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The Conservative Reformation
The death of liberalism
There is a dilemma faced by liberals that has never been resolved and rarely
recognized as a fundamental issue effecting the way places of business and
government is administrated yet the issue impacts what we think about morality
and rationality and our conception of right and wrong it has to do with the
creation of social costs and our present inability to transact business using
economic rational exchanges and indeed goes so deep it either clarifies or
muddies our understanding of the difference between community and slavery;
right and wrong the dilemma encompasses our right and ability to say no to costs
we did not create and defines the nature of power as the ability to impose costs
onto society and future generations these social costs include debt,
unemployment, poverty and pollution resolving The Liberal Dilemma requires a
Conservative Reformation similar to that which divided Protestantism from
Catholicism in 1517 and for much the same reason – liberalism is evil.
Freedom has been the desire of all persons since the first Stone Age man began
chipping out arrowheads to make a living and wondered how to protect the fruits
of his labour from the claims of community – therein lies the root of the dilemma
that is liberalism.
In a small town in Muskoka in 2012, The Bracebridge Brand Leadership Team
was assigned the task of developing a new Tourism Brand. In 2013 they
published their conclusions in The Art of Muskoka Living.
The Art Of Muskoka Living promoted a new trend in recreation called
‘experiential tourism’. The authors thought the town’s best option was to teach
tourists the Muskoka Lifestyle. Bracebridge was to be ‘the heart and soul of
Canada’s Cottage Country – steward of the famous Muskoka lifestyle’.
The Bracebridge Brand Leadership Team (BBLT) believed in the ideology of
liberalism, the pursuit of freedom and the free market. What they produced was
another irresolvable dilemma.
The BBLT did not comprehend the Social Costs of their proposals nor was the
impact of their program on the local community considered. But people and
public opinion are not easily manipulated and the community rallied and rose up
against the few who would implement it.
Liberalism is a political theory that does not understand the costs liberalism
creates. This disregard for costs is integral to the liberal conception of freedom.
Liberal politics create costs that often come in the form of business closures.
These costs are known as Social Costs. Social costs are created when costs are
passed down onto local communities and eventually the environment. Social
costs such as waste, pollution, unemployment, poverty and debt are never
ethical or rationally justified; social costs always have a negative impact on the
local community, local businesses, and the environment. Social costs are not
consistent with a culture that respects human rights. Social costs are not
consistent with a humanely run workplace. Social costs do not promote harmony
they do not foster team spirit they are not consistent with any reasonable
business ethics.
Socialism has a paternalist aspect and social agenda that embed local business
interests into the global free market. This creates unsustainable costs for local
businesses and communities. Social costs may benefit either the rich or the poor
but Socialism always increases social costs and always harms the sustainability
of local businesses because social costs always subvert community-building
Social costs are levied at the expense of local business interest and their
associated Social Networks not to mention democracy in general. Democracy
does not function on a Global level; ideally Democracy is grassroots and local.
Democracy is associated more closely with the local community. If liberalization
of the economy continues unchecked democracy will end and liberalism will
develop into tyranny. Tyranny is simply the possession of sufficient power by
political leaders that allows them to unilaterally create social costs for society
unopposed. Tyranny is the destruction of community. Tyranny is a social cost of
liberalism gone wild. Tyranny is self-interested politicians imposing social costs
onto society and future generations with little opposition from the 99.9%. The
association of human rights with freedom from social costs is why tyranny is
defined as a direct violation of human rights. Tyranny is an irrational attack on
human rights by those who take advantage of inequality to impose social costs
onto society and future generations. Tyranny is imposing social costs onto
society and future generations. This is never good for business, never good for
society and never good for the planet.
Liberals promote economic freedom but do not recognize the costs that they
impose on society. Social costs directly impact the ability of people to form and
build community and this puts a limit on democracy. Liberals see social costs, as
a price society has to pay to implement their version of the greater good. Social
costs to a liberal are a cost of freedom what they do not realize is that freedom is
only meaningful when it is part of community. The liberal market eliminates local
sources of goods and services in favour of suppliers with the ability to shift costs
elsewhere primarily onto local markets. Liberalism favours monolithic
organizations because they are consistent with the One World Government
liberals work towards. Social costs make local businesses less competitive and
therefore susceptible to take-over by International Corporations with lower per
unit costs. Some costs of liberalism are visible in the form of unemployment and
other social costs but the great mass of the Socialist iceberg is submerged in the
hidden costs of Globalism (the centralization of economic power into the hands of
a political elite). Globalism results in the steady erosion of local business
interests and lowered community sustainability. Globalization and the
downloading of costs onto local markets ultimately harm civilization. The fact that
liberalism is parasitic explains why Empires always fail; no society is able to
sustain the costs of liberalism indefinitely.
Globalization erodes business solvency at the local level. When local businesses
are required to pay costs they did not create the tendency to avoid paying costs
whether legitimate or not increases. Socialism marginalizes the Social Networks
that serve as the foundation of community and breeds a culture of selfishness in
which liberalism thrives. Bureaucracies are mandated to care for society as
individuals pursue their economic best interests. This divorcement of the
individual from the society in which he or she resides has social costs.
Regardless which sector or social class is favoured and which burdened the
economic consequences of socialism are never positive. Socialism eventually
brings down any civilization too weak to resist the costs imposed on its team
forming social networks. Out of control social costs birthed by rampant
Globalization has caused the fall of every empire. At some point Empires fail to
find sufficient resources to exploit. The cost of liberal Global Policy collapses the
local economy because the burden placed on local networks is too great to bear.
The Globalization process moves to a richer and usually younger economy with
stronger local and social networks. Liberalism is inherently parasitic and global
feeding off local markets and networks. Socialism is the creation of social costs
to further liberalisms Globalist agenda. The Haves and Have-Nots that liberalism
generates is the division between those who are able to shift costs onto others
and those who cannot resist the imposition of costs onto themselves.
Governments attempt to combat the social ills created by liberals social agenda
but all they can do is create bureaucracy and more social costs. All Social Costs
are paid for by society and future generations and in one guise or another harms
community and civilization itself. Social Costs are inherently undemocratic and
breed tyranny simply because social costs are not consistent with the formation
and promotion of community. Creating debt is never rational, never moral and
never democratic and never serves to generate community. The Globalization of
the economy requires governments adopt Socialist policies because
Globalization increases bureaucracy and bureaucracies cannot generate income.
Globalization and Socialism are therefore by necessity inseparable. Keeping
unrest down to a level where a full-scale revolution does not erupt requires the
provision of social goods; another Social Cost and another levy on local markets.
At some point the local economy is rendered so destitute that the provision of
social goods becomes impossible on the scale required and open rebellion
happens as is happening in Greece.
The cost of Globalism not only reduces total disposable income and depresses
economic activity it hinders the specialization that is the heart of all prosperity
and productivity. Specialization also lies at the heart of team formation. Socialist
transfers create unfair advantages for those markets that are globally positioned
and penalize others more restricted by local factors. Bureaucracy favours big
business because big business works on a scale that reflects the scale on which
governments work, thus liberal governments in league with the liberal business
community create a synergy that is inimical to the existence of true community.
Social Costs always create debt in one form or another and create social
schisms between sectors globally positioned and those more sensitive to local
needs. Ultimately this process erodes and dismantles local networks and the
civilization that rests on them. Debt is a measure of the inroads liberal policy has
made in controlling the economy; debt is a symptom of the Globalization of the
local economy. Where Globalization has not made inroads debt is less in
evidence. Only a strong local community can prevent Globalization and keep
social costs down.
Liberalizing the financial sector (a euphuism for the linkage of local financial
institutions with the Global Financial Markets) allowed a speculative boom we are
still paying for. The costs created by financial speculation are Social Costs. All
evil, crime and injustice are or create Social Costs and erode the structure and
sustainability of community.
Bureaucracies produce no goods or services. Governments pay for their social
programs by transferring wealth from one sector to another. Liberal governments
are inherently Socialist and Cannibalize the economy. Public financed programs
push nations towards a society that is dependent on government intervention.
This is not structurally sound; it is not economically rational and it does not favour
a sustainable economy. The dynamics of government inexorably push
communities lemming-like along the same Socialist funded path.
Robbing Peter to pay Paul is neither democratic, just or an effective way of
creating economic development especially when Peter is a local merchant and
Paul a bureaucrat or global conglomerate. Creating debt regardless of how or
why it is done or the form it takes eliminates choice as surely as the most
tyrannical dictator’s political dictates. Both actions take wealth from local markets
to favour a Globalist one; this does not create wealth it generates bureaucracy
and destroys the roots of democracy. Tyrannies and social agencies pushing a
global agenda create Social Costs and debt. Both harm the economy and
weaken the local market for goods and services. Fascism cannot create a
rational economy because fascism is not compatible with democracy. Fascism is
Globalist, expansive and centralizing and parasitic. Fascism is liberalism
imposing Social Costs on a subject population. Fascism ultimately means the
collapse of civilization and the destruction of earth.
The free market is a theory of financial management that favours Globalization.
Oddly enough because the theory of the free market is directed towards the
elimination of all restrictions on trade and commerce and by default all
restrictions against the creation of a single, global market and over time the
creation of a single economic entity the process demands Big Government or a
One World Fascist Tyranny. Globalization does not favour democracy because
democracy requires locality.
The free market is a financial management system that penalizes small local
commerce and favours Multinationals. The worst and most destructive
tendencies of the most ruthless men and woman cannot and will not contribute
towards lower costs. Globalization of the economy creates a bureaucracy that is
more sensitive to global issues than local needs – arms before schools. The
Invisible Hand allocates goods and services according to who has the most
disposable income but it does not listen to what ought to be – it has no vision.
Local businesses create local communities but liberalism favours Global
Institutions. The free market cannot eliminate Social Costs because International
Institutions represent the greatest Demand and constitutes the largest pool of
disposable income. This at least partly explains the Arms Race and the market
for arms generally (at the expense of schools and hospitals). Nor can the free
market be tweaked so as to not produce debt and waste. These are the
consequence of liberal economics and its focus on macroeconomics. The free
market can only transfer assets from one party to another and this only when
money to mediate this transfer is available. Free markets promote economic
freedom but economic freedom favours Globalization and Globalization is not
friendly to local issues - environmental concerns are also primarily a local issue.
The last thing rational human beings need is an abstraction deciding who shall
eat and who will starve. The free market cannot serve as the source of human
values and the arbitrator of public policy. The free market cannot replace human
minds and rational choice. Free Markets are not capable of appreciating what
ought to be.
Moral choice is possible only in a tightly knit community. Moral choice is
personal, local and based on a local community in a local environment. The
fundamentals of moral choice are not compatible with Globalization or the free
market. Liberalism is not compatible with the needs of moral human beings.
Organizations are not built by random events nor do invisible engineers build
bridges and stable civilizations cannot be formed by chance. A free market
governed by an invisible hand does not recognize human values or moral virtues.
Human rights and freedoms are social issues best dealt with on level of a local
community. We cannot rationally expect a market that is geared to freeing human
beings from social concerns to respect or promote human values. The liberal free
market cannot provide the world with democracy or human rights. The liberal free
market trumpets freedom but it is a freedom without responsibility or
accountability – it is the freedom of rogues, pirates and sociopaths.
According to the precepts of the free market no social obligation or human
consideration ought to stand between an entrepreneur and his or her ability to
turn a profit using the resources at his or her disposal. The free market says
freedom is a result of economic success – the acquisition of assets. But
economic success is simply another term for the ability to amass large pools of
Capital. Can a business geared to making a profit by creating debt be compatible
with the diverse needs of human beings? If a human being were to tell you that
he or she has no other interests and no other purpose than to earn money would
you think this person a well-rounded human being or fit to judge what kind of
environment you ought to live in? The free market is not a human sized
environment and businesses that operate solely within it are not orientated
towards what a community needs. Human values cannot be weighted against the
cost of a battleship. Hunger cannot be given a price tag and marketed. To make
profits organizationally more significant than human dignity cannot be rationally
or economically justified yet millions of business people daily forget their
humanity and act as if the only concern they have is to generate profits.
Community is about the inherent worth of human beings. This comes down to
how we value the planet or our small section of it. An economic system focused
on the cost of goods and services cannot be made consistent with democracy or
human rights and values. It will never be compatible with a world in which the
environment is our primary concern. We need an economic system that
understands values as well as costs. Globalism has made workers appear to be
a liability and social concerns at best a luxury. The environment is forgotten in
the struggle for economic survival.
Business values ought to reflect the importance of human and social values. This
is not possible on a global level the scale is wrong. Globalism requires
businesses focus on costs for it is in the control of costs that profits come about,
but costs are not relevant when human values are considered as for example in
a search for a lost child. Human concerns wakes some people up and they
realize at some point we need to put aside free market ideology. At some point
the profit motive must be rejected in favour of human values. During times of trial
and hardship a human face emerges from behind the mask of even the most
dedicated liberal market theorist.
Debt is the measure of how much business has become embedded in the Global
Agenda of liberalism. Today Greece the birthplace of Democracy may go
bankrupt as its access to Global finance is cut off and if it escapes bankruptcy it
will mean the end of democracy in that country. Greece has been given the
choice of accepting international servitude to a Global Bureaucracy (represented
by the IMF and EU) or pariah status.
Liberals promote a social agenda and yet look at human needs in a negative
way. Why is feeding hungry people believed to create debt, why does creating
jobs for the unemployed create costs that the free market cannot justify; why is
the promotion of human rights dependent on charity and volunteers? Is it
economically rational to embed our society in a system that treats human needs
as luxury items? Why is health care an issue the world over? What are we living
and working for if we cannot afford to live a healthy life? Nations that cannot
provide adequate health care to its citizens routinely send money to assist in
medical emergencies elsewhere. What agenda is being pursued here? Can we
not in an economic sense, walk to the store to buy groceries; must we be
Olympian athletes able to outrun the rest of the world to put food on the table?
Ought not the creation of jobs be a natural part of any local economy? Can only
volunteers and charity be used to feed those who cannot keep up the pace set by
the Global Rat Race? What is the Global Market that it has no contingency for
feeding the starving? The struggle for profits in the melee of free enterprise
precludes human sentiment. There is no place for compassion in the operation of
business. This is supposed to be a good thing. Competition it is said makes
business efficient, efficient at what?
To choose we have to be rational; right choices are rational choices. Rationalism
is the belief mankind has inherent wisdom that is we have the intrinsic ability to
choose what is right. Rationalists believe humans know right from wrong and can
discern the difference. Rationalism is a philosophy that explains the world from
this perspective. Rationalism in application is local there is no such thing as
making right global choices; choices are always localized and personal.
Rationalism assumes there is logic to the world and a right and wrong way to live
and organize in that if we make right choices we create a way of life that makes
sense in some objective and universal way. There is only one right way and an
unlimited number of wrong ways to live. Globalism contradicts the rationality and
locality of existence because Globalists make choices on the International level
trying to fit local conditions within the Global paradigm. This puts the cart before
the horse and is irrational. The outcome of acting irrationally can never be good.
Irrationality creates social costs. Conservatives put people and their communities
first because this is what we ought to do and as will be demonstrated it what
makes sense. Right actions lower costs for everyone. Conservatism is a political
philosophy concerning human values not market costs Conservatives are
concerned with moral choice and doing what we ought; acting not because of a
profit motive but because of human values. Conservatives repudiate Globalism
because Conservatism is incompatible with liberalism even down to the former
being focused on the local issue of what we ought to do within the context of a
local ecology and the latter being concerned with what can be done consistent
with costs and the need to make profits. Liberalism is funded by Socialism and
promotes Globalization; Conservatives promote Democracy and morality and
community and lower costs.
Equity is assets minus liabilities. It’s a simple equation but it carries the key to
defeating liberalism and its Global Agenda. Eliminate liabilities and Socialism the
life-blood of liberalism is eradicated. Without the ability to create Social Costs
liberalism cannot survive. Liberalism is a parasite of community and lives by
creating social costs and environmental destruction. Eliminate debt; eliminate the
possibility of generating social costs (forcing economic deflation) and Liberalism,
Socialism and Globalization are swept away into the dustbin of history.
It is the proposition of this work that liberalism generates social costs i.e.
Socialism and that Socialism is not compatible with a just and moral society
Socialism is antithetical to the structure and function of community. Liberalism
and its social costs are not consistent with a society that respects human rights.
Inequality is a precondition if social costs are to be imposed. Conservatives
believe eliminating liberalism and Socialism brings about a new era defined by
the spontaneous emergence and strengthening of community.
Liberalism is identified with the free market. It is the argument of this work that
the free market cannot but create Social Costs and that the only way for liberal
governments to reduce the negative impact of social costs is by creating other
Social Costs. For example increasing unemployment lowers inflation; debt is
countered with business retrenchment and economic downturns with lowered
interest rates. All liberals can do is to change the mix of Social Costs society
pays. This process if implementing social programs and changing the mix of
social costs that society pays increases the need for bureaucracy and moves
society closer to a Globalized economy inconsistent with the formation and
development of Community.
Conservatives believe Capitalism and Socialism are simply two sides of the
same liberal coin. Socialist tyranny and liberal democracies are two ends or
extremes of the same political spectrum. There is no separation.
The history of the world is a record of liberal mismanagement. The entire political
spectrum is composed chiefly of various forms of liberalism all directed
intentionally or by default on realizing the liberal agenda. The focus on freedom
puts power into the hands of those most able to shift costs onto society and
future generations. The sort of government one gets depends on the mix of
Social Costs the nation pays. Rationality requires we eliminate Social Costs and
the Socialism that gives rise to Globalism and the emergence of the One World
Order. A Globalist Democracy is not possible there is only global tyranny.
Democracy is always local and based on community. Freedom cannot be had in
an environment of economic dependency or moral degeneracy. The moral ought
cannot be fully realized so long as we are subject to the Social Costs of
This book is not just about promoting better environmental stewardship it is
about ending the tyranny of the liberal management policy that consistently
values profits over people and property rights over human rights and things over
souls. Conservatives reaffirm the value of place and people and the moral ought
in a new way to do business that is rational and consistent with team building
and the ecology of planet earth. Conservatives have the program that protects
the environment and generates prosperity.
Social Costs are never Green and never rational, moral or economically justified.
Parties that create social costs to promote political agendas never reflect the will
of the people. The world needs a Conservative Reformation.

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The conservative Reformation preface

  • 1. The Conservative Reformation The death of liberalism There is a dilemma faced by liberals that has never been resolved and rarely recognized as a fundamental issue effecting the way places of business and government is administrated yet the issue impacts what we think about morality and rationality and our conception of right and wrong it has to do with the creation of social costs and our present inability to transact business using economic rational exchanges and indeed goes so deep it either clarifies or muddies our understanding of the difference between community and slavery; right and wrong the dilemma encompasses our right and ability to say no to costs we did not create and defines the nature of power as the ability to impose costs onto society and future generations these social costs include debt, unemployment, poverty and pollution resolving The Liberal Dilemma requires a Conservative Reformation similar to that which divided Protestantism from Catholicism in 1517 and for much the same reason – liberalism is evil. Preface Freedom has been the desire of all persons since the first Stone Age man began chipping out arrowheads to make a living and wondered how to protect the fruits of his labour from the claims of community – therein lies the root of the dilemma that is liberalism.
  • 2. In a small town in Muskoka in 2012, The Bracebridge Brand Leadership Team was assigned the task of developing a new Tourism Brand. In 2013 they published their conclusions in The Art of Muskoka Living. The Art Of Muskoka Living promoted a new trend in recreation called ‘experiential tourism’. The authors thought the town’s best option was to teach tourists the Muskoka Lifestyle. Bracebridge was to be ‘the heart and soul of Canada’s Cottage Country – steward of the famous Muskoka lifestyle’. The Bracebridge Brand Leadership Team (BBLT) believed in the ideology of liberalism, the pursuit of freedom and the free market. What they produced was another irresolvable dilemma. The BBLT did not comprehend the Social Costs of their proposals nor was the impact of their program on the local community considered. But people and public opinion are not easily manipulated and the community rallied and rose up against the few who would implement it. Liberalism is a political theory that does not understand the costs liberalism creates. This disregard for costs is integral to the liberal conception of freedom. Liberal politics create costs that often come in the form of business closures. These costs are known as Social Costs. Social costs are created when costs are passed down onto local communities and eventually the environment. Social costs such as waste, pollution, unemployment, poverty and debt are never ethical or rationally justified; social costs always have a negative impact on the local community, local businesses, and the environment. Social costs are not consistent with a culture that respects human rights. Social costs are not consistent with a humanely run workplace. Social costs do not promote harmony they do not foster team spirit they are not consistent with any reasonable business ethics.
  • 3. Socialism has a paternalist aspect and social agenda that embed local business interests into the global free market. This creates unsustainable costs for local businesses and communities. Social costs may benefit either the rich or the poor but Socialism always increases social costs and always harms the sustainability of local businesses because social costs always subvert community-building activities. Social costs are levied at the expense of local business interest and their associated Social Networks not to mention democracy in general. Democracy does not function on a Global level; ideally Democracy is grassroots and local. Democracy is associated more closely with the local community. If liberalization of the economy continues unchecked democracy will end and liberalism will develop into tyranny. Tyranny is simply the possession of sufficient power by political leaders that allows them to unilaterally create social costs for society unopposed. Tyranny is the destruction of community. Tyranny is a social cost of liberalism gone wild. Tyranny is self-interested politicians imposing social costs onto society and future generations with little opposition from the 99.9%. The association of human rights with freedom from social costs is why tyranny is defined as a direct violation of human rights. Tyranny is an irrational attack on human rights by those who take advantage of inequality to impose social costs onto society and future generations. Tyranny is imposing social costs onto society and future generations. This is never good for business, never good for society and never good for the planet. Liberals promote economic freedom but do not recognize the costs that they impose on society. Social costs directly impact the ability of people to form and build community and this puts a limit on democracy. Liberals see social costs, as a price society has to pay to implement their version of the greater good. Social costs to a liberal are a cost of freedom what they do not realize is that freedom is only meaningful when it is part of community. The liberal market eliminates local sources of goods and services in favour of suppliers with the ability to shift costs elsewhere primarily onto local markets. Liberalism favours monolithic
  • 4. organizations because they are consistent with the One World Government liberals work towards. Social costs make local businesses less competitive and therefore susceptible to take-over by International Corporations with lower per unit costs. Some costs of liberalism are visible in the form of unemployment and other social costs but the great mass of the Socialist iceberg is submerged in the hidden costs of Globalism (the centralization of economic power into the hands of a political elite). Globalism results in the steady erosion of local business interests and lowered community sustainability. Globalization and the downloading of costs onto local markets ultimately harm civilization. The fact that liberalism is parasitic explains why Empires always fail; no society is able to sustain the costs of liberalism indefinitely. Globalization erodes business solvency at the local level. When local businesses are required to pay costs they did not create the tendency to avoid paying costs whether legitimate or not increases. Socialism marginalizes the Social Networks that serve as the foundation of community and breeds a culture of selfishness in which liberalism thrives. Bureaucracies are mandated to care for society as individuals pursue their economic best interests. This divorcement of the individual from the society in which he or she resides has social costs. Regardless which sector or social class is favoured and which burdened the economic consequences of socialism are never positive. Socialism eventually brings down any civilization too weak to resist the costs imposed on its team forming social networks. Out of control social costs birthed by rampant Globalization has caused the fall of every empire. At some point Empires fail to find sufficient resources to exploit. The cost of liberal Global Policy collapses the local economy because the burden placed on local networks is too great to bear. The Globalization process moves to a richer and usually younger economy with stronger local and social networks. Liberalism is inherently parasitic and global feeding off local markets and networks. Socialism is the creation of social costs to further liberalisms Globalist agenda. The Haves and Have-Nots that liberalism
  • 5. generates is the division between those who are able to shift costs onto others and those who cannot resist the imposition of costs onto themselves. Governments attempt to combat the social ills created by liberals social agenda but all they can do is create bureaucracy and more social costs. All Social Costs are paid for by society and future generations and in one guise or another harms community and civilization itself. Social Costs are inherently undemocratic and breed tyranny simply because social costs are not consistent with the formation and promotion of community. Creating debt is never rational, never moral and never democratic and never serves to generate community. The Globalization of the economy requires governments adopt Socialist policies because Globalization increases bureaucracy and bureaucracies cannot generate income. Globalization and Socialism are therefore by necessity inseparable. Keeping unrest down to a level where a full-scale revolution does not erupt requires the provision of social goods; another Social Cost and another levy on local markets. At some point the local economy is rendered so destitute that the provision of social goods becomes impossible on the scale required and open rebellion happens as is happening in Greece. The cost of Globalism not only reduces total disposable income and depresses economic activity it hinders the specialization that is the heart of all prosperity and productivity. Specialization also lies at the heart of team formation. Socialist transfers create unfair advantages for those markets that are globally positioned and penalize others more restricted by local factors. Bureaucracy favours big business because big business works on a scale that reflects the scale on which governments work, thus liberal governments in league with the liberal business community create a synergy that is inimical to the existence of true community. Social Costs always create debt in one form or another and create social schisms between sectors globally positioned and those more sensitive to local needs. Ultimately this process erodes and dismantles local networks and the civilization that rests on them. Debt is a measure of the inroads liberal policy has
  • 6. made in controlling the economy; debt is a symptom of the Globalization of the local economy. Where Globalization has not made inroads debt is less in evidence. Only a strong local community can prevent Globalization and keep social costs down. Liberalizing the financial sector (a euphuism for the linkage of local financial institutions with the Global Financial Markets) allowed a speculative boom we are still paying for. The costs created by financial speculation are Social Costs. All evil, crime and injustice are or create Social Costs and erode the structure and sustainability of community. Bureaucracies produce no goods or services. Governments pay for their social programs by transferring wealth from one sector to another. Liberal governments are inherently Socialist and Cannibalize the economy. Public financed programs push nations towards a society that is dependent on government intervention. This is not structurally sound; it is not economically rational and it does not favour a sustainable economy. The dynamics of government inexorably push communities lemming-like along the same Socialist funded path. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is neither democratic, just or an effective way of creating economic development especially when Peter is a local merchant and Paul a bureaucrat or global conglomerate. Creating debt regardless of how or why it is done or the form it takes eliminates choice as surely as the most tyrannical dictator’s political dictates. Both actions take wealth from local markets to favour a Globalist one; this does not create wealth it generates bureaucracy and destroys the roots of democracy. Tyrannies and social agencies pushing a global agenda create Social Costs and debt. Both harm the economy and weaken the local market for goods and services. Fascism cannot create a rational economy because fascism is not compatible with democracy. Fascism is Globalist, expansive and centralizing and parasitic. Fascism is liberalism imposing Social Costs on a subject population. Fascism ultimately means the collapse of civilization and the destruction of earth.
  • 7. The free market is a theory of financial management that favours Globalization. Oddly enough because the theory of the free market is directed towards the elimination of all restrictions on trade and commerce and by default all restrictions against the creation of a single, global market and over time the creation of a single economic entity the process demands Big Government or a One World Fascist Tyranny. Globalization does not favour democracy because democracy requires locality. The free market is a financial management system that penalizes small local commerce and favours Multinationals. The worst and most destructive tendencies of the most ruthless men and woman cannot and will not contribute towards lower costs. Globalization of the economy creates a bureaucracy that is more sensitive to global issues than local needs – arms before schools. The Invisible Hand allocates goods and services according to who has the most disposable income but it does not listen to what ought to be – it has no vision. Local businesses create local communities but liberalism favours Global Institutions. The free market cannot eliminate Social Costs because International Institutions represent the greatest Demand and constitutes the largest pool of disposable income. This at least partly explains the Arms Race and the market for arms generally (at the expense of schools and hospitals). Nor can the free market be tweaked so as to not produce debt and waste. These are the consequence of liberal economics and its focus on macroeconomics. The free market can only transfer assets from one party to another and this only when money to mediate this transfer is available. Free markets promote economic freedom but economic freedom favours Globalization and Globalization is not friendly to local issues - environmental concerns are also primarily a local issue. The last thing rational human beings need is an abstraction deciding who shall eat and who will starve. The free market cannot serve as the source of human values and the arbitrator of public policy. The free market cannot replace human minds and rational choice. Free Markets are not capable of appreciating what ought to be.
  • 8. Moral choice is possible only in a tightly knit community. Moral choice is personal, local and based on a local community in a local environment. The fundamentals of moral choice are not compatible with Globalization or the free market. Liberalism is not compatible with the needs of moral human beings. Organizations are not built by random events nor do invisible engineers build bridges and stable civilizations cannot be formed by chance. A free market governed by an invisible hand does not recognize human values or moral virtues. Human rights and freedoms are social issues best dealt with on level of a local community. We cannot rationally expect a market that is geared to freeing human beings from social concerns to respect or promote human values. The liberal free market cannot provide the world with democracy or human rights. The liberal free market trumpets freedom but it is a freedom without responsibility or accountability – it is the freedom of rogues, pirates and sociopaths. According to the precepts of the free market no social obligation or human consideration ought to stand between an entrepreneur and his or her ability to turn a profit using the resources at his or her disposal. The free market says freedom is a result of economic success – the acquisition of assets. But economic success is simply another term for the ability to amass large pools of Capital. Can a business geared to making a profit by creating debt be compatible with the diverse needs of human beings? If a human being were to tell you that he or she has no other interests and no other purpose than to earn money would you think this person a well-rounded human being or fit to judge what kind of environment you ought to live in? The free market is not a human sized environment and businesses that operate solely within it are not orientated towards what a community needs. Human values cannot be weighted against the cost of a battleship. Hunger cannot be given a price tag and marketed. To make profits organizationally more significant than human dignity cannot be rationally or economically justified yet millions of business people daily forget their humanity and act as if the only concern they have is to generate profits.
  • 9. Community is about the inherent worth of human beings. This comes down to how we value the planet or our small section of it. An economic system focused on the cost of goods and services cannot be made consistent with democracy or human rights and values. It will never be compatible with a world in which the environment is our primary concern. We need an economic system that understands values as well as costs. Globalism has made workers appear to be a liability and social concerns at best a luxury. The environment is forgotten in the struggle for economic survival. Business values ought to reflect the importance of human and social values. This is not possible on a global level the scale is wrong. Globalism requires businesses focus on costs for it is in the control of costs that profits come about, but costs are not relevant when human values are considered as for example in a search for a lost child. Human concerns wakes some people up and they realize at some point we need to put aside free market ideology. At some point the profit motive must be rejected in favour of human values. During times of trial and hardship a human face emerges from behind the mask of even the most dedicated liberal market theorist. Debt is the measure of how much business has become embedded in the Global Agenda of liberalism. Today Greece the birthplace of Democracy may go bankrupt as its access to Global finance is cut off and if it escapes bankruptcy it will mean the end of democracy in that country. Greece has been given the choice of accepting international servitude to a Global Bureaucracy (represented by the IMF and EU) or pariah status. Liberals promote a social agenda and yet look at human needs in a negative way. Why is feeding hungry people believed to create debt, why does creating jobs for the unemployed create costs that the free market cannot justify; why is the promotion of human rights dependent on charity and volunteers? Is it economically rational to embed our society in a system that treats human needs as luxury items? Why is health care an issue the world over? What are we living
  • 10. and working for if we cannot afford to live a healthy life? Nations that cannot provide adequate health care to its citizens routinely send money to assist in medical emergencies elsewhere. What agenda is being pursued here? Can we not in an economic sense, walk to the store to buy groceries; must we be Olympian athletes able to outrun the rest of the world to put food on the table? Ought not the creation of jobs be a natural part of any local economy? Can only volunteers and charity be used to feed those who cannot keep up the pace set by the Global Rat Race? What is the Global Market that it has no contingency for feeding the starving? The struggle for profits in the melee of free enterprise precludes human sentiment. There is no place for compassion in the operation of business. This is supposed to be a good thing. Competition it is said makes business efficient, efficient at what? To choose we have to be rational; right choices are rational choices. Rationalism is the belief mankind has inherent wisdom that is we have the intrinsic ability to choose what is right. Rationalists believe humans know right from wrong and can discern the difference. Rationalism is a philosophy that explains the world from this perspective. Rationalism in application is local there is no such thing as making right global choices; choices are always localized and personal. Rationalism assumes there is logic to the world and a right and wrong way to live and organize in that if we make right choices we create a way of life that makes sense in some objective and universal way. There is only one right way and an unlimited number of wrong ways to live. Globalism contradicts the rationality and locality of existence because Globalists make choices on the International level trying to fit local conditions within the Global paradigm. This puts the cart before the horse and is irrational. The outcome of acting irrationally can never be good. Irrationality creates social costs. Conservatives put people and their communities first because this is what we ought to do and as will be demonstrated it what makes sense. Right actions lower costs for everyone. Conservatism is a political philosophy concerning human values not market costs Conservatives are concerned with moral choice and doing what we ought; acting not because of a
  • 11. profit motive but because of human values. Conservatives repudiate Globalism because Conservatism is incompatible with liberalism even down to the former being focused on the local issue of what we ought to do within the context of a local ecology and the latter being concerned with what can be done consistent with costs and the need to make profits. Liberalism is funded by Socialism and promotes Globalization; Conservatives promote Democracy and morality and community and lower costs. Equity is assets minus liabilities. It’s a simple equation but it carries the key to defeating liberalism and its Global Agenda. Eliminate liabilities and Socialism the life-blood of liberalism is eradicated. Without the ability to create Social Costs liberalism cannot survive. Liberalism is a parasite of community and lives by creating social costs and environmental destruction. Eliminate debt; eliminate the possibility of generating social costs (forcing economic deflation) and Liberalism, Socialism and Globalization are swept away into the dustbin of history. It is the proposition of this work that liberalism generates social costs i.e. Socialism and that Socialism is not compatible with a just and moral society Socialism is antithetical to the structure and function of community. Liberalism and its social costs are not consistent with a society that respects human rights. Inequality is a precondition if social costs are to be imposed. Conservatives believe eliminating liberalism and Socialism brings about a new era defined by the spontaneous emergence and strengthening of community. Liberalism is identified with the free market. It is the argument of this work that the free market cannot but create Social Costs and that the only way for liberal governments to reduce the negative impact of social costs is by creating other Social Costs. For example increasing unemployment lowers inflation; debt is countered with business retrenchment and economic downturns with lowered interest rates. All liberals can do is to change the mix of Social Costs society pays. This process if implementing social programs and changing the mix of social costs that society pays increases the need for bureaucracy and moves
  • 12. society closer to a Globalized economy inconsistent with the formation and development of Community. Conservatives believe Capitalism and Socialism are simply two sides of the same liberal coin. Socialist tyranny and liberal democracies are two ends or extremes of the same political spectrum. There is no separation. The history of the world is a record of liberal mismanagement. The entire political spectrum is composed chiefly of various forms of liberalism all directed intentionally or by default on realizing the liberal agenda. The focus on freedom puts power into the hands of those most able to shift costs onto society and future generations. The sort of government one gets depends on the mix of Social Costs the nation pays. Rationality requires we eliminate Social Costs and the Socialism that gives rise to Globalism and the emergence of the One World Order. A Globalist Democracy is not possible there is only global tyranny. Democracy is always local and based on community. Freedom cannot be had in an environment of economic dependency or moral degeneracy. The moral ought cannot be fully realized so long as we are subject to the Social Costs of liberalism. This book is not just about promoting better environmental stewardship it is about ending the tyranny of the liberal management policy that consistently values profits over people and property rights over human rights and things over souls. Conservatives reaffirm the value of place and people and the moral ought in a new way to do business that is rational and consistent with team building and the ecology of planet earth. Conservatives have the program that protects the environment and generates prosperity. Social Costs are never Green and never rational, moral or economically justified. Parties that create social costs to promote political agendas never reflect the will of the people. The world needs a Conservative Reformation.