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VOL-04 |
ISSUE-09 |
Insights from the
The Future of Business
Showcasing Resolute
Colleen Biggs
The Leap
The Most
in Business
to Look Out for
Novel Perspectives
The Role of Inspirational
Business Leaders in
Navigating Technological
Pos ion
is a choice, not A
Elements of
Eternal Success
Elements of
Eternal Success
Abhishek Joshi
Leadership is not just about being in charge of a
team; it’s about inspiring and motivating others to
achieve a common goal. Inspirational leaders
possess certain traits and characteristics that set them apart
from others. These leaders are able to inspire and motivate
people to go above and beyond what is expected of them.
They are visionary, empathetic, authentic, courageous,
resilient, innovative, humble, and inspiring. These leaders
create a culture of collaboration, innovation, and growth,
which helps to motivate and inspire their team members to
achieve great things. By understanding these traits, we can
all strive to become more inspirational leaders in our own
lives and careers.
Inspirational leaders have a clear vision of what they want
to achieve. They are able to articulate this vision to others
in a way that is inspiring and motivating. A leader's vision
provides a sense of purpose and direction for the team and
helps to align everyone's efforts towards a common goal.
The most inspirational leaders are able to communicate
their vision in a way that resonates with their team
Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to the needs
and concerns of others. Inspirational leaders are able to
show empathy towards their team members, which helps to
create a sense of trust and respect. These leaders listen to
their team members and take their opinions and ideas into
account when making decisions. This creates a sense of
belonging and fosters a culture of collaboration.
Inspirational leaders are authentic and true to themselves.
They are honest, transparent, and genuine, which helps to
build trust and credibility with their team members.
Authentic leaders do not try to be someone they are not, and
they are open about their strengths and weaknesses. This
creates an environment where people feel comfortable
being themselves and encourages them to be honest and
transparent as well.
Above all, inspirational leaders are able to inspire others to
be their best selves. They lead by example and are able to
bring out the best in their team members. These leaders
create a positive and supportive environment that fosters
growth and development.
They encourage their team members to take on challenges
and push themselves to new heights. Mapping the journey
of these business leaders, Insights Success—brings its latest
edition—The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to
look out for 2023.
Flip through the pages and indulge in the odyssey of
excellence these business leaders are achieving in the
dynamic business arena.
Have a delightful read!
Showcasing Resolute Leadership
Dr. Dani Kimlinger
A Few Words About Leadership
Shirley Palmer
Upscaling Progress with Resolute Leadership
The Adventures of
Julie Jones
A r t i c a l
Novel Perspectives
The Role of Inspirational Business
Leaders in Navigating Technological Disruption
Insights from the
The Future of Business Leadership
April, 2023
Senior Sales Managers Business Development Manager
Marketing Manager
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Merry D'Souza
Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editor
David King
Art & Design Director Associate Designer
Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Joe, Saurabh
Jordan, Andrew
Sales Executives
Adam, Gaurav Gurav
Business Development Executives
Steve, Joe
Jacob Smile
Prachi Mokashi Dominique T.
SME-SMO Executive
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Circulation Manager
Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes
Revati Badkas
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Abhishek Joshi
Ankita Pandharpure
Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller
Company Name
Colleen Biggs has extensive success and experience for over 20
years consulting over 340 business launches.
Featured Person
The Leap Community
Colleen Biggs
Dani has a background in human resources and organizational
psychology and leadership.
MINES and Associates
Dr. Dani Kimlinger
Chief Executive Officer
Julie Jones is an Award-Winning Speaker, International
Bestselling Author and an Adventure & Breakthrough Coach.
The Adventures of
Julie Jones LLC
Julie Jones
Television Producer,
Breakthrough Coach
With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry,
Peggy Hogan Marker serves as co- president of Marker
Construction Group.
Peggy Hogan Marker
As a pioneer in mindset mastery and conscious leadership,
Shirley understands the mental constructs that dictate our
thoughts, feelings and actions, and by helping people create a
new form of thought leadership and engage in limitless
possibilities, they can move beyond limits.
The Simple Series
Shirley Palmer
CEO and Founder
The Most
in Business
to Look Out for
Showcasing Resolute Leadership
Colleen leverages two
significant areas in her
business, relationships and
technology. She believes it is
not only about what you know
or whom you know but who
knows you.
Colleen Biggs
The Leap
nvisioning a world where every woman who is
Ecommitted to change has the opportunity and tools
to achieve her full potential, Colleen Biggs
founded The Leap Community. Colleen understands that
personal growth and change are possible and seeks to
empower women through transformative experiences and
advocacy. Believing that every person deserves a second
chance, Colleen is working tirelessly to restore dignity and
build a more equitable society.
Join us as we delve into the inspiring story behind The Leap
The Initial Roots
In 1987, Colleen's professional journey began in Corporate
America. From the start, she always sought a path to
advancement and growth in her career. To achieve this, she
sought out mentors and took on roles in different
departments where she could receive on-the-job training
and continue to develop her skills. She was a lifelong
learner driven to succeed, always eager to make more
money and advance quickly.
Colleen approached her work with a focus on people. She
loved getting to know people, nurturing relationships, and
serving as a guide to those who were lost. This approach
helped her well throughout her professional journey. When
given a choice, Colleen preferred to work with new
business owners rather than for a division of a large
corporation, as she believed that entrepreneurs had the
potential to make a more significant impact on their
communities and the lives of others.
Throughout her career, Colleen never wanted just a job. She
was always searching for a promising career that would fuel
her passion for empowering others. In 2019, Colleen retired
from Corporate America and pursued her dream of
becoming an entrepreneur, intending to support and
empower female entrepreneurs who wanted to build
successful businesses that provided financial independence
and a sense of pride.
Facing the Thorns
Colleen faced numerous challenges throughout her career in
Corporate America and as a newly established entrepreneur.
She was known to have a strong voice but often found
herself being asked to mute her opinions or tone down her
emotions in the corporate setting. She was even told not to
show emotions as it was considered unprofessional.
To fit in, Colleen adopted a heavy masculine energy and
portrayed the part perfectly, but to her detriment. At some
point, she believed she had lost her voice and felt unsure of
what she thought and wanted from her career or life and
ultimately became unhappy with her executive-level
position, the money, and her colleagues. Despite feeling
trapped, Colleen had faith in her decades-long career of
knowledge and skill sets, as well as her experience in
launching over 300 businesses, and leaped to leave
corporate and pursue entrepreneurship on her own.
Paving the Path
Colleen believes that her largest area of impact in the world
of executive coaching has been her ability to teach others
how to turn their thoughts into action and ignite the belief
necessary to accelerate their leadership and reach their full
potential. She believes that life will happen regardless of
Many women strive for financial independence and pride in
their businesses but are often held back by fear and self-
doubt. Colleen encourages women to overcome these fears
and embrace their strength as leaders in their families,
communities, faith, and business.
Colleen approached her work
with a focus on people. She
loved getting to know people,
nurturing relationships, and
serving as a guide to those
who were lost.
She believes that when every woman steps into her full
potential, there will be a significant impact on leadership
Restoring Hope & Dignity
The B you B Strong brand has a simple foundation. Its
mission is to empower female entrepreneurs ready to take
action and reach their full potential. The brand aims to help
these women expand their influence, attain financial
independence, and build businesses they can be proud of in
a safe and supportive environment that discourages
judgment. Visibility is a crucial factor in success, so
Colleen and the B you B Strong team have created the Leap
Community platform for women to collaborate, network,
and build their businesses. The Leap community provides
multiple avenues for members to gain exposure, including
opportunities for podcast interviews, live online interviews,
and hosting masterclasses to educate other members.
Work-Life Balance
Colleen is known for her strict discipline in managing her
time. She began implementing a time management schedule
in 2006, which has proven effective. Colleen schedules
every aspect of her life, including meal breaks and dinner.
She prioritizes the people, places, things, and events
important to her and believes that this allows everything
else to fall into place. Sundays are reserved for family time,
and Colleen never compromises on this. Mornings are
dedicated to self-care, and Colleen starts her day with
meditation, journaling, writing gratitude’s, praying, reading,
and exercising. This time is considered sacred, as it allows
her to recharge to pour into others throughout the day.
Upscaling with Technology
Colleen leverages two significant areas in her business,
relationships, and technology. She believes it is not only
about what you know or whom you know but who knows
you. Colleen invests in maximizing her SEO through
Google and utilizing other communities for exposure to
increase her advantage. She is interviewed on hundreds of
podcasts annually, speaks on stages globally, and has a
strong presence on social media. LinkedIn, YouTube, and
Instagram are her go-to platforms for social media. With the
advancement of technology,
The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to Look Out for 2023
Colleen recognizes the importance of leveraging it for
visibility and connecting and nurturing relationships with
others. She believes successful business owners must
embrace technology and make it their best friend.
Preparing for Changes
Colleen has observed that coaching has undergone
significant changes in recent years. She notes that what was
once a structured consulting relationship between a coach
and a client has become a more personal approach that
encompasses the client's entire relationship with their work.
Entrepreneurs, Colleen believes, rarely separate their
personal life from their businesses. To them, their business,
the passion that drives it, and their personal goals, hobbies,
and family are all integral parts of who they are and where
they are headed. Colleen predicts that business coaching
will continue to evolve and reach more women around the
world who are currently out of reach. She foresees a future
in which women will reach out to mentor and sponsor each
other, increasing the number of female leaders in Fortune
500 companies, on Wall Street, and in the medical field.
Future Ready
Colleen sets goals and creates an annual vision board to
help her stay on track. This year, her main objective is to
deepen connections with people. She believes that in a
world saturated with content, people are craving genuine
connections. With this in mind, she plans to put
"CONNECTION" at the center of all her endeavors, from
building a family cabin to coordinating Masterminds and
working with female entrepreneurs. Ensuring that her
actions and projects result in stronger connections is of
utmost importance to Colleen.
For the Aspiring
Colleen congratulates the aspiring entrepreneurs for
embracing the leadership of themselves. She says,
"Leadership is much more than a title or a wage.
Leadership is leading the way, being an example of true
honesty, having values, leading with integrity, and being
mindful of those following you. We need more leaders who
are ready to speak up."
isn't about the
the way.
what you
it's about
it's about
Dr. Dani Kimlinger
A Few Words About Leadership
r. Dani Kimlinger became the CEO of MINES and
DAssociates at the age of 30. She is deeply passionate
about mental health and well-being. Through her
personal experiences and work and volunteering in other
organizations, her passion was ignited when she found
herself being frustrated by systems and the lack of
resources and support in systems.
In an interview with Insights Success, Dani shares
highlights her professional tenure and her journey in the
Brief our audience about your journey as a business
leader until your current position at your company.
What challenges have you had to overcome to reach
where you are today?
It seemed to me that there was so much working against the
people that I love and people that who I worked with
professionally. Access to mental health services, the
acceptance and ability to access services, and the high cost
of services were not available to most people.
I have faced several challenges as I've grown into my
leadership role. The two that come to mind that I continue
to work through include self-confidence and my people
pleasing tendencies. I have found that it is impossible to
make decisions that please everybody. Although this is still
difficult for me to let people down and disappoint people, I
have worked on feeling steadier in my decision-making,
through input of my team and being more confident that I'm
making the best decision possible.
One of the most challenging years for me as a CEO was
2020. COVID forced us to go to a remote environment
immediately and our organization was not remote-ready.
We did it though! Because we are in mental health, the need
for our services and crisis calls also increased significantly
and this was trying on our team. We also had significant
changes in our leadership team that year.
We had changes with two of our four executives. One of
our executives was transitioning out to run for public office,
and the other leader had an upcoming retirement.
We were also faced with some financial challenges and
funding cuts due to COVID. My business partner and I
were committed to keeping everybody's job intact and not
decreasing compensation or benefits. We were able to
follow through on this commitment and grow significantly
in two years following.
Tell us something more about your company and its
mission and vision; how does your company thrive
towards enabling advancements in the dynamic business
MINES save lives and influences the course of human
events. We believe that to provide optimal care to our
clients; you must be able to meet the client where they are
with the best possible modalities and resources. This may
include accessing therapy virtually, or in person, engaging
in coaching, working with a mindfulness resource,
engaging in self-learning, and working with peer groups. In
2019, we introduced message-based and robust virtual
counseling, which was well-timed for COVID when many
providers were not comfortable seeing people in person.
Ensuring that clients do not fall through the cracks is also
important. I’ve been there myself. Our team has put in a
number of safety nets and checks to catch people so that
they do not fall through including services where they take
on the process of finding a provider for the client and
ensure that they have availability and the expertise that they
are looking for.
Describe the values and the work culture that drives
your organization.
Integrity- MINES’ employees must be honest, trustworthy,
and follow through for their colleagues and clients.
Team-focused- The employees at MINES must be
committed to each other, collaborate, engage in shared
accountability, and be open communicators with each other
and flexible with needs as they come up.
Continuous learning- One needs to be a continuous
learner. The employee should have a growth mindset and
April 2023 | 16 |
Dani Kimlinger
MINES and Associates
April 2023 | 17 |
strive to learn more and grow professionally. They should
also be adaptable; significant events change our days
drastically, and they have the humility to recognize that
they do not know everything and be willing to learn from
Initiative - The employee should be self-motivated to grow
and therefore seek out and take the initiative in new
learning opportunities.
Innovation - They must value their own creative ideas as
well as others’ ideas and engage in taking risks to enhance
our services.
Client-focused - MINES’ is client-focused, including being
empathic and responsive, meeting the client where they are
in their journey, and looking for ways to enhance the client
experience through client-centricity.
Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in
almost every sector. How are you leveraging
technological advancements to make your solutions
We leverage technology by offering therapy via video,
telephonic, message-based, and in person. We are also
offering a digital intake for clients who do not want to call
MINES to access services.
Additionally, we have invested resources into updating our
digital access and adding other digital tools such as
mindfulness, personal and professional development,
coaching, leadership tools, and soon peer support services
that can be accessed online.
In addition to individual client service needs, MINES’
utilizes technology to offer virtual training, organizational
development services, and crisis incident support debriefing
What, according to you, could be the next significant
change in your sector? How is your company preparing
to be a part of that change?
With the well-documented provider shortage and access
challenges that continue to become more problematic, we
are already seeing an increase in virtual care services, and
MINES has embraced them.
I'm excited to see where artificial intelligence goes and the
integration of technology and AI in mental health care.
There is no doubt already some effective AI engagement in
the industry, and I think that it will only get better and
provide consistent support and resources
April 2023 | 18 |
for individuals. MINES is preparing to be part of that
change by watching the AI evolution in our field and
exploring how we would want to apply an AI model and
what that evolution might look like.
Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run,
and what are your future goals for your company?
MINES has had significant growth in the last two years.
The mental health and well-being space has offered so
many opportunities to shake up how we provide services
and the service mixes. MINES is expanding its services.
What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs
who aspire to venture into the dynamic business arena?
The advice I would give to a budding entrepreneur includes
two main things. Build relationships. This is the most
important component of breaking into and growing into any
industry. I think to myself how fortunate I am to be
surrounded by like-minded and similar-valued
It’s important to network with professionals in your
industry and professionals who may have a similar role in a
completely different industry. The perspectives, guidance,
and support you get from such a diverse group of
professionals are beneficial. Surround yourself with people
who are further along than you and who may be better than
The other piece of advice that I would give is that you are
never done growing and learning. I spent nine years in
school post high school to get my bachelors, master’s, and
doctorate degrees. I have had more impactful and deeper
learning since finishing my Ph.D. Also, there are concepts
and models that did not exist when I went to graduate
school. Part of the learning journey is also surrounding
yourself with people who are further along their
professional journey than you, being around people who
know more than you.
We are not finished products; we can always be better and
know more, and it's important to be humble and keep
yourself open to all learning, including the areas in which
you feel you are an expert.
Alone we can do
so little; together
we can do so much.
- Helen Keller
“ “
April 2023 | 19 |
The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to Look Out for 2023
The Future
Insights from the Leaders
April 2023 | 20 |
The world of business is constantly evolving, and as
such, so is the role of business leadership. In the
past, the job of a business leader was primarily
focused on achieving financial success, but today, the role
of a business leader encompasses much more. The future of
business leadership will be marked by a focus on
innovation, collaboration, and sustainability.
One of the biggest changes that we can expect in the future
of business leadership is a shift in focus from financial
success to innovation. While financial success will always
be important, the leaders of tomorrow will need to be able
to think outside the box and come up with new and creative
ways to solve problems. They will need to be able to take
risks, fail fast, and learn from their mistakes. This requires a
willingness to experiment, to embrace new technologies
and business models, and to be open to new ideas.
Another important trend that we can expect to see in the
future of business leadership is a greater emphasis on
collaboration. In today's global economy, no business can
succeed alone. To be successful, companies need to work
together, sharing resources, knowledge, and expertise. The
leaders of tomorrow will need to be skilled at building
partnerships, fostering collaboration, and creating networks
that span different industries and geographies.
Finally, the future of business leadership will be marked by
a greater focus on sustainability. As the world becomes
increasingly interconnected, the impact of business on the
environment and society is becoming more and more
apparent. The leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to
balance the needs of their businesses with the needs of the
planet and society as a whole. This will require a deep
understanding of the environmental, social, and economic
issues that affect the world today, as well as a commitment
to finding solutions that are both profitable and sustainable.
April 3 21 www.
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So, what does all of this mean for the future of business
leadership? It means that the leaders of tomorrow will need
to be innovative, collaborative, and committed to
sustainability. They will need to be able to think outside the
box, build partnerships, and balance the needs of their
businesses with the needs of the planet and society as a
whole. To succeed in this changing world, they will need to
be adaptable, resilient, and able to learn from their
While financial success will always be important, the
leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to take risks, fail
fast, and learn from their mistakes. By embracing these
trends, business leaders can create a brighter future for
themselves, their companies, and the world as a whole.
The Qualities to Thrive with
Influential business leaders are decisive. They are able to
make tough decisions quickly and effectively. They are able
to analyze complex situations and make decisions based on
their experience, intuition, and data. They are also able to
communicate their decisions clearly and effectively to
Decisiveness increases productivity. By making quick and
effective decisions, individuals and organizations can save
time and resources. They can avoid wasting time and
energy on indecision or delay. This increased productivity
can lead to greater success and the achievement of goals.
Decisiveness improves problem-solving skills. By
analyzing information and making decisions quickly and
effectively, individuals and organizations can develop their
problem-solving skills. They can learn to identify the root
causes of problems, evaluate options, and take action to
resolve issues.
Decisiveness builds confidence. When individuals and
organizations make decisions quickly and confidently, they
demonstrate their competence and expertise. This
confidence can inspire trust and respect from others, leading
to greater opportunities and success.
Influential business leaders are resilient. They are able to
bounce back from setbacks and failures. They are able to
maintain their focus and commitment to their vision, even
in the face of adversity. They are also able to learn from
their mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth and
Emotional Intelligence
Influential business leaders have high emotional
intelligence. They are able to understand and manage their
own emotions effectively. They are also able to empathize
with others and understand their perspective. This allows
them to build strong relationships with employees,
customers, and other stakeholders.
Strategic Thinking
Influential business leaders are strategic thinkers. They are
able to see the big picture and develop strategies to achieve
their vision. They are able to analyze trends, anticipate
challenges, and develop plans to address them. They are
also able to adjust their strategies as needed to respond to
changing circumstances.
In conclusion, the future of business leadership will be
marked by a focus on innovation, collaboration, and
sustainability. The leaders of tomorrow will need to be able
to think outside the box, build partnerships, and balance the
needs of their businesses with the needs of the planet and
society as a whole.
While financial success will always be important, the
leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to take risks, fail
fast, and learn from their mistakes. By embracing these
trends, business leaders can create a brighter future for
themselves, their companies, and the world as a whole.
April 2023 | 22 |
The Adventures
Julie Jones
ften, people will ask me, what was your journey
Ofrom police officer to speaker, adventure &
breakthrough coach, and TV producer? There
really is no concise answer, yet, it is through the journey of
life and entrepreneurship, through all the challenges and
obstacles, the highs and the lows, that make me the
inspirational leader that I am today.
As a young child, I was taught by my parents the
importance of giving back and making a difference. I have
always had the heart to serve others. While I was a police
officer, one of the most difficult parts of my job was to
make death notifications to loved ones. Words don't come
easy, and one must remain stoic, not showing much
It is by far one of the most difficult parts of being a police
officer. I learned early on in my life that tomorrow is not
promised. It hit home even harder for me when my mom
was diagnosed at 57 with early onset Alzheimer's, and at 59,
she passed away from the disease. The disease and her
death robbed my mother of her dreams, and I was
determined to live a life without regret and not take my
dreams to the grave.
After my mom passed, and within 30 days, my
grandmother, who had a strong influence, passed away.
I knew once again that time waits for no one, and my desire
to make an impact in this world was what I truly desired to
Today, I inspire joy in people who are do, do, do instead of
just being, a way to transform their stinking thinking into a
more courageous way of being, so they can get o ffthe
hamster wheel, live a life without regret, and have the
courage to be who they are meant to be. In my coaching
business, everything is customized specifically for my
clients. I do not use a cookie cutter approach, and the
foundation of my business is integrity, candor, and fun! My
clients have success because I walk the walk and talk the
I don't ask them to do anything I myself am not willing to
do or have already done. I don't believe in fluff. I am direct
with an incredibly loving heart. Most importantly, we have
fun. I am creative, innovative, and I can see what others are
missing in their life because of their perceptions, filters and
beliefs. Have you ever really looked at the word BELIEF?
There is a word within belief, and that word is a LIE.
Beliefs are the lies that we tell ourselves daily about how
we are not good enough, not worthy, not valuable, etc.
My clients have often said that what I do is life changing.
Here is what I know. They have changed their perspective
on things based on the tools I have given them. Coaching is
for successful people who want to level up. It's not designed
to fix anyone. There is nothing wrong with you. Most
people have just lost their way, and I show them again
what's possible. It's why I surround myself with successful
people and have multiple coaches.
Life and business are about taking risks and saying YES to
life opportunities. Do you know that the average 3 year old
hears the word NO about 450,000 times in that short life
span? Is it any wonder that we are so quick to say NO all
the time?
April 2023 | 24 |
April 3 25 www.
202 | |
As I continue to move forward in my business, my goals
include having intimate retreats where individuals can focus
on who they are, the gifts they bring to this world, and what
matters most. I aspire to be on world stages sharing my
message. We all have a message and a story to share. I will
continue to give people a platform through my podcast, Get
S#*t Done, and through my television show, Stop Waiting
Start Living, which can be found on streaming platforms
like Roku, Apple, and Amazon Fire, to share their stories of
resilience, persistence, and saying YES to life.
Want to know more about what's possible for you and your
life? Find out more and connect with me at, I am excited to meet you!
April 2023 | 26 |
have to become comfortable to a point with risk. Playing
it safe will not support you in creating the life you
desire. There is a distinct difference to saying YES to what
you get to do in life rather than what you have to. I support
my clients in that distinction. People often leave Corporate
America because they are sick and tired of running on the
hamster wheel, yet they will recreate a business for
themself where they have no time. I am clear in my
message that the most important business we are in is that
of our life!
Change is inevitable. Technology continues to play a role in
business, and yet, it is the building of relationships and
effective communication that will continue to be most
important. Right now, the buzz is about AI. I believe that
there are some great uses for this newest technology, yet it
still will not replace the underlying desire that all of us have
for connection. I believe that since the pandemic, we
discovered that humans do not do well alone. We are in this
world together, and it is the connection over content that I
inspire my audiences to remember that is most important.
Being in business and being an entrepreneur means you
The Role of
Business Leaders
in Navigating
Technological disruption is an inevitable part of the
modern business landscape, and it has the potential
to radically transform entire industries. In this
context, the role of inspirational business leaders is more
important than ever. These leaders must navigate the
challenges posed by technological disruption and use it as
an opportunity to drive innovation and growth.
First and foremost, inspirational business leaders must be
able to adapt to change. They must be flexible and agile,
able to pivot quickly in response to new technologies and
market conditions. This requires a willingness to take risks,
to experiment with new ideas, and to embrace uncertainty.
Inspirational business leaders must be willing to challenge
the status quo and to disrupt their own businesses in order
to stay ahead of the curve.
At the same time, inspirational business leaders must be
able to inspire and motivate their teams. They must be able
to articulate a clear vision for the future and to
communicate that vision in a way that resonates with their
employees. This requires strong communication skills,
empathy, and the ability to build trust and rapport with
others. Inspirational business leaders must be able to create
a sense of purpose and meaning for their teams, so that they
feel invested in the success of the business.
Novel Perspectives
April 2023 | 28 |
April 2023 | 29 |
Another key role of inspirational business leaders in
navigating technological disruption is to foster a culture of
innovation within their organizations. They must be able to
create an environment in which employees feel empowered
to take risks, to experiment with new ideas, and to
challenge the status quo. This requires a willingness to
listen to feedback, to embrace failure, and to reward
creativity and initiative. Inspirational business leaders must
be able to create a sense of urgency around innovation so
that their organizations are constantly pushing the
boundaries of what is possible.
Finally, inspirational business leaders must be able to stay
ahead of the curve when it comes to technological
disruption. They must be able to anticipate new
technologies and trends and to position their organizations
to take advantage of them. This requires a deep
understanding of the technological landscape, as well as the
ability to identify emerging opportunities and threats.
Inspirational business leaders must be able to balance short-
term and long-term priorities and make strategic decisions
that will drive growth and innovation over the long term.
Technology and leadership are two intertwined concepts
that are increasingly shaping the modern business
Today's leaders need to be tech-savvy and able to leverage
technology to drive innovation, growth, and competitive
advantage. At the same time, they must be able to navigate
the complex social, ethical, and economic issues that arise
with technological advancement.
One of the keyways in which technology is shaping
leadership is by enabling new forms of collaboration and
communication. With the rise of digital platforms and tools,
leaders can now connect with employees, customers, and
partners in real-time, from anywhere in the world. This
requires a new set of skills, such as the ability to build
relationships online, to communicate effectively through
digital channels, and to manage remote teams.
Technology is also enabling new forms of innovation and
disruption. Leaders who are able to leverage technology to
create new business models, products, and services can gain
a significant competitive advantage. This requires a
willingness to experiment with new technologies, to take
risks, and to be open to new ideas. Leaders must also be
able to balance the need for innovation with the need for
stability and reliability, ensuring that new technologies are
implemented in a way that is sustainable and effective.
Another way in which technology is shaping leadership is
by presenting new ethical and social challenges. For
example, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and
automation has raised concerns about job displacement and
inequality. Leaders must be able to navigate these complex
issues, balancing the potential benefits of technology with
its potential drawbacks. This requires a deep understanding
of the social and economic impacts of technology, as well
as a commitment to ethical and responsible leadership.
Finally, technology is changing the way that leaders learn
and develop their skills. Online learning platforms, social
media, and other digital tools have made it easier than ever
for leaders to access training and development
opportunities. This requires a willingness to embrace new
forms of learning, to be open to feedback and criticism, and
to continuously improve one's skills and knowledge.
In conclusion, the role of inspirational business leaders in
navigating technological disruption is critical. These leaders
must be able to adapt to change, inspire and motivate their
teams, foster a culture of innovation, and stay ahead of the
curve when it comes to emerging technologies and trends.
By embracing these challenges, inspirational business
leaders can create a more resilient and adaptable business
culture that is better equipped to thrive in the face of
April 2023 | 30 |
Upscaling Progress with Resolute Leadership
We frequently believe that great leadership
abilities are simply innate in people. Of course,
that is a myth; the truly motivating leaders are
those who are constantly pursuing personal growth and
improvement. It involves the knowledge that leadership is a
never-ending learning process and that the journey, not the
endpoint, is what matters.
Good motivating leaders understand how to inspire others.
They are enthusiastic about what they are doing, have a
positive outlook, and are aware that they are investing their
time in something that is truly worthwhile. With a
significant skillset and leadership attributes, Shirley
Palmer excels as an inspiring business leader. With over 25
years of experience across diverse global sectors, Shirley is
an accomplished entrepreneur, advisor and visionary.
Through her consultancy work, she has been helping
thousands of start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs worldwide
achieve their goals. Shirley’s infectious energy and ability
to inspire others have garnered her a loyal following, with
recognition including awards for Most Ambitious Business
Support CEO and Female CEO of the Year.
In an interview with Insights Success, Shirley shares
valuable facts that highlight her professional tenure and
journey so far in the niche.
Below are the excerpts from the interview:
Briefly describe your professional journey up until now.
At 21, I left Northern Ireland for London, where I found my
calling in private equity. I developed a wealth of business
acumen and communication skills whilst being a key
contact for investors in my role as CFO.
After a life-affirming trip to Africa, I took a leap of faith,
founding Shirley Palmer International (;
I became a published author, radio show host, and charity
founder. Settling in California for a few years, I gained
insight into conscious leadership, mindfulness, mindset, and
a holistic approach to business.
Following my heart and soul, I returned to Northern Ireland
in late 2019, and amidst the chaos of the pandemic, I
founded my second business, The Simple Series
(, offering specialized business
consultancy and programs to entrepreneurs seeking to
elevate their business.
We provide affordable support and expertise to empower
entrepreneurs to focus on their core competencies and
achieve their goals with a more holistic approach.
What challenges did you face along the way?
As a CEO of two start-ups, I've learned the value of a
resilient mindset, embracing challenges, and making a
positive impact. Self-belief, emotional intelligence,
relationships, intuition, and conflict resolution are key to
success. Trusting your gut and staying focused on your
grand vision despite others' opinions is essential.
As a mentor, consultant, and speaker, I empower others to
fulfil their potential. A warm and supportive approach
fosters creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Emotional
intelligence is often underestimated, but being more self-
aware and conscious of our actions helps us develop better
What significant impact did you bring to your industry?
I'm a board member for the Northern Ireland Chapter of
BITA (a growing international network), previously was an
April 2023 | 32 |
We provide
affordable support
and expertise to
entrepreneurs to
focus on their core
competencies and
achieve their goals
with a more
holistic approach.
Shirley Palmer
CEO and Founder
The Simple Series
April 2023 | 33 |
ambassador for GEN UK and founded a UK health charity.
My approach is to inspire a mindset of boundless
possibility, cultivating a mentality of resilience,
resourcefulness, and success.
I bring a formidable array of skills to the table, guiding
teams towards success with my visionary mindset, values-
driven leadership, and passion for sustainable development.
Tell us about Simple Series and its foundation pillar.
In 2020, amidst the pandemic chaos, I fearlessly launched to help entrepreneurs achieve their
desired growth potential. Our bespoke business programs,
expert consultancy, and affordable membership club
provide entrepreneurs with essential support to navigate the
ever-changing business landscape.
We prioritize human connections, leadership, emotional
intelligence, and diversity. Our core values of simplicity,
teamwork, and excellence guide us in our daily operations,
and we believe that excellence drives success. With a focus
on individual development and a culture of simplicity,
respect, and inclusivity, we help businesses thrive and
achieve extraordinary results.
How does Simple Series promote workforce flexibility,
and what is your role in it?
As a CEO, promoting workforce flexibility is crucial in
today's changing times. This involves assessing team
members' needs and creating a culture that prioritizes
flexibility with options for remote work, flexible hours, and
job sharing. Being open to feedback and willing to adapt
policies is also important.
Leading by example and demonstrating the importance of
work-life balance and flexibility helps team members feel
valued, boosting morale, engagement, and productivity.
Overall, promoting workforce flexibility is essential for the
success and sustainability of organizations, and it is the
CEO's responsibility to encourage it.
What is your take on technology's importance, and how
are you leveraging it?
At The Simple Series, we understand that technology is
essential for modern businesses. We use AI, machine
learning, and other automation tools to automate repetitive
tasks and enhance efficiency.
April 2023 | 34 |
Our communication and collaboration tools allow remote
teams to work together seamlessly.
Additionally, we use technology to gather data that informs
our business decisions, improves customer experiences, and
streamlines operations. We prioritize using technology to
enhance the human touch in business and benefit both our
business and customers.
What will be the next significant change in your
industry, and how are you preparing for it?
AI will revolutionize business processes in the next decade,
automating tasks, analyzing data, and informing decisions.
Sustainability and social responsibility will be critical for
success as consumers demand eco-friendly and ethical
practices. Entrepreneurs must stay current on emerging tech
and industry trends while prioritizing sustainability and
What are your goals in the upcoming future?
As CEO of The Simple Series, my top business goals for
the coming year are: scaling the business, strengthening
customer relationships, embracing technology, giving back
to the community, promoting sustainability, fostering
innovation, and developing talent. These key areas will help
us expand our reach, maintain exceptional service, keep up
with technological advancements, and demonstrate our
commitment to social responsibility. By prioritizing these
goals, we will continue to grow and evolve as a business
while staying true to our values of simplicity, teamwork,
and excellence.
What advice would you like to give the next generation
of aspiring business leaders?
To succeed in business, cultivate a growth mindset,
embrace failure, practice conscious leadership, develop
emotional intelligence, and lead with kindness and integrity.
Be aware of your impact on others and inspire your team.
Communicate effectively and create a positive work
environment where everyone can thrive. Life is full of ups
and downs, successes and failures. Challenges make us
stronger. Cherish every moment and opportunity, pursue
passions, cultivate relationships, and be kind. Embrace
challenges, discover purpose, and make a positive impact
for a fulfilling life.
April 2023 | 35 |
The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to Look Out for 2023
You don't have
to be the
to be the best.
You have to be
Bestto be the

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The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to look out for 2023.pdf

  • 1. VOL-04 | ISSUE-09 | 2023 Insights from the Leaders The Future of Business Leadership Showcasing Resolute Leadership Colleen Biggs Founder The Leap Community The Most Inspirational in Business to Look Out for 2023 Leaders Novel Perspectives The Role of Inspirational Business Leaders in Navigating Technological Disruption
  • 2.
  • 3. Leadership Pos ion is a choice, not A
  • 4. Elements of Eternal Success Symbolizing Elements of Eternal Success Symbolizing
  • 5. Hire character. Trainskill. Abhishek Joshi Leadership is not just about being in charge of a team; it’s about inspiring and motivating others to achieve a common goal. Inspirational leaders possess certain traits and characteristics that set them apart from others. These leaders are able to inspire and motivate people to go above and beyond what is expected of them. They are visionary, empathetic, authentic, courageous, resilient, innovative, humble, and inspiring. These leaders create a culture of collaboration, innovation, and growth, which helps to motivate and inspire their team members to achieve great things. By understanding these traits, we can all strive to become more inspirational leaders in our own lives and careers. Inspirational leaders have a clear vision of what they want to achieve. They are able to articulate this vision to others in a way that is inspiring and motivating. A leader's vision provides a sense of purpose and direction for the team and helps to align everyone's efforts towards a common goal. The most inspirational leaders are able to communicate their vision in a way that resonates with their team members. Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to the needs and concerns of others. Inspirational leaders are able to show empathy towards their team members, which helps to create a sense of trust and respect. These leaders listen to their team members and take their opinions and ideas into account when making decisions. This creates a sense of belonging and fosters a culture of collaboration. Inspirational leaders are authentic and true to themselves. They are honest, transparent, and genuine, which helps to build trust and credibility with their team members. Authentic leaders do not try to be someone they are not, and they are open about their strengths and weaknesses. This creates an environment where people feel comfortable being themselves and encourages them to be honest and transparent as well. Above all, inspirational leaders are able to inspire others to be their best selves. They lead by example and are able to bring out the best in their team members. These leaders create a positive and supportive environment that fosters growth and development. They encourage their team members to take on challenges and push themselves to new heights. Mapping the journey of these business leaders, Insights Success—brings its latest edition—The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to look out for 2023. Flip through the pages and indulge in the odyssey of excellence these business leaders are achieving in the dynamic business arena. Have a delightful read! L
  • 7. Contents Dr. Dani Kimlinger A Few Words About Leadership 16 Shirley Palmer Upscaling Progress with Resolute Leadership 32 The Adventures of Julie Jones 24 A r t i c a l Novel Perspectives The Role of Inspirational Business Leaders in Navigating Technological Disruption 28 Insights from the Leaders The Future of Business Leadership 20 32 16 24 C X O
  • 8. April, 2023 Editor-in-Chief Senior Sales Managers Business Development Manager Marketing Manager Technical Head Technical Specialist Digital Marketing Manager Research Analyst Database Management Technology Consultant Merry D'Souza Deputy Editor Executive Editor Assistant Editor Visualizer David King Art & Design Director Associate Designer Sihanee M., Rouniyar A. Joe, Saurabh Jordan, Andrew Sales Executives Adam, Gaurav Gurav Business Development Executives Steve, Joe Jacob Smile Prachi Mokashi Dominique T. SME-SMO Executive Sagar Lahigade Frank Adams Circulation Manager Robert Brown Stella Andrew David Stokes Revati Badkas Copyright © 2023 Insights Success, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Follow us on : We are also available on : Abhishek Joshi Ankita Pandharpure Jenny Fernandes Anish Miller
  • 9. Brief Company Name Colleen Biggs has extensive success and experience for over 20 years consulting over 340 business launches. Featured Person The Leap Community Colleen Biggs Founder Dani has a background in human resources and organizational psychology and leadership. MINES and Associates Dr. Dani Kimlinger Chief Executive Officer Julie Jones is an Award-Winning Speaker, International Bestselling Author and an Adventure & Breakthrough Coach. The Adventures of Julie Jones LLC Julie Jones Television Producer, Speaker, Breakthrough Coach With over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, Peggy Hogan Marker serves as co- president of Marker Construction Group. Marker Peggy Hogan Marker President As a pioneer in mindset mastery and conscious leadership, Shirley understands the mental constructs that dictate our thoughts, feelings and actions, and by helping people create a new form of thought leadership and engage in limitless possibilities, they can move beyond limits. The Simple Series Shirley Palmer CEO and Founder The Most Inspirational in Business to Look Out for 2023 Leaders
  • 10. Showcasing Resolute Leadership Colleen leverages two significant areas in her business, relationships and technology. She believes it is not only about what you know or whom you know but who knows you. Cover Story
  • 12. nvisioning a world where every woman who is Ecommitted to change has the opportunity and tools to achieve her full potential, Colleen Biggs founded The Leap Community. Colleen understands that personal growth and change are possible and seeks to empower women through transformative experiences and advocacy. Believing that every person deserves a second chance, Colleen is working tirelessly to restore dignity and build a more equitable society. Join us as we delve into the inspiring story behind The Leap Community. The Initial Roots In 1987, Colleen's professional journey began in Corporate America. From the start, she always sought a path to advancement and growth in her career. To achieve this, she sought out mentors and took on roles in different departments where she could receive on-the-job training and continue to develop her skills. She was a lifelong learner driven to succeed, always eager to make more money and advance quickly. Colleen approached her work with a focus on people. She loved getting to know people, nurturing relationships, and serving as a guide to those who were lost. This approach helped her well throughout her professional journey. When given a choice, Colleen preferred to work with new business owners rather than for a division of a large corporation, as she believed that entrepreneurs had the potential to make a more significant impact on their communities and the lives of others. Throughout her career, Colleen never wanted just a job. She was always searching for a promising career that would fuel her passion for empowering others. In 2019, Colleen retired from Corporate America and pursued her dream of becoming an entrepreneur, intending to support and empower female entrepreneurs who wanted to build successful businesses that provided financial independence and a sense of pride. Facing the Thorns Colleen faced numerous challenges throughout her career in Corporate America and as a newly established entrepreneur. She was known to have a strong voice but often found herself being asked to mute her opinions or tone down her emotions in the corporate setting. She was even told not to show emotions as it was considered unprofessional. To fit in, Colleen adopted a heavy masculine energy and portrayed the part perfectly, but to her detriment. At some point, she believed she had lost her voice and felt unsure of what she thought and wanted from her career or life and ultimately became unhappy with her executive-level position, the money, and her colleagues. Despite feeling trapped, Colleen had faith in her decades-long career of knowledge and skill sets, as well as her experience in launching over 300 businesses, and leaped to leave corporate and pursue entrepreneurship on her own. Paving the Path Colleen believes that her largest area of impact in the world of executive coaching has been her ability to teach others how to turn their thoughts into action and ignite the belief necessary to accelerate their leadership and reach their full potential. She believes that life will happen regardless of participation. Many women strive for financial independence and pride in their businesses but are often held back by fear and self- doubt. Colleen encourages women to overcome these fears and embrace their strength as leaders in their families, communities, faith, and business. Colleen approached her work with a focus on people. She loved getting to know people, nurturing relationships, and serving as a guide to those who were lost.
  • 13. She believes that when every woman steps into her full potential, there will be a significant impact on leadership globally. Restoring Hope & Dignity The B you B Strong brand has a simple foundation. Its mission is to empower female entrepreneurs ready to take action and reach their full potential. The brand aims to help these women expand their influence, attain financial independence, and build businesses they can be proud of in a safe and supportive environment that discourages judgment. Visibility is a crucial factor in success, so Colleen and the B you B Strong team have created the Leap Community platform for women to collaborate, network, and build their businesses. The Leap community provides multiple avenues for members to gain exposure, including opportunities for podcast interviews, live online interviews, and hosting masterclasses to educate other members. Work-Life Balance Colleen is known for her strict discipline in managing her time. She began implementing a time management schedule in 2006, which has proven effective. Colleen schedules every aspect of her life, including meal breaks and dinner. She prioritizes the people, places, things, and events important to her and believes that this allows everything else to fall into place. Sundays are reserved for family time, and Colleen never compromises on this. Mornings are dedicated to self-care, and Colleen starts her day with meditation, journaling, writing gratitude’s, praying, reading, and exercising. This time is considered sacred, as it allows her to recharge to pour into others throughout the day. Upscaling with Technology Colleen leverages two significant areas in her business, relationships, and technology. She believes it is not only about what you know or whom you know but who knows you. Colleen invests in maximizing her SEO through Google and utilizing other communities for exposure to increase her advantage. She is interviewed on hundreds of podcasts annually, speaks on stages globally, and has a strong presence on social media. LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram are her go-to platforms for social media. With the advancement of technology, The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to Look Out for 2023
  • 14. Colleen recognizes the importance of leveraging it for visibility and connecting and nurturing relationships with others. She believes successful business owners must embrace technology and make it their best friend. Preparing for Changes Colleen has observed that coaching has undergone significant changes in recent years. She notes that what was once a structured consulting relationship between a coach and a client has become a more personal approach that encompasses the client's entire relationship with their work. Entrepreneurs, Colleen believes, rarely separate their personal life from their businesses. To them, their business, the passion that drives it, and their personal goals, hobbies, and family are all integral parts of who they are and where they are headed. Colleen predicts that business coaching will continue to evolve and reach more women around the world who are currently out of reach. She foresees a future in which women will reach out to mentor and sponsor each other, increasing the number of female leaders in Fortune 500 companies, on Wall Street, and in the medical field. Future Ready Colleen sets goals and creates an annual vision board to help her stay on track. This year, her main objective is to deepen connections with people. She believes that in a world saturated with content, people are craving genuine connections. With this in mind, she plans to put "CONNECTION" at the center of all her endeavors, from building a family cabin to coordinating Masterminds and working with female entrepreneurs. Ensuring that her actions and projects result in stronger connections is of utmost importance to Colleen. For the Aspiring Colleen congratulates the aspiring entrepreneurs for embracing the leadership of themselves. She says, "Leadership is much more than a title or a wage. Leadership is leading the way, being an example of true honesty, having values, leading with integrity, and being mindful of those following you. We need more leaders who are ready to speak up."
  • 16.
  • 17. Success isn't about the End resu; Lenalong the way. what you it's about it's about
  • 18. Dr. Dani Kimlinger A Few Words About Leadership r. Dani Kimlinger became the CEO of MINES and DAssociates at the age of 30. She is deeply passionate about mental health and well-being. Through her personal experiences and work and volunteering in other organizations, her passion was ignited when she found herself being frustrated by systems and the lack of resources and support in systems. In an interview with Insights Success, Dani shares highlights her professional tenure and her journey in the niche. Brief our audience about your journey as a business leader until your current position at your company. What challenges have you had to overcome to reach where you are today? It seemed to me that there was so much working against the people that I love and people that who I worked with professionally. Access to mental health services, the acceptance and ability to access services, and the high cost of services were not available to most people. I have faced several challenges as I've grown into my leadership role. The two that come to mind that I continue to work through include self-confidence and my people pleasing tendencies. I have found that it is impossible to make decisions that please everybody. Although this is still difficult for me to let people down and disappoint people, I have worked on feeling steadier in my decision-making, through input of my team and being more confident that I'm making the best decision possible. One of the most challenging years for me as a CEO was 2020. COVID forced us to go to a remote environment immediately and our organization was not remote-ready. We did it though! Because we are in mental health, the need for our services and crisis calls also increased significantly and this was trying on our team. We also had significant changes in our leadership team that year. We had changes with two of our four executives. One of our executives was transitioning out to run for public office, and the other leader had an upcoming retirement. We were also faced with some financial challenges and funding cuts due to COVID. My business partner and I were committed to keeping everybody's job intact and not decreasing compensation or benefits. We were able to follow through on this commitment and grow significantly in two years following. Tell us something more about your company and its mission and vision; how does your company thrive towards enabling advancements in the dynamic business arena? MINES save lives and influences the course of human events. We believe that to provide optimal care to our clients; you must be able to meet the client where they are with the best possible modalities and resources. This may include accessing therapy virtually, or in person, engaging in coaching, working with a mindfulness resource, engaging in self-learning, and working with peer groups. In 2019, we introduced message-based and robust virtual counseling, which was well-timed for COVID when many providers were not comfortable seeing people in person. Ensuring that clients do not fall through the cracks is also important. I’ve been there myself. Our team has put in a number of safety nets and checks to catch people so that they do not fall through including services where they take on the process of finding a provider for the client and ensure that they have availability and the expertise that they are looking for. Describe the values and the work culture that drives your organization. Integrity- MINES’ employees must be honest, trustworthy, and follow through for their colleagues and clients. Team-focused- The employees at MINES must be committed to each other, collaborate, engage in shared accountability, and be open communicators with each other and flexible with needs as they come up. Continuous learning- One needs to be a continuous learner. The employee should have a growth mindset and April 2023 | 16 |
  • 19. Dani Kimlinger CEO MINES and Associates April 2023 | 17 |
  • 20. strive to learn more and grow professionally. They should also be adaptable; significant events change our days drastically, and they have the humility to recognize that they do not know everything and be willing to learn from others. Initiative - The employee should be self-motivated to grow and therefore seek out and take the initiative in new learning opportunities. Innovation - They must value their own creative ideas as well as others’ ideas and engage in taking risks to enhance our services. Client-focused - MINES’ is client-focused, including being empathic and responsive, meeting the client where they are in their journey, and looking for ways to enhance the client experience through client-centricity. Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you leveraging technological advancements to make your solutions resourceful? We leverage technology by offering therapy via video, telephonic, message-based, and in person. We are also offering a digital intake for clients who do not want to call MINES to access services. Additionally, we have invested resources into updating our digital access and adding other digital tools such as mindfulness, personal and professional development, coaching, leadership tools, and soon peer support services that can be accessed online. In addition to individual client service needs, MINES’ utilizes technology to offer virtual training, organizational development services, and crisis incident support debriefing services. What, according to you, could be the next significant change in your sector? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change? With the well-documented provider shortage and access challenges that continue to become more problematic, we are already seeing an increase in virtual care services, and MINES has embraced them. I'm excited to see where artificial intelligence goes and the integration of technology and AI in mental health care. There is no doubt already some effective AI engagement in the industry, and I think that it will only get better and provide consistent support and resources April 2023 | 18 |
  • 21. for individuals. MINES is preparing to be part of that change by watching the AI evolution in our field and exploring how we would want to apply an AI model and what that evolution might look like. Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run, and what are your future goals for your company? MINES has had significant growth in the last two years. The mental health and well-being space has offered so many opportunities to shake up how we provide services and the service mixes. MINES is expanding its services. What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the dynamic business arena? The advice I would give to a budding entrepreneur includes two main things. Build relationships. This is the most important component of breaking into and growing into any industry. I think to myself how fortunate I am to be surrounded by like-minded and similar-valued professionals. It’s important to network with professionals in your industry and professionals who may have a similar role in a completely different industry. The perspectives, guidance, and support you get from such a diverse group of professionals are beneficial. Surround yourself with people who are further along than you and who may be better than you. The other piece of advice that I would give is that you are never done growing and learning. I spent nine years in school post high school to get my bachelors, master’s, and doctorate degrees. I have had more impactful and deeper learning since finishing my Ph.D. Also, there are concepts and models that did not exist when I went to graduate school. Part of the learning journey is also surrounding yourself with people who are further along their professional journey than you, being around people who know more than you. We are not finished products; we can always be better and know more, and it's important to be humble and keep yourself open to all learning, including the areas in which you feel you are an expert. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller “ “ April 2023 | 19 | The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to Look Out for 2023
  • 22. The Future of Leadership Business Insights from the Leaders April 2023 | 20 |
  • 23. The world of business is constantly evolving, and as such, so is the role of business leadership. In the past, the job of a business leader was primarily focused on achieving financial success, but today, the role of a business leader encompasses much more. The future of business leadership will be marked by a focus on innovation, collaboration, and sustainability. One of the biggest changes that we can expect in the future of business leadership is a shift in focus from financial success to innovation. While financial success will always be important, the leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to think outside the box and come up with new and creative ways to solve problems. They will need to be able to take risks, fail fast, and learn from their mistakes. This requires a willingness to experiment, to embrace new technologies and business models, and to be open to new ideas. Another important trend that we can expect to see in the future of business leadership is a greater emphasis on collaboration. In today's global economy, no business can succeed alone. To be successful, companies need to work together, sharing resources, knowledge, and expertise. The leaders of tomorrow will need to be skilled at building partnerships, fostering collaboration, and creating networks that span different industries and geographies. Finally, the future of business leadership will be marked by a greater focus on sustainability. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the impact of business on the environment and society is becoming more and more apparent. The leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to balance the needs of their businesses with the needs of the planet and society as a whole. This will require a deep understanding of the environmental, social, and economic issues that affect the world today, as well as a commitment to finding solutions that are both profitable and sustainable. T April 3 21 www. 202 | |
  • 24. So, what does all of this mean for the future of business leadership? It means that the leaders of tomorrow will need to be innovative, collaborative, and committed to sustainability. They will need to be able to think outside the box, build partnerships, and balance the needs of their businesses with the needs of the planet and society as a whole. To succeed in this changing world, they will need to be adaptable, resilient, and able to learn from their mistakes. While financial success will always be important, the leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to take risks, fail fast, and learn from their mistakes. By embracing these trends, business leaders can create a brighter future for themselves, their companies, and the world as a whole. The Qualities to Thrive with Decisiveness Influential business leaders are decisive. They are able to make tough decisions quickly and effectively. They are able to analyze complex situations and make decisions based on their experience, intuition, and data. They are also able to communicate their decisions clearly and effectively to others. Decisiveness increases productivity. By making quick and effective decisions, individuals and organizations can save time and resources. They can avoid wasting time and energy on indecision or delay. This increased productivity can lead to greater success and the achievement of goals. Decisiveness improves problem-solving skills. By analyzing information and making decisions quickly and effectively, individuals and organizations can develop their problem-solving skills. They can learn to identify the root causes of problems, evaluate options, and take action to resolve issues. Decisiveness builds confidence. When individuals and organizations make decisions quickly and confidently, they demonstrate their competence and expertise. This confidence can inspire trust and respect from others, leading to greater opportunities and success. Resilience Influential business leaders are resilient. They are able to bounce back from setbacks and failures. They are able to maintain their focus and commitment to their vision, even in the face of adversity. They are also able to learn from their mistakes and use them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Emotional Intelligence Influential business leaders have high emotional intelligence. They are able to understand and manage their own emotions effectively. They are also able to empathize with others and understand their perspective. This allows them to build strong relationships with employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Strategic Thinking Influential business leaders are strategic thinkers. They are able to see the big picture and develop strategies to achieve their vision. They are able to analyze trends, anticipate challenges, and develop plans to address them. They are also able to adjust their strategies as needed to respond to changing circumstances. In conclusion, the future of business leadership will be marked by a focus on innovation, collaboration, and sustainability. The leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to think outside the box, build partnerships, and balance the needs of their businesses with the needs of the planet and society as a whole. While financial success will always be important, the leaders of tomorrow will need to be able to take risks, fail fast, and learn from their mistakes. By embracing these trends, business leaders can create a brighter future for themselves, their companies, and the world as a whole. April 2023 | 22 |
  • 25.
  • 26. The Adventures of Julie Jones ften, people will ask me, what was your journey Ofrom police officer to speaker, adventure & breakthrough coach, and TV producer? There really is no concise answer, yet, it is through the journey of life and entrepreneurship, through all the challenges and obstacles, the highs and the lows, that make me the inspirational leader that I am today. As a young child, I was taught by my parents the importance of giving back and making a difference. I have always had the heart to serve others. While I was a police officer, one of the most difficult parts of my job was to make death notifications to loved ones. Words don't come easy, and one must remain stoic, not showing much emotion. It is by far one of the most difficult parts of being a police officer. I learned early on in my life that tomorrow is not promised. It hit home even harder for me when my mom was diagnosed at 57 with early onset Alzheimer's, and at 59, she passed away from the disease. The disease and her death robbed my mother of her dreams, and I was determined to live a life without regret and not take my dreams to the grave. After my mom passed, and within 30 days, my grandmother, who had a strong influence, passed away. I knew once again that time waits for no one, and my desire to make an impact in this world was what I truly desired to do. Today, I inspire joy in people who are do, do, do instead of just being, a way to transform their stinking thinking into a more courageous way of being, so they can get o ffthe hamster wheel, live a life without regret, and have the courage to be who they are meant to be. In my coaching business, everything is customized specifically for my clients. I do not use a cookie cutter approach, and the foundation of my business is integrity, candor, and fun! My clients have success because I walk the walk and talk the talk. I don't ask them to do anything I myself am not willing to do or have already done. I don't believe in fluff. I am direct with an incredibly loving heart. Most importantly, we have fun. I am creative, innovative, and I can see what others are missing in their life because of their perceptions, filters and beliefs. Have you ever really looked at the word BELIEF? There is a word within belief, and that word is a LIE. Beliefs are the lies that we tell ourselves daily about how we are not good enough, not worthy, not valuable, etc. My clients have often said that what I do is life changing. Here is what I know. They have changed their perspective on things based on the tools I have given them. Coaching is for successful people who want to level up. It's not designed to fix anyone. There is nothing wrong with you. Most people have just lost their way, and I show them again what's possible. It's why I surround myself with successful people and have multiple coaches. Life and business are about taking risks and saying YES to life opportunities. Do you know that the average 3 year old hears the word NO about 450,000 times in that short life span? Is it any wonder that we are so quick to say NO all the time? April 2023 | 24 |
  • 27. CXO April 3 25 www. 202 | |
  • 28. As I continue to move forward in my business, my goals include having intimate retreats where individuals can focus on who they are, the gifts they bring to this world, and what matters most. I aspire to be on world stages sharing my message. We all have a message and a story to share. I will continue to give people a platform through my podcast, Get S#*t Done, and through my television show, Stop Waiting Start Living, which can be found on streaming platforms like Roku, Apple, and Amazon Fire, to share their stories of resilience, persistence, and saying YES to life. Want to know more about what's possible for you and your life? Find out more and connect with me at, I am excited to meet you! April 2023 | 26 | have to become comfortable to a point with risk. Playing it safe will not support you in creating the life you desire. There is a distinct difference to saying YES to what you get to do in life rather than what you have to. I support my clients in that distinction. People often leave Corporate America because they are sick and tired of running on the hamster wheel, yet they will recreate a business for themself where they have no time. I am clear in my message that the most important business we are in is that of our life! Change is inevitable. Technology continues to play a role in business, and yet, it is the building of relationships and effective communication that will continue to be most important. Right now, the buzz is about AI. I believe that there are some great uses for this newest technology, yet it still will not replace the underlying desire that all of us have for connection. I believe that since the pandemic, we discovered that humans do not do well alone. We are in this world together, and it is the connection over content that I inspire my audiences to remember that is most important. Being in business and being an entrepreneur means you
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  • 30. The Role of Inspational Business Leaders in Navigating Technological Disruption Technological disruption is an inevitable part of the modern business landscape, and it has the potential to radically transform entire industries. In this context, the role of inspirational business leaders is more important than ever. These leaders must navigate the challenges posed by technological disruption and use it as an opportunity to drive innovation and growth. First and foremost, inspirational business leaders must be able to adapt to change. They must be flexible and agile, able to pivot quickly in response to new technologies and market conditions. This requires a willingness to take risks, to experiment with new ideas, and to embrace uncertainty. Inspirational business leaders must be willing to challenge the status quo and to disrupt their own businesses in order to stay ahead of the curve. At the same time, inspirational business leaders must be able to inspire and motivate their teams. They must be able to articulate a clear vision for the future and to communicate that vision in a way that resonates with their employees. This requires strong communication skills, empathy, and the ability to build trust and rapport with others. Inspirational business leaders must be able to create a sense of purpose and meaning for their teams, so that they feel invested in the success of the business. Novel Perspectives T April 2023 | 28 |
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  • 32. Another key role of inspirational business leaders in navigating technological disruption is to foster a culture of innovation within their organizations. They must be able to create an environment in which employees feel empowered to take risks, to experiment with new ideas, and to challenge the status quo. This requires a willingness to listen to feedback, to embrace failure, and to reward creativity and initiative. Inspirational business leaders must be able to create a sense of urgency around innovation so that their organizations are constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Finally, inspirational business leaders must be able to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to technological disruption. They must be able to anticipate new technologies and trends and to position their organizations to take advantage of them. This requires a deep understanding of the technological landscape, as well as the ability to identify emerging opportunities and threats. Inspirational business leaders must be able to balance short- term and long-term priorities and make strategic decisions that will drive growth and innovation over the long term. Technology and leadership are two intertwined concepts that are increasingly shaping the modern business landscape. Today's leaders need to be tech-savvy and able to leverage technology to drive innovation, growth, and competitive advantage. At the same time, they must be able to navigate the complex social, ethical, and economic issues that arise with technological advancement. One of the keyways in which technology is shaping leadership is by enabling new forms of collaboration and communication. With the rise of digital platforms and tools, leaders can now connect with employees, customers, and partners in real-time, from anywhere in the world. This requires a new set of skills, such as the ability to build relationships online, to communicate effectively through digital channels, and to manage remote teams. Technology is also enabling new forms of innovation and disruption. Leaders who are able to leverage technology to create new business models, products, and services can gain a significant competitive advantage. This requires a willingness to experiment with new technologies, to take risks, and to be open to new ideas. Leaders must also be able to balance the need for innovation with the need for stability and reliability, ensuring that new technologies are implemented in a way that is sustainable and effective. Another way in which technology is shaping leadership is by presenting new ethical and social challenges. For example, the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation has raised concerns about job displacement and inequality. Leaders must be able to navigate these complex issues, balancing the potential benefits of technology with its potential drawbacks. This requires a deep understanding of the social and economic impacts of technology, as well as a commitment to ethical and responsible leadership. Finally, technology is changing the way that leaders learn and develop their skills. Online learning platforms, social media, and other digital tools have made it easier than ever for leaders to access training and development opportunities. This requires a willingness to embrace new forms of learning, to be open to feedback and criticism, and to continuously improve one's skills and knowledge. In conclusion, the role of inspirational business leaders in navigating technological disruption is critical. These leaders must be able to adapt to change, inspire and motivate their teams, foster a culture of innovation, and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to emerging technologies and trends. By embracing these challenges, inspirational business leaders can create a more resilient and adaptable business culture that is better equipped to thrive in the face of disruption. April 2023 | 30 |
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  • 34. Palmer Upscaling Progress with Resolute Leadership Shirley Shirley We frequently believe that great leadership abilities are simply innate in people. Of course, that is a myth; the truly motivating leaders are those who are constantly pursuing personal growth and improvement. It involves the knowledge that leadership is a never-ending learning process and that the journey, not the endpoint, is what matters. Good motivating leaders understand how to inspire others. They are enthusiastic about what they are doing, have a positive outlook, and are aware that they are investing their time in something that is truly worthwhile. With a significant skillset and leadership attributes, Shirley Palmer excels as an inspiring business leader. With over 25 years of experience across diverse global sectors, Shirley is an accomplished entrepreneur, advisor and visionary. Through her consultancy work, she has been helping thousands of start-ups, SMEs and entrepreneurs worldwide achieve their goals. Shirley’s infectious energy and ability to inspire others have garnered her a loyal following, with recognition including awards for Most Ambitious Business Support CEO and Female CEO of the Year. In an interview with Insights Success, Shirley shares valuable facts that highlight her professional tenure and journey so far in the niche. Below are the excerpts from the interview: Briefly describe your professional journey up until now. At 21, I left Northern Ireland for London, where I found my calling in private equity. I developed a wealth of business acumen and communication skills whilst being a key contact for investors in my role as CFO. After a life-affirming trip to Africa, I took a leap of faith, founding Shirley Palmer International (; I became a published author, radio show host, and charity founder. Settling in California for a few years, I gained insight into conscious leadership, mindfulness, mindset, and a holistic approach to business. Following my heart and soul, I returned to Northern Ireland in late 2019, and amidst the chaos of the pandemic, I founded my second business, The Simple Series (, offering specialized business consultancy and programs to entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their business. We provide affordable support and expertise to empower entrepreneurs to focus on their core competencies and achieve their goals with a more holistic approach. What challenges did you face along the way? As a CEO of two start-ups, I've learned the value of a resilient mindset, embracing challenges, and making a positive impact. Self-belief, emotional intelligence, relationships, intuition, and conflict resolution are key to success. Trusting your gut and staying focused on your grand vision despite others' opinions is essential. As a mentor, consultant, and speaker, I empower others to fulfil their potential. A warm and supportive approach fosters creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Emotional intelligence is often underestimated, but being more self- aware and conscious of our actions helps us develop better relationships. What significant impact did you bring to your industry? I'm a board member for the Northern Ireland Chapter of BITA (a growing international network), previously was an April 2023 | 32 |
  • 35. We provide affordable support and expertise to empower entrepreneurs to focus on their core competencies and achieve their goals with a more holistic approach. Shirley Palmer CEO and Founder The Simple Series “ “ April 2023 | 33 |
  • 36. ambassador for GEN UK and founded a UK health charity. My approach is to inspire a mindset of boundless possibility, cultivating a mentality of resilience, resourcefulness, and success. I bring a formidable array of skills to the table, guiding teams towards success with my visionary mindset, values- driven leadership, and passion for sustainable development. Tell us about Simple Series and its foundation pillar. In 2020, amidst the pandemic chaos, I fearlessly launched to help entrepreneurs achieve their desired growth potential. Our bespoke business programs, expert consultancy, and affordable membership club provide entrepreneurs with essential support to navigate the ever-changing business landscape. We prioritize human connections, leadership, emotional intelligence, and diversity. Our core values of simplicity, teamwork, and excellence guide us in our daily operations, and we believe that excellence drives success. With a focus on individual development and a culture of simplicity, respect, and inclusivity, we help businesses thrive and achieve extraordinary results. How does Simple Series promote workforce flexibility, and what is your role in it? As a CEO, promoting workforce flexibility is crucial in today's changing times. This involves assessing team members' needs and creating a culture that prioritizes flexibility with options for remote work, flexible hours, and job sharing. Being open to feedback and willing to adapt policies is also important. Leading by example and demonstrating the importance of work-life balance and flexibility helps team members feel valued, boosting morale, engagement, and productivity. Overall, promoting workforce flexibility is essential for the success and sustainability of organizations, and it is the CEO's responsibility to encourage it. What is your take on technology's importance, and how are you leveraging it? At The Simple Series, we understand that technology is essential for modern businesses. We use AI, machine learning, and other automation tools to automate repetitive tasks and enhance efficiency. April 2023 | 34 |
  • 37. Our communication and collaboration tools allow remote teams to work together seamlessly. Additionally, we use technology to gather data that informs our business decisions, improves customer experiences, and streamlines operations. We prioritize using technology to enhance the human touch in business and benefit both our business and customers. What will be the next significant change in your industry, and how are you preparing for it? AI will revolutionize business processes in the next decade, automating tasks, analyzing data, and informing decisions. Sustainability and social responsibility will be critical for success as consumers demand eco-friendly and ethical practices. Entrepreneurs must stay current on emerging tech and industry trends while prioritizing sustainability and community-building. What are your goals in the upcoming future? As CEO of The Simple Series, my top business goals for the coming year are: scaling the business, strengthening customer relationships, embracing technology, giving back to the community, promoting sustainability, fostering innovation, and developing talent. These key areas will help us expand our reach, maintain exceptional service, keep up with technological advancements, and demonstrate our commitment to social responsibility. By prioritizing these goals, we will continue to grow and evolve as a business while staying true to our values of simplicity, teamwork, and excellence. What advice would you like to give the next generation of aspiring business leaders? To succeed in business, cultivate a growth mindset, embrace failure, practice conscious leadership, develop emotional intelligence, and lead with kindness and integrity. Be aware of your impact on others and inspire your team. Communicate effectively and create a positive work environment where everyone can thrive. Life is full of ups and downs, successes and failures. Challenges make us stronger. Cherish every moment and opportunity, pursue passions, cultivate relationships, and be kind. Embrace challenges, discover purpose, and make a positive impact for a fulfilling life. April 2023 | 35 | The Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to Look Out for 2023
  • 38. You don't have to be the Biggest to be the best. You have to be the Bestto be the biggest.