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Assignment 2
 Take one of the parables
Jesus told in Matthew 13
 and put it into a modern
  context - retell it using
ideas that people would be
    familiar with today
      100-250 words
    Due: September 2nd
Memory Verses
Memory Verses

          Next Test is on
    Friday 20th August
              at 2pm
It will include all verses learned
               to date
Knowledge cannot be passed
like a material substance from
    one mind to another; for
thoughts are not objects which
   maybe held and handled...
   Ideas must be rethought,
    experience must be re-
          John Milton Gregory
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Your job is to impact people not
       to impress them;
 You are not just to convince
  them but to change them
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Maximum learning is
 always the result of
maximum involvement
Law 3
The Law of Activity
As long as the activity
 Maximum learning is
in which the result ofis
  always     learner
maximum involvement
engaged is meaningful
The summary sheet can be found
Christianity is the most
radical life changing
force on the planet - it
changes people.
Christianity is the most
radical life changing
force on the planet - it
changes people.
Christian teaching is
passive and boring!
Christianity is the most
radical life changing
force on the planet - it
changes people.
Christian teaching is
passive and boring!
Many teachers /
preachers never change
their style (or content)
Romans 8:
And we know that in all things God works for
the good of those who love him, who have been
called according to his purpose. 29For those
God foreknew he also predestined to be
conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he
might be the firstborn among many brothers.
30And those he predestined, he also called;
those he called, he also justified; those he
justified, he also glorified.
 How much change should we
Maximum learning
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Maximum learning is
 always the result of
maximum involvement
Law 3
The Law of Activity
As long as the activity
 Maximum learning is
in which the result ofis
  always     learner
maximum involvement
engaged is meaningful
If teaching were telling my
children would be brilliant!
The problem is the teaching-
learning process is far more!
Just because students are busy it
does not mean they are learning
You are required to teach a class about
the Holy Land.
You have all the resources that Richard
would usually use in his class - and any
other things that would be available to
How would you do it?
The Law of Activity:
Maximum learning
is always the result
    of maximum
One Condition:
 The Law of Activity:
   The activity in
 Maximum learning
which the the result
 is always learner is
     of maximum
  involved must be
One teaching:
     In Condition:
 The Law of Activity:
Activity in learning
 Maximum learning
   The activity in
which thean end in
 is never learner is
 is always the result
itself;maximum bea
     of it’s must
  involved always
   means to an end
Your purpose
    One teaching:
     In Condition:
 The Law of Activity:
Activity in learning
 Maximum learning
   The activity in
  determines your
which thean end in
 is always theYou is
 is outcome. result
    never learner
itself;maximum bea
     of it’s must
  involvedthat for
   achieve always
   means to an end
    which you aim
Purposeful activity implies quality

How can you improve each of the
following statements?
1. Practice makes perfect
Practice does not make perfect - it
makes permanent.

1. Practice makes perfect
Practice does not make perfect - it
makes permanent.

If you practice the wrong way you
will not improve.

1. Practice makes perfect
Practice does not make perfect - it
makes permanent.

If you practice the wrong way you
will not improve.
In sport you use a coach to help you
1. Practice makes perfect
Practice does not make perfect - it
makes permanent.

If you practice the wrong way you
will not improve.
In sport you use a coach to help you
1. Practice makes perfect
Well guided practice makes
2. Experience is
the best teacher
Experience is a good teacher

             2. Experience is
             the best teacher
Experience is a good teacher
But what if you get addicted to drugs
or alcohol?

             2. Experience is
             the best teacher
Experience is a good teacher
But what if you get addicted to drugs
or alcohol?

              2. Experience is
Experience can be a dangerous and
difficult teacher.
             the best teacher
Experience is a good teacher
But what if you get addicted to drugs
or alcohol?

              2. Experience is
Experience can be a dangerous and
difficult teacher.
             the best teacher
     Properly evaluated
    experience is the best
3. We learn by doing
Plato is thought to have first said this.

 3. We learn by doing
Plato is thought to have first said this.
We do learn many things by doing -
but we have to make sure we are not
learning wrong things
 3. We learn by doing
Plato is thought to have first said this.
We do learn many things by doing -
but we have to make sure we are not
learning wrong things
  3. learnt learn things it can be
If we We he wrong by doing
Plato is thought to have first said this.
We do learn many things by doing -
but we have to make sure we are not
learning wrong things
  3. learnt learn things it can be
If we We he wrong by doing

 We learn by doing the right
Plato is thought to have first said this.
We do learn many things by doing -
but we have to make sure we are not
learning wrong things
  3. learnt learn things it can be
If we We he wrong by doing

 We learn by doing the right
Learning and doing are linked - the
higher a learners involvement the
greater his potential for learning
The best learners are participators -
and they enjoy learning more than
those who aren’t involved
You are required to teach a class about
the Holy Land.
How would you do it?
Hendricks suggest three options...
Option 1
Person with great historical and
archaeological knowledge
Option 2 Presentation
Great pictures, good background music.
Option 2 Presentation
Great pictures, good background music.
Option 2 Presentation
Great pictures, good background music.
Option 2 Presentation
Great pictures, good background music.
Option 2 Presentation
Great pictures, good background music.
Option 2 Presentation
Great pictures, good background music.
Option 3
Join the Person on a Visit
See it for yourself!
I do - and I Change
I do - and I Change
Ancient Chinese proverb
  I hear, and I forget.
I see, and I remember.
I do, and I understand.
I do - and I Change
Ancient Chinese proverb
     Hendricks adds;
When you do , the result is
   I hear, and I forget.
more than understanding;
 I see, and I remember.
     You also change
 I do, and I understand.
Psychologists say we
potentially remember
10% of what we hear.
(If you do this you are
in the genius category)

   Problem: Most of
 Christian Education
is hearing orientated
 - hence it is often so
If we add seeing to hearing our
potential to remember goes up to
So, visual aids become important

What type of visual aids could
you use in teaching? (only ones
that would be available to you)
Most kids plug into the world of television
long before they enter school. According
to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):
•66% of infants and toddlers watch a
screen an average of 2 hours a day
•kids under 6 watch an average of about
2 hours of screen media a day
•8 to 18 year olds spend nearly 4 hours a
day in front of a TV screen and almost 2
additional hours on the computer
Most kids plug into the world of television
long before they enter school. According
to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF):
•66% of infants and toddlers watch a
screen an average of 2 hours a day
•kids under 6 watch an average of about
2 hours of screen media a day
•8 to 18 year olds spend nearly 4 hours a
day in front of a TV screen and almost 2
additional hours on the computer
As kids get older, too much screen time
can interfere with activities such as being
physically active, reading, doing
homework, playing with friends, and
spending time with family.
Children who consistently spend more
than 4 hours per day watching TV are
more likely to be overweight.
Kids who view violent acts are more
likely to show aggressive behavior but
also fear that the world is scary and that
something bad will happen to them.
TV characters often depict risky
behaviors, such as smoking and drinking,
and also reinforce gender-role and racial
Doing, seeing and hearing -
memory potential goes up to 90%

Learning by using is an highly
effective tool
Doing, seeing and hearing -
memory potential goes up to 90%

Learning by using is an highly
effective tool
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Maximum learning is
 always the result of
maximum involvement
Law 3
The Law of Activity
As long as the activity
 Maximum learning is
in which the result ofis
  always     learner
maximum involvement
engaged is meaningful
Truth and way of life are married in the
Titus 1:1
Jesus, “He who has ears to hear...”
According to Hendricks when you read
hear in the NT you can read it as do
Luke 6:46
The name of the game in Christian
education is not knowledge - it’s active
Truth and way of life are married in the
 The name of the game
Titus 1:1
Jesus, “He who has ears to hear...”
in Christian education
According to Hendricks when you read
 is not knowledge - it’s
hear in the NT you can read it as do
Luke 6:46
     active obedience
The name of the game in Christian
education is not knowledge - it’s active
Truth and way of life are married in the
 In the spiritual realm, the
  opposite of ignorance is
 The name of the game
Titus 1:1
Jesus, not knowledge, it’s
       “He who has ears to hear...”
in Christian education
According to Hendricks when you read
        obedience. InitNT
 is not knowledge - it’s
hear in the NT you can read as do
  understanding, to know
Luke 6:46
     active obedience
The and of the game in Christian to
    name not to do is not
education is not knowledge - it’s active
obedience   know at all.
5 Examples of
Meaningful Activity
5 Examples of
Meaningful Activity
 Maximum learning is always
   the result of maximum
involvement - if the activity is
1. Activity that provides
 direction without dictatorship

In giving
there should be a
sphere of freedom
- a structure to
help the student
learn which is not
a straightjacket.
Most students act
as if the aim is to
find out what the
teacher wants.
Good teachers
enable a student
to work for
themselves not
for the teacher
Most students act
as if the aim is to
find out what the
teacher wants.
Good teachers
enable a student
to work for
themselves not
for the teacher
Most students act
as if the aim is to
find out what the
teacher wants.
Good teachers
enable a student
to work for
themselves not
for the teacher
In education you are meant to draw
out - not pour in
[In fact the root of the word education
is “to draw out”]
This means you also have to let the
students learn from their own
mistakes (the lack of applying what
you have taught them)
2. Activity that stresses function
          and application

This is activity that immediately lets
the learner put to use everything that
has been taught.
This suggests that at one time you need
to only teach what can be taken in.
Teachers treat the students like
storage tanks that need to be filled up.
Jesus didn’t do it this way! In fact
he warned his disciples that he had
much more to teach them, but he
had to leave it to the Spirit of Truth
to do that.
3. Activity with a planned

What do you aim for in teaching?
Your objective determines your
What am I aiming for in wanting a
student to read that book or paper?
Why do I want that paper written?
Do you do it simply because it is the
way it has always been done?
A twin of making students busy is
entertaining them.
How much of a challenge is offered in
your teaching or church - is Sunday
merely a part of the programme?
Is anything ‘demanded’ of the students?
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Maximum learning is
 always the result of
maximum involvement
Law 3
The Law of Activity
As long as the activity
 Maximum learning is
in which the result ofis
  always     learner
maximum involvement
engaged is meaningful
4. Activity that is concerned with
the process as well as the product
Students should not only know what
they believe, but why.
You can limit a student by only
teaching them what you know - the
Give the student the process and
you launch them on a path with no
Your students can,
in fact, exceed you
 and become more
effective than you!
Your students can,
    Do you want
in fact, exceed you
   students to do
 and become more
 better than you?
effective than you!
Research has shown there are
surprising similarities between
Christian and no-Christian children
in terms of morals, values and
The only major difference is a verbal
one - the Christians answer no when
asked if they would lie, cheat or go
to bed with someone. The non-
Christians say, “Of course, if it is to
my advantage”.
The actual behaviour of both
    groups is the same.

Do we settle for the wrong things
Do we accept words without looking
for the process to be right?
5. Realistic activity that includes
   problem-solving situations
A student is not looking to answer
your questions about things but their
You need to bring situations into the
classroom which are real in the life of
the students.
Ask: Where are the students ‘at’?
What are they struggling with?
What temptations are they facing?
There are many moral issues facing
the church today - are you
[prepared to be] talking about it,
and teaching about it?
Do you deal with Biblical figures as if
they are unreal - or as real with the
same problems or temptations we
Activities need to be lifelike - and
realistic for the student to benefit.
Sin can appear fun to people - it has great
appeal to our heart;

“Do you want the will of God for
your life with peace, satisfaction
and success, or do you want your
own will with poverty, emptiness
and misery?”
         Is this a good question?
Going On...

Learning is a
process - so don’t
just give a
student one
experience and
think they have
learned it and
experienced it.
Hendricks tells the story of Peter
walking on the water.
He then asks the, excellent,
question, “How do you think Peter
got back into the boat?”
Didi Jesus carry him, did the
disciples dive in and rescue him, or,
did he walk back on the water
(watching Jesus all the time)?
“Studying the life of the Saviour, the
greatest Teacher, makes it clear
that he didn’t cram a lot of heads
full of a collection of theological
facts. No, he involved his disciples in
the process so that later the pagan
world was compelled to testify,
“These are they who have turned
the world upside down.”
                      Hendricks (p. 67)
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Law 3
The Law of Activity
Maximum learning is
 always the result of
maximum involvement
Law 3
The Law of Activity
As long as the activity
 Maximum learning is
in which the result ofis
  always     learner
maximum involvement
engaged is meaningful

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The law of activity

  • 1. Assignment 2 Take one of the parables Jesus told in Matthew 13 and put it into a modern context - retell it using ideas that people would be familiar with today 100-250 words Due: September 2nd
  • 3. Memory Verses Next Test is on Friday 20th August at 2pm It will include all verses learned to date
  • 4. Knowledge cannot be passed like a material substance from one mind to another; for thoughts are not objects which maybe held and handled... Ideas must be rethought, experience must be re- experienced John Milton Gregory
  • 5. Law 3 The Law of Activity Your job is to impact people not to impress them; You are not just to convince them but to change them
  • 6. Law 3 The Law of Activity
  • 7. Law 3 The Law of Activity Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement
  • 8. Law 3 The Law of Activity As long as the activity Maximum learning is in which the result ofis always learner maximum involvement engaged is meaningful
  • 9. The summary sheet can be found here: 2010/08/16/summary-sheet-ice- law-of-activity/
  • 10.
  • 11. Christianity is the most radical life changing force on the planet - it changes people.
  • 12. Christianity is the most radical life changing force on the planet - it changes people. Christian teaching is passive and boring!
  • 13. Christianity is the most radical life changing force on the planet - it changes people. Christian teaching is passive and boring! Many teachers / preachers never change their style (or content)
  • 14. Romans 8: And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. 29For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. How much change should we expect?
  • 15. Maximum involvement = Maximum learning
  • 16. Law 3 The Law of Activity
  • 17. Law 3 The Law of Activity Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement
  • 18. Law 3 The Law of Activity As long as the activity Maximum learning is in which the result ofis always learner maximum involvement engaged is meaningful
  • 19. If teaching were telling my children would be brilliant! The problem is the teaching- learning process is far more! Just because students are busy it does not mean they are learning anything.
  • 20. Imagine: You are required to teach a class about the Holy Land. You have all the resources that Richard would usually use in his class - and any other things that would be available to you. How would you do it?
  • 21. The Law of Activity: Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement
  • 22. One Condition: The Law of Activity: The activity in Maximum learning which the the result is always learner is of maximum involved must be involvement meaningful
  • 23. One teaching: In Condition: The Law of Activity: Activity in learning Maximum learning The activity in which thean end in is never learner is is always the result itself;maximum bea of it’s must involved always involvement means to an end meaningful
  • 24. Your purpose One teaching: In Condition: The Law of Activity: Activity in learning Maximum learning The activity in determines your which thean end in is always theYou is is outcome. result never learner itself;maximum bea of it’s must involvedthat for achieve always involvement means to an end meaningful which you aim
  • 25. Purposeful activity implies quality activity. How can you improve each of the following statements?
  • 26.
  • 27. 1. Practice makes perfect
  • 28. Practice does not make perfect - it makes permanent. 1. Practice makes perfect
  • 29. Practice does not make perfect - it makes permanent. If you practice the wrong way you will not improve. 1. Practice makes perfect
  • 30. Practice does not make perfect - it makes permanent. If you practice the wrong way you will not improve. In sport you use a coach to help you improve 1. Practice makes perfect
  • 31. Practice does not make perfect - it makes permanent. If you practice the wrong way you will not improve. In sport you use a coach to help you improve 1. Practice makes perfect Well guided practice makes perfect
  • 32.
  • 33. 2. Experience is the best teacher
  • 34. Experience is a good teacher 2. Experience is the best teacher
  • 35. Experience is a good teacher But what if you get addicted to drugs or alcohol? 2. Experience is the best teacher
  • 36. Experience is a good teacher But what if you get addicted to drugs or alcohol? 2. Experience is Experience can be a dangerous and difficult teacher. the best teacher
  • 37. Experience is a good teacher But what if you get addicted to drugs or alcohol? 2. Experience is Experience can be a dangerous and difficult teacher. the best teacher Properly evaluated experience is the best teacher
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40. 3. We learn by doing
  • 41. Plato is thought to have first said this. 3. We learn by doing
  • 42. Plato is thought to have first said this. We do learn many things by doing - but we have to make sure we are not learning wrong things 3. We learn by doing
  • 43. Plato is thought to have first said this. We do learn many things by doing - but we have to make sure we are not learning wrong things 3. learnt learn things it can be If we We he wrong by doing destructive
  • 44. Plato is thought to have first said this. We do learn many things by doing - but we have to make sure we are not learning wrong things 3. learnt learn things it can be If we We he wrong by doing destructive We learn by doing the right things
  • 45. Plato is thought to have first said this. We do learn many things by doing - but we have to make sure we are not learning wrong things 3. learnt learn things it can be If we We he wrong by doing destructive We learn by doing the right things
  • 46. Learning and doing are linked - the higher a learners involvement the greater his potential for learning The best learners are participators - and they enjoy learning more than those who aren’t involved
  • 47. Imagine: You are required to teach a class about the Holy Land. How would you do it? Hendricks suggest three options...
  • 48. Option 1 Lecture Person with great historical and archaeological knowledge
  • 49. Option 2 Presentation Great pictures, good background music.
  • 50. Option 2 Presentation Great pictures, good background music.
  • 51. Option 2 Presentation Great pictures, good background music.
  • 52. Option 2 Presentation Great pictures, good background music.
  • 53. Option 2 Presentation Great pictures, good background music.
  • 54. Option 2 Presentation Great pictures, good background music.
  • 55. Option 3 Join the Person on a Visit See it for yourself!
  • 56. I do - and I Change
  • 57. I do - and I Change Ancient Chinese proverb I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand.
  • 58. I do - and I Change Ancient Chinese proverb Hendricks adds; When you do , the result is I hear, and I forget. more than understanding; I see, and I remember. You also change I do, and I understand.
  • 59. Psychologists say we potentially remember 10% of what we hear. (If you do this you are in the genius category) Problem: Most of Christian Education is hearing orientated - hence it is often so inefficient
  • 60. If we add seeing to hearing our potential to remember goes up to 50% So, visual aids become important What type of visual aids could you use in teaching? (only ones that would be available to you)
  • 61. Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): •66% of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day •kids under 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day •8 to 18 year olds spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer
  • 62. Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF): •66% of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day •kids under 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day •8 to 18 year olds spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer
  • 63. As kids get older, too much screen time can interfere with activities such as being physically active, reading, doing homework, playing with friends, and spending time with family. Children who consistently spend more than 4 hours per day watching TV are more likely to be overweight.
  • 64. Kids who view violent acts are more likely to show aggressive behavior but also fear that the world is scary and that something bad will happen to them. TV characters often depict risky behaviors, such as smoking and drinking, and also reinforce gender-role and racial stereotypes.
  • 65. Doing, seeing and hearing - memory potential goes up to 90% Learning by using is an highly effective tool
  • 66. Doing, seeing and hearing - memory potential goes up to 90% Learning by using is an highly effective tool
  • 67. Law 3 The Law of Activity
  • 68. Law 3 The Law of Activity Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement
  • 69. Law 3 The Law of Activity As long as the activity Maximum learning is in which the result ofis always learner maximum involvement engaged is meaningful
  • 70. Truth and way of life are married in the Bible. Titus 1:1 Jesus, “He who has ears to hear...” According to Hendricks when you read hear in the NT you can read it as do Luke 6:46 The name of the game in Christian education is not knowledge - it’s active obedience
  • 71. Truth and way of life are married in the Bible. The name of the game Titus 1:1 Jesus, “He who has ears to hear...” in Christian education According to Hendricks when you read is not knowledge - it’s hear in the NT you can read it as do Luke 6:46 active obedience The name of the game in Christian education is not knowledge - it’s active obedience
  • 72. Truth and way of life are married in the In the spiritual realm, the Bible. opposite of ignorance is The name of the game Titus 1:1 Jesus, not knowledge, it’s “He who has ears to hear...” in Christian education According to Hendricks when you read obedience. InitNT is not knowledge - it’s hear in the NT you can read as do understanding, to know Luke 6:46 active obedience The and of the game in Christian to name not to do is not education is not knowledge - it’s active obedience know at all.
  • 74. 5 Examples of Meaningful Activity Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement - if the activity is meaningful
  • 75. 1. Activity that provides direction without dictatorship In giving assignments there should be a sphere of freedom - a structure to help the student learn which is not a straightjacket.
  • 76. Most students act as if the aim is to find out what the teacher wants. Good teachers enable a student to work for themselves not for the teacher
  • 77. Most students act as if the aim is to find out what the teacher wants. Good teachers enable a student to work for themselves not for the teacher
  • 78. Most students act as if the aim is to find out what the teacher wants. Good teachers enable a student to work for themselves not for the teacher
  • 79. In education you are meant to draw out - not pour in [In fact the root of the word education is “to draw out”] This means you also have to let the students learn from their own mistakes (the lack of applying what you have taught them)
  • 80. 2. Activity that stresses function and application This is activity that immediately lets the learner put to use everything that has been taught. This suggests that at one time you need to only teach what can be taken in. Teachers treat the students like storage tanks that need to be filled up.
  • 81. Jesus didn’t do it this way! In fact he warned his disciples that he had much more to teach them, but he had to leave it to the Spirit of Truth to do that.
  • 82. 3. Activity with a planned purpose What do you aim for in teaching? Your objective determines your outcome. What am I aiming for in wanting a student to read that book or paper? Why do I want that paper written? Do you do it simply because it is the way it has always been done?
  • 83. A twin of making students busy is entertaining them. How much of a challenge is offered in your teaching or church - is Sunday merely a part of the programme? Is anything ‘demanded’ of the students?
  • 84. Law 3 The Law of Activity
  • 85. Law 3 The Law of Activity Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement
  • 86. Law 3 The Law of Activity As long as the activity Maximum learning is in which the result ofis always learner maximum involvement engaged is meaningful
  • 87. 4. Activity that is concerned with the process as well as the product
  • 88. Students should not only know what they believe, but why. You can limit a student by only teaching them what you know - the product. Give the student the process and you launch them on a path with no limitations.
  • 89.
  • 90. Your students can, in fact, exceed you and become more effective than you!
  • 91. Your students can, Do you want in fact, exceed you students to do and become more better than you? effective than you!
  • 92. Research has shown there are surprising similarities between Christian and no-Christian children in terms of morals, values and behaviour. The only major difference is a verbal one - the Christians answer no when asked if they would lie, cheat or go to bed with someone. The non- Christians say, “Of course, if it is to my advantage”.
  • 93. The actual behaviour of both groups is the same. Do we settle for the wrong things Do we accept words without looking for the process to be right?
  • 94. 5. Realistic activity that includes problem-solving situations
  • 95. A student is not looking to answer your questions about things but their own. You need to bring situations into the classroom which are real in the life of the students. Ask: Where are the students ‘at’? What are they struggling with? What temptations are they facing?
  • 96. There are many moral issues facing the church today - are you [prepared to be] talking about it, and teaching about it? Do you deal with Biblical figures as if they are unreal - or as real with the same problems or temptations we face? Activities need to be lifelike - and realistic for the student to benefit.
  • 97. Sin can appear fun to people - it has great appeal to our heart; “Do you want the will of God for your life with peace, satisfaction and success, or do you want your own will with poverty, emptiness and misery?” Is this a good question?
  • 98. Going On... Learning is a process - so don’t just give a student one experience and think they have learned it and experienced it.
  • 99. Hendricks tells the story of Peter walking on the water. He then asks the, excellent, question, “How do you think Peter got back into the boat?” Didi Jesus carry him, did the disciples dive in and rescue him, or, did he walk back on the water (watching Jesus all the time)?
  • 100. “Studying the life of the Saviour, the greatest Teacher, makes it clear that he didn’t cram a lot of heads full of a collection of theological facts. No, he involved his disciples in the process so that later the pagan world was compelled to testify, “These are they who have turned the world upside down.” Hendricks (p. 67)
  • 101. Law 3 The Law of Activity
  • 102. Law 3 The Law of Activity Maximum learning is always the result of maximum involvement
  • 103. Law 3 The Law of Activity As long as the activity Maximum learning is in which the result ofis always learner maximum involvement engaged is meaningful

Editor's Notes

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