant the world to me, even though I was two when it happened. This trip was to Hawaii. Now the actual trip on the airplane was about a 7 hour flight, and according to my mom I was pretty well behaved , being two. Everyday I could remember walking across the beach with my family and my cousins. Especially, my mom. She taught me to be respectful to everyone, in spite of their faults. This is because I have my faults too. Also, the amazing day on that trip when we went snorkeling with my uncle John, this was a memorable experience. I can just remember feeling the cold ocean blue water on my skin. I can also vividly remember the large turtles you could see just gliding through the water. But the most memorable experience I... Show more content on ... I still remember how I couldn't stop smiling all the way home. I realized what i wanted to do for the rest of my life, and how important it was to do what you want in life. KITA: This day will always stay in my heart, just because it marks a day when a hole was created. It was the month of January 2017. Mt dog Kita had been with us for 10 years, that January 4. But only a couple days later, she started to get very sick. She would throw up after anything she ate, and she could barely walk as she grew to become very weak. It was hard taking her to the vet that morning, because it was the day I had to come to school. Sitting there watching her on the floor breathing very fast made my heart break a little bit more every second. It was terrible having to watch her suffer like that. We had to leave her for the day so the vets could run tests. But that night when we came back, she didn't look like the beautiful, happy, caring dog that we had at home. She was suffering and we knew it. When the vet came back in we had to make a decision, and that decision was to put her down. I couldn't watch her go that easily, but I knew soon that she would be in a better place. When they stuck the syringe in her, a part of me felt lost. She had been with me my whole life. I saw her lay there on the floor, I sat right next to her. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Mind : Paper Two Phi of Mind: Paper Two I. Introduction In this paper, four important features of qualia will be made explicit. From these, we will examine two specific features of qualia (privacy and immediate apprehensibility) which Dennett attempts to debunk in his article, Quining Qualia. His reasoning – in the form of intuition pumps – will be critiqued, and a rejection formulated. II. Qualities of Qualia Qualia are traditionally held to possess four characteristics that make them unique. They are ineffable, intrinsic, private, and immediately apprehensible within consciousness. Listing these attributes is all well and good, but what are they? Ineffability refers to the incommunicability of qualia. Attempting to use language to capture qualia seems to miss part of the experience, or to reduce and simplify the experience until it can be made to conform to what language can communicate. Qualia seems so content–rich that moving it into public understanding necessarily entails its simplification. Consider the jalapeГ±o and habanero peppers. If I were to eat both, I would experience two separate qualia – one for the jalapeno and one for the habanero. In language, I could describe both as 'spicy'. More practically, I could describe the jalapeno as 'very spicy' and the habanero as 'mutilatingly spicy '. I could be as creative or precise as possible to try to relay the qualia of the peppers, and I could certainly give a listener an image of some sort of quale one might have. Still, there ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Post Modernism And Its Influence On Society Post–modernism came about in the late–20th century following modernism, which was a period where people had a new found freedom to follow their own path in life, whether it was religion, science, philosophy, art, or really anything they put their mind to as opposed to strictly traditional beliefs. Writers could express their emotions more easily without really feeling a backlash from what everyone else thought. Two female writers who were able to freely express themselves in their writing during post–modernism were Linda Pastan and Sharon Olds. Linda Pastan talked more about her life in general like every day anxieties, her marriage, parenting, and even grief. However, Sharon Olds was a little more controversial in her writing since she often talked about sexuality and violence. Their writing styles were similar in the aspect that they both enjoyed writing based on their own lives, but still very different on how they talked about certain subject matter. Even with different approaches, these two authors were still both very influential on others who wanted to share the same dream. Both authors have had similar educational backgrounds and writing recognition. Pastan Was raised in New York City and attended Radcliffe College. After her graduation, she decided to focus her life on her family and did not return to writing until 10 years later when she was encouraged by her husband to do so. She received awards such as Mademoiselle poetry prize, the Dylan Thomas ... Get more on ...
  • 16. My Most Memorable Literary Experience My most memorable literary experience isn't really one singular event, rather the reigniting of interest in sitting still and reading a book. Growing up, in elementary and middle school, I loved to read. I don't know if being an only child and an introvert fed that interest or birthed it, but it was deeply rooted. Despite that, starting my senior year in high school and following into my early 20s that interest waned. Or rather was upstaged by other blossoming interests in my boyfriend, working full time, making big girl money and the independence that brought. And soon enough bars too. You can't read a book in a bar. Starting in the seventh grade I read the whole Scarpetta series by crime novelist Patricia Cornwell. Kay Scarpetta was a forensic medical examiner whose boyfriend was a FBI profiler and regularly became involved in serial murder cases. I ate that up. Maybe a bit creepy for a twelve year old to carry around books called The Body Farm, Postmortem, Cruel & Unusual, etc., but I wouldn't put them down. Which thinking about it now, is strange because I was a scaredy cat as a kid. I never watched horror movies. But I could read about them. The thing that really grabbed me was the medical aspect, the descriptions of anatomy and what happened to the human body when it encountered a depraved individual. Also, the detailed accounts of how to perform an autopsy. That's when the seed of a healthcare career was planted. I remember telling one of my teachers I wanted to be ... Get more on ...
  • 17. My Memorable Experience I love learning in school. But sadly, I ended up having a rough time at the end of my senior year. I moved to Oklahoma from Illinois before I finished the last year of high school, and after I move it was hard to get adjusted to a new school. I hope you enjoy my essay! Let's start off with the pleasant experience I had in my past education, health careers. I was really good in this class. Health careers was a class that taught me about diseases, CPR, and much more. We had many projects and activities. One of the projects I remember I did and felt so proud of. It was the kidney I sculpted. My teacher gave me an A+ for putting a lot of effort into it. My teacher loved it to the part she asked me if she can keep it as a reference for future students. It made me really happy and of course, I said yes, what an honor for me that she is going to use my work as a good example for future students. My unpleasant experience was a history class. I'm not really a history person, but I worked so hard to pass the class. I had a lot of problems going in front of my class and presenting the projects the teachers assigned to us during class. I am really a shy person, and when I am in front of many people I get really stressed out and I start to mess up on words and talk differently. But thanks to my husband he was able to help me raise my confidence and break this habit, now I can to hold a conversation with people without stressing out. I ended up passing the class with a C, I worked so ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Who Is The Best Product Or Service? Welcome to the Experience Economy With so many companies nowadays, it is hard to chose which one has the best product or service. All of them sell products, but only a few sell experiences. What is an experience? According to a study made by B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore [Welcome to the Experience Economy], an experience occurs when a company intentionally uses services as the stage, and goods as props, to engage individual customers in a way that creates a memorable event. "Commodities are fungible, goods tangible, services intangible, and experiences memorable." Moreover, two people cannot have the same experience because each experience derives from the interaction between the stages event and the individual's state of mind. Experiences were usually associated with the entertainment business, such as Disney World. However, today, the concept of selling experiences is spreading beyond theaters and theme parks; companies stage an experience whenever they engage customers in a personal, memorable way. The study also indicates that some companies such as Disney and Universal do charge guests an admission fee for their experiences. Nevertheless, some do not; if they did charge an admission fee, they would be forced to stage a much better experience to attract paying guests. Pine and Gilmore believe that experiences have two dimensions. The first is the customer participation, which can be passive or active. Passive participation is when the customer does not ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Qcf SHC5.2 PROMOTE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 1.1 – Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. As a professional, I have a responsibility to engage in continuous professional development. This means taking action to keep my skills and knowledge up to date and seeking to improve your capabilities across the range of tasks I carry out daily. Continually improving my knowledge is essential to my role and ensures that I have the skills and knowledge needed to create the best provision for children. I need to be aware of the most up to date legislations and guidelines, including the EYFS and the welfare requirements. As a member of management it is even more vital that I am aware and up to date with the ... Show more content on ... 1.2 – Analyse potential barriers to professional development. There are a number of barriers to professional development within my role and a number of things which you need to think about when booking /planning training for your staff. I have outlined the potential barriers which I am likely to face within my role: * Lack of funding to access training * Lack of staff to cover training * Courses being cancelled by organisation * No time * No support/encouragement from your manager * General lack of appropriate training which you require * No one to acknowledge your training needs through supervisions and appraisals * No–confidence or drive to strive for better * Transport (do not drive, no bus routes etc) * Lack of childcare (or unable to afford) while attending courses * Not being able to identify your own training needs (thinks they already know everything) All the above are barriers which I am sure every childcare setting encounters when booking/planning training for staff. Not all of these are easily tackled however with a little extra thought and support from management you can find solutions or options to suit your setting or staff ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Best Advice That I Ever Received From A Mentor Of Mine... The best advice that I ever received from a mentor of mine was that instead of trying to be the best at something you should instead focus on being a well–rounded person. That is the way that I have tried to live my life and it has led me to great success thus far. This is the primary reason why I support students taking classes outside of their major. It leads to much more well–rounded adults who are knowledgeable in many different subject areas. Even though it may not be that enjoyable, taking classes outside of your major introduces you to a wide range of knowledge. Socially it helps you interact with a wide range of people in all kinds of different social settings. You are able to speak intelligently to many different people about a plethora of different subjects. Additionally, it is important to consider that a majority of people choose a major based on what they are good at and are interested in. For many people math classes are very challenging. If we left those people to their own devices they would probably never take a math class again. Now math is obviously a very important skill regardless of your future career choice and it's a class that everyone should take. Even if it may not be that enjoyable. The same goes for all subject matters. For me personally its history. I am not a big fan of history classes. However I am glad to have taken all of the ones that I have. They have taught me lots of important things about the world that I live in. These classes have ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Most Premorable Experience Of Camping At Avesta Pampanda "Cold air. Dark night. Bright stars." It's only once in a lifetime, and I know that you will never regret this. Camping is one of the memorable event I've ever been. Last January 2016, the most awaited experience of a Grade 10 student happened in Avesta Pampanga. Each one of us was really excited and you could see their biggest smiles on their faces. When we arrived in the place, everyone looked for their own designated spot to build the tent. On our group, we located it near the playground. Whenever we have free time, my friends and I spent some time and enjoyed each other company in this place. We were like kids who used to feel so much fun to play in the swing and seesaw. After that, we prepared ourselves in the first activity, which was to harvest rice crops in the field. Around two in the afternoon, we started to walk and straightly went to the farm field without wearing our slippers. Initially, everyone felt uncomfortable because of the heat from the sun. There was a man who guided and taught us the proper handling in the tool, which we used through for harvesting the rice grain. It was a great experience, I realized that the farmers really sacrifice themselves just to provide rice that is very important in our daily meal, and I really learned that I should not waste food ... Show more content on ... We also started sharing our moments, fun and sad experiences and our dreams in the future. It's one of the best feeling ever, opening up your kept thoughts in your mind. After that, we proceeded in the tent to rest. However, before we sleep, we chatted for any random topic. We were shivering in the cold breeze that night and I suggested them not to turn off the flashlight, because I can't sleep without any light. Then, the next day we rise up at 5 in the morning and prepared our things for our leaving in the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Fatigue Is Experienced And Perceived By Women Living With Fm Summary Although all five of the articles that were reviewed are focused on how fatigue is experienced and perceived by women living with FM, each of them had their own approach. Soderberg, Lundman and Norberg (2002) states in the third article that experiencing fatigue often disrupts ones involvement in the world, Sallinen, Kukkurainen, Peltokallio and Mikkelsson (2010) also stated in their study that the women had reported the presence of negative effects on their relationship with their husbands. The fourth study also had a similar view of the phenomenon known as fatigue; Parrish, Zautra and Davis (2008) described fatigue as a feeling that has a negative impact on the daily functioning of the women. Each study focused on a different... Show more content on ... They both looked at how the women felt when they first started to really experience fatigue and what roll it played in their lives in terms of how they kept going despite always feeling fatigue. Parrish, Zautra and Davis (2008) also had a similar interest, this study looked at how the women were experiencing fatigue on a day to day basis. They were able to view the impact that the daily lives of each women affected them the the next day, and what they had learn to do in order to minimize the negative effects associated with fatigue. When examining how the women deal with experiencing fatigue, all of the studies found that the women found fatigue as a burden that you just had to learn to adapt to. Lofgren, Ekholm and Ohman (2006) stated that in order to deal with the symptoms, the women had to accept the loss and grief in what ever way they saw possible. Lofgren, Ekholm and Ohman (2006) noticed that the women all shared feelings of anger, guilt and frustration, which according to Jeffers (2001) are all part of grief. Similar to the beliefs of Sallinen, Kukkurainen, Peltokallio and Mikkelsson (2012), the authors of the fourth study also believed that the women had to learn how to effectively live with FM; they had a positive approach at finding coping mechanisms ( Parrish, Zautra and Davis, 2008). In regards to participants, an obvious similarity is the fact that the studies were all done ... Get more on ...
  • 23. American Childhood Analysis The stories "An American Childhood", by Anne Dillard and "Once more to the lake" by E.B. White illustrates the author's childhood memories with description and imagery theme but have different personal experiences and issues. "An American Childhood", by Anne Dillard was about her old neighborhood. Dillard depicts her childhood from the age of five through high school, in 1950's America. According to Dillard, to find the source of happiness, one must resist the world to try to seal that character out and in "Once more to the lake" by E.B. White also reflects his childhood memories with his parents and later with his son and express those certain elements of life, such as the enjoyment of the youth, continue forever for a different generation. The main idea of the Dillard's essay is maintaining cheerfulness and joy even in adulthood, by narrating her childhood as a template for developing and maintaining happiness and White includes descriptions and imagery theme from his past and present. This reflection allows the reader to imagine the memories of a son and a father enjoying the America dream, a vacation. While both "An American Childhood" byAnnie Dillard and "Once more to the Lake" by E.B. White are descriptions and imagery sprung from the same childhood memories, they have explored the experience of a child from a different perspective. In Both essays, Dillard's "An American Childhood and White's "One more to the Lake" the authors are using descriptive and imagery pattern to share their Childhood memories, which gives the readers the sense of freedom and joy. "An American Childhood" was about Dillard's old neighborhood. She used a narrative tone in her story that described her childhood memories. As Dillard said: "Boys welcomed me at baseball, too, for I had through enthusiastic practice, what was weirdly known as a boy's arm" (pp. 141). Dillard uses a lot of description in her story. She creates a clear image for the readers with her descriptions throughout. As Dillard indicated: "We smashed through a gap in another hedge, entered a scruffy backyard and ran around its back porch and tight between houses to Edgerton Avenue......" (pp. 143). E.B. White's essay "Once More to the Lake" also illustrates his ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Unit: Learning and Professional Development Unit 2 Merila 1.1 explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice Reflective practice is inoperative in order to ensure that high standards are kept continuously as circumstances children and environments change In order to reflect one must continuously be aware of approaches used and how they can be changed or developed to improve Continually improving and adapting approaches benefits both children and practitioners ensuring that each individual child needs are catered for Reflective practice involves evolving in a child centred approach The child carer benefits as his/her skills grow and develop ,enabling the highest standards of care and provision It also promotes a better level of understanding and ... Show more content on ... Reflecting on my own practice is important because it allows us to assess what I am doing well and identify areas where I might like need more training or guidance This will help to ensure that performing to the best meeting all necessary standards and expectations within our nursery's policies and procedures It helps individuals to think about what they are doing and to always be aware of how they work with the children, families and team members. By Reflecting on our practice we can enhance and improve our confidence and self esteem because you can look at what you are doing well, the things we have learnt and achieved. This can make us feel good about ourselves, this can then give us the confidence to continue working well and to aim to try new things and to use what new skills or knowledge we have gained within our practice. In order to reflect on our practice we must be able to look at why and how we do things and to consider if a different approach may be beneficial. In order to be able to effectively reflect on our practice we must be able to be open– minded and question our own practice. If we can do this then it will help us to improve our own knowledge and skills. In order to develop these skills we should be able to: * Listen openly to the ideas of others * Reflect on your own work and the work of you team members * Consider ways to improve your practice and implement them. As a manager I encourage all the staff to take part ... Get more on ...
  • 25. I Had Never Spent Much Time Evaluating My Values System... I had never spent much time evaluating my values system before taking on this assignment. I believed that I was wired to think the way I do, and that nothing in particular had to be the cause for my feelings on certain things. By writing this paper and learning about values, I was able to take a hard look at myself and figure out what my personal values stem from. My values relating to the key issues of women's reproduction, poverty /money, health care in America, and minority groups have blossomed out of personal experiences and experiences I have heard about from those close to me. I also found several themes that underlie why I have the values that I do, and why I think about these topics in the way that I do. Women's reproduction is the most important of the topics to me, because when it comes to women's reproduction I look at the subject from two points of view. The first point of view I see is the main reason the topic is discussed, which is the sexual/reproductive side. The other point I see is my own personal experience, which has nothing to do with reproduction but concerns health. My core values relative to this area are dignity and worth of a person and social justice. I chose these two because I think every woman should be able to access forms of birth control and abortion without being criticized. Not being able to do that, in my view, is discrimination. I think the woman who is choosing these actions is of enough worth to be able to make the right decision for ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Importance Of Choosing A Safari Wedding Things to Consider When Choosing a Safari Wedding Overview Adventure weddings are becoming popular in Africa as couples look for a place to hold their wedding other than in sandy beaches. Many people prefer safari weddings where they are surrounded by wildlife that wanders freely on the open plains within the picturesque Bush of Safari African with their family and friends. There are many African resorts and hotels that provide wedding services for international visitors. They also have a variety of packages for you to choose from. These resorts can also help you through some of the legal marriage requirements in Africa. A safari wedding should be a time for excitement, happiness, and romance but not a time for frustration and stress. Given that most wedding planning and preparations turn into one tragedy after the other but, this should not be the case with safari wedding. All you need to do is to get your priorities in order, and the whole lot will just fall into place. Safari weddings are impeccable for couples who mainly affectionate of the outdoors and appreciates nature. Here are some of the factors to consider when choosing a great safari wedding. 1.The number of guests to hold The guests count is a main deciding factor, when it comes to a safari wedding. Most of the exclusive and luxurious venues for safari weddings host between 2–15 guests, while most commercial venues for safari weddings can accommodate up to 100 guests. If the majority of your guests comes ... Get more on ...
  • 27. My Most Memorable Experience My most memorable moment where we were playing a review game were you have to shoot a basket to score points, and Liam went to shoot a basket and you smacked it right out of his hands then proceed to dab. This memory I feel like perfectly describes your personality you can be so funny and so lighthearted but still teach which is great. When the school year began I was excited and not at all nervous. But, in the beginning of the year knowing it was my last year of middle school I was actually sad after four years (I went to a different school) it was all coming to an end. I was mostly really pumped because last year at the pep rally seeing you dance made me say "I want Mr. Jones as my teacher next year" , so much so, you could ask any one of my friends and they would tell you how I would say that all the time last year. 8th grade World History was a fun experience because of the activities and games we did throughout the year. Also, the people in our class and of course, having you as a teacher. We learned multiple different unit's this year and it is hard to pick a favorite, my favorite unit however this year was Life in Medieval Towns. I enjoyed this unit because, I thought it was extremely interesting learning about the way people used to live during a time period long ago. The unit especially caught my attention because, learning about what people did for work or what their houses looked like really intrigued me. Another reason I enjoyed this unit was, that you seemed so ... Get more on ...
  • 28. My Friend Uploaded A Post On Facebook And It Got Me... Recently my friend uploaded a post on Facebook and it got me contemplating. The question was posed by a man named Alan Watts and he asked, "What would you like to do if money were no object?" This inquiry seems to be wandering the internet a bit because this was roughly the third time that I have regarded it, so I took it as a sign and I paused to direct this question to myself. Of course, there is a multitude of things that I yearn to do. If money wasn't the issue like many of us make it out to be, of course, there would be ample to do. I discern that this question is posed more for what type of work would you do but I was thinking about stuff that I would love to do regardless. The most predominate desire for me is to travel. I love to write and that will always be a constant thing, but I think it would be great to do both. I recognize that many people would have a similar response, yet my strong desire to travel made me consider deeply as to why I had such a tenacious want for it. I believe one of the reasons why that deep down, we still hold on to the ancient survival instinct of migration, which can never really be satisfied. I believe that this could also hold true for me. As I think more about it, I find that it was not really the destinations that I want to go to but the means of the journey that I wish to experience. My husband is the one who made me conscious of this. He likes to travel and see places as well, but just didn't understand the concept of people ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Sex Is One Of The Most Memorable Experiences Essay Sex is one of the most memorable experiences for some guys but for many it is a terrifying experience. The reason is the lack of knowledge. Better knowledge of sex will make your lovemaking better. You need to dispel certain myths and unreasoned, baseless and unfounded notions about certain sex matters. This article will discuss some important things you need to know before having sex for the fist time to make it your life 's most exciting experience. The length of a penis This is the most discussed issue of male sexuality. Some men think that by having a lengthy male organ they can get more pleasure during coition and that their partner would also get sexually worked up or excited. Men also nurture an idea that their spouse prefers the persons who have long and hard erection. But, certain women also are afraid that by pushing the lengthy male organ in their vaginas, their male partners will rip their vaginas apart. Speaking factually, the length of the erection must not cause any inferiority complex or any fear in the minds of either sex. It is not the length that matters, but what is important is as to how long and how best a man can satisfy his spouse. The short length of the male organ should be no cause for any concern for any male. Most of the time, men who have long penis do ejaculate earlier and thus fail to satisfy their sexuality aroused women. One the contrary, some men even with not lengthy male organ, are not found inferior in sexually satisfying their ... Get more on ...
  • 30. My Life Lesson Trough A Teacher 's Eyes The Life Lesson Trough a Teacher's Eyes, is a book written by Dr. Jillian Laderhouse. This book is like a journal where Dr. Laterhouse tells personal experiences that have shaped her life. The book commences off with a strongly affirmation where Dr. Latehouse states that be a teacher is her life's calling. In the introduction of the book Laterhouse establish her foundation as a teacher, she mentioned many experiences that shape her as a teacher and recall the fact that she lived in a teacher profession family. She mentioned stories about her childhood, stories that have shaped her life into the teacher profession; she stated "I grew in a teacher's home". As I read the book I noticed that I have not had the same opportunity as Laterhouse to live in a teacher's home. However, as I continue reading the book I saw that the lessons learned by the author can help me even though I did not grow in a teacher's home. It is evident in the book the spiritual life and God centered life. Laterhouse dived her book in seven lesson learned. Every lesson brings me to reflect about God, about myself and about others. I consider that every lesson mentioned is important I will recall those points that I consider important to my life. The first lesson learned was from parenting. As Laterhouse mentioned "as believers we have guidance available to us through prayer and Scripture, but became believers does not automatically equip us with the insights and techniques to be a parent." I have ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Effectiveness Of A Volunteer Team Group Structure Our intervention occurred at the group level, where we also needed to consider the inputs, design components and outputs in order to do group level diagnosis. Here we looked at goal clarity, task structure, functioning of the group, composition, and performance norms. Ward's volunteer team group structure deviated widely from most for–profit companies: the design components are all loosely defined. Because Ward teams depend on volunteers it is more challenging to hold teams to any kind of performance measures. We also looked at the individual level design components: tasks identity, significance, autonomy, variety, and feedback. Here, too, it is difficult to hold members to performance standards. Although we concluded that the group level performance gap was largely a result of inadequate communication, individual outputs were also not as desired. Volunteers varied in performance; however, you couldn't fire them. There were no repercussions for absenteeism. They lacked KSA's and often motivation to do a good job. Showing up was the highest expectation. Understanding all of the organizational, group and individual inputs, design components and outputs is critical to determine effectiveness. In most companies with HR, the OD professional would likely need to work with HR to gain this knowledge. HR is a source of data and has experience working with line managers and staff, or at least offers a different perspective. Here is one area where the push–pull between the OD ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Role Of Occupational Roles Determine Correct Behavior... Attaining Expertise One of the most beneficial solutions to life problems solving is new experiences and skills. There are rules that people are expected to follow. Rules are the conventions of everyday life that make our interactions with other people predictable and orderly. Some rules matter of the law. Occupational roles determine correct behavior for a manager and an employee, a professor and student. Attaining expertise come with experience and training. Change is relatively easy it is an entrenched habit of thinking or behavior takes considerable time and effort. One has to change themselves, but also their relationships with others who may be rewarding the or old ways if they want the problems to be solve. Learning new skills improves one 's working memory, better verbal intelligence and above all increases dialectal skills. In the end, the more expert you become, the less work the brain has to do. Over time, acquired skills become automatic, and one does not have to think about what they are doing. The fact that our behavior is to a large extent predetermined by our connection with other people should not induce us to lose sight of the most private and unique facets of our personalities. It is, of course easy for us to slip into the idea that our meanings are obviously better that those developed by other cultures. Because they are so thoroughly a part of ourselves, they seem right and proper just as some of the behavior that seems peculiar, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Crisis Center For South Suburbia Essay This past week at the Crisis Center for South Suburbia was not as eventful as the past two weeks. The clients that were causing frequent verbal altercations have either exited on their own, exited involuntarily, or been given a written warning in which they are following the conditions of. I now have only one client on my caseload, since the other had voluntarily exited herself and her son. On Monday, 10/31/16, I was able to help the children in shelter celebrate Halloween. We set up trick or treating spots throughout the shelter and I also was able to handout treat bags that were donated to the shelter. The kids seemed to have some fun with the little celebration we were able to give to them. Also on that day, I worked my first evening shift. The evening definitely has a lot more activity since most clients are back from work or other commitments during the day. During this time, it was just myself and D working. In the midst of all the activity, we had a medical emergency that I was able to respond to. Tiffany* had been discharged from hospital with the understanding that she had a mild heart attack and would need to have a stent put in later. Upon arriving back from the shelter, something was just not right with her. Myself along with another client, observed her in the kitchen staring at the counter without moving for around five minutes. When she finally seemed to snap out of whatever was going on, she tried to walk away but was stumbling and almost ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Most Memorable Writing Experience Most Memorable Writing Experience: My Reflection on Writing I have been writing since I have been in Middle School. I have realized that by college it was easier for me to write down my thoughts in order for me to remember what I have said or done. Writing out my thoughts gives me a sense of recollection, knowledge, and pacification that gets me through my day. I pictured writing to be as simple as jotting down a few sentences, but as I got farther in school I realized that there is more to it than just writing sentences. English has been my most difficult subject I have ever endured, but I have somehow been managing to make excellent grades and achieving all requirements. First in the essay, I will discuss my experiences in the English life that I've taken so far up until college. The second part will list my struggles in creating a thesis, a work cited, and properly citing my sources used in the papers. My experience with English has changed drastically from middle school to college. Being in middle school I have really had to do much of a big paper, but as I progressed through college I've realized there much more that has to be added. I had always wondered why middle school was so easy but as years went on, I realized that advancing to college there's a lot more requirements and importance to writing. In middle school, I was young and just starting to really realize what an essay was and after high school I really understood what an essay consists of. No matter how ... Get more on ...
  • 35. My Most Memorable Experience In My Life My heart was pounding out of my chest as I walked through the frigid, pitch–black forest alone. I could hear was the sound of the night wind blowing against the trees, crickets chirping in the tall grass all around me, the stream flowing peacefully on my right, and my unsteady breath, which seemed like the loudest. I walked, step by step, along a path I could barely make out. Am I going off the trail? I questioned myself, and keptwalking through the silent forest. I was on my first, and only solo–night hike in Yellowstone, Wyoming. This was a night that I will remember forever. Over the summer, I took a trip to Yellowstone, Wyoming with thirty –eight other eighth graders and high schoolers. The trip lasted almost two weeks and was one of the most memorable experiences in my life, but there was one night that impacts me every single day since. On the third night that we were staying at our campsite, my friends and I were getting ready for bed and hanging out around the bonfire when the camp counselors made an announcement. "Everyone meet at the bonfire at 10:30 and bring nothing with you. No backpacks, phones, flashlights, absolutely nothing. Dress warm because it's going to be cold tonight!" announced Miss Flower, one of the counselors. My friends and I looked at each other, confused. What were we going to do? Where are we going? What is going on? There were so many questions overfilling our minds, that none of the counselors would answer. Time seemed to pass so slowly as we waited for an hour until we were supposed to meet. No one had any idea what was going on, or what the night was going to hold. When it was finally time, we hurried over to the bonfire to figure out what was happening. We were shocked when Miss Flower just told us to just follow her and the other counselors down the dirt road by our tents. She didn't answer any questions, where we going, what we were doing, absolutely nothing. We followed the counselors down the path, which led us to a one–lane highway. Everyone crossed quickly, even though there were no cars to be seen. There were no lights anywhere, except the soft illumination from the stars above us. After crossing the highway, we walked in tallgrass for a few minutes which ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Travelling Should Be A Memorable Experience Travelling should be a memorable experience; however, the memories you create is entirely up to you? Do you want your family vacation to be remembered for the wonderful and adventurous expedition you had while hiking in Kungsleden, Sweden or will you remember the hassle you faced when the airport lost your luggage and you had to spend a large amount of your "fun" money replacing personal clothing and essentials that the airport won't replace. If you want to avoid the stress and hassle that is sometimes associated with travelling, get a travel insurance policy from Travelex, one of the leading providers of travel insurance in North America. Travelex insurance is a part of the Travelex Group and they are underwritten by the TransAmerica Casualty Insurance Company and by Old Republic Insurance Company, both A rated companies based on the standards of A.M. Best Company for financial strength and operating performance. Travelex offers a wide variety of benefits which includes their most popular customizable protection, Travel Select; a family friendly package that covers children under the age of 21 years old at no additional cost. Travelex Travel Insurance Policies Travel Basic Travel insurance– offers competitive coverage for those travellers on a budget. It is the ideal plan for domestic or short trips that offers monetary reimbursements instead of supplier credit vouchers and provides coverage for side excursions and missed cruised connections, along with: пѓ Trip ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Pros And Cons Of Rotorua Famil Rotorua Famil My report will consist of my domestic travel experience to Rotorua where two of our Level 3 classes travelled to Rotorua .This will cover the products and service that our group encountered throughout our three day famil. This will feature my personal recommendations of the pros and cons of Rotorua ranging from the activities and attractions that I experience on the famil. This will cover the five sectors of tourism ranging from transportation, accommodation, activities and ancillary services. Transportation Our famil begin with our bus transport from Wellington where students who were wanting to be picked up from Wellington were to meet at the rail station before 7 am. Along with this students who commuted from other suburbs such as Porirua or Levin were also pick up along the way which was a sign of relief and more convenient for those students as I was one of the many. Dave our bus driver from Tranzit Coach Lines was our transport provider throughout our three day famil. I would definitely recommend this transport company as our bus driver always had a friendly attitude but he also gave us an insight on some of the towns we came across throughout our trip. This definitely made our trip more memorable as he went the extra mile for me and my fellow students but at the same time gave us a ... Show more content on ... However when we arrived back I decided to unpack my bags properly I noticed I forgot my bathroom essential at home. Therefore I asked my tutor if there was any nearby super markets and she suggested the BP as this was within walking distance. This leads us on a night walk to the BP where we were able to get the essentials that were needed but the same time got some late night snacks for the rest of our night. The facilities and service provided was well maintained and kept ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Reflection Paper Our excursion to Japan was full of inspiring and fulfilling experiences for me. The foremost part of our journey, to Tokushima and the Awagami Factory, was what I was initially so excited for. Between my studies of printmaking, papermaking, and Japanese art history– Awagami was the initial anticipated zenith of my trip to Japan. It was an absolute dream come true. Paper has long been a fascination of mine as it's a printmaker's primary medium. Awagami washi paper is renowned among printmakers and the opportunity to partake in the traditional process from collection, cleaning, preparation, and completion into the final thin yet strong sheets of washi paper was wonderful. I was so inspired by the facility and the process that I made sure to take detailed notes in the hope of continuing my own papermaking process back in the United States. Another occurrence that has altered my own artistic practices and inspired me for future art works– including our final sculptural pieces for this class– was our trip to Inujima Island and the Inujima Seirensho Art Museum. The second piece we encountered, a piece entitled "Solar Rock" by Yukinori Yanagi which used pieces of Yukio Mishima's Shoto home, was an influential piece into my own practices. The larger than life, imagined, presence of this piece was achieved through the "expanded" walls of a theoretical home. The mind fills in the gap left by the lack of walls to create a house upon a rock. This speaks to author Yukio Mishima's ... Get more on ...
  • 39. My Brothers By F. Scott Fitzgerald I felt the dread sink like a rock in my stomach. My two brothers, Ryan and Matthew, were on the opposite end of the spectrum. My mother had been telling us for weeks that we were going up to the farm that my family owned, but I didn't quite believe her until today. My brothers were given dirt bikes last Christmas while I was given a ATV. Both of them had been counting down the days until they were able to finally ride the dirt bikes and that day had come. After everything was packed, I crammed myself in the van with my brothers and hoped for this trip to end quickly. After two long hours of traveling with nothing to look at but the passing trees, we finally arrived at the farm. As we piled out of the car, I looked at the dirt road we came in on and turned to the house. It was one story and had a red tin roof, surrounded by a large grassy field and then woods beyond that. Twirling around, I walked into the house and plopped onto the closes bed. As everyone else unpacked, I locked myself in the room like a petulant child. Eventually my resolve broke and I crept out of the room to see what everyone else was up to. All of the food had been unpacked and the dirt bikes and ATV had been taken off of the trailer. Helmets were promptly passed out and my brothers slung their legs over the bikes and were gone. Not about to be left behind, I jumped on my ATV and I was on their trail. The trails were newly cleared in the woods and almost running into the trees served as a ... Get more on ...