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you will become a witness innovators of the future

66 presenters
out of 88

9-10 November
St.James Power Station

88 presenters
180 seconds soul pitch
8 categories
88 presenters
180 seconds pitch
Nov. 9-10
@St.James Power Station
Ages don’t matter
Status don’t matter
Organization, corporation, individual, NGO/NPO
don’t matter
Countries don’t matter
Languages don’t matter
where you will become
a witness to innovators of the future
Presenters are
from 10 years old to 60's
from Singapore, Asia to Europe, Africa, and US
from Start-ups to global leading company or NPO/NGO
from Singer, dancers to IT, Education
from Health, Food to Athlete
from Film, Art to beauty
more than 50 CEO or founders
more than 20 IT start-ups
more than 10 LIVE performance
more than 5 film performance
challenging in more than 30 countries
out of 88 presenters
Morin khuur artist, khoomei
Artists, LIVE / Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region

He is a professional artist of Morin
khuur and khoomei.
He received grand prix at National
Artist Competition at Greater China,
January 2012. He started his
professional career.
He will perform khoomei which is
acient ethnic music. Audiences will
linsten an amazing voice they have
never heard before.
Mai Yasuda
Calligraphyer, calligraphic evangelist
Art, LIVE / Japan
She began to learn Japanese calligraphy
at age 5. Although she got a job in a
different field from it after graduation of
high school, she gradually considered
what she really should do through variety
of experiences and encounters. She
thought herself deeply at that time. “I
would like to contribute to society by what
I only could do instead of something
someone else can.” “What value could I
provide to people?” “What is my
expertise all in all?” She realized that she
love writing Japanese calligraphy and
writing is the best she could do. She
decided to be a professional calligrapher.
Her vision is inspiring people with writing
Japanese calligraphy for hope. People
who saw her works will feel energy and
never forget their emotion. She will
continue to create artworks of Japanese
calligraphy that could make people
touched and believes it is her role. Now
she is working on various fields such as
writing Japanese calligraphy, holding
events, live performances of calligraphy,
designing advertisement by calligraphy,
organizing calligraphy classes and so on.
URL: her gallery
Wei Yuet Wong
Self Taought Photographer
Art, Photo / Singapore, Italy, Japan, etc
Wei Yuet is a self taught photographer. He got his first camera
about ten years ago, has got a few more since then, and has not
stopped playing with photography. He found that photography is
a very useful medium to enter and examine many worlds in
intimate detail. People describe his style of photography as a
blend of photojournalism and fine art. Some of his recent
projects explore social issues like graying population, fukushima
project on the realities of life since the 3.11 earthquake, and elite
professional cycling. In his free time, he runs marathons, and he
also likes to discuss ideas with friends over good coffee. On his
tumblr page is a collection of his works, and also what he
admires from other photographers
Yuuki Morita
3DCG,VFX artist
He is a freelance 3DCG designer
and shortfilm artist in Japan.
Currently he is still a student of
university in tokyo but
his artwork captures many people
and got prizes.
his major at university is phycology/
ecology and his artwork difinitely
be based on those knowledge.
At work he makes 3DCG models
for VFX,TV,game,ads and as an
individual he makes artwork which
has the theme of biodiversity.
In the future he will continue to
effort to make bio artwork which
tells the beauty of life to many
one of his artworks
Dave Lim
Ambassador of TEDx, co-founder of Coca-Cola innovation accelerator
Polymath, provocateur, pioneer and possibilist / Singapore
Dave Lim is a polymath, provocateur, pioneer and possibilist. He is a TEDx Ambassador and founding
curator of TEDxSingapore in 2009 who delights in creativity and co-creation, working with people to design,
launch and grow new enterprises and is co-founder of the new Coca-Cola Innovation Accelerator in
Singapore. Dave has worked on all sides of entrepreneurial fence, as a venture capitalist and entrepreneur in
the Pacific Rim and Silicon Valley, innovation catalyst, investor, educator, central banker and global fund
manager. HIs expertise spanning four universities in three countries: Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, University of
New South Wales, and University of British Columbia. Dave's favourite quote is "Whatever you can do, or
dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
Kathy Xu
Founder, the Dorsal effect
Social enterprise, ecotourism, conservation / Singapore, Indonesia
Kathy is the founder of the social enterprise, The Dorsal Effect, which believes in promoting ecotourism as an
alternative form of livelihood for shark fishermen in Lombok, as a sustainable means of shark conservation. She was
a secondary school teacher for 7 years and constantly got her students involved in school projects or character
development lessons about ocean sustainability and shark conservation while still volunteering with Shark Savers
Singapore for roadshows and events like ADEX Singapore. Kathy gave up her job as a teacher in order to pursue her
love for sharks. She actively approaches schools in Singapore to present and talk about shark conservation as well as
help students in school projects that involved putting an end to shark fin soup demand, in the education outreach arm
of Shark Savers Singapore. Kathy recently spoke at the Saint Andrew's Junior College Learning Festival as well to
promote the cause for shark conservation the to students and avidly goes around schools in Singapore speaking to
children of all ages on the issue.
Wanting to make a difference on the supply side alongside the demand side as well, Kathy started making several
research trips to Lombok since September 2012 in order to find out about the shark fishing and shark fin trading going
on in Tanjung Luar, which has devastating impacts on ocean sustainability. Deciding that having tourists come on boat
trips making use of the shark fishermen's shark boats could be a viable alternative livelihood with equitable income for
the fishermen as well, she is getting tourists to choose responsible tourism and make a difference with their tourist
dollar by coming on the boat trips and talking to the fishermen about why they want to still sharks in the oceans, soft
than hard conservation approach for the fishermen.With a sustainable tourist base establish, Kathy also hopes to
work with the fishermen on ocean conservation and start a trend of ocean conservation for the coming generations of
fisherpeople in the village.
yanko design

Reuben Png
Architecture, Industrial designer, Studio Recognito(launch soon)
City, design for industrial, mechanical, and engineering processes / Singapore, Germany, Australia
Having over 10 years of experience in design, business and medical research (neuroscience) industries, Reuben
believes that design principles can be applied to any organisation or situation. Trained first as an industrial
designer and then in business management, he has always had a passion for understanding how things work, and
how they can be improved to work better. As an industrial designer, he was trained to apply Design Thinking to
industrial, mechanical and engineering processes, and has transferred that knowledge into diverse fields such as
automating publishing, communications and scientific research processes.
With multiple awards for his designs such as the Australian International Design Award for a digital pen that sends
emails from normal paper, to child-proof packaging and street furniture, Reuben has a passion for creativity that
improves the human experience. Some of his more recent interesting projects include publishing neuroscience
atlases, facilitating Japanese craftsmen and Singaporean designers together to create Singaporean souvenirs,
and multiple art installations at the Law Courts of New South Wales, Australia.
Reuben holds a Bachelor of Industrial Design and Master of Commerce and Economics from the University of
New South Wales, Australia. He is also a musician and cafe owner.
Ken Yutasevi
Architecture, Interior designer, Director of Experience Design Ong & Ong Pte Ltd
City, Interior design / Singapore, UK, Australia
A filmmaker by training, Ken naturally has a passion for storytelling and people. This has led to a unique and compelling perspective in
his work, transforming organisations and brands to communicate from the inside out. He is also a director at the globally-acclaimed
interior design company, Leo International Design Group.
Some of his recent work includes leading the winning team for the worldwide design competition for Singapore Airlines.FN" SilverKris
Lounge, using an Experience Design approach that addressed user needs at the heart of travel. He also led the workplace strategy
design at the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), integrating organisational, physical and Experience Design for the organisation.
Ken studied Arts and Design at Stowe College (UK) where he received the Roxburough prize for Architecture. He then studied a BA in
film and cinematography at Bond University (Australia).
Jovin Hurry
Strategist on sustainability and negotiation for entrepreneurs: Social Change Leaders + Conversations +
City, Sustainability, Entrepreneurs, Lifestyle / Singapore, Sweden, and Asian countries
Jovin specialises at asking the right questions to the right person at the right time. He probes entrepreneurs at
how they negotiate around core sustainability issues. He has spent 15 years living and working in Asia and
Europe, as a student, an analyst and a facilitator in the field of sustainability, business, and learning &
development. Jovin completed two Masters in Sweden (Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, and
Entrepreneurship and Innovation); finished a Bachelor in Singapore (Environmental Engineering); and has
chaired, facilitated and organised a number of events and trainings on sustainability in Asia and Europe.
Vigorously Supporting the International mobility of the young talent

Yohei Shibasaki
Founder and CEO, Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation
Education / Japan, India, China, and the world
Shibasaki was at SONY, Inc. He was engaged in product planing and marketing. He did a lot of deal with Samsung,
Motorola, and NOKIA there. He set up Fourth Valley Concierge Corp. in 2007. Fourth Valley is promoting youth globaly
who challenge to create their career outside of their home country. As of now Fourth Valley has subsidiaries in
Singapore, India and China. They will set up more 10 branch within a year.
Mr.Shibasaki was selected as one of Young Global Leaders(YGL) 2013 at World Economic Fouram. Mark Zuckerberg
was also selected as YGL in 2009.
Benjamin Loh
Founder & Principal Trainer of Speaker's Flare Training & Consultancy
Education, coaching / Singapore
Benjamin Loh is an Executive Speech Coach, award-winning Toastmaster and professional speaker and trainer.
As the youngest Associate Certified Coach (ACC) in Singapore and possibly Asia Pacific, credentialed by the
International Coach Federation (ICF), he has coached and trained over 1,000 clients in the area of public
speaking and communications.
He will speak on “un-educating” yourself.
He had previously spoken at TEDxYouth@Singapore
Thaddeus Lawrence
Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Resilience, Peak Performance, Professional
Speaker, TEDx Singapore Presenter
Education, Lifestyle / Singapore
Thaddeus Lawrence is on an inspired mission to empower teams and individuals
achieve personal excellence by setting audacious goals, overcoming extreme obstacles
and persevering through adversity. He has over 12 years of teaching, training and
speaking in the areas of personal motivation, mental resilience and goal achievement.

On Singapore Business Review’s “10 Influential Professional Speakers in
Singapore Right Now”, Thaddeus serves as President 2013-2014 of Asia
Professional Speakers Singapore (APSS) and is a member of the Global
Speakers Federation. He is a two-time speaker at TEDx Singapore and is
the author of Runaway Success: Life Lessons from Ultra Endurance Racing.
Along with other experts, he also co-authored 88 Essential Secrets to
Achieving Greater Success at Work.
Thaddeus is best known for successfully racing 1,000 kilometres in the
hottest, coldest, windiest and driest deserts on earth, in a competition rated
by TIME magazine as one of its Top Ten Endurance Competitions in the
world. His remarkable feats in the Sahara, Gobi, Atacama and Antarctica
have also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charitable

Simple city
Anuraag Saxena
Head, South Asia & ASEAN World Education Foundation
Education, UK
Anuraag is an accountant-turned-banker-turned-entrepreneur and is keenly interested in the social impact space in Asia and
As the Asia Head for the World Education Foundation UK (, Anuraag leads the Asia partnerships and entry
strategy. In this capacity, he enables schools and educational-institutions in the K-12 segment with:
a. Tools and strategies to measure-and-improve learning-outcomes;
b. Creating trust-tools for schools to interact with an extended set of stakeholders, such as parents, regulators, boards-ofeducation, etc; and Building relationships with grant-makers and multi-lateral agencies in the education space.
He is originally a Chartered Accountant and an MBA and has spent his corporate years with GE Capital, Deutsche Bank and
Credit Suisse, where he was heading strategy and change teams across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Anuraag passionately believes that skills, toolsets and techniques from academia and corporate-life, can and should be applied
to solve social and ecological challenges as much as they solve financial ones. Anuraag is keenly vested in the education space
and believes it is the “ticket out, for most Asian economies to claim their rightful place”. When he is not working, he can be found
at stand-up comedy shows or diving.
Norvin Chan
Education reformer; storybook writer
Education, Art, Science / Singapore
Norvin memorised 1,000 digits of Pi... to show that memorisation is the worst way to remember.
With the science of memory, he persuaded over 1000 students and teachers to understand more and rote-remember less.
To encourage students to understand, he is writing an illustrated storybook that covers all secondary school Chemistry
He is currently a NUS Law undergraduate, using time before graduation as a runway to prove his ideas.
Gabriel Joachim Perumal
Mission: Social Change Leaders + Conversations + Beaches
Education, Kids / Singapore

“ What is Life Without Taking Chances”
Recently graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a diploma in Clean Energy. Loves to inspire kids to think creatively
and to express their thoughts and feelings in what they make. For kids to be Innovators instead of being users. Strongly
Feels that engineers and product designers and learn a few things from kids To create fantastic product with meaning
and purpose.
Currently starting up a small company called EME (Electronics Made Easy) with partners Zhen Hao and Juan. We felt
that its about time to risk everything and just to act with out Gut feeling and just do and to put in our full 100 percent in
changing the lives of kids.
Kids can change the world is what EME strongly believes. Love what u do and Do What u Love. Just go and Do it !!
-National Day special
-LED Wristband Prototype
Tu Ngo
Co-Founder of Yola Institute
Education, Lifestyle / Viet Nam.
Tu Ngo is the Co-Founder of Yola Institute, a premier education services company in Viet Nam. She led the
company's product strategy and grew Yola into a network of established learning centers with a diverse portfolio of
programs for thousands of Vietnamese students from middle school to college. Tu believes in the power of
education to change lives and is exploring innovation in education technology and business models.
Tu also serves in the Board of Trustees of the Southeast Asian Service Leadership Network (SEALNet), a U.S.
non-profit founded at Stanford University dedicated to building leaders for Southeast Asia. Born and raised in Viet
Nam, then with volunteer and work experiences in Cambodia and Singapore, she's a strong advocate for Southeast
Asia's entrepreneurial opportunities as well as its people and cultures.
Tu enjoys traveling, mentoring youth and performing Spoken Words. She's always grateful to receive scholarships
to study at Stanford University and INSEAD.
heads up Sales & Marketing for Pelican Brown, magazine "The IT Society".
Education, interactive / Singapore
TC (Teng-Cheong) heads up Sales & Marketing for Pelican Brown, a
Talent Development Firm focused on bridging the needs of Banking
IT organizations and candidates aspiring to build a career in this
He brings 20+ years of enterprise IT and sales/general management
experience and held country/regional leadership positions at Savvis,
Dell and Motorola Solutions.
TC is also active in the local IT industry and serves the Singapore Computer
Society as a Vice President and editor of its quarterly magazine "The IT Society".
Nguyen Thi My Phuong
(Hillary Gomez)
Managing Director of Robenny Corporation
Founder& Managing Partner of SeedFund JSC
Founder of Hgnextmedia JSC
Education, consultation / Singapore, Viet nam
Hillary is International Practitioner in C-Suite Executive Search and focuses on the positions with a base salary of at least
USD200,000 per annum, operating at a global, regional or local level. Hillary is currently Managing Director at Robenny
Corporation, Canada in-charge for Singapore and across region, specialized in C-suite Acquisition and Investment
Robenny Corporation is an international management
consulting firm and one of the most practical training
center in business. For over 40 years, our core business
focuses on:
- Corporation Training
- Board & CEO Outsourcing( CEO, CMO, COO, CFO,
- Project Management Outsourcing
- Business Advisory
We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to
identify their highest-value opportunities, address their
most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
Robenny's Board & CEO Outsourcing practice is
responsible for many high profile chair and nonexecutive director appointments as well as executive
board roles. Our role is to advise on how a board could
be structured, who might best fill the role and how to
attract them. Then we implement our advice, combining
flair, rigor and teamwork in our search for people who
add real value. Good process ensures that the ground is
thoroughly covered; it ensures that candidates are
impeccably treated; it keeps the client and other
stakeholders fully consulted and properly involved. For
over 40 years, Robenny has worked successfully with
global to venture-funded start-up companies, redefining
and reshaping the critical function of today's most
effective boards across all industry sectors.
Sharul Channa
Emcee, Comedienne, Actoress
Entertainment / Singapore, India
A trained actor from La Salle College of the Arts, and a Communications Graduate
from the University of Buffalo, Sharul is one of the most sought after talents in
Singapore today. She is also Singapore’s first ever Indian female stand up comic
and a versatile event emcee.
Adept at hosting a variety of events, Sharul’s undeniable stage presence and strong
command of languages (English and Hindi), makes her exciting to watch on stage.
She also adds a touch of wit, humor and class to all her events.
As an emcee, here are some of the events Sharul has hosted in recent times:

Egypt Tourism Board Gala Dinner in Singapore 2011
Embassy Group Dinner and Dance 2011
Singapore Khalsa Association International Women’s Day 2012
HSBC India Annual Gala Dinner 2012
Bollywood Themed Party for The British Club Tennis Committee 2012

She has also been on TV regularly for various series on Channel News Asia,
commercials on AXN and also for documentaries on MediaCorp Channel 5. A
brilliant comic actress, Sharul has been seen in productions like Rafta Rafta and We
are Like This Only (HuM Theatre) and Rub My Antenna (Complete Communicators).
Sharul is the hilarious and wacky host of the web-series Pickled! and has a huge fan
following for her character Mahima Khan, made popular due to her hilarious antics
and unique hosting style.
As a comic, Sharul has shared the stage with some of the top comedians in the
world. She was the opening act for Papa CJ (India), Irene Ang (Singapore), Raju
Shrivastava (India), Jojo Smith (UK) and many others. She has performed with
Reuben Paul (USA) at the MGM Macau and also headlined shows for The Comedy
Club KL, Comedy Kao Kao, PJ Laugh Fest 2013 and One Mic Stand, among others.
Sharul just returned from doing shows at the Comedy Lounge in Perth and Sydney
in 2013 and will be seen at the Georgetown Festival in Penang 2013.
Actor, Emcee, Entertainer
Entertainment, Emcee, Actor, TV show / Singapore
As a Television Host and Event Emcee, Roshan Gidwani lights
up the room. Described as “Pure Energy Personified” by
China’s “That’s PRD” Magazine, this individual has garnered
attention abroad and now locally in Singapore.
Bringing over 7 years of in-demand experience, he enables his
audience to connect with him instantly. This is evident in his TV
shows such as "Discover Guangzhou", "Expat Chat", and
"Culture Shock". In Singapore, Roshan helmed “Dragon’s Inn”
on OKTO with co-host Caroline Cheung which garnered
audiences from all ages and races. His Voice over clients
include Government bodies, Radio Foshan, Crazy English
Podcasts and companies such as Singtel and *SCAPE Youth
Park to name a few. His show “Art Bus” just wrapped on on
Arts on OKTO.
Born in Bangkok, raised in Australia & China where he hosted
shows for GZTV & Guangdong Radio, Roshan currently
resides in Singapore. Here he has hosted Singapore’s YOG
Torch Relay ceremony, NOISE Singapore Music Showcases,
SPH Galas, D&D’s and corporate events. He has even hosted
the Miss Bikini Singapore Awards 2012 and continues to
charm audiences.
Roshan has been featured in CLEO Magazine’s 50 most
Eligible Bachelors list 2011, named Seventeen Magazine’s
Summer Hunk and has been featured in Hong Kong’s “Beyond
Sindh” to name a few of the many publications that have
covered his works. Poised to deliver, Roshan is a cordial
individual and ensures professional results.
Nobb Takami
Creative Director and CEO of EAST END JAPAN Co. Ltd / DJ
Entertainment, Film / Japan, UK
During my years at Keio University, I started my carrier as a professional nightclub DJ based in Tokyo.
During the day, I was a student, at night I went to film school for film studies and afterwards I worked as a
DJ. My college years were full of various activities.
After graduating from college, hoping that I will be working to produce films in the future, I started working for
a major TV station in Tokyo (TV Asahi), working mostly on live programs such as talk shows and breaking
news. At the same time, I was gaining experiences as a DJ and won the 1st place at the national
composition competition sponsored by TV Asashi’s competitor, Fuji TV.
In 2005, I went back to work based in Osaka, where I was originally from, starting to work on opening up a
community FM broadcasting station (FM Senri). In 2007, being impressed with “Asian Rural Institute (ARI)”,
which is one of the most well-known Japanese NGO and was founded by loving uncle more than 30 years
ago, I stayed temporarily in Kenya, East Africa to work for the international medical NGO called, “Childdoctor Japan”.
After that, to improve my language skill, I moved to live and work based in London, building relationships
with creators in Europe.
After returning to my home country in 2012, I established a visual/music production company called, “East
End Japan Corporation”, which is still in business as of today.
Yooh The Vibration
Artists, LIVE / Singapore
Yooh is a dancehall reggae Singjay(singer &
deejay mixstyle), born in Hokkaido Japan, and
started singing at 1998. His voice and melody is
clean and sweet. Every year, he had stages at
one of the biggest reggae festival "Haon" in
Hokkaido. Also he started selector(means like
DJ) in 2011.
In the Chaos, He will show the original
Japanese style raga and play international
reggae muzik!!!

Designing innovators

Noritaka Kobayashi
Founder and CEO of Diixi Pte.Ltd
Executive producer of the Chaos Asia
Entertainment, Education, Interactive / the Earth
He is a designer and organizer of the Chaos Asia.
He wondered what the best way to create innovation is. Since
scene of the Chaos would be the best one, he decided to gather
88 presenters from all over the fields like Art, City, Education,
Entertainment, Food, Health, Interactive and Lifestyle.
He used to be a computer researcher. After received Ph.D, he
decided to shift his career to business consultant. Spent for 10
years, he joined start-up of Japan called GREE, Inc. Set up
Singapore subsidiery and done several alliance and M&A. He
started Diixi in Singapore. Now he is providing innovative
education for youth and producing variety of business like EC,
social media, incubatoin camp, food etc.
Yana La Fae
Performing artist
Entertainment / Germany
Yana la Fae is a performer from Berlin (Germany) specialized in Circus Arts
such as Fire Dance, Object Manipulation and LED Hula hoop.
"I love the flow of hooping. It allows me to enter a peaceful state of mind where time slows
down and I become one with the object.", says the Berliner.
She believes in the great transformative potential of Circus Arts.
In its diversity hooping can be practised a fun daily workout, a passionate dance or a deep
meditation. Furthermore it helps to build core strength and increase spacial awareness.
Yana loves teaching and travelling. Since 2008, she has performed in various international
events like
Bali Spirit Festival (Indonesia), Festa del fuoco di Stromboli (Italy), Fusion Festival (Germany),
Chingay Parade - Fire in Snow (Singapore) and Ozora (Hungary).
Zephyr Khambatta
Rock drummer, musician, entrepreneur
Entertainment, music / Singapore
At 21, Zephyr dropped out of the National University of Singapore to
pursue music at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore. He is a
highly educated, intelligent and athletic human being having studied at
Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College where being all-rounded is
a norm.
Z has organized open mics, gigs and student graduation showcases.
He has performed in bars, graduation showcases, corporate venues,
television, music videos, full-sized concerts and musicals in China and
Singapore. He also teaches drums privately.
Z’s aim is simple. To put out the best music he can and the best behindthe-scenes work to go with it to deliver an honest, intense and
vulnerable performance every single time. Ultimately, he wants to touch
as many humans as possible with his performances.
Currently, Z is a session player on the drum kit, having found no
suitable bands to commit to in writing original music. He is an active
member of Urban Drum Crew (Singapore). He also produces music for
clients, doing lyrics, songwriting, arranging, composing and mixing. He
also produces his own originals with his first single scheduled to be
released in March 2014. He collaborates with worthy artistes and
rappers for such productions, who have not just skill and talent, but an
undeniable work ethic to bring it all together. He is also currently
working on his debut novel, Surviving Music School. He has also
interned with the Final Mix division of Prime Focus (Mumbai),
Aside from his heavy involvement in the arts, Z has also been a sales
manager, customer service rep, a scientific research associate, a
medic, a personal trainer and a sportsman (hockey, canoeing). He is
currently setting up his music company, The Reunion, which aims to be
the premier performing arts company in Singapore. He is also taking on
modeling and acting roles on the side.
Shusaku Yasumaru
Founder and CEO, Bushi,inc.
Food, Art / Japan, Indonesia
Shusaku Yasumaru is a producer of Japanese traditional culture and crafts. He has been studying tea ceremonial service
and Japanese flower arrangement/Ikebana.
Once he supported business strategy decisions, IT strategy decisions and enforcement to many companies as managing
consultant in PWC consulting and IBM business consulting services.
In 2008, he established Bushi,inc. which is the only company to produce the next Japanese traditional culture. Bushi,inc.
has consulted traditional companies, sold crafts and dispatched Japanese cultural instructors.Now, he is starting to open
new Japanese confectionary shops and factories to Southeast Asia and the Middle East starting with Indonesia.
KitchHike, Inc.
Food, Interactive / Asian countries and Japan
Discover the world through kitchens!
KitchHike connects COOKs and HIKERs in kitchens all over the world.
It is a service that lets you meet real people, and eat real food.
We hope to deliver a service that will feed your curiosity & appetite, and give new spice to your life.
[Eat to Explore the World!!]
Nowadays, there are plenty of sources out there to give you good guidance on the places to visit. But what you cannot find in these guides is, “a taste of
life.” In other words; what it is really like to live a real life there. KitchHike will help you “eat local” - by connecting you to real people, who will invite you into
their home (“Kitchen”) and give you a taste into a slice of their real life.
[Invite the World into your Kitchen!!]
Open up your kitchen and cook for travelers who want to “eat local.” You don’t need to be able to cook like a restaurant. Just cook the casual dishes you
usually eat at home, and give the HIKERS a taste into a slice of your life. KitchHike will help turn your dinner table become a fun, lively place. And what’s
more, you can get paid for it, too!
Callum Liang
Founder and CEO, Fitness-Buffet
Health, Food / Singapore and 11 countries
Callum Laing has created, bought, built and sold
half a dozen companies across Europe and Asia.
Today he is founder and CEO of Fitness-Buffet, a
company striving to make finding and
participating in fitness activities as painless as
possible. Fitness-Buffet is currently in 11
countries and works with some of the biggest
brands in the world. Outside of work he plays
lots of sports enthusiastically but with not much
Jamie Koh
Speaker and consultant in
alternative health
Health, Lifestyle, Education /
Jamie isn’t just a teacher, writer,
and speaker. She is also an optimist
who believes that all businesses
can be socially responsible, and
that the best businesses are the
ones which empower ordinary
people to create social change.
Jamie’s daily inspiration comes from
working with people. After
experiencing triumph over her own
challenges in health and in life, she
is driven to make personal impact
on people, and transform the lives
of those seeking change for the
Zi Siong
Athlete, Powerlifting
Sport / Singapore
Zi Siong is an individual who has been involved in the sport of
powerlifting for 7 years and has lifted 197kg off the ground at a
bodyweight of 65kg. He believes that sports has the power to impact
individuals greatly, and actively shares his love for it. To reach out to
more individuals with his knowledge and passion, he is currently a
personal trainer that focuses in strength and conditioning. He is also
a NTU Sports Science and Management undergraduate and puts his
knowledge acquired into practice to achieve personal and
professional goals.
Martha Tara Lee
Founder of Eros Coaching
Health, Clinical Sexologist / Singapore
Dr. Martha Tara Lee is a Clinical Sexologist who conducts sexuality and intimacy coaching as well as runs
sexuality educational events. Dr. Lee incorporates a blend of conventional and alternative approaches and draws
upon a variety of styles and techniques to support each client as they work to resolve both current problems and
long-standing patterns. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health
Singapore,Men’s Health Malaysia, Durex Singapore Facebook page as well as Durex Malaysia Facebook page.
She has a weekly column with and blogs for Good Vibrations Magazine. She was recognised as
one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by
CozyCot in March 2011.
Goh Li Hsing
Co Founder of BodyMechanix Pte Ltd, Integrative Health Practitioner
Health / Singapore, Germany, Cert Indiba, Indiba Spain.
Mr Goh Li Hsing, RN
Co Founder of BodyMechanix Pte Ltd | Integrative Health Practitioner
BSc Applied Psychology, USQ Australia.Dip Nursing, NYP Singapore. Cert Bicom Bioresonance. Regumed Germany. Cert Indiba, Indiba Spain.
Registered Nurse with the Singapore Nursing Board
Goh Li Hsing has worked extensively for over 10 years in conventional and alternative health care settings such as clinics, hospitals, pharmaceutical research,
communicable disease center, counseling center, psychiatric hospital, clinical nutrition clinics, bioresonance clinics and integrative wellness clinics. He is also
the panel of advisors and speakers for Parents with Vision Congress 2010, and has appeared in various health seminars and workshops.
He is passionate about standing up for the truth in health care and understands that both conventional and alternative health care have their own merits and
flaws. He also believes that science should be honest and focus on discovery and investigation rather than money and ego.
"There is only 1 way to find out if it works, do it, repeat it and if it does not work, reject it. Not labeling it as quakery without trying just because it is competition
and bruises your pride."
He is currently working at Body Mechanix Pte Ltd where he practices integrative health care and majority of his clients come for supportive treatments for
cancer, allergies, addiction problems, diabetes, obesity etc. He is supported by a team of Australian medical scientists and integrative medical doctors, who he
provides integrative health tourism to refer to for treatments that are not available in Singapore. His talks are always empowering that leaves the audience
letting the truth be their authority and not the authority their truth.
Steven Ong
Life Coach & Speaker
Lifestyle, Education, Coach / Singapore
Life Coach & Speaker
Executive Coach International
Within the last 4 years, Executive Coach International Pte Ltd became one of the leading coaching organisations in the
region, boasting the largest body of Internationally Qualified Coaches to be certified by the International Coach Federation
(ICF) based in the USA. (excerpt)
• Life Coach
Provide a forwarding one-to-one coaching services to clients and assisting them in finding breakthroughs in their lives
(relationship, career, passion, fulfillment)
• Trainer: ICF Accredited Coaching Training Programme (ACTP)
Provide formal class training to entry-level coaches in accordance to ICF Coaching competencies.
• Preview Leader
Full-fledge Preview leader for “The Courage to Create” Programme in ECI. Key role is to introduce the programme to
general public and address their queries on coaching.
• Speaker/Host : Passion Unleashed (PU) Event
Member of ECI team in collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU) to jointly organise Passion Unleashed
Event – inviting distinguished people to share their personal stories. Past speakers include: Jim Roger, Hossan Leong,
Damien Cummings, "Magic Babe" Ning
Scott E Bales
ODE management, Director of User strategy, Innovation director of Next Bank
Interactive, a mentor to Entrepreneurs / Singapore, Australia
Scott is a self-proclaimed extrovert who has meshed his fascination with people and what motivates them, with a raw enthusiasm for technology. Scott is a
founding member of Moven, the mobile-centric payments business that helps customers to spend, save and live smarter.
A founder at Next Bank, a mentor to Entrepreneurs throughout world with Lean Startup Machine, sits on the Board of Care Pakistan and holds advisory
positions at Our Better World, HUB Singapore and CDI Apps 4 Good. Scott's energy transfers to the stage as a globally recognized speaker on Digital
Consumers, Mobility and Innovation.
When not in a boardroom or on centre stage, you're likely to find Scott devouring, tweeting, and writing on the latest and greatest in the world of mobility,
serendipity, user experience and entrepreneurial leadership. An outlet that landed him a contribution to best-selling book, Bank 3.0, and Korean best-seller,
Beyond Startup.
Satrughan Kumar Singh(Sunny)
a technologist, developer, and inventor
Interactive, Social business / Singapore
Satrughan Kumar Singh also known as Sunny, is currently pursuing a degree in Information Systems Management in the
Singapore Management University. He is passionate about coding for a cause, creating software solutions that solve some
of the biggest social problems around the world. Following his interest, he has lead the Singapore team twice to the
worldwide finals of the Imagine Cup, a competition where students create solutions to solve real world problems. He is also
working on his own start-up and during his free time he likes working on solutions that create a positive impact to society.
X-Box +TARA tech to help stroke patients: Sunny Singh at TEDxSingapore
Keisuke Ito
CG, 3DCG artists
Interactive, Japan

He is currently working as a freelance digital artist. His specialities are not
only digital art like CG/3DCG but also projection mapping, TV animations,
Film making etc.
Especially, he is expert of creating 3DCG short animations and is now
recognized worldwide. Artwokrs of 3DCG can be seen via
He has won many prizes for his artworks so far such as Siggraph
Asia2013, CG students awards, and so on.
Raymond Yeh
Founder, CraftsPaperScissors
Lifestyle, Interactive / Singapore
Raymond Yeh is the founder of CraftsPaperScissors, Singapore first online flea market catering to
crafts lovers. CraftsPaperScissors is built-around the love of the handmade. The love of making
awesome stuffs by hand, and naturally, the love of owning them. Driven by this passion, craft
artists cut, sew and toil to bring you works they are proud to create. Something about this tactile
process makes one value their works beyond their prettiness. We for one feel that, this human
touch embodies for a more intimate, slower way of life.
Raymond is an Computer Science undergraduate at NTU. Somewhere between the period of
leaving the national service and university enrollment, where there he has no capital, experience
or skills, he took his first step in web development. Together with a trusty partner Quinn Lum, they
founded a web development company, WhiteFables. With no experience in running a business,
they forged forward to bring innovative solutions to web design and development projects. Shortly
after, they founded CraftsPaperScissors with another designer Keith Premchand.
Raymond will be sharing with you the craziness of starting up and the tools he used in the
Raymond on SG Haze Rescue
Ron Tan
Pianist, music producer
Entertainment, LIVE / Singapore
Ron is 21years old and he is 80 percent deaf. He is a pianist and a music producer who still has lots of things
to learn, he hopes to improve himself and learn to work with others in the visual art industry. He wants to set a
path for himself, and also learn to guide and help everyone else on their own path towards their passion and
dream. As a director and founder of this Inclusive Arts Movement, he hopes to provide the disabled with various
performing platforms to showcase their passions and even provide them job opportunities in the future. He
wishes to share his experiences as well and gain more experience himself. He is currently performing together
with a special need performer over at Changi village hotel. He is also organizing performances through
different platforms for the disabled to be part of the art industry as well. Currently studying in Republic poly, he
faces the challenge to balance his studies, work and this social enterprise as well. He believes that it is his
passion that keeps him going despite the difficulties he faces being deaf.
Satoshi Yamawaki
Founder and CEO, Castaria, Inc.
Interactive, Education
He went to New York for studya and set up his company there. He exited the company and came back to Tokyo to
set up new company called Castalia Inc. Castalia is provideing innovative social learning services called iUniv and
goocus pro. He invited as a speaker at UNESCO, SXSW Edu, Mobile Asia Expo and KUROHUNE pitch Osaka
He would be an innovators of Education of the future.
Nela Sotonova
Co-founder and CEO, Designeros
Interactive, Design, Singapore, Czech, Dubai
Nela is co-founder and CEO of Designeros. innovates the world of design and modern art by bringing designers and design lovers
together is an exclusive global marketplace and gallery that enables designers and artists to present
and sell their work online. Designers and artist of various backgrounds have a unique chance to build their
brand name, establish global presence and gain valuable customer feedback.
From the comfort of their homes, design lovers can access and subsequently purchase quality designer goods
of their liking. They can learn more about the ideologies of the creators and can understand the true meaning of
their artworks. They are provided with a direct access to the latest design trends and have the chance to
influence the designers by providing them with valuable feedback and opinions.
Joe Augustin and Hiro Kiga
Interactive, Food / Singapore, Indonesia
Who we are
Spungry is the world's first and only 'food deal site with a conscience', restoring the original recipe group-buying was founded on – giving customers super
savings and getting merchants better business. But we do it without compromising small setups and their futures.
Our service is FREE for merchants of any size to use, where customers can book a discounted deal for only $1 then pay the rest directly to merchants after
their meal – we neither take a cut, nor hold merchants' money at all.
Coverage on spungry
Our partnership with
Still have not decided who will be speaking but it will most likely be myself or my other partner, Joe Augustin (have attached his profile photo as well)
Currently we have a beta site up:
Once we have a 60 deals, we will be launching to the public
Shafiq Ali
Founder of MeKa
Interactive, Fab, Technology / Singapore
A curious cat with an eye for design, an interest
in engineering and a passion for biology.
After completing a bachelors in Biological
Sciences, Shafiq chose to venture on his own.
In May 2013, he founded MëKä, the Japanese
term for Maker, a 3D printing business focusing
on retail, service and training. He is currently
working with artists and hobbyists to allow them
another avenue for creative expression.
In his free time, he can be found interacting with
a can of beer, taking swigs of this elusive thing
they call life.
He hopes to one day be able to marry his skills.
interests and passions and leave a positive
change in the world.

(c)sg makers
Elisha Tan
Founder of Learnemy
Interactive, Education / Singapore
Elisha Tan is the founder of Learnemy, where you can find group and private classes taught by trusted instructors for
anything you want to learn. She believes that entrepreneurs have the ability, and hence responsibility, to make the
world a better place. As a psychology graduate, Elisha started without experience, money or programming skills.
Regardless of that, she learned how to code and launched Learnemy in Apr 2012. Till date, Learnemy has 100
instructors and has seen more than 500 learners. Elisha willing be sharing the things she learned on her journey
with you.
Autumn Radtke
CEO, First Meta
Interactive, game / Singapore, USA
Autumn began her career in enterprise cloud computing. She worked closely with Apple to deliver Mac based distributed computing software to
organizations like Johns Hopkins, Los Alamos Labs and the Aerospace Corporation. She eventually turned down an opportunity to work for Apple to stay in
the fast paced world of technology start ups.
In 2008, Autumn joined the founding team of Geodelic, a pioneer in mobile location based services. Geodelic went on to raise over US $10 million from top
tier venture funds. Autumn led global business development and forged strategic partnerships with T-mobile, Korea Telecom, Dell, and Verizon Wireless. The
Verizon relationship led to a strategic investment.
In 2012, Autumn relocated to Singapore. As CEO of First Meta a cross environment virtual currency exchange, Autumn continues to push the limits of
technology and business.
Yuki Ohata
Founder and CEO, Reginaa Pte. Ltd
Interactive, mobile marketing / Singapore
Ohata moved to Singapore by herself suddenly then set up Reginaa Pte. Ltd
in late 2011.
She is trying to bring new concept of mobile marketing from the world to
REGINAA provides the concept of retail shopping using mobile devices and
Developed and designed in Japan, REGINNA's Mobile Marketing (CRM),
also known as i-mode, is focused on the valuable mechanisms of consumer
shopping behavioral studies and brings to businesses a platform that
connects smartphone users and their shopping needs.
With the introduction of i-mode in 1999, Japanese digital marketing
technology has changed dramatically with the wide spread use of the internet
to purchase consumer
items. In South east Asia alone, the digital marketing phenomenon has
suddenly progressed from that of a personal computer to the smartphone.
Our aim is to contribute to the development of global mobile marketing by
providing a completely new marketing advantage to companies within
Southeast Asia so that they too can expand their reach by utilizing mobile
Zwee Wee
Founder and CEO, Savant Degrees
Interactive, Design, Innovation / Singapore
Zwee, founder and current CEO of Savant
Degrees, a Digital Innovation Studio based out
of Singapore, started his career in software
development in 1999. His passion and
background in entrepreneurship and technology
gave him the opportunity to consult and advise
businesses on developing innovative digital
solutions. These businesses include MNCs,
SMEs to entrepreneurs with different business
models, markets and products.
He is trained as a computer engineer in Temasek Polytechnic(Valedictorian and LKY
Award) and subsequently NUS. There after, he was accepted into Stanford for the Masters
Program in Management Science, where he decided to leave the program early and grow
Savant Degrees.
Savant Degrees is a Digital Innovation Studio that designs new digital experience and
products. Over the years, Savant Degrees has grown into one of Singapore’s leading
Digital Innovation companies, with a team of over 25 of the region’s most talented product
managers, UX/UI designers and software engineers.
Savant Degrees has worked with well-known global & regional brands in Business
and Government in markets across Asia, including Southeast Asia, India, and China.
Brands we have partnered with include P&G, Nike, Converse, Sony, Vodafone,
MediaCorp, SingPost, PayPay, Media Development Authority of Singapore, Banyan Tree,
Standard Chartered, and more.
Specialties: Entrepreneurship, Product Development, Strategic Business Management,
Business Development, Leadership
Hayk Hakobyan
Co-foudner of, co-founder of
Interactive, Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique
Hayk Hakobyan is passionate about all things in (social)
entrepreneurship, business and technology innovation and social
He is currently a freelance consultant in business development and
innovation and advises companies in Egypt, Zimbabwe, and
Mozambique. He was previously the regional (MENA) Ambassador
for Board of Innovation, one of the top European business model
innovation consultancies.
Hayk previously worked in professional services,
telecommunications and ICT industries for various international
firms (Hewlett-Packard, Pernod-Ricard, TAGorg, Markedu,
CleanStar) and the for the UN.
As an entrepreneur, Hayk co-founded the first (in Egypt and MENA
region) co-working community space, Elegua, in Egypt in 2009. In
2012, in partnership with Ministry of Health of Mozambique and
Mozambique Red Cross, he co-founded a health forum, MozMed,
which allows the public to post questions and get answers related
to all aspects of health on Internet and via SMS. Hayk’s latest
initiative, launched in May 2013, is the first social carpooling
application in the MENA region, KarTag, which was among 64
shortlisted projects for World Summit Youth Award 2013.
Hayk has been volunteering at TakingITGlobal (TIG), the largest
youth portal on Internet, and is currently the coordinator of Member
Advisory Committee of TIG.
Hayk has worked towards his PhD in nuclear physics at University
of Geneva and a MBA (cum laude) from University IFM in Geneva,
In his free time, Hayk blogs about failures, plays chess and reads
books on philosophy and history.
Jeffrey Hock
Managing director Asia, Right
Brain Interface
Interactive, Entertainment /
Singapore, US, Japan, Thai
An entrepreneurial self-starter with a
deep understanding of solution selling
and a passion to grow business. Over
fifteen years of diversified experience
selling and marketing enterprise
software, developing channel partner
programs and bootstrapping new
business ventures throughout the
Asia Pacific region including Japan.
Currently developing the business of
Right Brain Interface throughout the
Asia Pacific region, revolutionizing
consumer television by offering a
natural, personalized, lean-back,
social TV experience via rich internet
integration and cloud delivery.
Fazil Musa
Co-Founder, Street Smart University
Interactive, Education, Mobile / Singapore
Fazil was exposed to entrepreneurship at a very young age and even before enrolling in university he was involved in
a slew of start-ups with reasonable success. In running these businesses he quickly learnt that good marketing is often
a critical factor in determining the success of a business. He then went on to learn the ins and outs of Online and
Social Media Marketing. As Online and Social Media Marketing was a relatively new field then, his expertise was
sought after by many SMEs to help them get more mileage out of their marketing dollar.
He now heads the Marketing division for VSC E-Knowledge, the technology arm of Vector Scorecard Group. His
responsibilities include assisting the Group CEO in developing marketing strategies to help VSC penetrate new
markets both online and offline. He leverages upon web and mobile technology to develop new applications for VSC’s
current product offerings as well and facilitates the global expansion of VSC. He is also the Co-Founder of Street
Smart University, the mobile application that gives millions of people the opportunity to learn from world experts.
Zane Mountcastle
Founder of Villager & Co-Founder of The White Project
Interactive, Smartphone / Singapore
Zane is seventeen years old and is currently a senior at Singapore American School. He has created a mobile
application, Villager, which connects international school students. He has also co-founded The White Project
which aims to provide menstrual pads to impoverished women. Growing up in St. Petersburg, USA; Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia; Barcelona, Spain; and Singapore, while traveling to over forty countries in between, Zane is
motivated by the dynamic, evermore globalized world.
Foo Tiang Lim
Market Development Lead, APAC, Evernote
Interactive, Cloud, Smartphone / Singapore
Based in Singapore, Tiang Lim drives Market Development at
Evernote, where he focuses in developing new markets in South
East Asia & ANZ. He was previously the VP of Product of a
SingTel Innov8 funded start-up in the mobile app monetization
space. Passionate in technology and entrepreneurship, Tiang
Lim believes that by combining these two elements with graceful
execution we can create a better future for the world at large.
Sébastien Béal
co-founder and CEO of Locarise
Interactive / Japan, France
Sébastien is the co-founder and CEO of Locarise, a Japanese startup building the next generation analytics service for
brick and mortar stores. During his engineering study where he obtained a Master degree in machine learning, he was
amazed by the power of data and the impact they could have applied to every day life problems. As his family
background and own experience were strongly rooted in the retail market, he decided to build data-driven solutions to
fundamentally alter the way retail businesses understand their customers.
Before founding Locarise, Sébastien was the manager of a team of engineers working on big data for the internet of
things at Orange - France Telecom in Tokyo.
Eve Law
co-founder of Nectary Studio
Interactive, Mobile, Lifestyle /
Eve is the co-founder of Nectary
Studio. She and her team built
FlashWants - a lifestyle app that
aims to create sparks for friends to
meet up spontaneously and
effortlessly. She believes that social
networking platforms should connect
people together meaningfully, and
she aims to put that power into the
phones of everyone. Eve left her
prestigious career in the financial
industry behind in order to pursue
her life-long dream to start her own
business. She is an Economics
graduate from the Singapore
Management University. One fun
fact: Eve thoroughly enjoys singing
out loud when she is deeply
engrossed in work.
Zoltan Jakab
Think your way out, life artist
Interactive, Game / Hungary,
Born in the city where the Rubik’s cube
was invented, Zoltan has always been
passionate about games that
challenge the intellect. Having
business and psychology background
he started his career in training and
development, later focused on positive
psychology and its related fields. He
recently set up “Think Your Way Out”
to inspire and challenge minds in
Singapore with an immersive reality
gaming experience.
Ryan Michael Gelig
Founder of
Lifestyle, Food, Travel / Singapore
Ryan Michael Gelig is an innovator and entrepreneur with a passion for food, travel and using technology for social good.
He has recently founded Aguaventure, a platform for travellers to discover and book travel activities in Asia Pacific, and
where entrepreneurs and travel companies can list those activities. As a backpacker himself, he has seen how
fragmented small travel companies are and many of them still offline especially in Southeast Asia. Technology can bridge
this gap by aggregating exciting adventure activities offered by these companies, and at the same time making it easier
for travellers to discover and pay for these activities.
Prior to that he has worked in various software and product development engineering roles in both manufacturing and
R&D for Timex’ digital watches and sensors, Philips Semiconductors’ integrated circuits and Advanced Micro Devices’
desktop, server and tablet microprocessors.
As a university student in 2004, he and his friends spearheaded and raised funds for Link Yakal, an infrastructure project
that has since provided free internet access to thousands of his fellow university dormitory residents to spur academic
He has also launched other startup projects such as SendSMS and a Food App that has a combined user base of more
than 150,000.
It is his mission to contribute to enabling developing countries to leapfrog development by leveraging on the advances in
cloud, social and mobile technologies.
Ryosuke Sugaya
Representative Director / Founder, NPO Very50
Education, NPO / Cambodia, Japan, Asian countries
Born 1979 Tokyo
During senior high school, successfully auditioned for major music company and entered professional music
world as a keyboardist. After entering university, in between study and music, active in international cooperation
for world health care with an emphasis on Cambodia.
At time of graduation from university, stopped working as professional keyboardist, worked for the automobile car
parts company and the business consulting firm resigned in 2007.From June 2008, launched very50 in order to
create a structure to resolve problems in Japan and the world through the power of education.
Very50 have organized the projects with over 30 social entrepreneurs in 9 Asian countries.
The new iPhone and android application for backpackers will be launched on November.
●2010 - British Council / Asia Climate change leader
●2011 - Indonesia Binus University / Guest lecture
●2012 – Hawaii Asian Pacific Association Japanese Young leader
Takamitsu Takiguchi
Mission: Social Change Leaders + Conversations + Beaches
Lifestyle, Dance, Education / Singapore
What I would like to make a pitch from eight categories, "LIFESTYLE". Main concept
of my pitch is to provide fun and physically fit lifestyle through dance school
business. So my pitch is going to be lifestyle with dance and idea of dance school.
Yuta Maruyama
International Beauty Volunteer Association CEO
Hair Lounge EGO President
Design Hunter
Beauty, Education / Cambodia
Mr , Maruyama traveled Asia and the west at age 16 and became an event organizer in Cambodia
at age 17 after which he moved to the USA since 2006 he has traveled to and worked in more than 50
countries as a stylist. He is planning to expand this work into Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the Philippines, He is
also active in work regarding magazines and fashion show. He established the International Beauty Volunteer
Association in 2013.
Sara Varela
Chief Positivity Officer at Positive Living and owner of No Limit Results Pte. Ltd.
lifestyle, the Daily Juice / Singapore, UK, Gibraltar
M.NLP, RScP, R.Nutri and The Daily Juice coaching helps women get:Happy, Healthy & Hot.
After 17 years experience in corporate senior management and partying in Europe, Sara made a career
transition into holistic health. She traded in wine for wheatgrass, gin for green juice, processed food for plant
based food, meat for metaphysics, loafing for life coaching, antidepressants for antioxidants, medication for
meditation, hangovers for hot yoga and lost 40lbs after having her son. She´s a Raw Nutritionist, Holistic
Health Coach, Speaker, Meditation and Detox facilitator helping women feel more confident in their own skin
Sara is a Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach Trainer (Chris Howard), Science of Mind
Certified Practitioner (Emerson Theological Institute), Certified in Raw Nutrition (David Wolfe), Executive
Committee of The International Coach Federation Singapore (ICF), Executive Coach with Coach in a Box
Asia Pte. Ltd, Holistic Nutrition Coach with Work, Life in Balance, Detox & Meditation Consultant at Affinity
Yoga Pte. Ltd, Motivational Speaker ( SIM, Social Service Training , Institute Auditors, Self Spark Summit)
and Guest Contributor @ Raw Blessing, Raw Living Asia, LOHASIA, In the Loop, Stretch City, Satsanga,
Casa Santosa Yoga, The HUB, International Raw Food Day and Lululemon.
Ang Chong Lai
Co-Founder of Rock Nano Pte Ltd & Partner of Lifestyle Motorsports Pte Ltd
Sports, motor sports / Singapore and Asian countries
Ang Chong Lai is featured on 8th August 2013 in Straits Times under Money Technology and is a featured speaker
on 13 August 2013 at "Gaming, Racing and Wagering Australia 2013
As a serial-techno-preneur, he has co-found Rock Nano and is a joint Ventures partners in a few startups.
He is passionate about media, technology and racing and recently kickstarted Lifestyle Motorsports with Founder Mr
Niki Tham.
Our vision is to drive the joy and excitement of motorsports for everyone to participate around the world, without a
need to be a F1 driver in order to qualify.
The topic of discussion is on "Real Racing in F1 Sepang Circuit" versus "Virtual Racing" in relation to Gamification &
It is a cross-trans-media project, multi-platform and multi-disciplinary cutting across engineering, programming,
interactivity, GPS, entertainment and lifestyle.
Yasmine Khater
Chief Lifestyle Designer, Women
Business and Career Coach, International
Speaker, Program Manager, Islamic
Microfinance Specialist
Lifestyle / Canada, Egypt, Estonia,
Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain

Yasmine is a Marketing & Lifestyle Design Coach, award-winning entrepreneur and international
Speaker. She is the founder of, a leading coaching and training institute that equips
women with the right tools to take their careers and businesses to the next level. She does not believe
that money, age or education are limitations to achieving success and is passionate about enabling
people to shift from the “but if” to the “what if”. She does this through her blog, offering online courses,
1-1 coaching and speaking.
Her curiosity has led to one-year international research exploring how money is not an obstacle for doing
what you want to do. In her forthcoming book called Wonder Women's Guide, where she is showcasing
the stories of 50 of the most powerful women in Singapore. She intends to highlight that age or education
are not factors either. Ultimately it boils down to choice and illustrates how anyone re-direct towards their
dream lifestyle.
Yasmine is an international TEDx speaker and has spoken at dozens of conferences around the world
from audiences of 30 to up 1000 people across 4 continents on topics such as authentic leadership,
productivity, and innovative forms of customer service. Yasmine is an Egyptian Singaporean who has
lived in 7 countries and travelled to over 45 countries.
Yasmine believes the only way to learn is to getting uncomfortable. From 450km mountain bike races to
climbing 5000m mountains and triathlons to fundraising $50,000 for her social enterprise, Gone Cyclin'.
She completed a double degree in Psychology and Integrated Marketing Communications to understand
what motivated people and how to communicate powerful messages. Yasmine received a scholarship for
a Masters in International Business from the IE Business School and is also a Results Certified Coach to
use neuroscience to help change behavior.
Loring Harkness
Project director of Newton circus,
curator of TEDxYangon
Lifestyle, Film, Social and
Environmental issues / Singapore,
Loring conceptualizes and builds
businesses that address social and
environmental issues. He is particularly
passionate about flexible work
opportunities for the under-employed,
digital inclusion, and leapfrog
technologies in the developing world. He
is the curator of TEDxYangon and founder
of Sustainable Business Myanmar. He
currently leads openDOOR, a Singaporebased venture that creates mobile
platforms to collect fast, reliable data via
the next billion smartphones. Loring
studied and worked in the United States,
South Korea, Holland and Australia before
moving to Singapore. When he’s not
working or traveling, Loring is living on the
edge as an avid rock-climber and tightrope walker.
Ryuta Saito
Fantasista, man of freedom /
Entertainment, Bali Indonesia
Since he born, he is always seeking what
he should do, what he want to do, what
he has to do.
100% time he is spending on his life is
only for what he really wants to do.
He told us,
“my occupation is son of freedom.
I am doing what I like.
I am working what I like.
I spend time to do what I like. There is no
standard way to do something.
You may think that you need to get job
first to do so, or
you need to go to good university before
starting something.
There is no correct way”
Wayde Clews
General Manager of To Be Calm
Health, Art, Lifestyle / Singapore
Wayde Clews is the General Manager of To Be Calm, a Singapore based fragrance company.
Created by his wife Cherylynne, a senior executive with a Fortune 500 company, To Be Calm's
range of fragrances was inspired by a recognition that we cannot always control the busy and often
challenging circumstances of our daily lives. We can however do a great deal to create an
atmosphere and environment which calms our busy minds and embraces positive thoughts. We
can bring fragrances which evoke happy memories in to our homes and offices and in to those of
our friends and loved ones.
In taking on the role of GM at To Be Calm, Wayde Clews is making a sea-change, after working for
30 years in elite sport. His career to date has seen him work in senior sports management
positions in Australia, Singapore and Qatar. His various roles have taken him in an official capacity
to six Summer Olympic Games, one Paralympic Games and innumerable World, Asian and
Commonwealth Championships.
Clews will focus on the not so readily recognized common characteristics of developing an elite
sport system, and establishing a successful retail enterprise.
Matthew Rickard
Founder, Footsteps for Good
Lifestyle, Education, Ultimate journey / Singapore, Thai, Myanmar
Matthew Rickard is a passionate social entrepreneur with a 15-year career history in the technology sector. The majority of
his professional time has been spent working with early stage or start up software businesses.
In 2008 he took part in a humanitarian trip to Myanmar as part of the relief effort for Cyclone Nargis. That trip inspired Matt
to establish Footsteps for Good; an eco-style, fund-raising trek in the jungles of Northern Thailand. The 5-day experience
provides an opportunity for people to unwind, whilst contributing to a sustainable social project, in the region.
Matt looks forward to the continuing advancements in technology that provide entrepreneurs with opportunities to create
innovative solutions, for the mitigation of social and environmental issues. When he is not working, travelling or thinking up
new ideas, Matt can be found chilling somewhere in the hills, where he likes to write, listen to music, or just enjoy the
Yuichi Ito
Founder of Karzow
Lifestyle, Food, Travel
Yuichi Ito aims to
establish the boutique
car factory by where
customer can acquire
the information about
stylish urban life with
dressed up car, where
customer can get
stylish car-modification
and special tuning for
the car in Singapore

66 presenters

will create chaotic space for innovation
Day1(9 Nov)

Day2(10 Nov)

22 presenters

22 presenters

Networking break

Networking break

22 presenters

22 presenters

@same venue

Award of the Chaos

time schedule will be announced soon
Day1(9 Nov)

Day2(10 Nov)

22 presenters

22 presenters

22 presenters

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the Chaos Asia 2013, 66 presenters out of 88!

  • 1. you will become a witness innovators of the future 66 presenters out of 88 9-10 November St.James Power Station NEVERLAND II 88 presenters 180 seconds soul pitch
  • 2.
  • 4. 88 presenters X 180 seconds pitch Nov. 9-10 @St.James Power Station Singapore
  • 5. Ages don’t matter Status don’t matter Organization, corporation, individual, NGO/NPO don’t matter Countries don’t matter Languages don’t matter
  • 6. where you will become a witness to innovators of the future
  • 7. Presenters are from 10 years old to 60's from Singapore, Asia to Europe, Africa, and US from Start-ups to global leading company or NPO/NGO from Singer, dancers to IT, Education from Health, Food to Athlete from Film, Art to beauty more than 50 CEO or founders more than 20 IT start-ups more than 10 LIVE performance more than 5 film performance challenging in more than 30 countries
  • 8. 66 out of 88 presenters
  • 9.
  • 10. Horchin Morin khuur artist, khoomei singer Artists, LIVE / Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region He is a professional artist of Morin khuur and khoomei. He received grand prix at National Artist Competition at Greater China, January 2012. He started his professional career. He will perform khoomei which is acient ethnic music. Audiences will linsten an amazing voice they have never heard before.
  • 11. Mai Yasuda Calligraphyer, calligraphic evangelist Art, LIVE / Japan She began to learn Japanese calligraphy at age 5. Although she got a job in a different field from it after graduation of high school, she gradually considered what she really should do through variety of experiences and encounters. She thought herself deeply at that time. “I would like to contribute to society by what I only could do instead of something someone else can.” “What value could I provide to people?” “What is my expertise all in all?” She realized that she love writing Japanese calligraphy and writing is the best she could do. She decided to be a professional calligrapher. Her vision is inspiring people with writing Japanese calligraphy for hope. People who saw her works will feel energy and never forget their emotion. She will continue to create artworks of Japanese calligraphy that could make people touched and believes it is her role. Now she is working on various fields such as writing Japanese calligraphy, holding events, live performances of calligraphy, designing advertisement by calligraphy, organizing calligraphy classes and so on. URL: her gallery
  • 12. Wei Yuet Wong Self Taought Photographer Art, Photo / Singapore, Italy, Japan, etc Wei Yuet is a self taught photographer. He got his first camera about ten years ago, has got a few more since then, and has not stopped playing with photography. He found that photography is a very useful medium to enter and examine many worlds in intimate detail. People describe his style of photography as a blend of photojournalism and fine art. Some of his recent projects explore social issues like graying population, fukushima project on the realities of life since the 3.11 earthquake, and elite professional cycling. In his free time, he runs marathons, and he also likes to discuss ideas with friends over good coffee. On his tumblr page is a collection of his works, and also what he admires from other photographers
  • 13. Yuuki Morita 3DCG,VFX artist Art,shortfilm,biodiversity/Japan He is a freelance 3DCG designer and shortfilm artist in Japan. Currently he is still a student of university in tokyo but his artwork captures many people and got prizes. his major at university is phycology/ ecology and his artwork difinitely be based on those knowledge. At work he makes 3DCG models for VFX,TV,game,ads and as an individual he makes artwork which has the theme of biodiversity. In the future he will continue to effort to make bio artwork which tells the beauty of life to many people. one of his artworks
  • 14.
  • 15. Dave Lim Ambassador of TEDx, co-founder of Coca-Cola innovation accelerator Polymath, provocateur, pioneer and possibilist / Singapore Dave Lim is a polymath, provocateur, pioneer and possibilist. He is a TEDx Ambassador and founding curator of TEDxSingapore in 2009 who delights in creativity and co-creation, working with people to design, launch and grow new enterprises and is co-founder of the new Coca-Cola Innovation Accelerator in Singapore. Dave has worked on all sides of entrepreneurial fence, as a venture capitalist and entrepreneur in the Pacific Rim and Silicon Valley, innovation catalyst, investor, educator, central banker and global fund manager. HIs expertise spanning four universities in three countries: Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, University of New South Wales, and University of British Columbia. Dave's favourite quote is "Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it." by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  • 16. Kathy Xu Founder, the Dorsal effect Social enterprise, ecotourism, conservation / Singapore, Indonesia Kathy is the founder of the social enterprise, The Dorsal Effect, which believes in promoting ecotourism as an alternative form of livelihood for shark fishermen in Lombok, as a sustainable means of shark conservation. She was a secondary school teacher for 7 years and constantly got her students involved in school projects or character development lessons about ocean sustainability and shark conservation while still volunteering with Shark Savers Singapore for roadshows and events like ADEX Singapore. Kathy gave up her job as a teacher in order to pursue her love for sharks. She actively approaches schools in Singapore to present and talk about shark conservation as well as help students in school projects that involved putting an end to shark fin soup demand, in the education outreach arm of Shark Savers Singapore. Kathy recently spoke at the Saint Andrew's Junior College Learning Festival as well to promote the cause for shark conservation the to students and avidly goes around schools in Singapore speaking to children of all ages on the issue. Wanting to make a difference on the supply side alongside the demand side as well, Kathy started making several research trips to Lombok since September 2012 in order to find out about the shark fishing and shark fin trading going on in Tanjung Luar, which has devastating impacts on ocean sustainability. Deciding that having tourists come on boat trips making use of the shark fishermen's shark boats could be a viable alternative livelihood with equitable income for the fishermen as well, she is getting tourists to choose responsible tourism and make a difference with their tourist dollar by coming on the boat trips and talking to the fishermen about why they want to still sharks in the oceans, soft than hard conservation approach for the fishermen.With a sustainable tourist base establish, Kathy also hopes to work with the fishermen on ocean conservation and start a trend of ocean conservation for the coming generations of fisherpeople in the village.
  • 17. yanko design Reuben Png Architecture, Industrial designer, Studio Recognito(launch soon) City, design for industrial, mechanical, and engineering processes / Singapore, Germany, Australia Having over 10 years of experience in design, business and medical research (neuroscience) industries, Reuben believes that design principles can be applied to any organisation or situation. Trained first as an industrial designer and then in business management, he has always had a passion for understanding how things work, and how they can be improved to work better. As an industrial designer, he was trained to apply Design Thinking to industrial, mechanical and engineering processes, and has transferred that knowledge into diverse fields such as automating publishing, communications and scientific research processes. With multiple awards for his designs such as the Australian International Design Award for a digital pen that sends emails from normal paper, to child-proof packaging and street furniture, Reuben has a passion for creativity that improves the human experience. Some of his more recent interesting projects include publishing neuroscience atlases, facilitating Japanese craftsmen and Singaporean designers together to create Singaporean souvenirs, and multiple art installations at the Law Courts of New South Wales, Australia. Reuben holds a Bachelor of Industrial Design and Master of Commerce and Economics from the University of New South Wales, Australia. He is also a musician and cafe owner.
  • 18. Ken Yutasevi Architecture, Interior designer, Director of Experience Design Ong & Ong Pte Ltd City, Interior design / Singapore, UK, Australia A filmmaker by training, Ken naturally has a passion for storytelling and people. This has led to a unique and compelling perspective in his work, transforming organisations and brands to communicate from the inside out. He is also a director at the globally-acclaimed interior design company, Leo International Design Group. Some of his recent work includes leading the winning team for the worldwide design competition for Singapore Airlines.FN" SilverKris Lounge, using an Experience Design approach that addressed user needs at the heart of travel. He also led the workplace strategy design at the Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX), integrating organisational, physical and Experience Design for the organisation. Ken studied Arts and Design at Stowe College (UK) where he received the Roxburough prize for Architecture. He then studied a BA in film and cinematography at Bond University (Australia).
  • 19. Jovin Hurry Strategist on sustainability and negotiation for entrepreneurs: Social Change Leaders + Conversations + Beaches City, Sustainability, Entrepreneurs, Lifestyle / Singapore, Sweden, and Asian countries Jovin specialises at asking the right questions to the right person at the right time. He probes entrepreneurs at how they negotiate around core sustainability issues. He has spent 15 years living and working in Asia and Europe, as a student, an analyst and a facilitator in the field of sustainability, business, and learning & development. Jovin completed two Masters in Sweden (Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation); finished a Bachelor in Singapore (Environmental Engineering); and has chaired, facilitated and organised a number of events and trainings on sustainability in Asia and Europe.
  • 20.
  • 21. Vigorously Supporting the International mobility of the young talent Yohei Shibasaki Founder and CEO, Fourth Valley Concierge Corporation Education / Japan, India, China, and the world Shibasaki was at SONY, Inc. He was engaged in product planing and marketing. He did a lot of deal with Samsung, Motorola, and NOKIA there. He set up Fourth Valley Concierge Corp. in 2007. Fourth Valley is promoting youth globaly who challenge to create their career outside of their home country. As of now Fourth Valley has subsidiaries in Singapore, India and China. They will set up more 10 branch within a year. Mr.Shibasaki was selected as one of Young Global Leaders(YGL) 2013 at World Economic Fouram. Mark Zuckerberg was also selected as YGL in 2009.
  • 22. Benjamin Loh Founder & Principal Trainer of Speaker's Flare Training & Consultancy Education, coaching / Singapore Benjamin Loh is an Executive Speech Coach, award-winning Toastmaster and professional speaker and trainer. As the youngest Associate Certified Coach (ACC) in Singapore and possibly Asia Pacific, credentialed by the International Coach Federation (ICF), he has coached and trained over 1,000 clients in the area of public speaking and communications. He will speak on “un-educating” yourself. He had previously spoken at TEDxYouth@Singapore
  • 23. Thaddeus Lawrence Motivation and Inspiration, Mental Resilience, Peak Performance, Professional Speaker, TEDx Singapore Presenter Education, Lifestyle / Singapore Thaddeus Lawrence is on an inspired mission to empower teams and individuals achieve personal excellence by setting audacious goals, overcoming extreme obstacles and persevering through adversity. He has over 12 years of teaching, training and speaking in the areas of personal motivation, mental resilience and goal achievement. On Singapore Business Review’s “10 Influential Professional Speakers in Singapore Right Now”, Thaddeus serves as President 2013-2014 of Asia Professional Speakers Singapore (APSS) and is a member of the Global Speakers Federation. He is a two-time speaker at TEDx Singapore and is the author of Runaway Success: Life Lessons from Ultra Endurance Racing. Along with other experts, he also co-authored 88 Essential Secrets to Achieving Greater Success at Work. Thaddeus is best known for successfully racing 1,000 kilometres in the hottest, coldest, windiest and driest deserts on earth, in a competition rated by TIME magazine as one of its Top Ten Endurance Competitions in the world. His remarkable feats in the Sahara, Gobi, Atacama and Antarctica have also raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charitable organizations. Simple city
  • 24. Anuraag Saxena Head, South Asia & ASEAN World Education Foundation Education, UK Anuraag is an accountant-turned-banker-turned-entrepreneur and is keenly interested in the social impact space in Asia and Africa. As the Asia Head for the World Education Foundation UK (, Anuraag leads the Asia partnerships and entry strategy. In this capacity, he enables schools and educational-institutions in the K-12 segment with: a. Tools and strategies to measure-and-improve learning-outcomes; b. Creating trust-tools for schools to interact with an extended set of stakeholders, such as parents, regulators, boards-ofeducation, etc; and Building relationships with grant-makers and multi-lateral agencies in the education space. He is originally a Chartered Accountant and an MBA and has spent his corporate years with GE Capital, Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse, where he was heading strategy and change teams across the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australia. Anuraag passionately believes that skills, toolsets and techniques from academia and corporate-life, can and should be applied to solve social and ecological challenges as much as they solve financial ones. Anuraag is keenly vested in the education space and believes it is the “ticket out, for most Asian economies to claim their rightful place”. When he is not working, he can be found at stand-up comedy shows or diving.
  • 25. Norvin Chan Education reformer; storybook writer Education, Art, Science / Singapore Norvin memorised 1,000 digits of Pi... to show that memorisation is the worst way to remember. With the science of memory, he persuaded over 1000 students and teachers to understand more and rote-remember less. To encourage students to understand, he is writing an illustrated storybook that covers all secondary school Chemistry topics. He is currently a NUS Law undergraduate, using time before graduation as a runway to prove his ideas.
  • 26. Gabriel Joachim Perumal Mission: Social Change Leaders + Conversations + Beaches Education, Kids / Singapore “ What is Life Without Taking Chances” Recently graduated from Singapore Polytechnic with a diploma in Clean Energy. Loves to inspire kids to think creatively and to express their thoughts and feelings in what they make. For kids to be Innovators instead of being users. Strongly Feels that engineers and product designers and learn a few things from kids To create fantastic product with meaning and purpose. Currently starting up a small company called EME (Electronics Made Easy) with partners Zhen Hao and Juan. We felt that its about time to risk everything and just to act with out Gut feeling and just do and to put in our full 100 percent in changing the lives of kids. Kids can change the world is what EME strongly believes. Love what u do and Do What u Love. Just go and Do it !! Articles Youngspeaker SGMakers Videos -National Day special -LED Wristband Prototype
  • 27. Tu Ngo Co-Founder of Yola Institute Education, Lifestyle / Viet Nam. Tu Ngo is the Co-Founder of Yola Institute, a premier education services company in Viet Nam. She led the company's product strategy and grew Yola into a network of established learning centers with a diverse portfolio of programs for thousands of Vietnamese students from middle school to college. Tu believes in the power of education to change lives and is exploring innovation in education technology and business models. Tu also serves in the Board of Trustees of the Southeast Asian Service Leadership Network (SEALNet), a U.S. non-profit founded at Stanford University dedicated to building leaders for Southeast Asia. Born and raised in Viet Nam, then with volunteer and work experiences in Cambodia and Singapore, she's a strong advocate for Southeast Asia's entrepreneurial opportunities as well as its people and cultures. Tu enjoys traveling, mentoring youth and performing Spoken Words. She's always grateful to receive scholarships to study at Stanford University and INSEAD.
  • 28. Teng-Cheong heads up Sales & Marketing for Pelican Brown, magazine "The IT Society". Education, interactive / Singapore TC (Teng-Cheong) heads up Sales & Marketing for Pelican Brown, a Talent Development Firm focused on bridging the needs of Banking IT organizations and candidates aspiring to build a career in this area. He brings 20+ years of enterprise IT and sales/general management experience and held country/regional leadership positions at Savvis, Dell and Motorola Solutions. TC is also active in the local IT industry and serves the Singapore Computer Society as a Vice President and editor of its quarterly magazine "The IT Society".
  • 29. Nguyen Thi My Phuong (Hillary Gomez) Managing Director of Robenny Corporation Founder& Managing Partner of SeedFund JSC Founder of Hgnextmedia JSC Education, consultation / Singapore, Viet nam Hillary is International Practitioner in C-Suite Executive Search and focuses on the positions with a base salary of at least USD200,000 per annum, operating at a global, regional or local level. Hillary is currently Managing Director at Robenny Corporation, Canada in-charge for Singapore and across region, specialized in C-suite Acquisition and Investment Advisory. Robenny Corporation is an international management consulting firm and one of the most practical training center in business. For over 40 years, our core business focuses on: - Corporation Training - Board & CEO Outsourcing( CEO, CMO, COO, CFO, CIO) - Project Management Outsourcing - Business Advisory We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses. Robenny's Board & CEO Outsourcing practice is responsible for many high profile chair and nonexecutive director appointments as well as executive board roles. Our role is to advise on how a board could be structured, who might best fill the role and how to attract them. Then we implement our advice, combining flair, rigor and teamwork in our search for people who add real value. Good process ensures that the ground is thoroughly covered; it ensures that candidates are impeccably treated; it keeps the client and other stakeholders fully consulted and properly involved. For over 40 years, Robenny has worked successfully with global to venture-funded start-up companies, redefining and reshaping the critical function of today's most effective boards across all industry sectors.
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  • 31. Sharul Channa Emcee, Comedienne, Actoress Entertainment / Singapore, India A trained actor from La Salle College of the Arts, and a Communications Graduate from the University of Buffalo, Sharul is one of the most sought after talents in Singapore today. She is also Singapore’s first ever Indian female stand up comic and a versatile event emcee. Adept at hosting a variety of events, Sharul’s undeniable stage presence and strong command of languages (English and Hindi), makes her exciting to watch on stage. She also adds a touch of wit, humor and class to all her events. As an emcee, here are some of the events Sharul has hosted in recent times: • • • • • Egypt Tourism Board Gala Dinner in Singapore 2011 Embassy Group Dinner and Dance 2011 Singapore Khalsa Association International Women’s Day 2012 HSBC India Annual Gala Dinner 2012 Bollywood Themed Party for The British Club Tennis Committee 2012 She has also been on TV regularly for various series on Channel News Asia, commercials on AXN and also for documentaries on MediaCorp Channel 5. A brilliant comic actress, Sharul has been seen in productions like Rafta Rafta and We are Like This Only (HuM Theatre) and Rub My Antenna (Complete Communicators). Sharul is the hilarious and wacky host of the web-series Pickled! and has a huge fan following for her character Mahima Khan, made popular due to her hilarious antics and unique hosting style. As a comic, Sharul has shared the stage with some of the top comedians in the world. She was the opening act for Papa CJ (India), Irene Ang (Singapore), Raju Shrivastava (India), Jojo Smith (UK) and many others. She has performed with Reuben Paul (USA) at the MGM Macau and also headlined shows for The Comedy Club KL, Comedy Kao Kao, PJ Laugh Fest 2013 and One Mic Stand, among others. Sharul just returned from doing shows at the Comedy Lounge in Perth and Sydney in 2013 and will be seen at the Georgetown Festival in Penang 2013.
  • 32. ROSHAN GIDWANI Actor, Emcee, Entertainer Entertainment, Emcee, Actor, TV show / Singapore As a Television Host and Event Emcee, Roshan Gidwani lights up the room. Described as “Pure Energy Personified” by China’s “That’s PRD” Magazine, this individual has garnered attention abroad and now locally in Singapore. Bringing over 7 years of in-demand experience, he enables his audience to connect with him instantly. This is evident in his TV shows such as "Discover Guangzhou", "Expat Chat", and "Culture Shock". In Singapore, Roshan helmed “Dragon’s Inn” on OKTO with co-host Caroline Cheung which garnered audiences from all ages and races. His Voice over clients include Government bodies, Radio Foshan, Crazy English Podcasts and companies such as Singtel and *SCAPE Youth Park to name a few. His show “Art Bus” just wrapped on on Arts on OKTO. Born in Bangkok, raised in Australia & China where he hosted shows for GZTV & Guangdong Radio, Roshan currently resides in Singapore. Here he has hosted Singapore’s YOG Torch Relay ceremony, NOISE Singapore Music Showcases, SPH Galas, D&D’s and corporate events. He has even hosted the Miss Bikini Singapore Awards 2012 and continues to charm audiences. Roshan has been featured in CLEO Magazine’s 50 most Eligible Bachelors list 2011, named Seventeen Magazine’s Summer Hunk and has been featured in Hong Kong’s “Beyond Sindh” to name a few of the many publications that have covered his works. Poised to deliver, Roshan is a cordial individual and ensures professional results.
  • 33. Nobb Takami Creative Director and CEO of EAST END JAPAN Co. Ltd / DJ Entertainment, Film / Japan, UK During my years at Keio University, I started my carrier as a professional nightclub DJ based in Tokyo. During the day, I was a student, at night I went to film school for film studies and afterwards I worked as a DJ. My college years were full of various activities. After graduating from college, hoping that I will be working to produce films in the future, I started working for a major TV station in Tokyo (TV Asahi), working mostly on live programs such as talk shows and breaking news. At the same time, I was gaining experiences as a DJ and won the 1st place at the national composition competition sponsored by TV Asashi’s competitor, Fuji TV. In 2005, I went back to work based in Osaka, where I was originally from, starting to work on opening up a community FM broadcasting station (FM Senri). In 2007, being impressed with “Asian Rural Institute (ARI)”, which is one of the most well-known Japanese NGO and was founded by loving uncle more than 30 years ago, I stayed temporarily in Kenya, East Africa to work for the international medical NGO called, “Childdoctor Japan”. After that, to improve my language skill, I moved to live and work based in London, building relationships with creators in Europe. After returning to my home country in 2012, I established a visual/music production company called, “East End Japan Corporation”, which is still in business as of today.
  • 34. Yooh The Vibration Artists, LIVE / Singapore Yooh is a dancehall reggae Singjay(singer & deejay mixstyle), born in Hokkaido Japan, and started singing at 1998. His voice and melody is clean and sweet. Every year, he had stages at one of the biggest reggae festival "Haon" in Hokkaido. Also he started selector(means like DJ) in 2011. In the Chaos, He will show the original Japanese style raga and play international reggae muzik!!!
  • 35. Diixi Designing innovators 時代が求める変革者を産み出し続ける Noritaka Kobayashi Founder and CEO of Diixi Pte.Ltd Executive producer of the Chaos Asia Entertainment, Education, Interactive / the Earth He is a designer and organizer of the Chaos Asia. He wondered what the best way to create innovation is. Since scene of the Chaos would be the best one, he decided to gather 88 presenters from all over the fields like Art, City, Education, Entertainment, Food, Health, Interactive and Lifestyle. He used to be a computer researcher. After received Ph.D, he decided to shift his career to business consultant. Spent for 10 years, he joined start-up of Japan called GREE, Inc. Set up Singapore subsidiery and done several alliance and M&A. He started Diixi in Singapore. Now he is providing innovative education for youth and producing variety of business like EC, social media, incubatoin camp, food etc.
  • 36. Yana La Fae Performing artist Entertainment / Germany Yana la Fae is a performer from Berlin (Germany) specialized in Circus Arts such as Fire Dance, Object Manipulation and LED Hula hoop. "I love the flow of hooping. It allows me to enter a peaceful state of mind where time slows down and I become one with the object.", says the Berliner. She believes in the great transformative potential of Circus Arts. In its diversity hooping can be practised a fun daily workout, a passionate dance or a deep meditation. Furthermore it helps to build core strength and increase spacial awareness. Yana loves teaching and travelling. Since 2008, she has performed in various international events like Bali Spirit Festival (Indonesia), Festa del fuoco di Stromboli (Italy), Fusion Festival (Germany), Chingay Parade - Fire in Snow (Singapore) and Ozora (Hungary).
  • 37. Zephyr Khambatta Rock drummer, musician, entrepreneur Entertainment, music / Singapore At 21, Zephyr dropped out of the National University of Singapore to pursue music at LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore. He is a highly educated, intelligent and athletic human being having studied at Raffles Institution and Raffles Junior College where being all-rounded is a norm. Z has organized open mics, gigs and student graduation showcases. He has performed in bars, graduation showcases, corporate venues, television, music videos, full-sized concerts and musicals in China and Singapore. He also teaches drums privately. Z’s aim is simple. To put out the best music he can and the best behindthe-scenes work to go with it to deliver an honest, intense and vulnerable performance every single time. Ultimately, he wants to touch as many humans as possible with his performances. Currently, Z is a session player on the drum kit, having found no suitable bands to commit to in writing original music. He is an active member of Urban Drum Crew (Singapore). He also produces music for clients, doing lyrics, songwriting, arranging, composing and mixing. He also produces his own originals with his first single scheduled to be released in March 2014. He collaborates with worthy artistes and rappers for such productions, who have not just skill and talent, but an undeniable work ethic to bring it all together. He is also currently working on his debut novel, Surviving Music School. He has also interned with the Final Mix division of Prime Focus (Mumbai), Aside from his heavy involvement in the arts, Z has also been a sales manager, customer service rep, a scientific research associate, a medic, a personal trainer and a sportsman (hockey, canoeing). He is currently setting up his music company, The Reunion, which aims to be the premier performing arts company in Singapore. He is also taking on modeling and acting roles on the side.
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  • 39. Shusaku Yasumaru Founder and CEO, Bushi,inc. Food, Art / Japan, Indonesia Shusaku Yasumaru is a producer of Japanese traditional culture and crafts. He has been studying tea ceremonial service and Japanese flower arrangement/Ikebana. Once he supported business strategy decisions, IT strategy decisions and enforcement to many companies as managing consultant in PWC consulting and IBM business consulting services. In 2008, he established Bushi,inc. which is the only company to produce the next Japanese traditional culture. Bushi,inc. has consulted traditional companies, sold crafts and dispatched Japanese cultural instructors.Now, he is starting to open new Japanese confectionary shops and factories to Southeast Asia and the Middle East starting with Indonesia.
  • 40. KitchHike, Inc. Food, Interactive / Asian countries and Japan Discover the world through kitchens! KitchHike connects COOKs and HIKERs in kitchens all over the world. It is a service that lets you meet real people, and eat real food. We hope to deliver a service that will feed your curiosity & appetite, and give new spice to your life. [Eat to Explore the World!!] Nowadays, there are plenty of sources out there to give you good guidance on the places to visit. But what you cannot find in these guides is, “a taste of life.” In other words; what it is really like to live a real life there. KitchHike will help you “eat local” - by connecting you to real people, who will invite you into their home (“Kitchen”) and give you a taste into a slice of their real life. [Invite the World into your Kitchen!!] Open up your kitchen and cook for travelers who want to “eat local.” You don’t need to be able to cook like a restaurant. Just cook the casual dishes you usually eat at home, and give the HIKERS a taste into a slice of your life. KitchHike will help turn your dinner table become a fun, lively place. And what’s more, you can get paid for it, too!
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  • 42. Callum Liang Founder and CEO, Fitness-Buffet Health, Food / Singapore and 11 countries Callum Laing has created, bought, built and sold half a dozen companies across Europe and Asia. Today he is founder and CEO of Fitness-Buffet, a company striving to make finding and participating in fitness activities as painless as possible. Fitness-Buffet is currently in 11 countries and works with some of the biggest brands in the world. Outside of work he plays lots of sports enthusiastically but with not much talent.
  • 43. Jamie Koh Speaker and consultant in alternative health Health, Lifestyle, Education / Singapore Jamie isn’t just a teacher, writer, and speaker. She is also an optimist who believes that all businesses can be socially responsible, and that the best businesses are the ones which empower ordinary people to create social change. Jamie’s daily inspiration comes from working with people. After experiencing triumph over her own challenges in health and in life, she is driven to make personal impact on people, and transform the lives of those seeking change for the better.
  • 44. Zi Siong Athlete, Powerlifting Sport / Singapore Zi Siong is an individual who has been involved in the sport of powerlifting for 7 years and has lifted 197kg off the ground at a bodyweight of 65kg. He believes that sports has the power to impact individuals greatly, and actively shares his love for it. To reach out to more individuals with his knowledge and passion, he is currently a personal trainer that focuses in strength and conditioning. He is also a NTU Sports Science and Management undergraduate and puts his knowledge acquired into practice to achieve personal and professional goals.
  • 45. Martha Tara Lee Founder of Eros Coaching Health, Clinical Sexologist / Singapore Dr. Martha Tara Lee is a Clinical Sexologist who conducts sexuality and intimacy coaching as well as runs sexuality educational events. Dr. Lee incorporates a blend of conventional and alternative approaches and draws upon a variety of styles and techniques to support each client as they work to resolve both current problems and long-standing patterns. Often cited in the local media, Dr. Lee is the appointed sex expert for Men’s Health Singapore,Men’s Health Malaysia, Durex Singapore Facebook page as well as Durex Malaysia Facebook page. She has a weekly column with and blogs for Good Vibrations Magazine. She was recognised as one of ‘Top 50 Inspiring Women under 40′ by Her World in July 2010, and one of ‘Top 100 Inspiring Women’ by CozyCot in March 2011.
  • 46. Goh Li Hsing Co Founder of BodyMechanix Pte Ltd, Integrative Health Practitioner Health / Singapore, Germany, Cert Indiba, Indiba Spain. Mr Goh Li Hsing, RN Co Founder of BodyMechanix Pte Ltd | Integrative Health Practitioner BSc Applied Psychology, USQ Australia.Dip Nursing, NYP Singapore. Cert Bicom Bioresonance. Regumed Germany. Cert Indiba, Indiba Spain. Registered Nurse with the Singapore Nursing Board Goh Li Hsing has worked extensively for over 10 years in conventional and alternative health care settings such as clinics, hospitals, pharmaceutical research, communicable disease center, counseling center, psychiatric hospital, clinical nutrition clinics, bioresonance clinics and integrative wellness clinics. He is also the panel of advisors and speakers for Parents with Vision Congress 2010, and has appeared in various health seminars and workshops. He is passionate about standing up for the truth in health care and understands that both conventional and alternative health care have their own merits and flaws. He also believes that science should be honest and focus on discovery and investigation rather than money and ego. "There is only 1 way to find out if it works, do it, repeat it and if it does not work, reject it. Not labeling it as quakery without trying just because it is competition and bruises your pride." He is currently working at Body Mechanix Pte Ltd where he practices integrative health care and majority of his clients come for supportive treatments for cancer, allergies, addiction problems, diabetes, obesity etc. He is supported by a team of Australian medical scientists and integrative medical doctors, who he provides integrative health tourism to refer to for treatments that are not available in Singapore. His talks are always empowering that leaves the audience letting the truth be their authority and not the authority their truth.
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  • 48. Steven Ong Life Coach & Speaker Lifestyle, Education, Coach / Singapore Life Coach & Speaker Executive Coach International Within the last 4 years, Executive Coach International Pte Ltd became one of the leading coaching organisations in the region, boasting the largest body of Internationally Qualified Coaches to be certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) based in the USA. (excerpt) • Life Coach Provide a forwarding one-to-one coaching services to clients and assisting them in finding breakthroughs in their lives (relationship, career, passion, fulfillment) • Trainer: ICF Accredited Coaching Training Programme (ACTP) Provide formal class training to entry-level coaches in accordance to ICF Coaching competencies. • Preview Leader Full-fledge Preview leader for “The Courage to Create” Programme in ECI. Key role is to introduce the programme to general public and address their queries on coaching. • Speaker/Host : Passion Unleashed (PU) Event Member of ECI team in collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU) to jointly organise Passion Unleashed Event – inviting distinguished people to share their personal stories. Past speakers include: Jim Roger, Hossan Leong, Damien Cummings, "Magic Babe" Ning Link:
  • 49. Scott E Bales ODE management, Director of User strategy, Innovation director of Next Bank Interactive, a mentor to Entrepreneurs / Singapore, Australia Scott is a self-proclaimed extrovert who has meshed his fascination with people and what motivates them, with a raw enthusiasm for technology. Scott is a founding member of Moven, the mobile-centric payments business that helps customers to spend, save and live smarter. A founder at Next Bank, a mentor to Entrepreneurs throughout world with Lean Startup Machine, sits on the Board of Care Pakistan and holds advisory positions at Our Better World, HUB Singapore and CDI Apps 4 Good. Scott's energy transfers to the stage as a globally recognized speaker on Digital Consumers, Mobility and Innovation. When not in a boardroom or on centre stage, you're likely to find Scott devouring, tweeting, and writing on the latest and greatest in the world of mobility, serendipity, user experience and entrepreneurial leadership. An outlet that landed him a contribution to best-selling book, Bank 3.0, and Korean best-seller, Beyond Startup.
  • 50. Satrughan Kumar Singh(Sunny) a technologist, developer, and inventor Interactive, Social business / Singapore Satrughan Kumar Singh also known as Sunny, is currently pursuing a degree in Information Systems Management in the Singapore Management University. He is passionate about coding for a cause, creating software solutions that solve some of the biggest social problems around the world. Following his interest, he has lead the Singapore team twice to the worldwide finals of the Imagine Cup, a competition where students create solutions to solve real world problems. He is also working on his own start-up and during his free time he likes working on solutions that create a positive impact to society. X-Box +TARA tech to help stroke patients: Sunny Singh at TEDxSingapore
  • 51. Keisuke Ito CG, 3DCG artists Interactive, Japan He is currently working as a freelance digital artist. His specialities are not only digital art like CG/3DCG but also projection mapping, TV animations, Film making etc. Especially, he is expert of creating 3DCG short animations and is now recognized worldwide. Artwokrs of 3DCG can be seen via He has won many prizes for his artworks so far such as Siggraph Asia2013, CG students awards, and so on.
  • 52. Raymond Yeh Founder, CraftsPaperScissors Lifestyle, Interactive / Singapore Raymond Yeh is the founder of CraftsPaperScissors, Singapore first online flea market catering to crafts lovers. CraftsPaperScissors is built-around the love of the handmade. The love of making awesome stuffs by hand, and naturally, the love of owning them. Driven by this passion, craft artists cut, sew and toil to bring you works they are proud to create. Something about this tactile process makes one value their works beyond their prettiness. We for one feel that, this human touch embodies for a more intimate, slower way of life. Raymond is an Computer Science undergraduate at NTU. Somewhere between the period of leaving the national service and university enrollment, where there he has no capital, experience or skills, he took his first step in web development. Together with a trusty partner Quinn Lum, they founded a web development company, WhiteFables. With no experience in running a business, they forged forward to bring innovative solutions to web design and development projects. Shortly after, they founded CraftsPaperScissors with another designer Keith Premchand. Raymond will be sharing with you the craziness of starting up and the tools he used in the journey. Raymond on SG Haze Rescue
  • 53. Ron Tan Pianist, music producer Entertainment, LIVE / Singapore Ron is 21years old and he is 80 percent deaf. He is a pianist and a music producer who still has lots of things to learn, he hopes to improve himself and learn to work with others in the visual art industry. He wants to set a path for himself, and also learn to guide and help everyone else on their own path towards their passion and dream. As a director and founder of this Inclusive Arts Movement, he hopes to provide the disabled with various performing platforms to showcase their passions and even provide them job opportunities in the future. He wishes to share his experiences as well and gain more experience himself. He is currently performing together with a special need performer over at Changi village hotel. He is also organizing performances through different platforms for the disabled to be part of the art industry as well. Currently studying in Republic poly, he faces the challenge to balance his studies, work and this social enterprise as well. He believes that it is his passion that keeps him going despite the difficulties he faces being deaf.
  • 54. Satoshi Yamawaki Founder and CEO, Castaria, Inc. Interactive, Education He went to New York for studya and set up his company there. He exited the company and came back to Tokyo to set up new company called Castalia Inc. Castalia is provideing innovative social learning services called iUniv and goocus pro. He invited as a speaker at UNESCO, SXSW Edu, Mobile Asia Expo and KUROHUNE pitch Osaka etc. He would be an innovators of Education of the future.
  • 55. Nela Sotonova Co-founder and CEO, Designeros Interactive, Design, Singapore, Czech, Dubai Nela is co-founder and CEO of Designeros. innovates the world of design and modern art by bringing designers and design lovers together is an exclusive global marketplace and gallery that enables designers and artists to present and sell their work online. Designers and artist of various backgrounds have a unique chance to build their brand name, establish global presence and gain valuable customer feedback. From the comfort of their homes, design lovers can access and subsequently purchase quality designer goods of their liking. They can learn more about the ideologies of the creators and can understand the true meaning of their artworks. They are provided with a direct access to the latest design trends and have the chance to influence the designers by providing them with valuable feedback and opinions.
  • 56. spungry Joe Augustin and Hiro Kiga Interactive, Food / Singapore, Indonesia Who we are Spungry is the world's first and only 'food deal site with a conscience', restoring the original recipe group-buying was founded on – giving customers super savings and getting merchants better business. But we do it without compromising small setups and their futures. Our service is FREE for merchants of any size to use, where customers can book a discounted deal for only $1 then pay the rest directly to merchants after their meal – we neither take a cut, nor hold merchants' money at all. Coverage on spungry Our partnership with Still have not decided who will be speaking but it will most likely be myself or my other partner, Joe Augustin (have attached his profile photo as well) Currently we have a beta site up: Once we have a 60 deals, we will be launching to the public
  • 57. Shafiq Ali Founder of MeKa Interactive, Fab, Technology / Singapore A curious cat with an eye for design, an interest in engineering and a passion for biology. After completing a bachelors in Biological Sciences, Shafiq chose to venture on his own. In May 2013, he founded MëKä, the Japanese term for Maker, a 3D printing business focusing on retail, service and training. He is currently working with artists and hobbyists to allow them another avenue for creative expression. In his free time, he can be found interacting with a can of beer, taking swigs of this elusive thing they call life. He hopes to one day be able to marry his skills. interests and passions and leave a positive change in the world. (c)sg makers
  • 58. Elisha Tan Founder of Learnemy Interactive, Education / Singapore Elisha Tan is the founder of Learnemy, where you can find group and private classes taught by trusted instructors for anything you want to learn. She believes that entrepreneurs have the ability, and hence responsibility, to make the world a better place. As a psychology graduate, Elisha started without experience, money or programming skills. Regardless of that, she learned how to code and launched Learnemy in Apr 2012. Till date, Learnemy has 100 instructors and has seen more than 500 learners. Elisha willing be sharing the things she learned on her journey with you.
  • 59. Autumn Radtke CEO, First Meta Interactive, game / Singapore, USA Autumn began her career in enterprise cloud computing. She worked closely with Apple to deliver Mac based distributed computing software to organizations like Johns Hopkins, Los Alamos Labs and the Aerospace Corporation. She eventually turned down an opportunity to work for Apple to stay in the fast paced world of technology start ups. In 2008, Autumn joined the founding team of Geodelic, a pioneer in mobile location based services. Geodelic went on to raise over US $10 million from top tier venture funds. Autumn led global business development and forged strategic partnerships with T-mobile, Korea Telecom, Dell, and Verizon Wireless. The Verizon relationship led to a strategic investment. In 2012, Autumn relocated to Singapore. As CEO of First Meta a cross environment virtual currency exchange, Autumn continues to push the limits of technology and business.
  • 60. Yuki Ohata Founder and CEO, Reginaa Pte. Ltd Interactive, mobile marketing / Singapore Ohata moved to Singapore by herself suddenly then set up Reginaa Pte. Ltd in late 2011. She is trying to bring new concept of mobile marketing from the world to Singapore. REGINAA provides the concept of retail shopping using mobile devices and technology. Developed and designed in Japan, REGINNA's Mobile Marketing (CRM), also known as i-mode, is focused on the valuable mechanisms of consumer shopping behavioral studies and brings to businesses a platform that connects smartphone users and their shopping needs. Mission With the introduction of i-mode in 1999, Japanese digital marketing technology has changed dramatically with the wide spread use of the internet to purchase consumer items. In South east Asia alone, the digital marketing phenomenon has suddenly progressed from that of a personal computer to the smartphone. Our aim is to contribute to the development of global mobile marketing by providing a completely new marketing advantage to companies within Southeast Asia so that they too can expand their reach by utilizing mobile technology.
  • 61. Zwee Wee Founder and CEO, Savant Degrees Interactive, Design, Innovation / Singapore Zwee, founder and current CEO of Savant Degrees, a Digital Innovation Studio based out of Singapore, started his career in software development in 1999. His passion and background in entrepreneurship and technology gave him the opportunity to consult and advise businesses on developing innovative digital solutions. These businesses include MNCs, SMEs to entrepreneurs with different business models, markets and products. He is trained as a computer engineer in Temasek Polytechnic(Valedictorian and LKY Award) and subsequently NUS. There after, he was accepted into Stanford for the Masters Program in Management Science, where he decided to leave the program early and grow Savant Degrees. Savant Degrees is a Digital Innovation Studio that designs new digital experience and products. Over the years, Savant Degrees has grown into one of Singapore’s leading Digital Innovation companies, with a team of over 25 of the region’s most talented product managers, UX/UI designers and software engineers. Savant Degrees has worked with well-known global & regional brands in Business and Government in markets across Asia, including Southeast Asia, India, and China. Brands we have partnered with include P&G, Nike, Converse, Sony, Vodafone, MediaCorp, SingPost, PayPay, Media Development Authority of Singapore, Banyan Tree, Standard Chartered, and more. Specialties: Entrepreneurship, Product Development, Strategic Business Management, Business Development, Leadership
  • 62. Hayk Hakobyan Co-foudner of, co-founder of Interactive, Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique Hayk Hakobyan is passionate about all things in (social) entrepreneurship, business and technology innovation and social media. He is currently a freelance consultant in business development and innovation and advises companies in Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. He was previously the regional (MENA) Ambassador for Board of Innovation, one of the top European business model innovation consultancies. Hayk previously worked in professional services, telecommunications and ICT industries for various international firms (Hewlett-Packard, Pernod-Ricard, TAGorg, Markedu, CleanStar) and the for the UN. As an entrepreneur, Hayk co-founded the first (in Egypt and MENA region) co-working community space, Elegua, in Egypt in 2009. In 2012, in partnership with Ministry of Health of Mozambique and Mozambique Red Cross, he co-founded a health forum, MozMed, which allows the public to post questions and get answers related to all aspects of health on Internet and via SMS. Hayk’s latest initiative, launched in May 2013, is the first social carpooling application in the MENA region, KarTag, which was among 64 shortlisted projects for World Summit Youth Award 2013. Hayk has been volunteering at TakingITGlobal (TIG), the largest youth portal on Internet, and is currently the coordinator of Member Advisory Committee of TIG. Hayk has worked towards his PhD in nuclear physics at University of Geneva and a MBA (cum laude) from University IFM in Geneva, Switzerland. In his free time, Hayk blogs about failures, plays chess and reads books on philosophy and history.
  • 63. Jeffrey Hock Managing director Asia, Right Brain Interface Interactive, Entertainment / Singapore, US, Japan, Thai An entrepreneurial self-starter with a deep understanding of solution selling and a passion to grow business. Over fifteen years of diversified experience selling and marketing enterprise software, developing channel partner programs and bootstrapping new business ventures throughout the Asia Pacific region including Japan. Currently developing the business of Right Brain Interface throughout the Asia Pacific region, revolutionizing consumer television by offering a natural, personalized, lean-back, social TV experience via rich internet integration and cloud delivery.
  • 64. Fazil Musa Co-Founder, Street Smart University Interactive, Education, Mobile / Singapore Fazil was exposed to entrepreneurship at a very young age and even before enrolling in university he was involved in a slew of start-ups with reasonable success. In running these businesses he quickly learnt that good marketing is often a critical factor in determining the success of a business. He then went on to learn the ins and outs of Online and Social Media Marketing. As Online and Social Media Marketing was a relatively new field then, his expertise was sought after by many SMEs to help them get more mileage out of their marketing dollar. He now heads the Marketing division for VSC E-Knowledge, the technology arm of Vector Scorecard Group. His responsibilities include assisting the Group CEO in developing marketing strategies to help VSC penetrate new markets both online and offline. He leverages upon web and mobile technology to develop new applications for VSC’s current product offerings as well and facilitates the global expansion of VSC. He is also the Co-Founder of Street Smart University, the mobile application that gives millions of people the opportunity to learn from world experts.
  • 65. Zane Mountcastle Founder of Villager & Co-Founder of The White Project Interactive, Smartphone / Singapore Zane is seventeen years old and is currently a senior at Singapore American School. He has created a mobile application, Villager, which connects international school students. He has also co-founded The White Project which aims to provide menstrual pads to impoverished women. Growing up in St. Petersburg, USA; Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; Barcelona, Spain; and Singapore, while traveling to over forty countries in between, Zane is motivated by the dynamic, evermore globalized world.
  • 66. Foo Tiang Lim Market Development Lead, APAC, Evernote Interactive, Cloud, Smartphone / Singapore Based in Singapore, Tiang Lim drives Market Development at Evernote, where he focuses in developing new markets in South East Asia & ANZ. He was previously the VP of Product of a SingTel Innov8 funded start-up in the mobile app monetization space. Passionate in technology and entrepreneurship, Tiang Lim believes that by combining these two elements with graceful execution we can create a better future for the world at large.
  • 67. Sébastien Béal co-founder and CEO of Locarise Interactive / Japan, France Sébastien is the co-founder and CEO of Locarise, a Japanese startup building the next generation analytics service for brick and mortar stores. During his engineering study where he obtained a Master degree in machine learning, he was amazed by the power of data and the impact they could have applied to every day life problems. As his family background and own experience were strongly rooted in the retail market, he decided to build data-driven solutions to fundamentally alter the way retail businesses understand their customers. Before founding Locarise, Sébastien was the manager of a team of engineers working on big data for the internet of things at Orange - France Telecom in Tokyo.
  • 68. Eve Law co-founder of Nectary Studio Interactive, Mobile, Lifestyle / Singapore Eve is the co-founder of Nectary Studio. She and her team built FlashWants - a lifestyle app that aims to create sparks for friends to meet up spontaneously and effortlessly. She believes that social networking platforms should connect people together meaningfully, and she aims to put that power into the phones of everyone. Eve left her prestigious career in the financial industry behind in order to pursue her life-long dream to start her own business. She is an Economics graduate from the Singapore Management University. One fun fact: Eve thoroughly enjoys singing out loud when she is deeply engrossed in work.
  • 69. Zoltan Jakab Think your way out, life artist Interactive, Game / Hungary, Singapore Born in the city where the Rubik’s cube was invented, Zoltan has always been passionate about games that challenge the intellect. Having business and psychology background he started his career in training and development, later focused on positive psychology and its related fields. He recently set up “Think Your Way Out” to inspire and challenge minds in Singapore with an immersive reality gaming experience.
  • 70.
  • 71. Ryan Michael Gelig Founder of Lifestyle, Food, Travel / Singapore Ryan Michael Gelig is an innovator and entrepreneur with a passion for food, travel and using technology for social good. He has recently founded Aguaventure, a platform for travellers to discover and book travel activities in Asia Pacific, and where entrepreneurs and travel companies can list those activities. As a backpacker himself, he has seen how fragmented small travel companies are and many of them still offline especially in Southeast Asia. Technology can bridge this gap by aggregating exciting adventure activities offered by these companies, and at the same time making it easier for travellers to discover and pay for these activities. Prior to that he has worked in various software and product development engineering roles in both manufacturing and R&D for Timex’ digital watches and sensors, Philips Semiconductors’ integrated circuits and Advanced Micro Devices’ desktop, server and tablet microprocessors. As a university student in 2004, he and his friends spearheaded and raised funds for Link Yakal, an infrastructure project that has since provided free internet access to thousands of his fellow university dormitory residents to spur academic fervor. He has also launched other startup projects such as SendSMS and a Food App that has a combined user base of more than 150,000. It is his mission to contribute to enabling developing countries to leapfrog development by leveraging on the advances in cloud, social and mobile technologies.
  • 72. Ryosuke Sugaya Representative Director / Founder, NPO Very50 Education, NPO / Cambodia, Japan, Asian countries Born 1979 Tokyo During senior high school, successfully auditioned for major music company and entered professional music world as a keyboardist. After entering university, in between study and music, active in international cooperation for world health care with an emphasis on Cambodia. At time of graduation from university, stopped working as professional keyboardist, worked for the automobile car parts company and the business consulting firm resigned in 2007.From June 2008, launched very50 in order to create a structure to resolve problems in Japan and the world through the power of education. Very50 have organized the projects with over 30 social entrepreneurs in 9 Asian countries. The new iPhone and android application for backpackers will be launched on November. ●2010 - British Council / Asia Climate change leader ●2011 - Indonesia Binus University / Guest lecture ●2012 – Hawaii Asian Pacific Association Japanese Young leader
  • 73. Takamitsu Takiguchi Mission: Social Change Leaders + Conversations + Beaches Lifestyle, Dance, Education / Singapore What I would like to make a pitch from eight categories, "LIFESTYLE". Main concept of my pitch is to provide fun and physically fit lifestyle through dance school business. So my pitch is going to be lifestyle with dance and idea of dance school.
  • 74. Yuta Maruyama International Beauty Volunteer Association CEO Hair Lounge EGO President Design Hunter Beauty, Education / Cambodia Mr , Maruyama traveled Asia and the west at age 16 and became an event organizer in Cambodia at age 17 after which he moved to the USA since 2006 he has traveled to and worked in more than 50 countries as a stylist. He is planning to expand this work into Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the Philippines, He is also active in work regarding magazines and fashion show. He established the International Beauty Volunteer Association in 2013.
  • 75. Sara Varela Chief Positivity Officer at Positive Living and owner of No Limit Results Pte. Ltd. lifestyle, the Daily Juice / Singapore, UK, Gibraltar M.NLP, RScP, R.Nutri and The Daily Juice coaching helps women get:Happy, Healthy & Hot. After 17 years experience in corporate senior management and partying in Europe, Sara made a career transition into holistic health. She traded in wine for wheatgrass, gin for green juice, processed food for plant based food, meat for metaphysics, loafing for life coaching, antidepressants for antioxidants, medication for meditation, hangovers for hot yoga and lost 40lbs after having her son. She´s a Raw Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, Speaker, Meditation and Detox facilitator helping women feel more confident in their own skin naturally. Sara is a Certified Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming Coach Trainer (Chris Howard), Science of Mind Certified Practitioner (Emerson Theological Institute), Certified in Raw Nutrition (David Wolfe), Executive Committee of The International Coach Federation Singapore (ICF), Executive Coach with Coach in a Box Asia Pte. Ltd, Holistic Nutrition Coach with Work, Life in Balance, Detox & Meditation Consultant at Affinity Yoga Pte. Ltd, Motivational Speaker ( SIM, Social Service Training , Institute Auditors, Self Spark Summit) and Guest Contributor @ Raw Blessing, Raw Living Asia, LOHASIA, In the Loop, Stretch City, Satsanga, Casa Santosa Yoga, The HUB, International Raw Food Day and Lululemon.
  • 76. Ang Chong Lai Co-Founder of Rock Nano Pte Ltd & Partner of Lifestyle Motorsports Pte Ltd Sports, motor sports / Singapore and Asian countries Ang Chong Lai is featured on 8th August 2013 in Straits Times under Money Technology and is a featured speaker on 13 August 2013 at "Gaming, Racing and Wagering Australia 2013 As a serial-techno-preneur, he has co-found Rock Nano and is a joint Ventures partners in a few startups. He is passionate about media, technology and racing and recently kickstarted Lifestyle Motorsports with Founder Mr Niki Tham. Our vision is to drive the joy and excitement of motorsports for everyone to participate around the world, without a need to be a F1 driver in order to qualify. The topic of discussion is on "Real Racing in F1 Sepang Circuit" versus "Virtual Racing" in relation to Gamification & Monetization. It is a cross-trans-media project, multi-platform and multi-disciplinary cutting across engineering, programming, interactivity, GPS, entertainment and lifestyle.
  • 77. Yasmine Khater Chief Lifestyle Designer, Women Business and Career Coach, International Speaker, Program Manager, Islamic Microfinance Specialist Lifestyle / Canada, Egypt, Estonia, Holland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain Yasmine is a Marketing & Lifestyle Design Coach, award-winning entrepreneur and international Speaker. She is the founder of, a leading coaching and training institute that equips women with the right tools to take their careers and businesses to the next level. She does not believe that money, age or education are limitations to achieving success and is passionate about enabling people to shift from the “but if” to the “what if”. She does this through her blog, offering online courses, 1-1 coaching and speaking. Her curiosity has led to one-year international research exploring how money is not an obstacle for doing what you want to do. In her forthcoming book called Wonder Women's Guide, where she is showcasing the stories of 50 of the most powerful women in Singapore. She intends to highlight that age or education are not factors either. Ultimately it boils down to choice and illustrates how anyone re-direct towards their dream lifestyle. Yasmine is an international TEDx speaker and has spoken at dozens of conferences around the world from audiences of 30 to up 1000 people across 4 continents on topics such as authentic leadership, productivity, and innovative forms of customer service. Yasmine is an Egyptian Singaporean who has lived in 7 countries and travelled to over 45 countries. Yasmine believes the only way to learn is to getting uncomfortable. From 450km mountain bike races to climbing 5000m mountains and triathlons to fundraising $50,000 for her social enterprise, Gone Cyclin'. She completed a double degree in Psychology and Integrated Marketing Communications to understand what motivated people and how to communicate powerful messages. Yasmine received a scholarship for a Masters in International Business from the IE Business School and is also a Results Certified Coach to use neuroscience to help change behavior.
  • 78. Loring Harkness Project director of Newton circus, curator of TEDxYangon Lifestyle, Film, Social and Environmental issues / Singapore, Myanmar Loring conceptualizes and builds businesses that address social and environmental issues. He is particularly passionate about flexible work opportunities for the under-employed, digital inclusion, and leapfrog technologies in the developing world. He is the curator of TEDxYangon and founder of Sustainable Business Myanmar. He currently leads openDOOR, a Singaporebased venture that creates mobile platforms to collect fast, reliable data via the next billion smartphones. Loring studied and worked in the United States, South Korea, Holland and Australia before moving to Singapore. When he’s not working or traveling, Loring is living on the edge as an avid rock-climber and tightrope walker.
  • 79. Ryuta Saito Fantasista, man of freedom / Entertainment, Bali Indonesia Since he born, he is always seeking what he should do, what he want to do, what he has to do. 100% time he is spending on his life is only for what he really wants to do. He told us, “my occupation is son of freedom. I am doing what I like. I am working what I like. I spend time to do what I like. There is no standard way to do something. You may think that you need to get job first to do so, or you need to go to good university before starting something. There is no correct way” ”
  • 80. Wayde Clews General Manager of To Be Calm Health, Art, Lifestyle / Singapore Wayde Clews is the General Manager of To Be Calm, a Singapore based fragrance company. Created by his wife Cherylynne, a senior executive with a Fortune 500 company, To Be Calm's range of fragrances was inspired by a recognition that we cannot always control the busy and often challenging circumstances of our daily lives. We can however do a great deal to create an atmosphere and environment which calms our busy minds and embraces positive thoughts. We can bring fragrances which evoke happy memories in to our homes and offices and in to those of our friends and loved ones. In taking on the role of GM at To Be Calm, Wayde Clews is making a sea-change, after working for 30 years in elite sport. His career to date has seen him work in senior sports management positions in Australia, Singapore and Qatar. His various roles have taken him in an official capacity to six Summer Olympic Games, one Paralympic Games and innumerable World, Asian and Commonwealth Championships. Clews will focus on the not so readily recognized common characteristics of developing an elite sport system, and establishing a successful retail enterprise.
  • 81. Matthew Rickard Founder, Footsteps for Good Lifestyle, Education, Ultimate journey / Singapore, Thai, Myanmar Matthew Rickard is a passionate social entrepreneur with a 15-year career history in the technology sector. The majority of his professional time has been spent working with early stage or start up software businesses. In 2008 he took part in a humanitarian trip to Myanmar as part of the relief effort for Cyclone Nargis. That trip inspired Matt to establish Footsteps for Good; an eco-style, fund-raising trek in the jungles of Northern Thailand. The 5-day experience provides an opportunity for people to unwind, whilst contributing to a sustainable social project, in the region. Matt looks forward to the continuing advancements in technology that provide entrepreneurs with opportunities to create innovative solutions, for the mitigation of social and environmental issues. When he is not working, travelling or thinking up new ideas, Matt can be found chilling somewhere in the hills, where he likes to write, listen to music, or just enjoy the sunset.
  • 82. Yuichi Ito Founder of Karzow Lifestyle, Food, Travel Yuichi Ito aims to establish the boutique car factory by where customer can acquire the information about stylish urban life with dressed up car, where customer can get stylish car-modification and special tuning for the car in Singapore
  • 83. these 66 presenters will create chaotic space for innovation
  • 84. Day1(9 Nov) 2:30pm Day2(10 Nov) 2:30pm Slot1 22 presenters 4:30pm Slot3 22 presenters 4:30pm Networking break 5:00pm Networking break 5:00pm Slot2 22 presenters 7:00pm Slot4 22 presenters 7:00pm After-party @same venue 9:00pm Award of the Chaos Asia 8:30pm time schedule will be announced soon
  • 85. Day1(9 Nov) Day2(10 Nov) Slot1 22 presenters Slot3 22 presenters Slot2 22 presenters Slot4 22 presenters the order of pitches within each slot is secret Presenters do not their order either
  • 86. Venue St. James Power Station Neverland II
  • 87. the Chaos Asia awards selected by votes of attendees Each attendee has 3 votes
  • 88. promotion code : conton You can get $10 off for any ticket!!! till 30th Oct. tickets now on sale via