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The Exploitation of Labor in Cellphone Industries: Foxconn
Case Study
This1 investigation1 utilized1 a1 worldwide1 point1 of1 view1
to1 examine1 how1 papers1 in1 the1 US1 and1 China1
encircled1 a1 particular1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 issue:1 a1
constant1 spate1 of1 labour1 exploitation1 at1 the1 Foxconn1
Technology1 Group,1 a1 significant1 provider1 to1 Apple,1
Dell,1 and1 Hewlett-Packard.1 Through1 a1 quantitative1 and1
subjective1 examination1 of1 921 paper1 articles1 showing1
up1 in1 US1 and1 Chinese1 papers,1 this1 investigation1
discovered1 Chinese1 papers1 encircled1 the1 suicides1
essentially1 as1 the1 mental1 issues1 of1 a1 youthful1 age1 as1
opposed1 to1 a1 sweatshop1 issue.1 Papers1 in1 the1 US1
utilized1 a1 customary1 human1 rights1 abuser1 edge1 to1
depict1 the1 suicides.1 Foxconn1 was1 the1 fundamental1
social1 entertainer1 refered1 to1 in1 many1 news1 inclusions.1
Both1 the1 US1 and1 Chinese1 papers1 surrounded1 the1 case1
as1 a1 China-explicit1 issue,1 overlooking1 worldwide1 social1
equity1 and1 world1 economy1 angles.1 This1 study1 aims1 at1
exploring1 the1 issues1 of1 labour1 exploitation1 in1 the1
Foxconn1 Company1 by1 highlighting1 the1 power1 or1
economic1 relations1 that1 the1 dominant1 party1 gains1 from1
the1 weaker1 (labours).
Right111 off111 the111 bat111 the111 morning111 of111 16111
July111 2009,111 a111 youthful111 Chinese111 laborer111
in111 the111 Guandong111 area111 jumped111 to111 his111
demise111 from111 the111 twelfth111 floor111 of111 his111
high111 rise.111 The111 man,111 25-year-old111 Sun111
Danyong,111 had111 been111 involved111 three111 days111
sooner111 in111 the111 vanishing111 of111 an111 iPhone111
model111 from111 a111 Foxconn111 Technology111 Group111
building111 where111 he111 worked.111 Thirteen111 more111
Foxconn111 laborers111 ended111 it111 all111 in111
different111 habits111 throughout111 the111 following111
13111 months.111 Overall111 consideration111 in111 this111
manner111 focused111 on111 Foxconn;111 a111 Taiwanese-
claimed111 universal111 activity111 that111 amasses111
iPhones,111 iPods111 and111 iPads111 for111 Apple,111
and111 produces111 electronic111 parts111 for111 Hewlett-
Packard,111 Dell,111 Sony,111 Nokia,111 and111 Nintendo.111
Activists111 and111 researchers,111 especially111 those111
from111 the111 US111 and111 China,111 have111
connected111 the111 suicides111 with111 the111 worldwide111
sweatshop111 issue.111 From111 their111 perspective,111
the111 perished111 speak111 to111 a111 gathering111 of111
Chinese111 vagrant111 laborers111 who111 venture111 out111
from111 provincial111 regions111 to111 waterfront111
urban111 areas111 to111 work111 in111 TNCs'111
agreement111 industrial111 facilities111 for111 a111
superior111 life.111 In111 any111 case,111 most111
specialists111 wind111 up111 enduring111 insignificant111
pay111 rates111 and111 cruel111 workplaces.111 Among111
numerous111 extremist111 voices,111 Chinese111 work111
activists111 fought111 at111 Foxconn's111 Hong111 Kong111
home111 office,111 and111 the111 United111 Students111
Against111 Sweatshops111 (USAS)111 sent111 a111 letter111
to111 Steve111 Jobs,111 fellow111 benefactor111 and111
CEO111 of111 Apple,111 encouraging111 Apple111 to111
address111 the111 Foxconn111 suicides111 (USAS,111
2010).111 Accordingly,111 Foxconn111 agents111 and111
Steve111 Jobs111 expressed111 Foxconn111 isn't111 'a111
sweatshop'111 in111 light111 of111 the111 fact111 that111
'Foxconn's111 suicide111 rate111 is111 well111 underneath111
the111 China111 normal'111 (ChinaNews,111 2010;111
Viticci,111 2010).111 Further,111 Foxconn111 put111 forth111
a111 progression111 of111 attempts111 to111 address111
the111 rash111 of111 suicides,111 offering111
representatives111 various111 salary111 increases,111
mental111 help,111 no-suicide111 contracts,111 specialist111
rallies,111 and111 by111 putting111 security111 nets111
around111 structures111 where111 Foxconn111
representatives111 live111 and111 work111 (Culpan,111
2010;111 McEntegart,111 2010).111 The111 organization111
additionally111 revealed111 it111 would111 move111
probably111 a111 portion111 of111 its111 Chinese111
activities111 inland111 to111 country111 zones111 where111
work111 could111 be111 more111 than111 66%111 less111
expensive111 than111 what111 it111 previously111 was111
(Lubman,111 2010).
Regarding1 inclusion1 of1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 rehearses1
in1 the1 American1 press;1 an1 unmistakable1 outline1 has1
focused1 on1 the1 shopper1 versus1 the1 maker.1 In1 their1
encircling1 investigation1 of1 sweatshops1 in1 significant1 US1
papers1 from1 19951 to1 2000,1 (Pai, 2012)1 found1 that1
news1 media1 would1 in1 general1 develop1 the1 sweatshop1
issue1 from1 the1 point1 of1 view1 of1 North1 American1 or1
European1 shoppers.1 In1 their1 discoveries,1 papers1 were1
slanted1 to1 depict1 sweatshop1 issues1 with1 shoppers'1
attention1 to1 utilize1 'without1 sweat'1 items1 instead1 of1
underscoring1 the1 lives1 and1 states1 of1 the1 sweatshop1
laborers.1 They1 further1 reprimanded1 the1 shopper1 versus1
maker1 outline1 as1 one1 that1 debilitated1 the1 political1
part1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 issue.1 Also,1 news1 media1
outlines1 are1 the1 result1 of1 shared1 implications1 haggled1
by1 writers1 and1 other1 distinctive1 social1 on-screen1
characters1 (Mingwei Liu, 2016).1 As1 a1 rule,1 social1
entertainers1 are1 those1 individuals1 who1 are1 associated1
with1 specific1 issues1 and1 who1 generally1 characterize1
also1 reclassify1 the1 casings1 as1 indicated1 by1 their1
various1 positions1 (Justine Nolan, 2019).1 In1 particular,1
social1 entertainers1 in1 the1 current1 investigation1 allude1
to1 individuals1 who1 are1 identified1 with1 the1 sweatshop1
issue.1 It1 is1 tended1 to1 this1 in1 their1 examination1 about1
the1 confining1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 in1 the1 American1
press.1 They1 distinguished1 'activists,'1 'corporate,'1
'colleges,'1 'global1 associations,'1 'government,'1 'laborers,'1
'shoppers,'1 furthermore,1 'other.'1 They1 found1 that1 albeit1
corporate1 voices1 were1 spoken1 to1 unmistakably,1 activists1
were1 the1 most1 referred1 to1 social1 entertainers1 in1 US1
news1 media1 inclusion1 (Scott, 2017).1 It1 was1
demonstrated1 the1 news1 media1 favor1 hostile1 to1
sweatshop1 fights1 since1 fights1 were1 depicted1 as1 being1
smaller1 just1 as1 more1 secure1 to1 partake1 in1 than1 their1
1960s1 forerunners.1 The1 jobs1 of1 other1 social1
entertainers,1 including1 the1 US1 government,1 have1
governments,1 or1 universal1 government1 organizations,1
just1 as1 laborers1 themselves1 stayed1 restricted1 in1 US1
news1 media1 inclusion1 of1 the1 issue.1 In1 view1 of1 news1
articles1 that1 secured1 the1 particular1 Foxconn1 suicides1
case1 under1 examination,1 the1 writers1 further1 sifted1
through1 141 classifications1 of1 social1 entertainers:1
· Chinese1 laborers
· Chinese1 specialists'1 family1 members
· Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1 organizations
· Chinese1 government
· Chinese1 specialists
· Chinese1 activists
· Chinese1 shoppers
· Transnational1 enterprises,1 for1 example,1 Apple
· the1 US1 government
· the1 US1 specialists
· the1 US1 activists
· the1 US1 purchasers
· worldwide1 overseeing1 offices,1 for1 example,1 World1
Exchange1 Organization
1 Prominently,1 this1 investigation1 concentrated1 on1 the1
edges1 with1 respect1 to1 the1 sweatshop1 issue,1 and1 the1
various1 voices1 of1 social1 entertainers1 in1 the1 media1
talk,1 separately.1 In1 this1 manner,1 social1 on-screen1
characters1 and1 edges1 were1 not1 really1 related1 in1 the1
examination1 of1 this1 investigation.1 Among1 the1 restricted1
accessible1 research,1 few1 analyzed1 the1 worldwide1 issue1
of1 sweatshops1 from1 the1 viewpoints1 of1 nations1 other1
than1 the1 US.1 Little1 is1 thought1 about1 how1 news1
media1 in1 creating1 nations,1 where1 sweatshops1 are1
essentially1 found,1 outline1 the1 issue1 furthermore,1 who1
the1 compelling1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 are.1 This1
examination1 researched1 media1 inclusion1 of1 the1
sweatshop1 issue1 in1 the1 US1 and1 China,1 two1 nations1
that1 play1 critical,1 but1 extraordinary,1 jobs1 in1 the1
overall1 sweatshop1 creation1 chain1 (Heilbroner, 1985).
On1 a1 large1 scale,1 worldwide1 based1 level,1 an1
expansive1 exhibit1 of1 social1 entertainers1 i.e.,1 TNCs,1
contract1 industrial1 facilities,1 activists,1 governments,1 and1
universal1 associations;1 all1 endeavor1 to1 set1 the1 open1
plan1 toward1 their1 closures.1 As1 a1 basic1 vehicle1 for1
development1 and1 challenge,1 news1 media1 are1 of1 most1
extreme1 noteworthiness1 right1 now.1 Along1 these1 lines,1
the1 fundamental1 reason1 for1 this1 study1 is1 to1 basically1
inspect1 the1 manners1 by1 which1 the1 news1 media1 in1 the1
United1 States1 and1 China1 individually1 outline1 the1
worldwide1 sweatshop1 issue,1 especially1 on1 account1 of1
the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 –1 an1 ongoing1 influx1 of1 laborer1
suicides1 at1 a1 huge1 hardware1 organization1 situated1 in1
China (Shaun Grech, 2016).1
Among1 the1 231 articles1 about1 Foxconn1 suicides1 in1 The1
New1 York1 Times,1 211 were1 news1 reports1 and1 the1
other1 two1 were1 critiques.1 The1 most1 cited1 social1 on-
screen1 characters1 were1 Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1
organizations,1 in1 the1 case1 of1 expressing1 a1 reality1
(65.1%),1 or1 on1 the1 other1 hand1 proposing1 a1
perspective1 (60.9%) (Andreas Bieler, 2018).1 Assessments1
from1 Chinese1 specialists1 (43.4%)1 and1 TNCs1 (34.8%)1
additionally1 commanded1 the1 Times1 stories1 as1 the1
second1 and1 third1 most1 refered1 to1 social1 entertainers.1
Fluctuating1 from1 past1 US1 news1 inclusion1 of1 sweatshop1
issues1 where1 laborers'1 voices1 were1 missing,1 Times1
correspondents1 cited1 Chinese1 specialists1 regularly1 when1
they1 secured1 the1 Foxconn1 case.1 Specifically,1 laborers1
were1 refered1 to1 as1 second1 most1 among1 social1 on-
screen1 characters1 to1 give1 accurate1 data1 (26.0%).1
(Justine Nolan, 2019)
Among1 multiple1 activist1 voices,1 Chinese1 labor1 activists1
protested1 at1 Foxconn’s1 Hong1 Kong1 headquarters,1 and1
the1 United1 Students1 Against1 Sweatshops1 (USAS)1 sent1
a1 letter1 to1 Steve1 Jobs,1 co-founder1 and1 chief1 executive1
officer1 of1 Apple,1 urging1 Apple1 to1 address1 the1
Foxconn1 suicides1 (Qiu, China’s digital working class and
circuits of labor, 2018).1 In1 response,1 Foxconn1
representatives1 and1 Steve1 Jobs1 stated1 that1 Foxconn1 is1
‘not1 a1 sweatshop’1 because1 ‘Foxconn’s1 suicide1 rate1 is1
well1 below1 the1 China1 average’ (Qiu, Goodbye iSlave: A
Manifesto for Digital Abolition, 2017).1 Further,1 Foxconn1
made1 a1 series1 of1 efforts1 to1 address1 the1 rash1 of1
suicides,1 offering1 employees1 multiple1 pay1 raises,1
psychological1 assistance,1 no-suicide1 contracts,1 worker1
rallies,1 and1 by1 placing1 safety1 nets1 around1 buildings1
where1 Foxconn1 employees1 live1 and1 work.1 The1
company1 also1 reported1 it1 would1 move1 at1 least1 some1
of1 its1 Chinese1 operations1 inland1 to1 rural1 areas1 where1
labor1 could1 be1 more1 than1 two-thirds1 cheaper1 than1
what1 it1 already1 was.
There1 were1 a1 sum1 of1 691 stories1 covering1 the1
Foxconn1 suicides1 in1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers,1 with1
441 news1 reports1 and1 241 commentaries.61 Notably,1 the1
examination's1 principle1 reason1 for1 existing1 was1 to1 look1
at1 how1 the1 US1 and1 Chinese1 news1 media1 surrounded1
the1 sweatshop1 issue (Maxwell, 2015).1 Subsequently,1 the1
analysts1 accumulated1 the1 three1 diverse1 Chinese1
distributions1 to1 speak1 to1 the1 Chinese1 press1 in1 the1
similar1 investigation.1 So1 as1 not1 to1 completely1 estrange1
the1 conceivable1 outcomes1 in1 contrasts1 of1 inclusion1
introduced1 by1 every1 one1 of1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers,1
the1 scientists1 coded1 the1 wellspring1 of1 the1 article1 and1
analyzed1 the1 surrounding1 contrasts1 inside1 the1 three.1
Like1 the1 US1 news1 inclusion,1 Foxconn1 and1 other1
Chinese1 organizations1 figured1 most1 noticeably1 in1 the1
Chinese1 media1 talk1 both1 as1 far1 as1 passing1 on1
feelings1 (37.7%)1 what's1 more,1 realities1 (29.0%).1
Additionally1 like1 the1 Times1 inclusion,1 Chinese1
specialists1 spoke1 to1 one1 of1 the1 most1 dynamic1 voices1
in1 articulating1 purposes1 of1 perspectives1 on1 the1
Foxconn1 suicides1 in1 the1 Chinese1 papers1 (34.8%)
(Maxwell, 2015).1 Moreover,1 Chinese1 correspondents1
likewise1 respected1 Chinese1 laborers1 as1 significant1
social1 on-screen1 characters1 for1 sincere1 beliefs1 (27.4%).1
In1 the1 Chinese1 papers,1 Chinese1 government1 authorities1
were1 treated1 as1 the1 second1 most1 persuasive1 social1
entertainers1 in1 giving1 truthful1 data1 (15.9%). (Andreas
Bieler, 2018)
This1 investigation1 utilized1 media1 confining1 speculations1
to1 investigate1 the1 news1 inclusion1 of1 the1 current1
sweatshop1 issue1 through1 a1 novel1 and1 current1 marvel1
influencing1 in1 any1 event1 two1 nations.1 Confining1
hypothesis1 can1 be1 followed1 back1 to1 the1 fundamental1
work1 of1 humanist1 (Maxwell, 2015),1 who1 initially1
depicted1 casings1 as1 'schemata(s)1 of1 translation'1 that1
permit1 people1 'to1 find,1 see,1 recognize,1 and1 name1
issues,1 occasions,1 and1 subjects'.1 From1 that1 point1
forward,1 media1 researchers1 have1 applied1 the1 encircling1
idea1 to1 broad1 communications1 research,1 creating1 and1
utilizing1 an1 abundance1 of1 definitions1 and1 approaches.1
This1 investigation1 conceptualized1 confining1 as1 a1 social1
wonder,1 which1 speaks1 to1 an1 'arranging1 rule1 that1 is1
socially1 shared1 and1 tenacious1 after1 some1 time,1 which1
works1 emblematically1 to1 genuinely1 structure1 the1 social1
world'.1 For1 instance,1 there1 likely1 exist1 some1 normal1
and1 repeating1 outlines1 across1 open1 undertakings1 that1
can1 be1 legitimately1 appropriate1 to1 understanding1 a1
particular1 issue1 or1 significant1 occasion,1 for1 example,1
the1 issue1 of1 the1 worldwide1 sweatshop.1 Edges1 that1
every1 now1 and1 again1 show1 up1 across1 approach1
discuss1 incorporate1 social1 advancement,1 monetary1
improvement/outcomes,1 ethical1 quality/1 morals,1 and1
open1 responsibility.1 With1 respect1 to1 ways1 to1 deal1
with1 surrounding,1 two1 of1 the1 most1 refered1 to1
contemplate1 are1 in1 view1 of1 surrounding1 capacities1 and1
confining1 bundles.1 It1 is1 characterized1 encircling1 as1
indicated1 by1 its1 four1 capacities:1 issue1 definition,1
causal1 understanding,1 moral1 assessment,1 and1 treatment1
proposal.1 Some1 exact1 examinations1 have1 utilized1 these1
four1 capacities1 to1 examine1 media1 content.1
Practically1 80%1 of1 the1 Times1 articles1 confined1 that1
the1 Foxconn1 suicide1 cases1 are1 a1 human1 rights1 misuse.1
This1 rate1 is1 twice1 that1 of1 the1 Chinese1 paper1 articles1
(39.1%) (Andreas Bieler, 2018).1 Under1 this1 primary1
casing,1 more1 than1 66%1 of1 Times1 articles1 (73.9%)1
utilized1 the1 'characterize1 projects'1 sub-outline1 which1
characterized1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 case1 as1 a1 China-
explicit1 sweatshop1 issue,1 though1 just1 13.0%1 of1 the1
Chinese1 paper1 articles1 utilized1 a1 similar1 sub-outline.1
The1 Times1 additionally1 accused1 the1 aggregate1 Chinese1
society1 as1 a1 human1 rights1 abuser1 liable1 for1 the1
sweatshop1 marvel,1 another1 'analyze1 cause'1 sub-outline1
under1 the1 'human1 rights1 abuser'1 outline.1 The1 title1 of1
one1 Times1 article1 expressly1 delineated1 this1 sub-outline,1
'China,1 the1 sweatshop.'1 This1 human1 rights1 abuser1
outline1 was1 likewise1 remarkable1 in1 271 Chinese1 paper1
articles1 despite1 the1 fact1 that1 the1 extent1 was1 not1 as1
much1 as1 that1 in1 Times1 stories.1 In1 China1 Daily1 and1
Southern1 Weekend,1 there1 were1 a1 few1 articles1 that1
basically1 inspected1 the1 working1 conditions1 what's1 more,1
human1 rights1 issues1 in1 the1 TNCs1 contract1 plants1 in1
China (Mingwei Liu, 2016).1 For1 example,1 a1 couple1 of1
articles1 cited1 an1 open1 articulation1 gave1 by1 nine1
Chinese1 researchers1 who1 approached1 Foxconn1 also,1 the1
legislature1 to1 offer1 equity1 to1 the1 vagrant1 laborers.1 In1
any1 case,1 among1 the1 271 articles,1 none1 of1 them1 were1
from1 People's1 Daily,1 the1 paper1 speaking1 to1 the1
Chinese1 government's1 position1 on1 the1 issue (Qiu, Goodbye
iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition, 2017).1
Notably,1 Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1 companies1
represented1 the1 most1 prevailing1 voices1 in1 both1
countries’1 news1 discourse.1 This1 finding1 is1 consistent1
with1 the1 trend1 that1 corporate1 public1 relations1
campaigns1 are1 more1 advanced1 today1 than1 151 years1
ago1 (Qiu, Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition,
2017).1 In1 fact,1 the1 non-sweatshop1 frame1 that1
recurrently1 emerged1 in1 Chinese1 news1 media1 exactly1
stemmed1 from1 Foxconn’s1 intended1 discourse.1 According1
to1 the1 company’s1 press1 releases,1 Foxconn1 has1 made1
great1 efforts1 in1 avoiding1 the1 series1 of1 suicides1 being1
correlated1 to1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 and1 thus1 has1
conducted1 a1 series1 of1 activities1 dealing1 with1 mental1
health1 of1 its1 young1 workers1 (Smythe, 1977).1
Additionally,1 key1 Foxconn1 representatives1 were1
repeatedly1 quoted1 to1 perpetuate1 the1 non-sweatshop1
frame.1 Under1 this1 frame,1 workers1 were1 portrayed1 as1 a1
psychologically1 vulnerable1 generation.1 In1 other1 words,1
the1 victims1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 system1 were1 framed1 to1
be1 responsible1 for1 their1 suicides.1 Their1 working1
conditions1 and1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 were1 not1 blamed.
A1 financial1 improvement/result1 outline1 was1 noticeable1
in1 both1 The1 New1 York1 Times1 (47.8%)1 and1 the1 three1
Chinese1 papers1 (44.9%).1 Inside1 these1 articles,1 most1
encircled1 the1 issue1 inside1 China's1 setting1 as1 opposed1
to1 a1 worldwide1 one.1 Seven1 Chinese1 paper1 articles1
(10.1%1 out1 of1 44.9%)1 portrayed1 the1 issue1 in1 a1
worldwide1 monetary1 structure,1 while1 none1 of1 the1
Times1 stories1 did1 as1 such.
This1 examination1 recognized1 four1 gatherings;1 Foxconn1
and1 Chinese1 organizations,1 Chinese1 specialists,1 Chinese1
specialists,1 and1 Chinese1 governments;1 as1 the1 four1 most1
refered1 to1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 in1 both1 The1
New1 York1 Times1 and1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers'1
inclusion1 of1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 case.1 By1 and1 by,1
the1 four1 gatherings1 were1 spoken1 to1 distinctively1 in1
various1 papers.1 Foxconn1 and1 Chinese1 organizations1
overwhelmed1 the1 two1 nations'1 press1 for1 both1 their1
feelings1 and1 articulations1 of1 reality.1 While1 Chinese1
specialists1 were1 cited1 generally1 for1 their1 purposes1 of1
perspectives1 in1 characterizing1 the1 issue,1 Chinese1
government1 authorities1 were1 introduced1 essentially1 to1
give1 true1 data.1
Another1 critical1 finding1 was1 the1 close1 nonappearance1
of1 both1 Chinese1 and1 American1 activists'1 accounts1 in1
the1 media1 inclusion1 of1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides.1
Contrasted1 and1 past1 US1 news1 inclusion1 of1 sweatshop1
issues1 in1 which1 activists1 spoke1 to1 the1 most1
remarkable1 voices1 (Greenberg1 and1 Knight,1 2004;1 Opel,1
2003),1 activists1 counting1 Chinese1 work1 activists1 who1
fought1 at1 Foxconn's1 central1 command1 and1 the1 Joined1
Students1 Against1 Sweatshops1 (USAS)1 were1 all1 quiet1 in1
the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 inclusion.1 The1 discoveries1 add1 to1
the1 literature1 by1 breaking1 down1 the1 media1 talk1
encompassing1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 and1 the1
straightforwardly1 related1 sweatshop1 issue1 a1 significant1
global1 subject1 that1 wraps1 human1 rights,1 worldwide1
equity,1 and1 the1 world1 economy.1 The1 present1 talk1
dispersing1 from1 the1 news1 media1 with1 respect1 to1 the1
sweatshop1 issue1 is1 particularly1 worth1 focusing1 on1 as1
a1 result1 of1 the1 accompanying1 two1 realities.1
The1 Times1 set1 significantly1 more1 accentuation1 on1 the1
human1 rights1 misuse1 outline1 than1 its1 Chinese1 partners.1
Moreover,1 most1 of1 Times1 articles1 respected1 the1
Foxconn1 suicides1 case1 as1 a1 China-explicit1 issue1
whether1 from1 the1 viewpoint1 of1 human1 rights1 or1 from1
the1 monetary1 edge.1 This1 finding1 affirms1 those1 in1 past1
surrounding1 contemplates:1 the1 US1 media1 confining1
about1 China1 was1 unavoidably1 affected1 by1 the1
prevailing1 enemy1 of1 socialism1 philosophy1 (Peng,1 2004;1
Wu,1 2006;1 Zhou,1 2008).1 In1 these1 Times1 articles,1 the1
worldwide1 neoliberalism1 method1 of1 reasoning1 behind1
the1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 marvel1 was1 ignored1 and1 the1
TNCs'1 duty1 was1 undetectable.1 Rather,1 China1 turned1
into1 the1 main1 guilty1 party1 in1 the1 worldwide1 issue.
Andreas Bieler, C.-Y. L. (2018). Chinese Labour in the Global
Economy: Capitalist Exploitation and Strategies of Resistance.
Taylor & Francis.
Heilbroner, R. L. (1985). The Nature and Logic of Capitalism.
W. W. Norton.
Justine Nolan, M. B. (2019). Addressing Modern Slavery.
UNSW Press.
Maxwell, R. (2015). The Routledge Companion to Labor and
Media. Routledge.
Mingwei Liu, C. S. (2016). China at Work: A Labour Process
Perspective on the Transformation of Work and Employment in
China. Macmillan International Higher Education.
Pai, H.-H. (2012). Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural
Migrants. Verso Books.
Qiu, J. L. (2017). Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital
Abolition. University of Illinois Press.
Qiu, J. L. (2018). China’s digital working class and circuits of
labor. SAGE Journals.
Scott, S. (2017). Labour Exploitation and Work-Based Harm.
Policy Press.
Shaun Grech, K. S. (2016). Disability in the Global South: The
Critical Handbook. Springer.
Smythe, D. W. (1977). Communications: Blindspot of Western
CMNS 240
Spring 2020 Harbour
Centre Day
Political-Economic Case Study Assignment Guidelines
For this assignment you will be expected to construct an
argument around a topic that illuminates some of the issues and
concepts we are examining in the course. By now you will be
developing a sense of what a political-economic approach to an
issue is and the kinds of topics that are relevant to the political
economy of communication. For this assignment you will
choose a contemporary or historical case study that is relevant
to the political economy of communication, and research it from
a political economic perspective. The case study must explicitly
relate to media and/or communication. Taking up Mosco’s
definition and a combination of the core characteristics outlined
in Week 1's lecture, you will critically analyze things such as –
but not limited to – the power relations, history and social
change, and moral implications involved in your case. Beyond
this, you have the freedom to choose a topic you are interested
in. Maybe you would like to do a political economy of
microtransactions in a specific mobile game; how a streaming
platform challenges the traditional M-C-M' formula; the uses of
a social media platform for journalism and the public sphere;
how a particular media franchise is emblematic of the culture
industry; the rise of e-sports as a new industry with new labour;
whether a specific app turns its users into a sellable commodity;
an instance of cultural imperialism in a film; post-Fordist
labour in the creative industries; or virtually any other case –
there are many, many possibilities.
Research Process
Once you have settled on a topic you are interested in, the
research process should unfold in three stages.
· First, you should gather as much recent and relevant academic
research as you can on your topic. There will generally be
existing research on your topic, and generally there will be
research from a political-economic perspective. You should
find, examine, and know this literature.
· Second, you will want to scan the news media for articles on
the case you are examining and read as many as you can.
· Finally, having scanned the literature, you should decide what
aspect of the topic in particular you wish to pursue, what your
argument is going to be, and how you are going to structure
your paper.
Even though your proposal can be neutral and exploratory since
you're still in the research stage at that point, by the time you
write your final case study you should have amassed enough
information regarding your case to argumentatively take a
stance, formulate a concrete thesis, and defend it convincingly
to persuade the reader to see your perspective and agree with
your take.
Questions to Keep in Mind as You Develop Your Case Study
· Does the topic I’ve chosen have to do with media and
communication? If not, find one that does. If in doubt, ask your
TA or the professor.
· Have I found the relevant political-economic scholarship on
my topic? If in doubt, ask your TA, the professor, or a librarian.
· Am I approaching this topic from a political-economic
perspective? In other words… Am I taking a “big-picture”
approach to my topic? Am I keeping the history of what I am
researching in mind? Am I taking a political/moral position with
respect to my topic? If in doubt, ask your TA or the professor.
· Am I incorporating any relevant course material or concepts
into my paper?
If your answer is yes to all of these questions you’re on the
right track.
Assignment Requirements
Proposal (submission due on Canvas by 5pm Monday February
To submit your topic for approval, you will write a one-page
proposal including a tentative title, a one-paragraph description
of your paper’s topic, a one-paragraph description of how you
will apply the PEC approach to it, a preliminary thesis
statement/argument, and a list of five sources relating to the
topic you’ve chosen, including two course readings and two
other scholarly sources (i.e. published in a peer-reviewed
academic journal or a university press) that use a political
economy approach, but you are free to include news stories
from reputable news sources here as well.
Case Study (submission due on Canvas by 5pm Monday April
The final assignment should be between 8-10 pages (2000-2500)
words) long, in 12-point font, double-spaced (excluding
bibliography), and will demonstrate significant research on the
topic. You can use either APA or MLA format for citations, but
you must remain consistent with it throughout. You should
reference at least 6-8 academic articles/books, including 2
readings from this course. News articles from reputable news
media are optional but welcomed.
Late Penalty: Students who do not submit assignments on time
will receive a late penalty of one letter grade for every day they
are late, to a maximum of five days. Assignments more than one
week late will not be accepted and will receive no grade unless
the student has made arrangements with the TA before the
original due date, or there is a medical or similar emergency
with documentation.
Extensions: If you need an extension (due to a reasonable
excuse) please contact your TA at least 5 days in advance.
CMNS240 paper proposal
Feb.17th 2020
Title: The Exploitation of Labor in Cellphone
Industries: Foxconn
One paragraph to describe your chosen case in detail, including
why it’s significant for the reader to care about as a PEC issue
My paper will focuses on the exploitation of labor in the
cell phone industry. It is imperative to understand what labor
exploitation entails before narrowing it down to the specifics of
the project. Exploitation of labor described as the act of
mistreating workers in ways such as underpaying them or
subjecting them to severe working conditions. Such exploitation
develops when multinational firms exploit personnel in poor and
developing nations for their malicious gains. Exploitation in
Foxconn emanates from a social relationship based on power
asymmetry between workers and their employers. This is an
illegal and unethical practice that has been widely condemned
by labor and human rights or organizations. However, the
practice still continues as it has extensive economic benefits on
the firms involved. The introduction of free trade as an
approach to promote business interactions between nations
exposed developing nations to increased rates of exploitation by
the developed countries. Foxconn, which is based in Taiwan, is
one of the main mobile manufacturing companies that has been
involved in labor exploitation cases.
One paragraph to explain how you’ll apply a chosen PEC
framework and a selection of PEC considerations to your case –
and how they can be helpful for better understanding your case
As to use approach of political economy as a framework for
critical analysis in this paper, I will emphasis on the theories
claimed by Karl Marx. By using the analysis what Marx
described what economic function for capital do they serve on
the critical views how the dominant party gains power or
economic relations from the weaker. The role that the both
United States and China dominate the world cell phone industry
and their relations styles characterize capitalism. Capitalism is
a system of wealth creation in which few individuals own all
factors of production where they exploit the poor to further
their ends. Cell phone industry assumes capitalism in the
manner companies owners make massive profits. The
manufacturing sits are in some of the most marginalized and
impoverished regions of the current global economy.
Argument/thesis statement:
This study aims at exploring the issues of labour exploitation in
the Foxconn Company by highlighting the power or economic
relations that the dominant party gains from the
Teacher’s Feedback:
This is a great topic, and you have demonstrated strongly that
this is a PEC case. Your argument is clear and you identify
several factors contributing to the problems with Foxconn. It
leaves me wondering, what are some better ways forward here?
Are there any scholars that discuss solutions or ways to hold
these companies accountable? You certainly do not need to
solve the problem here, but some discussion on praxis would be
helpful. Have you read the Foxconn article by Jack Qiu? He's a
famous scholar who did a lot of work in this area. I recommend
his work!
Course readings:
Heilbroner, Robert (1986). "Chapter Two: The Drive to Amass
Capital." In The Nature and Logic of Capitalism. New York:
W.W. Norton and Company, pp.33-77.
Smythe, Dallas (1977). "Communication: Blindspot of western
Marxism." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory
1(3): pp.1-27.
Additional sources:
Jack qiu’s article: “China’s digital working class and circuits of
labor” and “Network Labor: Beyond the Shadow of Foxconn".
The Exploitation of Labor in Cellphone Industries FoxconnCase.docx

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The Exploitation of Labor in Cellphone Industries FoxconnCase.docx

  • 1. The Exploitation of Labor in Cellphone Industries: Foxconn Case Study This1 investigation1 utilized1 a1 worldwide1 point1 of1 view1 to1 examine1 how1 papers1 in1 the1 US1 and1 China1 encircled1 a1 particular1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 issue:1 a1 constant1 spate1 of1 labour1 exploitation1 at1 the1 Foxconn1 Technology1 Group,1 a1 significant1 provider1 to1 Apple,1 Dell,1 and1 Hewlett-Packard.1 Through1 a1 quantitative1 and1 subjective1 examination1 of1 921 paper1 articles1 showing1 up1 in1 US1 and1 Chinese1 papers,1 this1 investigation1 discovered1 Chinese1 papers1 encircled1 the1 suicides1 essentially1 as1 the1 mental1 issues1 of1 a1 youthful1 age1 as1 opposed1 to1 a1 sweatshop1 issue.1 Papers1 in1 the1 US1 utilized1 a1 customary1 human1 rights1 abuser1 edge1 to1 depict1 the1 suicides.1 Foxconn1 was1 the1 fundamental1 social1 entertainer1 refered1 to1 in1 many1 news1 inclusions.1 Both1 the1 US1 and1 Chinese1 papers1 surrounded1 the1 case1 as1 a1 China-explicit1 issue,1 overlooking1 worldwide1 social1 equity1 and1 world1 economy1 angles.1 This1 study1 aims1 at1 exploring1 the1 issues1 of1 labour1 exploitation1 in1 the1 Foxconn1 Company1 by1 highlighting1 the1 power1 or1 economic1 relations1 that1 the1 dominant1 party1 gains1 from1
  • 2. the1 weaker1 (labours). Right111 off111 the111 bat111 the111 morning111 of111 16111 July111 2009,111 a111 youthful111 Chinese111 laborer111 in111 the111 Guandong111 area111 jumped111 to111 his111 demise111 from111 the111 twelfth111 floor111 of111 his111 high111 rise.111 The111 man,111 25-year-old111 Sun111 Danyong,111 had111 been111 involved111 three111 days111 sooner111 in111 the111 vanishing111 of111 an111 iPhone111 model111 from111 a111 Foxconn111 Technology111 Group111 building111 where111 he111 worked.111 Thirteen111 more111 Foxconn111 laborers111 ended111 it111 all111 in111 different111 habits111 throughout111 the111 following111 13111 months.111 Overall111 consideration111 in111 this111 manner111 focused111 on111 Foxconn;111 a111 Taiwanese- claimed111 universal111 activity111 that111 amasses111 iPhones,111 iPods111 and111 iPads111 for111 Apple,111 and111 produces111 electronic111 parts111 for111 Hewlett- Packard,111 Dell,111 Sony,111 Nokia,111 and111 Nintendo.111 Activists111 and111 researchers,111 especially111 those111 from111 the111 US111 and111 China,111 have111 connected111 the111 suicides111 with111 the111 worldwide111 sweatshop111 issue.111 From111 their111 perspective,111 the111 perished111 speak111 to111 a111 gathering111 of111 Chinese111 vagrant111 laborers111 who111 venture111 out111 from111 provincial111 regions111 to111 waterfront111 urban111 areas111 to111 work111 in111 TNCs'111 agreement111 industrial111 facilities111 for111 a111 superior111 life.111 In111 any111 case,111 most111 specialists111 wind111 up111 enduring111 insignificant111 pay111 rates111 and111 cruel111 workplaces.111 Among111 numerous111 extremist111 voices,111 Chinese111 work111 activists111 fought111 at111 Foxconn's111 Hong111 Kong111 home111 office,111 and111 the111 United111 Students111 Against111 Sweatshops111 (USAS)111 sent111 a111 letter111 to111 Steve111 Jobs,111 fellow111 benefactor111 and111 CEO111 of111 Apple,111 encouraging111 Apple111 to111
  • 3. address111 the111 Foxconn111 suicides111 (USAS,111 2010).111 Accordingly,111 Foxconn111 agents111 and111 Steve111 Jobs111 expressed111 Foxconn111 isn't111 'a111 sweatshop'111 in111 light111 of111 the111 fact111 that111 'Foxconn's111 suicide111 rate111 is111 well111 underneath111 the111 China111 normal'111 (ChinaNews,111 2010;111 Viticci,111 2010).111 Further,111 Foxconn111 put111 forth111 a111 progression111 of111 attempts111 to111 address111 the111 rash111 of111 suicides,111 offering111 representatives111 various111 salary111 increases,111 mental111 help,111 no-suicide111 contracts,111 specialist111 rallies,111 and111 by111 putting111 security111 nets111 around111 structures111 where111 Foxconn111 representatives111 live111 and111 work111 (Culpan,111 2010;111 McEntegart,111 2010).111 The111 organization111 additionally111 revealed111 it111 would111 move111 probably111 a111 portion111 of111 its111 Chinese111 activities111 inland111 to111 country111 zones111 where111 work111 could111 be111 more111 than111 66%111 less111 expensive111 than111 what111 it111 previously111 was111 (Lubman,111 2010). Regarding1 inclusion1 of1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 rehearses1 in1 the1 American1 press;1 an1 unmistakable1 outline1 has1 focused1 on1 the1 shopper1 versus1 the1 maker.1 In1 their1 encircling1 investigation1 of1 sweatshops1 in1 significant1 US1 papers1 from1 19951 to1 2000,1 (Pai, 2012)1 found1 that1 news1 media1 would1 in1 general1 develop1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 from1 the1 point1 of1 view1 of1 North1 American1 or1 European1 shoppers.1 In1 their1 discoveries,1 papers1 were1 slanted1 to1 depict1 sweatshop1 issues1 with1 shoppers'1 attention1 to1 utilize1 'without1 sweat'1 items1 instead1 of1 underscoring1 the1 lives1 and1 states1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 laborers.1 They1 further1 reprimanded1 the1 shopper1 versus1 maker1 outline1 as1 one1 that1 debilitated1 the1 political1 part1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 issue.1 Also,1 news1 media1 outlines1 are1 the1 result1 of1 shared1 implications1 haggled1
  • 4. by1 writers1 and1 other1 distinctive1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 (Mingwei Liu, 2016).1 As1 a1 rule,1 social1 entertainers1 are1 those1 individuals1 who1 are1 associated1 with1 specific1 issues1 and1 who1 generally1 characterize1 also1 reclassify1 the1 casings1 as1 indicated1 by1 their1 various1 positions1 (Justine Nolan, 2019).1 In1 particular,1 social1 entertainers1 in1 the1 current1 investigation1 allude1 to1 individuals1 who1 are1 identified1 with1 the1 sweatshop1 issue.1 It1 is1 tended1 to1 this1 in1 their1 examination1 about1 the1 confining1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 in1 the1 American1 press.1 They1 distinguished1 'activists,'1 'corporate,'1 'colleges,'1 'global1 associations,'1 'government,'1 'laborers,'1 'shoppers,'1 furthermore,1 'other.'1 They1 found1 that1 albeit1 corporate1 voices1 were1 spoken1 to1 unmistakably,1 activists1 were1 the1 most1 referred1 to1 social1 entertainers1 in1 US1 news1 media1 inclusion1 (Scott, 2017).1 It1 was1 demonstrated1 the1 news1 media1 favor1 hostile1 to1 sweatshop1 fights1 since1 fights1 were1 depicted1 as1 being1 smaller1 just1 as1 more1 secure1 to1 partake1 in1 than1 their1 1960s1 forerunners.1 The1 jobs1 of1 other1 social1 entertainers,1 including1 the1 US1 government,1 have1 governments,1 or1 universal1 government1 organizations,1 just1 as1 laborers1 themselves1 stayed1 restricted1 in1 US1 news1 media1 inclusion1 of1 the1 issue.1 In1 view1 of1 news1 articles1 that1 secured1 the1 particular1 Foxconn1 suicides1 case1 under1 examination,1 the1 writers1 further1 sifted1 through1 141 classifications1 of1 social1 entertainers:1 · Chinese1 laborers · Chinese1 specialists'1 family1 members · Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1 organizations · Chinese1 government · Chinese1 specialists · Chinese1 activists · Chinese1 shoppers · Transnational1 enterprises,1 for1 example,1 Apple · the1 US1 government
  • 5. · the1 US1 specialists · the1 US1 activists · the1 US1 purchasers · worldwide1 overseeing1 offices,1 for1 example,1 World1 Exchange1 Organization 1 Prominently,1 this1 investigation1 concentrated1 on1 the1 edges1 with1 respect1 to1 the1 sweatshop1 issue,1 and1 the1 various1 voices1 of1 social1 entertainers1 in1 the1 media1 talk,1 separately.1 In1 this1 manner,1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 and1 edges1 were1 not1 really1 related1 in1 the1 examination1 of1 this1 investigation.1 Among1 the1 restricted1 accessible1 research,1 few1 analyzed1 the1 worldwide1 issue1 of1 sweatshops1 from1 the1 viewpoints1 of1 nations1 other1 than1 the1 US.1 Little1 is1 thought1 about1 how1 news1 media1 in1 creating1 nations,1 where1 sweatshops1 are1 essentially1 found,1 outline1 the1 issue1 furthermore,1 who1 the1 compelling1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 are.1 This1 examination1 researched1 media1 inclusion1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 in1 the1 US1 and1 China,1 two1 nations1 that1 play1 critical,1 but1 extraordinary,1 jobs1 in1 the1 overall1 sweatshop1 creation1 chain1 (Heilbroner, 1985). On1 a1 large1 scale,1 worldwide1 based1 level,1 an1 expansive1 exhibit1 of1 social1 entertainers1 i.e.,1 TNCs,1 contract1 industrial1 facilities,1 activists,1 governments,1 and1 universal1 associations;1 all1 endeavor1 to1 set1 the1 open1 plan1 toward1 their1 closures.1 As1 a1 basic1 vehicle1 for1 development1 and1 challenge,1 news1 media1 are1 of1 most1 extreme1 noteworthiness1 right1 now.1 Along1 these1 lines,1 the1 fundamental1 reason1 for1 this1 study1 is1 to1 basically1 inspect1 the1 manners1 by1 which1 the1 news1 media1 in1 the1 United1 States1 and1 China1 individually1 outline1 the1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 issue,1 especially1 on1 account1 of1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 –1 an1 ongoing1 influx1 of1 laborer1 suicides1 at1 a1 huge1 hardware1 organization1 situated1 in1 China (Shaun Grech, 2016).1 Among1 the1 231 articles1 about1 Foxconn1 suicides1 in1 The1
  • 6. New1 York1 Times,1 211 were1 news1 reports1 and1 the1 other1 two1 were1 critiques.1 The1 most1 cited1 social1 on- screen1 characters1 were1 Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1 organizations,1 in1 the1 case1 of1 expressing1 a1 reality1 (65.1%),1 or1 on1 the1 other1 hand1 proposing1 a1 perspective1 (60.9%) (Andreas Bieler, 2018).1 Assessments1 from1 Chinese1 specialists1 (43.4%)1 and1 TNCs1 (34.8%)1 additionally1 commanded1 the1 Times1 stories1 as1 the1 second1 and1 third1 most1 refered1 to1 social1 entertainers.1 Fluctuating1 from1 past1 US1 news1 inclusion1 of1 sweatshop1 issues1 where1 laborers'1 voices1 were1 missing,1 Times1 correspondents1 cited1 Chinese1 specialists1 regularly1 when1 they1 secured1 the1 Foxconn1 case.1 Specifically,1 laborers1 were1 refered1 to1 as1 second1 most1 among1 social1 on- screen1 characters1 to1 give1 accurate1 data1 (26.0%).1 (Justine Nolan, 2019) Among1 multiple1 activist1 voices,1 Chinese1 labor1 activists1 protested1 at1 Foxconn’s1 Hong1 Kong1 headquarters,1 and1 the1 United1 Students1 Against1 Sweatshops1 (USAS)1 sent1 a1 letter1 to1 Steve1 Jobs,1 co-founder1 and1 chief1 executive1 officer1 of1 Apple,1 urging1 Apple1 to1 address1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 (Qiu, China’s digital working class and circuits of labor, 2018).1 In1 response,1 Foxconn1 representatives1 and1 Steve1 Jobs1 stated1 that1 Foxconn1 is1 ‘not1 a1 sweatshop’1 because1 ‘Foxconn’s1 suicide1 rate1 is1 well1 below1 the1 China1 average’ (Qiu, Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition, 2017).1 Further,1 Foxconn1 made1 a1 series1 of1 efforts1 to1 address1 the1 rash1 of1 suicides,1 offering1 employees1 multiple1 pay1 raises,1 psychological1 assistance,1 no-suicide1 contracts,1 worker1 rallies,1 and1 by1 placing1 safety1 nets1 around1 buildings1 where1 Foxconn1 employees1 live1 and1 work.1 The1 company1 also1 reported1 it1 would1 move1 at1 least1 some1 of1 its1 Chinese1 operations1 inland1 to1 rural1 areas1 where1 labor1 could1 be1 more1 than1 two-thirds1 cheaper1 than1 what1 it1 already1 was.
  • 7. There1 were1 a1 sum1 of1 691 stories1 covering1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 in1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers,1 with1 441 news1 reports1 and1 241 commentaries.61 Notably,1 the1 examination's1 principle1 reason1 for1 existing1 was1 to1 look1 at1 how1 the1 US1 and1 Chinese1 news1 media1 surrounded1 the1 sweatshop1 issue (Maxwell, 2015).1 Subsequently,1 the1 analysts1 accumulated1 the1 three1 diverse1 Chinese1 distributions1 to1 speak1 to1 the1 Chinese1 press1 in1 the1 similar1 investigation.1 So1 as1 not1 to1 completely1 estrange1 the1 conceivable1 outcomes1 in1 contrasts1 of1 inclusion1 introduced1 by1 every1 one1 of1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers,1 the1 scientists1 coded1 the1 wellspring1 of1 the1 article1 and1 analyzed1 the1 surrounding1 contrasts1 inside1 the1 three.1 Like1 the1 US1 news1 inclusion,1 Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1 organizations1 figured1 most1 noticeably1 in1 the1 Chinese1 media1 talk1 both1 as1 far1 as1 passing1 on1 feelings1 (37.7%)1 what's1 more,1 realities1 (29.0%).1 Additionally1 like1 the1 Times1 inclusion,1 Chinese1 specialists1 spoke1 to1 one1 of1 the1 most1 dynamic1 voices1 in1 articulating1 purposes1 of1 perspectives1 on1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 in1 the1 Chinese1 papers1 (34.8%) (Maxwell, 2015).1 Moreover,1 Chinese1 correspondents1 likewise1 respected1 Chinese1 laborers1 as1 significant1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 for1 sincere1 beliefs1 (27.4%).1 In1 the1 Chinese1 papers,1 Chinese1 government1 authorities1 were1 treated1 as1 the1 second1 most1 persuasive1 social1 entertainers1 in1 giving1 truthful1 data1 (15.9%). (Andreas Bieler, 2018) This1 investigation1 utilized1 media1 confining1 speculations1 to1 investigate1 the1 news1 inclusion1 of1 the1 current1 sweatshop1 issue1 through1 a1 novel1 and1 current1 marvel1 influencing1 in1 any1 event1 two1 nations.1 Confining1 hypothesis1 can1 be1 followed1 back1 to1 the1 fundamental1 work1 of1 humanist1 (Maxwell, 2015),1 who1 initially1 depicted1 casings1 as1 'schemata(s)1 of1 translation'1 that1 permit1 people1 'to1 find,1 see,1 recognize,1 and1 name1
  • 8. issues,1 occasions,1 and1 subjects'.1 From1 that1 point1 forward,1 media1 researchers1 have1 applied1 the1 encircling1 idea1 to1 broad1 communications1 research,1 creating1 and1 utilizing1 an1 abundance1 of1 definitions1 and1 approaches.1 This1 investigation1 conceptualized1 confining1 as1 a1 social1 wonder,1 which1 speaks1 to1 an1 'arranging1 rule1 that1 is1 socially1 shared1 and1 tenacious1 after1 some1 time,1 which1 works1 emblematically1 to1 genuinely1 structure1 the1 social1 world'.1 For1 instance,1 there1 likely1 exist1 some1 normal1 and1 repeating1 outlines1 across1 open1 undertakings1 that1 can1 be1 legitimately1 appropriate1 to1 understanding1 a1 particular1 issue1 or1 significant1 occasion,1 for1 example,1 the1 issue1 of1 the1 worldwide1 sweatshop.1 Edges1 that1 every1 now1 and1 again1 show1 up1 across1 approach1 discuss1 incorporate1 social1 advancement,1 monetary1 improvement/outcomes,1 ethical1 quality/1 morals,1 and1 open1 responsibility.1 With1 respect1 to1 ways1 to1 deal1 with1 surrounding,1 two1 of1 the1 most1 refered1 to1 contemplate1 are1 in1 view1 of1 surrounding1 capacities1 and1 confining1 bundles.1 It1 is1 characterized1 encircling1 as1 indicated1 by1 its1 four1 capacities:1 issue1 definition,1 causal1 understanding,1 moral1 assessment,1 and1 treatment1 proposal.1 Some1 exact1 examinations1 have1 utilized1 these1 four1 capacities1 to1 examine1 media1 content.1 Practically1 80%1 of1 the1 Times1 articles1 confined1 that1 the1 Foxconn1 suicide1 cases1 are1 a1 human1 rights1 misuse.1 This1 rate1 is1 twice1 that1 of1 the1 Chinese1 paper1 articles1 (39.1%) (Andreas Bieler, 2018).1 Under1 this1 primary1 casing,1 more1 than1 66%1 of1 Times1 articles1 (73.9%)1 utilized1 the1 'characterize1 projects'1 sub-outline1 which1 characterized1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 case1 as1 a1 China- explicit1 sweatshop1 issue,1 though1 just1 13.0%1 of1 the1 Chinese1 paper1 articles1 utilized1 a1 similar1 sub-outline.1 The1 Times1 additionally1 accused1 the1 aggregate1 Chinese1 society1 as1 a1 human1 rights1 abuser1 liable1 for1 the1 sweatshop1 marvel,1 another1 'analyze1 cause'1 sub-outline1
  • 9. under1 the1 'human1 rights1 abuser'1 outline.1 The1 title1 of1 one1 Times1 article1 expressly1 delineated1 this1 sub-outline,1 'China,1 the1 sweatshop.'1 This1 human1 rights1 abuser1 outline1 was1 likewise1 remarkable1 in1 271 Chinese1 paper1 articles1 despite1 the1 fact1 that1 the1 extent1 was1 not1 as1 much1 as1 that1 in1 Times1 stories.1 In1 China1 Daily1 and1 Southern1 Weekend,1 there1 were1 a1 few1 articles1 that1 basically1 inspected1 the1 working1 conditions1 what's1 more,1 human1 rights1 issues1 in1 the1 TNCs1 contract1 plants1 in1 China (Mingwei Liu, 2016).1 For1 example,1 a1 couple1 of1 articles1 cited1 an1 open1 articulation1 gave1 by1 nine1 Chinese1 researchers1 who1 approached1 Foxconn1 also,1 the1 legislature1 to1 offer1 equity1 to1 the1 vagrant1 laborers.1 In1 any1 case,1 among1 the1 271 articles,1 none1 of1 them1 were1 from1 People's1 Daily,1 the1 paper1 speaking1 to1 the1 Chinese1 government's1 position1 on1 the1 issue (Qiu, Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition, 2017).1 Notably,1 Foxconn1 and1 other1 Chinese1 companies1 represented1 the1 most1 prevailing1 voices1 in1 both1 countries’1 news1 discourse.1 This1 finding1 is1 consistent1 with1 the1 trend1 that1 corporate1 public1 relations1 campaigns1 are1 more1 advanced1 today1 than1 151 years1 ago1 (Qiu, Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition, 2017).1 In1 fact,1 the1 non-sweatshop1 frame1 that1 recurrently1 emerged1 in1 Chinese1 news1 media1 exactly1 stemmed1 from1 Foxconn’s1 intended1 discourse.1 According1 to1 the1 company’s1 press1 releases,1 Foxconn1 has1 made1 great1 efforts1 in1 avoiding1 the1 series1 of1 suicides1 being1 correlated1 to1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 and1 thus1 has1 conducted1 a1 series1 of1 activities1 dealing1 with1 mental1 health1 of1 its1 young1 workers1 (Smythe, 1977).1 Additionally,1 key1 Foxconn1 representatives1 were1 repeatedly1 quoted1 to1 perpetuate1 the1 non-sweatshop1 frame.1 Under1 this1 frame,1 workers1 were1 portrayed1 as1 a1 psychologically1 vulnerable1 generation.1 In1 other1 words,1 the1 victims1 of1 the1 sweatshop1 system1 were1 framed1 to1
  • 10. be1 responsible1 for1 their1 suicides.1 Their1 working1 conditions1 and1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 were1 not1 blamed. A1 financial1 improvement/result1 outline1 was1 noticeable1 in1 both1 The1 New1 York1 Times1 (47.8%)1 and1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers1 (44.9%).1 Inside1 these1 articles,1 most1 encircled1 the1 issue1 inside1 China's1 setting1 as1 opposed1 to1 a1 worldwide1 one.1 Seven1 Chinese1 paper1 articles1 (10.1%1 out1 of1 44.9%)1 portrayed1 the1 issue1 in1 a1 worldwide1 monetary1 structure,1 while1 none1 of1 the1 Times1 stories1 did1 as1 such. This1 examination1 recognized1 four1 gatherings;1 Foxconn1 and1 Chinese1 organizations,1 Chinese1 specialists,1 Chinese1 specialists,1 and1 Chinese1 governments;1 as1 the1 four1 most1 refered1 to1 social1 on-screen1 characters1 in1 both1 The1 New1 York1 Times1 and1 the1 three1 Chinese1 papers'1 inclusion1 of1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 case.1 By1 and1 by,1 the1 four1 gatherings1 were1 spoken1 to1 distinctively1 in1 various1 papers.1 Foxconn1 and1 Chinese1 organizations1 overwhelmed1 the1 two1 nations'1 press1 for1 both1 their1 feelings1 and1 articulations1 of1 reality.1 While1 Chinese1 specialists1 were1 cited1 generally1 for1 their1 purposes1 of1 perspectives1 in1 characterizing1 the1 issue,1 Chinese1 government1 authorities1 were1 introduced1 essentially1 to1 give1 true1 data.1 Another1 critical1 finding1 was1 the1 close1 nonappearance1 of1 both1 Chinese1 and1 American1 activists'1 accounts1 in1 the1 media1 inclusion1 of1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides.1 Contrasted1 and1 past1 US1 news1 inclusion1 of1 sweatshop1 issues1 in1 which1 activists1 spoke1 to1 the1 most1 remarkable1 voices1 (Greenberg1 and1 Knight,1 2004;1 Opel,1 2003),1 activists1 counting1 Chinese1 work1 activists1 who1 fought1 at1 Foxconn's1 central1 command1 and1 the1 Joined1 Students1 Against1 Sweatshops1 (USAS)1 were1 all1 quiet1 in1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 inclusion.1 The1 discoveries1 add1 to1 the1 literature1 by1 breaking1 down1 the1 media1 talk1 encompassing1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 and1 the1
  • 11. straightforwardly1 related1 sweatshop1 issue1 a1 significant1 global1 subject1 that1 wraps1 human1 rights,1 worldwide1 equity,1 and1 the1 world1 economy.1 The1 present1 talk1 dispersing1 from1 the1 news1 media1 with1 respect1 to1 the1 sweatshop1 issue1 is1 particularly1 worth1 focusing1 on1 as1 a1 result1 of1 the1 accompanying1 two1 realities.1 The1 Times1 set1 significantly1 more1 accentuation1 on1 the1 human1 rights1 misuse1 outline1 than1 its1 Chinese1 partners.1 Moreover,1 most1 of1 Times1 articles1 respected1 the1 Foxconn1 suicides1 case1 as1 a1 China-explicit1 issue1 whether1 from1 the1 viewpoint1 of1 human1 rights1 or1 from1 the1 monetary1 edge.1 This1 finding1 affirms1 those1 in1 past1 surrounding1 contemplates:1 the1 US1 media1 confining1 about1 China1 was1 unavoidably1 affected1 by1 the1 prevailing1 enemy1 of1 socialism1 philosophy1 (Peng,1 2004;1 Wu,1 2006;1 Zhou,1 2008).1 In1 these1 Times1 articles,1 the1 worldwide1 neoliberalism1 method1 of1 reasoning1 behind1 the1 worldwide1 sweatshop1 marvel1 was1 ignored1 and1 the1 TNCs'1 duty1 was1 undetectable.1 Rather,1 China1 turned1 into1 the1 main1 guilty1 party1 in1 the1 worldwide1 issue. References Andreas Bieler, C.-Y. L. (2018). Chinese Labour in the Global Economy: Capitalist Exploitation and Strategies of Resistance. Taylor & Francis. Heilbroner, R. L. (1985). The Nature and Logic of Capitalism. W. W. Norton. Justine Nolan, M. B. (2019). Addressing Modern Slavery. UNSW Press. Maxwell, R. (2015). The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media. Routledge. Mingwei Liu, C. S. (2016). China at Work: A Labour Process Perspective on the Transformation of Work and Employment in China. Macmillan International Higher Education. Pai, H.-H. (2012). Scattered Sand: The Story of China's Rural Migrants. Verso Books.
  • 12. Qiu, J. L. (2017). Goodbye iSlave: A Manifesto for Digital Abolition. University of Illinois Press. Qiu, J. L. (2018). China’s digital working class and circuits of labor. SAGE Journals. Scott, S. (2017). Labour Exploitation and Work-Based Harm. Policy Press. Shaun Grech, K. S. (2016). Disability in the Global South: The Critical Handbook. Springer. Smythe, D. W. (1977). Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism. SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION CMNS 240 Spring 2020 Harbour Centre Day Political-Economic Case Study Assignment Guidelines For this assignment you will be expected to construct an argument around a topic that illuminates some of the issues and concepts we are examining in the course. By now you will be developing a sense of what a political-economic approach to an issue is and the kinds of topics that are relevant to the political economy of communication. For this assignment you will choose a contemporary or historical case study that is relevant to the political economy of communication, and research it from a political economic perspective. The case study must explicitly relate to media and/or communication. Taking up Mosco’s definition and a combination of the core characteristics outlined in Week 1's lecture, you will critically analyze things such as – but not limited to – the power relations, history and social change, and moral implications involved in your case. Beyond this, you have the freedom to choose a topic you are interested
  • 13. in. Maybe you would like to do a political economy of microtransactions in a specific mobile game; how a streaming platform challenges the traditional M-C-M' formula; the uses of a social media platform for journalism and the public sphere; how a particular media franchise is emblematic of the culture industry; the rise of e-sports as a new industry with new labour; whether a specific app turns its users into a sellable commodity; an instance of cultural imperialism in a film; post-Fordist labour in the creative industries; or virtually any other case – there are many, many possibilities. Research Process Once you have settled on a topic you are interested in, the research process should unfold in three stages. · First, you should gather as much recent and relevant academic research as you can on your topic. There will generally be existing research on your topic, and generally there will be research from a political-economic perspective. You should find, examine, and know this literature. · Second, you will want to scan the news media for articles on the case you are examining and read as many as you can. · Finally, having scanned the literature, you should decide what aspect of the topic in particular you wish to pursue, what your argument is going to be, and how you are going to structure your paper. Even though your proposal can be neutral and exploratory since you're still in the research stage at that point, by the time you write your final case study you should have amassed enough information regarding your case to argumentatively take a stance, formulate a concrete thesis, and defend it convincingly to persuade the reader to see your perspective and agree with your take.
  • 14. Questions to Keep in Mind as You Develop Your Case Study · Does the topic I’ve chosen have to do with media and communication? If not, find one that does. If in doubt, ask your TA or the professor. · Have I found the relevant political-economic scholarship on my topic? If in doubt, ask your TA, the professor, or a librarian. · Am I approaching this topic from a political-economic perspective? In other words… Am I taking a “big-picture” approach to my topic? Am I keeping the history of what I am researching in mind? Am I taking a political/moral position with respect to my topic? If in doubt, ask your TA or the professor. · Am I incorporating any relevant course material or concepts into my paper? If your answer is yes to all of these questions you’re on the right track. Assignment Requirements Proposal (submission due on Canvas by 5pm Monday February 17th) To submit your topic for approval, you will write a one-page proposal including a tentative title, a one-paragraph description of your paper’s topic, a one-paragraph description of how you will apply the PEC approach to it, a preliminary thesis statement/argument, and a list of five sources relating to the topic you’ve chosen, including two course readings and two other scholarly sources (i.e. published in a peer-reviewed academic journal or a university press) that use a political economy approach, but you are free to include news stories from reputable news sources here as well.
  • 15. Case Study (submission due on Canvas by 5pm Monday April 6th) The final assignment should be between 8-10 pages (2000-2500) words) long, in 12-point font, double-spaced (excluding bibliography), and will demonstrate significant research on the topic. You can use either APA or MLA format for citations, but you must remain consistent with it throughout. You should reference at least 6-8 academic articles/books, including 2 readings from this course. News articles from reputable news media are optional but welcomed. Late Penalty: Students who do not submit assignments on time will receive a late penalty of one letter grade for every day they are late, to a maximum of five days. Assignments more than one week late will not be accepted and will receive no grade unless the student has made arrangements with the TA before the original due date, or there is a medical or similar emergency with documentation. Extensions: If you need an extension (due to a reasonable excuse) please contact your TA at least 5 days in advance. CMNS240 paper proposal Feb.17th 2020 Title: The Exploitation of Labor in Cellphone Industries: Foxconn One paragraph to describe your chosen case in detail, including why it’s significant for the reader to care about as a PEC issue My paper will focuses on the exploitation of labor in the cell phone industry. It is imperative to understand what labor exploitation entails before narrowing it down to the specifics of the project. Exploitation of labor described as the act of mistreating workers in ways such as underpaying them or
  • 16. subjecting them to severe working conditions. Such exploitation develops when multinational firms exploit personnel in poor and developing nations for their malicious gains. Exploitation in Foxconn emanates from a social relationship based on power asymmetry between workers and their employers. This is an illegal and unethical practice that has been widely condemned by labor and human rights or organizations. However, the practice still continues as it has extensive economic benefits on the firms involved. The introduction of free trade as an approach to promote business interactions between nations exposed developing nations to increased rates of exploitation by the developed countries. Foxconn, which is based in Taiwan, is one of the main mobile manufacturing companies that has been involved in labor exploitation cases. One paragraph to explain how you’ll apply a chosen PEC framework and a selection of PEC considerations to your case – and how they can be helpful for better understanding your case As to use approach of political economy as a framework for critical analysis in this paper, I will emphasis on the theories claimed by Karl Marx. By using the analysis what Marx described what economic function for capital do they serve on the critical views how the dominant party gains power or economic relations from the weaker. The role that the both United States and China dominate the world cell phone industry and their relations styles characterize capitalism. Capitalism is a system of wealth creation in which few individuals own all factors of production where they exploit the poor to further their ends. Cell phone industry assumes capitalism in the manner companies owners make massive profits. The manufacturing sits are in some of the most marginalized and impoverished regions of the current global economy. Argument/thesis statement: This study aims at exploring the issues of labour exploitation in the Foxconn Company by highlighting the power or economic
  • 17. relations that the dominant party gains from the weaker(labours). Teacher’s Feedback: This is a great topic, and you have demonstrated strongly that this is a PEC case. Your argument is clear and you identify several factors contributing to the problems with Foxconn. It leaves me wondering, what are some better ways forward here? Are there any scholars that discuss solutions or ways to hold these companies accountable? You certainly do not need to solve the problem here, but some discussion on praxis would be helpful. Have you read the Foxconn article by Jack Qiu? He's a famous scholar who did a lot of work in this area. I recommend his work! Course readings: Heilbroner, Robert (1986). "Chapter Two: The Drive to Amass Capital." In The Nature and Logic of Capitalism. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, pp.33-77. Smythe, Dallas (1977). "Communication: Blindspot of western Marxism." Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory 1(3): pp.1-27. Additional sources: Jack qiu’s article: “China’s digital working class and circuits of labor” and “Network Labor: Beyond the Shadow of Foxconn".