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The Different Types Of Prayer
Most Christians aren 't aware that there are several types of prayer discussed in God 's Word, these
different types of prayer were created so they could be used in different situations, therefore in some
cases a specific prayer type won 't work. You would be applying the wrong spiritual tool to your
needs or request. God has made each of the six forms of prayer mentioned in the Bible to have
different functions/effects on the readers.
The six different prayers in the Bible all have different names.
They are the following, The Prayer of Agreement, The Prayer of Faith, The Prayer of Consecration
and Dedication, The Prayer of Praise and Worship, The Prayer of Intercession and The Prayer of
Binding and Loosing.
Each of these prayers have a different target audience and description based on what the reader is
wanting or needing to hear, they also have a major effect on the community of the Church, some
have specific community based effects that are better in other specific situations, just like the
prayers are for the readers. Below are three of the total of six prayers which are spoken more in–
depth of their meaning and effects they have on church goers and the overall community of the
The first prayer is 'The Prayer of Agreement' it is
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Sacrificity And Spirituality InThe Butterfly Mosque, And...
In a spiritual journey, often times it is necessary to put oneself at risk. Physical, emotional or
psychological harm can easily befall someone on their travels from Booth's Badland to Homeland.
One's willingness to accept the burden of suffering, begrudgingly or otherwise, resonates throughout
the toils of a spiritual traveller in many forms. Sacrificing oneself or aspects thereof in the pursuit or
support of one's spirituality often presents challenges unique to the journey itself; as Heraclitus of
Ephesus said, "You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to
you." In The Butterfly Mosque by G. Willow Wilson and the film Silence, directed by Martin
Scorsese, we see two different perspectives on the notion of self–sacrifice in search of spiritual
growth and confirmation. While Willow Wilson relinquishes everything she knows in search of a
new world that may open her eyes farther than the Western world ever could, the travels of
Sebastião Rodrigues begin to strengthen his resolve in God, which would be dashed and battered
against the Kyushan shores. Both individuals will be shown to demonstrate the impact acts of self–
sacrifice have on ones spirituality, for better or for worse; whether it is one's intent to alter their
entire system of belief or not, the costs that spirituality extolls from a person can have a wide range
of unintended effects. Faith can itself be subject to sacrificial acts; in order to save something else,
one might
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Spirituality And Religiosity
While consensus among researchers on the definition of spirituality and religiosity is lacking, what
it means to be spiritual or religious and what constitutes a spiritual person in the literature is still
very highly researched (Stranahan, 2008). Many definitions of religiosity and spirituality include
religious service attendance, some sort of meaning and purpose in life, personal strength to cope
with difficulties, and believing in a higher being (Stranahan, 2008). Older adults tend to have
stronger faith and greater spirituality than younger populations (Moberg, 2005). This difference in
spirituality between younger populations and older adults is possibly tied to "the deepening of
spiritual interests and concern during the later years" (Moberg, 2005, p. 15). Older adults tend to
become more religious, or turn to religion more as they age, instead of maintaining a high level of
religiosity throughout their lives (Moberg, 2005). Spirituality and religiosity are very important to
the aging process due to the connection observed in many studies between spiritual health and
physical and mental health and well–being, with religion having protective health effects. Much
research has been conducted on the association between religion and spirituality and physical and
mental health outcomes, especially among older adults. This paper will summarize the recent
findings related to religion and spirituality and health in older adults, including a discussion on the
theory of
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The Methods Of Health Care Ethics
 Methods in health care Ethics Additionally to Emotivism, formalism, and consequentialism,
several other Ethical systems are used in the United States, some existed before the Enlightenment
thinking. I. Legalism or Positivism Morality or ethics as seen as a code of laws, in other words the
acceptance of ethical behavior is merely based on acceptable social standards of a particular culture.
(Ashley, Benedict M., O 'Rourke, Kebin D.) II. Religious Legalism Laws or moral norms derived
from Holly Scriptures (Bible, Qur'an), this norms are seen as "God will", blind submission to God;
this remains common among Christians, and predominant among Protestants. Catholics does not
agree with this, as they emphasis that blind submission to God does not image the likeliness of God.
Does not allow for us to understand the why? God wants us understand the reason behind each
commandment. (Ashley, Benedict M., O 'Rourke, Kebin D.)  The Moral System of the Catholic
Church Is a combination of God's Commandments and natural law . It says that there is a reason for
each of the commandments. For example "You shall not commit adultery". Cheating in a
relationship, hurts the other partner also, hurts the person involved on the action of cheating,
breaches the trust given, can lead to many other problems or complications. In other words Catholic
Church teaches the commandments but also, explains the reasoning why God has forbidden such
behavior. (Ashley, Benedict M., O 'Rourke, Kebin D.) I.
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The Spiritual Assessment Of A Medical Caretaker
Spiritual Assessment Tool I, being a medical caretaker, have the aim of providing healing to the
patients whom I attend in my hospital. I, being a catholic have the strong faith that every human
being is of body, soul and mind. It is true that the developments in the medical field can provide
healing to the patient to a certain extent. But at the same it is true that one's spiritual dispositions are
also important in the process of healing. So when one medical caretaker attends a patient, it is a
necessity to attend the needs of his spiritual needs too. So I make the spiritual assessment of my
patient. I use here the assessment tool of FACT which was developed by LaRocca– Pitts M. It will
serve to find out the faith formulations of my ... Show more content on ...
More than that it asks the clinician to make a judgment upon this information and make a decision
for intervention. It is short in one way as it requires a very short first time interview. It provides the
option for prayer section or encouraging the patient, which will alleviate the difficulties of the
patient. Otherwise when it needs more time there is option for a long staying and make follow up
visits. Interview I would like to interview Mrs. Catherine Thomason aged 78. She is a house wife
and widow with three children. She is suffering from malfunctioning of her kidneys and is
hospitalized for the last 5 days of dialysis and other problems concerned with breathing. I have
chosen this person for my interview because I have always found this patient as so pleasant and
cheerful. This has attracted me a lot. She is suffering from so much pain and difficulties. But nothing
can be read from her face. Question #1 Q : What is your Faith? Do you practice it? What things do
you believe that give your life meaning and purpose? A : I am a Christian by religion. I am a
practicing Catholic. I used to go to church everyday till I was sick. It was my strength. I believe that
I have a purpose in this world and I am fulfilling it living it everyday. Question #2 Q : How do you
find your faith accompanying you in this journey of hospitalization and how you are supported by
the community that belongs to your faith? A
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The Role of Spirituality in Health Care Essay
Spiritual Assessment
Grand Canyon University: HLT 310
January 20, 2013
Spirituality is a delicate topic, and some may not be open to talking about their beliefs. Spirituality
is generally understood to be an essential aspect of being human (Lyndo–Lam, 2012). Assessing the
spiritual needs of patients is a key component in the nursing process. A compassionate and
thoughtful nurse can make a patient feel more secure, making it easier for him to express his
spirituality. The participation of both patient and health care provider is vital in promoting spiritual
health. The main focus of a spiritual assessment is to gather information regarding the patient's
spiritual needs in order incorporate them into the plan of care, so as to treat ... Show more content on ...
Patient strongly believes that faith plays an important part in his health, but he knows that he could
also do much more for himself in order to improve his health. Mr. Ferrell quotes, "I can't expect God
to help me if I don't help myself" (Ferrel, 2013). Praying and honoring God does fullfil his spiritual
needs but it does not magically improve his health. He mentioned that his weakness is food and as a
result he struggles with his diabetic and renal diets; eating healthier could improve the patient's
health. Mr. Ferrell believes and knows that he needs to treat his body better as God has been so
merciful with him and considers his eating habits a sin. As a retired man, he finds time to do many
Church activities that benefit both the community and himself. He likes doing community services
as it helps release some stress caused by his illness. Being involved in Church has taken him to
Jerusalem, which to him was the most wonderful experience. Traveling has played an important role
for him but cannot do so often due to his dependency of a machine to clean his blood. What went
well The patient was able to express himself openly; no questions were skipped or left blank.
Explaining the reason and the importance of performing this spiritual assessment helped build
rapport and trust with the patient easily. Also, getting some insight into his spiritual needs made the
connection between nurse and patient stronger. What would you do differently in the
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Monks, Religion, and Heaven: A Fatal Mix
For a society to function properly, hierarchies are established to ensure organization, collaboration,
and different levels of authority. While people in positions of power hold many responsibilities, man
is still fallible. This inevitable conflict is illustrated when Ambrosio, an idolized member of the
church, succumbs to temptation and sins. In Matthew Lewis' The Monk, Ambrosio's downfall as an
esteemed religious figure depicts the contamination and corruption of a man of God, and by
extension, religion as a whole. The dissonance created within Ambrosio in turn jeopardizes a society
and its faith in God.
Ambrosio was highly praised within the monastery and Madrid for his stainless character, and yet
his hypocritical downfall exemplifies the consequences of mixing Heaven and Earth. This results in
both a fall of the credibility of Catholic beliefs and a shift towards more secular viewpoints. Even at
the start of The Monk, the congregation present for Ambrosio's sermon in Madrid is full of people
from "a city where superstition reigns with such despotic seek for true devotion would be a
fruitless attempt," there is evidence that corruption is already present in this society (7; vol. 1, ch. 1).
But when a religious figure also falls to this level, the atmosphere of a church's role within society
drastically shifts. This shift then jeopardizes the spirituality of the common people because of the
church's influence and its representation of God on Earth. The
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Eclectic Spirituality
Eclectic spirituality is difficult to define, in fact we have to define each word individually. The
definition of eclectic is, "selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles"
(Merriam–Webster, 2015). The definition of spirituality is, "the quality or state of being concerned
with religion or religious matters: the quality or state of being spiritual" (Merriam–Webster, 2015).
When we learn about eclectic spirituality, and that most people are no longer grounded in one
particular religion, however they still claim to be spiritual, the phrase, "Spiritual but not religious"
(Sacramento Bee– McEntyre, M, 2015) makes sense.
While this is the first time, I personally have ever heard of the term eclectic spirituality (apparently,
I live a sheltered life), however its origins are said to have begun during the nineteenth–century
during the romanticism movement. The romanticism movement, questioned the doctrine and
religious beliefs from the enlightenment period, as they chose to exalt their dreams, feelings, and
mystical experiences.
I believe that the ever–changing worldview makes it easier for people to embrace this eclectic
spirituality. Our worldview continues to change as society adapts to such things, as changes in
political and ... Show more content on ...
I personally will stay true to my beliefs, and continue to do my best, as I want more for my children
and all of our future generations to come. As Ronald Reagan stated, "Each generation goes further
than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have
opportunities beyond anything we've ever known" (Reagan,
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Aboriginal Rituals
There are many different types of aboriginal rituals. There are rites of passage, rituals celebrating the
ancestral spirits, rituals for the maintenance of natural species, rituals of reconciliation and healing
and harming rituals. These are usually preformed and celebrated in special places, such as where
spirit beings preformed the acts during the dreamtime. Initiation ceremonies, dance, corroborees and
other intertribal gatherings often took place in bora rings. The Kombumerri Aboriginal Corporation
of Culture is currently in control of the Jebbribillum Bora (appendix 6.1). Rituals usually consist of
a series of songs and dances depicting the deeds of the spirit ancestors who are often thought of as in
the form of birds or animals. ... Show more content on ...
The opening chapter of the bible, known as the Genesis, begins with the words "In the beginning
God created the havens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The text tells us that the earth was formless,
empty, and dark. The Bible reveals that God made the world and all that is in it out of nothings. He
spoke His Word, and everything came into existence. According to Genesis 1, God created the earth
in six days. On the first day, God created the light. On the second day, He created the firmament
called heaven. On the third day, God created the dry land in the midst of the lower waters. On the
fourth day, He created the sun, the moon and the stars. One the fifth say, He created the fish and all
the other living creatures in the oceans and the lakes. On the sixth day, God created the land animals
and man. He created man in his own image and placed man in charge of the animals. The seventh
say, God rested from His work of
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A Profound Southern American Catholic Novelist, By...
A profound Southern American Catholic novelist, Flannery O'Connor concealed her true spiritual
intentions into many of her grotesque stories. Many of her writings involve a tale of a displaced
person that is eventually lead to redemption and mercy from God. Through plenty of hardships and
mistakes, her protagonists endure a spiritual transformation that leads her characters into
enlightenment. O'Connor weaves blatant instances of sacramentality, mediation, communion, mercy,
and human dignity into the development of each of her stories. O'Conner revealed sacramentality in
thousands of examples throughout her literary marks of genius. In "Wise Blood," Hazel's car
exposed sacramentality as a symbol of himself. The car's beat–up, rugged state and unreliable
features mirrored Hazel's own broken–down spirituality. When the car broke down on the side of the
road, Hazel proclaimed, "This is a good car, Mister! This car can take me anywhere I wanna go!"
(film). He argued that the "well–built" car could not break down due to its prime initial quality. His
connection with the car resembled a part of himself. The car served as Hazel's longed–for home,
podium, and sanctuary; the vehicle even provided him a place to sleep. Also, he found a homebased
security atop of his car when he preached about the "Church Without Christ." Hazel even declared,
"Nobody with a good car needs to be justified" (film). He used his car to steer himself, literally,
away from the truth of God. Hazel tried to
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Research Paper On Aboriginal Spirituality
Aboriginal Spirituality
Spirituality is defined as the essence of our being. It is an acknowledgement of a Sacred Source that
is bigger than us. It informs our way of living and how we connect with ourselves, those people
around us, and nature. It is a profound and mysterious aspect of life which is often expressed in
various ways– through symbols, metaphor, and story. As health care providers, we often link our
patients' spirituality with their affiliations or religious practices and taboos. Although this might be
helpful in order for us to deliver a holistic nursing care, it should be noted that spirituality is broader
than religion. The term religion tends to refer to a more socially organised and structure ways of
being spiritual. It provides deep traditions of spiritual practices such as in Judaism, Christianity,
Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, ... Show more content on ...
Some people may not consider themselves as religious, however by virtue of being human, all
persons, at all ages, are bio–psycho–social–spiritual beings. (Burkhartdt and Nagai–Jacobson,
2016). A modern concept of spirituality is often linked to self–development and a search for
meaning and direction in life. In relation to this, the well–being of Indigenous Australians which
include the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders has apparently strong dependence on spirituality,
and therefore it is important to consider such factor for provision of effective health care. Aboriginal
people have a special respect for nature and that they have a strong sense of community. That they
celebrate together and that is perhaps the most unique gift that they can give to their fellow
Australians. In Aboriginal language, it is called Dadirri, and it is the gift that Australians are
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Religion Is Defined As A Set Of Beliefs, Practices, And...
Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, practices and values based on the teachings of a spiritual
leader, the majority of religions in practice today revolve around God, multiple Gods or even God
like figures.[ ] This definition of religion covers the vast majority of religions in practice today, for
instance Christianity where God and Jesus are worshipped and Islam where God and Mohammad
are worshipped. Although religions differ in terms of the way in which they are practiced and is
worship, they all contain moral codes, which in short all points towards being a good person.
Spirituality, commonly believed to be a portion of religion, is defined as "the search for meaning in
life" or the way in which an individual expresses meaning and purpose and "the way one
experiences their connectedness to the moment, to others and nature."[ ] From this definition it
becomes evident that one is not required to follow a religion to be spiritual and the two are separate
Religion is found in many shapes and forms, approximately 85% of the world 's population identify
themselves as a follower of a religion, this illustrates that religion is indeed a big part of modern
culture.[ ]
To obtain primary data on the topic, a survey has been created and sent out to the youths attending a
private Christian college, the data gathered from the survey will be utilised to understand the
primary influences on youths concerning religion and spirituality. Research and
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The Importance Of Spirituality In Antigone
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." The name of this prayer is
the Sign of The Cross and as according to the Catholic Answers Website, is one of the common and
fundamental Catholic prayers. It derives from the Bible (Matthew 28:19) where it states, "Therefore
go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit..." The prayer itself was one of the very first ones that I learned as I child. Although I
did not know it at the time, I was praying for the Holy Spirit to show my spirituality without
realizing it. As a young adult I now know and understand that by praying that simple prayer, I am
also showing my spirituality. Coming to that conclusion, however, has taken me on a spiritual
journey in which I am still discovering new things every day. Spirituality is being concerned with
one's religious values rather than only the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul
as opposed to material or physical things. In Antigone, one of Sophocles' plays, Antigone, the main
character, is proof of that spirituality is being concerned with one's religious values rather than only
the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical
things. After Polynices and Eteocles, Antigone's brothers, fight till death over the throne of the city
of Thebes, the Greek City in which the play takes play, only Eteocles is given proper burial by the
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Duality Of Organized Religion
The Duality of Organized Religion and Spirituality
From the beginning of human existence, religion and spirituality have played immense, critical roles
in the lives of people and the functionings of our society. In our world today, the conflict in religious
forces combined with the conflict in spiritual forces depict both our confusion and our yearning to
connect with divine forces and influence the people around us for good. Organized Religion and
spirituality both provide their own unique, important influences and opportunities to individuals and
our society. Each have their own set of benefits and detriments and analyzing these are growingly
essential to our world because people choose to participate in one or the other or both and ... Show
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From ancient Egypt, we find the first official records of religious practice. Egyptian religion was a
large, polytheistic system complete with idols, statues and the pyramids. Religion in ancient Egypt
dictated nearly everything anybody said, wore or did on a daily basis. Phoenicia, Palestine, Greece
and Rome all followed with similar references to the divine and texts that portrayed themes of
holiness and mythological practices.(Mark The Hindu faith is
perfect evidence of the resilience and strength of religion. Founded in India in 2,000 BCE, it is still
one of the most widely accepted and has one of the largest populations in the world. (BBC No
Author Throughout history we have seen
religion in many different forms such as mythology and these forms have often been manifest in
governments and societies. This proves its resilience and vibrancy since the beginning of human
existence and today in our modern culture. Mankind has both created and relied on religion from the
very beginning and how those systems have stayed dependable and substantial in the forces of the
worlds governmental and societal organizations.
Another advantage to Organized religion is that in many circumstances it can cultivate love and
service in a community. Service organizations, community functions and assistance
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Footnoteref: The Role Of Engaging In Spiritual Practices
Osorto 14
Introduction Engaging in spiritual practices is part of our Christian story, practices are "those
cooperative human activities through which we, as individuals and as communities, grow and
develop in moral character and substance."[footnoteRef:1] Through these various practices, we
grow in our faith and understanding of God in the world, in community and our lives. At the
crossroads of our Christian practices, we see that "God is the agency who makes the story and who
is revealed through the story...God is revealed to its hearers as a present reality in the contemporary
telling and hearing."[footnoteRef:2] Over the course of several weeks, a group of three met on a
weekly basis to discern how God was speaking into our lives through ... Show more content on ...
The text that we read for this session was Acts 2:14a, 36–41 and this time in the first reading I was
drawn to "You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" and in my reflections I was discovering the
reminder of reassurance was present on this day, a powerful testament to redeeming power of our
baptismal promise. As we moved into the second reading I still was taken back to a similar feeling
of uncertainty, once again I wrote a similar prayer of weariness saying, "O God, I come before you
weary, despairing, grant me peace, that I can embrace the assurance of your baptismal promise given
to in the waters of your Spirit." And as we entered the third reading, I felt a cool breeze pass
through, and I wrote, "Thank you for the gift of wind, thank you for the gift of baptism, thank you
for the gift of friends that shepherd us along the way. May we continue to sustain the journey ahead
and travel the roads that sometimes feel dangerous or the roads we are too fearful to venture on."
[56: Joan Chittister, The Monastery of the Heart: An Invitation to a Meaningful Life (New York,
NY: Blue Bridge, 2011),
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Exploring The Various Meanings Of Spirituality
A worldview consists of values and theories that provide guidance in understanding reality, the
essence of life (Shelly & Miller, 2006). There are different ways of interpreting the world and there
are various factors that influence an individual's view of his or her total wellbeing. These factors
include spirituality and religious background, beliefs and experiences. According to Funk (2001), a
worldview is a set of beliefs that control an individual's thinking, knowing and doing. Individuals
adhere to their model of worldview to lay a framework of attitudes about life and the world. Some
aspects of worldview are shared by many in the population. However, concepts and elements vary
for each person. This paper aims to explore the various meanings of spirituality as it relates to health
care, human personhood, reality, death and afterlife, knowledge, code of ethics and human history.
Perspectives on Spirituality Spirituality is a common human element which resides in every
individual and it is a compelling force that keeps an individual evolving and developing (Goddard,
1995). Frequently with God as its central focus, spirituality is a person's belief in a greater power
and his or her connectedness to God. Gotsis & Kortezi (2008) adds that spirituality is a person's
purpose to his or her existence and a desire to find its divine meaning. Philosophies such as,
religious beliefs and practices, love for family and compassion to others all provide depth to the
meaning of
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Western Religion Essay
Throughout this semester we focused on numerous different religious practices and traditions.
Focusing now on these new religious ideals and practices has provided many different suggestions
towards spirituality: ""Spirituality" is personal, unique, self–validating, authentic, and authoritative,
whereas "religion" is institutional, bureaucratic, social, inflexible hierarchical, and authoritarian"
(Anderson and Young 295). Many of these new practices involve women, healing methods, and
alternative divine figures. Overall, it is a common theme from many of these spiritual practices to
not have a set textual religious book such as a Bible or Torah. In addition, they do not look up to a
spiritual figure, or have set rituals or practices: "New Age ... Show more content on
In specific, with the Wiccan women: "Wiccans are cautious about their relationships with others and
especially cognizant of their relationship with the earth" (Anderson and Young 307). Along with
this, they believe: "What you do, whether for good or for ill, returns to you" (Anderson and Young
307). This practice is stemmed from their Rule of Three. This rule is generalized as: being careful
for the things we wish for in life, as well as how actions can create consequences. These
consequences in large can create a chain reaction in consequences broadly on the world. Along with
this, magic or "magick" is an important aspect of Wiccans: ""Magic" usually refers to the ability to
affect the outcomes of events through communal or individual thought and ritual action" (Anderson
and Young 309). In correlation to the magic aspect of the Wiccan spirituality, many members call
themselves witches. With this title, many cast spells and use the magic to work through the
conscience of members. However this specific practice of spell work is not required. As many
people believe magic to be a sinister act or something out of a fictional story, that speculation can be
reflected on to this Wiccan act: "Magic is usually contrasted with religion: magic is seen as a way of
manipulating the universe by using specific spells, whereas religion does not use the universe as
ultimately manipulable in this way" (Anderson and Young 309). However the Wiccan's loophole to
this statement refers to the fact that their magic is less about manipulation and more about using the
power to evoke positive changes to the world. This magical practice gives rise and support to the
enchanted world they believe to live in rather than the cold world. Diving deeper into this spiritual
practice brought some confusion and questionability to mind. Although I believe there could be
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Reasons For The Study Of Spirituality From A Theological...
ntroduction The aim of this essay is to discuss Wolftiech's reasons for the study of spirituality from a
practical theological perspective. It will do this by outlining the reasons for study found in Wolftiech
's writings. Resultantly, it will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and implications of Wolftiech 's
reasons viewed from a Reformed theological frame of reference. Finally, a conclusion will be
offered suggesting a reforming approach to Practical theology.
Wolftiech 's reasons Wolftiech considers practical theologians as having a 'rich understanding of the
nature of practice ' and possessing methods for 'constructing critical dialogue between traditions and
contemporary contexts ', as well as an 'explicitly formative and ... Show more content on ...
Theologians such as have also offered definitions of theology which wholeheartedly embrace this
idea. John Frame has defined theology as: 'the application of the Word of God by persons to all areas
of life '7 This idea of whole life application has an impact upon our thought/orthodoxy, our
action/orthopraxis and our affection/orthopathos.8,9 However, this definition, in contrast to
Wolftiech, gives primacy to the authority of Scripture. Within the reformed perspective, primacy is
given to scripture as the 'rule for faith and life '.10Frost and Hirsch assert that orthodoxy – right
belief – is an indispensable element of any Christian discipleship. It is evident the church frequently
sees orthodoxy in the narrow sense, as a commitment to propositional truth, assuming that the
knowledge of God is only received cognitively, However, the cognitive knowledge of God needs to
be balanced by orthopraxy and orthopathy in order for the believer to come to a 'full–orbed, biblical
engagement with (and knowledge of) God. '11 Conversely, Wolftiech at times places much emphasis
on pathos. When dealing with the question of pneumatology and religious experience, appeal is
made to questioning
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Relationship Between Religion And Spirituality
Bibliography –1
Data from the American Medical Association Physician Master file was used to examine the ways in
which psychiatrists' and other physicians observe, and interpret the relationship between religion
and spirituality and in clinical approaches. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, the
authors examined the comparison of psychiatrists to other physicians to evaluate different religious
and demographic characteristics. This study was conducted in the form of surveys in which the
authors mailed to a random sample of 2000 practicing physicians, as well as an over sampling of
psychiatrists. Approximately 1,144 physicians completed the survey. The findings showed that
psychiatrists generally demonstrate positive influence when it comes to acknowledging religion and
spirituality on health. Based on the results of the survey 82% versus 42% stated "compared to other
physicians, psychiatrists are more likely to note that religion and spirituality sometimes influence
negative emotions which cause patients to suffer more, and 92–73% stated that psychiatrists
compared to other physicians are most likely to encounter religion conversations with their patient,
and 92% versus 52% say feel that it is important and appropriate for people to talk open with their
physicians about religion and spirituality. This study underscored the aspects in which physicians
and psychiatrists observe and interpret religion and spirituality different. Compared to other
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Culture And Grief Essay
There is no correct way to mourn or grieve. Grieving and bereavement are usually learned through
cultural teachings ( In many cases, people tend to follow cultural and faith traditions
associated with death and dying and how to mourn the person who has passed away. However, other
people may choose to their own way of remembering the loved one, but cultural and religious
influence may guides them through the process ( Spirituality is defined as whatever or
whoever gives ultimate meaning and purpose to a person's life. Spirituality involves the particular
ways of being present in the world that forms a relationship with others, oneself, and the universe
(Kazanowski, 2013). On the other hand, religion is an affiliation or ... Show more content on ...
The official mourning takes place over 13 days. Friends and family visit to offer support and
condolences (Wendt Center, 2015).
Cremation usually takes place on the day of death and the family prepares the body in a special
ritual (Wendt Center, 2015).
5. Buddhist
Practiced in many Asian communities within the U.S. and there are many different sects within this
religion (Wendt Center, 2015).
Many seek increases awareness in their lives, with the ultimate goal of reaching true enlightenment,
or Nirvana (Wendt Center, 2015).
Tibetan Buddhists emphasize rebirth (Wendt Center, 2015).
Special meditations are often use at the time of death and they may ask to limit sedation of their
dying loved during this time so that they can hear the meditations (Wendt Center, 2015).
6. Judaism
Religious beliefs can vary and not all Jewish believers accept all tenets of the Torah (the Five Books
of Moses) (Kazanowski, 2013).
Strong belief in the sacredness of life, one God, and a sense of belonging to a group. God and man
are bound by a covenant (Kazanowski,
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The Creation Of Adam By Michelangelo: Textual Analysis
I created a parody of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo by juxtaposing the original painting
with an altered version inspired by the philosophies of Ralph Waldo Emerson in Self Reliance. The
purpose of this text type was to create a culture of people who embrace questioning one's belief as a
healthy part of religion which allows more in depth understanding. The text type is structured in a
way that allows questioning and strong faith to be overlaid mutualistically to show that it is possible
to doubt of religion without sacrificing faith. This idea can sometimes appear contrary to a
fundamentalist perspective that approaches spirituality with a more literal and legalistic attitude;
Therefore, the purpose of the text type was to suggest a
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Character Analysis Of Jack Streicher
For Jack Streicher, religion has always been a dominant force in his life. The eldest of three, raised
in a traditional Catholic environment in Cincinnati, religion, family, and school have always been
intertwined. He attended a Catholic high school and wanted to attend a Catholic college as well.
Religion has been constant for him; he described moments where it was hard for him to have faith,
but he never lost sight of the bigger picture and believes that God has a plan and will take care of us.
He is deeply connected with religion as an ethical call to go beyond the self. Religion, from his point
of view, is selfless. He hopes to used his religion to help others, which in turns helps him grow
spiritually and develop a strong character. For some, religion is going to church and practicing the
ceremony of worshiping with others. Jack, on the other hand, does not find meaning in the
ceremony of religion, but the practice outside of the church. When describing his religion, he stated,
"the order of mass does not do much for me, I find meaning in going out and making connections
with others." For him, practicing faith is going out of his way to make everyone feel welcomed and
comfortable, establishing his religion as a prominent aspect of his overall personality. Because Jack
does not see the importance of the order of religion, he has no particular place of event attached to
his religion; Jack's religion is on a much more personal level. His religion is an inward force
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G. J.: Spirituality Analysis
Depending on whom you ask spirituality can have many different meanings. The definition of
spirituality can be as simple as a picture on a wall that holds a significant meaning to an individual,
or as complex as one's values, religion, beliefs, or theories that one obtains from his/her life
experience. In simple terms, spirituality can be found in almost anything or anyone.
Due to the variation in how one defines spirituality everyone can express spirituality differently,
such as through rituals, songs, dances, stories, prayers, talks, or writings. One article defines
spirituality as the "aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning
and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness ... Show more content on ...
spirituality, 83 year old, white male. She met G.J. in the lobby of the retirement home in which he
resides. G.J. is in good spirits, has a positive outlook on life despite various medical diagnoses. He
appears to be spiritually well. Patient has some obvious arthritis in his hands and thumbs are
completely fused. Psoriasis is evident on areas of exposed skin. G.J. appears to exercise good
hygiene habits and dresses appropriately. When speaking with him, the student nurses found
themselves having to speak up so that he could hear them without difficulty. However, G.J.
exhibited no issues comprehending what we said or forming responses. The patient's verbal
expression was congruent with his nonverbal behaviors and attitudes. Throughout the whole
interview he was smiling and was happy and at peace with his current condition. He did not express
any signs of pain or distress. He appeared very active and mobile for his
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Spirituality and Religion Essay
Introduction on Religion
Religion is an important aspect on studies of early mental health practice. Religion is important to as
many as 75% of the population, more profound and relevant with people over 65 years of age and
older (Richards and Bergin, 1997). Religion plays a pivotal role on older adults, it becomes part of
their identity and personality (Koenig, Siegler & George, 1989). According to Koenig (1989),
religion incorporates people's rituals, beliefs, and practices pertaining to the "transcendent." Which
means, these beliefs relates to the supernatural and mystical elements of the world (Koenig, Siegler
& George, 1989). Religion is always practiced within a community, group, or cult. Religion is often
organized and it ... Show more content on ...
You don't have to follow guidelines, rules and regulations to live your life, the way you want to live
Variations of Religion Study
A thorough research study composed by Walker et al, within this study he followed a compare and
contrast method with senior residents. The staff was comprised from different religious
organizations and from 13 facilities, in which long–term care was provided. A survey was conducted
with this researcher. The first group that Walker et al focused on was understanding religion from
the Jewish perception. The Jewish residents all belonged to the same synagogue, in which the survey
was conducted. The first task given was to identify 35 words that incorporates what Judaism
personally means to each person. The five religious words that were repeated in the study were:
Torah, heritage, social activism, Ten Commandments, and belief in one God. The Jewish residents
defined spirituality as a deep connection with God. The five religious words that were repeated in
the study for spirituality were: connection with God, appreciating other beliefs, understanding
foundation of the afterlife, and meditation (Walker et al. August Spirituality and the Elderly: Survey
of Staff and Residents From Long–Term Care Facilities, 1998).
The second group Walker et al focused on was Christianity with Christian residents all above the
age of 65. These residents were told to come up with
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Spiritual Beliefs
2. Are you part of a spiritual or religious community? Yes. I am baptized Greek Catholic. I have
accepted my wife's traditions because it is almost identical to my upbringing. I don't have the time to
participate in a scheduled religious community locally, due to my career in the Military.
3. Do your spiritual beliefs help you cope with stress? Yes. When I'm down or low I reflect on my
path God has laid out for me and realize my time on Earth is temporary and know that I can try my
best because at the end of the day my best is all I can do. My father has good influence on me and
has taught me to pray to Jesus and let God be in control of my life. I wish I always followed this rule
because there are so many distractions around me with a World of issues and problems that consume
the most valuable thing man has.
4. How does your faith help the patient cope with illness? I know that if I become ill I think back to
my ... Show more content on ...
The basic needs of respect, understanding and Love in my wellbeing and care is a small indication
of Godliness. The clean, structured and organized care for me with respect to my Peace is what I
believe a person needs and is used to. The patient's exact words are as follows: "If my needs are
severe and require unusual hours to attend my care, then I pray the medical staff has the love and
patience required or my health may take longer to recover or be at Peace. If my health should fail
and I pass I would require a Priest or Chaplain to read me my last rites. I expect any medical
personnel in charge to have my Priest or Chaplain in close contact in the event I pass. This is
required without negotiation or fail." I believe Peace and Love is the strongest basic Spirituality a
patient can receive, and I also believe a Patients religious needs outweigh my personal needs
regarding the care of my
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Spirituality : A Spiritual Tradition
Apophatic Spirituality Uncovered!!
I would like to share with you a spiritual tradition that I had not been aware of before, Apophatic
Spirituality, also known as Negative Theology. A word of warning, it's said to be a bit like marmite,
you either love it or hate it, I was fascinated by it. I hope you find something new and of interest in
this spiritual tradition too.
Why chose it?
Partly, because it was new to me and partly, because it reminded me of a conversation I recently had
with a friend who wished she was better at praying. She explained how she had been taught to pray
using the PASTA acronym; P for praising, A for adoration, S for sorry, T for thanks, A for ask. Her
problem was that although she wanted to pray, she wasn't any good with words. In fact, she found it
hard to find any words at all to use in adoration and praise of God. I wish at that point that I had
been able to introduce her to Apophatic Spirituality.
What do we mean by spirituality?
It's difficult to give a concise definition but Christian spirituality can be broadly seen as a journey,
searching out God and how He is at work in our lives, it's a journey that involves engaging our
personalities, our world view and our religion. Within Christian spirituality there are many pathways
or spiritual traditions, for example, Franciscan, Ignatian or our own Anglican spirituality inherited
from both the Catholic and Reformation traditions, which includes the Book of Common Prayer.
The cathedral in
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The Spiritual Revolution in America
"I'm spiritual but not religious." In today's society, it is a trendy phrase that many people often use to
describe their belief that they do not need to be affiliated with an organized religion in order to live a
faithful and fulfilling life. As life becomes more frenzied and chaotic, people assert that they do not
have the time to engage in organized religious activity and turn to a different alternative, one that
can be less limiting and narrow minded. While spirituality means something different to everyone,
at its core, spirituality provides our lives with context. It arrises from the connection one has with
themselves and one's search for meaning in life. Spirituality can take many different forms, such as
meditation and yoga, ... Show more content on ...
And we provide them with a variety of options: Protestants, Catholic and a number of other choices.
The group that we call religiously unaffiliated consists of those who identify themselves as atheists,
along with those who describe themselves as agnostics. And then the single largest part of the
religiously unaffiliated are people who say their religion is just nothing in particular" (NPR). Smith
also mentions how many of the people who say their religion is "just nothing in particular" are of a
younger generation. Even pop music singer Pink says, "I love Native American spirituality and
paganism, and I've studied Buddhism. I think organized religion is one of the top problems of the
world actually, so no, I'd say I steer clear of religion and go straight towards spirituality" (BBC). The
rise of this type of spirituality has been driven by a sense that religion is out of keeping with modern
values. People associate religious organizations with constraining doctrines that do not allow one to
think for themselves. Others also view religion as narrow–minded and prejudicial, stifling the
growth of the human spirit. Or worse, some people contend that religion is the worst of all evils,
responsible for all the wars and conflicts around the world (the persecution of Jews, endless wars of
religion, religious intolerance that leads to terrorism...). Lastly, it would also be valid to say that
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Module 7 Sociology Assignment
Sociology writing assignment module 7 For this writing assignment I have been asked to give my
own definition of what I think spirituality is and if it differs from religion. I also need to explain
whether or not I believe Americans are becoming more accepting of other religions. The last
questioned I need to answer is what would happen if the United States decided to financially back
all Catholic churches. I hope to answer all of these questions to the best of my ability in the next few
When it comes to spirituality I believe that it is something that you feel within our soul. It is your
own personal relationship with whatever God or deity you choose to believe in. Religion on the
other hand I feel is more of something
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Reflective Essay On Belief In God
I think the first clue that I would never be religious was when I started falling asleep during Sunday
school. I remember being seven and not understanding how you could pray to some invisible dude
in the sky. I was baptized Methodist, but my family stopped attending our church after a change in
reverends when I was 8. After that, my flimsy connection to Methodism disappeared entirely. Our
family had been pretty lax about religion, saying a brief grace at dinner the only religious act we
performed outside of attending church. I've always viewed religion as having a belief in God or gods
which have influence in the goings on of Earth and everything in it. If I had to label my relation with
religion nowadays, agnostic would be the most accurate term. I can't bring myself to deny the
existence of deities, as there is so much about the universe that we know nothing about. That's how I
deal with the fact that some people are religious– we can't prove that there are deities, but we also
can't prove that they don't exist. It wouldn't be fair to invalidate someone else's beliefs to justify
mine when even my own could be proven wrong. I can be correct and so can someone of another
view because our beliefs are just our perceptions of the world– they don't actually govern how the
world really works, at least those things outside of human control. If I think that the universe formed
from the Big Bang and my friend thinks that God created the universe, we're both right because we
have no
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The Meaning of Silence and Meditation
Christian spiritual writings are texts that help us connect to our spirituality and they also hold
various themes or messages. Some recurring themes that have been uncovered from a number of
texts are; meditation, silence, connecting to God and spirituality. Two themes that are fundamental
are silence and meditation. In meditation we find silence difficult but this is a factor that we need to
work on because it is very important. A hypothesis has been created that will assist in critiquing and
evaluating four Spiritual Writings in their attempt to finding the mystery of God. Contemporary
Christian spirituality writings suggest that deep meditation and silence are fundamental to us in
order to search for the mystery of God. The next four paragraphs will talk about for authors and the
articles they have created. These articles will be evaluated on their attempt to explain that silence
and meditation, help us search for the mystery of God. The four authors that will be critiqued are
Laurence Freeman, Cynthia Bourgeaults, John Main and Richard Rohr.
The first resource was created by Laurence Freeman. He has created 2 articles that talk about the
Silence of the Soul and The First Sight: The Experience of Faith. In both of his texts Laurence
Freeman writes about how silence is fundamental to finding God and that meditation is how we can
connect with God. He believes that many people are afraid of silence, which restricts their
connection with God. Laurence Freeman is a Catholic
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Spirituality And Religion
The terms 'religion' and 'spirituality' can have both similarities and differences. Religion can be
explained as a set of beliefs that has structure and is practiced within a group or community. It
involves worshipping of superhuman beings, and often contains certain teachings in which its
believers/followers abide by and practice in everyday society. Although not all religions incorporate
a 'God', the Catholic Church is centred around the Triune God (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit). Catholic
teachings reflect the actions that God/Jesus displayed for the sake of humanity. Religious art, is
significant within a religion as it is considered to be a sacred material, in which provides proper
guidance and hope. Religious art provides many purposes such ... Show more content on ...
This art pictures Jesus as the 'Miracle Worker'. This is explained in full in Matthew 12:22–33. This
story explains how Jesus sent the disciples by ship back to the other side of the Sea of Galilee after
they became caught in a wind storm. When the first saw Jesus on the water they were frightened.
They believed he was a ghost. Jesus said to them not to be afraid. In the Gospel of Matthew, Peter
"walked on the water" towards Jesus, but doubted himself and began to sink. Jesus reached out and
caught him. After Jesus entered the ship, the storm settled, and they arrived at land. Christian
teachings consider the story a miracle and displays the importance of faith. Peter didn't believe he
could achieve what he set out to do, and ultimately due to this he didn't succeed. This sacred story is
another example of how religion provides certain ways to live to benefit yourself and others. This
interacts with spirituality as these teachings allow people to develop personally and have a better
state of mind. The main symbol evident is the light that appears out of the darkness when Jesus
appears on the surface of the water. This symbol represents hope as Jesus has come to rescue them
from the storm. The light also appeared as Jesus calmed the storm and so the light would be
perceived as a symbol for life and happiness as
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Reflection On Religion
The 105k First Reflection
Religion has been an issue consuming my thoughts. Ever since I attended a Catholic private school
for a year I thought about religion on–and–off. I wavered and debated on the legitimacy of religion.
I also factored in its various pro's and con's as a social institution. Since then I have come to terms
with myself and my beliefs on religion; viewing religion as a tool for self improvement.
Foremost, I have always been a skeptic. Even at a young age I did not believe my parents when they
tried introducing things like the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause. They seemed too unrealistic for me
to believe without any sort of solid evidence. Religion, on the other hand, was different as I did not
think anything of it until it was put into perspective. It was not until I attended a Catholic elementary
school for one year that I realized I was born into a Catholic family. I did not choose to be a
Catholic. It was indoctrinated into me to go to church once a week for as long as I could remember.
As I was only an elementary student I dismissed the train of thought and did not think much of it.
Afterall, I was a mere child and I knew enough to know that I knew very little.
Needless to say I could not simply dismiss unanswered questions. I eventually kept coming back to
the issue of "Why am I Catholic?" The generic answers I got from asking the question "Why?" were
"That's why it's called faith." or "It's written in the Bible." Dismissing the fact that it does not require
evidence because of faith was simply not enough for me. In addition, a class I took in high school
introduced several ideas: religion is a man–made institution, it was introduced to control the masses,
and the Bible has been modified through time and is not an accurate representation of what actually
happened centuries ago. First, the idea that religion is a man–made construct to deal with the
unknown and explain the unexplainable casted a shadow of doubt on my religious conviction. In
addition the concept that religion was used as to control the masses, for example Christianity
through the Ten Commandments and fear of divine retribution if you violate them, seemed justified
with the fear of a wrathful God. Finally, the Bible being
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Integrating Religious And Spirituality Within Counseling,...
Summary There are several key concepts in this study. Religion and spirituality are discussed and
compared to the knowledge and skills one learns when dealing with multicultural counseling.
Walker, Gorsuch, and Tan (2004), there are three approaches to integrating religious and spirituality
in counseling, explicit integration, implicit integration, and intrapersonal integration. Explicit
integration "is a more overt approach that directly and systematically deals with spiritual or religious
issues in therapy and uses spiritual resources" (Tan, 1996a; as cited in Walker et al., 2004, p. 70).
The implicit integration is described as "a more covert approach that does not initiate the discussion
of religious or spiritual issues and does not openly, directly, or systematically use spiritual
resources" (Tan, 1996a; as cited in Walker et al., 2004, p. 70). Finally the authors discuss
intrapersonal integration which "refers to the manner in which a therapist uses his or her personal
religious or spiritual experiences in counseling" (Tan, 1996a; as cited in Walker et al., 2004, p. 70)
Literature is used to identify studies that they used in the meta–analysis. They also use demographic
characteristics and computation of effect size in their calculations. As a result of these calculations
the study revealed several key findings. First, the majority of therapist contrasted with the general
population by being inactive in the denominations (Walker et al., 2004). Second, consulting
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The Importance Of Religion And Superstition
Sometimes the question about spirituality, and why people believe in it swarms around the minds of
today's society. It never occurred to me about the importance of why people believed in religion or
superstition until I entered high school. Growing up Catholic, it felt like a routine to attend mass
every Friday and Sunday because that was what everyone I knew did. I was never that interested in
any belief of God, let alone any interest in superstition. I always thought that my religious beliefs
tied to my cultural background. Growing up as a second generation of Filipino heritage, life without
Christ was looked upon as unbearable, and less motivating to do things in life. It is as if Filipinos
needed to breathe with the motivation of God, and become heavily influenced by applying
Catholicism to its culture. However, the question about why people believe in religion and
superstition is still a mystery to this day. I conducted an interview with a good friend of mine named
Andrei. Andrei values humbleness, and during my interview with him, he reminisces about the times
when he was a little boy, he and his grandmother would constantly go to the Christian Orthodox
Church to pray. When I came to the question about what he thought about the idea of the
significance of religion as well as superstition, he answered, "Whatever you believe in comes from
within yourself." (Vlad. Personal Interview. 19 September 2017). In some ways, I think that Andrei
truly did have a
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What Is The Rise Of The New Age Religion
"Rise of the new age religion"
The new age religion refers to spiritual beliefs and practices aiming to foster individual fulfilment in
the form of personal happiness, health and meaning in life.New Age Religion is not a religion at all,
but a vast syncretism of numerous religious and philosophical ideas.
New age religions tend to be individualistic and search oriented rather than focused on an
established tradition that has an established community and structures of authority.New Age
practices became popular from 1960's to 1970's as a reaction to the failure of Christianity and
Secular Humanism to provide spiritual and ethical guidance for the future
They often involve a focus upon the development of the self and the exploration of individual
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A Review of Therapists' Integration of Religion and...
In this meta–analysis of integration of spirituality and religion in the counseling field, the authors
seek to understand the skills and attitudes needed to integrate these variables into counseling.
Among those that were studied are awareness of one's own culture and heritage, respect for the
diversity found in people concerning spirituality and religion and recognition of one's helping style
and how it may be perceived by clients (Walker, Gorsuch, & Tan, 2004).
A difficulty that has occurred commonly is that a definition of spirituality cannot be agreed on. In a
broad explanation of both religion as well as spirituality, religion constitutes the organization of
faith, implementing prayer, ministry and theology. Spirituality ... Show more content on ...
An explanation of use of correlation studies in meta–analysis explains that often by doing so is to
create conservative estimates or a down ward bias. This means that statistics presented in this meta–
analysis may actually be higher than actual calculations prove.
Inquiries that seemed relevant for this study included personal religious and spiritual beliefs of
therapists, how therapists use their personal religious and spiritual beliefs in their use of explicit
integration therapies, and comparison in samples that encompassed explicit integration therapists
with samples that mixed secular and religious therapists as well as diverse professional backgrounds
that may lead to more or less acceptance of various cultures (Walker et al., 2004, p. 72). These
queries touch on the various cultures, religions, beliefs and ideologies that encompass the United
States and how important it is for psychologists and counselors to have proper training when using
religion and spirituality in order to acknowledge and respect all philosophies.
This article states that "90% of Americans claim a Protestant or Catholic religious affiliation"
(Walker et al., 2004, p. 70). While not all Americans attend an organized church or practice
Christian rituals such as prayer or reading the Bible at any given time, spirituality is very much an
influence in our country. As a nation that found its
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Superstition And Religion
Superstition and Religion: How It Affects Western and Eastern Medicine My personal experiences
with religion and superstition are skewed due to the evolvement of the way I perceive things today.
Furthermore, I can easily realize that I do not have this one set mind where everything should
revolve around God and the Catholic Church. Taking time to understand why certain things happen
for a reason, and gradually becoming aware of what people choose to believe in shaped my personal
views on religion and the beliefs of unseen forces today. Based on Marvin Harris, the world may
never have a solid answer as to why and how cultures decided to establish religious beliefs as well
as superstition. As for the Hmong culture, however, there is a sign of major controversy with beliefs
in religion and superstition. The practices of Eastern and Western medicine will meet in the middle
despite culture clashes.
The reasons behind why people believe in religion as well as how religious culture has evolved can
be seen in Marvin Harris' article, "Why We Became Religious". Harris, an anthropologist, defines
the differences between spiritual beliefs and superstition. People perceive the importance of the role
of spirituality as well as the unseen. Harris exemplifies this point with the term "mana", which
means "magical power" in the Melanesian language. He goes on to discuss how Western culture
expresses the concepts of luck with baseball players who touch their caps or spit and rub into
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Why Religion And Spirituality?
Theme One: Why religion and spirituality?
The first theme that I have identified as significant in my spiritual journey is 'Why religion and
spirituality?' To me this theme encompasses and seeks to illuminate the burning desire that human
beings have to find answers to questions that give meaning to their life. The main premise of
Mackay's book is about the people's desire for a life of meaning, be that with, or without the
traditional institutionalized idea of God. In the first chapter Mackay discusses that humans are
innately built to search for answers and that we seek to understand the world around us and reasons
for our own existence. Mackey suggests that in some part, religion, and spirituality, is a way to fulfil
our own burning desire to answer these questions. However, as human knowledge and
understanding continue to develop and provide technology that is able to gather data in order to
make hypothesis and in some instances provide evidence based answers for some questions, our
reliance on religion for these answers seems to be waning. However, Mackay indicates that religion
will continue to prosper due to key factors, among others, Mackay mentions a human's needs to
believe and their need to belong. This theme highlighted the significance that faith and a sense of
belonging have in our society. Through reading Beyond Belief, I was drawn to reflect on the impact
of faith in my personal life, and a yearning to belonging in my professional life.
With reference to
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Summary Therapists Integration Of Religion And Spirituality
Summary–Therapists Integration of Religion & Spirituality
In this article, there were a 26 survey conducted with 5,579 therapists with the integration of religion
and spirituality in counseling. In the study, most therapist consider spirituality through their lives,
but does not infrequently participate in religious activities. In the study, it was founded that marriage
therapists consider more spirituality during their counseling session than other therapists, and
marriage therapists is more likely to participate in a religious practice than other therapists.
There was no hypothesis founded in this article. In this article, there were methods that were
discussed regarding spirituality and religion. The psychologists Paragmena, stated that the
psychologists of religion disagree on different types of spirituality and religion. Paragemena
described in this article that religion can be very logistic, sacramental, and ideologist, however,
spiritual can be described as peculiar, sentimental, and empirical.
There was another psychologists who named was Tan that discussed different methods of integrated
and spiritual religion. There were explicated integration, implicit integration, and intrapersonal
integration. Explicated integration describe as an approach that directly compacts with spirituality
and religion disputes in counseling. Implicit integration can be describe as an approach that does not
recruit a religious and spirituality disputes in counseling, and does not
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The Different Types Of Prayer

  • 1. The Different Types Of Prayer RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: RESEARCH ESSAY QUESTION 5: EXAMINE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF PRAYER FOUND IN CHRISTIANITY. EVALUATE HOW THESE PRAYERS BUILD UP THE COMMUNITY OF THE CHURCH, AND HELP STRENGTHEN A PERSON IN HIS OR HER SPIRITUALITY. Most Christians aren 't aware that there are several types of prayer discussed in God 's Word, these different types of prayer were created so they could be used in different situations, therefore in some cases a specific prayer type won 't work. You would be applying the wrong spiritual tool to your needs or request. God has made each of the six forms of prayer mentioned in the Bible to have different functions/effects on the readers. The six different prayers in the Bible all have different names. They are the following, The Prayer of Agreement, The Prayer of Faith, The Prayer of Consecration and Dedication, The Prayer of Praise and Worship, The Prayer of Intercession and The Prayer of Binding and Loosing. Each of these prayers have a different target audience and description based on what the reader is wanting or needing to hear, they also have a major effect on the community of the Church, some have specific community based effects that are better in other specific situations, just like the prayers are for the readers. Below are three of the total of six prayers which are spoken more in– depth of their meaning and effects they have on church goers and the overall community of the church. The first prayer is 'The Prayer of Agreement' it is ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Sacrificity And Spirituality InThe Butterfly Mosque, And... In a spiritual journey, often times it is necessary to put oneself at risk. Physical, emotional or psychological harm can easily befall someone on their travels from Booth's Badland to Homeland. One's willingness to accept the burden of suffering, begrudgingly or otherwise, resonates throughout the toils of a spiritual traveller in many forms. Sacrificing oneself or aspects thereof in the pursuit or support of one's spirituality often presents challenges unique to the journey itself; as Heraclitus of Ephesus said, "You could not step twice into the same river; for other waters are ever flowing on to you." In The Butterfly Mosque by G. Willow Wilson and the film Silence, directed by Martin Scorsese, we see two different perspectives on the notion of self–sacrifice in search of spiritual growth and confirmation. While Willow Wilson relinquishes everything she knows in search of a new world that may open her eyes farther than the Western world ever could, the travels of Sebastião Rodrigues begin to strengthen his resolve in God, which would be dashed and battered against the Kyushan shores. Both individuals will be shown to demonstrate the impact acts of self– sacrifice have on ones spirituality, for better or for worse; whether it is one's intent to alter their entire system of belief or not, the costs that spirituality extolls from a person can have a wide range of unintended effects. Faith can itself be subject to sacrificial acts; in order to save something else, one might ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Spirituality And Religiosity While consensus among researchers on the definition of spirituality and religiosity is lacking, what it means to be spiritual or religious and what constitutes a spiritual person in the literature is still very highly researched (Stranahan, 2008). Many definitions of religiosity and spirituality include religious service attendance, some sort of meaning and purpose in life, personal strength to cope with difficulties, and believing in a higher being (Stranahan, 2008). Older adults tend to have stronger faith and greater spirituality than younger populations (Moberg, 2005). This difference in spirituality between younger populations and older adults is possibly tied to "the deepening of spiritual interests and concern during the later years" (Moberg, 2005, p. 15). Older adults tend to become more religious, or turn to religion more as they age, instead of maintaining a high level of religiosity throughout their lives (Moberg, 2005). Spirituality and religiosity are very important to the aging process due to the connection observed in many studies between spiritual health and physical and mental health and well–being, with religion having protective health effects. Much research has been conducted on the association between religion and spirituality and physical and mental health outcomes, especially among older adults. This paper will summarize the recent findings related to religion and spirituality and health in older adults, including a discussion on the theory of ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Methods Of Health Care Ethics  Methods in health care Ethics Additionally to Emotivism, formalism, and consequentialism, several other Ethical systems are used in the United States, some existed before the Enlightenment thinking. I. Legalism or Positivism Morality or ethics as seen as a code of laws, in other words the acceptance of ethical behavior is merely based on acceptable social standards of a particular culture. (Ashley, Benedict M., O 'Rourke, Kebin D.) II. Religious Legalism Laws or moral norms derived from Holly Scriptures (Bible, Qur'an), this norms are seen as "God will", blind submission to God; this remains common among Christians, and predominant among Protestants. Catholics does not agree with this, as they emphasis that blind submission to God does not image the likeliness of God. Does not allow for us to understand the why? God wants us understand the reason behind each commandment. (Ashley, Benedict M., O 'Rourke, Kebin D.)  The Moral System of the Catholic Church Is a combination of God's Commandments and natural law . It says that there is a reason for each of the commandments. For example "You shall not commit adultery". Cheating in a relationship, hurts the other partner also, hurts the person involved on the action of cheating, breaches the trust given, can lead to many other problems or complications. In other words Catholic Church teaches the commandments but also, explains the reasoning why God has forbidden such behavior. (Ashley, Benedict M., O 'Rourke, Kebin D.) I. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. The Spiritual Assessment Of A Medical Caretaker Spiritual Assessment Tool I, being a medical caretaker, have the aim of providing healing to the patients whom I attend in my hospital. I, being a catholic have the strong faith that every human being is of body, soul and mind. It is true that the developments in the medical field can provide healing to the patient to a certain extent. But at the same it is true that one's spiritual dispositions are also important in the process of healing. So when one medical caretaker attends a patient, it is a necessity to attend the needs of his spiritual needs too. So I make the spiritual assessment of my patient. I use here the assessment tool of FACT which was developed by LaRocca– Pitts M. It will serve to find out the faith formulations of my ... Show more content on ... More than that it asks the clinician to make a judgment upon this information and make a decision for intervention. It is short in one way as it requires a very short first time interview. It provides the option for prayer section or encouraging the patient, which will alleviate the difficulties of the patient. Otherwise when it needs more time there is option for a long staying and make follow up visits. Interview I would like to interview Mrs. Catherine Thomason aged 78. She is a house wife and widow with three children. She is suffering from malfunctioning of her kidneys and is hospitalized for the last 5 days of dialysis and other problems concerned with breathing. I have chosen this person for my interview because I have always found this patient as so pleasant and cheerful. This has attracted me a lot. She is suffering from so much pain and difficulties. But nothing can be read from her face. Question #1 Q : What is your Faith? Do you practice it? What things do you believe that give your life meaning and purpose? A : I am a Christian by religion. I am a practicing Catholic. I used to go to church everyday till I was sick. It was my strength. I believe that I have a purpose in this world and I am fulfilling it living it everyday. Question #2 Q : How do you find your faith accompanying you in this journey of hospitalization and how you are supported by the community that belongs to your faith? A ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. The Role of Spirituality in Health Care Essay Spiritual Assessment Grand Canyon University: HLT 310 January 20, 2013 Spirituality is a delicate topic, and some may not be open to talking about their beliefs. Spirituality is generally understood to be an essential aspect of being human (Lyndo–Lam, 2012). Assessing the spiritual needs of patients is a key component in the nursing process. A compassionate and thoughtful nurse can make a patient feel more secure, making it easier for him to express his spirituality. The participation of both patient and health care provider is vital in promoting spiritual health. The main focus of a spiritual assessment is to gather information regarding the patient's spiritual needs in order incorporate them into the plan of care, so as to treat ... Show more content on ... Patient strongly believes that faith plays an important part in his health, but he knows that he could also do much more for himself in order to improve his health. Mr. Ferrell quotes, "I can't expect God to help me if I don't help myself" (Ferrel, 2013). Praying and honoring God does fullfil his spiritual needs but it does not magically improve his health. He mentioned that his weakness is food and as a result he struggles with his diabetic and renal diets; eating healthier could improve the patient's health. Mr. Ferrell believes and knows that he needs to treat his body better as God has been so merciful with him and considers his eating habits a sin. As a retired man, he finds time to do many Church activities that benefit both the community and himself. He likes doing community services as it helps release some stress caused by his illness. Being involved in Church has taken him to Jerusalem, which to him was the most wonderful experience. Traveling has played an important role for him but cannot do so often due to his dependency of a machine to clean his blood. What went well The patient was able to express himself openly; no questions were skipped or left blank. Explaining the reason and the importance of performing this spiritual assessment helped build rapport and trust with the patient easily. Also, getting some insight into his spiritual needs made the connection between nurse and patient stronger. What would you do differently in the ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Monks, Religion, and Heaven: A Fatal Mix For a society to function properly, hierarchies are established to ensure organization, collaboration, and different levels of authority. While people in positions of power hold many responsibilities, man is still fallible. This inevitable conflict is illustrated when Ambrosio, an idolized member of the church, succumbs to temptation and sins. In Matthew Lewis' The Monk, Ambrosio's downfall as an esteemed religious figure depicts the contamination and corruption of a man of God, and by extension, religion as a whole. The dissonance created within Ambrosio in turn jeopardizes a society and its faith in God. Ambrosio was highly praised within the monastery and Madrid for his stainless character, and yet his hypocritical downfall exemplifies the consequences of mixing Heaven and Earth. This results in both a fall of the credibility of Catholic beliefs and a shift towards more secular viewpoints. Even at the start of The Monk, the congregation present for Ambrosio's sermon in Madrid is full of people from "a city where superstition reigns with such despotic seek for true devotion would be a fruitless attempt," there is evidence that corruption is already present in this society (7; vol. 1, ch. 1). But when a religious figure also falls to this level, the atmosphere of a church's role within society drastically shifts. This shift then jeopardizes the spirituality of the common people because of the church's influence and its representation of God on Earth. The ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Eclectic Spirituality Eclectic spirituality is difficult to define, in fact we have to define each word individually. The definition of eclectic is, "selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles" (Merriam–Webster, 2015). The definition of spirituality is, "the quality or state of being concerned with religion or religious matters: the quality or state of being spiritual" (Merriam–Webster, 2015). When we learn about eclectic spirituality, and that most people are no longer grounded in one particular religion, however they still claim to be spiritual, the phrase, "Spiritual but not religious" (Sacramento Bee– McEntyre, M, 2015) makes sense. While this is the first time, I personally have ever heard of the term eclectic spirituality (apparently, I live a sheltered life), however its origins are said to have begun during the nineteenth–century during the romanticism movement. The romanticism movement, questioned the doctrine and religious beliefs from the enlightenment period, as they chose to exalt their dreams, feelings, and mystical experiences. I believe that the ever–changing worldview makes it easier for people to embrace this eclectic spirituality. Our worldview continues to change as society adapts to such things, as changes in political and ... Show more content on ... I personally will stay true to my beliefs, and continue to do my best, as I want more for my children and all of our future generations to come. As Ronald Reagan stated, "Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we've ever known" (Reagan, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Aboriginal Rituals Aboriginal There are many different types of aboriginal rituals. There are rites of passage, rituals celebrating the ancestral spirits, rituals for the maintenance of natural species, rituals of reconciliation and healing and harming rituals. These are usually preformed and celebrated in special places, such as where spirit beings preformed the acts during the dreamtime. Initiation ceremonies, dance, corroborees and other intertribal gatherings often took place in bora rings. The Kombumerri Aboriginal Corporation of Culture is currently in control of the Jebbribillum Bora (appendix 6.1). Rituals usually consist of a series of songs and dances depicting the deeds of the spirit ancestors who are often thought of as in the form of birds or animals. ... Show more content on ... The opening chapter of the bible, known as the Genesis, begins with the words "In the beginning God created the havens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The text tells us that the earth was formless, empty, and dark. The Bible reveals that God made the world and all that is in it out of nothings. He spoke His Word, and everything came into existence. According to Genesis 1, God created the earth in six days. On the first day, God created the light. On the second day, He created the firmament called heaven. On the third day, God created the dry land in the midst of the lower waters. On the fourth day, He created the sun, the moon and the stars. One the fifth say, He created the fish and all the other living creatures in the oceans and the lakes. On the sixth day, God created the land animals and man. He created man in his own image and placed man in charge of the animals. The seventh say, God rested from His work of ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. A Profound Southern American Catholic Novelist, By... A profound Southern American Catholic novelist, Flannery O'Connor concealed her true spiritual intentions into many of her grotesque stories. Many of her writings involve a tale of a displaced person that is eventually lead to redemption and mercy from God. Through plenty of hardships and mistakes, her protagonists endure a spiritual transformation that leads her characters into enlightenment. O'Connor weaves blatant instances of sacramentality, mediation, communion, mercy, and human dignity into the development of each of her stories. O'Conner revealed sacramentality in thousands of examples throughout her literary marks of genius. In "Wise Blood," Hazel's car exposed sacramentality as a symbol of himself. The car's beat–up, rugged state and unreliable features mirrored Hazel's own broken–down spirituality. When the car broke down on the side of the road, Hazel proclaimed, "This is a good car, Mister! This car can take me anywhere I wanna go!" (film). He argued that the "well–built" car could not break down due to its prime initial quality. His connection with the car resembled a part of himself. The car served as Hazel's longed–for home, podium, and sanctuary; the vehicle even provided him a place to sleep. Also, he found a homebased security atop of his car when he preached about the "Church Without Christ." Hazel even declared, "Nobody with a good car needs to be justified" (film). He used his car to steer himself, literally, away from the truth of God. Hazel tried to ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Research Paper On Aboriginal Spirituality Aboriginal Spirituality Spirituality is defined as the essence of our being. It is an acknowledgement of a Sacred Source that is bigger than us. It informs our way of living and how we connect with ourselves, those people around us, and nature. It is a profound and mysterious aspect of life which is often expressed in various ways– through symbols, metaphor, and story. As health care providers, we often link our patients' spirituality with their affiliations or religious practices and taboos. Although this might be helpful in order for us to deliver a holistic nursing care, it should be noted that spirituality is broader than religion. The term religion tends to refer to a more socially organised and structure ways of being spiritual. It provides deep traditions of spiritual practices such as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Taoism, ... Show more content on ... Some people may not consider themselves as religious, however by virtue of being human, all persons, at all ages, are bio–psycho–social–spiritual beings. (Burkhartdt and Nagai–Jacobson, 2016). A modern concept of spirituality is often linked to self–development and a search for meaning and direction in life. In relation to this, the well–being of Indigenous Australians which include the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders has apparently strong dependence on spirituality, and therefore it is important to consider such factor for provision of effective health care. Aboriginal people have a special respect for nature and that they have a strong sense of community. That they celebrate together and that is perhaps the most unique gift that they can give to their fellow Australians. In Aboriginal language, it is called Dadirri, and it is the gift that Australians are ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Religion Is Defined As A Set Of Beliefs, Practices, And... Introduction Religion is defined as a set of beliefs, practices and values based on the teachings of a spiritual leader, the majority of religions in practice today revolve around God, multiple Gods or even God like figures.[ ] This definition of religion covers the vast majority of religions in practice today, for instance Christianity where God and Jesus are worshipped and Islam where God and Mohammad are worshipped. Although religions differ in terms of the way in which they are practiced and is worship, they all contain moral codes, which in short all points towards being a good person. Spirituality, commonly believed to be a portion of religion, is defined as "the search for meaning in life" or the way in which an individual expresses meaning and purpose and "the way one experiences their connectedness to the moment, to others and nature."[ ] From this definition it becomes evident that one is not required to follow a religion to be spiritual and the two are separate 'practices'. Religion is found in many shapes and forms, approximately 85% of the world 's population identify themselves as a follower of a religion, this illustrates that religion is indeed a big part of modern culture.[ ] To obtain primary data on the topic, a survey has been created and sent out to the youths attending a private Christian college, the data gathered from the survey will be utilised to understand the primary influences on youths concerning religion and spirituality. Research and ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The Importance Of Spirituality In Antigone "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen." The name of this prayer is the Sign of The Cross and as according to the Catholic Answers Website, is one of the common and fundamental Catholic prayers. It derives from the Bible (Matthew 28:19) where it states, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." The prayer itself was one of the very first ones that I learned as I child. Although I did not know it at the time, I was praying for the Holy Spirit to show my spirituality without realizing it. As a young adult I now know and understand that by praying that simple prayer, I am also showing my spirituality. Coming to that conclusion, however, has taken me on a spiritual journey in which I am still discovering new things every day. Spirituality is being concerned with one's religious values rather than only the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. In Antigone, one of Sophocles' plays, Antigone, the main character, is proof of that spirituality is being concerned with one's religious values rather than only the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. After Polynices and Eteocles, Antigone's brothers, fight till death over the throne of the city of Thebes, the Greek City in which the play takes play, only Eteocles is given proper burial by the ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Duality Of Organized Religion The Duality of Organized Religion and Spirituality From the beginning of human existence, religion and spirituality have played immense, critical roles in the lives of people and the functionings of our society. In our world today, the conflict in religious forces combined with the conflict in spiritual forces depict both our confusion and our yearning to connect with divine forces and influence the people around us for good. Organized Religion and spirituality both provide their own unique, important influences and opportunities to individuals and our society. Each have their own set of benefits and detriments and analyzing these are growingly essential to our world because people choose to participate in one or the other or both and ... Show more content on ... From ancient Egypt, we find the first official records of religious practice. Egyptian religion was a large, polytheistic system complete with idols, statues and the pyramids. Religion in ancient Egypt dictated nearly everything anybody said, wore or did on a daily basis. Phoenicia, Palestine, Greece and Rome all followed with similar references to the divine and texts that portrayed themes of holiness and mythological practices.(Mark The Hindu faith is perfect evidence of the resilience and strength of religion. Founded in India in 2,000 BCE, it is still one of the most widely accepted and has one of the largest populations in the world. (BBC No Author Throughout history we have seen religion in many different forms such as mythology and these forms have often been manifest in governments and societies. This proves its resilience and vibrancy since the beginning of human existence and today in our modern culture. Mankind has both created and relied on religion from the very beginning and how those systems have stayed dependable and substantial in the forces of the worlds governmental and societal organizations. Another advantage to Organized religion is that in many circumstances it can cultivate love and service in a community. Service organizations, community functions and assistance ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Footnoteref: The Role Of Engaging In Spiritual Practices Osorto 14 Introduction Engaging in spiritual practices is part of our Christian story, practices are "those cooperative human activities through which we, as individuals and as communities, grow and develop in moral character and substance."[footnoteRef:1] Through these various practices, we grow in our faith and understanding of God in the world, in community and our lives. At the crossroads of our Christian practices, we see that "God is the agency who makes the story and who is revealed through the story...God is revealed to its hearers as a present reality in the contemporary telling and hearing."[footnoteRef:2] Over the course of several weeks, a group of three met on a weekly basis to discern how God was speaking into our lives through ... Show more content on ... The text that we read for this session was Acts 2:14a, 36–41 and this time in the first reading I was drawn to "You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" and in my reflections I was discovering the reminder of reassurance was present on this day, a powerful testament to redeeming power of our baptismal promise. As we moved into the second reading I still was taken back to a similar feeling of uncertainty, once again I wrote a similar prayer of weariness saying, "O God, I come before you weary, despairing, grant me peace, that I can embrace the assurance of your baptismal promise given to in the waters of your Spirit." And as we entered the third reading, I felt a cool breeze pass through, and I wrote, "Thank you for the gift of wind, thank you for the gift of baptism, thank you for the gift of friends that shepherd us along the way. May we continue to sustain the journey ahead and travel the roads that sometimes feel dangerous or the roads we are too fearful to venture on." [56: Joan Chittister, The Monastery of the Heart: An Invitation to a Meaningful Life (New York, NY: Blue Bridge, 2011), ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Exploring The Various Meanings Of Spirituality A worldview consists of values and theories that provide guidance in understanding reality, the essence of life (Shelly & Miller, 2006). There are different ways of interpreting the world and there are various factors that influence an individual's view of his or her total wellbeing. These factors include spirituality and religious background, beliefs and experiences. According to Funk (2001), a worldview is a set of beliefs that control an individual's thinking, knowing and doing. Individuals adhere to their model of worldview to lay a framework of attitudes about life and the world. Some aspects of worldview are shared by many in the population. However, concepts and elements vary for each person. This paper aims to explore the various meanings of spirituality as it relates to health care, human personhood, reality, death and afterlife, knowledge, code of ethics and human history. Perspectives on Spirituality Spirituality is a common human element which resides in every individual and it is a compelling force that keeps an individual evolving and developing (Goddard, 1995). Frequently with God as its central focus, spirituality is a person's belief in a greater power and his or her connectedness to God. Gotsis & Kortezi (2008) adds that spirituality is a person's purpose to his or her existence and a desire to find its divine meaning. Philosophies such as, religious beliefs and practices, love for family and compassion to others all provide depth to the meaning of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Western Religion Essay Throughout this semester we focused on numerous different religious practices and traditions. Focusing now on these new religious ideals and practices has provided many different suggestions towards spirituality: ""Spirituality" is personal, unique, self–validating, authentic, and authoritative, whereas "religion" is institutional, bureaucratic, social, inflexible hierarchical, and authoritarian" (Anderson and Young 295). Many of these new practices involve women, healing methods, and alternative divine figures. Overall, it is a common theme from many of these spiritual practices to not have a set textual religious book such as a Bible or Torah. In addition, they do not look up to a spiritual figure, or have set rituals or practices: "New Age ... Show more content on ... In specific, with the Wiccan women: "Wiccans are cautious about their relationships with others and especially cognizant of their relationship with the earth" (Anderson and Young 307). Along with this, they believe: "What you do, whether for good or for ill, returns to you" (Anderson and Young 307). This practice is stemmed from their Rule of Three. This rule is generalized as: being careful for the things we wish for in life, as well as how actions can create consequences. These consequences in large can create a chain reaction in consequences broadly on the world. Along with this, magic or "magick" is an important aspect of Wiccans: ""Magic" usually refers to the ability to affect the outcomes of events through communal or individual thought and ritual action" (Anderson and Young 309). In correlation to the magic aspect of the Wiccan spirituality, many members call themselves witches. With this title, many cast spells and use the magic to work through the conscience of members. However this specific practice of spell work is not required. As many people believe magic to be a sinister act or something out of a fictional story, that speculation can be reflected on to this Wiccan act: "Magic is usually contrasted with religion: magic is seen as a way of manipulating the universe by using specific spells, whereas religion does not use the universe as ultimately manipulable in this way" (Anderson and Young 309). However the Wiccan's loophole to this statement refers to the fact that their magic is less about manipulation and more about using the power to evoke positive changes to the world. This magical practice gives rise and support to the enchanted world they believe to live in rather than the cold world. Diving deeper into this spiritual practice brought some confusion and questionability to mind. Although I believe there could be many ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Reasons For The Study Of Spirituality From A Theological... ntroduction The aim of this essay is to discuss Wolftiech's reasons for the study of spirituality from a practical theological perspective. It will do this by outlining the reasons for study found in Wolftiech 's writings. Resultantly, it will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and implications of Wolftiech 's reasons viewed from a Reformed theological frame of reference. Finally, a conclusion will be offered suggesting a reforming approach to Practical theology. Wolftiech 's reasons Wolftiech considers practical theologians as having a 'rich understanding of the nature of practice ' and possessing methods for 'constructing critical dialogue between traditions and contemporary contexts ', as well as an 'explicitly formative and ... Show more content on ... Theologians such as have also offered definitions of theology which wholeheartedly embrace this idea. John Frame has defined theology as: 'the application of the Word of God by persons to all areas of life '7 This idea of whole life application has an impact upon our thought/orthodoxy, our action/orthopraxis and our affection/orthopathos.8,9 However, this definition, in contrast to Wolftiech, gives primacy to the authority of Scripture. Within the reformed perspective, primacy is given to scripture as the 'rule for faith and life '.10Frost and Hirsch assert that orthodoxy – right belief – is an indispensable element of any Christian discipleship. It is evident the church frequently sees orthodoxy in the narrow sense, as a commitment to propositional truth, assuming that the knowledge of God is only received cognitively, However, the cognitive knowledge of God needs to be balanced by orthopraxy and orthopathy in order for the believer to come to a 'full–orbed, biblical engagement with (and knowledge of) God. '11 Conversely, Wolftiech at times places much emphasis on pathos. When dealing with the question of pneumatology and religious experience, appeal is made to questioning ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Relationship Between Religion And Spirituality Bibliography –1 Data from the American Medical Association Physician Master file was used to examine the ways in which psychiatrists' and other physicians observe, and interpret the relationship between religion and spirituality and in clinical approaches. Using multivariate logistic regression analysis, the authors examined the comparison of psychiatrists to other physicians to evaluate different religious and demographic characteristics. This study was conducted in the form of surveys in which the authors mailed to a random sample of 2000 practicing physicians, as well as an over sampling of psychiatrists. Approximately 1,144 physicians completed the survey. The findings showed that psychiatrists generally demonstrate positive influence when it comes to acknowledging religion and spirituality on health. Based on the results of the survey 82% versus 42% stated "compared to other physicians, psychiatrists are more likely to note that religion and spirituality sometimes influence negative emotions which cause patients to suffer more, and 92–73% stated that psychiatrists compared to other physicians are most likely to encounter religion conversations with their patient, and 92% versus 52% say feel that it is important and appropriate for people to talk open with their physicians about religion and spirituality. This study underscored the aspects in which physicians and psychiatrists observe and interpret religion and spirituality different. Compared to other physicians, ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Culture And Grief Essay There is no correct way to mourn or grieve. Grieving and bereavement are usually learned through cultural teachings ( In many cases, people tend to follow cultural and faith traditions associated with death and dying and how to mourn the person who has passed away. However, other people may choose to their own way of remembering the loved one, but cultural and religious influence may guides them through the process ( Spirituality is defined as whatever or whoever gives ultimate meaning and purpose to a person's life. Spirituality involves the particular ways of being present in the world that forms a relationship with others, oneself, and the universe (Kazanowski, 2013). On the other hand, religion is an affiliation or ... Show more content on ... The official mourning takes place over 13 days. Friends and family visit to offer support and condolences (Wendt Center, 2015). Cremation usually takes place on the day of death and the family prepares the body in a special ritual (Wendt Center, 2015). 5. Buddhist Practiced in many Asian communities within the U.S. and there are many different sects within this religion (Wendt Center, 2015). Many seek increases awareness in their lives, with the ultimate goal of reaching true enlightenment, or Nirvana (Wendt Center, 2015). Tibetan Buddhists emphasize rebirth (Wendt Center, 2015). Special meditations are often use at the time of death and they may ask to limit sedation of their dying loved during this time so that they can hear the meditations (Wendt Center, 2015). 6. Judaism Religious beliefs can vary and not all Jewish believers accept all tenets of the Torah (the Five Books of Moses) (Kazanowski, 2013). Strong belief in the sacredness of life, one God, and a sense of belonging to a group. God and man are bound by a covenant (Kazanowski, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Creation Of Adam By Michelangelo: Textual Analysis I created a parody of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo by juxtaposing the original painting with an altered version inspired by the philosophies of Ralph Waldo Emerson in Self Reliance. The purpose of this text type was to create a culture of people who embrace questioning one's belief as a healthy part of religion which allows more in depth understanding. The text type is structured in a way that allows questioning and strong faith to be overlaid mutualistically to show that it is possible to doubt of religion without sacrificing faith. This idea can sometimes appear contrary to a fundamentalist perspective that approaches spirituality with a more literal and legalistic attitude; Therefore, the purpose of the text type was to suggest a ... Get more on ...
  • 42.
  • 43. Character Analysis Of Jack Streicher For Jack Streicher, religion has always been a dominant force in his life. The eldest of three, raised in a traditional Catholic environment in Cincinnati, religion, family, and school have always been intertwined. He attended a Catholic high school and wanted to attend a Catholic college as well. Religion has been constant for him; he described moments where it was hard for him to have faith, but he never lost sight of the bigger picture and believes that God has a plan and will take care of us. He is deeply connected with religion as an ethical call to go beyond the self. Religion, from his point of view, is selfless. He hopes to used his religion to help others, which in turns helps him grow spiritually and develop a strong character. For some, religion is going to church and practicing the ceremony of worshiping with others. Jack, on the other hand, does not find meaning in the ceremony of religion, but the practice outside of the church. When describing his religion, he stated, "the order of mass does not do much for me, I find meaning in going out and making connections with others." For him, practicing faith is going out of his way to make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable, establishing his religion as a prominent aspect of his overall personality. Because Jack does not see the importance of the order of religion, he has no particular place of event attached to his religion; Jack's religion is on a much more personal level. His religion is an inward force ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. G. J.: Spirituality Analysis Introduction Depending on whom you ask spirituality can have many different meanings. The definition of spirituality can be as simple as a picture on a wall that holds a significant meaning to an individual, or as complex as one's values, religion, beliefs, or theories that one obtains from his/her life experience. In simple terms, spirituality can be found in almost anything or anyone. Due to the variation in how one defines spirituality everyone can express spirituality differently, such as through rituals, songs, dances, stories, prayers, talks, or writings. One article defines spirituality as the "aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness ... Show more content on ... spirituality, 83 year old, white male. She met G.J. in the lobby of the retirement home in which he resides. G.J. is in good spirits, has a positive outlook on life despite various medical diagnoses. He appears to be spiritually well. Patient has some obvious arthritis in his hands and thumbs are completely fused. Psoriasis is evident on areas of exposed skin. G.J. appears to exercise good hygiene habits and dresses appropriately. When speaking with him, the student nurses found themselves having to speak up so that he could hear them without difficulty. However, G.J. exhibited no issues comprehending what we said or forming responses. The patient's verbal expression was congruent with his nonverbal behaviors and attitudes. Throughout the whole interview he was smiling and was happy and at peace with his current condition. He did not express any signs of pain or distress. He appeared very active and mobile for his ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Spirituality and Religion Essay Introduction on Religion Religion is an important aspect on studies of early mental health practice. Religion is important to as many as 75% of the population, more profound and relevant with people over 65 years of age and older (Richards and Bergin, 1997). Religion plays a pivotal role on older adults, it becomes part of their identity and personality (Koenig, Siegler & George, 1989). According to Koenig (1989), religion incorporates people's rituals, beliefs, and practices pertaining to the "transcendent." Which means, these beliefs relates to the supernatural and mystical elements of the world (Koenig, Siegler & George, 1989). Religion is always practiced within a community, group, or cult. Religion is often organized and it ... Show more content on ... You don't have to follow guidelines, rules and regulations to live your life, the way you want to live it. Variations of Religion Study A thorough research study composed by Walker et al, within this study he followed a compare and contrast method with senior residents. The staff was comprised from different religious organizations and from 13 facilities, in which long–term care was provided. A survey was conducted with this researcher. The first group that Walker et al focused on was understanding religion from the Jewish perception. The Jewish residents all belonged to the same synagogue, in which the survey was conducted. The first task given was to identify 35 words that incorporates what Judaism personally means to each person. The five religious words that were repeated in the study were: Torah, heritage, social activism, Ten Commandments, and belief in one God. The Jewish residents defined spirituality as a deep connection with God. The five religious words that were repeated in the study for spirituality were: connection with God, appreciating other beliefs, understanding foundation of the afterlife, and meditation (Walker et al. August Spirituality and the Elderly: Survey of Staff and Residents From Long–Term Care Facilities, 1998). The second group Walker et al focused on was Christianity with Christian residents all above the age of 65. These residents were told to come up with ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Spiritual Beliefs 2. Are you part of a spiritual or religious community? Yes. I am baptized Greek Catholic. I have accepted my wife's traditions because it is almost identical to my upbringing. I don't have the time to participate in a scheduled religious community locally, due to my career in the Military. 3. Do your spiritual beliefs help you cope with stress? Yes. When I'm down or low I reflect on my path God has laid out for me and realize my time on Earth is temporary and know that I can try my best because at the end of the day my best is all I can do. My father has good influence on me and has taught me to pray to Jesus and let God be in control of my life. I wish I always followed this rule because there are so many distractions around me with a World of issues and problems that consume the most valuable thing man has. 4. How does your faith help the patient cope with illness? I know that if I become ill I think back to my ... Show more content on ... The basic needs of respect, understanding and Love in my wellbeing and care is a small indication of Godliness. The clean, structured and organized care for me with respect to my Peace is what I believe a person needs and is used to. The patient's exact words are as follows: "If my needs are severe and require unusual hours to attend my care, then I pray the medical staff has the love and patience required or my health may take longer to recover or be at Peace. If my health should fail and I pass I would require a Priest or Chaplain to read me my last rites. I expect any medical personnel in charge to have my Priest or Chaplain in close contact in the event I pass. This is required without negotiation or fail." I believe Peace and Love is the strongest basic Spirituality a patient can receive, and I also believe a Patients religious needs outweigh my personal needs regarding the care of my ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Spirituality : A Spiritual Tradition Apophatic Spirituality Uncovered!! I would like to share with you a spiritual tradition that I had not been aware of before, Apophatic Spirituality, also known as Negative Theology. A word of warning, it's said to be a bit like marmite, you either love it or hate it, I was fascinated by it. I hope you find something new and of interest in this spiritual tradition too. Why chose it? Partly, because it was new to me and partly, because it reminded me of a conversation I recently had with a friend who wished she was better at praying. She explained how she had been taught to pray using the PASTA acronym; P for praising, A for adoration, S for sorry, T for thanks, A for ask. Her problem was that although she wanted to pray, she wasn't any good with words. In fact, she found it hard to find any words at all to use in adoration and praise of God. I wish at that point that I had been able to introduce her to Apophatic Spirituality. What do we mean by spirituality? It's difficult to give a concise definition but Christian spirituality can be broadly seen as a journey, searching out God and how He is at work in our lives, it's a journey that involves engaging our personalities, our world view and our religion. Within Christian spirituality there are many pathways or spiritual traditions, for example, Franciscan, Ignatian or our own Anglican spirituality inherited from both the Catholic and Reformation traditions, which includes the Book of Common Prayer. The cathedral in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Spiritual Revolution in America "I'm spiritual but not religious." In today's society, it is a trendy phrase that many people often use to describe their belief that they do not need to be affiliated with an organized religion in order to live a faithful and fulfilling life. As life becomes more frenzied and chaotic, people assert that they do not have the time to engage in organized religious activity and turn to a different alternative, one that can be less limiting and narrow minded. While spirituality means something different to everyone, at its core, spirituality provides our lives with context. It arrises from the connection one has with themselves and one's search for meaning in life. Spirituality can take many different forms, such as meditation and yoga, ... Show more content on ... And we provide them with a variety of options: Protestants, Catholic and a number of other choices. The group that we call religiously unaffiliated consists of those who identify themselves as atheists, along with those who describe themselves as agnostics. And then the single largest part of the religiously unaffiliated are people who say their religion is just nothing in particular" (NPR). Smith also mentions how many of the people who say their religion is "just nothing in particular" are of a younger generation. Even pop music singer Pink says, "I love Native American spirituality and paganism, and I've studied Buddhism. I think organized religion is one of the top problems of the world actually, so no, I'd say I steer clear of religion and go straight towards spirituality" (BBC). The rise of this type of spirituality has been driven by a sense that religion is out of keeping with modern values. People associate religious organizations with constraining doctrines that do not allow one to think for themselves. Others also view religion as narrow–minded and prejudicial, stifling the growth of the human spirit. Or worse, some people contend that religion is the worst of all evils, responsible for all the wars and conflicts around the world (the persecution of Jews, endless wars of religion, religious intolerance that leads to terrorism...). Lastly, it would also be valid to say that ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Module 7 Sociology Assignment Sociology writing assignment module 7 For this writing assignment I have been asked to give my own definition of what I think spirituality is and if it differs from religion. I also need to explain whether or not I believe Americans are becoming more accepting of other religions. The last questioned I need to answer is what would happen if the United States decided to financially back all Catholic churches. I hope to answer all of these questions to the best of my ability in the next few paragraphs. When it comes to spirituality I believe that it is something that you feel within our soul. It is your own personal relationship with whatever God or deity you choose to believe in. Religion on the other hand I feel is more of something ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Reflective Essay On Belief In God I think the first clue that I would never be religious was when I started falling asleep during Sunday school. I remember being seven and not understanding how you could pray to some invisible dude in the sky. I was baptized Methodist, but my family stopped attending our church after a change in reverends when I was 8. After that, my flimsy connection to Methodism disappeared entirely. Our family had been pretty lax about religion, saying a brief grace at dinner the only religious act we performed outside of attending church. I've always viewed religion as having a belief in God or gods which have influence in the goings on of Earth and everything in it. If I had to label my relation with religion nowadays, agnostic would be the most accurate term. I can't bring myself to deny the existence of deities, as there is so much about the universe that we know nothing about. That's how I deal with the fact that some people are religious– we can't prove that there are deities, but we also can't prove that they don't exist. It wouldn't be fair to invalidate someone else's beliefs to justify mine when even my own could be proven wrong. I can be correct and so can someone of another view because our beliefs are just our perceptions of the world– they don't actually govern how the world really works, at least those things outside of human control. If I think that the universe formed from the Big Bang and my friend thinks that God created the universe, we're both right because we have no ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Meaning of Silence and Meditation Christian spiritual writings are texts that help us connect to our spirituality and they also hold various themes or messages. Some recurring themes that have been uncovered from a number of texts are; meditation, silence, connecting to God and spirituality. Two themes that are fundamental are silence and meditation. In meditation we find silence difficult but this is a factor that we need to work on because it is very important. A hypothesis has been created that will assist in critiquing and evaluating four Spiritual Writings in their attempt to finding the mystery of God. Contemporary Christian spirituality writings suggest that deep meditation and silence are fundamental to us in order to search for the mystery of God. The next four paragraphs will talk about for authors and the articles they have created. These articles will be evaluated on their attempt to explain that silence and meditation, help us search for the mystery of God. The four authors that will be critiqued are Laurence Freeman, Cynthia Bourgeaults, John Main and Richard Rohr. The first resource was created by Laurence Freeman. He has created 2 articles that talk about the Silence of the Soul and The First Sight: The Experience of Faith. In both of his texts Laurence Freeman writes about how silence is fundamental to finding God and that meditation is how we can connect with God. He believes that many people are afraid of silence, which restricts their connection with God. Laurence Freeman is a Catholic ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Spirituality And Religion The terms 'religion' and 'spirituality' can have both similarities and differences. Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs that has structure and is practiced within a group or community. It involves worshipping of superhuman beings, and often contains certain teachings in which its believers/followers abide by and practice in everyday society. Although not all religions incorporate a 'God', the Catholic Church is centred around the Triune God (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit). Catholic teachings reflect the actions that God/Jesus displayed for the sake of humanity. Religious art, is significant within a religion as it is considered to be a sacred material, in which provides proper guidance and hope. Religious art provides many purposes such ... Show more content on ... This art pictures Jesus as the 'Miracle Worker'. This is explained in full in Matthew 12:22–33. This story explains how Jesus sent the disciples by ship back to the other side of the Sea of Galilee after they became caught in a wind storm. When the first saw Jesus on the water they were frightened. They believed he was a ghost. Jesus said to them not to be afraid. In the Gospel of Matthew, Peter "walked on the water" towards Jesus, but doubted himself and began to sink. Jesus reached out and caught him. After Jesus entered the ship, the storm settled, and they arrived at land. Christian teachings consider the story a miracle and displays the importance of faith. Peter didn't believe he could achieve what he set out to do, and ultimately due to this he didn't succeed. This sacred story is another example of how religion provides certain ways to live to benefit yourself and others. This interacts with spirituality as these teachings allow people to develop personally and have a better state of mind. The main symbol evident is the light that appears out of the darkness when Jesus appears on the surface of the water. This symbol represents hope as Jesus has come to rescue them from the storm. The light also appeared as Jesus calmed the storm and so the light would be perceived as a symbol for life and happiness as ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Reflection On Religion The 105k First Reflection Religion has been an issue consuming my thoughts. Ever since I attended a Catholic private school for a year I thought about religion on–and–off. I wavered and debated on the legitimacy of religion. I also factored in its various pro's and con's as a social institution. Since then I have come to terms with myself and my beliefs on religion; viewing religion as a tool for self improvement. Foremost, I have always been a skeptic. Even at a young age I did not believe my parents when they tried introducing things like the Easter Bunny or Santa Clause. They seemed too unrealistic for me to believe without any sort of solid evidence. Religion, on the other hand, was different as I did not think anything of it until it was put into perspective. It was not until I attended a Catholic elementary school for one year that I realized I was born into a Catholic family. I did not choose to be a Catholic. It was indoctrinated into me to go to church once a week for as long as I could remember. As I was only an elementary student I dismissed the train of thought and did not think much of it. Afterall, I was a mere child and I knew enough to know that I knew very little. Needless to say I could not simply dismiss unanswered questions. I eventually kept coming back to the issue of "Why am I Catholic?" The generic answers I got from asking the question "Why?" were "That's why it's called faith." or "It's written in the Bible." Dismissing the fact that it does not require evidence because of faith was simply not enough for me. In addition, a class I took in high school introduced several ideas: religion is a man–made institution, it was introduced to control the masses, and the Bible has been modified through time and is not an accurate representation of what actually happened centuries ago. First, the idea that religion is a man–made construct to deal with the unknown and explain the unexplainable casted a shadow of doubt on my religious conviction. In addition the concept that religion was used as to control the masses, for example Christianity through the Ten Commandments and fear of divine retribution if you violate them, seemed justified with the fear of a wrathful God. Finally, the Bible being ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Integrating Religious And Spirituality Within Counseling,... Summary There are several key concepts in this study. Religion and spirituality are discussed and compared to the knowledge and skills one learns when dealing with multicultural counseling. Walker, Gorsuch, and Tan (2004), there are three approaches to integrating religious and spirituality in counseling, explicit integration, implicit integration, and intrapersonal integration. Explicit integration "is a more overt approach that directly and systematically deals with spiritual or religious issues in therapy and uses spiritual resources" (Tan, 1996a; as cited in Walker et al., 2004, p. 70). The implicit integration is described as "a more covert approach that does not initiate the discussion of religious or spiritual issues and does not openly, directly, or systematically use spiritual resources" (Tan, 1996a; as cited in Walker et al., 2004, p. 70). Finally the authors discuss intrapersonal integration which "refers to the manner in which a therapist uses his or her personal religious or spiritual experiences in counseling" (Tan, 1996a; as cited in Walker et al., 2004, p. 70) Literature is used to identify studies that they used in the meta–analysis. They also use demographic characteristics and computation of effect size in their calculations. As a result of these calculations the study revealed several key findings. First, the majority of therapist contrasted with the general population by being inactive in the denominations (Walker et al., 2004). Second, consulting ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. The Importance Of Religion And Superstition Sometimes the question about spirituality, and why people believe in it swarms around the minds of today's society. It never occurred to me about the importance of why people believed in religion or superstition until I entered high school. Growing up Catholic, it felt like a routine to attend mass every Friday and Sunday because that was what everyone I knew did. I was never that interested in any belief of God, let alone any interest in superstition. I always thought that my religious beliefs tied to my cultural background. Growing up as a second generation of Filipino heritage, life without Christ was looked upon as unbearable, and less motivating to do things in life. It is as if Filipinos needed to breathe with the motivation of God, and become heavily influenced by applying Catholicism to its culture. However, the question about why people believe in religion and superstition is still a mystery to this day. I conducted an interview with a good friend of mine named Andrei. Andrei values humbleness, and during my interview with him, he reminisces about the times when he was a little boy, he and his grandmother would constantly go to the Christian Orthodox Church to pray. When I came to the question about what he thought about the idea of the significance of religion as well as superstition, he answered, "Whatever you believe in comes from within yourself." (Vlad. Personal Interview. 19 September 2017). In some ways, I think that Andrei truly did have a ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Is The Rise Of The New Age Religion "Rise of the new age religion" The new age religion refers to spiritual beliefs and practices aiming to foster individual fulfilment in the form of personal happiness, health and meaning in life.New Age Religion is not a religion at all, but a vast syncretism of numerous religious and philosophical ideas. New age religions tend to be individualistic and search oriented rather than focused on an established tradition that has an established community and structures of authority.New Age practices became popular from 1960's to 1970's as a reaction to the failure of Christianity and Secular Humanism to provide spiritual and ethical guidance for the future They often involve a focus upon the development of the self and the exploration of individual ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. A Review of Therapists' Integration of Religion and... Summary In this meta–analysis of integration of spirituality and religion in the counseling field, the authors seek to understand the skills and attitudes needed to integrate these variables into counseling. Among those that were studied are awareness of one's own culture and heritage, respect for the diversity found in people concerning spirituality and religion and recognition of one's helping style and how it may be perceived by clients (Walker, Gorsuch, & Tan, 2004). A difficulty that has occurred commonly is that a definition of spirituality cannot be agreed on. In a broad explanation of both religion as well as spirituality, religion constitutes the organization of faith, implementing prayer, ministry and theology. Spirituality ... Show more content on ... An explanation of use of correlation studies in meta–analysis explains that often by doing so is to create conservative estimates or a down ward bias. This means that statistics presented in this meta– analysis may actually be higher than actual calculations prove. Inquiries that seemed relevant for this study included personal religious and spiritual beliefs of therapists, how therapists use their personal religious and spiritual beliefs in their use of explicit integration therapies, and comparison in samples that encompassed explicit integration therapists with samples that mixed secular and religious therapists as well as diverse professional backgrounds that may lead to more or less acceptance of various cultures (Walker et al., 2004, p. 72). These queries touch on the various cultures, religions, beliefs and ideologies that encompass the United States and how important it is for psychologists and counselors to have proper training when using religion and spirituality in order to acknowledge and respect all philosophies. Reflection This article states that "90% of Americans claim a Protestant or Catholic religious affiliation" (Walker et al., 2004, p. 70). While not all Americans attend an organized church or practice Christian rituals such as prayer or reading the Bible at any given time, spirituality is very much an influence in our country. As a nation that found its ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Superstition And Religion Superstition and Religion: How It Affects Western and Eastern Medicine My personal experiences with religion and superstition are skewed due to the evolvement of the way I perceive things today. Furthermore, I can easily realize that I do not have this one set mind where everything should revolve around God and the Catholic Church. Taking time to understand why certain things happen for a reason, and gradually becoming aware of what people choose to believe in shaped my personal views on religion and the beliefs of unseen forces today. Based on Marvin Harris, the world may never have a solid answer as to why and how cultures decided to establish religious beliefs as well as superstition. As for the Hmong culture, however, there is a sign of major controversy with beliefs in religion and superstition. The practices of Eastern and Western medicine will meet in the middle despite culture clashes. The reasons behind why people believe in religion as well as how religious culture has evolved can be seen in Marvin Harris' article, "Why We Became Religious". Harris, an anthropologist, defines the differences between spiritual beliefs and superstition. People perceive the importance of the role of spirituality as well as the unseen. Harris exemplifies this point with the term "mana", which means "magical power" in the Melanesian language. He goes on to discuss how Western culture expresses the concepts of luck with baseball players who touch their caps or spit and rub into ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Why Religion And Spirituality? Theme One: Why religion and spirituality? The first theme that I have identified as significant in my spiritual journey is 'Why religion and spirituality?' To me this theme encompasses and seeks to illuminate the burning desire that human beings have to find answers to questions that give meaning to their life. The main premise of Mackay's book is about the people's desire for a life of meaning, be that with, or without the traditional institutionalized idea of God. In the first chapter Mackay discusses that humans are innately built to search for answers and that we seek to understand the world around us and reasons for our own existence. Mackey suggests that in some part, religion, and spirituality, is a way to fulfil our own burning desire to answer these questions. However, as human knowledge and understanding continue to develop and provide technology that is able to gather data in order to make hypothesis and in some instances provide evidence based answers for some questions, our reliance on religion for these answers seems to be waning. However, Mackay indicates that religion will continue to prosper due to key factors, among others, Mackay mentions a human's needs to believe and their need to belong. This theme highlighted the significance that faith and a sense of belonging have in our society. Through reading Beyond Belief, I was drawn to reflect on the impact of faith in my personal life, and a yearning to belonging in my professional life. With reference to ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Summary Therapists Integration Of Religion And Spirituality Summary–Therapists Integration of Religion & Spirituality In this article, there were a 26 survey conducted with 5,579 therapists with the integration of religion and spirituality in counseling. In the study, most therapist consider spirituality through their lives, but does not infrequently participate in religious activities. In the study, it was founded that marriage therapists consider more spirituality during their counseling session than other therapists, and marriage therapists is more likely to participate in a religious practice than other therapists. There was no hypothesis founded in this article. In this article, there were methods that were discussed regarding spirituality and religion. The psychologists Paragmena, stated that the psychologists of religion disagree on different types of spirituality and religion. Paragemena described in this article that religion can be very logistic, sacramental, and ideologist, however, spiritual can be described as peculiar, sentimental, and empirical. There was another psychologists who named was Tan that discussed different methods of integrated and spiritual religion. There were explicated integration, implicit integration, and intrapersonal integration. Explicated integration describe as an approach that directly compacts with spirituality and religion disputes in counseling. Implicit integration can be describe as an approach that does not recruit a religious and spirituality disputes in counseling, and does not ... Get more on ...