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John Birrane
Monique Peeters
 Rats frequently used as an animal model in
  psychopharmacological research
 How comparable are they? (Patterson-Kane, Hunt & Harper, 1999).
    People: everyday novel objects
    Standard rats: always same environment

   Enriched rats (with novel objects) better?
Enriched environment?
 Larger group of animals (Hamm, Temple, O’Dell, Pike &
  Lyeth, 1996; Wainwright et al., 1993)
 More room to move arround (Arai & Feig, 2010; Hamm et
  al., 1996; Wainwright et al., 1993).
 Lots of different object, stimulating all senses (Bennet et
  al., 1964; Hamm et al., 1996)
Advantages enriched
 More dendritic arborisation, neurogenesis, glial cells and
  improved learning (Kempermann, Kuhn, & Gage, 1997).
 More synaptic plasticity (Rampon et al., 2000).
The best way to investigate these advantages is the
  performance on different tasks (Cao, Huang, and Ruan,
 Effect on pharmacological interventions?
Open Field test (Hall, 1934)
 Measures anxiety and exploratory behaviour
  (Wainwright et al., 1993).
 The field is divided into different areas: wall, corner and
 Measures: behaviour and time spend in different areas
  open field.
 Anxiety: more time in corners and near wall, low distance
  moved, more boli (Walsh & Cummins, 1976)
 Exploratory behaviour: Number of rears and leans, and
  high distance moved.
Morris water maze (Morris, 1981)
 Measures spatial learning and memory (Morris, 1981)
 Circular tank, filled with water, with a platform placed
  beneath water surface (Buccafusco, 2009).
 Rats will find the platform faster everyday regardless of
  starting position.
 Measures: Swimming speed, distance moved, time in the
  zone of the platform.
 Probe trials: no platform, check whether rats still know
  the location of the platform.
Object Recognition task
 AKA Novel object preference task (Mumby, Gaskin, Glenn,
  Schramek & Lehmann, 2002)
 Two trails: one trial with two similar objects and one trial
  with an old and a new object (Mumby et al., 2002)
 Rats have preference for novel object (Dix & Aggleton,
  1998; Ennaceur & Delacour, 1988)
 Looking at novel object correlates with memory of the
  familiar objects (Ennaceur & Delacour, 1988)
 Cognitive impairing drug, blocks muscarinic receptors
 Animal model of Alzheimer’s disease

How will the environment influence the effect of
 scopolamine on memory?
 Hypothesis: For enriched rats more scopolamine is
 needed to achieve a memory impairing effect.
       36 Male Wistar

18 Standard             18 Enriched
 condition               Condition
 From six weeks of age placed in
 Tests started with 12 weeks
 Used to human contact
 Reversed light-dark cycle: lights on from
 Unlimited access to food and water
 21 C 1 C, humidity 45%-55%
 Three rats per cage  six cages
 40cm long x 20cm high x 25cm wide
 Objects
    Cardboard tube
    Wooden stick
 Sawdust bedding

           Picture by Martina
 Two large cages with nine rats each
 150cm long x 80cm high x 90cm wide
 Environment changed and cleaned every week
    Novel stimuli
 Objects: PVC pipes, treadmills, brick stones, metal grid,
  rope, wood sticks, different types of nesting material.
Tests we used:
 Open field test
    Anxiety behaviour
 Morris water maze
   Learning
 Object Recognition task (novel object preference task)
    Memory
Open field
 Square box: 1m x 1m, grey floor
 Tested four days in a row, day 4 had novel object
 Five minutes exploration time

 By computer programme (EthoVision)
    Distance moved, time near walls, time in centre, time in
 By human
    Rears, leans, boli
Morris water maze
 Large water tank: 122cm ø, 80cm height
 Small platform placed 40cm from wall and 1cm below
  water surface
 Four different starting positions
 Acquistion trial: 4 days in a row, 4 trials/day
 Probe trial: day 3 (trial nr 5) and day 5 (trial nr 1)
 Reversal trials (other platform location): day 5 and 6, 4
 EthoVision is used for the measurements
Object Recognition task
 Rats placed in round box, 1 transparent side
 3 minutes exploration time each trial
 Trial1: two similar objects
 Trial2: one familiar object (like in trial1) and one new object.
 Mug, jar, small bottle, cone
 No medication
    One hour delay
    Twenty-four hour delay
 With medication
   One hour delay  cognitive impairing drugs
Object recognition task (2)
 Three doses: injected 1ml/kg
    0.00mg/ml (saline=control)    0.00 mg/kg
    0.03mg/ml                     0.03 mg/kg
    0.30mg/ml                     0.30mg/kg
 Subcutaneous
 30 minutes before first trial
 Double blind
Object Recognition task (3)
Short Movie (or at least some pictures)
Statistical Analysis
Open field
 Day 1-3              split-plot
 Day 4                independent samples t-test
Morris water maze
 Acquisition          split-plot
 Probe                independent samples t-test
 Reversal             split-plot
Object recognition task
 No medication:       split-plot
 Scopolamine:         univariate BS ANOVA
Open Field:
                                                  Days 1-3

Independent          Measure               Day                Group               Interaction
Distance travelled   Anxiety/exploratory   F(2,68)= 23.617,   F(1,34)= 30.500     F(2,68)= 7.490,
                     behaviour             p<0.001            p<0.001             p=0.001
Time in centre of    Anxiety               n.s.               n.s.                F(2,68)= 3.553, p
field                                                                             <0.05
Time in corners      Anxiety               n.s.               n.s.                n.s.

Thigmotaxis/Time at Anxiety                n.s.               n.s.                n.s.
Leaning              Exploratory           n.s.               F(1,34) = 10.400,   n.s.
                     behaviour                                p<0.05
Rearing              Exploratory           F(2,68)= 4.181,    n.s.                n.s.
                     behaviour             p=0.019
Boli                 Anxiety               F(2,68) = 8.108,   n.s.                n.s
Distance Moved   Leaning

Time in Centre   Boli
        There was only a group
        effect between leaning
        and distance travelled.
        The standard rats had a
        higher distance moved
        and number of leans.
Analysis of the open-field (day 4)

Independent           Measure               Group                  Standard              Enriched
Distance travelled    Anxiety/exploratory   t= 5.03, df= 34, p <   M= 1675.41, SD=       M= 1218.90, SD=
                      behaviour             .01                    156.86, N=18          351.74, N= 18
Time in centre of     Anxiety               t= 2.12, df= 34, p <   M= 50.60, SD= 13.07, M= 35.44, SD= 27.32,
field                                       .05                    N= 18                N= 18
Time in corners       Anxiety               n.s.                   M= 31.98, SD= 7.71,   M= 54.51, SD= 26.19,
                                                                   N=18                  N= 18
Thigmotaxis/Time at Anxiety                 n.s.                   M= 60.81, SD= 10.37, M= 54.07, SD= 17.59,
wall                                                               N=18                 N=18
Time spent at novel   Exploratory           n.s.                   M=6.61, SD= 5.45, N= M= 5.98, SD= 5.73,
object                behaviour                                    18                   N=18
Leaning               Exploratory           n.s.                   M= 19.42, SD= 5.72,   M= 16.94, SD= 4.35,
                      behaviour                                    N=18                  N= 18
Rearing               Exploratory           n.s.                   M= 14.49, SD= 6.87,   M= 16.37, SD= 5.71,
                      behaviour                                    N= 18                 N= 18
Boli                  Anxiety               n.s.                   M= 3.61, SD= 3.26,    M= 2.28, SD= 2.80,
                                                                   N= 18                 N= 18
Distance Moved
                 There was only a group
                 effect in the distance
                 moved and time spend in
                 centre. The standard rats
                 had again a higher
                 distance moved, and they
Time in Centre   have spend more time in
                 the centre of the open
Morris water maze
Acquisition trial

Acquisition trial Morris water maze (MWM)
Independent         Measure         Day                Group              Interaction
Distance moved                      F(5,102) = 98.189, F(1,34) = 5.036,   n.s.
                                    p<0.001            p=0.031
Escape latency      Learning        F(3,102) = 78.374, n.s.               n.s.
Mean velocity                       F(5,102) =7.868,   n.s.               n.s.
Distance moved   Mean Velocity

Time in zone
Probe trial

Independent samples t-tests
Zone                  0-60 seconds             0-30 seconds             30-60 seconds
North                 n.s                      n.s.                     n.s.
East                  n.s                      n.s                      n.s.
South                 n.s.                     n.s.                     n.s.
West                  t(34) = 2.565, p<.05     t(34) = 3.044 , p<.005   n.s.

Platform zone         t= -.2.24, df= 34, p <   t= 2.37, df= 34, p < .05 n.s.
Random zone           n.s.                     n.s.                     n.s.
Time in zone platform vs time in random zone

Time in zone West
Reversal trial (new platform location)

Reversal trials
Independent variable   Measure           Day                 Group

Distance Moved                           F(1,34) = 17.939,   n.s.
Mean Velocity                            F(1,34) = 13.680,   n.s.
Escape latency         Learning          F(1,34) = 24.644,   n.s.
(reversal)                               p<0.001
Distance moved   Time in zone

Mean velocity
Object recognition task
No medication:                      • Effect of delay:
                                    F(1,33) =24.348, P<0.001

                                    • Group effect:
                                    F(1, 33) = 5.133, P<0.05
  D2 value is time spend at novel
  object minus the time spend at      No effects on total
  old object corrected for            exploration time or
  exploration time                    preference for the left
                                      or right object
 D2 Value
No effect on group:
F (1, 99) = 0.189, p=0.665

Dose effect:
F (2, 99) = 13.961, p<0.01
Exploration time trial1 (E1):
 Group (n.s.):
F(1,98)= 1.720, p=0.193
 Dose effect:
F(2,98)=3.111, p=0.049

Exploration time trial2 (E2):
 Group (n.s.):
F(1,99) = 1.715. p=0.193
 Dose:
F(2,99)= 6.602, p=0.002
 Open field:
     • Standard rats moved more on all four days
     • Enriched rats spent more time in corners of open
     • Leans and rears increase over time
     • Number of defeciations decline
 Morris water maze:
     • Standard rats moved more
     • Decline in distance moved over the days on both
     • Enriched rats spent more time in the west zone and
       the zone of the platform during probe trials
 Novel object preference task:
     • Enriched rats have a stronger preference for the
       novel object after 24 hours delay (no medication)
     • With scopolamine there was a strong effect of the
       dose, but no effect between groups on the
       exploration time and the preference for the novel
Open field results: Habituation the key?

Crusio and Schwegler (1987) and Crusio (2001)
negatively correlate increased intra and infra
hippocampal mossy fibre (IIHMF) projections with

Denenberg (1969) carried out a factor analysis of open
field behaviour and found that increased ambulation
was linked to anxious behaviour on only the first day.
Indicative of the opposite for subsequent days.
Problems with this interpretation...

1. Some of these experiments conducted on mice...
Wishaw and Tomie (1996) claim that rats and mice
are comparable for a range of behavioural tests (as
long as they don't involve water!). Neurobiological
differences may exist though...

2. Meshi et al. (2006) demonstrated that behavioural
differences caused by EE were not due to
neurogenesis observed in van Praag's experiments.
The importance of exercise for

(a,f) = controls
(b,g) = learner
(c,h) = swimmer
(d,i) = runner
(e,j) = enrichment

In this experiment, enrichment
had no effect on proliferation,
but exercise did.

Enrichment did affect the
survival of the newborn cells
positively (85% vs. 56%).
Types of enrichment and standard conditions (Simpson & Kelly,

                                            Social or physical
                                            enrichment? Both?

                                            Dissociable effects?

                                           Standard housing conditions of
                                           our rats did feature some physical
                                           enrichment (stick, cardboard
                                           tubes) along with moderate social
                                           enrichment (two litter-mates).

Different combinations in the literature
Perhaps standard rats were too enriched...
Lots of research in the literature features singly housed rats
as controls. This deprivation state not a suitable control.

However, our results were not entirely anomalous. MWM
performance reflected previous research in that enriched
housing led to faster acquisition and more time spent in PZ
during probe trial.
Performance in the ORT

No significant difference was observed between STD and EE rats
in d2. There was a significant effect for dose at the lower dose,

Has scopolamine outlived its usefulness? Klinkenberg and
Blokland (2010) affirm that scopolamine is an effective amnestic
drug. However, dissociating its peripheral from its CNS effects can
be challenging.

Any difference we would hope to observe between groups would
have to be mediated through central nervous effects. But
peripheral effects would not cause distinct differences in
discrimination between groups.

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The Effects Of Environmental Enrichment

  • 3.
  • 4. Introduction  Rats frequently used as an animal model in psychopharmacological research  How comparable are they? (Patterson-Kane, Hunt & Harper, 1999).  People: everyday novel objects  Standard rats: always same environment Enriched rats (with novel objects) better?
  • 5. Enriched environment?  Larger group of animals (Hamm, Temple, O’Dell, Pike & Lyeth, 1996; Wainwright et al., 1993)  More room to move arround (Arai & Feig, 2010; Hamm et al., 1996; Wainwright et al., 1993).  Lots of different object, stimulating all senses (Bennet et al., 1964; Hamm et al., 1996)
  • 6. Advantages enriched environment  More dendritic arborisation, neurogenesis, glial cells and improved learning (Kempermann, Kuhn, & Gage, 1997).  More synaptic plasticity (Rampon et al., 2000). The best way to investigate these advantages is the performance on different tasks (Cao, Huang, and Ruan, 2008).  Effect on pharmacological interventions?
  • 7. Open Field test (Hall, 1934)  Measures anxiety and exploratory behaviour (Wainwright et al., 1993).  The field is divided into different areas: wall, corner and centre  Measures: behaviour and time spend in different areas open field.  Anxiety: more time in corners and near wall, low distance moved, more boli (Walsh & Cummins, 1976)  Exploratory behaviour: Number of rears and leans, and high distance moved.
  • 8. Morris water maze (Morris, 1981)  Measures spatial learning and memory (Morris, 1981)  Circular tank, filled with water, with a platform placed beneath water surface (Buccafusco, 2009).  Rats will find the platform faster everyday regardless of starting position.  Measures: Swimming speed, distance moved, time in the zone of the platform.  Probe trials: no platform, check whether rats still know the location of the platform.
  • 9. Object Recognition task  AKA Novel object preference task (Mumby, Gaskin, Glenn, Schramek & Lehmann, 2002)  Two trails: one trial with two similar objects and one trial with an old and a new object (Mumby et al., 2002)  Rats have preference for novel object (Dix & Aggleton, 1998; Ennaceur & Delacour, 1988)  Looking at novel object correlates with memory of the familiar objects (Ennaceur & Delacour, 1988)
  • 10. Scopolamine  Cognitive impairing drug, blocks muscarinic receptors  Animal model of Alzheimer’s disease How will the environment influence the effect of scopolamine on memory?  Hypothesis: For enriched rats more scopolamine is needed to achieve a memory impairing effect.
  • 11.
  • 12. Methods 36 Male Wistar Rats 18 Standard 18 Enriched condition Condition
  • 13.  From six weeks of age placed in enviroment  Tests started with 12 weeks  Used to human contact  Reversed light-dark cycle: lights on from 19:00-7:00  Unlimited access to food and water  21 C 1 C, humidity 45%-55%
  • 14. Standard  Three rats per cage  six cages  40cm long x 20cm high x 25cm wide  Objects  Cardboard tube  Wooden stick  Sawdust bedding
  • 15. Enriched Picture by Martina
  • 16. Enriched  Two large cages with nine rats each  150cm long x 80cm high x 90cm wide  Environment changed and cleaned every week  Novel stimuli  Objects: PVC pipes, treadmills, brick stones, metal grid, rope, wood sticks, different types of nesting material.
  • 17. Tests we used:  Open field test  Anxiety behaviour  Morris water maze  Learning  Object Recognition task (novel object preference task)  Memory
  • 18. Open field  Square box: 1m x 1m, grey floor  Tested four days in a row, day 4 had novel object  Five minutes exploration time Measurements  By computer programme (EthoVision)  Distance moved, time near walls, time in centre, time in corner  By human  Rears, leans, boli
  • 19. Morris water maze  Large water tank: 122cm ø, 80cm height  Small platform placed 40cm from wall and 1cm below water surface  Four different starting positions  Acquistion trial: 4 days in a row, 4 trials/day  Probe trial: day 3 (trial nr 5) and day 5 (trial nr 1)  Reversal trials (other platform location): day 5 and 6, 4 trials/day  EthoVision is used for the measurements
  • 20. Object Recognition task  Rats placed in round box, 1 transparent side  3 minutes exploration time each trial  Trial1: two similar objects  Trial2: one familiar object (like in trial1) and one new object.  Mug, jar, small bottle, cone  No medication  One hour delay  Twenty-four hour delay  With medication  One hour delay  cognitive impairing drugs
  • 21. Object recognition task (2) Scopolamine  Three doses: injected 1ml/kg  0.00mg/ml (saline=control)  0.00 mg/kg  0.03mg/ml  0.03 mg/kg  0.30mg/ml  0.30mg/kg  Subcutaneous  30 minutes before first trial  Double blind
  • 22. Object Recognition task (3) Short Movie (or at least some pictures)
  • 23. Statistical Analysis Open field  Day 1-3  split-plot  Day 4  independent samples t-test Morris water maze  Acquisition  split-plot  Probe  independent samples t-test  Reversal  split-plot Object recognition task  No medication:  split-plot  Scopolamine:  univariate BS ANOVA
  • 24.
  • 25. Open Field: Days 1-3 Independent Measure Day Group Interaction variable Distance travelled Anxiety/exploratory F(2,68)= 23.617, F(1,34)= 30.500 F(2,68)= 7.490, behaviour p<0.001 p<0.001 p=0.001 Time in centre of Anxiety n.s. n.s. F(2,68)= 3.553, p field <0.05 Time in corners Anxiety n.s. n.s. n.s. Thigmotaxis/Time at Anxiety n.s. n.s. n.s. wall Leaning Exploratory n.s. F(1,34) = 10.400, n.s. behaviour p<0.05 Rearing Exploratory F(2,68)= 4.181, n.s. n.s. behaviour p=0.019 Boli Anxiety F(2,68) = 8.108, n.s. n.s p=0.001
  • 26. Distance Moved Leaning Time in Centre Boli
  • 27. Rears There was only a group effect between leaning and distance travelled. The standard rats had a higher distance moved and number of leans.
  • 28. Analysis of the open-field (day 4) Independent Measure Group Standard Enriched variable Distance travelled Anxiety/exploratory t= 5.03, df= 34, p < M= 1675.41, SD= M= 1218.90, SD= behaviour .01 156.86, N=18 351.74, N= 18 Time in centre of Anxiety t= 2.12, df= 34, p < M= 50.60, SD= 13.07, M= 35.44, SD= 27.32, field .05 N= 18 N= 18 Time in corners Anxiety n.s. M= 31.98, SD= 7.71, M= 54.51, SD= 26.19, N=18 N= 18 Thigmotaxis/Time at Anxiety n.s. M= 60.81, SD= 10.37, M= 54.07, SD= 17.59, wall N=18 N=18 Time spent at novel Exploratory n.s. M=6.61, SD= 5.45, N= M= 5.98, SD= 5.73, object behaviour 18 N=18 Leaning Exploratory n.s. M= 19.42, SD= 5.72, M= 16.94, SD= 4.35, behaviour N=18 N= 18 Rearing Exploratory n.s. M= 14.49, SD= 6.87, M= 16.37, SD= 5.71, behaviour N= 18 N= 18 Boli Anxiety n.s. M= 3.61, SD= 3.26, M= 2.28, SD= 2.80, N= 18 N= 18
  • 29. Distance Moved There was only a group effect in the distance moved and time spend in centre. The standard rats had again a higher distance moved, and they Time in Centre have spend more time in the centre of the open field.
  • 30. Morris water maze Acquisition trial Acquisition trial Morris water maze (MWM) Independent Measure Day Group Interaction variable Distance moved F(5,102) = 98.189, F(1,34) = 5.036, n.s. p<0.001 p=0.031 Escape latency Learning F(3,102) = 78.374, n.s. n.s. p<0.001 Mean velocity F(5,102) =7.868, n.s. n.s. p<0.001
  • 31. Distance moved Mean Velocity Time in zone
  • 32. Probe trial Independent samples t-tests Zone 0-60 seconds 0-30 seconds 30-60 seconds North n.s n.s. n.s. East n.s n.s n.s. South n.s. n.s. n.s. West t(34) = 2.565, p<.05 t(34) = 3.044 , p<.005 n.s. Platform zone t= -.2.24, df= 34, p < t= 2.37, df= 34, p < .05 n.s. .05 Random zone n.s. n.s. n.s.
  • 33. Time in zone platform vs time in random zone Time in zone West
  • 34. Reversal trial (new platform location) Reversal trials Independent variable Measure Day Group Distance Moved F(1,34) = 17.939, n.s. p<0.001 Mean Velocity F(1,34) = 13.680, n.s. p=0.001 Escape latency Learning F(1,34) = 24.644, n.s. (reversal) p<0.001
  • 35. Distance moved Time in zone Mean velocity
  • 36. Object recognition task No medication: • Effect of delay: F(1,33) =24.348, P<0.001 • Group effect: F(1, 33) = 5.133, P<0.05 D2 value is time spend at novel object minus the time spend at No effects on total old object corrected for exploration time or exploration time preference for the left or right object
  • 37. Scopolamine  D2 Value No effect on group: F (1, 99) = 0.189, p=0.665 Dose effect: F (2, 99) = 13.961, p<0.01
  • 38. Exploration time trial1 (E1):  Group (n.s.): F(1,98)= 1.720, p=0.193  Dose effect: F(2,98)=3.111, p=0.049 Exploration time trial2 (E2):  Group (n.s.): F(1,99) = 1.715. p=0.193  Dose: F(2,99)= 6.602, p=0.002
  • 39. Conclusions  Open field: • Standard rats moved more on all four days • Enriched rats spent more time in corners of open field • Leans and rears increase over time • Number of defeciations decline
  • 40.  Morris water maze: • Standard rats moved more • Decline in distance moved over the days on both groups • Enriched rats spent more time in the west zone and the zone of the platform during probe trials
  • 41.  Novel object preference task: • Enriched rats have a stronger preference for the novel object after 24 hours delay (no medication) • With scopolamine there was a strong effect of the dose, but no effect between groups on the exploration time and the preference for the novel object.
  • 42.
  • 43. Open field results: Habituation the key? Crusio and Schwegler (1987) and Crusio (2001) negatively correlate increased intra and infra hippocampal mossy fibre (IIHMF) projections with exploration. Denenberg (1969) carried out a factor analysis of open field behaviour and found that increased ambulation was linked to anxious behaviour on only the first day. Indicative of the opposite for subsequent days.
  • 44. Problems with this interpretation... 1. Some of these experiments conducted on mice... Wishaw and Tomie (1996) claim that rats and mice are comparable for a range of behavioural tests (as long as they don't involve water!). Neurobiological differences may exist though... 2. Meshi et al. (2006) demonstrated that behavioural differences caused by EE were not due to neurogenesis observed in van Praag's experiments.
  • 45. The importance of exercise for enrichment (a,f) = controls (b,g) = learner (c,h) = swimmer (d,i) = runner (e,j) = enrichment In this experiment, enrichment had no effect on proliferation, but exercise did. Enrichment did affect the survival of the newborn cells positively (85% vs. 56%).
  • 46. Types of enrichment and standard conditions (Simpson & Kelly, 2011). Social or physical enrichment? Both? Dissociable effects? Standard housing conditions of our rats did feature some physical enrichment (stick, cardboard tubes) along with moderate social enrichment (two litter-mates). Different combinations in the literature
  • 47. Perhaps standard rats were too enriched... Lots of research in the literature features singly housed rats as controls. This deprivation state not a suitable control. However, our results were not entirely anomalous. MWM performance reflected previous research in that enriched housing led to faster acquisition and more time spent in PZ during probe trial.
  • 48. Performance in the ORT No significant difference was observed between STD and EE rats in d2. There was a significant effect for dose at the lower dose, however. Has scopolamine outlived its usefulness? Klinkenberg and Blokland (2010) affirm that scopolamine is an effective amnestic drug. However, dissociating its peripheral from its CNS effects can be challenging. Any difference we would hope to observe between groups would have to be mediated through central nervous effects. But peripheral effects would not cause distinct differences in discrimination between groups.