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fu rht rJAfrrEof AILah, rhe nosr Ben{icetr, rhe firosr nencifuliN ThE NAME ofAllAh, ThE MOST BENEficENT, ThE MOST MERCiflJ1
Backgroundof Shee'ahIdeologies
TheHoly Qur'an
The Sunnaor Hadeeth
Ijma' (Consensusor Semi-Consensus)
Articlesof FaithandPillarsof Islam
TheShee'ahConceptof Imamate
The Family of the Prophet 6ro""neuponHim)
The Companions of the Prophet @eaceBeUponHim)
Mut'ah - TemporaryMarriage
Introduction 1
Background of Shee'ah Ideologies 2
The Holy Qur'an 3
The Sunna or Hadeeth 6
Ijma' (Consensus or Semi-Consensus) 8
Articles ofFaith and Pillars of Islam 11
The Shee'ah Concept ofImamate 13
The Family ofthe Prophet (peaceBeUponHim) 16
The Companions ofthe Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) 18
Toq'yah (Shielding) 21
Mut'ah - Temporary Marriage 24
Ghadeer Khum 26
Conclusion 30
References 31
Thanks be to ALLAH, His helpwe seekandHis guidancewe searchfor'
ra*romsoeverALLAH permitsto go astrayshallneverhaveguidan"", , rlrornro"rr.i
ALLAH guides shall neverbe misled;andI bearwitnessthatthereis no Godbut
ALLAH alone and He has no partner;andI bearwitnessthatMohammedis His
servantand messenger.Peace be uponhim, his family, his companionsandtheir
followersuntil the day of resurrection.
ALLAH commandsus in the Holy Qur'an'."Let therearise out ofyou a
group of people iniviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-ma'ruf (te.
Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) andforbidding Al-
Munhar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam hasforbidden). And it is
they who are the successful"r.I prayto ALLAH thatHe will acceptthis work as
a correctresponseto His commandment.
The purpose of this pamphlet is to presenta brief ideaaboutthereligious
issuesthat the Shee'ahscholarshavedisagreeduponwith themajorityof Muslim
scholars.It is to acquaint especiallythosewho havea vaguepictureof whatthe
Shee'ahschool of thought is in comparisonto themalority'sversionof Islam.ln
short,it is to answertheever-risingquestions.Is the disagreementvital?And if it is
vital, as a Muslim Shee'ahor followingtheMuslimscholars,whatshouldI doto
find the right Islamandthenght pathto Paradise?May ALLAH bestowon usHis
mercyandnot depriveusof Hisguidance.Ameen.
t the Holy Qur'an: Chapter3 verse 104
Thanks be to ALLAH, His help we seek and His guidance we search for;
whomsoever ALLAH permits to go astray shall never have guidance, whomsoever
ALLAH guides shall never be misled; and I bear witness that there is no God but
ALLAH alone and He has no partner; and I bear witness that Mohammed is His
servant and messenger. Peace be upon him, his family, his companions and their
followers until the day of resurrection.
ALLAH commands us in the Holy Qur'an: "Let there arise out ofyou a
group of people iniviting to all that Lv good (Islam), enjoining Al-ma'ruf(i.e.
Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) andforbidding Al-
Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam hasforbidden). And it is
they who are the successful"l. I pray to ALLAH that He will accept this work as
a correct response to His commandment.
The purpose of this pamphlet is to present a brief idea about the religious
issues that the Shee'ah scholars have disagreed upon with the majority of Muslim
scholars. It is to acquaint especially those who have a vague picture of what the
Shee'ah school of thought is in comparison to the majority's version ofIslam. In
short, it is to answer the ever-rising questions. Is the disagreement vital? And ifit is
vital, as a Muslim Shee'ah or following the Muslim scholars, what should I do to
find the right Islam and the right path to Paradise? May ALLAH bestow on us His
mercy and not deprive us of His guidance. Ameen.
I The Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 104.
When Islam came as a guidancefor mankind, the early generationof
devotedMuslims sincerelyworkedhardto propagateanddefendit, allowing Islam
to spreadsteadfastly.However, this createda waveof angerandhatredtowards
Islam from some of the narrow mindedreligiousfigures,especiallyof Judarsm
They plotted to assassinatethe prophet(peaeBeupoHim)and to creatediscordor
fighting among Muslims (Fitnah). However,theImanor faithof thecompanions
was so strong thattheywerenot affectedby suchconspiracies.After thedeathof
many companions,the Jewishconspiracyamongothers,representedby Abdullah
bin Sabaa,found its wayfirst,thruMuslims lesseducatedaboutIslamthenlater
onto therestof theMuslimCommunity.l
During the term of thefirstandsecondCa'lee'phah's(Leaderof thewhole
Muslim nation) there were still many companions.By the end of the third
Ca'lee'phah'sreign,a greatnumberof thecompanionsof theProphet(peaeBer.rptnHim)
had passedaway,while the number of new generationand newconvertshad
multipliedtremendously.At this time,thetribalist,racistand Jewishmovements
found an opportunityto cometo thesurface.Amongthesemovementswasthatof
Abdullah Bin Sabaa,as had been mentionedabove.He is a YemenJewwho
claimedthatAli haddivtneauthority.Thisdevelopedfurtherintotheclaimthathe,
his son-Al-Hassan.his sonAl-Hussainandthedescendantsof thelattershouldbe
the future leadersof the whole Muslim Ummah forever.This was. of course.
contraryto thecurrentpracticesinceaftertheProphet(peaerlerJprnHimlAbu Bakrhad
been elected as the Caliph (Leader)of the whole Muslim Ummah (Nation),
followed by Omar. There was asyet,untiltoday,no claimthatAli shouldbethe
This allegationhowever,finallyfounda placeof acceptancein thecapitalof
the previouslylranian Empire,Al-Madayen,moreeasilythanin theotherregions
of the IslamicEmpireatthattime,especiallysinceAl-Hussain,secondsonof Ali,
wasthenmarriedto thedaughterof thelastIranian Emperor.3
This is why the Shee'ahconceptof thehereditarysystemof leadershipis
confinedto the descendantsof Al-Husain,beginningwith fourthShiite'sImam
(leader).The claim that Ali shouldbethefirst Caliphstartedmainlyasa political
ploy to creatediscordamongMuslimsby agitatingthetribalandracialdifferences
' Zaheer,pl7-24, quotingthreeShee'ahsource
2Ibn Taymiyah,Vol. 3 pp. I 16-72.
t Ali Hassanpp.230-231.
When Islam came as a guidance for mankind, the early generation of
devoted Muslims sincerely worked hard to propagate and defend it, allowing Islam
to spread steadfastly. However, this created a wave of anger and hatred towards
Islam from some of the narrow minded religious figures, especially of Judaism.
They plotted to assassinate the prophet (Peace Be Uprn Him) and to create discord or
fighting among Muslims (Fitnah). However, the Iman or faith of the companions
was so strong that they were not affected by such conspiracies. After the death of
many companions, the Jewish conspiracy among others, represented by Abdullah
bin Sabaa, found its way first, thru Muslims less educated about Islam then later
on to the rest of the Muslim Community. 1
During the term of the first and second Ca'lee'phah's (Leader of the whole
Muslim nation) there were still many companions. By the end of the third
Ca'lee'phah's reign, a great number of the companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Uptm Him)
had passed away, while the number of new generation and new converts had
multiplied tremendously. At this time, the tribalist, racist and Jewish movements
found an opportunity to come to the surface. Among these movements was that of
Abdullah Bin Sabaa, as had been mentioned above. He is a Yemen Jew who
claimed that Ali had divine authority. This developed further into the claim that he,
his son, AI-Hassan, his son AI-Hussain and the descendants of the latter should be
the future leaders of the whole Muslim Ummah forever. This was, of course,
contrary to the current practice since after the Prophet (Peace Be Up,m Him) Abu Bakr had
been elected as the Caliph (Leader) of the whole Muslim Ummah (Nation),
followed by Omar. There was as yet, until today, no claim that Ali should be the
first Ca'lee'phahd
This allegation however, finally found a place of acceptance in the capital of
the previously Iranian Empire, AI-Madayen, more easily than in the other regions
of the Islamic Empire at that time, especially since AI-Hussain, second son ofAli,
was then married to the daughter of the last Iranian Emperor?
This is why the Shee'ah concept of the hereditary system of leadership is
confined to the descendants of AI-Husain, beginning with fourth Shiite's Imam
(leader). The claim that Ali should be the first Caliph started mainly as a political
ploy to create discord among Muslims by agitating the tribal and racial differences
and hostilities.
I Zaheer, p 17-24, quoting three Shee'ah source.
2 Ibn Taymiyah, Vol. 3 pp. 116-72.
3 Ali Hassan pp. 230-231.
The endresultof thepoliticalclaim,however,wasa religiousdifferenceand
deviationfromtheIslammaintainedby thegreatmajorityof Muslimscholars.
Shee'ahrderivetheirnamefrom Shee'ee2whichmeansin Arabicsupporter,
here to meanthesupportersof Ali, hissons,HassanandHussain,anddescendants
of Hussain.Shee'ahare divided into groups'.theZaidis.whohavedeviatedthe
least;the Ja'fari Eth'naiAshri,theIsmailis,andtheAlawiNusairi. Druzesderive
theirrootsfrom IsmailismandFatimidShee'ah.3
The following pagesare devotedto the discussionof theJa'fariEth'nai
3IbnTaymiuah,Minhaj, vol. lp.3; vol2p.l24 Tabatabaipp.75-82;Abdullapp. 73-143;Al-Falwazanpp.9-l 8.
The end result of the political claim, however, was a religious difference and
deviation from the Islam maintained by the great majority of Muslim scholars.
derive their name from Shee'ee2
which means in Arabic supporter,
here to mean the supporters ofAli, his sons, Hassan and Hussain, and descendants
of Hussain. Shee'ah are divided into groups: the Zaidis, who have deviated the
least; the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri, the Ismailis, and the Alawi Nusairi. Druzes derive
their roots from Ismailism and Fatimid Shee'ah?
The following pages are devoted to the discussion of the Ja'fari Eth'nai
Ashri (Ja'fari twelve Imams), which represents the Shee'ah majority.
1 Plural.
2 Singular.
3 Ibn Tayrniuah, Minhaj, vol. Ip.3; vol 2 p.124 Tabatabai pp. 75-82; Abdulla pp. 73-143; Al-Falwazan pp. 9-18.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholar says:
'that the number of versesin theHoly
Qur'anis 1700'.rAl-Kafi by Al-Kolayni,whichis believedby Shee'ahscholarsas
the most trustworthy and celebratedwork of HADEETH known in the Shee'ah
world, says: 'Any human being who claims to havecollectedthe Qur'anin its
completeform is a liar. Only Ali andthe Imamscollectedit all andpreservedit'.2
The Shee'ah Scholarsalso allow their followersto readtheexistingHoly
Qur'an till they are taught their version. Thispermissionis basedon a Shee'ah
tradition which says: I said to lmamAli Musa(the8s Imam),we hearfrom you
Qur'anicverseswhich we havenot leamed.Are we committingsinstiy not reciting
them? The lmam said'No, readtheway you havelearned.Someonewill cometo
teach you' (referring to the l2e Imamwho will reappearandbringwith him the
completeversionaccordingto the Shee'ahbelief)3
The Muslim scholarsassureus that ProphetMohammed (peaeBettp@Hin)
compiled the Holy Qur'an in its complete,cunentexistingform orally anddtring
the C'laph'ah (leadership)of Abu Bakr, a compilationwhich waswritten downin
a singlevolume.a
During the C'laph'ah of Othman, the languageof the Holy Qur'anwas
standardizedanduniversalized.sThe approvedvariationsin recitingafew wordsof
theHoly Qur'andonottouchits basicmeaning.6
ALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an'."Verilylile: It is We Whohavesentdown
the Dhikr (Qur'an) and surely,lVe will guard it (from corruption)"1;"It isfor
IIs to collect and to giveyou (O Mohamtnud (p.o".s,uponHim)the ability to recite it"
"Fahehood cannot come to itfrom before it or behind it (it is)sent down by
theAlt-Wise Worthyof all praise (ALL/lH)".e
t Al-UsoolMinat-Kafi, vol. 2p. 634,1961;seealsoZaheer,pp 77-152.
2Al-Usml Min al-kafi vol. I,p.228, 1968.
t Al-Kafi Min al-Usool,vol. 2, p. 633,I96I ; alsoseeAl-Khateebp. I l.
oAl-Bukhari,vol. 6,pp. 477-8.
t Al-Bukhari,vol. 6, pp.478-80.
Qattan,pp. 17G85.
7HolyQur'an: Chapter15verse9.
t Holy qur'an: Chapter75verse17.
eHoly Qu'an: Chapter4l verse42.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholar says: 'that the number ofverses in the Holy
Qur'an is 1700'" Al-Kafi by Al-Kolayni, which is believed by Shee'ah scholars as
the most trustworthy and celebrated work ofHADEETH known in the Shee'ah
world, says: 'Any human being who claims to have collected the Qur'an in its
complete form is a liar. Only Ali and the Imams collected it all and preserved it'.2
The Shee'ah Scholars also allow their followers to read the existing Holy
Qur'an till they are taught their version. This permission is based on a Shee'ah
tradition which says: I said to Imam Ali Musa (the 8th
Imam), we hear from you
Qur'anic verses which we have not learned. Are we committing sins by not reciting
them? The Imam said 'No, read the way you have learned. Someone will come to
teach you' (referring to the 12th
Imam who will reappear and bring with him the
complete version according to the Shee'ah beliefi
The Muslim scholars assure us that Prophet Mohammed (peace Be Upoo Him)
compiled the Holy Qur'an in its complete, current existing form orally and during
the C'laph'ah (leadership) ofAbu Bakr, a compilation which was written down in
a single volume.4
During the C'laph'ah of Othman, the language of the Holy Qur'an was
standardized and universalized.5
The approved variations in reciting a few words of
the Holy Qur'an do not touch its basic meaning.6
ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:"Verily We: It is We Who have sent down
the Dhikr (Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)"7;"It isfor
Us to collect and to give you (0 Mohammad (peace Be Upon Him)) the ability to recite it"
8; "Falsehood cannot come to itfrom before it or behind it (it is) sent down by
the All-Wise Worthy ofall praise (ALLAH)".9
1 Al-Usool Minal-Kafi, vol. 2p. 634, 1961; see alsoZaheer, pp. 77-152.
2 Al-Usool Min al-kafi vol. 1, p. 228, 1968.
3 Al-Kafi Min al-Usool, vol. 2, p. 633, 1961; also see Al-Khateeb p. 11.
4 Al-Bukhari, vol. 6, pp. 477-8.
5 Al-Bukhari, vol. 6, pp. 478-80.
6 Qattan, pp. 170-85.
7 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 15 verse 9.
8 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 75 verse 17.
9 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 41 verse 42.
ALLAH had promisedto preserveit asa guidancefor Muslims everywhere
and forever.This is in contrastto the previousdivine bookswtrereinalthoughtheir
original forms are preserved with ALLAH, the onesin the handsof the followers
of thesemessagesaredistorted.
The Muslim scholarsudro considerthe belief that the Holy Qur'an is
adulteratedis a plain rejectionof the Islamicfaith.r
Brothersandsisters,you canfind out for yourselfthatthenumberof verses
in theHoly Qur'an is 6236excludingthe"Bismillah" at thebeginningof the Suras
(Chapter),but the Shee'ah ScholarsclaimthatthisHoly Qur'anis not complete.
Should we believe the Ja'fari Shee'ahsource or theAlmighty ALLAH andthe
Muslim Scholars?Perhapssome Shee'ah denytheirbeliefthatthe eisting Holy
Qur'an is not complete. But this denial couldbe shielding(Tuq'yah or to lie to
protectthe Shee'ahbelief).
| 7ahet,p. l4l-7.
ALLAH had promised to preserve it as a guidance for Muslims everywhere
and forever. This is in contrast to the previous divine books wherein although their
original forms are preserved with ALLAH, the ones in the hands ofthe followers
ofthese messages are distorted.
The Muslim scholars who consider the belief that the Holy Qur'an is
adulterated is a plain rejection ofthe Islamic faith. 1
Brothers and sisters, you can find out for yourselfthat the number of verses
in the Holy Qur'an is 6236 excluding the "Bismillah" at the beginning of the Suras
(Chapter), but the Shee'ah Scholars claim that this Holy Qur'an is not complete.
Should we believe the Ja'fari Shee'ah source or the Almighty ALLAH and the
Muslim Scholars? Perhaps some Shee'ah deny their beliefthat the existing Holy
Qur'an is not complete. But this denial could be shielding (Tuq'yah or to lie to
protect the Shee'ah belief).
I Zaheer, p. 141-7.
Sar'*'o" oRHADEETH
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholarsconsiderSU'N'AH aswhat theprophet(peaeBe
rrmHin)and the Imams said.l AL-Kafi by Kolayni, in Tabatabai'swordsis "the
most trustworthy and celebratedwork of HADEETH in the Shee'ahworld".2In
this source,the names of the transmittersof theHADEETH arenot frequently
mentioned.Insteadof the"prophetsaid",you fin{" theImamsaid".Many of these
I{ADEETHs contradict the Holy Qur'an. The prominent criterionin validating
HADEETH is actuallywhetherit supports,or at least,doesnot negatethe Shee'ah
schoolof thought.Themosttrustworthyof theprophot'Speaer.t6-rr-rtraditionsare
the onesreceivedthrough the householdof theprophet,i.e.theShee'ahlmams,
even though an Imam could pass awaywhile his childis only nine,eightor five
years old.3 Forexample,a F{ADEETHreportedby Ali andcompiledby SahihAl"
Bukhari is rejected if it contradictsthe Shee'ahconceptof TemporaryMarriage
(Nikah Mut'ah), but if theHADEETH weresupportiveof the Shee'ahschoolof
thought,it would be acceptedno matterwho said,transmitted,or compiledit.a
The Muslim scholarsdefineSU'N'AH or HADEETH asthesayingsof the
Prophet(peaeBertotnnim),his deeds,tacit approvalsor the descriptionof his physical
appearance.sBasically,therearetwo waysof HADEETH authentication.Thefirst
is the "Isnad". which means the reliability of the transmitters.Therefore
F{ADEETH with brokenlinkages betweentransmittersarerejectedbecausetherel
is no way to find out how reliablethetransmittersare.Second,thereis "Matn'',
which means content of theHADEETH; thatis, whetheror not it contradictsthe
teachingsof the Holy Qur'an,thereis anotherversionof the sameHADEETH wtth
a differentchainof transmitters,or whetherthereis a strongerIsnad,etc.6Basedon
these methodologiesandthe strictnessof thecompilerin choosinghis HADEETH,
the Muslim scholarsaffirmedthatthecompilationsof Al-Bukhari andthe Muslims
are the most trustworthy source of the SU'N'AH of the Prophet@eaeBetrptnuim;.7
While the Holy Qur'an was compiled in writtenform right afterthe deathof the
t Tabatabai, p. 93andConstitutionarticle2.
oTabatabai,p. 94.
t Azami,p.3.
t lbn Taymiyah,Fatawi,Vol. 18,p. 17, Azailrllip. 87-96.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars consider SU'N'AH as what the prophet (peace Be
Upon Him) and the Imams said.1
AL-Kafi by Kolayni, in Tabatabai's words is "the
most trustworthy and celebrated work ofHADEETH in the Shee'ah world".2 In
this source, the names of the transmitters of the HADEETH are not frequently
mentioned. Instead of the "prophet said", you finc" the Imam said". Many of these
HADEETHs contradict the Holy Qur'an. The prominent criterion in validating
HADEETH is actually whether it supports, or at least, does not negate the Shee'ah
school of thought. The most trustworthy of the prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) traditions are
the ones received through the household of the prophet, i.e. the Shee'ah Imams,
even though an Imam could pass away while his child is only nine, eight or five
years old? For example, a HADEETH reported by Ali and compiled by Sahih AI..
Bukhari is rejected if it contradicts the Shee'ah concept of Temporary Marriage
(Nikah Mut'ah), but if the HADEETH were supportive ofthe Shee'ah school of
thought, it would be accepted no matter who said, transmitted, or compiled it.4
The Muslim scholars define SU'N'AH or HADEETH as the sayings of the
Prophet (Pea"" Be Upon Him), his deeds, tacit approvals or the description of his physical
appearance.s Basically, there are two ways ofHADEETH authentication. The first
is the "Isnad", which means the reliability of the transmitters. Therefore
HADEETH with broken linkages between transmitters are rejected because therel
is no way to find out how reliable the transmitters are. Second, there is "Matn",
which means content of the HADEETH; that is, whether or not it contradicts the
teachings ofthe Holy Qur'an, there is another version of the same HADEETH with
a different chain of transmitters, or whether there is a stronger Isnad, etc.6
Based on
these methodologies and the strictness of the compiler in choosing his HADEETH,
the Muslim scholars affinned that the compilations ofAI-Bukhari and the Muslims
are the most trustworthy source of the SU'N'AH of the Prophet (pea"" Be Upon Him/
While the Holy Qur'an was compiled in written form right after the death of the
I Tabatabai , p. 93 and Constitution article 2.
2 Tabatabai, p. 110.
3 Among other sources, Tabatabai, pp. 94,207-8, and 210-1.
4 Tabatabai, p. 94.
, Azami, p.3.
6 Azami, pp. 32-72.
7 Ibn Taymiyah, Fatawi, Vol. 18, p. 17, Azami p. 87-96.
prophet @"*BenpdHim),the serious compilationof theHADEETH took placeafter
almost 100 years.l There were manyreasonsfor this delay,themajoronebeing
thatagreatproportionof F{ADEETHdealtwith detailedteachingswhich shouldbe
practicedby a true Muslim in his daily life. Thecompanionswereactuallyliving
compilations of HADEETH becausetheywererepresentingthepropheticmanners
themselves.Therefore,there seemedto be no urgent need for serious efforts
towards a written compilation. Furthermore,somegreatCompanionswereof the
opinion that the teaching of Islam shouldbefocusedfirst in the Holy Qur'an so
that it would be well-established.This wasto avoidwhathadhappenedto previous
Holy Booksin which divinewordsweremixedup with propheticsayings.
So brothers and sisters,which definition of FIADEETHis moreaccurate,
giventhefactthatProphetMohammedreaeBeUpmrlim)is the sealof the Prophets?As
God says in theHoly Qur'an'."Muhammad.lreoceBeuponni4is not thefother of any
man among you, hut he is theMessengerof ALLAH and the last (end)of the
prophets..."2. Only the Prophetsand the messengersof ALLAH can receive
revelationwhich is binding untowhomthemessengeris sent.WhentheShee'ah
scholarsequatethe sayings of the Imamsto the sayingsof theProphet,theyare
claimingthat the Imam also receivedrevelation.If thesescholarsclaimthatthe
Imams wereonly inspired,thenthe inspirationis a differentstory.It is not binding
to be followedor to beenforcedon othersnor shouldit be sharedby otherhuman
t |'zarnip.2s.
'Holy qur'an: Chapter33verse40.
prophet (peace Be Upoo Him), the serious compilation ofthe HADEETH took place after
almost 100 years.l
There were many reasons for this delay, the major one being
that a great proportion of HADEETH dealt with detailed teachings which should be
practiced by a true Muslim in his daily life. The companions were actually living
compilations ofHADEETH because they were representing the prophetic manners
themselves. Therefore, there seemed to be no urgent need for serious efforts
towards a written compilation. Furthermore, some great Companions were of the
opinion that the teaching of Islam should be focused first in the Holy Qur'an so
that it would be well-established. This was to avoid what had happened to previous
Holy Books in which divine words were mixed up with prophetic sayings.
So brothers and sisters, which definition of HADEETH is more accurate,
given the fact that Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upoo Him) is the seal ofthe Prophets? As
God says in the Holy Qur'an: "Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is not thefather ofany
man among you, but he is the Messenger ofALLAH and the last (end) ofthe
prophets... ,,2. Only the Prophets and the messengers of ALLAH can receive
revelation which is binding unto whom the messenger is sent. When the Shee'ah
scholars equate the sayings of the Imams to the sayings of the Prophet, they are
claiming that the Imam also received revelation. If these scholars claim that the
Imams were only inspired, then the inspiration is a different story. It is not binding
to be followed or to be enforced on others nor should it be shared by other human
1 Azami p.25.
2 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 33 verse 40.
Shee'ah scholarshave a doublestandardpositionconceming[jma'. On the
one hand, the Shee'ahscholarsemployconsensusto supporttheir arguments,e.g.
'... Both SunniandShee'eeclearlyasserted...'and'which were
acclaimedby all...'1And ontheother,Ijma' is rejectedby Shee'ahscholarswho:
l.Claim that thousandsof the Prophet's6r".*Berfuorrim)companionshadplotted
againstthe Prophet's commandsand only less than ten of themremained
truthful,therebytakingknowledgefrom theseagainstthemajority.
2.Consider themillions of Muslim scholarsthroughoutthe Islamichistoryandthe
globe as non-believersbecausetheydon'tbelievein theI'ma'mahasanarticle
of faith,onewhich is basedon claimsrejectedby themajority.
3.Question the authenticityof theHoly Qur'anandtheHADEETHs authenticated
by the majority includingtheinterpretationswhich gainedthe acknowledgment
of thesame.
Muslim scholars consider Ijma' as the third major sourceof Islamic
teachings.Whennothingis directlymentionedin theHoly Qur'anor theSU'N'AH
aboutthe case,thentheIjma' is consideredasa validsource.2Themostauthentic
text is theonereportedby a largegroupof transmittersto anotherlargegroup.This
is called "Tawatur".3Themostvalidinterpretationof theSU'N'AH/FIADEETHS
is that which gains the approvalof Ijma'.4ForALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an:
"And holdfast, all ofyou together,to theRopeof ALLAH (i.e.this Qur'an), and
be not divided amongyourselves"5.Condemningdeviation,ALLAH, addressing
the Prophetip".*Bertoorrim)andreferringto thosewho deviatedfrom theright path,
says'."Verily, thosewho divide their religion and break up into sects(all kinds of
religious sects),you (O Muhammad TpeaceBenponni^)haveno concernin themin
the leasl Their affair is only with ALLAH, lVho then will tell them what they
used to do'6. The Proph€t 6reaenerp-n^1said:
to theJama'ah(Majority)
and avoid division. Satan is with theonepersonalonebut is morelikely to avoid
the two together,whosoeverwants abundancein Paradiseshould stick to the
t Tabatabai,p. +0.
'Ftawi,IbnTaymiahvol. 19pp.5-8,andlg2-22
'Al-Jazari,vol. l, pp. 120-6.
oFatawa,Ibn Taymiyah,vol. 19,pp.267-72.
5Holy qur'an: Chapter3 verse103.
uHoly qur'an : Chapter6 verse159.
Shee'ah scholars have a double standard position concerning Ijma'. On the
one hand, the Shee'ah scholars employ consensus to support their arguments, e.g.
Tabatabai writes '... Both Sunni and Shee'ee clearly asserted...' and 'which were
acclaimed by all...,1 And on the other, Ijma' is rejected by Shee'ah scholars who:
1. Claim that thousands of the Prophet's (peace Be Upon Him) companions had plotted
against the Prophet's commands and only less than ten of them remained
truthful, thereby taking knowledge from these against the majority.
2. Consider the millions of Muslim scholars throughout the Islamic history and the
globe as non-believers because they don't believe in the I'ma'mah as an article
offaith, one which is based on claims rejected by the majority.
3. Question the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an and the HADEETHs authenticated
by the majority including the interpretations which gained the acknowledgment
of the same.
Muslim scholars consider Ijma' as the third major source of Islamic
teachings. When nothing is directly mentioned in the Holy Qur'an or the SU'N'AH
about the case, then the Ijma' is considered as a valid source.2
The most authentic
text is the one reported by a large group of transmitters to another large group. This
is called "Tawatur".3 The most valid interpretation of the SU'N'AH/HADEETHS
is that which gains the approval ofIjma'.4 For ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:
"And holdfast, all ofyou together, to the Rope ofALLAH (i.e. this Qur'an), and
be not divided amongyourselves"s. Condemning deviation, ALLAH, addressing
the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) and referring to those who deviated from the right path,
says: "Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of
religious sects), you (0 Muhammad (peace Be Upon Him)) have no concern in them in
the least Their affair is only with ALLAH, Who then will tell them what they
used to do" 6. The Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said: ' ...stick to the Jama'ah (Majority)
and avoid division. Satan is with the one person alone but is more likely to avoid
the two together, whosoever wants abundance in Paradise should stick to the
1 Tabatabai, p. 40.
2 Fatawi, Ibn Taymiah vol. 19 pp. 5-8, and 192-202.
3 Al-Jazari, vol. 1, pp. 120-6.
4 Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyah, vol. 19, pp. 267-72.
'Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 103.
6 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 6 verse 159.
Jama'ah...'.1Jama'ah and consensushere is referringto themajority of Muslim
scholarsrarhoareknowledgeableaboutthecommandmentsof ALLAH. In another
HADEETH, the Prophet @ecBcrlorrim)said:
'My Ummahwill not haveconsensus
on what is wrong'.2The Prophetp*Be r&enin)alsosaid:'...MyUmmahwillbe
divided into seventy three groups. Only one of themshallbe savedandtherest
shall be in hellfire'. Whenhewasaskedwhich groupis to be saved,heresponded:
'The followers of my path andmy Companions'.[n anotherversionof thesame
Brothers and sisters,don't you think thatconsistencyis oneof thecrucial
elementsof anyvalid measurementanda tool of anobjectiveargument?Don't you
think it is suspiciousif a personemploysanargumentwhenit supportshisbiases
and rejects the same onceit refutesthem?Think aboutit. Let usassumethatyou
as Muslims want to know which path leadsto paradise.A groupof peopleyou
don't know anything about claimed that they know which path leads to it.
However, one among this group gave you a direction which contradictsthe
directions of the rest of the group, numberingno lessthanelevenpeople.Both
descriptionsseemedto be equallyreasonable,which directionshouldyounow
follow? What if you cameto know thatif you do not know thisperson'sdirection
or if you disagreewith him he will hateyou, but theotherswon't? ForALLAH
says in the Holy Qur'an: " thereis no compulsionin religion. Verily, theRight
Path has become distinct from the wrong path. l(hoever dkbelieves in Taghut
(anything worshipped other than the Real God 'ALLAH") and believes in
ALLAH, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never
breahandALL,AH h all-Hearer, all Knower"4.
Brothers and Sisters,just think about it as a basic rule.Therearethree
categoriesof issuesupon which scholarsdiffer andtheyareasfollows:
1.The Majority had confrrmedit astheright onebut hadnot definitelyrejectedit
2.The majority had not approvedof it as the right one buthadnotdefinitely
rejectedit aswrong either.
3.TheMajority hadrejectedit asdefinitelywrong.
The crucial differencesbetweenthe Muslim andthe Shee'ahscholarsare
containedin the lastcategory.
t Al-Jazari,vol. 6, p. 669.
2Bale€qp. 5,14.
' Ibn Taymiyalr. Minhaj, vol. 2. p. 122-5
oHoly qu'an: ChaPer2verse256.
Jama'ah...'.1 Jama'ah and consensus here is referring to the majority of Muslim
scholars who are knowledgeable about the commandments ofALLAH. In another
HADEETH, the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said: 'My Ummah will not have consensus
.on what is wrong'.2 The Prophet (peace Be UponHim) also said: ' ...My Ummah will be
divided into seventy three groups. Only one ofthem shall be saved and the rest
shall be in hellfire'. When he was asked which group is to be saved, he responded:
'The followers of my path and my Companions'. In another version ofthe same
HADEETH he responded: 'They are the Jama'ah,.3
Brothers and sisters, don't you think that consistency is one ofthe crucial
elements ofany valid measurement and a tool ofan objective argument? Don't you
think it is suspicious if a person employs an argument when it supports his biases
and rejects the same once it refutes them? Think about it. Let us assume that you
as Muslims want to know which path leads to paradise. A group ofpeople you
don't know anything about claimed that they know which path leads to it.
However, one among this group gave you a direction which contradicts the
directions of the rest of the group, numbering no less than eleven people. Both
descriptions seemed to be equally reasonable, which direction should you now
follow? What if you came to know that if you do not know this person's direction
or if you disagree with him he will hate you, but the others won't? For ALLAH
says in the Holy Qur'an:" there is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right
Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut
(anything worshipped other than the Real God "ALLAH'~ and believes in
ALLAH, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never
break andALLAHis all-Hearer, all Knower" 4.
Brothers and Sisters, just think about it as a basic rule. There are three
categories of issues upon which scholars differ and they are as follows:
1. The Majority had confirmed it as the right one but had not definitely rejected it
as wrong.
2. The majority had not approved of it as the right one but had not definitely
rejected it as wrong either.
3. The Majority had rejected it as definitely wrong.
The crucial differences between the Muslim and the Shee'ah scholars are
contained in the last category.
I Al-Jazari, vol. 6, p. 669.
2 Baleeq p. 544.
3 Ibn Taymiyah. Minhaj, vol. 2. pp. 122-5.
4 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 2 verse 256.
Brothers and sisters, remember that there is a great deal of difference
between the 'majority of Muslims' wtrich is not a sufficient evidenceandthe
'majority of Muslims scholars'wtrichis uitratis meanthereby Ijma'
Our Dears let us remembqr that ALLAH hadwamedus againstdeviating
from His straight path. He says in the Holy Qur'an: "And verily, this is my
Staight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other)paths,for they will seporute
you awayfrom Hispath. ThisHe hasordainedfor you thatyou may becomeAl'
Muttaqun (thepious)".1
I Hotyqr'an: ChaFer 6 verse153.
Brothers and sisters, remember that there is a great deal of difference
between the 'majority of Muslims' which is not a sufficient evidence and the
'majority ofMuslims scholars' which is what is meant here by Ijma'
Our Dears let us remember that ALLAH had warned us against deviating
from His straight path. He says in the Holy Qur'an: "And verily, this is my
Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths,for they will separate
you awayfrom His path. This He has ordainedforyou thatyou may become Al-
Muttaqun (the pious)".1
1 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 6 verse 153.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars say that believing in ahereditarysystemof
leadershipof thewhole Muslim Ummah(I'ma'mah) is asfundamentalas
believingin one God.l To them, I'ma'mah is an article offaithandapillarof
Islam.2tn additioq amongthearticlesreferredto in the constitutionandtheother
Shee'ah sources, there is no mention of believing in the angels or divine
Muslim scholarsaffirm that thereis no suchthing asI'ma'mah, analleged
hereditarysystem of leadershipof thewholeMuslim Ummahin Islam.Thereare
evidencesin theHoly Qur'anandthereliableSU'N'AH that evenrefute.andreject
this concept.ln the Holy Qur'an, ALLAH says: "...and who (conduct)their
(Muslim) alfairs by mutuat consultation..'tr and the Prophet{peeBetloHin)was
commanded:"..,andconsultthemin theaffiirs...".a
The Muslim scholarsbelievethatIslamis built on five pillars:Testifuingthat
there is no God but ALLAH and Mohammad is His messenger,performing
prayers, paylng charity, fasting in the month of Ramadanand making the
pilgrimage to the house of ALLAH.s Furthermore, they believe that the
fundamentalarticles of Iman are:To believein ALLAH, His Angles,His Books,
His Messengers,the last Day andto believein divinedestiny,boththegoodand
the evil thereof.6If you readthewholeHoly Qur'anyou will not find any support
for the 'I'ma'mah
concept', the alleged hereditary system of leadershipof the
qiholeMuslim Ummah.
Brothers andsisters,shouldwe believethemajorityof Muslim scholarswho
are supportedclearly by theHoly Qur'anversesandreliableFIADEETHs,or the
few Shee'ahscholarswhoseopinionsarenot sanctionedby theHoly Qur'an or the
reliable I{ADEETHs? Make surethatour soleintentionis to pleaseALLAH only
and to find truth for our salvation in this world and in the hereafter.Let us,
rememberthat ALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an: "0 you who believe!Believein
ALIllH, and flis Messenger (Muhammad(p*",BeuponHim)tand the Booh (the
I ConstitutionArticle 2 and Asifi. W.23-5
2Al-Kafvol. 1p.290.
t Holy qur'an: Chapter42verse38.
oHoly qr'an: Chapter3 verse 159.
r Bukhari andMuslim - Forty Hadeeths,p. 35.
t Muslim -Forty Hadeeths,p. 30.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars say that believing in a hereditary system of
leadership ofthe whole Muslim Ummah (I'ma'mah) is as fundamental as
believing in one God.l
To them, I'ma'mah is an article offaith and a pillar of
. In addition, among the articles referred to in the constitution and the other
Shee'ah sources, there is no mention of believing in the angels or divine
Muslim scholars affirm that there is no such thing as I'ma'mah, an alleged
hereditary system of leadership ofthe whole Muslim Ummah in Islam. There are
evidences in the Holy Qur'an and the reliable SU'N'AH that even refute.and reject
this concept. In the Holy Qur'an, ALLAH says: "...and who (conduct) their
(Muslim) affairs by mutual consultation...'''' and the Prophet<PeaceBe qxm Him) was
commanded: "...and consult them in the affairs... ".4
The Muslim scholars believe that Islam is built on five pillars: Testifying that
there is no God but ALLAH and Mohammad is His messenger, performing
prayers, paying charity, fasting in the month of Ramadan and making the
pilgrimage to the house of ALLAH.5
Furthermore, they believe that the
fundamental articles of Iman are: To believe in ALLAH, His Angles, His Books,
His Messengers, the last Day and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and
the evil thereof.6
Ifyou read the whole Holy Qur'an you will not find any support
for the 'I'ma'mah concept', the alleged hereditary system of leadership ofthe
whole Muslim Ummah.
Brothers and sisters, should we believe the majority of Muslim scholars who
are supported clearly by the Holy Qur'an verses and reliable HADEETHs, or the
few Shee'ah scholars whose opinions are not sanctioned by the Holy Qur'an or the
reliable HADEETHs? Make sure that our sole intention is to please ALLAH only
and to find truth for our salvation in this world and in the hereafter. Let us,
remember that ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "0 you who believe! Believe in
ALLAH, and His Messenger (Muhammad(p~..u B~ Upon Him)), and the Book (the
1 Constitution Article 2 and Asifi.. pp.23-5
2 Al-Kafi vol. 1 p. 290.
3 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 42 verse 38.
4 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 159.
, Bukhari and Muslim - Forty Hadeeths, p. 35.
6 Muslim -Forty Hadeeths, p. 30.
Qur'an) which He has sent down to His Messenger,and the Scripture which He
sent dmtn to those before (him), and whosover disbelieves in ALL'AH, His
Angek, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day, then indeedhe has
strayedfar a74tay"1.
t Holy Qur'an:chapter4 verse136
Qur'an) which He has sent down to His Messenger, and the Scripture which He
sent down to those before (him), and whosover disbelieves in ALLAH, His
Angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day, then indeed he has
strayedfar away"l.
1 Holy Qur'an: chapter 4 verse 136.
The Shee'ahscholarsbelievethat theImmateconceptis anarticleof faith
equalto believingin oneGod.I'ma'mahconceptmeansthatthespiritual,religious,
educationaland political leadershipof the whole MuslimUmmahis a matterof
inheritanceconfinedto onlytwelveImams.Thesearethehusbandof theyoungest
daughter of the Prophet (peaeBeuptnHim),Fatima, her twO sons and sOme of the
descendantsof hersecondsons.Husain,who wasmarriedto thePersianemperor's
This religiousand politicalleadershipcouldbeinheritedby a nine,eightor
five year-oldboy.2Forexample,theconstitutionof theRepublicof Iranstatesthat:
... the official religion of Iran is the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri and this article is
Firstof all,thisbeliefis boundwiththebeliefthattheseImamsareinfalliblea
and share with ALLAH the power of knowing the unseenincludingthe
knowledgeasto whentheImamswoulddie.5Theybelievethatobedienceto these
Imams shouldbeunquestionable- 'eventheworshipof Godbecomesunnecessary
if this is the Imam's order'.6In Khomeini'swords,it says.
' We cannotimagine
that the Imamscan make mistake'.7Also the I'ma'mahtsinterwovenwiththe
belief that
'the spiritual statusof the Imam is universalviceregencyIt is a
viceregencypertainingto the whole creation,by virtueof whichall atomsin the
universehumble themselvesbeforethe holder of this authority.It is oneof the
essentialbeliefs of our Shee'ahschoolthatno onecanattainthespiritualstatusof
the Imams,not eventheangelsof thehighestrankor messengersof ALLAH'.8 On
the other hand, the conceptis inherentin the Shee'ahbelief that all Muslim
Ca'lee'phahs(leadersof thewholeMuslimnation),rulersandjudgesaretaghoots
'Tabatabai,pp.190-21I & Hassan,pp.230-1.
' Tabatabai,pp.205,7, 10.
ConstitutionArticle 12.
e.g..Asifi, pp.23-25,Constitution,Article2.
Al-Kafi, vol. 1,pp.206-62
uIslamicgreatLibrary p. 6.
?Khomeini,Arabicp. 91.
8Khomeini,p. 64.
The Shee'ah scholars believe that the Immate concept is an article offaith
equal to believing in one God. I'ma'mah concept means that the spiritual, religious,
educational and political leadership of the whole Muslim Ummah is a matter of
inheritance confined to only twelve Imams. These are the husband of the youngest
daughter of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Fatima, her two sons and some of the
descendants of her second sons, Husain, who was married to the Persian emperor's
daughter. 1
This religious and political leadership could be inherited by a nine, eight or
five year-old boy? For example, the constitution of the Republic of Ir~n states that:
... the official religion of Iran is the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri and this article is
unchangeable forever,3
First of all, this belief is bound with the belief that these Imams are infallible4
and share with ALLAH the power of knowing the unseen including the
knowledge as to when the Imams would die.5
They believe that obedience to these
Imams should be unquestionable - 'even the worship of God becomes unnecessary
if this is the Imam's order,6 In Khomeini's words, it says' We cannot imagine
that the Imams can make mistake,7 Also the I'ma'mah is interwoven with the
belief that 'the spiritual status of the Imam is universal viceregency. It is a
viceregency pertaining to the whole creation, by virtue of which all atoms in the
universe humble themselves before the holder of this authority. It is one of the
essential beliefs of our Shee'ah school that no one can attain the spiritual status of
the Imams, not even the angels of the highest rank or messengers of ALLAH'.8
the other hand, the concept is inherent in the Shee'ah belief that all Muslim
Ca'lee'phahs (leaders of the whole Muslim nation), rulers and judges are taghoots
1 Tabatabai,pp. 190-211 & Hassan, pp. 230-1.
2 Tabatabai, pp. 205, 7, 10.
3 Constitution Article 12.
4 e.g.. Asifi, pp. 23-25, Constitution, Article 2.
5 Al-Kafi, vol. 1, pp. 206-62.
6 Islamic great Library p. 6.
7 Khomeini, Arabic p. 91.
8 Khomeini, p. 64.
(evil ones) if they are not Shee'ahor of the twelve Imams.l Thereforethe
constitutionof Iran made surethatonly anIthnaAshari Ja'afai Shee'ahcanbe
president.2and the 'nationallegislativecouncilshallnotenactlawsthatcontradict
the principles and jurisprudenceof the offrcial sect of the state'.3Thetwelfth
Shee'ahImam is believedto have been bornin 868A.D. andis still alive(now
even after elevencenturies)but disappearedwhen he was5 yearsold.He will
reappearand the current Republic of Iran will be dissolvedfor him to takethe
The Muslimscholarsregardmonarchyquestionablewhereonlythepolitical
power is inherited. Therefore,they reject completely any form of monarchyin
which even the religiousand the spiritualleadershipis inherited,unlessthereis
clear evidencein theHoly Qur'anor thereliableSU'N'AH of theprophotlreaaner6,n
ni-r that supportsthis claim. Not only rs there no such evidence,but alsothe
conceptof I'ma'mah contradictsthe principleof theconsultatronemphasizedby
the Holy Qur'an.ALLAH, commandingtheProphet,says:".......andconsultthem
in affairs.........'6,andpraisingthebelieverssays:" .......andwho (conduct)their
affairs by mutual consultation.
The Muslim scholarsalsoaffirmthatcompleteinfallibilityis anattributeof
ALLAH alone and no creaturesharesit with Him. Eventheinfallibilityof the
prophetsis limitedto conveytngtherrmessagestruly andin avoidingcardinalsins
or disobedienceto ALLAH. For example,ALLAH addressingtheProphetsays:
"The Proph€tp"o""Beupontrimlftowned and turned awaybecausea blind man came
to him (interrupting)".7TheHolv Qur'anassuresusthateventhebestcreatureon
earthdoesnot sharewith ALLAH the attributesofinfallibility.Concemingthe
knowledgeof theunseen,ALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an:"I (MohamntodTeeacene
upmHin) have no power over ony good or harm to my self except as God
(ALLAH) wills, if I had knowledgeof the unseen,I should havemultiplied all
good, und no evil should havetouchedme...'r. Muslimscholarsconsiderthose
who believethatsomehumanbeingsarebetterthanthemessengersof ALLAH as
' Khomeini,pp.92-1.
2ConstitutionArct. I 15.
4ConstitutionArct. 5.
'Holy qur'an: Chapter3 verse159.
uHoly qur'an: Chapter42verse38.
t Holyqur'an:Chapter80versesl-10
t Holy qur'an: Chapter7 verseI 88.
t t o
(evil ones) if they are not Shee'ah or of the twelve Imams. I Therefore the
constitution of Iran made sure that only an Ithna Ashari Ja'afari Shee'ah can be
and the 'national legislative council shall not enact laws that contradict
the principles and jurisprudence of the official sect of the state,.3 The twelfth
Shee'ah Imam is believed to have been born in 868 A.D. and is still alive (now
even after eleven centuries) but disappeared when he was 5 years old. He will
reappear and the current Republic of Iran will be dissolved for him to take the
The Muslim scholars regard monarchy questionable where only the political
power is inherited. Therefore, they reject completely any form of monarchy in
which even the religious and the spiritual leadership is inherited, unless there is
clear evidence in the Holy Qur'an or the reliable SU'N'AH of the prophetcPeaceBeUpoll
Him) that supports this claim. Not only is there no such evidence, but also the
concept of l'ma'mah contradicts the principle of the consultatIOn emphasized by
the Holy Qur'an. ALLAH, commanding the Prophet, says: ,· and consult them
in affairs......... '05, and praising the believers says: " ....... and who (conduct) their
affairs by mutual consultation....... ".6
The Muslim scholars also affirm that complete infallibility is an attribute of
ALLAH alone and no creature shares it with Him. Even the infallibility of the
prophets is limited to conveymg theIr messages truly and in avoiding cardinal sins
or disobedience to ALLAH. For example, ALLAH addressing the Prophet says:
"The Prophetweace Be Upon llim) frowned and turned away because a blind man came
to him (interrupting)". 7 The Holy Qur'an assures us that even the best creature on
earth does not share with ALLAH the attributes of infallibility. Concerning the
knowledge of the unseen, ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "I (Mohammad (PeaceBe
Upon H;mJ) have no power over any good or harm to my self except as God
(ALLAH) wills, if I had knowledge ofthe unseen, I should have multiplied all
good, and no evil should have touched me... ,,s. Muslim scholars consider those
who believe that some human beings are better than the messengers of ALLAH as
1 Khomeini, pp. 92-3.
2 Constitution Aret. 115.
3 Constitution Aert. 72.
4 Constitution Aret. 5.
5 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 159.
6 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 42 verse 38.
7 Holy qur'an: Chapter 80 verses 1-10.
8 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 7 verse 188.
kaferon (unbelievers),1let alone those who claimthatsomecreaturessharewith
ALLAH His unique attributes or that obedienceto these creaturesis more
importantthanto the Creator.Theconceptof thestillalive12ftShee'ahImamis a
myth which should not bp believed,let alonebuilda wholesystemof anIslamic
goverrrmenton it. Al-tabariassuredusthatthe 11ftImamhadno offspring'sat all.z
There are very few HADEETHs compiledby TermithyandAbu Dawood
mentioning the appearanceof Al-Mahdi among the signs of the Day of
Resurrection.TheseHADEETHs say that he will have a name similar to the
Prophet's(Mohammad(p",*r+up,-Hi-y)andhisfather'snamewill be similarto the
Prophet'sfather(Abdullah),not Hassanthe l lthImam'sname.He will befromthe
descendantsof the first grandsonof the Prophet1p""*irerhtnHim)but not from the
secondgrandson'sprogenyi Furthermore,thereis no evidencethatsucha person
wrll livetwelvecenturies.
an article of faithequalto believingin ALLAH. Thatis,if you don't believethis,
thenby theirdefinitionyou couldbea Kafer(unbeliever),Godforbid.On theother
hand, if you believesuchwith all its implicationsanddrmensionsyou couldbea
Kafer by the definrtronof the scholarswhoseloyaltyis onlyto ALLAH andthe
Prophet (peaeBerrprnHimr,notfor a specialdynastyor race.Makesurethatyou choose
thenghtpathto paradise
t Al-Tahawi,p. 557.
2lbn Taymiyah,Minhaj vol.l P. 37.
t Ibn Al-Atheer,vol. 10,pp.330-2.
kaferon (unbelievers),I let alone those who claim that some creatures share with
ALLAH His unique attributes or that obedience to these creatures is more
important than to the Creator. The concept of the still alive 12th
Shee'ah Imam is a
myth which should not be believed, let alone build a whole system of an Islamic
government on it. Al-tabari assured us that the 11th
Imam had no offspring's at all.2
There are very few HADEETHs compiled by Termithy and Abu Dawood
mentioning the appearance of AI-Mahdi among the signs of the Day of
Resurrection. These HADEETHs say that he will have a name similar to the
Prophet's (Mohammad (Peace Be Up,m Him») and his father's name will be similar to the
Prophet's father (Abdullah), not Hassan the 11th
Imam's name. He will be from the
descendants of the first grandson of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) but not from the
second grandson's progeny3 Furthermore, there is no evidence that such a person
will live twelve centuries.
Brothers and Sisters, the Shee'ah scholars consider the I'ma'mah concept as
an article of faith equal to believing in ALLAH. That is, if you don't believe this,
then by their definition you could be a Kafer (unbeliever), God forbid. On the other
hand, if you believe such with all its implications and dimensions you could be a
Kafer by the defimtIOn of the scholars whose loyalty is only to ALLAH and the
Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), not for a special dynasty or race. Make sure that you choose
the nght path to paradise
1 AI-Tahawi, p. 557.
2 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj vol. I P. 37.
3 Ibn AI-Atheer, vol. 10, pp. 330-2.
F*rLy oF THE pRopHET eo""n.uponrnm)
The Ja'fari Shee'ahscholarsconfine"Family of theprophet(pea€B€rbmHim)"to
the youngest daughterof the Prophet(peaeBerrpdHim),Fatima , his cousin Ali -
husbandof Fatima, the first grandsonandthesecondgrandson(who marriedthe
last kanianemperor'sdaughter,thenShahrbanoo)andtheeightdescendantsof the
secondgtandsonfrom hisPersianwife.l Khomeinisaid:
'lt is oneof theessential
beliefs of Shee'ahschool that no onecanattainthespiritualstatusof Imam(Ali
and his descendants),not even the close angels or the prophets who arealso
messengersof God'2. Shee'ahscholarsbelievethat theleadershipof thewhole
Muslim Ummah is confinedonly to thetwelveImams.Thereforetheyneglectthe
accomplishmentsand thevirtuesof or castcardinalaccusationsagainsttherestof
the prophet's 1p""oBeupmHim)family andCompanions,unlesstheyareprovento the
Shee'ahscholarsto havedemonstratedstrongsupportto Ali. (This canbefurther
corroboratedby readinganyof theShee'ahsourcesin Islamichrstory,for example
Tabatabai,AIi Shariati,IbnAbi al-hadid,etc.).
The Muslim scholarsconsider"Ahl-al Bait" thefamilyof theProphet(peaeB€
r}q Him)as all his relatives who cannotreceivecharity.This includestheProphet
@eeBertomHim),Ali, Aqil, Abbasandtheirposterity,3thewrvesof the Prophet@eaeBe
rlo rrim)are membersof his family,ALLAH Saysin theHoly Qur'an: "And stayin
yoar houses and do not display yourselveslike that ofthe timesofignorance,
and perform regular prayers (As-Salat), and give charity (Zakat) , and obey
ALI-/IH and his Messenger.ALLAH wishesonly to removeAr-Rijs ( evil deeds
and sin, ecl) fromyou, O membersof thefamily of the Prophet@eaceBerJpon*im)ee
and to purfu you with a thorough purification.'4, not only that, but all the
Prophet'swivesarethemothersof thebelievers,ALLAH Saysin theHoly Qur'an:
" The Prophet is closerto the believersthan their ownselves,and his wivesare
their (believers') mothers (asregardsrespectand marriage)
The majority of the Muslimscholarsconsiderthosewho believethatsome
human beings are betterthantheProphetsasKafir (unbeliever).Muslim scholars
holdrespectfor thewholefamilyof theProphet(peaaBerlmnim;in general.
t Ash-sheerazeepp. l3-19.
2Khomeni,translation,Algar, p 64 & PSGp. 25
3Muslim,vol. 2,p. 517-21& vol. 4, pp. 1286-7
oHoly Qur'an:chapter33verse33.
t Holy qur'an: chaper 33verse6.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars confme "Family of the prophet (Peace Be Upon Himj" to
the youngest daughter of the Prophet (pea"" Be Upon Him), Fatima, his cousin Ali-
husband of Fatima, the first grandson and the second grandson (who married the
last Iranian emperor's daughter, then Shahrbanoo) and the eight descendants ofthe
second grandson from his Persian wife.1
Khomeini said: 'It is one ofthe essential
beliefs of Shee'ah school that no one can attain the spiritual status ofImam (Ali
and his descendants), not even the close angels or the prophets who are also
messengers of God,2. Shee'ah scholars believe that the leadership of the whole
Muslim Ummah is confined only to the twelve Imams. Therefore they neglect the
accomplishments and the virtues of or cast cardinal accusations against the rest of
the prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) family and Companions, unless they are proven to the
Shee'ah scholars to have demonstrated strong support to Ali. (This can be further
corroborated by reading any of the Shee'ah sources in Islamic hIstOry, for example
Tabatabai, Ali Shariati, Ibn Abi al-hadid, etc.).
The Muslim scholars consider "Ahl-al Bait" the family of the Prophet (Pea""Be
Upon Him) as all his relatives who cannot receive charity. This includes the Prophet
(peace Be Upon Him), Ali, Aqil, Abbas and their posterity,3 the wives of the Prophet (pea""Be
Upon Him) are members of his family, ALLAH Says in the Holy Qur'an: "And stay in
your houses and do not display yourselves like that ofthe times ofignorance,
and perform regular prayers (As-Salat), and give charity (Zakat) , and obey
ALLAH and his Messenger. ALLAH wishes only to remove Ar-Rijs ( evil deeds
and sin, ect) from you, 0 members ofthefamity ofthe Prophet (peace Be Upon Him)"
and to purify you with a thorough purification. ,,4, not only that, but all the
Prophet's wives are the mothers of the believers, ALLAH Says in the Holy Qur'an:
" The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are
their (believers~ mothers (as regards respect and marriage)....... ,,5.
The majority of the Muslim scholars consider those who believe that some
human beings are better than the Prophets as Kafir (unbeliever). Muslim scholars
hold respect for the whole family of the Prophet (Pea"" Be Upon Him) in general.
I Ash-Sheerazee pp. 13-19.
2 Khomeni, translation, Algar, p. 64 & PSG p. 25.
3 Muslim, vol. 2, pp. 517-21 & vol. 4, pp. 1286-7.
4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 33 verse 33.
S Holy Qur'an: chapter 33 verse 6.
The Prophet rp* Bcrl' Hin),in a HADEETH reported by Muslimt while
commandingMuslims to stick to the Holy Qur'anasa sourceof.guidance,also
asked them to bekind to hisfamily. Muslim scholarsalsopreserveda highstatus
for all theCompanionsof theProphet@wBcrlorrim),thechosensoldiersof Islam.2
Brothers and Sisters,being Muslims, could we really neglect the other
daughtersof theProphet@eeBcrloHin),hisrelativesandtheirdescendantswho were
excellentmuslims? Couldwe confinethefamily of theProphetrp**B€r&aHim)tojust
a few onesas selectedby Shee'ahScholars?Couldwe reallylove only afew and
curse the other tens of thousandsof the earlygenerationof Islam?What about
Othman,who wasmarriedto thetwo daughtersof theProphetrp**B€rD@Hin)andhad
a son from one of them? What about the descendantsof Hassan, theeldest
grandson of the Prophet (pcaeBeq* ni-i? Don't you think Ali and his pious
descendantswould be among thefust to condemntheseconceptsof the Shee'ah
t Muslim,vol. 4,p. 12879.
2TheVirhres of the Companions,in Al-Bukhari&Muslim.
The Prophet (Peaao Be Upm Him), in a HADEETH reported by Muslim1 while
commanding Muslims to stick to the Holy Qur'an as a source ofguidance, also
asked them to be kind to his family. Muslim scholars also preserved a high status
for all the Companions of the Prophet {Peaao Be Upm Him), the chosen soldiers ofIslam.2
Brothers and Sisters, being Muslims, could we really neglect the other
daughters ofthe Prophet (peaceBe Upon Him), his relatives and their descendants who were
excellent muslims? Could we confine the family of the Prophet<PeaceBe Upm Him) to just
a few ones as selected by Shee'ah Scholars? Could we really love only a few and
curse the other tens of thousands of the early generation of Islam? What about
Othman, who was married to the two daughters ofthe Prophet<Peace Be Upon Him) and had
a son from one of them? What about the descendants of Hassan, the eldest
grandson of the Prophet (peace Be Upm Him)? Don't you think Ali and his pious
descendants would be among the first to condemn these concepts of the Shee'ah
1 Muslim, vol. 4, p. 12879.
2 The Virtues of the Companions, in Al-Bukhari&Muslim.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholarsclaim that the first and the secondguided
Ca'lee'phahs,Abu Bakr andOmarplottedagainstIslamandtriedto eliminatethe
HADEETH so thatthey couldinterprettheHoly Qur'an in suchaway asto serve
their purposes. The Shee'ah scholarsalso claim that the three first guided
'Broke their covenantwith theprophet(peaeBetbmHin)andchangedhis
SU'N'AH'.I They divide the thousandsof the Prophet'scompanionsintothree
l. TheCompanionswhomtheShee'ahscholarslike,who arelessthanten.
2. The worst elements(among these was Abdullah bin Omar who reported
3. Those who soldtheir Honors(amongthesewereAbu Hurayra,Abu Dardaand
Abu Musal-Ashaari.All reportedmanytrueHADEETHs).
One of the official newspapersthen,afterdescribingthe Prophet(peaeBeL[m
Hin)as having singled out his son-in-lawunjustlywith specialpartsof the Islamic
Message,assuresthat"mostof theProphet's(peaeBeLpruHim)generationdid not have
a clear picture even of the religious issuesthat the prophet (peaeB€up.-ni-;had
practicedhundredsof times before their eyesandwithinreachof theirhearing.s
Specifically, a Shee'ahscholarmentions'... Abdul RahmanIbn Ouf,a worshipper
of money; the aristocrat,Othman;the carelessKhalidIbn Walid;andSaiedIbn
Vaqas,asa manwithoutpiety'.0
The Muslim scholarssaythatthegreatcompanionsaretrustworthy andare
reliablesources- all of themdeservehighrespect.sALLAH haspratsedthegreat
Companionsin the Holy Qur'an saying: "You are the bestofpeoples" 6
Vanguard (of Islam), the Jirst whoforsooktheir homes(Al-Muhaiirin) andof
those who gavethem aid (Al-Ansar) and alsowhofollow them in all good deeds.
ALI"/IH is pleased with them as they are with Him. For them He prepared
gardens under which riversflow to dweltthereinforever".T; "Mohammedis the
t Al-Askari, p. 3+s.
t TheMinistry of IslamicGuidancein lran, pp. 28-30.
'Al-Jehad,No. 56
shadati,p. 207
5Ibn Taymiyah, vot. I p. 307
6Holy qur'an: clrapter3 versello
t Holy qur'an: chapter9 versel00
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars claim that the fIrst and the second guided
Ca'lee'phahs, Abu Bakr and Omar plotted against Islam and tried to eliminate the
HADEETH so that they could interpret the Holy Qur'an in such a way as to serve
their purposes. The Shee'ah scholars also claim that the three fIrst guided
Ca'lee'phahs 'Broke their covenant with the prophet (Peace Be Upoo Him) and changed his
SU'N'AH,.I They divide the thousands of the Prophet's companions into three
1. The Companions whom the Shee'ah scholars like, who are less than ten.
2. The worst elements (among these was Abdullah bin Omar who reported
numerous true HADEETHs).
3. Those who sold their Honors (among these were Abu Hurayra, Abu Darda and
Abu Musal-Ashaari. All reported many true HADEETHs).
One of the official newspapers then, after describing the Prophet (Peace Be Upoo
Him) as having singled out his son-in-law unjustly with special parts of the Islamic
Message, assures that "most ofthe Prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) generation did not have
a clear picture even of the religious issues that the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) had
practiced hundreds of times before their eyes and within reach oftheir hearing.3
Specifically, a Shee'ah scholar mentions ' ... Abdul Rahman Ibn Ouf, a worshipper
of money; the aristocrat, Othman; the careless Khalid Ibn Walid; and Saied Ibn
Vaqas, as a man without piety'.4
The Muslim scholars say that the great companions are trustworthy and are
reliable sources - all of them deserve high respect.5
ALLAH has praIsed the great
Companions in the Holy Qur'an saying: "You are the best ofpeoples" 6 "The
Vanguard (of Islam), the first whoforsook their homes (AI-Muhajirin) and of
those who gave them aid (AI-Ansar) and also whofollow them in all good deeds.
ALLAH" is pleased with them as they are with Him. For them He prepared
gardens under which riversflow to dwell therein forever". 7; "Mohammed is the
1 Al-Askari, p. 34-8.
2 The Ministry of Islamic Guidance in Iran, pp. 28-30.
3 Al-Jehad, No. 56
4 Shariati, p. 207
3 Ibn Tayrniyah, vol. I p. 307
6 Holy Qur'an: cp.apter 3 verseII0
7 Holy Qur'an: chapter 9 verseI00
Apostle of God and those who are with each other. You seethem bow ond
prostrate themselves (in prayu) seehing grace from God and (His) good
In a reliable HADEETH the Prophets** B€upmHin)said:
'The bestof my
followersarethoseliving in my century'.2
The Muslim scholarshaveno doubtthattheProphetGeaeBcrbcorrim)conveyed
his messagewithout any discriminationor biasfor his son-in-lawor any oneelseof
the companions.The great Companionswere in general, moreknowledgeable
about the Islamicteachings.Amongthenon-relativesof theprophet@eacBerloHin),
there were many who weremoreknowledgeablethanAli or the otherrelativesof
theProphet(peaeBerporlm;in spiteof theHADEETH forgedby Shee'ahscholars.3
Among thoseCompanionswho havebeenslanderedby the Shee'ahscholars
are those who havebeentold thattheywerethepeopleof paradise.Among them
also are thoseto whom theProphet1reaeBerlmnimlsaid:'May my motherandfather
be sacrificedfor you' or thatthe ProphetreaeBerlmrrimlis from themandthey are
from him.
Among thosecompanionstherearehundredsaboutwhom the ProphetGwBc
u* n-l said:
'None lovesthembut a believerandnonhatesthembut a hypocrite'.
Certainly, the blind, biasedand exaggeratedlove areexcluded.For thesekinds of
"Love" shouldratherbe identifiedashatred.If thereweredisagreementsamonga
few Companionsbased on a differenceof legalopinions(Ijtehad),we shouldnot
indulge injudgingtheirpersonaldeeds,for ALLAH condemnssuchacts;i.e.latter
onesjudgingthedeedsof theearlierones.
ln theHoly Qur'an it says:"That wasa nation who haspassedaway. They
shall receive the reward of what theyearned,andyou of whatyou earned,And
you will not beaskedof what theyusedto do"?a
Brothersand sisters,do you believeALLAH who plainlystatesthatHe is
pleasedwith the Companionsof theProphet(peaeBeupmnim)or the Shee'ahscholars
who honorjust afew Companionsandcurseandaccusethousandsof others.Be
sure to find theright way to paradiseandnot functionunintentionallyas anagent
of the enemies'of Islam who are trying to destroythe Holy Qur'an and the
HADEETH. Rememberthat Imam Ahmad binHanbalsaid:
accusingthe companions of the Prophet( havetheright to doubt
' Holy Qur'an:chapter48verses18-29.
vol. 5,p.2.
' IbnTaymiyah,Minhaj vol. 3, pp. 116-73.
aHoly qur'an: chapter2 verses134.
Apostle of God and those who are with each other. You see them bow and
prostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking grace from God and (His) good
In a reliable HADEETH the Prophe1:(peace Be Upoo Him) said: 'The best ofmy
followers are those living in my century'.2
The Muslim scholars have no doubt that the Prophet (Pe;lceBeUpooHim) conveyed
his message without any discrimination or bias for his son-in-law or anyone else of
the companions. The great Companions were in general, more knowledgeable
about the Islamic teachings. Among the non-relatives ofthe prophet (peaceBeUpooHim),
there were many who were more knowledgeable than Ali or the other relatives of
the Prophet (peaceBeUpooHim), in spite of the HADEETH forged by Shee'ah scholars.3
Among those Companions who have been slandered by the Shee'ah scholars
are those who have been told that they were the people of paradise. Among them
also are those to whom the Prophet (Peace BeUpro Him) said: 'May my mother and father
be sacrificed for you' or that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is from them and they are
from him.
Among those companions there are hundreds about whom the Prophet (PeaceBe
Upoo Him) said: 'None loves them but a believer and non hates them but a hypocrite'.
Certainly, the blind, biased and exaggerated love are excluded. For these kinds of
"Love" should rather be identified as hatred. If there were disagreements among a
few Companions based on a difference of legal opinions (Ijtehad), we should not
indulge in judging their personal deeds, for ALLAH condemns such acts; i.e. latter
ones judging the deeds of the earlier ones.
[n the Holy Qur'an it says: "That was a nation who has passed away. They
shall receive the reward ofwhat they earned, andyou ofwhatyou earned, And
you will not be asked ofwhat they used to do"?4
Brothers and sisters, do you believe ALLAH who plainly states that He is
pleased with the Companions of the Prophet (Peace BeUpon Him) or the Shee'ah scholars
who honor just a few Companions and curse and accuse thousands of others. Be
sure to find the right way to paradise and not function unintentionally as an agent
of the enemies· of Islam who are trying to destroy the Holy Qur'an and the
HADEETH. Remember that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said: 'If you see a person
accusing the companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Up= Him). you have the right to doubt
his Islam'
1 Holy Qur'an: chapter 48 verses 18-29.
2 A1-Bukhari, vol. 5, p.2.
3 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj vol. 3, pp. 116-73.
4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 2 verses 134.
Rahwaih and Imam Malik gave the verdict that whosoever accusesthe
companionsshouldbe punished.Ibn TaymiyahandRazi said:
thegoodfaith of the companionsis "Zindeeq"andunbeliever'.
Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami and Imam Shaifeeareof the opinion, that w?roever
hates the companionsis an unbeliever.Al-gadi abu Ya'ala concludedthatthe
majority of Muslim scholarshave madea consensusthatwhoeverdisgracesand
accusesa Companionbelievingthatthe Companiondeservesdisgracingbecomesa
Kafer (unbeliever)but if he doesnot believethatthe companiondesOrvesit thenhe
committeda serioussin (a Faseq).r
I Abu Mu'awiyahMuhammad,pp. I l-13, 25 and62.
Rahwaih and Imam Malik gave the verdict that whosoever accuses the
companions should be punished. Ibn Taymiyah and Razi said: 'Whoever questions
the good faith ofthe companions is "Zindeeq" and unbeliever'.
Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami and Imam Shaifee are ofthe opinion, that whoever
hates the companions is an unbeliever. Al-gadi abu Ya'ala concluded that the
majority of Muslim scholars have made a consensus that whoever disgraces and
accuses a Companion believing that the Companion deserves disgracing becomes a
Kafer (unbeliever) but ifhe does not believe that the companion deserves it then he
committed a serious sin (a Faseq).l
1 Abu Mu'awiyah Muhammad, pp. 11-13,25 and 62.
The Ja'afari scholarssay that: 'TUe'yAH
comprisesninetenthsof the
religion of ALLAH and whoever does not use TUe'yAH has no religion.
TUQ'YAH is to beusedin everythingexceptin declaringtheprohibitionof wine
and the rubbing of socks in wudu'.r TUe'yAH meansto pretendby doingor
sayingexactly the opposite of whatyou believeor feel, pretendto benice
whilecursingthepersonin theheartwithouta presentdanger.2
The specificpurposeof TUQ'YAH is the 'preservation
of Islamandthe
Shee'ahschool of thought; if thepeoplehadnotresortedto it, ourschoolwould
havebeendestroyed'3,i.e., to the Shee'ahscholars.TUe'yAH couldbeused
with non-shee'ah, including Muslims, to preserve the shee'ah Faith. The
prominentShee'ahscholarTabatabaisaysthatShee'ahTUQ'YAH is basedon the
versesfrom the Holy Qur'anthat say'."Let not the believerstakethe disbelievers
as Auliya (supporters,helpers, etc.)insteadofthebelievers,andwhoeverdoes
that will neverbehelpedbyALLAH in any way,exceptyou indeedfear a danger
ftom them...".4',"vl/hoverdisbelievedin ALLAH after hisbetief,excepthim who
isforced theretoand whoseheart is at rest with Faith...,'.5
The Holy Qur'an alsoassuresusthatpretendingto believedifferentlyfrom
what is in our heartsiS the distinguished characteristicof hypocritesand it
condemnsthat. ALLAH says in the Holy eur'an.
,And whentheymeetthose
who believe they say 'We believe'.But whentheyare alone with their Shaytan
(devil'polytheist, hyprocrites,etc.),they say:"Trary wearc withyou... ,'.6
ALLAH alsosays:"Do yoa (aithfull believers)covetthat they will believe
in your religion inspite of thefact that aparty of them (Iewish rabbis)usedto
hear the liltord of ALLAH [the Taurat (Torah)J, then they usedto changeit
lrnowingly after they understood it? "And when thq (Jewg meetthoseiho
believe (Muslims) what ALLAH has revealed toyou pews, about description
and the qualitiesof ProphetMuhammad|peaceBeLponHi^)thatwhich are writeenin
Al-Kafr, AL-Usool,vol. 2, pp 217-9
' Al-Kafi A.l-frua,vol. 3 pp. 188-9.
Khomeinip. 144.
Holy qur'an: chapter3 verse28.
'Holy qur'an: chapter16verse106.
Holy qur'an: chapterzverse 14.
The Ja'afari scholars say that: 'TUQ'YAH comprises ninetenths of the
religion of ALLAH and whoever does not use TUQ'YAH has no religion.
TUQ'YAH is to be used in everything except in declaring the prohibition ofwine
and the rubbing of socks in WUdU,.1 TUQ'YAH means to pretend by doing or
saying exactly the opposite of what you believe or feel, e.g. to pretend to be nice
while cursing the person in the heart without a present danger.2
The specific purpose of TUQ'YAH is the 'preservation of Islam and the
Shee'ah school of thought; if the people had not resorted to it, our school would
have been destroyed,3, i.e., to the Shee'ah scholars, TUQ'YAH could be used
with non-Shee'ah, including Muslims, to preserve the Shee'ah Faith. The
prominent Shee'ah scholar Tabatabai says that Shee'ah TUQ'YAH is based on the
verses from the Holy Qur'an that say: "Let not the believers take the disbelievers
as Auliya (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead ofthe believers, and whoever does
that will never be helped by ALLAH in any way, exceptyou indeedfear a danger
from them... ".4; "Whover disbelieved in ALLAH after his belief, except him who
isforced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith... ".5
The Holy Qur'an also assures us that pretending to believe differently from
what is in our hearts is the distinguished characteristic of hypocrites and it
condemns that. ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "And when they meet those
who believe they say 'We believe'. But when they are alone with their Shaytan
(devil- polytheist, hyprocrites, etc.), they say: "Truly we are with you... ".6
ALLAH also says: "Do you (faithfull believers) covet that they will believe
in your religion inspite of the fact that a party ofthem (Jewish rabbis) used to
hear the Word of ALLAH [the Taurat (Torah)}, then they used to change it
knowingly after they understood it? "And when they (Jews) meet those who
believe (Muslims) what ALLAH has revealed to you [Jews, about description
and the qualities ofProphet Muhammad(peace Be Upon Him) that which are writeen in
1 Al-Kati, AL-Usool, vol. 2, pp 217-9.
2 Al-Kati Al-frua, vol. 3 pp. 188-9.
3 Khomeini p. 144.
4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 3 verse 28.
5 Holy Qur'an: chapter 16 verse 106.
6 Holy Qur'an: chapter 2 verse 14.
Taurat(Torah), that they (Muslim) nay argue wtth you (Jants)then no
ALLAH also says:"Lo!you aretheoneswholovethembuttheyloveyou
not, and you believein all theScriptures[te. you believein the Taarat(Torah)
and the Injee(Gospel), while they disbelievein your Book,theQar'anJ.And
when they meetyou, theysay,"Webelieve".Btttwhen theyarealone,theybite
the tips of their Jingers at you in rage Say:"Pefishinyour tage.Certainly,
ALI-/IH knows what is in thebreast(alt thesecrets)."2Therefore,ALLAH has
preparedfor the hypocritesseverepunishment."They shall be in thelowest
depthsof theftre, no helperswilt you Jind for them".3 SoMuslimscholars
considerthat pretendingtheoppositeofwhatyouhideis lying,whichis aformof
hypocrisy, for the Prophet (peaeBeupmrrim)said:
'The signsof ahypocrite arethree:
wheneverhe speaks he tells a lie, wheneverhepromiseshe alwaysbreaksit and
he abusesthetrustgivento him...' aThebasicruletherefore,is thatpretendingone
thing and hiding anotheris hypocrisyandis condemnedby the Islamicteachings.
The case mentioned in chapter3 verse28 of the Qur'an aboveis applicablein the
caseof non-believersONLY under special cases,i.e.,a Muslim cannotapplyit
againsta Muslim.5Chapter 16 verse 106 of theHoly Qur'anis applicableonly
when a Muslim faces a situation similarto the situationofthe greatCompanion
Ammar when he had to choosebetweendying under torture like his parents
pretendingto be unbelieverby tongue.Thesecasesarenot thebasicrule but rather
exceptions,let alonethebasisfor nine-tenthsof the Islamicreligion.Brothersand
sisters,give it a thought- what would happenif Muslimswereto believethatnine-
tenths of the whole religion lies in TUQ'YAH? Which is meansthatpretending
what is different from our truebeliefandfeelingsis ninetimesasimportantasall
the Islamicteachings?Couldyou evertrusta Muslim if this werethe case?Canwe
really take our guidance andreligiousknowledgefrom scholarswho believethat
deception is nine-tenthsof his religion?Is it right to accepthis non-religiousviews
as representingthe truth?If a personconsiderslying aboutALLAH, His Prophet
(peacBerdmHi-l and the Muslimsasessentialpart of his beliefsin orderto servehis
biased goals, can we trust him? Therefore, if you really want successin the
hereafteror in the etemal life, be cautious of the manyargumentsofShee'ah
scholarswhich arebaseddn distortedor forgedquotationsandreferences.
I Holy qur'an: chapter2verses75-77
2Holy Qur'an:chaper 3 verseI19.
Holy Qur'an:chapter4 verse145.
oAl-Bukhari,vol, l p. 31,Muslim vol. 4,p. 1374.
' Ibn Taymiyah,Minhaj., vol l. p. 213andvol. 3 p.259'260.
Taurat(Torah), that they (Muslim) nay argue with you (Jews) then no
ALLAH also says: "Lol you are the ones who love them but they loveyou
not, and you believe in all the Scriptures [i.e. you believe in the Taurat(Torah)
and the Injeel(Gospel), while they disbelieve in your Book, the Qur'anJ. And
when they meet you, they say, "We believe". But when they are alone, they bite
the tips of their fingers at you in rage. Say: "Perish in your rage. Certainly,
ALLAH knows what is in the breast (all the secrets).,,2 Therefore, ALLAH has
prepared for the hypocrites severe punishment. "They shall be in the lowest
depths of the fire, no helpers will you find for them".3 So Muslim scholars
consider that pretending the opposite ofwhat you hide is lying, which is a form of
hypocrisy, for the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said: 'The signs of a hypocrite are three:
whenever he speaks he tells a lie, when ever he promises he always breaks it and
he abuses the trust given to him...' 4 The basic rule therefore, is that pretending one
thing and hiding another is hypocrisy and is condemned by the Islamic teachings.
The case mentioned in chapter 3 verse 28 ofthe Qur'an above is applicable in the
case of non-believers ONLY under special cases, i.e., a Muslim cannot apply it
against a Muslim.5
Chapter 16 verse 106 of the Holy Qur'an is applicable only
when a Muslim faces a situation similar to the situation of the great Companion
Ammar when he had to choose between dying under torture like his parents
pretending to be unbeliever by tongue. These cases are not the basic rule but rather
exceptions, let alone the basis for nine-tenths ofthe Islamic religion. Brothers and
sisters, give it a thought - what would happen if Muslims were to believe that nine-
tenths of the whole religion lies in TUQ'YAH? Which is means that pretending
what· is different from our true belief and feelings is nine times as important as all
the Islamic teachings? Could you ever trust a Muslim ifthis were the case? Can we
really take our guidance and religious knowledge from scholars who believe that
deception is nine-tenths ofhis religion? Is it right to accept his non-religious views
as representing the truth? If a person considers lying about ALLAH, His Prophet
(peace Be uPon Him) and the Muslims as essential part ofhis beliefs in order to serve his
biased goals, can we trust him? Therefore, if you really want success in the
hereafter or in the eternal life, be cautious of the many arguments of Shee'ah
scholars which are based on distorted or forged quotations and references.
1 Holy Qur'an: chapter 2 verses 75-77
2 Holy Qur'an: chapter 3 verse 119.
3 Holy Qur'an: chapter 4 verse 145.
4 Al-Bukhari, vol, 1. p. 31, Muslim vol. 4, p. 1374.
3 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj., vol 1. p. 213 and vol. 3 pp. 259-260.
Our Dearslet usrememberthatchapter3 verse28 of theHoly Qur'an is not
only an exception,but rathrer a restrictedexception.Not only is it forbidden to be
usedagainstMuslims but it alsoprohibitsusto lie uponothers.It meansthatif you
oppose certain behaviours and you are in a situation where admission would
endangerIslam or the Muslim community, you may chooseto remainsilentbut
you mustavoidlying.l
I Ibn Taymiyah, Minh4i., vol. p. 213 and Ibn Katheer,Tafseer.
Our Dears let us remember that chapter 3 verse 28 ofthe Holy Qur'an is not
only an exception, but rathrer a restricted exception. Not only is it forbidden to be
used against Muslims but it also prohibits us to lie upon others. It means that ifyou
oppose certain behaviours and you are in a situation where admission would
endanger Islam or the Muslim community, you may choose to remain silent but
you must avoid lying.1
1 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj., vol. p. 213 and Ibn Katheer, Tafseer.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholarsclaim that Mut'ah or temporarymarriageis
NOT forbidden becauseit was practiced during theProphet'stime. Only Omar
l)The purpose of Mut'ah is to fulfill a physicalneedonly; thereis no divorceand
the two parhrersdo not inheriteachother.2TheMuslim scholarssaythat:The
Holy Qur'an had established the legalformsof relationshipbetweenmaleand
female and confined it into two types:themarriagein which themainreasonis
multiplication andtheotherbeingmutualrelationshipandpossession.TheHoly
Qur'an says: $And those who guard their chastity (Le.private parts,from
illegal sexual acts). Except from their wivesor (the captivesand the slaves)
that their right hands posses,-for then, theyarefree from blames" 3
2)These two legal forms Islamic maniage were also confirmed in the Holy
Qur'an:'Also (forbidden are) womenalreadymarried, exceptthose(captives
and slaves) whom you right hands possess.ThushasALLAH ordainedfor
you. AII others are lowful, provided you seek(them in marriage) with Mahr
(bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of maniage) from
your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so
with those of whomyou have enjoyedsexual relations, give them their Mahr
is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin onyou.
Surely, ALLAH is Ever All-Knowing, AII-Wise". "Andwhoever ofyou have
not the means wherewith to wed free, believing women, they may wed
believing girk from among those (captives and slaves) whom your right
possess,and ALLAH has full ltnowledgeaboutyour Faith, yoa are onfrom
another. Wed them with permission of their ownfolk (guardins, Auliya or
masters) and give their Mahr according to what is reasonable; they (the above
said captive and slave-girls) should bechaste,not adulterous, nor tahing boy
friends. And after they have been taken in wedfolk,iftheycommitillegal
sexual intercourse, their panishment is half thatforfree (unmarried) women.
This isfor him amongyou who is afraid of being harmed in his religion or in
his body; but it is betterfor you thatyou practiseself-restra'nt,andALLAH is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful".a In which thelawsof marriageweredetailed.
The Muslimsscholarsconfirmedthatthemeaninsof "lstam'tum"is referringto
'Hory qur'an: chapter23:verses5-7,chapter70:verses28-31
Horyqur'an: chapter4 verses24,25.
The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars claim that Mut'ah or temporary marriage is
NOT forbidden because it was practiced during the Prophet's time. Only Omar
forbade it.1
l)The purpose of Mut'ah is to fulfill a physical need only; there is no divorce and
the two partners do not inherit each other.2
The Muslim scholars say that: The
Holy Qur'an had established the legal forms ofrelationship between male and
female and confined it into two types: the marriage in which the main reason is
multiplication and the other being mutual relationship and possession. The Holy
Qur'an says: "And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts,from
illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and the slaves)
that their right hands posses, -for then, they arefree from blames" 3
2)These two legal forms Islamic marriage were also confirmed in the Holy
Qur'an:"Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives
and slaves) whom you right hands possess. Thus has ALLAH ordainedfor
you. All others are lawful, providedyou seek (them in marriage) with Mahr
(bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time ofmarriage) from
your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so
with those of whom you have enjoyed sexual relations, give them their Mahr
is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin on you.
Surely, ALLAH is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise". "And whoever ofyou have
not the means wherewith to wed free, believing women, they may wed
believing girls from among those (captives and slaves) whom your right
possess, and ALLAH has full knowledge aboutyour Faith, you are on from
another. Wed them with permission of their own folk (guardins, Auliya or
masters) andgive their Mahr according to what is reasonable; they (the above
said captive and slave-girls) should be chaste, not adulterous, nor taking boy
friends. And after they have been taken in wedfolk, ifthey commit illegal
sexual intercourse, their punishment is halfthatforfree (unmarried) women.
This isfor him amongyou who is afraid ofbeing harmed in his religion or in
his body; but it is betterfor you thatyou practise self-restraint, andALLAHis
Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful".4 In which the laws of marriage were detailed.
The Muslims scholars confirmed that the meaning of "Istam'tum" is referring to
1 Tabatabai, pp. 227-30.
2 Moosavi, pp. 79-96.
3 Holy Qur'an: chapter 23: verses 5-7, chapter 70: verses 28-31.
4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 4 verses 24,25.
the enjoymentaspart of the dutiesof the legalformsof marriagebetweena man
and his wife. This partof theverseis spellingout theright of a wife to a Mahr
(maniage gift). This is clearly demonstratedby a HADEETH usingthe same
word"Istamta'ta"in its singleform.l
3)Mut'ah was permittedunder severecircumstancesduring'Jihad"time,but it
was always prohibited immediately aftertheneedfor it vanished.Whenit was
permitted for the lasttime,its prohibitionsafterthatwasfinal. The Prophet6r**
Beuporrim)said :
'l havegivenyou permlsslonto contract"temporarymarriage"
wrth women, but ALLAH hasforbiddenit 'till thedayof resurrection'.2Sothe
permissionswere actuallyonly occasionalexceptionsfromtheoriginalruleset
in the Qur'an and were made by the prophet (peaeBetto,nHim)who hadthe
authonty;and the exceptionswere notleftopenbutwereclosedby theabove
Later on, Ca'lee'phahOmar came to know that Amru bin Huraithwas
practisingMut'ah andsohe announced:
'Verily ALLAH madepermissiblefor his
messenger(peaer3eLrp(nlrtrn)whateverhelikesandashelikedit And therevelationof
the Holy Qur'anhadbeencompleted.SocompleteHajj andUmrafor ALLAH had
conmandedyou and confirm by properconditionsthemarriageof thosewomen
(with whomyou haveperformedMut'ah).And anypersonwho wouldcometo me
with a marriageof fixed duration(Mut'ah),I wouldstonehim to death(whichis
thepenaltyfor committingfomicationby a previouslymarriedperson).'a
Brothersand sisters, is thereanydifferencebetweena woman lendingher
body for afew minutesasrnprostitutionor for a few daysor monthsasin Mut'ah,
since both are temporary?Don't you think thatthepermissionof Mut'ah today
would humiliateour sisters,open thedoorsfor playmatesandfinallydestroythe
conceptof family in Islam?RemembertheShee'ahscholarsof high statusrarely
allow theirfemalerelativesto practiceMut'ah in orderto avoidhumiliation.In fact
the Mut'ah permittedoccasionallybeforeitsfinalprohibitionsdid not requirethe
femaleto be a Muslim or even onefromthepeopleof thebookwhichmakesit
completely distinguishedfrom marriage.How coulda Muslim legalizesuchatype
of illegal relationshipfor Muslims or practice it himselflWhatis thedifference
betweenfomication today and Mut'ah in termsof theirpurposes?Aren't bothto
t Al-Mahmoodp. ll.
2Muslim,vol.2, p. 707.
'Asqalani,vol.9. pp. l6zt-74.
Muslim,vol. 2,pp.610-I .
the enjoyment as part of the duties ofthe legal forms ofmarriage between a man
and his wife. This part of the verse is spelling out the right of a wife to a Mahr
(marriage gift). This is clearly demonstrated by a HADEETH using the same
word "Istamta'ta" in its single form. I
3)Mut'ah was permitted under severe circumstances during "jihad" time, but it
was always prohibited immediately after the need for it vanished. When it was
permitted for the last time, its prohibitions after that was final. The Prophet (peace
Be Upon Him) said : 'I have given you permission to contract "temporary marriage"
with women, but ALLAH has forbidden it 'till the day of resurrection'.2
So the
permissions were actually only occasional exceptions from the original rule set
in the Qur'an and were made by the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) who had the
authority; and the exceptions were not left open but were closed by the above
HADEETH forever. 3
Later on, Ca'lee'phah Omar came to know that Amru bin Huraith was
practising Mut'ah and so he announced: 'Verily ALLAH made permissible for his
messenger (Peace Be Upm Hunl whatever he likes and as he liked it. And the revelation of
the Holy Qur'an had been completed. So complete Hajj and Umra for ALLAH had
commanded you and confirm by proper conditions the marriage of those women
(with whom you have performed Mut'ah). And any person who would come to me
with a marriage of fixed duration (Mut'ah), I would stone him to death (which is
the penalty for committing fornication by a previously married person).,4
Brothers and sisters, is there any difference between a woman lending her
body for a few minutes as In prostitution or for a few days or months as in Mut'ah,
since both are temporary? Don't you think that the permission of Mut'ah today
would humiliate our sisters, open the doors for playmates and finally destroy the
concept of family in Islam? Remember the Shee'ah scholars of high status rarely
'allow their female relatives to practice Mut'ah in order to avoid humiliation. In fact
the Mut'ah permitted occasionally before its final prohibitions did not require the
female to be a Muslim or even one from the people of the book which makes it
completely distinguished from marriage. How could a Muslim legalize such a type
of illegal relationship for Muslims or practice it himself? What is the difference
between fornication today and Mut'ah in terms of their purposes? Aren't both to
satisfy the sexual desires alone?
1 AI-Mahmood p. 13.
2 Muslim, vol. 2, p. 707.
3 Asqaiani, vol. 9, pp. 164-74.
4 Muslim, vol. 2, pp. 610-1.
Tabatabaisaid: "For shee'ah, the central evidence of Ali's legitimacyas
successorto theprophet(peaeBerloHim)is theevidenceof GhadeerKhu'm whenthe
prophet (peaeBerlo rrim)chose Ali to the "general guardianship".Refening to a
bookletdevotedto the detailsof GhadeerKhu'm, we find thefollowing: I
L Morethan100,000companionsattendedtheGhadeerKhu'm address. took place on the 18ft of the Thul Hrjja after the "bidding farewell,'
pilgrimage of the Prophete",o Berpm Hnm).The reason the Prophet @eaeBerfmgim)
made this addressat this place was becauseALLAH revealed ths verscat
GhadeerKhu'm: "o apostle,deliverwhat has beenrevealedtoyoufrom yout
Lord; ond if you do not do it thenyou havenot delivered Hismessage;and
ALLAH will protectyoufrom thepeople,'.2
3. Therefore, the Proph€tpeaeBeLrpmHimlmade these announcements:
o that he was leaving for Muslims two most precious things: 'one
is the
bookof God,oneendof whichis in thehandsof Godandtheotheris in your
hands.And thesecondvaluablething ismy descendants'.'God
has informed
me thatbothof thesethingswill neverseparatefrom eachothertill theyreach
meattheFountainof Kausar'.
o Taking Ali's hand and raising it he said, 'of
whomsoeverI am master
(mawla),Ali is hismasteror mawlatoo'.
. The Prophets""*Bertomnim)also said: 'O
my God,be a friend of his who is a
friend of Ali andtreathim like a foehewho opposesAli. Help themwho help
Ali andabandonthemwho go againstAli'.
o And he said:'O
my lord, whicheverway Ali turnsorienttheright in the same
Now,.letus discoverwhat theMuslim scholars say:3
l. According to Shee'ahsources,only a handfulof Companions(lessthat l0 ata
maximum) did not break their covenantwith the prophet sp",**.4- r*;.4
The 100,000companionswho heard the addressplottedto depriveAli of his
right to be the successorof theProphet@eaeBellorlin).What is theprobabilityof
this to have happened?Forwhatbenefitwould this overwhelmingmEority do
that?If youreadthenon-shee'ahsources,you will find no reasonatall.
'Najafi, pp.9-19:Tabatabai,pp. 178-218.
2Holy qur'an: Chapter5 verse62.
3Fordetailedcommentsreferto Minhaj, in IbnTaymiyah,vol.4,pp. g,l-7
aShariatipp. 28-30;A-estari pp.34-43.
Tabatabai said: "For Shee'ah, the central evidence ofAli's legitimacy as
successor to the prophet (peaceBe Upoo Him) is the evidence of Ghadeer Khu'm when the
prophet (peace Be Upoo Him) chose Ali to the "general guardianship". Referring to a
booklet devoted to the details of Ghadeer Khu'm, we find the following: 1
1. More than 100,000 Companions attended the Ghadeer Khu'm address.
2. It took place on the 18th
of the Thul Hijja after the "bidding farewell"
pilgrimage of the Prophet(peace Be Uprn Him). The reason the Prophet (peaceBe Upoo Him)
made this address at this place was because ALLAH revealed thIs verse at
Ghadeer Khu'm: "0 apostle, deliver what has been revealed to youfromyoul:
Lord,. and if you do not do it then you have not delivered His message,. and
ALLAH willprotectyou from the people".2
3. Therefore, the Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) made these announcements:
• that he was leaving for Muslims two most precious things: 'one is the
book of God; one end of which is in the hands of God and the other is in your
hands. And the second valuable thing is my descendants'. 'God has informed
me that both of these things will never separate from each other till they reach
me at the Fountain of Kausar' .
• Taking Ali's hand and raising it he said, 'of whomsoever I am master
(mawla), Ali is his master or mawla too'.
• The Prophet(Peace Be Uprn Him) also said: '0 my God, be a friend ofhis who is a
friend ofAli and treat him like a foe he who opposes Ali. Help them who help
Ali and abandon them who go against Ali' .
• And he said: '0 my lord, whichever way Ali turns orient the right in the same
Now,.let us discover what the Muslim scholars say:3
1. According to Shee'ah sources, only a handful of Companions (less that 10 at a
maximum) did not break their covenant with the Prophet (peace Be Upoo Him).4
The 100,000 companions who heard the address plotted to deprive Ali ofhis
right to be the successor dfthe Prophet (peace Be Upon Him). What is the probability of
this to have happened? For what benefit would this overwhelming majority do
that? If you read the non-Shee'ah sources, you will find no reason at all.
1 Najafi, pp. 9-19: Tabatabai, pp. 178-218.
2 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 5 verse 67.
3 For detailed comments refer to Minhaj, in Ibn Taymiyah, volA, pp. 84-7.
4 Shariati pp. 28-30; N-Askari pp. 34-43.
2.The GhadeerKhu'm addresstook placeon the 186of Thul Hrjja month,the
same year as the Prophet'sireaeBeemuin)"bidding farewell" pilgrimage.On the
9ft of the same month the Prophet rpeeBelfmHim)receivedthelastversewhich
says'."Thisday I have perfectedyour religion, completedmyfavors uponyou
and I hqve chosen Islam to beyour religion" l How coulda versewhich asks
the Prophet qe""*B€rhmHin)to conveythemessagefollow this concludingverse,
especiallyafter the crowd of the "bidding farewell" sermon(on the 9e of Thul
Hrjja) hadalreadyattestedtheProphet(peaeBerlmr{im)andconveyedthemessage?
As a matter of fact, chapter 5 verse67 of theQur'an wasrevealedbeforethe
Khaibar expedition, the conquest of Mecca and the "bidding farewell"
3. The acclaimedannouncementof the Prophet (p""oBeL[tnHim)in the way and
context that the Shee'ahscholarsmentionedwasa blatantlie, asIbn Taymiyah
o The authenticatedoriginalHadeethof 'two mostpreciousthings' (al-Thaqalayn)
amleavingamongyou two valuablethings: thefirst onebeingthebook
of ALLAH in which there is the right guidanceandlight, sohold fastto the
book of ALLAH and adhereto it'. He extortedus (Zaid Ibn al-Arqamsaid)to
hold fast to the book of ALLAH andthensaidtheProphet@eaeBertomuim):
secondare the membersof my household.I remindyouto observeALLAH tn
treatingthem'.2The householdof theProphetpeaeBerlonim)aswaspreviously
explainedincludesall his wives,Ali, Ageel,Ja'far,Abbasandtheiroffsprings.
Did the Prophet (peaeBerh.EHim)say stickto my family asyou stick to theHoly
Qur'an? Certainlyhedidnot.He askedmuslimsto bekind to all hishousehold,
not just Ali or the 12Imamsof theShee'ahscholars.If theHADEETH indicates
any specialpower or privilegefor his household,then we shouldpraisethe
Abasid Ca'lee'phahs,theoffspringof Abbas.Why thendo theShee'ahscholars
o The last part of theclaimedHADEETH "is alsoalie",Ibn Taymiyahassured,
whether the Prophet's peaeBerrpcnuim)said:'of whomsoeverI am"mawla", Ali is
his "mawla" or not". Ibn Taymiyahassuredusthatit is definitelyrejectedin this
context and the majority of FIADEETH scientistsrejectedit completely.
Assumingthatthe Prophet(peaeBer!,nHim)utteredit, what thenis specialaboutit?'
The Holy Qur'an, addressingthe Prophetsays:" ALLAH is his mawla,so is
Gabriel and so are the righteous believers".3The righteous believers are
certainly not themasterof theprophetbut friendsandsupporters.If theProphet
(peaeBcLtomHim)had said: "of whomsoever I am"wali", Ali is his "wali", thenit
would haveprobablymeantmasteror guardian.Furthermore,theprophet(pea€B€
' Holy Qur'an:Chapter5 verse3
2Muslim vol. 4 pp. 1286-7.
'Holy qur'an: 66verse4.
2. The Ghadeer Khu'm address took place on the 18
of Thul Hijja month, the
same year as the Prophet's (peaooBeUpooHim) "bidding farewell" pilgrimage. On the
of the same month the Prophet (peaoo Be Upoo Him) received the last verse which
says: "This day I have perfectedyour religion, completed myfavors upon you
and I have chosen Islam to be your religion" 1 How could a verse which asks
the Prophet (peaoo Be Upoo Him) to convey the message follow this concluding verse,
especially after the crowd of the "bidding farewell" sermon (on the 9th
Hijja) had already attested the Prophet (peace BeUpoo Him) and conveyed the message?
As a matter of fact, chapter 5 verse 67 ofthe Qur'an was revealed before the
Khaibar expedition, the conquest of Mecca and the "bidding farewell"
3. The acclaimed announcement of the Prophet (peaoo Be Upon Him) in the way and
context that the Shee'ah scholars mentioned was a blatant lie, as Ibn Taymiyah
• The authenticated original Hadeeth of 'two most precious things' (al-Thaqalayn)
says: 'I am leaving among you two valuable things: the first one being the book
of ALLAH in which there is the right guidance and light, so hold fast to the
book of ALLAH and adhere to it'. He extorted us (Zaid Ibn al-Arqam said) to
hold fast to the book ofALLAH and then said the Prophet (PeaooBeUpooHim): 'The
second are the members of my household. I remind you to observe ALLAH in
treating them,.2 The household of the Prophet (Peaoo Be Upoo Him) as was previously
explained includes all his wives, Ali, Ageel, Ja'far, Abbas and their offsprings.
Did the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) say stick to my family as you stick to the Holy
Qur'an? Certainly he did not. He asked muslims to be kind to all his household,
not just Ali or the 12 Imams of the Shee'ah scholars. If the HADEETH indicates
any special power or privilege for his household, then we should praise the
Abasid Ca'lee'phahs, the offspring ofAbbas. Why then do the Shee'ah scholars
curse them instead?
• The last part of the claimed HADEETH "is also a lie", Ibn Taymiyah assured,
whether the Prophet's (Peaco Be Up"" Him) said: 'of whomsoever I am "mawla", Ali is
his "mawla" or not". Ibn Taymiyah assured us that it is definitely rejected in this
context and the majority of HADEETH scientists rejected it completely.
Assuming that the Prophet (Peaco Be Upon Him) uttered it, what then is special about it?'
The Holy Qur'an, addressing the Prophet says: "ALLAH is his mawla, so is
Gabriel and so are the righteous believers".3 The righteous believers are
certainly not the master of the prophet but friends and supporters. If the Prophet
(peaoo Be Upon Him) had said: "of whomsoever I am "wali", Ali is his "wali", then it
would have probably meant master or guardian. Furthermore, the prophet (Peaoo Be
1 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 5 verse 3.
2 Muslim vol. 4 pp. 1286-7.
3 Holy Qur'an: 66 verse 4.
the difference between the sheeah and the muslims
the difference between the sheeah and the muslims
the difference between the sheeah and the muslims
the difference between the sheeah and the muslims
the difference between the sheeah and the muslims

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the difference between the sheeah and the muslims

  • 2. fu rht rJAfrrEof AILah, rhe nosr Ben{icetr, rhe firosr nencifuliN ThE NAME ofAllAh, ThE MOST BENEficENT, ThE MOST MERCiflJ1
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Backgroundof Shee'ahIdeologies TheHoly Qur'an The Sunnaor Hadeeth Ijma' (Consensusor Semi-Consensus) Articlesof FaithandPillarsof Islam TheShee'ahConceptof Imamate The Family of the Prophet 6ro""neuponHim) The Companions of the Prophet @eaceBeUponHim) Toq'yah(Shielding) Mut'ah - TemporaryMarriage GhadeerKhum Conclusion References 1 2 3 6 8 1l t3 I6 18 2r 24 26 30 31 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Background of Shee'ah Ideologies 2 The Holy Qur'an 3 The Sunna or Hadeeth 6 Ijma' (Consensus or Semi-Consensus) 8 Articles ofFaith and Pillars of Islam 11 The Shee'ah Concept ofImamate 13 The Family ofthe Prophet (peaceBeUponHim) 16 The Companions ofthe Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) 18 Toq'yah (Shielding) 21 Mut'ah - Temporary Marriage 24 Ghadeer Khum 26 Conclusion 30 References 31
  • 4. I*t*oDUCrroN Thanks be to ALLAH, His helpwe seekandHis guidancewe searchfor' ra*romsoeverALLAH permitsto go astrayshallneverhaveguidan"", , rlrornro"rr.i ALLAH guides shall neverbe misled;andI bearwitnessthatthereis no Godbut ALLAH alone and He has no partner;andI bearwitnessthatMohammedis His servantand messenger.Peace be uponhim, his family, his companionsandtheir followersuntil the day of resurrection. ALLAH commandsus in the Holy Qur'an'."Let therearise out ofyou a group of people iniviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-ma'ruf (te. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) andforbidding Al- Munhar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam hasforbidden). And it is they who are the successful"r.I prayto ALLAH thatHe will acceptthis work as a correctresponseto His commandment. The purpose of this pamphlet is to presenta brief ideaaboutthereligious issuesthat the Shee'ahscholarshavedisagreeduponwith themajorityof Muslim scholars.It is to acquaint especiallythosewho havea vaguepictureof whatthe Shee'ahschool of thought is in comparisonto themalority'sversionof Islam.ln short,it is to answertheever-risingquestions.Is the disagreementvital?And if it is vital, as a Muslim Shee'ahor followingtheMuslimscholars,whatshouldI doto find the right Islamandthenght pathto Paradise?May ALLAH bestowon usHis mercyandnot depriveusof Hisguidance.Ameen. t the Holy Qur'an: Chapter3 verse 104 INTRODUCTION Thanks be to ALLAH, His help we seek and His guidance we search for; whomsoever ALLAH permits to go astray shall never have guidance, whomsoever ALLAH guides shall never be misled; and I bear witness that there is no God but ALLAH alone and He has no partner; and I bear witness that Mohammed is His servant and messenger. Peace be upon him, his family, his companions and their followers until the day of resurrection. ALLAH commands us in the Holy Qur'an: "Let there arise out ofyou a group of people iniviting to all that Lv good (Islam), enjoining Al-ma'ruf(i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) andforbidding Al- Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam hasforbidden). And it is they who are the successful"l. I pray to ALLAH that He will accept this work as a correct response to His commandment. The purpose of this pamphlet is to present a brief idea about the religious issues that the Shee'ah scholars have disagreed upon with the majority of Muslim scholars. It is to acquaint especially those who have a vague picture of what the Shee'ah school of thought is in comparison to the majority's version ofIslam. In short, it is to answer the ever-rising questions. Is the disagreement vital? And ifit is vital, as a Muslim Shee'ah or following the Muslim scholars, what should I do to find the right Islam and the right path to Paradise? May ALLAH bestow on us His mercy and not deprive us of His guidance. Ameen. I The Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 104.
  • 5. Boa*cRouND oF 'HEE'AHTDEoLocIES When Islam came as a guidancefor mankind, the early generationof devotedMuslims sincerelyworkedhardto propagateanddefendit, allowing Islam to spreadsteadfastly.However, this createda waveof angerandhatredtowards Islam from some of the narrow mindedreligiousfigures,especiallyof Judarsm They plotted to assassinatethe prophet(peaeBeupoHim)and to creatediscordor fighting among Muslims (Fitnah). However,theImanor faithof thecompanions was so strong thattheywerenot affectedby suchconspiracies.After thedeathof many companions,the Jewishconspiracyamongothers,representedby Abdullah bin Sabaa,found its wayfirst,thruMuslims lesseducatedaboutIslamthenlater onto therestof theMuslimCommunity.l During the term of thefirstandsecondCa'lee'phah's(Leaderof thewhole Muslim nation) there were still many companions.By the end of the third Ca'lee'phah'sreign,a greatnumberof thecompanionsof theProphet(peaeBer.rptnHim) had passedaway,while the number of new generationand newconvertshad multipliedtremendously.At this time,thetribalist,racistand Jewishmovements found an opportunityto cometo thesurface.Amongthesemovementswasthatof Abdullah Bin Sabaa,as had been mentionedabove.He is a YemenJewwho claimedthatAli haddivtneauthority.Thisdevelopedfurtherintotheclaimthathe, his son-Al-Hassan.his sonAl-Hussainandthedescendantsof thelattershouldbe the future leadersof the whole Muslim Ummah forever.This was. of course. contraryto thecurrentpracticesinceaftertheProphet(peaerlerJprnHimlAbu Bakrhad been elected as the Caliph (Leader)of the whole Muslim Ummah (Nation), followed by Omar. There was asyet,untiltoday,no claimthatAli shouldbethe firstCa'lee'phah'.2 This allegationhowever,finallyfounda placeof acceptancein thecapitalof the previouslylranian Empire,Al-Madayen,moreeasilythanin theotherregions of the IslamicEmpireatthattime,especiallysinceAl-Hussain,secondsonof Ali, wasthenmarriedto thedaughterof thelastIranian Emperor.3 This is why the Shee'ahconceptof thehereditarysystemof leadershipis confinedto the descendantsof Al-Husain,beginningwith fourthShiite'sImam (leader).The claim that Ali shouldbethefirst Caliphstartedmainlyasa political ploy to creatediscordamongMuslimsby agitatingthetribalandracialdifferences andhostilities. ' Zaheer,pl7-24, quotingthreeShee'ahsource 2Ibn Taymiyah,Vol. 3 pp. I 16-72. t Ali Hassanpp.230-231. BACKGROUND OF SHEE'AD IDEOLOGIES When Islam came as a guidance for mankind, the early generation of devoted Muslims sincerely worked hard to propagate and defend it, allowing Islam to spread steadfastly. However, this created a wave of anger and hatred towards Islam from some of the narrow minded religious figures, especially of Judaism. They plotted to assassinate the prophet (Peace Be Uprn Him) and to create discord or fighting among Muslims (Fitnah). However, the Iman or faith of the companions was so strong that they were not affected by such conspiracies. After the death of many companions, the Jewish conspiracy among others, represented by Abdullah bin Sabaa, found its way first, thru Muslims less educated about Islam then later on to the rest of the Muslim Community. 1 During the term of the first and second Ca'lee'phah's (Leader of the whole Muslim nation) there were still many companions. By the end of the third Ca'lee'phah's reign, a great number of the companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Uptm Him) had passed away, while the number of new generation and new converts had multiplied tremendously. At this time, the tribalist, racist and Jewish movements found an opportunity to come to the surface. Among these movements was that of Abdullah Bin Sabaa, as had been mentioned above. He is a Yemen Jew who claimed that Ali had divine authority. This developed further into the claim that he, his son, AI-Hassan, his son AI-Hussain and the descendants of the latter should be the future leaders of the whole Muslim Ummah forever. This was, of course, contrary to the current practice since after the Prophet (Peace Be Up,m Him) Abu Bakr had been elected as the Caliph (Leader) of the whole Muslim Ummah (Nation), followed by Omar. There was as yet, until today, no claim that Ali should be the first Ca'lee'phahd This allegation however, finally found a place of acceptance in the capital of the previously Iranian Empire, AI-Madayen, more easily than in the other regions of the Islamic Empire at that time, especially since AI-Hussain, second son ofAli, was then married to the daughter of the last Iranian Emperor? This is why the Shee'ah concept of the hereditary system of leadership is confined to the descendants of AI-Husain, beginning with fourth Shiite's Imam (leader). The claim that Ali should be the first Caliph started mainly as a political ploy to create discord among Muslims by agitating the tribal and racial differences and hostilities. I Zaheer, p 17-24, quoting three Shee'ah source. 2 Ibn Taymiyah, Vol. 3 pp. 116-72. 3 Ali Hassan pp. 230-231. 2
  • 6. The endresultof thepoliticalclaim,however,wasa religiousdifferenceand deviationfromtheIslammaintainedby thegreatmajorityof Muslimscholars. Shee'ahrderivetheirnamefrom Shee'ee2whichmeansin Arabicsupporter, here to meanthesupportersof Ali, hissons,HassanandHussain,anddescendants of Hussain.Shee'ahare divided into groups'.theZaidis.whohavedeviatedthe least;the Ja'fari Eth'naiAshri,theIsmailis,andtheAlawiNusairi. Druzesderive theirrootsfrom IsmailismandFatimidShee'ah.3 The following pagesare devotedto the discussionof theJa'fariEth'nai Ashri(Ja'faritwelveImams),whichrepresentstheShee'ahmajority. 'Plural. 2 Singular. 3IbnTaymiuah,Minhaj, vol. lp.3; vol2p.l24 Tabatabaipp.75-82;Abdullapp. 73-143;Al-Falwazanpp.9-l 8. The end result of the political claim, however, was a religious difference and deviation from the Islam maintained by the great majority of Muslim scholars. Shee'ahl derive their name from Shee'ee2 which means in Arabic supporter, here to mean the supporters ofAli, his sons, Hassan and Hussain, and descendants of Hussain. Shee'ah are divided into groups: the Zaidis, who have deviated the least; the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri, the Ismailis, and the Alawi Nusairi. Druzes derive their roots from Ismailism and Fatimid Shee'ah? The following pages are devoted to the discussion of the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri (Ja'fari twelve Imams), which represents the Shee'ah majority. 1 Plural. 2 Singular. 3 Ibn Tayrniuah, Minhaj, vol. Ip.3; vol 2 p.124 Tabatabai pp. 75-82; Abdulla pp. 73-143; Al-Falwazan pp. 9-18. 3
  • 7. oLY QIIR'AN The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholar says: 'that the number of versesin theHoly Qur'anis 1700'.rAl-Kafi by Al-Kolayni,whichis believedby Shee'ahscholarsas the most trustworthy and celebratedwork of HADEETH known in the Shee'ah world, says: 'Any human being who claims to havecollectedthe Qur'anin its completeform is a liar. Only Ali andthe Imamscollectedit all andpreservedit'.2 The Shee'ah Scholarsalso allow their followersto readtheexistingHoly Qur'an till they are taught their version. Thispermissionis basedon a Shee'ah tradition which says: I said to lmamAli Musa(the8s Imam),we hearfrom you Qur'anicverseswhich we havenot leamed.Are we committingsinstiy not reciting them? The lmam said'No, readtheway you havelearned.Someonewill cometo teach you' (referring to the l2e Imamwho will reappearandbringwith him the completeversionaccordingto the Shee'ahbelief)3 The Muslim scholarsassureus that ProphetMohammed (peaeBettp@Hin) compiled the Holy Qur'an in its complete,cunentexistingform orally anddtring the C'laph'ah (leadership)of Abu Bakr, a compilationwhich waswritten downin a singlevolume.a During the C'laph'ah of Othman, the languageof the Holy Qur'anwas standardizedanduniversalized.sThe approvedvariationsin recitingafew wordsof theHoly Qur'andonottouchits basicmeaning.6 ALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an'."Verilylile: It is We Whohavesentdown the Dhikr (Qur'an) and surely,lVe will guard it (from corruption)"1;"It isfor IIs to collect and to giveyou (O Mohamtnud (p.o".s,uponHim)the ability to recite it" 8; "Fahehood cannot come to itfrom before it or behind it (it is)sent down by theAlt-Wise Worthyof all praise (ALL/lH)".e t Al-UsoolMinat-Kafi, vol. 2p. 634,1961;seealsoZaheer,pp 77-152. 2Al-Usml Min al-kafi vol. I,p.228, 1968. t Al-Kafi Min al-Usool,vol. 2, p. 633,I96I ; alsoseeAl-Khateebp. I l. oAl-Bukhari,vol. 6,pp. 477-8. t Al-Bukhari,vol. 6, pp.478-80. u Qattan,pp. 17G85. 7HolyQur'an: Chapter15verse9. t Holy qur'an: Chapter75verse17. eHoly Qu'an: Chapter4l verse42. HOLYQUR'AN The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholar says: 'that the number ofverses in the Holy Qur'an is 1700'" Al-Kafi by Al-Kolayni, which is believed by Shee'ah scholars as the most trustworthy and celebrated work ofHADEETH known in the Shee'ah world, says: 'Any human being who claims to have collected the Qur'an in its complete form is a liar. Only Ali and the Imams collected it all and preserved it'.2 The Shee'ah Scholars also allow their followers to read the existing Holy Qur'an till they are taught their version. This permission is based on a Shee'ah tradition which says: I said to Imam Ali Musa (the 8th Imam), we hear from you Qur'anic verses which we have not learned. Are we committing sins by not reciting them? The Imam said 'No, read the way you have learned. Someone will come to teach you' (referring to the 12th Imam who will reappear and bring with him the complete version according to the Shee'ah beliefi The Muslim scholars assure us that Prophet Mohammed (peace Be Upoo Him) compiled the Holy Qur'an in its complete, current existing form orally and during the C'laph'ah (leadership) ofAbu Bakr, a compilation which was written down in a single volume.4 During the C'laph'ah of Othman, the language of the Holy Qur'an was standardized and universalized.5 The approved variations in reciting a few words of the Holy Qur'an do not touch its basic meaning.6 ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:"Verily We: It is We Who have sent down the Dhikr (Qur'an) and surely, We will guard it (from corruption)"7;"It isfor Us to collect and to give you (0 Mohammad (peace Be Upon Him)) the ability to recite it" 8; "Falsehood cannot come to itfrom before it or behind it (it is) sent down by the All-Wise Worthy ofall praise (ALLAH)".9 1 Al-Usool Minal-Kafi, vol. 2p. 634, 1961; see alsoZaheer, pp. 77-152. 2 Al-Usool Min al-kafi vol. 1, p. 228, 1968. 3 Al-Kafi Min al-Usool, vol. 2, p. 633, 1961; also see Al-Khateeb p. 11. 4 Al-Bukhari, vol. 6, pp. 477-8. 5 Al-Bukhari, vol. 6, pp. 478-80. 6 Qattan, pp. 170-85. 7 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 15 verse 9. 8 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 75 verse 17. 9 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 41 verse 42. 4
  • 8. ALLAH had promisedto preserveit asa guidancefor Muslims everywhere and forever.This is in contrastto the previousdivine bookswtrereinalthoughtheir original forms are preserved with ALLAH, the onesin the handsof the followers of thesemessagesaredistorted. The Muslim scholarsudro considerthe belief that the Holy Qur'an is adulteratedis a plain rejectionof the Islamicfaith.r Brothersandsisters,you canfind out for yourselfthatthenumberof verses in theHoly Qur'an is 6236excludingthe"Bismillah" at thebeginningof the Suras (Chapter),but the Shee'ah ScholarsclaimthatthisHoly Qur'anis not complete. Should we believe the Ja'fari Shee'ahsource or theAlmighty ALLAH andthe Muslim Scholars?Perhapssome Shee'ah denytheirbeliefthatthe eisting Holy Qur'an is not complete. But this denial couldbe shielding(Tuq'yah or to lie to protectthe Shee'ahbelief). | 7ahet,p. l4l-7. ALLAH had promised to preserve it as a guidance for Muslims everywhere and forever. This is in contrast to the previous divine books wherein although their original forms are preserved with ALLAH, the ones in the hands ofthe followers ofthese messages are distorted. The Muslim scholars who consider the belief that the Holy Qur'an is adulterated is a plain rejection ofthe Islamic faith. 1 Brothers and sisters, you can find out for yourselfthat the number of verses in the Holy Qur'an is 6236 excluding the "Bismillah" at the beginning of the Suras (Chapter), but the Shee'ah Scholars claim that this Holy Qur'an is not complete. Should we believe the Ja'fari Shee'ah source or the Almighty ALLAH and the Muslim Scholars? Perhaps some Shee'ah deny their beliefthat the existing Holy Qur'an is not complete. But this denial could be shielding (Tuq'yah or to lie to protect the Shee'ah belief). I Zaheer, p. 141-7. 5
  • 9. Sar'*'o" oRHADEETH The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholarsconsiderSU'N'AH aswhat theprophet(peaeBe rrmHin)and the Imams said.l AL-Kafi by Kolayni, in Tabatabai'swordsis "the most trustworthy and celebratedwork of HADEETH in the Shee'ahworld".2In this source,the names of the transmittersof theHADEETH arenot frequently mentioned.Insteadof the"prophetsaid",you fin{" theImamsaid".Many of these I{ADEETHs contradict the Holy Qur'an. The prominent criterionin validating HADEETH is actuallywhetherit supports,or at least,doesnot negatethe Shee'ah schoolof thought.Themosttrustworthyof theprophot'Speaer.t6-rr-rtraditionsare the onesreceivedthrough the householdof theprophet,i.e.theShee'ahlmams, even though an Imam could pass awaywhile his childis only nine,eightor five years old.3 Forexample,a F{ADEETHreportedby Ali andcompiledby SahihAl" Bukhari is rejected if it contradictsthe Shee'ahconceptof TemporaryMarriage (Nikah Mut'ah), but if theHADEETH weresupportiveof the Shee'ahschoolof thought,it would be acceptedno matterwho said,transmitted,or compiledit.a The Muslim scholarsdefineSU'N'AH or HADEETH asthesayingsof the Prophet(peaeBertotnnim),his deeds,tacit approvalsor the descriptionof his physical appearance.sBasically,therearetwo waysof HADEETH authentication.Thefirst is the "Isnad". which means the reliability of the transmitters.Therefore F{ADEETH with brokenlinkages betweentransmittersarerejectedbecausetherel is no way to find out how reliablethetransmittersare.Second,thereis "Matn'', which means content of theHADEETH; thatis, whetheror not it contradictsthe teachingsof the Holy Qur'an,thereis anotherversionof the sameHADEETH wtth a differentchainof transmitters,or whetherthereis a strongerIsnad,etc.6Basedon these methodologiesandthe strictnessof thecompilerin choosinghis HADEETH, the Muslim scholarsaffirmedthatthecompilationsof Al-Bukhari andthe Muslims are the most trustworthy source of the SU'N'AH of the Prophet@eaeBetrptnuim;.7 While the Holy Qur'an was compiled in writtenform right afterthe deathof the t Tabatabai, p. 93andConstitutionarticle2. 2Tabatabai,p.lto. 3Amongothersources,Tabatabai,pp.94,2O7'8,and210-l oTabatabai,p. 94. t Azami,p.3. 6Azami,pp.32-72. t lbn Taymiyah,Fatawi,Vol. 18,p. 17, Azailrllip. 87-96. SU'N'AD OR HADEETH The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars consider SU'N'AH as what the prophet (peace Be Upon Him) and the Imams said.1 AL-Kafi by Kolayni, in Tabatabai's words is "the most trustworthy and celebrated work ofHADEETH in the Shee'ah world".2 In this source, the names of the transmitters of the HADEETH are not frequently mentioned. Instead of the "prophet said", you finc" the Imam said". Many of these HADEETHs contradict the Holy Qur'an. The prominent criterion in validating HADEETH is actually whether it supports, or at least, does not negate the Shee'ah school of thought. The most trustworthy of the prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) traditions are the ones received through the household of the prophet, i.e. the Shee'ah Imams, even though an Imam could pass away while his child is only nine, eight or five years old? For example, a HADEETH reported by Ali and compiled by Sahih AI.. Bukhari is rejected if it contradicts the Shee'ah concept of Temporary Marriage (Nikah Mut'ah), but if the HADEETH were supportive ofthe Shee'ah school of thought, it would be accepted no matter who said, transmitted, or compiled it.4 The Muslim scholars define SU'N'AH or HADEETH as the sayings of the Prophet (Pea"" Be Upon Him), his deeds, tacit approvals or the description of his physical appearance.s Basically, there are two ways ofHADEETH authentication. The first is the "Isnad", which means the reliability of the transmitters. Therefore HADEETH with broken linkages between transmitters are rejected because therel is no way to find out how reliable the transmitters are. Second, there is "Matn", which means content of the HADEETH; that is, whether or not it contradicts the teachings ofthe Holy Qur'an, there is another version of the same HADEETH with a different chain of transmitters, or whether there is a stronger Isnad, etc.6 Based on these methodologies and the strictness of the compiler in choosing his HADEETH, the Muslim scholars affinned that the compilations ofAI-Bukhari and the Muslims are the most trustworthy source of the SU'N'AH of the Prophet (pea"" Be Upon Him/ While the Holy Qur'an was compiled in written form right after the death of the I Tabatabai , p. 93 and Constitution article 2. 2 Tabatabai, p. 110. 3 Among other sources, Tabatabai, pp. 94,207-8, and 210-1. 4 Tabatabai, p. 94. , Azami, p.3. 6 Azami, pp. 32-72. 7 Ibn Taymiyah, Fatawi, Vol. 18, p. 17, Azami p. 87-96. 6
  • 10. prophet @"*BenpdHim),the serious compilationof theHADEETH took placeafter almost 100 years.l There were manyreasonsfor this delay,themajoronebeing thatagreatproportionof F{ADEETHdealtwith detailedteachingswhich shouldbe practicedby a true Muslim in his daily life. Thecompanionswereactuallyliving compilations of HADEETH becausetheywererepresentingthepropheticmanners themselves.Therefore,there seemedto be no urgent need for serious efforts towards a written compilation. Furthermore,somegreatCompanionswereof the opinion that the teaching of Islam shouldbefocusedfirst in the Holy Qur'an so that it would be well-established.This wasto avoidwhathadhappenedto previous Holy Booksin which divinewordsweremixedup with propheticsayings. So brothers and sisters,which definition of FIADEETHis moreaccurate, giventhefactthatProphetMohammedreaeBeUpmrlim)is the sealof the Prophets?As God says in theHoly Qur'an'."Muhammad.lreoceBeuponni4is not thefother of any man among you, hut he is theMessengerof ALLAH and the last (end)of the prophets..."2. Only the Prophetsand the messengersof ALLAH can receive revelationwhich is binding untowhomthemessengeris sent.WhentheShee'ah scholarsequatethe sayings of the Imamsto the sayingsof theProphet,theyare claimingthat the Imam also receivedrevelation.If thesescholarsclaimthatthe Imams wereonly inspired,thenthe inspirationis a differentstory.It is not binding to be followedor to beenforcedon othersnor shouldit be sharedby otherhuman beings. t |'zarnip.2s. 'Holy qur'an: Chapter33verse40. prophet (peace Be Upoo Him), the serious compilation ofthe HADEETH took place after almost 100 years.l There were many reasons for this delay, the major one being that a great proportion of HADEETH dealt with detailed teachings which should be practiced by a true Muslim in his daily life. The companions were actually living compilations ofHADEETH because they were representing the prophetic manners themselves. Therefore, there seemed to be no urgent need for serious efforts towards a written compilation. Furthermore, some great Companions were of the opinion that the teaching of Islam should be focused first in the Holy Qur'an so that it would be well-established. This was to avoid what had happened to previous Holy Books in which divine words were mixed up with prophetic sayings. So brothers and sisters, which definition of HADEETH is more accurate, given the fact that Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Upoo Him) is the seal ofthe Prophets? As God says in the Holy Qur'an: "Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is not thefather ofany man among you, but he is the Messenger ofALLAH and the last (end) ofthe prophets... ,,2. Only the Prophets and the messengers of ALLAH can receive revelation which is binding unto whom the messenger is sent. When the Shee'ah scholars equate the sayings of the Imams to the sayings of the Prophet, they are claiming that the Imam also received revelation. If these scholars claim that the Imams were only inspired, then the inspiration is a different story. It is not binding to be followed or to be enforced on others nor should it be shared by other human beings. 1 Azami p.25. 2 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 33 verse 40. 7
  • 11. I"*o (coNsENSUSoR 'EMr-.'NSENSUS) Shee'ah scholarshave a doublestandardpositionconceming[jma'. On the one hand, the Shee'ahscholarsemployconsensusto supporttheir arguments,e.g. Tabatabaiwrites '... Both SunniandShee'eeclearlyasserted...'and'which were acclaimedby all...'1And ontheother,Ijma' is rejectedby Shee'ahscholarswho: l.Claim that thousandsof the Prophet's6r".*Berfuorrim)companionshadplotted againstthe Prophet's commandsand only less than ten of themremained truthful,therebytakingknowledgefrom theseagainstthemajority. 2.Consider themillions of Muslim scholarsthroughoutthe Islamichistoryandthe globe as non-believersbecausetheydon'tbelievein theI'ma'mahasanarticle of faith,onewhich is basedon claimsrejectedby themajority. 3.Question the authenticityof theHoly Qur'anandtheHADEETHs authenticated by the majority includingtheinterpretationswhich gainedthe acknowledgment of thesame. Muslim scholars consider Ijma' as the third major sourceof Islamic teachings.Whennothingis directlymentionedin theHoly Qur'anor theSU'N'AH aboutthe case,thentheIjma' is consideredasa validsource.2Themostauthentic text is theonereportedby a largegroupof transmittersto anotherlargegroup.This is called "Tawatur".3Themostvalidinterpretationof theSU'N'AH/FIADEETHS is that which gains the approvalof Ijma'.4ForALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an: "And holdfast, all ofyou together,to theRopeof ALLAH (i.e.this Qur'an), and be not divided amongyourselves"5.Condemningdeviation,ALLAH, addressing the Prophetip".*Bertoorrim)andreferringto thosewho deviatedfrom theright path, says'."Verily, thosewho divide their religion and break up into sects(all kinds of religious sects),you (O Muhammad TpeaceBenponni^)haveno concernin themin the leasl Their affair is only with ALLAH, lVho then will tell them what they used to do'6. The Proph€t 6reaenerp-n^1said: '...stick to theJama'ah(Majority) and avoid division. Satan is with theonepersonalonebut is morelikely to avoid the two together,whosoeverwants abundancein Paradiseshould stick to the t Tabatabai,p. +0. 'Ftawi,IbnTaymiahvol. 19pp.5-8,andlg2-22 'Al-Jazari,vol. l, pp. 120-6. oFatawa,Ibn Taymiyah,vol. 19,pp.267-72. 5Holy qur'an: Chapter3 verse103. uHoly qur'an : Chapter6 verse159. IJMA'(CONSENSUS OR SEMI-CONSENSUS) Shee'ah scholars have a double standard position concerning Ijma'. On the one hand, the Shee'ah scholars employ consensus to support their arguments, e.g. Tabatabai writes '... Both Sunni and Shee'ee clearly asserted...' and 'which were acclaimed by all...,1 And on the other, Ijma' is rejected by Shee'ah scholars who: 1. Claim that thousands of the Prophet's (peace Be Upon Him) companions had plotted against the Prophet's commands and only less than ten of them remained truthful, thereby taking knowledge from these against the majority. 2. Consider the millions of Muslim scholars throughout the Islamic history and the globe as non-believers because they don't believe in the I'ma'mah as an article offaith, one which is based on claims rejected by the majority. 3. Question the authenticity of the Holy Qur'an and the HADEETHs authenticated by the majority including the interpretations which gained the acknowledgment of the same. Muslim scholars consider Ijma' as the third major source of Islamic teachings. When nothing is directly mentioned in the Holy Qur'an or the SU'N'AH about the case, then the Ijma' is considered as a valid source.2 The most authentic text is the one reported by a large group of transmitters to another large group. This is called "Tawatur".3 The most valid interpretation of the SU'N'AH/HADEETHS is that which gains the approval ofIjma'.4 For ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "And holdfast, all ofyou together, to the Rope ofALLAH (i.e. this Qur'an), and be not divided amongyourselves"s. Condemning deviation, ALLAH, addressing the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) and referring to those who deviated from the right path, says: "Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (0 Muhammad (peace Be Upon Him)) have no concern in them in the least Their affair is only with ALLAH, Who then will tell them what they used to do" 6. The Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said: ' ...stick to the Jama'ah (Majority) and avoid division. Satan is with the one person alone but is more likely to avoid the two together, whosoever wants abundance in Paradise should stick to the 1 Tabatabai, p. 40. 2 Fatawi, Ibn Taymiah vol. 19 pp. 5-8, and 192-202. 3 Al-Jazari, vol. 1, pp. 120-6. 4 Fatawa, Ibn Taymiyah, vol. 19, pp. 267-72. 'Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 103. 6 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 6 verse 159. 8
  • 12. Jama'ah...'.1Jama'ah and consensushere is referringto themajority of Muslim scholarsrarhoareknowledgeableaboutthecommandmentsof ALLAH. In another HADEETH, the Prophet @ecBcrlorrim)said: 'My Ummahwill not haveconsensus on what is wrong'.2The Prophetp*Be r&enin)alsosaid:'...MyUmmahwillbe divided into seventy three groups. Only one of themshallbe savedandtherest shall be in hellfire'. Whenhewasaskedwhich groupis to be saved,heresponded: 'The followers of my path andmy Companions'.[n anotherversionof thesame HADEETHheresponded:'TheyaretheJama'ah'.3 Brothers and sisters,don't you think thatconsistencyis oneof thecrucial elementsof anyvalid measurementanda tool of anobjectiveargument?Don't you think it is suspiciousif a personemploysanargumentwhenit supportshisbiases and rejects the same onceit refutesthem?Think aboutit. Let usassumethatyou as Muslims want to know which path leadsto paradise.A groupof peopleyou don't know anything about claimed that they know which path leads to it. However, one among this group gave you a direction which contradictsthe directions of the rest of the group, numberingno lessthanelevenpeople.Both descriptionsseemedto be equallyreasonable,which directionshouldyounow follow? What if you cameto know thatif you do not know thisperson'sdirection or if you disagreewith him he will hateyou, but theotherswon't? ForALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: " thereis no compulsionin religion. Verily, theRight Path has become distinct from the wrong path. l(hoever dkbelieves in Taghut (anything worshipped other than the Real God 'ALLAH") and believes in ALLAH, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never breahandALL,AH h all-Hearer, all Knower"4. Brothers and Sisters,just think about it as a basic rule.Therearethree categoriesof issuesupon which scholarsdiffer andtheyareasfollows: 1.The Majority had confrrmedit astheright onebut hadnot definitelyrejectedit aswrong. 2.The majority had not approvedof it as the right one buthadnotdefinitely rejectedit aswrong either. 3.TheMajority hadrejectedit asdefinitelywrong. The crucial differencesbetweenthe Muslim andthe Shee'ahscholarsare containedin the lastcategory. t Al-Jazari,vol. 6, p. 669. 2Bale€qp. 5,14. ' Ibn Taymiyalr. Minhaj, vol. 2. p. 122-5 oHoly qu'an: ChaPer2verse256. 9 Jama'ah...'.1 Jama'ah and consensus here is referring to the majority of Muslim scholars who are knowledgeable about the commandments ofALLAH. In another HADEETH, the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said: 'My Ummah will not have consensus .on what is wrong'.2 The Prophet (peace Be UponHim) also said: ' ...My Ummah will be divided into seventy three groups. Only one ofthem shall be saved and the rest shall be in hellfire'. When he was asked which group is to be saved, he responded: 'The followers of my path and my Companions'. In another version ofthe same HADEETH he responded: 'They are the Jama'ah,.3 Brothers and sisters, don't you think that consistency is one ofthe crucial elements ofany valid measurement and a tool ofan objective argument? Don't you think it is suspicious if a person employs an argument when it supports his biases and rejects the same once it refutes them? Think about it. Let us assume that you as Muslims want to know which path leads to paradise. A group ofpeople you don't know anything about claimed that they know which path leads to it. However, one among this group gave you a direction which contradicts the directions of the rest of the group, numbering no less than eleven people. Both descriptions seemed to be equally reasonable, which direction should you now follow? What if you came to know that if you do not know this person's direction or if you disagree with him he will hate you, but the others won't? For ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an:" there is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path. Whoever disbelieves in Taghut (anything worshipped other than the Real God "ALLAH'~ and believes in ALLAH, then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that will never break andALLAHis all-Hearer, all Knower" 4. Brothers and Sisters, just think about it as a basic rule. There are three categories of issues upon which scholars differ and they are as follows: 1. The Majority had confirmed it as the right one but had not definitely rejected it as wrong. 2. The majority had not approved of it as the right one but had not definitely rejected it as wrong either. 3. The Majority had rejected it as definitely wrong. The crucial differences between the Muslim and the Shee'ah scholars are contained in the last category. I Al-Jazari, vol. 6, p. 669. 2 Baleeq p. 544. 3 Ibn Taymiyah. Minhaj, vol. 2. pp. 122-5. 4 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 2 verse 256. 9
  • 13. Brothers and sisters, remember that there is a great deal of difference between the 'majority of Muslims' wtrich is not a sufficient evidenceandthe 'majority of Muslims scholars'wtrichis uitratis meanthereby Ijma' Our Dears let us remembqr that ALLAH hadwamedus againstdeviating from His straight path. He says in the Holy Qur'an: "And verily, this is my Staight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other)paths,for they will seporute you awayfrom Hispath. ThisHe hasordainedfor you thatyou may becomeAl' Muttaqun (thepious)".1 I Hotyqr'an: ChaFer 6 verse153. 10 Brothers and sisters, remember that there is a great deal of difference between the 'majority of Muslims' which is not a sufficient evidence and the 'majority ofMuslims scholars' which is what is meant here by Ijma' Our Dears let us remember that ALLAH had warned us against deviating from His straight path. He says in the Holy Qur'an: "And verily, this is my Straight Path, so follow it, and follow not (other) paths,for they will separate you awayfrom His path. This He has ordainedforyou thatyou may become Al- Muttaqun (the pious)".1 1 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 6 verse 153. 10
  • 14. TICLES OF EAITH AND PILLARS OF'ISLAM The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars say that believing in ahereditarysystemof leadershipof thewhole Muslim Ummah(I'ma'mah) is asfundamentalas believingin one God.l To them, I'ma'mah is an article offaithandapillarof Islam.2tn additioq amongthearticlesreferredto in the constitutionandtheother Shee'ah sources, there is no mention of believing in the angels or divine destiny(Al-Qader). Muslim scholarsaffirm that thereis no suchthing asI'ma'mah, analleged hereditarysystem of leadershipof thewholeMuslim Ummahin Islam.Thereare evidencesin theHoly Qur'anandthereliableSU'N'AH that evenrefute.andreject this concept.ln the Holy Qur'an, ALLAH says: "...and who (conduct)their (Muslim) alfairs by mutuat consultation..'tr and the Prophet{peeBetloHin)was commanded:"..,andconsultthemin theaffiirs...".a The Muslim scholarsbelievethatIslamis built on five pillars:Testifuingthat there is no God but ALLAH and Mohammad is His messenger,performing prayers, paylng charity, fasting in the month of Ramadanand making the pilgrimage to the house of ALLAH.s Furthermore, they believe that the fundamentalarticles of Iman are:To believein ALLAH, His Angles,His Books, His Messengers,the last Day andto believein divinedestiny,boththegoodand the evil thereof.6If you readthewholeHoly Qur'anyou will not find any support for the 'I'ma'mah concept', the alleged hereditary system of leadershipof the qiholeMuslim Ummah. Brothers andsisters,shouldwe believethemajorityof Muslim scholarswho are supportedclearly by theHoly Qur'anversesandreliableFIADEETHs,or the few Shee'ahscholarswhoseopinionsarenot sanctionedby theHoly Qur'an or the reliable I{ADEETHs? Make surethatour soleintentionis to pleaseALLAH only and to find truth for our salvation in this world and in the hereafter.Let us, rememberthat ALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an: "0 you who believe!Believein ALIllH, and flis Messenger (Muhammad(p*",BeuponHim)tand the Booh (the I ConstitutionArticle 2 and Asifi. W.23-5 2Al-Kafvol. 1p.290. t Holy qur'an: Chapter42verse38. oHoly qr'an: Chapter3 verse 159. r Bukhari andMuslim - Forty Hadeeths,p. 35. t Muslim -Forty Hadeeths,p. 30. ll ~TICLES OF FAITH AND PILLARS OF ISLAM The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars say that believing in a hereditary system of leadership ofthe whole Muslim Ummah (I'ma'mah) is as fundamental as believing in one God.l To them, I'ma'mah is an article offaith and a pillar of Islam.2 . In addition, among the articles referred to in the constitution and the other Shee'ah sources, there is no mention of believing in the angels or divine destiny(Al-Qader). Muslim scholars affirm that there is no such thing as I'ma'mah, an alleged hereditary system of leadership ofthe whole Muslim Ummah in Islam. There are evidences in the Holy Qur'an and the reliable SU'N'AH that even refute.and reject this concept. In the Holy Qur'an, ALLAH says: "...and who (conduct) their (Muslim) affairs by mutual consultation...'''' and the Prophet<PeaceBe qxm Him) was commanded: "...and consult them in the affairs... ".4 The Muslim scholars believe that Islam is built on five pillars: Testifying that there is no God but ALLAH and Mohammad is His messenger, performing prayers, paying charity, fasting in the month of Ramadan and making the pilgrimage to the house of ALLAH.5 Furthermore, they believe that the fundamental articles of Iman are: To believe in ALLAH, His Angles, His Books, His Messengers, the last Day and to believe in divine destiny, both the good and the evil thereof.6 Ifyou read the whole Holy Qur'an you will not find any support for the 'I'ma'mah concept', the alleged hereditary system of leadership ofthe whole Muslim Ummah. Brothers and sisters, should we believe the majority of Muslim scholars who are supported clearly by the Holy Qur'an verses and reliable HADEETHs, or the few Shee'ah scholars whose opinions are not sanctioned by the Holy Qur'an or the reliable HADEETHs? Make sure that our sole intention is to please ALLAH only and to find truth for our salvation in this world and in the hereafter. Let us, remember that ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "0 you who believe! Believe in ALLAH, and His Messenger (Muhammad(p~..u B~ Upon Him)), and the Book (the 1 Constitution Article 2 and Asifi.. pp.23-5 2 Al-Kafi vol. 1 p. 290. 3 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 42 verse 38. 4 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 159. , Bukhari and Muslim - Forty Hadeeths, p. 35. 6 Muslim -Forty Hadeeths, p. 30. 11
  • 15. Qur'an) which He has sent down to His Messenger,and the Scripture which He sent dmtn to those before (him), and whosover disbelieves in ALL'AH, His Angek, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day, then indeedhe has strayedfar a74tay"1. t Holy Qur'an:chapter4 verse136 t2 Qur'an) which He has sent down to His Messenger, and the Scripture which He sent down to those before (him), and whosover disbelieves in ALLAH, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, and the Last Day, then indeed he has strayedfar away"l. 1 Holy Qur'an: chapter 4 verse 136. 12
  • 16. S"""'AH .'NCEPT oF I'M.{MAH The Shee'ahscholarsbelievethat theImmateconceptis anarticleof faith equalto believingin oneGod.I'ma'mahconceptmeansthatthespiritual,religious, educationaland political leadershipof the whole MuslimUmmahis a matterof inheritanceconfinedto onlytwelveImams.Thesearethehusbandof theyoungest daughter of the Prophet (peaeBeuptnHim),Fatima, her twO sons and sOme of the descendantsof hersecondsons.Husain,who wasmarriedto thePersianemperor's daughter.r This religiousand politicalleadershipcouldbeinheritedby a nine,eightor five year-oldboy.2Forexample,theconstitutionof theRepublicof Iranstatesthat: ... the official religion of Iran is the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri and this article is unchangeableforever'.3 Firstof all,thisbeliefis boundwiththebeliefthattheseImamsareinfalliblea and share with ALLAH the power of knowing the unseenincludingthe knowledgeasto whentheImamswoulddie.5Theybelievethatobedienceto these Imams shouldbeunquestionable- 'eventheworshipof Godbecomesunnecessary if this is the Imam's order'.6In Khomeini'swords,it says. ' We cannotimagine that the Imamscan make mistake'.7Also the I'ma'mahtsinterwovenwiththe belief that 'the spiritual statusof the Imam is universalviceregencyIt is a viceregencypertainingto the whole creation,by virtueof whichall atomsin the universehumble themselvesbeforethe holder of this authority.It is oneof the essentialbeliefs of our Shee'ahschoolthatno onecanattainthespiritualstatusof the Imams,not eventheangelsof thehighestrankor messengersof ALLAH'.8 On the other hand, the conceptis inherentin the Shee'ahbelief that all Muslim Ca'lee'phahs(leadersof thewholeMuslimnation),rulersandjudgesaretaghoots 'Tabatabai,pp.190-21I & Hassan,pp.230-1. ' Tabatabai,pp.205,7, 10. 3 ConstitutionArticle 12. o e.g..Asifi, pp.23-25,Constitution,Article2. ' Al-Kafi, vol. 1,pp.206-62 uIslamicgreatLibrary p. 6. ?Khomeini,Arabicp. 91. 8Khomeini,p. 64. t3 SHEE'AH CONCEPT OF I'MA'MAH The Shee'ah scholars believe that the Immate concept is an article offaith equal to believing in one God. I'ma'mah concept means that the spiritual, religious, educational and political leadership of the whole Muslim Ummah is a matter of inheritance confined to only twelve Imams. These are the husband of the youngest daughter of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Fatima, her two sons and some of the descendants of her second sons, Husain, who was married to the Persian emperor's daughter. 1 This religious and political leadership could be inherited by a nine, eight or five year-old boy? For example, the constitution of the Republic of Ir~n states that: ... the official religion of Iran is the Ja'fari Eth'nai Ashri and this article is unchangeable forever,3 First of all, this belief is bound with the belief that these Imams are infallible4 and share with ALLAH the power of knowing the unseen including the knowledge as to when the Imams would die.5 They believe that obedience to these Imams should be unquestionable - 'even the worship of God becomes unnecessary if this is the Imam's order,6 In Khomeini's words, it says' We cannot imagine that the Imams can make mistake,7 Also the I'ma'mah is interwoven with the belief that 'the spiritual status of the Imam is universal viceregency. It is a viceregency pertaining to the whole creation, by virtue of which all atoms in the universe humble themselves before the holder of this authority. It is one of the essential beliefs of our Shee'ah school that no one can attain the spiritual status of the Imams, not even the angels of the highest rank or messengers of ALLAH'.8 On the other hand, the concept is inherent in the Shee'ah belief that all Muslim Ca'lee'phahs (leaders of the whole Muslim nation), rulers and judges are taghoots 1 Tabatabai,pp. 190-211 & Hassan, pp. 230-1. 2 Tabatabai, pp. 205, 7, 10. 3 Constitution Article 12. 4 e.g.. Asifi, pp. 23-25, Constitution, Article 2. 5 Al-Kafi, vol. 1, pp. 206-62. 6 Islamic great Library p. 6. 7 Khomeini, Arabic p. 91. 8 Khomeini, p. 64. 13
  • 17. (evil ones) if they are not Shee'ahor of the twelve Imams.l Thereforethe constitutionof Iran made surethatonly anIthnaAshari Ja'afai Shee'ahcanbe president.2and the 'nationallegislativecouncilshallnotenactlawsthatcontradict the principles and jurisprudenceof the offrcial sect of the state'.3Thetwelfth Shee'ahImam is believedto have been bornin 868A.D. andis still alive(now even after elevencenturies)but disappearedwhen he was5 yearsold.He will reappearand the current Republic of Iran will be dissolvedfor him to takethe leadership.a The Muslimscholarsregardmonarchyquestionablewhereonlythepolitical power is inherited. Therefore,they reject completely any form of monarchyin which even the religiousand the spiritualleadershipis inherited,unlessthereis clear evidencein theHoly Qur'anor thereliableSU'N'AH of theprophotlreaaner6,n ni-r that supportsthis claim. Not only rs there no such evidence,but alsothe conceptof I'ma'mah contradictsthe principleof theconsultatronemphasizedby the Holy Qur'an.ALLAH, commandingtheProphet,says:".......andconsultthem in affairs.........'6,andpraisingthebelieverssays:" .......andwho (conduct)their affairs by mutual consultation. The Muslim scholarsalsoaffirmthatcompleteinfallibilityis anattributeof ALLAH alone and no creaturesharesit with Him. Eventheinfallibilityof the prophetsis limitedto conveytngtherrmessagestruly andin avoidingcardinalsins or disobedienceto ALLAH. For example,ALLAH addressingtheProphetsays: "The Proph€tp"o""Beupontrimlftowned and turned awaybecausea blind man came to him (interrupting)".7TheHolv Qur'anassuresusthateventhebestcreatureon earthdoesnot sharewith ALLAH the attributesofinfallibility.Concemingthe knowledgeof theunseen,ALLAH saysin theHoly Qur'an:"I (MohamntodTeeacene upmHin) have no power over ony good or harm to my self except as God (ALLAH) wills, if I had knowledgeof the unseen,I should havemultiplied all good, und no evil should havetouchedme...'r. Muslimscholarsconsiderthose who believethatsomehumanbeingsarebetterthanthemessengersof ALLAH as ' Khomeini,pp.92-1. 2ConstitutionArct. I 15. 3ConstitutionAcft.72. 4ConstitutionArct. 5. 'Holy qur'an: Chapter3 verse159. uHoly qur'an: Chapter42verse38. t Holyqur'an:Chapter80versesl-10 t Holy qur'an: Chapter7 verseI 88. t t o t4 (evil ones) if they are not Shee'ah or of the twelve Imams. I Therefore the constitution of Iran made sure that only an Ithna Ashari Ja'afari Shee'ah can be president.2 and the 'national legislative council shall not enact laws that contradict the principles and jurisprudence of the official sect of the state,.3 The twelfth Shee'ah Imam is believed to have been born in 868 A.D. and is still alive (now even after eleven centuries) but disappeared when he was 5 years old. He will reappear and the current Republic of Iran will be dissolved for him to take the leadership.4 The Muslim scholars regard monarchy questionable where only the political power is inherited. Therefore, they reject completely any form of monarchy in which even the religious and the spiritual leadership is inherited, unless there is clear evidence in the Holy Qur'an or the reliable SU'N'AH of the prophetcPeaceBeUpoll Him) that supports this claim. Not only is there no such evidence, but also the concept of l'ma'mah contradicts the principle of the consultatIOn emphasized by the Holy Qur'an. ALLAH, commanding the Prophet, says: ,· and consult them in affairs......... '05, and praising the believers says: " ....... and who (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation....... ".6 The Muslim scholars also affirm that complete infallibility is an attribute of ALLAH alone and no creature shares it with Him. Even the infallibility of the prophets is limited to conveymg theIr messages truly and in avoiding cardinal sins or disobedience to ALLAH. For example, ALLAH addressing the Prophet says: "The Prophetweace Be Upon llim) frowned and turned away because a blind man came to him (interrupting)". 7 The Holy Qur'an assures us that even the best creature on earth does not share with ALLAH the attributes of infallibility. Concerning the knowledge of the unseen, ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "I (Mohammad (PeaceBe Upon H;mJ) have no power over any good or harm to my self except as God (ALLAH) wills, if I had knowledge ofthe unseen, I should have multiplied all good, and no evil should have touched me... ,,s. Muslim scholars consider those who believe that some human beings are better than the messengers of ALLAH as 1 Khomeini, pp. 92-3. 2 Constitution Aret. 115. 3 Constitution Aert. 72. 4 Constitution Aret. 5. 5 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 3 verse 159. 6 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 42 verse 38. 7 Holy qur'an: Chapter 80 verses 1-10. 8 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 7 verse 188. 14
  • 18. kaferon (unbelievers),1let alone those who claimthatsomecreaturessharewith ALLAH His unique attributes or that obedienceto these creaturesis more importantthanto the Creator.Theconceptof thestillalive12ftShee'ahImamis a myth which should not bp believed,let alonebuilda wholesystemof anIslamic goverrrmenton it. Al-tabariassuredusthatthe 11ftImamhadno offspring'sat all.z There are very few HADEETHs compiledby TermithyandAbu Dawood mentioning the appearanceof Al-Mahdi among the signs of the Day of Resurrection.TheseHADEETHs say that he will have a name similar to the Prophet's(Mohammad(p",*r+up,-Hi-y)andhisfather'snamewill be similarto the Prophet'sfather(Abdullah),not Hassanthe l lthImam'sname.He will befromthe descendantsof the first grandsonof the Prophet1p""*irerhtnHim)but not from the secondgrandson'sprogenyi Furthermore,thereis no evidencethatsucha person wrll livetwelvecenturies. BrothersandSisters.theShee'ahscholarsconsidertheI'ma'mahconceptas an article of faithequalto believingin ALLAH. Thatis,if you don't believethis, thenby theirdefinitionyou couldbea Kafer(unbeliever),Godforbid.On theother hand, if you believesuchwith all its implicationsanddrmensionsyou couldbea Kafer by the definrtronof the scholarswhoseloyaltyis onlyto ALLAH andthe Prophet (peaeBerrprnHimr,notfor a specialdynastyor race.Makesurethatyou choose thenghtpathto paradise t Al-Tahawi,p. 557. 2lbn Taymiyah,Minhaj vol.l P. 37. t Ibn Al-Atheer,vol. 10,pp.330-2. l5 kaferon (unbelievers),I let alone those who claim that some creatures share with ALLAH His unique attributes or that obedience to these creatures is more important than to the Creator. The concept of the still alive 12th Shee'ah Imam is a myth which should not be believed, let alone build a whole system of an Islamic government on it. Al-tabari assured us that the 11th Imam had no offspring's at all.2 There are very few HADEETHs compiled by Termithy and Abu Dawood mentioning the appearance of AI-Mahdi among the signs of the Day of Resurrection. These HADEETHs say that he will have a name similar to the Prophet's (Mohammad (Peace Be Up,m Him») and his father's name will be similar to the Prophet's father (Abdullah), not Hassan the 11th Imam's name. He will be from the descendants of the first grandson of the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) but not from the second grandson's progeny3 Furthermore, there is no evidence that such a person will live twelve centuries. Brothers and Sisters, the Shee'ah scholars consider the I'ma'mah concept as an article of faith equal to believing in ALLAH. That is, if you don't believe this, then by their definition you could be a Kafer (unbeliever), God forbid. On the other hand, if you believe such with all its implications and dimensions you could be a Kafer by the defimtIOn of the scholars whose loyalty is only to ALLAH and the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), not for a special dynasty or race. Make sure that you choose the nght path to paradise 1 AI-Tahawi, p. 557. 2 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj vol. I P. 37. 3 Ibn AI-Atheer, vol. 10, pp. 330-2. 15
  • 19. F*rLy oF THE pRopHET eo""n.uponrnm) The Ja'fari Shee'ahscholarsconfine"Family of theprophet(pea€B€rbmHim)"to the youngest daughterof the Prophet(peaeBerrpdHim),Fatima , his cousin Ali - husbandof Fatima, the first grandsonandthesecondgrandson(who marriedthe last kanianemperor'sdaughter,thenShahrbanoo)andtheeightdescendantsof the secondgtandsonfrom hisPersianwife.l Khomeinisaid: 'lt is oneof theessential beliefs of Shee'ahschool that no onecanattainthespiritualstatusof Imam(Ali and his descendants),not even the close angels or the prophets who arealso messengersof God'2. Shee'ahscholarsbelievethat theleadershipof thewhole Muslim Ummah is confinedonly to thetwelveImams.Thereforetheyneglectthe accomplishmentsand thevirtuesof or castcardinalaccusationsagainsttherestof the prophet's 1p""oBeupmHim)family andCompanions,unlesstheyareprovento the Shee'ahscholarsto havedemonstratedstrongsupportto Ali. (This canbefurther corroboratedby readinganyof theShee'ahsourcesin Islamichrstory,for example Tabatabai,AIi Shariati,IbnAbi al-hadid,etc.). The Muslim scholarsconsider"Ahl-al Bait" thefamilyof theProphet(peaeB€ r}q Him)as all his relatives who cannotreceivecharity.This includestheProphet @eeBertomHim),Ali, Aqil, Abbasandtheirposterity,3thewrvesof the Prophet@eaeBe rlo rrim)are membersof his family,ALLAH Saysin theHoly Qur'an: "And stayin yoar houses and do not display yourselveslike that ofthe timesofignorance, and perform regular prayers (As-Salat), and give charity (Zakat) , and obey ALI-/IH and his Messenger.ALLAH wishesonly to removeAr-Rijs ( evil deeds and sin, ecl) fromyou, O membersof thefamily of the Prophet@eaceBerJpon*im)ee and to purfu you with a thorough purification.'4, not only that, but all the Prophet'swivesarethemothersof thebelievers,ALLAH Saysin theHoly Qur'an: " The Prophet is closerto the believersthan their ownselves,and his wivesare their (believers') mothers (asregardsrespectand marriage) The majority of the Muslimscholarsconsiderthosewho believethatsome human beings are betterthantheProphetsasKafir (unbeliever).Muslim scholars holdrespectfor thewholefamilyof theProphet(peaaBerlmnim;in general. t Ash-sheerazeepp. l3-19. 2Khomeni,translation,Algar, p 64 & PSGp. 25 3Muslim,vol. 2,p. 517-21& vol. 4, pp. 1286-7 oHoly Qur'an:chapter33verse33. t Holy qur'an: chaper 33verse6. l6 FAMILY OF THE PROPHET (peaceBeUponIDm) The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars confme "Family of the prophet (Peace Be Upon Himj" to the youngest daughter of the Prophet (pea"" Be Upon Him), Fatima, his cousin Ali- husband of Fatima, the first grandson and the second grandson (who married the last Iranian emperor's daughter, then Shahrbanoo) and the eight descendants ofthe second grandson from his Persian wife.1 Khomeini said: 'It is one ofthe essential beliefs of Shee'ah school that no one can attain the spiritual status ofImam (Ali and his descendants), not even the close angels or the prophets who are also messengers of God,2. Shee'ah scholars believe that the leadership of the whole Muslim Ummah is confined only to the twelve Imams. Therefore they neglect the accomplishments and the virtues of or cast cardinal accusations against the rest of the prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) family and Companions, unless they are proven to the Shee'ah scholars to have demonstrated strong support to Ali. (This can be further corroborated by reading any of the Shee'ah sources in Islamic hIstOry, for example Tabatabai, Ali Shariati, Ibn Abi al-hadid, etc.). The Muslim scholars consider "Ahl-al Bait" the family of the Prophet (Pea""Be Upon Him) as all his relatives who cannot receive charity. This includes the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him), Ali, Aqil, Abbas and their posterity,3 the wives of the Prophet (pea""Be Upon Him) are members of his family, ALLAH Says in the Holy Qur'an: "And stay in your houses and do not display yourselves like that ofthe times ofignorance, and perform regular prayers (As-Salat), and give charity (Zakat) , and obey ALLAH and his Messenger. ALLAH wishes only to remove Ar-Rijs ( evil deeds and sin, ect) from you, 0 members ofthefamity ofthe Prophet (peace Be Upon Him)" and to purify you with a thorough purification. ,,4, not only that, but all the Prophet's wives are the mothers of the believers, ALLAH Says in the Holy Qur'an: " The Prophet is closer to the believers than their ownselves, and his wives are their (believers~ mothers (as regards respect and marriage)....... ,,5. The majority of the Muslim scholars consider those who believe that some human beings are better than the Prophets as Kafir (unbeliever). Muslim scholars hold respect for the whole family of the Prophet (Pea"" Be Upon Him) in general. I Ash-Sheerazee pp. 13-19. 2 Khomeni, translation, Algar, p. 64 & PSG p. 25. 3 Muslim, vol. 2, pp. 517-21 & vol. 4, pp. 1286-7. 4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 33 verse 33. S Holy Qur'an: chapter 33 verse 6. 16
  • 20. The Prophet rp* Bcrl' Hin),in a HADEETH reported by Muslimt while commandingMuslims to stick to the Holy Qur'anasa sourceof.guidance,also asked them to bekind to hisfamily. Muslim scholarsalsopreserveda highstatus for all theCompanionsof theProphet@wBcrlorrim),thechosensoldiersof Islam.2 Brothers and Sisters,being Muslims, could we really neglect the other daughtersof theProphet@eeBcrloHin),hisrelativesandtheirdescendantswho were excellentmuslims? Couldwe confinethefamily of theProphetrp**B€r&aHim)tojust a few onesas selectedby Shee'ahScholars?Couldwe reallylove only afew and curse the other tens of thousandsof the earlygenerationof Islam?What about Othman,who wasmarriedto thetwo daughtersof theProphetrp**B€rD@Hin)andhad a son from one of them? What about the descendantsof Hassan, theeldest grandson of the Prophet (pcaeBeq* ni-i? Don't you think Ali and his pious descendantswould be among thefust to condemntheseconceptsof the Shee'ah scholars? t Muslim,vol. 4,p. 12879. 2TheVirhres of the Companions,in Al-Bukhari&Muslim. l7 The Prophet (Peaao Be Upm Him), in a HADEETH reported by Muslim1 while commanding Muslims to stick to the Holy Qur'an as a source ofguidance, also asked them to be kind to his family. Muslim scholars also preserved a high status for all the Companions of the Prophet {Peaao Be Upm Him), the chosen soldiers ofIslam.2 Brothers and Sisters, being Muslims, could we really neglect the other daughters ofthe Prophet (peaceBe Upon Him), his relatives and their descendants who were excellent muslims? Could we confine the family of the Prophet<PeaceBe Upm Him) to just a few ones as selected by Shee'ah Scholars? Could we really love only a few and curse the other tens of thousands of the early generation of Islam? What about Othman, who was married to the two daughters ofthe Prophet<Peace Be Upon Him) and had a son from one of them? What about the descendants of Hassan, the eldest grandson of the Prophet (peace Be Upm Him)? Don't you think Ali and his pious descendants would be among the first to condemn these concepts of the Shee'ah scholars? 1 Muslim, vol. 4, p. 12879. 2 The Virtues of the Companions, in Al-Bukhari&Muslim. 17
  • 21. C'MPANI'NS oF THEPR.PHET (PBUH) The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholarsclaim that the first and the secondguided Ca'lee'phahs,Abu Bakr andOmarplottedagainstIslamandtriedto eliminatethe HADEETH so thatthey couldinterprettheHoly Qur'an in suchaway asto serve their purposes. The Shee'ah scholarsalso claim that the three first guided Ca'lee'phahs 'Broke their covenantwith theprophet(peaeBetbmHin)andchangedhis SU'N'AH'.I They divide the thousandsof the Prophet'scompanionsintothree categories,2 l. TheCompanionswhomtheShee'ahscholarslike,who arelessthanten. 2. The worst elements(among these was Abdullah bin Omar who reported numeroustrueHADEETHs). 3. Those who soldtheir Honors(amongthesewereAbu Hurayra,Abu Dardaand Abu Musal-Ashaari.All reportedmanytrueHADEETHs). One of the official newspapersthen,afterdescribingthe Prophet(peaeBeL[m Hin)as having singled out his son-in-lawunjustlywith specialpartsof the Islamic Message,assuresthat"mostof theProphet's(peaeBeLpruHim)generationdid not have a clear picture even of the religious issuesthat the prophet (peaeB€up.-ni-;had practicedhundredsof times before their eyesandwithinreachof theirhearing.s Specifically, a Shee'ahscholarmentions'... Abdul RahmanIbn Ouf,a worshipper of money; the aristocrat,Othman;the carelessKhalidIbn Walid;andSaiedIbn Vaqas,asa manwithoutpiety'.0 The Muslim scholarssaythatthegreatcompanionsaretrustworthy andare reliablesources- all of themdeservehighrespect.sALLAH haspratsedthegreat Companionsin the Holy Qur'an saying: "You are the bestofpeoples" 6 "The Vanguard (of Islam), the Jirst whoforsooktheir homes(Al-Muhaiirin) andof those who gavethem aid (Al-Ansar) and alsowhofollow them in all good deeds. ALI"/IH is pleased with them as they are with Him. For them He prepared gardens under which riversflow to dweltthereinforever".T; "Mohammedis the t Al-Askari, p. 3+s. t TheMinistry of IslamicGuidancein lran, pp. 28-30. 'Al-Jehad,No. 56 4 shadati,p. 207 5Ibn Taymiyah, vot. I p. 307 6Holy qur'an: clrapter3 versello t Holy qur'an: chapter9 versel00 t8 COMPANIONS OF THE PROPHET (PBUH) The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars claim that the fIrst and the second guided Ca'lee'phahs, Abu Bakr and Omar plotted against Islam and tried to eliminate the HADEETH so that they could interpret the Holy Qur'an in such a way as to serve their purposes. The Shee'ah scholars also claim that the three fIrst guided Ca'lee'phahs 'Broke their covenant with the prophet (Peace Be Upoo Him) and changed his SU'N'AH,.I They divide the thousands of the Prophet's companions into three categories;2 1. The Companions whom the Shee'ah scholars like, who are less than ten. 2. The worst elements (among these was Abdullah bin Omar who reported numerous true HADEETHs). 3. Those who sold their Honors (among these were Abu Hurayra, Abu Darda and Abu Musal-Ashaari. All reported many true HADEETHs). One of the official newspapers then, after describing the Prophet (Peace Be Upoo Him) as having singled out his son-in-law unjustly with special parts of the Islamic Message, assures that "most ofthe Prophet's (Peace Be Upon Him) generation did not have a clear picture even of the religious issues that the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) had practiced hundreds of times before their eyes and within reach oftheir hearing.3 Specifically, a Shee'ah scholar mentions ' ... Abdul Rahman Ibn Ouf, a worshipper of money; the aristocrat, Othman; the careless Khalid Ibn Walid; and Saied Ibn Vaqas, as a man without piety'.4 The Muslim scholars say that the great companions are trustworthy and are reliable sources - all of them deserve high respect.5 ALLAH has praIsed the great Companions in the Holy Qur'an saying: "You are the best ofpeoples" 6 "The Vanguard (of Islam), the first whoforsook their homes (AI-Muhajirin) and of those who gave them aid (AI-Ansar) and also whofollow them in all good deeds. ALLAH" is pleased with them as they are with Him. For them He prepared gardens under which riversflow to dwell therein forever". 7; "Mohammed is the 1 Al-Askari, p. 34-8. 2 The Ministry of Islamic Guidance in Iran, pp. 28-30. 3 Al-Jehad, No. 56 4 Shariati, p. 207 3 Ibn Tayrniyah, vol. I p. 307 6 Holy Qur'an: cp.apter 3 verseII0 7 Holy Qur'an: chapter 9 verseI00 18
  • 22. Apostle of God and those who are with each other. You seethem bow ond prostrate themselves (in prayu) seehing grace from God and (His) good In a reliable HADEETH the Prophets** B€upmHin)said: 'The bestof my followersarethoseliving in my century'.2 The Muslim scholarshaveno doubtthattheProphetGeaeBcrbcorrim)conveyed his messagewithout any discriminationor biasfor his son-in-lawor any oneelseof the companions.The great Companionswere in general, moreknowledgeable about the Islamicteachings.Amongthenon-relativesof theprophet@eacBerloHin), there were many who weremoreknowledgeablethanAli or the otherrelativesof theProphet(peaeBerporlm;in spiteof theHADEETH forgedby Shee'ahscholars.3 Among thoseCompanionswho havebeenslanderedby the Shee'ahscholars are those who havebeentold thattheywerethepeopleof paradise.Among them also are thoseto whom theProphet1reaeBerlmnimlsaid:'May my motherandfather be sacrificedfor you' or thatthe ProphetreaeBerlmrrimlis from themandthey are from him. Among thosecompanionstherearehundredsaboutwhom the ProphetGwBc u* n-l said: 'None lovesthembut a believerandnonhatesthembut a hypocrite'. Certainly, the blind, biasedand exaggeratedlove areexcluded.For thesekinds of "Love" shouldratherbe identifiedashatred.If thereweredisagreementsamonga few Companionsbased on a differenceof legalopinions(Ijtehad),we shouldnot indulge injudgingtheirpersonaldeeds,for ALLAH condemnssuchacts;i.e.latter onesjudgingthedeedsof theearlierones. ln theHoly Qur'an it says:"That wasa nation who haspassedaway. They shall receive the reward of what theyearned,andyou of whatyou earned,And you will not beaskedof what theyusedto do"?a Brothersand sisters,do you believeALLAH who plainlystatesthatHe is pleasedwith the Companionsof theProphet(peaeBeupmnim)or the Shee'ahscholars who honorjust afew Companionsandcurseandaccusethousandsof others.Be sure to find theright way to paradiseandnot functionunintentionallyas anagent of the enemies'of Islam who are trying to destroythe Holy Qur'an and the HADEETH. Rememberthat Imam Ahmad binHanbalsaid: 'Ifyouseeaperson accusingthe companions of the Prophet( havetheright to doubt hisIslam' ' Holy Qur'an:chapter48verses18-29. 'Al-Bukhari, vol. 5,p.2. ' IbnTaymiyah,Minhaj vol. 3, pp. 116-73. aHoly qur'an: chapter2 verses134. t9 Apostle of God and those who are with each other. You see them bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer) seeking grace from God and (His) good 1 In a reliable HADEETH the Prophe1:(peace Be Upoo Him) said: 'The best ofmy followers are those living in my century'.2 The Muslim scholars have no doubt that the Prophet (Pe;lceBeUpooHim) conveyed his message without any discrimination or bias for his son-in-law or anyone else of the companions. The great Companions were in general, more knowledgeable about the Islamic teachings. Among the non-relatives ofthe prophet (peaceBeUpooHim), there were many who were more knowledgeable than Ali or the other relatives of the Prophet (peaceBeUpooHim), in spite of the HADEETH forged by Shee'ah scholars.3 Among those Companions who have been slandered by the Shee'ah scholars are those who have been told that they were the people of paradise. Among them also are those to whom the Prophet (Peace BeUpro Him) said: 'May my mother and father be sacrificed for you' or that the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) is from them and they are from him. Among those companions there are hundreds about whom the Prophet (PeaceBe Upoo Him) said: 'None loves them but a believer and non hates them but a hypocrite'. Certainly, the blind, biased and exaggerated love are excluded. For these kinds of "Love" should rather be identified as hatred. If there were disagreements among a few Companions based on a difference of legal opinions (Ijtehad), we should not indulge in judging their personal deeds, for ALLAH condemns such acts; i.e. latter ones judging the deeds of the earlier ones. [n the Holy Qur'an it says: "That was a nation who has passed away. They shall receive the reward ofwhat they earned, andyou ofwhatyou earned, And you will not be asked ofwhat they used to do"?4 Brothers and sisters, do you believe ALLAH who plainly states that He is pleased with the Companions of the Prophet (Peace BeUpon Him) or the Shee'ah scholars who honor just a few Companions and curse and accuse thousands of others. Be sure to find the right way to paradise and not function unintentionally as an agent of the enemies· of Islam who are trying to destroy the Holy Qur'an and the HADEETH. Remember that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said: 'If you see a person accusing the companions of the Prophet (Peace Be Up= Him). you have the right to doubt his Islam' 1 Holy Qur'an: chapter 48 verses 18-29. 2 A1-Bukhari, vol. 5, p.2. 3 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj vol. 3, pp. 116-73. 4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 2 verses 134. 19
  • 23. Rahwaih and Imam Malik gave the verdict that whosoever accusesthe companionsshouldbe punished.Ibn TaymiyahandRazi said: 'Whoeverquestions thegoodfaith of the companionsis "Zindeeq"andunbeliever'. Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami and Imam Shaifeeareof the opinion, that w?roever hates the companionsis an unbeliever.Al-gadi abu Ya'ala concludedthatthe majority of Muslim scholarshave madea consensusthatwhoeverdisgracesand accusesa Companionbelievingthatthe Companiondeservesdisgracingbecomesa Kafer (unbeliever)but if he doesnot believethatthe companiondesOrvesit thenhe committeda serioussin (a Faseq).r I Abu Mu'awiyahMuhammad,pp. I l-13, 25 and62. 20 Rahwaih and Imam Malik gave the verdict that whosoever accuses the companions should be punished. Ibn Taymiyah and Razi said: 'Whoever questions the good faith ofthe companions is "Zindeeq" and unbeliever'. Ibn Hajar Al-Haithami and Imam Shaifee are ofthe opinion, that whoever hates the companions is an unbeliever. Al-gadi abu Ya'ala concluded that the majority of Muslim scholars have made a consensus that whoever disgraces and accuses a Companion believing that the Companion deserves disgracing becomes a Kafer (unbeliever) but ifhe does not believe that the companion deserves it then he committed a serious sin (a Faseq).l 1 Abu Mu'awiyah Muhammad, pp. 11-13,25 and 62. 20
  • 24. Tno,YAH ('HTELDTNG) The Ja'afari scholarssay that: 'TUe'yAH comprisesninetenthsof the religion of ALLAH and whoever does not use TUe'yAH has no religion. TUQ'YAH is to beusedin everythingexceptin declaringtheprohibitionof wine and the rubbing of socks in wudu'.r TUe'yAH meansto pretendby doingor sayingexactly the opposite of whatyou believeor feel, pretendto benice whilecursingthepersonin theheartwithouta presentdanger.2 The specificpurposeof TUQ'YAH is the 'preservation of Islamandthe Shee'ahschool of thought; if thepeoplehadnotresortedto it, ourschoolwould havebeendestroyed'3,i.e., to the Shee'ahscholars.TUe'yAH couldbeused with non-shee'ah, including Muslims, to preserve the shee'ah Faith. The prominentShee'ahscholarTabatabaisaysthatShee'ahTUQ'YAH is basedon the versesfrom the Holy Qur'anthat say'."Let not the believerstakethe disbelievers as Auliya (supporters,helpers, etc.)insteadofthebelievers,andwhoeverdoes that will neverbehelpedbyALLAH in any way,exceptyou indeedfear a danger ftom them...".4',"vl/hoverdisbelievedin ALLAH after hisbetief,excepthim who isforced theretoand whoseheart is at rest with Faith...,'.5 The Holy Qur'an alsoassuresusthatpretendingto believedifferentlyfrom what is in our heartsiS the distinguished characteristicof hypocritesand it condemnsthat. ALLAH says in the Holy eur'an. ,And whentheymeetthose who believe they say 'We believe'.But whentheyare alone with their Shaytan (devil'polytheist, hyprocrites,etc.),they say:"Trary wearc withyou... ,'.6 ALLAH alsosays:"Do yoa (aithfull believers)covetthat they will believe in your religion inspite of thefact that aparty of them (Iewish rabbis)usedto hear the liltord of ALLAH [the Taurat (Torah)J, then they usedto changeit lrnowingly after they understood it? "And when thq (Jewg meetthoseiho believe (Muslims) what ALLAH has revealed toyou pews, about description and the qualitiesof ProphetMuhammad|peaceBeLponHi^)thatwhich are writeenin ' Al-Kafr, AL-Usool,vol. 2, pp 217-9 ' Al-Kafi A.l-frua,vol. 3 pp. 188-9. 3 Khomeinip. 144. o Holy qur'an: chapter3 verse28. 'Holy qur'an: chapter16verse106. t Holy qur'an: chapterzverse 14. 21 TUQ'YAH (SHIELDING) The Ja'afari scholars say that: 'TUQ'YAH comprises ninetenths of the religion of ALLAH and whoever does not use TUQ'YAH has no religion. TUQ'YAH is to be used in everything except in declaring the prohibition ofwine and the rubbing of socks in WUdU,.1 TUQ'YAH means to pretend by doing or saying exactly the opposite of what you believe or feel, e.g. to pretend to be nice while cursing the person in the heart without a present danger.2 The specific purpose of TUQ'YAH is the 'preservation of Islam and the Shee'ah school of thought; if the people had not resorted to it, our school would have been destroyed,3, i.e., to the Shee'ah scholars, TUQ'YAH could be used with non-Shee'ah, including Muslims, to preserve the Shee'ah Faith. The prominent Shee'ah scholar Tabatabai says that Shee'ah TUQ'YAH is based on the verses from the Holy Qur'an that say: "Let not the believers take the disbelievers as Auliya (supporters, helpers, etc.) instead ofthe believers, and whoever does that will never be helped by ALLAH in any way, exceptyou indeedfear a danger from them... ".4; "Whover disbelieved in ALLAH after his belief, except him who isforced thereto and whose heart is at rest with Faith... ".5 The Holy Qur'an also assures us that pretending to believe differently from what is in our hearts is the distinguished characteristic of hypocrites and it condemns that. ALLAH says in the Holy Qur'an: "And when they meet those who believe they say 'We believe'. But when they are alone with their Shaytan (devil- polytheist, hyprocrites, etc.), they say: "Truly we are with you... ".6 ALLAH also says: "Do you (faithfull believers) covet that they will believe in your religion inspite of the fact that a party ofthem (Jewish rabbis) used to hear the Word of ALLAH [the Taurat (Torah)}, then they used to change it knowingly after they understood it? "And when they (Jews) meet those who believe (Muslims) what ALLAH has revealed to you [Jews, about description and the qualities ofProphet Muhammad(peace Be Upon Him) that which are writeen in 1 Al-Kati, AL-Usool, vol. 2, pp 217-9. 2 Al-Kati Al-frua, vol. 3 pp. 188-9. 3 Khomeini p. 144. 4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 3 verse 28. 5 Holy Qur'an: chapter 16 verse 106. 6 Holy Qur'an: chapter 2 verse 14. 21
  • 25. Taurat(Torah), that they (Muslim) nay argue wtth you (Jants)then no understanding?".r ALLAH also says:"Lo!you aretheoneswholovethembuttheyloveyou not, and you believein all theScriptures[te. you believein the Taarat(Torah) and the Injee(Gospel), while they disbelievein your Book,theQar'anJ.And when they meetyou, theysay,"Webelieve".Btttwhen theyarealone,theybite the tips of their Jingers at you in rage Say:"Pefishinyour tage.Certainly, ALI-/IH knows what is in thebreast(alt thesecrets)."2Therefore,ALLAH has preparedfor the hypocritesseverepunishment."They shall be in thelowest depthsof theftre, no helperswilt you Jind for them".3 SoMuslimscholars considerthat pretendingtheoppositeofwhatyouhideis lying,whichis aformof hypocrisy, for the Prophet (peaeBeupmrrim)said: 'The signsof ahypocrite arethree: wheneverhe speaks he tells a lie, wheneverhepromiseshe alwaysbreaksit and he abusesthetrustgivento him...' aThebasicruletherefore,is thatpretendingone thing and hiding anotheris hypocrisyandis condemnedby the Islamicteachings. The case mentioned in chapter3 verse28 of the Qur'an aboveis applicablein the caseof non-believersONLY under special cases,i.e.,a Muslim cannotapplyit againsta Muslim.5Chapter 16 verse 106 of theHoly Qur'anis applicableonly when a Muslim faces a situation similarto the situationofthe greatCompanion Ammar when he had to choosebetweendying under torture like his parents pretendingto be unbelieverby tongue.Thesecasesarenot thebasicrule but rather exceptions,let alonethebasisfor nine-tenthsof the Islamicreligion.Brothersand sisters,give it a thought- what would happenif Muslimswereto believethatnine- tenths of the whole religion lies in TUQ'YAH? Which is meansthatpretending what is different from our truebeliefandfeelingsis ninetimesasimportantasall the Islamicteachings?Couldyou evertrusta Muslim if this werethe case?Canwe really take our guidance andreligiousknowledgefrom scholarswho believethat deception is nine-tenthsof his religion?Is it right to accepthis non-religiousviews as representingthe truth?If a personconsiderslying aboutALLAH, His Prophet (peacBerdmHi-l and the Muslimsasessentialpart of his beliefsin orderto servehis biased goals, can we trust him? Therefore, if you really want successin the hereafteror in the etemal life, be cautious of the manyargumentsofShee'ah scholarswhich arebaseddn distortedor forgedquotationsandreferences. I Holy qur'an: chapter2verses75-77 2Holy Qur'an:chaper 3 verseI19. ' Holy Qur'an:chapter4 verse145. oAl-Bukhari,vol, l p. 31,Muslim vol. 4,p. 1374. ' Ibn Taymiyah,Minhaj., vol l. p. 213andvol. 3 p.259'260. 22 Taurat(Torah), that they (Muslim) nay argue with you (Jews) then no understanding?".! ALLAH also says: "Lol you are the ones who love them but they loveyou not, and you believe in all the Scriptures [i.e. you believe in the Taurat(Torah) and the Injeel(Gospel), while they disbelieve in your Book, the Qur'anJ. And when they meet you, they say, "We believe". But when they are alone, they bite the tips of their fingers at you in rage. Say: "Perish in your rage. Certainly, ALLAH knows what is in the breast (all the secrets).,,2 Therefore, ALLAH has prepared for the hypocrites severe punishment. "They shall be in the lowest depths of the fire, no helpers will you find for them".3 So Muslim scholars consider that pretending the opposite ofwhat you hide is lying, which is a form of hypocrisy, for the Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said: 'The signs of a hypocrite are three: whenever he speaks he tells a lie, when ever he promises he always breaks it and he abuses the trust given to him...' 4 The basic rule therefore, is that pretending one thing and hiding another is hypocrisy and is condemned by the Islamic teachings. The case mentioned in chapter 3 verse 28 ofthe Qur'an above is applicable in the case of non-believers ONLY under special cases, i.e., a Muslim cannot apply it against a Muslim.5 Chapter 16 verse 106 of the Holy Qur'an is applicable only when a Muslim faces a situation similar to the situation of the great Companion Ammar when he had to choose between dying under torture like his parents pretending to be unbeliever by tongue. These cases are not the basic rule but rather exceptions, let alone the basis for nine-tenths ofthe Islamic religion. Brothers and sisters, give it a thought - what would happen if Muslims were to believe that nine- tenths of the whole religion lies in TUQ'YAH? Which is means that pretending what· is different from our true belief and feelings is nine times as important as all the Islamic teachings? Could you ever trust a Muslim ifthis were the case? Can we really take our guidance and religious knowledge from scholars who believe that deception is nine-tenths ofhis religion? Is it right to accept his non-religious views as representing the truth? If a person considers lying about ALLAH, His Prophet (peace Be uPon Him) and the Muslims as essential part ofhis beliefs in order to serve his biased goals, can we trust him? Therefore, if you really want success in the hereafter or in the eternal life, be cautious of the many arguments of Shee'ah scholars which are based on distorted or forged quotations and references. 1 Holy Qur'an: chapter 2 verses 75-77 2 Holy Qur'an: chapter 3 verse 119. 3 Holy Qur'an: chapter 4 verse 145. 4 Al-Bukhari, vol, 1. p. 31, Muslim vol. 4, p. 1374. 3 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj., vol 1. p. 213 and vol. 3 pp. 259-260. 22
  • 26. Our Dearslet usrememberthatchapter3 verse28 of theHoly Qur'an is not only an exception,but rathrer a restrictedexception.Not only is it forbidden to be usedagainstMuslims but it alsoprohibitsusto lie uponothers.It meansthatif you oppose certain behaviours and you are in a situation where admission would endangerIslam or the Muslim community, you may chooseto remainsilentbut you mustavoidlying.l I Ibn Taymiyah, Minh4i., vol. p. 213 and Ibn Katheer,Tafseer. 23 Our Dears let us remember that chapter 3 verse 28 ofthe Holy Qur'an is not only an exception, but rathrer a restricted exception. Not only is it forbidden to be used against Muslims but it also prohibits us to lie upon others. It means that ifyou oppose certain behaviours and you are in a situation where admission would endanger Islam or the Muslim community, you may choose to remain silent but you must avoid lying.1 1 Ibn Taymiyah, Minhaj., vol. p. 213 and Ibn Katheer, Tafseer. 23
  • 27. MnrnAn - TEMP'RARYMARRTAGE The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholarsclaim that Mut'ah or temporarymarriageis NOT forbidden becauseit was practiced during theProphet'stime. Only Omar forbadeit.r l)The purpose of Mut'ah is to fulfill a physicalneedonly; thereis no divorceand the two parhrersdo not inheriteachother.2TheMuslim scholarssaythat:The Holy Qur'an had established the legalformsof relationshipbetweenmaleand female and confined it into two types:themarriagein which themainreasonis multiplication andtheotherbeingmutualrelationshipandpossession.TheHoly Qur'an says: $And those who guard their chastity (Le.private parts,from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wivesor (the captivesand the slaves) that their right hands posses,-for then, theyarefree from blames" 3 2)These two legal forms Islamic maniage were also confirmed in the Holy Qur'an:'Also (forbidden are) womenalreadymarried, exceptthose(captives and slaves) whom you right hands possess.ThushasALLAH ordainedfor you. AII others are lowful, provided you seek(them in marriage) with Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time of maniage) from your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so with those of whomyou have enjoyedsexual relations, give them their Mahr is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin onyou. Surely, ALLAH is Ever All-Knowing, AII-Wise". "Andwhoever ofyou have not the means wherewith to wed free, believing women, they may wed believing girk from among those (captives and slaves) whom your right possess,and ALLAH has full ltnowledgeaboutyour Faith, yoa are onfrom another. Wed them with permission of their ownfolk (guardins, Auliya or masters) and give their Mahr according to what is reasonable; they (the above said captive and slave-girls) should bechaste,not adulterous, nor tahing boy friends. And after they have been taken in wedfolk,iftheycommitillegal sexual intercourse, their panishment is half thatforfree (unmarried) women. This isfor him amongyou who is afraid of being harmed in his religion or in his body; but it is betterfor you thatyou practiseself-restra'nt,andALLAH is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful".a In which thelawsof marriageweredetailed. The Muslimsscholarsconfirmedthatthemeaninsof "lstam'tum"is referringto ' Tabatabai,pp.227-10. 2 Moosavi,pp.79-96. 'Hory qur'an: chapter23:verses5-7,chapter70:verses28-31 o Horyqur'an: chapter4 verses24,25. 24 MUT'AH - TEMPORARY MARRIAGE The Ja'fari Shee'ah scholars claim that Mut'ah or temporary marriage is NOT forbidden because it was practiced during the Prophet's time. Only Omar forbade it.1 l)The purpose of Mut'ah is to fulfill a physical need only; there is no divorce and the two partners do not inherit each other.2 The Muslim scholars say that: The Holy Qur'an had established the legal forms ofrelationship between male and female and confined it into two types: the marriage in which the main reason is multiplication and the other being mutual relationship and possession. The Holy Qur'an says: "And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts,from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and the slaves) that their right hands posses, -for then, they arefree from blames" 3 2)These two legal forms Islamic marriage were also confirmed in the Holy Qur'an:"Also (forbidden are) women already married, except those (captives and slaves) whom you right hands possess. Thus has ALLAH ordainedfor you. All others are lawful, providedyou seek (them in marriage) with Mahr (bridal-money given by the husband to his wife at the time ofmarriage) from your property, desiring chastity, not committing illegal sexual intercourse, so with those of whom you have enjoyed sexual relations, give them their Mahr is prescribed, you agree mutually (to give more), there is no sin on you. Surely, ALLAH is Ever All-Knowing, All-Wise". "And whoever ofyou have not the means wherewith to wed free, believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those (captives and slaves) whom your right possess, and ALLAH has full knowledge aboutyour Faith, you are on from another. Wed them with permission of their own folk (guardins, Auliya or masters) andgive their Mahr according to what is reasonable; they (the above said captive and slave-girls) should be chaste, not adulterous, nor taking boy friends. And after they have been taken in wedfolk, ifthey commit illegal sexual intercourse, their punishment is halfthatforfree (unmarried) women. This isfor him amongyou who is afraid ofbeing harmed in his religion or in his body; but it is betterfor you thatyou practise self-restraint, andALLAHis Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful".4 In which the laws of marriage were detailed. The Muslims scholars confirmed that the meaning of "Istam'tum" is referring to 1 Tabatabai, pp. 227-30. 2 Moosavi, pp. 79-96. 3 Holy Qur'an: chapter 23: verses 5-7, chapter 70: verses 28-31. 4 Holy Qur'an: chapter 4 verses 24,25. 24
  • 28. the enjoymentaspart of the dutiesof the legalformsof marriagebetweena man and his wife. This partof theverseis spellingout theright of a wife to a Mahr (maniage gift). This is clearly demonstratedby a HADEETH usingthe same word"Istamta'ta"in its singleform.l 3)Mut'ah was permittedunder severecircumstancesduring'Jihad"time,but it was always prohibited immediately aftertheneedfor it vanished.Whenit was permitted for the lasttime,its prohibitionsafterthatwasfinal. The Prophet6r** Beuporrim)said : 'l havegivenyou permlsslonto contract"temporarymarriage" wrth women, but ALLAH hasforbiddenit 'till thedayof resurrection'.2Sothe permissionswere actuallyonly occasionalexceptionsfromtheoriginalruleset in the Qur'an and were made by the prophet (peaeBetto,nHim)who hadthe authonty;and the exceptionswere notleftopenbutwereclosedby theabove FIADEETHforever.3 Later on, Ca'lee'phahOmar came to know that Amru bin Huraithwas practisingMut'ah andsohe announced: 'Verily ALLAH madepermissiblefor his messenger(peaer3eLrp(nlrtrn)whateverhelikesandashelikedit And therevelationof the Holy Qur'anhadbeencompleted.SocompleteHajj andUmrafor ALLAH had conmandedyou and confirm by properconditionsthemarriageof thosewomen (with whomyou haveperformedMut'ah).And anypersonwho wouldcometo me with a marriageof fixed duration(Mut'ah),I wouldstonehim to death(whichis thepenaltyfor committingfomicationby a previouslymarriedperson).'a Brothersand sisters, is thereanydifferencebetweena woman lendingher body for afew minutesasrnprostitutionor for a few daysor monthsasin Mut'ah, since both are temporary?Don't you think thatthepermissionof Mut'ah today would humiliateour sisters,open thedoorsfor playmatesandfinallydestroythe conceptof family in Islam?RemembertheShee'ahscholarsof high statusrarely allow theirfemalerelativesto practiceMut'ah in orderto avoidhumiliation.In fact the Mut'ah permittedoccasionallybeforeitsfinalprohibitionsdid not requirethe femaleto be a Muslim or even onefromthepeopleof thebookwhichmakesit completely distinguishedfrom marriage.How coulda Muslim legalizesuchatype of illegal relationshipfor Muslims or practice it himselflWhatis thedifference betweenfomication today and Mut'ah in termsof theirpurposes?Aren't bothto satisfothesexualdesiresalone?. t Al-Mahmoodp. ll. 2Muslim,vol.2, p. 707. 'Asqalani,vol.9. pp. l6zt-74. o Muslim,vol. 2,pp.610-I . 25 the enjoyment as part of the duties ofthe legal forms ofmarriage between a man and his wife. This part of the verse is spelling out the right of a wife to a Mahr (marriage gift). This is clearly demonstrated by a HADEETH using the same word "Istamta'ta" in its single form. I 3)Mut'ah was permitted under severe circumstances during "jihad" time, but it was always prohibited immediately after the need for it vanished. When it was permitted for the last time, its prohibitions after that was final. The Prophet (peace Be Upon Him) said : 'I have given you permission to contract "temporary marriage" with women, but ALLAH has forbidden it 'till the day of resurrection'.2 So the permissions were actually only occasional exceptions from the original rule set in the Qur'an and were made by the prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) who had the authority; and the exceptions were not left open but were closed by the above HADEETH forever. 3 Later on, Ca'lee'phah Omar came to know that Amru bin Huraith was practising Mut'ah and so he announced: 'Verily ALLAH made permissible for his messenger (Peace Be Upm Hunl whatever he likes and as he liked it. And the revelation of the Holy Qur'an had been completed. So complete Hajj and Umra for ALLAH had commanded you and confirm by proper conditions the marriage of those women (with whom you have performed Mut'ah). And any person who would come to me with a marriage of fixed duration (Mut'ah), I would stone him to death (which is the penalty for committing fornication by a previously married person).,4 Brothers and sisters, is there any difference between a woman lending her body for a few minutes as In prostitution or for a few days or months as in Mut'ah, since both are temporary? Don't you think that the permission of Mut'ah today would humiliate our sisters, open the doors for playmates and finally destroy the concept of family in Islam? Remember the Shee'ah scholars of high status rarely 'allow their female relatives to practice Mut'ah in order to avoid humiliation. In fact the Mut'ah permitted occasionally before its final prohibitions did not require the female to be a Muslim or even one from the people of the book which makes it completely distinguished from marriage. How could a Muslim legalize such a type of illegal relationship for Muslims or practice it himself? What is the difference between fornication today and Mut'ah in terms of their purposes? Aren't both to satisfy the sexual desires alone? 1 AI-Mahmood p. 13. 2 Muslim, vol. 2, p. 707. 3 Asqaiani, vol. 9, pp. 164-74. 4 Muslim, vol. 2, pp. 610-1. 25
  • 29. G"ooEERr(HU,M Tabatabaisaid: "For shee'ah, the central evidence of Ali's legitimacyas successorto theprophet(peaeBerloHim)is theevidenceof GhadeerKhu'm whenthe prophet (peaeBerlo rrim)chose Ali to the "general guardianship".Refening to a bookletdevotedto the detailsof GhadeerKhu'm, we find thefollowing: I L Morethan100,000companionsattendedtheGhadeerKhu'm address. took place on the 18ft of the Thul Hrjja after the "bidding farewell,' pilgrimage of the Prophete",o Berpm Hnm).The reason the Prophet @eaeBerfmgim) made this addressat this place was becauseALLAH revealed ths verscat GhadeerKhu'm: "o apostle,deliverwhat has beenrevealedtoyoufrom yout Lord; ond if you do not do it thenyou havenot delivered Hismessage;and ALLAH will protectyoufrom thepeople,'.2 3. Therefore, the Proph€tpeaeBeLrpmHimlmade these announcements: o that he was leaving for Muslims two most precious things: 'one is the bookof God,oneendof whichis in thehandsof Godandtheotheris in your hands.And thesecondvaluablething ismy descendants'.'God has informed me thatbothof thesethingswill neverseparatefrom eachothertill theyreach meattheFountainof Kausar'. o Taking Ali's hand and raising it he said, 'of whomsoeverI am master (mawla),Ali is hismasteror mawlatoo'. . The Prophets""*Bertomnim)also said: 'O my God,be a friend of his who is a friend of Ali andtreathim like a foehewho opposesAli. Help themwho help Ali andabandonthemwho go againstAli'. o And he said:'O my lord, whicheverway Ali turnsorienttheright in the same direction'. Now,.letus discoverwhat theMuslim scholars say:3 l. According to Shee'ahsources,only a handfulof Companions(lessthat l0 ata maximum) did not break their covenantwith the prophet sp",**.4- r*;.4 The 100,000companionswho heard the addressplottedto depriveAli of his right to be the successorof theProphet@eaeBellorlin).What is theprobabilityof this to have happened?Forwhatbenefitwould this overwhelmingmEority do that?If youreadthenon-shee'ahsources,you will find no reasonatall. 'Najafi, pp.9-19:Tabatabai,pp. 178-218. 2Holy qur'an: Chapter5 verse62. 3Fordetailedcommentsreferto Minhaj, in IbnTaymiyah,vol.4,pp. g,l-7 aShariatipp. 28-30;A-estari pp.34-43. 26 GHADEER KHU'M Tabatabai said: "For Shee'ah, the central evidence ofAli's legitimacy as successor to the prophet (peaceBe Upoo Him) is the evidence of Ghadeer Khu'm when the prophet (peace Be Upoo Him) chose Ali to the "general guardianship". Referring to a booklet devoted to the details of Ghadeer Khu'm, we find the following: 1 1. More than 100,000 Companions attended the Ghadeer Khu'm address. 2. It took place on the 18th of the Thul Hijja after the "bidding farewell" pilgrimage of the Prophet(peace Be Uprn Him). The reason the Prophet (peaceBe Upoo Him) made this address at this place was because ALLAH revealed thIs verse at Ghadeer Khu'm: "0 apostle, deliver what has been revealed to youfromyoul: Lord,. and if you do not do it then you have not delivered His message,. and ALLAH willprotectyou from the people".2 3. Therefore, the Prophet(Peace Be Upon Him) made these announcements: • that he was leaving for Muslims two most precious things: 'one is the book of God; one end of which is in the hands of God and the other is in your hands. And the second valuable thing is my descendants'. 'God has informed me that both of these things will never separate from each other till they reach me at the Fountain of Kausar' . • Taking Ali's hand and raising it he said, 'of whomsoever I am master (mawla), Ali is his master or mawla too'. • The Prophet(Peace Be Uprn Him) also said: '0 my God, be a friend ofhis who is a friend ofAli and treat him like a foe he who opposes Ali. Help them who help Ali and abandon them who go against Ali' . • And he said: '0 my lord, whichever way Ali turns orient the right in the same direction'. Now,.let us discover what the Muslim scholars say:3 1. According to Shee'ah sources, only a handful of Companions (less that 10 at a maximum) did not break their covenant with the Prophet (peace Be Upoo Him).4 The 100,000 companions who heard the address plotted to deprive Ali ofhis right to be the successor dfthe Prophet (peace Be Upon Him). What is the probability of this to have happened? For what benefit would this overwhelming majority do that? If you read the non-Shee'ah sources, you will find no reason at all. 1 Najafi, pp. 9-19: Tabatabai, pp. 178-218. 2 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 5 verse 67. 3 For detailed comments refer to Minhaj, in Ibn Taymiyah, volA, pp. 84-7. 4 Shariati pp. 28-30; N-Askari pp. 34-43. 26
  • 30. 2.The GhadeerKhu'm addresstook placeon the 186of Thul Hrjja month,the same year as the Prophet'sireaeBeemuin)"bidding farewell" pilgrimage.On the 9ft of the same month the Prophet rpeeBelfmHim)receivedthelastversewhich says'."Thisday I have perfectedyour religion, completedmyfavors uponyou and I hqve chosen Islam to beyour religion" l How coulda versewhich asks the Prophet qe""*B€rhmHin)to conveythemessagefollow this concludingverse, especiallyafter the crowd of the "bidding farewell" sermon(on the 9e of Thul Hrjja) hadalreadyattestedtheProphet(peaeBerlmr{im)andconveyedthemessage? As a matter of fact, chapter 5 verse67 of theQur'an wasrevealedbeforethe Khaibar expedition, the conquest of Mecca and the "bidding farewell" pilgrimage. 3. The acclaimedannouncementof the Prophet (p""oBeL[tnHim)in the way and context that the Shee'ahscholarsmentionedwasa blatantlie, asIbn Taymiyah emphasized: o The authenticatedoriginalHadeethof 'two mostpreciousthings' (al-Thaqalayn) says:'I amleavingamongyou two valuablethings: thefirst onebeingthebook of ALLAH in which there is the right guidanceandlight, sohold fastto the book of ALLAH and adhereto it'. He extortedus (Zaid Ibn al-Arqamsaid)to hold fast to the book of ALLAH andthensaidtheProphet@eaeBertomuim): 'The secondare the membersof my household.I remindyouto observeALLAH tn treatingthem'.2The householdof theProphetpeaeBerlonim)aswaspreviously explainedincludesall his wives,Ali, Ageel,Ja'far,Abbasandtheiroffsprings. Did the Prophet (peaeBerh.EHim)say stickto my family asyou stick to theHoly Qur'an? Certainlyhedidnot.He askedmuslimsto bekind to all hishousehold, not just Ali or the 12Imamsof theShee'ahscholars.If theHADEETH indicates any specialpower or privilegefor his household,then we shouldpraisethe Abasid Ca'lee'phahs,theoffspringof Abbas.Why thendo theShee'ahscholars cursetheminstead? o The last part of theclaimedHADEETH "is alsoalie",Ibn Taymiyahassured, whether the Prophet's peaeBerrpcnuim)said:'of whomsoeverI am"mawla", Ali is his "mawla" or not". Ibn Taymiyahassuredusthatit is definitelyrejectedin this context and the majority of FIADEETH scientistsrejectedit completely. Assumingthatthe Prophet(peaeBer!,nHim)utteredit, what thenis specialaboutit?' The Holy Qur'an, addressingthe Prophetsays:" ALLAH is his mawla,so is Gabriel and so are the righteous believers".3The righteous believers are certainly not themasterof theprophetbut friendsandsupporters.If theProphet (peaeBcLtomHim)had said: "of whomsoever I am"wali", Ali is his "wali", thenit would haveprobablymeantmasteror guardian.Furthermore,theprophet(pea€B€ ' Holy Qur'an:Chapter5 verse3 2Muslim vol. 4 pp. 1286-7. 'Holy qur'an: 66verse4. 27 2. The Ghadeer Khu'm address took place on the 18 th of Thul Hijja month, the same year as the Prophet's (peaooBeUpooHim) "bidding farewell" pilgrimage. On the 9th of the same month the Prophet (peaoo Be Upoo Him) received the last verse which says: "This day I have perfectedyour religion, completed myfavors upon you and I have chosen Islam to be your religion" 1 How could a verse which asks the Prophet (peaoo Be Upoo Him) to convey the message follow this concluding verse, especially after the crowd of the "bidding farewell" sermon (on the 9th ofThul Hijja) had already attested the Prophet (peace BeUpoo Him) and conveyed the message? As a matter of fact, chapter 5 verse 67 ofthe Qur'an was revealed before the Khaibar expedition, the conquest of Mecca and the "bidding farewell" pilgrimage. 3. The acclaimed announcement of the Prophet (peaoo Be Upon Him) in the way and context that the Shee'ah scholars mentioned was a blatant lie, as Ibn Taymiyah emphasized: • The authenticated original Hadeeth of 'two most precious things' (al-Thaqalayn) says: 'I am leaving among you two valuable things: the first one being the book of ALLAH in which there is the right guidance and light, so hold fast to the book of ALLAH and adhere to it'. He extorted us (Zaid Ibn al-Arqam said) to hold fast to the book ofALLAH and then said the Prophet (PeaooBeUpooHim): 'The second are the members of my household. I remind you to observe ALLAH in treating them,.2 The household of the Prophet (Peaoo Be Upoo Him) as was previously explained includes all his wives, Ali, Ageel, Ja'far, Abbas and their offsprings. Did the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) say stick to my family as you stick to the Holy Qur'an? Certainly he did not. He asked muslims to be kind to all his household, not just Ali or the 12 Imams of the Shee'ah scholars. If the HADEETH indicates any special power or privilege for his household, then we should praise the Abasid Ca'lee'phahs, the offspring ofAbbas. Why then do the Shee'ah scholars curse them instead? • The last part of the claimed HADEETH "is also a lie", Ibn Taymiyah assured, whether the Prophet's (Peaco Be Up"" Him) said: 'of whomsoever I am "mawla", Ali is his "mawla" or not". Ibn Taymiyah assured us that it is definitely rejected in this context and the majority of HADEETH scientists rejected it completely. Assuming that the Prophet (Peaco Be Upon Him) uttered it, what then is special about it?' The Holy Qur'an, addressing the Prophet says: "ALLAH is his mawla, so is Gabriel and so are the righteous believers".3 The righteous believers are certainly not the master of the prophet but friends and supporters. If the Prophet (peaoo Be Upon Him) had said: "of whomsoever I am "wali", Ali is his "wali", then it would have probably meant master or guardian. Furthermore, the prophet (Peaoo Be 1 Holy Qur'an: Chapter 5 verse 3. 2 Muslim vol. 4 pp. 1286-7. 3 Holy Qur'an: 66 verse 4. 27