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Information	Pack	
For	all	enquiries,	please	email:
Why	Use	The	Director-e	
• It’s	FREE	to	post	job	advertisements	for	the	first	3	months	
⇒ BENEFIT:	No	risk,	no	contract,	no	cost	to	you	
• Job	advertisements	are	optimised	for	Google	SEO	and	are	currently	ranking	high	on	page	1	of	Google	within	
7	days	of	the	advert	going	live	
⇒ BENEFIT:	Your	advert	will	be	found	quicker	by	candidates	
• Promoted	across	Social	Media	
⇒ BENEFIT:	Will	increase	your	brand	presence	and	attract	the	attention	of	candidates	fast!	
• All	Director-e	jobs	are	promoted	on	Adzuna	–	one	of	the	most	highly	rated	job	search	engines!	
⇒ BENEFIT:	Allied	to	our	Google	and	Social	Media	presence,	your	job	postings	receive	maximum	
visibility	across	all	channels	
• You	receive	applications	with	CVs	that	have	been	designed	and	formatted	in	a	way	that	helps	you	
⇒ BENEFIT:	Saves	you	valuable	time	whilst	allowing	you	to	compare	and	contrast	skills	and	experience	
at	a	glance	
• Directly	message	applicants	
⇒ BENEFIT:	Speeds	up	the	process	and	makes	your	life	easier	
• Alerts	to	new	senior	and	executive	level	candidate	CV	uploads	
⇒ BENEFIT:	You	can	fill	vacancies	faster	with	quality	candidates	
• Bookmark	CVs	for	future	reference	and	consideration	
⇒ BENEFIT:	You	don’t	lose	valuable	connections	that	will	be	of	use	in	the	future	
• Benefit	from	the	link	value	that	will	give	your	own	web	presence	
⇒ BENEFIT:	Be	found	faster,	quicker	and	easier	than	the	competition	
About	The	Director-e	
The	Director-e	is	a	new	senior,	executive	and	professional	candidate	recruitment	and	placement	website	with	
powerful	Social	Media	Marketing,	class	leading	SEO,	regular	appearance	on	Google	Page	1	and	a	pipeline	of	
developments	that	will	re-write	how	executive	job	boards	should	operate.	We	are	proactive,	we	are	responsive	to	
user	requests	and	we	want	to	make	a	real	difference	to	how	senior,	executive	and	professional	candidates	are	
found,	perceived,	selected	and	placed.	
Our	mission	is	simple,	“To	work	with	and	provide	Recruiters,	Hiring	Managers	and	Head	Hunters	with	easy	search	
and	select	access	to	a	database	of	high-caliber,	seasoned	and	proven	candidates	and	to	provide	our	candidates	with	
access	to	top	quality	jobs	and	placement	opportunities	that	will	deliver	seasoned	gravitas	and	a	wealth	of	
experience,	intellectual	capital	and	expertise	to	the	hiring	company”.
We	are	a	talent-led	and	business	focused	recruitment	and	placement	website	committed	to	generating	the	
maximum	economic,	business	and	social	capital	from	some	of	the	most	successful,	experienced	and	influential	
business	and	stakeholder	managers	available.		Of	course,	rising	managers	with	experience	and	proven	expertise	
who	are	likely	Directors	and	senior	managers	of	the	future	are	also	welcome	within	The	Director-e.	
For	Recruitment	Agencies,	Hiring	Managers	and	Head	Hunters	we	are	dedicated	to	helping	you	find	exceptional	
candidates	for	those	crucial	and	future	facing	roles	-	candidates	who	are	proven	professionals,	highly	experienced,	
supremely	qualified	and	able	to	demonstrate	sustained	success	in	numerous	roles	and	situations.		
We	work	with	candidates	who	are	able	to	hit	the	ground	running,	assimilate	into	new	cultures	and	technologies	
and	identify	and	push	new	boundaries	of	operational	performance,	candidates	who	boast	a	track	record	of	
operating	at	the	very	pinnacle	of	performance	and	will	bring	gravitas,	expertise	and	competence	to	your	clients	
At	The	Director-e	we	think	like	a	recruiter	and	act	like	a	business	and	have	fine	tuned	our	search	and	selection	
process	to	ensure	that	our	Recruiters	and	Hiring	Managers	find	the	ideal	candidate	with	the	minimum	of	effort.	On	
an	ad-hoc	basis	we	will	carry	out	random	candidate	sampling	to	ensure	that	our	registered	candidates	do	match	
their	CV’s.	
The	development	of	our	e-CV	is	in	direct	response	to	the	challenges	faced	by	Recruiters	when	searching	and	
comparing	numerous	different	CV	formats	with	key	information	often	spread	throughout	the	CV’s.	Our	ambition	is	
to	make	the	Recruiters	life	as	simple	and	efficient	as	is	possible	and	the	search	and	the	presentation	of	our	
candidates	as	informative	and	as	effective	as	possible.	By	presenting	our	candidates	in	a	simple,	easy	to	read	
document	that	focuses	on	and	highlights	the	key	skills,	experience	and	expertise	that	matter	to	readers	in	a	
beautifully	designed	and	presented	document	that	is	ready	to	be	downloaded	and	distributed	to	your	hiring	
In	addition	to	standard,	premium	and	featured	job	postings	for	Recruiters	who	have	high-calibre	candidates	to	place	
but	no	roles	to	place	them	in,	The	Director-e	offers	Recruiters	and	indeed	Human	Resource	Managers	faced	with	
staff	losses	and	out-placement	needs,	the	opportunity	to	feature	these	candidates	on	both	The	Director-e	and	
through	our	Social	Media	channels.	This	increases	the	possibilities	of	placing	these	candidates	in	an	ideal	role	
befitting	the	candidate,	the	hiring	company	and	the	recruiter.	
With	a	growing	database	of	seasoned	professionals	(many	of	whom	are	experienced	business	researchers,	
marketers	and	report	writers	who	have	the	experience	to	undertake	confidential	off-site	projects	for	business	of	all	
sizes	and	sectors)	and	prefer	to	work	freelance,	The	Director-e	will	also	offer	Contract,	Interim	and	Consultancy	
placements	to	businesses	from	start-ups	through	to	rescue	and	recovery.	
Our	fees,	registration,	search	and	selection	process	will	all	be	familiar	to	Recruiters	and	Hiring	Managers	but	our	
Social	Media	Marketing,	job	and	candidate	profiling	is	class-leading.	Registering	with	The	Director-e	is	free	and	
registered	Recruiters,	Hiring	Managers	and	Head	Hunters	will	be	the	first	to	hear	about	and	benefit	from	new	
updates,	alerts	and	opportunities	as	they	come	online	throughout	the	year.
Les	Phillimore	
Managing	Director	
Starting	his	career	as	an	electro-mechanical	apprentice	with	GEC,	Les	soon	rapidly	changed	direction	establishing	
himself	in	the	gaming,	leisure	and	hospitality	sectors	and	joined	family	owned	Greenall	Whitley	Ltd	in	1983	as	
they	started	out	on	a	major	expansion	and	stock	market	floatation	programme.	
Les	grew	with	the	group	as	it	positioned	itself	as	a	leading	£1.1bn	FTSE	100	Plc	leisure	and	hospitality	operator	and	
as	a	Group	Executive	Manager	for	the	then	Greenalls	Group	Plc,	Les	relished	the	responsibility	of	a	substantial	multi-
disciplined	national	workforce	and	multi-million	pound	revenue	and	cost	budgets.	
Taking	leading	roles	in	corporate	strategy	and	behaviour,	performance	and	brand	management,	mergers	and	
acquisitions,	product	development,	and	multi-faceted	change	within	technology-led	multi-site	operations	Les’s	
passion	for	business	excellence	saw	him	introduce	numerous	initiatives	to	leave	a	trail	of	bench-setting	and	first-to-
market	innovations	across	multiple	disciplines	setting	far-reaching	new	standards	of	performance	with	iconic	
corporate	clients	such	as	Whitbread,	Mitchells	and	Butler,	Scottish	and	Newcastle,	Allied	Domecq,	Bass,	Enterprise	
Inns	and	DeVere	Hotels	to	name	a	few.	
In	2006	Les	was	appointed	UK	Managing	Director	(Designate)	for	a	joint	venture	between	the	$3bn	USA	Harbour	
Group	Inc	and	a	major	UK	retail	Plc	with	the	immediate	challenge	of	turning-around	and	re-energising	a	stalled	
multi-million	dollar,	multi-stakeholder	investment	programme.	Job	done	Les	transferred	to	the	sister	company	to	
lead	on	next-generation	Trans-Atlantic	digital	NPD	/	NPI	programmes.	
A	Co-Director	of	a	boutique	Business	Consultancy	Les’s	recent	projects	have	seen	him	working	on	numerous	
regional,	international,	start-up	and	innovation	projects	which	have	served	to	further	cement	the	economic	and	
business	needs	for	The	Director-e	to	be	a	leading	light	in	21st	Century	recruitment	and	placement.	
Contact	Les	at	or	07917	701390		
Les	is	particularly	happy	to	speak	about:	
1. The	Director-e	-	the	vision,	the	mission,	the	opportunities	and	the	even	bigger	opportunities.	
2. Performance	Management	-	getting	the	best	out	of	your	people,	your	suppliers,	your	clients	and	your	
3. Seasoned	expertise	supporting	micro	/	SME	/	Innovation	businesses.	
4. Recruitment,	placement	and	over-qualification	-	the	misnomer	in	the	economy.
Matthew	Willis	
Commercial	Director	
Matt	started	working	in	recruitment	in	2009	for	his	father's	business	FMCV,	which	is	a	niche	agency	that	
specialised	in	the	coffee,	catering	and	food	service	industries.	
Since	his	father's	departure	from	the	business	in	2012,	Matt	is	now	the	owner	and	director	of	FMCV	and	has	since	
expanded	into	a	number	of	other	industries,	including	town	planning,	legal	and	facilities	management.	
Matt	and	Les	crossed	paths	in	late	2012	when	Les	applied	for	a	senior	operations	manager	position	(which	
unfortunately	later	fell	through	and	the	vacancy	closed)	and	have	remained	in	close	contact	ever	since.		
Matt	married	Natalia	in	2013	and	they	very	recently	welcomed	Anastasia	to	the	Willis	family.	
Contact	Matt	at	or	07974	195853	
Matt	is	particularly	happy	to	speak	about:	
1. Use	of	technology	within	recruitment.	
2. Placements	v’s	over	qualification.		
3. Job	security	/	instability	and	managing	crises’.	
4. Recruitment	and	how	the	markets	react	to	uncertainty	(including	Brexit).
Craig	Johnstone	
Operations	Director	
Managing	Director	of	UK	marketing	services	provider	Mulberry	Square,	Craig	has	30	years	of	experience	in	the	
printing,	publishing	and	marketing	communications	industry;	the	last	19	of	which	he	has	spent	building	his	own	
print	management	and	marketing	services	businesses	in	a	very	competitive	and	fast	moving	landscape.	
Innovation	has	been	fundamental	to	Craig’s	business	success,	being	a	pioneer	in	the	development	of	the	print	
management	sector	in	1997	at	the	age	of	27	and	has	since	been	a	leading	figure	in	the	sector’s	transition	to	
marketing	services	-	borne	out	by	the	British	Printing	Industry	Federation’s	testimony	at	MediaPro	2010.	
A	time-served	lithographic	multi-colour	machine	manager	with	an	eye	for	colour	and	stickler	for	quality,	he	rapidly	
rose	through	the	print	industry	ranks	as	an	estimator,	sales	representative	and	business	development	manager	with	
some	of	Leicestershire’s	foremost	and	well	respected	printing	companies,	honing	his	skills	and	developing	his	
knowledge	whilst	recognising	that	quality	and	service	were	the	pillars	that	provide	the	foundation	of	success	for	any	
He	has	been	a	firm	advocate	of	life-long-learning	and	is	the	perfect	example	of	how	those	with	a	thirst	for	
knowledge	can	use	social	media	and	the	World	Wide	Web	to	enhance	and	further	their	education,	harness	
information	and	turn	it	into	an	opportunity	not	only	for	their	own	business	but	most	importantly	for	the	benefit	of	
their	clients.	
Les	first	discussed	his	vision	for	what	has	become	The	Director-e	with	Craig	in	March	2015.	Craig	has	since,	with	his	
marketing	team,	taken	up	the	development	of	the	company’s	brand	identity,	honed	and	developed	its	online	
presence	and	helped	to	shape	its	strategy	and	proposition	with	his	fellow	directors	to	where	it	sits	today.		
Contact	Craig	at	or	07540	722094	
Craig	is	particularly	happy	to	speak	about:	
1. The	immense	value	that	the	over	50’s	can	bring	to	business.	
2. The	importance	of	continual	personal	improvement.	
3. How	important	it	is	to	be	able	to	recognise	and	communicate	the	benefits	you	can	offer,	whether	it	be	as	a	
business	or	an	individual,	in	relation	to	your	target’s	need.
Rachel	Hargrave	
Communications	Director	
Rachel	Hargrave	has	over	23	years	of	communications	experience	across	a	wide	variety	of	clients	including:	
Corporate	(BP,	Castrol,	Honda	Motor	Europe,	Canon	UK	and	Canon	Europe,	BT,	O2,	Vodafone,	GSK,	Allergan,	
Linklaters,	Mercedes-Benz,	Daimler	Chrysler,	BUPA,	Mars	Group,	Lloyds	TSB)	
Public	Sector	(UK	Trade	&	Investment,	East	Midlands	Development	Agency,	Arts	Council	England	-	East	Midlands	and	
the	NHS)	
Third	Sector	(Arts	&	Business,	Creative	Leicestershire,	the	Odysseus	Foundation,	Charity	Link,	Rainbows	Hospice	for	
Children	and	Young	People,	Hathern	Dog	Rescue,	Leicester	Charity	Link	and	LOROS	-	the	Leicestershire	and	Rutland	
Prior	to	forming	RDZ	PR	Ltd,	Rachel	originally	worked	in	film	and	video,	moved	into	creating	and	producing	live	
events	(conferences,	exhibitions,	gala	dinners	and	award	ceremonies)	before	settling	in	corporate	communications.		
This	varied	background	has	given	Rachel	key	skills	in	strategy,	implementation,	content	design	and	delivery,	as	well	
as	project	management.	
Rachel	founded	her	first	agency	14	years	ago	and	RDZ	PR	Ltd	in	2014.	Rachel	joined	Les	and	The	Director-e	in	2013	as	
Communications	Director.	
Awards	Won	
CorpComms	Award	-	Best	Corporate	Publication	-	Private	Sector	
Corporate	Engagement	Awards	-	Best	Relationship-building	sponsorship	programme	for	Canon	Europe	Tuxedo	
Contact	Rachel	at	or	07976	806578	
Rachel	is	particularly	happy	to	speak	about:	
1. Telling	your	story	authentically.		
2. Communicating	effectively	internally	and	externally.	
3. The	importance	of	values	in	a	business	working	in	a	competitive	marketplace.

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